Scholarship Cover Letter Guidlines

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Writing a Cover Letter/Personal Essay for a Scholarship* **

1. Use your resume as the database for the cover letter or essay. If you cannot include your
resume with the cover letter or essay, as in most scholarship applications, you will need
to include all information from your resume in the letter.
2. Divide the material into specific areas, just as you would in a resume. These almost
always include education, scholarships and awards, work experience and goals. Other
categories you may or may not qualify for such as volunteer work, research projects,
conference papers or presentations, independent study projects, affiliations, language and
3. You will need a strong organiing thesis statement or umbrella statement at the
beginning in order to indicate the !ey categories that ma!e you a good candidate.
". #ntroduce each section with a clear topic sentence, indicating which area you plan to
discuss. They should contain key words to help direct the reader.
I have always chosen challenging courses, and have an excellent/ very good/ good
academic record.
y academic achievement is demonstrated !y the numerous scholarships I have
received !oth at the high school and university level.
I have developed strong leadership skills, and know how to interact with a wide
variety of other people while wor!ing several different jo!s"
I have done a fair amount of community service including"
y independent research projects have strengthened my skills in la!oratory work
and developed in me an eye for details.
$utoring has taught me to work diplomatically and successfully with a wide
variety of students.
$ravel has played a large role in shaping my view of others and of cultural

%. Your discussions should be result oriented. #s a result of working at a !ank, you value
accuracy, efficiency and understand jo! responsi!ility.
&. You should stress the 'ualities and areas of e(pertise that ma!e you good candidate for
the scholarship. To do this, refer to the qualifications listed with the scholarship. $o, for
example, if the committee considers financial need when deciding upon the candidates,
make a point of your financial need !ut not in a tacky way. %ommittees often look for
such things in a candidate as well&
'nowledge of chosen field, carefulness of work
otivation, enthusiasm, seriousness of purpose
%reativity, originality, ingenuity of pro!lem solving
#!ility to plan and carry out research, organi(ation
#!ility to express thought in speech and writing
aturity, emotional sta!ility, a!ility to withstand stress and face challenges
$cholarship )acket *
+eadership skills
$elf,reliance, initiative, independence, adapta!ility
#!ility to work well with others
.rowth potential, desire to achieve, dedication to goals
). You will need a concluding sentence that wraps the letter up and summaries !ey
*. +hoice of words is important. #chieve a !alance !etween !ragging and modesty. #void
exaggerations and clich/s !ut do not down play your worth. # list of active word is
included, as well.
,. -roofread your letter.essay. %onsider grammar, punctuation, and spelling. #void
wordiness. 0e clear and concise.
1/. 0ormat the letter as a letter. That means addresses and the date at the top, a greeting
12ear rs. 3olf,4 a closer 1$incerely,4 and a signature a!ove your name in print.
11. 0ormat the essay as an essay. If they5ve asked for an essay, do not su!mit a letter.
6 ore often than not, scholarships only require either a cover letter or personal essay. If only
one is required, the !ody of text and guidelines remain the same !ut the format is done
accordingly. If !oth are required, think of the cover letter as a small, tight introduction to the
personal essay. If a cover letter, personal essay, and resume are required then the cover letter
introduces you, the purpose for sending the packet of stuff you5re sending, and gives a !rief
overview of what to expect in the resume. The personal essay !ecomes an expansion of the
resume as well as a source of information on those things we can5t glean from the resume or
cover letter.
66 #dapted from 73riting a %over +etter for a $cholarship.8 aureen Thum, 9nglish
2epartment +ecturer, : of ; <lint.
Tips: What to Do with a Scholarship Application Essay*
1. 1nswer the 2uestion. -eview the question asked !y the application. =as the student
completely answered it> If not, what additional info needs to !e included> =ow can it !e
effectively inserted into the text>
2. 3e 4riginal. Is the essay individual and creative or does it give an unexciting narrative>
3. 3e #ndividual. $cholarship officers want to learn a!out the student and his or her writing
a!ility. Is the essay meaningful and descriptive, a!out the student5s feelings and not
entirely a!out actions>
$cholarship )acket ?
". Don5t 6$hesaurie7 the +omposition. 0ig words used inappropriately make for clunky,
unconvincing essays.
