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Ovidius University, Faculty of Arts
Science measures sound waves as cycles per second.
That is called frequency. And, now modern physics, in
measurement of sound fact, tells us that this dimension and
others are actually composed of tiny strings that vibrate at
different rates. From the electrons moving around the nucleus of
an atom to the planets in distant galaxies revolving around stars,
everything is in a state of vibration therefore, at least
conceptually, everything is creating sound, whether we hear it or
not. Resonance is the natural vibration of an object... the specific
frequency at which it vibrates. Every object has a resonant
frequency... whether we hear it audibly or not.

sound waves, vibration, frequency, resonance, subtle energy,
music, psychophysics.

by V. Tarsini
The term energy (in ancient Greek - energhia - activity), as
it is used in physics or more generally in science and technology,
is a concept applied to describe and understand processes.
There are many discussions about "energy" involving heat,
wind or electrical energy. Nevertheless its definition is much
Many quantic physicists have explained that, at atomic level,
everything that exists within the universe is energy, vibrating
and oscillating with different frequency rates. Some of these
energetical vibrations are very familiar to us: light, radio waves,
X-rays or sound. All of them belong to the electomagnetic
spectrum, the only difference between them is that they vibrates
at different frequency levels.
In 1900, the German phycicist Max Planck explained that
energy radiates not into a continuous and uniform flux, but in
small particles called quanta. In 1905, Einstein arrived to similar
conclusions. The quanta are the smallest quantities of energy
that are being radiated through the force of thoughts from one
human being to another. In this respect, music plays the role of
an energetic carrier, both physical and spiritual, of musical
The nature of this carrier is physical since the sound
waves are being propagated though the air and, at the same time,
spiritual because biowaves are being conveyed through various
electromagnetic fields, respectively because of the interference
or those hierarchized fields. The universe around us is now
considered to consist of substance (the matter i.e. condensed
energy) and force field (free energy). The Matter is characterized
by two fundamental values: mass and energy. Mass measures
inertia and gravitation, while energy scalarly measures matter
The word energy is very common and largely spread,
although the actual content of this concept is not as common or
as easy to analyze, since it bears a series of subtle features
which are characteristic for specific forms of energy transfer.
The broadest definition of energy defines it as a measure
for matter movement. This phrase, though accurate, lacks
explicitness due to the great diversity of movement forms of the

Energy defines the quality of changes and processes that
occur within the universe, starting with the movement in space
and ending with thought. The many forms of matter movement
are interconnected and their capacity of reciprocal
transformation allowed for their measurement with a single
measure unit: energy. Since life is energy and energy is mattter,
one can only concludes that life and energy are manifestations of
one and the same phenomenon.
Energy is one of the most important concept that has
been discovered in physics. A correct understanding of the
notion of energy is a basic condition for analysing energetical
systems and processes.
Every one of us has aproximately 60.000 thoughts daily.
All these thoughts produce consequences because each thought
is in fact energy launched into the universe, not only in one,
intended, direction, but in all directions.

by Vincenzo Dandini
On its way, the energy of our thoughts searches for another
energy to harmoniously vibrate with. Each thought, good or bad,
triggers a process of resonance. Until recently, scholars believed
that it is only through our thoughts that we radiate energy into the
universe and that the most powerful energy transmitter in our body
would be the brain, with its electromagnetic pulses.
But our body has yet another, even more powerful, energy
transmitter the heart which generates an electrical field much
more powerful than the one generated by the brain. This is one of
the biggest discoveries of the XX
century. California Cardiac
Institute carried out a thorough study of the human heart. The
experiments showed that the human heart generates an electrical
field which extends way beyond the human body and has a specific
shape of a ring with a radius of 2-3 meters around the body
Although the brain also radiates electromagnetic fields,
scientists demonstrated that electrical waves produced by the heart
are one hundred times more powerful than the ones produced by the
brain and the magnetic waves 5000 times. Laboratory studies have
shown that the human DNA have a direct influence on the substance
atoms are made of, i.e. on the small particles of light called photons.

