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Wednesday Night 24-12-08

Henry Rojas: como estan familias, hoy es navidad y como regalo les traemos esta gran
pelea: Fuerza Maña KO vs Los Compas, que te parece Marco

Marco Perez: sencillamente espectacular, no hay nada mas que decir, este es uno de
esos regalos que uno siempre quiso…

Henry Rojas: pero no te olvides que tambien tenemos la final de este torneo que definira
al ultimo contrincante para el Hell in the Cell por el titulo mundial de la LWC

Marco Perez: y aquí tenemos a uno de los que dicen brillara en la federación, o sera un
jobber mas?

Henry Rojas: pues veamos como le va en esta pelea..

Primer Match
Santiago Sangriento vs Rick Astin
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Santiago Sangriento"!

Santiago Sangriento makes his way to the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Rick Astin"!

A drum roll is playing loud and clear

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

Rick Astin makes his way to the ring

Wearing Pleather shorts and a cutoff work shirt

with his lover who kisses him burning with passion

a light shines over him on the ring

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Rick Astin prevails
Rick Astin draws back his arm rocking his body

Santiago Sangriento dodges the Big Punch, taking the initiative

Santiago Sangriento places Rick Astin horizontally on his shoulders

making him fly over his head slamming him on the mat performing a light Fireman

[Special Power Body activated for Santiago Sangriento]

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's hair

Santiago Sangriento lifte his opponent on his back while headed down

Rick Astin evades the Vertabreaker and gains the initiative

Rick Astin lifts his opponent above the shoulder

and makes him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a light Shoulder

[Special Initiative activated for Rick Astin]

Rick Astin gets closer to the opponent laying on the mat

Santiago Sangriento moves to avoid the Elbow Crush and gain the initiative

Santiago Sangriento catches his opponent's legs

and locks them with his own to shape a 4 executing a light Figure 4!!

Santiago Sangriento keeps his excruciating submission hold

Rick Astin escapes from the hold

Rick Astin quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Rick Astin puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead

Santiago Sangriento shifts and avoids an Eye Rake taking the initiative

Santiago Sangriento prepares to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

Santiago Sangriento turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a light Side Kick!!
Santiago Sangriento loads his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Samoan Drop!!

[Special Power Body activated for Rick Astin]

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's ankle

Rick Astin avoids the Ankle Lock easilly, taking the initiative

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's legs and locks them

and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Santiago Sangriento kicks out

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair

Rick Astin and lunges himself on the ropes

Rick Astin waits for the running opponent

Santiago Sangriento performs a somersault on the rival's back to avoid the High
Back Body Drop, and gains the initiative

Santiago Sangriento waits for the adversary

joining his fists like an hammer and hitting him on the face performing a light Polish

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's hair

Santiago Sangriento grabs one Rick Astin 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

Santiago Sangriento stands in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent

Rick Astin moves out of the way avoiding the Shoulder Block, taking the initiative

Rick Astin bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

stretches his arm hitting him with a light Clothesline!!

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair

Rick Astin grabs one Santiago Sangriento 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

Rick Astin stalks his opponent

and knocks him on the ground with a shoulder hit, executing a light Shoulder Block!!

Rick Astin grabs hold of his opponent's leg

Santiago Sangriento breaks loose of his opponent's grasp, neutralizing the

Spinning Leg Crush and regaining the initiative!

Santiago Sangriento gets on the top turnbuckle

Rick Astin suddenly shifts dodging the Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative

Rick Astin rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Santiago Sangriento while performing a torsion with the body
executing a light Twisting Body Attack!!

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair

Rick Astin grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Rick Astin runs towards his opponent

Santiago Sangriento moves to dodge a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks

Santiago Sangriento runs toward Rick Astin and leaps

hitting him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!!

Referee starts counting...



Rick Astin gets up and resolutely fights back

Rick Astin charges his arm

Santiago Sangriento dodges an Overhand Chop to gain the initiative

Santiago Sangriento prepares his arm to strike the adversary

hitting him with a light Punch!!

Santiago Sangriento turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee
and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a light Side Kick!!

Santiago Sangriento puts his opponent on his shoulders

Rick Astin climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Modified Samoan Drop
regaining the initiative

Rick Astin waits for the running opponent

and throws him up in the air with a light Big Toss!!

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair

Rick Astin grabs one Santiago Sangriento 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

Rick Astin jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter

Santiago Sangriento bends, dodging the a Dropsault and taking the initiative

Santiago Sangriento grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back

Rick Astin avoids an a El Alza Del Pasaje and takes the initiative

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's arms putting it between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Santiago Sangriento gets up and resolutely fights back

Santiago Sangriento prepares his arm to strike the adversary

hitting him with a light Punch!!

[Special Submission Defence activated for Rick Astin]

Santiago Sangriento dives into the opponent with a clothesline

Rick Astin avoids the a 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative

Rick Astin gets ready to hit Santiago Sangriento

with a light Low Kick!!

Rick Astin raises his opponent on his shoulder

and hurls him, crashing his shoulder on his knee, performing a strong Shoulder

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair

Rick Astin and lunges himself on the ropes

Rick Astin grabs the running adversary by the hands

Santiago Sangriento avoids a a Monkey Flip and takes back the initiative

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's leg and sits on Rick Astins back

and reefs on the leg applying an strong El Alza Del Pasaje!!

Santiago Sangriento keeps his weak submission hold

Santiago Sangriento keeps his excruciating submission hold

Santiago Sangriento releases his grasp

Santiago Sangriento is about to perform his taunt

Santiago Sangriento executing The Te Le Paso La Micro

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's hair

Santiago Sangriento lifte his opponent on his back while headed down

Rick Astin evades the a Vertabreaker and gains the initiative

Rick Astin grabs his opponent's head

and crashes him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair

Rick Astin hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,

then lifts Santiago Sangriento up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs,
slamming Santiago Sangriento down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting
with a strong Tiger Suplex!!

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair

Rick Astin grabs his opponent's head

to crash him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock

Rick Astin pulls Santiago Sangriento still groggy, by his hair

Rick Astin flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

Santiago Sangriento breaks loose of his opponent's grip, neutralizing the a Sick-ko
and regaining the initiative!

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's hair

Santiago Sangriento grabs his opponent by the head

and by lifting him by 45° connects with an violent Inverted DDT!!

Santiago Sangriento is about to perform his taunt

Santiago Sangriento executing The Te Le Paso La Micro

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's hair

Santiago Sangriento lift his down-headed opponent

Rick Astin evades the a Vertabreaker and gains the initiative

Rick Astin goes to the side of Santiago Sangriento grasping him from behind, hooking
his head

and trips him up falling backward with a light Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down
back first!!

Rick Astin traps his opponent's leg with his own legs

Santiago Sangriento dodges the a Tinlock and gains the initiative

Santiago Sangriento grabs his rival's legs

and locks them painfully with his own to form a strong Figure 4!!

Santiago Sangriento keeps his agonizing submission hold

Santiago Sangriento keeps his excruciating submission hold

Santiago Sangriento releases his grasp

Santiago Sangriento says Viniste a Santiago y Tomaste la Micro

Rick Astin somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Rick Astin grabs an opponent's arm, then he grabs his opposite leg too

and pulls both the limbs causing an unnatural stretch, performing a light Gangsta

Santiago Sangriento escapes from the hold

Rick Astin grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair

Rick Astin grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Rick Astin runs towards Santiago Sangriento

Santiago Sangriento avoids the a Chin Breaker

Santiago Sangriento Grab the head of Rick Astin and

ATANNNGAA Dimelooo Carrlitosss executing devastating Transantiago Death


Santiago Sangriento folds his prostrate opponent's legs

rolling and connecting with a light Sharpshooter!!

Santiago Sangriento keeps his ruthless submission hold

Santiago Sangriento keeps his weak submission hold

Santiago Sangriento releases his grasp

Santiago Sangriento gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

and throws himself toward Rick Astin hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!!

