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Movies only are for entertainment.

They showcase another world where reality

doesn't exist. So they no way should be related to us and our lives. Yeah of
course youths now a days are highly influenced. This doesn't make sense at all.
Films are purely made for ntertainment. !t gives a big canvas to combine visuals
and music to tell a story in an extraordinary way. Films reliefs a tired mind" some
films educates. !n short it is a form of art that has good things and bad things"
everything has good and bad in it. Young people has immature mind they
fantasi#e everything they see and corruption is a wrong word to be used for
them. !t is influence that they get from a movie" some are bad and some are
good.!n my opinion film$movie is a great platform of art to show the talent of
acting. %ommon people also get entertained from this. Some people use the
films for their relaxation. &ut there is also a negative direction of film in my point
of view. The award ceremonies of film are organi#ing by using million dollar by
both private and 'overnment sectors in !ndia.
&ut there are still many development works have stopped due to the lack of
many in !ndia while million of dollar are using in entertainment program. !f that
many will use in the development work then the people will get benefited and
!ndia will develop. (ow !ndia is under development. ! mean to say first duty then
entertainment.Movies nowadays leave a great impact on the minds of people.
The effect of cinema on youth can be easily observed. (ot only its effect can be
seen on the elders of rural and urban areas but on the children as well. !t cannot
be said that all the films are corrupting youth. There are films like )&*'+&*(,
which was a family film and made us learn a lot .The current films are more of
action" thriller" romance" robbery etc. The youth tries to imitate each and
everything which is in the films and this reflects in their dressing style" their
driving" their way of talking etc. The people start imagining themselves in the
story lines of those films. 'irls and boys" especially in the age of -./0-" are the
easiest preys. The dialogues" the dressing style of the actor becomes the latest
trend for the youngsters. They try to imitate what all goes in films and without
understanding that some part of it might leave a negative impression on them.
1nowingly or unknowingly the films molds the youth of today in one way or the
other and effect of cinema on youth can be seen widely. ven the youngsters in
rural areas are so much affected by the movies" that they place the heroes of the
film in a very integrated part of their minds. They try to change their lifestyle
according to the films" starting from hairstyle" clothes" dialogues and so on.
(o" films are not corrupting the !ndian youth because films give us many types of
knowledge and ! want to make you sure that films entertain us in in these days
the film makers is making all types of movie like politics" sports and much more
so we can't say that films are bad for us instead fims makes us passionate and
youth of our country also consider this things" yes we can say that many types of
films are bad for youth like the movie who based on a gangster life and the films
who based on bad things and vlgr things. So we can say that the movie is the
part of life and also it is the source of entertainment and 2oy.
Movies are meant to entertain the spectators but so many persons are in
hallucination that the movies will change the attitude of person" ! don't think so
because changing of their attitude will depends upon their character and not on
external inputs.
!f a film containing cruelty on women is showed to a person with good character
then he will think that how to protect the women from those rogues but if we
show the film mahabharata to the person with disguising character they will wait
for 3draupadi vastrapaharanam3 scene" so movies don't play any vital role in
human life it's 2ust a part of entertainment.
The things which are not possible in real life should be reveal in reel life" so thats
the main intention of films.
'ood morning" as we that" there is both good 4positive5 and bad 4negative5
nature in all things same to same film have also. ! think" nowaday film corrupting
the mind of youth to show vulgar scenes which is not re6uired" !t was less in
previous 07 years but it increases rapidly in these day because the youth wants
to do same thing as they seen in movie. &ut some movies are connect with
morals life and different character which should be adopted. 8e should banned
such movies which corrupting mind of youth and save the country and will only
happened when the youth of country looks forward and watch movie only for
Movies/they do corrupt youth" what kind of message they give /smoking"
drinking" rape" attitude" fight" aggression" flirt. These all messages.
Then how could we support ourself and others to watch.
8e can't even watch these kind of movies with our families. !t is the youth who
drags the thing by watching all these" if this type of environment he$she will get
then defiantly his$her mind gonna be corrupt.
Youth mind is like clay" whatever shape you can make by adding good or bad
thing to it.
!t is the youth who is going to change our country" if his$her mind is corrupt then
our country is going to be corrupt.
! think that we are not in safe environment. &ecause we here a lot of bad news
from various media. *ll these bad news increased due to the bad mind set /
today movies don't teach or guide the living being toward humanity but instead
lead towards the .sense animals. *ll movie consist of at least one awkward part
of dance" Song to cover the youth 4with bad habit5. &ecause of this 'ood Youth
too addict to bad habit. There mind set turn toward why not too try for such think.
So ! re6uest the 'overnment" directory" film industry" all the 9eoples of our
society 4human being5 to take proper action toward building a good nation 4only
done by guiding the youth towards dignity" disciplined lifestyle" avoid sexual /
songs" dance" scenes etc.
*void love seen among the child. %hild should only have *ffection. :ove their
9arents and (ation ; all +uman being" ; all.

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