Student's Guide To Off Campus Living

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Lorem Ipsum

Student's Gu|de to Cff Campus L|v|ng

Lorem Ipsum 2
1ake Lhe followlng facLors lnLo conslderaLlon when searchlng for a place
Lo llve:
L|v|ng on our Cwn:

Llvlng on your own ls boLh a sLressful and
exclLlng experlence. lL ls lmporLanL Lo be
prepared when conslderlng off campus llvlng ln
order Lo avold becomlng overwhelmed or
maklng unlnformed declslons.

1o flnd Lhe rlghL llvlng space you would ldeally
wanL Lo sLarL weeks ln advance. Powever,
someLlmes Lhls ls noL posslble. 8egardless of
how small your Llme frame ls, always properly
lnspecL, negoLlaLe and undersLand your rlghLs
before you agree Lo Lake on Lhe responslblllLy
of renLlng any place.

1hls gulde ls a qulck compllaLlon of lnformaLlon
puL LogeLher by Lhe Cff Campus Llvlng program,
Lo beLLer orlenLaLe you lnLo Lhe renLal world.

use Lhls bookleL as a gulde when you begln
your search for off campus llvlng. 8emember Lo
vlslL us ln Lhe Cfflce of SLudenL uevelopmenL
and Servlces (8210) wlLh any quesLlons or

1ab|e of Contents:

Where are you Colng Lo Llve 3

1lps for llndlng an AparLmenL 3

lnspecLlon CheckllsL 6

SafeLy 1lps 7

llndlng 8oommaLes 8

Movlng ln 9

1lps for acklng and Movlng 10

Lorem Ipsum 3
Where are you Go|ng to L|ve?

Cons|der What |t |s you are Look|ng for: lL ls besL Lo flrsL ask yourself Lhe followlng
quesLlons: uo l wanL Lo llve on my own? Would l llke Lo share a space wlLh roommaLes?
Am l looklng for a place wlLh room and board?

SLarL early-glve yourself loLs of Llme. 8egln your search afLer Lhe new ?ear, many
landlords prefer Lo geL leases slgned before May 1sL.

1ypes of L|v|ng Accommodat|ons:
a. AparLmenL for 8enL
An aparLmenL can be your own space, prlvaLe, or shared. Some aparLmenLs are a
secLloned parL of Lhe landlords home whlle oLhers are a parL of a complex, a bachelor
aparLmenL ls usually one large room LhaL lncludes all necesslLles llke a klLchen, bed, and
baLhroom. 1here may be oLher people sharlng Lhe bulldlng buL llvlng ln separaLe unlLs.

b. AparLmenL Lo Share
An aparLmenL Lo share dlffers from an aparLmenL Lo renL, a shared aparLmenL requlres
each LenanL llvlng ln Lhe space Lo pay separaLely for hls or her room. 1hls ls a more
economlcal opLlon, as llablllLy and uLlllLles can be spllL beLween Lhe persons sharlng Lhe
unlL. All LenanLs make a conLracL wlLh Lhe landlord separaLely.

c. 8oom for 8enL
Some people renL ouL rooms ln Lhelr home LhaL Lhey currenLly reslde ln. CfLen, buL noL
always, Lhls room ls furnlshed. ?ou may noL have access Lo Lhe enLlre house, buL should
have access Lo a klLchen and a washroom. Some landlords may offer room and board for
an exLra fee. 1hls means LhaL Lhe homeowner wlll provlde meals and food for Lhe LenanL.
1hls ls a greaL opLlon for someone who ls noL a plcky eaLer.

d. Pouse
1hls Lype of renLal requlres an agreemenL wlLh one lndlvldual and Lhe landlord for an
enLlre house. 1o offseL Lhe cosL of renLlng a home, Lhe renLer may choose Lo flnd
roommaLes. Cnly one person ls dlrecLly paylng Lhe landlord, puLLlng more llablllLy on Lhe
slngle lndlvldual.

e. Pouse Lo Share
A shared house requlres each LenanL llvlng ln Lhe home Lo pay separaLely for Lhelr room,
sharlng Lhe space wlLh Lhe oLher LenanLs llvlng Lhere. 1hls ls a more economlcal way of
renLlng a home, slnce Lhe llablllLy of renL and uLlllLy paymenLs are noL dlrecLly on one
person. All LenanLs make a conLracL wlLh Lhe landlord separaLely.