Santiago Sangriento is about to perform his taunt

Santiago Sangriento executing The Te Le Paso La Micro

Rick Astin interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

Rick Astin puts a outstretched hand on Santiago Sangriento's forehead

and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye

Rick Astin lifts his knee and prepares to strikes the adversary

Santiago Sangriento moves away avoiding a a Powerful Knee Strike , taking back
the initiative
Santiago Sangriento puts Rick Astin's head under his arm

and grabbing his hip, raises him throwing him forward performing a strong Reverse

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's hair

Santiago Sangriento grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Santiago Sangriento runs towards his opponent

Rick Astin moves to dodge a a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks

Rick Astin runs toward Santiago Sangriento and leaps

hitting him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!!

Referee starts counting...



Santiago Sangriento gets up and resolutely fights back

Santiago Sangriento goes towards his rival

Rick Astin droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust

Rick Astin puts a outstretched hand on Santiago Sangriento's forehead

and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!!

Rick Astin gets ready to hit the opponent

Santiago Sangriento dodges a a Low Kick and retakes the initiative

Santiago Sangriento places Rick Astin horizontally on his shoulders

slamming him to the ground performing a light Fireman Carry!!

Santiago Sangriento gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump

Rick Astin suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative

Rick Astin climbs the turnbuckle and

jumps towards the rival hitting him with his arm executing a strong Flying
Rick Astin is about to perform his taunt

Rick Astin Raises Eyebrow executing A Raised Eyebrow

Rick Astin grabs his opponent's arm

and turns it submitting him performing a light Flipping Armbar!!

Santiago Sangriento escapes from the hold

Santiago Sangriento quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Santiago Sangriento gets ready to hit Rick Astin

Rick Astin shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative

Rick Astin stares at Santiago Sangriento

and gives him an light Ear Slap!!

[Special Blocking activated for Rick Astin]

Rick Astin brings his foot up

Santiago Sangriento dodges the a Axe Kick taking the initiative

Santiago Sangriento lifts Rick Astin on his shoulders horizontally

throwing him over his head performing a strong Fireman Carry making him fall in front
of him!!

Santiago Sangriento says Viniste a Santiago y Tomaste la Micro

Rick Astin somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Rick Astin crosses in a figure 4 Santiago Sangriento's legs who's laying prone on the

and subdues him with a light Reverse Figure 4!!

Rick Astin keeps his ruthless submission hold

Rick Astin keeps his weak submission hold

Rick Astin releases his grasp

Rick Astin pulls Santiago Sangriento still groggy, by his hair

Rick Astin grabs opponents head in 3 4 headlock

Santiago Sangriento somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin from behind

and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3!
performing a devastating Multiple German Suplex!!

[Special Pinning Resistance activated for Rick Astin]

Santiago Sangriento grabs Rick Astin's hair

Santiago Sangriento and lunges himself on the ropes

Santiago Sangriento prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him

Rick Astin crouches and eludes a a Polish Hammer taking back the initiative

Rick Astin waits for Santiago Sangriento to bounces against the ropes

and throws him backwards, performing a strong Back Toss!!

Rick Astin lifts his arm

Santiago Sangriento moves in order to dodge the a Club to the Neck and

Santiago Sangriento crosses in a figure 4 Rick Astin's legs who's laying prone on the

and subdues him with a strong Reverse Figure 4!!

Santiago Sangriento keeps his ruthless submission hold


Rick Astin can't resist anymore and taps out!!



Entra kubitschek
las luces se encienden y parece llevar
Kubitschek con el Cinturón Mundiall en el hombro usando Bermudas y sin camisa con un craneo pintado en su caray con los pies descalzos

(Camina hacia el ring)

Publico : ooooooooooohhhh

caminar en el comienzo de la
rampa de entrada al ring va mirando todo el escenario segue su camino ate el ring sube
en la
parte superior de una de las esquinas con Puno planteado a elevar el Cinturon Mundial
HABLANDO a los fans pelo microfono

* Kubitschek mirar a la audiencia con una expresión de asesino

Kubit:Falta poco para Revolución Latina.... para retener mi título en el Hell in the

Público>> Yeah!!!.... Buuuu

Kubit: Y hoy sabré el nombre del 3ero en la lucha.... de quién va a osar

arrebatarme el título... y yo, como buen cristiano, quisiera darle un regalo de
navidad... quiera regalarle un consejo.....


Kubit: Que se retire de la lucha.. porque va a sufrir toda mi furia dentro de la celda,
furia que quiero descargar contra ChRiStO nada más.... Furia que...

(Kubit es interrumpido por un sonido de renos.... desde la rampa se ve a un San Nicolás

que viene con una bolsa de regalos... Mientras va bajando, Santa va repartiendo regalos
a niños presentes en la arena. Kubit ve el acto desorbitadamente)

Kubit: Hey... xq interrumpes mis palabras y mi regalo a mi oponente?

(Santa hace caso omiso y sigue repartiedo regalos)

Kubit: Me escuchas?

(Santa sigue haciendo caso omiso y sigue repartiendo regalos.. los niÑos toman fotos y
lo abrazan)

Kubit> ..... (desconfiado baja hacia la otra parte del ring y agarra una silla, y
sigilosamente se acerca al santa)

Kubit: Santa.. tengo un regalo para ti.. (le da un silletazo en la cabeza y después se
le tira encima dándole fuertes golpes a la cara gritando: ChRiStO sé que eres tú....
sé que eres tú ChRiStO, no me vas a engañar)

(Cuando Kubit deja de golpearlo, intenta quitarle la barba pero no puede.. parece ser
real, cuando le quita el gorro, ve a un hombre blanco, viejo, con barba y poco cabello
blanco... no es ChRiStO)

Kubit: No puede ser...

(Se ilumina toda la arena de forma tal que nadie puede ver nada mientras se escucha el
sonido de unos renos. Cuando todo vuelve a la normalidad, el Santa ya no está. Se
enciende la pantalla y es el Santa)

Santa:Hola a todos los niños del mundo, soy Santa, primero que nada, a los que no les
di regalo, revisen debajo de sus asientos, ahí está su regalo. (Los niños revisan debajo y
sí es cierto, su regalo está ahí)

Santa: Ahora Kubit, has sido un niño muy malo, y no mereces ningún regalo.. sin
embargo te voy a dar uno....

(Sale ChRiStO debajo del ring con un mazo sin que Kubit se de cuenta...)

Santa: Espero que lo disfrutes...

Kubit: Qué es???

ChRiStO: YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......... (Golpea con el mazo en el

estómago y lo deja tirado... agarra y destapa una cerveza, bebe un poco y lo otro se lo
echa en la cara a Kubit)

ChRiStO: Feliz navidad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Suena Toxicity de System of a dowm y ChRiStO se va)

Santa: JO JO JO.... Feliz navidad a toda la familia de Latino Wrestling


Marco Perez: bueno anotemoslo en la seccion jobbers.. o ya estamos al aire.. avisame

pues Henry, bueno y ahora tenemos a pedido del mismisimo Rey Andres una pelea
contra el ex campeon hispano y de la X Division, S-PAIN..
Segundo Match
Rey Andres vs S-PAIN
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, S-PAIN"!

Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena

Sparks are showering

S-PAIN makes his way to the ring

with his lover who kisses him burning with passion

smoke hides the whole ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Rey Andrees"!

it seems like a thunder has just stroke!

and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron

Rey Andrees makes his way to the ring

Rey Andrees makes his way to the ring, wearing a white karate suit taking all the dirt
with his giant ki, he arrives to the ring but he levitates to the top rope jumps on it
making a huge backflip, he raises his ki in the middle of the ring and the ring s

driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

Rey Andrees gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

Rey Andrees charges his open hand

S-PAIN ducks and evades the Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking

S-PAIN stares at Rey Andrees in front of him

and gives him an light Ear Slap!!

