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Marketing Plan

Vissan Canned Food Product

Lecture: Dennis Tan.
Name: Tran Thi Linh Chi S3359009
Dao Thi Lan Anh S3357844
Hoang Thi Bich Ngoc S3312368
Ngo Thi Thu Hien S3373510
Nguyen Thu Thuy S3344052
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Table of Content

Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................ 4
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 5
II. Situation Analysis .................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Company description........................................................................................................ 5
2.1.2. Product description ....................................................................................................... 5
III. Marketing Environment ....................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Micro environment ........................................................................................................ 6
3.1.1. Marketing intermediaries (Resellers) ........................................................................ 6
3.1.2. Customers ................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.3. Competitors ............................................................................................................... 7
3.2. Macro environment ....................................................................................................... 8
3.2.1. Demographic ............................................................................................................. 8
3.2.2. Economic .................................................................................................................. 8
3.2.3. Political ..................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.4. Cultural ..................................................................................................................... 9
IV. SWOT analysis ................................................................................................................. 9
V. Product Life Cycle ............................................................................................................. 10
VI. Setting Objectives .............................................................................................................. 11
6.1. Corporate objectives ...................................................................................................... 11
6.2. Financial objectives ....................................................................................................... 11
6.3. Marketing objectives ..................................................................................................... 11
VII. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning .......................................................................... 12
7.1. Segmentation .................................................................................................................. 12
7.2. Targeting ........................................................................................................................ 13
7.2.1. Evaluating Market Segments: ................................................................................. 13
7.2.2. Selecting Market Target Segments: ........................................................................ 14
7.3. Differentiation ................................................................................................................ 14
7.3.1. Possible Competitive Advantages........................................................................... 14
7.4. Positioning ...................................................................................................................... 15
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7.4.1. Positioning map ...................................................................................................... 15
7.4.2. Value Proposition.................................................................................................... 16
7.4.3. Positioning statement .............................................................................................. 17
VIII. Marketing Mix Strategies .................................................................................................. 18
8.1. Product ........................................................................................................................... 18
8.1.1. Product Classification ............................................................................................. 18
8.1.2. Three levels of product ........................................................................................... 18
8.1.3. Brand Development Strategies ............................................................................... 20
8.2. Price ................................................................................................................................ 20
8.2.1. Companys Pricing Strategies ................................................................................. 20 Current Price .................................................................................................... 20 Product Mix Pricing Strategies ........................................................................ 20 Price-Adjustment Strategies ............................................................................ 21
8.3. Place ............................................................................................................................... 22
8.3.1. Customers need...................................................................................................... 22
8.3.2. Distribution strategy................................................................................................ 22
8.3.3. Vertical marketing systems (VMS) ........................................................................ 22
8.4. Promotion ....................................................................................................................... 23
8.4.1. Advertising Objective ............................................................................................. 23
8.4.2. Advertising Budget ................................................................................................. 23
8.4.3. Advertising Media .................................................................................................. 24
8.4.4. Public Relation ........................................................................................................ 25
8.4.5. Sale Promotion ........................................................................................................ 25
8.4.6. Direct Marketing ..................................................................................................... 26
IX. Action Plan......................................................................................................................... 28
X. Control ................................................................................................................................... 30
XI. References .......................................................................................................................... 31
XII. Appendixes ........................................................................................................................ 33

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Executive Summary
Vissan canned/preserved food has presented its objectives and goals for the period from May
2013 to April 2014. For financial objective, it is to increase profit through sale to both
wholesalers and retailers as well as online sale. On the other side, marketing objective is trying to
expand the market share in Vietnam. In order to achieve those goals, Vissan is going to apply
various strategies which will strengthen its 4P marketing strategies and ensure the success of the
plan. For P1 product, Vissan canned/preserved food will improve its 3 levels of product which
are core benefit, actual product and augmented product. Vissan can make innovation so that it
can bring them to the new level as well as adding a logo on the lid of the can to make it stand
out, also Vissan will need to add more services to its product such as hot line and online
ordering. Also to increase profit and market share, Vissan need to apply line extension strategy
which is having new flavours and new ingredients coming out so that it can attract new
customers and keep the old ones interested. For P2 price, together with line extension, there
must be product line pricing which different price for different product with different cost.
Another pricing strategy is product bundle pricing which is giving customers discount when
they buy in bulk. Promotion pricing and cash discount is used on retailing and wholesaling as
it give customers a better price when ordering online and for wholesalers is cash back on early
payment. Due to the characteristic of Vissan canned/preserved food is convenience product, it
need to use intensive distribution for P3 place in order to gain market share. Vissan will
expand its distributors to supermarkets and local convenience shops as well as online shopping.
Vissan also apply administered vertical marketing system to serve their customers better. At
last, for P4 promotion, in advertising, Vissan will have online ads on Zing, VnExpress and
Tiep Thi va Gia Dinh magazine and to for better impact, ads will be also on television. Other
tools to increase sales will be coupon and sweepstakes operate throughout the period. For public
relation, Vissan will sponsor for charity events such as events of Operation Smiles as well as
doing direct charity trip. Moreover, Vissan use public service activity and written material to
raise customers awareness. Another strategy will be using Internet to gain awareness of the
brand by online marketing.