Lorem Ipsum 4
Where are you go|ng to L|ve?

Locat|on: Where do you wanL Lo llve? lf you don'L have a car aL your dlsposal, you'll need Lo
Lake Lhe bus or walk Lo geL Lo campus. ln LhaL case, you'll also need Lo be close Lo a bus
sLop (so you don'L freeze walLlng for Lhe bus durlng wlnLer) or close enough Lo campus Lo
walk. lL's also lmporLanL Lo know where you are ln relaLlon Lo amenlLles llke grocery sLores
and pharmacles.

S|ze: Pow blg of a llvlng space wlll you and any roommaLes need? ls Lhere enough room for
necesslLles llke a bed, desk, and frldge? WhaL abouL oLher Lhlngs llke a compuLer or
Lelevlslon? ?ou'll need Lo conslder all of Lhese Lhlngs when vlslLlng poLenLlal renLal unlLs.

r|ce kange: 8udgeL wlsely. 8emember Lo facLor ln all of Lhe assoclaLed cosLs wlLh renLlng -
uLlllLles (e.g., hydro, waLer, heaL), parklng, Lelephone, cable, and lnLerneL connecLlon.
Pavlng a prlce range ln mlnd wlll help Lo focus your search.

Lorem Ipsum S

1|ps for I|nd|ng an Apartment:

When: MosL landlords who renL Lo sLudenLs prefer Lo slgn one year leases from May 1
Aprll 30
. lf you are conslderlng slgnlng a lease ln May, Lhe besL Llme Lo sLarL searchlng ls
shorLly afLer Lhe new ?ear. lL ls good Lo sLarL early as Lhere are many opLlons Lo conslder.

now: use our webslLe and sLarL chooslng llsLlngs LhaL lnLeresL you. ConLacL Lhese landlords
wlLh your quesLlons, concerns, and requesLs. narrow Lhe search down Lo several spaces and
make vlewlng appolnLmenLs.

Where: 8emember, by vlslLlng hLLp://, you geL access Lo a varleLy of llsLlngs
posLed by landlords who speclflcally wanL Lo renL Lo sLudenLs!

1|ps for Search|ng |n North 8ay:
SLarL early-glve yourself loLs of Llme, plan and budgeL for aL leasL Lhree Lrlps Lo see
renLal unlLs lf you llve elsewhere.

LocaLlon, locaLlon, locaLlon-seLLle on a search area where you wlll flnd convenlenL
places you are llkely Lo go (close Lo campus, bus rouLes, grocery sLores, laundry servlces,

See every place-never agree Lo renL someLhlng you have never physlcally looked over.

8e plcky-search aL leasL 3 dlfferenL places, so you have some opLlons Lo compare.

Ask loLs of quesLlons, Lhe more you know Lhe beLLer.

8e perslsLenL-look frequenLly, check ofLen, and once you have found your place follow
up wlLh a landlord.

Co wlLh your guL-do you feel safe here, casually see who Lhe nelghbours are, drlve
around Lhe nelghbourhood. uld lL smell musky when you walked ln Lhe unlL? ?ou wlll
elLher love lL rlghL away or noL, be cauLlous.

