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Vol. XVII No.

4 The University's Most Libelous Feature Paper ctober 16, 1995

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By Anne Ruggiero
V'o u Wa nna Cftan

the Clean Air Compliance Act along with many

ev UM

tors of political change. They have the least to

others to improve public welfare. Currently, lose and the most to gain. The problem of today's
Have you ever felt cheated by the system? Ever NYPIRG is working on several projects such as lack of political mobility lies with us-with our
hear about an injustice that you would like to see voter registration for the homeless, increased stu- generation. (Yeah, you. Put down the Sega and
crhancrepd? Fver want to chanrc {-hp wwrld? VYeah lpn't vftp~r rpcristra-tiron f-th.- MORT rirririf nal iqt-fnfinr)n jthatW Pe havoe nrot- bern
The fact is
well, join the club. Reality bites, so you might as involved as we should be. But it's not too
as well crawl back into your dark little hole, late to change that, as Martin Brennan, the
content with your video games and MTV. Go NYPIRG campaign director and the organiz-
on and grumble about how the American insti- er of the original Earth Day said. It's not too
tution is being FedExed to hell, but, hey, there's late to change the way the world works, but
nothing that you can do about it anyway, so just it depends on what we do now. According to
kick back with a beer and channel surf. Yep, the Brennan, the winners are the ones who are
world sucks, so get used to it. Besides, why organized, the ones who are mobilized. In the
would a young, Long Island suburbanite living real world, morality counts for nothing;
in his materialistic world of cars, fast food, and power and mobility are everything. Three
computer games give two shits about the polit- rules of action apply to campaigning:
ical world that is crumbling around him? 1) Educate. Never take anything at face
C'mon folks. Get real. The sixties are dead. value. Investigate for yourself.
Revolution is over. 2) Organize. Educate others, use your
Unfortunately, there will be a pathetic few power.
who agree with what I just wrote. If you're 3) Do it. Put your all into your cause. These
one of them, then pay attention--I'll try to are the principles of reform. It doesn't mat-
use small words. Close the paper, make sure ter what you say you believe in, or what you
that your make-up is perfect and that your think you believe in, or what you want to
one hundred-and-fifty dollar sneakers are believe in. Your actions are paramount.
looking all spiffy, and go back to the mall, That's all, and nothing else.
you clueless little idiots! For everybody else Do you want to pay 750 dollars more a year
who still believes that we live in a democracy, in tuition? Do you want to send the message to
stick around-we're not dead yet! Believe it Albany that we are only simple, stupid kids
or not, SUNY and CUNY were rated the most who can easily have the proverbial wool
politically active universities in the country pulled over our eyes? Do you believe in paying
by Mother Jones magazine, and you can still more money for less qualified instructors and
get involved! fewer classes? Do you think that Pataki would
For starters, trot yourself down to Room 079 in be screwing us if we were united and active?
the basement of the Student Union, the Stony Put your beliefs to work! Get moving! Check
Brook headquarters of NYPIRG, New York out NYPIRG, see what they're up to. If you
Public Interest Research Group. NYPIRG, as the don't like what they're doing, then at least
state's largest government, consumer, and envi- (MOvement to Reinvest in Education), attend the rallies and debates on campus. Become
ronmental reform organization, has a long and and the Straphangers Campaign to fight for better, involved. Our freedom to speak out should be a
productive history of political activity. A non-par- safer mass transit. treasured thing. Use it. Go on, put down the comic
tisan, not-for-profit group, they have 19 college At the NYPIRG general interest meeting which book or the Game Boy, or the trashy novel. Stop
chapters and have influences public policy since was held on October 5, student representatives simply hanging around. You're an intelligent per-
1973. Their legislative victories include the spoke out about their respective causes. son. Get involved. Get a life. Get a cause.
Freedom of Information law, the Lemon law, and Historically, young people have been the media-

By John Giuffo ket-tested manner. Most Borders bo okstores look photo-copied mass-produced commodities, and
very much the same, although they do differ in the corporate desire to eradicate all competition.
"Sometimes you wanna go where everybody many ways, such as live acts and stock choice. And that is precisely what they have been doing.
knows your name." They are the product of a society in love with Smaller bookstores all over the country are feel-
-The tl1eme song from Cheers ing the effect of a large nationwide chain catering
to the clientele that was once exclusively that of the
Most of us have a special place we like to go to, more personal, user-friendly stores. Borders has
where we feel comfortable, at home, with friends. discovered that there is a large segment of the
For some it's a bar, for others, a club. For still oth- book-buying public that shops at these smaller
ers, it's Borders. stores, for a number of reasons ranging from selec-
Borders is a nationwide chain of stores that sells tion to atmosphere. Borders has incorporated these
books and music in a relaxed, coffee-shop type set- elements into its business, recognizing that chains
ting. It is not unusual to go into a Borders book- such as Waldenbooks ignores a large portion of the
store and find all manner of patrons relaxing and population with their saccharinated, tastefully lim-
reading in every conceivable corner of the store. ited selection. Borders carries it all.
They provide an array of comfy chairs and stools The Stony Brook Borders Community Relations
for just that purpose. The sales associates are Coordinator, Laurel Garbarini, said "About the
knowledgeable, visible, and helpful. The decor is only books we wouldn't carry are those of say, an
tasteful, and the shelves are well stocked. They explicitly racist nature. Aside from that, we have
have a selection of over 150,000 book titles in no restrictions on what we carry." Borders learns
stock, many of which are obscure and/or hard to marketing from its corporate cousins, creating an
find. They cater to a wide variety of tastes, and if environment where someone could hold a position
they don't have what you are looking for, they will entitled "Community Relations Coordinator" for a
gladly order it for you. Sounds great, doesn't it? single bookstore. The position enables the manage-
Well, not exactly. You see, Borders is a nation- ment to be more in touch with the needs and
wide chain, and like the other nationwide chains, desires of the community it caters to, in order to
Waldenbooks and Barnes and Noble's, things at 1more effectively provide for that community, in
their stores operate at a very organized and mar- order to boost profits. None of next page ---->

The Stony Brook Press page 2

Freedom of Press?
By Raoul Duke We were shocked, then, to read that Thursday's nished. They had a point, and we admitted it... and
edition of The Statesman. In an editorial entitled apologized again. Couldn't they see, though, that a
"Journalists do not live by words alone, although "Stony Brook Press Errs On the Side of Stupidity," lawsuit would harm their reputation far worse
sometimes they have to eat them." the Statesman editors screamed foul and shouted than our measly article ever could? Should it ever
-Matthew Arnold threats of war. Our article, they said, was offensive go that far, we'd be sure to make a huge issue out
and libelous... and they were going to sue. "Look of it... and people would listen. A story as strange
In the last issue of The Press, we printed a story out, Press people," they said, "We're coming." as two student newspapers not only at the same
entitled "The Statesman Thieves Guild," in which This editorial hit us like a ton of bricks. We had school but with offices in the same hallway suing
we questioned the legality and morality of the frankly forgotten about the article... and we had each other would surely be picked up by the
Statesman's in-house fax service, certainly not intended to wound the Statesman national press. We pointed that out, and also
As it turns out, The Statesman isn't doing anything editors so deeply. More shocking than the com- informed the editors that we'd already contacted
wrong by running this service. The fax service is plaint, though, was the implied course of action. the Student Media Law Center, The ACLU, The
administered by a paid employee. She is not an edi- The Statesman was going to sue ? Freedom Forum... and that if necessary we would
tor and not a student, and she's paid by the school From a journalistic standpoint, a lawsuit between make even more noise.
to take care of these things. All the money from the two papers is a tremendously serious matter. To their credit, the editorial board of the Statesman
fax service is carefully counted and recorded. In When one paper sues another, it hurts both the are masters of the poker face. We couldn't tell if our
addition, Polity has no rules against this service. The papers involved, and in turn damages the entire arguments were making any difference or not... and
Statesman didn't do anything wrong; they're not industry. A contact of ours at the Student Media we left that meeting dejected and tired.
thieves, not embezzlers, and your fax money is Law Center called the suit "a mockery." What did As it turns out, threats of a lawsuit may have
being handled by a trustworthy employee, they think a suit would solve, anyway? What dam- been premature. The editors were angry when
Of course, our article was only partly motivated by ages were they going to seek? Money? We've got they wrote that editorial, and now that they've
desire to know if this business was strictly on the level, none. Did they want to shut us down? Should that had time to think it out they seem to be mellow-
For the most part our motivation was less journalisti- be their goal, it would be an uphill battle... we have ing. Chances are they'll drop the issue and accept
cally sound; we wanted to stick it to the Statesman. lots of allies in the media community, none of our apology. The Press will be more careful in the
The Press and the Statesman have a long and sordid whom take censorship lightly. Libel or not, a little future to clearly define what's satire and what's
history. The Press started as a paper when a few thing called the first amendment would have stood not, and we won't unnecessarily malign the repu-
Statesman editors decided their paper sucked and in their way. Did they want an apology? tation of our sister paper. Hopefully, the
broke off to do their own thing. In the sixteen years Apparently not; "We don't want a retraction or an Statesman will in turn be more careful not to be so
since "the great schism," the Press has endeavored to apology," the editorial said. threatening in their editorials.
skewer The Statesman whenever possible. With the So the next Wednesday we met with the editors So we apologize to the Statesman, and we want
advent of Rich Cole as editor and the ensuing scandal, of The Statesman to try and clear things up. everyone to understand that they didn't do any-
this pastime became more and more of an obsession. Despite their assertions in the editorial, we began thing wrong. Remember, dear reader, the Press is a
So when we published "The Statesman Thieves the meeting with an apology; we were sorry if they feature paper... we're not to be taken seriously.
Guild," it was intended as just another slam at the took our story the wrong way and got, offended. It In closing, we want to issue a warning to all once
Statesman. We meant it as a satirical piece, not an wasn't intended to impugn anyone's reputation or and future critics. Don't mistake honesty and a
actual news story; frankly, we really didn't give a rat's damage any egos. It was, as far as we had been willingness to apologize for weakness. We've still
ass about whether or not they were actually breaking concerned, another small shot in a long campaign got twenty pages to fill every two weeks, and we're
the rules. Sure, the article ended with a threat to inves- of harmlessly teasing them. more than happy to skewer those who offend us.
tigate, but come the Thursday after we went to print - But the Statesman thought otherwise. They were As the wise poet "Anonymous" once said:
four days after the article was written- we hadn't even concerned that people would take our article seri- "Never argue with people who buy ink by the barrel."
given the 'investigation' a second thought. ously, and that their reputation would be tar-

community, in order to boost profits. None of this our little secret, our little place, where only a select attempt to be personal. But it's better than nothing,
is inherently bad, however. Profit is, after all, the few other people can appreciate us, where we feel and they have agreed to carry The Press, so they
basic goal of almost all businesses, and you can't special. 95 stores full of contentment. can't be all bad.
fault Borders for meeting its goals in an exemplary To be fair, Borders is a much better bookstore
fashion. than Waldenbooks, although, Barnes and Noble
It's all very plastic,
though. The clean, well-lit
cafe, the matching chair
upholsteries, the Friday
night Jazz bands. It's all a
little too well-planned. It
seems as if they are trying
too hard. They want to be
everything to everybody,
and as we all know, when
you try to pick up too
much at one time, you risk
dropping the entire load.
There are 95 Borders locat-
ed all over the country,
each trying, at the same
time, to be the little neigh-
borhood cafe/bookstore
where people can meet,
talk, laugh and live. 95
locations with dozens of
little niches for customers I
customers in their niche. I
coffee flavors fill the air, ir
read, to forget our troubl
thankful that such a place e
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October 16, 1995 page 3

