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SAP Note

Header Data
Thi s Not e descr i bes t he Cust omi zi ng st eps f or Br azi l t o set up i nt er nal st ock t r anspor t f r omone
pl ant t o anot her wi t h st ock t r anspor t or der ( STO) , usi ng condi t i on- based t ax cal cul at i on ( CBT) .

Other Terms
CBT; Br azi l ; STO

Reason and Prerequisites
Ext ensi on of Not e 199233.

Four new movement t ypes have been cr eat ed t o post a st ock t r ansf er :

oMovement type 861 for Goods Receipt

oMovement type 862 for Goods Issue

oMovement type 863 for Return of Goods Receipt

oMovement type 864 for Return of Goods Issue

Cust omi zi ng
oCreate new Sales Order Type:
IMG- >Sal es and Di st r i but i on- >Sal es- >Sal es Document s- >Sal es
Document Header- >Def i ne Sal es Document Type => copy e. g f r omDLB
to e.g. TFST

oCreate new Sales Document Item Type
IMG- >Sal es and Di st r i but i on- >Sal es- >Sal es Document s- >Sal es
Document Item- >Def i ne I t emCat egor i es => copy e. g. f r omNLNB t o
e.g. TFDP

oCreate Delivery Type
IMG- >Logi st i cs Execut i on- >Shi ppi ng- >Del i ver i es- >Def i ne
delivery types => Copy from e.g. NL to e.g. TFDT

oAssign Delivery Type to Item Type
IMG- >Logi st i cs Execut i on- >Shi ppi ng- >Del i ver i es- > Def i ne
Item Category Determination In Deliveries => New Entries,
DlvT=TFDT, Use=V,ItmC='',ItmC=TFDP

oSchedule Lines

- IMG- >Sal es and Di st r i but i on- >Sal es- >Sal es Doc- >Schedul e Li nes
- >Def i ne Schedul e Li ne Cat egor i es => New ent r y e. g. TF, I t em
rel.f.dlv = X; Movement type = Movement type of GI, e.g. 862,
movement type 1- st ep = e. g. 862

- IMG- >Sal es and Di st r i but i on- >Schedul e Li nes - >Assi gn Schedul e
Line Categories => New entry. item category=TFDP
PropSchdLneCat.= TF

oSpecify copy control for deliveries
IMG- >Logi st i cs Execut i on- >Shi ppi ng- >Copy Cont r ol - >Specify Copy ControlFor Deliveries
=> Copy i t emNL- DL and change NL to TFDTand DL to TFST

oNota Fiscal
IMG- >Sal es and Di st r i but i on- >Bi l l i ng- >Billing Documents - >Count r y- speci f i c
Feat ur es- >Count r y- specific Features Brazil - >Mai nt ai n Sal es Document I t emCat egor y => New
Entry, sales doc typ = TFST, item cat. = TFDP, NF rec.ty. = 2, Partner id = RE, Txt =
I C0, Txt =I P0.

888805 - CBT:Stock transfer with stock transport order
Version 1 Validity: 14.10.2005 - active Language English
Released On 22.11.2005 09:14:26
Release Status Released for Customer
Component XX-CSC-BR Brazil
Priority Recommendations / Additional Info
Category Correction of legal function
oIMG- >Sal es and Di st r i but i on- >Bi l l i ng- >Bi l l i ng Document s
- >Count r y- speci f i c f eat ur es- >Count r y- specific features Brazil - >Speci f y not a f i scal
cat egor y => assi gn TFSP t o NF t ype N1

Mai nt ai n Pr ocedur e

- >Sal es and Di st r i but i on- >Basi c Funct i ons- >Pr i ci ng- >Pr i ci ng
cont r ol - >Def i ne and Assi gn Pr i ci ng Pr ocedur e

oDefine document pricing procedure: New entry U for transfer.

oAssign document pricing procedures to order types:Assign sales document type TFST to
Document t ype U

oDefine pricing procedure determination: with new document and new procedure for transfer,
t ype=Assi gn

oAssign Document type U

oCreate new pricing procedure RVABRT for transfer
according to the attachment

Assi gn Pr i ci ng pr ocedur e f or sal es pr i ce t o del i ver y t ype

I MG- >Logi st i cs Execut i on- >Shi ppi ng- >Basi c Shi ppi ng
f unct i ons- >Pr i ci ng - >Def i ne pr i ci ng pr ocedur es f or del i ver y
assi gn t he pr i ci ng pr ocedur e f or t r ansf er t o t he t r ansf er
del i ver y t ype

oDefine Pricing Procedure Determination: Assign the Sales Organization- >DCHl =01;
DV=01; DOPr=U; CUPP=1, PriPr= RVABRT CTyp=VPRS; Copy t he ent r y and set 1 t o A i n CuPP.

r est r i ct i on:
t he val ues on t he condi t i ons at del i ver y can somet i mes have a
smal l di f f er ence f r omt he val ues on t he not a f i scal . The r eason
f or t hi s i s t hat t he r oudi ng f unct i onal i t y i s onl y avai l abl e i n SD
cal cul at i ng val ues on t he condi t i ons) and not i n MM ( cal cul at i ng
val ues on t he Not a f i scal )

