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Catholic Prophecy Today

This downloadable article was updated on July 22, 2010. This article is taken from
a blog site which is updated periodically due to the development of world events today.
To see current updates especially in PART II, visit:
! ! ! ! ! ! !
"#$T%T&'": 1. There %s (uch $iblical )rophecy* 2. The +atechism of the
+atholic +hurch* ,. "keptics and the -ver +ritical* .. The /&ast 0ays/1* 2. The +hurch
%nterprets the 3ord of 4od* 5. 0ispensationalism* 6. The 7apture* 8. The +hurch and
%srael* 9. The :ingdom of 4od* 10. The (illennium* 11. )ostmillennialism* 12.
;millennialism* 1,. )remillennialism* 1.. The )eriod of Tribulation* 12. %nterpreting the
$ook of 7evelation* 15. )arameters of the +atholic +hurch.
"#$T%T&'": 16. 0iscovering the )ieces of the )u<<le=* 18. The )uppets of "atan*
19. The +ontrolled 0estruction of the #" 0ollar* 20. ; &ittle 4un >istory* 21. +yber
;ttacks ?rom +hina=* 22. The ?olly of 4overnment* 2,. "-+%;&%"(=* 2.. "ubsidiarity*
22. 3e >ave +ast ;side -ur 7eal )ower=* 25. The Tea )arties* 26. The +onse@uences
of %ndividual ?ailure=* 28. ABou ;re -f Bour ?atherC* 29. >onorary 0octorate at Dotre
0ame1* ,0. ; 0eaf 'ar to the "uccess of ;dult "tem +ell 7esearch=* ,1. The >ealth
+are $ill* ,2. 3hy 3as -bama 'lected1* ,,. >istory 7epeats %tself=* ,.. The Eicious
-nslaught ;gainst the +ulture of &ife* ,2. The Truth -r Dot The Truth* That %s The
Fuestion=* ,5. The 4reat ;ttack ;gainst the ?amily=* ,6. The ;stounding %mpact of the
7uthless (anipulation of (ilitant 4ay ;ctivists=* ,8. 7adical ?eminism* ,9. The
7omantic (odel of Judging=* .0. The $attle of $attles* .1. The ATheocracyC -f
A;theismC1=1* .2. The Eicious ;ttacks on the +atholic +hurch* .,. 7enewal of the
+hurch* ... The ATyranny -f 7elativismC* .2. The 4reat 0efault of 7eligious &eaders=*
.5. The 'gotistical -bGectification of the 3oman in the Dame of ?reedom=* .6. The
A(ark of the $eastC, 555* .8. 0o Dot 0eny +hrist=* .9. -D' ;ntichrist in )articular*
20. The ?alse )rophet* 21. Do )ublic >oly (ass1* 22. The )rophecies of "t. (alachy*
2,. #nresolved Fuestions=* 2.. The Dumerous ;pparitions of -ur &ady* 22. The (aya
+alendar* 25. The Two $easts of the ;pocalypse* 26. The Dew 3orld 7eligion* 28.
>ope and "alvation=* 29. The ?inal $attle=*
"#$T%T&'": 50. ;n 'Hample of >ow 0ispensationalists %nterpret )rophecy* 51.
-ur /4eneration/ "hall "ee ;ll=* 52. The ;ntichrist* 5,. The "even 3orld 'mpires* 5..
The Two $easts* 52. The Twenty!-ne Judgments* 55. "igns of the Times* 56. The Two
A$abylonCs of the book of 7evelation* 58. The ?all of /$abylon/* 59. The 3ounding of
the $east* 60. The A(ark of the $eastC, 555* 61. (oral 0ecay* 62. "ins 0uring the
Tribulation )eriod* 6,. -ccultism* 6.. The Third 3orld 3ar* 62. 0amascus 0estroyed1*
65. /The ;bomination of 0esolation/* 66. ;rmageddon* 68. The 7apture*
I(any of the points made in this article can be found illustrated as 'ditorial
+artoons in a humorous but serious way at: A'ditorial +artoonsC* http:god!
! ! ! ! ! ! !
PART I: Catholic Para'eter( For i)lical
*+ There I( M,ch i)lical Prophecy
(-7' T>;D -D' ?-7T> of the $ible is dedicated to prophecy. There is
prophecy relating to the first coming of +hrist and prophecy relating to the second
coming of +hrist. The vast maGority of these prophecies are dedicated to the second
coming of +hrist and the period preceding >is coming after which >e will come /in the
clouds with great power and glory/ I(t 2.:,0* (k 1,:25* &k 21:26J. There are more
than 1800 verses in the $ible that speak about the second coming of +hrist and over
10,000 verses that are surrounding teHts to this event. %t is not by chance that there are
so many prophetic verses in the $ible* these verses are for us to read= /$lessed is he that
reads, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are
written therein: for the time is at hand/ I7ev 1:,* 2Tim .:8J* this verse proves that the
book of 7evelation is not some deep, mysterious and confusing book.
-+ The Catechi(' o. the Catholic Ch,rch
)ope John )aul %% spoke often of the second coming of +hrist in his numerous
talks. -ne also finds references to +hristKs second coming, as well as to the period of his
second coming, in the +atechism of the +atholic +hurch: 8.0: /The coming Ior the
returnJ of the (essiah/* 2815: /The kingdom of 4od is Gust ahead of us* in +hrist we
shall reign/* 2818: /Thy kingdom come/ Iin the /-ur ?ather/J refers primarily to the final
coming of the reign of 4od through +hristKs return/* 2816 Ialso see 561, 282,J: /The
petition /(arana tha/ is the cry of the spirit and the $ride: /- come &ord Jesus/, indeed
come as soon as possible/* ,.9: /The eighth day begins the new creation Ithe 6th day is
the 1000!year reign of +hrist I7ev 20:.JJ* 10.2: /The universe itself will be renewed/
Inot recreatedJ* 10.6: /The visible universe itself is destined to be transformed and
restored to its original state/* 56.: AThe glorious (essiahLs coming is suspended at every
moment of history until his recognition by Aall %srael,C for Aa hardening has come upon
part of %sraelC in their AunbeliefC toward JesusC I7om 11:20!25* cf. (t 2,:,9J.
/+ S0eptic( a1d the O2er Critical
?ather 0esmond ;. $irch, a leading +atholic scholar and author who wrote the
book, /Trial, Tribulation and Triumph/, asks the following: /%s eschatology Ior the study
of things to comeJ still important in the 20th century1 There are those +atholics who
would tell you that to study doctrine concerning the ;ntichrist or the latter end times is
either a waste of time or unimportant. That opinion is even held by some orthodoH
+atholic scholars. There are also those who say that we must not abandon ourselves to
terror or to anHiety about the imminent end. >owever, if eschatology is a waste of time
or something frightening, then 3>B %" %T T7';T'0 3%T> "#+> %()-7T;D+' in
"cripture, in Tradition and the (agisterium or the teaching authority of the 7oman
+atholic +hurch1/
%t is unfortunate that there are many people and cults today, such as the JehovahKs
3itnesses and the (ormons, that (%"#"' )7-)>'+B for there own interests and
attention* this misuse of prophecy causes many to reGect all prophetical studies.
Bears ago perhaps there were many people who spouted off warnings about the
end of the world, often in an imprudent and 'M;44'7;T'0 way, etc. $ut today,
precisely when there are more signs than ever before that match up with so many
prophecies, the great maGority of people 0- D-T 3;DT T- >';7 anything about it=
% truly believe that those who have the courage to look at the prophetical signs of today
openly and honestly without fear and with trust in ;lmighty 4od, will be much better
prepared for what many learned people of today believe will happen in our lifetime.
(any people reali<e that things are really in bad shape today but they convince
themselves that everything will crash after they are dead=
% would also speculate that )ope )aul E% approved the decree of 0ecember 29,
1955 so as to not let the Asmoke of "atanC in Athe temple of 4odC stifle true private
revelations for our present time. Eisit: A7evelations to (argaret of JesusC
A'E'7BT>%D4 -? T>' $--: -? 7'E'&;T%-D %" >;))'D%D4C
I"eptember 22, 2001*
ADow %t %s That 3ill >appen ;ll The )rophecies...C I;ugust 29, 200,*
3+ The 4La(t Day(45
;re we, as many +hristians believe, living in the last days1 3e read in the book of
0aniel: /;nd % heard, but % understood not: then said %, - my &ord, what shall be the end
of these things1 ;nd he said, A4o your way, 0aniel: for the words are closed up and
sealed till the time of the end/C I0an 12:8!9J. +ertainly the many signs of our times, that
were not present years ago, as well as recent revelations of 4od, help us to open up
these sealed prophetic verses. "ee A"%4D" -? T>' T%('"C below.
$ut according to the teachings of the +atholic +hurch, the /last days/ refers not
only to the /end of time,/ but to T>' &;"T T3- T>-#";D0 B';7". "cripture
teaches that the %ncarnation ushered in /the last days./ ;ccording to >ebrews 1:1!2,
/4od, after >e spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in
many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in >is "on, whom >e appointed heir of
all things, through whom also >e made the world./ ;t )entecost, )eter preached that
/the last days/ had arrived, in fulfillment of the words of the prophet Joel I;cts 2:12!16*
cf. Joel 2:28!,2J.
/The last days/ or /the end times,/ properly understood, refers to the time of the
Dew +ovenant, the gathering together of 4odKs people in the +hurch, which is /on earth,
the seed and the beginning of the kingdom/ I+++ 256, 559* &umen 4entiumJ.
This understanding of the /&;"T 0;B"/ differs from that of those who believe in
premillennialism or the 7apture. +atholics agree that there will definitely be an /end of
time/ and that history as we know it will one day be complete. $ut we also recogni<e
that each of us will face the end of our time on earth, and that this should, in many ways,
concern us more than the end of the world Isee +++ 1006J.
6+ The Ch,rch I1terpret( the #ord o. God
;s +atholics, we believe that Aall that has been said about the manner of
interpreting "cripture is ultimately subGect to the Gudgment of the +hurch which eHercises
the divinely conferred commission and ministry of watching over and interpreting the
3ord of 4odC I+++ 119J. The +hurch approaches 0ivine 7evelation through "acred
Tradition, "acred "cripture and (agisterial teaching, each of which have e@ual weight in
the +atholic +hurch, no one of which can subsist without the other two. ;nd so the
+hurch helps us to interpret the 3ord of 4od properly, giving us also so many
magnificent documents throughout +hurch history to guide us. 3e would never be in
most of the messes we contrived for ourselves if we had listened to the +hurchLs
teaching. The +hurchLs social teaching is nothing new=
This does not mean that the +atholic +hurch has definitively interpreted every
single passage of "cripture or that individual +atholics cannot study "cripture for
themselves. -n the contrary, the +hurch has definitively interpreted less than a do<en
passages, while encouraging +atholics to 7';0 T>' $%$&' in light of the /living
Tradition of the whole +hurch/ I+++ 11,J.
-ften the pu<<ling and sometimes shocking images of 7evelation are
%DT'7)7'T'0 in clever, bi<arre, and often laughable ways. (ost +atholics who
encounter such misinterpretations usually steer clear of the biblical books that deal with
apocalyptic themes, 0aniel and 7evelation. They are content to let their non!+atholic
friends battle over these confusing matters.
This is unfortunate for a couple of reasons. ?irst, +;T>-&%+" ">-#&0
"T#0B ;&& -? "+7%)T#7', including difficult books such as 0aniel and 7evelation,
because 4od gave it to the +hurch for that purpose. "econd, the +atholic +hurch offers
two thousand years of reflection and study of "cripture, resulting in a rich, balanced, and
nuanced understanding of the whole $ible. %f the +atholic +hurch has the authority that
+atholics believe she possesses, then they need to take seriously her understanding of
"cripture. ;t the very least, doing so will help them avoid the serious misunderstandings
of some other +hristians and will e@uip +atholics to discuss these misunderstandings
with them.
7+ Di(pe1(atio1ali('
(any non!+atholic +hristians believe in a theological system known as
dispensationalism. The core of dispensationalism is incompatible with +atholic doctrine,
although there are some secondary issues compatible. 0ispensationalism is a +hristian
theological view of history and $iblical interpretation that became popular during the
1800s and early 1900s and is held today by many conservative )rotestants.
0ispensationalism refers to the belief that 4od works in history through a series of
different epochs, or dispensations. %n each of these periods, 4od tests man in a certain
way. (an fails the test, and then 4od Gudges man. -n this view, man now lives during
the /+hurch ;ge,/ which is so full of apostasy and error that only a remnant of /true
believers/ remains.
0ispensationalism advocates a form of premillennialism in which it sees the past,
present, and future as a number of successive administrations, or /dispensations/ I'ph
,:2, :JEJ, each of which emphasi<es aspects of the covenants between 4od and various
peoples at various times. +onse@uently, it places a heavy emphasis on prophecy and
eschatology, the study of the /end times./
;ccording to dispensationalism, 4od is pursuing T3- )#7)-"'" in history: one
involving an earthly people I%sraelJ and the other, a heavenly people Ithe +hurchJ.
0ispensationalists believe that when Jesus +hrist came, >e offered the earthly people,
%srael, a physical, earthly kingdom, but that they reGected >im as their (essiah.
+onse@uently, Jesus formed a heavenly people, the +hurch, who are not meant to reign
here on earth, but will reign with >im in heaven.
>owever, 4od will still fulfill the many -ld Testament promises to %srael, >is
earthly people, because, dispensationalists insist, those promises were unconditional.
3hen +hrist founded the +hurch, all of those promises were /put on hold/ until the
heavenly people were removed from the earth in the 7apture. "ince %srael has now been
re!established as a nation, most dispensationalists believe that the removal of the +hurch
via the 7apture can occur at any moment.
8+ The Rapt,re
The 7apture will be a secret /"D;T+>%D4 #)/ of all true believers in +hrist to
heaven* it will be immediately followed N according to most dispensationalists N by
seven years of Tribulation and the reign of the ;ntichrist. ;t the end of the Tribulation,
+hrist will come again to establish an earthly, thousand!year reign, based in Jerusalem,
where a new temple Icomplete with animal sacrificesJ will eHist.
D-D' -? T>' +>#7+> ?;T>'7" believed in a secret removal of true
believers prior to the Tribulation. -n the contrary, they taught that the +hurch would
undergo a period of intense tribulation prior to the "econd +oming. +hristians are called
to follow +hrist crucified in order to share also in >is resurrection= %t seems to me that
the 7apture is too easy= The 7apture theory is a D-E'&TB* this idea only began with
John Delson 0arby in the 18,0s.
9+ The Ch,rch a1d I(rael
'schatology, the study of the last things, flows directly from '++&'"%-&-4B,
the doctrine of the +hurch. This eHplains some of the significant differences between
what +atholics and many ?undamentalists believe about the end of time. 3hile most
dispensationalists teach that 4od has T3- )'-)&', the +hurch and %srael, the +atholic
+hurch asserts that 4od has always had only -D' )'-)&', or family, throughout
history. ;ccording to the +atechism, /This Kfamily of 4odK is gradually formed and takes
shape during the stages of human history, in keeping with the ?atherKs plan. %n fact,
Kalready present in figure at the beginning of the world, this +hurch was prepared in
marvelous fashion in the history of the people of %srael O 'stablished in this last age of
the world and made manifest in the outpouring of the "pirit, it will be brought to
glorious completion at the end of time/ I+++ 629J.
Therefore, the +atholic +hurch has always understood herself as being the D'3
%"7;'& I4al. 5:15* 'ph. 2:11!12J and the new )eople of 4od I1 )et. 2:9!10J, the
recipients of the Dew +ovenant given through +hrist I>eb. 8:8!1,J. The -ld +ovenant
was not reGected by +hrist, but fulfilled and taken up into the Dew +ovenant* it
concluded with the Dew +ovenant and is included in it. This difference between
dispensationalism and +atholic doctrine is the basis for other disagreements, including
those involving the 7apture and the nature of the millennium.
;nother issue is the ?;T' -? %"7;'&. 3hat will happen to %srael in the end1
;ccording to the +atechism, /The glorious (essiahKs coming is suspended at every
moment of history until >is recognition by Kall %sraelK, for Ka hardening has come upon
part of %sraelK in their KunbeliefK toward Jesus/ I+++ 56.J. The +hurch, reflecting upon
7omans 9!11, believes that %srael will somehow come to recogni<e +hrist for who >e is.
The +hurch has not indicated how this will precisely occur.
:+ The ;i1<do' o. God
+atholic doctrine also teaches that the +hurch is intimately related to the :ingdom
of 4od. The +hurch is /ultimately one, holy, catholic, and apostolic in her deepest and
ultimate identity, because it is in her that Kthe :ingdom of heaven,K the K7eign of 4od,K
already eHists and will be fulfilled at the end of time/ I+++ 852J. The :ingdom is not
yet complete, but began with the %ncarnation and will be fully reali<ed at the end of time:
/The kingdom of heaven was inaugurated on earth by +hrist. KThis kingdom shone out
before men in the word, in the works and in the presence of +hrist.K The +hurch is the
seed and beginning of this kingdom. %ts keys are entrusted to )eter/ I+++ 256J. %n its
fullness, the :ingdom is not an earthly reign, but the final triumph of +hrist over the
power of sin and "atan, culminating in an eternity spent in communion with the Triune
4od: /The kingdom has come in the person of +hrist and grows mysteriously in the
hearts of those incorporated into him, until its full eschatological manifestation/ I+++
%n contrast, dispensationalists believe that the :ingdom will be a T>-#";D0!
B';7, ';7T>&B 7'%4D -? +>7%"T, known as the (illennium Ifrom the &atin
word for /thousand years/* c.f., 7ev 20:.J. $elief in a literal thousand!year earthly reign
is called millenarianism or millennialism. %t has been eHplicitly reGected by the +atholic
+hurch. %n 19.., the >oly -ffice warned against /. . . the system of mitigated
(illenarianism, which teaches . . . that +hrist the &ord before the final Gudgment,
whether or not preceded by the resurrection of the many Gust, will come visibly to rule
over this world. . . . The system of mitigated (illenarianism cannot be taught safely/
I+++ 565J.
*=+ The Mille11i,'
The reign of +hrist and the thousand!year period found in 7evelation 20 is
popularly called the millennium. The millennium is a forerunner of the end of the world,
and 7evelation 20 is interpreted in three ways by conservative )rotestants. The T>7''
"+>--&" -? T>-#4>T are called postmillennialism, amillennialism, and
**+ Po(t'ille11iali('
)ostmillennialism is that view of last things which holds that the kingdom of 4od is
now being eHtended in the world through the preaching of the gospel and the saving
work of the >oly "pirit, that the world eventually is to be +hristiani<ed, and that the
return of +hrist will occur at the close of a long period of righteousness and peace,
commonly called the millennium.
This view was popular with nineteenth!century )rotestants, when progress was
eHpected even in religion and before twentieth!century horrors were tasted. Today few
hold to it, eHcept such groups as +hristian 7econstructionists, an outgrowth of the
conservative )resbyterian movement.
*-+ A'ille11iali('
The amillennial view interprets 7evelation 20 symbolically and sees the millennium
not as an earthly golden age in which the world will be totally +hristiani<ed, but as the
)7'"'DT )'7%-0 -? +>7%"TL" 7#&' in heaven and on the earth through his
;millennialists also believe in the coeHistence of good and evil on earth until the
end. The tension that eHists on earth between the righteous and the wicked will be
resolved only by +hristLs return at the end of time. The golden age of the millennium is
instead the heavenly reign of +hrist with the saints, in which the +hurch on earth
participates to some degree, though not in the glorious way will it participate in at the
"econd +oming.
;millennialists point out that the thrones of the saints who reign with +hrist during
the millennium appear to be set in heaven I7ev 20:.* cf. .:., 11:15J and that the teHt
nowhere states that +hrist is on earth during this reign with the saints.
They eHplain that, although the world will never be fully +hristiani<ed until the
"econd +oming, the millennium does have effects on earth in that "atan is bound in such
a way that he cannot deceive the nations by hindering the preaching of the gospel I7ev
20:,J. They point out that Jesus spoke of the necessity of /binding the strong man/
I"atanJ in order to plunder his house by rescuing people from his grip I(t 12:29J. 3hen
the disciples returned from a tour of preaching the gospel, reGoicing at how demons were
subGect to them, Jesus declared, /% saw "atan fall like lightning/ I&k 10:18J. Thus for the
gospel to move forward at all in the world, it is necessary for "atan to be bound in one
sense, even if he may still be active in attacking individuals I1 )et. 2:8J.
*/+ Pre'ille11iali('
)remillennialism is currently the most popular among ?undamentalists and
'vangelicals Ithough a century ago amillennialism wasJ. (ost of the books written
about the 'nd Times, such as >al &indseyLs P&ate 4reat )lanet 'arthL, are written from a
premillennial perspective.
&ike postmillennialists, premillennialists believe that the thousand years is an
earthly golden age during which the world will be thoroughly +hristiani<ed. #nlike
postmillennialists, they believe that it will occur ;?T'7 T>' "'+-D0 +-(%D4
rather than before, so that +hrist reigns physically on earth during the millennium. They
believe that the ?inal Judgment will occur only after the millennium is over Iwhich many
interpret to be an eHactly one thousand year periodJ.
$ut "cripture does not support the idea of a thousand year span between the
"econd +oming and the ?inal Judgment. +hrist declares, /?or the "on of man is to
come with his angels in the glory of his ?ather, and then he will repay every man for
what he has done/ I(t 15:26J, and /when the "on of man comes in his glory, and all the
angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. $efore him will be gathered all
the nations, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the
sheep from the goats O ;nd they Qthe goatsR will go away into eternal punishment, but
the righteous into eternal life/ I(t 22:,1!,2,.5J.
(ost of the mainstream )rotestants fall into the amillennial camp. ?undamentalists
and evangelicals use to be amillennialist, but in more recent times most commonly fall
into the premillennial camp. The +atholic position, the position of the 7eformation
fathers, and the position of historic +hristianity, is in the amillennial camp.
*3+ The Period o. Tri),latio1
The +hurch also says relatively little about the time of trial or tribulation in the
final days. The +hurch will go through the great trial, but we do not know how long it
will last. The +atechism declares, /$efore +hristKs "econd +oming the +hurch must
);"" T>7-#4> ; ?%D;& T7%;& that will shake the faith of many believers. The
persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the Kmystery of ini@uityK
in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems
at the price of apostasy from the truth/ I+++ 562* also see +++ 25.2J.
This time of trial will be at the start of the /last days/ in the sense of the end of
history: /;ccording to the &ord, the present time is the time of the "pirit and of witness,
but also a time still marked by KdistressK and the time of evil which does not spare the
+hurch and ushers in the struggles of the last days. %t is a time of waiting and watching/
I+++ 562J.
*6+ I1terpreti1< the oo0 o. Re2elatio1
The +atholic +hurch has not officially interpreted the difficult passages in
7evelation. There are ?-#7 (;%D ;))7-;+>'" to the book of 7evelation: futurist,
preterist, historicist and idealist. ?uturists believe that most or all of the book of
7evelation has yet to be fulfilled* preterists say that most or all of it was fulfilled in the
first century* historicists claim that events described in 7evelation have been transpiring
for the last two thousand years* and idealists believe that the book of 7evelation is
allegorical and has little or nothing to do with historical events.
The +atholic +hurch allows a 3%0' 7;D4' of interpretive possibilities,
including forms of futurism, preterism, historicism and idealism. ?or eHample, a +atholic
may believe the book of 7evelation describes the conflict of good and evil as eHperienced
by individual +hristians or the +hurch IidealismJ, and makes prophetic utterances about
events still to occur IfuturismJ, and also refers to events that have already occurred,
either in the early +hurch or later +hurch history Ipreterism and historicismJ. +atholic
fleHibility here is based on the fact that "cripture, inspired by 4od, often has different,
yet complementary, meanings.
?rom early times, the +hurch, following the eHamples of +hrist and the ;postles
Ii.e., &k 2.:22!26* 1 +or 10:1!.J, understood "cripture to have different senses, a literal
and a spiritual sense I+++ 112J. ;s the +atechism eHplains, the spiritual sense is always
rooted in the literal sense: /The literal sense is the meaning conveyed by the words of
"cripture and discovered by eHegesis, following the rules of sound interpretation: K;ll
other senses of "acred "cripture are based on the literalK/ I+++ 115J.
; common (%"+-D+')T%-D is that +atholics interpret "cripture, especially the
book of 7evelation, /symbolically,/ while 'vangelicals interpret it /literally./ This has
often been used to eHplain why the +atholic +hurch reGects an earthly, thousand!year
reign of +hrist. Bet few /literalists/ bother to interpret literally other images in
7evelation, such as the $east, the dragon, the locusts, and the four horsemen.
*7+ Para'eter( o. the Catholic Ch,rch
The +atholic +hurch says relatively little about future events leading up to +hristKs
"econd +oming. (any of her teachings are reGections Ieither implicit or eHplicitJ, not
affirmations, of particular beliefs such as the dispensational dichotomy between the
+hurch and %srael, the /secret/ 7apture, and the earthly millennial kingdom. 3hat she
does teach is @uite clear, as well as succinct: there will be a "econd +oming, a time of
trial which the +hurch must endure, an ;ntichrist, a conversion of %srael to +hrist, a
definitive Gudgment of all people, and the fulfillment of the :ingdom that has already
begun in the +hurch. 3%T>%D T>-"' );7;('T'7", +atholics may freely roam,
search the "criptures, and seek to better understand the 3ord of 4od.
> > > > > > >
PART II: Prophetic Si<1( Ma1i.e(ted I1
C,rre1t #orld E2e1t(
*8+ Di(co2eri1< the Piece( o. the P,??le@
The following, while staying within the parameters given to us by the +atholic
+hurch, is my own personal investigation and speculation based on my findings and
study, in particular related to current events in the world. %n studying prophecy one must
have a good amount of humility because it is always easier to understand prophecy after
the events have taken place. %n searching for the truth, one finds one piece of the pu<<le
at a time. Then we look for another missing piece that has on itLs edges the same color,
shape and figure corresponding to the pieces already found. This article represents
precisely this process. $ut the more humility we have and the more openness we have to
newly found truths and discoveries, which are sometimes outside of our personal
categories and ideas, as well as the humility to try to seek these truths from the point of
view of the +reator of all things with >is -ne +hurch on earth, the @uicker and easier we
put the pieces of the pu<<le together without going off of unfounded tangents. %f one is
not &--:%D4 %D T>' 7%4>T 0%7'+T%-D, he will never find many pieces of the
pu<<le* "atan certainly does his best to divert our attention in many ways as well as
disguising himself as an angel of light. +ertainly today, there are many who pick and
choose what they want to believe in our relativistic culture so as to bend the facts and the
truth to what suits them* in this case the truth is willfully blocked and thus there is no
hope of finding the truth.
The Gob of those of good will is to indicate to people the true guide posts above all
by our good eHample, and then if necessary, by our words. +ertainly prudence is always
necessary. $ut we would be AhypocritesC if we Ado you not know how to interpret the
present timeC I&k 12:25* (t 15:,J= 3e must first of all seek guidance from the -ne who
loves us more than all others put together, 4od, who guides us through >is 0ivine
7evelation= The world events are coming together every more rapidly everyday. Thus
the pieces of the pu<<le are appearing faster and faster=
% hope too that my motives for this research were not for vain curiosity or to find a
false security outside of 4od in presuming that % have discovered what the future is.
"ome +hristians are fond of putting into the category of pride all those who seek to
Ainterpret the present time.C ;s pointed out above, the +hurch encourages us to read
the whole $ible, including the $ook of 7evelation, '<ekiel, 0aniel, etc. The numerous,
and ever increasing, private revelations from 4od in the last 120 years are for >is
children here on earth. -ur adversary, "atan, has been and is preparing his greatest traps
for each of us and for the whole world. Thus % hope also that this work might help to
#D(;": "-(' -? T>'"' )7%D+%)&' %D"%0%-#" "D;7'" so as to help us not
to fall into them. % believe that two of the greatest traps and climactic deceptions of
"atan for our time, besides sin and relativism in general, regards the Afalse prophetC and
the Amark of the beastC= %t is a great grace to recogni<e these eternally fatal deceptions.
The $east will be able to perform /signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even
the elect/ I(t 2.:2.* (k 1,:22* 7ev 1,:8* 19:20J= -f course the insidious and patient
preparation by "atan for our destruction is very important to recogni<e. ?orewarned is
forearmed= "o letL be vigilant and attentive inspectors like the famous A"herlock
%t is ama<ing how these mysterious prophetical verses in "acred "cripture are
T;:%D4 -D ?&'"> T-0;B %D "#+> ; E'7B 7;)%0 );+'= %t is incredible to
be a spectator and an active participant in the world today as perhaps the most intelligent
and cunning creature ever created, &ucifer, orchestrates the gradual and intricate
destruction and dismantling of all societies and cultures today in this climactic period of
the history of the world and of the $ody of +hrist, the +hurch. The real drama today is
greater than any science fiction movie or book ever could be= -ften there is the
tendency to speculate that the period of the Agreat tribulationC I(t 2.:21J will be swift
with the nuclear bombs, etc. $ut we are seeing right before our eyes the incredible
preparation by the puppets of "atan for this material, but especially spiritual onslaught
and @uest for our eternal souls. ;lso, "atan wants to lead as many away from 4od
before any world wide mass destruction so as to lead as many souls as possible with him
for all eternity. %f we are able to recogni<e the traps of "atan and their horrible
conse@uences, we will less likely fall into them.
There might be a tendency when reading the prophetical passages in the $ible that
all is rather clear cut and eHtraordinary. $ut we must remember that ";T;D (#"T
);T%'DT&B 3;%T ?-7 >#(;D $'%D4" T- ?7''&B 4%E' T>'7' 3%&& T-
>%(. -ver the centuries, "atan has succeeded in luring many people and groups of
people into his web and control. $ut now, more than ever, due to the fact that now
there are many of his puppets in high positions, he is able to accelerate the destruction of
souls and society using so much money and power to promote laws and customs which
more @uickly lead people astray. "atanLs godless groups are more and more united
today as they believe more than ever in their blind pride that they can overthrow the
:ingdom of 4od on earth Gust as "atan thought he could do at the beginning of creation.
-ur &ady of ?atima told us that wars are not so much caused by the heads of states, but
by the collective sins of all of us.
The word A$';"TC referred to in the $ook of 7evelation I7ev 1,:1!10J at ?%7"T
4&;D+' "''(" T- %D0%+;T' ; ?'7-+%-#", >-77%$&' +7';T#7'. "ee
below AThe ;ntichristC about the tremendous capacities of this Afirst beastC= 3e read
also that the second beast will be Alike a lambC I7ev 1,:11J. "atan disguises himself as
an Aangel of lightC I2+or 11:1.J, a AlambC, impersonating the true &amb of 4od, Jesus
+hrist. "t. +atherine of "iena, as many other saints, wrote that the greatest pain in hell is
the absence of 4od, but that the second worst pain in hell is to actually see how horrible
and frightful is "atan. -n the contrary, the greatest Goy and delight in heaven is the
presence of 4od and then to see 4od face to face and the incredible beauty of the souls
of those who have corresponded with the graces of 4od.
Bou will find very numerous references in this article so as to facilitate a
crosscheck of the pieces of the pu<<le that % have found so far. >ave fun as % also have
had in seeking to put together this world wide Gigsaw pu<<le in the most interesting,
eHciting and decisive period in the history of the world, a world that 4od created for >is
creatures as a great testing ground, a Acosmic struggleC, to offer each of us the
possibility to freely decide where we want to spend all eternity= %t is ama<ing how many
people choose to close their eyes and ears to the signs of our times= Jesus calls these
people A>B)-+7%T'"C= I&k 12:25* (t 15:,J.
;rchbishop ?ulton "heen talked about the /Three stages ImomentsJ of a country*
4race and $lessing, $lindness, JudgmentC I192.J.
(any people do not understand our times because they are too close to them* they
are immersed in a succession of events and Gudging today by yesterday and tomorrow by
today. 3hen the hand is too close to the eye, it cannot see the hori<on. 3hen we are
too close to events we cannot understand them. -ur $lessed &ord said that that would
always be true. -ne day >e said to the )harisees: A%n the evening when the sky is red,
you say tomorrow will be fair* and in the morning when the sky is red and lowering, you
say the weather will be foul. >ow is it that you are able to discern the skies and cannot
understand the signs of the times1
0o we understand the signs of our times1 3hat do they portent1 %n order to
know, we have to have a standard. Bou set your watch by something outside of
yourself, outside of the watch. Bou do not say that this is my idea of time. "o there
ought to be some outside standard. ;nd the outside standard is 4odLs way of Gudging
things. ;nd % wonder what >e thinks of our times1 % think >e would weep at our times=
>e wept three times in >is life: once at the death of a friend, &a<arus, when >e saw the
dissolution of a body, the penalty of sin IJn 11:,2J. >e wept once again for the death of
souls in the garden of 4ethsemane, when the blood began to pour from >is body, drops
from >is body fell like a crimson bead, forming a rosary of redemption about the olive
roots of 4ethsemane I&k 22:..J. ;nd the third time >e wept was over a civili<ation I&k
19:.1J. (aybe our times1 They will draw tears from the eyes of the 4od!man= ;nd
when as the great patriot >e wept over a civili<ation, >e said that there were three
moments in every nationLs history. There are three moments in every civili<ation. ?irst is
a moment of grace and a moment of blessing. The second is a moment of blindness.
;nd the third is a moment of Gudgment=
3ithout humility and trust in 4od, we will end up finding the pieces of the pu<<le
that the enemy holds out for us to find T- 0%E'7T -#7 ;TT'DT%-D ?7-( T>'
7';& T7#T> and from the truth about their powerful organi<ed deceptions. These
egotistical puppets of "atan have systematically scratched out as much as possible the
truth in our modern history books about the most influential institution in the making of
history in the last 2000 years, the $ody of +hrist, the divine and human institution
founded by +hrist on the 7ock, the +atholic +hurch. Thus we must dig hard to find the
truth. 4.:. +hesterton, an intellectual convert to +atholicism, once wrote that it would
be very difficult for one to remain a protestant if he studied the true history of the world
and of the +atholic +hurch.
%t is true that we do not know /the day and the hour/ of the second coming of the
&ord, but we can /know that it is near, even at the doors/ I(t 2.:,,, ,5J. 4odKs 3ord
admonishes the +hristian to be wise I(t 10:15J and watchful I(t 2.:.2* 2Tim .:8* Tit
2:1,J, especially as the day of +hristKs return approaches I>eb 10:22J. A?rom the fig tree
learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know
that summer is near. "o also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at
the very gatesC I(t 2.:,2* (k 1,:28* &k 21:29!,1J. AB-# >B)-+7%T'"= Bou know
how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky* but why do you not know how to
interpret the present time1C I&k 12:25* (t 15:,J.
A;DD-#D+' T- ;&& T>;T J'"#" %" ;$-#T T- 7'T#7DC I?ebruary 16,
2006* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticimondo0506eng.htmlJ.
4od wants us, especially in times of great tribulation, to put our trust and
confidence in >im I)s 2,:.* 1)et ,:1.J as well as not to fall prey to the powerful snares
of the devil. "o many people are willing to take risks for many worldly motives, but for
4od, there are few who are willing to take risks for >im and to trust in >im= %? 3'
:D-3 $'?-7' >;D0 about the types of traps of the devil, we will less likely fall into
"atanKs eternal pitfalls in this coming crucial period of the world.
*9+ The P,ppet( o. Sata1
%f one knows even a little about the history of the world, the powerful have never
been satisfied with the power that they have or had ac@uired. They always wanted more.
(any of the super powerful and past dictators of the world even arrived to the point of
wanting to be ;0-7'0 ;" 4-0 I>ail +esar= >eil >itler=J= % do not think that
anything has changed. The powerful people of the world who control the economy and
petroleum of the world and embe<<le from everyone in so many hidden ways, including
by way of the ?ederal 7eserve $oard and similar entities in each country of the world
Iwhich are not controlled or owned or operated by the respective governmentsJ, are not
content to control and steal from all of us to become very rich and powerful. They want
to become ;$"-&#T' 0%+T;T-7" of the world, Gust like the dictators of the past.
These people, thirsty for power, in our days have worked for many years with incredible
patience. 3hen they have everything totally under their control, they will lead as many
as possible to adore the image of the beast and to accept the Amark of the beastC I7ev
%t is very interesting the recent comments of >enry :issingerKs about the /D'3
3-7&0 -70'7/= 3e have known about this for a long time but the real surprising
thing is that these super powerful of the world are now so bold, after the election of
-bama, that ?-7 T>' ?%7"T T%(' 'E'7 T>'B ;7' +-(%D4 -#T )#$&%+&B
3%T> T>'%7 %DT'DT%-D"= ; )'7?'+T 3-7&0= 3%T>-#T 4-0=1=1
ADational 0ay of )rayer ruled unconstitutional ! ; federal Gudge in 3isconsin ruled
Thursday that the Natio1al Day o. Prayer i( ,1co1(tit,tio1al.C
/%f we ever forget that weKre one nation under 4od, then we will be a nation gone
under./ ! 7onald 7eagan Ihttp:www.baHtercountyrepublicans.comreagan.htmlJ.
%t seems that >'D7B :%""%D4'7 ;D0 >%" D'3 3-7&0 -70'7
+-&&';4#'" ?''& T>'B D-3 >;E' ;&& T>' +;70" %D T>'%7 >;D0 and
so they can now come straight out with what they have been working on for so many
years. ;ccording to :issinger, without these great saviors of the world, we will stumble
Atoward the abyss of chaosC= 3e must submit or else the world planners will have to
resort to Asome large!scale crisis that will make people accept the new world orderC
Ispoken by 0avid 7ockefeller in the late 1990sJ= The ADew 3orld -rderC* such nice
sounding words, but what is the real reality under these appealing words1 The big shots
of the %lluminati and the ?reemasons of the Dew 3orld -rder do not have full control,
but gain more control the more they lead us to sin and to stop praying.
:issinger on -bama: /The 7eception of him I-bamaJ is so eHtraordinary around
the world ... a Dew 3orld -rder Ior 4lobalisation as they now prefer to name itJ can be
created/* January 2, 2009 Ihttp:www.lifesitenews.comldn2009Gan0901060..htmlJ.
A-bama sets stage for Knew world orderKC*
order.htmlJ. A;t #.D., -bama calls for new era in world relationsC*
A$arack -bama believes that the #nited "tates should be subGect to global laws,
instead of the #nited "tates +onstitution.C
Dow :%""%D4'7 >;" ?-7(;&%T'0 >%" E'7$;& "T;T'('DT" in an
essay for the AInternational Herald Tribune, which is the global edition of the ANew
York Times. The essay, entitled, /The chance for a new world order,/ came out on
January 12, when :issinger was in $eiGing. >e continues, developing the themes that
world leaders can either continue in the present system of sovereign, independent states
stumbling toward the abyss of chaos, or take the enlightened path toward world
government Ihttp:www.thenewamerican.comusnewselection566J. %? 3' 0- D-T
"#$(%T to these great men, these saviors of the world, 3' 3%&& "T#($&'
AT-3;70 T>' ;$B"" -? +>;-"C= 3e should be so, so, so thankful to them for
saving us from this catastrophe=1= ; perfect world without 4od= %t is interesting that
:issinger wrote his essay in $eiGing, +>%D;= I"ee also:
www. i1depe1de1t!kissinger!the!world!must!forge!a!new!order!or!
retreat>to>chao( !1.21.15.html J.
(ay 21, 1992 U %n an address to the $ilderberger organi<ation meeting in 'vian,
?rance, former "ecretary of "tate >enry :issinger declares: AToday ;('7%+;D"
would be outraged if #.D. troops entered &os ;ngeles to restore order* tomorrow they
3%&& $' 47;T'?#&= This is especially true if they were told there was an outside
threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very eHistence. %t
is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from
this evil Ithe evil that they created=J. The one thing every man fears is the unknown.
3hen presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relin@uished for the
guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.C :issinger and
his godless colleagues do not believe in 4od and thus have no concept of the truth that
rights come from 4od, not the state=
The +&#$ -? 7-(' plans to divide Athe world into ten politicaleconomic
regions... which would unite the entire world under a single form of government. These
regions are: Dorth ;merica, 3estern 'urope, 'astern 'urope, Japan, 7est of 0eveloped
3orld, &atin ;merica, (iddle 'ast, 7est of ;frica, "outh and "outheast ;sia, and
+hina.C* Ihttp:www.modernhistoryproGect.orgmhp;rticle0isplay.php1
/The +ouncil on ?oreign 7elations co!sponsors an assembly Rethinking
America's Security: Beyond Cold War to New World Order which is attended by 52
prestigious members of government, labor, academia, the media, military, and the
professions from nine countries. &ater, several of the conference participants Goined some
100 other world leaders for another closed door meeting of the Bilderberg Society in
$aden $aden, 4ermany. The Bilderbergers also eHert considerable clout in determining
the foreign policies of their respective governments. 3hile at that meeting, 0avid
7ockefeller Qco!founder Iwith Tbigniew $r<e<inskiJ of the Trilateral +ommissionR said in
a speech:
K3e are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine,
and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and
7'")'+T'0 T>'%7 )7-(%"'" -? 0%"+7'T%-D ?-7 ;&(-"T ?-7TB
B';7". %t would have been i'po((i)le .or ,( to de2elop o,r pla1 .or the Aorld i. Ae
had )ee1 (,)Bect to the li<ht( o. p,)licity d,ri1< tho(e year(+ $ut, the world is now
more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The
(,pra1atio1al (o2erei<1ty o. a1 i1tellect,al elite a1d Aorld )a10er( is surely
preferable to the national auto!determination Qread as KdemocracyKR practiced in past
centuries./ ! June 2, 1991, $ilderberger meeting in $aden $aden, 4ermany Ia meeting
also attended by then!4overnor $ill +lintonJ www.mega.nuamppbilderberg.html.
Q(ain source: 0r. 0ennis +uddy, ; +hronological >istory of the Dew 3orld -rder*
AD'3 3-7&0 -70'7 N ; >-77%?%+ #T-)%;1C ! 'Hcerpts taken from the
book entitled, /'urope Today and Tomorrow,/ by +ardinal Joseph 7at<inger I)ope
$enedict ME%J: AToday we find ourselves in the midst of a second 'nlightenment, which
has not only left behind the motto Deus Sie Natura but has also unmasked as irrational
the (arHist ideology of hope. %n its place it has proposed a rational goal for the future,
which is entitled the Dew 3orld -rder and is now supposed to become in its turn the
essential ethical norm. %t still shares with (arHism the evolutionary idea of a universe
brought forth by an irrational event and formed by its intrinsic rules, which however U
unlike the provisions of the ancient idea of nature U cannot contain within themselves any
ethical direction. O ; specifically 'uropean feature in this situation today appears to be
precisely the separation from all ethical traditions and the eHclusive reliance on
technological reasoning and its possibilities. ,t Aill 1ot a Aorld order Aith the(e
.o,1datio1( )eco'e i1 reality a horri.ic ,topia5 0oes not 'urope perhaps need, does
not the world perhaps need precisely some corrective elements derived from its great
tradition and from the great ethical traditions of mankind1 The inviolable nature of
human dignity ought to become the fundamental, untouchable pillar of ethical
regulations. O1ly i. 'a1 reco<1i?e( that he i( a1 e1d Ca1d 1ot a 'ea1(DE o1ly i. the
h,'a1 )ei1< i( (acred a1d i12iola)leE ca1 Ae ha2e co1.ide1ce i1 o1e a1other a1d
li2e to<ether i1 peace+ There is no weighing of goods that can Gustify treating man as
eHperimental material for higher ends.C Ihttp:www.michaelGournal.orgnwoutopia.htmJ.
"ee @uotes about the D'3 3-7&0 -70'7 to help 3;:' B-# #)* July 28,
2002 Ihttp:Hiaodongpeople.blogspot.com200206@uotes!about!new!world!order!to!
help.htmlJ as well as -bamaLs "peech in $erlin: True )artnership* July 2., 2008
AThe master plan to rule the world eHposed ! K>ope of the 3ickedK reveals greatest
deception in modern historyC Ihttp:www.wnd.comnewsarticle.asp1
A,0 (illion 0ollars ?or (ore "urveillance +ameras %n Times "@uare1C
A">;0-3 4-E'7D('DT: >ow the "ecret 4lobal 'lite %s #sing "urveillance
;gainst BouC by 4rant 7. Jeffrey
A?ascism, state terror and power abuse ! $ig $rother state surveillance ! #:#";
I!oo"koo"sahJ agreement, 4+>F and the Dational "ecurity ;gency
A'uropean #nion $egins 2010 3ith Dew &ookC
A'mperor Ean 7ompuy: the 'uropean #nion is an absolute state in the
+-"T#(' -? 0'(-+7;+BC
The +ouncil of ?oreign 7elations calls for a Dew %nternational -rder IDov. 22,
1929* http:www.threeworldwars.comnwo!timeline1.htmJ.
Delson 7ockefeller claims a D'3 3-7&0 -70'7 is needed as the old -rder is
crumbling I1952* http:www.constitution.orgcolcuddySnwo.htmJ.
7ichard DiHon calls for a Dew 3orld -rder. 7obert :ennedy calls for a Dew
3orld "ociety I1956* http:www.skepticfiles.orgbooksnwo.htmJ.
;ssociated press report: Delson 7ockefeller pledges support of a D'3 3-7&0
-70'7 IJuly 25, 1958* http:Hiaodongpeople.blogspot.com200502simultaneous!
0ouglas 7oche at the 3orld +onference of 7eligion for )eace in &ouvain,
$elgium, calls for a Dew 3orld -rder I196.*
; study titled, ; Dew 3orld -rder, is published by the +enter of %nternational
"tudies, 3oodrow 3ilson "chool of )ublic and %nternational "tudies, )rinceton
#niversity I1962* http:www.Gackbloodforum.comphp$$,viewtopic.php1
%n +ongress ,2 "enators and 92 7epresentatives sign a 0eclaration of
%ndependence which states: 3e must bring forth a D'3 3-7&0 -70'7 I1962*
)resident +arter appoints Dew 3orld -rder proponents to key positions I1966*
%nternational meeting in "eoul, "outh :orea promotes a Dew 3orld -rder I1985*
)resident >. 3. $ush invites the "oviets to Goin a 3orld -rder in his address to
the graduating class at TeHas ;W( I(ay 12, 1989*
)resident $ush praises the NeA #orld Order in a "tate of #nion (essage: /3hat
is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea !! a 1eA Aorld order... to
achieve the universal aspirations of mankind... based on shared principles and the rule of
law.... The illumination of a thousand points of light.... The winds of change are with us
now./ 1991* Ihttp:www.threeworldwars.comnwo!timeline2.htmJ.
; D'3 3-7&0 -70'7 is praised in "tate of the #nion message by )resident
>. 3. $ush I1991* http:lefemineforlife.blogspot.com200802former!cfr!board!of!
)resident $ush mentions it IDew 3orld -rderJ many times along with 4orbachev
I1991* http:www.fatimapeaceconferences.orgspainport05transcriptscornfS2.aspJ.
+ouncil of ?oreign 7elations member and Trilateralist >enry :issinger writes in
the &os ;ngeles Times concerning D;?T;, what congress has before it is not a
conventional trade agreement, but the architecture of a Dew %nternational "ystem, the
first step toward the Dew 3orld -rder IJuly 18, 199,*
$ritish )rime (inister $rown says we want $lair to become the permanent
president of the '# so that he and -bama together can be the architects of the D'3
3-7&0 -70'7 I2009* http:blog.taragana.comnblair!emerges!front!runner!to!
become!first!permanent!president!of!eu!22.16J. A'# &eaders "ee $ig Job for $lair if
Treaty )assesC* Ihttp:online.wsG.comarticle"$122..5.592,882885,.htmlJ.
A420 to police new world economic orderC*!summit5229901420!to!police!
)resident $ush praises the NeA #orld Order in a "tate of #nion (essage: /3hat
is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea !! a 1eA Aorld order... to
achieve the universal aspirations of mankind... based on shared principles and the rule of
law.... The illumination of a thousand points of light.... The winds of change are with us
now./ 1991* Ihttp:www.threeworldwars.comnwo!timeline2.htmJ.
Eatican +ardinal: /; Dew 3orld -rder is 4aining 4round/*
These powerful and very rich people, in their pride, believe that they are the ones
to be the ";E%-7" -? T>' 3-7&0 from all its problems. They meet regularly in
secret societies Ioriginating from a (ason, 0r. ;dam 3eishaupt, on (ay 1, 1665, the
%lluminatiJ such as the $ilderbergers I192.J, the Trilateral +ommission I196, ! to
control both the 7epublican and 0emocratic )arties* its founder and primary financial
angel was international financier, 0avid 7ockefellerJ, +ouncil on ?oreign 7elations
I1919J, +lub of 7ome I1958J, Dew ;ge (ovement Ibegan in the late 1950s and early
1960sJ, the ?reemasonry, etc., to increase their wealth and power. These groups
represent a single elite network of globalists. These groups represent /...a vehicle for
(#&T%D;T%-D;& +-D"-&%0;T%-D -? +-(('7+%;& ;D0 $;D:%D4
%DT'7'"T".../ ! $arry 4oldwater. >enry :issinger is a member of the $ilderbergers
and the Trilateral +ommission. &earn more about the $ilderberg group: AThe rich,
shadowy $ilderberg groupC * http:www.freepressinternational.com200902the!rich!
AT>' (;"T'7 )&;D T- 7#&' T>' 3-7&0 'M)-"'0. K>ope of the
3ickedK reveals greatest deception in modern history. %s there a conspiracy to rule the
world1 %s there a master plan to bring ;merica under the spell of a one!world order1
3ho are the $ilderbergers and the members of the +ouncil on ?oreign 7elations and
Trilateral +ommission1 0o they really wield powers over commerce and government
around the world1C Ihttp:www.wnd.com1page%dV,59,2J.
T>' 4-;& -? T>' %&&#(%D;T%
This @uest for a world government has been going on for a long time. ?or eHample,
on ?eburary
16, 192,, ?inancier )aul 3arburg said before the #.". "enate: F#e (hall ha2e
Aorld <o2er1'e1t Ahether or 1ot yo, li0e itE )y co1G,e(t or co1(e1t+H This @uest
for world domination can be traced back to the creation of the A%lluminatiC, a secret
society, in 1665. Their leader, ;dam 3eishaupt, wrote out the master plan to bring
about the subGection of the whole human race to an oligarchy of ?inanciers. The word
A%lluminatiC is derived from &ucifer and means Aholders of the lightC.
;s surprising as it may seem, T>' %D"%4D%; -? T>' -70'7 -? T>'
%&&#(%D;T% appears on the reverse side of #.". one!dollar bills. The first time it
appeared was in 19,,, by order of #.". )resident ?ranklin 0. 7oosevelt, at the beginning
of the Dew 0eal Ithe name given to 7ooseveltLs political reforms of that timeJ. -ne can
read at the base of the 1,!story pyramid, the year 1665 I(0++&ME% in 7oman
numeralsJ. (ost of the people think that it represents the date of the signing of the
;merican 0eclaration of %ndependence, but it actually memoriali<es the foundation of
the -rder of the %lluminati, which was on (ay 1, 1665. The pyramid represents the
conspiracy for the destruction of the +atholic +hurch Iand all eHisting religionsJ, and the
establishment of a one!world government, or a #nited Dations dictatorship. The eye
radiating in all directions, is the Aall!spyingC eye that symboli<es the terroristic, 4estapo!
like, espionage agency that 3eishaupt set up to guard the Asecret of the -rder and to
terrori<e the populace into the acceptance of its rule.C
; &#+%?'7%;D +-D")%7;+B
To say that the %lluminati is a A&uciferian conspiracyC is not only a stylistic device,
but it is literally true, since T>' &';0'7" -? T>' %&&#(%D;T% ;7' ;+T#;&&B
3-7">%)'7" -? ";T;D, and their final obGective is to have the whole world bow
down to him. Through his hellhounds, it is "atan himself who continues his revolt against
4od by endeavoring to foil 4odLs plan on earth, and to snatch from 4od as many souls
as possible. Just like "atan, the ?inanciers think that they are smarter than 4od, and that
they are the only ones who can lead mankind properly. The members of the %lluminati are
people of every race and creed, but who all lust for money and power.
)erhaps some of the members of these groups are of good will and do not see how
they are being used and manipulated in an overall plan to slowly take over the world.
(any become ?reemasons to get ahead in the business world even though the +hurch
has made over 200 magisterial interventions of the )opes about the evils of ?reemasonry
and that it is ; 47;E' "%D T- $' ; ('($'7 -? T>' ?7''(;"-D7B at any
degree and that a +atholic cannot receive >oly +ommunion if he is a member of the
?reemasons Ie.g., 11!25!198,, Joseph +ard. 7at<ingerJ. $ut the great maGority of these
super!rich are blind in their pride and do not reali<e that they, in fact, are the puppets of
"atan. "atanLs human pawns may not know that they are marionettes, but "atan knows
it= These devious men use any and every means to arrive at their goal of total world
domination including the manipulation of races, religions, peoples, terrorists groups,
whole ethnic groups Isuch as fanatical (uslims etc.J and religious nations, godless
feminists movements, the mass media, international banks, petroleum,... so that, when
they are ready, they will step forward to offer themselves as the solution for the problem
they created in the world. They will be our saviors, but without the one and only true
4od. -nly the very few at the very top of the echelon of these secret societies, who are
close enough to their real head, "atan, consciously reali<e that the real overall game plan
is to deprive the +reator of the company of >is creatures for all eternity=
3e find in A; (;D#"+7%)T -D )#74;T-7BC: A?rance is indeed very guilty,
but unfortunately she is not the only one. ;t this moment I1880J there is not a single
+hristian kingdom that is not openly or by underhanded means trying to eHpel 4od from
its midst. The secret societies and their master, the devil, are tormenting and stirring all
this trouble. This is now the hour of the prince of darkness. 3hile he is in power he may
do his worst, but 4od will show that >e alone is (aster. >e may use severity to manifest
>is power, but even in >is vengeance, Jesus is yet always merciful.C Ihttp:purgatory!
'ach co!worker in the militia of "atan receives his recompense of the delusion of
)7%0' ;" "-('-D' %()-7T;DT in the great enterprise of being the great leaders
and designers of the ADew 3orld -rderC, Gust as the youth and adults in the Third 7eich
of >itler, and in so many other dictatorships in the history of the world. There is no
honor among thieves, and so too these proud people destroying the world believe to be
important people at least for now. $ut in the end they will be under the horrible rules
and regime that they helped to create. They will end up in the hell hole they created.
The beast Acauses all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be
marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the
markC I7ev 1,:15!16J.
"atan cannot attack 4od directly, so "atan does all he can to attack 4od indirectly.
The real battle is not one of taking over the countries or the world or economic, etc.
T>' 7';& $;TT&' %" ; ")%7%T#;& $;TT&' between 4od with his humble and
loving followers, and "atan with his proud and egotistical followers. ;t stake is eternity
with 4od in eHtreme bliss and happiness, or eternity with "atan in eHtreme pain of the
depravation of the presence of the +reator from the creature which is a pain far worse
than all the fires of hell=
*:+ The Co1trolled De(tr,ctio1 o. the "S Dollar
&ess than a hundred years ago these super!rich succeeded in deceiving each
government in the world to turn over to them Ii.e., the ?'0'7;& 7'"'7E' $-;70,
etc.J the power to print money or insert into our economic systems as much money as
they decided without any governmental control or government profit* before this
trickery, inflation did not eHist. 3ho is profiting by this insertion of money into the
economic system1 +ertainly not the people who live in each respective country= -nly a
few years ago the dollar was stronger than the 'uro. 3hat is the real cause of this rapid
change1 'conomist tell us that before the elections of Dovember 2008 the worldLs total
wealth was measured at .6 trillion dollars* less than siH months later the worldLs total
worth is less than 22 trillion dollars. %n less than two months IJanuary to (arch 2009J
the -bama administration has spent al'o(t FO"R TRILLION DOLLARS, while
reducing military spending and increasing the police force within our the #.". Ivisit AThe
"ack &unchesC: http:god!politics.blogspot.com200911sack!lunches.htmlJ. 3as there
not a great inflation of currency in 4ermany before >itler came to power1 3as there not
a great economic crisis before communism came to power in 7ussia1 0o not all these
A$;%&-#T"C shift all the money and power to the national government, forcing all who
receive this money to do eHactly as the dictators on high dictate or else loose the money
from these bailouts1 +ontrast this way of doing things with the 4ospels where Jesus
clearly indicates that 4od totally respects our free wills and gently calls each of us
toward to truth which will make us truly free IJn 8J=
;fter only one year in office, -bama and his Dew 3orld -rder colleagues have
succeeded in creating a national ;merican debt that is e@ual to about half of the worldLs
total worth= The dollar is already destroyed but is being held up artificially #DT%&
T>'B ;7' 7';0B T- )#&& T>' 7#4 -#T ?7-( #D0'7 and destroy ;merica
and force the world more fully under their absolute control and tyranny. (any
;mericans who reali<e this are buying arms to try to take back the government after the
fall, but the world planners are well prepared for this reaction=
AThe trouble with the ?edKs secret bailout ! The ?ederal 7eserve has come clean
about its covert actions. Dow itKs time to look at the worrisome conse@uencesC
AT>' "T%(#&#" 0%0DKT 3-7: ! The data show government transfers and
rebates have not increased consumption at allC*
A>igher Goblessness hinders recovery ! 7ising level could keep deficit near record,
thwart -bamaKs economic strategyC*
Aa10>ailo,t F,1d Face( !ear( i1 Red a( Fail,re( Iolt Sy(te'C*
A$anksK +ommercial &oans ;re ?ailing at 7apid )aceC*
A3eak dollar raises talk of alternative world currencyC*
A)oll: (ost ;mericans think the stimulus didnKt helpC
A3hat the ?uture of 7etirement &ooks &ikeC
A"timulus: The big bang is over ! The Gob market and economy need a serious
Gumpstart, but the stimulus program likely wonKt be able to do it. IJuly 2, 2010*
Bou donKt know what happened to 9 trillion dollars111 Bou will be absolutely
stunned by this short video clip= Ihttp:dailybail.comhomethere!are!no!words!to!
;ssociate 0irector of Tyche (artin >ennecke warned in a +D$+ interview this
morning I(arch 2,, 2009J that actions such as the TreasuryLs announcement today to
buy Z1 trillion more of toHic debt, allied with last weekLs announcement by the ?ed to
throw a further Z1 trillion at the problem, is merely ; +-DT%D#;T%-D -? 3>;T
+;#"'0 T>' +7%"%" %D T>' ?%7"T )&;+' and that such measures will ultimately
lead to T>' 0'"T7#+T%-D -? (;J-7 3'"T'7D +#77'D+%'" ;D0
"T;44'7%D4 >B)'7%D?&;T%-D. AThe budget deficit is already out of control, we
might be talking about Z, trillion #.". dollars IJanuary 2009J, which is 20 per cent of
40), which is absolutely staggering,C said >ennecke, reiterating that easy money was
what caused the problems in the first place.
AThe >igh +ost of Dot +ounting the +ostC*
A0ecade of 0ebt: Z9 TrillionC*
A3;7D%D4: T>' 0'?%+%T" ;7' +-(%D4=C 0avid 3alker sounds like a
modern!day )aul 7evere as he warns about the countryKs perilous future. /-ur off
balance sheet obligations associated with "ocial "ecurity and (edicare put us in a Z25
trillion financial hole N and thatKs before the recession was officially declared last year.
;merica now owes more than ;mericans are worth N and the gap is growing=/
A&eap in #.". debt saddles taHpayers ! 'ach household 12X deeper in redC*
June 2010: #.". is falling %nto a 0-#$&'!0%) 7'+'""%-D. -nly .1,000 Gobs
were added by the private sector last month. %tKs one sign the economy is headed toward
a double!dip recession. The &abor 0epartment reports this morning that the private
sector added a measly .1,000 net new Gobs in (ay. IThe vast bulk of new Gobs in (ay
were temporary government +ensus workers.J $ut at least 100,000 new Gobs are needed
every month Gust to keep up with population growth. %n other words, the labor market
continues to deteriorate. The average length of unemployment continues to rise U now
up to ,... weeks Iup from ,, weeks in ;prilJ. ThatLs another record.!7eich!s!$log20100502#"!is!falling!%nto!
AJ-$" 7')-7T ; D%4>T(;7' ?-7 -$;(; )7-47'""%E%"(C b!
#eorge $% Will IJune 10, 2010J. A+oncerning the Gob numbers from (ay, one can
almost echo >enry JamesKs eHclamation after eHamining letters pertaining to &ord
$yronKs incest: /Dauseating perhaps, but how @uite ineHpressibly significant./ 'Hcept that
the (ay numbersK significance can be eHpressed: ; theory is being nibbled to death by
facts. Ihttp:www.washingtonpost.comwp!
-ur wonderful leaders of the Dew 3orld -rder are bringing us to our knees so as
to get us ready to accept the nice things they have prepared for all of us= ;renLt you
A#.". Jobs )icture 0arkens ! )ayrolls "hrink for ?irst Time This Bear as +ensus
3ork 3inds 0ownC IJuly ,, 2010*
AZ1,0 Trillion ! 3hat 3e -we U ;bout that Z1. trillion national debt: 4et ready
to tack some more <eros onto it. Taken alone, the amount of debt issued by the federal
government ! that Z1. trillion figure that shows up on the national ledger ! is a terrifying,
awesome, hellacious number. $ig number, 1. trillion, and yet it doesnKt even begin to
cover the real indebtedness of ;merican governments at the federal, state and local levels
because 4-E'7D('DT" 0-DKT +-#DT #) T>'%7 &%;$%&%T%'" T>' ";('
3;B $#"%D'""'" 0-. The states have been running a mad!scientist eHperiment in
their pension funds, making huge promises but skipping the part where they sock away
the money to pay for them.C IJune 21, 2010*
A>B)'7%D?&;T%-D 3%&& $'4%D %D +>%D; ;D0 0'"T7-B T>'
0-&&;7C Ihttp:www.marketskeptics.com200901hyperinflation!will!begin!in!china!
T>' #" D-3 >;" ; 47';T T7;0' %($;&;D+' 3%T> +>%D;. The #"
is issuing %-#Ls everyday* the #" now has a staggering 12 trillion dollar debt I;ugust
2009J. Ten percent of this is owned by +hina* +hina is the lease holder. ?or decades the
#" has had cheap +hinese made goods come into the maGor stores of this country which
sold like hot cakes* much of this money has gone back into pumping up the dollar by
buying treasury instruments to keep +hinese goods cheap. +hina is financing itLs selling
of goods to the #" by buying back treasury instruments. %tLs a large vender financing
scheme. ;lmost a trillion treasury instruments are held by +hina. The #" is Goined at
the hip with +hina because of the ongoing trade imbalance. $ut we now find ourselves
in a position that if they were to dump even a fraction of those treasury instruments, they
would cause a run on the dollar, a collapse of our currency and send us into a serious
economic crisis. % do not think +hina is a nation, the )eopleLs 7epublic of +hina, that
we want to be beholden to in this way. $ut the ADew 3orld -rderC will probably not
have +hina pull the plug on our economy until it has established itLs alternative new
currency to replace the dollar as the worldKs standard
Ihttp:online.wsG.comarticle"$12,680262.25212882.htmlJ. -n the other hand, the
controllers of the ADew 3orld -rderC might go directly to a cashless society after they
crash the world economic markets and then offer their diabolical AsolutionC for the
problem that they caused: the imbedded microchip for all the inhabitants of the world.
%t looks like we are approaching the time for the Dew 3orld -rder to $7%D4
0-3D ;&"- T>' '#7- ;D0 T>' 7'"T -? T>' 3-7&0 '+-D-(B= 3ho is
causing these AJittersC and for what purpose and goal1 AJitters strike world marketsC
A$et on the 4reenback to $eat the 'uroC
A$ubble, $ubble, +hinaKs in Trouble ! The mad scramble for +hinese real estate.C
A4reece and the 'uro: 7ecession 3ith Do 'HitC
A4reeceKs budget deficit worse than first thoughtC,6260.stmJ.
A0onKt 7ule -ut a 0ouble 0ip 7ecession ! %n addition to 'uropeKs woes, we have
slower growth in +hina and a decline in bank lending and the velocity of money in the
-bama is @uickly destroying the #.". dollar and economy, but he still needs a little
more to bring down the worldLs largest economy= A"+S+ De)t: ItJ( Not Dar0 !etE ),t
ItJ( Getti1< ThereC Ihttps:resourcecenter.businessweek.compage.asp1
'lection!year deficit fears stall -bama stimulus plan IJune 19, 2010J
A$arely a week after )resident -bama tried to re!energi<e his push for more
spending on the economy, his agenda is stalled on +apitol >ill, mired in election!year
anHiety about the deficit.C Ihttp:www.washingtonpost.comwp!
4&-$;& +-DT7-& T>7-#4> T>' 7?%0 +>%) ! T-T;&
"#7E'%&&;D+' ;D0 ; +;">&'"" "-+%'TB
These current economic and social crises are leading to a global, financial Amelt
downC that the powerful global elite are using in order to establish a 4lobal ?inancial
'conomic "ystem. This will give centrali<ed power to the #nited DationLs %nternational
(onetary ?und and the 3orld $ank, creating a type of A4lobal ?ederal 7eserve
"ystemC. This is setting the stage for a cashless electronic currency with a high tech
surveillance 7?%0 I7adio ?re@uency %dentificationJ chip implanted under oneLs skin.
The 4lobal 'lite, blinded by their thirst for power, orchestrate obtaining total control
over the people in the eHcuse of providing for more transparency* a greater surveillance
of the world financial markets, cross border firms, money laundering, terrorist financing,
etcO They believe that they are the only ones capable of governing mankind properly.
>owever, these globalists know very well that people will not easily give up their
freedom of the use of cash to accept these Abio!chipsC unless there is a worldwide panic,
be it financial or maybe even flu pandemic to convince the population that the only way
not to lose everything is to accept the 7?%0 chip. Ihttp:www.michaelGournal.orgThe
A(y child, (y money will be of worth for a short time still, and then it will be
+>;?? %D T>' 3%D0C. I"eptember 1, 200,*
"ee the minted coin which is intended to be used as currency in the Dew 3orld
-rder= Ihttp:newworldorder.orgJ.
A+hina (oves to %nternationali<e +urrencyC:
A+hinese +onvey +oncern on 4rowing #.". 0ebtC*
A+hina worried about safety of #.". TreasuriesC* +hina, the biggest holder of #.".
government debt, eHpressed concern about the safety of those assets.
A0ollar slides* +hina repeats call for new reserve currencyC*
A$anks on "ick &ist Top .00 ! %ndustryKs >ealth "lides as $ad &oans )ile #p*
0eposit!%nsurance ?und "hrinksC*
A?ailed $anks 3eighing on ?0%+C*
AThe +oming 0eposit %nsurance $ailout A* Ihttp:www.infowars.comthe!coming!
A#D wants new global currency to replace dollarC:!wants!new!global!currency!
?riedman )redicts the 0estruction of the 0ollar* (assive %nflation +oming*
/T>'7' %" D- (';D" -? ;E-%0%D4 ; ?%D;& +-&&;)"' of a boom
brought about by credit eHpansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come
sooner as a result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit eHpansion, or later as a
final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved./ ! &udwig Eon (ises I2010
)redictions: ; &ist of &ists from ;round the 3eb*
These super rich are also earning less now that they have begun the economic
downturn. 3hat is their 7';& 4-;& now1 $oth $ush and -bama Icontrolled by the
Trilateral +ommissionJ spent trillions on the bailouts after the economic crisis was
created by these world controllers I"ee: A>-3 $;D:" 3'7' $#&&%'0 %DT-
(;:%D4 $;0 &-;D"C at http:www.worldnetdaily.comindeH.php1
"ee also the following very revealing +-D47'""%-D;& E%0'- +&%)":
Dancy )elosi, $arney ?rank, and 0emocrats are +lueless on ?reddie (ac ?annie
(ae and the financial credit crisis.*"fan@gJ.
"hocking Eideo #nearthed 0emocrats in their own words +overing up the ?annie
(ae, ?reddie (ac "cam that caused our 'conomic +risis.*"i67sJ.
'E%0'D+' ?-#D0=== +linton administrationKs /$;D: ;??%7(;T%E'
;+T%-D/ They forced banks to make $;0 &-;D" and ;+-7D and -bamaKs tie to all
of it===*!lMDy5.J.
The 0emocrats and -bama caused the financial crisis of 08 by supporting ?annie
(ae and ?reddie (ac and covering up their bad books.*<':au<BJ.
+overing Bour ?annie, 3ho 7eally +aused -ur 'conomic +risis1*;i'3+npDn$FJ.
%n the media we hear about multiple eHplanations for the financial collapse of 2008!
2009. 4'-74' "+>3;7TT, +?;, )7'"%0'DT ;D0 +'- -? "+>3;7T
%DE'"T('DT +-#D"'& Ihttp:www.schwart<invest.comJ, author of the new book,
A4ood 7eturns: (aking (oney by (orally 7esponsible %nvestingC offered the following
eHplanation. A%t was essential a collapse of the housing market, which was a bubble
financed by ?reddie (ac ?annie (ae, the government!subsidi<ed housing corporations,
which by the way were supported and urged on by $arney ?rank, +huck "chumer,
+hristopher 0odd and a new, young, up and coming senator from %llinois named $arack
-bama. There is the claim that 4eorge $ush did not do enough* he knew about this* he
could have stopped this. %t is true that 4eorge $ush was not without some errors, thatLs
for sure, particularly the spending he did which was outrageous, so he was a
disappointment to us conservatives. $ut he did do some wonderful things in the pro!life
area and he kept us safe for a long time after 911. $ut the housing bubble was basically
made in 3ashington by democrat "enators and +ongressmen. ;nd it inflated the
housing market to the point where it was unsustainable. 3all "treet had a helping hand
in that and they are not without blame. Those four men mentioned above were primarily
responsible for this. ;nd guess what. 3hen ?reddie and ?annie were making campaign
contributions, guess who were the four biggest recipients of their large donations1
$arney ?rank, +huck "chumer, +hristopher 0odd and $arack -bama=
"ee also ATimeline shows $ush, (c+ain warning 0ems of financial and housing
crisis* meltdownC*"p.@'MD(J:
"ee also A?ormer )resident 4eorge 3. $ush ?%D;&&B vindicated on 3(0 in
%ra@C: Ihttp:www.msnbc.msn.comid222.5,,.*
%t is virtually impossible to comprehend how much is one trillion dollars= Today .
trillion dollars, which has been spent by the #" government from -ctober 2008 to
(arch 2009, is about the e@uivalent of one siHth of the worldLs entire economic value=
$y now I;ugust 2009J the #" has a debt of almost half the value of the entire world, 12
trillion dollars= 3hen these prideful powerful people finally decide to crash the
economy, T>'B 3%&& (;:' )'-)&' $'&%'E' T>;T T>' 7';& +;#"' %"
?7-( "-('3>'7' '&"' I4eorge $ush1J and that they are the saviors of the
world= -f course their highly controlled mass media greatly assists in their endeavors.
They are creating the problem and them convincing us that: A3e Deed 4reater 4lobal
4overnance ! The crisis reveals the weakness of nation!based regulationC
A(r. -bama, itLs your economy now ! -bama is giving 4eorge 3. $ush a run for
his money as Kworst president ever.KC!7eformed!
4-0 T>' ?;T>'7: A3e are ever more approaching a period of disasters be it
economical, be it destruction of the peace. $ecause very soon you will hear to speak
about imminent war, but T>%" 3;7 T>;T %" T7%44'7'0 3%&& D-T $' T-
?%D0 )';+', but it will be destructive for man and for every Dation.C I-ctober 2,
2006* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticimondo0506eng.htmlJ.
Twenty two trillion dollars are now gone in months. That would have taken
hundreds of thousands of years in previous ages to accumulate. %T %" T>' $%44'"T
'E;)-7;T%-D -? 3';&T> %D T>' >%"T-7B -? T>' 3-7&0= 3e are seeing
the absolute economic melt down of the entire western world, the #"; at the head of
the list. %tLs going to happen* it is happening right before our very eyes in living color as
we see in the highly controlled news media.
A-#T -? +-DT7-&: T>' +-#DT0-3D T- ?%D;D+%;&
;7(;4'00-D, );7T %%C Ihttp:www.miatoday.commaster%ndeH.aspJ.
ADow %tKs a 'uropean $anking +risis ! 3hile the '# hesitated on a remedy for
4reeceKs debt woes, a virus spreadC
A+risis "preads in 'urope ! 0ebt 0owngrades in )ortugal, 4reece "ow ?ear of
+ontagion* 3orld (arkets >itC
A3orld 7aces to ;vert +risis in 'urope ! Z922 $illion $ailout )lan for 'uro
(embers %s +rafted* '+$ %ntervenes in $ond (arkets* ?ed 7eopens a 7escue )rogramC
A%(? ;pproves 4reek 7escue, 3arns of 7isksC
A;sian +urrencies ?eel )ain of 'uropeKs +risisC
A+oncerns grow over +hinaKs sale of #" bonds. 'vidence is mounting that +hinese
sales of #" Treasury bonds over recent months are intended as a warning shot to
3ashington over escalating political disputes rather than being part of a routine portfolio
shift as thought at first.C,00660+oncerns!grow!over!+hinas!
A3hen 0eficits $ecome 0angerous ! 0ebt!to!40) ratios over 90X have
significant impact on the pace of economic growth.C
A-bamaLs -ther 0eficit ! The president needs to tell the truth on taHes,
entitlements, and how to really reform health careNbefore itKs too late.C
A0eficit $alloons %nto Dational!"ecurity ThreatC
AT>' 420 (-E'" T>' 3-7&0 ; "T') +&-"'7 T- ; 4&-$;&
+#77'D+B. The world is a step closer to a global currency, backed by a global central
bank, running monetary policy for all humanity.C!
A-ne surprising finding: %tKs not the si<e and eHpense of government alone that has
sent the #nited "tates downward in the economic!freedom rankings ! %TK"
+-77#)T%-D.C Ihttp:www.anchorrising.combarnaclescatSeconomy.htmlJ.
AThe Three $iggest &ies ;bout The 'conomyC IJune 29, 2010*
A3orse Than 3all "treet ! >ow shaky 'uropean banks could tip the world back
into recession. IJuly 2, 2010* http:www.newsweek.com20100602worse!than!wall!
%t seems that not only -bama, but also $ill +linton have "#+:'0 -#T T>' #.".
T'+>D-&-4B before the Dew 3orld -rder takes over. $ut their socialistic
dictatorship and system radically stifles innovation= A-$;(; "#77'D0'7%D4
%DT'7D'T to ?oreign )owersC>eadlineobama!internet!iana!
united201001,1id,.821.J. A+&%DT-D 4;E' +>%D; +>%)" ?-7 D#+&';7
3;7C Ihttp:archive.newsmaH.comarchivesarticles200,929221,9.shtmlJ.
"ee: "enator A$yrd: -bama in PO#ER GRAC
A;s presidential assistants and advisers, these 3hite >ouse staffers are D-T
;++-#DT;$&' for their actions T- T>' +-D47'"", to cabinet officials, and to
virtually anyone $#T T>' )7'"%0'DT.C
Dewt 4ingrich says "+S+ i( headed toAard DICTATORSHIP Isee the video
A7ole of 3hite >ouse +<ars "parks $attleC*
A3here does a c<arKs reign end and +ongressK begin1C*
A+T;7%"T 7#&'C* Ihttp:www.studentnewsdaily.comnews!issuec<arist!ruleJ.
A%s #.". Dow -n "lippery "lope To Tyranny1C by T>-(;" "-3'&&
4%D47%+>: -$;(; %" D- &-D4'7 ; +'DT7%"T. ?ormer >ouse "peaker
Dewt 4ingrich needs only four pages of his new book, /To "ave ;merica,/ to make his
most eHplosive allegations against )resident -bamaKs policies, which he characteri<es as
a creation of a /secular!socialist machine./ /The secular!socialist machine,/ writes
4ingrich, /represents as great a threat to ;merica as Da<i 4ermany or the "oviet #nion
once did./ 4ingrich was unflinching on the assertion when % spoke with him this week,
declaring that those regimes, had they prevailed, /would have ended the ;merican
eHperiment in freedom./ -bamaKs policies including government control in the banking,
auto, mortgage, health care and student loan industries, represent no less a threat, says
the potential 2012 presidential candidate. The -bama administration, continued
4ingrich, /is a direct threat to our liberty and a direct threat to the country we have
historically been. /They are specifically anti!religious* they are eHplicitly anti!free
enterprise* they think the government can dominate the citi<ens, that the politicians can
decide how much you earn, how much youKre allowed to keep and who they ought to
give it to,/ said the eH!"peaker, Gust warming up. This strong rhetoric marks an about
face for 4ingrich, who said on my radio show a year ago that he did not believe -bama
was a socialist. Ihttp:detnews.comarticle20100221-)%D%-D0,2210,,04ingrich!!
T>' ?#T#7' -? +;)%T;&%"(: ;s the president and his team push forward
with what they promise is one final drive for passing health care reform, and the
7epublicans dig in feverishly for what they promise is one final effort to defeat it, we can
now see the real subGect of this marathon political drama. >ealth care has only been the
purported subGect of the argument. %n fact, the actual debate has been about capitalism.
"pecifically, the two sides have been wrestling about the future shape of capitalism in
;merica, and doing it at a critically important time. The world economy is still in
shambles from the wanton ways of 3all "treet. 4lobali<ation has not only brought new
players onto the competitive field, it has also introduced whole new versions of
capitalism that operate in ways fundamentally different from the #.". model.
AT>' "'+7'T ">;0-3 4-E'7D('DTC
A-bama makes 12 recess appointments ! I7eutersJ ! )resident $arack -bama on
"aturday announced he would make 12 recess appointments held up by 7epublicans,
including two top Treasury 0epartment positions and two on the Dational &abor
7elations $oard that have been vacant for more than a year.C
A0emocrats 0efend ;ppointments ! ; leading 7epublican predicted "unday that
)resident -bamaLs appointment of 12 officials while sidestepping "enate confirmation
would make it more difficult to get bipartisan support for future legislation.C
AJack Ean %mpe )resentsC U A7adical political change, the -bama strategy to
destroy ;merican capitalism.C
A+;D;0%;D )7%(' (%D%"T'7 0'&%E'7" 4&-$;& 4-E'7D;D+'
)&;DC by 0r. +harles (cEety. I?ebruary 9, 2010J. 0uring the January 2010 3orld
'conomic "ummit in 0avos "wit<erland )rime (inister "tephen >arper, the current
+hairman of the 4!20, presented the upcoming agenda for the 4!20 and 4!8 meetings to
be held in -ntario in June. (any were shocked to hear this +onservative leader declare
that Awe also know markets need governance. ?or the new global economy, the 4!20 is
what we have.C >arper went on to speak as an avowed :eynesian committed to a one
world global economy, creating a world Awe have been trying to build since 19.2C.
A Joseph ?arah articles about obamaOC I http:Gohnny2k!
A-bama -fficials, 0ems "upport 4lobal "ocialismC Ihttp:www.aim.orgaim!
AThe socialists within want to take overC Ihttp:www.wnd.comindeH.php1
>%"T-7%;D );( 4'&&'7 37%T'":
% am a student of history. )rofessionally, % have written 12 books in siH languages,
and have studied history all my life. % think there is something monumentally large afoot,
and % do not believe it is Gust a banking crisis, or a mortgage crisis, or a credit crisis.
Bes, these eHist but they are merely single facets on a very large gemstone that is only
now coming into a sharper focus.
"omething of historic proportions is happening. % can sense it because % know how
it feels, smells, what it looks like, and how people react to it. ; perfect storm may be
brewing, but there is something happening within our country that has been evolving for
years. T>' );+' >;" 07;(;T%+;&&B F#%+:'D'0 %D T>' );"T T3-O.
A7')&;B%D4 T>' 7'F#%'( for the -nce!(ighty 0ollarC
A-$;(; $&;('" /&;"T '%4>T B';7"/ for 7eGection of >is $rand of
+hange. -bama and the 0emocrats in +ongress must reali<e they are to blame. They
were given power 1. months ago on Dov .th, 2008 when they told us to vote for the
>ope of +hange. 3hat we got instead was the >oaH of +hains. The chains of lost
freedom, unemployment, reduced security and an increased national debt greater than the
gross domestic product of the world.C Ihttp:www.liveleak.comview1
AJohn 3illiams: ; >yper!%nflationary 4reat 0epression %s +omingC
-=+ A Little G,1 Hi(tory
%n 1911, T"R;E! established gun control. ?rom 1912 to 1916, 1.2 million
;rmenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and eHterminated.
%n 1929, the SO$IET "NION established gun control. ?rom 1929 to 192,,
about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and
GERMAN! established gun control in 19,8 and from 19,9 to 19.2, a total of 1,
million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and
CHINA established gun control in 19,2. ?rom 19.8 to 1922, 20 million political
dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and eHterminated.
G"ATEMALA established gun control in 195.. ?rom 195. to 1981, 100,000
(ayan %ndians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and eHterminated.
"GANDA established gun control in 1960. ?rom 1961 to 1969, ,00,000
+hristians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and eHterminated.
CAMODIA established gun control in 1925. ?rom 1962 to 1966, one million
educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and eHterminated.
0efenseless people rounded up and eHterminated in the 20th +entury because of
gun control: 67 MILLION@
%t has now been 12 months since gun owners in A"STRALIA were forced by new
law to surrender 5.0,,81 personal firearms to be destroyed by their own 4overnment, a
program costing ;ustralian taHpayers more than Z200 million dollars. The ?%7"T
B';7 7'"#&T" are now in:
1J ;ustralia!wide, homicides are up ,.2 percent* 2J ;ustralia!wide, assaults are up
8.5 percent* ,J ;ustralia!wide, armed robberies are up .. percent Iyes, .. percentJ=* .J
%n the state of Eictoria alone, homicides with firearms are now up ,00 percent. Dote
that while the law!abiding citi<ens turned them in, the criminals did not, and criminals
still possess their guns=
3hile figures over the previous 22 years showed a steady decrease in armed
robbery with firearms, this has changed drastically upward in the past 12 months, since
criminals now are guaranteed that their prey is unarmed.
2J There has also been a dramatic increase in break!ins and assaults of the
'&0'7&B. ;ustralian politicians are at a loss to eHplain how public safety has
decreased, after such monumental effort, and eHpense was eHpended in successfully
ridding ;ustralian society of guns. The ;ustralian eHperience and the other historical
facts above prove it...
Bou will not see this data on the #" evening news, or hear politicians
disseminating this information.
'ngland and +anada are having similar problems and are beginning to worry about
only the criminals having guns.
4uns in the hands of honest citi<ens save lives and property and, yes, gun!control
laws adversely affect only the law!abiding citi<ens.
Take note my fellow ;mericans, before itKs too late=
The neHt time someone talks in favor of gun control, please remind them of this
history lesson.
3ith guns, we are Kciti<ensK. 3ithout them, we are KsubGectsK.
0uring 33%% the J;);D'"' decided not to invade ;merica because they knew
most ;mericans were ;7('0=
The purpose of fighting is to win. There is no possible victory in defense. The
sword is more important than the shield, and skill is more important than either. The
final weapon is the brain. ;ll else is supplemental.
"wit<erland issues every household a gun= "wit<erland Ks government trains every
adult they issue a rifle. "wit<erland has the lowest gun related crime rate of any civili<ed
country in the world===
T>%" %" ; D- $7;%D'7= 0-DKT &'T -#7 4-E'7D('DT 3;"T'
(%&&%-D" -? -#7 T;M 0-&&;7" %D ;D '??-7T T- (;:' ;&& &;3
;$%0%D4 +%T%T'D" ;D ';"B T;74'T. I$'+;#"' T>' $;0 4#B" 3%&&
"T%&& >;E' T>'%7 4#D"J.
To solve the problem of violence today, we must 4- T- T>' 7--T -? T>'
)7-$&'(@ % am a firm believer in the 2nd ;mendment= -ur founding fathers knew
well the A?olly of 4overnmentC as well as the madness of the mob as seen in the ?rench
revolution who threw out all authority and ended up with a worse situation afterwards.
-ur founding fathers, from eHperience, knew that history shows that the greatest thief
and tyrant in the end is the government which has no authority above it and which no
longer responds to the desires of the people. Thus these founders tried their best to
write a constitution with checks and balances so that each of the three branches of the
government would help to check the human tendency to accrue power and control over
the other two branches. $ut our founders also had the wisdom and spiritual insight to
reali<e that the best democratic government is only as good as the people who elect
These manipulated government bureaucrats are having a very difficult time
overcoming the 2nd ;mendment, so they will probably succeed in taking away our
Just think how powerful our government is getting= They think these other
countries Gust didnKt do it right. &earn from history=
A#74'DT +;&%?-7D%;== !!![$ill to 7estrict ;mmunition (oves ;head==
+;&& T>'( ;D0 ";B >'&& D-===C IJuly 9th, 2009*
%f they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun= To find out
more about the anti!gun group that is sponsoring this legislation and the specific
legislation for each state, go to:
A#.". ;ttorney 4eneral To &imit 4un "alesC: Ihttp:www.sodahead.comunited!
;mmunition "ales 7estrictions, 4un "how $an (oving ?orward in +alifornia*
A-ur view on firearms and crowds: 4uns at political events stir up a volatile
brewC* Ihttp:blogs.usatoday.comoped200908debate!on!firearms!and!crowds!.htmlJ.
A;rmed ;merica: $ehind a broadening run on gunsC*
$efore the world planners cause a maGor crisis in order to bring the #.". totally to
itLs knees without any possibility of a viable reaction or sustainable resistance from the
#.". citi<ens, T>'B (#"T T;:' ;3;B -#7 4#D". This is a very important
priority for these ruthless global manipulators.
3hen 4ermany invaded )oland on "eptember 1, 19,9, the forward assault troops
were ordered to attack and take control of the local police station as a first priority.
)oland had a very liberal version of the 2nd ;mendment Ifashioned after the #"
+onstitutionJ but the citi<ens who owned handguns and long guns were re@uired to
register their names, addresses and list of weapons with the local police station. "o the
problem for the 4erman army was pretty well solved by the registration process.
B-# T>-#4>T %T 3-#&0 D'E'7 >;))'D >'7'= 3'&&, >'7' %T
+-('"=== 4un control by secrecy= %f you think this is a Goke, go to the website and
take your pick of the many options in this dastardly bill to undermine and negate the
"econd ;mendment of the +onstitution of the #.". %t is long and lengthy. $ut, more
and more people are becoming aware of this. A>7 .2 $lair >olt ?irearm &icensing W
7ecord of "ales ;ct of 2009C* Ihttp:www.opencongress.orgbill111!h.2teHtJ.
A3;">%D4T-D, 0.+. U The #.". "upreme +ourt announced today I"ept. ,0,
2009J that it will hear the case of (c0onald v. +ity of +hicago, and decide whether the
right to keep and bear arms secured by the "econd ;mendment protects ;mericans from
overreaching state and local governments.C* Ihttp:www.chicagoguncase.comJ.
ADow Kall 4unsK must be listed on your neHt 2010 taH return=C*
?%7';7(" 7'?7'">'7 +-#7"':
1. /Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not./ !
Thomas Jefferson*
2. Those who trade liberty for security have neither. ! John ;dams*
,. ?ree men do not ask permission to bear arms*
.. ;n armed man is a citi<en. ;n unarmed man is a subGect*
2. -nly a government that is afraid of its citi<ens tries to control them*
5. 4un control is not about guns* itKs about control*
6. Bou only have the rights you are willing to fight for*
8. :now guns, know peace, know safety. Do guns, no peace, no safety*
9. Bou donKt shoot to kill* you shoot to stay alive*
10. ;ssault is a behavior, not a device*
11. 5.,999,986 firearms owners killed no one yesterday*
12. The #nited "tates +onstitution IcJ 1691. ;ll 7ights 7eserved*
1,. The "econd ;mendment is in place in case the politicians ignore the others*
1.. 3hat part of Kshall not be infringedK do you D-T understand1*
12. 4uns have only two enemies* rust and politicians*
15. 3hen you remove the peopleKs right to bear arms, you create slaves*
16. The ;merican 7evolution would never have happened with gun control.
T>'B 3%&& :'') +-(%D4 #DT%& 3' ;7' 0%";7('0 ;D0 ;7'
T-T;&&B T>'%7 "&;E'"= They have succeeded in diverting our attention towards
illicit and destructive pleasures so as to take fundamental control of our government
from we complacent ;merican citi<ens. $y now they have Gust about all the cards in
their hands* it is only a @uestion of time. They can play with us like a cat plays with a
bird that is already down and wounded* when the cat is ready, it eats the bird= 3e have
already forfeited our power and control over our government, our nation and our future.
3e can still pray, but there are far to many who trust only in themselves and material
solutions and so very few who truly believe and trust in 4od as the real solution. A3ith
men this is impossible* but with 4od all things are possibleC I(t 19:25J.
/3hen only cops have guns, itKs called a /police state/. &ove your country, but
never trust itLs government/ ! 7obert ;. >einlein.
/Do free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the
people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves
against tyranny in government/ ! Thomas Jefferson.
/;mong the many misdeeds of the $ritish rule in %ndia, history will look upon the
act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest./ ! (ahatma 4andhi.
/'Htremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is
no virtue./ ! $arry 4oldwater.
/This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. 3henever
they shall grow weary of the eHisting government, they can eHercise their constitutional
right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it./ !
;braham &incoln.
C; man who has nothing which he is willing to fight for, nothing which he cares
about more than he does about his personal safety, is a miserable creature who has no
chance of being free, unless made and kept so by the eHertions of better men than
himself.C ! John "tuart (ill.
/Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution
inevitable.C ! John ?. :ennedy.
A?$%: 4un sales up, murders downC* Ihttp:www.eHaminer.comH!258.!&aw!
A-bama!&autenberg 4un 4rab ! 3hite >ouse 4un ;genda )uts Bou -n The
Terror 3atch &istC Ihttp:www.conservativeactionalerts.comalertsccrkba!obama!
#D To +onfiscate and 0estroy /#nauthori<ed/ "mall ;rms IJune 2, 2010J
A3hat eHactly classifies a firearm as /unauthori<ed/ is up to the liberal gun!haters
as -bama ! >illary W #D 0estroy "econd ;mendment.C
A#74'DT: >illary +linton "igns #D "mall ;rms Treaty ! "+S+ a<ree( to
ti'eta)le .or "N G,1 a1. The #nited Dations and "ecretary of "tate >illary +linton
are moving forward with their plan to confiscate your guns. The #nited "tates Goined
122 other countries in support of the ;rms Trade Treaty 7esolution, which establishes
the dates for the 2012 #D conference intended to attack ;merican sovereignty by
stripping ;mericans of the right to keep and bear arms.
3orking groups of anti!gun countries will begin scripting language for the conference
this year, creating a blueprint for other countries when they meet at the full conference.C
-*+ Cy)er Attac0( Fro' Chi1a@
3e know for a fact that not Gust last year, but for the last ten years there has been
an ongoing series of cyber attacks, originating from +hina, on all sorts of installations in
the #", not Gust the )entagon, not Gust the government organi<ations, but also private
maGor companies. +hina is the only country that we know of that has a ?-#7T>
0');7T('DT -? T>' (%&%T;7B Iafter the army, navy and air forceJ, a department
of cyber warfare which employees tens of thousands of people. Thus they are the likely
source of these attacks They have succeeded in the past of penetrating the )entagonLs
computer networks, downloading our contingency plans for bolstering our forces in the
far east in the case of a crisis, etc. These are serious matters that need to be addressed in
a serious fashion. This is a new front of warfare that people do not even think about.
+hina is the only country in the world today that could muster up an army of at least
200,000,000 soldiers as predicted in the $ook of 7evelations killing Aa third of mankindC
with Afire and smoke and sulphurC indicating nuclear warfare I7ev 9:12!15,18J. $y now
there are tens of millions of young men in +hina who can no longer find a wife due to the
forced Aone child policyC supported, to a great degree, by the taH payers of the #.".
thanks to the -bama administration and )lanned )arenthood.
7%4>T D-3 T>' +B$'7 ;TT;+:" ;7' $;"%+;&&B ;D
%D?-7(;T%-D 4;T>'7%D4 -)'7;T%-D. $ut if they gather enough information
about key infrastructures in the #.". and the computers and the software that control
these infrastructures, the lights could go out, the 4)" could stop working, the trucks
could stop running down the highway that supply us with food and fuel, etc. They could
cause a maGor economic crisis in the #.". without even firing a shot, but rather by Gust
firing streams of electrons at us. The goal of +hina is to become the dominant power not
Gust in ;sia but in larger parts of the world, and it seems they are going toward this goal
as rapidly as they can. +hina will soon have the second largest economy in the world.