Editorial . 1

"What A Bunch Of Pricks"

that they would've been blacklisted from the
"I had to tell him that I was that Scumbag" field. Too bad they didn't sue. Now they will
- The Statesman Advertising Manager, have to settle with being denied jobs
explaining to the Press staff, what she said because of their lack of talent.
to a friend of her son who read the article The Press editorial staff had a meeting
in question and referred to The Statesman .with The Statesman's editorial staff to try
staff as a bunch of scumbags. and dissuade The Statesman from pursu-
ing a lawsuit. What a Fellini-esque little
Last issue, we ran a short 1/8 page piece pow-wow this was. As if it weren't diffi-
entitled "The Statesman Thieves Guild?". It cult enough to keep a straight face with
made light of an ad that appeared in The Dave Shashoua hunt-and-pecking his
Statesman's classified section that offered a article into a Mac behind us, we had to
fax service for 50 cents a page. We raised listen to such gems as the above quote
questions of embezzlement, of fraud, of between a panoply of faces from them
cheesy cartoonists getting their rocks off ranging from the "I smell fish" expres-
with whores bought with misdirected stu- sions from the ad lady to the "What satire
dent funds. Wouldn't you know it, The mean?" looks of bewilderment from that
Statesman editorial staff got pissed off. Cubie guy. It's amazing that it took so
They threatened us with lawsuits. To quote long to explain so little.-
their editorial from Thursday, October 5, We only bothered setting up the meeting
"We don't want a retractionor an apology At to avoid being dragged into court unneces-
this point, it doesn't matter. We don't care if sarily. We left feeling exasperated,
your organizationfalls off the face of planet annoyed, and needing a beer. Statesman
Earth tomorrow Look out, Press people. Associate Editor, John Lowther told us that
We're coming." they would probably forget about the law-
Ooooooooooh! suit, indicating at least a spark of intelli-
We contacted Mike Hiestand at the gence on their part. Perhaps relations
Student Media Law Center, e-mailed him the between our two papers have worsened as a
article in question and asked if we were at result of this incident, but so what: we have
all liable. He said that within the context of our own scanner now, and we have enough
our paper, a feature newspaper in which friends, so we don't need them.
satire plays a large part, it probably wasn't. I think a quote from one of our editors sums
The way we see it, if The Statesman had up our feelings most accurately; "What a
sued us, they would've lost, wasted loads of bunch of pricks." So Nanny-Nanny Poo-Poo!
money and time, and ensured that none of
their staff would ever get a job in the field of (Note: Editorials are opinions. If you don't like
journalism. The act of one paper suing it, tough. Go ahead and sue us.. we'll plead
another paper is so taboo, so unheard of, insanity, and we aren't afraid to prove it.)
Letters E@6~g·~46iPF~BWL~3E1~3S'~i~~
To the Editor: bended knees because I was horribly Holocaust Museum? Megatons more
wrong about several things: apropos.
I am a senior at Stony Brook and just
First, my humblest of apologies to Yours most obsequiously,
wanted to let all of you working on
both John Giuffo and Doug Vescuso. I Efraim Csuwoj
The Press what an excellent job I
seem to have gotten them confused.
think you are all doing. There is a lot
Them Eyetalian names sure are hard To The Editor:
I don't like about Stony Brook, in fact
to keep straight. I'm grateful to you SUNY TO BE RESTRUCTURED,
I hate almost everything about the
for not exposing my egregious faux DOWNSIZED, PRIVATIZED AND
school, but I truly look forward to the
pas to the reading public. REORGANIZED?
release of your paper every other
Secondly, I wrote in my last letter- Last Spring after the Governor
week. On top of the paper being
bomb that the former Yugoslavia introduced a budget cut of 31% for
incredibly funny, I can honestly say I
lacks oil. I've since learned differently, SUNY, a coalition of students, faculty
learn more about politics and the
as the enclosed Nation article attests. and staff mobilized to define the
school from your paper than I do Third, an update on nos amis, the terms of the debate on funding for
from reading Newsday. This fact
French nuclear enthusiasts: it higher education. As a result of our
either demonstrates how well written
appears that Slick Willie, while combined efforts, we succeeded in
your paper is or how big an idiot I YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO BE ON
sounding the positive note of calling capturing the support of a majority of
am. A few of my favorite articles that CAMPUS ON ELECTION AND PRI-
for a ban on further nuke tests, has New Yorkers.
I still have are Louis M. Moran's MARY DAYS.
once again demonstrated his duplici- Our work begins again! The private
"Generation X...", Lowell Yaeger's 2- IF YOU ARE NOT CURRENTLY
ty by allowing the French govern- interests that would do away with a
"Homunculus Dementia", and the REGISTERED TO VOTE, YOU MUST
ment to fly their plutonium-laden public
beer tasting article from last year. The FILE A VOTER REGISTRATION
garbage over US airspace on the way university are well represented and
fact that I have saved some issues FORM BY OCTOBER 13 (BY MAIL)
to the continued radiating of well funded. We will not match them
either demonstrates the impact these OR OCTOBER 28 (IN PERSON AT
Paradise (our glorious leaders began dollar for dollar but we can match
articles have or it reveals my lack of a THE BOARD OF ELECTIONS) IF
it with the Bikini tests in 1946.) them in numbers, willpower and,
real life. Sorry if I'm taking up your YOU WANT TO VOTE IN THIS
Along the same lines, Chris public support.
time with my rambling, I just wanted NOVEMBER'S ELECTIONS.
Sorochin's "Letter to the German Our FIRST and BEST weapon is the
to let you all know what a great job I 3- IF YOU CAN'T OR WON'T
Chancellor" was just what Dr. ballot box. At present, a campus voter
think you are all doing. Keep it up, CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS, MAKE
Strangelove ordered. I'm mailing registration drive is under way. DID
you guys rule!!! SURE THAT YOU APPLY FOR AN
copies to the American Legion and all YOU KNOW THAT:
the requisite Congressional weenies. 1- RESIDENT STUDENTS CAN
Here's an idea, not originally mine, AND SHOULD FILE A NEW VOTER
I'm grieved to say: why not stage the REGISTRATION FORM LISTING IN THE COMING WEEKS YOU
To the Editor:
first, precensorship exhibit at the YOUR CAMPUS ADDRESS SINCE WILL BE CALLED ON TO DO
Oh, the shame of it all! I grovel on

The Stony Brook Press page 4.

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Do you have any prescription pain-killers?

We need them... not that we approve of illicit drug use
and deliberate misuse of prescription drugs. Thai
would be wrong. Of course, if you just happened tc
have, say, some codeine, and some of it just happened
to fall into the mouths of our editors, that might be nice

So join the Press. We all have colds and bronchitis and

god knows what else. We caught it from Heather, the
"Typhoid Mary" of the Student Media Wing. In addi-
tion, Ted, our editor, pulled his back out getting out of
bed yesterday and the big wuss won't stop whining
about it. "Awwwwwgggggg!" he keeps screaming,
whenever he moves or stands up or even just uses the
damn keyboard. Frankly, we wish he'd just shut the
hell up about it.

Our meetings are held Wednesdays at 1:00 in room 060

of the student union. That's in the basement, way in
the back of the media hall. It's pretty damn far from
everything else on campus, and you should hear Ted
whine about how far he has to walk to his car.

We also need copy editors because our last one is get-

ting married. The rest of us are sitting down here typ-
ing the damn paper up until four in the morning,
sneezing and coughing and just generally hurling
phlegm all over the place.



Letters Continued WE'RE NUMBER ONE!

MORE THAN CAST A BALLOT. THE VERY FUTURE OF By Efraim Csuwoj "The best defense is a good offense".
STONY BROOK AND PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION IS AT 1. Register to vote, if you haven't already.
STAKE. DON'T BELIEVE FOR A MINUTE THAT YOUR VOTE All SUNY and CUNY students, faculty NYPIRG usually runs a registration drive
IS NOT IMPORTANT. and employees should give themselves a before Election Day, Nov. 7, and they can
VOTER REGISTRATION FORMS HAVE BEEN DISTRIB- brief round of applause. The progressive answer any questions you might have. Or
UTED TO RESIDENT STUDENTS. VOTER REGISTRATION magazine Mother Jones has just come out you can contact your local League of
FORMS FOR COMMUTER STUDENTS WILL BE DISTRIB- with its "Top Ten Activist Colleges" and Women Voters or Board of Elections.
UTED THROUGH THE CAMPUS BUS SERVICE. VOTER REG- the SUNY/CUNY system tops the list for They're in the phone book.
ISTRATION FORMS FOR FACULTY AND STAFF WILL BE the massive resistance offered last semes- 2. In civilized countries, elections are held
DISTRIBUTED THROUGH THE PAYROLL/PAYCHECK DIS- ter to George Pataki's evil plans to gut on Sunday, when the greatest number of
TRIBUTION. VOTER REGISTRATION FORMS ARE ALSO New York State's public higher education people are free from work, school and
AVAILABLE THROUGH THE UUP CHAPTER OFFICE (OLD system, considered to be one of the best other obligations. In our little time warp,
CHEM BLDG RM. 106) in the country. however, those in power want as few peo-
POLITY WILL HAVE TABLES SET UP IN THE STUDENT The short article describes the teargassing ple voting as possible participating.
UNION ON WEDNESDAYS DURING CAMPUS LIFETIME TO of demonstrators in the City and Mayor Witness the opposition to raised by the
HELP WITH VOTER REGISTRATION. Giuliani's clever recommendation that Republicans to the motor-voter bill,
TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! protesting students find a job for the day. I designed to expedite and expand voter
guess Rudy was trying to tell them to get registration by making it part of renewing
John P. Schmidt used to the low-wage temp jobs that would one's driver's license. Therefore, teachers
Chapter Legislative Liaison seem to be the future of the majority of the should excuse students who have to travel
on behalf of the UUP West Campus Executive Board US labor force, even those with educations. home to vote.
Aaron Godfrey, President Those who remember the police riot of a 3. (And most challenging) Start educating
Dale Deutsch, Vice President, Academics few years ago, which Giuliani led, will yourself (what a concept!) on the issues and
Jose Feliciano, Vice President, Professionals recall that he didn't offer such advice to the find out who represents you and what
Charles Wrigley, Treasurer throngs of openly intoxicated off duty they're really doing and let them know
Judy Wishnia, Grievance Chair, Academics police officers who were making their how you feel. Don't rely on the mainstream
Bev Rivera, Grievance Chair, Professionals point against then-Mayor Dinkins ('the media The Village Voice gives away free
washroom attendant") by harassing samples on campuses and libraries stock
passersby who they felt to be of the wrong The Nation, The Progressiveand others.
pigmentation. Hopefully, keeping our record won't be
On the down side, the largest increase in easy-maybe the next trend in intra-colle-
the institution's history was imposed on giate competition will not be about having
students, making higher education less the best sports teams or the most partying
accessible. I'm sure Pataki & Co. aren't campus, but about doing the most about
willing to leave it at that. The appropriate things that really count.
cliches are "Forewarned is forearmed" and

.October 16, 1995 page 5

By Anne Ruggiero long-awaited vindication against the legal system outcome of the trial is that if any extraneous
that had cheated them for centuries. The guilty prejudices influenced the jury, was it Simpson's
The jurors shuffled into the courtroom. The party for them was Det. Mark Fuhrman, an race or his class that decided the verdict? For
defendant stood, tense and anxious, as the mil- unquestionably arrogant and bigoted man, years we have passively allowed not guilty ver-
lions of spectators tried to read his thoughts. A although he was not on trial at this time. It seems dicts in controversial trials of wealthy whites
loaded, eerie silence hushed the nation as the that to blacks whether Simpson killed his ex-wife such as William Kennedy Smith. Is it the fact that
judge beckoned the foreperson forward. The they can afford high-priced lawyers? Would
verdict slammed down upon the people and Simpson have walked without Johnny
mercilessly sliced them in half. Black vs. Cochran? Or did the fact that nine out of the
white, the oppressed vs. the conquerors, the twelve jurors were black help?
imprisoned vs. the free. From that unforget- One definite outcome of this legal mess had
table second, we ceased to be one country, we been the degeneration of our nation's tolerance
are no longer a united people. Most of racial difference. "This is accelerating
Americans will say that we never really America's descent into a state of psychological
were. Whatever the grisly truth of the mur- apartheid" says Rev. Eugene Rivers, a black
ders is, the fact remains that the racial lines leader from Boston. There is no disputing the
that had been obscured have been etched fact that we have lost much of what our parents
anew, deeper than ever. fought for in the Civil Rights movement. Blacks
Probably one of the largest causes of the rift who continue to aggressively attack whites for
between the races is the misunderstanding of events long past have alienated potential allies,
purposes. Whites, for the most part, saw this and some whites have recently questioned the
trial as straightforward case of domestic equality of the races. Whose fault is it? Johnny
,~~r , .1.d--,.'I.. I . 1
abuse, a most loathsome crime. The tact that Cochran? Fuhrman? No matter who it was that
O.J. Simpson was the suspect mattered little-most and her friend is irrelevant and well worth ignor- started pointing fingers, the result has been the
whites looked upon Simpson as a respected sports ing to send a bigger picture to the American pub- complete polarization of our society. Racism and
figure and his color was scarcely noticed. In fact, lic. Many white Americans are peeved about their reverse racism has torn apart the ties that the Civil
blacks themselves had resorted to calling Simpson counterparts celebratory reaction to the trial, and Rights Movement had bonded together. After
"white", or an "Oreo", as he lived a dominantly at the other end, blacks wonder why whites still almost two centuries of racial protest, the Simpson
white lifestyle and had married a white woman. don't understand. trial proved that we have learned nothing.
Yet for most African-Americans, the verdict was a One of the basic questions that surrounds the

