Buckling Pipe

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Alex Aynbinder
Cronus Technology Inc.
David Bevil
!orley"#rsons $rou%
& ne' (etho)ology #ssesses the ris* o+ u%he#,#l -uc*ling #n) )eter(ines the re.uire) %ro+ile o+ the trench -otto( #s
# -e) +or -oth su-se# #n) onshore %i%elines.
The (etho) uses #s in%ut )#t# the )esign o%er#ting %#r#(eters o+ the %i%eline /intern#l %ressure #n) te(%er#ture
)i++erenti#l0 #n) soil %ro%erties. 1#ri#-le %#r#(eters #re )e%th o+ co,er2 thic*ness o+ concrete co#ting or concrete
'eight +or o,er-en) %i%eline section2 i+ re.uire)2 #n) #ngle o+ turn #n) (ini(u( el#stic /+ree0 -en) r#)ius2 or the height
o+ #ny hills to -e crosse).
!hen # %i%eline is o%er#te) #t # te(%er#ture higher th#n tie3in #n) high intern#l %ressure2 the high te(%er#ture3high
%ressure /T/"0 %i%eline 'ill try to e4%#n). I+ the line is not +ree to e4%#n)2 #n #4i#l co(%ressi,e +orce )e,elo%s in the
%i%e2 %otenti#lly c#using consi)er#-le ,ertic#l2 l#ter#l2 or co(-ine) (o,e(ent.
!hen the line is -urie) in # trench2 the l#ter#l soil resist#nce usu#lly e4cee)s -oth the ,ertic#l u%li+t resist#nce cre#te)
-y the %i%e5s #ir or su-(erge) 'eight #n) the soil o,er-ur)en2 in 'hich c#se the %i%e 'ill ten) to (o,e u%'#r)2 #n)
un#cce%t#-le l#rge ,ertic#l (o,e(ent /)is%l#ce(ents0 (#y occur %#rtly to rele#se the co(%ressi,e +orce. This
%heno(enon is c#lle) u%he#,#l or glo-#l -uc*ling.
The %ri(#ry +#ctors #++ecting the -uc*ling -eh#,ior o+ -urie) %i%eline inclu)e the co(%ressi,e #4i#l +orce )ue to
te(%er#ture )i++erenti#l #n) intern#l %ressure2 soil resist#nce2 #n) %i%eline geo(etry /%ro+ile0. The st#-ility o+ the
%i%eline in its initi#l %osition turns out to )e%en) on the loc#l %ro+ile o+ the %i%e in cont#ct 'ith its +oun)#tion /-otto( o+
the trench0 #n) on 'hether enough )o'n'#r) +orce is %resent to hol) the %i%e in the %osition.
The (etho)ology %resente) here is -#se) on the -e#(3colu(n theory #n) the rigi)3%l#stic soil (o)el /soil restriction
)oes not )e%en) on (o,e(ent0. It uses the in)ustry3recogni6e) "#l(er5s (etho)
1 2
in th#t the tot#l )o'n'#r) lo#) is
the lo#) re.uire) to (#int#in the %i%eline in the i(%er+ect %osition.
The #n#lysis %resente) in this #rticle )i++ers +ro( the #n#lysis in "#l(er5s %#%er in th#t the initi#l so3c#lle) i(%er+ection
%ro+ile is )escri-e) #s el#stic /+ree02 'ith -en)ing %#r#(eters /r#)ius #n) #ngle o+ turn0 or the si6e o+ short sli% hill
/(#4i(u( i(%er+ection #n) stress criteri#3(ini(u( r#)ius0 est#-lishe) in their )esign. "i%eline )esign ty%ic#lly
)eter(ines the #llo'#-le (ini(u( -en)ing r#)ius -#se) on co(-ine) stresses )ue to (#4i(u( o%er#ting con)itions.
The u%he#,#l -uc*ling #n#lysis (#y re.uire incre#sing the ,#lue o+ (ini(u( -en)ing r#)ius.
This #rticle see*s to )e,elo% # (etho)ology o+ ris* #ssess(ent o+ the u%he#,#l -uc*ling +or -urie) su-se# %i%elines.
The #ssess(ent %rocee)s in +our ste%s:
7 C#lcul#tion o+ e++ecti,e #4i#l +orce )ue to te(%er#ture #n) %ressure )i++erenti#ls.
7 8eter(in#tion o+ the )o'n'#r) +orce re.uire) to l#y the %i%eline in )esign %osition #t inst#ll#tion con)itions.