;s the 4D) of the #.". declines because of the recession, +hinaLs 4D) is still growing
about 2!10X each year. +hina is also a creditor nation* they have trillions of dollars in
the bank. The #.". now has to go out begging to pay itLs bills. T>%" %" D-T ;
)-"%T%-D T>;T 3' ">-#&0 $' %D=
"T'E'D (-">'7 has authored two books: /+hina ;ttacks,/ a realistic look at a
future +hinese blit< on Taiwan and />egemon: +hinaKs )lan to 0ominate ;sia and the
3orld,/ a short history of +hina, its global ambitions, attracting significant attention after
"teven (osherKs appearance on +!");D2Ks $ook TE.
"ee also: A+hinaLs +yber!(ilitiaC* +hinese hackers pose a clear and present danger
to #.". government and private!sector computer networks and may be responsible for
two maGor #.". power blackouts
FCy)er!attac0 o1 De.e1(e 0epartment computers raises concerns +++ A
2 (ay 2009 +++ The head of #" Dational "ecurity ;gency says the country needs
to build a di<ital Aar.are .orce for the future.
Ihtt&'((news%bb)%)o%uk(*(hi(te)hnolog!(,+0011+%stm- http:www.defencetalk.comus!
A4eneral likens internet to a battlefield with no gunpowderC
A3hite >ouse picks new cyber coordinatorC*;&e@(2h5%u0'vr-g!0lso@!
A-ver 62,000 systems compromised in cyberattack ! :neber botnet used to gather
wide range of corporate, personal data, Det3itness saysC*
A$ehind the +hina attacks on 4oogle I?;FJC Ihttp:news.cnet.com8,01!
A+hina +autions %nternet +ompaniesC
A+hina!$ased >ackers (ay >ave #sed Twitter, 4oogle to ;ttack 0alai &ama,
#DC Ihttp:mashable.com20100.06cyber!crime!spies1
A'lectricity 4rid in #.". )enetrated $y "pies: 3;">%D4T-D !! +yberspies have
penetrated the #.". electrical grid and left behind software programs that could be used
to disrupt the system, according to current and former national!security officials.C
A)ortable K'!$ombsK +ould Take 0own JetlinersC
A+hina warns 4oogleKs partners it could turn the heat on themC
A+hinaLs military making strides in spaceC* 3ashington: +hinaKs military has made
dramatic progress in space over the past decade and the goals of its program remain
unclear, a top ;merican general said on Tuesday IDov. ,, 2009J*
AThe 0isarmament %llusionC* -bama pursues arms control treaties* %ran builds the
3hy did >enry ;. :issinger recommend more troops in ;fghanistan in -ctober
2009 Ihttp:www.henryakissinger.comarticlesnw101209.htmlJ and then it was
confirmed by -bama a month later1,89668.stmJ.
3hat nice things are the $ig $oys of the Dew 3orld -rder planning for us1
AT>'B T;&: ;$-#T )';+', $#T %D T>'( T>'7' %" T>' 0'"%7' -?
3;7, the violence in them is stronger. O Jesus: /&ittle children,.. % am humiliated, % am
despised, % am grief!stricken in (y sorrow= They want war and they say that it is for
peace. They want to destroy the world=C
A7ussia to raise nuclear missile output fourfoldC!nuclearJ.
A7ussia sees #.". space threat, builds new rocketC
A7ussia blames #" for KslowdownK in nuclear treaty talksC
A7ussia will continue developing new nuclear missiles and launchers despite
disarmament talks with the #", 7ussiaKs )resident 0mitry (edvedev says.C,.stmJ.
A+hinaKs military power takes K@uantum leapK: defense ministerC
A+hina military build!up seems #.".!focused: (ullenC
ADew #"!7ussian nuclear missile treaty KcloseK $$+ DewsC
A0%";7(;('DT 0;D4'7C ! The -bama administration has placed nuclear
disarmament at the top of its foreign!policy agenda. -ther possible goals, such as
moderni<ing #.". nuclear forces for deterrence purposes, are now considered either
transitory or subordinate to taking steps toward Anuclear <ero.C %n itself, banning nuclear
weapons is not a new #.". goal* 7onald 7eagan also supported it. $ut this prioriti<ation
is unprecedented.,0221disarmament!dangerkeith!
A"topping (issile 0efense1C ! The #.". and 7ussia canKt both be right about the
new arms pact.
A+<echs torn over #.". nuclear treaty with 7ussiaC
A-pposing view on nuclear threat: K(uddledK -bama postureC
A7ussia to develop new nuclear missiles and launchers. O 7ussia will continue
developing new nuclear missiles and launchers despite disarmament talks with the #",
7ussiaKs )resident 0mitry (edvedev says. O 7ussia and the #" reached an outline arms
agreement in July.,.stmJ.
A)utin: 7ussia must counter #" missile defensesC<ettebw.comindeH.php1
A+hinaKs military power takes K@uantum leapK: defence ministerC;&e@(2g$S0w6!
A+hina military build!up seems #.".!focused: (ullenC
A;nalysis: Dew nuclear arms treaty is ]new startKC;&e@(2Gp&1.'?8p>p23d051046$d?
A7ussia %ncreases (ilitary $uildupC
AD.:orea now possesses 1,000 missiles: ".:orea (inisterC
A$eiGing 0efends $uildup of %ts Duclear ;rsenalC
A3e ;re Totally #nprepared ! Dine years after 911, a chilling complacency about
3(0 attacks.C
-#7 47';T #D$%;"'0, D-D!(;D%)#&;T%D4, (;"" ('0%;= A+ritics
wonder whether 7ussia concedes too much in arms control dealC
A?oreign secretary urges more nuclear weapons cutsC
ADuclear agreement hailed as step forwardC
A3hile #" disarms, 7ussia and +hina build up their militaryC
A'lectronic ;rmageddon: >ow ;n '() $omb 3ould $e ; 0eathblow To &ife
;s 3e :now %t IE%0'-JC Ihttp:www.huffingtonpost.com20100516electronic!
A4lobal cyber security eHperts to meet in 'stoniaC IJune 9, 2010*
>aving the mass media and the latest psychological and marketing techni@ues
totally in their hands, the Dew 3orld -rder planners can also put false information on
the web so as to A+7B 3-&?C T-- "--D or too often so that no one listens any
more to the Acry wolfC. )erhaps a possible eHample of this would be the so!called
AtruthersC such as A"+S+ Force( Pla1 Direct Actio1 A<ai1(t A'erica1 Citi?e1(C
citi<ensJ. -f course cartoons are also used: A4-) +onspiracy TheoriesC
+onspiracy!Theories.htmJ. This is also a way of undermining the message and the truth
that the Tea )arty movement is trying to reveal to the sleeping maGority spiritually and
mentally drugged and intoHicated and thus unaware in their ever!growing egoism and
blindness due to not heeding the call of 4od in their hearts and in divine revelation.
"atan uses this standard tactic even in regards to private revelations. %n 1882, +hrist
revealed to the stigmatist, (arie Julie Jahenny of &a ?raudais, ?rance that: /%n the last
days, a seemingly unlimited amount of ?;&"' 7'E'&;T%-D" will arise from hell like
a swarm of flies* a last attempt of "atan to choke and to destroy the efficacy of the
T7#' 7'E'&;T%-D" by false ones./
A%n 3hite >ouse Es. ?oH Dews 3ar -f 3ords, 3ho 4ets Bour Eote1C
--+ The Folly o. Go2er1'e1t
%" %T T>' D$; -7 T>' D?&1 ,5 have been accused of spousal abuse* 6 have
been arrested for fraud* 19 have been accused of writing bad checks* 116 have directly or
indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses* , have done time for assault* 61 cannot get a
credit card due to bad credit* 1. have been arrested on drug!related charges* 8 have been
arrested for shoplifting* 21 currently are defendants in lawsuits* and 8. have been
arrested for drunk driving in the last year. +an you guess which organi<ation this is1
Deither, itKs the .,2 members of the #nited "tates +ongress, the same group of %diots
that crank out hundreds of new laws each year designed to keep the rest of us in line=
%n our systems of electing government officials around the world, why is it so
difficult for a person who is more motivated by genuine altruism, love of his +reator and
love of his fellow creatures, to end up being elected1 3ithout wasting words in a long
analysis of this state of affairs, may % Gust say that a government, especially a supposedly
democratic government, is only as good as the people who elect that government in their
respective countries.
?;(-#" F#-T'":
A%f you donKt read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper
you are misinformed.C A"uppose you were an idiot. ;nd suppose you were a member of
+ongress. $ut then % repeat myself.C !! (ark Twain.
A%n my many years % have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame,
two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. !! John ;dams.
A0emocracy must be something more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what
to have for dinner.C !! James $ovard, +ivil &ibertarian I199.J
A?oreign aid might be defined as a transfer of money from poor people in rich
countries to rich people in poor countries.C !! 0ouglas +asey, +lassmate of $ill +linton
at 4eorgetown #niversity.
A4iving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to
teenage boys.C !! ).J. -K7ourke, +ivil &ibertarian.
A4overnment is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the
eHpense of everybody else.C !! ?rederic $astiat, ?rench 'conomist I1801!1820J.
A; government which robs )eter to pay )aul can always depend on the support of
)aul.C !! 4eorge $ernard "haw.
The government is like a babyKs alimentary canal, with a happy appetite at one end
and no responsibility at the other.C A4overnmentKs view of the economy could be
summed up in a few short phrases: %f it moves, taH it. %f it keeps moving, regulate it. ;nd
if it stops moving, subsidi<e it.C !! 7onald 7eagan I1985J.
A%n general, the art of government consists of taking as much money as possible
from one party of the citi<ens to give to the other.C !! Eoltaire I165.J.
AThe only difference between a taH man and a taHidermist is that the taHidermist
leaves the skin.C ADo manKs life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in
session.C !! (ark Twain I1855J
AThe ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world
with fools.C !! >erbert "pencer, 'nglish )hilosopher I1820!190,J.
AThere is no distinctly native ;merican criminal class... save +ongress.C !! (ark
A3hat this country needs are more unemployed politicians.C !! 'dward &angley,
;rtist I1928!1992J.
A3hen the people fear their government, there is tyranny* when the government
fears the people, there is liberty.C ! Tho'a(
"ee A3e The )eople "timulus )ackageC,
A#.". >ouse W "enate have voted themselves Z.,600 and Z2,,00 raises. 1J They
voted to not give you a ".". cost of living raise in 2010 and 2011. 2J OC
3>%+> "%0' -? T>' ?'D+'1
%f you ever wondered which side of the fence you sit on, this is a great test=
%f a conservative doesnKt like guns, he doesnKt buy one. %f a liberal doesnKt like
guns, he wants all guns outlawed.
%f a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesnKt eat meat. %f a liberal is a vegetarian, he
wants all meat products banned for everyone.
%f a conservative is homoseHual, he @uietly leads his life. %f a liberal is homoseHual,
he demands legislated respect.
%f a conservative is down!and!out, he thinks about how to better his situation. ;
liberal wonders who is going to take care of him.
%f a conservative doesnKt like a talk show host, he switches channels. &iberals
demand that those they donKt like be shut down.
%f a conservative is a non!believer, he doesnKt go to church. ; liberal non!believer
wants any mention of 4od and religion silenced. I#nless itKs a foreign religion, of
%f a conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or
may choose a Gob that provides it. ; liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.
3>;T %" "-+%;&%"(1 "ocialism is probably best defined by what it is against.
%t is against liberty. %t is against property. ;nd it is against the idea of limited
government. 3hat is socialism for1 "ocialism is for e@uality in the sense of sameness*
everything must remain the same, that difference is a bad thing. "ocialism is for so!
called A'fficient 7ational +ontrolC by the government. %t is also about power* it is about
the centrali<ation of power within the state and the diminution of freedom and decision
making powers throughout the rest of society. %t takes many forms of course, but if you
look at most core socialist thinkers, most of whom are basically (arHists, these are the
common themes that you will find running through all of their writings. "ocialism and a
free society are not able to coeHist because they have very different visions about where
the locus of human freedom is. They have very different priorities, one that is liberty, the
other that is e@uality. -ne is about the decentrali<ation of power and the creation of
authentic human community* the other is about the centrali<ation of power and the
erection of the state as the only real legitimate community. %n fact in the socialist
society, you do not have a civil society anymore ! civil society being those intermediate
institutions that eHist between the family and the state. Bou do not even have the family.
;ll you have is the state and the individual, nothing in between, no other links to other
people eHcept through your relationship to the government. That is how socialism
gradually breaks down the social bonds that % think most of us have traditionally taken
for granted.
;s )-)' &'- M%%% pointed out as long ago as 1891 in his encyclical C7'7#(
D-E;7#(C, socialism does not help the poor. 7ather, it reduces everyone to the same
lowest common denominator of poverty and misery while at the same time drying up the
very sources of capital. >istory very clearly shows us that every time socialism was
installed as the national governmentLs economic policy, that which these )opes wrote in
the last 120 years came true. -f course the ones in control remained or became super
rich. "ocialism reduces everyone to misery in a real economic crisis and so people then
look for a messiah, >itler, "talin, etc. To allow socialism to become a countryLs
economic system is the :%"" -? 0';T> not only for an economy but for a whole
A?reedom: ;merica truly is the 4reatest +ountry in the 3orld. 0onKt &et ?reedom
"lip ;wayC. A3e looked to our neighbor on the north, 4ermany , where >itler had been
in power since 19,,. 3e had been told that they didnKt have unemployment or crime, and
they had a high standard of living. Dothing was ever said about persecution of any group
!! Jewish or otherwise. 3e were led to believe that everyone was happy. 3e wanted the
same way of life in ;ustria . 3' 3'7' )7-(%"'0 T>;T ; E-T' ?-7 >%T&'7
3-#&0 (';D T>' 'D0 -? #D'()&-B('DT ;D0 >'&) ?-7 T>' ?;(%&B.
>itler also said that businesses would be assisted, and farmers would get their farms
back. Dinety!eight percent of the population voted to anneH ;ustria to 4ermany and
have >itler for our ruler.C Ihttp:www.facebook.comnote.php1
&ook at >itlerLs );T%'DT )7');7;T%-D to get as many as possible on his side
before openly becoming the dictator of 4ermany. 3ith +#&T#7;& "-+%;&%"(, they
are preparing for a world dictatorship with even more patience and thoroughness today=
)-)'" &'- M%%% ;D0 )%#" M% 37-T' "'E'7;& "-+%;& 'D+B+&%+;&"
eHplaining very clearly the great deception and dangers and evils of socialism many years
ago, which are so ama<ingly relevant for our times as if they were written yesterday=
The encyclicals of the )opes, the +hurchLs teachings, have a T7'('D0-#"
$;&;D+'. The +hurch condemns unbridled capitalism that would despise the poor
and think only of the bottom line. +apitalism, if it runs amuck, certainly can be
problematic and can cause a lot of suffering as we are seeing in the present day with an
increase of the poor and the concentration of the wealth in the hands of the few. 3e see
bankruptcy while many corporate eHecutives are rich. % truly believe that this down fall
of capitalism is greatly facilitate and guided and manipulated by our Aworld saviorsC who
have poised the world on the edge of economic ruin. The T'()T;T%-D is very strong
for the )'D0#&#( T- "3%D4 T-- ?;7 T- T>' &'?T into the failed and immoral
system of socialism, which is eHactly what the world conspirators want and have
orchestrated. >istorically pure socialism has never worked, philosophically it cannot
work, and morally it is inherently evil Ibecause it undermines the right of private property
ownership, an inherent human rightJ and hence should be avoided even if we are coerced
and manipulated in that direction. 3e run the risk of ; (#+> 47';T'7 'E%&
coming in. ; few people get fantastically wealthy, and then the pendulum swings to the
eHtreme. ;nd then the tremendous temptation of socialism comes in. A; 7'E-&T %"
$7'3%D4 in the middle classC Ihttp:www.elitetrader.comvbshowthread.php1
threadidV228,.J. The social teachings of the +hurch offer us a tremendous and
desperately needed balance and e@uilibrium between these two eHtremes.
"ocialism is not Gust a vague idea that these )opes disagreed with. There were
forces in society, even 120 years ago, that were marshaling large numbers of people to
bring about these socialist communist movements that ended up with the destruction of
hundreds of millions of people. )eople forget this. )eople blame religion as being T>'
47';T'"T +;#"' -? 3;7 ;D0 0'"T7#+T%-D in the history of the world when
it was actually these $%4 4-E'7D('DT" in the "oviet #nion, Da<i 4ermany and
communist +hina responsible for over ,00 million deaths. This is ama<ing and
3e have been prepared for the revolutionary socialists by what might be called the
patient, but (-7' 0;D4'7-#" 7'?-7('0 "-+%;&%"T" who have worked
within the system to capture the maGor cultural engines of society: the universities,
schools, the media, and even the religious institutions as well. These reformed socialists
reali<ed that the +#&T#7' %" T>' (-E'7 -? >%"T-7B, not so much economics
as (arH taught. %f you can shape the way that people think about the world, man and
4od, then everything gets filtered through this particular lens. %t is then inevitable that
people start thinking in this way, especially in the universities. $oth of these fundamental
types of socialism have the same goal and the same world view: the way they see man,
who man is, the world, what is the world, and 4od, who 4od is. +ultural socialism is
similar to the ATroGan >orseC, which slips in as a AgiftC, with nice sounding words and
rhetoric and promises, and then the treachery and deceit come out later to destroy the
culture and society= A$everly 'akman on the effects of the psychologi<ed classroom*
0angers of )ublic 'ducationC Ihttp:www.ronpaulforums.comshowthread.php1
3e must remember that socialism is not Gust an economic phenomenon such as an
economic collectivi<ation with the state running the economy, etc. ;ll this is true. $ut if
you go back to the early writers who first conceptuali<ed the idea of "-+%;&%"(, you
find %T %" ;$-#T )-3'7, +-DT7-& and about trying to organi<e a society without
any respect for the fact that society is made up of individual persons, that societies are
made up of free associations. "ocialists do not admit that individuals have this
remarkable capacity that we call free will, free choice. "ocialism cannot deal with this
issue of free will.
The person who first used the term socialism was a ?rench philosopher named
>enri de "aint!"imon of the 19th century. $y socialism he had in mind a very technical,
technocratic orientation towards organi<ing society. ;nd the primary principle driving
the society was that of efficiency. >e thought that if you could +-DT7-& "-+%'TB
?7-( T>' T-) 0-3D, with a small group of people at the top who basically
organi<e everything and everyone else, then you would be able to reali<e what he called a
socialist system. %n later years with people like (arH and 'ngels, you get a much more
eHplicitly economic dimension to this. They saw socialism as a pathway towards
communism. $y that they meant that if we are going to arrive at a communist society
then we need to speed history up* &enin was particularly insistent upon this. The way
that you do this is that you have a dictatorship of the proletariat who run the societies so
that we will eventually arrive at this utopia in which Aeveryone will be free to live
happily, to fish, hunt and playC, which was the eHpression that (arH used.
A; (anifesto on the A(anifestoC (ay 6th, 2010 by 0r. )aul :engor.C
A% knew the time would come. ;mericaLs public schools and ideologically
monolithic universities have spawned ; 4'D'7;T%-D 3-'?#&&B #D%D?-7('0
in the most elementary facts about free markets, socialism, and communism. )ersonally,
after teaching this material for years, %Lm getting an inordinate number of @uestions about
communism in particular, as that word is bandied about like cra<yNthe result of
;mericaLs decisive lurch leftward since the election of Dovember 2008.
ThereLs so much to say, especially about communism in practice, where the story is
unprecedented misery: a death toll of 100!1.0 million human beings since 1916. ThatLs
twice the combined corpses of 33% and 33%%. $ut what about communism as a
theor!1 3e constantly hear the claim: A2ommunism in theor! is not as bad as
)ommunism in &ra)ti)e. I3 !ou read Mar4, !ou5ll see that )ommunism &romotes
sharing, e6ualit!, loe o3 man.C %n truth, this is arrant nonsense. 3hen % hear it, % know
the person has never read (arHLs 2ommunist Mani3esto, a plainly awful book, packed
with hatred and, frankly, stupidity. $ut rather than Gust say this, % thought %Ld attempt a
public service by laying out key facts on the 2ommunist Mani3estoNanother teachable
moment. "o, here we go: OC 7ead the rest at:
)ope $enedict ME% indicated that when &enin achieved the $olshevik revolution,
he must have reali<ed that the master, :;7& (;7M, >;0 D- 4;(' )&;D. "o you
end up with a perpetual dictatorship of the proletariat. )ope $enedict ME% wrote in his
encyclical A"pe "alviC: ATogether with the victory of the revolution, though, (arHKs
fundamental error also became evident. >e showed precisely how to overthrow the
eHisting order, but he did not say how matters should proceed thereafter. >e simply
presumed that with the eHpropriation of the ruling class, with the fall of political power
and the sociali<ation of means of production, the new Jerusalem would be reali<ed.
Then, indeed, all contradictions would be resolved, man and the world would finally sort
themselves out. Then everything would be able to proceed by itself along the right path,
because everything would belong to everyone and all would desire the best for one
another. Thus, having accomplished the revolution, &enin must have reali<ed that the
writings of the master gave no indication as to how to proceed. True, (arH had spoken
of the interim phase of the dictatorship of the proletariat as a necessity which in time
would automatically become redundant. This Aintermediate phaseC we know all too well,
and we also know how it then developed, not ushering in a perfect world, but leaving
behind a trail of appalling destruction. (arH not only omitted to work out how this new
world would be organi<edNwhich should, of course, have been unnecessary. >is silence
on this matter follows logically from his chosen approach. >is error lay deeper. >e
forgot that man always remains man. >e forgot man and he forgot manKs freedom. >e
forgot that freedom always remains also freedom for evil. >e thought that once the
economy had been put right, everything would automatically be put right. >is real error
is materialism: man, in fact, is not merely the product of economic conditions, and it is
not possible to redeem him purely from the outside by creating a favorable economic
T>' "-+%;&%"T" >;E' ;&3;B" 3;DT'0 ; 47';T'7
'F#;&%T;T%-D -? "-+%'TB. ?or them this does not mean a greater treating of
people with e@ual dignity which is how +hristians understand the idea of e@uality. ?or
+atholics, it is not about sameness, it is not about everything being the same* it is about
people being treated as human beings precisely because they are human beings. ?or the
socialists e@uali<ation really means leveling society so that difference becomes anathema.
;nd we see this when it comes to the homoseHual movement in the way they are trying
to level the definition of marriage. 3e see this in the negation that 4od created human
beings male and female* but our culture today says that in order to be e@ual, men have to
become women, and women men, despite the fundamental intrinsic unity within the
complimentarity of our being. 3e see this happening in the economy. These little gods
are trying to level the amount of income. This leveling effect is eHtremely important in
the way that they understand progress.
This not only applies to individuals but also to nations, to bring all down to the
common denominator Inot up to a common denominator=J. ;D0 T>#" ;&&
D;T%-D" ;D0 "-E'7'%4DT%'" (#"T $' &'E'&'0. This was one of the big
themes that was articulated by liberation theologians in the 1960Ls and 1980Ls. They
espoused that the poor nations are poor because of the wealthy nations. To resolve this
situation they did not propose the lifting of the poor out of poverty, not by creating
wealth, not by opening up markets to trade, eHchange, or encouraging entrepreneurship.
They declared that they have to make sure that the wealthy countries are brought down
to their level, so that everyone becomes like the poor. That is really what they had in
mind by the idea of progress.
A?rustrated -wner $ulldo<es >ome ;head -f ?oreclosure ! Man Sa!s 7)tions
Intended To Send Message To 8anks
The more the ones that are willing to work and are trying to increase their wealth
are taHed to pay for those who do not want to work, the more the real workers will give
up working. A%f any one will not work, let him not eatC I2Thess ,:10J. Eisit: AThis
)rofessor is a 4enius=C Ihttp:god!politics.blogspot.com200912why!does!socialism!
-ur ?orefathers "aid, /Do TaKatio1 #itho,t Repre(e1tatio1=/ 3e Deed to "ay,
/D- TA%ATION #ITH MISREPRESENTATION=/ Ihttp:www.ratepayer.netJ.
A>ow (any 3ays +an Bou TaH the 7ich1C
A#)0;T' 1!-bama pushes bank reform, lashes out at 7epublicans ! -bama says
bill will end taHpayer bailoutsC
A-bamaKs (ockery of Tea )arty "tirs TaH 0ebateC
ATea )arty -pposition $rews -ver an 'mboldened )resident -bama ! "arah )alin
4athers "team as the 3hite >ouse (oves ?orward on its +hecklistC
A-bamaKs 0ouble!0ealing $ank TaH ! 4overnment "achs, indeedC
%T %" T7#&B ;(;T%D4 >-3 -$;(;, with his well rehearsed rhetoric and
with the help of the godless liberal media, critici<e those trying to lead us back to the
system of free enterprise which has given to our country, up until now, the greatest
standard of living ever known. ;t the same time -bama is leading us @uickly to a
socialistic dictatorship= A>arsh 3ords for 4.-.). ?rom -bamaC* July 1, 2010*
)-)' $'D'0%+T ME% eHplicitly described this idea as erroneous in his encyclical
letter A+aritas %n EeritateC: A%t is nevertheless erroneous to hold that the market
economy has an inbuilt need for a @uota of poverty and underdevelopment in order to
function at its best. %t is in the interests of the market to promote emancipation. O The
processes of globali<ation, suitably understood and directed, open up the unprecedented
possibility of large!scale redistribution of wealth on a world!wide scale* if badly directed,
however, they can lead to an increase in poverty and ine@uality, and could even trigger a
global crisis.C
3>;T ">-#&0 $' %()-7T;DT is not so much how much wealth the wealthy
have, but 3>'T>'7 3' +;D $7%D4 'E'7B-D' '&"' -#T -? )-E'7TB.
The poor are not raised out of poverty by Gust leveling everything down. This is how
socialists and socialist democrats typically talk about progress* this is how it plays out
economically. ?or the socialists, it is not about wealth creation, about making the pie
bigger. %t is about making sure that everyone is eHactly the same.
%n terms of itLs fundamental view of the human person, )-)' J->D );#& %%
pointed out in his encyclical A+'DT'"%(#" ;DD#"C I1991J that the problem with
socialism is that it denies the reality of human free choice and free will. %t is clear with
(arH and 'ngels, they had a maGor problem with the family, marriage, and religion,
specifically +atholicism. They were very deterministic in that all is determinate in what
they call historical materialism. A"ocialism considers the individual person simply as an
element, a molecule within the social organism, so that T>' 4--0 -? T>'
%D0%E%0#;& %" +-()&'T'&B "#$-70%D;T'0 T- T>' ?#D+T%-D%D4 -?
T>' "-+%-!'+-D-(%+ ('+>;D%"(.C
+ontrast this socialistic tendency and thrust to focus on efficiency and production,
with what )ope John )aul %% called the ?'(%D%D' A4'D%#"C which helps societies to
focus on the human person. 3ithout this feminine AgeniusC, society ends up doing many
things but looses sight of the proper motive and use for all this AprogressC. A%n our own
time, the successes of science and technology make it possible to attain material well!
being to a degree hitherto unknown. 3hile this favors some, it pushes others to the
edges of society. %n this way, unilateral progress can also lead to a gradual loss o3
sensitiit! 3or man, that is, 3or what is essentiall! human% %n this sense, our time in
particular awaits the mani3estation of that /genius/ which belongs to women, and which
can ensure sensitivity for human beings in every circumstance: because they are human= !
and because /the greatest of these is love/ Icf. 1 2or 1,:1,J.C* (ulieris 0ignitatem* )ope
John )aul %%
?or us +atholics, on ash 3ednesday, the priests sprinkles ashes on the heads of the
faithful saying: A7emember, you are dust and to dust you shall return=C 3ho is 4od and
who are we1 4-0 >;" ;D %D+7'0%$&B $';#T%?#& 0'"%4D ?-7 ';+> -D'
-? #" ?7-( ;&& 'T'7D%TB= $ut if we trust more in ourselves than in our
omnipotent +reator, we are like a conductor of a train who feels there is more freedom
and fun going off the train tracks that were established by 4od, printed in our hearts.
Then the world with the TE, mass media, the culture of death, etc., convince us that we
are more happy with our train of life in the sand of our pleasures of seH, drugs,
domination over others, taking advantage of others for our own egotistical and prideful
desires, etc. To be able to return to the train tracks created and established by the
infinite +reator, one has to make a true conversion by praying for humility to be able to
admit that 4od knows better than we, and to trust in >im, to turn away from ourselves
to >im, and then to make a good eHamine of conscience and sacramental confession.
Then back on the train tracks, we then have the liberty to travel throughout the world on
these tracks already laid by our loving +reator for our true freedom IJn 8J= ;nd
furthermore, who can find and provide for us more happiness, we who are made of dust,
or our infinite +reator who loves each of us immensely and personally1 3ho do we
trust1 ;re we full of pride or humility in truth1
AT>' 7%4>T T- T>' 'M'7+%"' -? ?7''0-(O is an inalienable
re@uirement of the dignity of the human person. This right must be recogni<ed and
protected by civil authority.C I+++ 16,8J.
-D'L" A+-D"+%'D+' (#"T $' %D?-7('0 and moral Gudgment
enlightened. ; well!formed conscience is upright and truthfulOC I+++ 168,!1682J.
&ord ;cton phrased this by A&iberty is not the power of doing what we like, but
the right of being able to do what we ought.C
(ark "hea @uotes 4.:. +>'"T'7T-D, A%f there is one fact we really can prove,
from the history that we really do know, it is that despotism can be a development, often
a late development and very often indeed the end of societies that have been highly
democratic. ; 0'")-T%"( (;B ;&(-"T $' 0'?%D'0 ;" ; T%7'0
0'(-+7;+B. ;s fatigue falls on a community, the citi<ens are less inclined for that
eternal vigilance which has truly been called the price of liberty* and they prefer to arm
only one single sentinel to watch the city while they sleep.C
Eisit: A0espotism U The "oft 3ayC by "amuel 4regg 0.)hil.
http:www.acton.orgcommentary220SdespotismStheSsoftSway.php. 7ead also: A-n
-rdered &iberty: ; Treatise on the ?ree "ocietyC by "amuel 4regg.
;rchbishop ?ulton "heen IA"ervant of 4odCJ pointed out the contrast between the
totalitarian nations of the world, where religion was suppressed, and the western world.
>e would say in totalitarian countries, they have the cross without +hrist. They have
discipline that is forced on people* they have hard labor, oppression. >e said in our
western society, 3' >;E' +>7%"T 3%T>-#T T>' +7-"". +hrist was weak* >e
could not save anyone because there was no discipline, no self denial. ?ulton "heen used
to wonder, will these totalitarian countries find +hrist, since they already have the cross,
before the western society finds the cross because we already have +hrist. A$ut we
preach +hrist crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to 4entiles, but to those who
are called, both Jews and 4reeks, +hrist the power of 4od and the wisdom of 4odC
I1+or 1:2,!2.J.
A3hy 0oes "ocialism ;lways ?ail1 ! This )rofessor is a 4enius=C* Ihttp:god!
The early +hristians lived socialism giving of their goods ?7''&B to love others
while the socialism of our modern dictators ?-7+' people to relin@uish their goods and
property= The order in heaven is an eternal benevolent dictatorship. The order in hell is
an eternal malevolent dictatorship. %n the end each one of us, according to the choices
we make in this short life on earth, will end up either in heaven or in hell for all eternity,
whether we believe or do not believe in the eHistence of heaven or hell= 3e do not
create reality nor the laws governing reality whether we believe it or not= &ucifer freely
chose to believe the absurdity that he, a creature, was greater than 4od, the +reator, and
so he became "atan in eternal confusion and relativism in hell=
This is the state of our culture that we are @uickly approaching. To paraphrase,
0'(-+7;+B %" >;70, ;D0 (;DB -? #" ;7' T%7'0 -? %T* 3' 3-#&0
7;T>'7 "&''). The time is a call to wake up, to belly up to the bar, to participate,
to, in fact, do our homework, and then to eHercise the freedoms and liberties that are not
Gust gifts but responsibilities, a duty to our society, to our civili<ation and our children
who will follow after us. ;merica, wake up* do not settle for the easy way. 3e humans
tend toward mediocrity. $ut 4od calls all to great holiness* it is a sin to not correspond
with each and every grace from 4od. There is no place in heaven for the mediocre but
only for saints. The $ible is for everyone, not Gust for "t. ?rancis and other recogni<ed
saints. (y 0ad used to say that most people today prefer to go to hell graciously=
-ur egotistical world manipulators want to take us to a dictatorship as smooth as
possible* if no one wakes up, all the better for them. "atan would be happy to take as
many as possible to hell for eternity without a whimper=== $ecause when someone
wakes up to the grave deception, others wake up who know this person. T>'7' ;7'
"- ?'3 3%&&%D4 T- $' A)-&%T%+;&&B %D+-77'+TC today= The Truth "hall
"et Bou ?ree IJn 8:,2J=
'conomic socialism, in which the state owns and administers all the means of
production and distribution of all goods, was the '+-D-(%+ +-()-D'DT of every
evil political ideology we have seen in recent years: Da<ism, communism, fascism, radical
%slamic fundamentalism... ;ll these political ideologies had the consistent thread, that
consistent economic component of socialism. ;nd the cruH of socialism is the so!called
community ownership. $ut it is not really community ownership* there is tremendous
potential for abuse in this system. -wnership of private property, as the +hurch teaches,
is an intrinsic human value that is woven into the very fabric of humanity. The ';7&B
+>7%"T%;D" practiced a type of socialism by ?7''&B offering their goods for the
benefit of all the members in the community* the "-+%;&%"( of our modern day
dictators ?-7+'" people to relin@uish control of their goods and production through
various methods of manipulation and deception. AThe inherent vice of capitalism is the
une@ual sharing of the blessings. The inherent blessing of socialism is the e@ual sharing
of miseryC !! 3inston +hurchill. )eople are so easily deceived. 4( is no longer
A4eneral (otorsC but A4-E'7D('DT (-T-7"C=
This may not seem as a consolation, but '#7-)' is @uit a few steps ahead of the
#"; on the way to "'&? 0'"T7#+T%-D* they are well down the road to socialism.
3estern 'uropean socialists have reali<ed that the best way to build up mass support for
their policies is essentially to bribe the population into accepting them. This is why you
have %D+7'0%$&B &;74' 3'&?;7' "T;T'" in western 'urope, which means
you build up big constituencies of people who have a vested interest in making sure that
large segments of the economy are controlled by the state. Then people do not want to
see things change because they do not want to see their welfare checks suddenly start to
decline. They do not want to see a situation whereby they have to work longer than ,2
hours a week, that they actually have to get real Gobs instead of being civil servants, etc.
This is where they have been very successful in effectively creating a situation whereby
21X of the population are persuaded that it is good and right and proper and Gust to loot
the other .9X of the population. They do not want to loose their easy security.
AB-# +;DD-T &'4%"&;T' T>' )--7 %DT- ?7''0-( $B
&'4%"&;T%D4 T>' 3';&T>B -#T -? ?7''0-(. 3hat one person receives
without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government
cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody
else. 3hen half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the
other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does
no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my
dear friend, is about the end of any nation. Bou cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.C !
0r. ;drian 7ogers. Though 0r. 7ogers said it in 198., his words are so relevant to
what we are facing in ;merica today.
T>' -D'" 3>- &'0 T>' 1958 (;""%E' 7'J'+T%-D -? ;#T>-7%TB
-D #D%E'7"%TB +;()#"'" ;&& -E'7 T>' 3-7&0 ;7' D-3 %D
)-"%T%-D" -? )-3'7= AThe 3oodstock 4eneration=C 0o you remember how
"imon W 4arfunkel mesmeri<ed that generation telling us that we have no free will:
A&ike a rat in a ma<e the pattern before me liesC IA)atternsCJ, and thus we can blame
everybody else for our problems: A3hen % think back at all the crap % learned in >igh
"choolOC IA:odachrome(aybelleneCJ. +ontrast this hideous and immature attitude
with gratitude toward 4od, parents and teachers= 3e have all received so much from
our +reator who gave us all that we have freely out of love. "o many ungrateful people
are like tubes in which love enters at one end from 4od and others and then they choose
to block the other end to use all they have been given for themselves rather than being an
open tube which passes on the love received to others. $ut % have a certain sympathy for
these people because almost all of them come from families poisoned by the
contraceptive mentality of their parents* the so!called seHual revolution, free from all
restraints or rules, like the train off the railroad tracks or the preschool children outside
of the protecting walls of the playground= 3e have swallowed the lies of the father of
lies, "atan, offered to us by his numerous followers=
% remember when % gave my valedictorian >igh "chool speech at the graduation
ceremonies in 1960, my friend gave his speech );77-T%D4 T>%" "%+:,
%((;T#7', +7%T%+;& ;D0 >;T'?#& ")%7%T -? T>' 1958 4;D4 and even
used phrases and ideas straight out of the "imon W 4arfunkel lyrics* this same friend was
not very happy when % later turned down his invitations at #+&; to come to his
depressing pot parties. (y egotistical and disgusting schoolmates of my generation are
now eating off of and destroying the foundation of our free society paid for by the
countless sacrifices and blood of so many of our brave and generous soldiers and
forefathers who came before us. &ike they used to say: these people are AgrossC, sick
egotists= %n the midst of these contradictions and hypocrisy and reGection of fundamental
+hristian values, they sing: A% dreamed the world had all agreed to put an end to warC
I&ast Dight % >ad the "trangest 0reamJ. This corresponds well with +ardinal $iffiLs
description of the ;ntichrist Aas pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist.C ;s the world
planners IA+lub of 7omeC, etc.J prepare to eliminate millions upon millions of unneeded
human beings, the multitudes of gullible people swallow all their mass propaganda: A;nd
people in the streets below were dancing round and roundC I&ast Dight % >ad the
"trangest 0reamJ= -ur evangelical brothers describe IbelowJ Aa peace contract in the
(iddle 'ast for seven yearsC I0an 9:26J. $ut how can there be peace when Jesus, the
/)rince of )eace/ I%s 9:5J is reGected1
Jesus told "ister ?austina: A(ankind will not have peace until it turns to the ?ount
of (y (ercyC I0iary: 599J
3ith the help of the mass media and the tremendous influence of the militant
secularists, nihilists, and relativists in key 'uropean positions of power, T>'
'#7-)';D )'-)&' >;E' $''D 0#)'0 %DT- T-T;&&B >;D0%D4 -E'7
T>'%7 ?7''0-( ;D0 0'(-+7;+B to the bureaucrats in $russels who are not
elected and cannot be remove by the people now that the 26 'uropean nations have
approved the &isbon Treaty Ithe 'uropean +onstitutionJ.
0'+&;D 4;D&'B, T>' &';0'7 -? &%$'7T;", clearly shows that the
&%"$-D T7';TB, in particular article .8, give these institutions in $russels the ability
to change the deal, to change the treaty, the constitution, now that the new constitution
is approved by all the 26 member nations. %T %" T7#&B ?7%4>T'D%D4= ;mericans
are a little bit more awake and have a little bit more moral fiber left even after the
onslaughts of these militant secularists in the last 20 years in the #.". The generosity to
life Ibirth rateJ and church attendance is significantly higher in the #.". than in 'urope,
although going down fast. -bama has to operate in a more covert and deceptive way to
bring forth the same goal of a socialistic dictatorship. %n the end, sooner than we want to
imagine, the world planners will create a maGor crisis and eliminate those who do not
totally submit to their world plan. %t is interesting that the free enterprise system of the
#.". has produced the greatest wealth in the history of the world and thus the socialists
have worked hard to infiltrate the higher echelons of government, education, media and
even religious institutions, so as to use the accumulated money and power of the #.".
precisely against the #.". $ut by creating their socialistic dictatorship and system they
destroy the innovation and economy of the highly successful #.". system. %s this not
what happens in hell1
A&ibertasL 0eclan 4anley comeback against Pdemocracy!hatingL &isbon treatyC*
AThere is &ess to This than (eets the 'yeC
AEatican issues &isbon Treaty warning to %rish votersC ! The article in the
Telegraph reports that +-%7 welcomed the EaticanLs intervention. 0eclan 4anley is
reported as saying that A+ardinal $ertone represented the +hurchLs true positionC
A;fter %rish KBes,K '# )ushes for a )residentC*
A'# &isbon Treaty to become law within weeks after +<ech president concedes
A)ope urges 'urope to remember +hristian heritageC*
A)-&%"> )7'"%0'DT )&;D' +7;"> +-D")%7;+B Theories "tart To
'mergeC U A3hat is the $asis of the )olish )resident )lane +rash +onspiracy1 3hat
arouses suspicion are the circumstances surrounding the )olish plane crash. Damely
people are suspicious because a plane full of )olish dignitaries crashed while traveling to
7ussia to honor the memory of more than 20,000 )oles who died in the :atyn
(assacre.C Ihttp:www.nowpublic.comworldpolish!president!plane!crash!conspiracy!
The frightening thing is that there are those in the #"; who want to hasten our
following 'urope as our ideal. %T %" ;D ;$"-&#T' 0%";"T'7 %D T>' (;:%D4=
% am not a pessimist. 3e know the last chapter of the book= 3e win= $ut we should be
realists like "t. Thomas, based on the purely obGective reality created by 4od. The
further we get a field of this base of obGective truth the more easily "atan and his puppets
can manipulate us and lead us astray in any direction they decide.
The 4erman people were not evil. The Japanese people were not evil. The
7ussian people were not evil. $ut it was a E'7B ?'3 %0'-&-4#'" that sei<ed
control and then (;D%)#&;T'0 ; +-()&;+'DT ;D0 #D3;7B )-)#&;+'.
&et us not say that it cannot happen in ;merica= ;ccording to 'dmund $urke, evil
triumphs when the good do nothing. %f the 4odly, who have not fallen into the
fundamental trap of being distracted and complacent with illicit pleasures and seH, do not
go out to fight the forces of evil, the forces of evil will come to us. Those of good will,
all true +hristians, are the stars of >eaven, so we must shine brightly= -n the darkest
night, the stars shine the brightest. AJust because you do not take an interest in politics
doesnKt mean politics wonKt take an interest in you=C !! )ericles I.,0 $.+.J.
0- D-T ?-74'T T>;T 4'7(;DB 3;" T>' (-"T '0#+;T'0, T>'
(-"T +#&T#7'0 +-#DT7B %D '#7-)'. %t was full of music, art, museums,
hospitals, laboratories, and universities. ;nd yet, in less than siH years Ia shorter time
span than Gust two terms of the #. ". presidencyJ it was rounding up its own citi<ens,
killing others, abrogating its laws, turning children against parents, and neighbors against
neighbors. O all with the best of intentions, of course. The road to >ell is paved with
good intentions.
The 7TT 7use: -n ?ebruary 22th, while $arack -bama chatted about
:bama2are with members of +ongress, the ?ederal 0epartment of 'ducation U lead by
its cabinet level chief ;rne 0uncan whoLs also from +hicago U prepped for release to the
public his and his bossLs second assault on our freedom* this time a scheme to further
intrude on your childLs education. ;s an announcement from two think tanks put it:
Agenerationally important Tenth ;mendment issues QwereR opened on two frontsNthe
prospect of centrali<ing health care and education policy.C ;nd thatLs pretty much whatLs
going on, but using eHpressions like Atwo frontsC assumes a great deal from the average
reader or listener these days. ThatLs because such eHpressions harken back to historical
events the facts on which the general populace is thin. 0oubt me1 ;sk anyone under .0
why >itler shouldnLt have invaded The "oviet #nion.
J#"T ;" #D0'7 +-((#D%"T 7#""%; ;D0 +>%D;, parental rights are
being @uickly taken away by our #.". government.
-ne of the components of this takeover is economic catastrophe which is what
socialism does according to the writings of the )opes. ;nd then when that happens,
when there is so much misery and so much discontent, then people like >itler or "talin
can rise to power because it creates a situation where people are so desperate that they
are LOO;ING FOR SAL$ATION FROM A MESSIAHE that is not Jesus, thatLs for
sure. 3ithout grace, this eventually happens every time. %n 7ussia there was a horrible
abGect poverty before 33%. Then with millions being killed with incompetent generals,
they revolted and they ended up with a worse oppression than the +<ar. This is where
the %()-7T;D+' -? $;&;D+' comes in which we find in the documents of the
+hurch. 3hen a bigger and bigger segment of the population is getting more and more
poor, when the worker is oppressed, the everyday man in his Gob, while a smaller and
smaller number of people are garnering a bigger and bigger share of the wealth, what
3ith every new bill, 3%T> 0%??'7'DT 0%"4#%"'" ;D0 );+:;4%D4,
-bama is bringing all the money and power and decision making to the federal level, so
that if you have a problem, you will not be able to solve it locally, but you must have
recourse to bureaucrats Ic<ars=J in 3ashingtonO
%s -bama the ;nointed -ne1
ADone dare call it (arHism ! 3ell, he said that he would raise capital gains taH
rates, even if it reduced revenues, as a matter of fairness. %tKs only fair to make everyone
poorer if you believe profits are inherently evil.C* Ihttp:www.wnd.comindeH.php1
AThe socialists within want to take overC* Ihttp:www.wnd.comindeH.php1
A>as increase in government power crossed over to socialism1C*
%t is true that T>' 47''0 -? >#(;D nature enlightens us about the fact that
the bosses, as well as the unions, seek to ac@uire as much wealth with as little work as
possible which tends toward bankruptcy* but at least with a capitalistic system, with a
minimally functional democratic government, there are some checks and balances. $ut
maneuvered bankruptcy gives the 47''0B 4-E'7D('DT bureaucrats the eHcuse
and legal right to take more, and even total control of the businesses, especially with the
help of the rich international bankers who helped to create the conditions for bankruptcy
and forfeiture of the businesses.
$ut history has always shown that $%4 4-E'7D('DT %" (#+> (-7'
)7-D' T- >#(;D 47''0 ;D0 T>' T>%7"T ?-7 )-3'7, especially since
there is no one or no governing body above them to (-D%T-7 ;D0 +-DT7-&
T>'%7 47''0, eHcept the ADew 3orld -rderC, which will be worse than the world
has ever seen or will see in the future= The everyday thieves are put in Gail* the thieves in
government make the laws and thus do not go to Gail= Thus with the beautiful rhetoric in
the name of AprogressC, Ae@uality for allC, Athe common goodC and Asocial GusticeC, these
insatiable government officials promote socialism with beautiful propaganda as they seek
to dismantle or nullify the state or national constitution of checks and balances so as to
facilitate their way to a socialistic dictatorship. These power seeking government
officials offer themselves as the solution for the forfeiture of the businesses. $ut who or
what will be the solution and control for the forfeiture and 0'"T7#+T%-D -?
TB7;DD%+;& 4-E'7D('DT" who have totally failed the people who they claim to
represent1 Bou guessed it= The Dew 3orld -rder=
A-ne 3orld 4overnment1 4lobe may not be big enough ! The Dew 3orld -rder
came into being at .:22 Tuesday afternoonC* Ihttp:www.washingtonpost.comwp!
;ll is held in a very delicate balance by the +reator of all things. 'ven a tiny atom
is held in eHistence by its +reator. "o too there is a 0'&%+;T' $;&;D+' %D
"-+%'TB. The more people follow the laws and rules of the +reator of society, the
better things go for society. The more people follow the human instincts of greed and
power or sloth, the worse things go for the social order. This is also the reason why
groups and societies are always in need of renewal as history clearly shows. "ometimes
these renewals came about by longsuffering saintly people who truly loved 4od and their
fellow brothers and sisters, especially the weakest and most defenseless. $ut
unfortunately these needed renewals most often come about after the great destruction of
wars and much bloodshed and loss of life.
%n an interview with the "ec. of ;griculture, 'sra Taft $enson during the
'isenhower administration, :>7#">+>'E said, ABou ;mericans are so gullible. Do,
you wonLt accept communism outright* but weLll keep feeding you small doses of
"ocialism until you will finally wake up and find that you already have communism. 3e
wonLt have to fight you* we will so weaken your economy #DT%& B-# ?;&& &%:'
-E'77%)' ?7#%T %DT- -#7 >;D0".C
0r. -ley Turiy, 0irector of the %nstitute of +hurch >istory I&LvivJ, eHplains that
especially under :hrushchev, and this is a paradoH, since the west associates :hrushchev
with liberal policies and an introduction of a measure of freedom, that the most severe
church closing policies were introduced. This policy even included the churches that
formerly belonged to the 7ussian orthodoH +hurch. %n 1950 :hrushchev hosted the 21st
congress of the +ommunist party. ;t this event he said that within 20 years he would
appear on television to reveal, as a curiosity, the last surviving +hristian in the #""7.
:hrushchev assured his audience that after the death of this individual, +hristianity
would cease to eHist altogether in what he dubbed T>' ?;T>'7&;D0 -? T>'
>-&B )7-&'T;7%;T=
;('7%+;D +;)%T;&%"( 4-D' 3%T> ; 3>%()'7=
>ere is an eHcellent article on the decline of ;merica into (arHism by none other
than a 7ussian ! who better to recogni<e (arHism pure and simple1
"tanislav (ishin, writing in )ravda, the 7ussian "tate Dewspaper, on June 1, 2009
A%t must be said, that like the breaking of a great dam, T>' ;('7%+;D
0'+'DT %DT- (;7M%"( %" >;))'D%D4 3%T> $7';T> T;:%D4 ")''0,
against the back drop of a passive, hapless sheeple, eHcuse me dear reader, % meant
people. True, the situation has been well prepared on and off for the past century,
especially the past twenty years. The initial testing grounds was conducted upon our
>oly 7ussia and a bloody test it was. $ut we 7ussians would not Gust roll over and give
up our freedoms and our souls, no matter how much money 3all "treet poured into the
fists of the (arHists.C Ihttp:english.pravda.ruopinioncolumnists106.29!0J.
A;s if Things 3erenKt $ad 'nough, 7ussian )rofessor )redicts 'nd of #.".C*
A>as increase in government power crossed over to socialism1 BouKll never hear
-bama, >ouse "peaker Dancy )elosi or "enate (aGority &eader >arry 7eid utter the
/"/ word in relation to their policies, but itKs difficult to categori<e them any other way.C
/"ocialism works in two places: >eaven where they donKt need it, and hell where
they already have %t./ !!7onald 7eagan . AThe most terrifying words in the 'nglish
language are: %Km from the government and %Km here to help.C ! 7onald 7eagan,28.htmlJ.
A3ell, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they
know so much that isnLt so.C U 7onald 7eagan
A%t is the duty of the patriot to protect his country from his government.C N
Thomas )aine
+ommentary: 0etroit hosts leftist cavalcade: This ainKt no tea party. The forum is a
hootenanny of pinkos, environuts, peaceniks, &uddites, old hippies, 7obin >oods and
urban hunters and gatherers. %n other words, a microcosm of the -bama administration.
A0onKt call it KsocialismK=C* Ihttp:blogs.usatoday.comoped200905dont!call!it!
A3;&& "T7''T ;)-+;&B)"': The 3orld of the 0oomsday %nvestorsC
The ?all of ;merica and the 3estern 3orld ! Dational $ankruptcy. >yper!
inflation. "evere +redit +risis. The 0eath of the 0ollar and the 'uro. "ocialism. 'ven
(artial &aw. ?or the first time since the 4reat 0epression, the worldLs problems have
become our problems. ;nd the eHperts all agree things will only get worse. ;re you and
your family ready to survive the catastrophe1 Ihttp:www.thefallofamerica.netaffagora!
"ocialism in )aGamas by 4ustavo "olimeo. A; specter is haunting 'urope !! the
specter of communism./ This is the famous opening line of the (anifesto of the
+ommunist )arty written by :arl (arH and ?riedrich 'ngels in 18.8. This sentence
could be paraphrased today: /; specter is haunting ;merica !! the specter of socialism.C
%s +ommunism 7eally 0ead1 Ihttp:www.tfpstudentaction.orgpolitically!
A?%D;D+%;& 7'4#&;T%-D $%&& %" "-+%;&%"(C U A)resident -bama has
taken the #nited "tates one more giant step toward socialism by ramming through the
"enate his financial regulation bill. The bill authori<es the secretary of the treasury !! a
political appointee !! to sei<e any financial company Ibank or non!bankJ simply because,
in his opinion, it is too big to fail and in danger of insolvency. This power can be used for
political retribution, pressure for campaign funding or any other abuse that bureaucratic
whim or partisan politics can conceive. %t is a power ?idel +astro or >ugo +have< would
love to have=C I(ay 22, 2010*
-3+ S,)(idiarity
;mong other things, including the evils of abortion, embryonic stem cell research,
euthanasia and the destruction of the family Isame seH marriages, etc.J, % wrote the
following paragraph to my representatives in the senate and in the congress: A)lease
promote the principle of subsidiarity so that our country does not become a socialistic
dictatorship but remains Afor the people and by the peopleC. "#$"%0%;7%TB is an
organi<ing principle that matters ought to be handled by the smallest, lowest or least
centrali<ed competent authority. The -Hford 'nglish 0ictionary defines subsidiarity as
the idea that a central authority should have a subsidiary function, performing only those
tasks which cannot be performed effectively at a more immediate or local level. &et us
give the power back to the people before it is too late=C
/3' T>' )'-)&'/, is one of the most!@uoted sections of the +onstitution and
of the 0eclaration of %ndependence of the #nited "tates of ;merica. )resident ;braham
&incoln, at his famous A4ettysburg ;ddressC in 4ettysburg, )ennsylvania on Dovember
19, 185,, said: O Athat from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that
cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion !! that we here highly resolve
that these dead shall not have died in vain !! that this nation, under 4od, shall have a new
birth of freedom !! and that government of the people, by the people, for the people,
shall not perish from the earth.C &et us not pervert and destroy our country by changing
&incolnLs words to: Athat government of the government, by the government, for the
governmentC= -ur precious and wisely written #nited "tates +onstitution begins with
the words: A3e the )eopleC= 3e must not let these ruthless conceited bureaucrats
interpret this 4od!inspired document as: A3' T>' 4-E'7D('DTC= This is precisely
the reason for the ;merican 7evolution=
The word subsidiarity is derived from the &atin word subsidiarius and has its
origins in +atholic social teaching I7'7#( D-E;7#(, 1891, )ope &eo M%%%*
F#;07;4'"%(- ;DD-, 19,1, )ope )ius M%J.
T>-(;" J'??'7"-D, our ,rd. )resident of the #";, declared /That
government is best which governs least./ >e also said: A; government big enough to
give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have...C %s this
not right in line with the principle of subsidiarity1 %t doesnKt take a brain surgeon to
conclude that (r. Jefferson must be whirling in his grave at the current effort by
)resident $arack -bama to increase our government to a si<e and scope unprecedented
in history, using taHpayer money in amounts that eHceed our comprehension. 3ith each
new bill touted as /crucial/ for the economy, the government is getting (-7'
+-DT7-& over banks, health care, Gobs, housing and more. %t is an all!out assault on
capitalism and the form of government conceived and enshrined in the 0eclaration of
%ndependence and the #.". +onstitution.
-bama is always thinking about the best for the ;merican people* since he assumes
we do not know what we are doing, he must use every techni@ue possible to lead us
toward a socialistic dictatorship for our own good= ;fter all, the socialists do not
understand that normal people have a free will given to them by their +reator Iwhich
does not eHist according to these wise and intelligent leaders I(t 11:22* &k 10:21JJ and
thus these elitists must provide for us poor ignoramuses=
A;nalysis: -bamaKs stronger role on 3all "treet reformC
A-bama pushes 3all "treet reform with populismC
A3all "treet reform bill in detail ! 3hat -bamaKs shake!up of the banking and
financial sectors contains U and what it seems to be missingC!financial!reform!bill!measuresJ.
A-nce again, J-"')> ?;7;>, now this is world net daily, had this to say: ;s the
national government becomes more centrali<ed and bureaucratic, it will also become less
democratic, and more despotic, than ever.C
%" D-T ; 0'+&;7'0 0'(-+7;T%+ 4-E'7D('DT "#))-"'0 T-
"'7E' T>' )'-)&', or is it meant to manipulate the people according to proud
bureaucrats who believe they are more intelligent and enlightened than the rest of us1
0id not our free enterprise system bring the #"; to highest standard of living that the
world has ever known1
3ith -bama, the democrats are @uickly undermining the power of the people.
A0emocrats defeat 4-) alternative on consumer agencyC. A"enate 0emocratic leaders
cleared two maGor obstacles Thursday to winning passage of a 3all "treet reform bill,
beating back a 7epublican effort to curb the reach of a new consumer agency and
striking a compromise on a watered!down bill to shine a light on ?ederal 7eserve
activities. OC Ihttp:www.politico.comnewsstories0210,5902.htmlJ.
T>' #D -)'7;T'" 'M;+T&B -))-"%T' T- T>' )7%D+%)&' -?
"#$"%0%;7%TB* these bureaucrats have no business telling people how many babies to
have and forcing abortions and contraceptives, especially on countries where these
policies are totally contrary to their local culture, as in ;frica and "outh ;merica=
A3hy %s The 3est "o $ent -n %mposing ;bortion -n -ther "overeign Dations1C
A"ecretary of "tate >illary +linton #rges +anada to )romote ;bortion at 48 (tgC
A;bortion is "afer Than +hildbirth1 "tudies "how ;bortion (ore 7isky for
3omenC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comint1.95.htmlJ.
A3omen 3ho >ave ;bortions ?our Times (ore &ikely to ;buse 0rugs, ;lcoholC
%n )ope $enedictLs recent encyclical, C+harity in TruthC, he recogni<es the need at
times to be able to have a higher authority to resolve problems that the lower authorities
do not succeed in resolving. $ecause of this admission, some want to accuse the )ope
of being in favor of the ADew 3orld -rderC. $ut he very clearly holds fast to the
constant principle of the +atholic +hurch, "#$"%0%;7%TB, which means that the
sovereignty of each nation must be protected and safeguarded by any possible higher
authority. )ope $enedict makes numerous references to the principle of subsidiarity in
his encyclical. 7egarding a higher authority he wrote: A"uch an authority would need to
be regulated by law, to observe consistently the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity,
to seek to establish the common good, and to make a )ommitment to se)uring authenti)
integral human deelo&ment ins&ired b! the alues o3 )harit! in truth
'very day seems to be a new ;0E'DT#7' %D 0%";"T'7. -ne bailout after
another bailout, huge budgets and thieves in government who call 600 billion dollars as
Achump changeC, considered inconse@uential because itLs our money= A; liberal is
someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which debt he proposes to pay off
with your moneyC !! 4. 4ordon &iddy. ATalk is cheap... eHcept when +ongress does itC
U ;nonymous. A% contend that for a nation to try to taH itself into prosperity is like a
man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle ...C !! 3inston
(-7' 4-E'7D('DT T;:-E'7 IJune 19, 2010J
ABou would think that the ?ar &eftLs blatant attempts to obliterate the #.".
+onstitution would be newsworthy, wouldnLt you1 %nstead, the liberal media applaud
efforts by the -bama administration to trample on the ?irst ;mendment and abuse
eHecutive power= &ast week, )resident -bamaLs ?ederal Trade +ommission I?T+J
revealed their plans to bail out failing liberal news organi<ations with Z,2 billion ... of
our taH dollars= They call this Areinventing Gournalism.C IBou may have noticed a pattern
here U when liberals say they want to reinvent something, they always mean they want to
take it over=J. This is nothing less than an attempt to sei<e control of the press U a clear
violation of the ?irst ;mendment= %t Gust doesnLt get any more anti!;merican than this.
This is something we would eHpect in the "oviet #nion, or Da<i 4ermany. $ut in the
#nited "tates of ;merica1=1=1=1C
#rgent: +all +ongress to -ppose 0%"+&-"' ;ct= IJune 12, 2010J
AThe #.". >ouse of 7epresentatives may vote within days on the so!called
A0%"+&-"' ;ct,C legislation that would place sweeping new restrictions on the ability
of incorporated groups, including D7&+ and D7&+ affiliates, to communicate with the
public about the actions of federal lawmakers.C
AT>' -D&B T>%D4 3' &';7D ?7-( >%"T-7B %" T>;T 3' &';7D
D-T>%D4 ?7-( >%"T-7B+C ! ?riedrich >egel. Thus we are condemned to repeat all
of the mistakes and horrors of the past=
A% donKt make Gokes... % Gust watch the government and report the factsC !! 3ill
-6+ #e Ha2e Ca(t A(ide O,r Real PoAer@
-ur &ady of ?atima told us that wars are caused by the sins of everyone Inot Gust
the heads of stateJ. T>' (-7' 3' "%D ;D0 T>' &'"" 3' )7;B ;D0 T>'
&'"" 3' 0- 4-0L" >-&B 3%&&, the more the followers of "atan have power. The
more we pray and do 4odLs will and avoid sin, the less power these prideful, powerful
people of the world have. 3e have the power in our hands, especially those who have
received more truth and grace from 4od, such as +atholics. %f those who have received
more AT;&'DT"C I(t 22:1.!,0J from 4od use them wisely, the world would be in
great shape. $ut today the great maGority of those who have received more graces and
truth from 4od Iwhich would also unite them more closely to the sufferings of +hrist
crucifiedJ have discarded these AtalentsC, these gifts from 4od especially by reGecting the
cross of Jesus in their lives. This is why history shows that the first priority of the
dictators of the world was to subvert and then destroy the +atholic +hurch in each
country, in particular, to eliminate the greatest source of grace Istrength and helpJ from
4od, the (ost >oly 'ucharist. 3hen the oppressive regimes came to power in the last
100 years in "pain, 7ussia and (eHico, the first thing they did was to kill as many priests
and bishops as they could to take away the greatest source of power IT>'
'#+>;7%"TJ to resist the evil designs of these 4odless tyrants. They killed over .000
priests in "pain alone, less than 90 years ago. This is why these world connivers
promote sin, such as using artificial contraception, abortion, euthanasia, seH outside
marriage as normal and even good, pornography, compulsory seH education and Agay
sensitivity trainingC in the elementary and secondary schools Idiabolical programs that
are destroying souls and corrupting our entire societyJ, the 0'"T7#+T%-D -? T>'
?;(%&B, every kind of egoism and hedonism, etc. $ehold their )!"@uad:
)ermissiveness, )romiscuity, )ornography, )rostitution, )otions, )rogressivism= They
always use beautiful, nice, deceptive words I0an 8:22* see also 0an 11:21,2.J so as not
to cause a reaction and awake our consciences to the truth and the real conse@uences of
their policies, in order to render the people weak, confused and unable to resist the
onslaughts of the intended enslavement. A$eware of false prophets, who come to you in
sheepLs clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Bou will know them by their fruitsC
I(t 6:12!15J.
The greatest obstacle for these world planners to bring about socialistic
dictatorships around the world, all under their control, is the +atholic +hurch. "ee:
O)a'aJ( 4Catholic Pla14E Di2ide a1d co1G,er:
Just as the +hurch converted the things of the past to +hristianity instead of
destroying them, so too the Dew 3orld -rder does the same to use for their purposes.
They use the (uslims, terrorists, etc. %n the past, dissenters of the truth left the +hurch*
now they remain in the +hurch to try to convert the +hurch to non!truth which used to
be called heresy=
0ay of prayer divides some ! ?ranklin 4raham wants -bama to intervene in
)entagon prayer eventC
A?7;D:&%D 47;>;(: -$;(; K4%E%D4 %"&;( ; );"",K 3;7D" -?
)'7"'+#T%-DC I(ay ,, 2010J by 0avid ;. )atten. A'vangelical leader 7ev. ?ranklin
4raham issued his toughest remarks yet (onday on the administrationKs role in revoking
his invitation to speak at the )entagonKs Dational 0ay of )rayer event, charging that
)resident -bama is /giving %slam a pass/ rather than speaking openly about the /horrific/
treatment women and minorities receive in many (uslim countries.C I>eadlinefranklin!graham!islam!
A3hatKs Dot >appening to ;merican (uslims ! To hear >ollywood and the media
tell it, ;merican (uslims were the ultimate victims of 911. 3hat nonsense.
A#" Joins )ro!(uslim K;lliance of +ivili<ationsK I(ay 20, 2010J ! The -bama
administration has announced the #nited "tates will Goin the #nited Dations ;lliance of
+ivili<ations, another openly anti!%srael organi<ation.
A3>-K" T>' 'D'(B %D T>' 3;7 -D T'77-71 ! The #.". is at war with
violent %slamist eHtremism, and the -bama administration does moderate (uslims no
favor by refusing to recogni<e this.C
A)entagon 3hitewashC by $ill $ennett. AThere are devastating and important
things happening in the news. &est we forget, though: 3e are still in a war against
%slamic Terrorism. ;nd it still happens in ;merica. Dovember is not so far away that it
deserves forgetting or whitewashing: ;n ;rab terrorist named Didal >asan went to a
health!care center, in a fort N at an ;rmy base N in TeHas, and opened fire killing 1.
people while he shouted /;llahu ;kbar./ $ut you would not know this if you read the
)entagon 7eport on the massacre released ?riday. O
T>' (#"&%( ?;%T> )7-0#+'" "-(' E'7B "%+: $'>;E%-7 -D ;
7'4#&;7 $;"%". ;merica is so naive when it comes to dealing with radicals who
only want us dead. They kill their own for talking, why does -bama think they will treat
;merica nice1 -r does -bama have another hidden goal for ;merica1
ATurkish Teen $uried ;live for Talking to $oysC
3atch: A;ustralia please please be +arefulC IJihad on ;ustralian soil, paid for by
taH ;ustralian payers*!(hnm6d+.J.
AThose counties tormented under dictatorship, do not know love. They know hate,
rage, revenge. I(arch 15, 200.*
To understand better what is really going on in regards to worldwide terrorism,
visit the website of ?-#D0;T%-D ?-7 0'?'D"' -? 0'(-+7;+%'" I?00J
which is the only nonpartisan policy institute dedicated eHclusively to promoting
pluralism, defending democratic values, and fighting the ideologies that threaten
democracy. Ihttp:defenddemocracy.orgJ.
A(ontebello >igh "chool %n +alifornia ! D-3 T>%" %" ; T7;E'"TBO Bou
will not see this heart!stopping photo on the front page of the DB Times, nor on the lead
story of the maGor news networks. The protestors at (ontebello >igh "chool took the
;merican flag off the schoolLs flag pole and hung it upside down while putting up the
(eHican flag over it.C Ihttp:repatriotradio.commontebello!high!school!in!californiaJ.
A;7%T-D;K" 7';& )7-$&'(: 07#4 +7%(' ! The vicious violence the
border states are eHperiencing is not committed by migrant laborers.C
A#)0;T'0: %llegal %mmigrants Trash "onora 0esert, -utside Tucson, ;TC
%&&'4;& %((%47;T%-D
A2 things you didnLt know about (eHicoLs drug war ! ThereKs a treasure trove of
drug bounty and donKt underestimate the dangers of Twitter.C
A7ace )andering ?or >ispanic EotesC* 7ead the sign of non!#.". citi<ens
protesting: A4ive us free health care* Jobs U Do TaHes* >ouse ?ood* Bou -we #s
;merica* 3e will shoot more police in ;ri<ona until we get free=C I(ay 21, 2010*
A>ats -ff To +harlie 0aniels... ;t &east >e >as The +ourage To "peak >is
(ind=C A% donKt know how everybody else feels about it, but to me % think >ispanic
people in this country, legally or illegally, made a huge public relations mistake with their
recent demonstrations.C Ihttp:www.sodahead.comunited!stateshats!off!to!charlie!
A)olice "tate: >ow (eHico treats illegal aliensC
Debraska Town Eotes to $anish %llegal %mmigrants
%" -$;(; #"%D4 T>' %&&'4;& %((%47;DT" as a preparation for
something nice for our country1 %s this not the same socialistic strategy to bring all
down to poverty, taking away the money and property of those who are willing to work
and giving it to those who do not want to work1 %n the end, those who up to now who
have been willing to work and save, will give up working when they see it is all taken
A-$;(; $7';:" ;T &;3 7'?#"'" T- 0')-7T %&&'4;&"C
A>illary +linton infuriates ;ri<ona 4ov. Jan $rewer with immigration oops !
>illary +linton said the -bama administration will sue ;ri<ona over the stateKs tough
new immigration law.C!the!news!
A?eds sue to overturn ;ri<ona immigration lawC
fbidV5>)5TFomb89J. 'ven though by now the ?eds have all the necessary courts and
government agencies under their control* they still have to make a show of going
through the Alegal processC until they have full power and we can no longer do anything
about it=
;7' 3' ;&7';0B #D0'7 ; 0%+T;T-7">%) ;D0 3' 0- D-T ?#&&B
:D-3 %T B'T1 %t is no longer Afor the people and by the peopleC but for the
socialistic elitists and by the socialistic elitists= )raise the &ord and pass the ammunition=
$ut the socialistic elitists are far more prepared for our eventual reaction than we can
imagine. Thus T>' $'"T 3';)-D" are precisely what our heavenly (other told us
almost 100 years ago at ?atima: )7;B'7 ;D0 ";+7%?%+'". These devious world
destroyers are so manipulated and guided by their real master, "atan, that they have
manoeuvred for years to lead us away from prayer and toward the worst of sins so as to
render us their slaves here on earth and later for all eternity for those who do not repent.
%t is by now impossible to save the sinking ship, our beloved country, that we allowed
these fools to slowly fill full of holes, letting out, first of all, the graces and helps from
4od, and then, as a conse@uence, the +hristian social fabric, the economy, etc. 3'
;7' T- $&;(' for having given the power and control to these egotistical puppets of
"atan who have in turn accelerated the sinking of the ship with the money and power
that we have given to them so as to pay for abortions in the whole world and use the
mass media to undermine or destroy the last remaining religious voices in the public
s@uare= This is the real cause of the economic and social crisis which we did not want to
recogni<e or resist especial since 1950.
A-$;(; ";%0 K% ;( ; (#"&%(KC
AThe $roken "tates of ;mericaC
AThe $ad Dews ;bout -bama+are :eeps )iling #p ! %tKs now obvious that many
millions will lose the coverage they have.
A)rotesters: -il "pill a /+rude ;wakening/ for -bamaC
AThe )residentKs ;nimosities ! "ince when was the ;merican idea us versus them1C
AThe #ncomfortable 0efinition of an %nfidelC U A;llah or Jesus +hrist1 %slam is the
fastest growing religion in the #: ....C
A;fter the presentations, @uestion time. % directed my @uestion to the %mam and
asked: K+orrect me if %Km wrong, but % understand that most %mams and clerics of %slam
have declared a >oly 3ar against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel,
Iwhich is a command to all (uslimsJ they are assured of a place in heaven. %f thatKs the
case, can you give me the definition of an infidel1K
There was no disagreement with my statement and, without hesitation, he replied,
% responded, K"o, let me make sure % have this straight. ;ll followers of ;llah have
been commanded to kill everyone who is not a follower of ;llah, so they can have a
place in heaven. %s that correct1K
The eHpression on his face changed from one of authority to that of Ka little boy
who had Gust been caught with his hand in the biscuit tin.K
>e sheepishly replied, KBes.K
% then stated, K3ell, % have a real problem trying to imagine )ope $enedict
commanding all +atholics to kill (uslims, or the ;rchbishop of +anterbury ordering all
)rotestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven=K
The %mam was speechless= OC
A+omedy +entral developing Jesus +hrist cartoon ! +omedy +entral might censor
every image of the )rophet (uhammad on /"outh )ark,/ yet the network is developing
a whole animated series around Jesus +hrist.
A"ocialism is not the ;nswer ! %slam 'Hplained in &aymanLs TermsC
A-$;(; 7#(-7 (;%&'0 T- D'3"7--( (;:'" (' ";0C
?rom "undayKs 06 "ept. 2008 11:.8:0. '"T, Televised /(eet the )ress/ The
T>'D "enator -bama was asked about his stance on the ;merican ?lag. 4eneral $ill
4innK #";? Iret.J asked -bama to eHplain 3>B he doesnKt follow protocol when the
Dational ;nthem is played.
The 4eneral also stated to -bama that according to the #nited "tates +ode, Title
,5, +hapter 10, "ec. 161... 0uring rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is
displayed, all present IeHcept those in uniformJ are eHpected to stand at attention facing
the flag with the right hand over the heart. -r, at the very least, /"tand and ?ace %t/.
"enator -bama replied: /;s %Kve said about the flag pin, % donKt want to be perceived as
taking sides/. /There are a lot of people in the world to whom the ;merican flag is a
symbol of oppression./ /The anthem itself conveys a war!like message. Bou know, the
bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing./
;7' B-# 7';0B ?-7 T>%"111
-bama said: /The Dational ;nthem should be KswappedK for something less
parochial and less bellicose. % like the song K%Kd &ike To Teach the 3orld To "ingK. %f that
were our anthem, then, % might salute it. %n my opinion, we should consider reinventing
our Dational ;nthem as well as KredesignK our ?lag to better offer our enemies hope and
love. %tKs my intention, if elected, to disarm ;merica to the level of acceptance to our
(iddle 'ast $rethren. %f we, as a Dation of waring people, conduct ourselves as the
nations of %slam where peace prevails ! ! ! perhaps a state or period of mutual accord
could eHist between our governments./
3%&&%;( 37%4>T 37-T' T>;T T>'7' %" D- )-&%T%+;&
7'E-&#T%-D 3%T>-#T ; "'M#;& 7'E-&#T%-D=
A$ut some one will say, ABou have faith and % have works.C "how me your faith
apart from your works, and % by my works will show you my faith. Bou believe that
4od is one* you do well. 'E'D T>' 0'(-D" $'&%'E' U ;D0 ">#00'7C IJms
2:18!19J. %t is ama<ing that these powerful people, so close to their hidden leader,
"atan, and who claim there is no 4od* know better than the great maGority of +atholics
the source of our great strength. A?or the sons of this world are wiser in their own
generation than the sons of lightC I&k 15:8J. The great maGority of +atholics do not even
have one hour a week to thank their &ord in the 'ucharist Iafter a good, sincere, well!
formed conscience confessionJ, 3ho gave them everything they have= These ruthless
Aangels of lightC who declare that there is no 4od, reali<e that our greatest source of
strength to defend ourselves from their onslaughts is the 'ucharist= They even steal
+onsecrated >osts to desecrate the $ody of +hrist in their $lack (asses= ;nd they call
themselves atheists= %f we want to persevere to the end in our long lifeLs Gourney in the
desert, like Jesus in the desert .0 days, amidst many dangers and trials, to arrive to our
home in heaven IAthe mount of 4odCJ we need heavenly food= A;nd the angel of the
&ord came again a second time, and touched him Q'liGahR, and said, A;rise and eat, else
the Gourney will be too great for you. O ;nd he arose, and ate and drank, and went in
the strength of that food forty days and forty nights to >oreb the mount of 4odC I1:ings
19:6!8J. >ow can a +hristian not believe in the 'ucharist or believe that the 'ucharist is
only a symbol after reading the siHth chapter of the 4ospel of John1=1
Jesus: AB'", T>' +-((#D%-D %" 0%7'+T +-DT;+T 3%T> 4-0: J'"#"
'#+>;7%"T &-E'= ;re you ready to receive (e with the white gown, purified and
cleaned from all the sin that has darkened the view of the whole Truth, and QthatR it
makes you become opa@ue and grey. 7e!clean yourselves from the PgrimeL and make to
shine your soul= (ay there be an effort to believe that in that >ost there is 4od and he
loves you. $ut % wait for you clean and purified: do not partake of the 'ucharist
remaining in sin, it is something grave, very grave= %t would be to put the PwaHL in order
to seal a writing, and put on it the mark of belonging to "atan=C. I0ecember 12, 2005*
AT>' "-D" -? T>%" 3-7&0C know that the more we sin, and the more the
family is destroyed by the contraceptive mentality and culture, and thus leading to so
many horrendous sins, the more power they have and the weaker we become.
+ontraception is the gateway to abortion. AT>' "-D" -? &%4>TC do not reali<e why
their society and country is crumbling and thus why their economy is now about to crash
after following the allurements of these world masters for so many years=
A#ncovering ; "tring of &ies ;bout +ontraceptionC
A)7%E;+B, T>' +-#7T", ;D0 T>' +#&T#7' -? 0';T> ! ;n %nterview
with 0r. Janet '. "mith, author of The 7ight to )rivacyC
AJanet "mith on the 7ight to )rivacy ! >ow $ad &aws ;llowed the +ulture of
0eathC Ihttp:www.<enit.orgarticle!2,9521lVenglishJ.
A$irth +ontrol ! The )ill ! 3hy use contraception1 ! 0r. Janet '. "mith !
+ontraception: 3hy Dot1C Ihttp:www.Ganetsmith.eHcerptsofinri.comJ.
AThe +hristian family is a sacred institution. %f it totters, the very foundations of
the state tremble.C )ope John MM%%%.
AJobs reports Priddled with inaccuraciesL U #"; TodayC
7ead: A+atholic (artyrs of the Twentieth +entury : ; +-()7'>'D"%E'
3-7&0 >%"T-7BC by 7obert 7oyal. "ee also
IA>ow the +atholic +hurch $uilt 3estern +ivili<ationCJ. There have been more
+hristian martyrs in the twentieth century than in all the rest of +hristianity combined=
3hat is happening to A;merica, the land of the freeC1 "ee: A+ardinal 4eorge ! :eep
+-D"+%'D+' )7-T'+T%-D" for >ealth +are 3orkersC at<FWfeatureVplayerSembedded.
+ardinal 4eorge has no Gurisdiction in all of the ;merican +atholic #niversities because
in 1955 the #"; "upreme +ourt took away all power from the +hurch and from the
7eligious +ongregations who founded these universities by giving the power to the
board of directors of the university which cannot have a maGority of members from the
founding religious congregation=
3e truly have cast aside our real power= %t takes humility to seek and to submit to
the truth that we discover outside ourselves, in creation, in reality created by our
+reator, and by >is divine revelation. $ut authentic humility is a great source of peace.
"atan and his followers absolutely hate humility= The only thing "atan cannot deal with
is humility. %t is totally against his nature. $ecause >#(%&%TB %" T7#T>, the truth
that 4od is the +reator and we are creatures made from nothing, by divine will. The
truth is not something* the truth is a )erson, Jesus +hrist. &ucifer, the most beautiful and
intelligent angel ever created wanted to be like 4od, and even believed he was 4od. The
meaning of A(ichaelC, in the great battle with Athe dragon and his angelsC in heaven, is
A3ho is like 4od1C I7ev 12:6* 0an 12:1J= There are so many people today, in their
pride, who have fallen for the same temptation of &ucifer I4en ,:.!2J, who became
"atan. 3e must pray often to "t. (ichael the ;rchangel to lead the battle once again
against "atan and his numerous angelic followers, the devils, who roam the earth. 3e
must pray for those poor duped human beings on earth who need to hear the voice of "t.
(ichael, 3>- %" &%:' 4-01. 3e need his help today=
AD-3 3;7 ;7-"' %D >';E'D, (%+>;'& ;D0 >%" ;D4'&" ?%4>T%D4
;4;%D"T T>' 07;4-D* and the dragon and his angels fought, but they were
defeated and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. ;nd the great dragon
was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the 0evil and "atan, the deceiver
of the whole world U he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown
down with himC I7ev 12:6!9J. The prophet 0aniel, regarding our times, tells us: A;t
that time shall arise (ichael, the great prince who has charge of you people. ;nd there
shall be a time of trouble, such as never has been since there was a nation till that time*
but at that time you people shall be delivered, every one whose name shall be found
written in the bookC I0an 12:1J.
3%T>-#T >#(%&%TB T>'7' %" D- E%7T#'= ;ll good things come from
4od* we cannot even have a good thought without the help and grace from 4od. %t is
important to ask for this help and grace often. 4od is totally respectful of our
fundamental gift of our free will. %f we do not ask, we will not receive. This is why
Jesus eHhorts us to A;sk, and it will be given you* seek, and you will find* knock, and it
will be opened to you. ?or every one who asks receives and he who seeks finds, and to
him who knocks it will be openedC I(t 5:6!8* 21:22* &k 11:10* Jn 15:2.J. 4od who
made you without your consent, will not save you without your consent. %f, in true
humility and gratitude for all that we have received from our +reator, we do not
acknowledge ours sins of lack of love and so much egoism, and do not ask for mercy
from 4od, >e will not give us mercy and our sins remain= 3e as +atholics have the
incredible gift of the "acrament of 7econciliation, but fewer and fewer take advantage of
this opportunity to be washed in the blood of Jesus by way of +hristLs instrument, the
)riest. ATake my yoke upon you, and learn from me* for % am gentle and lowly in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. ?or my yoke is easy, and my burden is lightC I(t
11:29* see also: (t 2,:12* &k 1.:11* 18:1.J.
Deil ;rmstrong upon taking a step on the moon in 1959 said: A-ne small step for
man* one giant leap for mankind.C )eople saw the earth as fragile and in need of friends
and so there sprang up groups like A?riends of the 'arthC. $ut while growing in
technology, people formed peace movements, but left 4od and the 10 +ommandments.
-n a monument in 'urope, commemorating many victims of the holocaust of
3orld 3ar %%, one reads: AT>-"' 3>- %4D-7' >%"T-7B ;7' 0--('0 T-
7')';T %T=C
;s we sin more and pray less, we give more power to the forces of evil who then
use this superabundance of power and money to promote even more sin and destruction
of religion, thus accelerated their goal of total domination. E'7B "--D 3' 3%&&
"'' ; (-7;& ;D0 +%E%& ;E;&;D+>' %DT- T>' 0')T>" -? +>;-", ;"
>'D7B :%""%D4'7 )7'0%+T'0= Iwww. independent!kissinger!the!
world!must!forge!a!new!order!or! retreat!to!chaos !1.21.15.html J. 4uess who will be
waiting for us with the Gail keys, or rather a microchip, thus making the entire world one
giant prison=
3e all must say in our hearts when we see a poor sinner: A'Hcept for the grace of
4-0, there go %C. 3e all have received a certain amount of truth, some more, some
less. 3e +atholics have receive the fullness of the truth and the fullness of the means of
sanctification especially in the >oly "acraments. $ut most +atholics today have let
themselves be led astray by many Aangels of lightC and have ?-7?'%T'0 T>'%7
47';T 4%?T", including their belief in the incredible treasure and power of the
'ucharist, the intercession of the (other of 4od and the guidance of the 7ock I(t
15:18J, the living )ope, in a very confusing and perilous world. "o many are totally
adrift in very perilous waters= ;ll the dictators and terrorists all rolled together are
nothing compared to the devastation of immorality= ; morally weak nation is easy to
enslave. To know, love and serve 4-0 is the meaning of life. The rest is Gust dust= %f
you kick the 7ock, you will break your foot on the 7ock. 3hen +hrist asked, /3ho do
you say that % am/, one person had the answer, )eter, the A7ockC* all the rest had an
-7+ The Tea Partie(
The people who promote the so!called FTea PartyH certainly help to undermine
-bamaLs credibility, deflate his messianic pretensions, sow widespread public discontent
with his socialist economic program, and perhaps even limit, on an ad hoc basis, the
amount of damage he can cause. &ike the $oston Tea )arty, today there is more and
more taHation without representation. "ee A+onservative 3oodstock 7ocks the +apital
! )atriotic anti!big!government taHpayers blast through the million protester markC*
"eptember 12, 2009, 3ashington, 0.+.
ATea )arty effect becomes apparent in local electionsC
A-bamaKs Ktea partyK compleHC";)olitics20100.16-bama!s!tea!party!compleHJ.
A$ill +linton 3arns Tea )arty ;nger +ould %ncite 7ight!3ing 'HtremismC
3>B 0- "- (;DB D-T "'' at least the visible manifestations of how -bama
and the democrats are destroying ;merica1 There is no more regard for trying to live
the Ten +ommandments as well as seeking 4odLs help through daily prayer* thus, simply
put, they are blind I2Thess 2:11!12J=
AThe )romise: Bear -ne of the -bama )residency ! ;s someone who admires
$arack -bama and worked for a year on his presidential campaign, % find it hard to
understand the depth of the anger he has inspired on the political right. >is policies are
left of center but hardly eHtreme, and by themselves donLt eHplain why a small but
significant portion of the country sees in his ascent to power the end of life as we know it
in ;merica.C$ooks$ook!7eviews20100222The!
A'ither make the tree good, and its fruit good* or make the tree bad, and its fruit
bad* for T>' T7'' %" :D-3D $B %T" ?7#%T. Bou brood of vipers= >ow can you
speak good, when you are evil1 ?or out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
The good man out of his good treasure brings forth good, and the evil man out of his evil
treasure brings forth evilC I(t 12:,,!,2* 6:16!19* &k 5:.,!.2J.
The Tea )artiers succeed in not looking Gust at the tree with its deceptive foliage of
beautiful words and lies facilitated by a highly controlled mass media, educational
systems and even religious institutions* but at least they recogni<e the real fruits, the
Avisible manifestationsC of the ground work being laid for the Aend of life as we know it
in ;mericaC. $ut Gust about all of the grievances of those in the tea parties relate to the
pocketbook. They do not address hardly at all the greatest causes and
?#D0;('DT;& 7--T" of the destruction of ;merica. ?or eHample, among so
many great evils indicated in this article, they do not address the evil of pornography,
which, thanks to the Afree market,C flows throughout our society like toHic waste in open
sewers, corrupting generation after generation of ;mericans, ruining marriages and
feeding the sick minds of serial killers, rapists and other deviants. (arried men who
regularly look at pornography, are really betraying their wives and having seH not with
their wives, while in bed with their wives, but with the non!eHistent porn star imbedded
in their memories. >as pornography helped men to give themselves in self!sacrifice for
their wives or to use their wives for their own pleasure. 3ith pornography the man
becomes the predator instead of the protector. Judas %scariot betrayed Jesus with a kiss=
$'?-7' 1920, +hristian men generally did not regularly look at pornographic
images* the divorce rate was about 8X among +hristian marriages* now the divorce rate
among +hristians is about the same as the rest of the world= -ne of the main priorities
of the ?reemasons and other groups seeking to destroy religion and the society so as to
render us their slaves was to promote pornography as much as possible= )ope John )aul
%% said that the problem with pornography is not that it shows too much, but that it does
not show enough* looking at pornography does not help the male to see the beauty inside
of the woman=
A7ush &imbaugh 3eds for .th Time, and 'lton John "ingsC
A4od the ?ather: A3' ;7' ;T T>' 'MT7'('" -? T>' '"T;$&%">'0
T%(' to put and end to this world dirtied by filth, caused by the forces of evil that are
invading so many men dedicated to alcohol, to drugs, and to other forms of demonic
eHploitations.C I(arch 9, 2006*
A"T'E' J-$" ";B" KD- )-7DK for i)hone and i)ad ;ppsC. +omment: :udos
to "teve Jobs= %tKs about time someone in his position took a stand against the porn
industry. ?or all the people who donKt like his decision, hereKs a clue: Bou donKt >;E' to
have an i)hone. ;nd, honestly, is your pornography addiction so overwhelming that you
have to carry that crap around with you1 %f so, 4- 4'T T>'7;)B.C I(ay 16, 2010*,5289J.
The following websites are very good in describing the horrible fruits and
foundation being laid by the promotion of the culture of death, but again, they do not
succeed in putting their finger on the root causes of these atrocious fruits, which the
leaders of the Dew 3orld -rder have promoted for many years to destroy the morals
and families in the #.". Ihttp:apathetic!* ;merican "uicide:
The culture of death is T>' &-"' -? T>' "'D"' -? 4-0 and the connection with
4od* we end up making our own rules which is relativism. The culture of death is the
legitimi<ation of abortion, embryonic stem cell research, etcO '#T>;D;"%; %"
(%")&;+'0 +-();""%-D= 0ostoevsky wrote that when we disconnect human life
and morality from the +reator, the ;uthor of &ife, all becomes permissible.
The members of the Tea )arty are irate with -bama, but he is only a puppet of the
evil forces who receive their power by promoting sin and diminishing faith, hope and
love, especially with those who have the greater spiritual weapons. 3e are to blame=
?;T%(;: 3;7 %" 0#' T- "%D, D-T J#"T T>' >';0" -? "T;T'. The heads of
state, as -bama, are elected by people who have pushed aside 4od, and now we want to
fiH the situation with only guns, which are pop guns compared to the power derived from
prayer, the "acraments and living the 10 commandments eHplained correctly by the
official documents of the +atholic +hurch. The world manipulators, close to "atan,
know this better than we do=
The vast maGority of the conservatives in ;merica do not recogni<e their real
power and their real weapons as well as their principle points of vulnerability. %t is
ama<ing that the ones taking us very @uickly to a socialistic dictatorship understand and
recogni<e better than the 4od!loving people the most powerful weapons that they have
been able to take away from us as well as our vulnerable points. A?or T>' "-D" -?
T>%" 3-7&0 ;7' 3%"'7 in their own generation than the sons of lightC I&k 15:8J.
Take a look at the history in the last 200 years. 3hat were the main targets they took
out before the dictators were able to come to power1 %f you can 0'"T7-B T>'
?;(%&B, there will be D- E%;$&' 7'"%"T;D+' &'?T to these ruthless, 4odless
and shrewd people to render us totally their slaves. A$ut because of false brethren
secretly brought in, who slipped in to spy out our freedom which we have in +hrist
Jesus, that they might bring us into bondageC I4al 2:.J. Just about all the participants at
the tea parties do not reali<e that the horse is already out of the barn=
The families are the ?#D0;('DT;& +'&&" -? "-+%'TB and of our country.
; tree that is rotting from within will eventually loose itLs leaves and fall when a strong
wind comes. %f you heal the interior sickness of the tree, it will not fall. The present
rapid meltdown of our economy, the fall of the dollar, like the tree from which T>'
&';E'" ;7' ?;&&%D4, is only the outward symptoms of the moral sickness that our
enemies have been promoting and fostering in everyway possible within our society and
within our country for many years. %f we would have resisted these strong allurements
offered to us and fed to us by the enemy to give up and to not live our inherited moral
values of our forefathers, it would be impossible today for these world planners to
destroy our economy as they are doing today. There is no longer the moral fiber and
strength in the maGority of ;mericans or citi<ens of the world, and thus collectively, to
resist the 4odless designers of the ADew 3orld -rderC. 0ue to the diligent preparations
of these worldly powerful men in the last several decades, along with the negligence and
default of the ;merican people in following the offered carrots, it probably will not be
too difficult for -bama to collaborate in bringing down the #.". so as to render the
world ready for a socialistic dictatorship. %f the ;merican people begin to wake up too
much to the real intentions and goals of -bama and begin to look at his fruits and
concrete actions rather than his well prepared words, rhetoric, promises and smiles, the
world planners may have to resort to Asome large!scale crisis that will make people
accept the new world orderC Ispoken by 0avid 7ockefeller in the late 1990s:
$efore this happens, the ;merican citi<ens will have to be disarmed. A$an
handguns1 "upreme +ourt taking a new lookC*;&e@(2i<5Fns6u#f;;vv&l175dB2o4
A3hy -bamaKs 7atings ;re "inking ! ;mericans will put up with a lot. $ut not
with someone who imperils their futureC*
#nfortunately the vast maGority of ;mericans consider only the lose of the
pocketbook as something that Aimperils their futureC* %T %" ;&7';0B T-- &;T'=
>aving pushed the +reator aside and out of the public s@uare and out of their lives, they
do not see the connection anymore between the spiritual and the material, both of which
are created by the same +reator.
"o many fathers of our families today have a beer in one hand and )layboy in the
other. "o they are not interested in politics, or 4od, or as +hesterton wrote Aeternal
vigilanceC* they are happy and consumed in their pleasures today. The abandoned
mothers, who have tried to be both the mother and the father of her children, have not
been able to ade@uately substitute for the uni@ue 4od!given essential role of the father of
her children. )ride and lack of the willingness to forgive destroys so many marriages.
ATo forgive takes love* to forget takes humilityC U (other Teresa.
A0-DLT 3-77B* $' >;))B* D- -D' 4-'" T- >'&& ;DB(-7'*
T-(-77-3 3%&& T;:' +;7' -? %T"'&?=C 3e are in the greatest battle in the
history of the world and the great maGority are happy on the sidelines without getting
involved* most do not even want to know about what is going on. There are fewer and
fewer today who are willing to train and sweat so as to play on the field. ;nd most of
those who try to play on the field do not reali<e or use their greatest weapons in this
great Acosmic struggleC.
?rom a website in %talian one finds the following in regards to (;"-D7B ;D0
"'M#;& +-77#)T%-D Ihttp:cattoliciliberi.forumcommunity.net1tV2222.9,9J:
%n order to destroy the +hurchO it is better by way of corruption than by
persecution. O ; few statements taken from the program of the (asons:
1J A+-77#)T T>' B-#T>* lead them away from religion* fiH their attention on
seH* let them become superficial* destroy their idealism* provoke within every way the
collapse of the moral virtues, honesty, purityC I(anual for the communists of ?loridaJ.
