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Vodafone Global Enterprise
Executive Briefng
Vodafone was identifed as a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant,
Nov 2009. Leaders are defned as mobile service providers that
provide mature offerings while demonstrating the vision needed
to sustain a leading position in the market as requirements
change. They invest in and focus on their offerings and service
experience in a way that can affect the markets direction.
(Source: Gartner, Inc.,Magic Quadrant for Pan-Western European Mobile Service Providers, by Katja Ruud
and Leif Olof-Wallin, 25 November 2009)
Vodafone Global Enterprise
Vodafone Global Enterprise has a portfolio of Managed
Communications that will support multi-national companies
in a more strategic approach to mobility.
As a globally resourced business we are ideally positioned to
address the challenges of mobility cost, complexity, control
and visibility that are faced by large global enterprises.
Vodafone was identifed as a leader in the Gartner Magic
Quadrant, Nov 2009. Leaders are defned as mobile service
providers that provide mature offerings while demonstrating
the vision needed to sustain a leading position in the market
as requirements change. They invest in and focus on their
offerings and service experience in a way that can affect the
markets direction.

(Source: Gartner, Inc., Magic Quadrant for Pan-Western European Mobile
Service Providers, by Katja Ruud and Leif Olof-Wallin, 25 November 2009)
With our Managed Communications, Vodafone Global Enterprise
is focused on delivering value through a combination of
Communications, Mobility Solutions and Mobility Process
Management where we will manage business processes on
behalf of a select group of customers. Managed Communications
are a set of mobile-related services through which Vodafone
manages business processes on your behalf.
Our aim is to become a true business partner; to build
strategic and value-driven relationships that deliver
commercial value to you.
This document looks at some of the challenges faced by
global businesses and considers how our managed approach
to mobility has the potential to make a signifcant positive
impact to your bottom line.
Managing mobility
Delivering added value through a combination of
Communications, Mobility Solutions and Mobility
Process Management.
Vodafone Global Enterprise provides solutions to address the
issues of cost control, increasing complexity and poor visibility
that often hamper effective mobility strategies.
By offering Mobility Process Management on top of
Communications and Mobility Solutions, we are able to take
the more traditional transactional and commodities-based
vendor relationships currently offered by the telco industry
to a new and more strategic level.
Mobility Process Management includes the provision of
resources such as complex programme and business process
management and advanced technical support. They also include
operational management processes such as enhanced reporting,
ordering and logistics and enhanced mobility solutions.
Are you in control of your mobility costs? In the face of increasing
pressure to do more for less, the costs of enabling mobility have
become a strategic issue.
Aberdeen Group benchmarked over 2,000 different organisations
all over the world to determine their ability to manage their
telecoms expenses and control their telecoms environments.
By doing so, their primary research has determined best practices
based on what your Best-in-Class peers are doing.
There are few vendors that are truly positioned to provide
a complete solution that provides the people, processes,
technologies, and managed services that global companies
need to optimise their telecoms environments and match the
25% savings that Best-in-Class companies achieve on their
global spend.
The issue is very real and our Managed Communications provide
solutions to put you back in control of your mobility costs.
Vodafone Global Enterprise can provide a range of solutions
depending on the specifc needs of your organisation, ranging
from core mobility solutions through to our fully managed
Vodafone Telecoms Management solution.
Taking control
The people, processes, technologies, and managed
services that will put you back in control of the cost
of mobility
Vodafone Global Enterprise
Aberdeen Group benchmarked over 2,000 different organisations
all over the world to determine their ability to manage their
telecoms expenses and control their telecoms environments. By
doing so, their primary research has determined best practices
based on what your Best-in-Class peers are doing.
Vodafone Spend Manager Professional is a sophisticated, web
based analysis and reporting tool that provides a global view of
your mobile spend and invoices for your mobile communications.
It provides detailed information about your mobile usage and
spend across multiple providers, so you have a complete view of
your global mobile costs.
Administration will be simplifed with an online web interface
enabling administrators to view, interrogate and report on
mobile usage and spend from anywhere at any time.
Spend Manager Professional provides the visibility to plan your
mobile communications more effectively by identifying trends
and predicting future spend.
Total visibility
Spend Manager Professional Welcome view
Vodafone Global Enterprise
Asset Management, covering global device and hardware,
infrastructure and self-service portals, is a key component of our
Managed Communications. We provide operational management
solutions to help you better manage their physical assets:
Vodafone Device Manager gives you the ability to remotely
manage smart phones and PDAs and supports Windows

, Palm and Symbian, iPhone and BlackBerry devices

across any network.
You can check what software is installed on each device and
add or remove applications across the air. If a user experiences
problems you can remotely diagnose and resolve them,
anywhere in world, and across any network.
Device Manager even enables you to remotely lock devices and
wipe their contents to prevent misuse.
Example device view.
Vodafone Central Ordering is a secure web-based portal
enabling you to easily order devices and services from Vodafone
through one centralised interface. It removes the complexities
of managing device orders across a global network of offces.
With Central Ordering you gain greater control over your mobile
communications procurement at a local level whilst reducing
time and costs associated with ordering multiple devices and
services across different business units.
Vodafone Global Enterprise
In addition to these core solutions, we have developed a ground-
breaking new solution, Vodafone Telecoms Management,
which brings together all the core mobility elements but
combines these with a fully managed service.
Vodafone Telecoms Management simplifes the overall operation
of your telecommunications services both fxed and mobile
giving you what you need to deliver substantial savings. It
includes professional services and consultancy, an outsourced
set of business processes and 24/7 global support.
Our approach is designed to ensure that Vodafone Telecoms
Management works, and continues to work in your individual
business environment. Our solutions consultants will assess your
current telecoms architecture to identify the scope for cost and
effectiveness optimisation.
By building on our core managed services portfolio, Vodafone
Telecoms Management brings effcient and cost effective
communications, right across your fxed and mobile telecoms,
one step closer.
It is a positive that VGE has unveiled its Vodafone Telecoms
Management (VTM) service for integrated management of fxed
and mobile telecoms. Existing customers for VGEs existing
individual services can upgrade to get a more integrated
view of their fxed and mobile expenses and that should be
reassuring for current and potential customers.
(Source: Current Analysis, Vodafone Global Enterprise New Service Promises More Competition for Fixed and
Mobile Players, 18 June 2009, Rolf Schonhowd)
Vodafones Managed Communications enable you to:
Manage mobility cost: with a better understanding of TCO
and greater visibility of mobile spend and usage
Unravel complexity: with centralised procurement, the means
to pay multiple vendors centrally and the ability to manage a
range of mobile devices consistently
Achieve transparency: with all information in one place,
irrespective of vendor
Reduce time and effort spent on mobility: by freeing up the
people currently focused on managing global mobility and
multiple vendors
Beneft from high levels of service and security: with value
right over the network layer, data security through lock and
wipe and service managed from end-to-end.
To fnd out more visit
or contact your Global Account Manager.
Working together
Mobile-related managed services that have the
potential to make a signifcant positive impact to
your bottom line.
Vodafone Global Enterprise
Vodafone Group 2010. This document is issued by Vodafone in confdence and is not to be reproduced in
whole or in part without the prior written permission of Vodafone. Vodafone and the Vodafone logos are
trademarks of the Vodafone Group. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the
trademarks of their respective owners. The information contained in this publication is correct at time of
going to print. Such information may be subject to change, and services may be modifed supplemented
or withdrawn by Vodafone without prior notice. All services are subject to terms and conditions, copies of
which may be obtained on request.

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