Live From Death Row

By Angelique n't commit? Next there's the Baldus study which cages to be robbed of their life.
contained "mounds of powerful statistical data Why don't these men receive media attention?
The wrongful conviction and subsequent death demonstrating gross racial disparity in Georgia's Why aren't their stories talked about? Part of the
sentencing of journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal have death penalty tallies." It's been ignored because if problem is that many of them are uneducated
recently received some much deserved media you believe the numbers then according to Justice and/or deprived of a way to speak out.
attention (see The Press, Vol. XVII, No. 2, pg. 5). Powell it "throws into serious question the princi- Typewriters are not allowed in the prison although
Live From Death Row is a collection of his pies that under- i vs are. It seems that the prison orfficials reel that
essays which have been printed in the Yale lie our entire typewriters are dangerous because you might
Law Journal, The Nation, and other such criminal justice make a weapon out of one...? Of course, you can't
respectable publications. The book is not system." No take the glass from the front of a television and use
about Mumia Abu-Jamal's story, it's by shit, Asshole! it to slice someone's throat, oh no those typewrit-
Mumia and in it he is true to his title 'voice of As I read the ers are dangerous. The real danger that they pose
the voiceless.' His short, intelligent, haunting book I learned is they might give so many other men a voice
essays are broken into sections on life in that Mumia against the system. Men in jail are deprived of the
prison, crime and punishment, and musings, Abu-Jamal is right or the means to educate themselves. Is an
memories, and prophecies. As he quotes not just some ignorant convict safer for the community than an
court case after case, you begin to wonder guy on death educated one? I think not. What about the fact that
why others have not come before him, crying row who is prisoners who write letters to their families or file
out against the injustices of our Justice scared of get- complaints that eventually cause investigations
System. (That's right, it's our system which ting fried. He's about brutal guards are further beaten and pun-
means that everyone, you and me included an intelligent ished behind the concrete walls and razor wire?
have some facing up to do.) The plain truth is man, an Mumia asks us these questions and more. What
that they've been trying for years but no activist, who about Manny, the epileptic prisoner who depended
one's listening! Mumia tells us of Supreme has been cen- on his daily medication to hold his seizures at bay?
Court Justices and renowned sociologists sored (his com- Why did he suddenly begin having more seizures?
alike whose scathing criticisms have been mentaries for Why was he thrust into successively deeper comas
overlooked, suppressed, and ignored. National Public with every seizure? Because someone in the prison
Instead of a bitter tirade of finger pointing Radio's All hierarchy was slipping Loxitane, Artane, and
and blame, the author simply puts forward T h i n g s Haldol in with his meds. The combination of these
the facts and the facts are ugly. Considered were drugs "lowers the convulsive threshold," according
. ,. . TIN
.I I•.
.. /• I -" l - ,%
Two striking examples from the book are c a n c e Ie d to the Physician's Lesk eference. Someone knew
Fred Zain and Justice Powell. Medical examiner because they couldn't "give a monster a soapbox") what they were doing, but there is no justice for
Fred Zain liked putting innocent men in jail. It not because he is voicing some self-centered cry for Manny. "That the culprits, those who prescribed
seems that when the West Virginia Supreme Court help, but because his words are a call for action this toxic chemical cocktail, still lay hidden is an
examined Zain's testing, they found he "wrote that cannot be ignored. indictment against a racist system of corruption,
reports on tests that were never done, reported The power of his own horrendous experiences masquerading as corrections."
positive matches where negatives would have becomes overshadowed by the thousands of Read this book. I don't care about your race, your
cleared suspects, and listed as "conclusive" test nameless faces in American prisons today who economic situation, your political beliefs. Read it.
results that were inconclusive." Zain's career as the have been raped by a system of "corrections" that Live From Death Row is put out by the Addison-
"expert witness from Hell" affected thousands of robs innocent men of their families, their dignity, Wesley Publishing Company and the price is $20.
cases. How many served time for crimes they did- their health, and their sanity, while they wait in

The Stony Brook Press page 6

By Louis M Moran ing like 50k yr., or Only 5k on motor, or SWCFN/S over for dinner and not turning it into an all-niter.
seeks DWCMN/S. The whole front of the paper Singing in the car with someone else and admitting
Until all the pieces fall togethei and you can see could be blank as long as The Daily Numbers are in you don't sing well. Telling the truth even though
them clearly as separate events that only seem like bold print. the lie is much better. Keeping it down because the
a cataclysmic moment you aren't a 'grown up'. It's As for jobs, professions, careers, none of us are ever neighborhood has kids that have to get up for
when you realize that growing up is a bureaucratic really happy with what we are; do we ever lose the school. Admitting you were wrong. Looking at kids
process very much like getting your license, regis- urge to be a baseball player or super-model? Let's and thinking, I want one, or another one. Feeding
tration, and inspection done, all at once, that you face it, grown ups don't have those jobs anyway, the cats, cleaning the litter box and changing the
get to be grown up. It never was the light switch kids do. People still believe that a single event pro- water bowl all in the same day because it has to be
you thought it was when you were a kid and want- pels them into adulthood, the technical term for done. Calling your grandmother, for the hell of it.
ed to be a grown up. being grown up. You'll hear stock phrases like this Listening to a teenager tell you how it is and not
The concept of being a grown up at the age of at parties, "I knew I was grown up when I yelled at telling them they wouldn't really understand until
social awareness, whatever age that came to you the kids in my block to stay off my lawn, just like they were older. Not just saying something your
when you are more aware of your surroundings my father." Or, "I was cooking a meatloaf last week father said, but knowing why he said it, and what
than you aren't, is not dissimilar to wanting some- when I took a pinch, just a pinch of Basil and sprin- he meant. None of those are what make you a
thing you can't attain under normal circum- kled it mostly on one side of the nor- grown up. They all are. Piece by piece, step by step, a Porsche; or if you're that age and you mally I wouldn't have cared, but I took the loaf out inch by inch and cliche after cliche, because being a
have a Porsche, a true friend. At about nine or ten of the pan broke it all up and put it back together in grown up is all of the things you thought it would
the urge to be grown up begins to kick and squirm the pan, just like my mother would've." be an more. Being all grown up isn't about getting
inside you like a fetus in the womb. You feel some- I am loathe to inform you that this does not make into a bar, or X-rated movie. It isn't about burden
thing. You have odd urges and insatiable needs. you a grown up...pleased, however, to inform you and responsibility, chaos and rigidity. Being all
You want to go to the mall-alone. You want to stay that you are well on your way to becoming a grown grown up is so infinitely complex and personal we
out late. You want to hang out with girls, or boys. up. Recognition, like most Step Programs is the all hit it at a slightly different time, and we hit it
You want. Suddenly the need for things is consum- first, well, step. It doesn't just happen to you. when we're not thinking about it. When being
ing and you can't get them because you're not old Puberty doesn't just happen; and why should grown up is an ache that makes you aware of your-
enough. So naturally to overcome this obstacle you growing up? In a worse case scenario it could take self, like a sore keep running on it, but
want to be a grown up. your whole life to grow up and the final stage com- you are aware suddenly that you have a calf.
Of course, we, as grown ups, know that as soon as ing only seconds before you exhale your last When you know you're grown up and can look
you realize just what being a grown up means, you breath. Think of it, you lying there, everyone look- back on your life seeing all the times you thought to
want to be a kid, again, a state you will never real- ing as you look up and say, "Oh, I get it...uh!" yourself, this is it-I'm here, and see how far away
ly achieve. Save for the fact that you may again Most of us will not be so unfortunate. Most of us you were do you appreciate the trip. You under-
wear diapers in your latter years, whilst drooling will realize before the climax of our lives and cer- stand all the crazy things grown ups told you you'd
and babbling incoherently to anyone in earshot. At tainly before the denouement, what it means to be understand when you were a grown up. It's like
that time becoming grown up is the most important grown up. It is not after the time when you gave getting into an elite club and after the initiation is
thing you'll ever do and you try with great earnest your last piece of candy to a younger kid. It isn't over they show you a slide show and then tell you
to be all grown up. Some kids smoke, looking like when you realize that your body hair is really going the meaning of life. Except when the initiation is
kids with cigarettes. Some kids dress differently, to keep coming back even after you shave it. Not over you know the meaning of life. You are aware
fathers of daughters know this to be an extremely your first kiss, or your first time will give you the that you're in. You know things other people don't
trying time. Still others take on perceived grown up stamp of entry to Grown Upville. and like a good toy you don't really want to share
activities; watching the news, reading the paper Paying your bills on time instead of figuring out it. But you're agrown up now, and you will. Those
and getting a job. Of course we grown ups know which check you'll bounce so you can party until that are in the club will nod and smile knowingly
that we only read the sections of the paper that dawn. Laughing at a joke you don't think is funny and those that aren't won't get it until they're ready.
have interest to us and those mostly have line so you won't hurt their feelings. Meaning it when
drawings and very small print with arcane word- you say, I want to be friends. Inviting everyone

October 16, 1995 page 7


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The Stony Brook Press page 8

-199 FAO4os- I1B

A Train Ride Marked By A Cryin Baby
By Eli the Bearded her bosom with its hands, the kid managed to keep her chest jiggling
by kicking. I was rubbing myself through my jeans. My erection was
I remember the train ride well. The station at Westhampton was still very much un-ignorable.
closed due to the fire and I had to get on at Speonk. This did have the Then she did something unnatural. She stretched her mouth open
advantage that the fare was slightly cheaper. I had purchased a cup of cof- wider than the kid's skull. I guessed she must of dislocated her jaw or
fee from a heavy guy in the little shop by the station. Soon enough the loud, something when it fell down. The wrinkled skin of her lips was now
filthy diesel engine was pulling to a stop. I walked over and climbed in. stretched taut. Her face looked as distorted as something in a funny mir-
There were only two cars open and I knew from experience that the ror, but it didn't look old. I opened my fly and pulled out my penis, much
one I was in, six inches or so taller than the other, was the one with air turned on by the kink value of this new development. She lifted the baby
conditioning. The train was very empty but the people who were on it up to her mouth and it seemed to go crazy with fear. She held its arms

UULie liseaitu.
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had lots of luggage. I took a forward facing seat on the side with the
n111lnUiI U ltme
still and began to slip the skull in her mouth. It was a tight fit. I was
) b-"f AnU,
t hix kiv-r hnUw UU.d
noL ev entnl llnllnig
there was an oldish woman with a it must be to do it in such a public place.
young child on the triple seat side. She leaned her head back and lifted the baby
The child was sleeping and the above her so that gravity would help push it
woman was staring out the window. down her throat. The baby began to urinate
This was one of the rare cars with out of fear. The stream sprayed against the
windows free enough from scratches wall the seats in front. She was slowly push-
to actually look through. ing the child down her throat. The loose skin
The conductor came and punched of her neck was filling out with the meal. Once
my ticket. "Transfer at Jamaica." I the whole head was in her mouth she stopped
had hoped to find a newspaper on the and sealed her lip around its throat. I
train, but it was clean. I had nothing squeezed my glans and frenum together with
to do but stare out the window and my thumb and forefinger with each stroke.
sip my coffee. Rounda-bouts The waves of pleasure flowed wonderfully
Patchogue the train whistle had from the pressure. The pissing had stopped
aroused the baby and the woman was and the baby was slowing down. The urine on
trying to pacify it. the walls still dripped.
I first started looking at them about The woman was quite still for several min-
that time. The woman had a very utes and I slowed my masturbation to keep me
wrinkled mouth and loose skin hang- going for the whole thing. It was a long time
ing off her neck. I decided that she after the baby had ceased to move that she
might not be old after all, but just began to start swallowing. She held on to the
have some skin weirdness. Her arms child's feet and slowly lowered them as her
seemed perfectly fine after all and throat strained to engulf the body. I wondered
her eyes had a decidedly youthful at once how she could breathe, but then put the
shine. Maybe the kid was hers. I thought out of my mind. I was enjoying this too
hoped that the kid would have a bet- much to question it.
ter draw of looks than the mother. Her mouth and throat were grossly distort-
Tho kidr hopran ervin Iniloder Pr ftrnm +th hlmirn nnrm inrd hcr rhec'f xrwos
someone slammed the sliding door shut returning from a cigarette Pictureby Anna Chamberlin beginning to swell with the meal and I had
between the cars. The kid had very little hair and seemed to be quite never been so turned on in all my life. My hand was rubbing hard,
young. The baby looked about nine-ten pounds. The woman was hold- squeezing,and pulling, and I didn't care that I had no lube and that I
ing it close to her chest, smoothing the scarce hair, and talking softly was chafing. Her meal was progressing so slowly that I feared I may not
to it. be able to hold my cum till she was done. Already the precum was show-
"Hush my baby, quiet my baby. ing and I was thrashing away. But either my perception of time
All is alright, silence my little one. changed or she began to work faster. I was coming and she was up to
Dry your tears, quell your fears, li' baby. the knees of baby and I had a huge amount of spunk to milk out and
Your mother is here, my small infant son." she was eating faster and faster. I was stroking my semi-hard shaft as
The woman had lovely copper-red hair in a long braid. She put the I watched the lump in her throat that was the infant's feet disappear
baby in her lap so that she would have a free hand to reach into her bag. into her bloated torso.
She pulled out a bottle to feed the child. I turned my eyes to her breasts She reached up to push her jaw back into place. I pulled out a nap-
under the purple tee-shirt. Largish and firm, decidedly not those of an kin that I had gotten with my coffee. I used it to wipe up the thick
old woman. The baby refused the bottle and continued to bawl. She semen as best I could. Then I put the coarse, sticky paper in the empty
checked the diaper, satisfied, she left it on. She put the bottle back and coffee cup. I eased my genitals back into my pants and closed my fly.
lifted the child to her chest again. Swaying gently she began to recite a The lump was settling into the woman's stomach and her face had
lyric I couldn't understand. It might have been Scots or Old English returned to normal proportions with very loose skin when I next
because I thought I could make out parts but mostly it was beyond me. glanced over.
We pulled out of Babylon, the train was now express to Jamaica; She collected her belongings into the baby bag and stood up. She
about an hour away. The conductor made one last pass through the car walked over to me and pulled out a box of Dunhills. She offered me one.
and disappeared into the closed first car. I turned around and noticed I looked at it a moment. I collected my garbage, stood and took the
There was only one other person in the car way off at the other end, offered cigarette. Together we walked silently to the far exit of the car.
apparently sleeping. I smiled to see him so peaceful in spite of the cry- She took a cigarette for herself. Between the cars she offered me a light
ing. My coffee was finished now, it seemed unlikely I could get any and then lit up herself.
sleep. I turned back to look at the woman and child. I stared at her In silence we waited in the noisy cubicle as the train slowed for the
chest. The kid was flailing his arms about as he cried and one of his approach to Jamaica station. She finished her cigarette first and
fists kept hitting her chest and causing the breasts to vibrate tempt- tossed it out on the tracks. There was one last movement in her
ingly. I noticed that I was getting hard but ignored it. stomach that I saw. I stubbed out the cigarette and put the butt in
Then the woman reached up and touched her chin in an odd way. She the coffee cup.
stopped her poetry and hummed instead. Moments later her jaw We pulled into the station. "I'm taking the E train," she told me.
dropped down several inches. She glanced over at me for the first time "I'm transferring to go into Woodside," I told her.
and I pretended to stare out the window. I examined the sight from the The doors opened. We stepped out. She leaned over and gave me a
corner of my eye. Her jaw was very odd looking. It was as if the entire brief kiss on the lips. I hugged her. She turned and walked down the
bone had descended to in front of her Adam's apple. She began to platform to the exit to the subways. I tossed out the coffee cup and
undress the child. The screams seemed louder and now unable to reach crossed the platform to board the waiting train.
Fall Literary Supplement page 2
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~-2~-Ilb - - I _ - -Ilb__~L_ -L~CI
~L__~-~e-C 9-- --·C--
Pain clouded tenderness,
reverberating and careening off
slick walls
breaking the fine china

Cataract confusion,
grey membrane separating
Truth from perception
and all that is left
is our dog pissing on the hydrant

Black insect dreams,

terrorize me and attempt to
latch small spiny metallic prongs
into my brain.
thru my ears
drips thick porridge
of all the breakfasts
i've slept thru.