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees standing up, and raises him on the shoulders

then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an light Augmented
Fireman Carry!!!
S-PAIN bounces off the top rope with Rey Andrees lying face up on the mat then leaps
at him

making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard

Corkscrew Splash!!

S-PAIN gets close to his grounded opponent

and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!!

S-PAIN comes close to the lying opponent

and locks his arms up executing an light Armbar!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN bounces off the top rope with Rey Andrees lying face up on the mat then leaps
at him

making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard

Corkscrew Splash!!

S-PAIN grabs the opponent's head placing his neck on the ropes

Rey Andrees easily avoids a Choke At Ropes, counterattacking

[Special Mortal Submission activated for S-PAIN]

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's hair

Rey Andrees grabs one S-PAIN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN from behind

hooking him by the arms sliding him across his back while falling performing a light
Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back

S-PAIN gets next to Rey Andrees bringing down an arm

and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm Rey Andrees's jaw performing an
strong European Uppercut!!

S-PAIN loads an arm towards himself

and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his

[Special Power Body activated for S-PAIN]

S-PAIN stands in a fighting pose

Rey Andrees avoids the Kicking Combination with dexterity and gains the

Rey Andrees picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back

and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, submitting him with a light
Strangle Hold!!

Rey Andrees keeps his ruthless submission hold

Rey Andrees keeps his weak submission hold

Rey Andrees releases his grasp

Rey Andrees approaches his laying opponent

to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!!

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's hair

Rey Andrees grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Rey Andrees runs towards S-PAIN

S-PAIN avoids the Chin Breaker

[Special Attack activated for S-PAIN]

S-PAIN gains momentum by bouncing off the top rope, and leaps backwards on his

and lands on his opponent, performing a strong Springboard Crossbody!!

Referee starts counting...


Rey Andrees kicks out

S-PAIN gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding
them together

and jumps toward Rey Andrees quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double
Axe Handle!!

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's leg and sits on Rey Andreess back

and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

Rey Andrees escapes from the hold

Rey Andrees quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Rey Andrees open his arms

S-PAIN moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the

S-PAIN hits Rey Andrees with the back of his hand

performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!!

S-PAIN prepares to hit the rival

and tosses it towards the rival executing a strong Forearm Smash hitting him with his

S-PAIN grabs his opponent's trunks

and falls backwards while turning, hooking Rey Andrees's leg with his legs and the
other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against
the mat in a light Spanish Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Rey Andrees kicks out

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's hair

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's head

falling backward slamming Rey Andrees's head into the mat with a strong DDT!!

S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN Golpea El Suelo Como Un Loco Y Lanza Un Grito Desgarrador executing The
Time To Pain

S-PAIN lays down on the opponent and slips an arm under his neck

Rey Andrees shifts avoiding the a Rear Naked Choke taking the initiative

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's head placing his neck on the ropes

and leans down pushing hard with a light Choke At Ropes!!

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's hair

Rey Andrees and lunges himself on the ropes

Rey Andrees runs toward S-PAIN

and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a light Running Arm

Rey Andrees picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back

and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a light Strangle

Rey Andrees keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN escapes from the hold

S-PAIN quickly gets up and counterattacks!

S-PAIN opens wide his arms

Rey Andrees moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the

Rey Andrees charges his arm

and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!!

Rey Andrees dives into S-PAIN with a clothesline

knocking him down!!

Rey Andrees gets close his opponent and grabs his arm

then he takes it down to twist it by performing an light Ultimate Armbar!!

Rey Andrees keeps his weak submission hold

Rey Andrees keeps his weak submission hold

Rey Andrees releases his grasp

Rey Andrees pulls S-PAIN still groggy, by his hair

Rey Andrees flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

and sweeps S-PAIN's leg with his own leg to slam the other wrestler back-first,
executing a light STO!!

S-PAIN pulls himself together and fights back

S-PAIN prepares the back of his hand

hitting Rey Andrees across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd
yells WOOOOOOO!!!

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's arm

and blocks it in a hold then hits him with an elbow smash executing an strong Arm
Wrench & Elbow Smash!!

S-PAIN grabs both of his opponent's arms and hooks them, places his hands palm down
flat against Rey Andrees's upper back,

then he lifts Rey Andrees up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his
opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a violent Tiger

S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN Golpea El Suelo Como Un Loco Y Lanza Un Grito Desgarrador executing The
Time To Pain

S-PAIN rises on the turnbuckle

Rey Andrees dodges at the last moment avoiding a a Twisting Body Attack and
takes back the initiative

Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt

Rey Andrees Stands In The Middle Of The Ring Hearing The Fans executing A Hearing
The Crowds
[Special Resistance activated for S-PAIN]

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's hair

Rey Andrees kicks his opponent head making he fall down he goes to the top rop

S-PAIN somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's arm

and locks his arms up executing an light Armbar!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

[Special Damage Resistance activated for S-PAIN]

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's leg

and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an strong Argentine Leg Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN clutches his laying rival's head

to perform a light Head Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN pulls Rey Andrees still groggy, by his hair

S-PAIN Lanza a Rey Andrees entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre


OPONENTE CON AMBAS PIERNAS executing devastating 967!!

S-PAIN gets besides the laying opponent

to hit him with a powerful Knee Stomp!!

S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN Golpea El Suelo Como Un Loco Y Lanza Un Grito Desgarrador executing The
Time To Pain

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's head placing his neck on the ropes

and leans down pushing hard with a light Choke At Ropes!!

S-PAIN grabs Rey Andrees's hair

S-PAIN lifts the knee to hit the opponent

Rey Andrees avoids a a Knee Smash and gains the initiative

Rey Andrees puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm

and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground
to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him
back on the mat, connecting with a light Snap Suplex!!

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's hair

Rey Andrees grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Rey Andrees runs towards his opponent

S-PAIN avoids the a Chin Breaker

S-PAIN Lanza a Rey Andrees entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre el, SE

Rey Andrees somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Rey Andrees jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back

to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back

S-PAIN gets next to Rey Andrees bringing down an arm

and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!!

S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat

and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a violent Pain Kick!!

S-PAIN Lanza a Rey Andrees entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre


OPONENTE CON AMBAS PIERNAS executing devastating 967!!


S-PAIN approaches his laying opponent

tightening it with a strong Head Lock!!

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold

S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold


S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN rises on the turnbuckle

Rey Andrees dodges at the last moment avoiding a a Twisting Body Attack and
takes back the initiative

Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt

Rey Andrees Stands In The Middle Of The Ring Hearing The Fans executing A Hearing
The Crowds

[Special Increased Pinning activated for S-PAIN]

Rey Andrees grapples one of S-PAIN shoulders

and puts it in traction executing a light Shoulder Lock!!

S-PAIN escapes from the hold

Rey Andrees grabs his laying opponent's leg

then he jumps to hit it with his knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!!

Rey Andrees grabs S-PAIN's hair

Rey Andrees kicks his opponent head making he fall down he goes to the top rop

and jumps making 2 backflips on air landing with his back on S-PAIN stomach
executing powerful Andomegancy!!

Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt

S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Rey Andrees is faster and is not caught off guard!

S-PAIN pulls himself together and fights back

S-PAIN open his arms ready to hit Rey Andrees

and strikes Rey Andrees's face with both hands performing a violent Mongolian Chop!!

S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat

and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning
Wheel Kick!!

S-PAIN seems ready to hit his opponent

then he hits Rey Andrees with many kicks by executing a devastating Kicking

S-PAIN rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Rey Andrees while performing a torsion with the body executing
a violent Twisting Body Attack!!

S-PAIN tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...





Henry Rojas: S-PAIN logro la victoria.. que gran pelea..

Marco Perez: pero mira quien viene ahí..