Lorem Ipsum 6
Inspect|ng otent|a| Apartments:

AlLhough you may noL feel comforLable lnspecLlng an aparLmenL durlng your vlslL, lL's
lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL you wlll llkely be llvlng Lhere for Lhe 8-monLh school year, so
check everyLhlng LhaL you can:

____ Close Lo grocery sLore, convenlence sLore, laundromaL, bank
____ Close proxlmlLy Lo campus,
____ Access Lo bus sysLem
____ Safe nelghbourhood
____ Ample parklng
____ AccepLable sLaLe of repalr of Lhe bulldlng (boLh ouLslde and lnslde)
____ Areas are clean, grass has been mowed recenLly, and garbage ls properly secured
____ Cood appearance and upkeep of Lhe unlL (carpeLs clean, no pesLs)
____ CondlLlon of Lhe celllng, walls and floors (waLer leaks?)
____ Checked around wlndows/doors for drafLs
____ LlghLlng ln each room (celllng flxLures)
____ Checked all llghL swlLches
____ Checked all elecLrlcal ouLleLs (grounded?)
____ Access Lo Lhe fuse box/clrculL breakers
____ Access and use of Lhe LemperaLure conLrol
____ Checked fauceLs for boLh waLer pressure and for hoL waLer
____ Checked under Lhe slnk for waLer leaks/damage
____ Appllances are ln worklng order
____ Checked and flushed Lhe LolleL
____ Checked baLhroom for leaks/damage/dlscoloraLlon (mlldew sLalns)
____ 1elephone, lnLerneL, and cable avallable
____ Maln enLrance door Lo aparLmenL secure wlLh a lock/deadbolL
____ All enLrances are well-llghLed
____ Wlndows are secured and lockable
____ llre exlL(s)
____ Smoke deLecLors and carbon monoxlde deLecLors
____ 1he landlord ls responslble for cuLLlng grass
____ 1he landlord ls responslble for shovellng snow
kenta| 1erms:
____ WhaL ls Lhe cosL of renL $_____________________/monLh
____ 8enL lncludes uLlllLles (lf noL whaL ls noL lncluded_________________)
____ A lease ls requlred
____ SubleLLlng ls allowed

kenter's Insurance
?ou can lnsure your belonglngs agalnsL loss, LhefL or damage aL a relaLlvely low cosL.
Companles LhaL lnsure your car or oLher famlly properLy may offer dlscounLs on a renLer's
lnsurance pollcy.

Lorem Ipsum 7
Safety 1|ps:

Llvlng ln norLh 8ay, as ln any large urban area, requlres Laklng adequaLe safeLy precauLlons.
8e observanL aL all Llmes, anLlclpaLlon ls a ma[or facLor ln prevenLlng crlmes.

lf someone knocks on your door, ldenLlfy Lhe person before you open Lhe door.

AL all Llmes requlre servlce personnel Lo provlde ldenLlflcaLlon and auLhorlzaLlon from
your landlord before leLLlng Lhem lnLo your room or aparLmenL.

When Lravellng aL nlghL Lry Lo arrange Lo go wlLh one or more frlends.

lf walklng, sLay ln well-llghLed, heavlly Lraveled areas. Walk wlLh confldence Lo convey
wlLh body language LhaL you are aware and ln conLrol.

lf you Lhlnk someone ls followlng you, swlLch dlrecLlon or cross Lhe sLreeL. lf Lhe
follower perslsLs, call Lhe pollce lmmedlaLely, and Lry Lo flnd a llghLed sLore or home
Lo ensure safeLy.

Always have your keys ln hand when you approach your house or aparLmenL.
lumbllng ln your purse or pockeLs for a key can dlsLracL you and puL you off guard.

lf you have Lo use a publlc laundry faclllLy, Lry Lo always go wlLh a frlend.

Make sure LhaL your door has a deadbolL lock and keep lL locked aL all Llmes.

Check all wlndows Lo see lf Lhey are secure and have adequaLe locks. rovlde
coverlngs for your wlndows and pull Lhe shades or close Lhe drapes aL nlghL.

never leave an exLra key ouLslde for any reason, leave one wlLh a frlend nearby

Lorem Ipsum 8

I|nd|ng koommates:

Check on our lacebook page aL:
hLLps:// for poLenLlal roommaLes.
Check oLher onllne resources such as kl[l[l, however, be safe when sharlng lnformaLlon
onllne. 1alk Lo frlends and famlly, you may flnd LhaL someone close Lo you ls looklng for a
roommaLe Loo.

