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The Guelaguetza is a celebration that takes place in the city of Oaxaca de Juarez, capital of the State of Oaxaca.

This celebration is
part of the popular cult to the Virgin of Carmen.

Another name the Guelaguetza is known by is Mountain Mondays, because each year, the event takes places in a hillside
auditorium on Cerro del Fortin or "Fortin Hill," which seats more than 10,000 people.This word is of Zapoteca origin and defines
the action of offering, sharing or giving. Originated from the festive traditions of the states central valleys, mostly Zapoteca, and
adopted by the Spanish missionaries to impose the Carmen virgin, it has always been a popular festivity based on gifts and
community cooperation.

The Guelaguetza is celebrated each year on the two Mondays following July 16, except when the first Monday falls on July 18, on
the death anniversary of Benito Juarez. In that case, celebrations are postponed for a week.

The origins of the Guelaguetza recall the preshispanic era and are related to the cult of the corn god. The rites to fresh corn in
Mesoamerica demanded the sacrifice of a teenage slave, who would ritually dress in the divinitys attire and be beheaded.
According to historians, this act was a dramatic reenactment of the separation of a mature corn head from the mother plant.

The Guelaguetza tradition defines the people of Oaxaca, from centuries past until today. The word itself means reciprocal
exchange of gifts and services. This relationships work to create a cooperation network among individuals, families and towns

Since 72 years ago, Oaxaca celebrates this traditional festivity implying mutual help, fraternity, solidarity, support and
commitment characterized for being a day of party and shared delight.

During the party, people dance and hand out their products to thousands of persons coming from various communities of the
multiple ethnic groups found in the State of Oaxaca. The state of Oaxaca is home to 16 different ethnolinguistic groups and the
seven regions that meet at the Guelaguetza are: The Central Valleys, Sierra Jurez, La Caada, Tuxtepec, La Mixteca, La Costa (the
Coast), and the Istmo (Isthmus) of Tehuantepec. Each region presents its most valuable traditions and heritage through folk
dances, music, songs and costumes The Guelaguetza has its roots as a festival dedicated to important indigenous deities, in
particular Centeotl also referred to as Xilonen the goddess of corn in Zapotec and Miztec mythology. According to tradition, a
young woman from each community or delegation participating in the Guelaguetza is chosen to represent Centeotol.
This is not a beauty contest, but rather a contest to see which young woman is most knowledgeable about the traditions of her

The public enjoys watching the dancers, especially when they throw their gifts of the fields products,food,fruits,and handcrafts
from their region to the spectators. The Guelaguetza dances are performed on the same place where Zapoteca Indians used to
offer their rites to the gods, specially the god of corn, Centeotl. The music that accompanies them is a mix of preshispanic notes
with Spanish songs and evokes episodes from the Spanish conquest.
An outstanding deed is that every region has its own music band. Of course, music is played alive during the whole event. Most of
them are bands and play folkloric music meanwhile the dancers perform the best of their region

For example In the festival there are women carrying baskets decorated with flowers on their heads, the Dance of the Valley
(Jarabe del Valle) and the Dance of the Bottle (Jarabe de la Botella).

From Tuxtepec, the amazing Flower of the Pineapple dance (Flor de Pia) with more than 20 beautiful women dancing
synchronized, shoulder to shoulder in a colorful costumes. One of the crowd favorites are from the Istmo de Tehuantepec dancing
The Turtle (La Tortuga) in very elaborate and flowery velvet dresses. The Dance of the Feather (Danza de la Pluma). This folkloric
dance is performed by men, who were very fit I might add, with colorful huge plumes on their heads.

And talking of money, its predicted that this years Guelaguetza celebrations will provide the state with additional income of
between 170 and 200 million pesos,
Guelaguetza, the maximun expression of art and traditions of Oaxaca, an amazing gathering of people, music, dances and heritage
of every piece of the cultural mosaic that will leave an unforgetable trace in those who have the opportunity to live it.


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