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I. Introduction
Vietnam is a developing country and the bustle of Vietnamese market attracts a lot of domestic
and foreign investors. Moreover, living standard of Vietnamese is improved so the demand of
preserved food in a busy life is increase. Canned/ preserved food is not a new product category in
Vietnam and there a lot of companies invest in to this market. However, there is only one leader
in canned/preserved food which is Vissan which occupies 29.62% market share (Euromonitor
International, 2013). On the other hand, the market share of Vissans canned/preserved food just
increased slightly and slower than two previous years (Euromonitor International, 2013).
Therefore, this marketing plan will help Vissans canned/preserved food increase profit and
market share by exploiting all strengthen aspects of product and opportunities from market and
minimize its threaten and weaknesses.
II. Situation Analysis
2.1. Company description
According to Vissan Limited Company (2009), Vissan which belongs to Saigon Trading Group,
was established in 1970 but it officially launched to the market in 1974. From 2006, the name of
corporation changed into Vissan Limited Company (Vissan Co Ldt). After coming the market , it
took over a lot of competitors and became to the leader of canned/ preserved food market and
ranked the third position in the packaged food in Vietnam in 2012 (Euromonitor International,
2013). Moreover, during 39 years working in the Vietnamese market, Vissan Co ltd received a
lot of positive feedback from customers so it brings a huge amout of money for company each
year. In 2012, net sale and net profit of company reached VND 4,374 billion and VND125.5
billion respectively (Euromonitor International, 2013). Additionally, Vissan Co Ltd achieved a
lot of certificates such as Certificate of Accreditation ISO/IEC 17025, ISO 9001:2000 and
HACCP Certificates and Certificate of High Quality Vietnam Products (from 1997 to now).
Furthermore, Nissan Ltd has thousands of workers trained carefully and they are work with a
Japanese technology processing line.
2.1.2. Product description
Vissan canned/preserved food products are made from fresh food and add perfect spices.
Moreover, Vissan Ltd use completely Japanese technology in processing so Vissan canned/
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preserved food products are very safe for peoples health and have delicious taste. Moreover,
there are four main kind of Vissan canned/preserved food which is chicken, pork, beef and fish.
Therefore, customers can have a lot of choices.
III. Marketing Environment
3.1. Micro environment
3.1.1. Marketing intermediaries (Resellers)
According to Euromonitor International (2012), distance is the most important factors when
customers choose the place to buy food. This report also states that market shopper will choest
the nearest market to purchase food. On the other hand, supermarket shopper will chose the most
familiar supermarket to purchase. Moreover, convenient stores and local groceries are highly
considered for top up food shopping (Euromonitor International, 2012).
At this time, Vissan has 11 direct stores and 600 retailers and 700 authorized stores in Ho Chi
Minh City (Euromonitor International, 2013). Additionally, Vissan distributes product for all
supermarket in Vietnam (Euromonitor International, 2013). Moreover, it has retailers in Hanoi
and Da Nang.
Strengths: Vissan distributes its product widely so customers can find Vissan canned/preserved
product easily.
3.1.2. Customers
According to Kotler et al (2009), there are five types of customer market which contains
consumer markets, business market, reseller markets, government markets, international markets.
Applying in Vissan canned/preserved food, there are three intended markets.
- Reseller market: people or organization buy product to sell to others to make profit (Kotler et
al, 2009)
- Consumer market: people who purchase and consume product directly (Kotler et al, 2009).
- International market: exporting product to other countries (Kotler et al, 2009).
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However, in this case Vissan team concentrates on consumer market to have deeply analysis
about Vissan canned/preserved food. Customers recognize that Vissan canned food products are
very convenient and do not have negative effect for their health
Strength: Customers realize that Vissan is a product which has high quality.
3.1.3. Competitors
Nowadays, Vietnamese customers are more familiar with Western lifestyle; therefore, a lot of
companies invest into canned/preserved food market.
Brand name Vissan Ha Long Tuyen Ky Seaspimex
Vissan Co Ltd Ha Long canned
food JSC
Tuyen Ky Co
Special Aquatic
Joint Stock Co
Year comes to
1974 (Vissan
Company, 2009)
1957 (Ha Long
Canfoco, 2013)
1994 (Tuyen Ky
Food .Co Ltd,
Market share
volume (2012)
Products tastes
Canned beef
Canned chicken
Canned pork
Canned fish
Canned beef
Canned pork
Canned fish
Canned beef
Canned chicken
Canned pork
Canned fish
Canned Sweet
Canned cocktail
Canned fish
Price 33, 000 VND/
tuna in oil can
(170 grams)
29, 000 VND/
tuna in oil can
(175 grams)