2J A-ur Gob is to )7-(-T' ; 3;E' -? )-7D-47;)>B and to present it
with sympathy as the supreme goal of artistic freedomC I3ord of order of the %talian
+ommunist )artyJ.
,J A%f we want to destroy a nation, 3' (#"T ?%7"T 0'"T7-B %TL"
(-7;&"* then it will fall in our laps as a ripe fruit. ;waken the interest of the youth for
seH and it will be yoursC I&eninJ.
.J A;brogate all the laws against obscenity. 0estroy the sense of morals by
diffusing pornography in the books, in the maga<ines, in the cinema, by way of radio and
television. )7'"'DT T>' "'M#;& 0'4'D'7;T%-D" ;" D-7(;&, natural,
favorable to the psychological and hygienic e@uilibrium. 0estroy the family, favoring free
unions and divorceC I0irectives given to the communists of the #nited "tatesJ.
2J A3hen man will become a being that crawls, that grunts and Gumps on the
female, and you will continue only to caress his seH and to #D&';"> T>' $';"T that
is in him, then the pigsty will become a slaughterhouse. The meat that you offer in your
illustrated maga<ines is all the better to be sold, mocked, tortured, killed and burnedC
IJean +au, ?rench writerJ.
5J AThe first con@uest to do is T>' +-DF#'"T -? T>' 3-(;D* she must be
liberated from the chains of the +hurch and from the law. To knock down +atholicism, it
is necessary to begin with the suppression of the dignity of the woman* we must corrupt
her together with the +hurch. &et us spread the practice of nudity: first the arms, then
the legs, then all the rest. %n the end people will go around naked or almost, without even
batting an eye. ;nd, having taken away modesty, the sense of the sacred will be snuffed
out, morals will be weakened and the ?aith will die from suffocationC I(asonic )lanJ.
6J A3e have associated youth, music, seH, drugs and revolution with betrayal: it is
very difficult to go furtherC IJerry 7ubin, ;merican revolutionaryJ.
A%n 1916, with other religious, (assimiliano (aria :olbe founded the A(ili<ia
dellK%mmacolataC with the precise goal of spreading in the world devotion to (ary and to
combat the enemies of 4od, above all the ?reemasons, using the technological means. O
4oing over his writings, gathered together by ?ather 0i (onda, one is ama<ed by the
deep knowledge that :olbe had about the (asonic sect and about its filthy goals. %ts
vision of a world dominated by a hedonistic mentality U today before our very eyes U can
be defined as ApropheticC if one considers that his considerations on the work of
corruption taken up by the ?reemasonry were in the 20Ls. %t is also impressive his
historic analysis of )rotestantism, socialism and communism, which he considered allied
in thought and the vanguard troops of the warped army of the infernal serpent. OC
ITranslated from an %talian article, which also gives a good summary and history of
(asonry, which can be further translated with 4oogle:
ontroSmassoneria.htmJ. ;nother good article about (asonry in %talian can be found at:
A#D Takes ;im at Bouth with +onferences in (eHico +ity and TunisiaC I(ay 26,
2010* http:www.c!fam.orgpublicationsid.15,2pubSdetail.aspJ.
"ee: A:%""%D4'7: P-$;(; )7%('0 T- +7';T' D'3 3-7&0 -70'7L U
3orldDet0aily ! )olicy guru says global upheaval presents Kgreat opportunityKC IJan. 5,
2009* http:www.worldnetdaily.comindeH.php1page%dV82..2*
http:www.hitbomb.comkissinger!obama!primed!to!create!new!world!orderJ. -f
course, when things get real bad, with the help of the mass media and well planned
strategies, as well as the blindness caused by personal sin, T>' (;"T'7 )&;DD'7"
-? T>' 0%";"T'7 3%&& D-T $' 7'+-4D%T'0 ;" T>' 7';& +#&)7%T"=
"ee: A(orris: -bama a K0isasterK at the 420 "ummitC* AThis was so unbelievable. -bama
was the one pressing for less regulation and more spending. ;nd he had to convince the
'uropeans. O This truly creates a global economic system. ?rom now on, donKt look to
3ashington for the rule making, look to $russels.C
3ith the help of the computer, satellites, cell phone infrastructures, microchips,
biotechnology, etc., T>' +-(%D4 3-7&0 0%+T;T-7">%) 3%&& (;:' ;&&
-T>'7 );"T 0%+T;T-7">%)" "''( &%:' ; )%+D%+= 3e are truly Alike
overripe fruitC as :hrushchev predicted over 20 years ago. ATherefore 4od gave them
up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among
themselves, because they eHchanged the truth about 4od for a lie and worshiped and
served the creature rather than the +reator, who is blessed for ever= ;menC I7om 1:2.!
'ven the so!called +;T>-&%+ ")-:'"('D for the Tea )arties, who should
know better, ;7' "%&'DT ;$-#T T>' 7';& +;#"'" of the meltdown and the
destruction of our country and of our society as a whole. #pon his farewell address to
the nation, 4'-74' 3;">%D4T-D tried to impress upon his fellow countrymen that
it was A7eligion and (oralityC that served as the foundation for our young nation.
3ithout the foundation of 7eligion and (orality that 4eorge 3ashington and the other
founding fathers provided for us, there is simply no real hope for the future of this
-ne blogger responded to me by saying: A$ut the Tea )arties are addressing a
specific agenda ! the out of control spending and power of the ?ederal 4overnment. 3e
cannot co!opt this movement with these other issues. O That is what we need to do !
D-T ";00&' T>' T'; );7T%'" 3%T> 'E'7B "-+%;& %&& %D T>' 3-7&0.C
% responded to him: ABou say to Anot saddle the Tea )arties with every social ill in
the worldC=== %f most conservatives agree with you, then we will be condemned to not
dust off and use our heavy artillery, and to continue to put $and!;ids on the dying body
until it is dead.C
4ianna Jessen, the "#7E%E-7 -? ; ";&%D' ;$-7T%-D had the courage to
bear witness to +hrist in the very halls of government, rebuking legislators in >is name.
;s she declared fearlessly to the >ouse Judiciary "ubcommittee on the +onstitution on
July 20, 2000: /Today we are nothing but cowards in ;merica. 3e canLt even say the
truth because we are so afraid of what our colleagues will think./ I"ee her testimony
A-bama campaign attacks political ad featuring abortion survivor 4ianna JessenC*
ADick EuGicic, $orn 3ithout ;rms -r &egs, "hares %nspirational "tory 3ith
(illionsC Ihttp:www.huffingtonpost.com2010021,nick!vuGicic!born!
-8+ The Co1(eG,e1ce( o. I1di2id,al Fail,re@
The +hurch was given to the world by 4od to hold it in being. To the degree that
we +atholics are faithful to our mission in the +hurch we lift the world up. To the
degree that we are laH or unfaithful, the world begins to sink into hell under the weight
of its own ini@uity, which is what we are seeing right now. +-()&;+'D+B %" T>'
:%"" -? 0';T>+ ?ailure in personal holiness has catastrophic conse@uences not Gust
for the individual soul, but for their family, their community, their country, and the whole
world. ;ll that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing. %tKs
happening right now=
3' ;7' ;&& 7'&;T'0. "t. )eter 0amian, a great doctor of the +hurch said:
A3herever one of us is, there the entire mystical $ody of +hrist is made present through
the inviolable mystery of unity.C Bou can say this about humanity in a certain sense,
when one person lives outside of grace, basically the living dead. -ur country and our
world is now filled with morally dead people. The conse@uences of this are catastrophic=
%n this country and in the western world we esteem money and wealth. %t is kind of
)-'T%+ J#"T%+' that we are being brought to our economic knees because the great
maGority of ;mericans have basically reGected 4ospel principles. The money in ;merica
says, K%n 4-0 we trustK. 0o we really trust 4od1 There is a terrible price to be paid
when 4ospel values are not lived one person at a time. 3hile in their own minds
;mericans consider themselves to be a generous people, in reality they are proving to be
anything but. Ihttp:www.therationalradical.comdsep1101america!generous.htmJ.
The rich countries of the world have consistently gone to the poor countries in the
southern hemisphere, taken their natural resources and then left these poor countries
with a debt to pay. (ore than 80X of the wealth of the world is in the hands of less than
20X of the people of the world. )oliticians of the rich countries seek to make richer
their citi<ens at the eHpense of the poor countries in order to be reelected. 7emember
AThree 0ays of the +ondor I1962J with 7obert 7edford1 0o we try to do our small part
in overcoming this big greed game of Athe rich get richer and the poor get poorerC by
supporting A0istance ;doptionC or A;id to the +hurch in DeedC or O1 (ost people do
not want to know or discover the fact that all we have comes from 4od and that we are
stewards of the goods we have* at the end of our life we will all have to render an
account I(t 22J. ;ll we have is from 4od. ;s we +atholics hear on A;sh 3ednesdayC,
A7emember, you are dust and to dust you shall return=C The great maGority of +atholics
around the world do not even have one hour a week to thank 4od, for all that we have
received, in the (ost $lessed "acrament, after a good sincere confession. %f 4od is at
such a low priority in our lives as not to have even an hour for >im once a week, can we
really pretend or convince ourselves that Awe all go to heavenC1 -r have we arrived
even to the point of conveniently convincing ourselves that heaven does not eHist and
that the seventy or so times that Jesus refers to hell in the four 4ospels is ridiculous and
we intelligent, wise people know more than Jesus1=1
A#" economic power Kis decliningKC*,02.stmJ.
A)lenty (ore $ank &osses 'Hpected 4loballyC*
A+haos erupts at +obo as thousands Gockey for aidC*
thousands!Gockey!for!aidJ. A%t 3ill $e Bears $efore &ost Jobs 7eturn !! and (any
Dever 3illC* Ihttp:online.wsG.comarticle"$122.6002,552252926.htmlJ. A/%n one
year, 2. million slide from KthrivingK to KstrugglingKC*
Ihttp:mercatoliberonews.blogspot.com2009S09S05Sarchive.htmlJ. A2. million go
from KthrivingK to KstrugglingKC* Ihttp:www.usatoday.commoneyeconomy2009!0,!09!
americandreamSD.htmJ. ADewly homeless occupy "acramentoKs tent city ! The 0etroit
DewsC* Ihttp:www.stoptherecession.comcontentnewly!homeless!occupy!
sacramentos!tent!city!detroit!newsJ. ADo "ale: $ank 3recks Dew >ousesC*
;merica, as a democracy, is as good as its people. ;s a nation, we are T#7D%D4
-#7 $;+:" -D 4-0. 3e will receive what we deserve. -ver seventy years ago in
the young +ommunist nation of 7ussia, its new hope, during a financial crisis, (r. &enin
was @uoted as saying Awe must patiently advance along the Proads to powerL until power
falls like a ripe fruit.C The 7ussian people were not afraid of "talin before the election.
%? ; $#+: )7%E;T' %D ; 3;7 does not live up to his responsibilities, there
will not be too much damage. $#T %? ; 4'D'7;& does not live up to his
responsibilities it will cause considerable damage. "o too those who have received more
in this spiritual battle Ias instruments of 4odJ in this Acosmic struggleC as )ope John )aul
%% puts it, will cause considerable damage if they do not live up to and fulfill their 4-0
4%E'D 7'")-D"%$%&%TB.
A3hy ;re 3e Traditional +atholics1 9:ne Mother5s :&en ;etter to Her #rown
4-0 ")';:" T- #" %D "%&'D+'* those who succeed in diminishing the
eHternal and internal noises IsinJ begin to be able to tune into the fre@uency of the subtle
whisperings of the >oly "pirit. The revelations to the shepherds, who found baby Jesus
2000 years ago, did not make the Jerusalem 4a<ette* no reporter came to interview
(ary, the (other of 4od.
%n the ultimate end, each of us, according to the choices we make, whether we like
it or not Ior 3>'T>'7 3' $'&%'E' %T -7 D-T=J, will end up spending eternity
with a benevolent dictator, 4od, or a tyrannical, cruel dictator, "atan. There is no other
place to which to flee after death, unless these little gods are capable of creating a
paradise with the great powers they believe they have= 0ue to our great dignity of being
created in the image of 4od, there will be only two places for all eternity* either in
eHtreme unimaginable happiness and bliss, or in inconceivable pain and the separation of
the creature from itLs +reator. -ne cannot commit suicide after death because 4od
never goes back on >is word and ordinances* >e created us in >is image with an
immortal soul I4en 1:25!26J. )urgatory is a temporary place of purification so as to be
able to enter heaven in a perfect state* nothing imperfect can enter heaven where there
dwells the perfect 4od=
-9+ F!o, Are O. !o,r FatherH
>ere on earth, "atan almost always disguises himself as an angel of light I2+or
11:1.J. "atan does all he can to convince people that the devil and hell do not eHist so
then people are not motivated to strive constantly to live according to the norms of the
4ospel or of the ten +ommandments or according to any other guide that stunts their
AgoodC way and veiled egotistical style of living. Those in the state of grace, who truly
follow and live 4odLs commandments and 4ospel, will be able to 7'+-4D%T' T>%"
0'+')T%-D. ?or those who do not /4od shall send them strong delusion, that they
should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had
pleasure in unrighteousness./ I2Thess 2:11!12J. AThe coming of the lawless one by the
activity of "atan will be with all power and with pretended signs and wondersC I2Thess
2:9J. This is why the ever more numerous people, who are not in the state of grace,
follow people who are charismatic, use $';#T%?#& ;D0 ;TT7;+T%E'
7>'T-7%+ ;D0 "&-4;D"* they are not able to see what is under this glossy venire
sustained by a very powerful propaganda from the mass media. These numerous deluded
people no longer want to make the effort to discover the facts or to study how each
candidate has voted in the past either along the lines of the 4ospel and for the culture of
life, or instead has voted consistently against the 4ospel and for the culture of death. "o
many today do not try to discover the real fruits of these clever leaders and politicians or
even to study their backgrounds. A;nd none of the wicked shall understand* but those
who are wise shall understandC I0an 12:10J.
A+hange, we need=C 3hat kind of change1=1 3ill these AenlightenedC politicians
let us A+>;D4'C the regime of A7oe v. 3adeC111 They use nice slogans like AThe
+ommon 4oodC, A"ocial JusticeC, A3omenLs reproductive rights=C which is one of their
code words for contraception, etc. $ut words are cheap= 3>;T ;7' T>'%7
0''0"1 3hat are their fruits1 >ow does the voting record of our politicians s@uare
with true +hristian values1 A;nd no wonder, for even "atan disguises himself as an
angel of light. "o it is not strange if >%" "'7E;DT" ;&"- 0%"4#%"'
T>'("'&E'" ;" "'7E;DT" -? 7%4>T'-#"D'"". Their end will correspond
to their deedsC I2+or 11:1.!12J= A$eware of false prophets which come to you in
sheepLs clothingOC I(t 2.:11,2.* (k 1,:22J.
3>;T %" T>' 7';& 7';"-D T>;T ";7;> );&%D +;DD-T ">-3 #)
%D T>' D'3" 3%T>-#T ; $;77;4' -? E%+%-#" ;TT;+:" ?7-( T>'
('0%; even though itLs been over a year since the election of 20081 Eisit: AThe
;ttacks ;renKt $ecause )alin %s )ro!&ifeOC Ihttp:www.priestsforlife.orgblog1
pV1102J. A"arah )alin: (y &ife 3ith Trig, -ur 0own "yndrome +hild* 'Hcerpt ?rom
Dew $ookC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comstate.291.htmlJ.
% did not reali<e until % read the following article that "arah )alin, unlike the vast
maGority of politicians today, practiced what she preached. Take a look at"arahS)alinS;chievements.html.
AD$+ runs )alin statement day laterC
?-7 )'-)&' -? 4--0 3%&&, %T %" 0%??%+#&T, -7 ;T &';"T
$-T>'7"-(' T- ";B ; &%' 3%T> ; $%4 "(%&' ;D0 T>'D 0- 'M;+T&B
T>' -))-"%T'. $ut for those who have freely and continually reGected the graces and
inspirations of their +reator and even given their soul to "atan, it is very easy and
especially convenient and eHpedient for them to speak beautiful lies to others and do
eHactly the opposite as it serves their hidden agenda* in this behavior they have no
scruples whatsoever= (any people of good will, believing that others are like
themselves, believe such liars Gust as they would believe a person of good will and thus
presume they are sincere, giving them the benefit of the doubt. $ut the real truth is that
by now most ;mericans and people of the world have slid away from the truth stamped
in their hearts by the +reator and revealed in many other ways, and have lived this lie for
many years in their own personal lives. Thus they easily buy into the lies of these world
manipulators and do not see the deception nor where these deceivers are leading the
people of the #" and the rest of the world. ;dolf >itler said: A%f you tell a big enough
lie and tell it fre@uently enough it will be believed=C %f hearts are not changed, it is
useless to change the evil laws* these laws will only take on another evil form until hearts
are changed toward love of 4od and neighbor.
3iki ;nswers responds to the @uestion: 3>B %" T>' 0'E%& +;&&'0 T>'
?;T>'7 -? &%'"1 $ecause he functions on deception. >e has to deceive people from
the Truth in order to get them on his side. The devil is an angel that turned from 4od.
Jesus came into the world to shine a light in the darkness and eHpose the devil for what
he is ! a liar. ;ll lies come from the devil.
AB-# ;7' -? B-#7 ?;T>'7 the devil, and your will is to do your fatherLs
desires. >e was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth,
because there is no truth in him. 3hen he lies, he speaks according to his own nature,
for he is a liar and the father of liesC IJn 8:..J.
"peaking about oneLs father, it is ironic that -bama is not even able to produce a
valid ;merican birth certificate=
Eisit: A:eeping up with -bama liesC, by )hyllis "chlafly* "eptember 15, 2009*
Ph!llis S)hla3l! is a law!er, )onseratie &oliti)al anal!st and the author o3 the newl!
reised and e4&anded <Su&rema)ists' The T!rann! o3 =udges and How to Sto& It%<
S)hla3l! also is 3ounder and &resident o3 >agle $orum%
A3' 0-DKT $'&%'E' B-#, (7. )7'"%0'DTC by 7ev. Thomas J. 'uteneuer,
)resident, >uman &ife %nternational IJune ., 2010*
A-bama tells pope he will try to limit #" abortionsC;&e@(2gTelw3"uS&b>'>'$+4lk7
bk2'(kwJ. $ut -bama has always voted against all those policies which have proven
to reduce abortion= A3hat 4rade 3ould Bou 4ive -bama on ;bortion1 &
"ays ?C<<ledlifersmessage,05,*
A-pinion: 0oes $arack -bama "upport %nfanticide1C I"eptember 5, 2008*,8J.
A"#((%T" -? ?-&&BC O A(r. -bama bankrupts his country while appeasing
his foe. O $eggar thy neighbor, bankrupt thy country, appease thy foe. ;s slogans Ior
counter!slogansJ go, it isnKt @uite in a class with ;mnesty, ;cid and ;bortion. $ut it
pretty much sums up )resident -bamaKs global agendaNand thatKs Gust for the month of
A-bama and the )olitics of +oncession ! %ran and 7ussia put -bama to the test last
week, and he blinked twice.C
AThe 0isarmament )resident ! -bamaKs boffo -slo speech versus the real nuclear
A-bamaKs 3ar of 3ords ! 'lo@uence without action is soon forgotten.C
AJustice seems to have forgotten one crucial point: 3eKre at warC
% am so sad that so many are no longer right with 4od Inot in the state of graceJ
and thus so easily believe such people with beautiful words, rhetoric, smiles, enthusiasm,
promises, without looking at the fruits as Jesus told us to do I(t 6:12!20J= ;s a people,
a nation, we deserve what we get and what we will get in the future=
T>-"' -? 4--0 3%&&, 3%&& >;E' T- "#??'7 with those who are not
sincere and not of good will, Gust as +hrist, the 4--0 and T7#' -D', suffered and
died for all of us sinners= ADow % reGoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh %
complete what is lacking in +hristLs afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the
churchOC I+ol 1:2.J. The +atholic +hurch is perhaps the only guide to help us
understand the value of suffering as well as to show us how to suffer. "orry dear
evangelical brothers in +hrist, there will not be a AraptureC to save us from the
crucifiHion of Ahis body, that is, the churchC= /The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the
+hurch/ ITertullian* A;pologeticusC, +hapter 20J. 3e look in every place but the right
place. The right place to look is at the intersection of the beams of the cross. 3e will
find no real wisdom unless we look at the cross. -n the cross we find the answer. %f
you look any place else you are wasting your time. &ove is the cross and the cross is
love. Jesus gives the biggest share of >is cross to >is best friends. 7ead the lives of the
"aints. -h, the Goy, to suffer in Jesus. 3ithout a cross, there is no authentic
+hristianity. There is no 7esurrection without the +rucifiHion* there is no 'aster without
4ood ?riday= This applies not only for Jesus, but for all of >is true follower. %n the
history of the +hurch, the saints considered suffering and martyrdom one of the greatest
gifts that Jesus could share with >is beloved followers= The saints were in love with
T>'%7 $'&-E'0* they wanted to be like >im U +7#+%?%'0= A?or to me to live is
+hrist, and to die is gainC I)hil 1:21J=
0oing the will of 4od not only includes loving each person before us in each
present moment, believing that Jesus hides behind each person Iespecially in Athe least of
these my brethrenC U (t 22:.0J, but also this following of Jesus inevitably entails
recogni<ing, embracing and loving +hrist +rucified in our daily sufferings and sorrows=
D- );%D, D- 4;%D= D- +7-"", D- +7-3D=
A4od does not punish, if anything he permits these trials and adversities, so that the
soul might be able to atone for the committed faults, knowing how to accept them and
offer them in eHpiation. T>;T 3>%+> -? 'E%& >;))'D" T- (B +>%&07'D, %"
;&3;B" ; +-D"'F#'D+' -? "%D.C IJanuary 2, 2005*
-:+ Ho1orary Doctorate at Notre Da'e5
;fter D-T7' 0;('K" )7'"%0'DT, the 7ev. John %. Jenkins, @uoted words
from )ope John )aul %% and )ope $enedict ME% as well as the "econd Eatican +ouncil,
he repeated that: A)resident -bama has come to Dotre 0ame, though he knows well that
we are fully supportive of +hurch teaching on the sanctity of human life, and we oppose
his policies on abortion and embryonic stem cell researchC
$ut, in only a few months, -bama has changed all the maGor laws protecting
unborn babies and then Dotre 0ame bestows on -bama an honorary doctorate degree=1=
;+T%-D" ")';: (#+> &-#0'7 T>;D 7>'T-7%+;& 3-70"=
"hould we fear someone who has a masters in religious education, but is blind and
is leading the blind1 3e donKt need a priest IhereticJ to help us along on the road to hell.
'ducation should lead one into a deeper study of truth. Bou can educate yourself into
imbecility if you do not have true humility.
;s for Dotre 0ame #niversity, it is so tragic that "-!+;&&'0 friends of unborn
babies would give (r. -bama such a visible platform to promote his deadly agenda.
A?or such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of
+hristC I2+or 11:1,J.
Dotre 0ame denied the #.". +atholic bishops guidelines of 200. which stated to
not honor people who are prominent opponents of fundamental +atholic positions on
fundamental issues.
This honor given by Dotre 0ame cannot be separated from the validation of
putting into operation a very pro!abortion agenda, the most pro!abortion record and the
most pro!abortion set of campaign promises that any #.". presidential candidate has ever
-bama sounded all the right notes of willingness to enter into dialogue, but we
must look at what the actions have been, what the announced policies have been. 3hat
did this moment provide for -bama, and what will be the long term impact of -bama
speaking with almost a +atholic imprimatur now upon his policies and upon his words1
%t was a very polished commencement speech and it was certainly well calculated
to further, what was the political purpose, which was to bind that proportion of the
+atholic vote to this set of political goals. $ut it is even more troublesome what the
affect that Dotre 0ame did on the state of catechesis of ;merican +atholics generally.
There is developing the view that has no support in the (agisterium of the
+atholic +hurch. There is developing a view that there are two approaches to the
lifesocial Gustice issues. -ne is the Areasonable balancedC approach that there are many
issues: Gust war, capital punishment, abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, ... and that
they can be balanced off against one another. The other view is the one eHpressed
clearly by the +hurch in the documents of the "econd Eatican +ouncil and in the
writings of )ope $enedict.
+ardinal 7at<ingerKs statement /3orthiness to 7eceive +ommunion: 4eneral
)rinciples/: /Dot all moral issues have the same moral weight as abortion and euthanasia.
?or eHample, if a +atholic were to be at odds with the >oly ?ather on the application of
capital punishment or on the decision to wage war, he would not for that reason be
considered unworthy to present himself to receive >oly +ommunion. 3hile the +hurch
eHhorts civil authorities to seek peace, not war, and to eHercise discretion and mercy in
imposing punishment on criminals, it may still be permissible to take up arms to repel an
aggressor or to have recourse to capital punishment. There may be a legitimate diversity
of opinion even among +atholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but
not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia.
"ee the story of (;7B ;DD 4&'D0-D, the anti!abortion academic who said
D- to a Dotre 0ame speaking engagement and the prestigious P&aetare (edalL award in
a pointed letter to ?ather Jenkins. ;mong many other arguments, she writes: A%n some
@uarters my +atholic +hurch in ;merica has begun to look like a club in recent years.
(any worshipers attend +atholic churches for the parties, safe schools and sense of
community. That is all fine if the main goal is reali<ed, but some parishioners have only a
vague sense of moral clarity while many local priests advocate dubious +atholic
teachings in their presence. (any of my fellow worshipers appear to be
+-DE'D%'D+' +;T>-&%+", left rudderless by local priests with dubious social
agendas....C Ihttp:www.rightpundits.com1pV,818J
3' (#"T "'': T>' T7#T>, D-T ;4'D0;"=
$%">-) -&("T'0 ;++#"'" )7'"%0'DT J'D:%D" -? 0%"-$'0%'D+':
0ear ?r. Jenkins,
% am saddened and heavy of heart about your decision to invite )resident -bama to
speak at Dotre 0ame #niversity and even receive an honorary degree.
%t is a public act of disobedience to the $ishops of the #nited "tates. -ur #"++$
June 200. "tatement /+atholics in )olitical &ife/ states: /The +atholic community and
+atholic institutions should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental
moral principles. They should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would
suggest support for their actions./ Do one could not know of the public stands and
actions of the president on key issues opposed to the most vulnerable human beings.
John )aul %% said, /;bove all, the common outcry, which is Gustly made on behalf
of human rights !! for eHample, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to
culture !! is false and illusory if T>' 7%4>T T- &%?', T>' (-"T $;"%+ ;D0
?#D0;('DT;& 7%4>T ;D0 +-D0%T%-D ?-7 ;&& -T>'7 )'7"-D;&
7%4>T", is not defended with the maHimum determination./
% pray that you come to see the grave mistake of your decision, and the way that it
undercuts the +hurchKs proclamation of the 4ospel of &ife in our day.
$ishop Thomas J. -lmstead* 0iocese of )hoeniH
)resident $arack -bama used his commencement speech at the #niversity of
Dotre 0ame on "unday to call for conscience rights for physicians on abortion.
>owever, his administration has already proposed overturning a measure )resident $ush
put in place to uphold these +-D"+%'D+' &;3".
'ven congressmen challenged )resident -bama on his ;bortion!+onscience
+lause )romise at Dotre 0ame Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2058.htmlJ=
;t the Dotre 0ame speech, -bama said we need to find and come up with a
sensible conscience clause. The @uestion is, and this is the problem with -bama, what
does that mean Aa sensible conscienceC1 0oes that mean that one who does not fully
respect the conscience of those the clause is intended to protect1
"ome of the proposals would give some conscience protection 'M+')T in cases
where no other health care worker is available to perform the service of abortion. "o
that is not that different from having no conscience clause at all.
$ut, in listening to -bamaKs speech, bioethics attorney 3esley J. "mith was struck
by -bamaKs esurient desire to be seen as moderate on abortion yet taking hypocritical
/% 3;" 7'(%D0'0 -? >-3 ;0')T -$;(; %" %D ";B%D4 -D' T>%D4
3>%&' 0-%D4 J#"T T>' -))-"%T'* such as claiming in his speech to support a
conscience clause for health professionals on the issue of abortion,/ he said.
/-bama!!or at least his administration Iis there a difference1J plans to revoke the
$ush conscience clause, not revise it Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat.89,.htmlJ. That is
hardly honoring heterodoH thinkersK consciences,/ "mith added.
"mith says -bama has had the opportunity /to steer a moderate course ... and he
reGected the moderate course./
/3hich brings to mind another trite old saying* T;&: %" +>';),/ "mith
concluded. Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2026.htmlJ
T>' ;TT;+: %" -D 7'&%4%-#" &%$'7TB ;D0 -D +-D"+%'D+'
7%4>T". Do dictatorship has ever allowed religious liberty or conscience rights. The
culture of death dream team took over in the 3hite >ouse in January 2009. They are
forcing the contraceptive agenda, abortion, even overseas* it is unreal how @uickly these
things are taking place. %t is galvani<ing=
AT>' #.". %" +-DT7%$#T%D4 T- T>' ")7';0 -? >%E;%0" ;(-D4
;?7%+;D 3-('D by its reckless distribution of hormonal contraceptives of all kinds
in so!called Areproductive healthC programs. This is in addition to pornographic seH
education and the massive distribution of condomsNboth of which encourage risky
seHual behaviors. )opulation control, anyone1C by "teven 3. (osher
T>'7' %" D-3 ; ?%7'"T-7( ;T $'&(-DT ;$$'B +-&&'4' where
the #.". '@ual 'mployment -pportunity +ommission ruled $elmont ;bbey +ollege
must include coverage for contraception Iwhich often functions as abortifacientsJ in its
employee health insurance plan. Ihttp:catholicfire.blogspot.com200908Gudie!brown!
3hile the ruling of the '-+ accuses $elmont ;bbey +ollege of discriminating, it is
precisely the opposite. The college is not discriminating against anybody. The college is
not telling others what they have to do or how they must live their life. 3hy is the
federal government coming into the home of the college and saying that the college has
to live in a certain way1 They are saying that the college must subsidi<e things that are
against the beliefs and conscience of the college. %t is discriminating against people of
religious belief and faith. 7elativism claims tolerance and love but in reality these
champions of relativism are totally intolerant when it comes to allowing others to live out
their beliefs. %t comes down to might, to force. #D&'"" 'E'7B-D' >;"
7'&%4%-#" ?7''0-(, D- -D' >;" 7'&%4%-#" ?7''0-(= This is a time that
all +hristians have to be galvani<ed, to come together, to be unified. 3e cannot sit on
the sidelines anymore=
To: ?aithful +atholics IJune 10, 2010J
?rom: >on. 7ick "antorum, ?ormer #.". "enator from )ennsylvania
"ubGect: +;T>-&%+ +-&&'4'" ;7' #D0'7(%D%D4 T>' $%">-)"
A;s someone who treasures our +atholic ?aith, % write with great concern.
+ardinal 0aniel 0iDardo recently said that +atholics who lobbied for the health care
reform lawNignoring the $ishopsK warnings about abortion funding and weak
conscience protectionsNhad caused /confusion and a wound to +atholic unity./ ;nd to
make matters worse, among those working against the +hurch on pro!life health care
were educators at our +atholic colleges. ;nd then there is this: )resident -bamaKs latest
addition to the powerful '@ual 'mployment -pportunity +ommission I''-+J is a
same!seH marriage advocate whose concept of /seHual liberty/ would trump our religious
liberty. Ihttp:achristianperspectiveonlife.blogspot.comJ.
AK"hut #p, ;mericaC author on K?oH and ?riendsK* $rad -K&eary eHposes
3;">%D4T-DK" )&;D T- 7;T%-D ?7'' ")''+>*
)erhaps in an effort IpreteHt1J to rehabilitate the #nited "tatesL image in the
(uslim world, the -bama administration has Goined a #.D. effort to restrict religious
speech. This country should never sacrifice freedom of eHpression on the altar of
religion. ;round the world, free speech is being sacrificed on the altar of religion.
3hether defined as hate speech, discrimination or simple blasphemy, governments are
declaring unlimited free speech as the enemy of Afreedom of religionC. >ow ironic= -ne
might ask what religion1 +ertainly not the religion of Jesus +hrist= This growing
movement has reached the #nited Dations, where religiously conservative countries
received a boost in their campaign to pass an international blasphemy law. %t came from
the most unlikely of places: the #nited "tates.
A>uge )rotest 'rupts as Tarleton "tate #niversity #ses T;M 0-&&;7" T-
")-D"-7 $&;")>'(B ! The offensive production +orpus +hristi portrays +hrist
and the twelve ;postles as homoseHuals.
#nderstanding ?ranklin 4rahamKs >ate of the /-ther/ ! /Do @uestion, itKs coming,/
4raham says. /% think when you preach that J'"#" +>7%"T %" T>' 3;B, T>'
T7#T> ;D0 T>' &%4>T, % think weKre going to see, one day, people will say this is
>;T' ")''+>./ Ihttp:www.huffingtonpost.comfrank!schaefferunderstanding!
A'mployment Don!0iscrimination ;ct seen Geopardi<ing religious freedomC by
+atholic Dews "ervice I(ay 28, 2010J. 3ashington U ; letter from the chairmen of
three committees of the #.". +onference of +atholic $ishops has stated the bishopsL
opposition to the 'mployment Don!0iscrimination ;ct because of the billLs potential to
AJ'-);70%T' -#7 7'&%4%-#" ?7''0-( T- &%E' -#7 ?;%T> ;D0 (-7;&
T'D'T" %D T-0;BL" "-+%'TB.C
-ur highly controlled mass media must eliminate the opposition to their atheistic
world view: A'Hposing 4lenn $eck as a 0angerous ?raud, )art 2C
A+ourt rules crucifiHes in %taly violate freedomsC*
%t is too bad, and very tragic, that the maGority of ;mericans vote for and follow
+>';) T;&:= "t. John warns us: A$eloved, do not believe every spirit, but T'"T
T>' ")%7%T" to see whether they are of 4od* for many false prophets have gone out
into the worldC I1Jn .:1J. 3hy do voters today throughout the world vote for the pretty
faces, nice words and rhetoric and charismatic speeches instead of taking the time to see
if a candidate has voted in the past in favor of the principles of the 4ospel and for the
culture of life, or against the principles of the 4ospel and for the culture of death1
-$;(; &';E'" T>' )'-)&' 3%T> T>' %()7'""%-D T>;T >' ;47''"
3%T> T>'(. ;s always, at Dotre 0ame, he was very friendly, and conciliatory. $ut
we have not seen any indication whatsoever of ceding of ground on the life issues.
;fter A-bamaKs slumpC,20,9.stmJ, the world
controllers have tried to bolster his popularity by awarding him the D-$'& )';+'
)7%T'. -bamaLs only achievement at the time he was nominated was eHporting
taHpayer!funded abortions. -bama hadnKt accomplished much else in office when the
nominations were finali<ed. Ihttp:www.lifenews.comint1,.2.html* A)resident $arack
-bama and the late (other Teresa have something in commonC
Ihttp:www.lifenews.comint1,...htmlJ. A(aGority of ;mericans 0isagree 3ith Dobel
)ri<e for )ro!;bortion $arack -bamaC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2282.htmlJ. A%f
-bama can get one, you can, tooC*
%D +;%7-, -$;(; F#-T'0 T>' :-7;D ?%E' T%('" %D+&#0%D4:
A3hoever kills an innocent, it is as if he killed all of mankind.C D%+' 3-70"= $ut the
unwanted unborn babies1=1 This same logic of 7oe v. 3ade has been used to Gustify
laws of assisted suicide* is this not the same slippery slope of using terminology to
deprive value and human eHistence to those who are unable to defend themselves1
"hould not our government policy be used primarily to protect those who are defenseless
and vulnerable instead of putting them more at risk1 %s life not the most fundamental
right and value to be protected by any government1
(;DB T-0;B 0- D-T 7';&%T' T>;T ;$-7T%-D %" (#70'7. This is
partly because of the teaching strength and value of the law. )eople say, well, the law is
neither here nor there* it is Gust allowing a procedure that women should have access to.
The law has taught our culture that unborn human life is not valuable since it is not in the
category of murder according to the law. "o people think, well if )resident -bama
thinks this way, thatLs fine* % think differently but we are both fine. $ut what is true
then1 There is no 4od!given truth according to most people today, and therefore no sin.
%f % feel good, that means % am a good person at the end of the day.
)7%'"T" ;D0 $%">-)" >;E' T- ")';: -#T ?7-( T>' )#&)%T".
"ome do so, but so many Gust do not want to cause a controversy. They want to talk
about love on "unday. 'verybody loves* 4od loves you* we are loving, etc. $ut where
is the love if you are going to tolerate the killing of unborn children, or tolerate other sins
such as active euthanasia deriving from the contraceptive mentality and the contraceptive
culture that surrounds us today1
%t was discovered in a study that if the father of the family attends church regularly,
with or without his wife, about 62X of the children continue this practice later. %f the
mother attends church regularly without her husband, less than .0X of the children
continue this practice later. %f both the father and the mother attend church regularly,
about 80X of the children follow. 4-0 >;0 4%E'D ';+> T>'%7 $#%&T!%D
7-&'". ; priest has been given the grace to be both the father and the mother of his
parishioners* if he only does the mother part, the fruits will be greatly diminished.
)eople have been led to say, well you know, you can be +atholic, there are
different versions of +atholic. $#T T>'7' %" 3>;T T>' +>#7+> T';+>'".
-ne can stay in the +hurch or leave it. That is each oneLs choice. $ut we cannot
remake the whole thing because we are uncomfortable with one or two teachings. 0onKt
mess with a strong mans bride. IThe +hurch, the bride of +hristJ.
The pro!abortionist campaign, along with -bama, have made an 'MT7'('&B
"#$T&' ">%?T from saying they want to Areduce the number of abortionsC to
Areducing the number of women in need of abortionC. ;fter all, they do not want to
admit that abortion is an evil= %n this way they take the onus off the practice itself. They
claim the solution is to promote contraception as we see in the stimulus bills and other
recent bills. %t is incredible that there has been no study done yet to show that the
promotion of contraception brings down unplanned pregnancy rates or abortions
anywhere this policy has been tried such as in "cotland, "weden, #:, ;frica, +alifornia.
The promotion of contraception encourages people to adopt more risky behaviors and
live more risky life styles causing the abortion rate to go up as well as the skyrocketing
of seHually transmitted diseases among teens.
3>;T 7';&&B 3-7:" are laws that involve parental involvement and
consent* funding bans against publicly funded abortions through the (edicaid program*
informed consent* having waiting periods where women can actually, once they have
made that appointment for an abortion, to be able to consider: Amaybe this is not the
right thing for meC and then reaching out for more help. ;ll of these laws have had a
measurable impact on bringing down abortions. ;&& -? T>'"' )7-E'D (';D"
>;E' $''D #D0'7(%D'0 ;D0 +-D"%"T'DT&B 7'J'+T'0 $B T>'
-$;(; ;0(%D%"T7;T%-D. -bama shrewdly reali<es that it is better not to seek
straight out to fulfill his campaign promise to )lanned )arenthood: /The first thing %Kd do
as president is sign the /?reedom of +hoice ;ct/=C "o he will do it slowly and
incrementally, Aby stealthC, so as not to cause a reaction. %f you throw a frog into boiling
water, it immediately reacts and Gumps out. %f you put the ?7-4 %D +-&0 3;T'7
;D0 "&-3&B >';T %T #), the frog does not Gump out and ends up cooked= 3'
;7' +--:'0=
A;fter ;merica, There is Do )lace to 4o. % donKt believe % am the only one to see
frightening similarities. ;merica Truly is the 4reatest +ountry in the 3orld. 0onKt &et
?reedom "lip ;way.C $y :itty 3erthmann: A3hat % am about to tell you is something
youKve probably never heard or will ever read in history books. % believe that % am an
eyewitness to history. % +;DD-T T'&& B-# T>;T >%T&'7 T--: ;#"T7%; $B
T;D:" ;D0 4#D"* %T 3-#&0 0%"T-7T >%"T-7B. 3e elected him by a
landslide 98X of the vote. %Kve never read that in any ;merican publications. 'veryone
thinks that >itler Gust rolled in with his tanks and took ;ustria by force. OC
$eware also of ?-+;!$y!"tealth. ;bortion advocates are counting on the
economy and other pressing issues to divert the attention of the ;merican people so they
can surreptitiously and with little resistance advance their radical pro!abortion agenda.
7ead more about ?-+;!$y!"tealth at;SbySstealth* ?-+;!by!
"tealth Timeline: >ow +ongress and the -bama ;dministration are %mplementing ?-+;
$B "T';&T>*;by"tealthTimelin.
-bamaKs Dew $udget +ontains (assive ?unding of ;bortion, )lanned )arenthood
I?eb. 2, 2010J Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2922.htmlJ.
A% am going to teach Qmy daughtersR first about values and morals, but if they make
a mistake, % donKt want them punished with a baby/ U $arack -bama.
;midst all of the ;merican flags and presidential seals, there was something
missing when )resident $arack -bama gave an economic speech at 4'-74'T-3D
#D%E'7"%TB this week !! J'"#".
; 0'+%"%-D T- +-E'7 #) ; "B($-& -? J'"#" for the presidentKs speech
at 4eorgetown is upsetting many.
The +atholic #niversity spokesman Eictor Dakas, who felt a bit more strongly on
the subGect said: /% canLt imagine, as the bishopsL university and the national university of
the +atholic +hurch, that we would ever cover up our religious art or signage for any
reason... -ur +atholic faith is integral to our identity as an institution of higher
education./ Ihttp:www.nbcwashington.comnewslocalJesus!(issing!?rom!-bamas!
3hat type of a person, or creature, would want to cover up a symbol of Jesus1
A-bama $ans Dational 0ay -f )rayer, $ut ;pplauds %slam 7amadanC*
A-ld days are here again I7ussiaD > %tLs not like the communist era, but 7ussia and
its former satellites are restricting religious practice againC
A0id 7ick (athes +ondemn %slam1 ! % responded, /"o, let me make sure % have
this straight. ;ll followers of ;llah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of
your faith so they can go to >eaven. %s that correct1/
A4eorgetown #niversity >id 7eligious "ymbols at 3hite >ouse 7e@uestC !
4eorgetown #niversity, a +atholic institution, covered up religious insignia symboli<ing
the name of Jesus during )resident -bamaKs address there Tuesday after the 3hite
>ouse re@uested the change.
-bama visits the )ope* $illy 4raham, Dotre 0ame* 4eorgetownO %s this not how
"atan works to draw those not yet in his fold with him while portraying himself as an
Aangel of lightC= 3atch out for false gods= 1Jn 2:21
/=+ A Dea. Ear to the S,cce(( o. Ad,lt Ste' Cell Re(earch@
;t Dotre 0ame, -bama said the following: AThose who speak out against stem
cell research may be rooted in admirable conviction about the sacredness of life, but so
are the parents of a child with Guvenile diabetes who are convinced that their sonKs or
daughterKs hardships can be relieved.C %t is ama<ing that people did not gasp at -bamaLs
lack of knowledge in regards to Guvenile diabetes which has been successfully treated
with adult stem cell research, along with spinal cord inGuries, repairing limbs, and so
many other human ailments. )'-)&' ?;%& T- 0%"T%D4#%"> $'T3''D
'($7B-D%+ ;D0 ;0#&T "T'( +'&& 7'"';7+>. -ne is killing human life,
and the other is not killing human life= The +atholic +hurch is not against science or
research, but it has to be moral.
AT>' +#&T#7' -? &%?' (';D" 7'")'+T ?-7 >#(;D &%?' ?7-(
+-D+')T%-D #DT%& %T" D;T#7;& 'D0.C U )ope John )aul %%.
%magine the protest there would be regarding a litter of puppies, if a person
decided to distribute some to a friend, keep four, and donate the rest for research= % am
grateful to 4od to be alive= ;t one time % too was an embryo and a fetus=
"cientists come with all kinds of eHcuses for killing human life. A"tem +ells
$ehave Eery 0ifferently %n "pace, "tudy "aysC. %n the article they only tell you:
A'mbryonic stem cells can differentiate into any of the bodyKs hundreds of cell types.C
$ut the vast maGority of so!called scientists do not tell us that '($7B-" >;E'
; "T7-D4 T'D0'D+B T- ?-7( T#(-7" and cancers because they are so
uncontrollable. $ut even if embryos had all sorts of promise for cures, we cannot go
there* we cannot have the ends Gustify the means, that destroying human life, killing
human life to hopefully save a dear person who is strong enough to defend himself. This
is absolutely not permissible.
3ith the -bama administration, there is a $;+:T7;+:%D4 %D ;0#&T "T'(
+'&& 7'"';7+> as shown in -bamaLs eHecutive order, even in the promising area of
reprogramming research with adult stem cell research. 0oes not -bama claim that his
administration will live or fall on science1 3ell, science has spoken with fleHible
pluripotent adult stem cells, but there is this willful blind spot to not admit science into
the concrete policies in this area.
A-bama ;dministration -:s ?irst TaHpayer!?unded 'mbryonic "tem +ell
7esearchC* Ihttp:www.lifenews.combio,012.htmlJ.
A"cientists: 'mbryonic "tem +ell 7esearch "howing &ittle )rogress 28 Bears
&aterC Ihttp:www.lifenews.combio,025.htmlJ.
A-bama ;dmin #rged to Dot 'Hpand 'mbryonic "tem +ell 7esearch ?urtherC
/*+ The Health Care ill
3e certainly need health care reform. $ut real health care respects life= The new
>';&T> +;7' $%&& mandates abortion and contraceptives on demand, paid by the
taH payers, of course, in an economic crisis, as well as coercing every eHisting health care
plan in ;merica to include abortion and contraceptives. %t encourages in many ways the
elderly to not seek any specially treatment to prolong their lives, even those treatments
considered to be ordinary means by the +atholic +hurch. The bill encourages the elder
to check into >ospice and die to give the money to their children. The end of life costs
will lead the government to deny many people treatment. This is the biggest federal grab
that we have ever seen* this is sociali<ed medicine. There will be huge categories of
diseases and disabilities that will get inade@uate amounts of money to do what can be
done. The bill will stifle innovation in the area of breakthroughs that mitigate pain and
improve the @uality of life as well as the actual life eHpectancy.
%n the >ealth +are reform legislation, we are told by the Dational 7ight to &ife
+ommittee that as currently drafted I;ugust 2009J, this legislation would result in the
greatest eHpansion of abortion since the "upreme +ourt handed down it A7oe v. 3adeC
decision in 196,. -ther eHperts say that the bill will mandate taH!payer funded abortions
and abortion coverage in virtually all health care plans. ;nd now we are also being
warned that this legislation may even start us down the path for government encouraged
euthanasia. +learly, a health care system that is designed to save lives, on the one hand,
must not become a vehicle for taking lives through abortion and euthanasia. >';&T>
+;7' 7'?-7( &'4%"&;T%-D (#"T $' ;$-7T%-D ?7''. The solution is
clear: simply add a provision to the five or siH hundred pages of this legislation, that
clearly eHcludes abortion and euthanasia from the bill. That is what we should urge
congress to do. A(ontana "upreme +ourt (akes "tate Third to ;llow #nlimited
;ssisted "uicideC Ihttp:www.lifenews.combio,026.htmlJ.
This is a long standing problem that we have had. ?rancis +rick and James
3atson, the Dobel )ri<e winners for unraveling the 0D;, in )rism maga<ine, years ago,
recommended a demise pill* when people become 80, they take the demise pill and they
die. 3e see in places like "wit<erland where the A0ignityC organi<ation routinely
euthani<es people. 3e see in >olland where Guvenile euthanasia is now permitted so
young children are being killed. %t is anything but mercy killing* it is active euthanasia.
Bou lessen the pool by killing people as they enter life and you winnow the eHpenses by
shoving grandma and grandpa down into the death chute. )regnancy will be put into the
category of diseases and thus denied help. There are those who will deny payment for
those unborn children who have handicaps which can be mitigated. )eter "inger, James
3atson and many others want to wait for many days or even years to define personhood
so as to discover defects and then kill the human beings. "o many are encouraged to
abort their child because they could possible have a genetic defect. $ut so many times it
is not true. $ut even if the child does have a defect, it is still precious in the eyes of
4od= There is such a utilitarian value being put on life. >;E' 3' (;0'
-#7"'&E'" 4-0, the ;#T>-7 -? &%?'1=1 ;re we playing 4-01 A% will decide
when life begins and when life ends=C ;re we going toward living the 4ospel of altruism
and self sacrifice for others as +hrist crucified lived and died for each of us, or are we
going toward the A+ulture of 0eathC, of egoism and self indulgence at the eHpense
Ideath=J of others, especially the weakest and unwanted who cannot defend themselves1
3hether we believe it or like it or not, an infinitely Just 4od does eHist, as well as heaven
and hell for all eternity=
A"tudy ?inds )atients Thought to be in /Eegetative "tate/ >ave ;ctive $rain
;ctivityC Ihttp:www.lifenews.combio,0.5.htmlJ.
(oney becomes more important than the human person. The bill stipulates that a
committee will be formed, all -bama appointees, who will decide what the essential
benefits are after the bill is passed* 'E'7BT>%D4 +;D $' +>;D4'0 ;?T'7 T>'
$%&& %" );""'0= -f course, abortion and contraceptives will be a core benefit at a
time when fewer women are procuring abortions. 'ighty seven percent of the counties
in ;merica do not have an abortionist plying their ugly trade against mothers and young
women. The coercive power of the state will enforce more abortion clinics. )lanned
)arenthood, which already performs more than ,00,000 abortions each year in the #",
will become the go!to!people endorsed by the bill. (any are being bullied into voting
for this bill. The slightest use of ambiguous words, or even a comma that is missing, will
allow pro abortionists to 7'%DT'7)7'T T>' $%&& ;" T>'B &%:', ;?T'7 %T %"
);""'0, as they so often did during the +linton administration. %n the #: and so many
other countries, when the bureaucrats came into the health care e@uation, the outcomes
were dramatically worse. -ther people, who are not relatives or friends, will make these
decisions for you. (any diseased will get inade@uate amounts of money and innovation
will be stifled. The liberal use the eHcuse of helping the poor, but it is really a front for
other motives, Gust like Judas %scariot who did not want to waste eHpensive oil on the
feet of Jesus IJn 12:,J.
A)lanned )arenthood +enters #sing 0angerous ;bortion 0rug (ore, "urvey
"howsC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat51,5.htmlJ.
A7esearchers ;sked to >ide "cientific 0ebate over (aternal 0eathsC by S,(a1
!o(hiharaE Ph+D+ IJune ,, 2010J. ID'3 B-7: U +!?;(J ;t a meeting on maternal
and child health research in 3ashington last week, #nited Dations I#DJ staff and
abortion advocates told scientists they should Aharmoni<eC their findings or discuss them
Ain a locked roomC so that the press could not report maternal death numbers that
conflicted with the ones they use to lobby policy makers and maGor international donors.
$obby "chindler, the brother of T'77% "+>%;E-, knows a thing or two about
health care rationing. ?orced to sit idly by as his sisterKs estranged husband deprived her
of food and water for a period of 1, days before she died, "chindler is concerned the
government!run health bills in +ongress will foster rationing IATerri "chiavoKs $rother
+oncerned by 7ationing in +ongressional >ealth +are $illsC*
A3hat the universal healthcare advocates donKt want you to knowC*
A3hatKs 7eally in -bamaKs >ealth +are 7eform $ill ! ; )lain 'nglish TranslationC
O A$elow, we reprint what he found in the health care reform bill. ;s you read this,
keep in mind that some of these translations are a bit loose with the interpretations, but
%Kve personally spot!checked these points, and they are indeed all contained in the bill in
one form or another Ishrouded in 0oublespeak language, of courseJ.C
A3hile we clearly need health!care reform, the last thing our country needs is a
massive new health!care entitlement that will +7';T' >#D07'0" -? $%&&%-D"
-? 0-&&;7" -? D'3 #D?#D0'0 0'?%+%T" ;D0 (-E' #" (#+> +&-"'7
T- ; 4-E'7D('DT T;:'-E'7 -? -#7 >';&T>!+;7' "B"T'(. %nstead,
we should be trying to achieve reforms by moving in the opposite directionNtoward less
government control and more individual empowerment. >ere are eight reforms that
would greatly lower the cost of health care for everyone:OC
;s so many other bills under the -bama administration, this bill will undermine
even further subsidiarity and $7%D4 ;&& T>' )-3'7 -? 0'+%"%-D (;:%D4 T-
T>' +'DT7;& ?'0'7;& 4-E'7D('DT. "ubsidiarity will be totally eliminated
under the ADew 3orld -rderC= The master world, godless, world planners have a lot at
stake in this health care bill= A(illions spent to sway health care opinionsC*
A)ublic >ealth Tab to >it (ilestoneC I?eb. 2010J ! ?or the first time, government
programs neHt year will account for more than half of all #.". health!care spending,
federal actuaries predict, as the weak economy sends more people into (edicaid and
slows growth of private insurance.
; centrali<ed government bureaucracy running the government and running health
care for the entire nation 3%&& &%(%T T>' -)T%-D" ;D0 B'T ?-7+' T>%D4"
#)-D T>' )-)#&;T%-D T>;T T>'B -T>'73%"' 3-#&0 D-T $'
3%&&%D4 T- ;++')T. There will be the reduction of personali<ed care, eHpanded
bureaucracy, and the lose of personal responsibility. %t is like a A)ie in the skyC, all
covered, utopia, O which will lead to unGust taHes that are unsustainable.
#D%E'7";& ;++'"" T- >';&T> +;7' %" 4--0, $#T T>' 3;B %D
3>%+> 3' 4'T T>'7' (#"T $' +;7'?#&&B +-D"%0'7'0. The entire
program as set up in principle with ?ederal power to determine everything from what has
to be in your health insurance policy to what it costs, to what treatments will be
approved, to how physicians will be punished for falling outside of spending guidelinesO
%n principal it puts too much power in the hands of government. %t is wrong and
eHperience shows that that power will likely be abused.
)eople do not feel they are involved or engaged with the health care system. -ften
when health care is provided by the government or by the employer, people feel it is free
health care but it is not free health care. 'E'7B-D' %" ;&3;B" (-7' +;7'?#&
3%T> T>'%7 -3D (-D'B, but everybody is always freer with other peopleLs
money. This is precisely why health care costs are so high. -nce you throw everybody
into a pool and you say this is all free because other people are paying for it, people are
then shielded from the real costs.
3' (#"T %DE%T' T>' )7%E;T' "'+T-7 T- $7%D4 T>' 'M)'7T%"'
T>;T T>'B >;E' T- $';7* 3' (#"T &'T T>' (;7:'T" 3-7:, 3>%+>
%" T>' )7%D+%)&' -? "#$"%0%;7%TB. This brings it closer to the individuals who
need care* whenever they can make choices for themselves and for their families that
have an impact on their lives, there is a greater protection of human dignity. The
delivery system needs to be closer to the people who are sick.
They say they are going to save money by looking after ('0%+;7' ;$#"'".
(edicare abuses have been taking place ever since the program was installed in 1952,
and they have not come close to doing it. 3hat makes them think that they are going to
be able to do it now when they have not been able to do it for ,2 years1
3hat we are seeing is a +ongress and an administration that is trying to speed up
this process, one which they wanted done before ;ugust 1st, so that the ;merican public
cannot continue to oppose what they are trying to pass. The 7epublican party is accused
of being the party of AD-C= $#T T>' 0'(-+7;T" ;7' T>' );7TB -? D-*
they keep telling the ;merican people D- because they are going to do what they want
regardless of how the public views it. The 7epublicans believe that the patient should be
empowered to be the consumers of health care and to allow the free market to eHpand
and with transparency so that the people can make their own decisions and costs can
come down. The democratic model is based upon the government running the health
care whereby they try to reduce the supply of health care, ration it out, and as the
demographic demand pressures continue to rise, all you are going to see is costs go up,
@uality go down and the government being empowered. 3hy is the democratic
controlled congress and this democratic administration all intent upon doing something
that republicans, independents and democrats do not want done according to the polls1
)7-)-";&" ?-7 T>' >';&T> +;7' 7'?-7(:
1J (ake it easier for individuals and families to buy their own policies and even to
pool their own resources in ways that makes sense to them. The :nights of +olumbus
started as a life insurance association* we could have many more associations like that
based on faith or geography or interest where people could pool their recourses in a way
that makes sense to them. This has to be made easier. 4roups must be able to sell
insurance across state lines.
2J 4ive people incentives to spend their money wisely. The way it works right
now, the employer provides each person with supposed benefits and there is this feeling
that it is free so you might as well use it.
,J 3e have tremendous problems with (edicare and (edicaid. 3e need to fiH
those programs first, and work toward reform, which is not even mentioned by our law
makers. There is an irony to think that only the government can do it.
3>;T 3%&& )7-$;$&B >;))'D is that there will be a last minute offer to
distract the ;merican people from the huge government takeover and then after it is
passed all the power will be given to the "ecretary of >ealth and >uman "ervices to do
as she pleases.
A&egislative "trategy1 3rite %ncomprehensible &anguage1C*
Ihttp:www.cathmed.orgJ. "ee also A>ealth 7eform >ubC at
?or news updated throughout the day, visit A(ore )ro!&ife
4roups "ay $aucus >ealth +are $ill +ontains ;bortion ?undingC*
)ro!&ife &eaders 3arn -bama "till Dot >onest ;bout >ealth +are ;bortion
?unding* http:www.lifesitenews.comldn2009sep09091008.html.
)resident $arack -bama Dot ?orthright on ;bortion ?unding in >ealth +are*
Eisit also the A+urrent >eadlinesC* ;nalysis ?inds $aucus >ealth +are $illO
AThe drug industry stands to gain in a health!care overhaul by getting tens of
millions of newly insured customers, while insurance companies !! especially those that
cater to the individual market !! look like they are in for a tougher time.C*
% never thought % would live to see the day, at least not until the election last year.
The following statement appears on the :remlin, % mean, 3hite >ouse website.
?There is a lot o3 disin3ormation about health insuran)e re3orm out there,
s&anning 3rom )ontrol o3 &ersonal 3inan)es to end o3 li3e )are% These rumors o3ten
trael @ust below the sur3a)e ia )hain emails or through )asual )onersation% Sin)e we
)anAt kee& tra)k o3 all o3 them here at the White House, weAre asking 3or !our hel&% I3
!ou get an email or see something on the web about health insuran)e re3orm that seems
3ish!, send it to 3lagBwhitehouse%go%
The -bama Aadministration has asked citi<ens to report things that sound /fishy./
>e was critical of the prior administration for wiretapping terrorists, but he has instituted
a policy of having citi<ens report the activities of other citi<ens to the government. >e
has also actively attempted to manipulate and control the free press....C I"ee:
http:www.lifenews.comnat2,20.html, as well as ABou want fishy1 %Kll give you fishy=C
at http:www.wnd.comindeH.php1faV);4'.viewWpage%dV105122* by ?rank ".
7osenbloom, posted: ;ugust 06, 2009.J
#"++$ $ishopLs +onference was accused of Goining a petition to the ?++ which
called for discussion over A>;T' ")''+>C and its alleged role in violence. "ome
critics of the petition have cast it as an effort to shut down radio show hosts like 7ush
&imbaugh. %t seem that the commissioner of the ?++ was somehow involved in getting
people to give to him a petition on A>ate "peechC so that he could respond to it. 3hen
you are begging the ?++ to investigate Ahate speechC* who are going to be the first
people targeted1 %t seems that they are looking for getting moral and religious cover for
an investigation into conservative talk radio. This would theoretically involve '3TD, or
your local +atholic or protestant radio station. ;nyone talking about abortion, about
same seH marriages, anyone who dares to suggest that taking elderly people and
marching them off to the hospice chute is somehow a bad thing. This is all going to fall
under hate speech. 3e have seen it in +anada already. T>%" %" &%:' 4%E%D4 T>'
&-;0'0 7'E-&E'7 T- T>' )'-)&' 3>- ;7' 4-%D4 T- #"' %T ;4;%D"T
B-#. This happened at a time when you have the administration targeting certain news
outlets who are less favorable in their coverage. %t is very partisan. A#"++$ 0id Dot
Join ?++ )etition on >ate "peech, "pokeswoman "aysC*
%D ;('7%+;, 'E'7B +%T%T'D %" 'F#;& %D T>' 'B'" -? T>' &;3.
$#T "-(' +%T%T'D" ;7' (-7' 'F#;& T>;D -T>'7". ThatKs the miHed
message sent by the new hate crimes legislation that passed in the >ouse last week. The
legislation changed the definition of a federal hate crime to cover crimes committed
because of a victimKs gender, seHual orientation or /gender identity/ !! defined as oneKs
/actual or perceived gender!related characteristics./ %t also eHpanded the federal
governmentKs authority to prosecute such crimes if the feds conclude that the states have
not sufficiently punished the perpetrators.
The upshot: ;nother protected class of victims has been created in ;merica. ;nd
another blow has been dealt to ;mericaKs bedrock legal principle of e@ual Gustice for all.
4ay!rights activists and their advocates in +ongress have labored for more than a
decade to carve out this special protection for gays and lesbians over the obGections of
civil libertarians, religious leaders and even some prominent gay commentators. ;fter
failing to sell the idea on its merits, backers recently tucked it into an unrelated military
appropriations bill, thus forcing lawmakers to choose between supporting the troops and
opposing the hate!crimes provision. The ploy worked, paving the way for eHpected easy
passage in the "enate and a promised signature from )resident $arack -bama. IA>ate
+rimes &aw )romotes %ne@uality and 0ivision A*
A-bamaLs 4reat >ealth "care ! The president resorts to the politics of fearC:
-ur great socialist: A%n >ealth $ill, -bama ;ttacks 3ealth %ne@ualityC
The psychology of our great, unbiased mass media= A>ow >ysterical ;re
+onservative 7eactions to the )assage of >ealth!+are 7eform1C
A?rightening 4-) $ehaviorC Ihttp:www.huffingtonpost.comGames!
A&iberal (edia &ies and 0istortions #ncoveredC$800;?0;6512902=29.5.entry1
A?act!+hecking the )resident on >ealth %nsuranceC*
AThe )rice %s 7ight1 )ayoffs for "enators Typical in >ealth +are $illC*
ADelson ;ccused of "elling Eote on >ealth $ill for Debraska )ay!-ffC*
A+oncessions lawmakers won in the health billC*;&e@(2G"nc5H:".%a'amw0pgkw%>a>
A-bama "pokesman: >e )refers "enate >ealth +are $ill 3ith ;bortion ?undingC
A"enate )asses >ealth +are $ill: ?unds ;bortions, (andates %nsurance +overageC
A-bama, ;bortion, "upreme +ourt, >ealth +are 0ominate )ro!&ife Dews in
2009C Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2828.htmlJ.
A)oll: (ost ;mericans want more 4-) support on health careC
A-bama (eets 3ith 0emocrats to (ap "trategy for )ro!;bortion >ealth +are
$illC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat28.2.htmlJ.
A0emocrats ?acing $acklash for >iding Talks on )ro!;bortion >ealth +areC
A7epublicans 4ird for 0emocratsK 'nd 7un on >ealth +areC
A-bama #nveils >ealth +are )lan, Eiolates )ledge by :eeping ;bortion ?undingC
A;nalysis: -bama )lan %ncreases ;bortion ?unding Eia +ommunity >ealth
+entersC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat50,2.htmlJ.
A$art "tupak -pposes -bama >ealth +are )lan -ver %ts (assive ;bortion
?undingC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat50,,.htmlJ.
A-bamaKs 4overnment!7un >ealth )lan "till 7e@uires a (onthly ;bortion ?eeC
A(yths and falsehoods about health care reform, continuedC
A>ealth care reform and deficits: ; reality checkC
A"tupak "ays 0eal &ooming for ;bortion ?unding $an in >ealth +areC* The leader
of a key bloc of >ouse 0emocrats opposed to abortion said "unday that he is close to an
agreement that would allow him to vote for the health care bill.
A-bama to )ush )ro!;bortion >ealth +are $ill: %f Bou 0onKt &ike it Eote #s -utC
A"enator ;dmits 7econciliation 3onKt "top ;bortion ?unding in >ealth +are $illC
A"tupak "ays Do ;bortion ?unding 0eal in )lace, 3onKt $ack 0own on >ealth
+areC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat5092.htmlJ.
A"enate >ealth +are $ill ?unds, )romotes ;bortions 0espite -bama, )elosiKs
)rotestC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat5069.htmlJ.
A"enate 7epublican &eader: 7econciliation +anKt "top >ealth +are ;bortion
?undingC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat509,.htmlJ.
The 0emocrats are in a rush because have no desire whatsoever to discover the
will of their constituents= A"unday Eote 'yed on )ro!;bortion >ealth +are $ill,
0emocrats "till &ack EotesC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat51.2.htmlJ.
A(ore )olls "how Eoters in 0emocrat 0istricts 0onKt 3ant )ro!;bortion >ealth
+areC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comstate.902.htmlJ.
ADew )oll: -pposition to )ro!;bortion >ealth +are >ighest Bet, 0emocrat
(isleadsC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat51,..htmlJ.
A$ishops Tell >ouse &awmakers: Eote ;gainst )ro!;bortion "enate >ealth +are
$illC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat5129.htmlJ.
A)elosi, 0emocrats Twisting ;rms for )ro!;bortion >ealth +are /"uicide
(ission/C Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat502..htmlJ.
A0ems may take shortcut in passing health overhaulC
)resident -bama to senate democrats: )ass our health reform and Akeep making
historyC. 7ight below that is a photo of a protest in front of the +apitol along with the
headline: ;('7%+;D" T- "'D;T' 0'(-+7;T": ;00 T- -#7 ,5 T7%&&%-D
0-&&;7 ('0%+;7' 0'$T ;D0 B-# 3%&& $' >%"T-7B.
A3hy the >ealth +are 7ush1 ! 0emocrats donKt think their bill can stand public
inspection.C Ihttp:online.wsG.comarticle"$12.,98826210,69251.htmlJ.
A-bama to sign eHecutive order on abortion limits 3ednesdayC
A-bama "igns 'Hecutive -rder +laiming Do ;bortion ?unding in >ealth +are
&awC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat518.b.htmlJ.
A"tupak ;nnounces ;bortion!'Hecutive -rder 0eal, )ro!&ife 0emocrats $ack
$illC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat515..htmlJ.
3hat a tragedy. ;fter standing firm for so long against such pressure, (ichigan
+ongressman $art "tupak I0J betrayed his fellow pro!lifers and bought in to a worthless
promise from the ;bortion )resident. The "tupak ;mendment banning abortion funding
in health care garnered 2.0 votes in the >ouse. The final vote on this unconstitutional
and unwise health care takeover U which includes federal funding of abortion U was 219.
3hat will we remember about poor $art "tupak1
That he stood firm, eHcept when it really counted1 That he bravely took months
and months of abuse, only to fold at the last minute1 That he accepted a worthless scrap
of paper from the most determined pro!abortion )resident in #.". history1
The +atholic >ealth ;ssociation and 22 nuns gave their personal blessings to
-bamacare, even though the #nited "tates +onference of +atholic $ishops opposed it.
;pparently they heed the theology of "peaker )elosi. That gave political cover to
/+atholics/ who voted for -bamacare. "o did the 'Hecutive -rder ploy that served as a
tiny fig leaf for once pro!life +ongressman $art "tupak of (ichigan.
A)lanned )arenthood: )ro!;bortion $ill a Eictory, 'Hecutive -rder (eaninglessC
#ORLD Ihttp:www.conservativeblogwatch.comtaggovernment!health!careJ.
A3hite >ouse +anKt 0efend 0ecision to "ign ;bortion 'Hecutive -rder in )rivateC
A>ouse )asses )ro!;bortion "enate >ealth +are $ill ;fter 'Hecutive -rder 0ealC
ATeHt of 'Hecutive -rder on ;bortion in "tupak!-bama!0emocrats >ealth +are
+ompromiseC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat5152.htmlJ.
A)ro!&ife 4roups $last 'Hecutive -rder 0eal $etween "tupak, $arack -bamaC
A)ro!;bortion &awmakers, ;ctivists "plit on "tupak!-bama ;bortion ?unding
0ealC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat5156.htmlJ.
A>ouse 7epublican &eader John $oehner: ;bortion!'Hecutive -rder 3onKt 3orkC
A(y +ongressman, $art "tupak, >as Deither a #terus Dor a $rainC
A#nder ?ire for ;bortion 0eal, "tupak to 7etireC
A&awmakers ?ace ?allout at >ome ?rom >ealth EoteC
A0emocrats for &ife "ole )ro!&ife 4roup 0efending )ro!;bortion $ill, "tupakC
A$art "tupak Threatened in the (ost %nsane, +reative 3aysC
AThe 0emocrats 7eGoice A
A)ro!&ife 0emocrat 3ho "plit 3ith "tupak )ans -bama ;bortion 'Hecutive
-rderC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comstate.9,,.htmlJ.
A"r. :eehanKs &egacy ! )raise from -bama, 0isappointment from $ishopsC
+onsidering Athe most vulnerable among usC, those who cannot defend themselves,
those who cannot vote to protect themselves, those who cannot stand to fight for their
lives in their own mothersL wombs, listen to this incredible hypocrisy: A-bama called the
legislation a maGor victory /for our nation, for human dignity, and for the most vulnerable
among us./ %n another part of the video, the +>;Ks own narrator speaks of how in
working for health care reform, +atholic health care providers gave a /voice to those
without one/.C IJune 12, 2010*
T>'"' ;77-4;DT, 7'$'&&%-#" A+;T>-&%+C 7'&%4%-#" "%"T'7",
3>- +&;%('0 T- 7')7'"'DT T>' 7'&%4%-#" "%"T'7" %D ;('7%+;,
4;E' +-E'7 T- T''T'7%D4 )-&%T%+%;D" under great pressure from the -bama
administration and other democrats to abandon their protection and defence of the most
defenceless and vulnerable human persons among us= (ay 4od help us when it is our
turn to be abandoned by the AlawC=
#p to now, the courts agreed that although the states had legali<ed abortion, we
did not have to pay for it. The >yde amendment solidified that federal money is not used
for abortion. 3>'D B-# )#() ?'0'7;& (-D'B %DT- T>' ;$-7T%-D
%D0#"T7B, "T;T%"T%+" ">-3 E'7B +&';7&B T>;T %T 7';&&B
%D+7';"'" T>' D#($'7 -? ;$-7T%-D". 3hen funding is reduced, the actual
number of abortions are reduced. %t is not Gust a philosophical point, but very practical.
%n the >ealthcare 7eform what the government is basically saying is we are going to
pour billions of dollars into making sure people have Iand here is the operative wordJ
Acomprehensive healthcare coverageC. %n and of itself, it sounds good* we want people
to have comprehensive health care coverage. The concern is if abortion is part of
comprehensive healthcare coverage. To make a long story short, the courts have always
said: ABes it is=C ;s long as it is legal, it is part of health care. "o now the concern is if
this money going to be used to fund abortions. The courts have always said: ABes it isC
unless congress, who passed the law in the first place, eHplicitly eHcludes abortion. That
is why the >yde amendment was necessary in the first place. The problem is the way this
bill was signed into law recently* it does not apply the >yde amendment to the funding
that is now going to go into health care coverage. 3e are now going to be pumping all
this money into the abortion industry.
The eHecutive order says some good things about money not going to abortion.
$ut the problem is that an eHecutive order cannot amend a law. ; law was passed by the
congress and signed by the president. $ut if there are legal challenges now, such as a
community health care center which starts funding abortion, and it ends up in court, the
court is going to say we have to follow the law which says that funding does not eHclude
abortion* ;D 'M'+#T%E' -70'7 0-'" D-T T7#() T>' &;3. -bama knows
this and knew this= The eHecutive order fills in some gaps in the law but it cannot
overturn the law, it cannot amend the law.
The danger is if people of faith sit back and become cynical and do not consciously
recogni<e and struggle and fight against the most modern sophisticated techni@ues ever
used on mankind to brainwash the masses of people by way of the mass media, schools
Ifrom pre!schools to universitiesJ and even religious institutions, and then do not
participate in the election process. %f our democratic process still works, if it has not yet
become a dictatorship, things can always be changed for the better if people get
involved. The +hurch always calls us to be active citi<ens involved in the electoral
process. ;nger is an energy which of itself is not an evil nor a good* it is neutral. 3e
must not remain in Gust a state of agitation about the evil that is being propagated around
us* we must direct our anger out in constructive ways to get things done, otherwise we
direct it inward and we get depressed.
"ince the mid 90Ls the number of abortion IkillingJ clinics have been cut by more
that half, principally because they cannot hold on to their staff. Bou get tired of killing
babies for a living because it is so against our human nature which causes people to
leave. T>'B ;7' ?%D0%D4 %T >;70'7 ;D0 >;70'7 T- ?%D0 0-+T-7" T-
0- T>' )7-+'0#7'.
ADew +ourt 7uling "hows ?olly of -bama 'Hecutive -rder on ;bortion ?undingC
A+atholic $ishops Join )ro!&ife 4roups ;gainst ;bortion!'Hecutive -rder %deaC
A;mericans #nited for &ife: 'Hecutive -rder 3onKt "top ;bortion in >ealth +areC
ADew +atholic $ishops (emo: ;bortion in >ealth +are 0espite -bama -rderC
A?ight rages to define health care bill to publicC
A?irst wave of health!care changes will target insurers with new rulesC
A>ealth insurance hikes stun small businessesC Ihttp:www.sfgate.comcgi!
A4-) "tate -fficials to Try $locking >ealthcare &aw in +ourtC
A>ealth bill spreads the pain, benefitsC
A%s health!care reform constitutional1C Ihttp:www.washingtonpost.comwp!
A+atholics, >ealth +are and the "enateLs $ad $illC
7ead the hypocrisy of )elosi, and she calls herself a +atholic= ITranscript: )elosi
)ress +onference (arch 19, 2010J: AToday is the ?east of "aint Joseph, the 3orker,
particularly significant to %talian!;mericans. ;nd it is a day that we remember and pray
to "aint Joseph to benefit the workers of ;merica. ;nd that is eHactly what our health
care bill will doO Ihttp:thepage.time.comtranscript!pelosi!press!conference!march!19!
A>ealth +are: &isten to the DunsC
A)lanned )arenthood Thanks +atholic Duns 3ho $acked )ro!;bortion >ealth
+areC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat520,.htmlJ.
AThe $iggest ;buse of )ower and ;rrogance 3ashington >as 'ver "eenC $y
;ndrea Tantaros: AThe /change we can believe in/ from )resident -bama and the
0emocrats has resulted in a health care bill that is virtually unbelievable. 3elcome to the
divided states of ;merica.C Ihttp:www.foHnews.comopinion20100,22andrea!
A>ealth care overhaul could strain shortage of primary care doctorsC,29healthScareSoverh
A"en. (c+onnell unapologetic for trying to block 0emocratsK agendaC
A3ith the )assage of the >ealth +are $ill, -ur +onstitution is on &ife "upportC
A;mericans 3ant )ro!;bortion >ealth +are &aw 7epealed, >ope 4-) 3ill 0o
%tC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat5189.htmlJ.
A>ealth +are +ost +ynics 3ere 7ightC!
Are FDeath Pa1el(H Already Here5 IJune 2010*
ADo, Bou +anKt :eep Bour >ealth )lan ! %nsurers and doctors are already
consolidating their businesses in the wake of -bama+areKs passage. )resident -bama
guaranteed ;mericans that after health reform became law they could keep their
insurance plans and their doctors. %tKs clear that this promise cannot be kept. %nsurers and
physicians are already reshaping their businesses as a result of (r. -bamaKs plan.C
"teele +alls -bama >ealth )lan /"ocialism/ ! 7epublican )arty +hairman ;ccuses
0emocrats of +onducting a /7isky 'Hperiment/
$ottom &ine #p ?ront: (#"&%(" 4'T ; );"" on the ?irst ;mendment to the
#" +onstitution ! /+ongress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free eHercise thereof/ U The -bama+are bill is the establishment of
0himmitude and "haria (uslim diktat in the #nited "tates. (uslims are specifically
eHempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the
penalty taH for being uninsured. %slam considers insurance to be /gambling/, /risk!
taking/ and /usury/ and is thus banned. Ihttp:seanlinnane.blogspot.com20100.mail!
&et there be no doubt: the sole priority in this entire health care drama of T>'
"&;#4>T'7>-#"' T>7'', -$;(;, )'&-"% ;D0 7'%0, has been to authori<e
a government sei<ure of the ;merican health care industry and nationali<ing a full one!
siHth of our economy. They ignored the cold hard facts of the federal budget. )lainly put,
you cannot add Z1 trillion dollars to the budget and then claim that itLs revenue neutral,
cut Z200 billion from (edicare and say it wonLt affect recipients. The math simply
doesnLt work. $ut -bama, )elosi and 7eid donLt seem to have any problem with fudging
the numbers when itLs to their advantage, for their agenda. 3orse yet, -bama, )elosi
and 7eid have claimed that they would preside over the most ethical and transparent
+ongress in history. They have repeatedly denied ;mericans their +onstitutional right to
know what 3ashington is doing in their name, because they know that if they find out,
they will hold them accountable, at least while our republic is still based on the
democratic principles of our founding fathers.
A0o you suppose the proposed plan for the country isnKt as good as the one that
covers congress111 Besterday on /;$+!TE/ Ibetter known as the all barrack channelJ
during the /network special on health care/.... -bama was asked: /(r. )resident will you
and your family give up your current health care program and Goin the new Kuniversal
health care programK that the rest of us will be on 1/
3>;T %" T>' )#7)-"' -? 4-E'7D('DT1 To serve the government or to
serve the people1 0oes not our #" constitution state: A?or the people and by the
peopleC1 -r does it state: A?or the government and by the governmentC1
$asic natural rights are not given by law. T>' +7';T-7 'D0-3" ';+>
)'7"-D 3%T> %D;&%'D;$&' 7%4>T". ?reedom of speech is not from the
+onstitution. -ur rights do not come from the state but from the natural law given by
4od. >uman beings are immortal and are offered the choice to spend eternity with their
+reator, or not. The basis for rights is not from states which have come into eHistence
and gone out of eHistence. )eople or the constitution do not give rights. 3e have rights
because of who we are* rights are given by the +reator of all things=
A;dvice for 'urope N ;nd for #sC
A1J %DT-&'7;D+' %D T>' D;(' -? AT-&'7;D+'C must be named for
what it is and publicly condemned. To deny religiously!informed moral argument a place
in the public s@uare is intolerant and anti!democratic. To identify the truths of biblical
morality with bigotry and intolerance is a distortion of moral truth and an intolerant,
uncivil act, which must be named as such. To imagine that any stateOhas the authority
to redefine marriage, a human institution that Qis prior toR the state ontologically as well
as historically, is to open the door to what John )aul %% called O Athinly disguised
totalitarianismC U and this, too, must be said, publicly. This will re@uire IwesternJ
+hristians O to overcome what IsometimesJ seems to be a deeply!engrained and
internali<ed sense of marginali<ation within contemporary society.C
;re we maintaining or loosing Irather @uickly=J the democratic principles handed
down to us by our founding fathers, many of whom died for these principles1 $y
AstealthC the -bama administration is sneaking in ?-+;. %f our government would
allow people to decide, then it would listen to the 85X of the ;merican people who
want to significantly restrict abortion. %n our search for A+-((-D 47-#D0C let us
begin there. ;nd by covertness there is being formed in the #.". various groups very
similar to the :4$ of 7ussia, the 4estapo of Da<i 4ermany Ithe +%;1JO=== A-bama
"timulus )lan ! $illions for (ore )oliceC*
http:portland.indymedia.orgen200902,8590..shtml. %s all this money really for
terrorists and to protect law abiding ;merican citi<ens or is it for the ;mericans who
differ or will disagree with the president of the #.". when the mandates of the
government really get out of hand1
A%f you think health care is eHpensive now, wait until you see what it costs when
itKs free=C !! ).J. -K7ourke.
/-+ #hy #a( O)a'a Elected5
3hen a friend here in %taly asked me before the elections in Dovember 2008 how is
it possible for ;mericans not to know these things about -bama, % replied to him with
two points. I1J %t is documented how T>' /(;%D "T7';(/ ('0%; outlets of ;$+,
+$", D$+, ("D$+, and +DD are doing everything they can to hide this incredible
information about the leading candidate for the presidency of the #";. % said also that
the mass media in %taly is e@ually controlled by those who do not want 4od in their lives
or have totally denied >is eHistence. I2J 3hen people no longer pray or no longer seek
to discover 4odLs will and D- &-D4'7 "'': T- 0- 4-0L" 3%&&, they @uickly
become blind to the truth and to reality. A3hat kind of Astrong delusionC is this so that
they Abelieve what is falseC I2Thess 2:11J1 ;merica, as a democracy, is only as good as
its people= The church in ;merica, as in 'urope, has basically become a maintenance
church instead of a missionary church. %t has become a church to satisfy ourselves rather
than satisfy Jesus and our neighbor. -ne can even use prayer and devotions for our own
egoism and AfeelingC rather than seeking to discover and do 4odLs will which is
inevitably linked to self!sacrifice and the cross. AThe "on of man came not to be served
but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for manyC I(t 20:28* (k 10:.2J
4od the ?ather: A-h, they will cover the face in order not to see, but the scales
from the eyes of all will fall, and they will have the truth before themselves= ?oolish and
unwise children, corrupted by all the wicked cleverness of the enemy, they are like sheep
at the slaughter and they do not reali<e it= %t is not the contempt of the "acred, it is that
they do not want to know anything about A+hristian 7ulesC= T>'B )7-?'"" T- $'
+>7%"T%;D", $#T T>'B ;7' D-T, %? T>'B +-DT%D#;&&B T7;D"47'""
T>' +>7%"T%;D $;"%+". >ypocrites and false are all those who transgress and
continue to declare themselves Atrue +atholicsC= Do, my children, the condemnation they
are inflicting by themselves and there are no alternatives: either with (e, 4od the ?ather,
or against (e, and thus with "atan, prince of so many corrupted souls. 0o not inflict
your faults on others, it was your choice, and to you is due the Gudgment of
condemnation=C IJune 8, 2005*
Bou might also check out A%nvestigating -bama: +;7''7 );T> T-3;70 ;
D'-!(;7M%"T )7'"%0'D+B
american.htmlJ. 3hen % sent this information to my relatives and friends before the
elections of 2008* a couple of my cousins ask me to not send them anymore emails= %
responded to them: A% believe that if a person openly proclaims that the first thing he
would do as president of the #"; would be to promote and increase the incredible
genocide of killing tens of millions of helpless, defenseless, innocent human beings, %
believe that this person would be +;);$&' -? ;DBT>%D4= /The first thing %Kd do as
president is sign the /?reedom of +hoice ;ct/ I?-+;J. ThatKs the first thing that %Kd
do./ !! "enator $arack -bama, speaking to the )lanned )arenthood ;ction ?und, July
16, 2006 Ihttp:www.nrlc.orgfocaindeH.htmlJ. ;merica will get what ;merica
deserves=C #nfortunately, most ;mericans are like some of my cousins who are willing
and desiring to $'&%'E' -D&B 3>;T T>'B 3;DT T- $'&%'E' and will not
listen to anything else. (ost ;mericans no longer take the time to eHamine the fruits and
the concrete actions of the candidates for office. /$eware of false prophets, who come
to you in sheepKs clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Bou will know them by
their fruits. ;re grapes gathered from thorns, or figs from thistles1 "o, every sound tree
bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears evil fruit. ; sound tree cannot bear evil fruit, nor
can a bad tree bear good fruit. 'very tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and
thrown into the fire. Thus you will know them by their fruitsC I(t 6:12!20J.
A-bama W &ive $irth ;bortion %nduced &abor ;bortions %nfanticide )ro!&ife
;nti!;bortion EideoC$B7p%f2?9D;J.
A-bamaKs ;bortion 'HtremismC I;pril 2, 2008*
A-bama &ying ;bout >is ;bortion 7ecordC I;ugust 19, 2008*
; communist has profaned the presidency* 'Hclusive: 'rik 7ush believes a Kvast
superstructure for a far!left ;mericaK is in place* http:www.wnd.comindeH.php1
A;%( %dentifies (ysterious -bama (entor ;s +ommunist )arty 7evolutionary*
-bamaKs mentor /?rank/ is ?rank (arshall 0avisC* Ihttp:www.aim.orgpress!
&imbaugh: /Ean Jones is Jeremiah 3right, is $ill ;yers ... Ean Jones is -bama/*
A")';:'7 )'&-"%K" +-DT7-E'7"%;& (;7M%"T +-DD'+T%-D"C*,12.htmJ.
A-bama ;dmits >e %s ; (uslimC*
)oor ;merica= 3e are doomed to repeat all the disasters recorded in history, but
this time much, much worse= 3>- 3;" 4#%&TB -? "#))7'""%-D -?
)'7T%D'DT %D?-7(;T%-D 0#7%D4 T>' &;"T )7'"%0'DT%;& +;();%4D1
?or eHample, +hicago "un!Times reporter +athleen ?alsani reported in 200. interview
with -bama, that /he does not believe the central tenets of the +hristian faith./ /?or
eHample, he Q-bamaR stated point!blank, K% believe there are many paths to the same
place Q>eavenR.C Ihttp:gretawire.blogs.foHnews.com20090622ask!the!
$ush made his mistakes and (c+ain is no saint. $ut with the powerful effect of
marketing techni@ues and well thought out slogans IA+hange we need=CJ and above all
with the help of the very liberal and secularist mass media, most ;mericans were led and
manipulated to see only the faults and defects of $ush and (c+ain so as to distract the
;mericans about who -bama really is and his real agenda shown in his very few years as
a "enator and especially in his personal history leading up to his running for the highest
office in the land. The mass media very carefully and methodically blacked out -bamaLs
real personal history and so many other truths that could have helped ;mericans decide
on who to vote for in the most important position in our government. The ;mericans
voted for a basically unknown candidate who cannot even produce a valid ;merica birth
certificate= %T %" %D+7'0%$&' T>' )-3'7 -? T>' (;"" ('0%;
'")'+%;&&B ;D0 ;$-E' ;&& 3%T> T>' )'-)&' 3>- >;E' $;"%+;&&B
)#">'0 4-0 -#T -? T>'%7 &%E'" as -ne who is too demanding with >is 10
+ommandments and >is statements in the 4ospel such as: A>e who does not take up his
cross and follow me is not worthy of me. >e who finds his life will lose it, and he who
loses his life for my sake will find itC I(t 10:,8!,9J.
A3>- %" >'111 ! % did some of my own research after reading this. 3hy was his
law license inactivated in 20021 3hy was it held a secret all that time as he was still
being called a /lawyer/. 3hy was (ichelleKs law license %D;+T%E;T'0 by court
order1 QTwo peas in a pod there ! and both of these things kept from the public and lies
about=R There is only one $arack >ussein -bama according to the #. ". +ensus and he
has 26 "ocial "ecurity numbers and over 80 aliases. OC
%s -bama aping the real +hrist even in his origin1 ABet we know where this man
comes from* and when the +hrist appears, no one will know where he comes fromC IJn
A-$;(;K" #"' -? >%00'D >B)D-"%" T'+>D%F#'" %D >%"
")''+>'"C* Ihttp:www.scribd.comdoc6.60.,9-bamas!#se!of!>idden!>ypnosis!
A0octors from the ;ssociation of ;merican )hysicians and "urgeons have
observed that -$;(; #"'" T'+>D%F#'" -? (%D0 +-DT7-& %D >%"
")''+>'" ;D0 +;();%4D "B($-&". ?or eHample, one speech declared, /a light
will shine down from somewhere, it will light upon you, you will eHperience an epiphany,
and you will say to yourself, K% have to vote for $arack.K/ The doctors observe that
/-bamaKs logo is noteworthy. %t is always there, a small one in the middle of the podium,
providing a point of visual fiHation ... QthatR resembles a crystal ball, a favorite of
hypnotists./ O AThe 0emocratic party feels it necessary to keep all @uestions about
-bama at a safe distance. %t is an unprecedented move to keep secrets about a
)residential candidate. The following @uestions remain sealed from the public. 1.
+ertified +opy of original $irth certificateIsee certificate controversy belowJ* 2.
+olumbia +ollege records* ,. OC* Ihttp:rocketboom.wikia.comwiki$arackS-bamaJ.
A"o what does the -bama logo mean, anyway1C*
Joseph ?arah wrote in -ctober 2,, 2008, Gust before the election, in his article
A-bama: Dever a +hristianC: AThe most eHtensive comments ever offered by -bama
about his faith came in a 200. +hicago "un!Times interview % first wrote about last (ay.
O %n other words, he Q-$;(;R 0-'"DKT >;E' ; +&#' ;" T- 3>;T %T
(';D" T- $' ; +>7%"T%;D.C Ihttp:www.wnd.comindeH.php1page%dV68626J.
;ccording to (r. 3ebster Tarpley, in his book, A:bama, The Postmodern 2ou&,
The Making o3 a Man)hurian 2andidate, -bama was recruited over 22 years ago by
Tbigniew $r<e<inski, as a student at +olumbia #niversity, to be groomed as the
president to succeed 4eorge 3. $ush in 2008. %n 1960, $r<e<inski had recruited Jimmy
+arter, the then unknown governor of 4eorgia, to be president in 1965, and foster the
plans of the oneworlders* -bama is now his latest recruit for the completion of this plan
for a world government.
0id you wonder why the ")'+%;& -D -$;(; on >annityKs "unday night show
I;ugust 9, 2009J did not appear1 The program was not aired "unday, so it was googled
and found that the segments had been taken off of the internet as well. 0o you wonder
who blocked this111 Bou might take a look at the following 5 segments if they have not
yet been removed from the web:
)art 1 !
)art 2 !
)art , !
)art . !
)art 2 !<?t:'ysGwWfeatureVrelated
)art 5 !'m'm7b7J?&#WfeatureVrelated
%f a person can so easily advocate the killing of an unwanted, unborn or even born
human beings, what will stop him from advocating and performing the :%&&%D4 -?
;DB -T>'7 +;T'4-7B -? >#(;D $'%D4" if this category is later decided to
be AunwantedC by this person or by the persons he puts in power over us1 3hat is the
fundamental criteria here1 %f there are no absolutes acknowledged and accepted from
the +reator by a society or by a dictator, who decides who is to live and who is to die1=1
+aught on Tape: -bama +alls ;bortion the +enter of >is >ealth +are ;genda= %f
youLve seen the, you know that, as a presidential candidate,
$arack -bama promised abortion advocates at a )lanned )arenthood conference that the
Afirst thingC heLd do as )resident was to sign the ?reedom of +hoice ;ct. Thankfully,
600,000 who signed the A?ight ?-+;C petition helped convince him that was a bad idea.
$ut did you know that, at that same conference, -$;(; ";%0 T>;T (;D0;T'0
;$-7T%-D +-E'7;4' 3-#&0 $' ;T T>' A+'DT'7 ;D0 >';7TC -? >%"
>';&T> +;7' ;4'D0;1 >e did, and weLve got the tape. 'ven more than two
years ago this agenda was already planned and decided IJuly 16, 2006J, even though
86X of ;mericans Iand countingJ are in favor of restrictions on abortion as well as the
protection of the rights of individual "tates, and lower authorities, to make these
decisions at the proper, local levels, instead of being mandated and dictated at the federal
level where the people have much less control and say Iif any=1=J in these important
decisions= "ee:
There is a tremendous media bias. "ee AD$+ Joins ;$+ in 7efusing to ;ir ;d
+ritical of )ro!7ationing >ealth +are (easureC
-bama, the ;ngel of &ight= A-bama addresses (ichigan high school graduation.
:;&;(;T--, (%+>. !! %n an unusual presidential speech to high school graduates
(onday night, )resident -bama urged students to persevere in their goals and /take
responsibility not Gust for your successes, QbutR take responsibility where you fall short as
well./C Ihttp:www.washingtonpost.comwp!
A$arack -bama +ampaign -rgani<ation (%"&';0" on >ealth +are ;bortion
?undingC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2,66.htmlJ.
7egarding the health care bill, we find 3hite >ouse officials, including the
)resident himself, resorting to a strategy of evasion and deception that is truly alarming
"ee A100 0ays of +hange for the ?amilyC I-$;(;L" ?%7"T 100 0;B"* by his
deeds, not by his words, has -bama promoted the culture of life or the culture of
death1J: http:www.frc.orgspecial100!days!of!change.