Mai nt ai n Tabl e
up t o 4. 6C:

o T007_I T
Using transaction SE11 to update this table
mwskz = Billing document tax code using in SD, e.g. I1

alt_mwskz = Tax code using in MM for GR, e.g. I1

grp_mwskz = Tax code using in MM for GI, e.g. A1

4. 70 and up:

otable J_1BTAXCODEV (via SM30) or
J1BTAX - > Mai nt ai n MM Tax Codes

Tax Code = Billing document tax code using in SD, e.g. I1

TC at GR = Tax code using in MM for GR, e.g. I1

TC at GI = Tax code using in MM for GI, e.g. A1

o Not a Fi scal mappi ng f or t he f ol l owi ng set t i ngs:

Usage A
Application V
Pr i c. pr ocedur e RVABRT

f or t he f ol l owi ng t ax t ypes

Tax typeICM3

Tax Rate Cond.BX16
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX13
Total Base Cond.BX10
Tax Base Cond.BX10
Ex. Base Cond.BX11
Other Base Cond.BX12

Tax typeICON

Tax Rate Cond.BCO1 Field mapping1Condition rate
Pauta Rate Cond.BX7P
Tax Amount Cond.BX72
Total Base Cond.BX70
Tax Base Cond.BX70
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeICOW

Tax Rate Cond.BW22 Field mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BW22
Total Base Cond.BXWT
Tax Base Cond.BXWT
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code BW21

Tax typeICS3

Tax Rate Cond.BX44
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX41
Total Base Cond.BX40
Tax Base Cond.BX40
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeICSW

Tax Rate Cond.BW32 Field mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BW32
Total Base Cond.BXWT
Tax Base Cond.BXWT
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code BW31

Tax typeICZF

Tax Rate Cond.BX16
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BXZF
Total Base Cond.BI00
Tax Base Cond.BI00
Ex. Base Cond.BI00
Other Base Cond.BI00
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeIFR3

Tax Rate Cond.BX16
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX15
Total Base Cond.BX14
Tax Base Cond.BX14
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeIFS3

Tax Rate Cond.BX44
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX43
Total Base Cond.BX42
Tax Base Cond.BX42
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeIGEW

Tax Rate Cond.BW02 Field mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BW02
Total Base Cond.BXWT
Tax Base Cond.BXWT
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code BW01

Tax typeIIRW

Tax Rate Cond.BW42 Field mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BW42
Total Base Cond.BXWT
Tax Base Cond.BXWT
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code BW41

Tax typeIPI3

Tax Rate Cond.IPVA Field mapping1Condition rate
Pauta Rate Cond.BXPA
Tax Amount Cond.BX23
Total Base Cond.BX20
Tax Base Cond.BX20
Ex. Base Cond.BX21
Other Base Cond.BX22
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeIPSN

Tax Rate Cond.BPI1 Field mapping1Condition rate
Pauta Rate Cond.BX8P
Tax Amount Cond.BX82
Total Base Cond.BX80
Tax Base Cond.BX80
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeIPSW

Tax Rate Cond.BW12 Field mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BW12
Total Base Cond.BXWT
Tax Base Cond.BXWT
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code BW11

Tax typeISS3

Tax Rate Cond.ISVAField mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX51
Total Base Cond.BX50
Tax Base Cond.BX50
Ex. Base Cond.
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeISSA

Tax Rate Cond.ISVBField mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX62
Total Base Cond.BX60
Tax Base Cond.BX60
Ex. Base Cond.BX61
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeISSB

Tax Rate Cond.ISVB Field mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX63
Total Base Cond.BX64
Tax Base Cond.BX64
Ex. Base Cond.BX65
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeISSE

Tax Rate Cond.ISVN Field mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX6C
Total Base Cond.BX6A
Tax Base Cond.BX6A
Ex. Base Cond.BX6B
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Tax typeISSF

Tax Rate Cond.ISVN Field mapping1Condition rate
Paut a Rat e Cond.
Tax Amount Cond.BX6D
Total Base Cond.BX6E
Tax Base Cond.BX6E
Ex. Base Cond.BX6F
Ot her Base Cond.
WHT Col l ect i on Code

Usage A
Appl. V
activate procedure RVABRT

The post i ng st eps ar e as f ol l ows:

1.Create a stock transfer order in the receiving plant within MM using Transaction ME21N, order
t ype ' UB'

2. Gener at e del i ver y document wi t hi n SD usi ng t r ansact i on VL10B

3. Pi cki ng and post i ng goods i ssue i n SD usi ng t r ansact i on VL02 or VL02N

4. Pr i nt out goi ng Not a Fi scal usi ng t r ansact i on J 1B3 or J 1B3N

5. Post goods r ecei pt i n MM usi ng t r ansact i on MB0A and movement t ype 861

Valid releases
Software ComponentRelease

SAP_APPL SAP Application
470- 470
46C- 46C
46B- 46B
45B- 45B
40B- 40B

Further components

Inventory Management

Ref er ence t o r el at ed Not es

NumberShort text
538770Movement Types 861- 864 i n Tabl e TMCA
441197Errors in stock transfers with serial numbers II
431154Returns of stock transfers
424928General changes for stock transfer postings with SD
419854Errors in Stock Transfers with Serial Numbers
397162MB0A - Sel ect ed St or age l ocat i on coul d not be changed


Ref er ence t o Suppor t Packages

Software ComponentReleasePackage name

SAP Appl i cat i on
R/ 3 St andar d Human Resour ce


Software Component From Rel. To Rel. And Subsequent

This document refers to:
SAP Notes
This document is referenced by:
SAP Notes (1)




199233 Transfer with stock transfer order
199233 Transfer with stock transfer order
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