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Nuclear News with a special interest in CANDU reactors

Friday, Jul. 04, 2014
thewatchers. adorrael i . com - The Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
has recommended that the government issue potassium iodide pills to all
people living within 10 km (6 miles) of nuclear power plants, to use in case
of a nucl...
Canadian government asked to distribute radiation ... -
The Watchers
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The Watchers
sol arthermal magazi ne. com - Fukushima Renewable Energy ( Solar Thermal Magazine ) On 19 20 April 2014, Mr. Yongvut
Saovapruk, along with TISTRs executives consisted of Dr. Suriya Sassanarakkit, and Ms. Chanchira Sinoulch...
Solar thermal magazine
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Wening Cintron
enenews. com - P. Bossew, German Federal Office for Radiation
2013 (emphasis added): [...] Apparently no explosive fuel fragmentation
occurred, so...
Study: Fukushima plutonium in playground 60 km from nuclear plant Proves
that indeed Plutonium has been emitted by the accident Some in the form
of fuel fragments? Up to 14 Billion Bq of Pu-239 and-240 released (MAP)
Shared by
James Lawrence
fukushi ma- di ary. com - As Fears Of Fukushimas Radiation Linger,
Children Flee Homes For Distant Schools, AP | By YURI KAGEYAMA, Posted:
04/07/2014 6:36 am EDT Updated: 06/07/2014 5:59 am EDT, http
[Photo] Heap of removed soil for decontamination piled up right behind a
residential street in Fukushima
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Luciferian Doctrine
gl obal research. ca - The map below comes from the Nuclear Emergency
28 Signs That The West Coast Is Being Absolutely Fried With Nuclear Radiation
From Fukushima
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Laurie Rieman
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Art MacKay
Marine biologist, artist, writer, webmaster

gl obal research. ca - The map below comes from the Nuclear Emergency
Tracking Center. It shows that radiation levels at radiation monitoring
stations all over the country are elevated. As you will notice, this is part...
enter your email address

Radiation Expert: Fukushima Plant "Out of

Control" Nuclear Fuel "is Now in the Ground
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Fukushima breaking news; Jamie Dimon has
CANCER, dust in the WIND; kevin d. blanch
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K Muller
FISSION has no OFF-SWITCH (re-posted Sept.
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Fukushima Nuclear Meltdowns by the
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Richard Greer
Nuclear Watch: Japan Fukushima Disaster-
Related Deaths (07/03/2014)
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Deep13th Nuclear Waste Info
Three Nuclear Watch: World Three Mile Island
Nuclear Power Station Meltdown Fukushima
is far worse
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Deep13th Nuclear Waste Info
Fukushima VICE
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kevin chambers
Fukishima: No End in Sight for Nuclear
Meltdown | Interview with Paul Gunter of
Beyond Nuclear
Shared by
Kevin D

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