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Proposal Paper 1

Sec410 Request for Proposal Paper and Presentation


Proposal Paper 2

Request for Proposal Paper and Presentation
Current Risks
Boulevard Heights Senior High is currently experiencing many security issues that are
making attending the school increasingly difficult for students and staff. When students attend
school they should be able to feel safe and not worry about acts of violence but at Boulevard
Heights this is not the case. The high school is currently located in a high crime high risk
neighborhood that is rampant with gang activity. The crime and gang activity in the area has
resulted in drive by shootings and other criminal behavior, such as drug sales and prostitution,
and have increased the risk to the student.
When students live and go to a school in an area with high gang activity they become
vulnerable to the manipulations of gang and to becoming a member. Gang violence puts the
student and the staff at risk for all types of violent events that affect the quality of the education
being received by the student. The school becomes more vulnerable to drive by shootings and
other acts of violence. The school has also been experiencing a high number of suicides that can
be the result of students subject to harassment by gang members or can be the result of a culture
of bullying. If bullying by gangs or just regular student is a problem at the school there will be a
threat for mass shooting as well as their can be a threat for suicide by the bullied student victim.
Another problem being experienced currently at Boulevard Heights Senior High is the
security vulnerability of having an interstate directly behind the school. When there is an
interstate criminal can commit crimes in the area or at the school and then just jump back onto
the interstate. In order to ensure that no security threats to the school are present based on the
Proposal Paper 3

interstate there will need to be security measures created to prevent intrusion into the school via
the outer perimeter of the school (Thompson, 2012).
Future Risks
The Boulevard Heights Senior High will have the future risk of continued school violence.
School violence is not a new phenomenon and has been a problem in the school environment for
over a hundred years. In current society the trends for school violence is slowly reducing as
society becomes more focused on developing security plans and prevention programs designed
to stop school violence. In the future schools will continue to teach children that bullying is
wrong and will take measures to stop violence but incidents of violence will continue. In the
future bullying will still be a problem but not to the extent in current society.
In the future the Boulevard Heights Senior High will continue to experience problems with
gang violence unless the community surrounding the school is cleaned up or the school is move
to a new location. With the current state of the economy the second option is far less likely. The
school will continue to have incidents of school violence that include fights and acts of violence
against teachers and will continue to experience issues with traditional problems such as
vandalism and skipping school. The school environment is designed for learning but students are
unique and each student is different. Some come from good family homes while others come
from abusive or neglectful home lives that can result in antisocial behaviors.
The security plan will need to ensure that potential future security problems are addressed
(Chudgar, 2012). This includes conducting a security assessment to determine potential security
gaps in the future and taking steps to ensure these security gaps are addressed. The school will
Proposal Paper 4

need to continue to have a no tolerance policy when it comes to violence and take steps to
prevent any forms of violence in the school setting.
Budget for the Security Plan
The budget for the security plan will be increased to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars
per year in order to ensure increased security measures can be put into place and new programs
can be created to prevent bullying and other acts of school violence associated with gang
behavior. While information technology security is not the main security concern at the
Boulevard Heights Senior High the security budget will need to include the necessary funds to
prevent students or staff from engaging in authorized behavior on the schools computers. The
budget will also need to include the new security measures that will need to be implemented to
properly secure the school and increase student and staff safety.
New perimeter fencing to keep security threats out and students on the school campus.
The new security fence will be twelve foot high and topped with razor wire. Expense for
fence will be $25,000.
Full time security staff is the next security aspect that will need to be accounted for in the
budget. The school will have three security officers with a budget of $30,000 each for
yearly salaries. One security officer will be responsible for patrolling school and ensuring
students passed through metal detectors and searches of their belongings to ensure they
have no weapons or drugs. The second security officer will patrol the perimeter of the
high school. The third security will patrol the inside of the high school.
Metal detectors will take up $15,000 dollars of the school budget.
Proposal Paper 5

The last $20,000 dollars will be budget for incidentals and to support programs designed
to prevent security problems.
The Boulevard Heights Senior High is experiencing major security issues that must be
addressed to ensure students are able to attend school without fear of becoming a victim of a
violent crime. In order for the high school to become safer and more secure an effective security
plan must be developed that includes including the perimeter and the internal environment of the
school. The school will need to establish a strong outer perimeter security plan to ensure that
outside threats cannot enter the school as well as develop a strong internal security plan to ensure
inside threats are properly deterred.
In order for the security plan to be effective security staff will need to understand the current
and future security risks as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the current security plan. The
security plan should first assess current security measures to identify potential gaps and ensure
these gaps are properly addressed. Without an effective security plan that addresses the gang
activity, the outside threat of the interstate, bullying, suicides, and drive by shootings.

Proposal Paper 6

Chudgar, V. (2012). Key Components of a Risk-Based Security Plan. Retrieved February 17,
2013 from
Thompson C. (2012). Schools eye security plan after Conn. Attack. Retrieved February 17, 2013

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