'lections have conse@uences<yb.orgblog'lectionsJ=
3e have opened )andoraLs boH with pornography, contraception, abortion,
euthanasia, O. 7egarding ;mericaKs acceptance of abortion, the late +atholic apologist
;rchbishop ?ulton J. "heen said, /%f we donKt stop the destruction of life, weKll come to
midnight. That is nuclear war, in which there will be ; T-T;& 0%"7'4;70 ?-7
"ome people have the vocabulary to sum things in a way you can understand. This
@uote was translated into 'nglish from an article appearing in the +<ech 7epublic as
published in the )rager Teitung of 29 ;pril 2010:
AT>' 0;D4'7 T- ;('7%+; %" D-T $;7;+: -$;(; $#T ;
+%T%T'D7B capable of entrusting a man like him with the )residency. %t will be far
easier to limit and undo the follies of an -bama presidency than to restore the necessary
common sense and good Gudgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man
for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than (r. -bama,
who is a mere symptom of what ails ;merica. $laming the prince of the fools should not
blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The 7epublic
can survive a $arack -bama, who is, after all, merely a fool. %t is less likely to survive a
multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.C
?7-( ; (%D%"T'7K" 3%?':
3e were in slow!moving traffic the other day and the car in front of us had an
-bama bumper sticker on it. %t read: /)ray for -bama. )salm 109:8/. (y husbandKs
$ible was lying on the dash board W he got it W opened it up to the scripture W read it.
>e started laughing W laughing. Then he read it to me. % couldnKt believe what it said. %
had a good laugh, too. )salm 109:8: /&et his days be few* and may another take his
place of leadership./ ;t last ! % can voice a $iblical prayer for our president= &ook it up !
it is word for word= &et us all bow our heads and pray=
A-$;(; 0%";))-%DT" 'E'D &-3'7'0 'M)'+T;T%-D"C by +hris
"tirewalt IJune 28, 2010J. AThe second phase of the great ;merican disillusionment with
$arack -bama is complete. The president fell to 'arth a year ago after his stratospheric
rise because ;mericans came to see that he was like other politicians. $ut there was
some solace to be taken for disenchanted voters from the fact that the largely unknown
man thrust into the -val -ffice by his graceful ways and an ama<ing concatenation of
events was more or less like the other ambitious people with elastic relationships with the
truth who seek high office. The fall came when -bama proved to be rankly partisan and
surprisingly graceless when dealing with his opponentsOC
AT>-(;" "-3'&&: -$;(;K" "&%))'7B "&-)' T- TB7;DDBC U A3hen
;dolf >itler was building up the Da<i movement in the 1920s, leading up to his taking
power in the 19,0s, he deliberately sought to activate people who did not normally pay
much attention to politics. "uch people were a valuable addition to his political base,
since they were particularly susceptible to >itlerKs rhetoric and had far less basis for
@uestioning his assumptions or his conclusions. /#"'?#& %0%-T"/ was the term
supposedly coined by E.%. &enin to describe similarly unthinking supporters of his
dictatorship in the "oviet #nion. )ut differently, a democracy needs informed citi<ens if
it is to thrive, or ultimately even survive. %n our times, ;merican democracy is being
dismantled, piece by piece, before our very eyes by the current administration in
3ashington, and few people seem to be concerned about itO.C IJune 2,, 2010*
3ayne ;llyn 7oot: A-$;(;K" ;4'D0;: -E'73>'&( T>' "B"T'(C U
A7ahm 'manuel cynically said, /Bou never want a crisis to go to waste./ %t is now
becoming clear that the crisis he was referring to is $arack -bamaKs presidency.
-$;(; %" D- ?--&. >' %" D-T %D+-()'T'DT. To the contrary, he is brilliant.
>e knows eHactly what heKs doing. >e is purposely overwhelming the #.". economy to
create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos !! thereby destroying capitalism
and our country from within. $arack -bama is my college classmate I+olumbia
#niversity, class of K8,J. ;s 4lenn $eck correctly predicted from day one, -bama is
following the plan of +loward W )iven, two professors at +olumbia #niversity. They
outlined a plan to sociali<e ;merica by overwhelming the system with government
spending and entitlement demandsO.C IJune 5, 2010*
//+ Hi(tory Repeat( It(el.@
;?T'7 T>' 0';T> -? J-">#;, for the first time the people of %srael were
without a leader. %n the beginning of the book of Judges we read that Athere arose
another generation after them, who 0%0 D-T :D-3 T>' &-70 or the work which
he had done for %srael. ;nd the people of %srael did what was evil in the sight of the
&ord and served the $aals...C IJudg 2:10!11J. >ow many so!called A+hristiansC of the
present generation in the #"; and other parts of the world do not even know how to say
the A-ur ?atherC1 ; great number of young people who finish 12 years in the #.".
+atholic school system do not even know the 10 commandments= 3hat are the priests
and bishops doing1 The divorce rate among +atholics is the same as the rest of the
population of the #.". The parents never taught their children about Athe work which he
Qthe &ordR had done forC them. $eing soft hearted parents is good, but not soft headed.
)arents who are soft on offering the true love Ifirm and lovingJ, sometimes called
AT-#4> &-E'C, of proper discipline to their children, do a very great disservice to
their children who later must face the realities of life with all itLs difficulties, and an
increasingly anti!4od and antichristian environment. ;rchbishop ?ulton "heen said that
the parents who let their child do as he pleases, never enGoy the love or respect of their
parents. The parent is useful to the child, but where there is utility there is very little
love. "o often parents fall into the trap of wanting to be loved cheaply. $ut very often
to say D- is love and to say B'" is a lack of love. (any parents of the Ababy boomersC
naively followed the imprudent advice of 0r. "pock whose son committed suicide=
)arents have gone behind the world views of so!called eHperts who dictate Aself esteemC
instead of humility. 3e have been bombarded to not discipline our children IA$reaking
Dews: "panking +an $e $ad for ,!Bear!-ld +hildrenC*
Eery often the men have wimped out and the women were not able to be both the
mother and the father of their children. (en are by nature warriors
Ihttp:www.radiHguys.comJ. );7'DT" >;E' ;&& T-- -?T'D ;$0%+;T'0
T>'%7 ;#T>-7%TB, being weak in the knees with no backbones= -f course
discretion is needed. $ut we must not let the pagan world dictate to us, else we go with
the flow which carries all the dead bodies downstream= 3e must be strong and
persevere in continually swimming upstream in picking up our cross daily and following
our crucified "avior. 3hether we like it or not, life is a 0-#7 +-($;T with the
powers of evil I+++ .09J* if we decide to not fight or if we give up fighting, "atan is
happy to push and urge us downstream. "urrender is not an option= %f our faith is weak,
the voice of faith within us is feeble and so the voices of the secular world dominate with
the temptations of lust and egoism. ?or parents to say, we will let our children wait until
they are 21, then they can make up their own minds is absurd. $y then, they have
already lost their souls. 3e do not do this regarding learning the language of the
parents, or learning how to dress and eat and so many other necessities in life. The
secular humanist and gay activist are very aggressive in their proselytism= Eisit A0r. 7ay
4uarendiKs )arenting Televison "pecial )ackagesC, at
3e read in the book of "irach about :ing "olomon: A$ut you laid you loins beside
women, and through your body you were brought into subGection. Bou put a stain upon
your honor, and 0'?%&'0 B-#7 )-"T'7%TB, so that you brought wrath upon your
children and they were grieved at your follyOC I"ir .8:19!20J.
(en are inconsistent beings* they foresee catastrophes everywhere but a direction
of Aspiritual helpC they do not seek= -f course when the great chastisement hits, these
indifferent egotistical people will blame 4od, Gust as 4loria )olo did before the lightning
bolt struck her= Ihttp:testimony!polo.blogspot.comJ.
%f you say to people: ABou are living in sin=C, how many listen to you1 )'7>;)"
-D' %D ?-#7 >#D07'01= >ow many couples Alive togetherC today in the sin of
Afree seHC1= 3here there is sin there cannot be peace and true love. 3here sin is, there
Alives togetherC the other AgodC, the Agod %C, and that god is made to measure, made for
self and based on self* it is stamped by the seal of the devil. -h, it is true that for them
4od cannot command them in anything, but they do not even believe in the eHistence of
the devil and thus they are in his arms and he maneuvers their minds leading them to
abominable acts. 4od gives &ove* the devil gives death=
3e must help our sheep to not follow the world with itLs immorality, backbiting,
wrong behaviors. There is no longer any rules, no scruples that holds them back, they
are in Geopardy, and go to meet evil without looking back to think: A$#T 3>'7' ;( %
;s in the -ld Testament, when 4-0 3%T>07'3 >%" )7-T'+T%D4 >;D0,
other nations con@uered the people of %srael. %t will not be different this time either. ;s
"ister &ucia of ?atima said to ?ather ;gostino ?uentes, I1926J: A7ussia will be the
scourge chosen by 4od to punish humanity.C 7ussia continues to build up and improve
their nuclear arsenal as the great liars, )utin and -bama, tell the ;mericans that they
have agreed to reduce and disarm= -f course, the gullible ;mericans, not in communion
with their +reator, believe every smiling, promising word= "ee other biblical passages
indicating these prophecies regarding 7ussia in )art %%% below.
>ow many in our modern affluent society do not even reali<e Ior care=1J that they
Ado not know the &ordC or that they do what is Aevil in the sight of the &ordC1 >ow
many of us do not even care that in the #"; well!paid :%&&'7", +;&&'0
-$"T'T7%+%;D", stick a scissors into the back of the neck and into the brains of poor,
innocent, defenseless, unwanted human beings struggling to defend themselves, and then
suck out or pull out the rest of the body parts from their very own mothersL womb, over
a million times a year in the #"; alone= %t is an assault on the fundamental dignity of the
human person who is created in the image of 4od I4en 1:25!26J= 'very human life is
sacred and irreplaceable.
3e worship the A$aalC of the dollar, of hedonism, of egoism, of power and of self!
sufficiency while reGecting and dismissing a superfluous or annoying 4od.
"'E'D T%('" %D T>' $--: -? J#04'" alone the people of %srael went
through the cycle of sin, suffering, supplication to 4od, salvation from 4od, and then
silence about 4od, and then they began all over again to sin again. 7ead the
commentary of "t. John ?isher about the incredible ingratitude of the chosen people
I$reviary, ?riday, ,rd week, -rdinary TimeJ. The world is about to enter into the
second part of perhaps the greatest such cycle in the history of the world, AsufferingC
Itribulation=J which will help many to call out to 4od and to recogni<e and to repent of
their sins. %t is interesting that when the %sraelites were tired of deciding and doing
things on their own and eHperienced how much better it is to follow 4odLs chosen ones,
they finally pleaded with 4ideon to Arule over us, you and your son and your grandson
also...C IJudg 8:22J. >ow many +hristians have also become T%7'0 -? $'%D4 T>'
)-)' and have made this same wise choice to follow 4odLs chosen one, the living )ope
to whom Jesus promised that Athe gates of hell would not prevailC I(t 15:18J1 This
promise was made to )eter and to his successors, not to the bishops, and much less to
the conferences of bishops or to so!called theologians who have set themselves up as a
second magisterium over and against the one that +hrist established=
To give a fundamental eHample of this great decline and abandonment of 4od and
>is commandments, consider that after the second world war many peoples Iespecially in
the #"; and 'uropeJ eHperienced a rather substantial increase in wellbeing, which is
certainly not an evil. T>' )7-$&'( 3;" T>;T )'-)&' F#%+:&B $'4;D T-
3;DT ;" (;DB )&';"#7'" ;" )-""%$&' 3%T>-#T ;DB 7'"T7%+T%-D"
-7 7'")-D"%$%&%TB -7 +-D+'7D ?-7 -T>'7", '")'+%;&&B T>'
3';:'"T ;D0 (-"T E#&D'7;$&' %D -#7 "-+%'TB. The world, along with
many so!called A+atholicC leaders and groups, began to put tremendous pressure on the
+atholic +hurch to +-D?-7( T- T>' ('DT;&%TB -? T>' 3-7&0, to conform
to the Aspirit of the ageC, of irresponsibly seeking pleasure without any restraints
indicated by 4odLs revelation Iof love of 4od and neighborJ and interpreted by the
+hurch, especially after the discovery of Athe pillC I1950J. :ing "olomon of the -ld
Testament did not use the wisdom he received from 4od* instead of bringing the world
to 4od, he brought the women of 'gypt, who worshiped false gods, to Jerusalem. A%f it
were not for the +atholic faith, mankind would have destroyed itself many times overC*
A3e do not need a +hurch that is moved by the world, but a +hurch that moves the
worldC U 4.:. +hesterton.
Jesus: A$ut alas, there are always less holy vocations, and those that there are
vacillate and then decide to follow the world, instead of doing in such a way that the
world follows them, their teaching of the &iving 4ospel. -h poor (e, constrained to beg
for love and suffering to offer oneself for the salvations of souls* to ask you to do, my
faithful children, that which in reality T>' )7%'"T" ">-#&0 0-=C I"eptember 1.,
2002* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa0206eng.htmlJ.
;fter the war and depression, many people said: A% do not want my children to
have to suffer what % had to suffer.C %t is normal to want to avoid suffering. $ut
+hristians follow +hrist crucified in order to rise with >im after death. True love of 4od
and neighbor always entails some kind of suffering. "aint 7aymund of )enyafort wrote:
A% should hope that you would not be counted among their number. Their homes are
peaceful and complacent. They live in security and never feel the touch of the &ordLs
rod. T>'B );"" T>'%7 0;B" %D )&'DTB ;D0 %D T>' 'D0 4- "T7;%4>T
T- >'&&.C I-ffice of 7eadings* Jan. 6J.
3hen )ope )aul E% issued his prophetic encyclical, A>#(;D;' E%T;'C I1958J,
there was an incredible negative reaction not only on the part of the laity who wanted to
enGoy the pleasures of seH without any responsibility or openness to life by using artificial
birth control, but even on the part of a great number of priests and bishops, even entire
'piscopal conferences Ie.g., the P3innipeg "tatementL of the +anadian $ishopsJ=
$'?-7' 19,0 ;&& (;%D&%D' )7-T'"T;DT 0'D-(%D;T%-D" were in accord
with the +atholic +hurch that the use of artificial birth control was a grave evil and a
serious sin. 3hen the ;nglican +hurch changed its stance in 19,0 I&ambeth
+onferenceJ the other protestants churches @uickly followed suit while )ope )ius M%
reaffirmed the +hurchLs constant teaching on this grave evil in his encyclical +asti
+annubii I19,0J. %n 1958 most (ainline )rotestant groups went along with
+ontraception* many were afraid of becoming +atholic. ;fter 7oe v. 3ade, there have
been 1.2 million abortions each year* many )rotestant groups changed their mind and
retracted, especially "outhern $aptist +hurch.
+hurch discipline can be changed, but the doctrine of the faith and morals which
comes from 4od cannot change, and will not change. T>' +>#7+> %" ;T T>'
"'7E%+' -? T>' T7#T> 3>%+> 0-'" D-T +>;D4'. The +hurch does make
progress, but cannot change the doctrines of faith and morals. The infallibility of the
)ope is a negative infallibility: +hrist will not let the )ope teach error. >umanae Eitae
went completely against the mentality of the world, but the prophetic words written in
this encyclical all came true= (ore than ever men see women as seH obGects instead of a
person to love. %n the richer countries of the world there are more grandparents than
babies and we wonder why there is an economic crisis1=1 The vast maGority of +atholics
walked away from >umanae Eitae Gust as the vast maGority of the disciples of +hrist
walked away from +hrist regarding the announcement of the 'ucharist as seen in John
chapter 5= 4od knows better what is good for us individually and collectively and >e
gives us the grace to do it if we only trust >im rather than ourselves=
&ess than a hundred years ago, one of the main motives that parents had more
children was to provide for their future and retirement. 3hen the state offered social
security, the great maGority of parents opted to avoid the sacrifice of having more
children than one or two for their own pleasure and satisfaction. $ut the state needs
children to pay for the pensions of the elderly who offered to society very few children.
Thus the economy will collapse. The +hurchLs teachings are relevant not only on a
spiritual level, but also on a very practical level= T>' 4-")'& %" D-T J#"T ?-7
"#D0;B (-7D%D4 %D +>#7+>=
4od is love* if we love, things go well. %f we do not love, things go badly, very
badly. ;nd there is no middle ground neither here on earth or after death for all eternity=
-ne might call the middle ground hear on earth repentance* but after repentance 4od
calls us again to live fully the 4ospel, not 62X or 92X of the 4ospel that suits each one
of us=
#ltimately the contraceptive mentality of recreational seH, detached from
responsibility and life, @uickly led even to the point of the denial of the e@ual dignity for a
whole class of human beings and the genocide of countless millions of innocent,
defenseless unborn babies Ias J#"T ; ?-7( -? +-DT7;+')T%-D=J in the place
that ought to be the safest refuge in the world for our fellow human beings, their
motherLs womb. -ur modern pagan culture says that what is inside the womb of a
mother is a AchoiceC, not a precious, defenseless human being made in the image and
likeness of 4od >imself. %n the #.". alone, we slaughter more that .000 human beings
every single day inside the wombs of their mothers= T>%" $7%D4" 0-3D "#+>
0;7:D'"" ;D0 >'&& -D >#(;D%TB T>;T %T %" >;70 T- $'&%'E'. This
has everything to do with all that we are seeing today. The basic decomposition of our
beloved country and the whole western world, the melt down of western civili<ation, is
tied into this=
3hen the ;nglican +hurch first approved the use of contraception in 19,0 it was
only for serious reasons and only for married people who have been generous for life.
>owever, by providing an opening for contraception, the @ualifying phrase Afor serious
reasonC was @uickly ignored. "ubse@uently the use of contraception was viewed as
virtuous behavior, and even the silent holocaust of abortion has become a private ethical
choice of birth control. The unborn, unwanted babies no longer have any legal
protection* they are now ripped to pieces after they are brutally murdered. $;$%'" 0-
D-T +>--"' T- 0%'= %s this not a good eHample of the slippery slop1 The former
>ippocratic oath for health care workers read: A% will administer no abortafacient to a
pregnant woman.C The original >ippocratic oath acknowledged that abortion was a
form of doing violence not only to the child but to the woman as well.
-n June 2nd, 2009, "teven (osher was awarded the A$lessed ?rederic -<anamC
award by the "ociety of +atholic "ocial "cientists. ADo one is more impoverished than
the child in the womb,C said (osher upon receiving the award. AThe poor may possess
little, but the unborn child possesses nothingOC
;s soon as we do not see life as a precious gift but only as a convenience to
ourselves, -#7 "-+%'TB F#%+:&B "%D:" %DT- T>' +>;-" -? >'&& %D T>'
+#&T#7' -? 0';T>= 3hen everything totally crashes and there is great suffering
and confusion, the great maGority will wander why= 3e are so blind to our fundamental
egoism, pride, sloth and lack of charity which caused the catastrophe=
Eisit: A)rophecies of >umanae EitaeC Ihttp:pop.org20100,2,1195prophecies!
To get a better glimpse of what is @uickly developing on the world stage, let us
take a look at what a great author had to say who lived through it= ?'0-7
0-"T-'E":B, born in (oscow I1821 U 1881J, had three great creative moments in
his rather short life. T>' ?%7"T (-('DT of his life was when he learned the meaning
of freedom. >e was almost eHecuted as a young revolutionary I18.9J but instead was
sentenced to four years of imprisonment in "iberia. >e looked death in the face, but got
back that elemental freedom, the freedom to live and move and have his being.
T>' "'+-D0 +7';T%E' (-('DT was when he learned the implications of
that freedom. >e suffered tremendously in "iberia as a veritable inferno* imprecations
and curses were the responses of most of the prisoners. -ut of this eHperience later
came the books describing what he had been through: A&etters ?rom The #nderworldC
and AThe >ouse -f The 0eadC. >' &';7D'0 T>7'' &'""-D" 3>%&' %D
"%$'7%;: 1J how evil men can be. >e wrote that there are some people who will abuse
freedom to a point of wishing only evil. They loose the distinction of right and wrong.
They do not deny 4od* they challenge 4od= They set themselves up as an absolute. >e
learned that man is open at two ends: he is open to the inspiration of grace, and he is
open to the devil himself. >e said some of these men, both among the prisoners and the
prison guards, wanted to do evil Gust for the sake of evil, even to make good evil. ;nd
as a result, they became cruel. A% learned that it is possible for a man to become more
cruel and blood thirsty than any beastC. 2J The second lesson that he learned was about
a social system that evil men can create* that social system that eHists in the land where
he lived. >e described this social system as a wall under which men must live unto
eternal frustration. ,J The third lesson that he learned was the only alternative for this
social system is +hrist, in whom as he rightly said, is 4od in the image of man. >e
wrote: A% thank 4od that % have passed through "iberia because % have learned now the
essence of man, and % have also learned that it is only in +hrist that % must repose.C ;nd
later on when $elinsky, the atheist, would try to win him over to his atheism, 0 said in
his own @ueer way, he said to $elinsky: A% would rather be wrong with +hrist than right
with you=C
)rison spoils some men. %t spoiled -scar 3ilde. >e lost all of his creativity in
prison. ;nd he came out of prison and wandered the streets of &ondon under a
diabolical pseudonym. >e lost his power of writing because he had been in prison, but
not 0ostoevsky who learned these lessons which he has passed on to all of us.
0ostoevsky came out of prison in order to come to T>' T>%70 (-('DT -? >%"
&%?', the truly creative literary moment in which he wrote some of the great pages of
literature such as A+rime and )unishmentC I1855J, AThe )ossessedC I1862J. %n these
works he described communism that was to come. %n A+rime and )unishmentC, one of
the characters, is 7askolnikov, T>' %D0%E%0#;& +-((#D%"T, who does not
believe in a distinction between right and wrong, good and bad. $ut he is interested in
the masses* he is concerned about the poor* he wants to build up a social system* he is
concerned with the proletariat. ;nd this new social system that loves the masses must be
built up, but in order to build it up says 7askolnikov, you have to have money. "o he
kills a poor old woman pawnbroker to get money to establish his socialistic state Ilike
today with )lanned )arenthood and abortion, lavishly supported by the -bama
administration=J. ;nd he argues: Ashe was vermin anywayC. This is the system, you kill
one, you aid a 1000 of the masses* thatLs simple arithmetic. That is communism, no
concern whatever for the individual person. ;ll that matters is the party state, the
totalitarian structure. ;nd hence the individuals wherever they may be ! )oland,
>ungary, ;lbania, or anywhere else ! let them be wiped out. ;&& T>;T (;TT'7" %"
T>' 7'4%(' T>;T )7-?'""'" T- &-E' T>' )--7 ;D0 T7;()&'" -D
0ostoevsky, in his work, AThe )ossessedC uses five primary ideological characters
to describe the state that has been set up by this philosophy. Through their philosophies,
0ostoevsky describes the political chaos seen in 19th!+entury 7ussia. 0ostoevsky is no
longer concerned now with the individual communists. Bou see the characters of
0ostoevsky, like Eerkhovensky, "hatov, "tavrogin, "tepan Trofimovich, and :irilov.
-h yes, they are in the pages of AThe )ossessedC. 3ith these men, if you cut a page,
blood comes out. ;nd they walk across the streets of 7ussia. T>'B ;7' &%E%D4
+>;7;+T'7", they Gust have other names: "talin, &enin, :hrushchev, O >e wrote
about them* he knew them all. >e lived through them* he saw it coming. Eerkhovensky
said the foundation of the 7ussian revolution would be atheism. >e then talks to
"tavrogin and he tells "tavrogin Gust how he must develop this system and "tavrogin
prepares for it. ;nd so he violates a girl, and after he has violated her, he locks her in a
room. >e sips tea as he observes her through a little opening in the door until she goes
mad. ;s he enGoys his tea she finally goes mad and she hangs herself and "tavrogin says:
ADow, % no longer know the distinction between right and wrong. D-3 % ;( 7';0B
T- '"T;$&%"> T>' "B"T'(.C ;nd so the characters walk out on the pages of
AThe )ossessedC. ;nd would you not think that some of these pages were written by
someone who had passed through the eHperiences and communism in 7ussia in the last
"tavrogin suggests a system of spying* every member of society spies on the
others. "tavrogin says: A;nd it is the duty of each to inform against others. ;ll are
slaves and e@ual in their slavery* e@uality, all comrades. They will be banished and put to
death: +icero will have his tongue cut out* +opernicus will have his eyes put out*
"hakespeare will be stoned* slaves are bound to be e@ual. There has never been any
freedom or e@uality without despotism, but in the herd, everyone will be e@ual. The
moment you have family ties or love, you get the desire for property. 3e will destroy
that desire. 3e will make use of drunkenness, slander, spying. 3e will make use of
every incredible corruption* we will stifle every genius in his infancy* we will reduce all
to a common denominator, complete e@uality. -nly the necessary is the necessary* thatLs
the motto of the whole world from now on. The world needs a shock, and thatLs for us,
the dictators, to look after. ;$"-&#T' "#$(%""%-D, ;$"-&#T' &-"' -?
%D0%E%0#;&%TB. -nce in thirty years the dictator will let them have a shock and they
will suddenly begin eating one another up, Gust as a precaution against boredom.C
;nd then, 0ostoevsky, knowing that this philosophy, which has no respect for
persons but speaks of a love of the masses, will be a menace to the world, T'&&" >-3
%T 3%&& 3%D -E'7 T>' 3-7&0. >e told how all the intelligentsia, the rift raft, the
false liberals, all of the people without a fine distinction of right and wrong will follow
after these individuals.
A;nd do you know ! says the leader ! that we are powerful already* our party not
only consists of those who commit murder and arson, fire off pistols, in the traditional
fashion or bite colonels* they are only a hindrance. % 7'+:-D T>'( ;&& #). ;
teacher who laughs with children at their 4od is on our side. The lawyer who defends an
educated murderer because he is more cultured than his victims and could not help
murdering them to get money U he is one of us. The school boys who murder a peasant
for the sake of sensation, they are ours. The Guries who ac@uit every criminal, they are
ours. The prosecutor who trembles at a trial for fear he should not seem advanced
enough, is ours. ;nd among officials and intelligentsia and literary men, we have lots
and lots of them, but if they do not know itO ;nd so we will have a little fresh blood
now and then, and we will set legends going, and every scurvy group will be of use to us.
%Lll pick out some of you fellows that youLll be keen for shooting. 3ell, thereLs going to
be an upheaval* there is going to be such an upset as the world has never seen before.
7ussia will be overwhelmed with darkness, and the whole earth will weep for its 4od.C
%magine, this was written in 1862=
/3+ The $icio,( O1(la,<ht A<ai1(t the C,lt,re o. Li.e
% do not know a single person who does not feel very proud that the #.". has put
itLs past of racism behind them and this election of a very likeable, attractive, young
;frican ;merican president is a symbol of how far we have come since A?reedom
"ummerC of 195. in (ississippi* trying to get Gust voting rights, the ability to go to a
desegregated school, and here we are.
$ut look at what $arack -bama has done in Gust his first couple of months in
7escinded the 4ME%ICO CIT! POLIC!4 and authori<ed your taH dollars to
fund international groups that are promoting abortion around the world.
$egun the process of eliminating the A+-D"+%'D+' +&;#"'C that protects
doctors and nurses from being forced to take part in the horrendous crime of abortion.
'Hpanded >#(;D 'M)'7%(;DT;T%-D by increasing federal funding of
destructive embryonic stem cell research even though to this day there is no positive
scientific results whatsoever using embryonic stem cells* with adult stem cells there are
numerous good results=
7enewed funding with our taH dollars for #D?); U the #nited Dations group that
helped +hina carry out its /one child/ policy of ?-7+'0 "T'7%&%T;T%-D ;D0
?-7+'0 ;$-7T%-D".
)romised to sign the A?7''0-( -? +>-%+' ;+TC ! which, if it ever were to
reach his desk, would undo every pro!life law in all fifty states even though the
overwhelming maGority of ;mericans are against this ;ct.
$ut thatKs far from all heKs done. >eKs appointing 7;$%0 )7-!;$-7T%-D
'MT7'(%"T" to key positions in the government. The list is long and includes some of
the most hard!line pro!abortion fanatics in the country.
$arack >ussein -bama is the (-"T )7-!;$-7T%-D )7'"%0'DT in #.".
history. %n only a few months he has:
-verturned the #.". ban on funding %nternational )lanned )arenthood ?ederation
and the +enter for 7eproductive 7ights, aggressive pro!abortion and ;DT%!?;(%&B
47-#)" that are deeply involved in forcing abortion on unwilling people all over the
world, especially in &atin ;merica.
-bamaLs negotiators at the "N have already made aggressive pro!abortion and
;DT%!?;(%&B "T;T'('DT" at the #D including signing a ?rench declaration that
seeks to make homoseHuals a specially protected class at the eHpense of religious
The culture destroyers continually talk about ArightsC= % never hear them talking
about 4odLs rights===
A)ortugal &egali<es >omoseHual (arriage, Eisiting )ope +ondemns %tC I(ay 20,
2010* http:www.c!fam.orgpublicationsid.15,1pubSdetail.aspJ.
-bama spouts off nice sounding words that he wants to reduce abortions, or rather
Areduce the number of women seeking abortionC= $ut ;&& T>;T >;" $''D
)7-E'D T- 7'0#+' ;$-7T%-D", -$;(; %" ;0;(;DT&B ;4;%D"T= 3hy
are the ;merican people so gullible1 3hy is it so hard to look at the facts, the deeds, the
real fruits1=1 They are Avictims of the enemyC I2 Tim 2:2.!25J. "ee: A)resident $arack
-bamaKs )ro!;bortion 7ecord: ; )ro!&ife +ompilationC at
A% appeal to you, brethren, to take note of those who create dissensions and
difficulties, in opposition to the doctrine which you have been taught* avoid them. ?or
such persons do not serve our &ord +hrist, but their own appetites, and $B ?;%7 ;D0
?&;TT'7%D4 3-70" T>'B 0'+'%E' the hearts of the simple!mindedC I7om
Bou cannot reduce the number of abortions while funding the eHpansion of
abortion with our taH dollars by abandoning the (eHico +ity )olicy and funding the #D
)opulation ?und which supports forced abortion in +hina. "ee: A3hat is 3rong 3ith
the #D )opulation ?und1C by "teven 3. (osher, )resident of the )opulation 7esearch
%nstitute Ihttp:www.huffingtonpost.comsteven!w!mosherwhat!is!wrong!with!the!
?urther, -bamaLs support of the ?reedom of +hoice ;ct I?-+;J, which would
wipe out any law Istate and federalJ that protects unborn children and their mothers !
such as parental consent and involvement, waiting periods, partial!birth abortion or taH
funding of abortion!on!demand, force faith!based hospitals and healthcare facilities to
perform abortions ! leaving no room for even the tiniest compromise.
"everal recent opinion polls I2009J, including 4allop, indicate that the vast
maGority of ;merican populace are in favor of restricting abortion at some level. -nly
about 2, or 22X are in favor of open abortion which is de facto what 7oe v. 3ade did.
0oes our president seek to serve the ;merican people and their desires or to serve
some other agenda1 The maGority of ;mericans are against abortion
0uring the last week of ;pril 2009, HILLAR! CLINTON appeared before the
#.". >ouse of 7epresentatives while in sworn testimony and said the following. :eep in
mind, she promised all these things in her official capacity as #.". "ecretary of "tate=
+linton praised (argaret "anger, the racist and eugenicist founder of )lanned
)arenthood ?ederation. "he compared "anger to Thomas Jefferson=
+linton praised the #D )opulation ?und, the #D agency that helped set up and run
the +hinese one child policy which is responsible for millions of forced abortions.
+linton said the #.". would ratify the pro!abortion +'0;3 treaty, meaning the
last meaningful +'0;3 holdout will now fall.
Then >illary made a mistake by revealing their hidden agenda too openly and
forthright* normally those who promote the culture of death use very nice sounding
words and phrases so as not to alert or reveal their true motives while they work not in
the open as indicated above. ;t a certain point >illary said:
>illary may have revealed too much at this point according to these world planners
because they try to work shrewdly so as to not awaken or alert the populous. $ut as
more people sin and turn away from 4od, the powers of evil will have more and more
power and so they will become more and more $-&0* soon things will begin to
;E;&;D+>'= 3e will ultimately arrive to the point that the forces of evil will boldly
demand that all deny 4od and adore the image of the ;ntichrist or else starve to death
without the mark of the beast= "in not only eHists, but today it is rampant= %f we do not
follow +hrist, with >is help, it is very easy for the world rulers to manipulate us.
;ustin 7use, )resident I+!?;(?riday ?aHJ, wrote: ABou likely know that the #"
has the most radical abortion laws in the world: abortion for any reason and no reason
through all nine months of pregnancy. >illary +linton wants this for the entire world.
Bou likely know that most of the world has abortion either against the law or heavily
regulated. 7adical pro!abortion feminists like >illary +linton cannot stand this. They
hold abortion to be a kind of secular sacrament, a sacrament that everyone must
worship= % know >illary +linton. (y staff and % did battle with her throughout the 1990s
when her husband occupied the -val -ffice. % watched her work at +airoY2, $eiGingY2
and % can tell you first hand that >illary +linton is among the most radical pro!abortion
advocates in the whole world. % truly fear that with >illary +linton as #" "ecretary of
"tate and with $arack -bama as )resident of the #nited "tates, and with their allies at
the #D, we are in for the most wicked four years in our global battle to protect the
unborn child from abortion. +!?;(, publisher of the ?riday ?aH, is the only pro!life
group working eHclusively on #D social policy issues. The ?riday ?aH is the -D&B
3'':&B "-#7+' -? )7-!&%?' ;D0 )7-!?;(%&B D'3" coming out of #D
head@uarters in Dew Bork.C Ihttp:hellburns.blogspot.com20090.human!rights!
>%&&;7B +&%DT-D, ;D ;D4'& -? &%4>T I2+or 11:1.!12J=
ATim Tebow +loses Dational )rayer $reakfast in )rayer, $ut -bama &eaves. Tim
TebowKs ?ather $ob Tebow Talks ;bout 0ecision ;gainst ;bortion, "onKs $irth.
"ecretary of "tate >illary +linton, who also attended the event, spoke of her own
preference of adoption over abortion and told the story of opening a home for the
children of unwanted pregnancies after a visit from (other Teresa.C
A>illary +linton announces 2 year funding push for global abortionOC Ihttp:<h!
A>illary +linton )romotes ?undraising )ush for )ro!;bortion 7eproductive
>ealth.C AT>' A+'DT'7)%'+'C -? T>' -$;(; ?-7'%4D )-&%+B, ">' ";%0,
3-#&0 $' T>' 4&-$;& >';&T> %D%T%;T%E'. "he said the initiative Acommits
us to spending Z5, billion over siH years.C This will link the reproductive rights agenda
to high profile global health concerns.C IJanuary 1., 2010*
A>illary +linton in &ima )ushes ;bortion, 4ay ;gendaC IJune 12, 2010*
A>uman 7ights 3atch makes its claim for a right to abortion in international lawC
A)oll: 62 )ercent of ;mericans -ppose )aying for ;bortions in >ealth +are $illC
by "teven 'rtelt, & 'ditor* 0ecember 22, 2009
7ead the nice, sweet words of >illary +linton at the +airo +onference in January
2010= A-n the ;nniversary of the +airo +onference, +lintonKs 7hetoric (asks an ;nti!
&ife ;gendaC* A;re you in favor of inGustice1 %ncreased disease1 (ore poverty1 Those
who oppose her /reproductive health/ Iread easy, unlimited and unrestricted abortion
rightsJ programs probably are, according to >illary +linton. The 12th ;nniversary
%nternational +onference on )opulation and 0evelopment was held on January 8th, and
the #.". "ecretary of "tate was the headline speaker, asserting that ;merica was
committed to Areproductive healthcare and family planning services,C to reducing Ainfant,
child, and maternal mortality,C and to opening the Adoors of education to all citi<ens.C
OC Ihttp:pop.org2010011811.6on!the!anniversary!of!the!cairo!conference!clintons!
(eet the AF#''D -? ;$-7T%-DC=
ATwo weeks ago >illary +linton ordered +anada to include abortion in the work of
the influential 4roup of 8O &ast +hristmas >illary +linton announced the #" would
spread abortion all over the worldO. ; year ago >illary +linton praised racist
eugenicist (argaret "angerO. 0o you detect a pattern here1C I(ay ., 2010*
%t is interesting that when the -bama administration goes too far in promoting their
agenda of the culture of death, T>'B )#&& $;+: to wait for a more opportune
moment in the near future when it will be &'"" 0'T'+T'0. The -bama
administration has officially pulled a 0epartment of >omeland "ecurity 7eport that
claims pro!life people may engage in violence or eHtremism. The document, which has
already been sent to police and sheriffs offices across the country, sparked national
outrage. Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2022.htmlJ. %" -$;(; "'':%D4 T- "'7E'
T>' ;('7%+;D )'-)&' by seeking to discover what the maGority of ;merican
people want, or is -bama seeking to put in place his agenda, Aby stealthC, by going
forward with his hidden agenda three steps and then one or two steps back
A-bama ;dmin #sed )ro!;bortion, +onspiracy "ites to "ay )ro!&ifers
'HtremistsC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2,.8.htmlJ.
A-bama T"; Dominee 'rroll "outhers +alls )ro!&ife ;dvocates Terrorists in
EideoC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2851.htmlJ.
(;74;7'T ";D4'7, who founded )lanned )arenthood, had great influence
and ability to sell the idea of the practice of contraception to the #"; on the basis of
solving marital problems, abortion and child abuse matters. Today this promotion has
succeed in eHcluding Gust about all discussion of contraception in the pro!life debates on
abortion. "anger founded )lanned )arenthood because she did not Gust want to reduce
population* ">' '")'+%;&&B >;0 ; 7;+%"T ;))7-;+>, that she wanted to
reduce the less desirable races. Dot only ;frican!;mericans and >ispanics in the #";,
but also, since she lived in DB, she was concerned about too many Jews, too many
eastern 'uropeans, too many southern 'uropeans. "he wanted a lot of people who
looked like herself. "o one of the things she did was to convince ;frican!;merican
preachers in the early 19.0Ls to promote contraception in their churches so that Athey
would have a better economic basisC without so many kids. $ut she was interested in
not having so many ;frican!;merican kids.
)&;DD'0 );7'DT>--0 "T%&& >;" 50X -? T>'%7 ;$-7T%-D
+&%D%+" %D ;?7%+;D!;('7%+;D D'%4>$-7>--0". Bou might ask what is
wrong with that1 ?or one thing it is a sin. "econdly, even if you agree with abortion, as
evil as that is, ;frican!;mericans are 12X of the population. 3hy are 50X of their
clinics in ;frican!;merican neighborhoods, unless of course they maintain the same
raciest policy that goes back to (argaret "anger* they are not interested in the >ispanic
people either. (argaret "anger had her organi<ation, )lanned )arenthood, cooperate
with the Da<is in 19,2 to promote eugenics.
)lanned )arenthood get hundreds of millions of dollars from the federal
government to promote contraception. T>'7' %" ; ?#D0;('DT;& &%D:
$'T3''D T>%" )7-(-T%-D -? +-DT7;+')T%-D ;D0 ;$-7T%-D: if you
allow contraception, what you have done is isolate the marital act as giving love from
giving life. )eople say: A-h, % do not want to have babies, % Gust want to love the person
who % am with.C -nce you make that separation, then by accident if you get a baby, you
will Gust kill it. $ecause Awe Gust want to show love to each other.C %s this love1 $ut
that is the lingo that they try to use. To separate procreation, as having babies, and
showing love, and make the two separate from each other, sets up a logic that allows any
kind of behavior that you want. )lanned )arenthood tells us that by promoting
contraception there will be fewer abortions. $ut )lanned )arenthood knows full well the
hard facts and statistics that by promoting contraception there are more abortions
because behaviors change because people feel AsecureC with the condom or the pill.
;$-7T%-D %" E'7B )7-?%T;$&' ?-7 )&;DD'0 );7'DT>--0.
0-'" -$;(; 3;DT T- 4- T-3;70 ;D0 &%E' $B T>' %()-7T;DT
)7%D+%);& -? "#$"%0%;7%TB -7 0-'" -$;(; 3;DT T- +7';T' ;
4-E'7D('DT ;" $%4 ;" )-""%$&'1 Bou can be sure that -bamaLs recent
healthcare compromises will have all the essentials to promote more government control
and eliminate the practice of subsidiarity as much as possible, by AstealthC. 'ven the
congressmen do not read all the fine print of these lengthy bills. % hope the ;merican
people will repent of their sins according to the criteria of 4odLs holy laws and not by
their own self!made criteria or by the criteria of the masses or by the criteria of the mass
media or by any other criteria that is not of 4od, the -ne and only +reator of all things.
;nd then if we begin to pray, in union with our +reator, we will be able to see the real
fruits of our present government and where these bureaucratic saviors of our nation are
really leading us= AThus you will know them by their fruitsC I(t 6:20J. %f we are not in
union with our +reator, at least to a minimal degree, these power seekers and world
manipulators will be able to lead us where ever they like, using beautiful words,
arguments, smiles, rhetoric and whatever else= ;fter these puppets of "atan succeed in
taking full power, they will no longer have to take one or two steps back=
Bou might find interesting A;n -pen &etter To )resident -bamaC by &-#
)7%T+>'TT, one of corporate ;merica Ks true living legends ! an acclaimed author,
dynamic teacher and one of the worldKs highest rated speakers. >e wrote A;n -pen
&etter To )resident -bamaC in which he finished by writing: A?inally, you scare me
because %? B-# "'7E' ; "'+-D0 T'7( % 3%&& )7-$;$&B D-T ?''& ";?'
%D 37%T%D4 ; "%(%&;7 &'TT'7 %D 8 B';7".C Ihttp:god!
;ll dictators in the history of the world, past and present, could not tolerate
freedom of speech or freedom of the press. >itler systematically destroyed libraries
museums and schools, and sent off university professors to the concentration camps
where most of them died. -nce these devious little dictators take full control of the
#."., there will no longer be even freedom on the internet. 'E'7BT>%D4 3%&& $'
T-T;&&B +'D"#7'0= ;ll transmitted information by the airwaves or computer
transactions Inot Gust in the AcookiesC in your computer=J are already being gathered in
order to be able to @uickly identify those who must be eliminated when full control is
established ! those who are opposed to the regime, the Dew 3orld -rder. ;re you on
AJanetKs listC1
4-0 T>' ?;T>'7: A0ear soul, #"' "T%&& T>' P('0%;L ;" &-D4 ;"
B-# +;D, and then you will retire in silence in waiting for the events that will happen,
because they are near, very near in coming. ;menC. I"eptember 2., 2006*
Jesus revealed to 4&-7%; )-&- the following IAThe testimony of 4loria )oloC
in the church in +aracas, Eene<uela, (ay 2, 2002, can be found at: http:testimony!
AThe devil, with his malefic strategy, has brought humanity to the point of killing
their own children. Dow % understand the reason why % lived in continual bitterness,
depression, always ill tempered, ill!mannered, with ugly ways of doing things, with a bad
face, frustrated with everything and with everyone. -f course= % had transformed
myself, without knowing it, into a machine to kill babies, and for this reason % was
sinking ever more into the abyss. ;bortion is the worst of all the sins Ithose provoked,
not when it is spontaneousJ, because to kill the children still in the womb of the mother,
to kill a little innocent and defenseless creature, %" T- 4%E' )-3'7 T- ";T;D. The
devil commands from the depths of the abyss, because we are scattering innocent blood=
; baby is like an innocent lamb and without stainO ;nd 3ho is the &amb without
stain1 %t is Jesus= %n that moment, T>' $;$B %" T>' %(;4' ;D0 &%:'D'"" -?
J'"#"= The fact that it might be the mother herself to kill her own child, determines a
profound bond with the darkness, permitting that more devils from hell might come out
to destroy and strangle humanity. %t is as if one might -)'D T>' "';&"O "eals that
4od has put to impede evil to come out, but that, for every abortion, it opensO ;nd so
horrible larvae come out, so that there are more and more devilsO They come out to
chase and persecute humanity, and then make us slaves of the flesh, of sin, of all the bad
things that we see, and we will see always more. %t is as if we might give the key of hell
to the devils, to let them escape. ;nd so escape more devils, of prostitution, of seHual
aberrations, of "atanism, of atheism, of suicide, of indifferenceO -f all the evils that we
see around us. ;nd the world is getting worse every dayO Think how many babies are
killed every day: it is all a triumph of the evil one= That you might know that for the
price of this innocent blood, T>' D#($'7 -? 0'E%&" -#T"%0' -? >'&&
47-3"* they circulate freely in our midst= &et us take shelter= O 3e sin without even
reali<ing it= ;nd our life transforms itself into an inferno, with problems of every type,
with sicknesses, with so many evils that afflict us* all of this is the pure and simple action
of the devil in our life. $ut it is we, we alone, that open the gates of evil, with our sin,
and we permit him to freely circulate in our life. %t is not only with abortion that we sin=
O $ut it is among the worst sins. ;nd then we have the nerve to blame 4od for so
much misery, so much disgrace, so much sicknesses and so much suffering=...C
"ee also the video clips: 4loria )oloKs testimony 1* 4loria )oloKs testimony 2;wg+5ednH0J.
%t is ama<ing how the proud world manipulators reali<e the importance of
promoting abortion in order to achieve their goal of becoming world dictators=
;s written above, "--D T>%D4" 3%&& $'4%D T- ;E;&;D+>', more and
more @uickly, as more evil spirits are freed from hell due to our misuse of our 4od!given
freedom= 'vil triumphs when the good do nothing= 3e, who know better, will be Gustly
Gudged by 4od for all of our sins of omission, for not having used our AtalentsC wisely or
for having Ahid QourR talent in the ground O Bou wicked and slothful servant= O ;nd
cast the worthless servant into the outer darkness* there men will weep and gnash their
teethC I(t 22:22!,0J. "o many of our founding fathers and soldiers died for our
freedom that so many people around the world do not enGoy. "o many AslothfulC
;mericans trod under foot the blood of those who paid the price of our freedom. ;s the
(other of 4od said at ;kita, Japan in 196,, AThe survivors will find themselves so
desolate that they will envy the dead.C
3hile -bamaLs administration is gearing up to make a frightening new global
attack on the unborn child, -bama continues to E'%& >%" T7#' %DT'DT%-D" by
craftily telling us before and after the election that he is advocating abortion reduction
with enhanced economic and social support, especially for poor, uninsured and often
unemployed women. %n addition, the president advocates stronger families and teenage
responsibility=1= $ut how does this come about without 4ospel principles or without the
help of 4od by way of following 4odLs commandments1 ;ll the policies which have
been proven to build up the family, reduce divorces and reduce abortions have been
always I100XJ voted against by -bama before and after his election.
A4&-$;& /";?' ;$-7T%-D/ +-D?'7'D+' 7%":" 3-('DK" &%E'"C
AThe 800 conference participants, culled from the worldKs maGor abortion advocacy
groups, crafted and signed the /4lobal +all to ;ction for 3omenLs ;ccess to "afe
;bortion/ demanding that women everywhere /have full access to legal, voluntary, safe,
and affordable abortions as part of comprehensive seHual and reproductive health care./
The +all to ;ction also demanded that governments reform their laws and policies /at all
levels/ to ensure /rights to contraception and safe abortion,/ and that medical schools
provide /physicians, nurses, midwives, and other healthcare workers/ with abortion
training.C IJune 18, 2010* http:www.c!fam.orgpublicationsid.12.,pubSdetail.aspJ.
3>;T ;D %D+7'0%$&' +-DT7;"T is this outrageous promotion of the
culture of death to the promotion of the saints that the +atholic +hurch holds out to us
for our edification and eHample such as ";%DT (;7%; 4-7'TT% who chose to die
I1902J rather than give in to the boy who wanted to have seH with her outside of
marriage= AThe :ingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and men of violence take it by
forceC I(t 11:12J. (aria, before dying, forgave her assailant, ;lessandro "erenelli, as
did also (ariaLs holy mother, ;ssunta, who later took ;lessandro into her home. ;
saint begot a saint= 3hat a different world we would have if only more parents would
live their lives as ;ssunta did= ;lessandro, from the beginning was defiant and without
remorse, maintaining that (aria was ultimately to blame for what happened. %n
desperation behind bars I1910* Doto, "icilyJ, he received an uneHpected visitor to his cell
in a dream: it was (aria. ;lessandro later said that this grace Agave me a powerful push
to my betterment in my spirit.C (aria gave him 1. glowing white lilies for each time he
stabbed her. ;t that point ;lessandro began his moment of conversion with 4od, and he
finds himself, and was finally able to admit that all the responsibility of what happened
was his. >e was released several years early from prison due to good conduct I1929J
which he attributes to (aria. ;lessandro, as he lay dying, with a picture of his victim
that he kept neHt to him, he scribbled out a note. %t is a plea for mercy but also a note of
warning to the world: A% ask pardon of the world of the outrage done to the martyr
(aria 4oretti and to purity. % eHhort everyone to keep away from immoral shows, from
dangers, from occasions that can lead to sin.C ;ccording to the +apuchin ?athers, who
gave the last rights to ;lessandro and were with him those final hours, he said: A% have
suffered enormously for killing a saint. $ut now % have paid my debt. % have found hope
and light. % have found redemption and now % will again be with little (aria in heaven.C
;lessandro died I1960J at the age 88* he was buried in the +apuchin cemetery where he
lived the last years of his life, after the death of ;ssunta, with aged and infirmed
AD'3 "T#0B ?%D0" ;$"T%D'D+' '0#+;T%-D '??'+T%E',
+-()7'>'D"%E' "'M!'0 ?&-)"C Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat2920.htmlJ.
7egarding T>' T7#T> %D +;T>-&%+ T';+>%D4, "tephen (osher
I)opulation 7esearch %nstitute* www.pop.orgJ stated: A% would like to reflect as a
convert and a social scientist on the truth of +atholic teaching. Dow we all know that
the +hurch has the fullness of truth on matters of faith and morals. $ut % have been
struck by the fact that its teachings are also correct on an economic, on a sociological
level also, on all the possible levels of truth seeking. Take for eHample the @uestion of
whether children are blessings or burdens. The +hurch, @uoting the $ible, tells us that
+>%&07'D ;7' $&'""%D4" ?7-( 4-0, made in the image of 4od and of infinite
worth. The world however uses a different calculus. The world says that it costs
Z200,000 to raise a baby from infancy to adulthood, and so sees children as a burden on
families, on societies and indeed on the planet. 3ho is correct1 3ell if you Gust crunch
the numbers you will see that the average child born in the #.". will contribute over his
or her lifetime about two thirds of a million dollars more to the economy than they will
consume. That is to say from an economic point of view they are definitely blessings and
not burdens. They are blessings to their family, to their society and to the larger
economy as well. This is Gust one eHample of how the +atholic faith is true on all levels.C
The first four nominated ambassadors to the state of the Eatican in 7ome by
-bama were all pro!abortion* the Eatican refused all four.
7ead: A$%&& 0-D->#' -D P"'+#&;7 ";$-T;4'L %D ;('7%+;C. The
first chapter, 7evenge of the Dihilists, identifies the groups he views as the chief enemies
of Judeo!+hristian civili<ation, and they are principally militant secularists, nihilists, and
relativists, and particularly scoffers at all religious beliefs, such as best!selling 4od!
deniers "am >arris, )eter 0awkins and +hristopher >itchens, T.E. scoffer $ill (aher,
Dew Bork Times editorialist ?rank 7ich and >ustler publisher &arry ?lint.
These secularists, nihilists, and relativists, have #"'0 ?-7 T>'%7 -3D
)#7)-"'" 0;73%DK" ?;&"' T>'-7B -? 'E-&#T%-D. :arl (arH wrote
IJanuary 15, 1851J: A0arwinKs work is most important and "#%T" (B )#7)-"' in
that it provides a basis in natural science for the historical class struggle. -ne does, of
course, have to put up with the clumsy 'nglish style of argument. 0espite all its
shortcomings, it is here that, for the first time, KteleologyK in natural science is not only
dealt a mortal blow but its rational meaning is empirically eHplained.C
species.htmlJ. :arl (arH read the -rigin of "pecies in 1850 and wrote that 0arwinKs
book was very important and served him as a basis in natural science for the struggle in
history. Ihttp:www.@uodlibet.netarticlesGohnson!evolution.shtmlJ.
The theories of both &amarck and 0arwin were used not only to eHplain the origin
of species in general, but of man in particular* in fact the only use that a number of so!
called scientists saw in either of the theories was to afford proof that man was not
specially created, but evolved from a $7#T' $';"T. ;s there was no real proof,
recourse was had to fraud. Ihttp:www.tanbooks.comdoctscienceStoday.htmJ.
ATop Ten "cientific ?acts )roving +harles 0arwinKs Theory of 'volution is 3rong,
?alse, and %mpossibleC* Ihttp:www.biblelife.orgevolution.htmJ.
3>- 0%0DLT 4'T T>' ('(-1
ATwo to three billion years was available for randomness to do its work. 4iven so
much time the seemingly impossible becomes the possible, the possible probable and the
probable virtually certain. -ne had only to wait. Time itself and the random reactions
able to occur within those eons of time performs the miracles./ "o wrote 4eorge 3ald,
professor of biology at >arvard #niversity and Dobel laureate. The article appeared in
the ;ugust 192. issue of S)ienti3i) 7meri)an, the most widely read science Gournal
worldwide, the $roadway of scientific literature. This speculation over lifeKs origins has
within it an important lesson: not to confuse accepted wisdom with revealed fact. %n the
mid!1960s came the seminal discovery of 'lso $arghoorn. >e, like 3ald, was at
>arvard. $arghoorn assumed correctly that the first forms of life would be small,
microbial in si<e. #sing a scanning electron microscope, a tool able to identify minute
shapes imperceptible to microscopes that probe images with visible light, $arghoorn
searched the surfaces of polished slabs of stone taken from the oldest of rocks able to
bear fossils. To the ama<ement of the scientific community, fossils of fully developed
bacteria were found in rocks ,.5 billion years old. ?urther evidence based on
fractionation between the light and heavy isotopes of carbon, a fractionation found in
living organisms, indicated the origins of cellular life at close to ,,.8 billion years before
the present, the same period in which li@uid water first formed on 'arth. -E'7D%4>T,
T>' ?;DT;"B of billions of years of random reactions in warm little ponds brimming
with fecund chemicals leading to life, 'E;)-7;T'0. 'lso $arghoorn had discovered a
most perpleHing fact: &%?', the most compleHly organi<ed system of atoms known in the
universe, )-))'0 %DT- $'%D4 %D T>' $&%D: -? ; 4'-&-4%+;& 'B'.C
A-rigin of life: 7;D0-( -7%4%D -? &%?' 3;" 'M)&-0'0 $B 1960s
0%"+-E'7B ! who didnKt get the memo1C* A4erald "chroederKs The >idden ?ace of
4odC* Ihttp:collidinguniverses.blogspot.com200808origin!of!life!random!origin!of!
>ave a laugh= Eisit A?amily -riginsC Ihttp:fun!Goe.blogspot.com201002family!
3>;T >;E' $''D "-(' -? T>' 7'"#&T" -? T>%" "B"T'(;T%+
#D0'7(%D%D4 ;D0 0'"T7#+T%-D -? -#7 +>7%"T%;D!J#0'- +#&T#7'1
AThe 'nd of +hristian ;merica ! The percentage of self!identified +hristians has
fallen 10 points in the past two decades. >ow that statistic eHplains who we are nowN
and what, as a nation, we are about to become.C
A+ourt 7ules ;gainst +rucifiHes in %talyKs "choolsC
A0onKt blame 4od for terrorism ! ;fter the ?ort >ood massacre and others, some
people N often atheist stalwarts N like to point at the corrosive influence of religion.
$ut a closer look suggests that the most notorious killers usually act on secular
motives.C Ihttp:blogs.usatoday.comoped200911column!dont!blame!god!for!
AJihad in ;merica: The >i<b!ut!Tahrir +onferenceC
A-n our turf ! 'Hperts say the threat of 0-('"T%+ T'77-7%"( %"
47-3%D4. $ut are officials ready to call it what it is1 3hile the rest of us were
working, cooking, paying the bills, and carpooling our kids, some in our own midst,
many of them fellow citi<ens, were plotting to kill us.C
A>omeland %nsecurity ! The #.". is facing rising terror threats from its own
citi<ens. 3hat made the country safer after 911 is changing, and not for the better,
argues 0aniel $ymanC
A;rrests 7aise ?ears of ;merican JihadC
A;mericansK aim was martyrdom, )akistani cop saysC
AD.J. men planned to Kwage violent Gihad,K feds sayC
A'Hperts +oncerned #" >omegrown Terrorism -n the 7iseC
A3hat we donKt know may kill usC
A(aGor >asan and >oly 3ar ! ; domestic %slamic threat is real, and the ?$% is
unprepared to fight it.C
A0earbornKs (uslims ?ear a ?ort >ood $acklashC Ihttp:www.upi.com7elated!
A)entagon 3hitewashC Ihttp:corner.nationalreview.compost1
A(oderate (uslims1 3eKre everywhere. O Those who want to hiGack %slam
mustnLt be allowed to set the agenda and turn ;mericans N and the rest of the world N
against us.C Ihttp:blogs.usatoday.comoped201001column!moderate!muslims!were!
A3hite >ouse ?ocus on Duclear Terrorism 4ets "crutiny ! "ome )roliferation
'Hperts 3arn +hemical or $iological ;ttack %s (ore &ikelyC
/6+ The Tr,th Or Not The Tr,thM That I( The N,e(tio1@
The +atholic +hurch has always taught that T>' A'D0"C 0- D-T J#"T%?B
T>' A(';D"C. %n other words, one cannot Gustify or rationali<e committing even one
single sin, especially a grave, intrinsically evil sin such as abortion, in order to arrive at a
Agood endC or a Agreater goodC. This would be the same as telli1< God to "TT O"T
while we commit a horrendous crime so that we can achieve a greater good, according
to our AwiseC human criteria and Gudgment, as if 4od is not able to bring about good
without our sin= ;s )ope $enedict ME% clearly teaches, 3;7 ;D0 +;)%T;&
)#D%">('DT ;7' D'4-T%;$&', but abortion and euthanasia are not= The +hurch
has always taught that there is a hierarchy of values and truths* many false +atholics try
to convince us that all values are e@ual, like a Aseamless garmentC, so as to Gustify
committing the greater, and intrinsic evil. A% thank thee, ?ather, &ord of heaven and
earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed
them to babesC I(t 11:22J=
Those who are not right with 4od, or as we say as +atholics not Ain the state of
graceC, will believe every word these world planners say I2Thess 2:11!12J, especially by
way of the media, and even end up adoring the image of the first beast, the ;ntichrist
I7ev 1,,11!18J. Dero put the blame on the +>7%"T%;D" for burning 7ome, and most
people were 4#&&%$&' enough to believe his lie. Things have not changed much
today= (any people fall prey to "-!+;&&'0 A+atholicC Iin name only=J politicians,
A+atholicC publications and A+atholicC #niversities who offer themselves as a substitute
or new (agisterium of the +atholic +hurch, convincing many people that you can get rid
of the cross of +hrist and still feel holy and saved as a A+atholicC or +hristian= A;s we
have said before, so now % say again, if any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to
that which you received, let him be accursedC I4al 1:9J.
(y cousin wrote to me before the Dovember 2008 elections and told me that Athe
effects of the churchLs narrow anti!abortion effortsC are hurting the pro!life cause and
that A% happen to believe we need to come to people in love not with threats.C This
cousin referred me to an article by the Dational +atholic 7eporter: A$ishops narrow anti!
abortion effort hurts pro!life causeC=== $ut the .0 to 20 million babies that we have
slaughtered in the #"; since 196,, do we come to them A%D &-E'C111 0o the ends
Gustify the means as the above article indicates111 ;re there no /hierarchy of values/111
>as A;$-7T%-DC become only something ApoliticalC or something without any
reference to what abortion actually is1 >ave we become so callused and cold in spirit
and estranged from reality and &%?' that it is -: to kill millions of babies in the name of
the Apro!life causeC=1`=1 3hat kind of Astrong delusionC is this so that they Abelieve
what is falseC I2Thess 2:11J1
"o many desire to convince themselves that they are +hristians but it is really only
sentimentality and superficiality without the cross of +hrist in sacrificing ourselves for
others, especially those that re@uire us to suffer including an uneHpected pregnancy, an
old person who is not autonomous, a difficult person, an enemy, ... Jesus commanded us
to love ;&&= A?or if you love those who love you, what reward have you1 ... I(t 2:.,!
.8* &k 5:26!,8J. "ee AThe >ope of the 3orld=C at
http:trueevangeli< A?or Jews demand signs and 4reeks seek
wisdom, but 3' )7';+> +>7%"T +7#+%?%'0, a stumbling block to Jews and folly
to 4entiles...C I1+or 1:22!2,J. 3e do not follow $#00>; -D ; D%+'
+-(?-7T;$&' ";T%D )%&&-3= ;nd yet we want our +hristian religion to be only
a consolation to us without letting anyone tell us what our religion commands of us.
These pseudo +hristians tell us only the one side of the truth that +hrist forgave
sinners such as the prostitute, but they do not ever mention that +hrist also said to the
prostitute: FGO AND SIN NO MOREH IJn 8:11J= Jesus, as should all +hristians, loves
the sinner but hates the sin. The liberals refuse to make this distinction so as to Gustify
their condemnation and growing persecution of tr,e Chri(tia1( Aho LO$E the people
Aho ha2e a te1de1cy toAard ho'o(eK,ality ),t HATE the ACT o. ho'o(eK,ality+
$ut how can 4odless people believe in sin if, according to them, 4od does not eHist1
These so!called A>;T' +7%('"C will soon be the driving force to destroy the family,
marriage and deprive us of our religious freedom supposedly guaranteed in the first
True +hristians love those who have the temptation to fornicate but hate the ;+T
of fornication= 'ven liberals are forced to declare that they hate the ;+T of homicide
while they AclaimC to love their fellow brothers and sisters. %f one does not love Athe
least of these my brethrenC I(t 22:.0J their AclaimC to love others is really masked
egoism= %t is cynical, base hypocrisy= They do not even live the most basic precept of
every mainline religion: Alove your neighbor as yourselfC I&v 19:18* (t 19:19* Jn 1,:,.J.
-ur modern culture enhances individualism and egoism=
"ome organi<ations describe )ro!lifers as domestic terrorists. $ut it is the most
peaceful human rights organi<ation that there is. The pregnancy care centers outnumber
abortion clinics three to one. The pro!life movement puts itLs money and itLs volunteer
hours where itLs mouth is. This has resulted in many pro!choice women to change their
mind when they discovered this truth. T>' (';D%D4 -? A&-E'C for the pro!choice
people is A% want well ?-7 ('=C The meaning of AloveC for the pro!life people is A%
want well ?-7 B-#=C )ro!choice is misguided compassion, an eHcuse to kill the baby.
?orty!five states have >;T' +7%('" &'4%"&;T%-D on their books and now
+ongress is poised to add gay, lesbian, bi!seHual and transgendered people to the list of
federally protected classes. )astors will soon be prosecuted for even reading in church
the parts of the $ible Ior rather all of the $ible=J that indicate that THE ACT OF
HOMOSE%"ALIT! IS A SIN as has already happened in +anada and other
The Dational -rgani<ation for 3omen ID-3J and )lanned )arenthood want you
to believe that women have abortions to have their freedom of choice. $ut we know by
listening to women who have had abortions, women do not have abortions because of
freedom of choice* women have abortions because they have no choice. They feel
trapped= $ut do the A)ro!+hoiceC people help them to have a choice1 The A)ro!&ifeC
movement does help these abandoned women to freely make their choice while offering
a real helping hand= A+hoice :illsC Ihttp:www.choicekills.comJ.
;bortion, the most common surgery in ;merica* why donLt we ever see what it
looks like1 Dot until people saw images of children in coal mines did they enact child
labor laws. Dot until people saw images of human torture did they rise up against
slavery. ;merica will never reGect abortion, unless ;merica sees abortion. "ee A&ooking
;bortion in the 'yeC at http:www.priestsforlife.orgimagesindeH.aspH.
%n his famous letter from a $irmingham Gail, 07. (;7T%D &#T>'7 :%D4, Jr.
wrote: /%nGustice anywhere is a threat to Gustice everywhere./ &et us interpret this phrase
fully: /%nGustice Ikilling defenseless, unwanted babiesJ anywhere is a threat to Gustice
everywhere./ 3ho of us will be in the Adefenseless, unwantedC category in the future1
T>' D%'+' of 0r. (artin &uther :ing follows courageously the steps of her
uncle= A07. ;&E'0; :%D4: ;bortion >as $een 0evastating for (ore ;frican
;mericans than "laveryC I(arch 2, 2010*,25.,J.
ADew K?7''0-( 7%0'K targets culture of abortion ;lveda :ing working for
recognition of civil rights of unbornC Ihttp:www.wnd.com1page%dV168.9,J.
A)ro!&ife ?reedom 7ides $egin in $irmingham, July 2,C
(any people say that they cannot impose their beliefs on anther person. This
reminds me of a bumper sticker: A%f you donLt like abortion, donLt have oneC. $ut we
could hardly imagine on the back of a stage couch a bumper sticker: A%? B-# 0-DLT
&%:' "&;E'7B, 0-DLT -3D -D'=C Do one would think that would be a
reasonable thing to say.
; hunter does not shoot into a bush is he feels there might be a possibility that
there is a person behind the bush. %f he kills a human being, he is held liable. $ut so
many have ; "T7-D4 7';"-D;$&' 0-#$T that there is human life from the point
of conception=
(any have an abortion so as not to interrupt college or tennis I$illie Jean :ingJ,
but then accept a baby if it comes at the right time. $ut here we are entering into the
realm of economics called valori<ation. ; thing is valuable not in itself but according to
the number of people who want it. )ope John )aul %% wrote a lot about how our culture
has fallen into T>' %D"T7#('DT;&%T;T%-D -? >#(;D $'%D4".
;ll human life has value. ;bortion hurts women. 3omen will never reach e@uality
riding on the backs of their dead babies. ;doption: itLs a choice that you and your baby
can live with=
;$-7T%-D +;DD-T $' (;0' &%4>T -?* %T +;DD-T $' -E'7
&--:'0. ?acing the truth about abortion leads us to freedom. 0r. Theresa $urke, the
?ounder, 7achelKs Eineyard (inistries, writes: A%f the emotional and spiritual wounds of
a past abortion have been sapping faith, love and Goy from your life, % can promise, that if
you enter this process for healing, your life will begin to change. OC
The ;merican >olocaust: the face of A+hoiceC= >ave you hugged your A+hoiceC
today1 0o we not see the absurdity of the A)ro!+hoiceC slogan1
+hristians: The blood of +>7%"T paid for your sins. The blood of );T7%-T"
paid for your freedom. The blood of T>' #D$-7D is paying for your silence.
;bortion is everyoneLs sin. The greatest human rights movement of our times is
the )7-!&%?' (-E'('DT= 'ach one of us will all be Gudged on this issue by 4od.
&et us build a culture of life=
&ove says % sacrifice myself for the good of the other person* abortion says %
sacrifice the other person for the good of myself. %t is the opposite of love* that is why
we con@uer abortion by love.
)eople say that % am personally opposed to abortion but % >;E' D- 7%4>T T-
%DT'7?'7' 3%T> -T>'7" 7'4;70%D4 ;$-7T%-D. $ut Jesus teaches us that
every person is my brother, indeed, Jesus identifies >imself with each person, especially
with Athe least of these my brethrenC: ABou did it to (e=C I(t 22:.0J. Thus the mother
is my sister, but the baby inside the womb of the mother, the least of the two, is e@ually
my brother=
A;ny country that accepts abortion is not teaching the people love, but to use any
violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is
abortion.C U (other Teresa.
A3e cannot fight credibly against other social moral evils, including poverty and
violence while we tolerate mass killings by ;bortionC ! (other Teresa of +alcutta.
A?or thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my motherLs
wombC I)s 1,9:1,J.
A"cientists "ay Dewborn $abies +ry in Dative &anguage, &earned in the 3ombC*
The baby in the womb is not a potential human being, but a human being with
(ay all politicians and all A+atholicsC know that you cannot be +atholic and pro!
/7+ The Great Attac0 A<ai1(t the Fa'ily@
This A+-"(%+ "T7#44&'C, between the forces of good and the forces of evil,
is growing @uickly everyday. These two factions are mutually eHclusive. 3hat will
happen as same seH unions are increasingly assimilated to marriage or something like
marriage... what happens when the rights created by those decisions come up against the
conscience rights of people that want to maintain the religious identity of their religious
organi<ations in their hiring and firing1 There are very serious conflicts here.
"o many politicians and #D officials, who promote the A+ulture of 0eathC, #"'
D%+' "-#D0%D4 3-70" ;D0 )>7;"'" like Afreedom of choiceC, AwomenLs
productive rightsC Icode word for contraception and abortion=J, Athere must be
protection for both the life and health of the motherC, Auniversal access to reproductive
healthC, AseHual and reproductive health and rightsC, Afamily planning and reproductive
healthC programs to AcombatC poverty in Aleast developed countriesC=C They say they
want to combat poverty in least developed countries, but when these egotistical activists
are confronted with the reality that their programs and policies cause the women in
+hina and so many other countries to kill the babies that they want to keep, as well as
causing so many women to being used and sold as slaves for profit and for the pleasure
of egotistical men, they are forced to admit this truth, but they stubbornly continue their
death policies by taking refuge in the false myth of overpopulation. (;DB
'#7-)';D +-#DT7%'", %D+&#0%D4 7#""%;, ;7' -??'7%D4 (-D'B T-
'D+-#7;4' ?;(%&%'" T- >;E' $;$%'"* T>'%7 '+-D-(%'" ;7'
7;T>'7 F#%+:&B 0B%D4. )erhaps for the first time in history, at least in the richer
countries of the world, there are more grandparents than babies. 'ven though widely
reGected in 1958, the encyclical A>umanae EitaeC was prophetic. The youth are
beginning to wake up to the truth, but already the foundation of destruction has been laid
by their parents. The #.". is actually becoming more and more pro life, if for no other
reason than the fact that pro lifers consider babies as a blessing from 4od and thus have
more babies* these babies generally continue to live the values of their parents= There is
a pro life increase each year of about one to two percent because people in the pro
choice camp have very few babies=
$#T 3>;T ;$-#T T>' 7%4>T" -? T>' #D3;DT'0, #D$-7D
$;$%'"1 3ere we not all, at one time, an embryo1 3ere we not all, at one time, a
fetus1 %s it not by now well proven that overpopulation is a myth to keep the rich rich
and the strong strong at the eHpense Ilife1J of the weak, vulnerable and defenseless
Ihttp:www.overpopulationisamyth.comJ1 ;re not the vast maGority of the countries in
the world today dying demographically and are unable to support those no longer
working. AThe -verpopulation!)opulation +ontrol (ovement "truggles to "tay
7elevantC* Ihttp:www.lifenews.comint1,8..htmlJ.
>ow many human rights abuses are committed in the name of /family planning,/
which are counter!productive social and economic paradigms premised on the myth of
AoverpopulationC Iwww.pop.orgJ1 'urope is @uickly dying and can no longer support
the retired people who promoted and bought into this lie of overpopulation. 0oes not
the 4ospel teach us that the strong should help the weak1 3as not the motto of (other
Teresa, as she cared for and loved the dying on the streets of +alcutta, ABou did it to
(eC I(t 22:.0J, that is to Jesus= Jesus considers every abortion as if Jesus >imself is
aborted, because Jesus identifies >imself especially with the weakest and most helpless*
ATruly, % say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to
meC I(t 22:.0J= Jesus truly hides behind the weakest, the defenseless, to old, the sick,
the emarginated ones, O and each of us will be Gudged according to how we loved
J'"#" in each of the Aleast of these my brethrenC= The )atroness of unborn children
Iand of the ;mericasJ is O"R LAD! OF G"ADAL"PE I(eHico, 12,1J in whose
miraculous image she appears pregnant with Jesus=
T>' (-7' (-D'B ;D0 )-3'7 T>' )7-(-T'7" -? T>' +#&T#7'
-? 0';T> ;+F#%7' 0#' T- -#7 "%D" ;D0 &;+: -? )7;B'7, T>' (-7'
F#%+:&B T>'B "#++''0 %D 'DT%+%D4 -T>'7" T- ?-&&-3 T>'%7 );T>
-? 0'"T7#+T%-D= ;n interesting eHample of their machinations and manipulations
was in 1999 in Dew Bork +ity at the #nited Dations. ;t a conference on )opulation and
0evelopment, thirty two young people were brought into the negotiations and given the
floor. They stated that they represented all three billion of the worldLs youth, and
demanded the following: abortion as a human right, seHual rights for children, and a
deletion of parentsL rights. That was all they had to say. The conteHt of this was that
these youth were brought in by various western delegations. The year 1999 was the end
of the +linton years, and the achievement of abortion as a human right was one of the
pillars of the +lintonLs foreign policy obGectives. They had been promoting this as a
national policy throughout the 90Ls without the successful affirmation from many
countries around the world. ;nd so they brought in these young people to sort of say:
A3e understand that these are radical ideas, but it is on behalf of the worldLs youth* you
have to listen to the youth in moving forward with what we want. This is what the new
generation wants.C ;T ; +-D?'7'D+' +-DE'D'0 T- 0%"+#"" T>' D''0"
-? T>' 3-7&0L" )'-)&', $;"%+ D''0" %D+&#0%D4 ;++'"" T- +&';D
3;T'7, ";D%T;T%-D, '0#+;T%-D, D#T7%T%-D, >';&T> +;7', ;D0
'()&-B('DT 3'7' D-T 'E'D ;007'""'0. 3ere these people in control of
the assembly really interested in the well being of the people of the countries of the world
and what their representatives had to say1
;s a reaction of conscience, ;nna >alpine, an observer at the #D, and a few
others went back into the assembly the neHt morning and distributed bright pink flyers
which stated that they were not represented among these Athree billion youthC and in fact
there were many other young people around the world who had a very different vision
for how society should be constructed. These young people who were given the floor
yesterday did not represent all the youth of the world. "he called for a discussion on
topics addressing basic human rights and necessities. 3hat these courageous youth for
life did was against all the rules and caused pandemonium because there was not
eHpected another youth voice to represent the other youth in the world with very
different views. The thirty two young people brought into the negotiations that were
given the floor were paid a lot to be there* their flights were paid for* they had Z200day
spending money* they had their proposals drafted for them by the various western states.
"- T>%" 3;" D-T ;T ;&& ;D ;#T>'DT%+ 47;""7--T" 'M)7'""%-D.
;nna >alpine and her friends were this terrible fly in the wheel that came out of no
where and really changed all of the results. Degotiations were stalled for two hours.
$ut what did happen was that (;DB +-#DT7%'", (-"T -? T>'(
0'E'&-)%D4, (;DB -? T>'( )--7 ;D0 &'"" )-3'7?#&, +;(' #) T-
;DD; >;&)%D' ;D0 >'7 ?7%'D0" ;D0 ";%0 AT>;D: B-#= Thank you for
being here, for saying these things= Bou need to have a full time presence at these
institutions.C ;nd they also said please come to our countries and work with our young
people. The world so desperately needs more people like ;nna willing to stand up and
take the risk of speaking out for the culture of life which leads to true well being as
individuals and as the societies as a whole. A'vil triumphs when the good do nothing=C
7ead more about the A3-7&0 B-#T> ;&&%;D+'C at:
3ith more and more people swallowing the lies of the seHual revolution
broadcasted in every corner of the earth with our modern technology of communications,
one can imagine today how much more the promoters of the culture of death are more
than ever forcing their agenda and coercing and manipulating the poor third world
countries, and all countries, using even more powerful and sophisticated means of
advancing their intended goals= 3' ;7' F#%+:&B ;))7-;+>%D4 ; (-7;&
+ontrast this hideous and egotistical attitude with that of the saints like (other
Teresa of +alcutta who served Jesus in the dying streets of +alcutta= 3e read about
"aint +amillus of &ellis in regards to the sick: AC%ndeed, even when ministering to Gust
one sick man, he seemed to burn himself up and wear himself out with the utmost
devotion and compassion. 4ladly would he have taken upon himself all their sickness and
suffering to alleviate their pain or take away their weakness. "o vividly did he picture and
honor the person of +hrist in them that often when distributing food to them he thought
of them as his A+hristsC, and would beg of them grace and the remission of sins. >ence
he was as reverent before them as if he were really and truly in the presence of his &ord.C
I-ffice of 7eadings* July 1.J.
ABou did it to meC I(t 22:.0J= 3ould we not all like to be treated as "aint
+amillus treats the sick1 0o these great atheistic humanitarians and saviors of humanity
love their neighbor as themselves1
)erhaps we might consider the fact that the "'+-D0 )'7"-D of the $&'""'0
T7%D%TB in >is infinite wisdom, 3ho could have come into the world in anyway
whatsoever, chose to become incarnate in the womb of a human woman and spend
D%D' ?#&& (-DT>" %D >'7 3-($=1= +hrist sanctified everything >e did= Bou
might say that Jesus showed us the preciousness of life in the womb by patiently
spending nine months in the womb of >is mother (ary= "t. John the $aptist, as a siH!
month fetus in the womb of his mother 'li<abeth, leaped for Goy in the womb of
'li<abeth when he recogni<ed Jesus as a very small embryo in the womb of (ary I&k
1:..J= &ittle boys and little girls leap for Goy in their mothers wombs, not abstract fetal
tissue. Bou might check out the book: /7edeemer in the 3omb: Jesus living in (ary/
by John "award. This book is a uni@ue and profound theological meditation on the nine
months the 4od!man spent in >is Eirgin (otherKs womb. 0rawing on +hristian
philosophy, poetry, liturgy, as well as the ?athers and great theologians of the +hurch,
"award shows that ?;%T> %D T>' %D+;7D;T%-D +-((%T" T>' $'&%'E'7
%D'"+;);$&B T- T>' 0'?'D"' -? T>' #D$-7D +>%&0.
4od is not a disinterested spectator in the affairs of man. The +atholic +hurch
holds that a single abortion is homicide. 3hat are 20 million of them since 7oe v.
3ade1 3hat is the 0'?%D%T%-D -? 4'D-+%0'1 3hat is the targeted group1
#nwanted, unborn children= %t does not have to be an ethnic group, or a religious group,
or a national group* it is a homogeneous group: unwanted, unborn children=
The people of the world, with the help of the media, are saying suffering is useless,
let us help you die. 3e will help kill you I'#T>;D;"%;J= They always use nice
sounding words: A0eath with dignity=C 0o they think they are 4od1 Jesus refused a
drug on the cross to diminish his pain I(t 26:,., .8* (k 12:,5* &k 2,:,5* Jn 19:29J. %t
is -: to kill old people if they do not fit into our regiment. That is their answer* they
befriend death. $ut we befriend the -ne who con@uered death, Jesus crucified and risen.
That marks the absolute difference between us.
;7+>$%">-) ?#&T-D ">''D once said: AThe truth is the truth even if no one
believes it* error is error even if everyone believes it=C
>ow would you like to be 0%"+;70'01 >ow cynical and unmanly it is for men
to use women for their carnal desires and pleasures and then to discard and abandon
them as well as the children that they often leave in the wombs of the women they have
eHploited. The great maGority of the women who ended up aborting their child would
not have done so if their boyfriend or husband would have lived up to true and real
manhood and said: A% am here with you* % will not abandon you=C These abandoned
women had no where to turn for help and so ended up in the hands of the butcher shops
of the legal assassins of defenseless unwanted babies. ;&& ('D ;7' +;&&'0 T-
(;DB >#"$;D0" &';E' T>'%7 ?;(%&%'" ;D0 T>'B 0- D-T
7';&%T' T>' 'T'7D;& 7;(%?%+;T%-D" -? T>'%7 0'+%"%-D". "omeone
wrote: A%f a man seeks to find meaning while refusing to belong to his family, he will find
nothing more than the transient distractions to stimulate and occupy him for the present
moment until his thoughts bring him back to the emptiness of his rootless situation. O
3hen the heart of the rootless man Iso many rootless men trade in the eternal for the
temporalJ tries to make a nest in the desperate vacuity of his whirlwind life and
predictably fails, he will only redouble the search for temporary distractions until his life
becomes a fleeing from, not a movement towards, reality.C >ow many politicians trade
the lives of unborn babies for two more years in office1 "olomon, the son of king 0avid
of the -ld Testament, tried Gust about everything: botany, flowers, architecture, history,
and never found peace because he abandoned the one true 4od=
;t the end of the day when we talk about menLs leadership, especially in the home,
"aint )aul tells us in 'phesians I2:22!26J that husbands are to love their wives as +hrist
loved his +hurch and delivered >imself up for her so that she may be without spot or
blemish or any such thing. #&T%(;T'&B 3>;T >#"$;D0" >;E' %" T>'
;#T>-7%TB T- &;B 0-3D T>'%7 &%E'" ?-7 T>'%7 3%E'". ;nd in doing
that, that somehow changes the bride. +onsider the moment when +hrist laid >is life
down for >is bride, the +hurch. %t was the moment when she was least worthy of that
sacrifice: one of >is apostles, Judas, betrayed him* the head, )eter, denied >im three
times* all the other apostles fled with the eHception of John. "o +hrist specifically lays
down >is life when the bride is least worthy. "omehow it is >im laying down >is life
that that is what makes the bride without spot or blemish or any such thing. >ow many
husbands, at the end of the day, are willing to pay the price like +hrist, which means that
they lay their lives down for their brides, independent of their worthiness1
/8+ The A(to,1di1< I'pact o. the R,thle(( Ma1ip,latio1 o.
Milita1t Gay Acti2i(t(@
-ur day and time is eHperiencing an unprecedented assault on marriage and family.
"tate after state is succumbing to the push of militants to legali<e any union of two or
possibly more people and call it marriage, claiming that it is a matter of Gustice and rights
and using anti discriminatory laws to promote their agenda. They seek to advance their
world view and are using every social institution to do so.
-ver a hundred years ago the homoseHual act was considered "odomy and it was
identified as an act. %t still is "odomy. %T 3;" 7'?'77'0 T- ;" T>'
>-(-"'M#;& ;+T. $#T %D T>' 1950L" %T 3;" T>'D +-D0%T%-D'0. The
condition of homoseHuality was redefined as a condition rather than an act. %t did not
change, it was Gust redefined. 3hat really happened here was while you can critici<e an
act and you can even say it is a criminal act, how do you critici<e a condition that
someone suffers with1 >ow can you critici<e the act that one commits who has this
regrettable condition= A+anLt you be more compassionate1=1C ;D0 T>'D ?7-(
T>' +-D0%T%-D 3' D-3 >;E' ;D %0'DT%TB.
;nd the identity is now e@uated to >ispanic or )olish or short or thinO ;nd how
can you attack my identity1 This identity is e@uated by 4ay activists, whereas the
maGority of ;mericans reGect this totally. %t is a marketing progression. %t is definitely a
manipulation, an abuse of the public who are dependent upon science, educators,
politicians, policy makers, the ;(;, the ;);, etc* we are all dependent as a community
and as a society and as a culture on these different disciplines. "o if education has not
been properly handled, if science and public policy have not been properly handled, then
we end up not only being manipulated but we have been lied to* 3' >;E' $''D
&%T'7;&&B 0'?7;#0'0.
The attack on the +hristian church is not coincidental. T>'B >;E' ;
)7-0#+T T- "'&&: %T %" +;&&'0 >-(-"'M#;&%TB. Bears ago, their
insidious agenda was not selling through normal channels. "o in ?ebruary 1988, some
162 leading activists representing homoseHual groups from across the nation held a
3;7 +-D?'7'D+' in 3arrenton, Eirginia, to map out their movementLs future.
"hortly thereafter, activists (arshall :irk and >unter (adsen put into book form the
comprehensive public relations plan they had been advocating with their gay!rights peers
for several years.
:irk and (adsen were not the kind of drooling activists that would burst into
churches and throw condoms in the air. They were smart guys U very smart. :irk, a
>arvard!educated researcher in neuropsychiatry, worked with the Johns >opkins "tudy
of (athematically )recocious Bouth and designed aptitude tests for adults with 200Y
%Fs. (adsen, with a doctorate in politics from >arvard, was an eHpert on public
persuasion tactics and social marketing. Together they wrote /;?T'7 T>' $;&&
I1989J: >ow ;merica 3ill +on@uer %tLs ?ear and >atred of 4ays in the K90s/, in which
they outlined very carefully the way in which they were going to manipulate the way in
which ;mericans think about this issue=
3hat was T>' $-TT-( &%D' of :irk and (adsenKs master plan1 /The
campaign we outline in this book, though compleH, depends centrally upon a program of
unabashed propaganda, firmly grounded in long!established principles of psychology and
advertising./ Ihttp:www.wnd.comindeH.php1page%dV,2898J.
:irk and (adsenKs /war goal,/ eHplains marketing eHpert );#& '. 7-D0';# of
7egent #niversity, was to /force acceptance of homoseHual culture into the mainstream,
to silence opposition, and ultimately to convert ;merican society./ Eisit: A"elling
>omoseHuality To ;mericaC, by )aul '. 7ondeau, at
http:theshepherdsvoice.orgpoliticssellingShomoseHualityStoSamerica.pdf. Eisit also:
A)olitical +orrectness: >ow They (arket >omoseHualityC*
The use of marketing techni@ues to sell goods is nothing new, and the art of
persuasion to do the same is ancient. >owever the use of marketing techni@ues based on
psychological processes and the use of new technology to hoist and thrust ideologies,
political agendas, world views, morals and ethics upon an unsuspecting public is
"-('T>%D4 F#%T' D'3 %D0''0. ;nd yet this is what has happened and is
happening right now. ; systematic use of these highly sophisticated marketing
techni@ues has been employed by maGor institutions, pundits, politicians and the media
elite to usher in a new world view devoid of the Judeo!+hristian ethos.
'verybody wants to do the right thingO "o the idea of using psychographics and
marketing research is to ?%D0 ; 3;B T- (;:' B-# T>%D: T>;T B-# ;7'
0-%D4 T>' 7%4>T T>%D4. ABou can lead a horse to water but you canLt make it
drink.C Bou want to lead the horse to water, which is called Aprepping the
environmentC, and along the way make him thirsty so that he drinks himself. %n the
broad picture, there is something called Aagenda setting theoryC.
T>' )7-$&'( 3' >;E' T-0;B %" T>;T %T %" D-T ;$-#T T7#T>, %T
%" ;$-#T )-3'7. ;D0 T>%" +-('" $B 3;B -? T>' (;D%)#&;T%-D -?
&;D4#;4' ;D0 T>' #"' -? )"B+>-&-4B. ; method called Acognitive
dissonanceC is used, employing forced compliance. They have found that if they force
people to comply with their ideology at Gust the right level, like in school, being made to
feel uncomfortable 8 or 5 hours a day, people begin to substitute things in their mind to
get back to that comfortable state. They begin believing those messages that they never
listened to but have an impact on them. )eople are thus converted like the frog in the
pot in cold water* if the frog is dumped in hot water, he Gumps out* but if the cold water
is warmed up slowly, he will sit there until he cooks. This is the ultimate goal:
conversion of the mind. )eople are not only converted but they forgot what they used to
believe. -ur culture is cooked= Bou have what you believe on one side, and you have
the environment of forced compliance on the other side, and that creates friction,
bumping into each other, what you believe and how you are forced to behave. That is
called +-4D%T%E' 0%""-D;D+'. ;nd if that goes on long enough, one of the two is
going to win. 'ither you will struggle to hang on to what you believe or you will throw
out what you believe and accept the new to shrug off and eliminate an uncomfortable
mental state and situation. -n an average day we are subGected to 2000 to 10000
persuasive messages a day. ;nd that is setting the environment to make you thirsty later
on whether you reali<e it or not. "o as scary as the internet is, with cookies and
elaborate surveillance techni@ues, this is really what is happening on a daily basis. The
amount and the sophistication of the research and the messaging that is everyday leading
you away perhaps from what you believe to arriving to a place where you did not know
you were going.
%t is so interesting how ';+> -? #" 3%&&%D4 ;D0 :D-3%D4&B T;:'
"(;&& "T')" ';+> 0;B T-3;70 T>' T7#T>, with a certain amount of
difficulty and suffering, -7 ;3;B ?7-( T>' T7#T>, taking the easy way. ;s
individuals and collectively we become closer to the Truth and see things more clearly,
or we go farther away from the Truth and we slowly sink into the abyss of confusion,
and eventually eternal confusion and irrationality with the author of lies, if we do not
repent and confess our sins before it is too late. 3hile we are alive, it is never too late to
recuperate the possibility of eternal salvation and happiness* Jesus offers >is mercy to
those who have the humility to repent and beg for >is divine mercy up until our last
breath= ;fter death, our choice is ratified by 4od for all eternity. +ollectively, as a
society and as a country, the more people choose to reGect Truth, the more we make
absurd and destructive laws without being able to even understand the logic of where
these laws lead us and how they result in our destruction and collapse.
+>%&07'D are getting the message from their parents that seH is a great gift from
4od. $ut ;T "+>--& T>'B ;7' 4'TT%D4 T>' ('"";4' T>;T "'M#;&
'M)'7%('DT;T%-D ;D0 'M)&-7;T%-D %" ?%D' with the opposite seH or with
the same seH or whatever makes you feel good with no reference to responsibility
associated with true altruism. ;nd if there is a problem here, yes we do not want you to
end up with an "T0, so we are going to make sure that you have as much protection as
you can possibly have. 3e certainly do not want you young lady to become pregnant
out of wedlock so O and they are hearing these message in a captured environment over
and over again. This is a cognitive dissonance here. $ut it goes farther then that.
$ecause while the parents are teaching, letLs say +atholic teaching, or traditional values
or Gust conservative values or family tradition, they are also telling their kids: Alisten to
your teacher, thatLs what you are there forC, and they are setting the teacher up as the
authority figure, especially in educational matters, but unfortunately the gay social
agenda has spread throughout the schools systems now.
%n 1990, :evin Jennings, with three other people, founded 4&%"TeD, the 4;B
;D0 &'"$%;D %D0')'D0'DT "+>--& T';+>'7 D'T3-7:. The
organi<ationKs name was later changed to 4&"TD, 4ay and &esbian "chool Teachers
Detwork, and then to 4&"'D!!the 4ay, &esbian, "traight, 'ducational Detwork!!whose
mission is to destroy old time religious beliefs which hold that the homoseHual act is a
grave sin and disorder. +hristians, as their "avior Jesus +hrist, love the sinner and those
with homoseHual tendencies, but hate the sin, the act of homoseHuality. -f course 4ay
activists do not make this distinction and thus accuse +hristians of hating homoseHually
oriented people. 4ay activists have willing destroyed the consciousness of what sin is
according to the one true 4od, 3ho imprinted >is law into nature itself* thus how can
they possibly make or understand this vital and fundamental distinction. They boast that
they have .000 4ay "traight ;lliance clubs in schools across the nation. 3hat happens
is that there are national things that are supposed to be spontaneous students grassroots
things, but they are not. They are messaged by the ;+&#, gay advocacy groups, etc.
They come into the schools, they get the students involved, they get the counselors
involved, they get the administration involved* they create an environment, ?-7+'0
+-()&%;D+', where even if the parents are teaching their children that heteroseHual
marriage is connected to how 4od created us as a man and a woman, in school all day
long, if the children voice a different opinion, they are going to be -"T7;+%T'0, they
may even be called a homophobe, which is a made up word ! it is really a political word,
not a medical term. ;nd so all day long, their emotions, their cognitions, their beliefs,
have to be held in check against the environment that they are put in. ;nd what starts to
happen is, and research has shown this, if you take a look at the issue of same seH
marriage, the more years the students have been eHposed to this subtle indoctrination
without their consent, the more they are in favor of same seH marriage, because they
have had more and more years of being taught that same seH marriage and homoseHuality
is normal and healthy. %T %" ; 47;0#;& %D0-+T7%D;T%-D T- ; 3-7&0
E%'3 ;D0 ;D 'T>-" T>;T %" -#T"%0' T>' J#0'-!+>7%"T%;D 'T>-", but
it is not presented that way as being outside the Judeo!+hristian ethos, but rather as
safety, diversity, or something else, which is what helps to sell it to the parents.
A; );7'DTL" 4#%0' T- )7'E'DT%D4 >-(-"'M#;&%TBC, by 0r. Joseph
Dicholas Iwww.dads.orgJ.