Dark covers,
inescapable volume
draws me close into its tender
arms, whispering sweet songs to me,
offering assurances that the harsh reality
of daylight existence is finally
behind me.

Jacob Naim


I always regret not saying what I mean,

and I know what you need, it's my honesty.
But sometimes I get nervous and fill the spaces,
with ridiculous thoughts and empty traces.
If there's only some way to make it much easier,
To shine right through and not as a teaser.
I sleep at night by looking back,
of what's been said, a lost chance I had..
Please understand me for what I did,
I think I'm mature, but act as a kid.
I really like you, as a matter of fact,
You're adored and I'm fascinated,
trapped in your cast.
I miss all those days and nights that we shared,
I want to tell you this, but at times, I'm scared...
I always wonder what you might think,
that if I said these things, will you believe...? Self Portrait,1995 hy John Giuffo
Today I shivered from the blistering cold,
but when I'm near you, I burn by your hold... Sand
You held me so close and I wanted to say,
how much I missed you, in everyway... a sickly turn w/ a loose elbow
You'll again be away, and I'll still be here, leads to a series of searing stares
no matter how far, I know you'll be near... over a lost salad & water lunch
Please don't lose touch by what I don't say, apology accepted
those feelings exist, and in me they'll stay... but it'll cost a surf & turf dinner
No matter how long, no matter how short,
You'll always remain, well in my heart. this one time pay back meal turns into a
five senses four course
Pisces02 fine dining experience

a dance by the car

Shmegmativa: A Haiku w/ windows wide & swinging stereo
leads to
You fucking cunt rag. walk on the beach & roll in the sand
Choke on my fucking penis.
You're a waste of flesh. at sometime the sun rises
behind one of us &
-the imp burns our shadows into the sand

for some child to ask his mommy

'what made this shape in the sand?'

-ted swedalla

October 16, 1995 page 3

By Boyd McCamish "My god what's that cart doing out in weather like this?" I exclaimed.
"Rue De La Chance." A short stocky man who I hadn't noticed was stand-
I lie alone, a strand of saliva connects my body to the pillow, allowing me ing next to me. He wore dark boots, and a black coat with strands of pearls
the security of an embryonic state. Content, I cut the strand of mother and down each lapel. His lips were blue.
lift my head to examine a hairline fracture that runs up the wall. 'You follow that cart and you'll find it, Rue De La Chance."
The glass sliding doors are frozen shut. Like Carlo's pizzeria Italian Ice "You better go inside, you'll freeze." I said
freezer in mid August in New York. Except there is no diesel exhaust to "Don't you see? just think for one minute you narrow minded idiot. Rue
coat them, nor any Italian profanities to shoo the children away. It is cold De La Chance it's out there. Please help me find it I'll give you half I
enough not to permit liquid condensation. swear...everything just help me." The short man grabbed my coat and slid
The city appears to be struggling as stratus clouds gargle out of chim- on the ice. He fell in front of me and broke into uncontrollable sobbing he
neys wanting desperately to go home. The wind shakes them like cotton rubbed snow feverishly on his face.
balls into nothing. They persist. "No please I don't want to go inside" he crawled inside the door, panting
In the corner of my room a man speaks in French, Quebec French, QUE- and yelling. "Don't go out there!!!!!"
BECOIS. That CHOP-P, CHOP-P French that only they understand. I tried to run down the street but it was futile. The best way to travel on
"CHOP,CHOP,CHOP, Nabisco!!!" ice is to take long quick steps. By this time the cartman had turned the
The hot water struggles and I can't blame it. It has come a long way just corner onto Rue Sherbrooke, the buildings were all bent over pointing
for this. Thanks. towards the sun like spring flowers. The warmth from the sun could not
Aqua green shower tiles scoured and worn, like the entrance to a Las be felt. The farther I was from the building the colder it got. Around the
Vegas casino unkempt. Just like the grand fountains in those massive casi- corner the cartman was about a block away. The cart was weaving and bel-
nos and I'm terribly underdressed. lowing more steam then it had before. As I increased my speed a woman
In the hall I hear the ripple of laughter descending before me. As the door came running out from a group of doors.
opens the smell of curry comes over me. As if I were standing in front of an "Isn't it cold today?" she said,smiling and exposing all of her pearly white
exhaust fan in a dark wet alley behind a restaurant. Cats yelping and the teeth. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She was a com-
head chef wondering what the next days delicacies would be. In the front bination of all that is good on the earth. If man would try to capsulize his
the sound of hearty laughter and wine glasses clashing together reverber- greatest achievements they would look like her.
ate off the moon. "I love you" she said beaming.
OLD CURRYUSED CURRY,CURRY GONE BAD!!! "I love you" I replied. Would any woman in this frigid cold expose her
In every stitch of cloth in this building. I am made of curry. teeth less she was not totally in love? No.
"There is something strange going..." she cut me off.
The lobby is clean and without the stench. Madame Levesque stands "Shhh,don't say anything." she took my hand.
ready, its the twenty-ninth only a few more days and she will be riding At this moment the short stocky man came steaming around the corner.
that elevator every morning all morning. Tripping and falling but determined.
"A Louer Monsieur?" "You get away from him now woman!!!! She'll ruin you too!!! Let him go!!"
"Non Madame,mais demain matin oui!!! Pardon." Her brutally repulsive The woman was suddenly gone,lost in a snow flurry. I thought I saw her
face was proportional to her persistency, she was good. disappear but that would be impossible. The short stocky man's head was
now totally blue, like a royal blue. He lay on the sidewalk dead. I pulled
At first I thought it was a car. A car piled deep under the wrath of a snow him along the street until I found a drainage entrance. Steam bellowed
plows fury. Instead it was, unmistakingly a hot dog cart. Complete with from it and there was a lot of water about fourteen feet down. With great
silver chrome siding and steaming trays. The cartman pushed with effort I was able to shove his body down the drain. He submerged on con-
remarkable ease. Aluminum utensils rang out like oildrums at a tact as the rate of the water increased. The hot dog cart man was gone. I
Caribbean festival. The cartman stared straight with little concern for couldn't find him, I didn't really look, just tried to stay warm for the rest
oncoming traffic, slowly weaving a predetermined course. of that winter.

Morbid Future (it happened yesterday)

I saw a brilliant silhouette on a baby blue sky,

and in it's way, it drowned any doubts I did
own, and on that day, I swear I saw your aura
just subtlely eclipse the sun away from me.
The shadow you brought sought me to believe
that the silhouette was still there to behold.
But when you left, and the sun shone above again,
the silhouette I saw was kidnapped, you cunt.
Why take it away from me Again?

-Ron von Stellete

Picture by Anna Chamberlin

Fall Literary Supplement page 4

~_--~I-'=-CI-~PeC~T~ ~Llre-~3~s -- ~sC·-r~-~-- -- -- 4~-b~·rra~.·s~ar~Psl~sl~l~~ _ Bt--~b--QI--
- ~C~ ---- · ·- ---- p~sbL1

My muse has no blonde hair,

and it's the scars
that make her beautiful.

I alone command her.

I rule her.
I will have her dressed as I wish.

I like her open sores-

they suit me.
They fester on black-clad breasts
and make my existence aromatic.

I've had other muses,

they've only inspired lethargy.

My new bitch commands me,

and I listen.

NO, I don't fucking want her to die.

I need her.
I need her.
I need her strength
and her clear headed world view,
so that the rose-colored glasses
that've been shoved
down my fucking throat
are rendered powerless by her.

I rape her nightly

and my seed fertilizes a garden of shit.

And like all couples, we fight.

And sometimes I wish I could leave her.
I can't. Picture by Anna Chamberlin
She knows the extent of my dependence on her. Fallen Idol
And she uses it. She uses me.
And I use her. I looked up to you.
You stood on that pedestal
I Love Being Raped By Her. holding your head high
No... Let me change that: as if nothing could touch you.
I Love Having Control Over Who Rapes Me. You held your hands up
So I bend over smiling bronzed in a position of glory.
as the blood drips
down the back of my thigh, I looked to you for guidance.
I can breathe. I looked to you for acceptance.
I can finally breathe. You stepped on me
and walked the other way.
I am getting more and more used to
letting her accompany me What do you see
to the places I go. when you look in that mirror?
I let her dress in the clothes she likes most. What do you see when you look at yourself.
I am no longer afraid of my muse/whore. Do you see yourself as you are
I hold her arm proudly or as you were?
as we walk and copulate.
She's so easy, Do you see the people
so fucking easy. who loved you
As an aside, I must say that, yes, I am afraid that one day she just the one
will either overpower me and change me into her or betray me you love,
and kill me. She is very powerful, so I fuck her with reverence, yourself.
always aware of the fact that she can end my life. Conversely, I
am also terrified that one day, she will leave me, and I will be How does it feel to
alone and blind again. fall
so far
Our mutual breast feedings so quick?
help me become who I am. You still haven't
And I will always be grateful for that. reached bottom.
I need her.
I really do. But you will.
I think. And when you do
you'll realize
-John Giuffo the one thing
you are afraid of.

You're alone.

-Vic Alfieri

October 16, 1995 page 5

I~SllwlPsPasleera~ar~3srr~lll~~ - - C -~--~I--- -" I aBlrBsP ~


its a dream in a
everybody ever had
is here
drssed to kill
as we wait for elvis

in sparkling new rooms

all honey combed
and brilliant carpets
on the floor
i follow my pray
planning my kills
w/ precision

they see my blade

and only smile
knowing it'll soon
be their turn
to be tied up &
to the bloodiest
god ever

3 are already dead when

elvis arrives
as the mob of
overdrssed people
form a wave of mutilation
around the young hipster

red splashes dot

this bright white
in the throngs of people
i bring 2 more to the
land of the dead
as i kill them in the
throws of passion

but the white tiger

escapes me
and leaves bloodiest
claw marks
across my face

-ted swedalla Picture by A nna Chamberlin


If God could create

a more perfect woman,
I couldn't conceive of one,
and even if He wanted to,
I don't think He could.
You're the best He's ever done.
God made a perfect man
and He called Him His Son,
but still He had no fun.
Yet if He had met you,
He would have kept you,
and left me kissing a gun.

-Ron von Stellete

Picture by Anna Chamberlin

Fall Literary Supplement page 6

Picture by Anna


What's With The Fruit Salad?