tuna in oil can
(170 grams)
27,000 VND/
canned fish (185

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Strengths: Although Vissan came to market latter than Ha Long, it still is the leader of the
market. Moreover, market of Vissan much higher than Tuyen Ky and Seaspimex. Therefore,
customers will be more familiar with Vissan than others.
Weaknesses: The average price of Vissan is higher than its competitors.
Vissan provides less choice for customers than Tuyen Ky.
3.2. Macro environment
3.2.1. Demographic
According to Nielsen (2010), more than 56% Vietnamese population are under 34 years old. It is
an opportunity for Vissan canned food because 56% is a significant number which will bring
potential target customer for brand. (Apendix 1)
TNS (2009, cited in Dexter, 2010) point out that 37% of Vietnamese population has from middle
income to high income. This report also states that 49.6% of urban population has income from 3
million to 15 million. It is an opportunity for Vissan because target market of Vissan is urban
population and from middle to high income. Hence, 49.6% of urban population can afford
Vissan canned food.
Opportunities: 56% of population is under 34 years old which will bring potential target
customer for brand.
49.6% of urban population can afford Vissan canned food.
3.2.2. Economic
According to Dexter (2010), the inflation decreased from 18.13% to 9.96% between 2011 and
2012. However, the average price of canned/preserved food still rises by 7% due to inflation in
2012 (Euromonitor International, 2013)
Matthaes (2012) states that Vietnamese people now have tendency to save more money than
before. Therefore, 50% consumers find it easy to purchase other canned/preserved food brands
which are less expensive than familiar products.
Threaten: when a price of product go up, customers purchasing power will decline.
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Vissan customers can buy competitive product if its price is cheaper.
3.2.3. Political
Vietnamese Government launched a campaign Vietnamese use Vietnamese product
successfully. Moreover, the Government continues to support local product. It is an opportunity
for Vissan because it is a Vietnamese brand and it has cheaper price than international brand
(Euromonitor International, 2013)
Opportunity: Vietnamese use Vietnamese product campaign help Vissan raise awareness
about Vietnamese product in customers mind.
3.2.4. Cultural
Nowadays, living standard of Vietnamese is improved than before. Therefore, people start to
care about their health and wellness (Euromonitor International, 2013). Therefore, they will
choose food and drink more carefully. It is an opportunity for Vissan because it achieved lots of
certificates such as HACCP Certificates and Certificate of High Quality Vietnam Products which
proves that it has good quality.
There is increasing in busy lifestyle and in the number of working mothers in urban so people are
more familiar with packaged products, canned/preserved food an convenient products to save
time (Euromonitor International, 2013). It is an opportunity for Vissan to interact more with
Opportunities: Vietnamese people care more about health and Vissan canned products has a
good quality.
Busy lifestyle and there are a lot of working mothers in urban.
IV. SWOT analysis
Internal Factors

Vissan received many
certificates which improve
that product has good
Vissan has wide distribution
channels across country
The average price of
Vissan is higher than
other competitors
Provide less choices
for customers than
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External Factors
Customers is more familiar
with Vissan than others
Market share is higher than
Most of all urban
population have
middle and high
Vietnam is young
Customers raise
awareness about
healthy food
Vietnamese use
campaign of
Busy lifestyle and
many working
mothers in urban
SO Strategies
Emphasis on the quality of
product to remind
customers via TVC (Section
Keeping customers loyalty
(Section 8.4)
WO Strategies
Building healthy image
in customers mind
(Section 8.4)
Creating new product
to provide customer
more choice (Section

High inflation
leads declining
purchasing power
decisions depends
a lots on price of
ST Strategies
.Expanding distribution
strategy to bring product
closer to customers (Section
Launching a mass
promotion to catch attention
of customers (Section 8.4)
WT Strategies
Sharing the burden
with customer from
economic crisis by
launching new
positioning statement
(more for the same)
(Section 8.2)
Implement sales a lot
of promotion strategy
(Section 8.4)