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o(e - 9ore $ener#l Interest - S"ECI&L RE"<RT: =e' (etho) #ssesses the ris* o+ u%he#,#l -uc*ling +or su-(erge) %i%elines
S.E+IAL RE./RT0 Ne' )e!od
a&&e&&e& !e ri&k o1 u%!eaval buckling
1or &ub)erged %i%eline&
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Determination of required downward load at operating conditions to stabilize fixed profile.
Risk assessment of designed upheaval buckling pipeline parameters.
E11ecive axial 1orce
The internal pressures and force caused by the temperature differential in the pipe wall true force! determine the
effective axial force. The effective compressive axial force over the entire cross"section of the pipe consists of the sum
of two components# the axial force in the cross"section of pipe$ internal pressure times the internal area of pipe cross
section$ and the axial force in the wall pipe$ %$ axial stress times the steel cross"sectional area &quation '!. (n a fully
restrained pipeline$ &quation ) calculates the tensile axial force true force! due to internal pressure and the positive
temperature differential the difference between operating and installation temperature!.
Do'n'ard load
&lastic free! bending. Trenching and laying operations modify the profile of the bottom of the trench foundation! on
which the pipe rests. The bottom of the trench should support the pipeline. &lastic bending usually provides changes of
the pipeline profile in the vertical plane. &lastic bending of the pipeline in the vertical plane stems from the transverse
load q$ which is part or full linear weight of pipe$ and the restriction of the trench profile. The solution of the condition of
equilibrium &quation *! and boundary conditions &quation +! therefore determines the pipeline and design bottom of
trench profiles.
,rom the solution of the differential equation &quation *! with consideration boundary conditions &quation +!$
&quation - represents pipeline profile and the distance to connection with straight pipe.
(n design practice$ minimum allowable bending radius$ Rmin$ in addition to the angle of turn$ describes the requirements
for elastic bending.
The condition of &quation . yields#
The relation between required transverse load and minimum elastic bend radius and angle of turn &quation /!.
The relation between distance and minimum elastic bend radius and angle of turn &quation 0!.
1ipeline and bottom trench profiles &quation 2!.
The pipeline profile is a parabola with variable radius from infinite at the connection with straight pipe and a given
minimum radius on the hill. The tangent of this curve is '.- times more than the tangent of a circle curve.
&quation / is the main equation$ describing the relation between minimum elastic bend radius$ angle of turn$ pipe
flexural rigidity$ and required weight for the pipeline profile to be in continuous contact with trench bottom. The
maximum value of load q is the linear weight of the pipe if the pipe is installed in the trench without water or the
submerged weight of pipe during installation. 3tress criteria determine the allowable minimum elastic bending radius
Rmin. (f the required load is more than the maximum weight of pipe$ minimum radius or angle of turn must be
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Profile changing due to short steep-sided hills. Short steep-sided hills as part of the profile introduce a complication in
that the pipeline may form spans on either side. Examples of such local imperfections include the crossing of foreign
pipelines, cables, etc.
Height describes this parameter and is established at design. Analysis of the beam under downward loads determines
the length of each side span. he design profile should also comply with stress criteria. As for the pre!ious case, the
minimum radius along the section will establish these criteria.
"nder an assumption that the beginning of a coordinate axis is on the summit of the cur!e, the un#nown lengths of the
spans are l $ %&', and height is denoted by fo. E(uation )* describes boundary conditions in this case.
Sol!ing the differential e(uation +E(uation ,- with consideration of boundary conditions +E(uation )*- yields the
pipeline profile and the distance to the connection with straight pipe +E(uation ))-.
he cur!ature describes allowable bending stress, and E(uation )' describes the minimum radius.
"sing E(uation )'.
E(uation ), presents the relation between re(uired trans!erse load and minimum elastic bend radius and initial
E(uation )/ presents the relation between distance and minimum elastic bend radius and initial displacement.
E(uation ), is the main e(uation describing the relation between minimum elastic bend radius, initial displacement,
pipe flexural rigidity, and re(uired weight for the trench and pipeline profile +E(uation ))- to be in continuous contact.
Fixed-profile stabilization
0lassic beam-column theory for a pipeline under the axial compressi!e force S and downward load&unit length w+x-
yields an e(uilibrium condition described by E(uation )1.
%oad w+x- represents the downward load re(uired to maintain the pipeline in position !+x- described as initially
imperfect due to the elastic bending or the short, steep hills. E(uation ' determines the !alue of axial compressi!e
force S, with initial profiles described by E(uation 2 or )) for elastic bending and hills, respecti!ely.
