Declaration: Technology Engineering, PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh, Under

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I hereby declare that the project entitled Retail Management is an authentic

record of my own work carried at LG electronics Pvt. Limited as requirement of
six months project semester for the award of degree of B.E Information and
Technology Engineering, PEC University Of Technology, Chandigarh, under
the guidance of Mr. Varun kumar and Mr. Parag Mathur during 29
2014 to 17
June 2014.
Lovepreet Singh Sidhu

Date: 17
June 2014

Certified that the above statement made by the studentis correct to the best of our
knowledge and belief.

Mr. Varun kumar Mr.Parag mathur
Assitant Professor IT Manager
IT Department LG Electronics
PEC University Of Technology Pvt. Ltd.

(Project Semester January-June 2014)

Retail Management

Submitted by
Lovepreet Singh Sidhu
SID: 11106013
Under the Guidance of

Mr. Varun kumar Mr.Parag mathur
Assitant Professor IT Manager
IT Department LG Electronics
PEC University Of Technology Pvt. Ltd.

Department Of Information and Technology Engineering
PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh
(Deemed University)
January to June, 2014


It gives me a great pleasure to take this opportunity to thank LG Electronis Pvt. Limited
for giving me an opportunity to work in their esteemed organization.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude and indebtedness to my Manager Mr. Parag
Mathur for his invaluable guidance and enormous help and encouragement, which helped
me to complete my project successfully. His way of working was a constant motivation
throughout the project term.

I would like to acknowledge my mentor Mr. Nitin Dawra who helped me in one way or
the other with their constant involvement during my project tenure here.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to my faculty co-
coordinator, Mr. Varun Kumar for his constant guidance, valuable suggestions and moral

I cannot finish without saying how grateful I am with my family who has supported me
throughout. Most importantly, I wish to thanks my parents. They have always supported
and encouraged me to do my best in all matters of life.

Lovepreet Singh Sidhu


The series of tasks are assigned in the training period so as to get an overview of all the
Retail Management is a process of promoting greater sales and customer satisfaction by
gaining a better understanding of the consumers of goods and services produced by a company.
It is basically managing all sales and services for the betterment of consumers with online retail
management portal.
B asically it is for record of online attendance of SSEs ,hiring record , sales record of india ,
stock details ,shuffling of executives,outlet details etc.
The online reports are automatically generated for the future use as the values are directly been
added to the tables.
The project was basically created on and pl/sql.
In which I worked on many small modules for bringing changes to their portal ,created tables
and made entries , worked on master page for making some new changes. Manily I was working
on the maintenance of the portal.
be resolved using VBA as he was working with excel all of the time.
Second job was to create the search functionality using VBA as the part of CRM (Customer
Management) project as in the whole long list of data of his clients was difficult to search the
client info by
the particular case search. so some needs like to get the latest data of interaction with every client
to be seen
on the as to save time by looking into all the sheets. And some issues like that.
There was a web portal made by the company for the marex spectron (marex spectron is one of
worlds largest privately owned brokers of financial products in the commodities sector and a
leader in
brokering physical energy products). I was assigned the testing of the portal and then was told to
make the
user manual and client manual as the documentation to be sent to the company to their clients
and was

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