The Russian physicist Vladimir Poponin carried out some
experiments which were famous at the beginning of 1990s.
Poponins conclusion was that a quantic field exists and links us
with everything else around us. Via this field one is conected with
everyone and with everything, consciously or not.
The discovery of the influence of external energy upon
DNA genes gave birth to a new science called epigenetics.
Conclusion? Our thoughts and feelings are able to modify the
DNA and the DNA directly modifies the substance world is built
According to oriental metaphysics, the human being has
been created through sound and, consequently, it is sound. The
human body is a complex of vibrations. Sound waves generated
by an oceanic tide do not fade, they remain eternal and ever-
present, they change and can be recomposed into various forms
of energy, since they are energy. Thoughts (another form of
energy) generate great or distructive deeds. Everything exists
within the invisible and the inaudible, even before it manifests
itself in the visible and the audible.
By H. Dotz

Energy is, scientifically, a measure for the capacity of the
physical system to perform mechanical work when changing
from one state to another one, chosen as referential.
Energy is a function of state. When a physical system
undergoes a changing from its state to a referential one, certain
modifications regarding its relative positition and the
characteristics of the external systems are remanent in the
environment, such as:

modification of postion, or of speed,

modification of termic state,

modification of electrical, or of magnetical state,

self-modification and modification of its external systems.

by Drake Lee

The effects upon external systems are being called
external actions of the changing system.
If all actions consist in performing mechanical work, than
this is the equivalent of external actions in mechanical work. The
addition of the equivalents of all the external activities that are
being produced when a physical system undergoes a changing
from one given state to a referential one results in the total
energy of the physical system in a given state in relation to the
referential one and reflects the system capacity to produce
mechanical work.
According to the law of energy conservation, the
difference between energies of a physical system when changing
from one state to another does not depend on the way the
transformation is taking place, but on the two states only. Once
the value of the refential energy chosen arbitrarily, then the
energy value in any other state is definible. Consequently, energy
is a potential function. Depending on the referential state, energy
can be positive, negative, or zero.

An energy form is defined as every additional term that
compose the broadest expression of the total energy of physical
systems and that depends exclusively on a specific class of state
values (for example: mechanical, electrical, or magnetic etc.).
Considering the mass-energy relation, an inert mass of the system
corresponds to any form of energy of a physical system, as in
Einsteins formula: , where m represents the mass of the system
and c stands for the speed of light. Interestingly, mass is not
energy, it merely is a measure associated to it.
The potential energy is the part of the total energy which
can be mathematically expressed with those cinematic measures
that characterize the geometrical configuration of all the solids of
the respective system. The potential energy only depends on the
relative positions of the solids within the system and in relation to
other external sysytems. Potential energy can take various forms:
deformation, elastic, gravitational, or electrical energy.

The internal energy is the part of the total energy which
exclusively depends on the internal state values. Classical
physicists consider that the internal energy of physical systems
may continuously vary. Energy is measured in Joules (J).
Measurement unit for energy; It is equal to the energy
expended (or work done) in applying a force of one newton
through a distance of one meter .
by W. Eyr
Conservation is one of the characteristics of energy,
considering it as a part of all matter that exists in two forms:
substance and field. In his study Considrations Gnrales sur la
Nature des Acides (General Considerations on the Nature of
Acids), Antoine Lavoisier formulated, for the first time in 1778, a
conservation law as follows: In nature, nothing is lost, nothing
is created, everything is transformed.
This energy is the cause not only for the expansion of the
universe, as we have already know from the physicist Hubble
since the 1930s, but for its rapid expansion also.
The universe expands increasingly fast and we are aware
of this fact for aproximately 20 years since the revolution in
cosmology took place due to the advanced technology which
permitted launching modern satelites in order to study the
universe at as great distances as possible.

Classical science defines energy (a term coming from
Latin.) as the capacity to act, to generate events". A moving object
can generate events on the basis of the energy of its movement. A
river contains the necessary energy to move the huge blades of a
turbine engine. Thus, the energy of the moving water is
transformed into electrical energy. This type of energy which is
contained by moving objects or substances is known as kinetic
energy (kinesios movement in Greek).
The sound that results from vibrating movement of objects
is also a form of energy, which can be chaotic or organized, weak
or strong; the entire sound energy produced by an enthusiastic
audience clapping hands after a musical performance would be
hardly enough - when converted to electrical energy - to boil water
for a cup of coffee, but it still subtlely changes the currents
Sound is a dynamic informational structure, with its own
energy (it travels in form of waves), information and vibration.