-Ferroki aparece-
S-PAIN y Ferroki comiensan una pelea fuera del ring, en eso Rey Andres se levanta y
salta sobre los dos!!
Henry Rojas: waaooo.. que gran salto de parte de Rey Andres!!

Marco Perez: Rey Andres esta mirando a ambos quienes estan tendidos sobre el suelo..

Rey Andres: creo que a quedado demostrado que ambos contra mi perderian y este
titulo –agarra el titulo- sera mio…

-Aparece Vincet-

GG Vincent: deja eso ahí Rey, te tengo una propuesta, ante estos ultimos incidentes, te
doy la oportunidad de estar en el PPV mas importante de la empresa!

Marco Perez: no me digas que peleara por el titulo de la DivisionX??

Henry Rojas: asi parece..

GG Vincent: pero claro que no lucharas en esa pelea

Publico: ¿???

GG Vincent: seras el referee especial de la pelea de ellos dos…

Marco perez: Rey de referee especial?? Waoo.. esa pelea va a estar fenomenal!!




SERGINHO7: sinceramente, me la repampimfla mi combate contra los compas porque

se que no me juego nada.



Henry Rojas: ¿se ve inferior?

Marco Perez: no, tiene que haber otra explicacion.

SERGINHO7: solamente me preocupa ahora mismo mi combate en Revolucion Latina.

estoy harto de no ver mi nombre en las apuestas, solo un mensaje: !!!HABEIS

Henry Rojas: (ironicamente) uy, que miedo.

SERGINHO lo escucha y le aqtaca bestialmente ejecutandole su FLASHBACK y

dejandolo inconsciente.

Marco Perez: te lo has ganado.


Se ve una limosina en la entrada del coliseo de la LWC... no hay nadie adentro.

Marco Perez: sera la limo donde estaba terry y su hermano?

Henry Rojas: parece que si... y si asi fuese a donde fue?

Marco Perez: esto esta muy extraño

Henry Rojas: bueno Marco es hora de hacer el recuento de lo que ha venido siendo este
torneo que hoy llega a su fin!!

Marco Perez: fue un torneo donde ocurrio de todo, y donde Kimi y He-Man quienes son
los siguientes en luchar, dejaron en claro al principio de este torneo que si lograran
lograr el torneo seria en honor a su maestro y amigo Spanish Head…

Henry Rojas: y precisamente ahí llegan, hubiera sido una emotiva final, pero promete a
ser una gran pelea y una gran fiesta

Se apagan las luces y suena....?????

Henry: Que?? y esa canción??

Suena Jingle bells rock, caen globos rojos y blancos del techo, la gente aplaude, el gran
He-man sale vestido de Papa Noel.

He.Man: JO JO JO mi gente de LWC, acabo de hacer el regalo mas espectacular del

mundo, pueden apreciarlo

Se ve en la pantalla un edificio, la camara enfoca el penthouse, se ve el interior del

edificio, es un departamaneto lujoso con muebles finos, se peude notar que en la terraza
hay un gran jacuzzi, y varias chicas vestidas de mama neolas (con mini vestidos)
bailando y tomando litros de champagne, algunas hasta se toquetean entre ellas, en eso
se ve la imagen de... SPANISH HEAD!!!!

Marco: Gordo con suerte!!!

Henry: Que buena manera de prepararse para su lucha... deberia preparase fisica y
mentalmente pues Paulonovich es..

Marco: Cierra la boca viejo envidioso!! HE-MAN YO TB QUIERO MI REGALO


Spanish: Que estilo he-Man, que estilo y que buen regalo, gracias mi hermano

En ese momento se ve una morocha que levanta la cabeza del jacuzzi con cara de que se
estaba ahogando

Spanish: Vanessa QUE HACES!!! sigue buscando tu arete en el fondo del jacuzzi
(Spanish la vuelve a hundir)

Publico: jajajajaja, yeee grande Spanish

He-Man: Wooeee Feliz navidad mi hermano, relajase y disfrute!!, bueno Kimi te

espero, es todo un honor enfrentarme ante un grande por el pase a la final, y como hoy
me siento con el espiritu navideño tengo un poemita que quiero recitar.
Marco: Que culto es este muchacho

Hoy es noche buena y mañana navidad
en unos momentos me enfrentare a Kimi y lo hare sin piedad

Por mi amigo Spanish peleo con un factor sorpresa

si te descuidas y me das la espalda sentiras toda mi presa

para terminar solo queiro decirte que n esta epoca navideña no puedes tener el corazon
si Papa Noel no te ha traido nada ven y juega con mi muñeco
Publico: jajajajajajajaja

He-man: Bromita navideña, comencemos la lucha!!! Suerte maestro....

-Kimi aparece-

Kimi: basta de payasadas, Spanish se merece un tribute como debe ser dentro del ring,
He-man, hoy dentro del ring veremos quien de los ex Elemental Salty Biscuit es el

Henry Rojas: ohm.. creo que un saludito para Spanish no caeria mal..

Marco Perez: bueno nose y luego dicen que yo soy el desconsiderado

Torneo: Tercer Match

Kimi vs He-Man
Mika Callaway:: "Y la siguiente pelea, es por las semifinals del torneo!"

Mika Callaway: "ingresando primero, He-Man Show"!

and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron

He-Man Show makes his way to the ring

Mika Callaway: "y su oponente, KiMi37"!

A drum roll is playing loud and clear

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

KiMi37 makes his way to the ring

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort He-Man Show prevails

He-Man Show holds his opponent

KiMi37 hits his opponent with a knee strike to evade the Uppercut gaining the

KiMi37 hurls the leg preparing the blow

and hits He-Man Show with a strong Roundhouse Kick!!

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's neck

He-Man Show dodges the Falling Neck Breaker easily, taking the initiative

He-Man Show lifts up KiMi37 from behind

and throws him backwards with a light Back Suplex!!

He-Man Show grabs KiMi37's hair

He-Man Show and lunges himself on the ropes

He-Man Show runs toward KiMi37

and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a light Running Arm Drag!!

He-Man Show gets close to his grounded opponent

and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!!

He-Man Show grabs KiMi37's hair

He-Man Show grabs one KiMi37 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

He-Man Show hooks KiMi37 from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



KiMi37 kicks out

He-Man Show grabs KiMi37's hair

He-Man Show and lunges himself on the ropes

He-Man Show runs toward the opponent

KiMi37 dodges the Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative

KiMi37 raises his own leg

and drives the sole of his boot into his face with a light Big Boot!!

KiMi37 grabs his rival's leg

and lets himself fall over it with a light Elbow drop to inner thigh!!

KiMi37 gets besides the laying opponent

and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!!

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's hair

KiMi37 grabs one He-Man Show 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

KiMi37 charges the back of his elbow

to hit He-Man Show in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!!

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's hair

KiMi37 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

KiMi37 runs towards his opponent

and grabs him by the head in order to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!!

He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back

He-Man Show charges his arm

and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light
Overhand Chop!!

He-Man Show grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it,

and crashes him on the mat after an half turn with a light Neckbreaker Cutter!!

He-Man Show prepares the foot

and hits KiMi37 with a kick executing an light Angry Stomp!!

He-Man Show grabs KiMi37's hair

He-Man Show grabs one KiMi37 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

He-Man Show hooks KiMi37 from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



KiMi37 gets up and resolutely fights back

KiMi37 gets ready to hit He-Man Show

and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm He-Man Show's jaw performing an
strong European Uppercut!!

KiMi37 lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary

with an extreme power performing a light Powerful Knee Strike!!

KiMi37 grabs his opponent's arms

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

KiMi37 places his knee on He-Man Show's upper back

and pulls back on the arms to compress He-Man Show's shoulder blades applying
a light Tabla De Surf!!

KiMi37 keeps his weak submission hold

He-Man Show escapes from the hold

He-Man Show quickly gets up and counterattacks!