V. Product Life Cycle
According to Euromonitor International (2013), Vissan was a leader of canned/preserved food
from 2008 until now. The market share value of Vissan rose by 0.59% from 2008 to 2009. In the
next year, it grew up by 0.55%. Between 2010 and 2011, Vissans market share value rose by
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only 0.29%. There is an increase by 0.38% in the market share value of Vissan from 2011 to
2012. From this, it is clear that although the market share value of Vissan still grew, it just
increase slightly which is less than nearly a half two previous year. Vissan still a leader of the
market and the market share value still increase slowly so Vissan is in maturity stage in
product life cycle. (Apendix 2)
The reason why the market share value of Vissan jumps slower is that nowadays, there are more
companies enter into the market such as Tuyen Ky, Seaspimex, Annalisa and Ligo. Moreover,
they offer cheaper price for customers than Vissan. Additionally, they provide more choice for
customers like Tuyen Ky.
The company which is in maturity stage should change and improve product and marketing
strategy to gain more customers attention and increase profit (Kotler et al, 2009).
VI. Setting Objectives
6.1. Corporate objectives
According to Euromonitor International (2013), the market share value of Vissan increased
slower than two previous years. Therefore, Vissan need to increase market share to raise the
profit of the company.
Moreover, nowadays customers concern more about their health and wellness more than before.
Hence, it is very important for Vissan to reinforce their image in the customers.
6.2. Financial objectives
Increase sale of Vissan canned/preserved food from VND 2,344 billion to 3,000 billion
from May 2013 to at the end of April 2014.
Increase profit of Vissan canned/food preserved food from VND 55 billion to 70 billion
from May 2013 to at the end of April 2014.
6.3. Marketing objectives
Increase market share from 29.62% to 32% between May 2013 and at the end of April
Reinforce brand images in customers mind by building healthy image brand.
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VII. Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
7.1. Segmentation

Country Vietnam
Density Urban (64 cities)

Age 25-34
Gender Female
Family Life Cycle Young mothers with children
Income 3-15 million VND (from middle to
high income)
Occupation White collar

Personal Characteristic Active, outgoing, busy
Social class Middle class and Upper class

Occasion Regular occasion
Benefit Reduce cooking time, convenience
User status New users, potential users, ex-
users, regular users
User rates Medium user, heavy user
Loyalty status Medium, strong

- Vissan canned food targets urban areas because people who live in countryside and rural areas
often have low income therefore they tend to cook at home by themselves to save money better.
- Vissan canned food also aim for customers from 25-34 years old especially young mothers
because those are the ones who are usually busy because of work but also have sufficient income
to afford so it makes Vissan canned food become a perfect choice for them. Moreover, using
canned/preseved food products is one of the Western lifestyle. Hence, people in this age are quite
young so they are more familiar with Western lifestyle than older groups.
- Customers of Vissan canned food are often regular users and ex-users, however, they have a
huge amount of potential users as the number of people from 25-34 who live and work in the
urban are increasing rapidly. Moreover, the users of Vissan canned food products are usually the
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ones who use it regularly on daily basis and very familiar with the product to stick with it for a
long time.
7.2. Targeting
7.2.1. Evaluating Market Segments:
Segment Size and Growth:
* Segment Size:
Urban population Urban population
from 25-34 years
% urban people
have from middle
to high income
92,477,857 (CIA
The World
Factbook, 2013)
28,668,136 (US
Global Health
Policy, 2012)
Approximately 16.8
million (CIA The
World Factbook,
49.6% of urban
population -
14,219,396 people
(AMCHAM 2012)
Percentage 100% 31% 18.17% 15.38%

* Segment Growth:
From table above, it shows that Vissan canned foods segment size occupies 15.38% of
Vietnamese population or 49.6% of urban population. It means that nearly half of urban
population earn from middle income or over. As a consequence, the market for Vissan canned
food can be considered sufficient to target. Moreover, according to Nielsen (2012), the peoples
tendency of moving to urban areas has been high; therefore, this target segment market is very
Segment Structural Attractiveness
- Competitors: There are a lot of competitors in the canned/preserved food market such as
Tuyen Ky, Ha Long and Seaspimex. However, Vissan is still a leader in the market so it has
more strength than others because customers are more familiar with it (Euromonitor, 2013)
- Purchasing power: This report also claims that there has been a significant growth in the trend
for consumption of canned/preserved food. To be specific, the rise was accounted for 7.46(000
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tonnes) since 2007 to 2012. It results in the purchasing power for this category of product
increasing year by year and not being affected by the inflation. In addition, 49.6% numbers of
people, who live in urban areas, have from middle income and over (TNS, 2009, cited in Dexter
2010). Thus, Vissan canned food still remain its considerable impacts on urban customers.
Company Objectives and Resources:
The will share the burden with consumers in difficult economic situation (Section IV). This price
strategy is based on the stable growth and the companys effort to keep the price under control
and absorb the cost so it can maintain the competitive price in some key brands.
According to Euromonitor International (2013), Currently, Vissan canned food held 29.62% of
the market share being the leader of canned/preserved food. Moreover, segmentation size of
Vissan is nearly a half of urban population so it will help Vissan reaches the objectives between
2013 and 2014.
7.2.2. Selecting Market Target Segments:
Vissan canned/preserved food uses concentrated marketing strategy to target busy and
outgoing female customers, which have age range between 25 and 34 years old, live in urban
areas and have income from middle to high. By using concentrated marketing, the company
can concentrate on these target customers to make them satisfy better and can increase market
power as well as building brand image. (Kotler et al, 2009).
7.3. Differentiation
7.3.1. Possible Competitive Advantages
Product differentiation:
Used French and Japanese modern technology
Have a full cycle of supply chain system from breeding, feeding farming
processing packaging distribution storage.
Service differentiation:
Open product showrooms to receive feedback and recommendation from consumers in
order to develop new products.
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Have an inquiry page for customers to send any question about the company and products
as well as service.
Channel differentiation:
700 authorised stores for processed food.
11 direct stores in Ho Chi Minh City, more than 600 retailing stores at wholesale and
Open 100 product showrooms in Ho Chi Minh city
Have branches in Hanoi, Da Nang, Representative in Russia, Cambodia.
Image differentiation:
Updated logo and slogan: Morning sun glow was added to the old logo of three yellow
Mai flowers to communicate Vissans continuous effort to satisfy the consumer desire for
good food and a good start to the day. (Euromonitor International 2013).
7.4. Positioning
7.4.1. Positioning map
Level of Perceive Value
Canned food
Perceive Value 1 2 3 4 5