7'&%4%-D %D "+>--&" %" 7';&&B 3>'7' %T $#()" >';0" 3%T>
T>%" +-4D%T%E' 0%""%0'D+' ;D0 ?-7+'0 +-()&%;D+'. 3henever a child
is told ! and we have seen supreme court cases all over the place like this ! when a child
is told that you cannot bring religion into the school because there is A"');7;T%-D
-? +>#7+> ;D0 "T;T'C, and whether you are a voting citi<en or a child in school,
when someone says this* first of all the supreme court never said this* the supreme court
said the government has to be neutral. %t did not say one has to suppress one side in
favor of the other Imultiple courts show that the supreme court is neutralJ. "econdly,
what they are really saying is this, and this goes back to the messaging of leading you up
to where you think you are doing the right thing: when someone says to your child
Achurch and stateC, when someone says to you as a citi<en Achurch and stateC, 3>;T
T>'B ;7' 7';&&B ";B%D4 %", B-# 0- D-T >;E' T>' 7%4>T T- E-T'
;" ; +>7%"T%;D, you only have a right to vote as a non +hristian because that is the
way % believe. ;nd it is not even a matter of you forcing your faith on me. That is
messaging. % am not forcing my faith on anybody. $ut % have a right to vote for my
world view and my world view happens to be +hristianity. "o when you hear these sorts
of arguments they are always a little bit off the topic, and that is rhetoric, that is
messaging, that is marketing, of saying Alets really frame it in this way instead of that
wayC. 0o % not have a right to vote as a +hristian1 ;nd what they are really saying is
D-= Bou only have a right to vote if you vote as a non +hristian. This has happened
not only to the voting public but we have watched, and it pains me deeply, when
+;T>-&%+ )-&%T%+%;D" say: A% have to leave my world view at the door when %
vote for legislation.C
Jesus said: /$ut whosoever shall deny (e before men, him will % also deny before
(y ?ather 3ho is in heaven/ I(t 10:,2!,,J. Dotice here the words Abefore menC
clearly indicates publicly. %T 3%&& D-T 3-7: -D J#04('DT 0;B to say %
believed in you Jesus in my heart, but in order T- $' A)-&%T%+;&&B +-77'+TC %
voted in favor of legally permitting other adult human beings to kill defenseless and
unwanted human begins= "o too those who deny Jesus Abefore menC to receive the mark
of the beast, the microchip, so as to eat and to avoid starvation and to evade even torture
and death, while self!Gustifying themselves that in a hidden, non public way, they believe
in Jesus, Ahim will % also deny before (y ?ather 3ho is in heavenC=
%t is upsetting when we see these things because we begin to see that 3' >;E'
$''D T-B'0 3%T>, 3' >;E' $''D )&;B'0 3%T>, 3' >;E' $''D
&--:'0 ;T ;" ; +-((-0%TB in a sense, to be filled so that we can be sold to the
highest bidder. 3hoever does the best Gob of marketing gets the person. This is not the
way it is meant to be. ;nd this is not the purpose and the whole thrust of why we have
been given the great gift of communication. $ut that is where we are today. "o we have
to be smart about it* we have to look at it and see it and channel our anger so that we
can use the energy that is created by that outrage to move the train forward as 4od
intended it to be.
3e have seen this too with political agendas, with new world views, that have
been thrusted and hoisted upon us today as well. 3e see this being used in the elections
T>'"' 7#T>&'"" (;D%)#&;T-7" +>;D4' T>' 0'?%D%T%-D -?
T'7(" "- ;" T- )#"> ?-7T> T>'%7 +#&T#7' -? 0';T>. There are
institutes which have lots of money, and many of these institutes have an agenda, they
want to use their money to advance a certain ideology. "o they will begin to use that
money in such a way that they can entice, letLs use the medical profession, or the
pharmaceutical company, or whoever it might be. Then we are not even sure if we are
getting truth from, letLs say the medical establishment, because some doctors say,
AhelloC, there is no such thing as a pre!embryonic state, AhelloC. ThatLs not true* that is
not science. $ut this redefinition of the embryo happened in (issouri in 2008, and in
many other states. The child in the womb was changed to Aa piece of tissueC or
T>'7' %" ; 7';& "+>%T-)>7'D%; >'7', '")'+%;&&B %D 7'4;70 T-
T>' &%?' %""#'". )eople do not know how to refer to anything anymore. 3hen there
was found a baby in the sanitation dump in -rlando, ?lorida that was somewhere
between . or 2 months of gestation, the baby was referred to as a fetus, because they do
not want to admit that the child is a child* they want to call it something else, because
they cannot talk about the baby as being a baby unless they want the baby, in which case
it is a baby. $ut in the report the police were looking for the mother, but you cannot be a
mother to a blob of tissue= This very statement is a cognitive dissidence, regardless of
what fetus actually does means. %n &atin it means a little person* nobody thinks of it that
way. %t divorces the reality of what it is, a baby, that is filled with all kinds of
connotations and warm regard. They depersonali<e it* $#T T>'D T>' )-&%+'
3'7' &--:%D4 ?-7 T>' (-T>'7 -? T>%" )%'+' -? T%""#'. %t makes no
sense. $ut we hear this all day long* we take it into our being all day long.
%n politics, 7ichard 3eaver said that T>' ;$%&%TB T- D;(', to give
something a name, like ;dam in the 4arden of 'den, %" T>' (-"T )-3'7?#&
T>%D4 T>;T B-# >;E'. ;nd so what you always have, when you take the
product, you name it in a way that you can sell it. The 'mployment Don!discrimination
;ct and >ate +rimes, everything in there is already illegal. %t is about rights for
everybody and for victims. $ut the only thing that those two bills add is homoseHuality
as a protected class. "- T>'B ;&3;B" "'&& T>' $%44'7 );+:;4' T-
"D';: %D 3>;T T>'B 3;DT. This reminds me of the >ealth +are $ill, which of
course was promoted using good motives and terms, but ended up forcing taHpayers to
pay for abortion and creating a much greater national debt as well as shifting money,
power and decision making to the 3ashington beurocrats who could care less about
your suffering mother= ;nd what you hear a lot in politics these days, particularly
among eHtreme social movements, is it is always about rights versus what is right. ;nd
you never talk about the actual activity that is going on. Bou never talk about abortion.
Bou never talk about what homoseHual seH is, who they have it with and how often.
Bou never talk about what actual happens such as regarding embryos. To use an
analogy, do aardvarks grow from acorns1 %f an acorn is planted, it is going to grow into
an oak tree, not a plum tree, not an aardvarks. $ut it is always away from the issue to
distract people to want to do the right thing according to their agenda. "o the product
or the idea that is being sold is always framed in a way, where you, not being an eHpert,
but you are hearing these messages over and over again, you come to believe that the
right thing is what they are selling you even if it is an outright lie. ;D0 T>'
&;D4#;4' >;" $''D +>;D4'0 T- (;:' B-# T>%D: %T %" T>' 7%4>T
T>%D4, T>' -))-"%T' -? 3>;T B-# $'&%'E'.
There are three other marketing techni@ues that are used: desensiti<e, Gam, and
convert. 0'"'D"%T%T;T%-D is really the first stage. %n advertising there is something
called reaching fre@uency. 0esensiti<ation is kind of the opposite of that. 3here you
move from there is something that is a lot meaner marketing techni@ue. ;nd that is
something called J;((%D4. Bou normally find this in social movements. 0o you
want to be called a racist1 -f course not. Jamming is a way of making you self check
your self of Gamming the oppositionLs message and staying focused on your message.
'.g., homophobe. ThatLs not a medical term* thatLs a made up political term. $ut it is
being made the e@uivalent of being a racist or a bigot. "o you do not want to say
something even if it is the Truth Ibig ATC, not the little AtC, the truth that we have all over
the place now is with the little AtC IrelativismJJ. Bou start to check yourself because you
do not want to be made uncomfortable, your child does not want to be made
uncomfortable. ;nd Gamming ultimately creates what is called in communications theory
A")%7;& -? "%&'D+'C. Jamming takes hold because you are being called a
homophobe or a racist. 3>;T %" 7';&&B $'%D4 (;7:'T'0 D-3, T>' $%4
-E'7E%'3, %" )-&%T%+;& +-77'+TD'"". ;nd the research on political
correctness is that it allows people to feel involved in something bigger than themselves
without having to make any sacrifices. )olitical correctness is really a form of Gamming
of what you say and what you do not say and what you do and what you do not do. ;nd
it creates what is called a spiral of silence. (aybe you are kind of in the middle, so you
are not really educated about the absolute importance of and the cornerstone of humanity
which is the family unit. "o you do not want to take that on. ;nd as fewer and fewer
people talk about it, who talk in dissent to these lies, there comes a spiral of silence, so
now the people that are left are fewer and fewer O until it is Gust one ;D0 T>'
+-D+')T 4-'" ;3;B T-T;&&B. That is what Gamming does* it actually makes
people stop speaking from their hearts and their common sense and their world view and
their faith. To speak less or to speak in more moderate terms ! everybody is moderate
these days ! until finally that spiral of silence, that message is not even being given
The last marketing techni@ues is +-DE'7"%-D: %f you are desensiti<ed, and now
you have been Gammed, and your support group, the people who feel like you have been
Gammed, ultimately what happens is, you are silenced in order to solve this uncomfortable
state of not being Apolitically correctC. &etLs use an eHample. Bou are at a party and
you never really want to say what you believe because you know most of the people
there do not believe as you do. ThatLs an eHample of cognitive dissidence. Bou are
checking yourself* you do not want to be uncomfortable, you do not want to offend
anybody. ;nd ultimately what forced compliance shows is that it is not putting you into
Gail and making you do something, because you know that is against your will. 3hat
happens is you start substituting things in your mind to get back to that comfortable state
of not speaking or going against the flow, against the prevailing current which carries the
dead bodies and dead consciences downstream. Bou start believing those messages that
you never listened to but have an impact on you. ;nd you are converted like the frog in
the pot in cold water heated up slowly. ;nd that is the ultimate goal: the conversion of
the mind. B-# ;7' D-T -D&B +-DE'7T'0 $#T B-# ?-74-T 3>;T B-#
#"'0 T- $'&%'E'.
(any people feel the way you or % feel. $ut if % do not talk about it, if you do not
talk about it, then we help those people to maintain that silence. %t is an interesting thing,
that when you are willing to talk about it, you suddenly hear a lot of people talking about
it. $ecause you have given them permission by your action. 3e have got to be the first
ripple. 3e have got to be the first pebble thrownO Truth is truth, and it only has a
capital ATC. ;ll these other small AtCs, they are not truths at all. They are agendas.
Truth has a name, Jesus +hrist. 3e have got to allow ourselves to make the first ripple,
causing rippling out effects. %f we remain silent, if we allow ourselves to feel stupid, if
we allow ourselves to feel incompetent, if we allow ourselves to feel ignorant, if we stop
trusting in that gift of discernment, that movement within us, if we stop trusting in that,
then we are sitting ducks. 3e, who know better and have received more truth and
grace, will be Gudged much more severely for having buried our AtalentsC: A;nd cast the
worthless servant into the outer darkness* there men will weep and gnash their teethC
I(t 22:22!,0J.
;D-T>'7 T>%D4 B-# +;D 0- T>;T %" 7';& ';"B. Bou do not have to
be a great speaker. Bou do not have to be like (oses, donLt send me, % do not know
what % am doing. This is what sales people do, you do not sell by telling, B-# "'&&
$B ;":%D4. Just ask @uestions. '.g., same seH marriage as an eHample. Just ask the
@uestion, well if a man can marry a man, then why canLt a father marry his daughter. %f it
is not a man and a woman, then why canLt a brother marry his sister1 $ecause that is
where it goes. ;nd if you think of Gust common sense @uestions, you will find out that
some of your loudest neighbors, they are great on talking points, but they canLt answer
the @uestions. This is at least the way to plant into the hearts of other people a seed of
doubt so that they can then begin to investigate the seed of reality. 0o not go in there
with a laundry list of points to be made. Just ask the @uestion. A% am Gust confused here,
maybe you can help me out. +larify this for me. %f you are telling me that two men can
get married because any coupling of individual can be called a marriage, then why canLt a
father marry his daughter. % am confused. % do not understand the logic here, help me.C
B-# ?%D0 -#T %T %" ; ")'+%-#" ;74#('DT. T>'7' %" D-T %DT'7%-7
&-4%+ T- %T.
T>' 'DT%7' %0'; %" T- (;7:'T ;3;B ?7-( T>' )7-0#+T, 3>;T
%T 7';&&B %", what the end result really is, and keep it up in these ethereal areas of
rights, which, how do you define those1 ;nd these ideas, % want to do the right thing.
;nd for the most part, they never really talk about what is being sold to you, an
ideology, politics, or a product for that matter, but what you will buy not, what is being
sold. %t is not the best product that gets bought. %t is not the product presented. %t is
the product that is presented the best. (arketing is taking a product that you cannot
change and presenting it the best. That includes ideas and ideologies.
7';0 ;$-#T the use, without our permission or consent or knowledge, of these
very powerful, sophisticated and highly developed techni@ues and their effects on us as
an unsuspecting public: A"'&&%D4 >-(-"'M#;&%TB T- ;('7%+;C by )aul '.
X20>omoseHuality.pdf* http:www.untwistedtruth.comJ.
>omoseHual activists call their movement /4;B 7%4>T"./ This accomplishes
two maGor obGectives: I1J The use of the word gay rather than homoseHual masks the
controversial seHual behavior involved and accentuates instead a vague but positive!
sounding cultural identity U gay, which, after all, once meant /happy/* and I2J describing
their battle as one over /rights/ implies homoseHuals are being denied the basic freedoms
of citi<enship that others enGoy. The game plan of these shrewd gay activists was to
employ powerful marketing and public relations techni@ues as well as science to
undermine old time religion. ;nd they have done eHactly that. %" T>%" D-T E'7B
"o one of their key points of the marketing plan of homoseHuality was to
undermine the +hurch and in fact to redefine +hristian beliefs Gust as they now want to
redefine marriage. The gay militants went to the leadership of the ;); I;('7%+;D
)"B+>-&-4%+;& ;""-+%;T%-DJ and sold the notion to them, and then the
leadership of the ;); went and tried to sell it to their membership. $ut the membership
was never completely complicit in this, they never really agreed with what was being
pushed and shoved down their throats.
The movement started with 0r. 7obert "pit<er with the ;);, who writes about
this currently. There was no new scientific research that removed homoseHuality as a
socio!pathic personality disorder. ")%TT'7 7'0'?%D'0 >-(-"'M#;&%TB on
behalf of 4ay activists so that this disorder could be removed from public awareness. %t
was the same disorder that it always was. Dow they are redefining +hristianity. ;fter
2000 years of every +hristian scholar of every denomination agreeing that homoseHuality
is sinful, we hear things in the emergence church: A3ell it really doesnLt say thatC.
7egarding marriage: ADo, no, we are not redefining itC. $ut if it is not a man and a
woman, if it is not two halves of humanity, then what is it1 %f it is not a man and a
woman, it can be anything that man says it is.
These public manipulators have been trying to prove an organic source of
homoseHuality for many years but have been unable to do that. ?or decades, the ;);
has not considered homoseHuality a psychological disorder, while other professionals in
the field consider it to be a /gender!identity/ problem. T- T7B T- (;%DT;%D ;
&%TT&' +7'0%$%&%TB, the ;); even had to revise their statement on homoseHuality.
"pecifically, in a brochure that first came out in 1998, the ;); stated: /There is
considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn
hormonal factors, play a significant role in a personKs seHuality.C +ontrast this with the
new statement I(ay 2009J: /There is no consensus among scientists about the eHact
reasons that an individual develops a heteroseHual, biseHual, gay or lesbian orientation.C
)eter &a$arbera, who heads A;mericans for Truth ;bout >omoseHualityC,
believes the more recent statement is an important admission because it undermines a
popular theory. /)eople need to understand that the K4;B 4'D'K T>'-7B >;"
$''D -D' -? T>' $%44'"T )7-);4;D0; $--D" -? T>' >-(-"'M#;&
(-E'('DT over the last 10 or 12 years,/ he points out. /"tudies show that if people
think that people are born homoseHual theyKre much less likely to resist the gay agenda./
(att $arber with A&iberty +ounselC feels the pronouncement may have something
to do with ";E%D4 ?;+'. /3ell, % think here the ;merican )sychological ;ssociation
is finally trying to restore some credibility that theyKve lost over the years by having
become a clearly political organi<ation as opposed to an obGective, scientific
organi<ation,/ he states. 3ith the new information from the ;);, $arber wonders if the
organi<ation will admit that >-(-"'M#;&" 3>- 3;DT T- +>;D4' +;D
AK4ayK gene claim suddenly vanishesC* http:www.wnd.comindeH.php1
faV);4'.viewWpage%dV969.0J. AThe ?ading /4ay 4ene/*
Ihttp:www.narth.comdocsfading.html* http:americansfortruth.comnewsamerican!
psychological!association!backtracks!on!gay!gene!claim.htmlJ. AThe )sychological
)rofession and >omoseHuality: &unatics 7unning the ;sylum1C*
There never was any consensus eHcept among the gay activists of division .. of
the ;);=
They did research years ago as part of the marketing plan that showed that if you
told people that if you were born that way, that it is innate, people would be more likely
to accept it. ;nd they used that research, eHcept there was a caveat to it. "everal
scientists did research on the research and they found that when presented to biology
students, it had the opposite affect. "o when presented to people who actually know
something about science versus those who Gust worship at the altar of science, it had a
crumbling foundation. T>'B 3'7' T-&0 T- $' +;7'?#& >-3 T>'B #"'
T>%" ?;&"' )7-);4;D0;.
%T %" (B +-DT'DT%-D T>;T T>' ;('7%+;D )-)#&;T%-D 0-'"
D-T 3;DT T- $' (;D%)#&;T'0* T>'B 0- D-T 3;DT T- $' T-B'0
3%T> -7 )&;B'0 3%T>. ;nd this is precisely what happened. ;ll of this pseudo
science that has accompanied this discussion for all of these years is simply that:
)"'#0-. There is no 4ay gene* none has been found and scientists say that they doubt
if they will find it. The point of the matter is, this has been a socially constructed
campaign. ;nd that is upsetting to say the least= AThe 4ay 4ene1C by Jeffrey "atinover,
(.0. Ihttp:www.leaderu.comGhssatinover.htmlJ. A>omoseHuality and the )olitics of
TruthC by Jeffrery "atinover*
Ihttp:www.catholiceducation.orgarticleshomoseHualityho0002.htmlJ. A;mericans for
Truth, a newly reorgani<ed national organi<ation devoted eHclusively to eHposing and
countering the homoseHual activist agendaC Ihttp:www.aftah.comJ.
The act of homoseHuality is not only disordered, but %T &';0" T- -T>'7
0%"-70'7". %t is a symptom of a deeper emotional hurt and wound. Just like drugs
or any other obsessive behavioral trait, when it does not satisfy, you seek further and
further to find what it is you are looking for, never filling the spot that is empty. "o you
have within the homoseHual lifestyle drug abuse, alcohol abuse, obsessive compulsive
disorders, depression and doubt, even to the point of viewing suicide as a solution. AThe
4ay Bouth "uicide (ythC* Ihttp:www.leaderu.comGhslabarbera.htmlJ.
A;re 4ay )eople 'Hcluded ?rom +linical Trials1 ! ?indings "how "tudies on
+ancer, 0epression -ften 'Hclude 4ay )eopleC>ealth3ellnessDewsgay!people!eHcluded!clinical!trialsstory1
%nterestingly we have the entire legal and social framework now developing around
something called A>;T' +7%('"C when in fact the highest level of domestic abuse is
within the 4ay community. The safest person is a married woman* she has the lowest
amount of domestic abuse. The most at risk are two lesbians* this is ?$% statistics, not
religious statistics or even medical statistics, but ?$% reports. The amount of abuse
within the 4ay community regarding domestic abuse is far above and far greater than
anything in the heteroseHual community, including heteroseHuals that are cohabitating,
which of course have a higher abuse rate than married people do.
There is a much higher abuse of drugs and alcohol in the 4ay community. T>'
%0'; -? ; &%?'T%(' +-((%T('DT 0-'" D-T 'M%"T 3%T>%D T>'
>-(-"'M#;& +-((#D%TB. 'ven within so!called Acommitted pairsC, they will
say that the freedom to have Aopen relationshipsC is part of the lure of the homoseHual
lifestyle to begin with. %t never intends to be monogamous. %n >olland they did a study
shortly after same seH pairs were legali<ed and found that less than 2X of those who
made some sort of public declaration of commitment, had been monogamous even one
year later. "o one thing was to achieve their political obGective, but they were unable to
satisfy it in terms of their personal commitment within the content of that political
obGective which was a legali<ed union.
3e are so manipulated and conditioned to think about homoseHuality= The human
genome proGect was completed and they found no 4ay gene= The research done by
homoseHuals could not be replicated because their research was methodologically
flawed. %t was not a surprise to the original researchers. ;D0 B'T 3' ;7' "T%&&
+-D0%T%-D'0 T- $'&%'E' T>%" $%4 &%' due to their well orchestrated
This is not a new techni@ue. %n 1960, the +;&%?-7D%; ('0%+;& J-#7D;&
released an article how ;$-7T%-D 3-#&0 $' ; E'7B &#+7;T%E' $#"%D'""*
it was admitted in the article that indeed that if this were to be presented to the ;merican
population it would never fly because the ;merican population would never permit the
killing of a child in the womb. %t was admitted in the article that everyone knows that life
begins at the moment of conception. "o they had to change the language* they had to
change the way in which people refer to the child in the womb* they had to begin to
depersonali<e the child. IA7ecycling 3rongs: ;ll -ver ;gainC*
http:lawreview.vermontlaw.eduarticlesv,2,short.pdf* http:www.all!
4od has lovingly given to mankind ; E'7B -70'7'0 0%E%D' )&;D. -ur
4od is not a capricious 4od. >e is omniscient, so >e could not be capricious. The
design of >is creation is meant to follow an order. ;nd when it does not follow this
order then aberration eHists. 3e see this unfortunately in the disease that accompanies
this type of homoseHual lifestyle. The body rebels against it.
They say that 4od forgives all the time, and that man forgives sometimes, but
D;T#7' D'E'7 ?-74%E'". 3e see all this disorder breaking out in the lifestyle
which is fundamentally disordered from the prospective of 4odLs plan. 'ven if you do
not believe 4odLs plan, believe what nature is telling you about it. Bou can eHtrapolate
backwards to find out what 4odLs plan really is Gust from the terrible chaos that results
from going away from this plan and going toward something that is naturally disordered
as well as spiritually disordered. 3hen we look at it from that prospective, we are
looking at something that has to be manipulated in order to be promoted. $ecause
4odLs plan is very black and white, very simple, and 4od leaves it that way because >e
knows that this is the only way that we are going to get it. %t is good for everybody, for
all of >is children. ;nd Gust like kids, kids like very secure and clear concepts.
%n order to change those concepts you have to obfuscate, you have to change
terminology, you have to change language, you have to rationali<e, you have to make
something abstract which 4od makes very clear.
These powerful and energetic manipulators have "T%(#&;T'0 ; ?;&"'
+-();""%-D for those who have the homoseHual tendency. There are many notions
today about the homoseHual lifestyle being something that is somehow biological* but
there is no gay gene even though we continue to hear this lie in the mass media. ; false
compassion is not a good response because it truly does not help the person who is
caught up in the midst of a very disordered lifestyle. Thus these conniving people have
to take the public out of the realm of obGective right and wrong and put it into very
subGective categories such as compassion which is a very subGective thing* it is an
emotional type of thing. %t is Gust about how you feel basically, not about what is right
and wrong. ;nd that is part of the manipulation, part of the marketing in order to get us
to accept something that is totally unacceptable in 4odLs plan and very destructive to
these poor people who have fallen into the trap, as well as to society.
There are +;#"'" 3>%+> +;D +-DT7%$#T' T- T>%" &%?'"TB&'.
There is gender confusion due to improper identification at the critical time. -n a farm
for animals, it is called imprinting. %t is easier for girls to self!identify their gender than
for boys. Thus if the father is not involved and present with a minimal amount of fatherly
love at that critical time, as happens more often in our industrial age, there is not always
the backup and support system today to help the child discover his 4od!given
identification. "o when puberty arrives, if a teenager has an initiating eHperience with a
homoseHual predator, this boy has a hormonal burst that goes with the pleasurable
eHperience and grooves the brain. ;fter this initiating eHperience, it is difficult for the
boy to believe that he is not a homoseHual. $ut this damage can be overcome with
prayer, love of 4od and neighbor, and determination Gust as one can overcome the strong
addictions to pornography and masturbation. The homoseHual community knows this
and yet many homoseHuals go into the study of science and into education because they
want to bend education and science to support their world view.
>ow did they move this agenda forward in the face of the reality that none of it is
true1 The average income of those in the homoseHual community is much higher per
capita. %n the book: A;fter the $allC, the strategy was laid out after the 3ar conference.
They concentrated on )7-0#+T, )7-(-T%-D, )7%+%D4, )&;DD%D4 Ithe four )Ls
of marketingJ* the biggest piece of it was to repackage the product so it is no longer
homoseHual but it is gay, because that takes seH out of it* it is lesbian* it is not even
transseHual anymore, it is transgender* so you remove seH out of it even though
homoseHuality is all about seH. %t is verbal manipulation. This is the 4ay agenda, the
4ay rights movement.
The 4ay people may seem nice= Bour neHt door neighborO "ame seH marriage is
not about rights, it is about political power. 3e have a 1000 laws on the federal books
in each state that mention adoption, parents, spouse, marriage, O ;&& -? T>'"'
&;3" ;7' T>'%7 T;74'T. $ut more importantly, the way it has been marketed is
that it is Gust another thing* talk and talkO until everyone gets fed up with it. %f they
cannot get you out of the shower at least they will get you used to getting wet. "o they
want to numb our intelligence* this is the marketing plan. 3hen we talk about if you are
born gay or not, it does not matter. )eople can be born with cancer or obesityO &etLs
Gust redefine obesity, if it is a big problem, -:, all kids under 220 lbs are not obese.
)roblem gone=
"o when you talk about same seH marriage, that is not the end, that is the
beginning. T>'%7 ;4'D0; %" (';DT T- #"#7) -#7 ?%7"T ;('D0('DT
7%4>T" -D 7'&%4%-#" ?7''0-(. (any people have already been sued:
photographers regarding religious protection* priests in +anada investigated for hate
crimes* an 'vangelical pastor had to take many things off of his web site* they are
threatening the licenses of professionals, doctors, O The key here is that they want to
convince us that same seH marriage is about doing the right thing. $ecause most people
want to do the right thing. %n the marketing of the homoseHual agenda they had to
silence their critics, they want to repackage it to be healthy wealthy and wise, which it is
none of the above. They want their agenda to become totally ingrained in society* they
specifically said that their goal was to convert the hearts and minds of the average
This is not about rights, it is not about doing the right thing, T>%" %" ;$-#T
)-&%T%+;& )-3'7. Bears ago it was about: A3e Gust want to be left alone.C Bou do
not want the government in your bedroom do you1 3e said: A3ell that seems right.C
;nd then in 200,, A&awrence v. TeHasC, all of a sudden "odomy was a constitutional
right. ;nd if you think it is going to end with same seH marriage, O it will be only
another stepping stone in their destructive path.
-ur grandparents of our traditional Aold time religionC remembered the words of
Jesus +hrist: ATruly, % say to you, it shall be (-7' T-&'7;$&' on the day of
Gudgment for the land of "-0-( ;D0 4-(-77;> than for that townC I(t 10:12J.
%f this is the promise of +hrist for one town, what will happen when homoseHual acts are
promoted and protected and encouraged by the law in the 3>-&' 3-7&01=1
;t the >uman 7ights +ampaign dinner in 3ashington, 0.+. on -ctober 10, 2009,
president -bama said: AThere are still fellow citi<ens, perhaps neighbors, even loved
ones !! good and decent people !! who hold fast to -#T3-7D ;74#('DT" ;D0
-&0 ;TT%T#0'". O Bou will see a time in which we as a nation finally recogni<e
relationships between two men or two women as Gust as real and admirable as
relationships between a man and a woman.C
%t is interesting that -$;(; "T;B'0 ;3;B ?7-( T>%" T-)%+ $'?-7'
'&'+T%-D" in Dovember 2008 because he knew how most ;mericans feel about this
issue. 0espite the powerful hammering and brainwashing of the mass media on this
issue, the ;mericans have voted consistently up to this time to not undermine the most
fundamental cell of society, the family, by redefining marriage and family according to
these secular humanists. 3hy do -bama and the democrats not represent the people
who overwhelmingly elected them last Dovember1
A#" ;dministration &aunches ;&&!-#T %DT'7D;T%-D;& >-(-"'M#;&
A7%4>T"C -??'D"%E'C IJune 2., 2010* http:www.c!fam.orgJ.
A-D 0;0T, -$;(; -70'7" (%&%T;7B T- ?;&& %DC ! 3hile the )resident
plows ahead on his agenda with!!or more likely without!!the countryKs support, he could
emerge from these fights with nothing more to show for it than the last 0emocratic
)resident. $ut make no mistake. %f he fails to persuade +ongress to legislate his
eHtremism, this )resident has other ways to achieve it. TodayKs hearing in the "enateKs
;rmed "ervice +ommittee is the perfect eHample. 0efense "ecretary 7obert 4ates,
together with ;dmiral (ike (ullen, +hairman of the Joint +hiefs of "taff, is rolling out
a /relaHed/ standard on homoseHuality in the military that would strip the law of its teeth
while the )resident tries to overturn it. I?eb. 2010* http:www.frc.orgget.cfm1
(ay 25, 2010: A3ithin the neHt two days, )resident -bama, "peaker )elosi, and
"enator +arl &evin are planning to hold votes in +ongress to ?-7+' -)'D
>-(-"'M#;&%TB -D T>' (%&%T;7B. They are moving forward before listening
to military commanders, while claiming that military leaders are on board. 3hat do the
commanders of our troops have to say about overturning the /0onKt ;sk, 0onKt Tell/
policy1 #atch o,r 1eA 2ideo to .i1d o,t:C Ihttp:www.frcaction.orgindeH.cfm1
.0 (%&%T;7B +>;)&;%D" T- -$;(;: /)ersecution +oming if 0onKt ;sk is
7epealed/ Ihttp:www.investorsira@.comshowthread.php11..222!.0!(ilitary!
?ind many articles on this issue of our government promoting homoseHuality at:
A3elcome to +all to 0ecision ! "odomy ;nd -ther )erversionsC
A-bama "upports "ame!"eH (arriage, and %? B-# 0%";47'' B-#K7' ;
4-0 T>' ?;T>'7: A)lace your soul in the >eart of Jesus and oppose
yourselves to all that which goes to the detriment of the family I4en 1:26!28* 2:2.J.
3hat kind of instruction can a son of two women have= 3here is the father1 ; son of
two men= 3here is the mother1 >ow does that son grow up1 )oor world= "odom e
4omorrah were less sinners with respect to the contempt and to the enemy influence
present now in all of creation. Do, children, it is enough to Goke about these things= >ow
you are lowering yourselves to touch the dirt, and only there, will you reali<e who you
are imitating and aping: B-# >;E' (;0' T>' ;"T#T' "'7)'DT I4'D ,:1J
B-#7 ?;T>'7, ;D0 -? %T B-# >;E' D-T B'T $'+-(' ;3;7'= &etLs go
children, straighten up the head and look on high, that 4od listens to you and trembles
for youC. IJune 18, 2005*
T;((B $7#+', a lesbian feminist conservative, says the (-E'('DT >;"
$''D T;:'D -E'7 $B (;&%4D;DT D;7+%""%"Ts. "he says in her book, AThe
Dew Thought )oliceC, that it really is not about rights anymore, it is about power and
controlling the rest of society. +onsider where same seH marriages leads. The teaching
of homoseHuality in (assachusetts schools is re@uired starting in :indergarten* why,
because same seH marriage is the law of the land. )arents no longer have any rights to
protect their children regarding what is taught in their local schools. "o many are no
longer being allowed to participate or to use government facilities because they are
Gudged to be using 0%"+7%(%D;T-7B ;+T%E%TB because they consider the act of
homoseHuality a sin. The "alvation ;rmy lost three million dollars of billings in "an
?rancisco* the oldest adoption facility in that state of (assachusetts, a +atholic
foundation, is now out of business. %magine if you are a small business, church, school,
or hospital and someone tells you: A-h, sure itLs -: to not be in favor of same seH
marriages, but by the way, you cannot subcontract to the government or to any contract
with the government because you are discriminatory* and so the trillion dollars we spend
every year, none of it can go to your organi<ation.C
A-n "eptember 2,, % wrote a news release on the curious moral credentials of
:'E%D J'DD%D4" to be )7'"%0'DT -$;(;L" ";?' "+>--&" +T;7: a former
drug user and irresponsible teen counselor, he is also a +hristian basher. 3hat was not
known at the time is that he is also a proud member of ;+T #), the homoseHual urban
terrorist group that broke into "t. )atrickLs +athedral in 1989 and disrupted (ass* the
'ucharist was desecrated and obscene depictions of +ardinal -L+onnor were posted.C
The term persecuted is not to be used because this is part of their marketing plan.
The marketing plan is to either +-DE'7T -7 "%&'D+' T>' 7'"%"T'7" to their
cause. ;nd you silence them by marginali<ing them or by eHacting a price. 3e
understand that when you buy something there is an eHchange of money and then you
get the good. $ut the ApricingC here means something very different in this plan.
'M;+T%-D )7%+%D4 comes from eHacting your pound of flesh. $ear in mind
that they have very powerful economics behind them* the average income of
homoseHuals is significantly higher per capita than the rest of the population. "o with
carefully crafted propaganda fed through the media, you are being labeled as a racist or a
bigot or a homophobe Ia made up wordJ. >omoseHuality is being forced on our children
in their public classrooms. T>'"' +&'E'7 (;D%)#&;T-7" -?T'D #"' T>'
?;&"'&B ;))&%'0 A"');7;T%-D -? +>#7+> ;D0 "T;T'C= 3hy are we not
allowed to separate this heinous propagation of a very disordered lifestyle from our dear
children in our public schools1=1 The homoseHual agenda has been carefully crafted and
packaged to change the way ;mericans think about homoseHuality. ?irst they claim to
be a victim. Then they cry for tolerance when actually their goal is acceptance,
legitimacy and the stifling of decent. T>' ;74#('DT %" 7'?7;('0 so that there
are only two positions: that of the reasonable tolerant person and that of the stifled bigot.
; closet is by no means a suitable place to live, but to abandon it only to force people of
faith into it is D-T T-&'7;D+'+
They have closed down businesses. 0uring )7-)-"%T%-D 8 in +;&%?-7D%;,
there were bomb threats* there have been churches invaded. They published the list of all
the donors that were in favor of )rop. 8. 3hy would you publish a donor list* what
would the reason be for that1 Bes it is public information, but why would gay groups
publish the opposition donor list1 ;merican ;irlines, ?ortune 200 companies, they have
all felt the brunt of eHaction pricing.
"ome of us are old enough to remember 07. &;#7; "+>&'""%D4'7* she is
licensed in psychology, she is very credentialed, and they made her out to be a hack. "he
was actually gay friendly, but she made the mistake of basically saying one thing: A%T
%"DLT D-7(;&C. ;nd they ended up going after all of her advertisers, going after her,
labeling her as a bigot, her show was cancelled. 0o you remember ;D%T; $7%;DT,
who you cannot speak about anymore1 "he was vilified=
;nd then there are the M 4;B": the eHecutive director Icult founder and founding
editor, (ichael 4lat<eJ of ABoung 4ay ;mericaC, the founder of AEenus (aga<ineC
Iyoung gay lesbianJ, +harlene +othran ! ! ! they left the lifestyle, proclaimed it publicly,
and the long knives came out: they were proclaimed to be psychotic, they had drunken
right wing :ool!;id, they internali<ed their homophobia O
The same kind of campaign was led against ";7; );&%D. (%"" +;&%?-7D%;
was ridiculed and attacked for not representing the people of +alifornia by saying that
she believed in one man and one woman marriages. %t does not have to make sense* it is
not logical= %t does not have to be true, because they will redirect our thoughts through
marketing to sell us the lie. 3e are seeing it= %f you want to see 3>;T +;D >;))'D
T- B-#, see what has happened to people who have come out of it, who were high
profile, and have gone public, and that is what is in store for the rest of us.
>-)'?#&&B T>%" %D+7'0%$&' )'7"'+#T%-D ;D0 T-T;& )'7E'7"%-D
-? T>' T7#T> (%4>T -)'D T>' 'B'" -? T>' +-D"#(%D4 )#$&%+=
To get an idea of what is really going on, E%"%T T>'"' ;7T%+&'", all at the
same website:
AK>omoseHualK activist says s!eH with animals Kinalienable rightKC* A+onsider the
/dark side/. The ;+&# and D;($&;...C* A(en from "odom were eHtremely violent
homoseHuals. Dot unlike the activist homoseHuals in ;merica today....C* A"ee whatKs
going on in our "choolsC* A>omoseHual intolerance and hatred toward +hristians.. The
ugly side of the />omoseHual ;genda/C* A>omoseHuals brainwashing our children in
elementary schoolsC* A?our firefighters are suing the city of "an 0iego for being forced
by their superiors to attend the annual /4ay )ride/ parade where they endured a barrage
of seHual taunts and lewd gestures.C* A&ike (assachusetts 0emocrats, +alifornia
0emocrats are forcing >omoseHuality W same seH marriageC* A)erverse >omoseHual
'vents attacking W (ocking Jesus W +hristianityC* AK4ayK activist says K3e will $#7B
youK > Threats made against +hristian workers opposing homoseHual agendaC* A>ow a
Kgay rightsK leader became straightC* Ihttp:bibleprobe.comhomoseHuality.htmJ.
AThe E-+;T%-D -? (;77%;4' is written in the very nature of man and
woman as they came from the hand of the +reatorC I+++ 150,J.
%t is ama<ing how the truth can be manipulated and changed in the public forum
even though this falls out of 4odLs plan for the human person, even though medical
science proves the truth of the matter, even though the cancer rate is so high among
individuals in this lifestyle, domestic violence rate is so high, drug and alcohol abuse is so
highO The atrocious sickness called ;%0" was so endemic to the 4ay community that
it used to be called 47%0 I4;B!7'&;T'0 %((#D-0'?%+%'D+B 0%"';"'J, and
it was changed after they had their 3ar +ouncil to ;c@uired %mmunity 0eficiency
"yndrome, as a marketing tool again to remove the stigma from the people who really
had it and spread it. 3e have learned since then that it is actually spread due to
promiscuity. $ut in the #."., with the 4ay bathhouses, ;%0" in the #.". was almost
totally within the gay community. 4ay is a social political name Ithe 4ay )artyJ. There
was even a lot of infighting in the 4ay activist community with those who spoke up very
harshly about these political goals: A%s not this agenda costing us our own lives1C* but
they did not win the battle. This is similar to the horrendous attitude of )&;DD'0
);7'DT>--0 and the feminists regarding the horrible results on women around the
world who are greatly discriminated against and sold as seH slaves due the these 4od!
less, horrendous policies of )lanned )arenthood. %t seems that the feminists have taken a
vow of silence* look at what is being done to their sisters in +hina* they are being
forcibly aborted in the third trimester of pregnancy. This is a violation of the right to
choose which they preach so much about. 3hy do they not speak out1 They say: A3ell,
%Lm personally opposed to forced abortions. $ut after all, +hina does have a population
problem. They have so bought into the myth of over population that they will not lift a
finger to help their sisters AabroadC who are being forcibly aborted and sterili<ed.
The 4odless feminists are also not, by and large, sympathetic to women who want
to have children. ;ll of their sympathy is reserved for women who do not want marriage
nor a family nor children. This is why they do not speak out about forced abortion as
A3hen 4ender 4aps: +hinaLs -ne!+hild )olicy and $aby 4irlsC, by "teven
A-verpopulation is a myth, researcher says ! >ead of antiabortion institute calls
falling birth rates a problemC Ihttp:thedp.comnode.92.9J.
A"pain: "etting a Trap for ?amiliesC by +arlos $eltramo. AD;E;77', ");%DN
>ere in "pain, the government has tried to compensate for the &;+: -?
0'(-47;)>%+ 47-3T> $B >#4' 4-E'7D('DT "#$"%0%'" borrowed
from largely foreign lenders. Dow the loans are coming due and the prospects for
repaying them are dim. There is no real wealth being created in "pain today. There are
fewer business start!ups and new hires. ;nd there are far fewer families willing and able
to invest in any countryLs real long!term, wealth: its children. OC
A:ids: "table )opulationC<$"5f!JEvTBJ.
A+an 4ood +atholics #se +ondoms1C Ihttp:pop.org2010010511.5can!good!
A)7% has released the second in its series of short, humorous BouTube cartoons
designed to refute T>' (BT> -? -E'7)-)#&;T%-DC<$"5f!JEvTBJ.
;re not those with a homoseHual tendency being #"'0 $B )-3'7?#&
(;D%)#&;T-7" above them for other global I"atanic=J purposes and goals1 3hen
the people were allowed to vote on this issue in over ,0 states, the people always voted
to maintain the traditional definition of marriage between a man and woman as 4od
intended from the very beginning I4en 1:26* 2:2.J, even though the powerful 4ay lobby
spent far more money on these referendums than the groups who were supporting the
traditional marriage between one man and one woman. 4ay unions are legal right now
only in three states where the people were forced to accept this law imposed on them by
the little dictators in their state governments.
3e are truly dealing with another ;DT% &%?' (-E'('DT, a manifestation of
the culture of death. %t is anti life in many respects. The most obvious respect is that
4ay people cannot reproduce* there is no way to be fruitful and multiply according to
4odLs original plan I4en 1:28J* it is physically impossible. "o thatLs why the whole
effort of homoseHual adoptions and in vitro fertili<ations all come into play here because
there is something anti life about it at the very core of the reality of it. -n top of that, it
is a total distortion of what family and marriage means. 3hen you go against the very
fertile plan of 4od, who became man in Jesus +hrist, that we might have life and that we
might have it abundantly, it becomes and is anti!4od, and therefore by definition it is
anti!life* it is all the kinds of things that drive people to death.
)ope $enedict ME%, in his inaugural address before becoming the >oly ?ather
talked about the A0%+T;T-7">%) -? 7'&;T%E%"(C, which is eHtremely necessary
for this movement to advance and move forward. 7elativism has certainly seeped into
our legislative bodies and into our Gudicial system. ;nd now we see that there is even a
redefinition in the way in which we look at the +onstitution of the #.". )ositivism tells
us that if this is a living document, it needs to be interpreted according to the day and
time in which it functions. This is why we have reason to be concerned even about first
amendment rights that we currently seem to enGoy. "ince the maGority of ;mericans have
not stood up for the truth in the last 20 years or more, soon we will have no rights
whatsoever in the so!called A&;D0 -? T>' ?7''C=
A)-"%T%E%"(C "-#D0" &%:' "-('T>%D4 D%+' ;D0 7';"-D;$&', to
adapt the laws for our new times and needs. $ut the incredible deception is that the
elected government officials and the appointed Gudges apply positivism individually like
little dictators without letting the citi<ens vote on changing the laws for our new times
and needs. -ur founding fathers, having suffered under tyrannical governments and
having seen the folly of the ?rench 7evolution, knew very well that the best constitution
in the world will crumble if the citi<ens loose their faith and morals.
T>' #.". $'+;(' T>' 7%+>'"T +-#DT7B %D T>' 3-7&0 $'+;#"'
our founding fathers did their best to write a constitution to protect people from a future
bad government. A)-3'7 +-77#)T"* ;$"-&#T' )-3'7 +-77#)T"
;$"-&#T'&B=C $ut if the maGority of the citi<ens throw out absolute norms and truth
from 4od and take the easy and egotistical way of relativism, why should the citi<ens be
upset when the elected government officials and the appointed Gudges do the same1
3hen we begin to understand what is going on here, we can see more clearly that
positivism and relativism leads precisely to what )ope $enedict called the Atyranny of
relativismC or the dictatorship of relativism. 3e are heading @uickly to A(%4>T
(;:'" 7%4>TC, since we have taken the easy egotistical and prideful way of living
and legislating. %f we do not seek and do the will of 4od, we will end up dong the will
of "atan in the many forms of egoism. 3e truly are already under a dictatorship* it is
only a matter of time that we will eHperience the horrific conse@uences of what we all
have contributed to by our sins and lack of prayer. 3' ;7' 4-%D4 (-7' ;D0
(-7' T-3;70 "T;D0%D4 T7#T> -D %T" >';0 ;D0 'M;&T%D4
-ur culture has disconnected human life and human morality from the ;uthor of
human life and morality, and thus, as ?edor 0ostoevsky put it, ;&& $'+-('"
)'7(%""%$&', eHcept of course the 10 +ommandments and all of 4odLs laws= -ur
culture today tells us that if it feels good, if you subGectively think it is right, if it is easy
and if it satisfies you in that moment, do it= -ur culture has Aseparated freedom for the
TruthC I)ope John )aul %%, A'vangelium EitaeCJ.
A3hen we are rid of the modern nightmare of T>' (;0 &-+:%D4 #) T>'
";D' and the eHceptions ruling the rule, there remains the true philosophical problem of
the eHtent to which the rule can allow for the eHceptions.C I4.:. +hestertonJ.
4-0L" )&;D %" $;"'0 -D T>' T7#T>. &et us use Gust the term Anatural
marriageC, without using the term Atraditional marriageC. 'ven the most aboriginal
cultures had this same natural order. "o what is happening here is that we are seeing on
the mystical level, brought down to the concrete incarnation on earth, "atan, the father
of lies. 3hat we have here is lying as a standard methodology for presenting itLs case to
the public. 3e are not told, for instance, the content of what a homoseHual lifestyle is all
about. %t is not family friendly considering some of the practices that are so destructive
both physically and emotionally for the participants in this lifestyle. %f most people who
thought that the people neHt door who seem really nice people, but who happen to be a
same seH pair, if they had an inkling of what was happening within that relationship, they
would be so aghast= They would no longer see it as a matter of A+-();""%-DC
I?;&"'=J according to the definition of the militant 4ay activists, but rather they would
want to rescue these misguided people from this lifestyle. T>%" 3-#&0 $' T>'
T7#' +-();""%-D;T' 7'")-D"'=
0ue to the fact that the militant 4ay activists have been able to grab hold of Gust
about all of our institutions in the #."., including the educational system, our children are
at great risk. %n an age where good is called evil and evil good, concerned );7'DT"
(#"T %D-+#&;T' T>'%7 +>%&07'D from the cultural engineering of the secular
humanists. T>' 3-7&0 ;))&;#0" "%D= ; free man need not be ashamed of
virtue* honor needs no apology. Tradition is not right because it is long standing. $ut
some traditions are long standing because they are right=
A0o you not know that T>' #D7%4>T'-#" 3%&& D-T %D>'7%T T>'
:%D40-( -? 4-01 0o not be deceived* neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor
adulterers, nor homoseHuals, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
robbers will inherit the kingdom of 4odC I1+or 5:9!11* see also +++ 2,26!2,29J.
'very person who desires to follow their 4od!informed conscience must resist
temptations. Dormal men and women must control their desire for the opposite seH for
love of 4od and neighbor. "o too those who have the homoseHual tendency, who desire
to follow 4od, must also resist temptations if they hope to have a happy life on earth and
an unimaginable blissful eternity. %f % have a desire to kill someone, can % do it, after all,
%Lm free1=1
+>7%"T%;D" D''0 T- "T;D0: stand up for the truth, stand up for our faith
and families. ;nd yes, stand up for that poor confused soul who is being encourage to
engage in behavior destructive to mind, body and soul.
3e are very soon going to be placed $'T3''D T>' 0'E%& ;D0 T>' 0'')
$&#' "';. This was already clearly indicated by +ardinal 7at<inger IJune ,, 200,J, as
head of the +0?, before being elevated to the +hair of )eter. >e refers specifically on
the issue of how +hristians are to respond, even where same seH unions have been
legali<ed. (any want to believe that if it becomes the law of the land, they are off the
hook, as so many have done regarding abortion=
This is what he wrote: A%n those situations where homoseHual unions have been
legally recogni<ed or have been given the legal status and rights belonging to marriage,
clear and emphatic opposition is a duty. -D' (#"T 7'?7;%D ?7-( ;DB :%D0 -?
?-7(;& +--)'7;T%-D %D T>' 'D;+T('DT -7 ;))&%+;T%-D -? "#+>
47;E'&B #DJ#"T &;3" and, as far as possible, from material cooperation on the
level of their application. %n this area, everyone can eHercise the right to conscientious
obGection.C IA-n &egal 7ecognition of >omoseHual #nions ! The +hurch +annot
;pprove 0eviant $ehaviorC*
This means that if you are a +%TB +-((%""%-D'7 and you are +atholic, you
cannot change the laws so as to accommodate this diabolic agenda. %f you are a
T';+>'7, you cannot teach the gay curriculum if you are a +atholic. Bou can give no
Aformal cooperation in the enactment or applicationC. %f you are a 0-+T-7, you can in
no way shape or form teach, hold or promote anything that would support the
homoseHual lifestyle. %f you are a &;D0&-70 and you have an apartment compleH full
of families, you cannot rent to a same seH couple, if you are +atholic. %f you are a
J#04' or a );"T-7, you cannot marry two people of the same seH=
Thus the more the same seH model of marriage is established by law, the more the
traditional, 4-0!4%E'D (-0'& -? (;77%;4' $'T3''D ; (;D ;D0 ;
3-(;D 3%&& $' ;TT;+:'0 ;D0 )'7"'+#T'0. %n the end only one model
will be left standing since they are (#T#;&&B 'M+&#"%E'. %f ;mericans approve
marriages between homoseHuals or whatever kind of arrangement, departing from what
4od ordained from the beginning of the creation of mankind, the natural, the traditional,
the +hristian marriage between a man and a woman will be looked down upon and those
who do not accept this ungodly, this non!+hristian form of marriage will be treated as
racists, bigots and worse. The persecution will @uickly increase against those who do
not accept this non!+hristian, ungodly form of union. ;s our enemies seek to
0'"T7-B (;77%;4' ;D0 T>' ?;(%&B, which is the fundamental element of
society, it will be much easier to render us their slaves without any viable or sustainable
resistance on our part. 'E'7B +>%&0 >;" ; 7%4>T T- ; (-T>'7 ;D0 ;
?;T>'7= Ihttp:www.marriagematterstokids.orgJ.
"o if this becomes legal we are all immediately on the wrong side of the law as
+hristians. 3' 3%&& $' )'7"'+#T'0 ?-7 "T;D0%D4 #) ?-7 4-0L" -70'7
;4;%D"T 3>;T %" +&';7&B ; ";T;D%+ 0%"-70'7. 3e see now that the
legali<ation of this disordered lifestyle is only a part of the challenge. There is the
challenge to marriage, to family, to life=
)ope John )aul %%, before he was elevated to the +hair of )eter, said these
prophetic words which apply to all of us and to our situation today:
A3e are now standing in the face of T>' 47';T'"T >%"T-7%+;&
+-D?7-DT;T%-D humanity has gone through. % do not think the wide circles of the
;merican society, or wide circles of the +hristian community, reali<e this fully. 3e are
now facing the final confrontation between the +hurch and the anti!+hurch, of the
4ospel versus the anti!4ospel. This confrontation lies within the plans of divine
)rovidence* it is a trial which the whole +hurch must take up. %t is a trial of not only our
nations and the +hurch, but in a sense, a test of 2,000 years of culture and +hristian
civili<ation with all of its conse@uences for human dignity, individual rights, human rights
and the rights of nations.C I)ope John )aul %% speaking in "eptember 1965, then :arol
+ardinal 3oGtyla* http:www.saintpiocenter.orgaboutusobservations.aspJ.
-ur >oly ?atherLs prophetic understanding of the challenge, of the battle, is meant
to remind you and me that we all play a part in this Acosmic struggleC. T>'7' %" D-
-D' -D &';E' ?7-( T>%" $;TT&'. ?or this battle pursues us. $ut because of
divine providence, because of 4odLs great care and desire to work in and through us,
love will triumph. &ove as our >oly ?ather $enedict speaks of love, not Gust 'ros, but
true love, is a love rooted in our &ord Jesus +hrist. ; love that overcomes sin and
sickness and all of the challenges sent our way. 3e must be rooted in that love=
3' >;E' ; D;77-3 3%D0-3 -? -))-7T#D%TB &'?T, ;D0 %T %"
F#%+:&B 4'TT%D4 E'7B, E'7B D;77-3=
7eferences: AThe enemies of marriage work tireless to dismantleO traditional
marriage. 3e, the defenders, can be no less determinedOC U (ary Jo ;nderson* A(ale
and ?emale >e (ade ThemC I(ary Jo ;nderson is a +atholic Gournalist and speaker*
http:wf!f.orgbd!mGanderson.htmlJ. /"ins of -mission: +atholics, (arriage, and
)olitics/* Ihttp:www.catholicity.comcommentarymGanderson0.1,5.htmlJ. )aul
7ondeau* Ihttp:www.synapseassociates.comJ. A%nterview with ?r Tom 'uteneuerC*
euteneuer.html_41250,88269,28J. A$attling for ;mericaLs "oul ;gainst "ame "eH
(arriageC* Ihttp:www.tfp.orgtfp!homefighting!for!our!culturebattling!for!americas!
soul.htmlJ. AThe Eatican says AnoC to same!seH marriagesC*
/9+ Radical Fe'i1i('
-ne of the greatest forces working to 0'"T7-B T>' ?;(%&B and society is
radical feminism. The goals of feminism are: the destruction of patriarchy* control of
reproduction including contraception, abortion, and reproductive technologies*
destruction of the fatherheaded family with divorce and illegitimacy made normal* all
women in the workforce, no man able to support his family and free 2. hour day care*
destruction of all!male institutions* total seHual liberation including seH for children,
homoseHuality, and biseHuality* destruction of worship of 4od as father.
7adical feminism is based on a worldview that is ;DT%T>'T%+;& T-
$%$&%+;& +>7%"T%;D%TB. The ethics of radical feminism lead naturally to seHual
chaos, intergenerational conflict, and violence. "hould such a worldview pervade public
policy, society will become less egalitarian, more prone to use force in order to suppress
dissent, and violent towards the weakest and most defenseless.
The roots of feminism, as we know, are at variance with +hristian principles. %t
argues from a massive discrimination of women by men, and urges women to revolt
against men, thus destroying countless marriages and families. T>' (-"T ?;(-#"
)7-)-D'DT -? T>%" %0'-&-4B 3;" :;7& (;7M ;D0 >%" 0%"+%)&',
D%:-&;% &'D%D. They urged Aa revolution depends upon the degree of participation
by women.C -n these terms, womenLs liberation is simply part of the larger struggle for
the eventual creation of a classless society. "atan and his followers use women for their
evil goals and programs= The Truth I3ho is JesusJ "hall "et Bou ?ree IJn 8:,2J=
"ince the rise of )rotestantism in the early 15
century, feminism has been
constantly growing. >owever, the main reason for this growth has been the rise of
(arHist +ommunism. The +atholic +hurch, we may say, is the principal target of radical
feminism. "uch -74;D%T;T%-D" as +atholics for a ?ree +hoice* the lesbian
3omenLs ;lliance for Theology, 'thics and 7itual* the Dew 3ays (inistries* the
&oretto 3omenLs Detwork* +all to ;ction* the ;ssociation for 7ights of +atholics in the
+hurch* and the Dew ;ge movement are 'M;()&'" -? >-3 0'')&B ?'(%D%"(
>;" )'D'T7;T'0 +;T>-&%+ +%7+&'".
7adical feminism is not only -))-"'0 T- (;"+#&%D%TB -7
?;T>'7>--0. %t is even more savage in its 7'J'+T%-D -? (-T>'7>--0. The
feminists are radically hostile to the mothering of children. %n fact, the image of
AmotherC is Gust as much in need of transformation as the image of Afather.C
; 4-0&'"" ?'(%D%"T %" ; (;&' 3%T> ?'(%D%D' T7;%T"=
A?eminismKs /4endercide/ ! $y Joseph (eaneyC
The 'D4&%"> &;D4#;4' has been specially used by the feminists to promote
their ideology. -ne of the most radical changes of feminism is never to speak of 4od in
the masculine gender. 3hy1 $ecause to speak of 4od as A>eC implies that 4od has
mastery over the whole human race. This, in fact, may be said to be the radical
foundation of feminism. ;t root, it is opposed to any faith in 4od who is +reator and
(aster of the universe.
-bama )ushing for Dew #nited Dations ;gency 0edicated to 7adical ?eminism
?ront 7oyal, E;, 0,0,10 U The -$;(; ;0(%D%"T7;T%-D has endorsed a
proposal to create a new #.D. bureaucracy dedicated to restructuring relations between
the seHes along 7;0%+;& ?'(%D%"T lines. The new super!agency is supported by a
consortium of feminist organi<ations called the 4ender '@uality ;rchitecture 7eform
+ampaign I4';7J. Ihttp:www.pop.org20100,021191obama!pushing!for!new!
A7adical feminist proposal for #D Psuper agencyL wins -bama administration
backing ! The -bama administration has endorsed a proposal to create a new #.D.
Asuper agencyC to advance eHtremist feminist ideology, the )opulation 7esearch %nstitute
I)7%J says. The organi<ation warns the agency could engage in Acultural imperialismC in
service to radical causes. IDew Bork +ity, D.B., (ar ., 2010*
-? +-#7"' -#7 (;"" ('0%; ;D0 "+%'DT%?%+ "T#0%'" ;7'
T-T;&&B #D$%;"'0===
A:ids of lesbians have fewer behavioral problems, study suggestsC O
A)ost a comment Ichriso<manJ: #nlike many here who want a buck each way with
their gay friends, %Kll tell it like it is. This study goes against every other study on the
subGect in the last .0 years. %n other words it is biased from the start. ;s government
people say privately /never have an en@uiry unless you know the outcome... more O
/% am, in fact, convinced, that what feminism promotes in its radical form is D-
&-D4'7 T>' +>7%"T%;D%TB T>;T 3' :D-3* %T %" ;D-T>'7 7'&%4%-D./
I)ope $enedict ME% speaking Ias +ardinal Joseph 7at<ingerJ on radical feminism.
'Hcerpt from KThe 7at<inger 7eportKJ.
+ontrast this radical feminism which destroys the 4od!given identity of man and
woman, as well as the family as 4od intended, to the saints which the +atholic +hurch
holds out for us as models and guides to true and fulfilling happiness. ";%DT 4%;DD;
$'7'TT; (-&&; I-ctober ., 1922 U ;pril 28, 1952J was an %talian pediatrician, wife
and mother who is best known for refusing both an abortion and a hysterectomy when
she was pregnant with her fourth child, despite knowing that continuing with the
pregnancy could result in her death. "he was canoni<ed as a saint of the +atholic +hurch
in 200..
Eisit AT>' +;&%?-7D%; +;T>-&%+ 3-('DL" ?-7#(C ! T7#'
?'(%D%"( ?-7 7';& 3-('D.
A3e are a group of women who are educated, employed wives and mothers fully
immersed in the age of the so!called womenLs movement. 3e all know women who have
used contraception, had abortions, been divorced, burned out in the Areal worldC only to
ask the @uestion, A%s this all there is1C #ltimately, the @uestion is asked, A3ho am % and
why am % here1C ++3? is turning to John )aul %%Ls teachings, including his ;postolic
&etter, A-n the 0ignity and Eocation of 3omenC I(ulieris 0ignitatemJ for a better way
to answer these fundamental feminine @uestion in the popular culture. The >oly ?ather
emphasi<es the Afeminine geniusC ! that woman can only find herself by giving love to
others. >e points out that in the spirit of +hrist women can discover the entire meaning
of their femininity and thus be disposed to making a Asincere gift of selfC to others.
Through this sharing, women help shape society and structure the interaction between all
persons, man and woman. 3e have the most wonderful role model in (ary, our mother.
John )aul states, A;fter all, was it not in and through her that the greatest event in
human history ! the incarnation of 4od himself ! was accomplished1C
&'T #" 4'T ; 4&%()"' -? >-3 T>' 7'&;T%-D">%) $'T3''D
>#"$;D0 ;D0 3%?' ">-#&0 $'= A3hen husbands place their trust primarily in
the &ord and draw empowerment from the &ord to be trustworthy, their wives are able
to relaH and trust the covering and leadership of their husbands. ;s stated by author
&arry +rabb in A(en and 3omenN'nGoying the 0ifferenceC: A3ives tend to go Poff
duty.L They feel relieved of the relentless pressure to make things go as they should.
They relaH in the strength of an advocate that frees them to more easily reali<e the
Goy of their womanhood. 3hen wives are feminine, husbands gain confidence in
handling responsibilities, and are drawn to warmly enGoy and profoundly respect the
woman whose involvement with them means more to their hearts than the most coveted
honor or achievement could ever mean. They feel strengthened in deep parts of their
being where nothing but femininity can touch.C"heetsTrustSinS&ordS!
AThe woman has a right to the honor and Goy of motherhood as a gift from 4odC U
)ope John )aul %%.
-#7 +#&T#7' ";B" T>;T T>' 3-(;DL" J-$ %" T- "'0#+' >'7
>#"$;D0, and thatLs the 've response. $ut the womanLs true call is to inspire her
husband, and thatLs the response of the (other of Jesus as we see at the 3edding of
+ana IJn .:.5!2.J. 3e all have a very great design for each of us from 4od* if we seek
and do >is will each day, loving 4od and neighbour as the 4ospel tells us, we will fulfil
our great design given to us from all eternity=
;rchbishop ?ulton "heen eHplains how we are like animals in as much as we have
sensations and passions. This is basically where our modern hedonistic culture stops.
$ut >#(;D" >;E' T3- ?;+#&T%'" -? T>' "-#& 3>%+> ;7'
")'+%?%+;&&B >#(;D. -ur soul has the faculty of knowing IintellectJ and the
faculty of loving IwillJ. The obGect of the intellect is truth* the obGect of the will is
goodness or love. These faculties operate in @uiet a different fashion. The intellect
brings that which it knows down to the level of the intellect Idegrades the obGectJ or up
to the level of the intellect Iennobles the obGectJ. The will, on the contrary, goes out to
meet the obGect that it loves. %f a man loves something below himself, it degrades him* if
a man loves something that is above himself, then he becomes ennobled. That is why it is
so important for youth, and for everyone in fact, to have the right kind of ideals and the
right kind of heroes, because we tend to imitate them. The higher the love, the more
human dignity is lifted up. That is why, to a great eHtent, the level of any civili<ation is
the level of its woman. $ecause when man loves a woman, he has to be worthy of her.
The higher she is in virtue, nobility of character, truth, Gustice and goodness, the more a
man has to aspire to be worthy of her. 3e become like that which we love.
(any great women saints lived out their call to evangeli<e by instructing children
in the faith. "uch is the case with "t. (adeleine "ophie $arat. ;fter the ?rench
7evolution, she founded what became the "ociety of the "acred >eart, a religious order
dedicated to prayer, sacrifice, and the education of girls. 7eflecting on )roverbs ,1:10!
,1, she wrote:
A>ow rare it is to find a valiant woman= %t is perhaps necessarily so, since "cripture
says that they are more precious than pearls and diamonds. &et us however work to train
a few. ?or in this century we must no longer count on men to preserve the faith. The
grain of faith that will be saved will hide itself among women. ; woman cannot remain
neutral in the world. "he too is set for the fall and resurrection of many. >ow different
are 4odLs thoughts from ours= $etween women and 4od is often arranged the eternal
salvation of husbands and sons. $ut for this she must be valiant. "trong to uphold purity
of life. "trong to keep inviolate the treasure of faith. "trong in every battle of life. 4reat!
souled in the face of calamity, persecution and death. ;nd remember, sorrow is the
training ground of strong souls.C Ihttp:www.lhla.orgpdf!filesfullofgracewkbch1!
A"ba &ist +laims Eictory ?or P;uthentic ?eminismL %n ?iorina )rimary 3in !
0annenfelser: A+alifornia voters have endorsed an authentic feminist and set the stage
for a battle of opposites in DovemberC.C IJune 8, 2010* http:www.sba!
/:+ The Ro'a1tic Model o. I,d<i1<@
%n listing his re@uirements for a "upreme +ourt pick, )resident -bama highlighted
A'();T>BC rather than loyalty to +onstitutional principles. Dow, we see what that
means !! a Gudge who makes it clear she decides cases on feelings, not facts. "he is a
radical Gudicial activist who readily admits that she applies her personal political agenda
when deciding cases. A-bama "ays +onstitution ?lawed, ?ramers 0idnLt 4et %t 7ightC*
%n a speech at 0uke &aw "chool at 2002, "-T-(;B-7 I"upreme +ourt
nomineeJ said that her own +ourt of ;ppeals !! not the democratically elected legislature
!! is Awhere policy is made.C Taking such AGudicial action,C she said in a 200. speech, is
part of the Aheroics of Gudges today* it may dwell in protecting our own turf and ensuring
that it is 3' 3>- %DT'7)7'T T>' &;3.C
%n the past "otomayor often made the statement: A% think a wise &atino woman
would make a better decision in a Gudicial case than a white manC. $efore the "enate,
she repeats that this statement was a AmisunderstandingC= $ut she said it many times in
the last ,0 years= %t is not an isolated comment, she actually believes this. >er
empathetic approach, endorsed by -bama, completely inverts and puts the idea of
;merican Gustice on itLs head. 3ill each of us receive Gustice according to the law or
according to a Awise &atino womanC or according to the whims of some other activist
Gudge1 3ill we have anymore protection Aunder the lawC1 The many senators opposing
"otomayor sends the message that the neHt time thereLs a vacancy on the "upreme
+ourt, ;mericans will eHpect a nominee whose Gudicial philosophy upholds the
+onstitution not his or her own political ideology.
"otomayorLs philosophy of radical Gudicial activism is eHactly the thinking that led
to the "upreme +ourt turning into the ADational ;bortion +ontrol $oard,C 0'DB%D4
T>' ;('7%+;D )'-)&' T>' 7%4>T T- $' >';70 -D T>%" +7%T%+;&
%""#'. "he will further entrench the +ourtLs self!appointed role as the sole arbiter of
abortion policy. $ased on her Gudicial philosophy, we eHpect her to elevate unrestricted,
unregulated, and taHpayer!funded abortion!on!demand to a fundamental constitutional
right by reading the sweeping ?reedom of +hoice ;ct I?-+;J into the +onstitution
There has been an enormous amount of emphasis on her personal story* her
identity as a >ispanic woman, coming up from poverty, and that somehow that story has
been put front and center. %s this the proper way to evaluate or vet a supreme court
nominee1 'very Gudge, since the beginning of the 7epublic, has had to raise his or her
right hand and swear the same oath. ;nd this oath has a couple of things in it that are
worth attention. >e or she must swears to decide cases 3%T>-#T 7'")'+T T-
)'7"-D". That is it does not matter if the Gudge likes this person, if he feels empathy
or sympathy for this person or if he identifies with this person* without fear or favor and
without respect of persons. "ome of the things "otomayor has said makes one wonder
whether she can raise her hand and swear to that.
;lso in the oath a Gudge must swear to ?;%T>?#&&B ;))&B T>' &;3" -?
T>' +-D"T%T#T%-D -? T>' #.". ;gain, if you belong to the school of thought,
that many law professors unfortunately do, that it is -: to make it up as you go along,
then % wonder how do they take that oath1 >ow do they Gustify that1 T>' ;+T#;&
-;T> is: /%, InameJ, do solemnly swear Ior affirmJ that % will administer Gustice without
respect to persons, and do e@ual right to the poor and to the rich, and that % will faithfully
and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ItitleJ under
the +onstitution and laws of the #nited "tates. "o help me 4od./ 0oes not our #.".
constitution state: A?or the people and by the peopleC1 -r does it state: A?or the Gudges
and by the GudgesC1 % prefer to be Gudged under the law that % had a part in establishing
rather than being Gudged according to the personal ideas of a Awise &atino womanC or
any other self interpreter of what is fair or what is not fair or right or Gust=
%n a book that (;7B ;DD 4&'D0-D wrote she formulated the oath that a lot
of Gudges today would like to take: A% do solemnly swear to take into consideration the
personal characteristics and @ualities of the innocent defendants, and to interpret and
apply the laws of the #.". in the fashion T>;T "''(" $'"T T- ('=C $ut that is not
what they are putting their hand on the $ible and swearing to=
%t is really important to find out what her philosophy of Gudging is. 4lendon tries
to not use activist and strict construction. The words that she uses are the Aclassical
modelC and the Aromantic modelC. The +&;""%+;& (-0'& is the model that is
contained in that ancient, Gudicial oath, and really eHpresses not Gust ;merican ideas but
the fundamental ideas of fairness and Gustice that we all hope we will get from a Gustice
system. The 7-(;DT%+ (-0'& is more that of 'arl 3arren and Justice 0ouglas
who feel that if they Gudge according to their idea of what is fair, then that will be fine.
$ut does this not lead to tyranny, discrimination and ultimately terrible harm to our
:;4;D: ; )'7?'+T D-(%D;T%-D ?-7 T>' +-(%D4 D'3 3-7&0
-70'7= +#&T#7' -? 0';T>, ;+T%E%"T, ;DT% 2nd ;('D0('DT ;D0
Dew "upreme +ourt 0ocuments "how 'lena :aganKs )ro!;bortion )osition
A7eport: 'lena :agan >as >istory of 3orking for )ro!;bortion Judges,
)oliticiansC I(ay 16, 2010* http:www.lifenews.comnat5,,9.htmlJ.
A"econd 0ocument >as :agan 0efending +linton )artial!$irth ;bortion $an
EetoC IJune ., 2010* http:www.lifenews.comnat5,96.htmlJ.
AJudge $ork warns against 'lena :aganKs activist commentsC IJune 2., 2010*
A"upreme +ourt Dominee 'lena :;4;D $;+:" %DT'7D;T%-D;&%"T
J#0%+%;& ;+T%E%"(C I(ay 16, 2010* http:www.lifenews.comint12.,.htmlJ.
A7epublicans to (ake 'Hample of :aganKs Judicial ;ctivism 0uring "enate
>earingsC IJune 28, 2010* http:lifenews.comnat5.60.htmlJ.
A:aganKs 3ritings $ack 3%0'7 'M'+#T%E' )-3'7"C
A$7';:%D4: 3e >ave 'lena :aganLs +ollege Thesis* This proves 'lena :agan
is an open and avowed socialist. The woman declares that socialists must stick together
instead of fracture in order to advance a socialist agenda, which :agan advocates.C I(ay
1,, 2010* http:www.redstate.comerick2010021,breaking!we!have!elena!kagans!
AD- on ;DT%!4#D "#)7'(' +-#7T D-(%D;T%-D= ! The neHt Gustice of
the "upreme +ourt could well cast the deciding vote on the constitutionality of
-bama+are. ;nd that Gustice will almost certainly preside, during the neHt thirty years,
over do<ens of cases which could very well chip away at the D2 % Heller decision,
telling us which gun laws the court views as AconstitutionalC and which
Aunconstitutional.C "o it is more than a little interesting that $arack Fbama has reached
into his closet of political leftists to bring out 'lena :agan N a woman whose legal
views have been shaped by the most eHtreme socialist voices in 3ashington. :agan
doesnLt have a record of Gudicial opinions. "he hasnLt been a Gudge. "o the crafty -bama
figures that, without a paper trail, we wonLt know of the ways she is moving ;merican
Gurisprudence to the left until itLs too late. $ut :aganLs views on the "econd ;mendment
are no mystery. OC I(ay 18, 2010* http:www.sofmag.comwp201002no!on!anti!
A-bama nominates liberal lawyer 'lena :agan to "upreme +ourt* "ought to block
military from >arvard U &iberal lawyer 4lenn 4reenwald has written that :agan is
hostile to civil liberties and constitutional rights. %lya "hapiro, a legal scholar at the free!
market!oriented +ato %nstitute, also suggests that :agan is hostile to free speech. $ut
given how little :agan has written, itKs hard to be certain. "he is a stealth nominee. I(ay
10, 2010* http:www.eHaminer.comH!6812!0+!"+-T#"!'Haminer\y2010m2d10!
A'lena :agan 0emanded "eH!+hange -perations and $athroom ;ccess as K'@ual
7ightsK for +ross!0ressing >arvard "tudentsC IJune 29, 2010*
%s not the supreme court of +alifornia, and all supreme courts in ;merica, not
7'F#%7'0 #D0'7 &;3 to follow the E-T'7!);""'0 ;('D0('DT" that
enshrined the definition of marriage as between a man and a woman in the state
constitution Ihttp:www.lifesitenews.comldn2009mar090,0205.htmlJ1
;7' 3' ;&7';0B &%E%D4 #D0'7 ; 0%+T;T-7">%)1
ADo good reason for gay marriage ban, court toldC IJune 16, 2010J
A"ame seH weddings would not harm traditional marriages and +alifornia voters
had no good reasons to ban them, a lawyer said on 3ednesday at the end of a siH!month
trial likely headed to the #.". "upreme +ourt.C Ihttp:in.reuters.comarticleid%D%ndia!
%" -#7 +-#DT7B no longer Afor the people and by the peopleC or have we
complacent citi<ens allowed our country to become ?-7 T>' J#04'" ;D0 $B T>'
J#04'"1 %s this not true and real dictatorship1=1 $ut at least these Gudicial activists
have been impeded a little in promoting atheism in the name of Aseparation of church and
stateC. -n ;ugust 19th, the #nited "tates +ourt of ;ppeals for the "eventh +ircuit
ruled that 3isconsin prison officials violated an inmateKs rights because they did not treat
atheism as a religion: A;T>'%"( %" Qthe inmateKsR 7'&%4%-D, and the group that he
wanted to start was religious in nature even though it eHpressly reGects a belief in a
supreme being,C the "eventh +ircuit declared.
3=+ The attle o. attle(
3e are engaged in a fight for our lives. %mmortal souls are at stake. AThis
dramatic situation of Athe whole world QwhichR is in the power of the evil oneC I1Jn 2:19*
1)t 2:8J makes manKs life a battle: The whole of manKs history has been the story of
0-#7 +-($;T with the powers of evil, stretching, so our &ord tells us, from the very
dawn of history until the last day. ?inding himself in the midst of the battlefield man has
to struggle to do what is right, and it is at great cost to himself, and aided by 4odKs
grace, that he succeeds in achieving his own inner integrityC I+++ .09J.
:ing "olomon during a peaceful reign left 4od while his father, :ing 0avid,
remained faithful in war and combat despite his sins. :ing 0avid had the humility to
admit his sins even though he was the king of all of %srael. I2 "am 12:1!1,J.
A;nd truly it is no wander, for the nearer the time of ;ntichrist approaches, the
more violently he strives to destroy the +hristian religionC I"t. 4regory E%%, )ope*
-ffice if 7eadings, (ay 22J.
;lready in the mid to late 19th century &eo M%%% and )ius M% warned us about the
unholy movement to eHpunge 4od from society, universities, schools at every level, from
our midst.
A3hen %t +omes to +hild +are, 3>B 3-DKT T>' )7'"%0'DT &'T
);7'DT" 0'+%0'1C I
T>' 3-7"'D%D4 -? T>' T%('" 3%&& $7%D4 -#T ; +'7T;%D
T'()'7%D4 -? ?;(%&%'" ;D0 %D0%E%0#;&" in the faith in the crucible of trial
and tribulation. %n the past one might have been able to escape by being a "unday
+atholic. Dot anymore= Dow one must live the faith vigorously 2. hours a day, 6 days
a week, to have a fighting chance. 0ifficult times drive people to eHtremes. "ome
people will be tempered. $ut for others it will drive them to the eHtremes of evil.
)eople in the military and the police are generally good solid people. $ut we should
remember that when things got so terrible, >itler and "talin and all the other monsters of
history never had any problem filling the ranks of the military and of the police with
thugs. ?edor 0ostoevsky I1821 U 1881J, wrote that after having suffered in "iberia: A%
learned that it is possible for a man to become more cruel and blood thirsty than any
A(-$ 7#&'= ! #nder -bama, +hicago!style bullying and intimidation go
nationwideC Ihttp:www.wnd.comindeH.php1faV);4'.viewWpage%dV11201,J. )eople
that seem -: or even nice today but do not pray and try to live the 4ospel will become
beasts tomorrow when their stomachs are empty.
The puppets of the Dew 3orld -rder must begin to $7;%D 3;"> T>'
)-&%+' ;D0 (%&%T;7B, using the most highly developed psychological techni@ues
ever developed, so that when they crash everything, and many ;mericans reali<e who did
it, they must have the police and military on their sideO Just as did all the dictators of
the past.
A3hat eHactly are police departments preparing for1C
AEideos ;nd ;rticles: (ilitary $uild #p %n ;nd Dear +alifornia %n )reparation -f
+ivil +haos3ar -ff The $ack -f +ollapse -f #"ZC!and!articles!military!build!and!near!
A3ill 'conomic +risis &ead To ; )olice "tate 3orld1C
A0>" helps local police buy military!style sonic devicesC
There will be a large number of people that are driven toward evil, and there will
be some that are driven toward the eHtremes of highest sanctity. #HEN TIMES ARE
DAR; a( i1 the 1i<htE the STARS SHINE MORE RIGHTL!@ This period of the
Agreat tribulationC will bring out the best and the worst. )erhaps in past centuries one
could get by with "unday (ass attendance and a few prayers. $ut now one will have to
give oneLs whole heart, soul and life to +hrist, even to the point of refusing to adore the
image of the beast, the antichrist, and die of starvation or be tortured and killed= -ne
cannot straddle the fence any longer= ADo man can serve two mastersOC I(t 5:2.* &k
Dot only do we have individuals failing, but we also have a ('0%; that is so good
at keeping us absolutely blinded to our moral failure because they )7-(-T' (-7;&
?;%&#7' ;" T>'%7 :%D0 -? "#++'"". "omething that before might have seemed
naughty, is now AcoolC because you get on TE or in the newspapers etc. This complicity
by the media, which is in the hands of the very few elite, is greatly encouraging
immorality leading us rather @uickly to disintegrate and to decompose as a society. The
opposite of morality is seHual insanity.
The media and so many other anti!4od people also promote the false idea of the
"');7;T%-D -? +>#7+> ;D0 "T;T'. $ut this is an absolute fallacy. The #.".
"upreme +ourtLs A>erson decision in 19.6 imposed an unconstitutional A3all of
"eparationC between +hurch and "tate. This directly contradicted the vision of the
founding fathers. #pon his farewell address to the nation, 4'-74' 3;">%D4T-D
tried to impress upon his fellow countrymen that it was A7eligion and (oralityC that
served as the foundation for our young nation. #nfortunately under this banner of
AseparationC many of our government representatives succeed in promoting atheism with
the help of numerous Gudicial activists who do not do their Gob of applying the
constitution and the laws, but make up the laws as they go along.
7--"'E'&T, 3>- 3;" ; (;"-D, appointed 9 "upreme +ourt Justices* 5
were (asons and the other , espoused the (asonic philosophy. T7#(;D, 3>-
?-&&-3'0 7--"'E'&T, 3;" ; ,,70 0'47'' (;"-D. The (asons claim
that Truman said that his greatest honor was not being president but being master of his
&odge. Truman appointed . "upreme +ourt Justices, all of whom were (asons, and
'isenhower appointed 2 "upreme +ourt Justices, all of whom were (asons. 3hat we
see obGectively during this period of our ;merican history is that when the court was
dominated by ?reemasons, they began taking establishment clause cases, the amendments
of the constitution dealing with how the government will treat religion. 0uring these
Gudicial decisions by the "upreme court is where we came about with this 0-+T7%D'
-? "');7;T%-D -? +>#7+> ;D0 "T;T' %D -70'7 T- T;:' 4-0 -#T -?
T>' )#$&%+ "F#;7'. This is ; (;"-D%+ 0-+T7%D' that was first espoused by
the established right in the Dew ;ge Journal, and finally forced upon us by our (asonic
"upreme +ourt Justices in the first case: A'verson v. $oard of 'ducationC, ,,0 #.". 1
I19.6J and cases thereafter. This was the seminal #nited "tates "upreme +ourt case in
'stablishment +lause law in the #nited "tates. %n addition to incorporating the
'stablishment +lause Iapplying it to the "tates through the 0ue )rocess +lause of the
?ourteenth ;mendmentJ, A'versonC was the beginning of a powerful separationist drive
by the +ourt, during which many programs and practices, given government sanction,
were found to have religious purposes or effects and thus invalidated. ;D0 "- T>%"
D-T%-D -? T>' "');7;T%-D -? +>#7+> ;D0 "T;T' %" T-T;&&B
;DT%T>'T%+;& T- 3>;T -#7 J#0'-!+>7%"T%;D >'7%T;4' 4%E'D T- #"
$B -#7 ?-#D0%D4 ?;T>'7". +hristianity teaches that not only individuals, but
societies, governments and countries must be subGect to the kingship of our &ord and
"avior Jesus +hrist. (asonry wants to separate religion from public life in an effort to
seculari<e public life in publics schools, etc. (asonry has been very vocal about this and
we have seen this at the highest levels of our government. Eisit: A(;"-D7B
#D(;":'0: ;n %nsider 7eveals the "ecrets of the &odgeC, by John "al<a, and A3hy +atholics +annot $e (asonsC,
by John "al<a.
AThe separation of +hurch and "tate, brought about largely by ?reemasonry, is
evidence that (asonry is succeeding in itLs effort to bring about a Dew 3orld -rder of
secularism.C U John "al<a.
A7'('($'7 T>;T +>7%"T%;D%TB ;D0 (;"-D7B ;7' '""'DT%;&&B
%77'+-D+%&;$&', "#+> T>;T T- J-%D -D' %" T- 0%E-7+' T>' -T>'7.C
! )-)' &'- M%%%
?7''0-( -? 7'&%4%-D %" #D0'7 ;TT;+:= +huck +olson is sounding
the alarm: The government ! at the highest levels ! may be attempting to redefine the
very meaning of religious freedom. %f what "ecretary of "tate >ilary +linton said in a
recent speech reflects a new direction in government policy, it seems the aim is clear: To
kick faith out of the public s@uare, to send +hristians into the closet.
The use of the term AworshipC in 7ooseveltKs days would not have had the
significance it does today. There were virtually no cases threatening free eHercise in the
,0s and .0s. 'very school had prayer and $ible studies* the presence of 4od was firmly
lodged in our culture and in our collective consciousness. T>' 7;"> -? +;"'"
;TT;+:%D4 )#$&%+ 'M)7'""%-D" -? 7'&%4%-D $'4;D %D T>' &;T' .0L"
%DT- T>' 20L", ;D0 T>'D >%T #" &%:' ; T7#+: %D T>' 50". 3hen 7oosevelt
used the phrase it was interchangeable. Today it is certainly not. 3atch the video clip of
+huck +olsonLs ATwo (inute 3arningC which eHplains what is really meant by the
words of >illary +linton at 4eorgetown #niversity on 0ecember 1., 2009 regarding the
>uman 7ights ;genda for the 21st +entury= Ihttp:www.colsoncenter.orgthe!
%n the A0enver +atholic 7egisterC 4eorge 3eigel wrote: AThe 'rosion of
7eligious ?reedomC. A7'&%4%-#" ?7''0-(, 7%4>T&B #D0'7"T--0,
+;DD-T $' 7'0#+'0 T- ?7''0-( -? 3-7">%). 7eligious freedom includes
the right to preach and evangeli<e, to make religiously informed moral arguments in the
public s@uare and to conduct the affairs of oneLs religious community without undue
interference from the state. %f religious freedom only involves the freedom to worship,
then, as noted above, there is Areligious freedomC in "audi ;rabia, where $ibles and
evangelism are forbidden but eHpatriate ?ilipino laborers can attend (ass in the #.".
embassy compound in 7iyadh.C Ihttp:catholiceHchange.com201002111259.2J.
E%"%T T>'"' ;7T%+&'":
A?reemasons: The silent destroyers ! deist religious cult based on the :nights
TemplarC: A$ilderberg 4roup: a powerful global elite group together with their KsisterK
organisations!the Trilateral +ommission Iknown also as the /+hild of $ilderberg/J and
the +ouncil on ?oreign 7elations plot the subversion and silent takeover of constitutional
governments and world economy.C A$ilderberg -rganiser is >ead (asonKs );C: A;nd
the (asonic connection shouldnKt come as such a big surprise. The political class and
professions featured at $ilderberg: banking* industry* royalty* the law* politics, are all
associated with freemasonry. The chief masonKs trusted ); has been organising secret
conferences of 'uropean royalty and the heads of the 3estern worldKs oil and banking
cartels. ;ny self!respecting democracy would put them under investigation for criminal
conspiracy, treason at least.C Ihttp:www.bilderberg.orgmasons.htmJ.
A?7''(;"-D7BK" %D?&#'D+' %D '#7-)'C* A%ncompatible 3ith +hristian
7eligion, "ays >istorianC* A(;07%0, "pain, J;D. ,0, 2002 ITenit.orgJ.! To understand
what is happening in 'urope, the phenomenon of (asonry must be taken into account,
says )rotestant historian +asar Eidal. O The author eHplains that the ?reemasons have
an enormous role in the 'uropean #nion and, by way of eHample, says that /the proGect
of the 'uropean +onstitution has been driven by a ?reemason,/ Ealary 4iscard
0K'staing, /who has eHcluded mention of the continentKs +hristian roots and, in addition,
has insisted on the inclusion of an article that subGects the churches of the different
nations but frees Kphilosophical organi<ationsK from that obligation./
A?reemasonry and ;merica, )art %%%C*
A;T T>%" )'7%-0, >-3'E'7, T>' );7T%";D" -? 'E%& "''(" T- $'
+-($%D%D4 T-4'T>'7, ;D0 T- $' "T7#44&%D4 3%T> #D%T'0
E'>'('D+', &'0 -D -7 ;""%"T'0 $B T>;T "T7-D4&B -74;D%T'0
;D0 3%0'")7';0 ;""-+%;T%-D +;&&'0 T>' ?7''(;"-D". Do longer
making any secret of their purposes, they are now boldly rising up against 4od >imself.
They are planning the destruction of holy +hurch publicly and openly, and this with the
set purpose of utterly despoiling the nations of +hristendom, if it were possible, of the
blessings obtained for us through Jesus +hrist our "avior.C
";T;D -D&B >;" )-3'7 -E'7 ';+> -? #" ;D0 -E'7 47-#)" -?
)'-)&' T- T>' 0'47'' T>;T 3' ?7''&B +>--"' T- )7;B &'"" ;D0
"%D (-7'. $y now the forces of evil have taken control of the wealth of the world,
the means of communication, educational systems and even most religious institutes.
"atan and his followers have always sought to lead others in their direction. $ut as the
author above points out, the more we heed to the beckoning of evil, the more the social
apparatuses and the motors of the culture fall into the hands of these forces. 'vil
progresses when good men do nothing. +ertainly there have been for centuries well
organi<ed groups such as the ?reemasons more closely working for the prince of
darkness. $#T T>'7' ;7' T-0;B (-7' ;D0 (-7' 47-#)" ;&%4D%D4
T>'("'&E'" %D $#%&0%D4 T>' #&T%(;T' T-3'7 -? $;$'& %D T-T;&
7'$'&&%-D ;4;%D"T 4-0= T>#", T>'7' %" ;D ;++'&'7;T%-D T-0;B
T-3;70" -#7 0'"T7#+T%-D. 3' ;7' ;))7-;+>%D4 ;D ;E;&;D+>'
-? 0%";"T'7 ;" %T %" %D >'&&= "oon we will enter the greatest period of
tribulation in the history of the world, past or future I(t 2.:21J, and then the +hurch,
the $ride of +hrist, will purified. -n one occasion, ;rchbishop ?ulton "heen did not
take his lunch offered on board an airplane because it was ?riday, the day +hrist died for
our sins. The woman neHt to him said she would do the same. 3hen "heen commented:
A-h, are you also +atholic1C "he replied: ADo, % ;( ; 3%T+>, and % fast so that there
might be more abortions=C %t is too bad that those who follow "atan and those at the
higher level who even worship "atan are not as forthright as this witch that responded to
;rchbishop "heen= $ut today one of the most important strategies of "atan is to
convince people that "atan and hell do not eHist, and then to convince people that what
they think in their little heads is reality= T>' TB7;DDB -? 7'&;T%E%"(=
T>-"' 3>- ?-&&-3 +>7%"T +;77B T>'%7 +7-"" 0;%&B 3%T> J-B
I&: 9:2,J. T>-"' 3>- ?-&&-3 ";T;D, $&;")>'(' 3>'D T>'B ;7'
?-7+'0 T- "#??'7 IeHcept dedicated witches and warlocks who worship and
sacrifice for "atan=J. True +hristians recogni<e, embrace and love +hrist crucified in
their sufferings within themselves and outside of themselves. The more one is close to
+hrist, the more one shares in >is redemptive sufferings to help others convert and
persevere in following the author of &ife. The more one follows "atan in ones ego and
sins, the more one suffers for a totally different reason and motive and becomes insanely
blind to truth and reality as are those in hell* they contribute to the destruction of others.
+hristians offer sacrifices to further the kingdom of 4od. 'gotists contribute toward the
kingdom of "atan. The separation is becoming ever more black and white, with less and
less gray in between. %n the end there will be an eternal separation of love and hate=
A$;7;+: -$;(; %" ; ,2D0 0'47'' )7%D+' >;&& (;"-D==C*
&ook what they tried to do in the "T;T' -? +-DD'+T%+#T in (arch 2009=
?or those unaware of what occurred, the incident revolved around a proposed state bill
I".$. 1098J that would change the way +atholic churches in the state are governed. The
bishops argued that its provisions would have removed their ability to oversee their
dioceses and individual pastors their parishes by dictating, among other things, that local
congregations be allowed to elect 6 to 1, members of local parish boards. These boards
would be the ultimate authority on all financial, legal and administrative issues and
would, in effect, take control of the church from the hands of the bishops and priests and
hand it over to the laypersons who sit on these boards.
(any times we have heard and lamented over the remark that the +atholic +hurch
is but a /sleeping giant/ and how often have we prayed that "he awaken soon in time to
save both our country and the world.
$ridgeport $ishop 3illiam '. &ori scathingly called the proposition an /irrational,
unlawful and bigoted bill QthatR Geopardi<es the religious liberty of our church, and is a
thinly veiled attempt to silence the +atholic +hurch./ >e went on to say that /the bill
violates the ?irst ;mendment and by disconnecting parishes from their own pastors and
bishops, runs contrary to the beliefs of the +atholic +hurch./
;fter a well organi<ed defense by the +hurch in +onnecticut, the bill
unceremoniously died after several days of intense debate and heated words* the public
hearing on the legislation was abruptly cancelled by its sponsors. $ut what is interesting
is the manner in which this reprehensible proposal came to die.
-ne only needs to look at what happened in +onnecticut to reali<e that perhaps
there is real hope that our beloved /"&'')%D4 4%;DT/ has not only awakened but is
up on one knee. $ut this giant better hurry up and awake because there will be many
more stones thrown at >er before it is all over=
AT>' &%"T -? "'7%-#" +>;&&'D4'" T- -#7 +#&T#7' 4-'" -D
;D0 -D. 3e are living, as the enigmatic +hinese proverb says, in Ainteresting times.C
;nd interesting is an interesting word. %ts etymological roots are in the &atin words inter
IbetweenJ and esse Ito beJ.
3hen one considers how vastly different our modern society is when compared
with the society in which our parents and grandparents lived, as recently as the 1920s, %
do not think it is an eHaggeration to say that this AinterestingC time in which we live is an
epoch that is between goodness and evil and, it would seem steadily drifting away from
the former and toward the latter. OC
>ave you ever read the following short poem1
?%7"T T>'B +;('
!irst they came """ is a famous statement attributed to )astor (artin Diembller
I1892U198.J about the inactivity of 4erman intellectuals following the Da<i rise to
power and the purging of their chosen targets, group after group. The teHt eHpresses, in
a condensed form, the understanding of history presented by Diembller in a January 5,
19.5 speech before representatives of the +onfessing +hurch in ?rankfurt, 4ermany.
/T>'B +;(' ?%7"T for the +ommunists,
and % didnKt speak up because % wasnKt a +ommunist.
T>'D T>'B +;(' for the Jews,
and % didnKt speak up because % wasnKt a Jew.
T>'D T>'B +;(' for the trade unionists,
and % didnKt speak up because % wasnKt a trade unionist.
T>'D T>'B +;(' for me
and by that time no one was left to speak up./
&et us modify this brief poem for today:
?%7"T T>'B +;(' for the unborn, and % did not speak out because % was not an
T>'D T>'B +;(' for the frail and the disabled, and % did not speak out
because % was not frail and disabled.
T>'D T>'B +;(' for the mentally challenged, and % did not speak out because
% was not mentally challenged.
T>'D T>'B +;(' for the sick and the aged, and % did not speak out because %
was not sick or aged.
T>'D T>'B +;(' for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.C
3>;T ; +>;&&'D4'. 3hat applies to this rousing of those in the face of
Da<ism must be echoed today as we face the challenges of our society. Those threats to
the lives of the unborn, the frail, the vulnerable, to all of those in need of our defense. %t
is not Gust about putting our charity into action, as important as that is. $ut there is a
reality that if we do not stem the tide, the tide, like a tsunami, will flood all of us, and
wash us away. 3' ;7' +;&&'0 T- "T;D0, to stand on the rock of truth, on the
rock of faith. 3e must play our part. 3e must be courageous and wholehearted.
3*+ The FTheocracyH O. FAthei('H5@5
%t is true that no particular denomination or belief system should dictate their
tenants or beliefs much as the +hurch of 'ngland did or the +atholic church did in "pain.