He-Man Show gets besides the laying opponent

and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!!

He-Man Show charges the leg

KiMi37 rolls over causing He-Man Show to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain
losing the initiative

KiMi37 grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands

and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a strong Two Handed Face

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's hair

KiMi37 grabs one He-Man Show 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

KiMi37 stalks his opponent

and strikes him with a light Shoulder Block!!

KiMi37 pulls He-Man Show still groggy, by his hair

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's neck

and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a light Falling Neck Breaker!!

KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt

He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching KiMi37 off guard!

He-Man Show prepares to hit the rival

KiMi37 moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back

KiMi37 jumps towards He-Man Show

and kicks him twice performing a strong Bicycle Kick!!

KiMi37 puts his opponent on his shoulders

He-Man Show climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Caidita Samoana
regaining the initiative
He-Man Show bounces against the ropes and runs toward KiMi37's back

grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a
violent Bulldog!!

He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt

KiMi37 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching He-Man Show off guard!

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's head

falling backward slamming He-Man Show's head into the mat with a powerful
Kimi's Ddt!!

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's hair

KiMi37 tucks He-Man Show's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head

and uses both legs to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over
himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a violent Snap Suplex!!

KiMi37 grabs the head of the dumped opponent in front of himself with both the hands

and raises him slamming He-Man Show's head on the ground executing a violent Two
Handed Face Buster!!

KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt

He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but KiMi37 is faster and is not caught off guard!

KiMi37 goes towards his rival

and executes a violent Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!!

He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back

He-Man Show gets ready to hit KiMi37

and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!!

He-Man Show loads his arm chop style and

hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!!

He-Man Show Golpeandolo en el bajo vientre, mientras el oponente esta doblado

KiMi37 somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

KiMi37 grabs his rival's leg

and hits it with an elbow performing a violent Elbow drop to inner thigh!!

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show on the ground by the head with both hands

and raises him hurling him with the face on the ground with a strong Two Handed Face

KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt

He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching KiMi37 off guard!

He-Man Show uses the right hand to grab KiMi37's head,

and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat
performing a light Snapmare!!

He-Man Show grabs KiMi37's hair

He-Man Show grabs the opponent's head

KiMi37 avoids the a DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's hair

KiMi37 kneels down right in front of his rival

and hits is opponent with a violent Low Blow!!

KiMi37 tucks He-Man Show's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head

and uses both legs to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over
himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a strong Snap Suplex!!

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that He-Man Show has fallen
out of the ring!!!!

KiMi37 is about to perform his taunt

He-Man Show capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching KiMi37 off guard!

He-Man Show stays in the ring recovering and waiting for KiMi37
He-Man Show Riendo Y Mirando Al Oponente Que Esta En El Suelo executing An Are
You Kidding Peque O Idiota

Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"

Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

KiMi37 goes up again in the ring

He-Man Show tucks KiMi37's head in his armpit

forcing KiMi37 to dive onto his head with a violent Modified DDT!!

He-Man Show gets close to his grounded opponent

to hit him with a strong Knee Stomp!!

[Special Blocking activated for KiMi37]

He-Man Show grabs KiMi37's hair

He-Man Show locks KiMi37's head under his arm

forcing KiMi37 to dive onto his head with a strong Modified DDT!!

He-Man Show grabs the opponent's head placing his neck on the ropes

KiMi37 easily avoids a a Choke At Ropes, counterattacking

KiMi37 grabs He-Man Show's head placing his neck on the ropes

and leans down pushing hard with a light Choke At Ropes!!

KiMi37 pulls He-Man Show still groggy, by his hair

KiMi37 is going to the corner and take their skim

and hit his opponent in the head executing devastating K R 37 Out!!

KiMi37 tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


He-Man Show kicks out

KiMi37 turns He-Man Show still groggy up pulling his hair

KiMi37 bounces against the ropes and runs toward He-Man Show's back

grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a
light Bulldog!!

KiMi37 climbs the top turnbuckle

and dives, landing with his belly on He-Man Show with a devastating Body Splash!!

Referee starts counting...





Marco Perez: Kimi logro su pase a la final.. no lo puedo creer..

Henry Rojas: pues haslo porque ahora esta en la final.. que piensas a eso Spanish Head..

-Spanish Head sube al ring, y le tiende la mano a Kimi, este lo abraza, y entre los dos
levantan a He-Man-

Marco Perez: waoo que momento..

Henry Rojas: si me sorprende mas el hecho de que fuiste tu quien lo penso..

Marco Perez: bueno esque a veces es demasiado emotivo

se ve a Natalia andano porlos pasillos, va saludando a las superestrellas de LWC y se

para delante de killer Montxo
Natalia:Hola a todos estamos aki kon...
Killer montxo: ke tengo prisa!!!kitate de una ?/(&%$" vez de mi kamino!!!
y killer montxo se va corriendo por los pasillos...
Natalia va andando y de repente suena una voz lúgrube:
??¿¿¿??: caaan you heaaar how the childreen weeep.....
Natalia se va corriendo y se para asustada en la eskina que da a la cafeteria, echa un
grito ensordcedor y se va como alma ke lleva l demonio korriendo por donde abia

Henry rojas: ¿¿que demonios??

se apagan las luces y al encenderse BLOODREDSANDMAN esta en el ring mirando

kon kara de psicópata a Henry Rojas...
Henry rojas: e,e,e,e ke vas a acer...(henry va reculando hasta quedarse aislado en la

BLOODREDSANDMAN:(coje carrerilla) TUKUUU....!!!

de repente aparece SERGINHO:

SERGIBHO7: yeeeee!!! estate kieto granduyon!!!! no agas lo k estabas a punto de

se apagan las luces y al encenderse BLOODREDSANDMAN esta delante de

BLOODREDSANDMAN:Once again there is pain

I bring flames - I bring cold I´m the Blood Red Sandman coming home On this unholy
night I will make you my own Blood Red Sandman Coming home

y desparece...

SERGINHO7 parece que se va pero vuelbe sobre sus pasos

SERGINHO7: se me olvidaba...por parte de mi pekeñin coleguiya, esta komo loko por

conseguir el papel de villano en l apelicula, ademas es un papel ke le pega muuuuuy
bien...............y para terminar:

Suena My Curse de Killswitch Engage



Socko-holics: SOCKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fn Socko: Tonight I have a match against XMP partner at Latino

Revolution.......Cruscifer......If I beat Cruscier tonight clasificare a la final del
torneo........pero eso........ya se sabe.....Fn Socko llegara a la final del torneo y lo ganara
xq me convertire en THE FIRST EVER LWC TRIPLE CHAMPION.......

Socko-holics: PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!!! PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE

DONT DIE!!!!!!!!

Fn Socko: a lo que venia ......... Cruscifer esta noche pateare tu trasero x lo que me
hiciste la semana pasada......estaba pateandole el trasero a XMP y apareces con un bate
y me golpeas la cabeza........era necesario eso??????.......
Socko-Holics: HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!

Fn Socko: Bueno ya se que XMP es tu compañero y no querias ke lo siga

humillando.......pero de todas maneras esta noche ......... WHAT DOES EVERYBODY

Socko-Holics: PLEASE KICK CRUSCIFER ASS!!!!!!!!!!

Fn Socko: Thats what im gonna do.........So Crucifer will TAP


Socko-Holics: PAIN TIMEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Henry Rojas: WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!..........esta pelea se ve interesante........pero lo que me

parece mas interesante es ke Fn Socko alla recordado el nombre de su oponente

Fn Socko: Henry como no voy a olvidar ese es el mas feo que he
escuchado......Cruscifier????? Shit es????????......