Ha Long

Tuyen Ky



Ha Long

Tuyen Ky


Vissan Customer

Ha Long

Tuyen Ky


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7.4.2. Value Proposition
After identifying the differentiations between the products of Vissan canned food and other
competitors, we must analyse whether they can the criteria before establishing before it might
cost more than the benefit it brings
- Important: the difference in technology will surely bring benefit to target customers because
customers can enjoy a better quality food
- Distinctive: the differentiation in services is something that other competitors cannot offer on
the same level because of its convenience in obtaining the products wherever the customers are,
together with constant improvement due to the feedback on the website as well as the direct
stores or product showrooms.
- Superior: the differentiation in channel might give the customers a sense of superior since
there are direct stores and product showrooms of Vissan canned food so that it make the products
look like a shopping products rather than convenience products.
- Communicable: the differentiation in image, product and channel can be easily recognized by
customers whenever they buy and use the products
- Pre-emptive: other competitors cannot use exactly the same technology or ingredients that
produce Vissan canned food.
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- Affordable: Vissan canned food is convenience products therefore it is always affordable
whether there are changes in technology or ingredients
- Profitable: those differentiations aim to bring profit for the company and it has a high rate of
return since they improve the product to make it healthier and more delicious.
As a result, Vissan canned food can establish the differentiation since it will bring more benefit
than cost.
7.4.3. Positioning statement
Currently, Vissan canned/preserved food uses more for more positioning strategy because the
products average price is higher than other competitors as well as bringing more benefits for
customers than the others. Specifically, Vissan canned/preserved food is manufactured via the
process of using French, Japanese modern technology and as well as a complete end-to-end
supply chain system. Thus, the products not only satisfy customers desire for tasty, convenient
and healthy food product, but they also continuously remain competitive advantages in the
market. In spite of Vissan canned foods price being the highest than its main competitors such
as Tuyen Ky, Ha Long and Seaspimex, it still attract a huge number of customers. The main
reason is that customers now have tendency to choose products which have high quality rather
than their price. Consequently, it can be said that the higher price the products are, the more
benefits will be provided for customers. On the other hand, the low price is still one of the main
factors attract customers decision in choosing goods and Vissan canned food is in maturity
stage; therefore competitive price is what they need to capture more buyers in crisis economic
situation. Moreover, Vissan will want to share the burden with customers in crisis economic
(Section IV). It will leads to Vissan canned food considering the way of charging same price
with other competitors but for more benefits. In conclusion, even though the current position of
Vissan canned food is still effective, the company needs to apply more for the same for this
type of product to attract more customers.
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VIII. Marketing Mix Strategies
8.1. Product
8.1.1. Product Classification
Vissan canned/preserved food is a convenient product
Buyer behaviour: customers purchase the product frequently and they rarely have comparisons
to other same products in the same category.
Pricing: low level of price so customer still have ability to buy it.
Distribution: it is very easy for buyers to find the product in local shops or supermarkets.
8.1.2. Three levels of product
Level Aspects Current product Product Improvement
Core Benefit
Prevent hungry, clean - Provide more benefits for
customers (Improve the
standard of normal meal,
stimulate eating habit).

Quality meat:
manufactured by using
French, Japanese modern
Maintain the quality of meat
as well as the manufacturing
chain system.
- Cans are covered by
colourful and attractive
texture with images and
main information about
the products.
Attract customers as
well as make them trust
the quality of products.
However, it is quite
similar to other
- Print the logo of Vissan
onto the lid of the product
Makes it stand out more
than other competitors. Thus,
customers can easily
recognize the product of

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competitors packaging in
the same product category.
- Cans are made of
stainless steel food is
preserved for a long time
ISO 9001:2000; Certificate
for Hazard Analysis and
Critical Control Point
(HACCP); Certificate for
Vietnam High Quality
Product; Gold, silver prize,
medal for food contest
festivals; Rank 1
Vietnams food
manufacturing industry;
Rank 15
in the top of 100
Vietnams strongest
- Maintain the existing
certificates, improve to get
higher ones and attain higher
rank in the lead of top
Vietnams strongest brands.
Brand Name
Vietnamese long
established famous brand
- Maintain the reputation of
current brand name
After sale service
An inquiry page for
customers to send any
24/7 hot-line serving
Delivery and
Deliver large numbers of
products to wholesalers.
- Also deliver to retailers.