%. Use #magery and +lear, 8ivid -rose. # lot of students who come to us are not ease with
using imagery so it5s up to us to see that all of the reader5s senses are engaged.
&. 9pend :ost of Your $ime on the #ntroduction. 9xpect scholarship officers to spend *,?
minutes reading the essay. The introduction should gra! the reader5s interest from the
!eginning. $ome things to keep in mind&
2on5t summari(e in the introduction. If you summari(e, the scholarship officer
need not read the rest of your essay.
%reate mystery or intrigue in your introduction. It is not necessary or
recommended that your first sentence give away the su!ject matter. -aise
questions in the minds of the scholarship officers to force them to read on. #ppeal
to their emotions to make them relate to your su!ject matter.
). ;elate 3ody -aragraphs to the #ntroduction. The introduction can !e original !ut cannot
!e silly. The paragraphs that follow must relate to the introduction.
*. Use $ransitions. #pplicants continue to ignore transitioning to their own detriment. :se
transitions within paragraphs and especially !etween paragraphs to preserve the logical
flow of the essay. Transitions are not limited to phrases like 7as a result, in addition,
while, since, etc.8 !ut includes repeating key words and progressing the idea. Transitions
provide the intellectual architecture to argument !uilding.
,. +onclude with a bang. The conclusion is the last chance to persuade or impress the
reader. In the conclusion, avoid summary since the essay is usually short to !egin with@
the reader should not need to !e reminded of what was written ABB words !efore. #lso,
do not use stock phrases like 7in conclusion, in summary, to conclude, etc.8
Sample Cover Letter ormat*
<ran <ingers
*?AC #ny $treet
#nywhere, #nystate *?ACD
Octo!er D, IIII
0onnie 0lum emorial $cholarship $election %ommittee
DFGE #ny $treet
#nyhwere, #nystate *?ACD
em!ers of the $election %ommittee&
$cholarship )acket A
Opening& =ouses the reason for the letter, the specifics of your application, um!rella statement
for rest of letter.
<irst )aragraph& Topic $entence, discussion of one of areas mentioned earlier 1education for
example4 !riefly or in depth depending on accompaniment of personal essay and/or resume.
$econd )aragraph& Transition, topics sentence, discussion of new point.
Third )aragraph& $ee second.
<ourth )aragraph& $ee third. 9ventually you will run out of new points to discuss. Jou will then
make the transition into a closing paragraph.
%losing& Often times it5s easy to transition from your goals to a summation of the letter. 2o not
use the same wording as the opener. Thank the committee for considering your letter.
<ran <ingers
6 #dapted from 7.uidelines for %over +etter.8 %2%, : of , <lint
Sample Essay/Cover Letter !
I am applying for the -alph . and 9mmalyn 9. <reeman =onors $cholar )rogram $cholarship. )resently, I am a
junior in the nursing program. I !elieve my chosen profession will ena!le me to fulfill all of my desires to help
others, to continuously expand my knowledge !ase and skills and to travel the world. Throughout my life I have
participated in extracurricular activities including valua!le volunteer experiences. I have striven for academic
excellence, always wishing to make the most of my education. In addition, I have managed to work to provide for
some of the !asic expenses that students have. Kext year this will especially important, as I will no longer !e
receiving the %hancellor $cholarship.
9ducation has always !een an important aspect of my life. 3hile in high school I managed to take challenging
courses such as advanced placement 9nglish and calculus, physics, and chemistry. I enjoyed the arts and was
involved in art, !and, and choir. 2espite the time consuming practices for concerts, parades, musicals and exhi!its, I
was a!le to maintain a A.HG grade point average, allowing me to graduate as salutatorian. I decided to sty near home
and come to the :niversity of ichigan,<lint !ecause of the smaller class si(e, scholarship monies and the
:niversity5s =onor )rogram.
I have received many scholarships since I !egan my college career. In *HHE I received the %hancellor5s $cholarship
providing me with L*,GBB per year for four years. I also received three scholarships from my graduating high school.