By Ken Kerr back and into his pants. Then her eyes shifted to the brown paper bag he
was holding in his hands.
The ad read, "Looking for a TASTY man with scrumptious attitude toward After clearing his throat he said, "I brought the fruit salad."
life. Hungry single white female, blonde hair, blue eyes, mid twenties, with "Great, come in, please," her voice chimed. "My name is Lisa."
a taste for plump men seeking a way out of their everyday humdrum "I'm David, It's nice to meet you, Lisa." He couldn't help noticing how soft
lifestyle. All ages O.K." her hand was, yet it was uncannily cold. So cold it sent a shiver through him
"That's me," Dave said out loud to no one in particular. that he hoped she wouldn't notice.
He decided he'd make the call to her at lunchtime. Usuaily he'd wait until "Would you like a drink, David?" she asked from behind the kitchen
he got home to his apartment to answer the personals, but this one seemed counter. He sat down on the couch and noticed she had two glasses poured
different. This would be the one he'd been looking for, every day in the ads. already,
All those women whom he'd meet for one night at the destination of her "Yes, I'd like one please."
choice, only to blow him off well before the night was over. He knew he was "I hope whiskey is okay. I haven't gotten to the store lately."
on the heavy side, but it didn't hinder his progress in his search for a mean- He took his glass from her. "Thank you."
ingful relationship with someone special.
She sat down on the couch facing toward him and began to ask him about
Dave knew this would be the one he could make very happy. Lunchtime
his profession.
came and he leaned back in his chair pulling his belly out from under the
"Well, It's really not all that exciting. I sell heavy machinery to companies
desk. After the second ring the voice on the other end said, "Hello."
outside of the U.S. Same thing every day. You know, on the phone with this
"Hi, my name is Dave Park. I'm calling in response to your personal ad
one, on the phone with that one."
placed in the..."
She started to rock back and forth. No, he was. He was feeling very light-
She abruptly cut him off. "How tall are you?"
headed. He blabbed on about his job, and she got up and began to dig
"Five nine and a half."
through the brown paper bag on the kitchen counter. He took another sip of
"And how much do you weigh?"
his drink to try to straighten himself out.
"Listen," he stopped her, "if that's all that your interested in, then just for-
His head slammed into the coffee table as he dropped off of the couch onto
get I even called you."
the floor. Before he totally blacked out he saw her holding up the fruit salad.
But she already had her answer from his defensiveness. "No, no, that's
Smiling, she said, "Oh, I'm so happy you remembered."
alright. I was just curious, that's all. Meet me at my apartment tonight for
He came to in what seemed to be a meat locker, though he couldn't really
dinner, say, seven o'clock. Just do me a favor please. Bring two pounds of
tell because of the numbness in his entire body. He tried to get up but could-
fruit salad along with you."
n't budge. How? Nothing was binding him down as far as he knew, because
Dave was confused. "Sure..Sure."
he found out he couldn't lift his head either. Only his eyes.
He scratched his head.
Lisa came in, what seemed to be hours later, carrying a hacksaw.
"Garden apartments, Twenty-Fifth and Lexington. Seven o'clock."
"Hi David, Did you sleep well last night?"
"Got it. I'm looking forward to meeting you," She had already hung up the
Just what the fuck is this, he said only to himself. He couldn't move his
phone halfway through his sentence.
mouth either.
Dave ran to the subway from his office building. It was six fifteen. He had
"I'm sorry I took so much last night, but you've got to understand that I
plenty of time to stop at a deli once he made it to her area. He stood in front
was starving."
of her apartment complex, and scanned the area for a deli. Vinos' Deli was
What do you mean, took so much? Why can't I talk. Why can't I move.
the one he came upon a few buildings away.
What the fuck is happening? He could only see her crouch down with the
"Do you have any Fruit Salad?", he asked to the old man behind the
hacksaw out of the corner of his eye. Sawing. That's what the sound was.
She was sawing something. When Lisa stood up she had his right leg under
The man looked at him as if he was asinine.
her arm. Cut off at the top of the thigh.
"Is this a trick question or something?" he said back to Dave, as he point-
"I guess I should explain a bit huh? That didn't hurt did it? No, It should-
ed to the six trays of fruit salad laying behind the glass counter.
n't have. You'll never feel a thing. Sometimes David, I just get these strong
"Fruit salad is my biggest seller. Even outsells the cigarettes and beer.
urges that I can't ignore."
Now, how many pounds do you need?"
His eyes followed her as she crouched down beside him and started sawing
Dave was amazed. "How did you know..."
at his right arm at the elbow.
"Because every person that walks through that door asking for fruit salad
"Sometimes I just get so disgusted, myself." She kept on sawing as he
never buys less than a pound or two."
looked on in horror. "My other love, David, is fruit salad. It..." She had trou-
Dave just shook his head and said,"Two pounds please."
ble as the saw was stuck in his bone, then freed up again.
The doorbell rang and he could hear shuffling from behind the door, indi-
"It helps to get some of it down easier. You can understand that, can't you
cating she was coming to the door. The lock was being unfastened, then the
door creaked open.
She was gorgeous. His eyes were fixed on her captivating face, and she
looked as if she felt the same way about him, which sent a thrill down his

October 16, 1995 page 7

I-·BrY - ~s c~--t-~c-~·--·rc-- -~- I-I I I , - Irl - IC rlI

. . .
-- . . .. ..
Fortrait 1995 by John Giuffo

Her Window Window, shaded, related, frozen upon frost Hungry for sex, sultry raptured and cap-
and lost, tured, drawing me
Every night I would stand outside her revealing her presence, reflecting winter's near, sleeping in fear of the next dreadful
house sparkled countenance morning
staring up through
her window Contrasted and refracted, framing as a Hungry for sustenance, hoping against
on the second floor, frame and observing hope and raped
yearning to see her life's game of assumptions beneath your father's rooftop

Then one night I went upstairs When I walk into your room I am hungry, Hungry for food and drink, sinking
and when I opened the door, she was sit- you're tawdry, beneath sink, dreaming
ting laundered and unsurprised with mystical of connections outward and beyond my own
awake visions, true
staring at her doorway the succulent wave of mystery needful visual cosmos

The moon's light gave her face incredible Hungry for food, subdued, recluse winding III
dimension, as they shined through down and
her window spiraling crazy, I am crazy, dazed amaze- Are you leaving me now ?
ment to swallow the shadows
That night she made love to me like it was and to cry away the night
the last night of our lives Hungry with lust, hoping to trust, can you without sleep
and the next morning the sun wouldn't be trusted ? or dreams
shine through rustled in February, losing our sanctuary, of your flowers
Her Window thrust into life or your
II Hungry like fire, sorrow for hire, funeral
pyre, rapt, -Michael Oliva
Moonlight, shadows growing stretched trapped, strapped to the walk sulking,
upon the meadow moping,
tearing softly in the naked eye of virginity sauntering up into cloudy shrouds mounting
two lying in their sheltered box, exasperated
and death is born ...
Hungry for your touch, consecrated, sodden
in shame,
betrayed again and I am sorry

FallLiterary Supplement page 8

Dear Oceansize, happen to you anyway, it was "in the cards" so 9 hugged this very attractive girl, not only did the
Why does it seem that people with brand new to speak. Now you know and you want out. horses come out early, but it was a stampede.
Well isn'tthat justlike one of you crystal car- Needless to say it was embarrassing,and 9've also
cars don't use theirblinkers and cut people off?
rying, Love Tarot reading, Black Candle sub-
7•s' Wonderin' got stuck with manry horriblenicknames.Please tell
scribing, fat ass parked in the New Age section
of Borders, candle burning, incense sniffing, me what to do, }MSTE/? O 07HEI TH7DES.
Dear Wondering, free love to Anton LeVay giving,whitewitching, Too Quick
it's a very simple thing. New car owners realize Celtic rune believing imbecile! The future sucks
that they only have so many flicksof the turn baby, and you are right there lapping up the Dear Premature Infatuation,
signal lever before it becomes useless and they spit at the vortex of all sucking! Close the door, I find that when I'm with your girlfriendshe is too
don't want to waste them all before the war- turn out the light you know they won't be eager to make me let loose my salt water taffy.
ranty is up. I don't think this is entirely your fault. firstlyyou
home tonight, baby...the Devil mocks their
have to tell her to slow down. Naturally withyour
every step...and guess what, biorythym bitch,
Dear Oceansize, emaciated penis she probably feels that she has
tag you're it! Now for your sins of seeing you to get a vigorous rubbing to achieve pleasure.
My friend uses 7-arotcards to tell the future and are going straight to Hell in monster truck and
She's probably right since she told me that you
lately she's been giving me the creeps. 9 always Jimmy Page is driving, hon! It seems to me shake like a fish, whatever that means. Also you
seem to be drawing really bad cards, and that like the loser of a fist fight,you're com- can holdher hips in place and that should keep you
inevitaibly something ominous and foreboding plaining. If the medium had given you favorable in the control you desire. I mean really after all
would be fine
comes up. So far so good, nothing has hrappened results then I suppose everything she's not that good lookinganyway. I findthat you
and I wouldn't be reading your Goddamn drivel. can keep each other satisfied best from behind.
to me yet (9 just bought a new car too), but 9'm
Speaking of God Damned, that's what you are! That's what we do. As for the hug, happens to me
really starting to worry. Ever read the Bible? Says right in there that all the time.
Scared 'o iarot Thou Shalt Have No Other're looking
into the future with your new God, Tarot!
Burn in Hell! By the way you can tell more All letters can be sent to:
Dear frightful, about a person's future with a game of Oceansize
The future is a very scary thing indeed...l know Monopoly than you can with any Tarot card! Room 060
things, man, big thirns, a lot of things, things Student Union or
people shouldn'tknow, thingsno one else knows, Dear Oceansize:
man, people would kill to know the things 1 9 have a problem, it seems my horses come out of
know, touched by angels and all...and you are
the gates just a little too quickly. Not only does it
right to be afraid. You see though, without
your friend's help bad things were going to hrppen when S• with my girlfriend,but once when

October 16, 1995 page 9

IC -- CIIC -- - - -I I~L~asa~ 4arsa --- 1- ~9~- 1 Ir _PD~----~S~LIPI r I s c------~e
--- - I -' -

L p S e r V i C e
By Vic Alfieri sit through. With things like this taking place, it concern for those little Frenchmen in their little
is only a matter of time before the students go outfits. Can you say 'squeal' in French?
It is finally over! The trial that would have last- elsewhere. I hate the Seattle Mariners. [Ed. Note- The
ed four days for a normal person, lasted almost a For those of you English majors out there, this Mariners rule and will beat the Indians in 7.]
year. OJ was lucky. He was starting to run out of one is for you. The head of the department has Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Cowboys, has
money. This trial has now proven without a decided to change the listing on the class EGL been taking notes on Steinbrenner. He's creating
doubt to the nation that our justice system is just 380-The History of the English Language. For his own controversy in the NFL. Whatever hap-
one big pile of shit. The police department those of you not aware of this class, sitting pened to the sport itself. That should be what mat-
spends more time going after people with park- through it is worse than root canal without ters; not what the official soft drink or credit card
ing ticket violations than it does the true crimi- Novocain. This is one of those tedious classes of the league is.
nals. What makes matters worse, is the fact that that is mandatory, but is only offered once a year. Rapper Tupac Shakur was released on bail this
more and more police officers are turning out to Well anyway, the Dept. Head has decided to weekend when an appeal went through to lower
be worse than the criminals they are supposed to change the listing to EGL 207. The intention is to the original bail set at $3 million. It was lowered
be arresting. get the students to take it earlier in their academ- to $1.4 million. Shakur still has problems staying
OJ did make a smart move by not doing that ic career. That is great, but then it must be offered out of trouble though. He tested positive on a
free interview on NBC, because now he can do more. Not only that, but now students lose senior drug test taken while in jail. You would think
the Pay-Per-View interview for $50 each. residency credits for that class. Now they will that after hitting a brick wall over and over
Combine that with the book he is writing and he have to find another class that is over-filled and again, a person would start to feel pain.
will double the money he spent on the trial itself. under-teached. An Adelphi student accidentally shot himself
Isn't American Capitalism just great? For those of you who have followed the events last week. He was carrying an automatic hand-
To make matters worse, the second trial of the between this paper and "The Statesman," you gun in his gym bag, and when he unintentional-
century has just begun. The Don King trial. will know about the accusations flying from ly dropped the bag, it went off, shooting himself
Enough said. office to office. For the record, according to in the calf. Police say that he was probably carry-
The lovely President Kenny made the news Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, the definition ing the gun for protection. First of all, a person
again last week. In her convocation address, she for the word SATIRE is "the use of ridicule, sar- that clumsy needs protection from himself, not
stated that we, as a university, had to "shoot for casm, irony, etc. to expose, attack, or deride others. Secondly, he must not be that smart to
the stars" despite the continuous cuts. That is vices, follies, etc." I also wanted to say that any keep a loaded automatic in his gym bag without
becoming very hard to do considering that some sentence ending in a question mark is not an putting the safety on. Thirdly, if he was carrying
of the departments have already run out of "blue accusation. That is a question. At least some- this gun for protection, the gym bag is the worst
books" for their exams and mid-terms have just body should be able to tell the difference place to carry it. If a situation arose where this
started. Professors that have either left or retired between the two. individual needed that gun for protection, by the
are not being replaced. It is a constant fight Here's a trivia tidbit. The upcoming '96 time he pulled the gun out of his bag, it would be
between students for the few spots left in the Summer Olympics is being held in Atlanta, too late. But then again, he could just thrown his
classes they need. The variety of the classes has Georgia. The river in which the kayaking events bag on the floor and hope it went off in the right
become like choosing what kind of floss to use. will be held, is the same river that the movie direction.
They are all the same and they are all tedious to "Deliverance" was filmed on. I have a sudden