Only expiry date printed
on the cans.
Customers can exchange for
new products if old ones have
problems about the quality

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8.1.3. Brand Development Strategies
Even though Vissan creates much more choice about canned food products for customers than
other competitors (Section 3.1.3), they still try to catch up Vissan. Additionally, Vissan
canned/preserved food is in maturity stage so that the products become familiar with customers
and they might feel uninterested with old flavour of them. As a consequence, Vissan canned food
would use line extension strategy to extend its existing brand name with creating more new
variety for the existing product category. Vissan would add more ingredients with enough dosage
in order to stimulate eating as well as implementing new flavours to make customers feel more
interested. Moreover, the company would manufacture more different kinds of meat which has
become more and more popular nowadays such as canned roast lamb and canned goat meat.
Applying line extension strategy brings for Vissan canned/preserved food many benefits:
- Vissan will expand the market because it creates more choice for customers.
- Vissan will reduce the cost of advertising for new products under this brand name because
Vissan is a very strong and familiar brand in Vietnamese market. Thus, Vissan do not need much
money to advertise the products.
- Vissan will have high opportunity to be successful in launching new products because they are
produced based on current manufacturing system as well as using the current brand name.
8.2. Price
8.2.1. Companys Pricing Strategies Current Price
The current price of Vissan canned Food as well as other main competitors are clearly showed in
the table above (Section 3.1.3) and the current pricing approach of Vissan canned food is Value-
added pricing. The brand sets higher price than competitors to make customers perceive that
Vissan products have better quality. Product Mix Pricing Strategies
Strategy How to Apply Reasons to Apply
Product Line Pricing - Same price for the same - Using Product Line Pricing to set
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product line
- Different price for the different
product line (Canned fishs
price>Canned beefs>Canned
chickens>Canned porks)
- Set the same price with
competitors but more benefits
(more for the same) (Section
price for each product is
appropriate for applying Line
Extension Strategy.
- Promote new product lines by
setting the expected market price.
Product Bundle
- Customers can have a discount
10% when they purchase more
than 4 different kinds of meat.
- Customers can have an
additional product when
purchasing more than five units
of the same product.
- Increase sales by giving customers
-Can promote sales of the new
products Price-Adjustment Strategies
Shopping online has become more and more popular in Vietnam. Therefore, Vissan should
construct an online system to sell the products via this channel to attract more customers.
Therefore, Vissan canned food would apply promotional pricing to encourage customers buy
this kind of product via the Internet. Not only does purchasing online give customers a discount
price, but also it brings for them much more convenience in purchasing the products. Customers
will pay the bill after the products are delivered to them instead of paying online. This strategy
will help both customers and the company itself in saving shopping time and expanding the
market respectively.
In addition, Vissan also apply cash discount pricing for wholesalers who pays the bills
promptly: deduct 3% for buyers if they pay the bill within 10 days. Using this strategy can
encourage the wholesales pay the bills early as well as the company can quickly receive money
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As a result, Vissan will have more opportunity to achieve its financial objectives.
8.3. Place

8.3.1. Customers need
Customers of Vissan are young people and middle age living in urban. In these age, people
always busy with their work and their personal lives, especially, target customers of Vissan is
single males and woman having family (Section Segmentation). Therefore, they highly
appreciate convenient factors so Vissan decides to deliver their product to convenient stores and
local shops to help the customers save travelling time. Moreover, customers raise awareness
about safety food being good for their help, therefore, they often go to the most familiar
supermarket to buy food and drink (Section 2.4 - Culture). Moreover, nowadays Internet is very
popular in Vietnam. Additionally, it helps customers reduces their shopping time, they just have
to sit in front of the screen and order product which they want to buy. Therefore, Internet is very
convenient for customers to go shopping. Besides delivering products to convenient stores and
local shops, Vissan also distributes their products to supermarkets and on the Internet.
8.3.2. Distribution strategy
Vissan canned/preserved food is convenient products so Vissan will apply intensive distribution
to bring their products closer to target customers. Moreover, applying intensive distribution
system will help the company expand their market and increase the chance to interact with
customers (Kottler et al, 2009) (Apendix 3)
8.3.3. Vertical marketing systems (VMS)