$ut most of us do want believers to influence our country rather than non believers to
influence our country. 3>B +;D 3' D- &-D4'7 )7;B %D -#7 )#$&%+
"+>--&" -7 >;E' (-D#('DT" -? T>' 10 +-((;D0('DT" -7 ;
D;T%E%TB "+'D' %D )#$&%+1 3hy can we not mention the name of 4od as if >is
>oly Dame is a curse word1 3hy has the religion of atheism dominated in our recent
history1 -#7 ?-#D0%D4 ?;T>'7" 3-#&0 D'E'7 >;E' 07';('0 of such
a prohibition. -ur founding fathers would never have dreamed of letting an eHtremely
small minority of people, like (adeline (urray -K>are and others like her, to take away
from all Afree ;mericansC our freedom to pray in our ;merican public schools. -ur
founding fathers would never have dreamed of legali<ing abortion= -ur founding fathers
would never have dreamed of the possibility of our national government to even consider
taking away the freedom of conscience for those doctors and hospitals who believe that
it is murder to kill an unwanted, unborn human being= %s this not even worse than what
the +hurch of 'ngland imposed on their subGects over 200 years ago1 -ur founding
fathers would never have dreamed of the false interpretation of Aseparation of church and
stateC as it is used today to promote atheism.
Eisit: A; +ourageous >igh "chool )rincipalC* Ihttp:god!
% see this stamped toward irresponsible AfreedomC and personal pleasure Ii.e., no
regard for ones neighbor, especially the weaker onesJ and the reGection of 4od far more
of a danger today than falling into a theocracy, as some people fear. $ut we must
remember that freedom can be enslaved. ?reedom is not being able to do anything we
want to do. A'veryone who commits sin is a slave to sinC IJn 8:,.J. ?reedom has limits.
3hen we abuse freedom, we step outside the boundary set by 4-0, and we suffer the
conse@uences. %s a train more free off the railroad tracks or on the railroad tracks1 ;re
we more free on the AtracksC of the Ten +ommandments which one finds on the walls of
our national government buildings Isoon to be taken down===J, or are we more free at the
mercy and whims of political leaders and activist Gudges who make it all up as they go
along1 ;re children in a nursery school more free if they go outside of the protecting
fences and wander into the busy streets1 These liberals offer beautiful words like
A?reedom of +hoice I;ctJC, A)ro +hoiceC, etc. $ut is not behind these slogans of
AfreedomC and ArightsC ; 47';T, 0'+')T%E' &%'1 The devil is Aa liar and the father
of liesC IJn 8:..J= -nly the +reator offers true and lasting freedom IJn 8:,2J= A"o if the
"on makes you free, you will be free indeedC IJn 8:,5J.
The #.". government has been forced to acknowledge atheism as a religion* this
has helped to slow down this use of the false proclamation of Aseparation of church and
stateC to Gustify the promotion of atheism since atheism too is a AreligionC. % agree with
those who fear a AtheocracyC but perhaps D-T in the way that they might have
considered. ;re we able to imagine the incredible tyranny of a AT>'-+7;+BC of the
religion of A;T>'%"(C111 AThe truth shall set you freeC= -nly 4od can give true and
lasting freedom. %f we do not follow 4od and >is laws of love of 4od and neighbor, we
will end up being slaves to ourselves, to the world or to the devil. This is true slavery
under the 0%+T;T-7">%) -? ; AT>'-+7;+BC -? ;T>'%"(=
>uman beings who are made by 4od have an innate need for religion. "atan
knows this and thus does not try to eradicate religion but rather offer a pseudo religion, a
counterfeit +hristianity without the cross of +hrist incarnate in our lives. %t will be a
religion with beautiful words and trappings to hide the real substance of egoism and lack
of self sacrifice in loving others, especially the weakest human beings.
>#77;B ?-7 T>' T'M;" "+>--& $-;70=
ATeHas board adopts new social studies curriculum I;ustin, TeHasJ. TeHas
schoolchildren will be re@uired to learn that the words /separation of church and state/
arenKt in the +onstitution and evaluate whether the #nited Dations undermines #.".
sovereignty under new social studies curriculum. Ihttp:www.washingtonpost.comwp!
$#T $B D-3, 3' ;7' D- &-D4'7 ; +>7%"T%;D +-#DT7B. 3e have
sanctioned 20 million abortions in the last ,6 years* a country that supports a 12 billion
dollar pornography industry* a country where condoms are handed out to students in the
public schools* a country that is in the process of legali<ing homoseHual couples using
the word marriageO
%f one studies T>' 3-70" ;D0 T>' %DT'DT -? T>' ?-#D0%D4
?;T>'7", this idea of Aseparation of church and stateC did not have anything to do
with what they are talking about today. 'ven the framing of the @uestion is fallacious.
7emember where our founding fathers came from. They came from 'ngland and they
were oppressed. There was one church* it was the church of 'ngland. ;nd they wanted
to keep the state out of the affairs of the +hurch more than anything. T>'B 3;DT'0
T- %D"#7' T>;T ?7''0-( -? 7'&%4%-D, whatever religion that you choose, %"
";?'4#;70'0. The place that one finds this phrase is in the "oviet #nionLs
constitution. -ur constitution does not have, and will not have hopefully, separation of
+hurch and state in the way that these 4odless egotists in our government want and
continue to propagate with tremendous force and perseverance. -ur #"; constitution
stipulates the D-D '"T;$&%">('DT -? 7'&%4%-D $B T>' +-D47'"".
?or more information on the Judicial +onfirmation, see:
3-+ The $icio,( Attac0( o1 the Catholic Ch,rch
;s we all know, there have been vicious and outlandish attacks against the
+atholic +hurch in the last few months, in particular against the )ope. ;t what point
have we arrived in the agenda and strategy of the Dew 3orld -rder1
Do one in the senior leadership of the +atholic +hurch in the last decade has done
more to deal with what he himself once called the Afilth inside the +hurchC than +ardinal
Joseph 7at<inger and now )ope $enedict ME%. ;nother thing that needs to be
emphasi<ed is T>;T T>'7' %" D- "'M ;$#"' +7%"%" %D T>' +;T>-&%+
+>#7+> %D T>' #.". The +atholic +hurch in the #.". is a community of 58 million
people. There were 5 credible reports of seHual abuse of under 18 year olds in the
+hurch last year. That is siH too many* one is too many= $ut amidst this global plague
of the physical and seHual abuse of young people, the +atholic +hurch is the safest
environment for young people in ;merica today.
(any of the cases are 20 or ,0, in some cases 20 plus years ago, and
unfortunately, many of them were badly handled at the time. ;s +atholics, we must
concede that and to frankly admit it. $ut this )ope has said this* and his predecessor said
this. )ope $enedict ME% has personally met with and apologi<ed to the victims of seHual
abuse here in the #.". >is letter to the +hurch in %reland was stern, sharp and pastorally
sensitive. The )ope even told %rish abuse victims that he can understand why the very
thought of walking into a church repulses them today, while asking them to have faith in
the healing power of the risen +hrist. ;nd he pulled no punches in that statement. >e
talked about the errors of the +hurch in focusing more on the public image of the +hurch
rather than what actually happened to these individuals.
%n the weeks and months ahead, % believe we are going to see a massive systematic
reconstruction of %rish +atholicism, new leadership, perhaps across the board,
restructuring of dioceses. This has not ended in %reland as far as $enedict ME% is
concerned. >e is absolutely determined to do in %reland what has been done here in the
#.". over the last 8 years where the problem has been solved. ;nd people need to know
that. T>' %(;4' T>;T %" $'%D4 +7';T'0, T>;T T>' +;T>-&%+ +>#7+>
%" ; 4&-$;& +7%(%D;& +-D")%7;+B -? "'M#;& ;$#"'7" ;D0 T>'%7
;$'TT-7", %" ; ?;&"' %(;4'. This can be demonstrated empirically. $ut the
image is being created to advance other agendas, with the attorneys behind a lot of it as
well as those in the public sphere who consider the +hurch a maGor obstacle to some of
their utopian visions of society.
%f you go to the Eatican website you can find a very large number of statements of
$enedict ME% on all of this Ihttp:www.vatican.varesourcesindeHSen.htm, etc.J. The
notion that the )ope has not spoken of this is really @uite silly, as was saying that
;rchbishop 3eakland did not do anything for 12 years. The fact that a plaintiffLs
attorney with a direct financial interest in the case, personal financial interest in the case,
working on a contingent fee bases, is regarded as a credible source is simply incredible. %
T>%D: T>' DB T%('" 7';&&B ?-#&'0 %T" -3D +7'0%$%&%TB D'"T 3%T>
T>;T "T-7B. %t seems that story has basically died, although in the way these things
go, the sad fact is that mud sticks. The point of this narrative lie that has been developed
is two fold: 1J %t is to disempower, to disable, to cripple the )ope as an effective public
moral witness in the world. 2J %t is to create this impression in peopleLs minds that the
+hurch is a global criminal conspiracy of child abusers and their enablers head@uartered
in the Eatican such that any reasonable legal system, it is claimed, would be able to go
after the >oly "ee seeking damages for the enabling or the covering up of this abuse.
T>%" %" ; +-()&'T' "T7#+T#7' -? ?;&"'>--0" $#T %T %" 3>;T %"
$'%D4 "-&0 7%4>T D-3.
'very abuse case is being reopened and essentially tried in the pages of the DB
Times or in the ;). This can go on for a very long time because there are an
unfortunately large number of these ponds that people can try to fish in. T>'
;7%T-D; "T-7B %" +-()&'T' D-D"'D"'. The +hurch followed the proper
procedures which were followed much more @uickly than the carrying out of a capital
sentence in the #.". which can sometimes take 12 or 20 years from the trial to the
eHecution. The +hurch laici<ed the priest which is an ecclesiastical capital sentence, a
death sentence. 3hat is happening here is a rollout strategy. %D &;3 "+>--&"
T-0;B, the professors tell us that students are taught if you are a plaintiffLs attorney
and you do not have a particularly strong case, you can strengthen your case by ginning
up a public campaign on behalf of your client, which will change the atmosphere for the
Gury, for the Gudge, for whatever the circumstance may be. That is what is going on here.
This is a slow rollout in which cases that have been settled years ago, in some cases
decades ago, will be pawed over in order to keep alive this story line of the global
criminal conspiracy centered in the Eatican. (eanwhile, the fact that the +hurch in the
#.". has dealt vigorously and firmly and effectively with these problems is being ignored.
)ope $enedict taking the %rish situation in hand and other situations around the world
are not Gust going to be reported on.
%n the ;ri<ona story, the media and the attorneys are even focusing on the +hurch
procedure. "uddenly we have the secular authorities looking into public churches
dealing with its own. 3e are not talking about if these priests were handed over to the
law enforcement, which appears that they were. The tactical shifts are all in aid of the
same strategical obGective: namely, paint the +hurch as a global criminal conspiracy of
abusers and their abettors.
There is this narrative that these plaintiffs attorneys are trying to create that the
+hurch is part of some global conspiracy to protect molesters and that they conspire not
only to protect them but to move them and keep them going for many years. They are
saying that the Eatican has to defend itself in an -regon and a :entucky case, to get to
the money from the Eatican rather from the diocese. There were already rumbles in
2002 to make the Eatican liable for damages.
T>'7' ;7' ; D#($'7 -? 'MT7;-70%D;7B (%"+-D+')T%-D"
$'>%D0 T>%". The +atholic +hurch is not a billion member global high school in
which the )ope is the prefect of discipline. This is @uite absurd= The +hurch is not a
giant multinational corporation with a dictatorial +'-. The +hurch is not the #.".
(arine +orp with the )ope as the commandant and when he says Gump everybody
salutes and Gumps. %t Gust does not work that way. The -regon case is based on a rather
bi<arre claim that every parish priest in the world is, for purposes of #.". law, to be
considered an employee of the )ope. This is absolutely ludicrous under any canon law
or civil law.
T>' F#'"T%-D %D T>' :'DT#+:B +;"'" involves whether people could
be moved around without the Eatican approval, etc. This will end up in the "upreme
court of the #.". %t will be very difficult to imagine that our present "upreme court will
agree that the "overeign unity of the >oly "ee is to be waved here.
$#T T>%" %" ;&"- 4-%D4 -D %D '#7-)' where you have attorneys moving
from other parts of the world, like a character named Jeffrey 7obertson moving from
;ustralia to 'ngland trying to introduce ;merican style tort law into 'ngland and now
declaring that the )ope should be tried in an international criminal court. T>%" %"
+-()&'T' %D";D%TB= 'ven the 'uropeans are probably not so cra<y to buy that, or
at least we hope so. $ut that is the nature of the game here. Jeffrey 7obertson is a #D
Gudge as well and he claims in several articles that the )ope should be denied immunity,
even though he is head of a "overeign "tate, that he is not immune to the international
criminal court which is there for human rights offences. This is all in aid of this financial
agenda, in part. $ut it is also in aid of the secularist agenda. T>'7' %" ; '#7-)'
T-0;B, ;D0 %D0''0 T>7-#4>-#T T>' 3-7&0, ;D 'MT7;-70%D;7%&B
;447'""%E' ?-7( -? +>7%"T-)>-$%;. The -rthodoH Jewish legal scholar
Joseph >.>. 3eiler coined the term /+hristophobia/ to describe the irrational contempt
with which much of 'uropean high culture regards +hristianity* 3eiler also flagged eight
sources of this derangement: O Ihttp:brothersGuddblog.comarchives201002J.
$ecause +hristianity, and specifically the +atholic +hurch, is the last obstacle still
standing on the chess board to a sweep of the board by the forces of what Joseph
7at<inger once called the Adictatorship of relativismC. The marriage @uestion is engaged
here, the life issues are engaged here. T>%" %" ;&& -? ; )%'+'. (any are not willing
to consider the possibility of some vast international conspiracy to bring down the
+atholic +hurch even though they know that there are many people with coordinated
interests who see in each others assault on the +hurch support for their own agenda. %t
is interesting and rather telling for those who are observing the situation with an open
mind that the DB Times and the ;) do not take on )ope $enedict in the realm of reason
and truth because they know they are no match at all to be able to point out to the world
supposed errors in the encyclicals of the recent )opes. $ut beyond this, these cowardly
detractors are running from the truth into their convenient relativism so as to do and live
anyway they feel like with no reference to a 4od outside of themselves, which most of
them proclaim as a superfluous and non!eHistent being invented by us poor stupid
simpletons, as (arH wrote.
;ccording to press reports, a 1952 E;T%+;D 0-+#('DT indicated that the
Eatican shielded from public scrutiny priests who were charged and found guilty and
kept private in the realms of the chanceries and the Eatican: 4eorge 3eigel W 7ev. Jay
"cott Dewman took this apart in the AD;T%-D;& 7'E%'3 -D &%D'C showing very
clearly that this is a total misrepresentation. A"preading the $ig &ie ! 3hy did the
Washington Post choose )alm "unday to publish an ignorant and malicious piece by
"inead -L+onnor on abuse in the +atholic +hurch1C,spreading!the!big!liegeorge!weigel!br!rev!
(any people want to paint the picture of a global criminal conspiracy centered in
the Eatican using the )-) +#&T#7' ;D0 T>' ('0%; T- +7';T' ; "(';7
+;();%4D ;4;%D"T T>' )-)'. &et us hope that there are still some people with
an innate sense of fairness.
A%nfographic: The +atholic +hurchKs %nternational "eH!;buse +over!upC
4eorge 3eigel wrote about: AEicious editorial cartoons, some perilously
reminiscent of Da<i!era anti!+atholic cartooning, abound.C IA+hurch gets an unfair rap !
)ope has been at forefront of changeC*
http:www.philly.comin@uirercurrents898256,2.html_aH<<0@T"dD+00J. 4eorge is a
distinguished senior fellow of 3ashingtonKs 'thics and )ublic )olicy +enter and the
author of AThe +ourage To $e +atholic: +risis, 7eform, and the ?uture of the +hurchC.
T>%D4" ;7' $'%D4 7')-7T'0 T-T;&&B -#T -? +-DT'MT. Bou
would imagine that .0 or 20X of the clergy are guilty or accused of seH abuse against
minors. %n fact we are talking about .X at the height of this scandal over a period of 20
years. This is certainly not new to attack the +hurch and its representatives* it is enough
to study a little history. (any people have reGected the +hurch or left the +hurch in the
last 2000 years due to the sins and scandals of the +hurchLs representatives, even though
they are not to keen on recogni<ing their own sins. (any people who are looking for an
eHcuse to live anyway they want are @uick to say after reading the DB Times and other
articles in the ;) attacking the +atholic +hurch in such a biased and bigoted way:
A3>B ">-#&0 % T7B T- $' 4--0 %D T>;T +>#7+> 3>'D T>'7' %" "-
(#+> "+;D0;&=C This is one of our primary tests throughout history of deciding to
trust ourselves or to trust 4od. The intelligent and wise today believe they have a better
idea= $ut +hrist, the "econd )erson of the $lessed Trinity incarnate, founded >is
+hurch on twelve men who were sinners* the first )ope denied Jesus three times and did
all kinds of other stupid and not too virtuous things. -f course we are more intelligent
and wise than +hrist* we would have called down 12 angels from heaven to found a
church, or rather twelve Aself!righteousC and AperfectC men like us to found a Aperfect
churchC= 3hy should % confess my sins to a man who is a sinner like me1 $ecause that
is the way the infinite "econd )erson of the Trinity incarnate, Jesus +hrist, decided to
offer, in the normal way, >is mercy through >is human instruments= A% thank thee,
?ather, &ord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and
understanding and revealed them to babesC I(t 11:22* &k 10:21J.
A3hen +hrist at a symbolic moment was establishing >is great society, >e chose
for itLs cornerstone neither the brilliant )aul, nor the mystic John, but a shuffler, a snob, a
coward U in a word, a man. ;nd upon this rock >e has built >is +hurch and the gates of
hell have not prevailed against it. ;ll the empires and kingdoms have failed because of
this inherent and continual weakness that they were founded by strong men* and upon
strong men. $ut the historic +hristian +hurch was founded on a weak man and for this
reason it is indestructible. ?-7 D- +>;%D %" "T7-D4'7 T>;D %" 3';:'"T
&%D:.C U 4.:. +hesterton.
Jesus: ADothing is impossible for me, and so for you nothing will become
impossible if you let me act through you. (ake yourselves as nothing in the eyes of all
and % will work great things, make yourselves P#"'&'"" "'7E;DT"L.C IDovember 2,
2002* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticimondo02eng.htmlJ.
There were 290,000 students seHually abused in the ;merican public schools from
1991 to 2000. That is -70'7" -? (;4D%T#0' &;74'7 T>;D T>' ;$#"' %D
T>' +>#7+> over a 20 year period. The other fact that never gets out in all of this is
that .0!50X, well over half of seHual abuse, takes place within families, often at the
hands of a live!in boyfriend, or a second, third or fourth husband. The breakdown of the
marriage culture, no fault divorce, the seHual revolution as a whole, these are the
principle forces that have created this global plague of seHual abuse, which of course are
promoted by the very ones attacking the +atholic +hurch. T>' 7')-7T%D4 %"
T;:'D %D %"-&;T%-D without looking at accusations of seHual abuse in other faith
communities or even in the public schools.
3hen the +hurch, which did have problems, and they have been dealt with,
continues to be the obsessive focal point of news coverage on this, one has to say,
3>;T '&"' %" 4-%D4 -D >'7'1 This is not Gust the facts. "omething else is afoot
here. %n the past, these types of media attacks were more on the local level* now these
onslaughts are much more coordinated at the national and international level with
virtually total control of the cultural engines of todayLs society: the mass media, the
schools at all levels and even religious institutions. These cynical and hypocritical
attackers promote the culture of death, freedom detached from truth, which results in all
of these crimes, but now they only want to attack the +atholic +hurch. %t reminds me of
; 7'$'&&%-#" ")-%&'0 +>%&0 who is told by his father to amend his sinful
behaviour and so the child critici<es without restraint the faults and sins of his father.
3' ;7' ;&& "%DD'7", $#T T>'7' %" ; ?#D0;('DT;& 0%??'7'D+'
$'T3''D ";&E;T%-D ;D0 0;(D;T%-D. The saved have enough humility to
seek the truth outside of themselves, in creation and hopefully in divine revelation, so as
to confront their behaviour with this truth, and then repent, and then confess their sins*
the damned do not have nor want this humility so as not to begin a Gourney of seeking
and living the truth, and thus they end up making themselves little gods as does their
master and deceitful leader, "atan.
3e +atholics should, and now do, rigorously hold ourselves to a higher standard.
$#T T>' ?;+T T>;T T>' DB T%('" >;" D-T "''D ?%T T- T#7D
%DE'"T%4;T-7" ;D0 7')-7T'7" &--"' -D 3>B T>' DB "T;T'
&'4%"&;T#7' >;" $''D )7-T'+T%D4 )#$&%+ "+>--& T';+>'7" ;D0
T>'%7 #D%-D" ?7-( ;$#"' +>;74'" 7;%"'" ;D %DT'7'"T%D4
F#'"T%-D. 3hat is the DB Times really interested in here1 ;re they interested in
protecting young people or are they interested in destroying the moral credibility of the
+atholic +hurch1 -ur more wholesome society of the past tried to help out imprudent
authority such as parents, priests and civil leaders for the good of society and for the
good of the younger ones. Dow people like those running the DB Times are similar to
spoiled bratty children who no longer have any respect for their elders or parents and say
to their parents: A3hy should % do what you tell me to do since you make plenty of
mistakes yourself=C The DB Times is basically saying that all parents and religious
leaders have no right to speak or preach because they do not totally live what they
preach. $ut does the DB Times, with a certain public voice and influence in society, live
what they preach1 The DB Times, like totally spoiled, irresponsible children, have no
regard for the common good, for others Ieven though they try to fake Anoble motivesCJ
and for the good of our society at large. 3>'D 3' >;E' ;77%E'0 T- T>%"
&-3 &'E'& -? (-7;& "T;D0;70" ;D0 0'+'D+B ;D0 +-D+'7D ?-7
T>' +-((-D 4--0 -? T>' "-+%'TB %D 3>%+> 3' ;&& &%E' %D, ;&&
3%&& "--D ?;&& ;);7T ;D0 +-(' +7;">%D4 0-3D. The numerous people
who willingly listen to this pop culture reportage without going through the fatigue of
discerning the truth and then standing up for the truth will be also Gudged accordingly for
letting themselves be scandali<ed and then willfully becoming part of the destruction of
our society and culture and world= Jesus +hrist did not found >is +hurch on 12 angels
from heaven, but on 12 men who were sinners= ;pparently the DB Times, as well as
those who eagerly follow this pop culture reportage, feel they know better how to do
things than the "econd )erson of the (ost $lessed Trinity incarnate= $est wishes to
them at the moment of death, because they will be in for a big surprise when they are
forced to face the fact that reality is not determined by their little conceited heads, but by
the +reator 3ho created all things, including the Truth and the realities of >eaven and
>ell for all eternity= %f anyone of them find a little humility to convert and turn to their
+reator, even at the last instant of their lives, and beg for forgiveness and pardon before
they die, they can save their eternal souls* after death, their stubbornness in their pride or
their humility to beg for mercy from 4od will be ratified and confirmed by 4od for all
eternity with no possibility to change anything after death=
$#T T>%" %D"%0%-#" "T7;T'4B 3-7:"* (#0 "T%+:"= This is why
these destroyers of lawful authority and of our culture do it= The most fundamental test
for every human being is the choice to seek and live the Truth, or not to seek and live the
Truth. $ut many people willingly deceive themselves. 3e all have been given a
conscience by 4od* but this conscience can be reinforced and more highly tuned toward
the Truth or it can be dulled and eventually killed completely in the course of time. 4od
has given us innumerable opportunities to choose Truth and &ife which is always
associated with self!sacrifice and some suffering, or to choose to avoid or to change the
Truth according to our whims to satisfy our egos and pleasure which is the easier and
more selfish way, Gust as our first parents did I4en ,:.!2J.
-ne of these fundamental opportunities to be able to freely choose, offered to us
by 4od, is that most often 4od reveals >is saving Truth to us by way of other human
beings or groups of human beings* >e does this so as to respect our free wills without
pushing one way or the other. T>#" +>7%"T ?-#D0'0 >%" +>#7+> -D 12
;)-"T&'" 3>- 3'7' "%DD'7", D-T 12 ;D4'&" ?7-( >';E'D. The first
)ope, "aint )eter was not born a saint= ;t the beginning of his walk with Jesus, )eter
denied +hrist three times and did many other things not very virtuous which are
recounted in the 4ospels. +hrist, the infinite 3isdom incarnate, chose to leave us a
+hurch on earth founded on sinners so as to offer to all men and women throughout time
the possibility to find the fullness of Truth and the fullness of the means of sanctification
in the "acraments even though these truths and means of sanctification are transmitted by
way of sinners= (ost often due to pride, many people are scandali<ed by the way +hrist
founded >is +hurch and do not even seek to enter the +hurch* many leave the +hurch.
$ut in the +atholic +hurch one can truly point to one place to find the fullness of truth of
0ivine 7evelation and saving /elements of sanctification/ I&4 8J by which the faithful
may be configured to +hrist. Those of good will with a certain amount of true humility
Iwhich is TruthJ seek, find and live the Truth even though it is not easy and re@uires a lot
of perseverance and self!sacrifice and especially humility to recogni<e that we are all
sinners, not Gust the parents, or priests, or bishops who preach or administer the precious
(any +atholics leave the +hurch after having been scandali<ed by a priest of other
+atholics and then they might say that they are good people because they perhaps do
some kind of social work. $ut (-T>'7 T'7'"; would often say: A3e are not social
workers. 3e may be doing social work in the eyes of some people, but we must be
contemplatives in the heart of the world. ?or we must bring that presence of 4od into
your family, for the family that prays together, stays together.C"aints&ives(Teresa.htm*
http:www.ewtn.comlibrary(;7B>'T'7+;&.>T(J. >ere we can all learn from
(other TeresaKs sisters, that adoration of Jesus hidden in the $lessed 'ucharist is the
best way to lead us to >%( hidden in the poor.;rticals+harityX20orX20Justice.htmJ.
$ut many people , at least in a hidden subtle way, do not want to find the
uncomfortable and inconvenient Truth so as not to have to change their life, but can live
as they wish according to their own desires and self!made standards and truth while
AfeelingC they are saved without a living conscience to bother them. $ut often these
people who are running from the Truth, still have consciences which are not yet totally
dead and killed. Thus they ?%D0 'M+#"'" T- ;E-%0 -7 +>;D4' -7
'&%(%D;T' T>' T7#T>, in particular by concentrating on the sins and faults and
scandals of the lawful representatives in the +atholic +hurch so as to falsely Gustify for
themselves to not listen to the teachings of >oly (other +hurch. This has happened
innumerable times in the history of the +hurch among individuals and in self!righteous
groups which help to reinforce each others desire to be the A)opeC. +hrist promised to
)eter and to all of his successors: ABou are )eter and upon this rock % will build my
+hurch and the gates of hell shall not prevailC I(t 15:18J. This promise, which offers
the certitude of the fidelity of the official teachings of the +hurch on faith and morals, is
not based on the virtues or on the life style or human attributes of the living )ope, but on
the promise of +hrist= This promise is also only given to the living )ope, not to bishops
or priests as history has given ample testimony.
This setting aside the Truth happens not only among +hristians, but among all
people and groups. ;n eHample pointed out in this article is how :;7& (;7M, ;D0
"- (;DB ;?T'7 >%(, #"'0 ; ?;#&TB, ;T>'%"T%+ T>'-7B -?
'E-&#T%-D $B +>;7&'" 0;73%D T- )7-(-T' >%" 7'E-&#T%-D. :arl
(arH was not in anyway interested in the Truth, but rather in his program and plan of
revolt* he used whatever he could get his hands on the further his cause including radical
feminism. Thus these attacks against the )ope and the +atholic +hurch are useful to
influence the numerous uncommitted people on the fence, who have not put +hrist in the
first place in their lives, to be swayed toward becoming willing accomplices, or
consenters by silence, in the destruction of our Judeo!+hristian culture so as to bring as
many people as possible much more @uickly to world domination under the Dew 3orld
-rder, without the Truth= %T %" "- ';"B T- ?--& -#7"'&E'"= There are
thousands of independent +hristian groups who interpret the $ible in their own way,
often in contradictory ways, even though there is but one $ible, one 4od and one Jesus
+hrist. +hrist knew this would happen and so >e left us >is official voice and authority
on earth, the +atholic +hurch, with the )ope as the head. $#T %T T;:'" >#(%&%TB
T- "#$(%T -#7 3%&&" T- T>' 3%&& -? +>7%"T 3>- ")';:" T>7-#4>
>%" E%+;7 -D ';7T>. 3e are living in very confusing times in which we have let
"atan lead us to fully embrace and fall into the blinding trap of the Atyranny of relativismC
so that we no longer even desire to find the saving and freeing Truth because we no
longer even reali<e that Truth, with a big ATC, eHists. (ost people have their truth, with
a little AtC* you have your truth and % have mine= 3e have willingly allowed "atan and
his followers to convince us that there is no absolute Truth, all is relative, so we can live
anyway we want to with no negative conse@uences. T>' T7#T> ">;&& "'T B-#
?7'' IJn 8:,2J= A% am the 3ay, and the Truth, and the &ife* no one comes to the
?ather, but by (eC IJn 1.:5J.
(;DB )'-)&' >;E' +-(' T- T>' 0'?'D"' -? T>' )-)' citing that
of all the people in the Eatican, no one was more determined to root out this sort of
AfilthC in the +hurch as 7at<inger, and now )ope. The charge has now begun to float to
the top that perhaps )ope John )aul %% demands a second look and perhaps this will
damage his credibility.
)-)' J->D );#& %% >;0 ")'DT >%" 'DT%7' )-DT%?%+;T' T7B%D4 T-
"T7'D4T> T>' )7%'"T>--0 ;D0 &%?T #) ; D-$&' %0';& -? T>'
)7%'"T>--0. Thus, once he understood what was going on in regards to +ardinal
&aw and other such cases, he was very vigorous. >e said to the ;merican cardinals in
;pril 2002: AThere is no place in the +hurch for people who would harm the young.C
#nder his leadership, with 7at<inger as the operational head, the new norms were put in
place, by which true abusers would be summarily dealt with and @uickly laici<ed.
)rocedures were put in place to make sure that this kind of thing would not happen in
the future. %t always has to be remembered, in thinking about )ope John )aul %%, the
charges of seHual impropriety, either homoseHual or heteroseHual, were a standard
feature of communist secret police for attacks on the polish clergy who were opposing
the regime at the time. Do one who has had the slightest eHperience of )ope John )aul
%% as a man, priest, bishop and pope, imagines that he would had been anything other
than horrified by seHually predatory clergy, or that he would have been anything other
than eHtremely firm in trying to stamp this out. AThe 'nd and the $eginning: )ope John
)aul %%!!The "truggle for ?reedom, the &ast Bears, the &egacyC by 4eorge 3eigel.
A;board The )apal ?light To )ortugalC I+D"J U A)ope $enedict ME% said the
priestly seH abuse scandal is a /terrifying/ crisis that comes from inside the church !! not
from an outside attack !! and re@uires purification and penance to overcome.C
The procedures have been put in place now so that children are protected in the
+hurch and offenders do not go on and on by getting shuffled around. $ut the moral
voice of the +hurch is seriously impeded as a result of this. >-3 0- 3' 7'4;%D
T>;T (-7;& "T;D0%D4 ;D0 E-%+' 4%E'D T>' )-) +#&T#7'
7')-7T;4' ;D0 T>' '()>;"%" -D T>'"' +7%('"1 3e have to keep
speaking the truth in charity and with vigor and firmness. 3e have to tell our own story
better. There is no global institution that does more for young people and children than
the +atholic +hurch in terms of education, health care, foster care, etc. ;nd we have to
name anti!+atholic bias and bigotry for what it is. The attempt to drive the +hurch out
of the public s@uare by painting it as a hypocritical global criminal conspiracy of seHual
predators and their abettors has to be challenged. 3e do that both through our own
media, by trying to be as present as we can in the general media, and by getting on with
the great service the +hurch provides to children and young people throughout the
3/+ Re1eAal o. the Ch,rch
-ur &ady of ?atima said that we could still avert this T'77%$&' )#D%">('DT
on all of humanity if there were enough prayers, sacrifices and penance offered to 4od.
$ut )ope John )aul %%, commenting on the ,rd "ecret of ?atima while conversing with a
small group of pilgrims in the cathedral s@uare of ?ulda, 3est 4ermany, in Dovember
1980, said: /3e have to be prepared to suffer, before long, great trials which will re@uire
of us the disposition to sacrifice even our life for +hrist. Through your prayers and
mine, it is still possible to diminish this trial, $#T %T %" D- &-D4'7 )-""%$&' T-
;E'7T %T, because only in this manner can the +hurch be effectively renewed. >ow
many times has the 7'D'3;& -? T>' +>#7+> $''D $7-#4>T ;$-#T %D
$&--0= %t will not be different this time./
+ardinal 7at<inger sheds light on what )ope John )aul %% meant by a ADew
"pringtimeC to come. Ihttp:www.ewtn.comlibraryissuesrat<intv.htmJ.
A% am truly dismayed that so many still are not open to this reality soon to come
and that they are still convinced that all is far off= They are deceived if they think like
this, because when suddenly (y ;rrival will be, T>'B 3%&& D-T B'T $' 7';0B.
I06022002* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa9902eng.htmlJ.
AJesus: A+ome, daughter, to write for (e the 3ords of >eaven. (y dear
daughter, thank you for your availability to listen to (y 3ord. %t is 3ord that saves and
it gives certitude of my arrival among you. This will happen soon, dear child, very soon,
be certain of this. (B %D?%D%T' &-E' ?-7 ;&& -? B-#, +;DD-T 3;%T ;DB
&-D4'7, too many are those who are moving away from the >oly "heep!fold=C.
I06012008* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa08eng.htmlJ.
)erhaps we could see T>' (-T>'7 -? 4-0 ;" T>' E%D'07'""'7 3>-
)&';0'0 3%T> T>' -3D'7 of the vineyard to let the fig tree alone for one more
year till he could Adig about it and put on manure. ;nd if it bears fruit neHt year, well
and good* but if not, you can cut it downC I&k 1,:5!9J. >as humanity produced the
fruits that the owner of the vineyard eHpected1
Truly, today, the $ody of +hrist, the +hurch, is being re!crucified= Those close to
4od understand this* "t. ?rancis of ;ssisi, who suffered tremendously with the great gift
of the stigmata, once eHclaimed: A&-E' %" D-T &-E'0=C >ere on earth, we cannot
imagine how much 4od loves each of us= $ut we are free to reGect this love and not
correspond with this love in many ways. A'nter by the narrow gate* for the gate is wide
and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. ?or
the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are fewC
I(t 6:1,!1.J. ;nd the (other of Jesus, who loves each of us individually more than all
the mothers in the world combined for their children, again sheds tears at the foot of the
cross for the lose of so many of her dear children for all eternity=
;fter -ur &ady of ?atima showed to the three shepherd children the D#('7-#"
"-#&" T>;T ?;&& ';+> 0;B %DT- >'&& ?-7 ;&& 'T'7D%TB, she told them
to offer as many sacrifices as possible, united with prayer and Jesus +rucified, especially
in the >oly "acrifice of the (ass, so as to offer the grace of conversion to these poor
souls who have no one to pray and sacrifice for them. "he taught them the prayer to say
at the end of each mystery IdecadeJ of the >oly 7osary: A-h, my Jesus, forgive us our
sins* save us from the fires of hell* lead all souls to >eaven, especially those in most need
of Thy (ercy.C
)ope John )aul %% wrote: /%T %" "#??'7%D4, more than anything else, which
clears the way for the grace which transforms human souls. "uffering, more than
anything else, makes present in the history of humanity the powers of the 7edemption.
%n that KcosmicK struggle between the spiritual powers of good and evil, spoken of in the
&etter to the 'phesians I'ph 5:12J, human suffering, united to the suffering of +hrist,
/constitutes a special support for the powers of good, and opens the way to the victory
of these salvific powers/ IA-n the +hristian (eaning of >uman "ufferingC, n.26* ?eb.
11, 198.J. To the world 4ood ?riday was an abysmal failure* the disciples of 'mmaus
went away as so many today do not find meaning in life because they have not
discovered one of the greatest mysteries and keys to life: suffering recogni<ed, embraced
and loved in union with +hrist +rucified= (any people like Ahappy hoursC at the bar, but
not AGoy hoursC filled with the fruits of the >oly "pirit especially by way of embraced
suffering in Jesus +rucified.
;s +" &'3%" said, GOD whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our
conscience, but SHO"TS to us in our PAIN. Jesus is there for us, and while suffering
does not cease to eHist, what Jesus has done is take away all the power of suffering, he
strengthens us in mind or faith or body, and helps us get through it. Jesus will not stand
by when we suffer: he is there to take the brunt of our suffering >imself, as >e did on
the cross. The answer to pain is JesusK being by our side when we pray. 4odKs goodness
comes through pain.
A$#T 3' )7';+> +>7%"T +7#+%?%'0, a stumbling block to Jews and folly
to 4entiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and 4reeks, +hrist the power of 4od
and the wisdom of 4od. ?or the foolishness of 4od is wiser than men and the weakness
of 4od is stronger than menC I1+or 1:2,!22J=
33+ The FTyra11y O. Relati2i('H
These liberals promote the philosophical idea of )&#7;&%"( that all ideas are
e@ual and good. $ut this undercuts the opinion of the maGority or what it means to be an
;merican as well as the fact that there are legitimate emphasis and a hierarchy of values
and truths. They say that they do not want everybody fighting so as to Gustify their claim
that all ideas must be e@ually accepted. $ut this reGection of the difference of values,
even from divine 7evelation, ends up becoming in the society Amight makes rightC=
Those in power can then manipulate the situation with various power plays. The
atheistic or rather anti!4od and anti!human ;+&# certainly demands that people listen
to and obey them, but there are no members of the ;+&# that are willing to die for their
cause as martyrs as so many +hristians have done= 4. :. +>'"T'7T-D said: A3hen
people loose their faith, they do not believe in nothing* they will believe in anything.C >e
also wrote: AJoining the +atholic +hurch does not mean leaving off thinking but learning
how to think=C ; few )rotestant churches in ;ustralia and +anada tried total pluralism
in their congregations but the )'-)&' 3;&:'0 ;3;B since the church leaders did
not stand up for any particular position. This is a type of false ecumenism. This
threatens the necessary unity of faith which Jesus prayed for IJn 16J and what "t. )aul
urged for the early +hristians I'ph .:,, 1,J. )luralism is actually radical relativism
which leads to what )ope $enedict ME% refers to as the Atyranny of relativismC1 %f all is
relative, then so too is relativism=
7elativism, according to )ope $enedict ME%, is /the most profound difficulty of
our time./ )ope John )aul %% said it is a leading cause for lack of evangelistic and
missionary <eal. ;nd the late ;llan $loom, author of the controversial bestseller AThe
2losing o3 the 7meri)an Mind, said it is the only thing that many university students
believe in. A7elativism "een as "nare for 'vangeli<ationC* Ihttp:www.<enit.orgarticle!
%n his homily at the (ass preceding the conclave that @uickly elected him )ope
$enedict ME%, then +ardinal 7at<inger said that /relativism, which is letting oneself be
tossed and Pswept along by every wind of teaching,L looks like the only attitude
QacceptableR to todayLs standards./ >' 3;7D'0: /3' ;7' (-E%D4 T-3;70 ;
0%+T;T-7">%) -? 7'&;T%E%"( 3>%+> 0-'" D-T 7'+-4D%T' ;DBT>%D4
;" ?-7 +'7T;%D ;D0 3>%+> >;" ;" %T" >%4>'"T 4-;& -D'L" -3D '4-
;D0 -D'L" -3D 0'"%7'"./
3hen a society throws out the laws and absolute truth from 4od and the greater
maGority of people convince themselves that all is relative IeHcept relativism=J, then the
society goes very @uickly toward the law of force and strength: (%4>T (;:'"
7%4>T= The Alaw of the GungleC becomes the norm of default. %t leads to
totalitarianism= 3hen knowledge is separated from love, the powerful dominate and the
weak suffer. Bou might say that relativism forms itLs own type of AgospelC in opposition
to the 4ospel of Jesus +hrist. This is the Atyranny of relativismC= Bou can be sure,
though, that A(%4>TC on earth, as well as in hell with the cruel dictator, "atan, is not
relative= Just as in heaven, as well as on earth, &-E' is not relative either=
There is also the interior Atyranny of relativismC. 3e know that, in these modem
times, to renounce asserting our independence and autonomy and to open ourselves to
the power of 4od is often considered to be a humiliation or a form of alienation. The
fact is, however, that by asserting our own independence we become closed within
ourselves and in the end we run up against our own finite limitations. %s this not a real
tyranny1 3>B 0- "- (;DB 4- T- )"B+>-&-4%"T" ;D0 )"B+>%;T7%"T"
T-0;B IA"in as insanityC, http:www.tldm.orgnews5insanity.htm* A0epression: sin or
ADumber of ;mericans taking antidepressants doublesC*
%f, instead, we open ourselves to 4od, we welcome into our lives -ne 3ho is
greater than we are 3ho can truly help us to fulfill ourselves and find true happiness and
%n our times, unfortunately, we can see that in modern man there is a growing
tendency to disregard 4od, because 4od is considered to be too demanding and
uncomfortable. #nder the influence of many factors, people want to put 4od aside by
simply eliminating him from their lives as a useless and superfluous being. $ehind this
attitude there lies a cultural view which takes the con@uests of science as its starting
point and sets out to convince us that scientific and technological progress will more and
more enable man to solve his problems and con@uer the world on his own. (-0'7D
(;D T>'7'?-7' T>%D:" >' %" "'&?!"#??%+%'DT ;D0 T>%" %" >%" 47';T
; great number of people will say to Jesus at Gudgment when they see >im face to
face: A% 0%0 D-T :D-3 >-3 (#+> B-# &-E'0 ('= % 0%0 D-T :D-3
>-3 (#+> (B %D0%??'7'D+' ;D0 %D47;T%T#0' +;#"'0 B-# T-
"#??'7 -D T>' +7-""=C >ow many ungrateful children freely choose to not want
to discover or know how much their parents have done and suffered and sacrificed for
them. They had willfully decided, step by step, to not seek or not want to find out about
the truth. Thus they do not reali<e how far they have gone from the truth, and so when
things totally collapse, they do not understand why= 3e do not reali<e how far away we
have strayed from 4od, according to >is criteria which >e has stamped into our very
eHistence. Dot having sought the Truth, we have not discovered that 4od loves each of
us immensely, in a personal way from all eternity, and thus we do not trust 4od,
especially when >e asks us, by way of "acred "cripture eHplained by >is +hurch, to do
things that are difficult and cause us to suffer a lot. $ut if we trust Jesus, we believe and
know that these things are in our best interest even though we may not fully understand
why or how. %n our blind pride we feel we are good and holy according to our criteria
with no reference to reality or divine revelation. "o when things become worse than
33%, 33%% and all the wars combined together, we will say A>ow is this possibleC, or
A4od is badC or A4od is 0eadC= %t is not easy to think and to reason and to seek the
truth. The problem is, dead bodies float downstream= Those who want to control us do
not want us to think for ourselves. ;fter years of not resisting the well!orchestrated
brainwashing and dulling on our minds, so many feel or say today: A%gnorance is bliss=C
$ut it is rather: A0'"%7'0 ;D0 +>-"'D %4D-7;D+' %" +-D0'(D;T%-D=C
AThe Truth "hall "et Bou ?reeC IJn 8:,2J=
A3hen They 3ill >ave $efore Them The Truth Then They 3ill #nderstand The
0eception -f Their (indsC IJanuary 2, 2005*
$ut where do people, who have freely and knowingly allowed themselves to slide
into relativism, go after they die if they do not repent beforehand1 To the heaven that
they created1 -r have they convinced themselves and others, being little gods I4en ,:.!
2J, that heaven does not eHist and so they can live as they wish here on earth with no
eternal conse@uences1 >ave they made themselves the criteria of reality and of
salvation1 This way of doing things seems to me very risky= 3>'D T>'"' "'&?!
(;0' 4-0" 0%"+-E'7 ;?T'7 0';T> T>;T T>'B ;7' D-T 4-0, 3>;T
3%&& >;))'D1 They set themselves up as the criteria of salvation, instead of seeking
the true criteria of salvation outside of themselves in 4od. %f these numerous little gods
do not find a little humility and seek and work to discover the truth of the eHistence of
4od and of >is holy commandments while on earth, will 4od Gudge them innocent of not
corresponding to the design stamped in their hearts of seeking, following and living the
truth1 ;fter all, they say there is no 4od= %f they are right, no problem. $ut if they are
wrong, what happens1 They will be Gudged severely precisely because they did not seek
and accept the T7#T>, who is Jesus +hrist, while they were alive on earth.
'ternity is at stake and one cannot change anything after death= ?or so many
people today their own ideas must do, they must have their own way, they are not open
to the possibility of a higher truth other than themselves or the creatures that they decide
to trust and follow. >#(%&%TB (;:'" %T )-""%$&' T- "'' 4-0 ;D0
D'%4>$-7= 4od hides the full reality of heaven and hell, otherwise we would not be
able to freely choose to be grateful and loving toward our +reator, or choose to not be
grateful and loving toward our +reator. %f we could see heaven only for an instant, it
would be too incredibly beautiful and attractive to be able to sin again* we would die
instantly of Goy. %f we could see hell for one instant and still live, we would never sin
again due to inconceivable freight= Thus in both cases, we would no longer be free= -ut
of love, 4od respects and safeguards our free will. 4od wants to know if we freely
choose to seek to know, to love and to serve >im, 3ho is truth, -7 D-T= The greatest
Goy in heaven is to see the face of 4od in the beatific vision. The greatest pain in hell is
the total separation of the poor creature from itLs +reator for all eternity* this pain is far
worse than the incredible fires of hell=
"imilarly, if we could see the soul of a person here on earth who is in the state of
grace, we would die of Goy* if we could see the soul of a person here on earth who is not
in the state of grace, we would die of fright. 3e cannot see these things here on earth
and of course the devil does not want us to come to the truth about these things so as to
lead us gently and happily and graciously to hell for all eternity with him= ;?T'7 ;&&,
%T 3-#&0 D-T $' A)-&%T%+;&&B +-77'+TC T- T;&: ;$-#T T>'"'
T>%D4", 'E'D %D -#7 +>#7+>'" ;D0 +;T'+>%"( +&;""'"= Bou might
frighten the sweet little darlings= The cultural man handlers have succeeded in creating
great pressure on people to not stand out against the godless society, and "atan is
laughing with glee=
"- (;DB T-0;B 0- D-T 3;DT T- )-"' T- T>'("'&E'" T>'
?#D0;('DT;& F#'"T%-D" -? &%?': why am % here* what is the sense of life*
nothing comes from nothing and so where did the universe come from* O so as to begin
a walk toward the truth of which 4od has left many tangible traces in >is creation and
revelation to mankind for those of good will= $ut without humility, we very easily fall
for the primordial, continual and deadly temptation of "atan I4en ,:.!2J, Ayou will be
like god, knowing good and evil=C
3>- 0'+%0'" 3>;T %" 7%4>T ;D0 37-D4, 4--0 ;D0 'E%&,
T7#T> ;D0 7';&%TB1 -ne has to work very hard every day to stamp out the
imprint of the +reator in his heart and to reGect the many daily inspirations and graces
from 4od in order to convince himself that 4od does not eHist= Thus when such a
person dies, even if he says he does not believe in 4od, it will be revealed to him in an
instant his whole life, including how hard he worked to deny and run from the truth
stamped in his heart* this will be his Gudgment for all eternity= 3hether one likes it or
not, or believes it or not, man is made in the image of 4od I4en 1:25!26J. D- -D'
4-'" T- >'&& -7 T- >';E'D ?-7 ;&& 'T'7D%TB $B +>;D+'= 4od will
always respect our great gift of our free will and thus will never force anyone to spend
eternity with >im in heaven or eternity without >im in hell= 4od created you without
you, but >e will not save you without you. The puppets of "atan, the proud modern
philosophers, would make us to believe that each person becomes a god so we, by
ourselves, decide what is reality and what is truth= The so!called A;ge of 7easonC
actually turned reason on itLs head. There is very little enlightenment found in the
A)eriod of the 'nlightenmentC= "ecular humanism is bankrupt= ?or a believer in 4od!
&ove, 7ena 0escartesL famous supposition A% think therefore % amC should read A% &-E'
T>'7'?-7' % ;(C= A;t that time Jesus declared* A% thank thee, ?ather, &ord of
heaven and earth, that thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and
revealed them to babesC I(t 11:22* &k 10:21J.
The foundation of the easy and desirable acceptance of relativism seems to come
back to the phrase, A%4D-7;D+' %" $&%""C= %gnorance of studying how a candidate
voted in the past and only listening to nice rhetoric, speeches, promises and smiles %"
$&%"". 7efusing to discover that a fetus is truly a live human being by seeing an
abortion so that we can easily kill Aa blob of tissueC %" $&%""= To buy into our
contraceptive culture is bliss even though it destroys our marriages. To shove our
disagreeable parents or grandparents prematurely down the chute of death to save money
and problems, %" $&%"". To interpret the 4ospels according to our accommodation and
comfort without the cross of +hrist in our lives or to ignore the fact that Jesus refers to
hell 60 times in the four 4ospels which 3' 0'+%0' does not eHist, %" $&%"". 3e
warn our child who is running toward an unseen cliff so he does not fall headlong to his
death, but we do not want to discover how we will be Gudged after death according to
the -D' who created all things* this %" $&%"". -h, how happy the devil is today
because he has succeeded in convincing so many that he does not eHist, nor hell, so we
feel we can live as we decide* the devil delights in depriving 4od of the eternal company
of as many of >is creatures as possible=
Jesus: A0ear daughter, may you know that soon you will hear to speak of
despicable and PintolerantL things about you simple and charitable persons, because T>'
0'E%& 3;DT" T- 0'"T7-B ;&& T>' (%D0" ;D0 &';0 B-# T- T>'
)'70%T%-D -? B-#7 >#(;D +-D"+%-#"D'"" %D :D-3%D4 >-3 T-
0'+%0' 3>;T %" 4--0 ;D0 3>;T %" 'E%&C. IJuly 2., 2005*
-ne person described relativism as locking oneself into his own egoism. $ut this
same person offered T>' 0%4D%TB -? T>' >#(;D )'7"-D as the answer to
violent ideologies and relativism. %f we discover a piece of truth today but do not live
this piece of truth today, tomorrow we will not be able to recogni<e or accept the new
piece of truth. %f we live a piece of truth today, tomorrow we will be able to recogni<e
and accept the new piece of truth. A+hange we need=C $ut 4od says: A?or % the &ord
do not changeC I(al ,:5J. AThus says the &ord: P"tand by the roads, and look, and ask
for the ancient paths, where the good way is* and walk in it, and find rest for your soulsC
IJer 5:15J.
)opes )ius M%% and John )aul %% wrote that T>' 47';T'"T "%D %" T>' &-"'
-? T>' "'D"' -? "%D= +onsider the sorrow and pain of a wife who loves her
husband a tremendous amount but her husband does not respond to her love* the more
she continues to love, the less he responds and thus the more pain and sorrow for her.
-r consider a husband who loves his wife with all his heart and she does not respond.
)erhaps this eHample might give us Gust a tiny drop of the pain and sorrow that Jesus
suffered on the cross 2000 years ago due to our %D0%??'7'D+' T-0;B= Eery often
there is a tendency to not consider very much the possibility of offending 4od, much less
to cause great pain to 4od due to our insensitivity and indifference. 3e say: A;fter all
>e is 4od* >e does not need us and besides >e is far above all these things=C 3e forget
that the greater the love is, the greater is the pain due to insensitivity and indifference.
4od who loves each one of us immensely suffers more than we can imagine due to our
indifference. -ne might say how can this be if Jesus already died 2000 years ago1 3e
must remember that for 4od there is no past or future but only the eternal present. Jesus
suffered IAsuffersCJ not only for the sins of those who lived before and during his
crucifiHion, but also for all of the sins after his crucifiHion. 3e slough off so easily this
fundamental indifference of not responding to love. This is the fundamental definition of
'very time we fall into sin, it is a nail, it is a thorn embedded in the >eart of
(aryLs "on, and "he cries out to us: A>;E' )%TB, >;E' ('7+B=C
T>' (;J-7%TB -? +;T>-&%+" 0- D-T 'E'D >;E' -D' >-#7 ;
3'': T- +-(' T- T>' >-&B (;"" T- T>;D: J'"#" ?-7 ;&& T>;T
T>'B >;E' 7'+'%E'0 ?7-( >%(: their very eHistence, their friends, their family,
their capacity to have relationships, the death of their loving "avior for each one of us
personally...= ;nd then many who do go regularly to "unday (ass go for their own
personal motives and desires and satisfactions but not to seek and do the will of 4od.
"unday (ass attendance is a precept of the +hurch, the barebones beginning of
practicing ones faith= +an we really pretend to spend eternity with Jesus when we do not
have even one hour a week for >im here on earth1 -r have we convinced ourselves,
with the help of "atan, that hell does not eHist, or if it does, we have decided that
everyone goes to heaven according to our criteria which is not informed by "acred
"cripture, "acred Tradition or any other revelation from 4od1 The only thing that we
take with us after death is our relationship or non!7'&;T%-D">%) 3%T> 4-0 and
our love or lack of love for Jesus in each neighbor. %f there is no relationship with 4od
here on earth, then for all eternity we will have no relationship with >im because
whatever relationship or lack of relationship we have with our +reator here on earth will
continue for all eternity after our death. $'>-&0 3>;T >'&& %"* T>' T-T;&
&;+: -? 4-0, more painful than all the fires and tortures of hell=
;fter % finish celebrating the >oly (ass each day, % often go with the other resident
priest to the &-+;& $;7 %D %T;&B for a cup of coffee with milk Icappuccino=J. %
often talk and Goke with the bartender, 7obert, who by now % know well. The other day
% said to him that this year many people in the world celebrate the invention of the ApillC
fifty years ago. % briefly said that the great maGority of +atholics fell for this very alluring
temptation of separating the marital act from life, from responsibility, which poisoned so
many families, Athe basic cell of societyC IJohn )aul %%J. This is the root of the crisis
today. 7obert responded casually that he uses the pill and everything works out fine for
him. % simple replied that today the great maGority of people do not even know the
difference between love according to the world and love according to Jesus +hrist. %
said that what is even worse, much worse, is the fact that the great maGority of people do
not want to know the difference= %4D-7;D+' %" $&%""= )eople have lost faith in a
4od 3ho loves them immensely and thus no longer trust >im, even when >e asks us, by
way of >is authoritative voice on earth, the +hurch with the )ope as the head, to do
things that are contrary to our desire for comfort and pleasure and to resist the mentality
of the world and culture that surrounds us today. A#nless you turn and become like
children, you will never enter the kingdom of heavenC I(t 18:,J.
AT>' 0;3D -? 0'(-D%+ 0'+')T%-DC by Jenn 4irouH. ATo commemorate
the 20th ;DD%E'7";7B -? /T>' )%&&/ the Wall Street =ournal ran a lengthy and
misleading article I/The $irth +ontrol 7iddle/ ;pril 20, 2009J by (elinda $eck, O
Today as confirmed +atholics this is all that 4od is asking of us ! to stand in bold
witness and poke holes in the spiritual darkness that surrounds us. 'ncountering the
demonic deceptions forwarded by (s. $eck and others who ignore the devastation
wrought by contraception, we must answer with the light of truth.C
%n our human way of talking here on earth, many people, who have willingly
accepted and embraced so many times in their life the great but convenient lies of
relativism, will say to Jesus when they die: A% did not know this or that or OC ;nd Jesus
will say: ABes, you did not know, but you willingly chose not to want to know, B-#
0%0 D-T 3;DT T- 0%"+-E'7 T>' T7#T> -7 T>' 0%??'7'D+' $'T3''D
&-E' ;++-70%D4 T- T>' 3-7&0, with so many hidden egotistical motives, and
true love that % eHplained while % was on earth leaving my +hurch, the +atholic +hurch
with the )ope as the head, to eHplain true love more clearly through the ages to the end
of time.C
3ith &-E' ;++-70%D4 T- T>' 3-7&0, even outward works that seem
praiseworthy, there is always a >%00'D )'7"-D;& )7-?%T -7 ;0E;DT;4'.
3ith love according to Jesus +hrist, it is free, even for our enemies, for the undesirable
ones, for the weak, for the unwanted, unborn babies, especially with physical defects, for
the old people no longer autonomous and who are often a burden to us and to society,
Jesus told "t. ?austina regarding the &#:'3;7( ;D0 %D0%??'7'DT
"-#&": /These souls cause (e more suffering than any others* it was from such souls
that (y soul felt the most revulsion in the 4arden of -lives. %t was on their account that
% said: K(y ?ather, if it is possible, let this cup pass (e by.K The last hope of salvation for
them is to flee to (y (ercy/ Idiary 1228J.
-h, how many +hristians are A?-#7 3>''& +>7%"T%;D"C only, four
sacraments only, cultural +hristians=
/'veryone ;gainst ;bortion, )lease 7aise Bour >and=/
Ihttp:www.priestsforlife.orgimagesindeH.aspHJ. (any want to conveniently believe
the lie that abortion is only removing FA LO OF TISS"EH, even though with the
sonogram we can even see how the baby suffers and tries to defend itself during an
abortion=>"2<T.m250WD7V1J. The baby, the
fetus, in the mother, is an independent living human being= ;t conception, the tiny
embryo already has an adult human soul= %t is said: A%4D-7;D+' %" $&%""=C $ut
when one discovers the truth or is given the truth in their heart by 4od, it is decision
time= The truth is for our good= ADo one can serve two masters* for either he will hate
the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. Bou
cannot serve 4od and mammonC I(t 5:2.J. A>e who is not with me is against me, and
he who does not gather with me scattersC I(t 12:,0* &k 11:2,J.
AT>' &;3" -? 4-0 0- D-T +>;D4' 3%T> T>' );""%D4 -? T%(',
but remain eHactly the same as they were written by the ;postles who lived at the side of
Jesus, (essiah!(aster.C IJanuary 2, 2005*
AThe 3ord -f 4od 0oes Dot +hange U %t 0oes Dot (utate U %t 0oes Dot 4et
-ld U %t 7emains %n 'ternity= I-ctober 2, 2002*
There was a billboard on the side of a few public buses in 4enova, %taly that read:
AThere is probably D- 4-0, "- 'DJ-B B-#7 &%?'.C This seems to insinuate that
with 4od you cannot enGoy life. $ut it also indicates that perhaps 4od does eHist. %f
4od does not eHist, % have lost nothing. %f 4od does eHist, then those who live as if 4od
does not eHist have lost everything=
A%D >%" 0'"%4D T>'7' %" (#+> ";&E;T%-D, $#T ;&"- (#+> J#"T
"'E'7%TB. )eace no longer reigns among you, in the families. 'ach one thinks only for
himself= ;nd that which gives more displeasure is that they are convinced that they are
acting well, by wise and educated people IJn 15:2!.J. )oor believers= They are convinced
that their truth lies in doing that which pleases and not in mutual respect, in suffering
born with together, in convincing themselves that all is overcome with love without
hesitation, based on the +ommandments and on the teHt of the >oly 4ospel. Do, these
principles do not make up part of their mentality. T>'B 0- D-T 'E'D 3;DT T-
:D-3= They know and do not accept that one speaks of a 4od that would make them
change life for the better, because they are convinced that they are PfablesL from another
era. &et us leave them to their way of thinking and they will reali<e about this. They are
foolish and senseless= They will soon know which is the truth=C I3is 2:21!22J
I0ecember 16, 2000*
A-h, how all are far from understanding and listening= They are taken up by the
fren<ied going in the world, and that which counts more, they do not even reali<e that
they despise ignoring and (;:%D4 ;&& -D&B ; 4-0 ?-7 "'&?, (;0'!T-!
(';"#7'. -h how much will % have to make to suffer, so that there might be in them
the decision for the right way* how severe will % have to be, so that they might reali<e
that % am the absolute (aster of every created man.C IJuly 9, 2001*
AT>' 'D'(B %" %D 'E'7B +-7D'7 -? T>' ';7T>= "ins are not
diminishing, few are those who seek salvation with respect to those who use their will
and do not in the least way worry about continually dirtying their soul with an infinite
number of sins always more grave= They are so immersed in the chaos of living life in the
way that the enemy in imposing on them, that they do not succeed in getting out of this
whirl, if in them does not intervene the 0ivine 4race to open the mind and heart to sin
and to the true light to follow. The world is really all muddied. There is not a corner of
the earth where my enemy has not placed one of his followers, ready to sow and to
administer satanic poison. 7elief for the souls will be the ;dorations that you will offer=C
I"eptember 1, 2002*
A-ur %nstruments of communication, you are chosen children of the ?ather, that
you might bring the 3ord of truth, but this word is not received by the greater part and
3>'D T>' 3;7D%D4 3%&& +-(', T>'%7 +>;D4' 3%&& $' 07;"T%+,
$'+;#"' T>'B 3%&& ?%D0 T>'("'&E'" $'?-7' ; T-T;&&B D'3
7';&%TB. ;ll is different from how they think, to others it will be such a total novelty,
being that they never proposed to themselves @uestions that any man proposes, such as:
3here am % going1 3hy do % eHist1 ;nd then they adapted themselves to the world Gust
like the wave that follows the thrust of the wind. %f they might have had a shred of faith,
they could have said: ! 3ell, if all these people have a motive to eHist, perhaps % too
should try to deal with this problem with a )riest: ! )lease, % would need light= U ;nd this
would be the first step toward salvation. %4D-7;D+' %" D-T T>' +;#"' -? D-T
>;E%D4 ?;%T>, $#T %T %" T>' "+;7+%TB -? %D?-7(;T%-D T>;T %D T>'
);7%"> T>'B 7'+'%E'0= 3e cannot always blame the families, in their turn, the
one who formed a family, he was not sufficiently helped along by the );"T-7" -?
T>' +>#7+>. ;nd thus, step by step, the ?;(%&%'" ?'&& ;);7T because they
were not formed with cement and iron, but only clayey sand.C IDovember 1., 2002*
36+ The Great De.a,lt o. Reli<io,( Leader(@
%t is good to know the truth before we die. 3hile alive we can change everything
with a good confession and a true change of life* ;?T'7 0';T> D-T>%D4 +;D $'
+>;D4'0 ?-7 ;&& 'T'7D%TB= 3e need more religious leaders and laymen and
laywomen to warn us of this eternal trap. ?orewarned is forearmed= The $east will be
able to perform /signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect/ I(t
2.:2.* (k 1,:22* 7ev 1,:8* 19:20J= %f more 7'&%4%-#" &';0'7" had less ?';7
-? >#(;D 7'")'+T and the courage to speak not only about the reality of sin
Imortal, graveJ and itLs conse@uences, but also about prophecy in the $ible and about the
second coming of +hrist, perhaps there would be less people swayed by JehovahKs
3itnesses and other cults which speak in a mistaken way about the end of the world=
%t is certainly 0%??%+#&T T- $' 7'&%4%-#" ;D0 +%E%& &';0'7"
T-0;B. $ut 4od gives more help and graces to those in authority if they ask for this
help. Thus the Gudgment on bishops and priests will be very severe in the end if they do
not preach the whole truth as taught by the +atholic +hurch, especially those truths
which are uncomfortable and point directly to the need to suffer and to carry the cross of
+hrist and to avoid sin, such as the great sinfulness of artificial birth control IA>umanae
EitaeC, 1958J and abortion. The priest is to bring 4od to a world that has forgotten 4od
and seeks only power, money and seH= -ne of the primary Gobs of priests is to shake up
the great maGority of people who feel they are -: and good, like everyone else, but in
fact are motivated only by self interest even while doing things that seem good and holy
to themselves and to others. "o many seek only a terrestrial paradise and freely choose
not to discover why they were made. They get comfortable and complacent in their little
cottages thus letting the wicked power seekers to go forward in their plan to render us
totally their slaves. %n a certain sense, these wars and ruthless dictatorships will serve to
wake up some of good will that seeking only comfort and security here on earth leads to
hell for all eternity. ?or evil to go forward, it is enough that those of faith do nothing or
very little.
%t is like the T3- )-&'" -? ; $;TT'7B+ %f you preach only about the
positive pole that 4od is love and merciful, which is essential and fundamental, without
preaching about the negative pole of the need of sacrifice, the cross of +hrist, the reality
of mortal sin and hell, the current does not flow= The main tenet of the faith today is to
be nice and super tolerant and to avoid strong positions against bad morality, and thus
people are not stimulated to dig into the truth. %t is much easier and more comfortable to
imagine that it is almost impossible to commit a mortal sin as so many modern
theologians try to convince us Icontrary to +++ 1825!1851J. 0ue to the lack of good
preaching and eHample from our religious leaders, many take the easier path and
convince themselves that 4od does not eHist, or no one knows Iagnostisim=J.
%t is certainly more pleasant and agreeable for the pastors, priests and bishops to
satisfy the people and to say what the people want to hear with a nice smile, and to
preach with Aour intelligenceC and with our Acultural preparationC= (;DB
)7';+>'7" ";B T>'B 0- D-T 3;DT T- ?7%4>T'D T>' )'-)&'= $ut
what is true love1 To provide for a nice life of 100 years, or to encourage our flock to
seek and work for a beautiful life of eternity1 "o many sermons today are designed to
make you feel good instead helping you be good= #nlike +hrist, the remotely
controversial is avoided.
"- (;DB );7'DT" T-0;B 0- D-T :D-3 >-3 T- ";B D- T-
T>'%7 +>%&07'D >'7' -D ';7T>= ;nd thus they do not know how to say B'"
to eternal happiness= ;nd then afterwards they ask why their children end up divorced
and with so many other problems1 %s this true love1 &ove for who1 (any bishops and
priests today are like sleeping dogs who do not bark at the approach of the wolf. The
last two generations, if not more, in ;merica have received very poor catechesis. (ost
+atholics do not even know the Ten +ommandments Inot 10 suggestions=J so as to be
able to have a minimal basis in order to form oneLs conscience and to be able to eHamine
oneLs conscience before making a good confession. To all the negligent or false teachers
out there,... your days are numbered. The &ord is taking back >is +hurch.
";%DT );07' )%- 'E'7B -D+' %D ; 3>%&' 07-E' %D"%D+'7'
)'-)&' -#T -? >%" +-D?'""%-D;&. -n one such occasion he threw out a
mother of two daughters. &ater )adre )io, who could read the hearts and souls of
people, revealed that this mother never disciplined her two daughters, never said D-
even though these two daughters went around immodestly dressed. )adre )io knew in
his spirit that both of the daughters were already dead and both ended up in hell and so
he reviled the mother for this grave lack of doing her Gob as a mother=
(any offer misguided compassion* they do not want to hurt the feelings of others.
They want to make everybody feel good and happy at the eHpense of the truth. $ut then
tomorrow there are the conse@uences= Truth is truth= ;s they say: ABou canLt fool
mother nature=C
The devil seeks, in everyway possible, to convince us that the devil and hell do not
eHist so that we do not put any effort into discovering our great lack of love and our
hidden egotistical motives. %f the devils do not eHist, if there is no hell, then we all go to
>eaven= ;nd so we have nothing to fear1=1 3>;T ; 0'+')T%-D= The first step of
conversion is to reali<e that we are sinners. Today people are totally surrounded by the
ATB7;DDB -? 7'&;T%E%"(C, each person is a little god on his own and determines
for himself what is good and evil. 3hat is right for you is -:* what is right for me is
-:, and so on. The only thing that is not tolerated is the absolute truth from the
+reator= )eople have lost the belief and connection with the +reator of all things who
establishes absolute truth which can be found in >is creation and in >is divine revelation
in "acred "cripture interpreted by the -ne +hurch that >e left us with the A7ockC as the
guide and head. )ope $enedict ME% has often said that relativism is truly a AtyrannyC=
)riests and bishops must help people out of this grave diabolic trap of the Atyranny of
relativismC to find true freedom, the true meaning of life and true happiness not only on
earth but for all eternity. %f the priests and bishops speak only about 4od as love and
merciful and do not speak anymore about the reality of mortal sin and the reality of hell,
many people end up believing there is not much need Ior none whatsoever=J to ask for
the mercy of 4od and thus the redemption is rendered useless and null. 3' D-
&-D4'7 D''0 J'"#" 7'0''('7= "o many people I+atholicsJ today do not
understand anymore what is mortal sin and thus do not go to the sacrament of
+onfession regularly or do not go at all.
To fight in a battle, is it not prudent and necessary to know not only your own
weapons, tactics and strategy, but also the weapons, tactics and strategy of the enemy1
%t was recounted to )ope John )aul %% that the EaticanKs chief eHorcist, ?ather 4abriele
;morth, Aknows too many bishops who do not believe in the 0evilC. The )ope replied
bluntly: A;DB-D' 3>- 0-'" D-T $'&%'E' %D T>' 0'E%& 0-'" D-T
$'&%'E' %D T>' 4-")'&C. 3hen asked A3hat do you see as "atanLs greatest
success1C, ;morth replied: AThe fact that he has managed to convince people that he
does not eHist. >e has almost managed it, even within the +hurch. 3e have a clergy and
an 'piscopate who no longer believe in the 0evil , in eHorcism, in the eHceptional evil the
0evil can instill, or even in the power that Jesus bestowed to cast out demons. O ;nd
they no longer believe in the 0evil. 3e have entire 'piscopates trying to counter
eHorcism. 3e have countries completely devoid of eHorcists, such as 4ermany, ;ustria,
"wit<erland, "pain and )ortugal. This is a shameful shortfall.C*
AT>'7' %" ; 7%"' %D ";T;D%"(, and satanic activity and satanic ritual
murders. This danger is real and should not be ignored.C*
AThe &ure of the EampireC
Ihttp:www.angelfire.comny,'D0'(-D%;0;lureofvampire.htmlJ. 4roups of
"atanism are springing up all over the world as fewer and fewer +hristians go regularly
to church services.
3e are in the greatest spiritual battle in the history of the +hurch and of the world,
and so many of our generals, the bishops, and our captains, the priests, do not even
believe or want to believe that the enemy eHists, let alone to understand the weapons,
tactics and strategy of the enemy= 3-' T- #" "%()&' $#+: )7%E;T'" 3>-
;7' -D T>' $;TT&' ?%'&0 3%T> "#+> #D%D?-7('0 ;D0 #D)7');7'0
-??%+'7" T- &';0 #"=
; 47';T "-#7+' -? )';+' %" ;#T>'DT%+ >#(%&%TB. >umility is
absolutely essential for any union with 4od and spiritual progress. >umility is needed to
discover the innate laws of nature around us and in us which are put there by the +reator
as well as to seek, discover, believe and live 4odLs divine revelation . To refuse this
inborn law is like not following the instruction manual of the car maker by putting +oca
+ola in the gas tank and grapefruit Guice in the crank case. Things do not work properly
in our life if we arrogantly refuse to follow the revealed instructions of our (aker.
>umility is also a prere@uisite for being heard by 4-0.
% posed a @uestion to several people who work in the parishes: A3hen is the last
time that you heard a priest say that it is a mortal sin to use artificial birth control and
that one must confess this grave sin and throw away the %#0Ls and the pill before
receiving the (ost >oly 'ucharist, otherwise one commits another mortal sin1 -r that
the contraceptive mentality erodes and destroys the fundamental cell of society, the
family1C ;&& -? T>'( ";%0 D'E'7=
%s not T>' 47';T'"T &-E' for another person to help that person to arrive to
eternal salvation and happiness, rather than only comfort and feeling good during this
very short life1 -ne finds in the four 4ospels Jesus referring to hell about 60 times, but
we rarely hear about this today. )erhaps 100 years ago there were some who
eHaggerated the preaching of hell, fire and brimstone, without establishing the base of
true love and mercy as well. $ut today the pendulum has gone totally to the other
eHtreme to the great detriment of countless souls.
"t. ;ugustine writes: A ATherefore, you shepherds, hear the word of the &ord.C
;nd what must you shepherds hear1 AThus says the &ord: $ehold % am superior to the
shepherds, and % will re@uire my sheep at their handC I'< ,.:9J. &isten and learn, sheep
of 4od: 4od re@uires his sheep from the wicked shepherds, and from them demands an
account for the death of his sheep. ?or he says in another place through the same
prophet: A"on of man, % have made you a watchman for the house of %srael. 3henever
you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me. %f % say to the
wicked, - wicked man, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to
turn from his way, that wicked man shall die in his ini@uity, but his blood % will re@uire at
your hand. $#T %? B-# 3;7D T>' 3%+:'0 T- T#7D ?7-( >%" 3;B, ;D0
>' 0-'" D-T T#7D ?7-( >%" 3;B, >' ">;&& 0%' %D >%" %D%F#%TB, $#T
B-# 3%&& >;E' ";E'0 B-# &%?'.C 3hat is this, my brothers1 Bou see how
dangerous it is to keep silent1 >e dies, and rightly dies* he dies in his impiety and sin* for
his heedlessness kills him. >e might have found the living shepherd, who says, A;s % live,
says the &ordC* but since he has been heedless, no warning coming from the one
appointed as watchman to give warning, he will Gustly die, and the watchman will be
Gustly condemned. $ut if, says the &ord, you tell and impious man, ABou will surely dieC,
when % have threatened him with the sword, and he neglects to avoid the sword hanging
over him, and it falls and kills him, he will die in his sin* but you have saved your life.
Therefore it is my part not to keep silent* it is yours , even if % should keep silent, to
listen to the words of the shepherd from holy scripture.C I'< ,,:6!9J I-ffice of
7eadings, week 22, 3ednesdayJ.
%T "''(" T>;T (;DB )7%'"T" ;D0 $%">-)" ;7' %D+;);$&' -?
0%")&';"%D4 T>' )'-)&'. The ones who should speak are silent because they are
afraid of being laughed at or mocked or being accused of not being up with the times. %n
this regard, even the enemies of +hrist admitted: ATeacher, we know that you are true,
and teach the way of 4od truthfully, and care for no man* for you do not regard the
position of menOC I(t 22:15* (k 12:1.* &k 20:21J. %n the end our silence ended up
crucifying +hrist=
>ow many couples and families have we priests and bishops undermined and
destroyed in the name of AloveC by giving council that some of the +hurchLs teachings
are too difficult and outmoded, such as >umanae Eitae1 ; few years ago a worldwide
study was done regarding the connection between divorce and having children. (illions
of couples were surveyed. The results were: if the couple has no children, ,9X end up
in divorce* one child, 19X divorce rate* 2 children, 12X divorce rate* , children, 9X*
and . or more children, less than .X divorce rate. >aving children is related to marriage
stability. 'ven ;ristotle said that childless couples do not have as much holding them
together* they do not have the same type of unity. +hildlessness is not the way to
preserve happiness together and unity in marriage. 4od loves each of us immensely*
when we heed >is word pronounced by >is lawful +hurch, things go much better=
"T. J->D ?%">'7 3;" T>' -D&B $%">-) %D 'D4&;D0 7';0B T- 0%'
?-7 >%" ?;%T> #D0'7 :%D4 >'D7B E%%%. >ow many priests and bishops today
would be ready to die for their faith rather than being lured into having a prestigious
position in the Dew 3orld -rder1 -r how many bishops and priests and civil leaders
would be in a very great crisis if they lost their title and positions as )astor or $ishop or
civil leader, even though these honors and titles have no value whatsoever after death=
&%?' %" T7#&B ; $;TT&'. A>e who does not go forward, slides backwards=C
%mmediately after the "econd Eatican +ouncil many bishops and priests and lay men and
women interpreted the council documents so as to satisfy themselves and the people
under their care rather than to satisfy 4od and >is will. Thus they twisted the truths of
the faith so as to take away the cross of suffering from the living of the authentic 4ospel.
; fundamental eHample of this was the incredible rebellion against the encyclical
A>umanae EitaeC which was meant to safeguard the most precious and fundamental
element of society, the family, as well as the dignity of man and woman. &ead by the
>oly "pirit, the council also 7'?-7('0 T>' &%T#74B so as to lead the faithful to
worship 4od not only individually, which was predominant for many centuries leading up
to the council, but also as a community of believers. ;gain, so many church leaders used
this opportunity to satisfy the people by )#TT%D4 T>'("'&E'" ;D0 T>'
+-((#D%TB ;T T>' +'DT'7 of the liturgy while putting aside or ignoring all
together the fundamental purpose and goal of the liturgy, to worship 4od. &ike (other
;ngelic of '3TD once said, it is hard to tell the difference between many new churches
built today and a sport gymnasium* the +reator of the universe in the (ost >oly
'ucharist is put off to the side somewhere or not even present.
>-3 (;DB &;B('D ;D0 &;B3-('D 3%&& $' 7';0B T- 0%' ;"
";%DT T>-(;" (-7', a contemporary of "t. John ?isher and the +hancellor of
'ngland1 Thomas (ore was thrown into prison in the Tower of &ondon for his refusal
to take the oath re@uired by the A?irst "uccession ;ctC, because the act disparaged the
power of the )ope and >enryLs marriage to +atherine of ;ragon. Thomas (ore was an
important counselor to >enry E%%% of 'ngland* he was tried and eHecuted for treason by
beheading in 12,2 for denying that the king was the "upreme >ead of the +hurch of
'ngland, a title the king had been given by the A;ct of "upremacyC of 12,.. 3hat will
each of us do when we will be given the choice to deny Jesus +hrist and receive the
microchip so as to eat and live, or to remain faithful to Jesus +hrist and die of starvation
and even torture1
A#nited +hurch of +hrist, (ethodist, 'piscopal, )resbyterians -: ;bortion
?undingC Ihttp:www.lifenews.comnat26.2.htmlJ.
3>B 0%0 -#7 &;0B -? ?;T%(; ">-3 T>7'' B-#D4 +>%&07'D ;
E%"%-D -? >'&& with countless souls falling everyday into the abyss as sparks into the
great fire1 &ucia of ?atima said to ?ather ?uentes I1926J that the face of our &ady was
always sad. -ur &ady sheds tears for each and everyone of her children who fall into hell
for all eternity, depriving their +reator of their company for all eternity= 'ach of us will
cry in the end because we did not pray and offer sacrifices as much as we could, Gust as
"chindler cried in the end for not having more gold and valuables to eHchange for the
lives of the Jews during 3orld 3ar %% Ifilm A"chindlerLs &istCJ. 4od totally respects our
primordial gift of our free will, being created in >is image I4en 1:25!26J. This is true
love= %t is not easy today to preach the whole truth= %f you have holes in your shield, the
devil is a very good shot, and he will shoot an arrow right through the holes and hit you.
)astors, priests and bishops must )7';+> $-T> )-&'" -? T>' $;TT'7B* both
are essential for the current to flow, otherwise there is not true &ove 3ho is also
%D?%D%T'&B J#"T=
)astors must help their sheep to not follow the world with itLs immorality,
backbiting, wrong behaviors. There is no longer any rules, no scruples that holds them
back, they are in Geopardy, and go to meet evil without looking back to think: A$ut
where am % going1C
; great number of priest, bishops and parents do as )eter did at the beginning of
his walk with Jesus when )eter rebuked Jesus who revealed to the ;postle that >e must
Asuffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killedC I(t
15:21J. )eter later matured to the point of giving his life as a martyr for Jesus. Jesus
would say to these numerous priests, bishops and parents, who never matured as
+hristians, the same as >e said to )eter: A4et behind me, "atan= Bou are a hindrance to
me* for you are not on the side of 4od, but of menC I(t 15:2,J. The principle
commandment of the devil is: A0onLt suffer= Bou must not suffer=C Jesus said: A'nter by
the narrow gate* for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and
those who enter by it are many. ?or the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to
life, and those who find it are fewC I(t 6:1,!1.J= The narrow gate is the actual and
personal presence of +hrist crucified in our personal lives= A%f any man would come after
me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow meC I&k 9:2,J.
The (amma: A%n a short time, children, my PchildrenL will be persecuted* T>'
+>#7+> 3%&& T#7D ;4;%D"T T>'(=C I-ctober 2., 2001*
4od the ?ather: A(B )7%'"T "-D" Q+;70%D;&", $%">-)", )7%'"T"R ;7'
;$-#T T- 4%E' $;TT&' T- T>'%7 4-0 %D J'"#" '#+>;7%"T, but they will
not be able to deprive me of such Goy, not while this (y ?avored son Qthe )opeR, keeps
watch over you. They will have to knock him down if they want to do all that they have
in mind, but the ;ngels and the "aints help him to be strong and fighting.C IJanuary 2.,
2002* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa9902eng.htmlJ.
A0efend me, my brothers, defend me, do not be silent any longer, be courageous
and 0- D-T &'T B-#7"'&E'" $'+-(' %DE-&E'0 3%T> T>'
?7''(;"-D7B. Bou play both sides in order to ensnare as much as you can, but %
will not permit beyond that which is decided. 'nough=, they will soon say, but soon and
this will be done so @uickly, that will not ask themselves in time: ! 3hat is happening1
Those poor ones clothed in purple, they think to be able to defy who1 To their 4od1 $ut
who do they think they are1 -ne 4od only there is and there does not eHist another but
(e. I(arch 8, 200,*
A?'3 ;7' T>' ?;%T>?#& 3>- "'': T7#' +>7%"T%;D%TB O ;ll will
have to be indoctrinated with the authentic faith and not with the distorted faith from a
P(asonicL teaching.C I(arch 6, 200.*
PT>' -D'" +&-T>'0 %D )#7)&' 3%&& >;E' T- -$'B (B )'T'7=L
AThe -nes clothed in purple depend on (y )eter and if (y )eter wants (y &aws
to be respected, as % instituted them, they will have to obey* and the one who will not be
in agreement, will fall into my severe Gudgment. -h yes, that % will have clemency, do not
doubt this, but when % see that the repeated recalls of the )ope do not help and they still
do that which is more suitable to them, % can no longer accept these lackings, because
they are leading more and more to apostasy and they are disgusting so many faithful
children who would want >oly )riests to imitate and not to have to reproach. They are
making too many mistakes and all too easily they hide behind the word PobedienceL. %t is
time that it is enough=C. I(ay 28, 200,*
A(y daughter, let time pass and you will see >-3 (;DB >%00'D
%DT7%4#'" B-# 3%&& 0%"+-E'7 %D "- (;DB )7%'"T" T>;T 0- D-T
?-&&-3 (B 3-70, $#T ?-&&-3 T>' 4-0 -? (-D'B, T>'B ?-&&-3
;??&#'D+', they follow the not having headaches so as to be in peace, without
hearing any reproaches from their conscience, which would awaken from the stupor in
which it is now, ensnared by wellbeing, by superficiality with which it is now carried out
that which is the &aw of 4od. -h my dear, they have programmed a QlawR that goes well
for self, one that is in step with the times. This they say in order to hide the sin in
omitting the True 3ord of 4od. $ut they will soon reali<e which is the True 3ord. They
will become aware of where there is the Truth of the (essages. They will not be able to
say U A% did not know=C.C IJune 26, 200,*
A(any 3ill &oose Themselves $ecause -f The (-0'7D T>'-&-4BC
I0ecember 6, 2002*
4od the ?ather: A(y tone of voice this evening has become serious, because more
serious is the time that you are living and % cannot permit that you fall into the traps= $e
careful... children,... not to fall=... A(;DB "T;7" 3%&& ?;&&C... it is written in the
"acred $ook I7ev 12:.J, but these stars will fall draggingO other smaller stars.C
I0ecember 10, 200.*
A% 3%&& "T%&& 7'&%E' T>' +7#+%?%M%-D ?7-( T>' );7T -? P(B
"+7%$'"L, and still % will give (yself in order to bring salvation to those who will say:
A>ere % am, % want to follow you, % am guilty of my sins, % am conscious of my errors,
but % ask Bou for pardon and mercy=C,C IJune 18, 2005*
Jesus Ifor the priestsJ: A-ur >earts wait for you and they are parched with love,
because few are those who have entrusted themselves and have reciprocated the &ove
given. They have despised -ur working among the children, they have derided each time
that with sincere &ove we have made appeal to the conscience and to the intellect. Bes
they believe to be -:, they believe to be infallible, but infallibility @uickly disappears if
4od intervenes and cause to fall the scaffolding that they have constructed in order to
erect themselves above the others in order to control the movements and to deride the
sincere work of the ones who love #s. -> %D+7'0#&-#" )7%'"T"= 3>;T (#"T
% 0- T- (;:' B-# 7'!'DT'7 %DT- T>' >-&B ">'')!?-&0= %f you remain
outside how can you do so that the souls might enter into the "heep!fold= They follow
you, if you are more prodigious Qfirm and decidedR in declaring that 4od there is, 4-0
'M%"T" ;D0 >'&& ;&"- 'M%"T"= ")';: (-7' ;$-#T T>' 0'E%& and make
him known as far as how powerful is his subGugation and the nonchalance of whom he
tramples on. %n ecclesial status seeking you are knowledgeable of what PloadL you make
for yourselves, of how many souls you lead to >eaven, or how many you lead to the
slaughter= >ave a firm intention, and do not listen to those who propose to you alliance,
in order to later manipulate even the &aw of 4od for their pleasure. &isten to everyone,
faithful and otherwise, listen and reflect, do not be prideful in saying: ATo me it will not
happen=C. Bou must not descend into compromises: one is with 4od or one passes to the
enemy= This is (y eHhortation for those who make politics out of the faith. ;men=C
I(arch 8, 2008* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa08eng.htmlJ.
4od the ?ather: A(y children, do you want to understand that the time that you
are living will never present itself again1 B-# ;7' %D T>' 47%) -? T>' 'E%&
-D', ;D0 %T "''(" T>;T B-# ;7' ?%D' T>'7'= )oor ungrateful children,
when the whole truth will arrive to you, in the fullness of the &ight of 4od, what do you
believe, that 4od might not see that you are dirty up to the neck with hypocrisy, lies and
inhuman AbeautyC. 3hat do you believe, that your 4od might still put up with this1 %t is
time to finish this epoch so wicked and destructive of souls consecrated to (e, of souls
given to (e and then lost. -f degenerate children, careless of the evil caused to others,
beyond that to themselves= Do, children, it is no longer time to waver, decide for
yourselves 4od, otherwise it will be too late.C IDovember 16, 2005*
A% am worried about how my children will react when they will have understood
that the T7#T>" -? T>' ?;%T> >;E' $''D ;&3;B" 0%"T-7T'0 $B T>-"'
3>- 3;DT'0 T- (;:' -? (B +>#7+> T>'%7 0%D4B >-&'* of children
worried about the wellbeing of the brothers, and T>%D:%D4 T- 0- T>' 7%4>T
T>%D4, they have accepted the changes, thus playing into the hands of the rebellious
and infernal enemy. -h yes they will understand, but at the eHpense of my children
faithful to the A+hurchC, who believe in them. %n this way they have denied (y 3ord of
truth, which must never be changed=C. I;pril 2, 2002*
;rchbishop ?ulton "heen once said: A3e donLt need a voice when everything is
right* 3' D''0 ; E-%+' 3>'D 'E'7BT>%D4 %" 37-D4.C
7ead the encyclicals and writings of )ope $enedict ME% and watch '3TD
Ihttp:www.ewtn.comJ= A(other ;ngelica Ifounder of '3TDJ, awarded top honor by
)ope $enedict ME%C* -ctober 2, 2009 Ihttp:www.catholicnewsagency.comnew.php1
37+ The E<oti(tical O)Becti.icatio1 o. the #o'a1 i1 the Na'e
o. Freedo'@
3>'7' 3;" T>' E-%+' -? T>' $%">-)" ;D0 )7%'"T" %D T>' &;"T
50 B';7" as the forces of evil launched the greatest attack ever on +hristian morals
and in particular against the fundamental cells of all societies, T>' ?;(%&B111
>-3 >;E' 3' ;77%E'0 T- T>' )-%DT to have enshrined certain concepts
today that were really very foreign to our founding fathers and which are not contained
in the #.". +onstitution or in the $ill of 7ights and were never intended or imagined
even 50 years ago1
-D' -? T>' :'B )&-B" -? T>' 4-0&'"" 0'"T7-B'7" -? -#7
"-+%'TB ;D0 -? -#7 +#&T#7' %D T>' #.". 3;" T- 7'0'?%D' ;D0
'E'D %DE'DT ; D'3 D-T%-D -? )7%E;+B T-T;&&B 0%??'7'DT ?7-(
>-3 %T 3;" T7;0%T%-D;&&B #D0'7"T--0 ;D0 ;))&%'0 %D &;3. The
right to privacy had a narrow understanding when it was initially formulated. The /right
to privacy/ when originally formulated referred to the right to have such things as oneKs
Gournal or conversations kept private. "iHty years ago there was much more of a sense
of the importance to protect the common good of society against the various forms of
egoism which, in particular, destroy the family and the morals of the society. Thus the
use and distribution of contraceptives was held illegal by virtually all +hristians who put
this on the books in order to work against immorality* %T 3;" +-D"%0'7'0 T>;T
+-DT7;+')T%-D &'0 T- E%+', %T &'0 T- ('D >;E%D4 "'M 3%T>
)7-"T%T#T'" ;D0 (%"T7'""'", ;D0 T>;T %T 3-#&0 D'E'7 $'
"-('T>%D4 B-# #"' 3%T> B-#7 3%?'. They believed it would lead to
promiscuity, to pornography, a distorted understanding of seHuality. "o these laws were
kept on the books. -ur liberating culture destroyers were trying to find some way to
make contraception legal, which was illegal in Gust about every state in the #.". "T;T'
;?T'7 "T;T' "#++#($'0 T- T>'%7 #D0'7>;D0'0 (;D'#E'7%D4"
$B 7')';&%D4 T>'"' 3%"' &;3" $;"'0 %D T>' J#0'-!+>7%"T%;D
'T>-". The state of +onnecticut held out the longest against these diabolical attacks
and subterfuges and so kept the laws on the books. The family destroyers and promisers
of false liberty tried to get the legislators and courts to change the law, but they kept
reaffirming the law* it was not overturned. ;nd so they had to have a court case in 1952
that was actually set up. They had a professor speak to an audience at Bale. They
invited the police and asked the police to arrest this man when he gave a free sample of a
contraceptive to a cooed. ;nd then they provoked their lawsuit.
7ead: AT>' 7%4>T T- )7%E;+B ! >-3 $;0 &;3" ;&&-3'0 T>'
+#&T#7' -? 0';T>C, by Janet "mith. A(ost ;mericans, even +atholics, probably
take it for granted that the #.". +onstitution protects their right to privacy. $ut they may
be surprised to find out that no such right is in the +onstitution. ?urthermore, the advent
of the right to privacy in ;merican constitutional law built a foundation for the culture of
death to thrive in this country, according to philosopher Janet '. "mith. To diagnose the
problem further, "mith has written AThe 7ight to )rivacyC I%gnatiusJ. %n the book, "mith
discusses how )ope John )aul %%Ls encyclical A'vangelium EitaeC properly identifies the
philosophical views that led to the invention of the right to privacy as we know it, as well
as how it was used to advance the culture of death. "he shared with T'D%T how the so!
called right to privacy has vitiated any sense that there is an obGective truth that must
govern human behavior. OC Ihttp:www.<enit.orgarticle!2,9521lVenglish*
A; new cultural climate is developing and taking hold, which gives crimes against
life a new and U if possible U even more sinister character, giving rise to grave
concernOC I'vangelium EitaeJ.
7ead also: A+-DT7;+')T%-D: 3>B D-T1C. Janet "mith eHplains why the
+atholic +hurch keeps insisting, in the face of the opposite position held by most of the
rest of the modern world, that contraception is one of the worst inventions of our time.
3ith this A"');7;T%-D -? ?7''0-( ?7-( T>' T7#T>C I'vangelium
EitaeJ, the moral foundation which under girds the concept of marriage @uickly became
eroded. The +hurch has always held up very high the vocation of marriage. %D -#7
(-0'7D +#&T#7', "'M >;" $'+-(' J#"T ; 7'+7';T%-D;& ;+T%E%TB.
%t has nothing to do with eHpressing love. %t has nothing to do with eHpressing a lifetime
commitment. The +hurch tells us that the seHual act is meant to speak a certain
language which is A% give myself to you in a way in which % give myself to no one elseC.
-ur culture tells us it is -: to have seH with all sorts of people, before you get married
and after marriage. ;nd so it is very hard for people brought up in our Aculture of
deathC today to understand the language of true love eHplained by the +hurch especially
since the +hurch leaders were not vigilant in helping children and adults learn these vital
essentials in the +atholic schools and formation programs, as well as to help people to
learn to be on guard against the most powerful and deceptive and subtle attacks ever
devised against the proper use of the gift of seHuality. "eH has become Gust an eHpression
of A% want to enGoy a physical pleasure with youC* the seHual act is no longer an
eHpression of a lifetime commitment to a person of the opposite seH.