The first was the .oodrich #lumni $cholarship totaling L?BB. The second was the .oodrich Teachers $cholarship
totaling LDBB. The last was from the Kational =onor $ociety and totaled L?FB. #ll of these awards were given !ased
on scholarship and community service. 0ecause of my acceptance in the :niversity5s =onor )rogram I also receive
the =onor5s $cholarship. 2espite the challenges of !oth the nursing and honors curriculum I have managed to
maintain a A.G grade point average. y efforts did not go unnoticed and in ?BB* I received two additional
scholarships including the -alph . and 9mmalyn 9. <reeman =onors $cholar )rogram $cholarship and the -alph
. #nd 9mmalyn 9. <reeman +ong 2istance +earning $cholarship. These accomplishments lead me to !elieve that
in the future I will continue to perform at a high level in the academics.
$cholarship )acket C
#lthough education plays a significant role in my life, I am involved with many other activities. 2uring high school
I was an active mem!er of the Kational =onor $ociety for two and a half years. y last year as a mem!er gave me
the opportunity to play a more active role as I participated as K=$ treasurer. I frequently tutored individuals !y
offering my time !efore and after school for middle and high school students. I enjoy helping others with
schoolwork and have continued to aid fellow students at the college level. I also enjoy the arts and participated in
many performances, plays, musicals and exhi!itions, often requiring traveling to other areas and interacting with
new individuals. %urrently I am involved with fellow nursing students on a class and university level. I !elong to the
Kational $tudent Kurses #ssociation as well. I have volunteered my time to inform individuals of various ages of
what nursing involves and share the need for nurses. IK addition, I have entered the community to perform !lood
pressure screening and offer information to those at risk for hypertension and dia!etes. I have increased my
knowledge !ase as well as my pu!lic presentation skills !y presenting one of my papers, 0eatrice and 'atharine&
$hakespeare5s :nconventional 3omen at the )urdue :niversity,%alumet :ndergraduate -esearch %onference in
*HHH. Through all of these experiences I have learned to act as a leader, work in groups, and organi(e my time
In addition to school related activities I am also involved with my local church. I teach a class of A,F year old kids.
3hen other teachers are una!le to teach $unday school I do not hesitate to come to their aid. I have participated in
church cleanup, nursery duty and choir as well. I feel that !y aiding in church related activities I am setting a
positive example for the children within the church to follow.
3ork is also a part of my life. :ntil recently, I would work *F,?B hours/week to provide for educational expenses.
)resently I work E hours/week in the neonatal intensive care unit as an extern at =urley edical %enter. I enjoy
working !ecause I am a!le to see new!orns progress to a state where they can finally !e discharged to their families.
I enjoy teaching parents a!out their infants such as what to expect, what is normal for their infant to do and when to
call the doctor. 2uring the summer of ?BB* I worked in a group of three other individuals to perform a quality
improvement project on gavage fed infants and then presented the results to our peers. Through my work
experiences I have learned a little more a!out what to expect upon completion of the nursing program and now
know the reality of what to expect as a registered nurse. $eeing pro!lems such as mandatory overtime and poor
!enefits despite a nursing shortage has motivated me to remain active in associations such as the $tudent Kursing
#ssociation !ecause I reali(e that as a group we will !e a!le to voice our concerns a!out the issues that nurses face
y goal is to !ecome a registered nurse so that I can perform task that clients cannot do for themselves as well as !e
an active listener, patient advocate and educator. #t some point I would enjoy going !ack to school to !ecome a
practitioner. I have had an extraordinary num!er of nursing instructors who were a!solutely wonderful and would
one day like to give !ack what they have given to me !y !ecoming an instructor. I know that one day I will provide
something meaningful to the individuals that I encounter.
Sample Essay/Cover Letter "
I wish to apply for the MMMMMMMMMM scholarship. I !elieve that my excellent academic record, and service work make
me a good candidate for a scholarship. Throughout high school I maintained a high level of academic achievements
while volunteering for community service and working ?B hours a week. I graduated from Owosso high school as
the $alutatorian of my class in *HHH. I had a A.HH .)#. In addition to my academic classes, such as #) 9nglish and
)hysics, I was a mem!er of the # capella %hoir. This demanded extra time and effort especially !efore the concerts
in 2ecem!er, arch and ay during which our director held extra practices at night and on the weekends.
