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Terrorism and Criminal 1

SEC400 Terrorism and Criminal Activity Paper


Terrorism and Criminal 2

Terrorism and Criminal Activity Paper
Terrorism and criminal activity have many similarities in that the action of the criminal and
the terrorist group are illegal, immoral, and result in victims but there are also distinct
differences. Crime is an activity that goes against the laws of a society while terrorism can be
supported by the state or government in which the terrorist operates. Terrorists are well trained
groups that operate more like a military than a criminal group and commit violent crimes that are
different from the violent crimes often time seen in the criminal element. The terrorist has a
propensity for violence while not all crimes involve violent behavior.
Terrorist commit violent acts and even crimes to support a cause while criminal commit
crimes for different motives, such as greed, jealousy, and anger. Terrorist groups emerge in a
society where the group feels oppressed either politically or religiously (Gadek, 2008). These
groups will form when members of the society experience the same anger and frustration at this
oppression. Terrorist groups also form when their society is invaded by another country and their
culture is threatened. Criminals commit crimes due to anger and frustration at their
socioeconomic circumstances but will not commit acts of planned violence in order to make a
statement to bring attention to their cause while the criminal takes steps to mask their crime.
Criminals will cover-up there fingerprints, where masks to hide their faces, or commit their
crimes under the cover of darkness while the terrorist go to great lengths to bring attention to
their actions to ensure their message can be spread. Terrorist groups have a specific agenda and
will commit the greatest amount of destruction and violence in order to ensure that the media
brings attention to their cause. Criminals operate in a specific geographical are while the terrorist
conducts operations all over the globe, especially in westernized countries.
Terrorism and Criminal 3

Prevention, Mitigation, and Enforcement Measures
Since the attacks on America on September 11, 2001 the focus of the government has been on
developing antiterrorism measures that will prevent and effectively mitigate any further terrorist
attacks. The first step of the government was to create the Department of Homeland Security in
order to integrate federal agencies to ensure that intelligence warning about a potential attack
does not go unnoticed, as in the case of 9/11. Failures in interagency communications led to a
failure of the federal government to stop the terrorist attacks that killed over 3,000 Americans.
Homeland Security is designed to coordinate efforts to ensure that further terrorist attacks are
prevented as well as to create an effective response system in the event of further terrorist
attacks. Next the government created the USA Patriot Act which is legislation designed to
broaden and strengthen the investigatory capabilities of police. The police can now conduct
searches without a warrant or probable cause if there is a suspicion of terrorist activity and can
conduct roving wiretaps in order to develop intelligence on potential terrorist threats (Bloss,
2007). Law enforcement can also detain any citizen that may pose a potential terroristic threat to
American society.
Through this intelligence gathering and the new sharing of information further terrorist
attacks have been averted. Law enforcement agencies across the country, including federal, state,
and local police, also have different rules about sharing information and are now required to alert
the F.B.I. of any intelligence that is gathered that could be potential terroristic behavior. Through
the sharing of information terrorists cells have been located and terrorist threats captured or
removed from the country.
Terrorism and Criminal 4

Different measures have been taken to prevent crime beginning with the deployment of the
first police department designed after the principles of Sir Robert Peel and the creation of a
criminal code. There are many different types of crime prevention methods in place in society to
address crime while crime is deterred through punishment. Law enforcement is responsible for
identifying, investigating, and arresting criminal offenders in society in order to ensure they are
no longer a threat and can be punished for their crimes. The death penalty is the most extreme
method of punishment designed to deter the offender but sentencing policies, such as Three
Strike Laws, are also designed to deter the criminal offender through the resulting severe
Law enforcement measure in terrorism involves gathering intelligence, identifying terroristic
threats, and sending in the military to eliminate these threats. While terrorists located in Western
countries are arrested in caught out in society many terrorist are in different countries and must
be dealt with by military forces. In current society the actions of the terrorists groups are dealt
with swiftly and harshly. They are not afforded a trial in many cases, such Osama Bin Laden, but
instead eliminated. The criminal, on the other hand, is afforded due process rights when they
commit a crime which includes the right to a trial with counsel.
Unlike the terrorist the criminal has the right to try to prove their innocence and any
violations of their right could result in the charges being thrown out of the court. Criminal
suspects are afforded due process rights, such as the right to a trial, attorney, and right to
introduce evidence of their innocence. The terrorist is not always afforded these rights. Terrorist
that do make it to the trial stage are tried as terrorists and subject to the death penalty. Only
criminals that commit capital murder crimes will be subject to the death penalty in America.
Terrorism and Criminal 5

Benefits and Limitations of Prevention versus Enforcement
Prevention is stopping the crime or the terrorist action before it can occur and is a more
effective that enforcing a crime after it has occurred. Crime prevention includes putting programs
and services in place that will assist vulnerable members in society in avoiding engaging in
criminal behavior. By preventing the crime or the terrorist act it will prevent innocent victims
being subject to criminal or terroristic behavior. Crime prevention ensures areas in the
community are safer and crime preventing measures can be effective at deterring crime. For
example a police presence in a community or the use of CCTV may deter criminal behavior.
Deterring terrorist behavior is more difficult that putting crime prevention measures in place.
While America has put many prevention measures in place, including developing the TSA and
securing Americas airplanes, it has been more difficult to deter terrorists that are not frightened
by the potential consequences of their violent actions. Many members of a terrorist group are
willing to die for their cause which makes them a greater threat to society. Current prevention
methods, however, have to date, been successful in preventing any further terrorist attacks in the
United States but have not prevented other attacks on Americans overseas.
Economy Affected by Criminal Activity and Terrorism
Crime creates a major economic burden for the crime victims and the government. The
tangible and intangible costs of crime place a severe encumbrance on society and
misappropriating significant resources that could otherwise be directed toward more productive
endeavors (Erikson, 2010). The criminal justice system is responsible for identifying, arresting,
trying, and punishing the criminal offender. There is a high cost the police, courts, and
Terrorism and Criminal 6

correctional department in trying and punishing the criminal offender. In fact in America the
highest cost to the taxpayer is the expense of housing the extremely large prison population.
The economic impact of terrorism can be both national and international. Terrorist commits
acts of violence that result in the loss of life and property as well as the cost of the airline ticket
has gone up to ensure terrorists do not capture anymore American flights to use as bombs. When
terrorist commit their acts of destruction businesses lose money and citizens lose their jobs. For
example the attacks on September 11, 2001 cost the American government, businesses, and
taxpayers billions of dollars in lost revenue and the inability to operate.
Measures that need to be put into place to deter and prevent further terrorist attacks cost the
government and the resulting was in Afghanistan and Iraq cost the country and its citizens
twenty billion dollars. Terrorism and crime are extremely costly. Crime is a constant fixed cost
in the American economy while terrorism is not but with the crime rate rising every year along
with the prison population the impact of crime to the economy will be far greater than that of
terrorism as long as further attacks are thwarted. When the government and the taxpayer is
responsible for the burden of the crime or the terrorist attack it directly impacts the economy.

Terrorism and Criminal 7

Bloss, W. (2007).Escalating U.S. Police Surveillance after 9/11: an Examination of Causes and
Effects. Retrieved October 8, 2012 from
Erikson, S. (2010). The Financial Impact of Crime. The Daily Caller. Retrieved October 8, 2012
Gadek, R. (2008).Terrorism: Criminal Behavior vs. Terrorism. Retrieved October 8, 2012 from

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