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Vissan chooses Administered VMS for the marketing system. Administered VMS is the
leadership comes from size or power (Kottler et al, 2009). This marketing system has lowest
control between three types of VMS. The reason is that Vissan applies mass distribution in
Vietnamese urban so it is very difficult to control all of them to follow the design or concept
marketing of company. However, when Vissan uses this strategy, retailers and distributors can
sell other products so it can make the diversity in their store. Hence, it is a good way to catch
customers attention since they find more convenient if they can buy many kinds of products in
one place.
Moreover, Vissan also applies Corporates VMS to its official showrooms. According to Kottler
et al (2009), in each different level of distribution, there is a typical leader of company to control
the system. In the showrooms of Vissan, there is a manager to control it and other staffs will sell
product for the customers.
8.4. Promotion
Vissan uses both push and pull strategy because customers of Vissan canned/food preserved
food are consumers and retailer (Section 3.1.2). Push strategy will help Vissan attract of retailers
while pull strategy will capture attention of many consumers. Hence, it will assit Vissan increase
profit and sale.
8.4.1. Advertising Objective
Vissan will apply Reminder Advertising for canned/preserved food to remind customers about
the images of products. Vissan canned/preserved food in in maturity stage in product life cycle.
Hence, according to Kotler et al (2009), reminder advertising is a good method for mature
product to reinforce product/brands image in customers mind. Moreover, reminding customers
about brands image is a good way to keep their loyalty and gain more customers so it will help
Vissan increase market share and maximize profit to achieve its objectives.
8.4.2. Advertising Budget
In term of advertising budget, Vissan will implement objective and task. Kotler et al (2009)
state that when a firm uses objective and task advertising budget, it has to set up the objectives
and task which the company need to do first then approximating the cost.
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It is the most effective way for Vissan to set up the budget because it can do step by step so it is
very easy to check the efficiency of each task. As a result, if it does not run well, Vissan can
come back and do it in more effective way.
8.4.3. Advertising Media
Media Types Media Vehicle Description Reasons
(31% of
use Internet
in 2010) (
Music website
Zing Mp3
Advertisement of Vissan
canned/preserved food
will be out in Right
-78% Vietnamese listening to
music on the Internet.(Cimigo
Vietnam, 2011)
- Reach: 21% customers from 25
to 35 years old (Cimigo, 2011)
-Frequency: 77.6% of Internet
users accessing to it frequently
(Zing, 2012)
News Website
Advertisement will be
put into the Top banner
to capture attention of
-Reach: 26% customers from 25
to 35 years old access to it
(Cimigo, 2011)
-Frequency: 800,000 read Vn
Express frequently (Ohmy News,

TV commercial
advertising of Vissan
canned/preserved food
will performed at 6:52
which before the daily
-Reach: 41.2% the number of
people watching TV (Viet Film,
-Before and after the Daily New
is the Golden hour to advertise
Tiep Thi va Gia
Poster of Vissan will be
put in pages with 4
color in Tiep Thi va Gia
- Reach: 95% urban population
read Tiep Thi va Gia Dinh
Magazine (Marketing Vietnam,
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Dinh Magazine 2012).
Frequency: Publish regularly
120,000 issues/week (Marketing
Vietnam, 2012)

8.4.4. Public Relation
Tools How to apply Reasons to apply
Material Written
PR employees of Vissan will
write an article when Vissan
canned/preserved food
launches a new product or
holding some special event.
Then, they put it in Vissan
website and other online
newspaper will be interested
in it and they will write more
about it.
-Vissan will save a lot of

-If other newspaper write
about the company, it will be
more credible than advertising
(Kotler et al, 2009).
Special events
Vissan will be sponsor for the
charity program which is hold
by charity organization such
as operation smile
-Create strong connection with
Public service activities
Vissan will participate in
earth hour program every
year. Vissan employees will
wear Vissan hat and earth
hour T -shirt and ride a bike
around the street
-It is a good way to capture
attention of customers
-Create a good image of
Vissan in customers mind
which is protecting
environment with their
8.4.5. Sale Promotion
Tools How to apply Reasons to apply
Coupon In the label of each Vissan canned/ -It is a good way to keep
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preserved food will be put image of a
small 3d card showing the logo of
If the customers collect 5 3d card,
they can exchange for a free can of
Vissan food
customers loyalty and enhance
long-term customers relationship
because they will continue
consuming Vissan canned food to
have chance to exchange to free
-Encourage customers purchase
Vissan canned food.
In the Lunar New Year, Vissan will
organize a huge sweepstakes for
customers. When customers buy a
Vissan canned food they will
received a code number inside the
After that, they have go to Vissan
website to provide their personal
information and code number to take
part in the sweepstakes
Finally, Vissan will draw 100 lucky
code numbers to reward.
-Have an opportunity to gather
customers information to build
customers database.
-Raise customers buying effort.
-Encourage customers to buy
Vissan canned food.
-Capture attention of customers in
canned/ preserved food market in
Lunar New Year.