3>B %" "'M ;))7-)7%;T' ?-7 'M)7'""%D4 ; &%?'T%('
+-((%T('DT1 %t is appropriate for eHpressing a lifetime commitment because it may
lead to children. ;nd children re@uire a lifetime commitment. "o this is where )ope
)aul E% and )ope John )aul %% really eHpanded this notion that the unitive and
procreative meaning of the seHual act are intrinsically linked* they are inseparable. ;nd
so when you are trying to eHpress true union, there is the intention for a future union
with the leaving of the procreative meaning open in the seHual act. +ontraception
divided this fundamental union intended by the +reator. +ontraception said Awell seH is
Gust for pleasureC. ;nd now we have what we have in our culture. 3e have rampant
promiscuity. 3e have ,6X of the babies born our of wedlock. 3e have one out of four
babies aborted. Bou can trace all of this back to the change in the understanding of
seHuality that came with the contraceptive pill in 1950.
The right to privacy has become a bogus term which has become so enshrined after
the "upreme +ourt case of 4riswold v. +onnecticut I1952J. -riginally the right to
privacy meant that you could not have your private thoughts made public. T>'B
3'7' T7B%D4 T- ?%D0 "-(' 3;B T>'B +-#&0 &'4;&%T' T>' #"' ;D0
";&' ;D0 0%"T7%$#T%-D -? +-DT7;+')T%E'". $ut the words Aright to
privacyC do not appear anywhere in the +onstitution or in the $ill of 7ights, not even in
the first, fourth, fifth or ninth amendments of the +onstitution. "o they basically made it
up. They eHtended the right to privacy to mean that the bedroom was a private place.
3'&& B-# ";B T>;T B'" %T %" ; )7%E;T' )&;+'. $ut there is all sorts of
things that happen in a bedroom that are illegal: marital rape, incest, abuse of children.
;nd so later the right to privacy used to Gustify abortion was simply made up. "o what
was originally a right to privacy, not allowing your diaries to be made public, became
somehow a right to use contraception which had been understood as connected with vice
and a fundamental detriment of society. T-0;B T>'7' >;E' $''D ;&& :%D0"
-? &;3" T- )7-T'+T T>' +-((-D 4--0 %D 7'4;70" T- "(-:%D4
T-$;++-, $#T 3' >;E' T>7-3D -#T ;&& T>' &;3" 3>%+> )7-T'+T
T>' (-"T %()-7T;DT $#%&0%D4 $&-+:" -? -#7 "-+%'TB, T>'
?;(%&B. +ontraception leads to so much promiscuity, abortion and babies born out of
%n the court case of 1952, the Gudges said that in no way is this going to legali<e
contraception for the unmarried* it is never going to lead to permission of such things as
homoseHuality. %T 3;" E'7B +&';7 T>;T T>' +-#7T" %D 1952 3'7' "T%&&
;$"-&#T'&B $'>%D0 &'4%"&;T%-D T>;T B-# (%4>T +;&& (-7;&"
&'4%"&;T%-D, that there are certain kinds of acts that human beings should not
engage in, and it is in the interest of the state to prohibit those actions.
%n the "upreme +ourt case A$aird v. 'isenstadtC I1956J, +-DT7;+')T%-D
$'+;(' -: ?-7 "%D4&' 3-('D as a kind of approval of seH outside of marriage.
This was a huge eHplosion of the right to privacy. "ince the law was saying that a single
woman has a right to not bear a child, this left a huge opening to legali<ing abortion
which came about in 196, saying that you can kill a baby in the womb but not in the
bedroom= The slippery slope away from self!sacrifice for the benefit of others and of the
common good @uickly led to abortion, assisted suicide, seH between members of the
same gender.
3' >;E' D- ;))7'+%;T%-D -? T>' +-((-D 4--0 ;DB(-7'. 3e
see no reason to curtail our own living out of our own whims and preferences because it
might harm the common good. 0ivorce is one of those things. 0ivorce was very hard
to get because it was considered to be very bad for the spouses and for the children and
for the society. "o people were supposed to put up with a degree of unhappiness in their
lives and to really fight for marriage, so that the good of children could be protected and
the good of the culture could be protected. Dow people think that this is absurd that you
would eHpect this.
The council ?athers in the A0'+7'' -D T>' ;)-"T-&;T' -? T>' &;%TBC
wrote: A"ince, in our own times, new problems are arising and very serious errors are
circulating which tend to undermine the foundations of religion, the moral order, and
human society itself, this sacred synod earnestly eHhorts laymen ! each according to his
own gifts of intelligence and learning ! to be more diligent in doing what they can to
eHplain, defend, and properly apply +hristian principles to the problems of our era in
accordance with the mind of the +hurch.C
T>' 7%4>T T- )7%E;+B >;" $''D #"'0 T- +-0%?B "- (;DB
%((-7;& ;TT%T#0'" ;D0 ;+T%-D" ;D0 3;B" -? &%?' %DT- &;3. %t is
astonishing that this right to privacy is rooted in a right to property. %t does not even
make sense that the issue of contraception and all of the things that have followed could
have grown out of that. %n our times there is an incredible acceleration of going away
from altruism toward egoism promoted with the use of the most sophisticated use of
language change and marketing techni@ues and legal manipulations to present to the
people the most horrible and destructive behaviors as something good, enlightening and
liberating. A3-' T- T>-"' 3>- +;&& 'E%& 4--0 ;D0 4--0 'E%&, 3>-
)#T 0;7:D'"" ?-7 &%4>T ;D0 &%4>T ?-7 0;7:D'""C I%s 2:20J.
Those who truly love their +reator and their neighbor, and thus the common good,
must 7'+;)T#7' -D T>' D;T#7;& -70'7 T>' %()-7T;D+' -? E%7T#',
;D0 -D T>' "#)'7D;T#7;& &'E'& -70'7, T>' +;&& T- >-&%D'"".
3ithout virtue and without holiness there is no reversing of this disintegration of the
moral life and of all of society. 3e are not the first nation to face this. 3e can always
point to the collapse of the 7oman empire. 3here people move from something that is
rooted in the very character of persons and is eHpressed in their social relationships, that
when that gives way to a kind of subGectivism where all that matters is me, everything
begins to fall apart. %n the poison of subGectivism, people enter into themselves and
proGect what they find or feel about who 4od is, not what creation or divine revelation
tells them. %t can be restored by that restoration of virtue on the natural order and a
recognition for us as +hristians, that we are called to the holiness of the 4ospel.
4-0 %" &-E'* >%" D;T#7' %" %()7%DT'0 %D ;&& -? +7';T%-D. ; bell
is not a bell until it is rung* a song is not a song until it is sung* love is not love until it is
given away. 3hen husband and wife give themselves to each other in mutual love, they
reali<e the plan of the infinite +reator in true Goy and peace. True love on earth always
re@uires self!sacrifice and thus a certain amount of suffering. The first commandment of
"atan is A0o not suffer* you must not suffer=C which leads to the destruction of ones self
and of the society around us as more people follow the Afather of liesC. 3hen we love,
we receive more love in our hearts and souls. 3hen we do not love others, we loose
what little we think we have I&k 19:25J. %f we love and trust 4od for our solutions, all
goes well* if we do not love, and if we trust ourselves for solutions, all goes badly.
;s prophesi<ed in >umanae Eitae, contraception has resulted in the obGectification
of the human person. The use of contraceptives was once relegated to a man who was
engaging the services of a prostitute. ;nd so in and of itself the connotation that was
attached to contraceptive, whether it be some type of barrier type of contraceptive or
whether it be the pill which later did come on the scene, was something that in and of
itself was tainted because the action was an action that destroyed or was cheating on this
covenant relationship that the spouses were meant to have. 3' >;E' 3;T+>'0
T>' 3;B %D 3>%+> +-DT7;+')T%E'" >;E' +-DT%D#'0 T-, %D "-('
3;B, $'+-(' ; (';D" $B 3>%+> T>' ?'(;&' )'7"-D >;" $''D
7'&'4;T'0, ;+7-"" T>' $-;70, T- T>' )-"%T%-D -? ; )7-"T%T#T'
-7 ; (%"T7'"".
These might seem to be eHtreme words, $#T T>' +-DT7;+')T%E'
('DT;&%TB T-T;&&B )'7E'7T" T>' 0'"%4D" -? -#7 &-E%D4
+7';T-7 which most of our grandparents still had in their hearts, seeing the fertility of
a woman as a great gift, her ability to bear children as a great gift. %t is really something
women have that men do not have. (en should be Gealous of women that they are able
to gestate and nurture and nurse a child. ;nd it is treating this awesome gift as a defect
in the womanLs system* we are continually bombarded with the idea that it would be
better if the woman was male who can have seH without conceiving. That is considered
the superior position by our depraved modern culture. "o we are willing to do damage
to our bodies in order to achieve that. ;nd so men move in to be the users and
eHploiters of AliberatedC women who have really become modern mistresses and
prostitutes in their very own homes as well as on the pages of the very numerous
pornographic maga<ines and websites.
'E'7B-D' :D-3" T>;T T>'7' %" ; 3-7&0 -? 0%??'7'D+'
$'T3''D >;E%D4 "'M#;& %DT'7+-#7"' T>;T %" -)'D T- +>%&07'D
;D0 "'M#;& %DT'7+-#7"' T>;T %" D-T. The contraceptive act of seHual
intercourse is in a sense virtually meaningless beyond the immediate pleasure. $ut to
have seH with someone who has the possibility of having a child as a result of seH, is a
profoundly meaningful act. $ecause you are really saying to this person that % am willing
to have children with you. % am willing to be there for breakfast and )T; and weddings
and grow old with you. The act says all of that. 3hereas the contraceptive act says that
% want to have this momentary act of pleasure with you. This contraceptive mentality
has convinced women, allowing themselves to be Gust momentary sources of pleasure, to
be content as prostitutes and mistresses, instead of wanting to be a beloved spouse who a
man treasures and says % want to commit my whole life to you* % want to live in service
of you and the children that we will bear together. That is what my act of seHual
intercourse means. %T (';D" % ;??%7( B-# T- T>' )-%DT 3>'7' % ;(
3%&&%D4 T- 4%E' (B 3>-&' &%?' T- B-#. $ut now the woman is willing to
give these twenty minutes to a man, and that is all it is. "o it radically changes the
understanding of seH, marriage and female dignity. %t is not a loving embrace but simply
a means to an end, an obGectification, the prostitution of the woman in a real and
conceptual sense.
T>' +-DT7;+')T%D4 +-#)&' 7'0#+' T>' "'M#;& ;+T T- ; &%'=
$ecause the seHual act is meant to be an act of complete self!giving. Bou are giving
yourself to another person in a way in which you give yourself to no one else. -ur
culture tends to think about seH as AGust seHC. Do big deal. %t is Gust a physical act
between two people* you could play tennis with someone, you can go to a movie with
someone, and you can go to dinner with someone and you can have seH with someone.
D- $%4 0';&. D- +-((%T('DT. ;nd people do get bored with having seH. %n
the couples using Datural ?amily )lanning ID?)J, that is never the case. $ecause it is
retained for them the natural mean, which is % ;( 4%E%D4 (B"'&? +-()&'T'&B
T- B-# %D ; 3;B %D 3>%+> % 4%E' (B"'&? T- D- -T>'7. ;nd % am open
to having children with you. This is an incredible statement. +ontraceptive seH says %
want to have this momentary physical pleasure with you. ThatLs it. Do breakfast, no
tomorrow. They might not even know each others last name. The divorce rate among
contracepting couples is about .0!50X* among those using D?), 2!.X.
Don contraceptive seH, seH in which no contraception takes place, in a certain
intrinsic sense, is scary. $ecause it means if % am having seH with this person with no
contraception, there may be a child. ;nd if there is a child, that means % have a life time
relationship with this person. % am ready to grow old together with this person. "-
T>-"' +-#)&'" 3>- ;7' >;E%D4 "'M %D T>%" 3;B ;7' ;&3;B"
";B%D4 T- T>%" )'7"-D, B-# ;D0 (' -D&B, ;D0 B-# ?-7'E'7. 3here
as contraceptives are saying, you and who knows who else, and you now, but not
Bou can have contraceptive seH with almost anybody, and that is what our culture
understands. "o you can make a long list of those you would like to have seH with. $ut
you make a list of those people you want to have children with, it is a very short list.
That is love. Bou are looking at this man not only as a wonderful husband but also as a
good father. +-DT7;+')T%E' "'M %" (-('DT;7B. "'M -)'D T-
+>%&07'D %" ?-7'E'7. % want a person who is going to be a good father or a good
mother. 3hat does that mean1 7esponsible, diligent, generous, patient. ThatLs the
person who will be a marvelous husband or wife, as well as a good parent. "o you are
looking for an entirely different sort of person. They have to pass a test of character that
the seHual partner does not need to have. ; )-T'DT%;& ?;T>'7 -7 ;
)-T'DT%;& (-T>'7 >;" T- );"" ; +>;7;+T'7 T'"T. $#T T>'
"'M#;& );7TD'7 %" ; )>B"%+;& T'"T. %T %" ;&& ;$-#T &-E' ;D0
3' (#"T "'': T- 7--T -#T T>' "''%D4 T>' -T>'7 ;" J#"T ;D
-$J'+T, whether that is an eHalted obGect or an obGect for everyday use, so as to begin
again to appreciate the value of each human person. ?or a husband to value his wife as a
woman, as a person, has got to be the foundation. %t calls him out of his selfishness,
which we are all prone toward. %t calls us to let go of what is a raging epidemic of our
time, this epidemic of narcissism which says it is all about me. T>%" +;D $' 0-D'
-D&B 3%T> T>' >'&) -? 4-0=
38+ The FMar0 o. the ea(tHE 777
"ome scholars of prophecy ")%7%T#;&%T' Gust about all of the $ook of
7evelation, the book of 0aniel and other prophetic writings of "acred "cripture. These
scholars interpret the mark of the beast in a general way as sin, or perhaps as a particular
type of serious sin. $ut these prophetic books indicate that in the latter times each
person will be confronted with a concrete and fundamental choice between 4od and
"atan in the form of the beast. (any believe that the solution or rather the neHt step of
these powerful people, when they are ready, after they crash the economy of the world,
will probably be to entice all to receive ;D '($'00'0 (%+7-+>%), without the
prefiH 555, at least in the beginning, which can be followed and monitored by satellite or
perhaps by the cell phone infrastructures or by other newly developed technology. 3ith
this microchip one will be able to buy and sell without cash, but totally monitored. This
imbedded microchip will render them, and later the ;ntichrist, the absolute dictators of
the world even down to the individual level with the use of computers and satellites and
modern technology= %ndications have recently surfaced that the microchip will have the
capability of releasing a poison to eliminate undesirable people or those who do not
totally submit to the dictates of the leaders Ior leader, the ;ntichristJ of the Dew 3orld
AT>' Q0';T>R +>%) %" ;T T>' T%) -? T>' D''0&'C*
A(icrochip %mplants 7eady To $e #sed 3ith "wine ?lu Eaccines ! The +hip %s &ocated
%n The Tip -f The DeedleC*!
A$ird!)ig ?lu, 0esperate (ilitary 3eapon ;gainst ;mericansC*$ird!
A%nGectable (icrochips and "wine ?lu Eaccinations* &%?' 3%T> $%4 $7-T>'7*
DeHt step in >1D1 scare: (icrochip implants* +ompany developing under!the!skin
devices to detect Pbio!threatsL.C O AThe far left health care bill >7,200 is a non!
discussed section titled Dational (edical 0evice 7egistry implantable device . %ts at the
end of the health care bill . % found it. "ubtitle +!11 "ec 2221 Eeri+hip +orporation was
?0; approved for implants. Eeri+hip is subsidiary of ;pplied 0igital "olutions. ;lso
look up Eeri4reen 'nergy +orp its part of Eeri+hip +orp. 3e will be chipped and
tracked. 4et the word out, its hidden. The chip will be linked to database.C*
(any believe that the technology for an implantable microchip that can be tracked
by satellite is a long way off. $ut perhaps not= A#: )&;D" T- (%+7-+>%) ;D0
T7;+: +7%(%D;&" E%; ";T'&&%T'C*!plans!to!
microchip!and!track!criminals!via!satellite. A(%+7-+>%) %()&;DT" T- T7;+:
+7%(%D;&" $B 4)" ;7' >'7'=* +<ech )enal +odeC*
A0iscussion about "ecret $ilderberg ;genda To Microchip ;mericans &eaked +++ 3ho
knows what kind of technology the )ilde)er<er( have or where they got it. +++HM
A"'+7'T $%&0'7$'74 ;4'D0; T- (%+7-+>%) ;('7%+;D"
%t is costly to maintain prisons= %t was very costly to maintain the $erlin 3all=
&'T #" 7'J-%+' to save money, because soon the entire world will be one enormous
prison, with no walls, controlled by our loving world dictators using microchips,
satellites and computers=
-ur AlovingC government officials elected by A4od!fearingC citi<ens passed the
laws which promote the culture of death with legal contraception, pornography, divorce,
abortion, eHperimentation with human embryos, defining AmarriageC as between two or
more of the same seH or whateverO These laws have caused an unprecedented increase
of crime and murder and so many other horrible acts by human beings* but now the
society that promoted these laws contrary to the 10 +ommandments do not have enough
money to build enough prisons= "o they begin to let more and more convicts free with a
microchip implanted under their skin and then are followed and monitored by satellite
and corresponding linking infrastructures. "--D T>' 3-7&0 3%&& $' -D'
3-7&0 3%0' )7%"-D A;" %T %" %DC >'&&=
They will tell us that with the microchip and with no cash, thieves can no longer
rob you. T>' )7-$&'( %" T>;T T>' D'3 0'?%D%T%-D -? +7%(%D;& 3%&&
$' T>-"' 3>- 7'?#"' T- 0'DB -)'D&B J'"#" +>7%"T= The great maGority
of people did not stand up when the category of killing according to the AlawC were the
defenseless, unwanted babies in the womb* so very soon the category of killing according
to the AlawC will be changed for those who refuse to openly deny Jesus +hrist= Those
who deny +hrist will end up under the AlawC of "atan for all eternity, whether they
believe the devil or hell or 4od eHist or not.
A"atellites 3ill %ssue "peeding Tickets from "paceC
A'E'7B +>%&0 3%&& >;E' ; T;4C* $;D4;&-7': ; new technology will
now make it possible to ]bar codeK each child, who can be tracked from birth to
adulthood, through a comprehensive +hild Tracking "ystem I+T"J*
T>' &';0'7" -? T>' D'3 3-7&0 -70'7 >-)' T- $' ;$&' T-
T7;+: 'E'7B >#(;D $'%D4 -D T>' ?;+' -? T>' ';7T> 0%7'+T&B $B
";T'&&%T'. $ut the cell phone infrastructures and other technologies already in place
would work Gust as well or could also be linked to satellite. %t seems that they are
already implanting the microchip under various guises, such as for medical reasons, lost
children, etc. $ut more recently there is much evidence that they are including the ever
smaller microchip in the swine flu vaccination, insisting, by way of the mass media and
their puppets in power in the various nations, that the swine flu vaccination or whatever
else they concoct, is absolutely necessary. 3ith the overblown threat of a pandemic,
they are already preparing mass graves for the populations in many countries. To many
well informed professional people regarding this matter, it seems much more plausible
that these mass graves are not being prepared for the deaths due to the swine flu or some
other eHaggerated pandemic, but for those to be eliminated by the world master planners.
3hen, in the past, have governments ever prepared mass graves before an epidemic
became a real problem1
A"3%D' ?&# (;"" 47;E'" )&;DD'0 ?-7 &-D0-DC*
planned!for!londonJ. A#" swine flu mass graves planningC*
A7efusing Eaccination &abels Bou ; K+riminalK, "o "ays 3.>.-.C IJuly ,0, 2009J
AThe 3orld >ealth -rgani<ation determined in 2002 it has the authority to dissolve
sovereign governments and take control should there be a ApandemicC. This applies to
any country signed onto 3>-O.which of course we I#.".J are. The 3>- Gust raised
this non!eHistent pandemic to level ..C*
(-"T )'-)&' 0- D-T 3;DT T- >';7 T>'"' T>%D4" -7 'E'D
+-D"%0'7 T>%" )-""%$%&%TB. A%gnorance is bliss=C (ost people put out of their
mind the possibility that a person with a nice smile and beautiful words could become
another >itler, (ussolini, "talin or (ao Tse Tung, who killed millions of their own
people and others in the last century. A;fter all we are more intelligent and sophisticated
today=C $ut as % said to my cousins who voted for -bama, if a person promises, if
elected, to sign ?-+; as the first thing he would do as president, that person is
+;);$&' -? ;DBT>%D4= ;t the beginning people were happy with >itler, "talin
and other cunning heads of state. %f a person is not right with 4od, or as we say as
+atholics, not in the state of grace with no intention of regret or sorrow or repentance,
whatLs to stop him or her from doing all the atrocious things of the past and even worse1
;nd we, who are not right with 4od and have no intention whatsoever of seeking 4odLs
truth and to live by that truth, very easily believe their lies. This situation is not only
leading the sheep, but also the goats, who have ignored or reGected the real "hepherd, to
the slaughter house. ;s ;dolf >itler said: A%f you tell a big enough lie and tell it
fre@uently enough it will be believed=C
These egotistical world leaders do not need siH or seven billion slaves* they need to
eliminate a few billion= The infamous +&#$ -? 7-(' is certainly clear about who
they think the /enemy/ is..... /%n searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and
the like would fit the billO. $ut in designating them as the enemy, we fall into the trap of
mistaking symptoms for causes. ;ll these dangers are caused by human intervention and
it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. T>' 7';&
'D'(B, T>'D, %" >#(;D%TB %T"'&?./*
The $ook of 7evelation indicates that in order to receive the mark of the beast one
will have to ;0-7' T>' %(;4' -? T>' ;DT%+>7%"T, the Afirst beastC I7ev
1,,11!18J and thus deny Jesus +hrist as the "avior of the world and the "on of the living
4od= The very recent revelations of 4od to (argaret of Jesus instead, tell us that we
must not accept the microchip even at the beginning= -f course no one can be forced to
adore the image of the ;ntichrist and to deny +hrist. +ertainly one can be tortured or
starved to death, but we still have our free will. The devil knows well that it is D-T ;
"%D T- $' ?-7+'0 T- T;:' T>' A(;7: -? T>' $';"TC which could very
well take on the form of the microchip. $ut it looks like most of the true followers of
+hrist will be forced to die of starvation, or even be tortured and killed, in order to not
deny Jesus and go to heaven. (any prophecies indicate that the great maGority will deny
Jesus in order to receive the mark of the beast in order to eat and buy things but then will
later be punished by 4od not only here on earth I7ev 15:2J but also for all eternity in hell
I7ev 1.:9!11J. )ope )aul E% said that the flock that will remain loyal to Jesus +hrist in
this period will be Avery small=C
D- -D' 4-'" T- >'&& -7 T- >';E'D ?-7 ;&& 'T'7D%TB $B
?-7+' -7 $B +>;D+'= 4od himself guarantees and protects our great gift of the
freedom to choose good or evil. 4od also waits for each of us to freely ask for >is help,
at which point >e gives us all the help we need, )7'+%"'&B $'+;#"' 3' ;":'0=
%t is not 4od who condemns a person to hell* it is the person who freely chooses to go to
hell. "omeone who is kicking and screaming to avoid spending eternity with 4od will
not be forces against his or her will= Thus those who have already taken the microchip
obviously have not denied +hrist and thus there is no sin. $ut, if for no other reason, the
incredible surveillances that one would be subGected to with the microchip is not befit of
our dignity as free human beings created in the image of the Triune 4od I4en 1:25, 26J=
#p to this point in time, the microchips have been used for our dogs and cats=
$ut those who have already been unknowingly inGected or duped into taking the
microchip, can later be given the mandate to deny +hrist and adore the image of this
soon!to!appear world leader. %f they refuse to deny their 4od, they will no longer be
able to buy or sell in a cashless society or else a deadly poison will be released by the
remote controlled microchip already in their bodies. %t seems that right now they are in
the stage of covertly and shrewdly getting as many people AchippedC as possible by way
of a supposed pandemic or other highly promoted preteHts. +ertainly there are real
health threats today. $ut these 4odless masters of the world use all possible ways,
including media hype, psychological manipulation and highly sophisticated marketing
techni@ues to arrive at their goal. 3' ;7' D-T ;D%(;&"= >uman beings have a
great 4od!given dignity which is not at all recogni<ed or acknowledged by these 4odless
secularists who are now in control of our world.
A#" ?aces >1D1 ?lu Eaccine "hortageC* /Bou talk about it ahead of time and
make sure they understand they need the shot,/ Tim 7igby eHplained, /that theyKre going
to get the shot./ Ihttp:www.voanews.comenglish2009!10!29!voa10.cfmJ. Take a
good look at the image in this article* each inGection has itLs own syringe= >ow else
would one be able to identify the uni@ue identity of each microchip inside each syringe1=1
A1 (illion (ore 0oses of "wine ?lu Eaccine on >andC*
AZ1000 )er 0ay ?ine ;nd ,0 0ays %n Jail ?or 7efusing The "wine ?lu Eaccine %n
(assachusetts1C* Ihttp:thebirdflupandemic.comarchives1000!per!day!fine!and!,0!
A)resident -bama declares swine flu a national emergencyC*
A"wine flu threat greater than terrorism, says >ome "ecretaryC*!flu285.196"wine!flu!threat!greater!than!
A#D holds swine flu crisis talksC*
The world planners are now in the stage of covertly and gently leading people to
receive the microchip using the mass media filled with well studied psychological
methods and eHaggerated pandemic scare tactics. $ut when they are ready and they
cause a maGor crisis or cause the world markets to crash, they will attempt to force
everyone else to take this dreadful inGection of the A0';T> +>%)C.
%n 2006, >itachi introduced T>' 3-7&0L" "(;&&'"T 7?%0 +>%)" which
measure Gust 0.02 H 0.02 millimetres. +ompare this with the new powder!type 7?%0 tags
which measure about siHty times smaller. These PLpowderC 7?%0Ls, like their
predecessor, have a 128!bit 7-( for storing a uni@ue ,8 digit number. ;ccording to
(r. 7edmond, CThe chip in the Dational %0 card has not only a number, but also a
personLs work history, education, religion, ethnicity, police record and reproductive
history.C 3al!(art, $est $uy, the #.". (ilitary and many other agencies around the
world, are already implementing the use of 7?%0 chips. %n &ondon, police authorities
announced that they were putting 7?%0 chips on the entire police force. %n "hen<hen,
"outhern +hina they are implementing 7?%0 readers to track the movements of citi<ens:
PLall citi<ens have an %0 card with a chip so that they can identify who is in what part of
the city at any point in time.C Digel 4ilbert of the 7oyal ;cademy of 'ngineering said
that by 2011 you should be able to go on 4oogle and find out where someone is at any
time from chips on clothing, in cars, cell phones, and also in people. These 7?%0 +hips
will be at the same time* your money, medical monitor, license, passport, anti!terrorist
solution, locator for lost children or ;l<heimer patients,..Oetc. These 7?%0Ls inside
your body will be read by readers which connect data to cell towers through the
"ensorDet proGect with technologies capable of also drawing information from your
body* for heart monitoring, blood pressure, your whereaboutsOetc.
A>1D1 swine flu is not gone* -bama declares a special week for vaccinations, now
in ample supplyC Ihttp:latimesblogs.latimes.comwashington201001obama!h1n1!flu!
A;mericans advised to get >1D1 vaccineC
A>1D1 ?lu %s a ?alse )andemic, >ealth 'Hpert +laimsC
39+ Do Not De1y Chri(t@
)erhaps one might think he can adore the image of the ;ntichrist outwardly but
confess Jesus +hrist inwardly in order to receive the /mark of the $east/ I555* 7ev
1,:18J. $ut this will not work= $ecause those who receive this mark on /their right
hand or in their foreheads/ will be able to /buy or sell/ for a while but will later be
punished by 4od here on earth I7ev 15:2J as well as for all eternity in hell I7ev 1.:9!
11J. "aint )aul very clearly writes: /%f you shall confess with your mouth the &ord Jesus,
and shall believe in your heart that 4od has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved/
I7om 10:9J. J'"#" ";%0: /$#T 3>-"-'E'7 ">;&& 0'DB (' $'?-7' ('D,
>%( 3%&& % ;&"- 0'DB $'?-7' (B ?;T>'7 3>- %" %D >';E'D/ I(T
10:,2!,,J. ?or other verses regarding falsely professing Jesus +hrist see: (k 6:5* &k
15:12* Tit 1:15* (t 6:21!2,. A3hoever seeks to gain his life will lose it, but whoever
loses his life will preserve itC I&k 16:,,J.
"t. John, in the $ook of 7evelation, 1,:.,15!16, clearly indicates that to receive
the mark it will be necessary to renounce +hrist and swear allegiance to the beast. "T
)%#" M %D >%" 'D+B+&%+;& C> SDPE>MI 7P:ST:;7TDS5 of -ct. ., 190, states,
A%n the distinguishing mark of ;ntichrist, man has with infinite audacity put himself in the
place of 4od, raising himself above all that is called 4od* he has despised 4odLs maGesty
and, as it were, made of the universe a temple wherein he himself is to be adored.C
%t is good to know about this trap before it happens so as not to be deceived into
an eternal mistake= 3' D''0 (-7' 7'&%4%-#" &';0'7" ;D0 &;B('D ;D0
&;B3-('D T- 3;7D #" -? T>%" 'T'7D;& T7;), as Jesus tells us by way of
(argaret of Jesus. ?orewarned is forearmed= The $east will be able to perform /signs
and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect/ I(t 2.:2.* (k 1,:22* 7ev
1,:8* 19:20J= %f more religious leaders had less fear of human respect and the courage to
speak about prophecy in the $ible and about the second coming of +hrist, perhaps there
would be less people swayed by JehovahKs 3itnesses and other cults which speak in a
mistaken way about the end of the world=
% believe that it will be imperative not to take the microchip even at the beginning
as 4od the ?ather revealed to (;74;7'T -? J'"#": A% am the ?ather= ;nd (y
children must not give ear to any plausible argument they might offer in order to make
them put on such a AdeviceC. Do= % say, no= (y children= %t would be to deny me as
?ather= %t would be to agree to the voice of the /$east/= &isten to (y heartfelt appeal,
refuse immediately their command, which will have the goal of being able to control all
of you, to have you all as Ahuman hostages.C Do, do not do that= That would be a true
disaster for you, because (B ;D4'&" 3-#&0 D-T 7'+-4D%T' B-# ;"
+>%&07'D -? 4-0. O 7'?#"' %T, 7'?#"' %T, 7'?#"' %T=C I;pril 26, 200.J.
O AT>' ?;T>'7 %D )'7"-D 7'E';&" that the /mark of the beastC is the /micro!
chip/ I7ev 1.:9!10J.C Ihttp:www.margheritadigesu.itpaginemicrochipeng.htmlJ.
The more one sins and the less one prays, the more one becomes blind to reality
and to the truth. /4od shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in
unrighteousness./ I2Thess 2:11!12J. >ave not the vast maGority of people and +hristians
Iincluding +atholicsJ B%'&0'0 T- T>' ?%7"T ;D0 (-"T ?#D0;('DT;& ;D0
+-DT%D#;& T'()T;T%-D -? ";T;D1 A$ut the serpent said to the woman, ABou
will not die. ?or 4od knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you
will be like 4od, knowing good and evilC I4en ,:.!2J.
Today so many have put themselves in the place of 4od by deciding by themselves
that abortion and so many other sins against the 10 commandments and against all the
revelations of 4od is -:= (any church goers use religion for their own personal
motives and desires or even to Gustify or camouflage their un!4odly, subtly and hidden
egotistical behavior rather than to use religion to seek, to discover and to 0- T>'
3%&& -? 4-0, which always entails a certain amount of suffering and self!denial.
They say in the -ur ?ather AThy will be doneC, but only if it is Amy willC. (any
+hristians come to church to feel good and holy, to satisfy themselves, but not to satisfy
the -D' who gave them everything they have, 3ho died for them= +hristians want to
consider themselves Agood +hristiansC, but the great maGority of +hristians A;&& &--:
;?T'7 T>'%7 -3D %DT'7'"T", D-T T>-"' -? J'"#" +>7%"TC I)hil 2:21J.
3hen such a person dies, Jesus will say: ABou cannot spend eternity with (e in paradise
because you made up and lived by the truth according to yourself* you did not seek the
truth outside of yourself in (y creation and above all in (y divine revelation in "acred
"cripture eHplained by the +hurch, with the 7ock, that % left you.C
A?ew are the faithful children that seek True +hristianity, but one adapts to the
doctrine that is closest to their way of thinking and so they feel satisfied.C I(arch 6,
200.* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa0.eng.htmlJ.
"ince (-"T )'-)&' 3;DT T- ?''& ";E'0, most +hristians today pick and
choose from the 4ospel and from the ten commandments that which suits them and
ignore or reGect the rest. 4od has put into each of us at least an inkling that there is life
after death as well as to have a happy afterlife. To be able to feel saved and still avoid
self!sacrifice for love of others (-"T +;T>-&%+" T-0;B >;E' ; +;?'T'7%;
TB)' 7'&%4%-D, picking and choosing from the +hurchLs teachings that which suits
them and that which they alone decide they will accept. This is also the motive for many
+atholics to seek out a priest who will approve their lifestyle which is not in accordance
with the 4ospel as eHplained by the +atholic +hurch.
That which 4od gave to (oses on the stone tablets, are 10 +-((;D0('DT",
D-T 10 "#44'"T%-D". The definition of heresy is, Kpick and chooseKO.
)ope John )aul %% Iamong many other occasionsJ spoke firmly against this A)%+:
;D0 +>--"' "(-74;"$-70 TB)' +;T>-&%+%"(C in &; in his "eptember
1986 visit: /%t is sometimes reported that a large number of +atholics today do not
adhere to the teaching of the +hurch on a number of @uestions, notably seHual and
conGugal morality, divorce and remarriage. "ome are reported as not accepting the
+hurchKs clear position on abortion. %t has also been noted that there is a tendency on
the part of some +atholics to be selective in their adherence to the +hurchKs moral
teachings. %t is sometimes claimed that dissent from the (agisterium is totally
compatible with being a /good +atholic/ and poses no obstacle to the reception of the
sacraments. This is a grave error that challenges the teaching office of the bishops of the
#nited "tates and elsewhere. % wish to encourage you in the love of +hrist to address
this situation courageously in your pastoral ministry, relying on the power of 4odKs truth
to attract assent and on the grace of the >oly "pirit which is given both to those who
proclaim the message and to those to whom it is addressed/* taken from the address of
)ope John )aul %% to the bishops of the #nited "tates in &os ;ngeles on "eptember 15,
?or most people there is a ?#D0;('DT;& &;+: -? T7#"T %D 4-0 3ho
truly loves each of >is creatures immensely and thus there is a lack of trust that >is
perfect plan for each of us, from all eternity, is the best and greatest design for each of
us. (ost people are unwilling to suffer and to trust 4od more than themselves in order
to carry out and fulfill this great design for each of us.
Just before J'"#" said: A$ut whosoever shall deny (e before men, OC, >'
%DE%T'0 #" T- T7#"T: A"o have no fear of them, O;nd do not fear those who kill
the body but cannot kill the soul, O $ut even the hairs of your head are all numbered, O
Bou are of more value than many sparrows.C I(t 10:25!,1J.
3e so easily tend to be self!centered and do not think of how much Jesus suffered
for us. ; good mother suffers more than the child when the child chooses what will hurt
the child. "o too 4od AsuffersC more than we when we choose evil rather than good. %
truly believe that when Jesus cried out on the cross A(B 4-0, (B 4-0, 3>B >;"T
T>-# ?-7";:'D ('1C I(t 26:.5* (k 12:,.J, he suffered more than all the
suffering and pain of all the souls combined on earth, in hell and in purgatory for all time=
Jesus said to "t. ?austina: A(y daughter, know that your ardent love and the compassion
you have for (e were a consolation to (e in the 4arden Qof -livesRC I0iary, Do. 155.J.
+hiara &ubich wrote the well!known teHt <I hae onl! one S&ouse on earth' =esus
$orsaken%%%< on 20 "eptember 19.9. "he eHplains it to us in the following talk
3:+ ONE A1tichri(t i1 Partic,lar
There are also those who say there are many antichrists but not one in particular.
$ut this idea is contrary to 1Jn 2:18: /+hildren, it is the last hour* and as you have heard
that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come* therefore we know that it
is the last hour./ The +atechism of the +atholic +hurch also indicates that there will be
one ;ntichrist in particular: 562: /$efore +hristKs second coming the +hurch must pass
through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers I+f. &k 18:8* (t 2.:12J.
The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth I+f. &k 21:12* Jn 12:19!20J
will unveil the Amystery of ini@uityC in the form of a religious deception offering men an
apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme
religious deception is that of the ;ntichrist, a pseudo!messianism by which man glorifies
himself in place of 4od and of his (essiah come in the fleshC I+f. 2Thess 2:.!12* 1Thess
2:2!,* 2Jn 6* 1Jn 2:18.22J.
Eery often +atholic commentaries on the $ook of 7evelation say that most or all
of it was fulfilled in the early +hurch or in later +hurch history Ipreterism and
3e find in the commentary on the D'3 ;('7%+;D $%$&': A; beast,
symboli<ing the 7oman empire, then becomes the dragonKs agent, mortally wounded but
restored to life and worshiped by all the world I7ev 1,:1!10J. ; second beast arises
from the land, symboli<ing the antichrist, which leads people astray by its prodigies to
idoli<e the first beastC I7ev 1,:11!18J.
%n the +;T>-&%+ 'D+B+&-)'0%; I1916J we find: I7ev 1,:1J AThis first beast
with seven heads and ten horns, is probably the whole company of infidels, enemies and
persecutors of the people of 4od, from the beginning to the end of the world. The seven
heads are seven kings, that is, seven principal kingdoms or empires, which have
eHercised, or shall eHercise, tyrannical power over the people of 4od* of these, five were
then fallen, vi<.: the 'gyptian, ;ssyrian, +haldean, )ersian, and 4recian monarchies: one
was present, vi<., the empire of 7ome: and the seventh and chiefest was to come, vi<.,
the great ;ntichrist and his empire. The ten horns may be understood as ten lesser
I7ev 1,:,J A-ne of his headsOC. A"ome understand this as the mortal wound,
which the idolatry of the 7oman empire Isignified by the siHth headJ received from
+onstantine* which was, as it were, healed again by Julian the ;postate.C
I7ev 1,:11J A;nother beast...C AThis second beast with two horns, may be
understood of the heathenish priests and magicians* the principal promoters both of
idolatry and persecution.C
$ut as indicated above, 1Jn 2:18 as well as +++ 562 clearly state that there will be
-D' ;DT%+>7%"T %D );7T%+#&;7. The +atechism indicates that this ;ntichrist
will appear in the future: A$efore +hristKs second coming the +hurch must pass through a
final trial.C (ost scholars interpret the first beast in 7ev 1,:1!10 as the ;ntichrist. This
would imply that the second beast in 7ev 1,:11!18 is also a real particular person who
will work Agreat signsC in order to entice all to Aworship the image of the IfirstJ beastC,
the ;ntichrist.
A;nd % saw, issuing from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast
and from the mouth of the false prophet, three foul spirits like frogsOC I7ev 15:1,J.
A;nd the beast was captured, and with it the false prophet who in its presence had
3-7:'0 T>' "%4D" by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the
beast and those who worshiped its imageC I7ev 19:20* 7ev 20:10J.
(-"T +;T>-&%+ "+>-&;7" believe that the correct method of interpreting
the $ook of 7evelation is a blending of the preterist and futurist methods. The beast is
both 7ome and the eschatological ;ntichrist, as well as any demonic power which the
+hurch must face in her entire history.
6=+ The Fal(e Prophet
The super rich and powerful of today who control the banks and the petroleum and
so many other things of the world, are not satisfied* they have had an incredible amount
of patience, many of them never living to see their final goal achieved. %t seems that they
now have their representatives IpuppetsJ in Gust about all the key positions in the world
'M+')T -D'. %n their pride, these powerful people are dumbfounded and ama<ed that
with all their tremendous efforts and power and wealth and even infiltration, they have
not yet been able to put their man in as )ope. -bviously they do not believe in 4od or in
the words of Jesus that Athe gates of hell shall not prevailC I(t 15:18J. $ut surely A?rom
some crevice, the smoke of "atan has entered the temple of 4odC I)ope )aul E%, June
29, 1962J. (any learned +atholics believe that they will finally resort to violence Imost
likely covertlyJ when the opportune moment has arrived.
There are many indications that the ?;&"' )7-)>'T, the second AbeastC I7ev
1,:11!18J will be a T7;%T-7-#" +;T>-&%+ $%">-) -7 +;70%D;&. %t was the
learned opinion of the eminent, 20th +entury scripture scholar, ?ather '. "B&E'"T'7
$'77B, that in the 12th and 1,th chapters of the book of 7evelation, John foretells of
an usurpation of the papal see by the false prophet of ;ntichrist resulting in great
tribulations befalling the +atholic +hurch. ?r. $erry points out that it is the papacy
which is the principal target of those who seek to establish the reign of ;ntichrist.
>eresy, schism and the introduction of false worship upon the altars of +atholic churches
are, thus, to be the direct results of the removal of the T7#' )ope from the "ee of
7ome, and "#$"'F#'DT -++#);T%-D of the +hair of )eter by the forces of
7egarding prophecy, many people are fond of @uoting such writers as (alachi
(artin who was dismissed from the "ociety of Jesus in the mid 1950Ls and was not re!
admitted. >e made up a lot of what he wrote in his books which he wrote after being
dismissed from the Jesuit order. >e often manufactured information, even so!called
@uotes from other peopleLs writings, which can be verified. (artin is @uoted as writing
in one of his later books: AThe 7oman +atholics will then have the spectacle of a pope
validly elected who cuts the entire visible body of the +hurch loose from the traditional
unity and apostolic structure that the +hurch has hitherto always believed and taught was
divinely established.C $ut this does not s@uare with many other reliable sources as well
as the words of Jesus >imself I(t 15:18J=
The ;7+>$%">-) ?#&T-D ">''D, TE personality in the 20Ls and 50 said:
AThe ?alse )rophet will have a religion without a cross. ; religion without a world to
come. ; religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit church. +hristLs
+hurch will be one. ;nd the ?alse )rophet will create the other. The false church will be
worldly, ecumenical, and global. %t will be a loose federation of churches. ;nd religions
forming some type of global association. ; world parliament of churches. %t will be
emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the antichrist. The mystical
body on earth today will have its Judas %scariot and he will be the false prophet. "atan
will recruit him from among our bishops.C
(any ?athers of the +hurch wrote that the ?alse )rophet would be a +atholic
bishop who will become an %DE;&%0 anti!pope while the real )ope dies a cruel death in
%t is interesting that "T. >%&0'4;70 of $%D4'D Id. 1169J wrote that when the
new )ope is elected immediately before the ;ntichrist, a cardinal will kill the elected
pope before he is crowned through Gealousy, he wishing to be )ope himself. Then when
the other cardinals elect the neHt )ope this cardinal will proclaim himself IantiJ )ope, and
two!thirds of the +hristians will go with him. "he notes that this ;ntipope as well as the
;ntichrist are descended from the tribe of 0an.
%f this private revelation of "t. >ildegard turns out to be true, is it possible that this
;ntipope, who will appear A%(('0%;T'&B $'?-7' T>' ;DT%+>7%"TC, might be
the ?;&"' )7-)>'T predicted in the book of 7evelation I7ev 15:1,* 20:10* chap. 1,
etc.J who will work hand in hand with the first /beast/, the ;ntichrist, to subdue the
world, performing also miracles I7ev 1,:1,!12* 19:20J1 Thus all of these authors
indicate that sometime in the future there will be an %DE;&%0, false antipope occupying
the +hair of )eter. $ut as +hrist promised Athe gates of hell would not prevailC against
the A7ockC, the true, E;&%0, living )-)' I(t 15:18J.
)erhaps this could help eHplain what -ur &ady at &a "alette said on "eptember 19,
18.5, /7ome would lose the ?aith and become the seat of the antichrist . . . The +hurch
will be in eclipse./ % would interpret this as when the true )ope is killed or driven from
7ome. This seems to go along with what -ur &ady told "r. ;gnes "asagawa at ;kita,
Japan I-ctober 1,, 196,J: /The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the +hurch in
such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishopsC
The devil reali<es that man has an innate need for religion. Thus "atan does not try
to eradicate religion but to offer a AchristianC or AcatholicC religion Awithout a crossC as
?ulton "heen indicated. The 4ospel tells us that the strong must help the weak. $ut this
new religion will be the religion of the strong at the eHpense of the weak. This new
religion will certainly include many satanic worshipers= A"atan "talks Bour +hildren !
The +rime of the Dineties O T>'7' %" ; 7%"' %D ";T;D%"(, and satanic activity
and satanic ritual murders. This danger is real and should not be ignored.C*
T>' 7'E'&;T%-D" T- (;74;7'T -? J'"#" ;&"- +-77'")-D0 T-
T>'"' %D0%+;T%-D" -? ; A?;&"' )-)'C ;" T>' A?;&"' )7-)>'TC
A7emember this: when my son )eter will no longer be in power to guide the
+hurch, then you will be very attentive in doing what they will ask you. There will be
needed much discernment and letting oneself be interiorly guided and do not think too
much about the PthenL.C IJanuary 2., 2002*
6*+ No P,)lic Holy Ma((5
-ur dispensationalist brothers do not understand or believe T>' %D+7'0%$&'
E;&#' -? T>' >-&B (;"". %n the book of 0aniel we find that Athe continual
burnt offering was taken away O ?or two thousand and three hundred evenings and
mornings* then the sanctuary shall be restored to its rightful stateC I0an 8:11!1.* 11:,1J.
A;nd he shall make a strong covenant with many for one week* and for half of the week
he shall cause sacrifice and offering to cease* and upon the wing of abominations shall
come one who makes desolate, until the decreed end is poured out on the desolatorC
I0an 9*26J.
0o these passages indicate that during this period there will not be any public >oly
(ass1 The past dictators of the world did all they could to eliminate the public
celebration of the >oly "acrifice of the (ass. );"T 0%+T;T-7" have almost always
killed as many priests and bishops of the +atholic +hurch as possible as an effective way
of greatly reducing the flow and influence of truth and graces. % believe this time around,
since the followers of "atan have succeeded in slowly seducing most of the clergy Iand
even infiltrating into the clergy many of their own menJ, the priests and bishops will
probably be given the +>-%+' T- T-T;&&B "#$(%T T- T>' AD'3 3-7&0
-70'7C -7 $' T-7T#7'0 ;D0 :%&&'0. )riests and bishops have a considerable
influence* "atan would be very delighted to not waste and to be able to use this influence
for his evil designs as much as possible. 3hen the 4enerals and -fficers in a war defect
to the enemyLs side, it is a very great help to the enemy, especially if these officers bring
with them many of their followers= +onsider the devastating effects of traitorous bishops
and priests in the history of the +hurch. 0r. ;dam 3eishaupt not only founded the
?reemasons, he was also a Jesuit= &ucifer was the most beautiful and intelligent angel
ever created* he became "atan= "everal prophecies indicate that an evil cardinal or
bishop will emerge as the false prophet to seduce the multitudes to deny the true 4od
and to adore the first beast, the antichrist. The more a creature has received from 4od
the more he can freely use these gifts to serve 4od or the more he can freely choose to
use these powers and talents against 4od and against 4odLs true followers. The
corruption of the best is the worst=
0r. "cott >ahn, )rofessor of Theology and "cripture at ?ranciscan #niversity of
"teubenville Ihttp:www.scotthahn.comJ, said a simple statement that struck me the
more % thought about it. >e said that the crisis in the +hurch began when +atholics
began to see the 'ucharist as only a ";+7'0 T>%D4 and no longer as the 0%E%D'
)'7"-D= )erhaps this seems like an eHplanation too simple or even nacve= $ut we so
easily forget that the source and summit of our +hristian life is the 'ucharist. ;lso,
many of our +atholic priests and bishops, after the "econd Eatican +ouncil, began to
promote a nice +hristianity without the cross of +hrist. ; very revealing eHample of this
is the incredible reaction to the encyclical A>umanae EitaeC which struck at the heart of
our culture, the family, the fundamental cell of society. ; striking parallel eHample of
+atholics seeing the 'ucharist not as the divine )erson but only as a sacred thing is when
men began to see women as obGects instead of persons to love, especially after the
invention of the ApillC in 1950 as pointed out above=
This seemingly insignificant diminishing of faith in the 'ucharist and the watering
down of the divine 4ospel to a human gospel is also directly related to how we +atholics
began to come to church T- 7'+'%E' 7;T>'7 T>;D T- 4%E', first of all to 4od
in adoration, and then to Jesus in each neighbor. 3e +atholics have the greatest weapon
to defend and fight against the onslaughts of "atan and his followers. 3hen +atholics
slip into this subtle default, seemingly simple and insignificant, the whole world suffers
more than we can possibly imagine. %n this greatest of battles against "atan and his
followers, we +atholics have the greatest weapon, like a spiritual nuclear bomb, but the
great maGority of +atholics do not even go to "unday (ass each week, and those who
do, the great maGority see the 'ucharist as a nice sacred thing but not as the divine
)erson, to know, to love and to serve in a personal, intimate relationship. This
seemingly insignificant default reduces our spiritual nuclear bombs to firecrackers. 'ven
"atanists believe in the 'ucharist* they try to ac@uire the consecrated >osts in order to
desecrate them at their $lack (asses despite the fact that in the maGor basilicas in 7ome
and in other churches, there is a guard neHt to the priest who distributes >oly
+ommunion to make sure that the people put the $ody of +hrist into their mouth and do
not take it out of their mouth= 3e +atholics, far more than non +atholics who do not
have the 7eal )resence of +hrist nor the guidance in matters of faith and morals, are far
more to blame for the situation of the world today, and we will be Gudged far more
severely after death. 3' >;E' 7'+'%E'0 (;DB (-7' AT;&'DT"C T-
(#&T%)&B. "o many people, especially +atholics, Awent and hidC the talents given by
4od* but 4od answered the slothful servant: ABou wicked and slothful servant= O Take
the talent from him O and he cast the worthless servant in the outer darkness* there men
will weep and gnash their teethC I(t 22:1.!,0J= The negative conse@uences of not
multiplying our given talents is far greater for ourselves and for those around us than
most of us reali<e=
"ister (ary 4abriel in purgatory told "ister (ary of the +ross I1880J: A)reachers
and directors of souls do good only in proportion to their union with Jesus. %n their spirit
of prayer and in watching over their interior, they must always have their eyes directed
towards Jesus, sacrificing all for the salvation of the souls entrusted to their care.C
3hen )ope John )aul %% replied bluntly in response about many bishops who do
not believe in the 0evil: A;nyone who does not believe in the 0evil does not believe in
the 4ospelC, the EaticanKs chief eHorcist, ?ather 4abriele ;morth, was asked in his
interview of 2001: A;gain, ;7' B-# ";B%D4 T>;T (;DB $%">-)" ;D0
)7%'"T" ;7' D-T, +-D"'F#'DT&B, +;T>-&%+1C ;morth replied: A&et us Gust
say that they do not believe a 4ospel truth. "o, if anything, % would stop them
propagating a heresy. $ut, to be clear about this, a person is officially a heretic if he or
she is accused of something and persists in the error. Do one today, given the situation in
the +hurch, is accusing a bishop of not believing in the 0evil, or in demonic possession
or of failing to appoint eHorcists because he does not believe. ;nd yet % could give you
the names of so many bishops and cardinals who, on their appointment to a diocese,
"T7%))'0 'M-7+%"T" -? T>'%7 ?;+#&TB T- )'7?-7( T>' 7%T'. -r there
are bishops who openly say they donLt believe, that these are things of the past. 3hy is
that1 #nfortunately, we have had the insidious influence of certain biblists and % could
mention some illustrious names. 3e who are in daily physical contact with the Pother
worldL know that this influence is evident in numerous liturgical reforms. I?or eHample1J
The "econd Eatican +ouncil asked that some teHts be revised. 0isobeying this
command, they set about re!writing them completely with no thought for the danger of
making things worse instead of better. "o many rites came off badly from this mania to
throw out the old and start from scratch, as if the +hurch to date had always conned us
and as if only now the time had at last come of the great geniuses, the super theologians,
the super!biblists and the super!liturgists who know what the right thing is for the
+hurch. T>%" %" ; &%': T>' &;"T +-#D+%& "%()&B ;":'0 T>;T T>'
T'MT" $' 7'E%"'0, D-T 0'"T7-B'0.C
+ardinal +adi<ares &lovera is )refect of the +ongregation for 0ivine 3orship said:
AT>' /(-"T #74'DT %""#'/ %" T>;T /T>' "'D"' -? T>' &%T#74B $'
T7#&B 7'+-E'7'0C. "ome of his recent remarks made in an interview with the
newspaper +atalunya +ristiana suggest that the /reform of the reform/ is alive and well,
even while the process is slow and arduous: O A)eople believe that the liturgy is a
matter of forms and eHternal realities, and what we really need is to restore a sense of
worship, i.e. the sense of 4od as 4od. This sense of 4od can only be recovered with the
liturgy. O T>' &%T#74B ;&3;B" &--:" T-3;70" 4-0, D-T T>'
+-((#D%TBOC Ihttp:insightscoop.typepad.com200.200910cardinal!ca
"ister &ucia of ?atima said to ?ather ;gostino ?uentes, the postulator of the cause
of beatification of 4iacinta e ?rancesco I0ecember 25, 1926J: A-ur &ady is very
displeased because it is not taken into account her message of 1916. Deither the good
nor the bad have held them in consideration. $elieve me my ?ather, the &ord will punish
the world very soon* T>' )#D%">('DT %" %((;D'DT= (any nations will
disappear from the face of the earth, many nations will be annihilated. 7ussia will be the
scourge chosen by 4od to punish humanity, if we, with prayer and the sacraments do not
obtain the grace of its conversion. The devil knows that the religious and priests, living
less their beautiful vocation, drag many souls to hell. %t is now the time to halt the
punishment of >eaven. 3e have at our disposition T3- '??%+;+%-#" (';D":
)rayer and "acrifice. 3e do not want to frighten the souls, but it is an urgent appeal to
reality. ?rom the time when the Eirgin gave such a great efficaciousness to the 7osary,
there does not eHist any material, spiritual, national or international problem that cannot
be resolved by way of T>' >-&B 7-";7B ;D0 $B -#7 ";+7%?%+'". -ur &ady
eHpressly said: A3e are nearing the end timesC.
"he said it three times:
?irst she stated that the devil has engaged in a decisive battle.
The second time she repeated that the last remedies given to the world are: the
>oly 7osary and the devotion to the %mmaculate >eart of (ary.
The third time she said that, the other means eHhausted and despised by men, >'
3%&& 4%E' 3%T> T7'($&%D4 T>' &;"T ;D+>-7 -? ";&E;T%-D 3>%+>
%" T>' (-"T >-&B E%74%D %D )'7"-D, signs of tears, messages of several seers
spread in all the parts of the earth. -ur &ady said that if we do not listen and if we still
offend we will not be pardoned. ?ather, it is urgent that we reali<e this terrible reality.
3e do not want to fill the souls with fear, but only it is urgent a recall to reality. ?rom
when the >oly Eirgin gave such a great efficaciousness to the 7osary, there does not
eHist any material, spiritual, national or international problem that cannot be resolved
with T>' >-&B 7-";7B ;D0 3%T> -#7 ";+7%?%+'". To recite it with
devotion will be to consol (ary and to wipe away so many tears from her %mmaculate
"ister (ary 4abriel in purgatory told "ister (ary of the +ross I1880J: AThose
who promote the recitation of the 7osary everywhere deserve praise. %t is this prayer that
is the most efficacious in the present time of need.C Ihttp:purgatory!
;nd what and where will the A;$-(%D;T%-D T>;T (;:'" 0'"-&;T'C be
set up I0an 9:26* 11:,1* 12:11* 2Thess 2:.* (t 2.:12* (k 1,:1.J1 +ertainly the
elimination of all public (asses and sacraments is a very great abomination. $ut if these
"criptural passages also indicate a particular place on the earth as Athe abominationC,
perhaps our dispensationalist brothers might shed some light about the eHplanation of
one particular abomination1 A;nd from the time that the continual burnt offering is
taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate is set up, there shall be a thousand
two hundred and ninety daysC I0an 12:11J. This passage seems to indicate that we
might be dealing with both daily (ass IAcontinual burnt offeringCJ as well as one
particular abomination IAthe abomination that makes desolate is set upCJ= "ee /The
;bomination of 0esolation/ below.
%n a few short years the anti!4od forces will even succeed in closing those
churches where the whole 4ospel is preached. 3here a pseudo gospel is preached of
masked egoism, without the cross of +hrist, which is the foundation of true love of 4od
and neighbor, these churches will remain open and convert themselves even more to their
diabolical agenda. Then will emerge much more in the open their high church which is
the adoration of "atan* T>'"' ";T;D%+ +>#7+>'" ;7' 47-3%D4 E'7B
F#%+:&B T-0;B=
A+-D?7-DT%D4 T>' 0'E%&K" )-3'7C* ;ddress of )ope )aul E% to a
4eneral ;udience Dovember 12, 1962. A3>;T ;7' the +hurchKs greatest needs at the
present time1 0onKt be surprised at -ur answer and donKt write it off as simplistic or even
superstitious: one of the +hurchKs greatest needs is to be defended against the evil we call
the 0evil.C
AT>'7' %" ; 7%"' %D ";T;D%"(, and satanic activity and satanic ritual
murders. This danger is real and should not be ignored.C*
3e read in 7evelation 12:8: A;nd the temple was filled with smoke from the glory
of 4od and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of
the seven angels were ended.C This seems to indicate that the Temple area is sealed to
angels and men during the final forty!two months of the Tribulation hour. 4odLs throne,
which symboli<es ('7+B ;D0 &-E', %" +&-"'0 ;T T>%" T%('. This is also
indicated in "econd Thessalonians I2:11!12J.
7egarding this closure of divine mercy, we find in the 0%;7B -? "T.
?;#"T%D;: A-h, what great graces % will grant to souls who say this chaplet* the very
depths of (y tender mercy are stirred for the sake of those who say the chaplet. 3rite
down these words, (y daughter. "peak to the world about (y mercy* let all mankind
recogni<e (y unfathomable mercy. %T %" ; "%4D ?-7 T>' 'D0 T%('"* ;?T'7 %T
3%&& +-(' T>' 0;B -? J#"T%+'. 3hile there is still time, let them have recourse
to the fount of (y mercy* let them profit from the $lood and 3ater which gushed forth
for themC I8.8J. A"ouls perish in spite of (y bitter )assion. % am giving them the last
hope of salvation* that is, the ?east of (y (ercy. %f they will not adore (y mercy, they
will perish for all eternity. "ecretary of (y mercy, write, tell souls about this great mercy
of (ine, $'+;#"' T>' ;3?#& 0;B, T>' 0;B -? (B J#"T%+', %" D';7C
I952J. AThese words are for you. 0o all you possibly can for this work of (y mercy. %
desire that (y mercy be worshiped, and % ;( 4%E%D4 (;D:%D0 T>' &;"T >-)'
-? ";&E;T%-D* that is, recourse to (y mercy. (y heart reGoices in this feastC I998J.
A&et the greatest sinners place their trust in (y mercy. They have the right before others
to trust in the abyss of (y mercy. (y daughter, write about (y mercy towards
tormented souls. "ouls that make an appeal to (y mercy delight (e. To such souls %
grant even more graces than they ask. % cannot punish even the greatest sinner if he
makes an appeal to (y compassion, but on the contrary, % Gustify him in (y
unfathomable and inscrutable mercy. 3rite: $'?-7' % +-(' ;" J#"T J#04', %
?%7"T -)'D 3%0' T>' 0--7 -? (B ('7+B. >' 3>- 7'?#"'" T- );""
T>7-#4> T>' 0--7 -? (B ('7+B (#"T );"" T>7-#4> T>' 0--7 -?
(B J#"T%+'OC I11.5J. A-h, how miserable are those who do not take advantage of
the miracle of 4odLs mercy= Bou will call out in vain, but %T 3%&& $' T-- &;T'C
I1..8J. A%n the -ld +ovenant % sent prophets wielding thunderbolts to (y people.
Today % am sending you with (y mercy to the people of the whole world. % do not want
to punish aching mankind, but % desire to heal it, pressing it to (y merciful heart. % use
punishment when they themselves force (e to do so* (y hand is reluctant to take hold
of the sword of Gustice. $'?-7' T>' 0;B -? J#"T%+' % ;( "'D0%D4 T>' 0;B
-? ('7+BC I1288J.
AThe thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of (y sadness. %f sins
increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them./ I-ctober 1,,
196,, at ;:%T;, J;);D* http:www.miraclerosarymission.orgakita.htmJ.
;s "ister &ucia of ?atima said to ?ather ;gostino ?uentes, I1926J: A-ur &ady said
that if we do not listen and if we still offend 3' 3%&& D-T $' );70-D'0.C
A>ave courage, do it soon, there is not much time left= ('7+B 3%&& "--D
4%E' 3;B %T" )&;+' T- J#"T%+'= 0o not be lacking in the &ove of the ?ather,
take advantage of this while you are in time=C. I0.09200,*
A">-7T&B T>' -;7" 3%&& $' )#&&'0 $;+: %DT- T>' $-;T ;D0 %
3%&& &'T 'E'7BT>%D4 4- ;07%?T. Bou will then see what you will be able to do
with only your own strength= ;men. Bour 4od has spoken to you, daughter, and he has
used you to still bring an admonishment for those who have not decided to return to (e.
$ut soon % will no longer go seeking, % will watch until % will see that all have made their
choice, then % will actC. I0,02200.*
6-+ The Prophecie( o. St+ Malachy
Jesus tells us: /Truly % say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these
things be fulfilled. >eaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away/
I(t 2.:,.!,2* (k 1,:,1* &k 21:,,* 15:16* (t 2:18J. -nly 4od the ?ather knows the
day and the hour I(t 2.:,5* (k 1,:,2J of the second coming of the &ord, but we can
/know that it is near, even at the doors/ I(t 2.:,,,,5J. %f we do not seek to discover
and understand the signs of our times, the &ord calls us A>B)-+7%T'"C I&k 12:25J=
$esides the (arian apparitions there are also numerous other prophecies. "t. (alachy
I109.!11.8J born at ;rmagh, %reland, died as he himself predicted, on Dovember 2,
11.8 at +lairvauH, ?rance. "aint (alachy was a 12th century %rish monk, who, while on
a visit to 7ome had a vision, with a mysterious description, of all the popes who would
ever reign. ";%DT (;&;+>B )7'0%+T" T>;T T>' 112
)-)' ;?T'7 >%"
0';T> 3-#&0 $' T>' &;"T )-)' which corresponds to the pope following )ope
$enedict ME%. >e writes in the 112th prophecy: /%n the final persecution of the >oly
7oman +hurch there will reign )etrus 7omanus, who will feed his flock amid many
tribulations * after which the seven!hilled city will be destroyed and the dreadful Judge
will Gudge the people.C % personally believe that this will be the point of the second
coming of Jesus +hrist.
;nother interesting prophecy is that the total number of popes in the history of the
+hurch will correspond to T>' D#($'7 -? ('0;&&%-D" for the images of all the
popes in the church of "t. )aulLs -utside the 3alls in 7ome. There are two medallions
left empty after )ope $enedict ME%. )erhaps these two empty spaces correspond to the
pope killed and the subse@uently elected pope in "t. >ildegardLs prophecy. 3ho knows1
-nly 4od the ?ather knows I(t 2.:,5* (k 1,:,2J=
6/+ "1re(ol2ed N,e(tio1(@
;s we have seen above the +atholic +hurch teaches that Athe system of mitigated
(illenarianism cannot be taught safely/ I+++ 565J. The +hurch interprets chapter 20 of
the $ook of 7evelation symbolically and sees the millennium not as an earthly golden age
in which the world will be totally +hristiani<ed with +hrist bodily present on earth, but as
the present period of +hristLs rule in heaven and on the earth through his +hurch, during
which time "atan is bound in such a way that he cannot deceive the nations by hindering
the preaching of the gospel I7ev 20:,J.
3ith this +atholic interpretation in mind, who then are those 3>- A3'7'
$'>';0'0 for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of 4od, and which had not
worshipped the $east, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their
foreheads, or in their hands* and they lived and reigned with +hrist a thousand yearsC
I7ev 20:.J1 %f this period of Aa thousand yearsC in this passage refers to the last 2000
years, then who are those referred to in this passage in such great detail1 %t seems clear
that this prophecy has not occurred yet. %s it possible to interpret this particular passage
as referring to the :ingdom of 4od with his saints in heaven after the period of the
Agreat tribulationC I(t 2.:21J1
+ould it then be interpreted that T>' $%D0%D4 -? ";T;D for a thousand years
I7ev 20:,J refers to the period from the incarnation of +hrist up to our recent times, but
before the Agreat tribulationC1 AThen % saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding
in his hand the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain. ;nd he sei<ed the dragon,
that ancient serpent, who is the 0evil and "atan, and bound him for a thousand years,
and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, that he should deceive the
nations no more, till the thousand years were ended. ;fter that he must be loosed for a
little whileC I7ev 20:1!,J.
A;nd when the thousand years are ended, "atan will be loosed from his prison and
will come out to deceive the nations which are at the four corners of the earth, OC I7ev
20:6!8J. +ould this passage Ias well as A;fter that he must be loosed for a little whileCJ
refer to T>' E%"%-D -? )-)' &'- M%%% in 188.1 +ould these passages, as well as
the vision of )ope &eo M%%%, refer to approHimately the last 100 years or so together with
the period of the coming Agreat tribulationC1
'Hactly ,, years to the day prior to the great (iracle of the "un in ?atima, that is,
on -ctober 1,, 188., )ope &eo M%%% had a 7'(;7:;$&' E%"%-D. 3hen the aged
)ontiff had finished celebrating (ass in his private Eatican +hapel, attended by a few
+ardinals and members of the Eatican staff, he suddenly stopped at the foot of the altar.
>e stood there for about 10 minutes, as if in a trance, his face ashen white. Then, going
immediately from the +hapel to his office, he composed the prayer to "t. (ichael, with
instructions that it be said after all &ow (asses everywhere. 3hen asked what had
happened, he eHplained that, as he was about to leave the foot of the altar, he suddenly
heard voices ! two voices, one kind and gentle, the other guttural and harsh. They
seemed to come from near the tabernacle. ;s he listened, he heard the following
The guttural voice, the voice of "atan in his pride, boasted to -ur &ord: /% can
destroy your +hurch./
The gentle voice of -ur &ord: /Bou can1 Then go ahead and do so./
"atan: /To do so, % need more time and more power./
-ur &ord: />ow much time1 >ow much power1
"atan: /62 to 100 years, and a greater power over those who will give themselves
over to my service./
-ur &ord: /Bou have the time, you will have the power. 0o with them what you
The prayer composed by )ope &eo M%%% is the following:
";%DT (%+>;'& T>' ;7+>;D4'&, defend us in battle. $e our protection
against the wickedness and snares of the devil. (ay 4od rebuke him, we humbly pray*
and do Thou, - )rince of the >eavenly >ost ! by the 0ivine )ower of 4od ! cast into
hell, "atan and all the evil spirits, who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of
souls. ;men.
-n "unday ;pril 199., )ope John )aul %% recommended this prayer to be
used by all +atholics as a prayer for the +hurch when he said:
K/(ay prayer strengthen us for the spiritual battle we are told about in the &etter to
the 'phesians: K0raw strength from the &ord and from >is mighty powerK I'phesians
5:10J. The $ook of 7evelation refers to this same battle, recalling before our eyes the
image of "t. (ichael the ;rchangel I7evelation 12:6J. )ope &eo M%%% certainly had a
very vivid recollection of this scene when, at the end of the last century, he introduced a
special prayer to "t. (ichael throughout the +hurch. ;lthough this prayer is no longer
recited at the end of (ass, % ;": 'E'7B-D' D-T T- ?-74'T %T ;D0 T-
7'+%T' %T T- -$T;%D >'&) %D T>' $;TT&' ;4;%D"T ?-7+'" -?
0;7:D'"" ;D0 ;4;%D"T T>' ")%7%T -? T>%" 3-7&0./K
AThe %nfernal ;nger %s #nleashing %tself ?rom )erverse (inds 4iven To The
0evil... Dow %t %s That ;ll 3ill 7age. O % created them for &ove, and they have become
a disgrace for the brothers, T>'B >;E' $'+-(' &%:' +>%&07'D -? ";T;D:
B'", T>'B %()'7"-D;T' ";T;D=C I?ebruary 2., 200.*
> > > > > > >
0-'" T>' "'+-D0 +-(%D4 -? +>7%"T -++#7 ;T T>' 'D0 -? T>'
A47';T T7%$#&;T%-DC1 /The present time O ushers in the struggles of the last
days/ I+++ 562J. A?or then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from
the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will beC I(t 2.:21J. 0oes Aand
never will beC indicate that the "econd +oming will not be immediately at the end of this
period1 ;lso -ur &ady of ?atima said: A%n the end my %mmaculate >eart will triumph
and T>' 3-7&0 3%&& $' 47;DT'0 ; T%(' -? )';+'.C 0oes this indicate
that +hrist will return at the end of the period of tribulation or after the Atime of peaceC
which will follow the period of tribulation1 This also seems to indicate, along with what
&ucia said in 1926 as well as the dates of )ope &eo M%%%Ls vision and the final message at
;kita corresponding to the anniversary of the great miracle of the sun on -ctober 1, at
?atima, that J'"#" 3;DT" T- 4%E' E'7B ")'+%;& >-D-7 T- >%" (-T>'7
%D T>%" +&%(;+T%+ )'7%-0 -? T>' 3-7&0. +ertainly, Jesus lives the ten
commandments better than anyone else, in particular, the forth commandment=
%n the last century or so the >oly "pirit has sent to the world T7'('D0-#"
+>;7%"(;" that would seem to lay the foundation for a true +hristian rebirth after a
cleansing period, in particular the charisma of #nity by way of 4odLs instrument, +hiara
&ubich. This seems to also indicate that the "econd +oming might not be immediately
after this coming tribulation period=1 The great charisma of "aint ?rancis of ;ssisi was
basically for his first order for men, the second order for women, and the third order for
some laypeople. $ut this charisma of #nity is seen and understood by many eHperts
today as not only for all people of all walks of life but even for the renewal of all facets
and sectors of society, culture, economics, sociology, politics, psychology, etc.
63+ The N,'ero,( Apparitio1( o. O,r Lady
)ope $enedict ME% wrote in the book /The 7at<inger 7eport/ I1982J: /-ne of the
signs of our times is that the announcements of K(;7%;D ;));7%T%-D"K ;7'
(#&T%)&B%D4 ;&& -E'7 T>' 3-7&0./ There are many private revelations, in
particular of -ur &ady, in the last century, which indicate a great chastisement that is
about to befall the world. %n the -ld Testament, 4od sent many prophets and Gudges to
awaken the people as to how far they had strayed from the truth and moral living: 3hen
they listened as at Dineveh, all went well* when they did not listen, it went very badly. %n
recognitions for the efforts of the prophets, they were generally put to death. Dow 4od
sends >is greatest prophet in all of heaven, >is $lessed (other= 3ill we listen1 ;s
"ister &ucia said to ?ather ?uentes: AThe other means eHhausted and despised by men,
4-0 3%&& 4%E' 3%T> T7'($&%D4 T>' &;"T ;D+>-7 -? ";&E;T%-D
3>%+> %" T>' (-"T >-&B E%74%D %D )'7"-D.
#sually in these apparitions -ur &ady encourages us to: meditate on the )assion of
-ur &ord, do much penance, pray and make many sacrifices for the conversion of
sinners, receive and visit often the $lessed "acrament, fre@uent confessions, do good
works for ones neighbor, make reparation to the "acred >eart of Jesus and the
%mmaculate >eart of (ary, consecrate oneself to the %mmaculate >eart of (ary and
pray the daily 7osary. -ur &ady tells us that if enough people do these things the
chastisement can be averted or at least diminished. "ome of the numerous apparitions of
-ur &ady include: &a "alette, ?rance I18.5J* ?atima, )ortugal I1916J* "t. ?austina
I1922!19,8* about the "econd +oming* diary: .29* 8.8, 952, 1150, 1288, 11.5, 5,2,
16,2J* ;kita, Japan I196, U 1981J Ihttp:www.miraclerosarymission.orgakita.htmJ*
#nfortunately most people prefer not to know these things* it is easier. ;fter all,
A%gnorance is $liss=C 3e must not kill the prophets=
Jesus: A4ive to 4od your life, your will is human, too human, attached to
materialism and consumerism. ?'3 ;7' T>' )'-)&' 3>- &%E' -D T>' ';7T>
&-D4%D4 ?-7 T>' 'T'7D;& &%?' %D T>' ;7(" -? T>' ?;T>'7. There are
many, the insensitive to every recall, poor children, my brothers= The recalls have been
made fully in so many messages: to many souls has appeared (ary, (y (other: and it is
still happening= ?'3 ;7' T>-"' 3>- $'&%'E' ;D0 T>'B 0- D-T 4%E'
%()-7T;D+' T- T>' 7'+;&&". ?ools and senseless are those who are not
concerned and do not run to the shelters protecting themselves under the mantle of
(ary, letting themselves to be led by >er along the right path of salvation. &isten , dear
souls, listen and pass over again in review all the recalls and make of them news to be
divulged. They all know that no one will escape the revealing Justice of the sin
committed, of the evil caused and not confessed. (y souls, % will shortly let fall the arm
and the go ahead to great torment will be given= I;ugust 15, 2006*
%n the final message of the $lessed Eirgin on -ctober 1,, 196,, at ;:%T;,
J;);D, on the anniversary of the miracle of the "un at ?atima, she said to "ister ;gnes
"asagawa: /;s % told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the ?ather will
inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. %t will be ; )#D%">('DT 47';T'7
T>;D T>' 0'&#4', such as one will never have seen before. ?ire will fall from the
sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing
neither priests nor faithful. The "#7E%E-7" will find themselves so desolate that they
3%&& 'DEB T>' 0';0. The only arms that will remain for you will be the 7osary
and "ign left by (y "on. 'ach day recite the prayers of the 7osary. 3ith the 7osary,
pray for the pope, the bishops, and the priests./
/The work of the devil will infiltrate even the +hurch in such a way that one will
see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against other bishops. The priests who venerate
(e will be scorned and opposed by their confereesOchurches and altars sacked, the
+hurch will be full of those who accept compromise and the demon will press many
priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the &ord. The demon will be
especially implacable against souls consecrated to 4od. The thought of the loss of so
many souls is the cause of (y sadness. %f sins increase in number and gravity, there will
be no longer pardon for them./
/3ith courage, speak to your superior. >e will know how to encourage each one
of you to pray and to accomplish works of reparation./
Jesus: A$' "T7-D4, (B )7%'"T "-D", and begin in secret, your battle against
the evil which is raging and as a hurricane the storm of AevilC on (y +hurch will rage.C
I;pril 1., 200.* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa0.eng.htmlJ.
4od the ?ather: A)7;B ?-7 (B )7%'"T +>%&07'D, )7;B $'+;#"'
T>'B ;7' D-3 T;:'D #) $B T>' D'T -? T>' 0'E%& 3>- "'':" T-
;TT7;+T T>'( %DT- >%" $-;T: but the boat of P)eterL is so strong that he will
not succeed in transporting all of them= Do, because 3%T> P)'T'7L T>'7' ;7'
T>' T7#' ;)-"T&'" 3>- 07;3 T- 4-0 >%" +>%&07'D. Bes, my souls, the
battle of the spirit is in act and it is convulsively implemented before your eyes: evident
to all the movement which is anticlerical. (y children, be the sentries always on the
lookout that there might not be other promoters of disorder. (ay your constant prayer
be the official weapon for the salvation of the souls consecrated to (e.C IJanuary 12,
2008* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa08eng.htmlJ.
Jesus: AT- -??'D0 T>' (%D%"T'7%;& 3-7: -? ; )7%'"T 3%T>
;++#";T%-D" ;D0 %D?;(B, %" T>' 3-7"T -? ?;#&T" T>;T ;
+>7%"T%;D +;D +-((%T: and it is not good to feed their pride. ;dmonish, my
daughter and get across this (y disposition: A3oe to the one who slanders a child of
4od and even more so (y minister, representative of the "on of 4od, >igh )riest* better
for him to hide himself at the moment of (y arrival on earthC= I"eptember 22, 2002*
%n June 1988 Joseph +ardinal 7at<inger as )refect of the +ongregation for the
0octrine of the ?aith, gave definitive Gudgment on -ur &ady of ;kita events and
messages as reliable and worthy of belief.
('0J#4-7J' ;D0 4;7;$;D0;& ;7' +&-"'&B ;""-+%;T'0. 'ach
has a set of secrets about the future. 'ach predicts that a miraculous )ermanent "ign will
be placed on earth Iat 4arabandal and at (edGugorGeJ. This event is called the (iracle of
4arabandal, and the third secret of (edGugorGe. The faithful who believe in 4arabandal
usually also believe in (edGugorGe. ;nd both of these claimed private revelations have no
current approval from the local $ishops or from the >oly "ee.
AThe True +harismatics ;re 7ecogni<ed $ecause That 3hich They 3rite
>appensC I"eptember 21, 2006*
-ne of the seers at 4arabandal, +onchita, wrote: /T>' 3;7D%D4 +-('"
0%7'+T&B ?7-( 4-0 ;D0 3%&& $' E%"%$&' T- T>' 3>-&' 3-7&0 ;D0
?7-( ;DB )&;+' 3>'7' ;DB-D' (;B >;))'D T- $'. %t will be like the
revelation of our sins and it will be seen and felt by everyone, believer and unbeliever
alike irrespective of whatever religion they may belong to. %t will be seen and felt in all
parts of the world and by every person. %t will happen in the sky* no one can prevent it
form happening. 3e will even prefer to be dead rather than to pass through this
A3arningC% %t will not kill us. %t will be a /correction/ of our conscience. %t will cause
great fear and will make us reflect within ourselves on the conse@uences of our own
personal sins. %t will be like a warning of the punishment to come. %n this way the world
will be offered a means of purification to prepare itself for the eHtraordinary grace of the
A4reat (iracleC.C
Jacinta was told by -ur $lessed (other /that the warning would come when
conditions were at their worst./ The date was not revealed to the visionaries, however
(ari!&oli does know the year* and she said that AThe (iracleC will happen within one
year after AThe 3arningC% Ihttp:www.garabandal.orgstory.shtmlJ.
A;?T'7 T>' T>7'' 3;7D%D4", T>' )'7(;D'DT E%"%$&' "%4D
3%&& $' &'?T -D T>' (-#DT;%D 3>'7' -#7 &;0B ?%7"T ;))';7'0 %D
('0J#4-7J'. Those who are still alive will have little time for conversion. ?or that
reason, the $lessed Eirgin calls for urgent conversion and reconciliation. The permanent
sign will lead to many healings and conversions before the messages become reality.C
I-verview of (edGugorGe* http:www.medGugorGe.orgoverview.htm* also:
A% can tell you that the 3arning is at the door and that you will hear the knocking.
% 3%&& :D-+: ;T ';+> >';7T, % will call each one by name, % will ask for their
willingness in receiving me. I;pril 16, 2001*
A$ring (e to your brothers* make them understand that soon there will be a
3arning. (any know it, but many still do not know anything* they will be frightened,
they will not understand what is going on, but they will understand very soon. % 3%&&
")';: T- T>'%7 +-D"+%'D+'", % 3%&& (;:' T>'( 7'&%E' T>'%7 "%D",
T>'B 3%&& "'' T>' 7-T -? T>'%7 7#%D'0 ?&'"> 0#' T- "%DO
I10222001* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa9902eng.htmlJ.
A3>'D %D T>' ":B (B +7-"" 3%&& "T;D0 -#T ?-7 (;DB T>'7'
3%&& $' T-7('DT ;D0 T'77-7C I?ebruary 9, 2005*
http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticimondo0506eng.htmlJ. A
A$#T ?-7 T>-"' 3>- ;7' %D T>' T7#T> -? (B 3-70 3%&& >;E'
J-B ;D0 "'7'D%TB -? ")%7%T T- J#$%&;T' ;D0 ">-#T: +-(' &-70
J'"#", we are ready to come with Bou, Bou are our :ing. ;men. ;lleluia= I?ebruary 9,
2005* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa0206eng.htmlJ.
A$e ready, vigilant, because % will come and all will see me. O %D T>' ":B
3%&& ;))';7 ; "%4D -? T>' +7-"", ;&& 3%&& "'' %T= ;nd while all will be
with the head up, you check out everything, because the events that will follow will be
powerful and will sensiti<e every heart. IJune 25, 1999*
A;" %T 3;" %D T>' 0;B" -? D-;> I4en 5:1!2J, so will it be in the days of
the "on of manOC I&k 16:25J. A>umanity #nder "iege: Terrorism %n -ur TimeC
A;l Faeda websites present growing threat, ?$%Ks (ueller warns. ;l Faeda, once
limited to areas surrounding ;fghanistan, may be using the %nternet to recruit and
radicali<e, ?$% 0irector 7obert (ueller testified 3ednesday before a >ouse
;ppropriations subcommittee.C";20100,16;l!Faeda!
A#.D. confirms rise in violence in ;fghanistanC
A+ould terrorists get hold of a nuclear bomb1C
A:orean war Kmay break out at any momentK: Dorth :oreaC IJune ,, 2010*
A+hina sits out effort to pressure Dorth :oreaC I(ay 22, 2010*
A%f you wish to go to eHtremes, let it be in sweetness, patience, humility and
charity.C U "t )hilip Deri.
66+ The Maya Cale1dar
4od created the entire universe in view of >is "on Jesus +hrist as well as >is
$ody, the +hurch. T>' "T;7 -? $'T>&'>'( has fascinated many for centuries.
?or millennia, believers, scoffers and the curious have wondered at the $iblical account
of the "tar. The $ible recounts unusual, or even impossible astronomical events at
+hristKs birth. ?or many doubters, the account of the "tar is easily dismissed as myth.
?or many believers, itKs a mystery accepted on faith. $ut what happens if we combine
current historical scholarship, astronomical fact and an open mind1
#sing Johannes :eplerKs discovery of how the solar system works, improvements
in our knowledge of first century history and the spread of computers, one discovers that
in "eptember, about 15 month before the birth of +hrist, the wise men from the 'ast saw
something in the sky that they had D'E'7 "''D $'?-7'. The A:ing )lanetC,
Jupiter, made a triple pass around the A:ing "tarC, 7egulus, like a coronation. Then
after Jupiter finished its rende<vous with 7egulus in June of the following year, it moved
beside Eenus giving the impression of the most brilliant star the wise men had ever seen
with the naked eye. That particular evening, our $abylonian wise men, who were good
astronomers as well as well informed of Jewish prophecy, would have seen the spectacle
of their career while facing toward Judea. "urely this prompted them to start off on their
long Gourney toward Judea following the star all the way to Jerusalem which we read
about in the 4ospel of (atthew chapter 2. 7ead more at the web site
>ow many very intelligent astronomers and scientists there are today who do not
believe in 4od1 Bou can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink= &et us
give praise to 4od for >is marvels in >is creation= ?-7 (;DB )'-)&' T-0;B,
"+%'D+' %" %D?;&&%$&', $#T D-T +>7%"T -7 T>' )-)'.
3' (#"T 0%"T%D4#%"> >'7' $'T3''D -$"'7E%D4 T>' "%4D" -?
4-0 %D >%" +7';T%-D ;D0 ;"T7-&-4B.
;"T7-&-4B holds that stars eHert forces on men. ;strology assumes that stars
are )auses o3 earthly events. ;strology is a: /...form of divination based on the theory
that the movement of the celestial bodies ! the stars, the planets, the sun and the moon !
influence human affairs and determine the course of events./ IThe New 2olumbia
>n)!)lo&edia IDew Bork: +olumbia #niversity )ress, 1962J.
The 2ate)hism o3 the 2atholi) 2hur)h states, /;ll forms of divination are to be
reGected: recourse to "atan or demons, conGuring up the dead or other practices falsely
supposed to PunveilL the future. +onsulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading,
interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance, and recourse to
mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and, in the last analysis, other
human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor,
respect, and loving fear that we owe to 4od alone/ I+++ 2115J. "ee also: Job ,1:25!
28* 0eut 16:2!2* 2:ings 2,:..
"till, the $ible does make a surprising number of references to signs in the
heavens. "ee: Job 9:9* ,8:,1* %s .0:25* )s 19:1!.* 7m 10:16!18* &k 21:22* 0eut .:19.
$-T> -&0 ;D0 D'3 T'"T;('DT" ;""#(' T>;T 3>;T >;))'D"
#) T>'7' (;TT'7". %f we are interested in following the counsel of the $ible, we
must hold a distinction in mind. The $ible assumes that there can be messages about
earthly events. %t may be useful to think of this as a thermometer distinction. ;
thermometer can T'&& you if itKs hot or cold, but it canKt (;:' you hot or cold. There
is a big difference between a sign and an active agent. This is the difference between
/astrology/ and what the $ible holds forth.
;nother interesting fact regarding the divine creation of the universe is that the
astronomers of the ancient (aya had precisely foreseen, more than 1200 years ago, T>'
'M;+T ;&%4D('DT of the 'arth, of the "un, of the star cluster of the )leiades and of
the center of our 4alaHy, which will happen at the end of our present long cycle, in the
4regorian year 2012. -n the (aya calendar the designated day of . ;hau , :ankin
I1,. falls on 0ecember 21, 2012 and this day will sign A'l ?in de los TiemposC or
the end of the long cycle, when humanity will eHperience a new beginning. This day,
according to the (aya and the successive civili<ation (eso!;merican, will happen at the
return of :ukulcan IFuet<alcoatlJ. ;ll scientific evidence has shown the (ayan &ong
+ount astronomical predictions to be accurate. The last time the planets and the stars
were in this alignment was 25,000 years ago. 0ecember 21, 2012 is a date of ama<ing
historical significance and the end of a complete time cycle. "ee: A2012 ?re@uently
;sked FuestionsC at http:www.2012officialcountdown.comfa@.html.
%t would be even more interesting if our modern day astronomers might be capable
of discovering if our 4alaHy will be at the center of the #niverse on the same day of
0ecember 21, 2012= 3e +atholics celebrate every year, the last "unday of the liturgical
year I,.
of -rdinary TimeJ, the great feast of our &ord Jesus +hrist, :ing of the
#niverse= A?or in >im all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and
invisible, O all things were created through >im and for >imC I+ol 1:15J=
;fter presenting the above @uestion T- ;D ;"T7-D-('7 ?7-( T>' #";,
he sent me the following email: AThere is no center or edge to the universe. This is the
essence of the +opernican )rinciple, which is fundamental to all successful scientific
theories. This basically means the universe looks the same wherever you are. %t has no
preferred location or /center./ The common @uestion % get is /where did the $ig $ang
happen1/ The $ig $ang created eHpanding space and so the /center/ is, well,
everywhere and nowhere. %f you picture ,!dimensional space as the 20 skin of and
inflating balloon, there is to /center/ to the balloonKs surface Iyes, the balloon does have
a center, but thatKs off in another dimension in this analogy.J (ost people find this
answer unsatisfactory, but the universe would be pretty messed up if it were constructed
any other way. The universe is 1,.6 billion years old, and all observations give it a
healthy prognosis for at least the neHt 1 trillion years. "o there is no impending
/transition/ or /grand alignment/ coming up in the state of 'arth or the cosmos.C
O)2io,(ly GOD ;NO#S ALL THINGS@ 'ven though many people have the
tendency to eHaggerate and the desire to make too much out of these eHtraordinary
occurrences, this very rare alignment will not happen by chance= 4od created the
universe, which moves like a huge precise clock. The universe was above all created for
the :ing of the #niverse, Jesus +hrist, and secondarily for human beings. %s it possible
that 4od has chosen this date as the "econd +oming of his "on to the earth1 T>%" %"
-D&B (B )'7"-D;& F#'"T%-D ;D0 ")'+#&;T%-D= %f so, according to many
biblical scholars, the ;ntichrist must appear before >is second coming= -nly the ?ather
knows I(t 2.:,5* (k 1,:,2J= The correspondence between the prophecies of "aint
(alachy and the (aya calendar are rather interesting. "t. >ildegard of $ingen indicates
that the false )rophet of the ;ntichrist will appear immediately before the ;ntichrist Gust
as "t. John the $aptist appeared shortly before Jesus +hrist* it seems that the ;ntichrist
apes the real +hrist, thus having his own precursor also, which is referred to the "acred
"criptures as the Afalse prophetC or the Asecond beastC. % personally am keeping my eye
on possible anniversary dates of -ctober 1,, 1916, since % believe Jesus wants to give
very special honor to >is (other in this period of world history as was indicated at
?atima in 1916=
67+ The TAo ea(t( o. the Apocalyp(e
)erhaps when one reads the $ook of 7evelations, in particular chapter 1,, one
might get the impression that the persons who will appear as the first beast I7ev 1,:1!
10J and the second beast I7ev 1,:11!18J, the false prophet I7ev 15:1,* 19:20* 20:10J,
will be fierce and ferocious and perhaps hideous or whatever. $ut instead these two
personages will be E'7B ;??;$&' ;D0 ;TT7;+T%E' ;D0 +>;7%"(;T%+=
)-)' $'D'0%+T -D T>' $';"T:
%n his recent book, =esus o3 Nazareth, )ope $enedict ME%, in a comment on the
prayer of the -ur ?ather, wrote this about the $east of the ;pocalypse: A3e see before
us the dragon of which the $ook of 7evelation speaks. PThen another sign appeared in
>eaven: and behold, a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his
heads were seven diadems.L Q7ev. 12:,.J John portrays the Pbeast rising out of the sea,L
out of the dark depths of evil, with the symbols of 7oman imperial power, and he thus
puts a very concrete face on the threat facing the +hristians of his day: the total claim
placed upon man by the emperor cult and the resulting elevation of political!military!
economic might to the peak of absolute power N to the personification of the evil that
threatens to devour us. ADotwithstanding the dissolution of the 7oman 'mpire and its
ideologies, this remains very contemporary= Today there are on one hand the forces of
the market, of traffic in weapons, in drugs, and in human beings, all forces that weigh
upon the world and ensnare humanity irresistibly.C
+;70%D;& $%??% -D T>' ;DT%+>7%"T:
The Times of &ondon reported in 200. that the +ardinal described the ;ntichrist
as /walking among us/. Ihttp:www.lifesitenews.comldn2006mar060,0101.htmlJ.
)apal watchers are wondering what message )ope $enedict ME% was giving when he
selected retired $ologna, %taly, archbishop +ardinal 4iacomo $iffi to preach the annual
&enten retreat Ithe A"piritual 'HercisesCJ to the )ope and the top members of the
Eatican I?eb. 26, 2006J. ;nd guess what was the topic 1 The ;ntichrist = +ardinal $iffi
based his lectures on the last book of the great 7ussian philosopher Eladimir
"ergeyevich "olovyov I182,!1900J, AThe Three 0ialogues and the "tory of the
;ntichristC, in which the ;ntichrist is elected president of the #nited "tates of 'urope,
acclaimed as emperor in 7ome, takes possession of the entire world, and finally imposes
his command even over the life and organi<ation of the +hurches. >ere is a news report
from the +atholic news agency Tenit: +ardinal 4iacomo $iffi, retired archbishop of
$ologna, delivered this message during meditation Tuesday, drawing on the work of
7ussian philosopher Eladimir "ergeyevich "olovyov. The cardinalLs meditation came
during the weeklong "piritual 'Hercises being attended by the )ope and members of the
7oman +uria.
A;ccording to Eatican 7adioLs summary of his preaching, the cardinal eHplained
that Pthe teaching that the great 7ussian philosopher left us is that +hristianity cannot be
reduced to a set of values. ;t the center of being a +hristian is, in fact, the personal
encounter with Jesus +hrist.L Fuoting the work AThree 0ialogues on 3arC, A)rogress
and the 'nd of >istoryC, +ardinal $iffi told his listeners that Pthe ;ntichrist presents
himself as pacifist, ecologist and ecumenist.L AP>e will convoke an ecumenical council
and will seek the consensus of all the +hristian confessions, granting something to each
one. The masses will follow him, with the eHception of small groups of +atholics,
-rthodoH and )rotestants,L he said. The cardinal added that "olovyov says in that work:
P0ays will come in +hristianity in which they will try to reduce the salvific event to a
mere series of values.L A%n his ATale of the ;ntichristC "olovyov foresees that a small
group of +atholics, -rthodoH and )rotestants will resist and will say to the ;ntichrist:
PBou give us everything, eHcept what interests us, Jesus +hristL.C
?or +ardinal $iffi, this narrative is a warning: PToday, in fact, we run the risk of
having a +hristianity which puts aside Jesus with his cross and resurrection.L
AThe 68!year!old cardinal said that if +hristians Plimited themselves to speaking of
shared values they would be more accepted on television programs and in social groups.