I - -- I-

By Andy Preston
61g Cit So, one more time I was stranded in Mineola. I
There are other things that I saw that changed
called the people who were supposed to help you my outlook on city life, but I'm running out of
I'm a hick. Obviously, I expected to come to col- get where you wanted to go, and they told me that space. I now believe that I won't 'be permanently
lege and grow because of it. There were definitely I had to transfer busses at four different locations, be moving to a city when I graduate. I'm going to
going to be changes in the way I live. Some of So, I had to wait a few more hours until the next go back to my roots and live where it's quiet.
these I was prepared to encounter and I didn't scheduled bus left Mineola.
find. Others, I was surprised to find here. The third bus driver I met talked with me exten-
I found some of those changes obvious, like liv- sively. I asked him if I could buy a ticket as I pre-
ing in feaf of robbery, gangs, and other things I pared to board the bus. He said, in a thick Russian
only saw and heard about on the news. I, of accent, "No. I am only going to Monticello, not to
course, lock all my doors all the time, and I always Binghamton." He told me to find the ticket agent
hold onto my bags when I leave my dorm room, in Mineola while he waited for me. I went on a
afraid of thieves. desperate search for an impossible goal. I looked
Other things, though, I didn't find. Nobody has all over the area for five minutes. I got back to the
offered me drugs. In high school, drugs were bus, and he told me to get on. I would buy the
around and available, but nobody offered them to ticket in Monticello. (I showed the driver a fistful
me. I had connections through which I could easily of cash. I think he believed that I would pay for
have gotten me anything I asked for. Here, I haven't the ticket.)
heard anything about them, but obviously, they're Nothing else of importance happened on the way
around. They always are. home. On the way back, though, things were different.
I also went home for the first time over the The first bus driver out of Binghamton actually
Columbus Day weekend. I saw and met some used the overhead P.A. system to address the bus.
interesting people. One of them was the first bus He wished us a good trip, and gave us a run down
driver. He was late so, he barely slowed to see if similar to what I thought I might hear on an air-
anybody needed to board the bus at my stop. plane. After the transfer in Monticello, the new
Unfortunately, I had to cross the road to board the bus driver was horrible. Some passengers asked
bus, so the bus driver didn't see me. I was left him some relatively simple questions, like, "Is this
stranded in Mineola without the possibility of bus going to go to Long Island?" and he didn't
catching another bus. I had missed the last sched- reply. He complained most of the way to Mineola.
uled bus out of Mineola to my hometown. We had to change busses in a parking lot in some
The second bus driver was also interesting. I small town for no apparent reason, and that just
asked him if I could get to Binghamton on his bus, made him even more angry. He complained and
and he said that he was going straight to Albany. grunted even more.
I U -' I--" - - - ---- - I -- - ------- - ----- ------ - ·- -· - -- - - - - ----- -- --- -- -- - - ,
The Stony Brook Press page 10
By Heather Rosenow Pardon me but I think that could definitely be ment, the charge of rape was just ludicrous. Jan
construed as sexual harassment. The teacher Stuart of Newsday called it "one man's reac-
The other night I went to see David Mamet's had stepped beyond the societal boundaries set tionary protest, a howling "Enough Already"
Oleanna. It is a play which deals with the issue in a student-teacher relationship. Some argued leveled at a standard of political correctness that
of sexual harassment in the university commu- that he/she was only trying to comfort the stu- is perceived to be spiraling dangerously out of
nity. The Stony Brook production of this work dent in his/her confusion. I argue that it was not control. Jack Kroll of Newsweek said "There
was directed by Dr. Farley Richmond. This pro- his/her place to comfort. The student expressed will be family fights over this play. "The guy
duction was done in a manner where the audi- her feelings, saying that she was uncomfortable never raped her! She's a feminist fascist!" "He's
.' . rl,1
ence was kept on it's toes. mhere were with the situation, yet the fascist with his power trips!" But the play
three possible situations presented to the teacher persisted isn't about two people. It's about two worlds
the audience. One was a situation in in the simple reply colliding." Could be. As soon as this play was
which the teacher was a female and "Shhh. It's O.K.". I released, various feminist groups threw back
her student a young man (played by went with my their collective heads and howled.
Christopher Graham and Roseann boyfriend and we Granted I do consider myself a feminist, but I
Hundertmark), another situation was found ourselves argu- feel that if feminist playwrights can produce
where the teacher was a male and the ing at the top of our plays dealing with sexism or sexual harassment,
student a female (Shane Covey and lungs on the way than its only fair that other playwrights can pro-
Stephanie Hughes), and the third situ- home. He felt the duce plays in response to the situation. Free
ation involved a female teacher and charge of sexual country remember? That freedom of speech
her female student (Katie Lee and harassment filed at thing is kind of important. Anyway, the opin-
Jessica Maerz). By the end of the first the beginning of the ions were definitely polarized. This is obviously
act I could hear the various opinions incident was still a volatile issue which was probably pushed
_1 •_ ,.-.•
which had tormed tiying around in
little arguments that were popping up
- A

mNuntounded. I severely Ir I I

disagreed. We did
to the very back of public consciousness by the
media circus known as the O.J. Simpson Trial. I
all over the place. The arguments .... however agree that was impressed by the production, and the act-
were mainly over what the first act suggested. the play took a serious turn to the right some- ing, and I would recommend that anyone inter-
Some thought that what had happened was where half way through. The teacher was ested in this issue see this play. Whether you're
justifiably called sexual harassment. Others charged with rape after restraining the student against the commentary contained within the
disagreed wholeheartedly. At the end of the from leaving his/her office. No rape was com- plot or not, it certainly makes you think. You
first act, the teacher in the student-teacher rela- mitted. The teacher became frustrated with the can still catch this production on October 19-21
tionship under question had put their hands on student and wanted him/her to stay to talk. The at 8pm; October 22 at 2pm. The box office num-
the student's shoulders. The teacher rubs the student upon trying to leave was grabbed and ber is (516) 632-7230.
student's shoulder's and says "Shhh. It's O.K. I kept from leaving. Though the teacher was out
understand. Shhh.". of line and did deserve some form of punish-

By David M. Ewalt Gamble," and they come prepared. When the begin, they told audience members to bring up
Brothers announced the Gamble was about to onto the stage anything they wanted to see jug-
On Saturday, October 14, gled. The audience would then vote
the Staller Center presented come- on the items by virtue of applause,
dy/juggling troupe "The Flying and the top three would get juggled.
Karamazov Brothers" in their When the crowd approached the
newest play, "Club Sandwich." The stage, they were carrying all sorts of
play is about a club of juggling mil- sordid items. Kids approached bearing
lionaires who search for the ancient umbrellas, wine bottles, huge metal
"Clubs of the Pharoahs"- juggling anchors and venetian blinds. Two mid-
clubs that juggle themselves. During dle-aged men also approached the
their search they run into fat, evil stage. One, inexplicably wearing a yel-
Egyptians, private detectives, and low raincoat inside the theater, put a
bearded female lounge singers. large bucket containing a citronella
Okay, it sounds stupid, but it candle on the stage. To make matters
works. The Brothers blend well- worse, he lit the candle on fire and
written one-liners, slapstick doused the bucket in chocolate syrup.
humor, and impressive juggling The other man, an extravagantly
abilities into a hysterical -if slight- bearded biker-type, plopped a coffee-
ly disjointed- show. It's tough to can sized serving of jello onto the stage
blend juggling into a play, but the and covered it in whipped cream. The
Brothers present the whole show final three objects turned out to be the
in a sort of off the cuff, casual jello, an inflated latex medical glove,
way, so that when they segue and a full carton of eggs; and yes, he
from a bar in Egypt to juggling did manage to juggle all that.
and talking to audience members The Flying Karamazov brothers a re
it doesn't seem awkward. kind of hard to describe in print...
The highlight of the show was a They're definitely one of those things
staple feature of Karamazov shows you have to see to appreciate. Their
called "The Gamble." The brothers juggling is first rate, but the real
gamble that they can juggle any humor of their shows comes from
three objects heavier than an ounce well written, often obscure comedy
and lighter than ten pounds, small- bits... much in the vein of TV's
er than a breadbox, not a live animal Mystery Science Theater 3000. The
and not so dangerous as to keep the next time these brothers fly into
Brothers from staying live animals. Stony Brook, be sure to catch them.
Long a staple of Karamazov shows,
audiences have come to expect "The

October 16,1995 page 11


When Is Midnight Madness?

By Ted Swedalla the loudspeaker, but that would be nit-picking. a three point contest and countless paper airplanes
Overall the event must be qualified a success. The thrown on the floor. Of course this was not official
This following article was written in two parts. The stands were full -close to four thousand people- the sanctioned by the people holding the event, but it did
first part was written before I attended Midnight music was pumping and the crowd noise level never seem to keep most the impatient frat guys busy.
Madness, so I could - in all honesty- say what fears I got below that of a crowded bar. The Seawolf and the The National Anthem was sung by Angela Alvey,
had going into this event. When I and if I heard right she is a gradu-
think of Midnight Madness, I think ate student on campus. A good ren-
of large Division I schools who are dition, much shorter and not pre-
going to be in the NCAA taped like Whitney Houston's, it
Tournament at the end of year, not a led into the dimming of the lights.
Division II team that isn't in a con- Then came Van Halen's 'Right
ference with the word 'big' in it. Now,' the only song with lyrics I
I am also scared because I know the could understand, which brought
level of interest in sporting events on us up to the countdown to mid-
campus is equal to that of people night, Which was interrupted by a
who are waiting to see the next streaker. Yes a naked man
Elizabeth Berkeley movie, Showgirls appeared at center court, and then
II: Tramps in T-Shirts. Interest in was summarily tackled by security
sporting events has always been dis- people with wandering hands.
appointing on campus. I would love Luckily his timing was off and the
to be engrossed in one of our teams - crowd had enough time to get back
as a lover of sports- but never have I to the countdown before it ended.
seen this kind of push for any single Both men's and women's
sporting event. teams were introduced to the
They did a real good job of pro- crowd, and then the fireworks
moting this event. In the Fine Arts went off. Disappointing, but I
Plaza, they had written out MAD- guess I can't ask for 6 inch mor-
NESS with their posters on Tuesday, only to have it WALK-FM Bear wandered around the floor for most tars in an indoor arena.
reduced to MADN by Thursday, but what can you of the night, they never did venture into the stands, Then came the 3-point shooting contests, scrim-
expect from the trogs who populate this campus. but that can be understood. Those fake heads are mages and slam dunk contest. Only the slam dunk
They also took advantage of the schools largest nat- very easy to pull off, I know. The Seawolf was also contest got people up and screaming, and many of
ural resource: cement. They bought a couple of the only casualty of the night as she -yes it is a she- the dunks were outstanding. The night then hit its
bucks worth of chalk and covered the campus with was mauled by climax when they started giving
scribblings telling people what and where. It's every basketball away prizes, including free tuition
about time that someone figured out that this was a player at center for the Spring semester. By this
cheap and easy way to get your message out, with- court, as they time the crowd had thinned out to
out permanently defacing our school. Their only were getting about two thousand, which is
worry was the rain. Ten minutes worth of rain can their pictures unfortunate for some people as it
destroy two days worth of drawing on the ground. taken. took four tries for them to give
But the most disappointing thing I heard about the All the per- away the TV/VCR.
event was one person asked another what time it formers were The Athletic Department should
was. Now I'm pretty sure an event with the name good, including be proud of the job they did, they
Midnight Madness occurs some time at midnight. the USB got a quarter of the student body to
So I am going into this event more than pes- Kickline, Step go to an event on a weekend, which
simistic, mega-pessimistic you might say, and when Team and is amazing. But I hope they are real-
I get back I will finish this article with what hap- Cheerleaders, istic and realize that 90 percent of
pened. Wish me luck. and each of thei tonight will never come back to see
section. As with most events there were some corny a home game, even though they are held on cam-
Well I'm back. I spent the last two hours in the gym,
games to keep the crowd occupied for the hour lead- pus. I found the whole night enjoyable, even though
sorry Indoor Sports Complex, at Midnight Madness.
ing up to midnight, when the basketball season offi- it ran a half an hour late and made me miss the
Now I could say that it was disappointing because
cially opened. There was a dizzy bat race, and I'm COCA movie Apollo 13.
they were behind schedule and missed a few events
pretty sure the guy cheated, a pudding eating contest,
or that emcee David Weiss was unintelligible over
I~ _I ~r ~I --- -~ ' I-11 -~ I -- II , - ---· r I _ --- -·
By Ryan DeWitt "What's The Conspiracy, Johnny?"

This was the winner of our "Litigation Sucks" contest. For those of you who What's the conspiracy Johnny are you bullshitting me, uh uh
don't remember it entailed writing a caption to a Family Circus cartoon. Mr. Is it a concoction for the all-black jury, uh uh
DeWitts winning entry for the cartoon, which showed Billy bending over, was
Smile like a preacher, tooth for a tooth
"Billy, stay in that position until we find you hamster. " We all got a good laugh
You said Mark Furhman was the enemy of Jews
out of it and we promised him an 1/8 of a page as a prize for whatever he deemed
worthy. And the following is more than worthy. I never understood the conspiracy, uh uh
You wore a tie with African things, uh uh
I graciously accept the accolades bestowed upon me by the
You said if it doesn't fit then you must acquit
Stony Brook Press after my victory in the much celebrated, Judge Ito got pissed and told you to sit
highly disputed, "Litigation Sucks" Contest. The prize so gen-
erously granted me by this prestigious "paper of record" is an I never understood the conspiracy, uh uh
He had arthritis and was fast asleep, uh uh
entire one-eighth of one page which I am more than happy to
utilize as a (albeit limited) forum for my scathing, warped Smile at client number thirty-two
commentary on current events. In keeping with the spirit of A very rich man he has made you
satirizing libel tort through the spoofing of artists more talent- 1never understood the conspiracy, uh uh (I couldn't understand)
ed than myself, here I present a parody of the song "What's Was it Colombians or LA.P.D., uh uh
the Frequency, Kenneth" originally recorded by the mascara-
wearing, probably T cell deficient, Atlanta-based, college I never understood the conspiracy, uh uh (I couldn't understand!)
Now your pockets are lined with green, uh uh
band R.E.M.:
I - LL.I
I -- : bJ ·
I-_I -I--~L I
I-' -
111~ -
- '
II a_·
- - ·
- L~ --
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- : -
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_ _ '

