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March June 2014

Well here we are again, writing another newsletter. God has provided safety and financial support. The
funding for a new van has been raised! This will be a huge blessing as we were putting 19 people in a five
passenger trooper and 34 in a 12 passenger van. We will be visiting Wisconsin this July for a family reunion
with Deborahs family. Deborah is now seven months pregnant with a baby boy! Of course we have had our
ups and downs with the children. As more of them are turning into teens, our days are full of emotional ups
and downs! Here are some of the highlights of our past four months. Also, our Facebook group is updated
weekly if you would like to keep up with us more.
Dance recital The Haddox family left this month, but not without a dance
recital. The older girls as well as the younger girls did some routines.
House parents needed We are in need
of house parents for our new girls home
starting in March of next year. Please pray
about this.
Auto Safari Once again we were able to
go to the Auto Safari. It was a fun time
with Grandpa and Grandma Stukenberg before they left after being
here for 3 months. The younger kids loved the monkeys.
Garden- Our garden has been producing lots of lettuce, celery,
cabbage, broccoli, beets, onions, radishes and turnips thanks to our
gardeners Jose and Mr. Zimmerman.
Three new girls and a baby boy Three girls- Vilma, Yolanda, Rosa, and
Rosas son Yoxgua, came this month. They left about a month later. We are
praying seeds were planted and that they will grow in the future. They were
returned to a bad situation from what we could tell.
Olympics We did a small Olympics with the kids this month. It was lots of
Day at the Lake A friend who has property on the lake near us had all of us
over for a fun day on the lake. He borrowed a boat, set up games, and
provided food. It was a great time!
Just hanging out We have been doing some fun things with the kids. Model airplanes, dress up, going to
the lake, and making a tire swing are some of the things.
Lots of Berries! Our yard is full of red berries that we transplanted from the woods. The tots enjoy eating
them up every day before Deborah can make them into Jam. (-:
First check-up for Deborah Deborah had her first check-up for the baby this
month. We are praying for a speedy delivery as well as healthy baby.
Jackie leaves Jackie had been living at the Zimmerman house for about ten
months. We saw a lot of progress in her life. The court decided to send her to
another home due to her metal state, desire to leave
and the effect she was having on the other kids in our
the home. Please keep her in your prayers.
Yeni arrives Well we thought we were full but we
accepted one more little baby. She is 9 months old
and doing great! Everyone loves her and has fun
holding her.
The start of our next home Dawn Zimmerman, the
daughter of our house parents at the Zimmerman house, has decided to work
with us in starting another home. Two new little boys arrived for her this month,
Joshua 9 mos and Luis 11 mos. The home will be for children from 0 to 5 years old
upon arrival.
Life Church team A team from Life Church TN came and did some projects around the
house as well as installing stoves for six of the local families. Thanks guys!
Visas to the US Praise the Lord! We got five year multiple entry visas for 4 more of our
kids. We will be in Wisconsin with six of our kids from July 17
to August 4
. It has been
exciting to start being able to travel with our foster kids. We are taking turns taking our
foster kids. This will be trip number three with extras along. Although this is a great
expense, it is a vital part of their development/education as well as a fun time for them
and us to be in a smaller group.
Chicken pox Mercedes got the chicken pox and we are waiting
to see what happens with the rest of the kids. We know many of
them have never had it yet. We are praying it will not be too
wide spread and that if anyone gets it that is going to the States
it will end before we travel.
Movie night for local kids We started a monthly movie night
for the local kids. We show SuperBook videos in Spanish. Thanks to the Malpass
family for donating them! The kids and adults love it. Our older kids enjoy going
along with Dave to help out. This is a good opportunity for our kids to reach out
more to the local children instead of always being the ones served.
More Passports acquired- We finally got three passports for the 3 permanent
kids in our new girls home. Zimmermans will be traveling with them for 3 weeks
in November. The girls are excited to see snow.
Alicias journey Alicia has been accepted to YWAMS medical program. She will be leaving September 3

to Hawaii. We will miss her greatly. Please pray for her finances to come in and also for safety and wisdom.

Please see bottom 2 pages.
Child Highlight

Name: Isaac

Age: 4

Sex: male

Home Town: Santa Cruz del Quiche

Arrival Date: November 25

DOB: June 30, 2010

Story: Isaac was abandoned at birth in the government hospital. He was
born with two hernias, intrauterine growth restriction, scoliosis, among
other health problems. We dont know if that was the cause for
abandonment. At five months old we were at the hospital picking up
another abandoned baby, whom we named Mercedes, when the nurses told us
about two baby boys who had been there even longer. We told them to ask
the judge for a court order and three days later flew up to pick up the
two boys who we later named Isaac(5mos) and Jacob(3mos). Isaacs first
two yrs were full of home therapies (thanks to Deborahs sister
Elizabeth who is a PT) and eventually a hernia operation. He didnt
learn to walk until he was 19 months old. Although he disliked the
therapies, he has been a very happy, smiley, good natured little boy.
This week we celebrated his 4
birthday. Isaac loves to dance. Pray for
Isaac that he will come to know the Lord soon. We have permanent custody
of Isaac. Pray for us that we will have wisdom as we raise him.

Prayer Requests


We have the money for a van!
We have had safety on the road and at the house
We got more passports and visas!
We are expecting our third baby in Sept!
For all the children God has sent
For provision of our needs

Give thanks to the Lord Give thanks to the Lord Give thanks to the Lord Give thanks to the Lord, ,, , for for for for H HH He is good e is good e is good e is good
Psalm Psalm Psalm Psalm 136:1 136:1 136:1 136:1
Please Pray

For continued safety in this rainy season and from robbers
Safety as we travel to the US with four of our foster children as well as David and Felicity
For funding, as our schooling is costing much more than last year
That while we are in the US the children here will be well behaved
That we can begin to get more involved in ministry outside the family
That God will send a new couple to house parent the new girls home in March 2015
That all our kids will know and follow the Lord
For a restful, fun and refreshing time in Wisconsin
That the girls God wants to come to our 2
home will come
For the children to do well in their schooling

And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith
Matt. 21:22 Matt. 21:22 Matt. 21:22 Matt. 21:22

Please keep all of us in your prayers. Feel free to e - mail us at or call at 011-502-
4407-0519 or 011-502-4407-1480. We would love to hear from people. If you would like to support us on a
monthly basis or to give one time gifts please see the information below on page 4. Please do not write our
names on checks. Attach a note with the check as to who it is for. Thank you all for your support and your
e- mails. God Bless.

Contact Info Below

How to Contact us

Our Address in Guatemala for letters and packages:

Dave and Deborah Reichard
San Lucas, Sacatepequez, Guatemala.

For those who wish to contribute and want a tax receipt, please make check out to
and send to:

Harvest Fellowship of Colebrookdale
584 Colebrookdale Road
Boyertown , PA 19512.

Contribute online @ Contribute online @ Contribute online @ Contribute online @

FACEBOOK Our Facebook page - Manos de Compasion
Web site Our web sire is finally done! Check it out!
Blog We have a blog where we post the newsletters and write about what is going on.
Skype Our Skype name is - david.e.reichard

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