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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido Mayra Alejandra Rodrguez Delgado
Nombre de la institucin educativa C.E..!. Ciricito Arriba de Capira
"bicacin de la institucin educativa Capira
#tros datos de la institucin educativa
Distrito de Capira$ Corregimiento de Ciri grande$ Comunidad de Ciri !rande%
clima totalmente &'medo y c(lido.
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
Resumen de la unidad
In this project I can explanation what is a food pyramid and the importance? That are shaped guide of healthy foods divided
into sections to show the recommended intae for each food groups! however students should answers a "rainstorming
a"out theme #$%%&I'( )% *%A+T*, +I-I'( .%TT%R #then/ they pay attention the explanation the definition a food
pyramid and its true importance a good nutrition/ theirs o"serve a video a"out theme where they analy0e and comment a
video in group and should develops 12)ap Tools in newsprint and they exhi"it in the class/ on the other hand/ they learn
new words fruits and vegeta"les translate into 3panish and illustrated voca"ulary4 5inally/ I presented an auto collage in my
computer to my students explanation a food pyramid in form feed"ac an idea "y develop a pamphlet/ students should
mae individual a "rochure a"out a food pyramid as directed "y the teacher and each one theirs should explanation you6re
a pamphlet or "rochure.
%spacio7s curricular7es o asignatura7s
Englis&)Nutritional *abits
A8o y nivel
Tiempo necesario aproximado
Four Hours by Week of t!rty"f!#e $!%utes
5undamentos de la unidad
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 1 de 5
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
*EA/0*% N"0R101#N% AND
94:2'utritional *a"its
2ood groups
3yramid 2ood
3repared 4ood% and salads
Meal or salads recipe
(rammar in 1ontext;
1nde4inite Articles
A% An and 0*E
Fruits and Vegetables
roccoli% onion% carrots% grapes% pear%
banana% tomato% asparagus% c&erries%
cucumber% lemon% peac&% mus&rooms%
pepper% avocado% stra5berries% berries%
5atermelon% pineapple% apple% orange%
potato% lettuce% cabbage% yam% yucca%
papaya% mango% plum% bean.
6.7E8planning t&e concepts t&e correct
nutritional in t&e teenagers in base t&e
pyramid 4ood.
Classi4ying 4ood groups using t&e
Reading your meals or salads
recipe in t&e class.
/istening t&e di44erent rules about
inde4inite articles a% an% and t&e.
9riting and translate t&e
vocabulary and illustrated.
9riting a s&ort resume your
4avorite 4ruits and vegetables.
Designing a broc&ure about
pyramid 4ood.
3.7)Accepting responsibility o4
practicing good &ealt&y nutritional
&abits in the teenagers.
:aluing practicing &ealt&y
nutritional &abits.
;&o5ing interest to practice
nutritional &abits in t&e
:aluing t&e e44ort o4 people in
order to prepare 4ood 5it&
&ealt&y nutritional balance.
3articipating actively in t&e
creation o4 a broc&ure.
O!"eti#os del a$rendi%a"e
Integrates and develops listening, speaking, eading and !riting skills !ith "ood p#ra$id.
Identi"# and s%$$ari&e "ood p#ra$id %sing a video in the class.
'eaning the pron%nciation correct each ne! !ords "r%its and vegeta(les.
Creates a (roch%re or pa$phlet a(o%t a p#ra$id "ood %sing in the a%to collage.
Preguntas orientadoras del $lan de unidad
Pregunta esencial How feed a good health?
Preguntas de unidad
)o! to $aintain a health# diet*
Preguntas de contenido
How is divided my pyramid food?
What is a pyramid food and explanation as yours should prepare a
meals or salads recipes?
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 2 de 5
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
&lan de evaluacin
1ronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe0ar el tra"ajo del
Durante el desarrollo del proyecto <na ve0 completado el
3tudents should answers a
"rainstorming a"out the title
#$%%&I'( )% *%A+T*,
+I-I'( .%TT%R= and
playing hot potatoes and
students that "all should say in
%nglish a words using pyramid
3tudents o"serve a video a"out
+et continuous with play #hot
potatoes= where the students
should say another words or
meals using food pyramid4
The professor presented a
collage a"out food pyramid
and students o"serve the
collage and opinion a"out this
&ay attention to the explanation
of the food pyramid and the
importance of that pyramid4
Analy0e and comments the
video in groups five students in
the class/ then they mae 12
)ap tool en paper a"out the
1opy and develop on the
note"oo new words a"out
fruits and vegeta"les "y
translate in to 3panish to
finished the translation! they
should choose only ten words of
the voca"ulary "y illustrated4
)ae an individual "rochure
a"out the food pyramid as
directed "y the teacher4
3tudents write a
summary in your
note"oo of what
they understood
the explanation4
&resented and
discusses a 1 )ap
tools in group five
students of the
food pyramid in
oral presentation4
3urrender your
note"oo with
translation yet and
&resented a
individual and
explanation your
Resumen de evaluaciones
;tudents in t&is 3roject s&ould developing di44erent activities as brainstorming about t&eme% observe a video 4ood pyramid% play <&ot
potatoes= using 4ood pyramid% and observe a collage about 4ood pyramid. 2or activities development t&e students s&ould be able to
e8planation 4ood pyramid and importance t&en% t&ey s&ouldn analyze and comments video in 4ive groups ma>e a C)Map 0ools% copy
and develop t&e ne5 5ords 4ruits and vegetables and discuss in t&e class and cut and paste t&e vocabulary% 4inally t&ese are activities
t&e students ma>e individual a pamp&let or broc&ure about 4ood pyramid% on t&e ot&er &and% t&e students s&ould close all everyday
5it& di44erent activities in t&e classroom ma>ing summary in your noteboo> t&at understood t&e e8planation t&e pro4essor% presented
C)Map 0ools about video in oral presentation and surrender t&e correct translation in ;panis& ne5 5ords 4ruits and vegetables. 1n
addition presented a pamp&let or broc&ure 4ood pyramid.