Kot only was I involved with academic and extra curricular activities@ I also worked in a pi((a restaurant
approximately ?B hours a week. #fter two years, I was promoted to a key holding position where I am still working
today. I supervise the other employees, handle customer complaints and close the !uilding at night. This
employment has taught me much a!out myself and others. I have learned what it means to work hard and how to
motivate other to do the same thing.
$cholarship )acket D
#t the :niversity of ichigan,<lint, I applied and was one of twenty students from a total of seventy applicants t
enter the honors program. In addition, I was awarded the 2istinguished %hancellor $cholarship, ichigan
%ompetitive $cholarship and =onors )rogram $cholarship. These resources have made my college experiences
possi!le. I am working towards a degree in elementary education with concentration in mathematics and language
I have continued to maintain an excellent academic record of academic achievement with a .)# of A.HA, while
working thirty five to forty five hours a week to finance my education. )resently, I work at <red eyer Newelers,
ancino5s )i((a and .rinders, and as a $upplemental Instructor 1$I4 for 0usiness %alculus. <rom this wide range of
experiences I have gained a !road !ackground of life. I enjoy working with and for people. I have learned from
!eing an $I leader how to explain things in several different ways and not to give up until the student truly
understands the material.
In addition to my employment I also continue to volunteer for community service. I assist in a kindergarten class
every 3ednesday. I have tied shoes@ put on name tags, sang songs and helped the children make apple muffins. I
help the teacher with lessons, art projects, supervising during 7play time,8 testing and many other aspects of the
career I hope to have one day. It is the most rewarding experience at this pointing in my life. I love children.
3atching them grow and learn is one of my greatest joys.
I also give some of my time to the children at my church. I am the leader of the puppet team there. I organi(e
outings, performances and competitions for a!out fifteen children !etween the ages of eleven and sixteen. I conduct
practice for two hours every $aturday in which the puppeteers learn more a!out puppetry and practice songs and
skits for upcoming performances. I chose the material and make decisions a!out who gets which part. 2edication
and commitment are two of the traits that have !een developed in me through this experience.
#fter graduation I hope to !ecome an elementary school teacher. I am committed to this goal as is evident !y my
record of academic accomplishments and community service. I am convinced that all these factors make me a good
candidate for this scholarship.
Sample Essay/Cover Letter #
y name is MMMMMMMMMM, and I am applying for the -alph . and 9mmalyn 9. <reeman )hilosophy $cholarship.
)resently, I am a senior working towards a 0achelor5s degree in )hilosophy and 9nglish with a speciali(ation in
writing. 2espite !eing a full time student, !alancing two majors, maintaining a A.E .)#, and working over AB hours
a week, I also take the initiative to enhance my education outside the classroom. I constantly strive for excellence
and am committed to making my time as an undergraduate as productive and !eneficial as possi!le.
# well,rounded student, my interests span across curriculum and culture. I5ve thirsted for knowledge since
childhood, and when I finally reached high school, my craving was further whetted. I finished fifth grade in the
:nited $tates !efore moving to 0ethlehem, )alestine. There, in my parent5s homeland, I completed the next C years
of my education. %onsequently, I attended my first year of high school in an #ra!ic school. #lthough I did
exceedingly well there, ranking seventh amongst my classmates, my family relocated to .rand 0lanc, I !efore I
!egan tenth grade. -egardless of the radical shift in culture and educational systems, I excelled in my new setting. I
graduated from .rand 0lanc =igh $chool in Nanuary ?BBB, a semester early, with a A.E* .)# and ranking AE
of a class of CFE.
#ttending college li!erated me and allowed me to not only explore a wider array of su!jects, including women,
gender and feminist studies, !ut also explore myself. I grew into a strong woman, questioning the status quo and
doing all I can to change injustices I find. y development was aided !y the ichigan %ompetitive $cholarship
1since <all ?BB?4 and consistently acknowledged !y the :niversity of ichigan,<lint $cholar #ward 1for every
semester at : of ; <lint except <all ?BBB4.
y personal achievements exceed !eyond school, however. I work roughly AB hours a week, spread li!erally over
two jo!s. The first is as a cashier for 0ernie5s arket. I5ve learned to work with others through this experience and it
has shaped me into a responsi!le adult. #s 0ernie5s is a family !usiness, I often open and close the market, work
with suppliers, track purchase and sales, in addition to hands,on jo!s like stocking shelves.