The Stony Brook Press page 12

Low Cost Housing Available
By Steven Tornello Stony Brook decided to begin housing it's stu- "Adobeville", much to the chagrin of it's residents.
dents in the mid-sixties. However, once word of In lieu of it, he introduced Screenhouse Quad. It
Simpsons Interlude: Homer enrolls in this got out, students flocked to live in one of these was a giant screenhouse where "Adobeville" once
Springfield A&M. In order to acclimate himself to buildings. Instead of giving away spots by lottery, was. This co-ed side-by-side living arrangement
college life, he refurbished a room in his house like then Campus Residency Director Ty Webb decided was not embraced with open arms, as was expect-
a college dormitory - lava lamp, Einstein poster, to build "Stick and Stone Quad." Houses were ed. People demanded "Adobeville". The Vice
etc. Marge asks, "Where did you get those cin- built with, yes, sticks and stones. Obviously, these President was consequently fired
derblocks?" Homer replies, "From a construction houses did not last too long. A seawolf wandered and Screenhouse Quad eventually
site, Marge. I need it for shelves. All the college by and decided to blow them all down (strange went the way of Adrian Zmed's
kids are doing it. It's cool and economical." how things come full circle, ain't it?) career: into the dumpster. And
However, Campus Res was not to be so, the era of economically-
With this being my fourth year of living on cam- discouraged. Webb promptly deficient cockamamie hous-
pus, it is fair to say that I have seE ing plans passed by. But, as
experiences in Residential Halls, b( one noted philosopher
nomical. As a noted sociologist st< once wrote, "Stupid ideas
life leads one to alcoholism an have a way of resurfac-
holism." Yet, despite these image ing when people fail to
having lived in Tabler (please se learn from their mis-
instead of flowers), H, and G (Men takes." (That actual-
my ass) Quads, I have received a ft ly makes sense.)
specter of different viewpoints Back at the press
of campus life. However, conference, Al Debris,
another view of vice President of Campus
campus residency esidences, commented on the
will come into the fold f trailer parks. He stated, "Trailer
as soon as next fall. certain quality that has been pre-
Houston Bowman, the here at SUNY-Stony Brook. How
President of Campus s can you name from this school?
Residences, has announced ler parks bring are an aura of one-
in a press conference last rs.One needs, to look only at the
week that the formation of a pyramid-like formation. pedigrees that trailer parks celebrities bring.
new quad for students is cur- (Everybody has built baseball Roseanne, the cast of 'Hee Haw', Larry, Darryl,
rently in the works. In a prepared card houses; if you haven't, get and his other brother Darryl, Elvis Presley, the
statement, he stated, "With the away from the window.) These actually Clampetts, and David Hasselhoff all came from
increasing influx of freshman and lasted for awhile, until one student's mother trailer parks. Richard Bey and Jerry Springer get
the refusal or incompetency of came by and threw away the houses (ask your their vast cast of vermin guests from trailer parks.
seniors to graduate, we have a prob- father about his 1955 Mickey Mantle card that got Our very own Eastern Farm Workers come from
lem of housing both returning and incoming stu- away.) Webb was embarrassed and eventually these establishments. Trailer parks are the home-
dents. With the large extent of unoccupied land on fired. He was replaced by Al Czervik, whose love front of immorality, teenage pregnancies, unbri-
this campus which is currently being used to con- for the Indian heritage was renown. The problems dled stupidity, and a squalid odor. These are qual-
fuse and misdirect students and non-students of overcrowding continued still, and Czervik ities ot student life I feel would add a special plate
alike, we decided to put this land to some other announced what he thought was a long-awaited to Stony Brook's table."
use: the formation of a new quad. solution: Tee Pee Quad. Tee Pees were constructed Plans for a deforestation of woodlands are in the
"However, with the scarcity of funds to build where we now find our football and intramural works, and applications for mobile homes are
actual buildings, we have copied the pioneering fields. Again, though, problems occurred. The tee being handed out at Administration Luckily, I'll be
of landmark institutions such as University of pees were ripped and torn by drunken students graduated before Trailer Park Quad becomes a
Alabama at Possumviller University of Georgia with Swiss army knives and bad intentions. reality in Fall 1996. Unfortunately, I might be living
at Buttcrack, and Incest College in Kentucky to Although this primitive form of air ventilation was in one at that time. But the addition of so-called
build an area for students to live in mobile sufficient during the summer months, but it did lowcost housing such as Trailer Park Quad to stu-
homes. Yes, Fall 1996 will mark the debut of not bode well for the winter months. Czervik was dent life must be stopped like "Cop Rock". One
Trailer Park Quad!" intent to not let go of his dream of an Indianesque renown scholar noted, "Trailer parks plus educa-
Now, before you start praising the low-cost settlement on campus. He developed tion equals Hooked On Phonics". So before a Stony
genius of campus Residency, let us review a histo- "Adobeville", where students lived in adobe huts. Brook diploma becomes more worthless than obvi-
ry of previous Stony Brook cockamamie housing "Adobeville" was a success until Czervik was fired ous DNA evidence to a Los Angeles jury, then take
ideas. This history has been well-guarded, but my from embezzlement and molestation charges. a stand and say "No" or "Naw" to Trailer Park
crack reporting (or reporting on crack has uproot- Assistant Vice President Danny Noonan then con- Quad. You'll he glad you did.
ed the hidden incompetency.) cocted and executed a plan to eliminate

Again we have sent our woman on the street Zippy out to ask the students of Stony Brook what they thought, who they hate and if they masturbate. (We are going
to ask that question over and over until we get truthful answers.) Don't worry if you haven't been asked and are upset that you are not setting Stony Brook demo-
graphics; Zippy is very busy and can't talk to everyone every week.
15% of the residents don't like their roommates
50% of the school thinks OJ was guilty
66% of the men think OJ was guilty.
33% of the women think OJ was guilty
46% of people who have seen an OJ movie believe the trial was a race thing
22% of students who have been on TV have performed oral sex
75% of people who think that the Statesman is the worst campus newspaper have received oral
67% of those who have been stuck talking to the pamphlet people in front of the union have thought about hitting them with a blunt object
0% of the students have never cheated with one of their roommates sexual partners
73% of the students who have received oral sex have also performed it
39% of students have never given or received oral sex
22% of students knew that the train crash was in Phoenix-
17% of students have slept with someone one last time before they broke up with them
66% of those didn't wait at least an hour after the sex to tell them it was over
83% of women who have seen Single White Female like their roommates
0% of students have ever been caught masturbating by their grandmother
.,' .. ....... ,,:..October6,6 1995 page 1:...-3..-3:-
By Lowell Yaeger money-makers from "making money" with anoth- new album drops the entire pretense of song struc-
er big label. Whatever the truth, October 10, 1995 ture to revel in sheer creative lunacy. The first Mr.
Long time ago, in a galaxy far far away (actually saw the return of Mr. Bungle, with their second Bungle made a lot of fans by dint of its silly out-
on the west coast), two warring high school death album, "Disco Volante" (Warner Bros.). look on life and its crazy music, which while chaot-
metal bands formed to create a group called Turd, Released with an equal amount of publicity as ic, managed to hold some semblance of order long
made up of two young men whose musical talent the first album (read: none), only word of its enough for the song to draw to a close. There is
consisted of an unplugged guitar and a Radio arrival on the Internet and its brief mention by none of this on "Disco Volante."
Shack Realistic 120 Cassette. Somewhere along the Mike Patton during a Faith No More interview on The album opens with a heavy-metal/hardcore
line, more people showed up, they saw a riff, repeated for about 2 minutes through
porno movie about an aspiring presidential shrieking feedback and Mike Patton
candidate/circus clown, and one of music's howling about the death of old high
better-kept secrets, Mr. Bungle, was born. school enemies. This is followed by the
Their first, self-titled album was released in first of many jazz instrumentals dreamed
1991 on Warner Bros. to absolutely no adver- up by Trey Spruance, which is in turn fol-
tising whatsoever. In fact, its only claim to lowed by a weird 70's Mellotron-blast
fame was the singer, dubbed Vlad Drac on the mixed with whining vocals a la Grandpa
liner notes but really the enigmatic Michael Simpson. Mike Patton's voice is almost
Patton of Faith No More, a thrash band unintelligible on here; if I didn't know it
whose Top 10 hit, "Epic," was garnering them was him, it would take 40 - 50 listens
tours with everyone from Metallica to before I even made a comparison.
Voivod. Many of Faith No More's fans The running themes of this album
flocked to Mr. Bungle and found that they seem to be inhuman noises like barks
were very - VERY - different, not only from and howls, intermingled with lyrics in a
FNM but from anything ever heard before. language other than English. The cho-
Spanning musical genres in the space of time rus of "Desert Search for Techno Allah"
it takes to switch chords, jumping from ska to is chanted in some Arabic tongue;
industrial to funk within one chorus, and "Violenza Domestica," a lament/trib-
laden with everything from explicit lyrics ute/homage to wife-beating, is sung
about masturbation and making love to food completely in Italian, while the 7-
to bizarre sound samples of people taking a minute jazz opus "Mah Meeshka Mow
shit, "Mr. Bungle" was an immediate hit in Skwoz" is in a completely unidentifi-
the underground music scene. Their live able language. The songs culminate in a
show, fraught with mask-wearing musicians, 10-minute semi-ambient instrumental
_ _ _1Ia
"_ _ "__ 1 1 _1.. LC.l1 - ý
iuur-ioung songs, ana continuous scatological entitea i ne Denas aDout railing orr or
antics (like peeing into a boot and then pouring it 120 Minutes last summer gave the fans any news a boat and getting stricken with disease upon
on the audience), added to their reputation as the that it was on its way. Which is odd, because Mr. floating to the surface.
wildest bunch around. Bungle has become very, very popular in a very, But is this album BAD? The answer here is "no,"
And then they disappeared. Mike Patton worked very quiet way. just "different." The people who liked the first Mr.
with Faith No More on two more albums, and the Maybe it's because of the nature of the album. Bungle simply for lyrics like "Cookin' like a begin-
only mention of Mr. Bungle was the brief appear- The first album was produced by John Zorn, but ner but I'm goin' up in her/I had Fritos for lunch,
ance of their guitarist, Trey Spruance, appearing on his presence didn't seem to have a big effect there; I'm havin' bush for dinner" are going to hate this
the latest FNM album. Rumors surrounded their however, he might as well be writing the songs on album, but those who liked Mr. Bungle for their
sudden disappearance, from Mike Patton having the new album, despite his having had nothing to sheer chaos and limitless creativity will fall in love
"grown up" to an impending lawsuit on the part of do with this piece of work. with this album, too.
Slash/Reprise in an attempt to keep one of its A mish-mosh of noises and muttered vocals, the

By Lowell Yaeger By Bill Nofi

Jim Nash, one of the two founders of the highly influential Where were you on Saturday, Oct. 7th, 1995, at 8:00PM? Well, if you weren't at the Nassau
Wax Trax! record label (whose artists include KMFDM, Coliseum, then you probably missed R.E.M.'s last New York appearance. But, they went out
Sister Machine Gun, and at one time, Ministry and their var- with a bang (or a blame). Everything sounded excellent. Most of the songs were from the albums
ious permutations), died this week of complications result- "Monster", "Out Of Time", and "Green", with several new songs thrown into the mix. Two of
ing from AIDS. He will be missed by almost all of those in the new songs, "Revolution" and "Wake Up On", were really groovin'. Hopefully, another
the industrial community and many outside of it. Had it not album is in the works. Visually it was a great show, too. Huge screens draped behind the stage
been for him, many forms of music we enjoy today, from (glad I didn't have those seats) to form a backdrop for some really..ah..interesting movies. Some
mainstream techno to Nine Inch Nails, would not exist. called it art, others, well, to me it was just some naked chick floating in water. The band had two
Rumors are circulating that Phil Collins has left Genesis to extra dudes playing with them, one from Seattle, and one from San Francisco. They were pret-
pursue a permanent solo career. These rumors go on to sug- ty cool, too.
gest that Peter Gabriel has rejoined the group as vocalist, The night ended appropriately enough with "End of This World As We Know It", which, as
perhaps suggesting a return to the time when Genesis always, was awesome. The swirling question marks looked really trippy. The whole crowd was
donned masks of Egyptian Gods before performing on- up and singing along to this one. Great show guys!
stage. We shall see... Highlights:
Despite various claims from "people-in-the-know," death- -Seeing lots of "old people" at this concert.
metal/industrial band Ministry has NOT broken up, and a -Stipe said "Hello Pittsburgh," but then explained why.
new album, "Filth Pig," is due out on November 7. Expected -Movies of naked floating chicks.
tracks include "Brick Windows" and "The Fall"; the already -Before a song, Stipe said, "OK, take off your clothes and sing along," and several bras
recorded cover of Dylan's "Lay, Lady, Lay" has been flew up on stage.
removed because it simply didn't fit. It will probably be -Registering to vote at the Rock The Vote both.
released later as a Revolting Cocks track. -Movies of naked floating chicks.
Listen to WUSB 90.1 on Monday mornings from 3 AM to 6 -Seeing some kid who tried to steal a seat cushion get caught by security.
AM if you have some kind of insomnia problem. Ted -Movies of naked floating chicks.
Swedalla's "Pandemonium Cheesecake" offers the best in -Having a strobe light right in my eye for a song.
modern rock at those times. (Fuck me now, please. Hard.) -Did I mention the naked floating chicks?
Press page 14
The Stony Brook
The Stony Brook Press page 14