 Torneo: Cuarto Match

Cruscifer vs Fn Socko
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Cruscifer"!

a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow

and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron

Cruscifer makes his way to the ring

Pantalones Rojos con franjas blancas simbolizando a su pais esa es su vestimenta

mounting a custom chopper

with his trainer, who's giving him his last suggestions for the match

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Fn Socko"!

a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves
Fn Socko makes his way to the ring

wearing black pants with the name The Submission Lord

greeting the mob from the limousine's roof

within three Paparazzi who precede him taking many shots

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

Cruscifer gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

Cruscifer holds his opponent by the head

Fn Socko easily avoids a Knee on Head and gains the initiative

Fn Socko tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails

Cruscifer dodges the Elbow Smash and counterattacks

Cruscifer grabs Fn Socko's arm

and swings him to the ground with an light Arm Drag!!

Cruscifer while Fn Socko's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of the opponent

Fn Socko easily evades the Wish Bone and gains the initiative

Fn Socko crosses in a figure 4 Cruscifer's legs who's laying prone on the mat

performing a light Reverse Figure 4!!

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Fn Socko pulls Cruscifer still groggy, by his hair

Fn Socko places himself behind his opponent

Cruscifer dodges a Full Nelson with great easyness, taking the initiative

Cruscifer grasps the opponent's legs and head, kneeling on him

Fn Socko spins and trips up the opponent, avoiding a Bow & Arrow Lock

Fn Socko hooks Cruscifer's legs who's laying prone on the mat

performing a light Reverse Figure 4!!

Fn Socko keeps his excruciating submission hold

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's hair

Fn Socko grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Fn Socko runs toward the opponent

Cruscifer suddenly dodges the Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative

Cruscifer throws Fn Socko to the ring's corner

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body

Cruscifer grabs Fn Socko's leg

and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!!

Fn Socko escapes from the hold

Cruscifer puts his own hands under the opponent's armpits, who is prone on the mat

Fn Socko easily dodges the Butterfly Lock, taking the initiative

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's ankle

twisting it in an irregular way executing an light Ankle Lock!!

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Cruscifer holds his opponent by the head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!!

Cruscifer jumps at his opponent

Fn Socko doges the Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative

Fn Socko grabs his opponent's head and arms

to weave them in an unnatural way, executing a light Eastern Stretch!!

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's hair

Fn Socko puts his arms around his opponent's head

and starts gripping it violently, performing a light Dormilona De Poder!!

Fn Socko keeps his agonizing submission hold

Fn Socko keeps his excruciating submission hold

Fn Socko releases his grasp

Fn Socko gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump

and jumps toward the prone opponent hitting him with his head, performing a strong
Diving Headbutt!!

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's ankle

twisting it in an irregular way executing an violent Te Vas Pa La Lona De Cara


Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Cruscifer holds his opponent by the head

Fn Socko easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative

Fn Socko grabs his opponent's head

and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!!

Fn Socko charges his arm

and falls on Cruscifer with his fist executing a light Fist But!!

Fn Socko grabs his opponent's head and arms

to make his body weave unnaturally with a light Eastern Stretch!!

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko keeps his excruciating submission hold

Fn Socko releases his grasp

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's hair

Fn Socko and lunges himself on the ropes

Fn Socko waits for the running adversary

and grabs him by the arm throwing him on the ground performing a light Monkey

Fn Socko is about to perform his taunt

Fn Socko Clap Clap Clap executing A Temer Es Normal

Fn Socko holding the ropes places a foot on Cruscifer's neck,

holding the ropes he applies pressure with his feet on Cruscifer's neck performing a
light Foot Choke!!

Fn Socko is about to perform his taunt

Fn Socko Clap Clap Clap executing A Temer Es Normal

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's ankle

twisting it in an irregular way executing an powerful Te Vas Pa La Lona De Cara


Fn Socko keeps his agonizing submission hold

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Cruscifer stares at the opponent in front of him

Fn Socko avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative

Fn Socko prepares his arm

hitting him with a light Punch!!

Fn Socko tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails

and strikes his opponent with a light Elbow Smash!!

Fn Socko grabs his opponent's head and arms

Cruscifer avoids the a Eastern Stretch and gains the initiative

Cruscifer gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

and leaps toward Fn Socko quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe
Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta
Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki

Cruscifer gets close to his grounded opponent

Fn Socko avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks

Fn Socko catches his opponent's legs

and locks them with his own to shape a 4 executing a light Figure 4!!

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Cruscifer gets ready to hit Fn Socko with his right hand

and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a light Slap!!

Cruscifer swings his whole body back

and with a great strength punches Fn Socko's face performing a strong Gran
Taladro Gurren Lagann!!

Cruscifer grasps the opponent

Fn Socko gets free from the a Golpe Izquierdo Del Diablo, taking the initiative

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's hair

Fn Socko lifts the opponent on his shoulders

Cruscifer somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta
Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki

Cruscifer grabs the opponent's arm

Fn Socko avoids the a Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks

Fn Socko crosses in a figure 4 Cruscifer's legs who's laying prone on the mat

causing him pain with a light Reverse Figure 4!!

Fn Socko keeps his excruciating submission hold

Fn Socko keeps his excruciating submission hold

Fn Socko releases his grasp

Fn Socko grabs the opponent's ankle

Cruscifer avoids the a Ankle Lock easilly, taking the initiative

Cruscifer catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder

then he stretches it backward to cause pain, performing a light Koji Clutch!!

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold

Fn Socko escapes from the hold

Cruscifer while Fn Socko's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of the opponent

Fn Socko easily evades the a Wish Bone and gains the initiative

Fn Socko crosses in a figure 4 Cruscifer's legs who's laying prone on the mat

and subdues him with a light Reverse Figure 4!!

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko releases his grasp

Fn Socko grabs his rival's legs

and locks them with his own to shape a 4 executing a light Figure 4!!

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko releases his grasp

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's hair

Fn Socko lifts the opponent on his shoulders

Cruscifer somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Cruscifer puts his hand on Fn Socko's head

and raises the other hand to hit him with an elbow to the nape executing a light Elbow
to Back of Head!!
Cruscifer comes close to the lying opponent

Fn Socko avoids the a Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's ankle

twisting it applying an light Ankle Lock!!

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko releases his grasp

Fn Socko is about to perform his taunt

Fn Socko Clap Clap Clap executing A Temer Es Normal

Fn Socko hooks Cruscifer's legs who's laying prone on the mat

and subdues him with a light Reverse Figure 4!!

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Socko releases his grasp

Fn Socko catches his opponent's legs

Cruscifer dodges the a Figure 4 easily, taking the initiative

Cruscifer grabs Fn Socko's hair

Cruscifer grabs one Fn Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Cruscifer bounces against the ropes and runs toward Fn Socko

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta
Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki

Cruscifer while Fn Socko's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of Fn Socko

and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish
Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold

Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold

Cruscifer releases his grasp

Cruscifer grabs Fn Socko's hair

Cruscifer grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Cruscifer runs towards his opponent

and strikes his chin violently with a kick executing a strong Chin Breaker!!

Cruscifer grasps Fn Socko

and slams him down to the mat performing a violent Golpe Izquierdo Del Diablo!!

Fn Socko pulls himself together and fights back

Fn Socko hugs his opponent's head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!!

Fn Socko prepares his arm

Cruscifer dodges the a Fist But and takes the initiative

Cruscifer lifts up Fn Socko from behind

and throws him backwards performing a strong Back Suplex!!

Cruscifer approaches his laying opponent

to hit him with a violent Knee Stomp!!

Cruscifer locks his opponent's leg by blocking it against his own shoulder

and locks his leg against the shoulder to execute a light Koji Clutch!!

Fn Socko escapes from the hold

Cruscifer tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Fn Socko kicks out

Cruscifer lifts Fn Socko up, still groggy

Cruscifer prepares his arm

Fn Socko dodges the a Fist But and takes the initiative

Fn Socko lifts Cruscifer on his shoulders and slams him

Cruscifer somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Cruscifer puts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Samoan Drop!!

