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Design Parameter Requirement:

Head (H): m. 10.00

Flow (Q): cms 1.50

Peak Power Rate: Design Flow, Qo Capacity Factor, %

Qmean 40
P = 7QH 105.00 Kwatts .75Qmean 50
.5Qmean 60
Energy Output: .33Qmean 70

E = PCF*8760 367,920.00 KWh/yr.

Turbine Shaft Power Produced:

P = ηρgQH 88.29 KWatts

Where: P = Mechanical Power produced at the turbine shaft (Watts)

η = Hydraullic Efficiency of the Turbine <100 Kw >100 Kw
60 - 80 80 - 90
60.00 85.00
ρ = Water density 1,000.00 kgs/cu.m.
g = Acceleration due to gravity 9.81 m/sec²
Q = Volume flow rate passing through the turbine, cu.m./sec.
H = Effective pressure head of water across the turbine, m.

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