$ut in this way, they will have renounced Jesus, the overwhelming reality of the
resurrection.L T>' +;70%D;& ";%0 >' $'&%'E'" T>;T T>%" %" PT>'
0;D4'7 T>;T +>7%"T%;D" ?;+' %D -#7 0;B"O T>' "-D -? 4-0
+;DD-T $' 7'0#+'0 T- ; "'7%'" -? 4--0 )7-J'+T" ";D+T%-D'0 $B
T>' )7'E;%&%D4 3-7&0&B ('DT;&%TBO There are relative values, such as
solidarity, love of peace and respect for nature. %f these become absolute, uprooting or
even opposing the proclamation of the event of salvation, then these values become an
instigation to idolatry and obstacles on the way of salvation.C
%t is also not by chance that there are many verses in the $ible regarding the period
of the "econd +oming of +hrist. "o too the +hurch has chosen the readings from the
$ible regarding prophecy and the "econd +oming of +hrist during the last week or two
of the liturgical cycle each year=
T>' "'+-D0 $';"T will be a world religious leader, impersonating +hrist
IAlike a lambC* 7ev 1,:11J, and will seek to induce all to /worship the image/ of the first
$east Iwhich will be able to speak= I7ev 1,:12JJ, the ;ntichrist, performing /miracles/
I7ev 19:20* 1,:1,* 2Thess 2:9J and /signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible,
even the elect/ I(t 2.:2.* (k 1,:22* 7ev 1,:8J= This false )rophet will lead many away
I7ev 1,:.J from +hrist, the only true "avior of the world. The devil normally comes
disguised as an ;ngel of light in order to lead astray as many as possible= "t. >ildegard
indicates that Atwo!thirds of the +hristians will go with himC, this evil cardinal, the false
AO the one who is a 0%+T;T-7 ;D0 3%&& $7%D4 ;$-#T
)'7T#7$;T%-D, >' 3%&& $7%D4 ; T7#' ;)-"T;"B=C I;pril 6, 2002*
%n the past % indicated to some of my friends that -bama is probably not the
antichrist= $ut when % began to reali<e that abortion is one of the greatest sins, and that
-bama promotes abortion as his highest Isly and hiddenJ priority, % began to reconsider
especially after % discovered how many >ebrew scholars indicate how Jesus would have
pronounced &uke 10:18 in ;ramaic: A;nd % saw "atan as $ara@ # $am!(aw.C 0%0
J'"#" 4%E' #" ;D %D0%+;T%-D %D T>%" E'7"' ;$-#T T>' %0'DT%TB -?
T>' ;DT%+>7%"T1 ;s 4loria )olo put it: A;bortion is the worst of all the sins Ithose
provoked, not when it is spontaneousJ, because to kill the children still in the womb of
the mother, to kill a little innocent and defenseless creature, %" T- 4%E' )-3'7 T-
";T;D.C 0id the +ouncil of ?oreign 7elations member and Trilateralist >enry
:issinger throw out Gust empty words1 A-bama primed to create Dew 3orld -rderC
)'7>;)" % T-- T'D0'0 T- )#T T>' ;DT%+>7%"T %D "#+> ;D
#D#"#;& +;T'4-7B T>;T >' 3;" ;&(-"T D-T >#(;D. $ut "atan has
more power over individuals and over society the more we sin and the less we pray.
"atan is constrained by 4od to respect our free wills* "atan has power over us only to
the point that we freely give our consent and we freely choose to yield to his temptations
day by day. This is why it is such an incredibly and seemingly illogical high priority for
-bama to promote abortion and embryonic stem cell research and other grave sins, even
against the will of the maGority of ;mericans, as well as to undermine the true teachings
of the +atholic +hurch and her loyal followers. ;lso T>'"' )#))'T" -? ";T;D
$'+-(' (-7' +-DT7-&&'0 $B ";T;D T>' (-7' T>'B ?7''&B 4%E'
T>'%7 3%&&" T- ";T;D, Gust as happens to every person who follows "atan instead
of 4od. "o too, the antichrist will ultimately become totally possessed by "atan* it seems
that "atan will even eventually incarnate himself into the body of the antichrist. "ee AThe
3ounding of the $eastC below. The person who will become the antichrist does not
know he is the antichrist* he continually and freely gives his consent and will to the
temptations and allurements of "atan so as to become more and more a very docile
puppet of "atan.
)resident -bama is young, charismatic, and a good speaker, but underneath that
appealing outward show, % believe, is a very cruel and godless individual who is full of
pride. A%n his place shall arise a contemptible person to whom royal maGesty has not been
given* he shall come in without warning Isenator for only a few years without a birth
certificate=J and obtain the kingdom by flatteriesC I0an 11:21J. %t was rather incredible
how so many people, immediately after the election of Dovember 2008, of all races and
religions were dancing and raising their hands as if praising him.
A"pike &ee )redicts Dew +alendar (ark: $efore -bama;fter -bamaC
A-bama heals hundredsC
A?ainting on the $arack -bama +ampaign Trail %ncreasing. (iraculous >ealing
3onders Dow 7eportedC
T>' ;DT%+>7%"T 3%&& 'E'D )'7?-7( /miracles/ I7ev 19:20* 1,:1,*
2Thess 2:9J and /signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect/ I(t
2.:2.* (k 1,:22* 7ev 1,:8J=
;bomination speech to graduating 3est )oint +adets promises a D'3 3-7&0
-70'7 I(ay 22, 2010*
Jesus: A;nd your epoch is arriving to the peak of perverseness, foolishness, and the
unbearable AbeastC which is: pride... vengeance... hate and wickednessO with the eHcuse
of bringing love and peace. $#T 3>;T )';+' %? T>'B (;:' 3;7= $#T 3>;T
&-E', %? T>'B :%&& ';+> -T>'7= 3hat sweetness they are using to combat
evil1C IJanuary 19, 2005*
%n a report published in PThe 3eekL entitled P>ow they see #s: -bamaLs
domination of 'uropeL, E;D 7-()#B ";B" T>;T )7'"%0'DT -$;(; >;"
'??'+T%E'&B 0')-"'0 -? T>' P)'7(;D'DTL )7'"%0'DT -? T>' '.#.
Jean Fuatremer said in his blog that $arack >. -$;(; >;" $'+-(' PT>' 0'
?;+T- )7'"%0'DT -? T>' '.#.L ;s the 4reek debt crisis threatened to spread in
recent weeks, 'uropean leaders bickered over whether and how to fund a bigger bailout:
the putative '.#. )resident, >erman Ean 7ompuy, simply watched them, wringing his
hands, knowing the 'uroLs collapse might trigger a tsunami that could devastate the
planet. )resident -bama took action after repeatedly phoning 4erman +hancellor ;ngela
(erkel* he finally got her to sign on to the rescue, succeeding where the best efforts of
'uropean leaders had failed. Then -bama phoned "panish prime minister Jose &uis
Tapatero and practically ordered him to cut the "panish deficit in half so that "pain
wouldnLt be the neHt domain to fall. %tLs as if ;mericaLs )resident staged a coup*
perhaps -bama and the Dew 3orld -rder are not @uite ready yet to take the neHt step
with their diabolical solution in rendering us their total absolute slaves, most likely with
individual implanted microchips for everyone. $arack >. -bama has concluded that AO
-nly the big 'uropean "tates have the cloutC to do anything. "o he has begun dealing
with a select cli@ue compromising $ritain, ?rance, and 4ermany. 'ach month, -bama
has a video conference with the leaders of these three countries to discuss areas of Goint
concern, such as ;fghanistan, the mid!east and the financial crisis as well. I4oogle
translation of A?ranceLs &iberation &inkC:
$ut many are waking up to the absurdity of -bamaLs agenda= A(erkel 7eGects
-bamaKs +all to "pend ! 4erman chancellor rebuffs pressure to boost domestic demand,
not eHports* warns 'uropeKs crisis is far from overC
A-$;(; ;D0 T>' ?%"+;& K7-;0 T- >'&&K ! 4!20 leaders donKt agree with
the president that more spending will revive the economy. Dor do most ;mericans. IJuly
1, 2010*
A-ur view on the economy: 'uropean nations show way toward fiscal
responsibilityC IJune ,0, 2010* http:www.usatoday.comnewsopinioneditorials2010!
A)rotests 7ock Toronto 0espite "ecurity ! ;fter a Z1 $illion "afety 'ffort, )olice
"truggle to >alt Eiolence Dear (eetings, ;rresting Dearly 500 -ver the 3eekendC
4overnments (ove to +ut "pending, in 19,0s 'cho IJune ,0, 2010*
% have a certain suspicion that -bama, who has a lot more clout and power than
what he is revealing, would prefer not to let the ;merican people vote in Dovember
2010. %t is becoming clear that the maGority of the ;merican people are finally waking
up. ADew 7epublic: K$arack -bama ?aces a (oment 3here >is )residency Just (ight
+ollapseKC Ihttp:newsbusters.orgblogsp!G!gladnick20100126new!republic!barack!
obama!faces!moment!where!his!presidency!Gust!mightJ. -bama cannot risk losing the
democratic maGority in +ongress, even though he has so many of his c<ars, radicals and
very liberal activist Gudges in key places rendering our government already a de facto
dictatorship with the facade of democracy. (ost likely there will break out a war in the
middle east before Dovember 2010. "ee A0amascus 0estroyed1C and AThe Third 3orld
3arC below. -bama and his Dew 3orld -rder colleagues have at their disposal by now,
having led us into sin and neglect of prayer, many possible strings to pull so as to
orchestrate the fulfillment of their world domination=
A-bama %s ; K-ne!Term )residentK: %nvestment )roC
3hen % consider the prophecy of "t. >ildegard as well as (argaret of Jesus, %
would not be surprised if something might happen to )ope $enedict sometime soon
Iperhaps when he goes to the #: in "eptember 15!19, 20101J. 3' (%4>T "'' "T.
>%&0'4;70L" )7-)>'+B ?#&?%&&'0 "--D: A3hen the new )ope is elected
immediately before the ;ntichrist, a cardinal will kill the elected pope before he is
crowned through Gealousy, he wishing to be )ope himself. Then when the other cardinals
elect the neHt )ope this cardinal will proclaim himself IantiJ )ope, and two!thirds of the
+hristians will go with him.C )erhaps this phrase Aimmediately before the ;ntichristC
might indicate that -bama will finally reveal himself as the one >enry :issinger said was
A-bama primed to create Dew 3orld -rderC IJan. 5, 2009J.
AThe end of the dark times will be after three days. %n the meantime disasters will
break out a little bit everywhere. 3>'D B-# 3%&& >';7 T>;T T>' )-)' 3%&&
$' )#T ;"%0', begin to ask yourselves if all is all right and continue the prayers:
unceasing must be prayer= Dow if it will be before or after the darkness, this is not given
to you to know.C IJuly 1, 1999*
AT>' 0'+'%E'7 3%&& "--D ">-3 >%("'&?, he will come to the limelight
as a great personality, capable of strongly presenting himself, courageous before all and
everyone, but do not let yourselves be fooled= I0901200.*
A4od the ?ather: A(y soul, you did well to put Pon the alertL your brothers of
prayer Qabout the antichristR, because T7#&B %D ; ">-7T 3>%&' T>' 'D'(B
3%&& T;:' %DT'7D;T%-D;& +-DT;+T, in order to guide you toward his intent
to program the mind of the human beings, in order to be able to subGugate them and
draw them into deception.C I0.192008*
AT>' >-"T%&' ")%7%T#;& T;:'-E'7 -? -#7 D;T%-DC. A;nyone who
has watched national politics closely in the past year and a half has seen a panoply of
aggressive political moves that are reported about in hostile terms. There are government
/takeovers/ of huge industries, public officials /moving against/ businesses and
individuals, court decisions /striking down/ statutes and eHecutive initiatives /attacking/
fundamentally sane institutions and plans. 'ven in times of war, % donKt think we have
ever had such violent social and political maneuvering in our public life. The worst
aspect of it is that all the rapaciousness is directed inward. %f we were laying waste the
enemies of the innocent citi<ens of our society in the same way we are consuming our
own healthy institutions, how different our public life would be= The current hostile
initiatives are nothing of the sort, however. They are essentially demonic takeovers of
sacred institutions by the pagans who hold the reins of powerO.C
A-ne day the ;ntichrist will come: a human being who introduces an order of
things in which rebellion against 4od will attain its ultimate power. >e will be filled with
enlightenment and strength. The ultimate aim of all aims will be to prove that eHistence
without +hrist is possible ! nay rather, that +hrist is the enemy of eHistence, which can be
full reali<ed only 3>'D ;&& +>7%"T%;D E;&#'" >;E' $''D 0'"T7-B'0.
>is arguments will be some impressive, supported by means of such tremendous power !
violent and diplomatic, material and intellectual ! that to reGect them will result in almost
insurmountable scandal, and everyone whose eyes are not opened by grace will be lost.
Then it will be clear what the +hristian essence really is: that which stems not from the
world, but from the heart of 4od* victory of grace over the world* redemption of the
world, for her true essence is not to be found in herself, but in 4od...3hen 4od becomes
all in all, the world will finally burst into flowerC ! 7omano 4uardini
68+ The NeA #orld Reli<io1
The world controllers, being guided by the most intelligent creature ever created,
&ucifer, reali<e that people need a religion, something to believe in. Thus rather than
outlawing all religions, which would cause an unwanted reaction, T>'B 3%&& -??'7
; 3-7&0 7'&%4%-D, with this charismatic antichrist at the head with the help of the
false prophet, this imposter and usurper of the )apal "ee. There are various indications
that things will not get really out of hand world wide until the )ope will have to Aflee
from 7omeC, and then probably die Aa cruel deathC. )erhaps at that point the evil
cardinal will carry out the orders from his superiors to insert himself into the seat of
)eter since he will not be elected as he had hoped. (ost likely shortly after this event,
the economy will be brought down, and then after this 7ussia will fulfill the prophecies
of ?atima as well as those found in the books of '<ekiel, Joel, etc.
3hen one understands what this Dew 3orld -rder really is, and how it is being
gradually implemented, one can see it progressing in our daily news. 3hat is really the
motive and goal of AT>' );7&%;('DT -? T>' 3-7&0K" 7'&%4%-D"C at
(elbourne, ;ustralia on 0ecember ,!9, 2009 in which over 2000 people of Gust about all
the religions of the world are coming1 %t sounds like a noble effort, but what eHactly is
/religious eHtremism/ that they want to eliminate1 %s it those who preach the $ible
where homoseHual acts are condemned as a sin, or those who peacefully try to persuade
women not to murder the child in the womb while offering her viable alternatives1 3ho
defines what religious views are eHtreme1 3hy is /human security/ an important goal in
their agenda1 %s not security the very club that has been used to beat the rights out of
#.". citi<ens1 %t is interesting this mobili<ing in times of national and global crisis= %t
sounds far too convenient for the Dew 3orld -rderKs hopes to sei<e power. "uch an
organi<ation of a well orchestrated -ne 3orld 7eligion could be easily turned to support
the world planners who are feverishly working to form their perfect world -rder and
7eligion. %t is also interesting the coincidence of scheduling.
(uch is being made of $arack -bamaKs eHperience of being a Kcommunity
organi<er.K ";#& ;&%D":B, ; (;7M%"T >#(;D%"T ;D0 ;T>'%"T, once spoke
of the this type of service. (r. ;linsky died in 1962 and apparently is a mentor for many
people on the left including -bama. %t appears, he was also a founding father of the
cancerous Kmoral relativistK agenda which is destroying our modern day society and itKs
laws. >ere is ; F#-T' ?7-( ";#& ;&%D":B that might send shivers down your
spine* it did mine. /Truth is relative and changing* everything is relative and changing....
The first step in community organi<ation is community disorgani<ation....the organi<er,
dedicated to changing the life of a particular community must first rub raw the
resentments of the people of the community* fan the latent hostilities of many of the
people to the point of overt eHpression. >e must search out controversy.../
%t gets better, or % should say worse...
/They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing
system that they are willing to let go of the past and chance the future... The Gob of the
organi<er is to maneuver and bait the establishment so that it will publicly attack him as a
dangerous enemy. "uch a counterattack then puts the -74;D%T'7 on the side of the
people...; revolutionary -74;D%T'7 must shake up the prevailing patterns of the
people lives!agitate, created disenchantment and discontent with the current values to
produce a passion for 2H7N#>./
Bes, of course ! +>;D4'.$arack!-bama!
(ost ;mericans revile socialism, yet $arack -bamaLs poll numbers remain
competitive. -ne eHplanation: >eLs a longtime disciple of a "aul ;linsky whose mission
was to teach radicals to disguise their ideology. -$;(;L" 7>'T-7%+;& 3%D0-3!
07'""%D4 %" ';"%&B 7'+-4D%T;$&' ;" ;&%D":B'"F#' +;(-#?&;4'.
Dew annual spending of more than Z,.0 billion, as estimated by the Dational TaHpayers
#nion, is merely a wish to ArecastC the safety net woven by ?07 and &$J, as -bama
describes it in his writings. The free market is disparaged as a Awinner!take!allC
economy. $ig taH increases mas@uerade as Arestoring fairness to the economy.C
$arack -bamaLs A+>;D4' 3' +;D $'&%'E' %DC %" "%()&B "-+%;&%"(
N imposed by stratagem because ;mericans have never believed in (arHist economics.
"aul ;linsky understood this, and his ghost is alive and well N and threatening to haunt
the 3hite >ouse.
The following is a @uotation from ;merican) A"aul ;linsky wrote two
books outlining his organi<ational principles and strategies: 7eveille for 7adicals I19.5J
and 7ules for 7adicals I1961J. 7ules for 7adicals opens with a @uote about &ucifer,
written by "aul ;linsky: /&est we forget at least an over!the!shoulder acknowledgment
to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history Iand who is to
know where mythology leaves off and history begins !! or which is whichJ, T>' ?%7"T
7;0%+;& :D-3D T- (;D 3>- 7'$'&&'0 ;4;%D"T T>'
'"T;$&%">('DT ;D0 0%0 %T "- '??'+T%E'&B T>;T >' ;T &';"T 3-D
>%" -3D :%D40-( !! &#+%?'7./
%n 7ules for 7adicals, ;linsky says: />ere % propose to present an arrangement of
certain facts and general concepts of change, a step toward a science of revolution./ >e
builds on the tactical principles of (achiavelli: /The )rince was written by (achiavelli
for the >aves on how to hold power. 7ules for 7adicals is written for the >ave!nots on
how to take it away./ 7ules for 7adicals is concerned with the ac@uisition of power:
/(B ;%( >'7' %" T- "#44'"T >-3 T- -74;D%T' ?-7 )-3'7: >-3 T-
4'T %T ;D0 >-3 T- #"' %T./ Ihttp:eHGewsforGesus.blogspot.com200202Gews!
AT>;T+>'7 ;0E%"'7: +openhagen goal is 1!world government* K4&-$;&
3;7(%D4K to be used as KpreteHtK for KchangeK* (onckton argued that )resident -bama
will sign the +openhagen treaty at the 0ecember meeting, without seeking a two!thirds
ratification of the treaty by the "enate, or any other type of +ongressional approval.C*
Ihttp:www.wnd.comindeH.php1page%dV11,219J. "ee also A:nowledge +reates
)owerC Ihttp:knowledgecreatespower.blogspot.comJ.
A?ormer #.". #D ;mbassador 3arns of >idden 0angers in +openhagen 0ealC
A4&-$;& 3;7(%D4 "+%'D+'1 D-)', 4&-$;& 3;7(%D4 "+;(C by
"teven 3. (osher Ihttp:pop.org200912121001global!warming!science!nope!global!
A"+;7' 3;T+>: 4lobal 3arming 3ill :ill "iH $illionC 1=1
The (care: %n (arch 2009, >ans!Joachim "chellnhuber, director of a grand!
sounding pressure!group called the A)otsdam %nstitute for +limate %mpact 7esearchC,
said that Aglobal warmingC of 6 ?ahrenheit degrees would wipe out all but 1 billion of
'arthLs 6 billion human population.
(r. "chellnhuber said, A%n a very cynical way, itLs a triumph for science, because at
last we have stabili<ed something U namely the estimate of the carrying capacity of the
planet U fewer than 1 billion people.C The planet, of course, is somehow currently
carrying seven times that number. The previous month, 0r. James >ansen of D;"; had
predicted that Aglobal warmingC would raise sea level by 62 meters U e@uivalent to 2.5
The tr,th: %n every respect, (r. "chellnhuberLs outlandish prediction is as absurd
as that of 0r. >ansen. %T &;+:" ;DB +7'0%$&' "+%'DT%?%+ ?-#D0;T%-D. 3e
may dispose of 0r. >ansenLs prediction in the single, withering sentence of (r. Justice
$urton in the >igh +ourt of 'ngland and 3ales in -ctober 2006, condemning ;l 4oreLs
suggestion that sea level would imminently rise by less than one!twelfth of 0r. >ansenLs
flagrant prediction U AThe ;rmageddon scenario that he depicts is not based on any
scientific view. O..C Ihttp:scienceandpublicpolicy.orgscarewatch5Sbillion.htmlJ.
A$arbara >ollingsworth: 3hoKs who on climate fraudC*
%t is so important to vote for and discover who our political candidates are not by
their smooth, beautiful, nice, rhetorical words, but $B T>'%7 0''0" ;D0 E-T%D4
7'+-70= AThus you will know them by their fruitsC I(t 6:20J. Their fruits can be
rather hidden and yet far more destructive to our country, world and society than we
might possibly reali<e=
69+ Hope a1d Sal2atio1@
"ome might accuse me of being a pessimist. % ;( D-T ; )'""%(%"T $#T ;
7';&%"T= 3e have evicted 4od from our bedrooms, from our schools, from our public
life and public environments= 3hat can we eHpect111 3e reap what we sow=
$ut for those who believe and love Jesus +hrist and >im in every neighbor and are
ready to die for >im, this period of the greatest tribulation in the history of the world
I(t 2.:21!22* Jer ,0:6* 0an 12:1J will not be a time of desperation but of hope and
salvation I(t 2.:1,* &k 21:28,,5* Jn 1.:1!,* 1Thess .:15!18* 7ev 12:2* 12:11* ,:10J=
/$lessed are those servants, whom the &ord when he comes shall find watching ... and
doing/ I&k 12:,6*.,* see also 1)et 2:9* 7ev 12:11* 1:5J.
-ne might ask at this point: A3>;T +;D 3' 0-1C ;s )ope John )aul %%
revealed in 1980, Ait is no longer possible to avert Qthis trialRC. % think the best thing to
do is to heed the message that our (other (ary revealed to &ucia of ?atima: A?rom
when the >oly Eirgin gave such a great efficaciousness to the 7osary, there does not
eHist any material, spiritual, national or international problem that cannot be resolved
3%T> T>' >-&B 7-";7B ;D0 3%T> -#7 ";+7%?%+'". To recite it with
devotion will be to consol (ary and to wipe away so many tears from her %mmaculate
>eart.C ;mong many other things, it is also important to avoid the very numerous bad
shows on TE today and watch wholesome beneficial programs such as '3TD
;s AsacrificesC we can certainly fast as the people of Dineveh did after Jonah cried
against the city IJonah 1:2* ,:2J. AThe men of Dineveh will arise at the Gudgment with
this generation and condemn it* for they repented at the preaching of JonahC I(t 12:.1J.
$ut the best and most efficacious sacrifices are loving those who are the most difficult
for us to love Isee AThe >ope of the 3orld=C at
A;&"- T>' 3;7" +;D "T-) 3%T> )7;B'7 ;D0 ?;"T%D4= +ome on
therefore, make the union in the army of (ary and fast at least on ?ridays, and the one
who can may he do it also on 3ednesdays. IDovember 11, 2005*
The body of the 7osary are the prayers of the -ur ?ather, the >ail (ary I&uke 1J
and the 4lory $e. The soul of the 7osary are the 20 meditations on the life of Jesus seen
through the eyes of >is mother (ary. The 7osary is a tremendous way of actually
)7;B%D4 T>' 4-")'&= $ut of course it is important and essential to &%E' T>'
7-";7B, to live the 4ospel, by loving ever more Jesus as well as each and every
neighbor Iespecially Athe least of these my brethrenC=J that stands before us in each
present moment of the day as if each person were Jesus >imself I(t 22:.0J, ready to die
for each person as Jesus died for each of us= %f we do this, we have done all that we can
for ourselves, our family, our country and for the world* 4od will take care of the rest,
even if the rest might entail the great gift and crown of martyrdom for many of us, with
>is help= ATribulation is a gift from 4od ! one that >e especially gives to >is special
friends.C U "t. Thomas (ore.
%T %" D-T $B +>;D+' T>;T )-)' $'D'0%+T 3'DT T- ?;T%(;* it is
not by chance that )ope John )aul %% went to ?atima three times. %t is not by chance that
when the three shepherd children asked the beautiful &ady her name she responded: A%
am the &ady of the 7osary=C &et us listen to our heavenly mother. &et us pray the >oly
%n 1856, ?ather 0asilets found 1000 hard!to!handle parishioners who knew little
about the ?aith and couldnKt care less. Do matter how hard he tried to reach them, the
church remained basically empty on "unday, with even fewer coming during the week, if
that was possible. 3as 4od to allow this to continue1 -ne night, ?ather was returning
from hearing confessions in the vestry, when he stopped inside the church to pray. >is
heart almost broke= %t was the eve of the ;scension and the church was empty= Then
what should he see but a pig with a rosary dangling from his mouth= The thought came
to him: /T>' 7-";7B ?;&&" ?7-( ('DK" >;D0" T- $' )%+:'0 #) $B T>'
"3%D'./ 3hat did he do1 >e wiped his tears, <girded his loins,< put on the <armor o3
#od< and consecrated himself to -ur &ady of the 7osary= >e immediately began
promoting devotion to the 7osary. ;t first, the reception was very cool, but little by
little, more and more men, women and children flocked to the church to pray the 7osary.
>e restored the $rotherhood of the 7osary, which ?ather Eachon had founded 100 years
before. The little church which had been empty, now could no longer hold the
congregation. Talk began again, to build a new, larger church. Q3hat can -ur &ady do,
if we only pray=R$lessedS?rederic.htmJ.
T>' (-"T >-&B 7-";7B ;D0 T>' $7-3D "+;)#&;7
/The 7osary and the scapular are inseparable=/ !"ister &ucia of ?atima
A%n the early part of the thirteenth century, "t. 0ominic, "t. ?rancis of ;ssisi, and
"t. ;ngelus the +armelite accidentally met one day on a street corner in 7ome Ia chapel
still stands at the spot to commemorate this eventJ. "t. 0ominic then uttered a famous
prophecy: PTo my -rder, the $lessed Eirgin will entrust a devotion to be known as the
rosary and to your -rder, ;ngelus, she will entrust a devotion to be known as the
scapular. -D' 0;B, T>7-#4> T>' 7-";7B ;D0 T>' "+;)#&;7, ">' 3%&&
";E' T>' 3-7&0.LC )erhaps this promise will be particularly evident and needed
when the world socialistic dictators will forbid the celebration of the >oly "acrifice of
the (ass and the healing and saving sacrament of confession=
(;7BK" )7-(%"' T- T>-"' 3>- 3';7 T>' "+;)#&;7
-ur &ady gave "t. "imon a scapular for the +armelites with the following promise,
saying : 7eceive, (y beloved son, this habit of thy order: this shall be to thee and to all
+armelites a privilege, that whosoever dies clothed in this shall never suffer eternal
fire .... %t shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger, and a pledge of peace.
;nother important aspect of wearing the "capular is the "abbatine )rivilege. This
concerns a promise made by -ur &ady to )ope John MM%%. %n a papal letter he issued, he
recounted a vision that he had. >e stated that the $lessed Eirgin had said to him in this
vision, concerning those who wear the $rown "capular: /%, the (other of 4race, shall
descend on the "aturday after their death and whomsoever % shall find in )urgatory, %
shall free, so that % may lead them to the holy mountain of life everlasting./
There are three re@uirements to make oneself eligible for this privilege: 1st, we
must wear the "capular* 2nd, observe +hastity according to our state of life and ,rd,
recite the &ittle -ffice of -ur $lessed (other IThe 7osary can be substituted for the
office by obtaining permission from a priest.J -ur &ady revealed to Eenerable 0ominic
of Jesus and (ary: A;lthough many wear my "capular, only a few fulfil the conditions
for the ";$$;T%D' )7%E%&'4'.C Ihttp:cibo!
A+all on your angel* wear something blessed on yourselvesC I(arch 15, 200.*
Eery soon, as has happened when the oppressive regimes came to power in the last
100 years and before, the 'ucharist and the other sacraments will be taken away from us
and thus -#7 (-"T )-3'7?#& 3';)-D" left to us will be precisely what -ur
&ady has so often told us: )7;B'7 ;D0 ";+7%?%+'= 3e must avail ourselves of
these most precious gifts, the "acraments while we still have them. 7emember the
dream of "t. John $osco, with a ship Ithe +hurchJ in the middle of a great storm, with
the )ope at the helm, being attacked by many small ships from all sides, being guided
between the two pillars with the 'ucharist and (ary at the top of the two pillars. &et us
cling to Jesus in the 'ucharist as long as we can and (ary our mother with the living
)ope at the helm of the great "hip= A>oly +hurch U that (other who is also a Fueen
because she is a :ingLs $ride.C U "t. Therese of &isieuH
-ne finds fre@uently in the $ible the phrase AThe mercy of the &ord endures
foreverC I)s 118, 1,5 etc.J, $#T -D&B ?-7 T>-"' 3>- ;": ?-7 ('7+B* 4od
is totally respectful of our most primary gift, our free will. %f we do not ask for mercy,
4od will give us no mercy= +atholics should fre@uent the sacrament of +onfession at
least once a month and the >oly 'ucharist at least once a week while we still have these
sublime and most powerful means to prepare for the greatest trial in the history of the
%n the late 19.0Ls, (sgr. ?ulton "heen began to eHpress much skepticism about the
future, about the oncoming decades. %n his very classic study written prior to 3orld
3ar %%, A)eace of "oulC, he offers an interesting commentary on the times: AThe world
may have departed so far from 4od and the path to its own peace that ; T7;4'0B
3-#&0 $' T>' 47';T'"T ('7+B. The worst thing 4od could do to us would
be to let us alone in our present chaos and defilement. ;ll of the conflicts of the world
have not made the world better but worse. ;nd one wonders if the neHt catastrophe will
be a war in the same sense of the last, or rather some calamity more surely calculated to
produce repentance in man.C
(any calamities have come and gone since the late 19,0Ls when ?ulton "heen
wrote those words, $#T (;D >;" D-T +-(' T- 7')'DT;D+'. There has not
been an overall, massive conversion of humanity. %n fact it would appear, if we look
around at 21st century situation, that Gust the opposite is true.
6:+ The Fi1al attle@
'ach of the billions of angels made their decision to love 4od or not to love 4od
in one instant. >uman beings make this same decision in the course of time in all of itLs
intricacies and variations and incredible drama both as individuals and collectively in
groups, societies, countries, in time and space. 3e are truly living in the most incredible
climatic battle in not Gust the history of the world, but in the whole history of the universe
and of creation= The first great battle in heaven I7ev 12J was between the good angels
and the bad angels. Dow the battle is between the men and women of good will doing
their best to follow the loving will of their +reator, and those who have freely decided to
not follow their loving +reator. The good angels are helping and urging us toward 4od*
the fallen angels are doing all they can to lead us away from 4od for all eternity. 3e
humans are loved so much by 4od, that 3' ;7' T>' 47';T )7%T' %D T>'
(%00&' -? T>%" 47';T A+-"(%+ "T7#44&'C= "atan and his hideous fallen
angels want to torture us for all eternity. 4od and his angels want to have a deep,
personal communion and union of love with each of us for all eternity= 4od will always
totally respect our free will and will not let anyone else take away this primordial gift of
free will. T>' +>-%+' %" -#7"=
The puppets of "atan are seeking to create anew the AT-3'7 -? $;$'&C= ;
perfect world without 4od= A+ome, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower with its
top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves.C A+ome, let us Ithe TrinityJ go
down, and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one anotherLs
speechC I4en 11:., 6J. -n the day of )entecost, the birth of the +hurch, the "pirit of
unity, worked the miracle of the unity of tongues I;cts 2:1!11J.
These proud people have ;&& T>' (;T'7%;& )-3'7" -? T>%" 3-7&0
with nuclear bombs, money, banks, stock markets, mass media, petroleum, computers,
satellites, microchips, etc. as well as the most intelligent fallen angel to guide them. They
have intelligent philosophers, psychologists, historian, etc., who have influenced our
society and culture for centuries in order to lead us, in a very powerful way, toward
pride and egoism and away from the truth 3ho is Jesus +hrist.
The >oly "pirit instead is silently forming >is army of those who are >#($&'
;D0 0-+%&' to >im so as to lay the foundation for ; D'3 ")7%D4T%(' for the
$ody of +hrist, the +hurch, to come forth after the great period of tribulation. AThe
blood of martyrs is the life!giving seed of +hristianity= ! Those who suffered for +hrist in
the 20
centuryC* Ihttp:www.pravmir.comarticleS12,.htmlJ.
The (amma: AB-# ;7' ;&& #D0'7 T>' ;%( -? T>' ;DT%+>7%"T, who
rebels against the +hristians, but you must not have fear. ; faith, if it is well rooted, will
give you the necessary strength to combat against him, against his ini@uitous laws. $e
strong, do not be cowards= &ook at the PthenL U the hope of a better world U and you
will see that the sufferings disappear. -nly love will tie you together with each other, the
&ove of 4od=C. I-ctober 10, 200,*
ABes, (y dear daughter, the battle is about to break out, and the weapons that will
win are which1 T>' 7-";7B, T>' '#+>;7%"T, >#(%&%TB, >%00'D D'"",
T>' )'7"'E'7;D+' %D T>' ?;%T>... Bes, my child, and beyond all of this there is
T-T;& ;$;D0-D('DT -? B-#7 P'4-L, in order to let 4od interveneC. I-ctober
16, 200,* http:www.margheritadigesu.itpagineavvprofeticichiesa0,eng.htmlJ.
A">-7T&B T>'7' 3%&& $' A+>'+: (;T'C ;D0 4-0 3%&& $' T>'
3%DD'7 -? T>' (;T+>=C I;ugust 22, 2006*
$-T> (%&%T%;" ;7' 3-7:%D4 ?-7 #D%TB* one will be a forced unity
under the cruel tyrant of "atan* the other will be the freely chosen unity under an
infinitely loving 4od, who asks us to follow >is crucified "on in our daily lives. %t will
be the greatest battle in the history of the world= $ut most do not reali<e that it is not so
much a material or economic battle, but rather a ")%7%T#;& $;TT&' ?-7 T>'
'T'7D;& "-#&" -? ('D ;D0 3-('D. )ope John )aul % once said, /Bou -nly
)reserve The Truth That Bou 0efend/. >ow appropriate are these words to us today
(any say that they wished they could have been alive 2000 years ago to see, hear
and follow Jesus +hrist in person. $ut % truly feel more privileged today with the most
intimate contact and union with Jesus in the (ost $lessed 'ucharist, as well as the
opportunity to be part of the crucifiHion of the $ody of +hrist, >is +hurch, in this great
climactic period in salvation history= (;DB 3%&& $' -??'7'0 T>' 47';T 4%?T
-? $'%D4 ;$&' T- %(%T;T' T>'%7 &-70 ;D0 ";E%-7 $B 0B%D4 ?-7
T>'%7 T'"T%(-DB T- J'"#" +>7%"T= ADow % reGoice in my sufferings for your
sake, and in my flesh % complete what is lacking in +hristLs afflictions for the sake of his
body, that is, the churchOC I+ol 1:2.J.
"ome may fall into the trap of despair or hopelessness after the words of )ope
John )aul %%: AThrough your prayers and mine, it is still possible to diminish this trial, but
it is D- &-D4'7 )-""%$&' T- ;E'7T %T.C $ut the real battle is for eternal souls,
not averting a great chastisement or suffering. The more we ?%4>T ?-7 T>' T7#T>
7%4>T D-3, when the forces of evil seem to have all the cards in their hands, is when
we will be able to help to offer the grace of conversion to many souls before they die.
-ur $lessed (other sheds tears for everyone of her children who fall into hell for all
eternity= % would rather go down fighting for the T7#T>, 3>- %" J'"#" IJn 1.:5J,
rather than crying and despairing without doing all % can for love of my 4od and love of
my neighbor= 3>'D T>' 4-%D4 4'T" T-#4>, T>' T-#4> 4'T 4-%D4= 3e
are entering the greatest battle in the history of the world and in the history of the
+hurch. $ut the real battle is not material but spiritual* he powerful tactics of the devil
are very subtle and hidden. 3e must discover the role 4od has in mind for each of us in
this great Acosmic struggleC by preparing well with constant prayer and by mortifying our
pride and the lusts of my flesh, and by loving constantly Jesus in each and every
neighbor, especially Athe least of my brethrenC, the most difficult and outcast= %n this
way, we will render ourselves freely to serve in 4odLs army, in (aryLs army, in "t.
(ichaelLs army, whether it be as a buck private or a corporal or a captain or whatever
rank according to 4odLs perfect plan and strategy. 3e must say AB'"C not Gust once in
our life when we enlist in 4odLs army, but many times everyday to >is slightest little
wish and inspiration and command, Gust as (ary, >is (other, did all of her life. 3hen
we do this, we slowly offer our will to 4od and >e can then use us to a much greater
degree in this great climactic battle= %f we seek to do 4odLs will in each present moment,
which is fundamentally adoring and loving 4od and loving Jesus in each person before
me, 4od will lead us to that place in our personal divine adventure, 4odLs perfect design
for each of us from all eternity, in this Adour combat with the powers of evilC I+++
.09J= /The present time O ushers in the struggles of the last days/ I+++ 562J.
)erhaps there might be a tendency to interpret some of the prophecies as if there
will be a nuclear holocaust, or comets, or O and then it is all over with in a big bang in
short order. $ut we must remember that 4od , out of love for us, always respects our
free will, whether we choose good or evil, heaven or hell for eternity. "o too 4-0
+-D"T7;%D" ;D0 ?-7+'" ";T;D T- ;&"- 7'")'+T -#7 ?7'' 3%&& and
thus "atan must work through our free wills to bring down and destroy societies,
countries and the world, as he seeks to bring as many souls to hell with him as possible
to deprive 4od of their company for all eternity. Thus we are seeing in this incredible
ongoing drama this world destruction in all of itLs detail* it is rather fascinating= This
also tells us that we must fight to the end as Jesus and -ur &ady of ?atima tells us to do.
Jesus lived ,, years. >is most intense years were >is last , years. >is most
intense week was the >oly 3eek. >is most intense hours were >is last , hours. 'ven
though Jesus in >is humanity desired not to suffer I(t 25:,9J, Jesus did the will of >is
?ather for love of us. Throughout >is life, Jesus headed toward Jerusalem, toward
+alvary, to fulfill >is hour I(t 25:.2J= >is $ody, the +hurch, has been going through
the life of the $ody of +hrist, with Jesus as the invisible head, in the last 2000 years.
+>7%"TL" $-0B %" ;$-#T T- 'DT'7 %DT- %T" >-&B 3'':= 'ach of us can
ask ourselves: A;m % ready to be crucified as part of the $ody of +hrist, the +hurch1
T>'7' %" D- 7'"#77'+T%-D 3%T>-#T T>' +7#+%?%M%-D* T>'7' %" D-
';"T'7 3%T>-#T 4--0 ?7%0;B=
T>' ";%DT" -? T>' );"T 0%0 D-T J#"T "%T T>'7' 3;%T%D4 ?-7
J'"#" T- +-(' ;D0 T- 7'"+#' T>'( -7 ?-7 "-(' :%D0 -? ;
A7;)T#7'C= 'veryone in this crucial period of the world will be put to the greatest
test ever before. %t is easy to say we would die for Jesus* but if we do not prepare
spiritually beforehand, do we really believe that we will be able to suffer and die for
+hrist when we are confronted with real deprivation, torture, and death1 'ach day one
takes small steps toward 4od or away from 4od, toward doing ones own will or seeking
and doing the will of 4od. 3hen one takes steps away from 4od, one becomes weaker
and more blind to reality and truth, and vise versa. T>' (-7' 3' )7;B ;D0
-??'7 ";+7%?%+'" D-3, the more people will be strong and will have the grace to
be able to choose the truth, to choose +hrist and not succumb to the greatest pressures
ever imposed on each human being to abandon the real "avior of the world, Jesus +hrist.
(ore than ever before these pressures are very subtle and deceptive to slowly lure as
many souls away from their +reator as possible with beautiful words, slogans, rhetoric,
mass media, economic policies, etc. (ost people today are choosing to go to hell
graciously, as little gods or simply copping out and telling themselves that A4od does not
eHistC IatheistsJ or Ano one knowsC IagnosticsJ. 0uring the history of the +hurch, the
greatest saints came out of the greatest periods of persecution and trial for the +hurch=
There were many martyrs in the past and %D T>%" )'7%-0 T>'7' 3%&& $' 'E'D
(-7' (;7TB7" ?-7 +>7%"T= Jesus died for each one of us individually and
personally. 3hat a great honor, privilege and reward to be able to die for Jesus=
-n his Gourney to 7ome to be thrown to the wild beasts, "aint %gnatius of ;ntioch
wrote to his faithful and grief!stricken flock I106 ;0J: A% am truly in earnest about dying
for 4od U if only you yourselves put no obstacles in the way. % must implore you to do
me no such untimely kindness* )7;B &';E' (' T- $' ; (';& ?-7 T>'
$';"T", for it is they who can provide my way to 4od. % am his wheat, ground fine by
the lionsL teeth to be made purest bread for +hrist. "o intercede with him for me, that by
their instrumentality % may be made a sacrifice to 4od.C I-ffice of 7eadings* -ctober
16J. %t is very interesting how "t. %gnatius uses 'ucharistic imagery of +hristLs sacrifice
in referring to his own personal sacrifice.
"t. 7ose of &ima Idied 1516, )eruJ wrote: AThe &ord, our "avior, raised his voice
and spoke with incomparable maGesty. P&et all knowL, he said, Pthat after sorrow grace
follows. O &et them be on their guard against error or deception* this is the only ladder
by which paradise is reached* 3%T>-#T T>' +7-"" T>'7' %" D- 7-;0 T-
>';E'D.L O %f they but knew, surely they would direct their energy with all care and
diligence to procuring sufferings and afflictions for themselves. %nstead of good fortune
all men everywhere would seek out troubles, illness and suffering that they might obtain
the inestimable treasure of grace. This is the final profit to be gained from patient
endurance. Do one would complain about the cross or about hardships coming
seemingly by chance upon him, if he reali<ed in what balance they are weighed before
being distributed to men.C I-ffice of 7eadings* ;ugust 2,J.
A->, %? -D&B T>' "#??'7%D4 "-#& :D'3 >-3 %T %" &-E'0 $B
4-0, it would die of Goy and eHcess of happiness= "ome day, we will know the value of
suffering, but then we will no longer be able to suffer. The present moment is ours.C
I0iary of "t. ?austina Idied 19,8, )olandJ, Do. 95,J.
-#7 (-T>'7 (;7B >;" +-($;T $--T" -D* we must put on the armor
of her "on Jesus +hrist crucified in our lives with continual sacrifices and prayer. A;nd a
great portent appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under
her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve starsC I7ev 12:1J= &%"T'D T- B-#7
(-T>'7= )ray and offer as many sacrifices as possible everyday, with her crucified
A-> (B +>%&07'D, 0- D-T &--"' B-#7"'&E'" %D T>' 0'+%"%E'
$;TT&'=.. % urge you .. remain united= That your life might be prayer continually. -ffer
your day even from the morning, from when you get up, to when you go to sleep.
0uring the night entrust yourselves to the ;ngels, ask them for their protection. O $e
alert, keep watch clinging onto the 'ucharist, always purify yourself continually, in such
a way that he does not find place for himself, but that he might find the &ight of 4od that
dispels him and blinds him= I(arch 28, 200,*
"ome would have liked to have lived 2000 years ago with M* but we are now living
in, and will live through the rest of, the passion and crucifiHion of >is body, the +hurch.
Those who are ready, with their lamps burning with ardent love for the "pouse I(t 22:1!
1,J, will receive the great gift of martyrdom= ;s our &ady of ?atima told us, right now
is the time to pray and offer many sacrifices for the conversion of sinners before they die.
This is the greatest period in the history of the world and the +hurch. T>%" %" T>'
+&%(;M -? T>' $;TT&' -? $;TT&'". T>%" %" D-T T>' T%(' T- 3%()
-#T= The spiritually strong must help the spiritually weak D-3= The 4ospel and the
whole $ible is not Gust for recogni<ed A"aintsC. %t is for everyone= The "econd Eatican
+ouncil reminded us of the Auniversal call to holinessC=
A(artyrdom is a witness which all +hristians must be willing to make.C U )ope
John )aul %%.
>ave you ever read AT>' 07';( -? T>' T3- +-&#(D"1 ;mong the
dreams of "aint 0on $osco, one of the more noted ones is the one known with the title
of AThe 0ream of the Two +olumnsC:
/Try to picture yourselves with me I0on $oscoJ on the seashore, or, better still, on
an outlying cliff with no other land in sight. The vast eHpanse of water is covered with a
formidable array of ships in battle formation, prows fitted with sharp spear!like beaks
capable of breaking through any defense. ;ll are heavily armed with cannons, incendiary
bombs, and firearms of all sorts ! even books ! and are heading toward one stately ship,
mightier than them all. ;s they try to close in, they try to ram it, set it afire, and cripple it
as much as possible.
/This stately vessel is shielded by a flotilla escort. 3inds and waves are with the
enemy. %n this midst of this endless sea, two solid columns, a short distance apart, soar
high into the sky: one is surmounted by a statue of the %mmaculate Eirgin at whose feet a
large inscription reads: >elp of +hristians* the other, far loftier and sturdier, supports a
Q+ommunionR >ost of proportionate si<e and bears beneath it the inscription "alvation of
/The flagship commander ! the 7oman )ontiff Qthe )opeR ! seeing the enemyKs fury
and his auHiliary ships in very grave predicament, summons his captains to a conference
I?irst Eatican +ouncil111J. >owever, as they discuss their strategy, a furious storm
breaks out and they must return to their ships. 3hen the storm abates, the )ope again
summons his captains I"econd Eatican +ouncil111J as the flagship keeps on its course.
$ut the storm rages again. "tanding at the helm, the )ope strains every muscle to steer
his ship between the two columns from whose summits hang many anchors and strong
hooks linked to chains.
/The entire enemy fleet closes in to intercept and sink the flagship at all costs. They
bombard it with everything they have: books and pamphlets, incendiary bombs, firearms,
cannons. The battle rages ever more furious. $eaked prows ram the flagship again and
again, but to no avail, as, unscathed and undaunted, it keeps on its course. ;t times a
formidable ram splinters a gaping hole into its hull, but, immediately, a bree<e from the
two columns instantly seals the gash.
/(eanwhile, enemy cannons blow up, firearms and beaks fall to pieces, ships crack
up and sink to the bottom. %n blind fury the enemy takes to hand!to!hand combat,
cursing and blaspheming. "uddenly the )ope falls, seriously wounded. >e is instantly
helped up but, struck down a second time, dies. ; shout of victory rises from the enemy
and wild reGoicing sweeps their ships. $ut no sooner is the )ope dead than another takes
his place. The captains of the auHiliary ships elected him so @uickly that the news of the
)opeKs death coincides with that of his successorKs election. The enemyKs self!assurance
/$reaking through all resistance, the new )ope steers his ship safely between the
two columns and moors it to the two columns* first to the one surmounted by the >ost,
and then to the other, topped by the statue of the Eirgin. ;t this point something
uneHpected happens. The enemy ships panic and disperse, colliding with and scuttling
each other. "ome auHiliary ships which had gallantly fought alongside their flagship are
the first to tie up at the two columns.
/(any others, which had fearfully kept far away from the fight, stand still,
cautiously waiting until the wrecked enemy ships vanish under the waves. Then, they too
head for the two columns, tie up at the swinging hooks, and ride safe and tran@uil beside
their flagship. ; great calm now covers the sea./
#nfortunately today, many people both outside the +hurch and inside the +hurch
want to eliminate the Athe flagship commanderC.
3e must all strive to do as "aint )aul even to our dying breath: A% have fought the
good fight, % have finished the race, % have kept the faith. >enceforth there is laid up for
me the crown of righteousness, which the &ord, the righteous Gudge, will award to me on
that 0ay, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearingC I2Tim .:6!8J.
A?or we are D-T +-DT'D0%D4 ;4;%D"T ?&'"> ;D0 $&--0, but against
the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness,
against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly placesC I'ph 5:12J.
A%n the end my %mmaculate >eart will triumph and the world will be granted a time
of peace.C I?atima, 1916J
! ! ! ! ! ! !
3' 3%&& D-T $' 7';0B ?-7 T>%" 47';T ")%7%T#;&, +-"(%+
$;TT&' %? 3' 0- D-T 0- ;&& 3' +;D T- )7');7' D-3. -f course the
primary preparation is to follow Jesus +hrist. $ut T>' F#%+:'"T ;D0
"(--T>'"T 3;B T- ?-&&-3 J'"#" so as to become a great saint is by way of
the person who formed Jesus in her womb, and who is also T>' ")-#"' -? T>'
>-&B ")%7%T. %f we consecrate ourselves to the (other of Jesus, she will form us also
to become like Jesus, in her womb, so as to be born, after death, into eternal bliss with
Jesus and all the saints in heaven=
"T. &-#%" 0' (-DT?-7T writes in his little booklet, AThe "ecret of (aryC:
A4od has entrusted (ary with the keeping, the administration, and the distribution
of all >is graces. There is no 47;+', no gift of 4od, that does not );"" T>7-#4>
>'7 +;7'""%D4 >;D0". ;nd, as "t. $ernardine teaches, she gives what she wills
to whom she wills, and in the way she wills, when she wills. +ontinually, she showers on
us her treasures, the grace of her ?ather, the virtues of her "on, and the gifts of her
"pouse, the >oly "pirit.C
A;s, in the order of nature, a child must have a father and a mother, so, in the
order of grace, a child of the +hurch must have 4od for his ?ather, and (;7B ?-7
>%" (-T>'7.C
A;nd, if anyone should glory in having 4od for his ?ather, and not love (ary as
his mother, he is not a true child of 4od. >e has deceived himself. >e is the spawn of
the devil=C
A"ince (ary has formed Jesus +hrist, the >ead of the elect U the >ead of the
+hurch, the (ystical $ody U she is @ualified to ?-7( T>' ('($'7" of that >ead,
all true +hristians.C
A0oes a mother form the head without the members, or the members without the
A3hoever wishes to be a member of Jesus +hrist must be formed in (ary through
the grace of +hrist. "he possesses this grace in its fullness, so that she may bestow it
fully upon her children.C
A;s the >-&B ")%7%T >;" '")-#"'0 (;7B* and in her, by her and from
her, has produced the 3ord %ncarnate, and has never repudiated her* so >e now
continues to produce in her, and by her, in a mysterious but real manner, all the elect.C
A% said that this will happen especially towards the end of the world, and indeed
soon, because ;lmighty 4od and his holy (other are to 7;%"' #) 47';T ";%DT"
who will surpass in holiness most other saints as much as the cedars of &ebanon tower
above little shrubs.C ITreatise -n True 0evotion To The $lessed Eirgin* "t. &ouis de
(ontfort* Do. .6* http:www.ewtn.comlibrarymontforttruedevo.htmJ.
! ! ! ! ! ! !
3e know 3>- wrote the last chapter of the book= 4-0= 3e are on the winning
side= %D T>%" )'7%-0 %T 3%&& "''( ;" %? T>' 'D'(B >;" T-T;&&B
+-DF#'7'0. "hould we have fear before men if 4-0 is for us1 "hould we fear
anything if 4-0 says, % am with you1 %f you are filled with >im, then all hell cannot
stop you if you are in the Truth who is Jesus +hrist >imself IJn 1.:5J.
A; 47';T ")7%D4T%(' for the +hurch is coming, but we must first go through
+alvaryC I)ope John )aul %%J= Those who persevere in living fully the truth that has been
revealed to them by 4od, even to the point of suffering and dying for +hrist, will be
resurrected and enGoy #D%(;4%D;$&' $&%"" with Jesus and all the saints and angels
for all eternity= A% have fought the good fight, % have finished the race, % have kept the
faith. >enceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the &ord, the
righteous Gudge, will award to me on that 0ay, and not only to me but also to all who
have loved his appearingC I2Tim .:6!8J.
4od the ?ather: AT>' D'3 ;4', 3;%T" ?-7 T>' PD'3 +7';T%-DL born
from faithful couples in order to bring forth love among the family, and the children are
eHamples for other children that will come to populate the Dew 'arth. Bour epoch is
that generation which will enter into the Dew 'arth and will have to be the eHample for
othersC. I-ctober ,1, 2006*
Jesus spent thirty years in >is hidden life at Da<areth, three years in >is public life.
$ut >is most powerful and efficacious moment of redemption were the three hours >e
spent on the cross in unimaginable agony. 3e as +hristians are called to follow our
&eader and Teacher all the way to the end, to whatever destiny >e has planned for us in
>is great love for each of us= The +hurch has already entered A>oly 3eekC and will
soon arrive to A4--0 ?7%0;BC which many 'vangelical believe will last about three
years Isee belowJ= $ut we must always remember what follows 4ood ?riday for those
who persevere to the end= T>' 7'"#77'+T%-D=
;fter the A>oly 3eekC and the A+rucifiHionC of the $ody of +hrist, the +hurch,
Jesus, the >ead of this wonderful $ody, the /)rince of )eace/ I%s 9:5J finally returns
/coming in the clouds with great power and glory/ I(t 2.:26,,0* (k 1,:25* &k 21:26*
2Thess 2:8J.
A;fter this % looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number,
from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne
and before the &amb, clothed in white roves, with palm branches in their handsO Then
one of the elders addressed me, saying, A3ho are these, clothed in white robes, and
whence have they come1C % said to him, A"ir, you know.C ;nd he said to me, AThese are
they who have come out of the great tribulation* they have washed their robes and made
them white in the blood of the &ambC C I7ev 6:9, 1,!1.J=
A$ut, as it is written, A3hat D- 'B' >;" "''D, D-7 ';7 >';70, D-7
T>' >';7T -? (;D +-D+'%E'0, what 4od has prepared for those who love
>imC A I1+or 2:9J=
/(;7;D; T>;=/ /+-(', &-70 J'"#"=/ I7ev 22:20J.
7ev. Joseph 0wight
! ! ! ! ! ! !
PART III: Appe1diK & No1 Catholic
I1terpretatio1 o. Prophecy
7=+ A1 EKa'ple o. HoA Di(pe1(atio1ali(t( I1terpret
The issue of authority in interpreting "cripture is important because so much of
what passes for /$iblical prophecy/ today is really )"'#0-!$%$&%+;&
4#'""3-7:, noteworthy for its use of sloppy methods, ha<y conGecture, and overt
sensationalism. (any /prophecy teachers,/ especially in the last three decades, have
taken passages of "cripture and applied them to current events and people with little or
no regard for historical conteHt or original meaning of the teHts. This has resulted, for
eHample, in the ;ntichrist being identified as the )ope, >itler, 4orbachev, 7onald
7eagan, "addam >ussein, and other, lesser!known people.
-ne will find in this typical eHample IbelowJ a certain amount of
)7--?T'MT%D4 which is the practice of using deconteHtualised @uotations from a
document to establish a proposition rhetorically through an appeal to authority Ithe
$ibleJ. Thus often the document, when read as a whole, may not in fact support the
proposition. To many, the eHplanation of prophecy done in this way will seem overly
simplified. $ut this rather simplified, straight forward type of eHplanation and literal
interpretation of prophetical passages of "acred "cripture often appeals to many since
these passages in "acred "cripture are often hard to understand. )erhaps one might find
some of these interpretations of "acred "cripture interesting.
'ven though there are certainly these above mentioned tendencies in $iblical
prophecy, % would like to offer ; $7%'? TB)%+;& 'M;()&' of how
dispensationalists interpret the prophetic passages of the $ible in a basically literal way.
(any )rotestants accuse the +atholic +hurch of always interpreting the word %srael in
the $ible as the +hurch and Jerusalem as heaven IA7eplacement TheologyCJ. $ut as we
have seen above the +atholic +hurch asserts that 4od has always had only one people
even though 4od has certainly not abandoned the Jewish people or the recently
established state of %srael.
'ven though there are some basic differences between the +atholic and
dispensationalist interpretation of prophecy in the $ible as well as the eHistence of much
speculation in $iblical prophecy, % think we can certainly &';7D ?7-( T>'
?-&&-3%D4 'M;()&' while always keeping in mind and remaining within the
parameters given to us by the +atholic +hurch. $y the same token, in many ways it is
';"%'7 ?-7 -#7 )7-T'"T;DT $7-T>'7" to offer an eHplanation for biblical
prophecy because they do not have to try to remain within the parameters of the wisdom
of the +atholic +hurch ac@uired in the last 2000 years guided by the >oly "pirit with
each living )ope as the head, the A7ockC I(t 15:18J. 'ach independent protestant
group within the various dominations Itens of thousands=J %DT'7)7'T" ";+7'0
"+7%)T#7' %D T>'%7 -3D 3;B. Bou cannot read the $ible in a vacuum. 3here
in the $ible does it say, A-nly The $ibleC IAsola scripturaCJ1 ;s mentioned above, the
+hurch approaches 0ivine 7evelation through "acred Tradition, "acred "cripture and
(agisterial teaching, each of which have e@ual weight in the +atholic +hurch, no one of
which can subsist without the other two.
%n a rather confusing world filled with innumerable opinions, we +atholics should
be grateful to Jesus for leaving us the living A7-+:C until the end of time= Jesus knew
full well that there would be this confusion even though there is one 4od, one Jesus
+hrist and one $ible. This is why he left us the living 7ock for those who have the
humility to submit to this infallible guide, in faith and morals= ADo prophecy of scripture
is a matter of oneLs own interpretationC I2)t 1:20J.
%t takes humility to be a +atholic. $ut +hesterton said he began to think when he
became a +atholic= There is a paradoH of submitting our wills to 4od, to the Truth IJn
1.:5J in that we become more free IJn 8J= ;ll else makes us slaves to ourselves, to the
world and to "atan.
%n the last five hundred years our )rotestant brothers have resolutely T'D0'0 T-
-E'77';+T to their separation from the +atholic +hurch and thus they have thrown
out the traditions and Gust about everything else of the +atholic +hurch in the first 12
centuries of the +hurch and after* for many )rotestant denominations their
distinctiveness has become identified with Anot being +atholicC. Thus they basically have
only the $ible which in itself comes from the early traditions of the +atholic +hurch. $ut
we as +atholics must not fall into the same human tendency as the )rotestants in
throwing out everything that is protestant I#7 ,* 2nd Eat. +.J. The +atholic +hurch has
always sought and received the truth where it is to be found, with prudence* the >oly
"pirit blows where >e wills. %n the last 2000 years the +atholic +hurch has not tried to
destroy other different religions and cultures but rather to lead them toward the fullness
of truth and grace found in the +atholic +hurch, while receiving and respecting the good
and the true that can be found in these religions and cultures. Thus let us not do as our
)rotestant brothers by not overreacting and concluding that all prophetical
interpretations of the $ible by the )rotestants are in error. %t is enough for we +atholics
to stay within the parameters that the +hurch has given to us in this field of study.
"ome +atholics might dismiss this dispensationalist interpretation as unimportant.
$ut despite waning popularity in scholarly theological circles, dispensationalism is still a
3%0'")7';0 $'&%'? "B"T'( among ?undamentalists and many 'vangelicals,
even many of those who are unfamiliar with the term. Thus in order to understand the
beliefs of a great many of our non!+atholic +hristian brothers, the following eHample
might be helpful.
! ! ! ! ! ! !
7*+ O,r 4Ge1eratio14 Shall See All@
Jesus indicated that one /generation ... shall see all these things/ I(t 2.:,.* (k
1,:,0* &k 21:,2J. (any scholars believe that the /generation/ that /shall see all these
things/ began when %srael took Jerusalem which occurred in June 1956. -ne finds
indications of this theory in the $ible I&k 21:2.* 0an 9:2.J. ; generation in the $ible is
considered approHimately 20 years, thus perhaps all will happen before 2016. Jesus also
said: /Dow learn a parable of the fig tree* when his branch is yet tender, and puts forth
leaves, you know that summer is near:.../ I(t 2.:,2* (k 1,:28* &k 21:29J. %n the -ld
Testament the /fig tree/ represented %srael IJer 2.* Joel 1:6* >os 9:10* %sraelVJacob:
2:gs 16:,.J. The state of %srael did not eHist for more than 2200 years since the
$abylonian captivity. $y a miracle of 4od, against impossible odds, after a general
dispersion of the Jews worldwide for more than 2000 years, %srael became again a nation
on (ay 1., 19.8 I;mos 9:1.!12* '<ek ,5:22!2.* ,6:12* ,8:8!9* Jer ,:18* (t 2.:,2J=
Jews are coming from all over the earth, including from 7ussia, to %srael IJer ,:16!18J.
3e are the generation that +hrist referred to=
A8 +ompelling 7easons why +hrist is coming very soon=C*$ible!)rophecy!
A'ight +ompelling 7easons 3hy +hrist %s +oming "oon article in #"; Today
Dov. 5 2009C* Ihttp:sermons.logos.comsubmissions108616!'ight!+ompelling!
7-+ The A1tichri(t
The ;ntichrist will appear I1Jn 2:18* 2Thess 2:8J seven years I0an 9:26J or three
and a half years I7ev 11:,* 12:5J before the second coming of +hrist I2Thess 2:1!,J.
The ;ntichrist is called /the $east/ because of his character I7ev 1,:2!,* 16:8J.
/Through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand* and he shall magnify
himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many:/ I0an 8:22* see also 0an
11:21,2.J* in other words, >' 3%&& $' E'7B +#DD%D4 ;D0 ">7'30 ;D0
%DT'&&%4'DT ;D0 +>;7%"(;T%+ ;D0 ; )-&%T%+;&, (%&%T;7B,
+-(('7+%;& ;D0 7'&%4%-#" 4'D%#" I0an 8:2.!22* 11:21* 2Thess 2:.J. >e
will have /a mouth ")';:%D4 47';T T>%D4"/ I0an 6:8, 20J. The ;ntichrist will
become the head of the ten!toed, ten!horned, western federation of nations I0an 2:.0!
.1* 6:8,20,2,!2.* 7ev 12:,* 1,:1* 16:,,6,12,15J that were part of the old 7oman 'mpire
I0an 2:26!,5J, that is the current '#7-)';D #D%-D= The ;ntichrist will eHalt
himself above 4od I0an 11:,5* 2Thess 2:.J.
7/+ The Se2e1 #orld E'pire(
This passage of 0aniel I0an 2:26!,5J reveals the last five of the seven world
powers I7ev 16:10J in the history of the world. The seven empires I7ev 16:10J were I1J
;ssyria, I2J 'gypt, I,J $abylon I0an 1:1J, I.J (edo!)ersia I0an 2:28J, I2J 4reece I0an
8:20!21J, I5J 7ome I0an 9:25* 7om 1:6J, and IfutureJ I6J the revived 7oman 'mpire
Ithe 'uropean #nion: 0an 2:.2!.,J. The prophet 0aniel predicted that the revived
7oman 'mpire would become 10 nations I0an 6:6, 20: 4reece the 10th member, 1981J
and then to 1, nations I0an 6:8, 2.: ;ustria 1992J, and finally /shall devour the whole
earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces/ I0an 6:2,* 7ev 1,:6J. The head of
gold of this /great image/ I0an 2:,2!,,J represents $abylon I0an 2:,8J, the chest and
arms of silver signifies the (edes and )ersians who overtake $abylon, the stomach and
thighs of brass typify ;leHander the 4reat and 4reece I0an 2:,9J. The second to the
last world empire represented by the two /legs of iron/ I0an 2:,,,.0J of this /great
image/ is the old 7oman 'mpire with two capitals at 7ome and +onstantinople. %t is
interesting that the ten toes of iron never destroyed the legs of iron ! the 7oman 'mpire=
3hy1 $ecause 7ome fell through internal corruption. The final world power is a union
of ten western nations represented by the ten toes of the great image I0an 2:,,,.1!.,J.
The /iron/ tells us these nations were part of the old 7oman 'mpire I'uropeJ, whereas
the /clay/ speaks of a deterioration as the empire weakened over the centuries. Thus,
the final world power will not be communism but a confederation of ten western nations
under the first $east, the ;ntichrist. The prophet 0aniel indicates that after a ten!nation
confederation is formed another leader will appear, remove three nations, replace them,
and rule as the ;ntichrist in the revived 7oman 'mpire I'uropean #nionJ I0an
6:6,8,20,2.!22* see also: 7ev 12:,* 1,:1* 16:,,6,12,15* 1Jn 2:18* 0an 9:25J until the
:ing of kings returns to earth and destroys his evil empire I7ev 19:11!21* 0an 2:..J.
73+ The TAo ea(t(
%n the book of 7evelation one finds descriptions of two beasts in particular. T>'
?%7"T $';"T I7ev 1,:1!10J is called the ;ntichrist* the second $east I7ev 1,:11!18J
is called the false )rophet. T>' "'+-D0 $';"T will be a world religious leader,
impersonating +hrist IAlike a lambC* 7ev 1,:11J, and will seek to induce all to /worship
the image/ of the first $east Iwhich will be able to speak= I7ev 1,:12JJ, the ;ntichrist,
performing /miracles/ I7ev 19:20* 1,:1,* 2Thess 2:9J and /signs and wonders, to
seduce, if it were possible, even the elect/ I(t 2.:2.* (k 1,:22* 7ev 1,:8J= This false
)rophet will lead many away I7ev 1,:.J from +hrist, the only true "avior of the world.
The devil normally comes disguised as an ;ngel in order to lead astray as many as
76+ The TAe1ty>O1e I,d<'e1t(
%n the book of 7evelation, there are twenty!one Gudgments from 4od: seven seals,
seven trumpet blasts, and seven vials I7ev 5!18* 7om 1:18J. (any of these Gudgments
are very similar to those that 4od inflicted upon the 'gyptians by the hand of (oses I'H
6!12J. The first seal refers to the arrival of the ;ntichrist, /the $east/ I7ev 5:2J, who
comes on a white horse, to imitate +hristKs second coming I7ev 19:11J* he comes also
with a bow without arrows and is given a crown, which indicates that he will not be a
military leader but a political leader as a king I0an 2:.0!.1* 6:2,!2.* 7ev 1,:1J. The
second seal depicting a rider on a red horse, who takes /peace from the earth ... and
there was given unto him a great sword/ I7ev 5:,!.J, is interpreted by many as being a
(;J-7 3;7 3%T> 7#""%; united with the ;rabs. This war with 7ussia is also
described in '<ekiel chapters ,8 and ,9 with /(agog/, /(esheck/, /Tubal/ and /7osh/
as the modern day 7ussia, and /4og/ as the head of 7ussia. /;nd you shall come up
from your place of the north parts/ I'<ek ,8:12J* (oscow is eHactly north of %srael.
The third seal I7ev 5:2!5J gives a picture of mass starvation after the nuclear war
Inuclear bomb: 2)et ,:10!12* Joel 2:,,,0* (al .:1* '<ek 20:.6* %s 55:12!15* 2.:5* )s
96:,* 7ev 9:16!18* 8:6* 5:12!1.* neutron bomb: Tech 1.:12J* silver or gold will not be
worth anything either I'<ek 6:19J. The fourth seal tells of T>' 0'"T7#+T%-D -?
-D' ?-#7T> -? (;D:%D0. )erhaps the global warming can be attributed to /the
fourth angel QthatR poured out his vial upon the sun* and power was given unto him to
scorch men with fire. ;nd men were scorched with great heat.../ I7ev 15:8!9J.
AThe second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning
with fire, was thrown into the sea* and a third of the sea became blood, a third of the
living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyedC I7ev 8:8!9J.
AThe second angel poured his bowl into the sea, and it became like the blood of a dead
man, and every living thing died that was in the seaC I7ev 15:,J.
A"olar storms to erupt soon. 3hat will be the impact on 'arth1 ! )eople of the
21st century rely on high!tech systems for the basics of daily life. $ut smart power grids,
4)" navigation, air travel, financial services and emergency radio communications can
all be knocked out by intense solar activity. O D;"; and D-;; work together to
manage a fleet of satellites that monitor the sun and help to predict its changes.C IJune
1., 2010*"cience20100509"olar!storms!to!erupt!soon.!
A"cientists ?ind "igns of 0ead Tones in "eaC
AThere are now 0';0 <ones in the )acific D3 ocean where there is D- oHygen
in the water. ;ny /living/ critter that enters those regions, dies there for lack of oHygen.C
77+ Si<1( o. the Ti'e(
%t is interesting to note the great increase in wars, famines, pestilences I;%0"
produced by the green monkeys and seHual promiscuity, ";7", (ad +ow 0isease,
(alaria, 3est Dile ?ever, $ird ?lu, ;vion flu produced by fowls, "wine flu, ;nthraH on
our lettuce, salmonella poison from hamburger, salmonella ! peanut butter, &yme
0isease, etc.J, and earth@uakes with respect to the norm of centuries past. Jesus said:
/?or nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be
famines, and pestilences, and earth@uakes, in divers places./ I(t 2.:6* &k 21:11* (k
1,:8* 7ev 5:8J* /and knowledge shall be increased/ I0an 12:.J. There shall be perilous
times and terror in the last days I2Tim ,:1* (t 2.:,6* 4en 5:11J* /the sea and the waves
roaring/ Ii.e., great increase in the fre@uency of hurricanes* and tsunami or sea@uakes: &k
21:22!25,,5J. There shall be /wars and rumors of war/ and ethnic violence I(t 2.:5!6*
(k 1,:6!8J as we see today=
A3hy "o (any 'arth@uakes1C Ihttp:bigthink.comideas195,,J. 4od is trying to
tell us something= $ut most are not praying and not following the 10 commandments
and thus do not awaken to these signs sent from 4od to give us a last chance to prepare
for the greatest period of tribulation in the history of the world. (any even try to help us
eHplain the uneHplainable so as to distract us from 4od and $iblical prophecy. A;re
There (ore $ig 'arth@uakes Than There #sed To $e1 >ow human activity affects the
tectonic plates.C Ihttp:www.slate.comid22.12.0J
A'arth@uakes ;nd The 'nd Times: ; 4eological ;nd $iblical )erspectiveC !
A'arth@uakes continue to increase in fre@uency and intensity, Gust as the $ible predicts
for the last days before the return of +hrist. >istory shows that the number of killer
@uakes remained fairly constant until the 1920s ! averaging between two to four per
decade. %n the 1920s, there were nine. %n the 1950s, there were 1,. %n the 1960s, there
were 21. %n the 1980s, there were 85. ?rom 1990 through 1995, there have been more
than 120. I>al &indseyJ
A'arth@uakes on the %ncrease1 -r 3arning of Judgment to come1C ! A"ince ;.0.
1900, the growth in maGor earth@uakes has been relentless. ?rom 1900 to 19.9 it
averaged three maGor @uakes per decade. ?rom 19.9 the increase became awesome with
9 killer @uakes in the 1920s* 1, in the 1950s* 25 in the 1960s and an ama<ing 6. maGor
@uakes in the 1980s. ?inally, in the 1990s, at the present rate, we will eHperience 122
maGor killer @uakes in this decade.C I4rant 7. JeffreyJ
A(ississippi 0igs -ut ?rom "torm ! Tornado 3as (ost 0estructive in #.". This
Bear, :illing 10 and 0emolishing >undreds of >omesC
AEolcano 'ruption >alts 'urope ?lights ! "pewing ;sh ?rom %celand 0rifts
;cross +ontinent, ?orcing K#nprecedentedK ;irspace +losure* 0isruptions 3ill
AEolcanic ash cloud: 3here is it now1 ! The volcanic ash cloud from %celand is
now drifting over ;frica as well as 'urope, closing airports and causing cancellations of
transatlantic flights to the #nited "tates. Ihttp:www.csmonitor.com3orld4lobal!
A+yclone kills 89 in %ndia, wrecks huts ! ; cyclone packing winds of more than
100 mph demolished 20,000 mud huts in %ndia, killing at least 112 villagers, officials said
AThis hurricane season predicted to be busyC
A(agnitude!6.6 @uake rattles %ndonesiaC
A$eiGing 'mbraces Fuake "urvivors as Toll )asses 1,100C
AThousands flee volcanic eruptions in "outh ;mericaC
AB'", T>' ';7T> %" $'4%DD%D4 T>' T7#' 7'$'&&%-D ;4;%D"T
(;D.C I;ugust 6, 2006*
Jesus: A>-3 (#+> >;))'D" %D T>' 3-7&0 ;D0 ;7-#D0 B-#, %T %"
D-T J#"T D;T#7;& +;T;"T7-)>'", which there has always been in history, but
the coming of one after the other of the events is the rebellion of nature that can no
longer put up with how man treats the elements that he has in his earth= 0evastated by
now by so much eHploitation, it can do nothing else but react to your indiscriminate
work. 4od created it so that man might be able to enGoy of it the possession with
e@uilibrium and good sense, but now she responds with the &aw imposed by 4od and
neglected by man.C IJune 8, 2008*
ATimes "@uare plotter pleads guilty, warns of KwarKC
A%slam is nothing but an eHcuse to legali<e terrorist activities and other such
crimes. %n order to reali<e this, one must first understand that %slam itself was founded
for the sole purpose of terrori<ing, subGugating, massacring and torturing non!(uslims in
the name of ;llah. (ohammed, the founder of %slam composed the entire :oran in order
to Gustify his terrorist activities and crimes by false 0ivine inGunctions.C\GaisatyamevaGayateterrorist1.htmlJ.
A%slam Es. 'urope ! ;ccording to 0'$:;3ile, A-ne of al!FaedaLs prime targets is
eHpected to be the Eatican, which the terrorist organi<ation sees as a world center of
heresy.C I;ugust 1, 2002* http:www.thetrumpet.comindeH.php1@V1521.582.0.0J.
A7ussia says terrorists seeking nuclear materialsC
A7eport shows anti!"emitism on the rise ! )ress conference by Jewish ;gency
reveals startling rise in anti!"emitic incidents across the world in 2005, including two
murders. ;ustria sees 55 percent rise in incidents, 4ermany sees 50 percent rise, 7ussian
incidents up by 20 percent.C IJanuary 28, 2006*
A7evolutionary ;nti!"emitism ! +heve< imports ;hmadineGadKs ideology to &atin
;merica.C I-ctober 9, 2009*
78+ The TAo Fa)ylo1H( o. the )oo0 o. Re2elatio1
%n the book of 7evelation one finds in several places the word /$abylon/. (ost
bible scholars believe that the /$abylon/ found in chapters 1. Ie.g., verse 8J and 16
refers to a religious system I-ne 3orld +hurch=J whereas the /$abylon/ in chapters 15
Ie.g., verse 19J and 18 is political. The /woman/ I7ev 16:,, etcJ or whore I7ev 16:1,2,
etc.J refers to the /-ne 3orld +hurch/ without Jesus +hrist as the head. The word
/fornication/ I7ev 1.:8* 16:2,.J, spiritually speaking, has to do with idolatry, including
all its evil connotations and associations. The woman, in chapter 16 of the book of
7evelation, reigns from 7ome I7ev 16:9J which shows that the political and religious
power brokers eHist together simultaneously I7ev 16:18J. "ince the world church forms
at the time when ten western nations unite ! and both the 'uropean 'conomic
+ommunity and 3orld +ouncil of +hurches began unity proceedings in 19.8 ! +hristKs
coming must be near=
+hapter 18 of the book of 7evelation describes the destruction of political
$abylon. 7eligious $abylon was called /mystery $abylon,/ I7ev 16:2,6J but commercial
$abylon is referred to as /$abylon the great/ I7ev 18:2J. 7eligious $abylon was
presented as a woman or a mother, while commercial $abylon is portrayed as a city ! a
/great/ city, a /mighty/ city, and eventually a /burning/ city I7ev 18:9J. 7eligious
$abylon was situated on seven hills I7ome: 7ev 16:9J, whereas political $abylon is
visible from the sea I7ev 16:16!18,21J. 7eligious $abylon will be destroyed by the kings
of the earth I7ev 16:15J, but political $abylon will be destroyed by horrendous
Gudgments from the hand of 4od I7ev 18:8J. 3hen religious $abylon is destroyed, the
kings will reGoice I7ev 16:15J. 3hen political and economic $abylon is demolished,
however, the kings and merchants of the earth lament and weep for her I7ev 18:9,12J.
The believers of the Tribulation hour are told to /come out of her/ Qand partake notR of
her Qevil deedsR/ I7ev 18:.* Jms 2:1!5J.
79+ The Fall o. 4a)ylo14
+apitalism will be the ruling power as the ten nations bleed the worldKs inhabitants
of their possessions* these are the rich who starve the poor I7ev 18:5!6J. $ut in one
hour the /great city $abylon/ will fall I7ev 18:8!10,16!19J forever I7ev 19:2!,J.
)erhaps this fall refers to stock market crashes world wide Iplanned and coordinated1J*
the @uestion is when this crash will occur, before or after the war with 7ussia and the
;rabs. %n any case, the ;ntichrist and his false )rophet Ior at least their predecessorsJ
will most likely be in their respective world positions before the crash occurs so as to
offer to the world their solution already prepared.
7:+ The #o,1di1< o. the ea(t
%t seems that the wounding of the $east mentioned three times in the book of
7evelation, chapter 1, verses ,, 12, and 1., refers to the assassination of the ;ntichrist
midway through the Tribulation hour of seven years. "uch an event would give the great
counterfeiter, "atan, the opportunity to perform a resurrection. This would prove
invaluable to the prestige of the ;ntichrist, since the deity of the &ord Jesus was affirmed
by >is resurrection 2000 years before I(t 12:,9!.0J. The ;ntichrist will proclaim
himself 4od and will even sit in the temple in Jerusalem Irebuilt: 0an 9:22* 4odKs city:
(t 2:,2J during the Tribulation I2Thess 2:.* (t 2.:12* 0an 11:,1J. Thus, a counterfeit
resurrection would assure the world that he is all he claims to be. 3hen this happens /all
the world QwondersR after the $east/ I7ev 1,:,!.J. ;t this point the false prophet Ithe
second beastJ will try to entice all to deny Jesus +hrist and to adore the image of the
resurrected ;ntichrist Ithe first beastJ in order to receive his mark, 555 I7ev 1,:11!18J.
8=+ The FMar0 o. the ea(tHE 777
(any scholars believe that each person on the face of the earth will probably have
a few months to update the microchip he received after the world wide economic crash !
with the prefiH 555. Those who do not adore the image of the ;ntichrist and do not
deny +hrist Ior any other 4od one believes inJ will not receive the prefiH 555 in their
microchip and thus will not be able to buy or sell anything* the police of the ;ntichrist
will seek to kill all those who refuse to take his mark, 555 I7ev 20:.J.
8*+ Moral Decay
%n the latter days there shall be much moral decay I2Tim ,:1!2* (t 2.:,6J. Jesus
told us: /;nd take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with
dissipation, and drunkenness, and the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you
unawares. ?or as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole
earth/ I&k 21:,.!,2J. "aints )eter and )aul wrote very strongly against all kinds of sin
including the eternal conse@uence of sin I1)et .:1!8* 4al 2:19!21* 1+or 5:9!10J. %t is
also very important to prepare for our eternal Judge and to forgive all of our enemies and
offenders as we pray in the /-ur ?ather/ I(t 2:.,!.8* 5:9!12* 18:21!,2* (k 11:22* &k
5:,6* 11:2!.* 16:.* 2,:,.* +ol ,:1,K >eb 12:,J. The mercy of 4od it is not automatic*
we will be forgiven our sins only /%?/ we confess our sins I1Jn 1:8!9* &ev 25:.0!.2* &k
12:21!22* Jms 2:15J.
8-+ Si1( D,ri1< the Tri),latio1 Period
There shall also be in the last days many who deny +hrist I2)et 2:1!2* 2Thess 2:,*
1Tim .:1!2J. /The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget 4od/
I)s 9:16* &k 21:22J. Eerses 20 e 21 of chapter 9 of the book of 7evelation present five
maGor sins which permeate the Tribulation scene ! and for which men would rather die
that switch: I1J occultism I&ev 19:,1* 20:5* 0eut 18:10!12* 'H 20:.!2* )s 112:.!8* 7ev
9:20J, I2J murder I(t 2.:,6* 4en 5:11J, I,J drug abuse I7ev 18:2,* 21:8* 22:12J, I.J
fornication IseHual orgiesJ I7ev 9:21* (t 2.:12* 4al 2:19* 2)et 2:1.J, and I2J stealing
I7ev 9:21J. /... %n the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to
seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils*/ I1Tim .:1* 7ev 9:20!21J.
8/+ Occ,lti('
0uring the Tribulation hour, the world ! steeped in occultism and idolatry !
progresses to the worship of the image of the $east, or ;ntichrist, who proclaims himself
as 4od I2Thess 2:.J. This image, made in his likeness I7ev 1,:1.!12J, is undoubtedly
the /abomination of desolation/ spoken of in (atthew 2.:12, which is placed in the
Temple in Jerusalem and which brings great heartache to the Jews of that day. -ne can
see that the worldKs present surge of occultism is paving the way for the coming of the
greatest religious imposter in history.
83+ The Third #orld #ar
3hen the ;ntichrist takes control over the nations via a world government,
/power QisR given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations/ I7ev 1,:6J. "uch a
one!world government is almost upon us. +onsider for a moment the global
organi<ations which have become eHistent in our day. The ;ntichrist will be elected
head of the 'uropean #nion after making, in a spectacular way, a peace contract in the
(iddle 'ast for seven years I0an 9:26* in this verse the 4reek word /heptad/ means
/seven years/J* but the peace is false IJer 5:1.* 8:11* %s 28:12,18J. (ost likely sometime
after this peace contract will occur, very suddenly I1Thess 2:,J, while %srael is at rest,
/without walls/ I'<ek ,8:11* i.e., due to the peace contract of the ;ntichristJ, the third
world war led by 7ussia and the (uslims and ;rabs I'<ek ,8!,9 I(agogV7ussia* '<ek
,8:2 )ersiaV%ra@ and %ran, etc. I"ee 4en 10J* )s 8,:2!8* 7ev 5:,!.J. ?ire InuclearJ will
go before the 7ussian army I)s 96:,* %s 55:12* Teph 1:18* Joel 2:,J. 3e also find in
'<ekiel a detailed description of burial procedures after a nuclear war I'<ek ,9:11!15J.
;lthough 7ussia is miraculously defeated I'<ek ,9:1!2* /they kill each other in
confusion/: '<ek ,8:21* victory of %srael to glorify 4od: '<ek ,8:21* ,9:21!22* will the
#"; be devastated1: '<ek ,9:5J, there will be mass starvation after the war.
A; dangerous silence ! 3here is the outrage of %sraelLs supporters as -bama
changes the #"!%srael relationship into one of no trust.C!'d+ontributors;rticle.aspH1idV16,029J.
3ashington Think Tank )redicts Dew (ideast 3ar
%srael 3eighs (erits of "olo ;ttack on %ran
-fficials, "eeing %mpending )olicy "plit 3ith #."., 0ebate )rospect of a (ilitary
"trike 3ithout 3ashingtonKs +onsent
A%slamic nations will back %ran strikeC;rts;nd+ulture'ntertainment;rticle.aspH1idV160,.2J.
A;bdullah: "ummertime war possible ! (oderate (uslim and ;rab countries face
great challenges as maGor players in the (iddle 'ast peace process who work to prevent
the neHt war in the region U which could break out as soon as this summer, :ing
;bdullah of Jordan told the +hicago Tribune editorial board in an interview conducted
A"yria warns: DeHt war will be ruinousC'ast;rticle.aspH1idV159198J.
86+ Da'a(c,( De(troyed5
The prophet %saiah tells us also that the city of 0amascus will be totally destroyed
I%s 16:1* a prophecy not yet fulfilled=J* this will probably happen before 7ussia marches.
%srael will most likely not let "yria or %ran develop and possess weapons of mass
destruction. This destruction of 0amascus, probably by %srael, might offer the occasion
for the ;ntichrist to come to power in 'urope after making a seven!year peace contract
in the (iddle 'ast. The whole scenario revolves around the relentless hatred between
%srael and the ;rabs I(uslimsJ I'<ek ,2:2!5* ,8:6!9* )s 8,:1!8 I'domV;rabsJ* ;mos
1:11J. This .000!year enmity of the descendents of %shmael I4en 22:12!18J I%saacKs
stepbrotherJ and 'sau I4en 26:,8!,9J IJacobKs brotherJ, the ;rabs, toward %srael will
eventually draw the whole world into the conflict. 4od loves all people but in particular
>e loves the +hurch Ii.e., those who believe and follow JesusJ and the Jews I0eut 6:6!8*
Tach 2:8* Jer ,:1.* >is elect: %s .2:1* .2:.* 52:9,22J. ;lthough Jesus has already come,
the love of 4od for the Jews has never been abrogated I&k 1:,2!,,* (t 2:,2* )s 2:5*
Tach 2:10* 1.:.* %s 29:20J. Thus "atan still hates the Jews I1+r 21:1J who gave to the
world the "avior.
A)lotting the DeHt (ideast 3ar ! "yriaKs alleged transfer of "cuds to >e<bollah
could spark an uncontrollable chain reaction.C
A"yria threatens to send %srael back to Kprehistoric timesK ! "ource close to
leadership in 0amascus responds to %sraeli threats, tells :uwait newspaper "yria
continuously upgrading military capabilities. >e<bollah: 3e possess arms that can hit
deep in %sraelC,6,.0,&!,880101,00.htmlJ.
A3hite >ouse refuses to rule out military option on %ran. #."., 7ussia and ?rance
warn #D that %ran is KescalatingK nuclear standoff.C Ihttp:www.haaret<.comnewswhite!
ADetanyahu: %f %ran 4oes Duclear, (uslim 3orld 3ill ?ollowC
A/%srael as a "ecurity ;sset for the #nited "tates/ ! (ilitary leaders voice support
for %srael.C Ihttp:www.weeklystandard.comblogsisrael!security!asset!united!statesJ.
87+ 4The A)o'i1atio1 o. De(olatio14
;t about half way through the seven!year period of the great tribulation, the
;ntichrist will commit /the abomination of desolation/ I2Thess 2:.* (t 2.:12* (k
1,:1.* 0an 9:26* 11:,1* 12:11J in which he will eHalt himself above all, including 4od
I0an 11:,5* 2Thess 2:.J. ;t that point there will be no more public sacrifices and
offerings I0an 9:26J, or no more sacrifice in the rebuilt temple of Jerusalem as well. The
;ntichrist will be given power to continue /forty and two months/ I7ev 1,:2J which
corresponds to the last half of his seven!year reign. "ometime after this abomination the
surviving siHth of the army of 7ussia, driven back to "iberia I'<ek ,9:1!2* Joel 2:,,20J,
will Goin with the /kings of the east/ I+hina etc.* 7ev 15:12* 0an 11:..J to head toward
the middle east, across a dry 'uphrates river I7ev 15:12J, to attack %srael with an army
of at least 200,000,000 soldiers killing one third of mankind I7ev 9:12!15,18J. This
army advances with the latest and best of e@uipment IDahum 2:,!.J. -ne would think
that after eHperiencing such devastation, mankind would begin considering eternity. Dot
so= I7ev 9:20!21* 15:9,11,21J. ;ccording to '<ekiel ,9:8!15, seven months will be
re@uired to bury the dead, and the armaments of war will be burned for seven years
afterward= Throughout this great Tribulation period Jesus will be near to those who
believe and love >im: /;nd when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and
lift up your heads* for your redemption draws near./ I&k 21:28,12J.
A+linton 'nables +hina To $uild #p Their Duclear ;rsenal, Thus "etting "tage
?or +hina To ?ulfill $iblical )rophecy %n $ook -f 7evelationC
A7ussia (oves ;head -n %ranian ;rms +ontractC IJune 10, 2010*
A>ints of "yrian nuclear deal with 7ussia unsettle #.".C
0uring the tribulation period there will appear T3- 3%TD'""'": /;nd % will
give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophecy a thousand two hundred and
threescore days, clothed in sackcloth/ I7ev 11:,!12* (al ,:1* .:2J. (any biblical
scholars believe that these two witnesses are 'lias and 'noch of the -ld Testament.
88+ Ar'a<eddo1
%n the end all nations will come up against %srael headed by the ;ntichrist I)s 8,:.*
Tech 1.:2J and against the &ord I7ev 16:1.* )s 2:2J. Jerusalem will be /a cup of
trembling/ ... and /a burdensome stone for all people/... ITech 12:2!,J* Jerusalem will be
divided I7ev 15:19* Joel ,:2J.
A'# +alls for Jerusalem to $e Joint +apital of %srael, )alestineC
A7eGects peace deal without talks on capital, says &ikud could change /election
rhetoric/ if it wins.C;rticle.aspH1idV118.99J.
A?oreign (inistry: '# stance on JKlem harms peace talksC
A0onKt call JKlem )alestinian capitalC Ihttp:fr.Gpost.comservlet"atellite1
A-bama promises ;rabs Jerusalem will be theirs ! -fficial: )resident said
)alestinian state with holy city capital Kin ;merican interestKC Ihttp:www.wnd.com1
%ranKs Duclear +oup I(ay 18, 2010J ! ;hmadineGad and &ula eHpose -bamaKs
hapless diplomacy.
AThe 'nd of Duclear 0iplomacy I(ay 18, 2010J ! The agreement of Turkey and
$ra<il to enrich %ranKs uranium is a signal defeat for the -bama administration.
A>e<bollah: %ran strike to ignite (ideastC
A%ran president sees /countdown/ to %sraelKs endC
ADetanyahu: 3orld is gradually accepting %ranKs eHtermination calls I;pril 19,
2010* http:www.haaret<.comnewsnetanyahu!world!is!gradually!accepting!iran!s!
;t a certain point, after this great war, Jesus, the /)rince of )eace/ I%s 9:5J finally
returns /coming in the clouds with great power and glory/ I(t 2.:26,,0* (k 1,:25* &k
21:26* 2Thess 2:8J. Jesus will split the (ount of -lives with a great earth@uake ITech
1.:.* 7ev 15:18* >ag 2:5!6J. 3ith all >is angels and saints Jesus will defeat the
;ntichrist and all of his followers I;rmageddon: 7ev 15:15* 19:11!21* 0an 2:..!.2J. ;t
this point +hrist will then sets up >is kingdom here on earth for a thousand years I7ev
20:.J in which he will firmly rule I%s 2:,* /rod of iron/: 7ev 19:12* 2:26* 12:2J. "atan
will be bound a thousand years I7ev 20:2!,J. ;nd finally the people of the earth /shall
beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not
lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more./ I%s 2:.* (icah .:,J=
;nd the world will continue without end I%s .2:16* 'f ,:21* 'ccl 1:.* )s 10.:2J=
89+ The Rapt,re
Just about all dispensationalists today believe that there are many indications in the
$ible that before the great Tribulation period begins the believers in +hrist, the +hurch,
will be /raptured/ or taken to heaven I7ev .:1* 1Thess .:15!18* 1+or 12:21!2.J. The
word /+hurch/ is found siHteen times in the first three chapters of the ;pocalypse, but is
not found in chapters 5 through 18, the Tribulation period Isee also: Jer ,0:6 and 0an
12:1J. %srael, however, is seen in the midst of the holocaust I7ev 12:1!1,J* the
/1..,000/ is believed to be Jewish converts I7ev 6:.!8J and other 4entile converts I7ev
6:9J. %n the $ible we find that 4od has two elect groups upon the earth ! the +hurch and
%srael. This oath of 4od that chooses %srael as an elect group of people I4en 12:2!,*
0eut 6:6!8J has never been abrogated I7om 11:25!29J. Thus the elect and martyrs
during the Tribulation period refer to Jewish I(t 2.:22* %s .2:1* .2:.* 52:9,22J and non
Jewish converts after the 7apture. $ut the removal of the restraining influence of the
>oly "pirit I2Thess 2:5!6J Ithe +hurchJ, via the 7apture, will cause all hell to break
loose upon earth. The 7apture theory could thus eHplain the domination of the world by
the ;ntichrist and the false )rophet in a rather short time, i.e., less than seven years.
! ! ! ! ! ! !
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