8efore you s|gn a |ease, know the person you are comm|tt|ng to. V|s|t the Cff
Campus L|v|ng department |n the Cff|ce of Student Deve|opment and Serv|ces
(8210) for d|rect|on to |ega| he|p. know what you are s|gn|ng!
Pere ls a non-comprehenslve llsL of
suggesLed dlscusslon Loplcs for you and
your poLenLlal roommaLes:
Where do you prefer Lo sLudy? WhaL
oLher sLudy hablLs do you malnLaln?
uo you smoke? uo you drlnk
WhaL ls your ldeal level of
cleanllness? Are you able Lo malnLaln
LhaL on a dally basls?
Pow ofLen do you do chores and how
would you spllL Lhem up beLween
Pow do you usually deal wlLh
confllcL? Pow ofLen do you run lnLo
Are you a prlvaLe or soclal
WhaL personal belonglngs of yours (lf
any) would you be wllllng Lo share?
Pow do you feel abouL guesLs and
overnlghL guesLs?
uo you en[oy hosLlng parLles?
WhaL muslc do you llsLen Lo? WhaL
1v shows do you waLch?

llndlng one or more roommaLes can be
dlfflculL, especlally lf lL's your flrsL year
llvlng off campus or your flrsL year ln posL-
secondary educaLlon. Llvlng wlLh
roommaLes has several advanLages,
lncludlng havlng a frlend Lo Lalk Lo and
reduced expenses.
Lorem Ipsum 9
Mov|ng In:
Cnce you've worked ouL all Lhe above deLalls, lL's Llme Lo move ln! uependlng on whaL your
landlord supplles, whaL your roommaLes brlng, and whaL you already own, you may need Lo
purchase some of Lhe followlng lLems (Lhls ls a non-comprehenslve llsL):

SeL of plaLes, bowls, cups, and cuLlery
1upperware conLalners
Cookware such as poLs, pans, large
spoons, measurlng cups, and spaLulas
Can opener
Coffeemaker and/or keLLle
ulshLowels, sponges, and dlsh soap
1rash can wlLh lld
1olleL brush and plunger
Shower curLaln
uraln sLoppers
8aLhroom rug
1olleL paper
Pand soap
Laundry deLergenL and fabrlc sofLener
Cleanlng supplles such as dlslnfecLanL
wlpes and rubber gloves
CrganlzaLlonal Lools such as shelves and
aper Lowels
8room and mop
urylng rack for your cloLhlng
LxLenslon cords
uesk and chalr
Llvlng room furnlshlngs
1able and chalrs
CurLalns or shades for wlndows
Any wall decoraLlons (check wlLh your
landlord abouL Lhls, as Lhey may noL
permlL nalls or sLlcky Lack)

Lorem Ipsum 10

Contact Us:
Cff Campus Llvlng
nlplsslng unlverslLy
100 College urlve
SLudenL uevelopmenL and Servlces, 8oom 8210
norLh 8ay Cn 18 8L7
WebslLe: hLLp://

Lmall: offcampusllvlng[

hone: 703.474.3430 exL. 4242

lax: 703.493.2830
1|ps for pack|ng and mov|ng your
uon'L leave all your packlng unLll Lhe nlghL
before! SLarL early by slowly packlng up
lLems LhaL you won'L lmmedlaLely need ln
order Lo save Llme.

?ou can flnd cardboard boxes for packlng
your Lhlngs aL many places, lncludlng
grocery sLores, dollar sLores, and
resLauranLs. 8e creaLlve!

1ry Lo dlsLrlbuLe Lhe welghL of your
belonglngs evenly.

Clearly mark boxes seL aslde for breakable
ob[ecLs and wrap Lhose ob[ecLs ln
newspaper, bubble wrap, or Lowels.

CloLhlng, beddlng, and plllows can be easlly
and qulckly packed lnLo large garbage bags.

1ry Lo faclllLaLe your move ln day so LhaL
famlly and frlends may be able Lo help you-
as long as you reward Lhem for Lhelr hard

Make sure your |and|ord |s aware and
conf|rms your move |n date.

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