I Semester M.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Dec. 2009/jan. 2010 (Repeater) Analysis and Design of Algorithms

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I Semester M.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Dec. 2009/Jan.

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 75

I. Answer all the questions :


1) Name the characteristics of algorithm.

2) Write the algorithmic notations.
3) Define hashing.
4) What is a graph ?
5) What is an incidence matrix ?
6) Write divide and conquer method steps.
7) What is a greedy method ?
8) Write the significance of backtracking algorithm.
9) Name the search methods for graph.
10) What is a heap ?
11) Explain the following :
a) Iterative process.
b) Sequential search.
c) Recursion.
d) Degree.
e) Null graph.

II. Answer any five questions :


1) Write an algorithm to test where the given three numbers form the sides of a
2) Explain binary search method with algorithm and example.
3) Explain insertion sort method with example.
4) a) Write recursive algorithm to find factorial of a number.
b) Write recursive algorithm to generate fibonacci series.
5) Write an algorithm to implement the hashing technique.
6) Explain travelling salesman problem.
7) Explain the steps to solve knapsack problem.
8) Explain Prims algorithm.

I Semester M.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Dec. 2009/Jan. 2010

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 75

Instruction : Answer all questions from Part A and any five questions from
Part B.
1. What is seek time ?


2. What is encryption ?
3. What is two-level directory ?
4. What is tightly coupled ?
5. What is spooling ?
6. What is context switch ?
7. What is the need for good user-friendly GUI ?
8. List four popular operating systems.
9. List types of message passing.
10. What is thrashing ?
11. Write a short note on :
a) Define File.
b) MMU stands for ______________________
c) Define seek time.
d) Job scheduling brings in the ability of ______________________
e) Define TSL.


1. Explain different scheduling algorithms.
2. Explain computer virus in detail.
3. Explain with example a producer-consumer problem.
4. Explain the paging concept with the help of a neat diagram.
5. Discuss different file access methods.
6. Explain public-key encryption in detail.
7. Explain various multiprocessor interconnections.
8. Explain RPC with a neat diagram.


I Semester M.Sc. (I.T.) Examination, Dec. 2009/Jan. 2010

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 75

Instructions : Answer all questions in Part A. Answer any five questions in

Part B.
1. What is a Visual Basic Form ?

(102 + 51=25)

2. What is a Procedure ?
3. What is an application wizard ?
4. What is the difference between Combo box and List box ?
5. What is a command button ?
6. What is a loop ?
7. What is a binary file ?
8. Name any four mouse events.
9. Distinguish between tool bar and menu bar.
10. Explain timer control.
11. Explain the following.
a) Error
b) Pop-up
c) Record Set
d) Text box
e) Break point

Answer any five :


1. What are advantages of visual basic programming languages ? Explain in detail.

2. Explain different controls of VB.
3. What are the important Active X Controls that Visual Basic provides ? State
their functions.
4. Write a procedure in Visual Basic to swap values of two variables without a
temporary variable ?
5. What are the different popular database formats supported by Visual Basic ?
Explain Visual Data Manager.
6. What is Visual Basic Report Designer ?
7. Where a Combo Box used instead of Text Box and what are the different styles
of a Combo Box ?
8. What are the error detection and correction techniques supported in VB ?

I Semester M.Sc. (IT) Examination, December 2009/January 2010

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 75

Instructions: 1) Answer all questions in Part A.

2) Answer any 5 questions in Part B.


1. What is Continuous Production System ?

2. What is a Plant Layout ?
3. List the Plant Layout Principles.
4. What is Capacity Planning ?
5. What is Controlling ?
6. Define cost.
7. What is Material research ?
8. List the Objective of Work Study.
9. What is Merit Rating ?
10. What is CAD ?
11. Briefly explain the following Terminology :
A. Expert Systems
B. Robotics

Answer any five :


1. Define Material Management. Discuss the various aspects you have to keep in
mind before selecting the Vendors.
2. Define Man Power Planning. Explain the major steps involved in Man Power
3. What is Production Planning ? What are the important characteristics of Production
Planning ?
4. What is Break-even analysis ? Explain this by means of a chart.
5. List the basis steps involved in Time Study Procedure.
6. What is Quality Control ? What are its Objectives ? Bring out the essential
advantages and importance of Quality Control.
7. What is CAD/CAM ? How is it useful in Factory Automation ?
8. Bring out the major differences between Direct Cost and Indirect Cost.

I Semester M.Sc. (IT) Examination, December 2009/January 2010

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 100


Instruction : Answer all the questions. Each question carries one mark.
1. For ( ; ;)
a) means the test which is done using some expression is always true
b) is not valid
c) will loop forever
d) should be written as for ( )
2. In addition of two signed numbers, represented in 2s complement form generates
an overflow if
a) A . B = 0
b) A
c) A
B = 1 d) A + B = 1

Where A is the carry in to the sign bit position and B is the carry out of the sign
bit position.
3. Literals are
a) essentially constants directly used in an operand field
b) essentially variables directly used in an operand field
c) essentially constants directly used in an operator field
d) essentially constants directly used in a program
4. Those activities of an assembler which are concerned with the processing of a
macro are termed as
a) Assembly time activities
b) Expansion time activities
c) Compiler time activities
d) Linker time activities

5. Within a switch statement

a) Continue can be used but Break cannot be used
b) Continue cannot be used but Break can be used
c) Both Continue and Break can be used
d) Neither Continue nor Break can be used
6. Round Robin scheduling is used in
a) Disk scheduling

b) CPU scheduling

c) I/O scheduling

d) Multitasking

7. Bankers algorithm is used in

a) Threads

b) CPU scheduling

c) Deadlock avoidance

d) Paging

8. Compaction is a solution to
a) Dead locks

b) Fragmentation

c) Security problems

d) Concurrency problems

9. Fifth normal form is concerned with

a) Functional dependency
b) Multivalued dependency
c) Join dependency
d) Domain-Key
10. The C language terminator is
a) semicolon

b) colon

c) period

d) exclamation mark

11. What is true about the following C functions ?

a) Need not return any value
b) Should always return an integer
c) Should always return a float
d) Should always return more than one value