8.4.6. Direct Marketing
Vissan will apply Online Marketing to catch attention of customers. Moreover, the company
will combine viral marketing and Internet marketing to support to each other.
Firstly, all employees of Vissan will wear Vissan uniform and dance flowing to Gangnam style
in front of the show room in the afternoon to capture attention of customers. Therefore, they will
take a photo or record it. Then they will published it on their Facebook page to share with their
After using camera to record this movement, Vissan will be posted it on YouTube. Moreover,
Vissan has customers database from promotion strategy, it will send this video via e-mail for
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customers. If the customers interested in it, they will forward this video to their friend or post it
in their Facebook page.
When Vissan uses this strategy it will help:
Saving a lot of money.
Capture attention of customers easily.
Raise awareness of customers about Vissan quickly
Moreover, it is very easy to measure the result of this strategy which is controlling the
number of views of this video.
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IX. Action Plan
4P Task Departments May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Cost (est in
Logo imprinted R&D
New ingredients Marketing
Providing hot-line service IT
Maintaining current brand
Product line-pricing Manufacture

Creating product pack of
different kinds or the same
kind of product for the
Product Bundle Pricing
R & D
Discount when order online IT
Discount for wholesalers Finance


Creating, maintaining and
keeping the website up to
date with the latest and
current price


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Construct a team for delivery
with the sufficient means of
Advertising on Zing Mp3 Marketing

Advertising on Vn Express 5,700,000,000
Advertising on VTV3 4,200,000,000
Advertising on Tiep Thi va
Gia Dinh magazine
Sponsors for Events of
Operation Smile
Material Written IT
Public Service Activities Top
Coupon Finance
Sweepstakes 930,000,000
Viral Marketing and sending
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X. Control
Goals Measured Performance Evaluate
Corrective Action
Increase from 2,334
billion VND to 3,000
billion VND between May
2013 and April 2014.

89% success -Provide for customers a
wider range of choices by
launching new flavors,
new ingredients together
with new cover.
-Discount for customer
buy in bulk.
-Increasing promotion to
attract and inform
customer about new
Increase from 55 billion
VND to 70 billion VND
between May 2013 and
April 2014
Market Share
-Market share value
increases from 29.62% to
32% between May 2013
and April 2014
92% success -Expand distribution
intensively by delivering
the products to
supermarkets and local
convenience stores,
taking online order to
receive discount.
-Increasing advertising
Healthy brand 83% success -PR, Advertising on food
and cuisine magazine.
-Launching a campaign
to promote the family and
friendly image.

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XI. References
Central Intelligence Agency 2013, The World Factbook: Vietnams Geography, Central
Intelligence Agency, viewed 25 March 2013,
Central Intelligence Agency 2013, The World Factbook: Vietnams Population Pyramid,
Central Intelligence Agency, viewed 25 March 2013,
Dexter, A 2010, The Shifting Landscape of Consumerism in Vietnam, TNS, nd, viewed
23 March 2013, <
Euromonitor International 2012, Consumer lifestyles in Vietnam, Euromonitor
International, 07 November, viewed 12 March 2013, <
Euromonitor International 2013, Canned/preserved food in Vietnam, Euromonitor
International, 08 March, viewed 23 March 2013, <
Euromonitor International 2013, Packaged Food in Vietnam, Euromonitor International,
14 March, viewed 22 March 2013, <
Euromonitor International 2013, Vissan Co Ltd in Packaged Food (Vietnam),
Euromonitor International, 14 March, 19 March 2013, <
Ha Long Canfoco 2013, Introduction, nd, viewed 23 March 2013, <>
Kotler, P, Amstrong, G, Ang, SH, Leong, SM,Tan, CT & Hon-Ming OY, 2009, Priniples
of Marketing: A Goal Perspective, 12
edn, Pearson, Singapore.
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Matthaes, R 2012, Recession & Growth Opportunity, American Chamber of
Commerce in Vietnam,10 October, viewed 24 March 2013,
Marketing Vietnan 2012, Tap Chi Tiep Thi va Gia Dinh, viewed 22 March2013,
Nielsen 2011, Vietnamese Shoppers are the Most Prolific Promotion-seekers in Asia
Pacific, Nielsen, 5 July, viewed March 2013, <
Nielsen 2012, 2012 Vietnam Pocket Book, Nielsen, 2012, viewed 26 March,
Ohmy News 2005, Vietnam's Free Press Thrives Online, 10 May, viewed 21 March
Tuyen Ky Food Co Ldt 2013, Profile, nd, viewed 24 March 2013, <
US Global Health Policy 2012, Urban Population (Percent of Total Population living in
Urban Areas, Kaiser Family Foundation, viewed 5 April 2013,
Viet Film 2009, The most favourtite channel in Vietnam, nd, viewed 20 March 2013,
%C6%B0-chu%E1%BB%99ng-nh%E1%BA%A5t >
COMPANY, nd, viewed 23 March 2013, <>
Zing 2012, Zing solution, 07 January, viewed 24 March 2013
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XII. Appendixes
1.Vietnamese population

Figure 1: Adapted from Nielsen (2010)
2.Vissan product life cycle

Figure 2: Vissans Product Life Cycle

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3.Vissans distribution strategy

Figure 3: Intensive distribution strategy of Vissan canned/preserved food.

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