Cruscifer grabs Fn Socko's hair

Cruscifer grabs one Fn Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Cruscifer hooks Fn Socko from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Fn Socko gets his shoulder up somehow

Cruscifer gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

Cruscifer stretches out his arms, opening his hands

and grasps his head squeezing his temples, performing a light Brain Squeezer!!

Fn Socko escapes from the hold

Fn Socko quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Fn Socko approaches his rival loading his arm

and executes a light Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!!

Fn Socko grabs the rival's head preparing himself to strike him

Cruscifer lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative

Cruscifer lifts up the opponent from behind

Fn Socko somersaults falling on his feet, dodging a a Back Suplex and taking the

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's hair

Fn Socko grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Fn Socko dashes towards his opponent

Cruscifer moves to dodge a a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks

Cruscifer runs towards his opponent with an arm tight outside

and catches him by the torso with a light Lariat, smashing him down!!

Cruscifer pulls Fn Socko still groggy, by his hair

Cruscifer grabs both of Fn Socko's arms

he throws him out of balance with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!!

Referee starts counting...



Fn Socko gets his shoulder up somehow

Cruscifer gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

Cruscifer agarra una silla el arbitro lo detiene y entonces entra su hermano


y este le da con el mazo entonces CRUSCIFER executing MORTAL Zabimaru!!

Fn Socko HAS A CUT!!!

Cruscifer tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Fn Socko firmly pulls a shoulder up

Cruscifer turns Fn Socko up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

Cruscifer tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...



Fn Socko gets his shoulder up somehow

Cruscifer gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

[Special Mortal Submission activated for Fn Socko]

Cruscifer grabs Fn Socko's leg

Fn Socko avoids an a Argentine Leg Lock and takes the initiative

Fn Socko grabs his rival's legs

and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a strong Figure 4!!

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a strong Knee on Head!!


Cruscifer brings his foot up

then drops it into Fn Socko executing an strong Axe Kick!!

Cruscifer grasps Fn Socko

and slams him down to the mat performing a powerful Body Slam!!

Cruscifer goes up to the lying opponent

Fn Socko avoids the a Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks

Fn Socko grabs Cruscifer's ankle

twisting it in an irregular way executing an strong Ankle Lock!!

Fn Socko keeps his weak submission hold

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Cruscifer points to Fn Socko with decision

and gives him an light Ear Slap!!

Cruscifer stands firmly on the mat

and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning
Wheel Kick!!

Cruscifer grabs both of Fn Socko's arms

making him fall forward with a somersault to perform a light Victory Roll!!

Referee starts counting...





Marco Perez: nooo!! Cruscifer no!! Fn Socko!! Esto no puede estar pasando.. Cruscifer
vs Kimi en la final.. yo me retiro.. Henry te dejo solo

Henry Rojas: pues parece que Cruscifer ira por su Segundo Torneo.. ganara esta vez
frente a Kimi?.. volvera Marco? Que dira XMP?

Al comenzar la retrasmision del show, Killer Montxo, SERGINHO y Kubit beben en el

bar, despreocupados, disfrutando de una buena velada a cuenta del GG Vincent...

Kubit: Bueno, yo me voy, tengo cosas que hacer... Aqui esta lo que debo...

SERGINHO: Vale, vale, vete, y deja el pabellon bien alto (Kubit se va, y al cruzar las
puertas se ve una extraña sombra, mientras SERGINHO y Killer Montxo aprovechan
para repartirse el dinero de Kubit)

Killer Montxo: No se que es mas patetico... que carguemos todo asi como asi, o que
nunca nos vayan a pillar...

SERGINHO y Killer Montxo: Muahahahahahaaaaaaaahahahaaaaaaaa

Despues de un rato riendose...

SERGINHO: Ala, vamos p'al ring que tenemos un Montxo's Topic Show... Shhh, tu,
camarero, carga todos los gastos en la cuenta del GG Vincent, ¿Eh?

Santo Angel: Vaya mierda de vida...

¿¿¿???: Perfecto, ya los tengo...


Natalia: Aqui estamos entrevistando a XMP, Maestro, diganos, que pensó cuando
Cruscifer ataco a FN Socko?

XMP: Mira, yo solo digo, que tu DANIEL, SI A TI DANIEL TE ESTOY

HABLANDO, no apreciaste que yo te ayudará en las batallas, por que? nos ibamos a
enfrentar en las semifinales, queria que llegaras ILESO contra mi persona, y asi me
agradeces?!, bueno yo solo te digo, buena suerte......

Natalia: Pero quien es daniel y por que le deseas buena suerte?

XMP (sonriendo): Bueno Natalia, el tipo solo queria ayudar, y de paso creo que ayudaré
a Dave a mentalisarze mejor, no quiero que se prepare.

Natalia: Pero si todo lo que te dijo dave, no deberías de estar enojado con el?

XMP: Vamos naty, piensa mejor, ellos 2 han pasado por lo mismo que yo, solamente
les falta un poco más para pasar al siguiente nivel como yo, y por las buenas O.....por
las malas, tendran que aprender.
En especial Dave Snake, Todavia no comprendes lo que estoy haciendo por ti y por
Cruscifer verdad?
Todavia en tu pequeño cerebro, tu unica neurona no lo entiende?
Por que crees que has perdido en el torneo?, por que crees que sigo insistiendo a que
ENTIENDAS, por que hice lo que hice a Cruscifer e hice la lucha contra ti en el pasado
pague por ver?, quieres saber por que lo hice? quieres que te lo explique mejor?
Tengamos otra pelea, tu contra mi en Revolucion Latina, EL ULTIMO Y MAS
IMPORTANTE PPV DEL AÑO, para que alcanzes otro nivel, ya que Cruscifer........le
gano la ambición a ser alguien importante. -en eso Cruscifer aparece-

Natalia: mira XMP, justo aparecio de quien estabas hablando

XMP: no digo que eres hueca.. claro si todos lo estamos viendo..

Cruscifer: XMP dejame decirte que yoen ningun momento pedi tu ayuda, y mucho
menos en este torneo..

XMP: pero sin mi no hubieras logrado llegar a donde estas ahora, en esta pelea..

Cruscifer: si no lo conseguia hubiera sido mejor, pero ante Mascara demostre porque
llege hasta aqui..

XMP: pero eso no te daba derecho de quitarme esta lucha contra ti, queria probarte,
queria ver cual era el nivel que alcanzaste hasta este dia..

Cruscifer: pero tu no podras saber cuanto avanze porque nunca hemos peleado..

XMP frunce el seño

Natalia: bueno tranquilos muchachos, no se exalten..

Cruscifer y XMP: tu callate!!!

-Natalia mira a los dos abriendo los ojos un poco mas, asi como Maria de WWE xD-
Aparece Dave Snake y le da un empujon a XMP

Dave Snake: No hables asi a Natalia, imbecil...

Natalia: Gracias Dave...

En ese momento Snake voltea la cabeza y mira fijamente a Cruscifer y hablandole bajo
para que XMP no le escuche

Dave Snake: (Que estas haciendo?? casi te pillan, no discutas con XMP... y a que estas
esperando, haz algo que van a sospechar...)

Cruscifer: (Ah si) Que haces Snake, no toques a mi compañero de PPV con el que te
daremos una paliza este sabado, asi que vete eligiendo un buen ataud para el sabado que
es donde acabaras HA HA HA

XMP (riendose): Asi me gusta Cruscifer, veo que has vuelto a ser el cruscifer que yo
conozco y que aceptó mi propuesta de ser mi pareja para darle su merecido a Snake para
que aprenda la leccion.

Dave Snake: No merece la pena gastar fuerzas aqui con vosotros 2, ya os daré vuestro
merecido el sabado, mientras tanto descansad porque lo necesitareis HA HA HA

Snake le habla otra vez bajo a cruscifer para que XMP no le escuche...

