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Archie Saturation
This method is the old standard of the industry, but is
now restricted to clean sands and carbonates. It requires
a good value for water resistivity. All shale corrected
saturation models revert to this equation when Vsh = 0,
so shale corrected models are usually run when using
computer-aided log analysis software.
The exponents A and M should be calibrated to the
particular zone being analyzed.
Swa1 - Water Saturation from the Archie Method
1: IF PHIe <= 0.0
2: OR IF Vsh >= 0.9
3: THEN Swa = 1.0
4: OTHERWISE Swa = (A * RW@FT / (PHIe ^ M) / RESD) ^ (1 / N)
A = tortuosity exponent (unitless)
M = cementation exponent (unitless)
N = saturation exponent (unitless)
PHIe = effective porosity (fractional)
RESD = resistivity of zone (ohm-m)
RW@FT = water resistivity at formation temperature (ohm-m)
Swa = water saturation from Archie method (fractional)
COMMENTS: See below.
Swa2 - Water Saturation from Apparent Water Resistivity
The Archie formula can be rewritten as:
5: IF PHIe <= 0.0
6: OR IF Vsh >= 0.9
7: THEN Swa = 1.0
8: OTHERWISE Rwa = (PHIe ^ M) * RESD / A
9: AND Swa = (RW@FT / Rwa) ^ (1/N)
A = tortuosity exponent (unitless)
M = cementation exponent (unitless)
N = saturation exponent (unitless)
PHIe = effective porosity (fractional)
RESD = resistivity of zone (ohm-m)
Rwa = apparent water resistivity (ohm-m)
RW@FT = water resistivity at formation temperature (ohm-m)
Swa = water saturation from Archie method (fractional)
This is a convenient form if using the Rwa values as guides to finding an appropriate RW@FT
value to use in the saturation equation. This equation is not shale corrected, so it should not
be used in shaly zones.
A quick look version of this formula sets A = 1.0, M = 2.0 and N = 2.0. Thus:
10: Swa = (RW@FT / (PHIe ^ 2) / RESD) ^ 0.5
This formula can be calculated by mental arithmetic or on a scratch pad when needed, and is
accurate enough for quick look work.
The graphical solution to the Archie formula is provided below.

Nomograph to solve Archie equation
for sandstone A = 0.62 M = 2.15 N = 2.00
for carbonates A = 1.0 M = 2.00 N = 2.00
NOTE: N is often lower than 2.0
For quick analysis use carbonate values. Values for local situations should be developed from
special core data. Results will always be better if good local data is used instead of traditional
values, such as those given above.
1. Using data from Sands A, B, C and D as before:
Sand A Sand B Sand C Sand D
RESD 20 40 1.2 1.0
PHIe 0.33 0.23 0.30 0.11
A 0.62 0.62 0.62 0.62
M 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15
Rwa 2.97 2.73 0.145 0.014
RW @ FT 0.9 0.9 0.036 0.015
N 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Swa 0.55 0.57 0.50 1.03
Swa = (0.62 * 0.9 / (0.33 ^ 2.15) / 20) ^ (1 / 2.0) = 0.55
Note that the value for Sand D (shaly sand) is inaccurate and requires additional work,
because this method is poorly suited to shaly sands.

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