Sound contains elementary, primary energy which is
unstable since it dissipates in time and space, as electrical
energy also is. Sound is an ideal information vehicle for humans,
whose sense of hearing is one of the basic senses and who
developed specific sensuous abilities in this respect.
Considering the vibrational component of sound, one can
distinguish between: resonance (when the interaction between
two solids amplifies itself and the two harmonize with one
another) and attenuation (when vibrations are opposite to one
another and the interaction is thus fading).

by M. Barlea
Sound is a living energy. A form of energy is the more
living, the harder it is to be captured. This form of energy interact
with everything on its way, vibrates, fades and then it is lost, but
it still produces subtle effects on the human body, because it
resonates with both human flesh and brain waves, an individual
being thus able to aesthetically experience the acoustic delight
and, at the same time, to receive information about feelings and
emotions of other individuals (the composer, the performer).
Analyzing the energies that are being transmitted and
received within a concert theater, the quantities of energy
consumed by the performer and accumulated by the audience,
stage fright are very powerful and paralyzing emotions which
represents, in our view, a blockage of the energetic waves from
the part of the transmitter. The stage frightened performer cannot
cope with the energetic flood coming from the audience, their
inner structure and psycho-physical profile do not allow for the
energy to be transformed, used in their own advantage, amplified
and, then, given back to the audience.

The inner energetic accumulation of a performing
musician can be systematically trained on a daily basis, with
specific exercises, at first under the supervision of an energo-
therapist (usually the instrumental teacher whose scenic
experience is already rich), by physical and mental relaxation, or
with other types of exercises (Yoga).
Tahir Cagin, scientist at Texas A&M University in the USA
made a great discovery in the field of nanotechnology, which can
lead to the posibilty of collecting energy directly from sounds. A
pressure applied upon a material object generates electrical
current. This pressure could originate in sounds. Some objects
and substances generate - when pressed - electrical current.
They are called piezoelectric materials and can produce energy
when hit with sounds or when the device moves. The
transformation rate from acoustic or kinetic energy into electrical
current depends on the nature of the material and of its
dimensions. Cagin demonstrated that the highest rate of
transformation is achieved by a piezoelectric material with
dimensions of exactly 21 nanometres.

Experts from the Faculty of Electric and Electronic
Engineering at Nottingham University are currently working on a
component which can transform acoustic energy into electricity.
The system work with the help of magnets, which are displayed
in a specic configuration and which transform sounds into
electrical energy. Computer simulations have been previously
carried out and showed good results. Another step
forward was taken as testing models are being currently worked
on and prepared for an upcoming testing period.

by A. Vivaldi
Everything vibrates within our material universe. The
stars send electromagentic waves in time and space. Musical
sounds bear the same waviness (wave-like, undulatory character)
as the light coming from the stars. The knowledge of Ancient
Greeks included the existence of seven planets, exactly as many
as the musical notes.
The concept of music of the spheres was introduced by
Pitagora, who thought that planets moving on their orbits
generate acoustic harmonies. In the V
century BC, Pitagoras
vision of space was that the stars were fixed and pinned on a
sphere around the earth, situated at a distance that was
considered as a perfect harmonic distance. The distance
between the earth and the moon was considered as a tone, then
from the moon to Mercury a semitone, from Mercury to Venus a
semitone, from Venus to the sun a tone and a half; from the sun
to Mars a tone, and then a semitone for each distances between
Mars and Jupiter, Jupiter and Saturn, Saturn and the shere of the
fixed stars. Adding those distances, six tones are obtained,
exactly as many as there are in an octave.

According to Pitagora: There is geometry in the chords
waving. There is music in the space of the spheres. Thus, the
music of the spheres theory originates in the developing of the
concept of universe. Platons idea was that the radii of planets
orbits (seen as circels) were proportional to numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 (8,
9, i 27; the last numbers do not correspond with Greeks
concept of music).
The idea of similarity between planets and musical notes
was launched in this Greek period (the VI
century BC).
Considering the acoustic laws of Pitagora, Aristoteles and
Aristoxenes thought that the sun and the moon, situated on two
fixed pilars, form the Tetrachord (a series of four musical sounds
on a musical scale).
From ancient Greeks period till present times, music and
astronomy have co-operated in understanding the universe.
Modern science discovered radio-astronomy, thus bringing to life
the ancient myth of music of the spheres, which was supposed
as already existing, but impossible to be heard.