Elastic +free- bending. Substituting profile E(uation 2 in the condition of e(uilibrium, E(uation )1, yields the
distribution of the re(uired loads along the section of elastic bend +E(uation )3-.
he largest re(uired load wmax occurs on the summit of the hill, when x $ *. E(uation )4 calculates its !alue. E(uation
)5 determines the critical length that re(uired maximum load. 6rom this condition, E(uation )2 calculates the critical
Substituting the critical length in E(uation )4 causes critical load to be calculated by E(uation '*.
Short, steep hills. Substituting the profile E(uation )) in E(uation )1 allows distribution of the re(uired loads along the
section of pipeline at a steep-sided hill to be found in E(uation ').
he largest re(uired force wmax occurs on the summit of the hill, when x $ *. E(uation '' calculates its !alue.
E(uation ', determines the critical length that re(uired maximum load. 6rom this condition, E(uation '/ calculates the
critical length. Substituting the critical length in E(uation '' causes critical load to be calculated by E(uation '1.
Risk assessment
E(uations 4 and ), therefore calculate re(uired !ertical loads for a pipeline to be laid in the design profile for elastic
+free- bending and in the design profile for short steep-sided hills, respecti!ely. E(uations '* and '1 calculate,
respecti!ely, the re(uired !ertical loads for pipeline stabili7ation due to internal pressure and temperature differential for
a pipeline to be laid in the design profile for elastic +free- bending and in the design profile for short steep-sided hills.
8is# assessment of uphea!al buc#ling may be guided by comparing the re(uired total load presented by E(uation '3
as the sum of the re(uired loads to lay the pipe in the design position +profile- and to stabili7e the pipe during operation
+temperature and internal pressure effect- with the total loads calculated by E(uation '4 as sum of the load by the
weight of pipe +E(uation '5- and uplift soil resistance calculated by E(uation '2.
9:;-8P-6))*-'**4 states the approach should <design a sufficient co!er height to pre!ent uphea!al buc#ling and
#eep the pipe in its original position.< E(uation ,* can calculate the safety factor, or design criteria for uphea!al
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buc.ling failure mode. Establishing the value of the safety factor as criteria at $.$ yields a conservative approach in
determining stabili/ation loads.
Design a!!roach
0he presented example 1see table2 includes the nomenclature used in the e*uations box and describes the process of
upheaval buc.ling ris. assessment.
0he stress criteria and the load re*uired for installation should establish minimum bending radius and angle of turn or
hill deflection. 0he load of the pipe during installation should consider submerged (eight of bare pipe and concrete
coating. 0he uplift soil resistance should consider the possible soil properties during operation.
$. !almer, #.C., Ellinas, C.!., 3ichards, .%., and Gui4t, J., 5esign of 6ubmarine !ipelines #gainst 7pheaval
Buc.ling,5 &ffshore 0echnology Conference, 8ouston, %ay 9:$;, $<<;.
=. >V:3!:"$$;:=;;9, 5Global Buc.ling of 6ubmarine !ipelines,5 et >ors.e Veritas, =;;9.
)he authors
#lexander #ynbinder 1#lexander.#ynbinder?gmail.com2 is a senior technical advisor at
)orley!arsons Group 18ouston2. 8e also served as senior principal pipeline engineer at 0echnip, J.3. %cermott,
"luor aniel, and Gulf @nterstate Engineering. Before immigrating to the 76 in $<<;, #ynbinder (as lead research
scientist in the 3ussian 6tate 3esearch @nstitute for !ipeline Construction 1V>@@602. 8e is a graduate 1$<9;2 of %osco(
Civil Engineering 7niversity and received a !h 1$<992 in civil engineering from the Central 3esearch @nstitute of Civil
6tructures in %osco(. 8is ma4or research interest is the stability and stress analysis of offshore:onshore pipeline:
piping systems. 8e is a member of #6%E.
avid Bevil 1david?bevil.com2 has been a senior principal pipeline engineer at )orley!arsons Group
18ouston2 for the past $= years. 8e also served in a similar role at 'ummusCrest Engineering and Gulf @nterstate
Engineering over the previous =A years. 8e holds a B6 in electrical engineering 1$<9B2 from &.lahoma 6tate
7niversity. @n addition to extensive (or. in the analysis of stress in pipelines, he is also lead pipeline flo( assurance
engineer for )!G and has authored a number of programs for use in specialty pipeline hydraulics, addressing
multiphase, dense phase, and non:>e(tonian flo(.
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