12. Main must be written as

a) The first function in the program
b) Second function in the program
c) Last function in the program
d) Any where in the program
13. An analysis which determines the meaning of a statement once its grammatical
structure becomes known is termed as
a) Semantic analysis

b) Syntax analysis

c) Source text analysis

d) Lexical analysis

14. Loader is also known as

a) Linkage editor

b) Loader editor

c) Compiler

d) Assembler

15. Error detection at data link level is achieved by

a) Bit stuffing

b) CRC

c) Hamming code

d) Cross product

16. The operation which is not considered a basic operation of relational algebra is
a) Join

b) Selection

c) Union

d) Cross product

17. What is the value of y in the following code ?

x = 7 ; y = 0;
if ( x = 7)
a) 7

b) 0

c) 1

d) 6

18. Which of the following about the C comments is incorrect ?

a) comments can go over multiple lines
b) comments can start any where in the line
c) a line can contain comments with out any language statements
d) comments can occur within comments

19. Write one statement equalent of the following two statements

x = sqrt (a) ;
return (x) ;
Choose from one of the alternatives
a) return (sqr (a)) ;

b) printf (sqr (a)) ;

c) return (a*a*a) ;

d) printf (%d, sqr (a) ) ;

20. Which of the following about automatic variables within a function is correct ?
a) Its type must be declared before using the variable
b) They are local
c) They are not initialized to zero
d) They are global
Fill in the blanks with suitable answers. Each question carries one mark.
1. ___________ denotes the set of rational numbers.
2. If A is a matrix such that A = AT then A is called ____________ matrix.
3. The solution of the equation Y = x3 3x2 + 3x 1 is ____________

4. If

, then A3 is _____________

5. Area of a circle is given by ______________

6. A null set contains ____________ elements.
7. If A and B are two sets and f : A B is a function such that f (A) = B, then f is ____
8. If A is a set consisting of N elements then power set of A contains __________
9. The slope intercept form of a line is ______________

10. If A = { 2, 3, 4, 5}, B = { 1, 2, 5, 6} then A B is _________

11. Objects in a set are called _______________
12. _____________ denotes a set of natural numbers.
13. D = F (P, A) is a _____________ function.
14. Area of a triangle is given by _______________
15. When the area of a square is doubled then side increases by ______________
16. Given y = ax, a is a constant, dy / dx = ______________

is called ____________ number.

tan xdx = ______________

19. Matrix multiplication does not satisfy ___________ property.

20. If A and B are matrices then (A + B)2 is _________
21. (563)8 = (


22. 1s complement of 10001 is ___________

23. In an Half adder, given 2 bits X and Y, sum S = _____________
24. EPROM stands for ____________________
25. Output of EXOR gate is one, if both the inputs are _____________
26. (11011)2 (10101)2 = (


27. 2s complement of 1010 is ___________

28. (10011)2 = (

) gray

29. LSB carries ____________ weight.

30. x = x is ______________ law.

31. A byte contains ___________ bits.

32. (1100110)2 = (
33. (45)10 = (
34. (CAFE)16 = (



35. Output of EXOR gate is one, if both the inputs are ____________
36. _____________ gate is called inverter.
37. In a SR flipflop, S = 1 and R = 0, the flipflop goes to _____________ state.
38. In an Half subtractor, given two bits A and B, borrow B = ____________
39. In combinational logic circuits, output depends on _____________ inputs.
40. A full subtractor is a ____________ circuit.
41. The output of Nand gate is complement of _____________ gate.
42. The logic circuits whose output at any instant of time are dependent on not
only present inputs but also on past inputs are called ___________ circuits.
43. Group of flip flops used to store particular group of 0s and 1s are called

44. Mapping many inputs to one output is done by a ____________

45. A flip flop has pair of ____________ outputs.
46. Backup storage is provided by ____________ memory.
47. A logic circuit that accepts one input distributes it over several outputs is a

48. ____________ is a logic circuit used to add three bits.

49. Excess-3 code of 354 is ______________
50. A translator which translates High Level Language program to Machine Level
Language program is ______________

51. stdio.h has predefined ____________ functions.

52. Low level language consists of ______________ numbers.
53. Data type format for floating point number is _____________
54. The looping statements in C are ______________
55. _____________ is an example for application software.
56. A function called by itself is called _____________ function.
57. Pictorial representation of a program is called ______________
58. __________ is an example of high level language.
59. Data is organized in to logical groups called __________ to enable data
60. ____________ is an application of stacks.
61. Mouse is a ______________ device.
62. Step by step depiction of the solution of a problem is called ____________
63. The full form of RAM is ______________
64. Scanner is essentially a ___________ device.
65. The term computer is derived from ____________
66. ____________ is an example for secondary memory.
67. Any one operation on stack is ___________
68. FIFO stands for ______________
69. ______________ tree has exactly two or zero children.
70. Symbol table contains ______________

71. A flip flop where the slave copies master is called ________________
72. Detecting and correcting errors in a program is called _____________
73. Syntax errors are detected during ____________ process.
74. ___________ statement is avoided in structured programming.
75. A truth table for n inputs has _____________ combinations.
76. DDL stands for ______________
77. C is called ______________ language.
78. Bitwise AND operator in C is ___________
79. The ? : operator in C is called _____________
80. The node at the top of the tree is called _____________.

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