By Chris Cartusciello God-forsaken city with little knowledge of what to assassin who feels that it's time to get out. He plays
expect. His Legends Of The Fall hair has been cropped this reluctant killer in a subdued fashion that will
Gluttony. Greed. Sloth. Lust. Pride. Envy. Wrath. to a short, spiky, 'do and he sports a nasty looking surprise many people. In the opening scene Rath is
Of the seven deadly sins, how many of us can say goatee. Throughout a good part of the film Pitt is sent to kill one of his associates. After walking him
that they are not guilty of at least one? The film seen with his arm in a cast. The explanation being into the middle of nowhere, making sure nobody is
Seven may make you think twice about the course that he broke his arm while giving chase to the there to witness, Rath lets his friend take care of the
your life is taking. killer. Truth be told is that the cast is real. During a job himself. This isn t the first time we've seen a
The opening scene sets the mood for the entire pic- stunt, in which Pitt's character was supposed leap killer with a conscience but it is refreshing to see
ture. It is a dark, rainy day and Detective William over a car hood, he slipped on the wet metal and his Stallone, who is normally associated with action
Somerset (Morgan Freeman and his new partner, hand went through the window. After he severed a and mayhem, letting grace take over. As the film
Detective David Mills (Brad Pitt), are called in to tendon, and required stitches, the script had to be progresses it is nice to see that this is a role that lets
investigate a homicide. It seems that the victim, a changed to accommodate the gutsy actor. The two Stallone show some of his natural wit and charm.
400 lb. man, has had his hands and feet tied. He was actors have a chemistry that works, breathing new Banderas does the majority of the scenery chewing
then force fed until he, literally, burst. On the wall, life into the buddy cop routine. this time around. He plays Bain with the energy of
written in grease, is the word gluttony. This will Rounding out the cast is Pitt's real life love, a 9-year-old on a sugar high the day after
lead the two men on a trail of some of the most star- Gwyneth Paltrow, playing his wife Tracy. It is basi- Halloween. His maniacal laugh and wild eyes make
tling and gruesome murders imaginable. They now cally a thankless role, with little screen time, but the him the perfect antithesis to Stallone's laid back
must track a serial killer whose modis operandi actress makes the best of it. Kevin Spacey characterization. His character will, and does, kill
reads like a sermon from the sternest of preachers. (Consenting Adults, The Ref) plays the killer, John anyone who gets in the way of his goal. Banderas
He takes people who have wronged and makes Doe. This is a man who believes that, morally, he is gets most of the laughs in this film, and fortunately
them atone for their sins. His version of redemption doing right. He is a cold blooded killer but at the they are intended. Alt imes it is hard to understand
is killing them in the ways of the aforementioned same time seems psychopathic sissy This is tough exactly what he is saying. His accent tends to get in
sins in accordance to each person's profession to do and Spacey does a good job to make John the way as his energy level builds. It sounds like
and/or personality. creepy and interesting. R.cky Ricardo getting mad at Lucy.
Seven is a film which wants to be a psychological Director David Fincher gives us a compelling story Julianne Moore plays the target, and then love
thriller but more often than not is a standard cop vs. without too much detail. The story takes place in a interest, of Stallone's Rath. Moore, who was very
killer flick. The movie asks us to look into the mind city that has no name. Even the killer doesn't have a impressive in Robert Altman's film Short Cuts, is
of a maniac and see ourselves. Many people watch- name and is referred to only as John Doe. Fincher is Electra, a surveillance expert who is selling top
ing this film will no doubt feel that the lawyer, killed smart to not let us see the actual killings, but only secret information. Rath is sent to kill her, but when
for greed in a sickening fashion, deserved what he the results. The mind of the viewer will fill in the Bain interferes he takes her on as a partner.
got (especially in light of recent events). The killer blanks with more interesting visuals than a film Richard Donner, of Lethal Weapon fame, directs this
himself tells us that he died because he "made his ever could. Fincher's main problem here is that the with a good amount of restraint. He doesn't go for
money by telling lies." Each of the victims was, in film is just to dark. It rains every day in this one action scene after another. He lets the story
some way, deserving of the punishment. nowhere city and it seems that nobody's lights ever build at its own pace. This is a help as well as a hin-
Trying to make sense of all this is Morgan Freeman work. This type of atmosphere can give a certain drance. With a running time of 2:15 the movie does
as Detective Somerset. Freeman is a veteran of such type of mood to a picture like this, but too much just tend to drag a bit. With some tightening this could
acclaimed films as Street Smart, Driving Miss Daisy gets annoying. I found myself talking to the screen be a great film just under two hours. Donner gets
and The Shawshank Redemption. His acting range saying, "Could somebody just open a blind or effective performances out of his stars and even the
from these films alone, a vindictive pimp, an aging something? I'm trying to see in here." scenes when Stallone and Banderas aren't shooting
chauffeur and a likable convicted felon, is impres- Sylvester Stallone's latest foray into the cinema, at each other tend to raise the interest level. The
sive. Here he turns in another fine performance, as after the disastrous Judge Dredd, is an effective cat relaxed parts of this film, the conversations, the
a detective who has had enough and just looks for- and mouse thriller called Assassins. computer interfacing and the working minds of
ward to retirement. Freeman gives most of his lines Stallone plays Robert Rath, the best hitman in the these characters, tend to bring a humanity to the
in a low, breathy, tone which is effective for this business. He's number one with a bullet, but after whole project. Donner doesn't rest on that alone
character who has seen it all but wishes he hadn't. all these years it's about time to retire. He decides though. He, and producer Joel Silver, know action
Only the thought of catching this psycho gets his that after the next assignment he'll hang up his gun. and give some great moments here. There tenseness
juices flowing again. Antonio Banderas is Miguel Bain, an up and coming at the end of the film that wraps up the whole pack-
Brad Pitt, as his partner Mills, does a fine job as the killer who wants to be the best. The only way to age nicely. A big lesson of this film is that history
young detective who is a little to eager for his own achieve that is to kill the top man. This starts a dead- repeats itself. Let's hope that it does and we see
good. His character is not a rookie, like so many oth- ly chess game with each man trying to figure out the more work of this quality out of these people.
ers in the young cop/old cop genre. He has been on other's next move.
the force a few years but has just transferred to this Stallone is remarkably good as the aging C.I.A.

By Katie Entrekin 24. Eat 202 wings at Big Barry's in one sitting to set 9. Appear on Jay and Dave simultaneously.
a new record. 8. Read the Statesman.
As a senior this year, I am seriously thinking 23. Spay a dog. 7. Learn to play the Bossanova.
about what I want to do after graduation. And 22. Drive to Mexico and have a phat margarita. 6. Become a squeegee guy.
although I must have changed my mind about 21. Visit ancient Indian high grounds in India 5. Find myself.
fifty times in the past three months, I thought it naked. 4. Work at a Hess station.
would be best to make light of the situation and 20. Become a professional B.A.S.S. fisherman. 3. Swim all the Salt Lakes.
ask my fellow graduating classmates what is 19. Find Waldo. 2. Six weeks..Europe.Youth hostels..All on the
going through their minds as well. The following 18. The cross country trip.., hit happy hour in meager budget of $1500.
is a list of the top thirty things the seniors of Stony every state along the way. 1. Get a job that doesn't require licking and sending.
Brook University are thinking of doing after grad- 17. Be groupie for New Kids On The Block.
uation. So here goes... 16. Ride the Big Kahuna Waves in Hawaii, and Well, to all of you out there who are facing this
party like a rock star! predicament just as I am, I wish you all the luck in
30. Move to Puerto Rico and become a love slave 15. Be a National Publisher's Sweepstakes Grand the world. But here are just some more things to
to Julio Iglesias. Prize Winner..."It could be you!". contemplate as you get through these last few
29. Hold up a 7-11. 14. Burn the flag. months in whatever fashion suits you. Just
28. Read a Danielle Steele novel for its literary 13. Watch a Three Stooges marathon. remember, if everything doesn't work out, there's
value. 12. Ride shotgun down an avalanche, always Graduate School.
27. Go to the Vatican and moon the Pope. 11. Watch a game at all 28 ballparks.
26. Work on a sheep farm in New Zealand. 10. Wallow (boo hoo hoo) in my misery.
25. Become a porn star.
October 16, 1995 page 15
Under Your Feet
By Kilroy several inches of water. them. The size of the cockroaches make for poor
Once you are in the tunnels you can pretty sexual mood enhancement. About the most use-
Most everybody has heard about them, a lot of much go wherever the tunnels go. The door to ful thing we know the tunnels to have provided
people think they know a lot about them, and a Grad Chemistry has a card proximity sensor lock was a source for scrap cardboard for making a
few people actually do know about them. They (very much like the new electronic dorm locks) Regatta boat.
are the service tunnels. which the authors have never opened. It also One of the authors of this has a vague anthropo-
While your authors do not know a full or even appears to be alarmed. There is a half height door logical interest in graffiti. There are apparently sev-
partial history of the tunnels, we do know a fair that appears to lead to Old Chemistry or Melville eral groups or persons that have taken to leaving
amount about their present state. their own version of
First we shall dispel some myths. "Kilroy" around the tun-
They do not connect all buildings on nels. The "Morlocks"
campus with a walkable route. They (doubtlessly from the Jules
are not small or cramped. They are Vernes novel Time
(mostly) well lit. The roaches, while Machine) and the "Tunnel
large, are few in number. We have Rats" being the most com-
seen no rodents. Easy access is inter- mon. There also is to a
mittently available. lesser extent humorous
We are not aware of anyone who has stuff. There is at least one
been harmed in the tunnels, but we "Eat a Poptart for Jesus,"
would not go so far as to call them although some catholic
safe. Many people will recall the vari- mind censored it. There
ous pipe bursts of recent years. None are a fair number of "Ham
of these have happened in tunnels that and Cheese" stickers along
one can walk through, but it does not with several dairy related
inspire a lot of confidence in the rest of graffiti. The pipes are
the system. There is also a single unlit often labeled as to their
section which is exceedingly danger- functions. Some people
ous due to a sudden drop of about have added other func-
twenty feet. (There are reports that this tions to these labels such
section does have lights switches but as "Milk" and "Cheese."
we have not found the switches yet.) One pipe recently noticed
Getting into the tunnels is not very easy at the Library which is bolted. Sometimes the door to had a label "Warm Domestic Beer."
moment. Vandals have made it necessary to lock Central Hall is propped shut. In addition to the frequent functionless graffiti,
up Central Hall at night, and the current best There is a bend in the tunnel just after the there are official signs and unofficial marker des-
entrance is in the basement of that building. Computer Science building and for a while there ignations to help a traveler find one's way about.
Several semesters ago there was a door literally are no lights. This is an extremely dangerous sec- During the pipe installation there were even
missing out of the wall in the basement of Staller tion of the tunnels. There is a gate across the tun- maps put up showing all of the emergency exits.
which made access trivial. It has since been nel which is apparently always open. After that Of all the signs the only ones that are confusing
replaced and, as a further obstacle, a gate across there is an entrance to the basement of the Life are those for the Computer Science Building. It is
the tunnel was repaired there. If one knows what Sciences Library. The size and contents of that constantly referred to as "LOB" for "Lab and
doors to try it is possible to find doors inadver- basement leave the authors quite perplexed. (In a Office Building."
tently left open on occasion. far off corner of the cavern there is a good sized A few last bits of advice for the would-be spe-
Once anyone gets into the tunnels, just about stock pile of blackboards, should anyone need lunker. Always bring a flashlight with you. Often
the first thing they notice is the heat. These are one.) After the library it gets pitch black. Then it is really handy for finding the light switches.
sometimes called "steam tunnels" for a reason: there is the Drop. While there is lots of stray noise in the tunnels,
they provide each building with a supply of very As mentioned earlier it is about twenty feet which might sound like someone else, it is quite
hot water for heating. They also carry phone and straight down. The brave are welcome to go rare for people to be there. Public Safety seems to
electric lines, cold water pipes for summer cool- down the ladder there and continue on. We wish only go in the tunnels when they suspect some-
ing, and natural gas. you luck in this as we do not want to find any one is in them. If you want to know if someone
The recent construction around campus for the bodies at the bottom. Once at the bottom there is else is down there with you turn off every light as
co-generation plant was largely running a steam no way out that does not involve a tall ladder soon as you are through that section. This way
pipe and a fuel oil line. The new steam line has straight up. This means that if you fell but only you will be able to notice the flashlights. Lastly,
made the trnnels considerably warmer. Now that broke your arm, you would still be screwed. be aware that strolling the tunnels is likely to be
all of the insulation is in place around the pipe, So what are the tunnels useful for the average at least criminal trespass and we would not want
the tunnels are only as bad as last August. student? In short, very little. Access is too hard to to encourage a flagrant disregard for the law.
Frequent pressure releases on the pipes (and the make them practical for avoiding the rain, snow,
odd leak on the older ones) keep the tunnels or any other current weather condition. There is
quite humid. In some areas there is consistently
- P~tJIB~ 88~a~8~P~4 ~LI~EI~
The winner of the last contest was Esteban
nowhere great to go, hang out, and drink beer in
Without further ado, here is his winning entry, tered John.

Rodriguez. The contest, for those of you who with the words we supplied in bold face. Tom opened the mailbox. "Bob Dole!"
don't remember, was to finish the story that They ate the penguin. Dole burped and said
began "One weekend Tom Masse and John "One weekend Tom Masse and John Lowther "That hit the spot."
Lowther went up to the Catskills alone in Tom's went up to the Catskills alone in Tom's truck. In
truck. In the cabin they..." the cabin they found a penguin with a tattoo of Again congratulations to the winner. Now for
Then you had to finish the story in a 100 words Dave Shashoua handcuffed to a battleship our next contest it will be to design your own
or less and use as many of the words we sup- being disemboweled with a pneumatic drill by pumpkin. You can scrawl it on any piece of
plied as possible, and not use any words we Pocahontas who wore Fredrick's of paper and slip in under our door. But if you
deemed to easy to get into a story like this. Hollywood's new biodegradable lingerie. It really want to kiss our ass and win the contest,
Bonus points were awarded for using all 20 sniffed catnip, shit in a catcher's mitt, and you can carve an actual pumpkin and leave it by
words and for making the story exactly 100 shouted, "That cold fusion'll kill ya!" our door.
words long. Esteban did both, winning our con- "Die hairless freak!" Tom shouted as he threw Please send all entries to room 060 of the
test. Unfortunately he did not leave a place were a dozen tripolymer knives at its punany. Student Union, or drop them off in person and
we could reach him to give him his prize, an "No, it's endangered!" shrieked John too late. talk with the editors while you contemplate
eighth of a page for whatever he wanted. If you It was dead. your prize. There is no limit to the amount of
know Esteban, tell him he's won and he can talk There was a knock. entries one person can send. Again the prize
to us about claiming his prize for the next issue. "Don't slip on the blood, Aryan scum," mut- will be an eighth of a page to do whatever.
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The Stony Brook Press page 16

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