$cholarship )acket F
The second is as head tutor in the arian 9. 3right 3riting %enter. I am responsi!le not only for tutoring
developmental writers enrolled in 9K. *BH and students wanting one,on,one appointments for any su!ject, in any
stage of writing !ut also supervise the day,to,day operations of the center. I monitor scheduling and !udget,
organi(e and lead meetings, plan
and execute workshops, and overall keep the writing center running smoothly for the !enefit of fellow tutors and
students. %urrently, I5m also voluntarily involved in planning the **
#nnual ichigan 3riting %enters Ideas
9xchange with my co,workers, manager and director. I5ve also helped revise the sylla!us for the center5s tutor
training course. #fter its revisions, I worked with the center5s director and fellow staff to carry out the revisions in
the actual classroom. y work in the center is extremely gratifying !oth on the personal and professional level. I
take pleasure in watching my students discover and rediscover writing. <urthermore, their success inspires me to
delve into my own work regularly.
In that avenue, I spend what little spare time I have writing and revising poetry for su!mission to contests and
various pu!lications. I5m also in the process of assem!ling a work tentatively titled 7<a!ulous <eminism8 which I
intend to !e an introductory guide to feminism in all its faces. To do this, I5m drawing on my experience from
$pring and $ummer ?BB? in which I created the 7-oad .uide to 3orking in the 3riting %enter,8 an instructional
manual for all incoming tutors. Over the upcoming spring, summer and fall, I5m working with the help of 2r. Nami
#nderson to !egin and complete my senior thesis concerning feminist ethics. In the past, I attended two 3riting
%enter conferences including the H
#nnual ichigan 3riting %enters Ideas 9xchange and the Kational %onference
on )eer Tutoring in 3riting/idwest 3riting %enters #ssociation %onference ?BB?, for which I was a presenter.
0ehind my achievements is a strong desire to learn. I hope to complete my 0achelor5s degree over the next year and
attend graduate school so I can one day return the favor many professors !estowed on me and teach at a college
level. )hilosophy has taught me to evaluate life and my experience. It5s through that that I hope to !ecome an
instrumental mem!er of society, using all of my energies to !ring a!out constructive change and create a path to the
7good life,8 not only for myself !ut also for others.
I would like to thank you in advance for considering my application.
$cholarship )acket G
Top Ten $ista%es $a&e on Scholarship Applications
0y +aura 2i<iore
*. <orget to include your name and/or addressO Jou would !e surprised how many students
do not include their name or address on an applicationO
?. $u!mit an incomplete application. ake sure you include all required references, photos,
transcripts, and essays.
A. 0e rude or a!usive to the judges. Telling the judges that they will !urn in =ades if they
don5t pick don5t pick you, or that they are idiots !ecause they don5t accept applications
from students in your major is a sure,fire way to guarantee you will KOT !e considered
for this application, and that the judges will tell all their judge friends how nasty you are.
C. $u!mit a dirty application. :se a plate for your lunch, not your application. 2on5t spill
!eer on your applicationO
D. #pply when you do not meet their minimum requirements. If they require a minimum A.B
.)# and you have a *.? .)#, don5t waste your timeO
F. $end it 7postage due.8 OopsO
G. ail the envelope !ut forget to out the application in it. $urprisingly commonO
E. $u!mit inappropriate supporting documentation, such as including a picture of you at age
F months when the application asks for you to include a photo, or including a copy of
your arrest record as a referenceO 1This really happenedO4
H. Ko one can read your application. The use of fancy, hard to read script typefaces on your
essay pr handwriting that even a doctor would !e ashamed of.
*B. $pelling errorsO 9ven OK9 spelling error can doom your applicationO -emem!er, if you
do not take the time to spell,check your application, the judges won5t take the time to
read itO
Action Wor&s*
$cholarship )acket E
-e esta!lished
-e negotiated
$et up
6%ompiled !y %ooperative 9ducation and %areer %enter, : of ; <lint
$cholarship )acket H

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