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Physical / Spiritual

Benefits of Prayers
(Salaat) Prayer is at once an external and an internal practice
a set of physical exercises, and the richest spiritual
The prayer is done by assuming eight separate positions
of the body and reciting various Qur’anic verses with each

The postures are illustrated in turn, and a brief description

is given of the benefits ascribed to each.
Posture 1 – After Niyaat (intention) : Bring hands,
palm open, up to ears, and place thumbs behind
earlobes, as “Allah Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest) is

Beneficial Effects : Body feels relieved of weight owing

to even distribution on both feet. Straightening back
improves posture. Mind is brought under control of
intellect. Vision is sharpened by focusing upon the
floor, where head will prostrate. Muscles of upper and
lower back are loosened. Higher and lower centers of
brain are united to form singleness of purpose.
Posture 2 : Qiyam (standing) : Place hands, right over
left. Then Recite first chapter of the Qur’an and a
short chapter of at least three verses should be
recited from the Holy Qur’an.

Beneficial Effects : Extends concentration, causes

further relaxation of legs and back, generates
feelings of humility, modesty and piety. In the recital
of the verses from the Qur’an, virtually the sounds
that occur in Arabic are uttered, stimulating
dispersal of all of the ninety-nine Divine attributes in
perfectly controlled degrees through the body, mind
and soul. The sound vibrations of the long vowels ‘a,
I and u’ stimulate the heart, thyroid, pineal gland,
pituitary, adrenal glands and lungs, purifying and
uplifting them all.
Posture 3 : Ruku (Bowing) : Bend at waist,
placing palms on knees with fingers spread.
Back is parallel to ground, such that if a
glass were on the back, it would not spill.
Eyes are looking down, directly ahead. Do
not bend the knees.

While bending at the waist, recite Allah

Akbar, then, Subhana Rabbi Al Azim.

Beneficial Effects : Fully stretches the

muscles of the lower back, thighs and
calves. Blood is pumped into upper torso.
Tones muscles of stomach, abdomen and
kidneys. Over time, this posture improves
the personality, generating sweet
kindness and inner harmony.
Posture 4 : Qauma (Straight standing) : While rising
from the bending position of ruku, recite Sami
Allahu Li-man Hamidah, Rabbana wa lakal
Hamd. Then return to standing position, arms at

Beneficial Effects : The fresh blood moved up

into torso in previous posture returns to its
original state, carrying away toxins. Body
regains relaxation and releases tension.
Posture 5 : Sajdah (Prostration) : Place both hands on knees and lower yourself
slowly and easily into a kneeling position. Then touch the head and hands to
the ground. The following seven body parts should be in contact with the
ground : forehead, two palms, two knees and toes of both feet. Recite Allah
Akbar while going down and then, Subhana Rabiil al-Ala.

Beneficial Effects : Knees forming a right angle allow stomach muscles to

develop and prevents growth of flabbiness in midsection. Increases flow of
blood into upper regions of body, especially the head
(including eyes, ears and nose) and
lungs ; allows mental toxins to be
cleansed by blood. Maintains proper
position of fetus in pregnant women.
Reduces high blood pressure. Increases
elasticity of joints. Annihilates egotism and
vanity. Increases patience and reliance
upon Allah Almighty. Increases spiritual
stations and produces high psychic energy throughout body. This posture
of supreme submission and humility is the essence of worship.
sture 6 : Sitting : Reciting Allah Akbar, rise from posture 5 and assume the sitting

Beneficial Effects : For men, the heel of

the right foot is curled up and the
weight of the leg and part of the body
rests upon it. This aids detoxification
of the liver and stimulates peristaltic
actions of the large intestine. Women
keep both soles up, underneath their
bodies. The body returns to even
greater relaxation, and the posture
assists digestion by forcing the
contents of the stomach down ward.
Posture 7 : Sajdah (prostration) : Repetition of posture 5 exactly.

Beneficial Effects : Repetition of the

deep prostration within a few
seconds cleanses the respiratory
circulatory, and nervous system.
Gives experience of lightness of body
and emotional happiness.
Oxygenation of entire body is
accomplished. Balances sympathetic
and parasympathetic nervous
Posture 8 : Standing / Sitting : From
posture 5, with head in prostration,
lift the head away from the floor and
bring the torso backward. Placing the
hands on knees, reverse the
procedure for going down, and while
again reciting Allah Akbar, return to
the standing position (posture 2).

In case this is the even number of rakat,

return to the sitting position and recite
relevant verses and complete the prayer.

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