Technology developments allowed for transposing mere
ideas into perceivable reality. Thus, human kind could at last
hear the sounds generated by stars, pulsars, quasars, and
planets with magnetosphere as a universal choir for several parts
and orchestrated by the remanent radiation.
Earth is a planet with magnetoshere that sends into
space sounds which are detectable with various radio-
astronomical techniques. But how do we, humans, perceive the
vibrations of the earthly magnetic field? Our planet is in the way
of the solar wind and is being flooded by matter and energy
coming from the sun. Geomagnetic activity depends closely on
the solar activity. When a coronal mass ejection occurs or a
powerful eruption touches earth, electromagnetic storms are
being produced.

by Tate Lue
One of the indexes that measures geomagnetic activity is
the Kp index, which was represented by Bartles, since 1939, in
graphs similar to musical notes. Those indexes have been
translated into music, the result being the song of the Earth.
The translation was literal, with as little artistic intervention as
possible. Geomagnetic storms were represented by musical
chords. Physicists at the University of Syracuse are about to use
a new super-computer, called SUGAR, with a power of 640 GB
and 96 terabytes RAM, that can discern sounds generated by a
black hole. The computer will process data received by the
telescope in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave
Observatory (LIGO), which was designed to receive waves
generated by gravitational fluxes of space-time. According to
Einsteins general relativity theory, these fluxes are the result of
the celestial bodies being interwoven in space and time.
Therefore, gravitational fluxes which are to be heard by scientists
are the result of violent cosmic events, such as the collision of
black holes.

Astronauts at NASA published in 2007 a series of
recordings of the "sounds" of the universe, and two
contemporary musicians (Vincent Baettig and Laurent Danis) are
using these recordings in their composing work. The result is a
"music" based on sounds produced by plantes. The "celestial
wonders" have been captured by space probe capable of
processing and tranforming acoustic and electromagnetic waves,
so that the result can be "heard".
An explanation for the existence of these sounds could
be the following: even if space is a virtual vacuum, this does not
necessary mean that the universe is mute. Sounds exist as
electromagnetic vibrations. Space sounds can be heard with the
help of special instruments of the space probe Voyager and the
processed data at NASA.
In the ancient times, Plato discussed the music of celestial
bodies, which can be heard by certain people only. This theory
was taken over by Pitagora (in the VI
BC) and his disciples
Aristoxenes and Tarent (in the IV
BC), who preocupied
themselves not only with phylosophy, but with musical theory as
well, generating thus a series of mystico-metaphysical
consideration (for example: the harmony of the celestial
spheres, the link between tone scale and planets etc.).

We are living in a world of sounds, audible or not, musical
or chaotic, strange or familiar, pleasant or disturbing, flustering
or healing.
Musical language can be understood as a cosmic
language even better than we could with other scientific
methods of investigation. Each planet has its own sound
integrated in a cosmic simphony.

by Frances Guy

The universe and our galaxy, the Milky Way, are energy.
The very page you are reading now is also energy and so are all
living beings, light, seas, food, stars, sun, respiration in the
end, everything is indisputably energy. Are we discussing about
that space event that took place in the material universe at the
beginning of time and that is known as the Big-Bang?
What is left of that Primary Source? Nothing. Absolutely
nothing. Same as a shot, the energy was launched in space in all
directions possible, while its revolution towards itself is still in
progress at an incredible rate and it does not show signs of
stopping, even 120 billion years have passed according to recent
The moment has come when we should give
physiognomy and character to the energy we discussed in the
present paper. As a conclusion, everything is a unique system of
spheric vibrations (pulsations) working according to the simple
musical principles (harmonies). If we intended to demonstrate
that this model is the real one, we should find a harmonic
unification to be valid in all universe, in other words, there should
exists a single musical ratio at all levels.

In music one can distinguish various types of time at
once: a first type is that of the clock (the period of time in which
the musical piece is being performed), the second is the
subjective bergsonian type (which is a characteristic of both
the performer and the receptor, i.e. the audience) and the third is
the time of the work itself, of the ideas within the work (a
characteristic of the composer).

From a subjective point of view, sounds have four basic
characteristics: intensity, pitch, timbre and value. The Infinite
Source is primarily Infinite Inteligence and at the same time and
because of that Infinite Music. And exactly these acoustic
waves are given the task of spreading into infinite spaces the
whole Creativity contained in the Source. What does a human
being in order to comunicate his projects, his intentions? He
uses fonation in form of language or music, where as language is
based on the phenomenal characteristics of sounds.

by D. Gate
xxx Dicionar Enciclopedic i Explicativ al Limbii Romne , Ed.
Academiei, Bucureti, 1999.
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