Detalles de la unidad
*a"ilidades previas
;tudents 5ill >no5 t&e names o4 4oods in Englis& containing a 4ood pyramid and t&e importance o4 4ood pyramid by >eep a good
!e"ti#n $%
&tu'e%ts sou(' )%s*ers ) br)!%stor$!%+ )bout te t!t(e KEEPING ME HEALTHY LIVING BETTER )%' ,()y!%+ ot
,ot)toes )%' stu'e%ts t)t b)(( sou(' s)y !% E%+(!s ) *or's us!%+ ,yr)$!' foo'.
P)y )tte%t!o% to te e-,()%)t!o% of te foo' ,yr)$!' )%' te !$,ort)%.e of t)t ,yr)$!'.
&tu'e%ts *r!te ) su$$)ry !% your %otebook of *)t tey u%'erstoo' te e-,()%)t!o%.
!e"ti#n $&
&tu'e%ts obser#e ) #!'eo )bout te$e.
A%)(y/e )%' .o$$e%ts te #!'eo !% +rou,s f!#e stu'e%ts !% te .()ss0 te% tey $)ke 1"M), too( e% ,),er )bout te #!'eo.
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina + de 5
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Prese%te' )%' '!s.usses ) 1 M), too(s !% +rou, f!#e stu'e%ts of te foo' ,yr)$!' !% or)( ,rese%t)t!o%.
!e"ti#n $'
Let .o%t!%uous *!t ,()y ot ,ot)toes *ere te stu'e%ts sou(' s)y )%oter *or's or $e)(s us!%+ foo' ,yr)$!'.
1o,y )%' 'e#e(o, o% te %otebook %e* *or's )bout fru!ts )%' #e+et)b(es by tr)%s()te !% to &,)%!s to f!%!se' te
tr)%s()t!o%2 tey sou(' .oose o%(y te% *or's of te #o.)bu()ry by !((ustr)te'.
&urre%'er your %otebook *!t tr)%s()t!o% yet )%' !((ustr)t!o%s.
!e"ti#n $(
Te ,rofessor ,rese%te' ) .o(()+e )bout foo' ,yr)$!' )%' stu'e%ts obser#e te .o(()+e )%' o,!%!o% )bout t!s .o(()+e.
M)ke )% !%'!#!'u)( bro.ure )bout te foo' ,yr)$!' )s '!re.te' by te te).er.
Prese%te' ) bro.ure !%'!#!'u)( )%' e-,()%)t!o% your bro.ure.

Adaptaciones curriculares
Estudiante con
For stu'e%ts *o )#e s(o* (e)r%er3s ).t!#!ty be )b(e to *ork !% ) '!ffere%t *)y *!t (ess !%for$)t!o%
)%' $)%y !((ustr)t!o%s to 'e#e(o, te )b!(!ty to s,e)k te se.o%' ()%+u)+e.
No &is$ano'
For stu'e%ts *o s,e)k )%oter ()%+u)+e ,rese%te' te!r ).t!#!t!es !% te!r o*% to%+ue .re)$.
2or gi4ted students is a great &elp to t&e teac&er because 5e can use t&em as leaders in t&e groups%
support t&eir peers 5&o do not understand t&at activity.
(ateriales ) recursos necesarios $ara la unidad
Tecnolog*a + Hard,are ,e-%ipo necesario.
C$ara digital
eprod%ctor de /0/
Cone1in a Internet
/isco lser
2iste$a de pro#eccin
C$ara de v4deo
3-%ipo de v4deo con"erencia
Tecnolog*a + o-t,are ,necesario.
6ase de datos7)o8a de clc%lo
/iagra$ador de p%(licaciones
Progra$a de correo electrnico
3nciclopedia en C/95:
3ditor de i$genes
6%scador ;e(
/esarrollo de pginas !e(
Procesador de te1to
(ateriales im$resos
Dictionary English-Spanish, World Lin,!
#-$, %
#, &
#, #uthor' Susan
Stemplesi, (ancy Douglas, )ames *organ, etc+
(ewsprint, colored chal, colored pencil, pictures, glue, and marers+
Recursos de Internet
Otros Recursos
,he visit of an oficial of the seminar facilitador *educa+
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina D de 5
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
'os progra$as de IntelE 3d%cacin son "inanciados por la F%ndacin Intel # la Corporacin Intel.
/erechos reservados 2008, Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Intel, el logo de Intel, la iniciativa de Intel 3d%cacin # el
Progra$a Intel 3d%car son $arcas registradas de Intel Corporation o de s%s s%(sidiarias en los 3stados Cnidos # otros pa4ses. G5tros no$(res
# $arcas p%eden ser recla$adas co$o la propiedad de terceras partes."
2008 Corporacin Intel. Todos los derechos reservados. Pgina 5 de 5

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