Dave Snake: (Bien hecho, te veo en el PPV)

y Dave Snake se va.

- Cruscifer se dispone a retirarse para prepararse para la final-

XMP: suerte en la final..

Cruscifer: no la necesito..


(Se les ve bajando a Los Elegidos con cara de contentos y con su atuendo de
estrellas de Hollywood)
Mascara Chilena: Bueno aquí como nos ven, ya pasamos el trago amargo de la derrota
por el torneo, ya no nos importa, ya que como "Elegidos" hemos visto que ganar ese
campeonato no era a lo que estábamos predestinados

Darkneo: Nuestro futuro inmediato es retener los títulos contra Prision y su compañero

Mascara Chilena: Muy bien dicho Darkneo, y como muestra de ello hoy derrotare a
Prision, para que vean la diferencia de poder

Publico: Elegidos!!!, Elegidos!!!

Darkneo: Lo otro, manténganse atentos, en Revolución Latina se viene la pelea por el

contrato de Villano de "Mascara Chilena vs Los Talibanes Asesinos Mutantes", se viene
espectacular, luchadores misteriosos, un gran contrato, solo en LWC!!!

Publico: Elegidos!!!, Elegidos!!!

Mascara Chilena: Vamos Prision, ven para que seas derrotado

Quinto Match
Mascara Chilena vs Prision
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, prision666"!

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

prision666 makes his way to the ring

wearing a black shirt with the word !!hell yeeaaahh!!! in the back ,a black pant with a

driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Mascara Chilena"!

Mascara Chilena makes his way to the ring

Mascara Chilena gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

Mascara Chilena holds his opponent by the head

and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!!

Mascara Chilena holds his opponent

prision666 hits his opponent with a knee strike to evade the Uppercut gaining the

prision666 grasps Mascara Chilena

and slams him down to the mat performing a light Body Slam!!

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 charges the movement raising the elbow

Mascara Chilena shifts and avoids an Elbow to Back of Head, counterattacking

Mascara Chilena pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair

Mascara Chilena jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back

to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 kicks out

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's legs and locks them

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back

prision666 prepares to strike the adversary

and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!

[Special Damage activated for Mascara Chilena]

prision666 grabs the opponent's head

Mascara Chilena lowers and avoids an Head Butt, departing to the counterattack

Mascara Chilena prepares to a kick

hitting him straight to his belly executing a light Toe Kick!!

Mascara Chilena grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the

prision666 easily eludes a Tiger Suplex, retaking the initiative

[Special Resistance activated for Mascara Chilena]

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand

Mascara Chilena breaks free from his opponent's Snapmare and regains the

[Special Submission activated for prision666]

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena goes to the side of the opponent grasping him from behind, hooking
his head

prision666 prevents the opponent's Russian Leg Sweep with an elbow smash,
taking the initiative

prision666 grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat

Mascara Chilena evades the a Prision Crossface, taking back the initiative

Mascara Chilena prepares the foot

and hits prision666 with an light Angry Stomp!!

Mascara Chilena grabs his laying opponent's leg

then he jumps to hit it with his knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!!

Mascara Chilena charges the kick

and hits prision666 with a kick executing an light Angry Stomp!!

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well
Mascara Chilena runs to the rival

prision666 steps aside avoiding a a Lou Thesz Press Pin and counterattacks

prision666 runs toward Mascara Chilena

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 grabs one Mascara Chilena 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

prision666 hooks Mascara Chilena from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Mascara Chilena kicks out

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 puts his hand on Mascara Chilena's head

and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!!

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 and lunges himself on the ropes

prision666 waits for the running opponent

Mascara Chilena avoids the a Hip Toss, gaining the initiative

Mascara Chilena grabs his opponent's hips and turns him sideways

then he hurls him making him land on his back, executing a light Side Slam!!

[Special Damage Resistance activated for prision666]

Mascara Chilena leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across
the ring

and lands on him splashing him with a light Standing Moonsault!!

Mascara Chilena is about to perform his taunt

Mascara Chilena Grita En Mapudungun executing A Invocacion Mapuche

Mascara Chilena grabs his laying opponent's leg

then he jumps to hit it with his knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!!

Mascara Chilena takes an opponent's arm and twisting it he holds it among the legs

continuing twisting his arm he falls ahead on the rival and he pins him with a light
Magistrale Cradle!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 kicks out

Mascara Chilena pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair

Mascara Chilena spins as he gets close to his opponent

and then lands a heel blow right on his temple , performing a strong Spinning Kick!!

Mascara Chilena locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back

prision666 prepares his arm to strike the adversary

hitting him with a light Punch!!

prision666 grabs his opponent from the belt with an arm

Mascara Chilena escapes from the movement, with an elbow in the stomach,
taking back the initiative

Mascara Chilena Golpea la cabeza

toma fuertemente executing light Palanca Al Cuello!!

prision666 escapes from the hold

Mascara Chilena is about to perform his taunt

Mascara Chilena Grita En Mapudungun executing A Invocacion Mapuche

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Mascara Chilena spins as he gets close to his opponent

and then lands a heel blow on his opponent's face, performing a strong Spinning Wheel

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Mascara Chilena jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter

and hits him with a light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat!!

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Mascara Chilena Corre hacia el oponente

y salta violentamente executing light Super Chilena!!

Mascara Chilena jumps to hit his opponent with a knee

and hits it with the knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!!

Mascara Chilena is about to perform his taunt

Mascara Chilena Grita En Mapudungun executing A Invocacion Mapuche

Mascara Chilena jumps quickly over his laying opponent

to hit him with a light Elbow Drop!!

Mascara Chilena pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair

Mascara Chilena gets on prision666's shoulders,

then he hooks him with the legs to make him fall on the ground with a violent

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that prision666 has fallen out
of the ring!!!!

Mascara Chilena leaves the ring

Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Mascara Chilena positions prision666 with the body inside the ring and the head on the
apron ring

to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head,executing a strong Elbow Smash on the

Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!"

Mascara Chilena positions prision666 with the body inside the ring and the head on the
apron ring

to take a run-up and to land on prision666 with a strong Elbow Smash on the

Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

Mascara Chilena performs an amazing flight from the ring

prision666 stops the adversary and crashes him against a turnbuckle,


prision666 positions Mascara Chilena with the body inside the ring and the head on the
apron ring

to take a run-up and to land on Mascara Chilena with a strong Elbow Smash on the

Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!"

prision666 tucks Mascara Chilena's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the

then lifts Mascara Chilena up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming
Mascara Chilena down to the step ladder shoulder and neck first connecting with a
strong Suplex on Step Ladder!!

Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!"

prision666 lifts the adversary on a shoulder

to crash the adversary on it with a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!!

Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!"

prision666 lifts the adversary on a shoulder

Mascara Chilena avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!!

Mascara Chilena removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections

and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a light Powerslam on the

Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!"

Mascara Chilena lifts the adversary on a shoulder

prision666 avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!!

prision666 lifts the adversary on a shoulder

to crash the adversary on it with a light Powerslam on the Table!!!!

[Special Pinning Resistance activated for prision666]

Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!"

prision666 goes up again in the ring

Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!"

Mascara Chilena goes up again in the ring

prision666 grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm

to crash him with the other one performing a strong Modified Pepsi Twist!!

prision666 uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, pulling the opponent above
his shoulder performing a a Snapmare

Mascara Chilena breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the

Mascara Chilena uses the right hand to grab prision666's head, pulling prision666 above
his shoulder performing a Snapmare

and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat
performing a light Snapmare!!

Mascara Chilena Levanta a su oponente

y lo arroja executing strong Llave De Condor!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 kicks out

[Special Resistance activated for prision666]

Mascara Chilena swings his leg

prision666 avoids the a Kick to Back taking initiative.

prision666 grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat

tightening it with a light Head Lock!!

prision666 keeps his ruthless submission hold

prision666 keeps his ruthless submission hold

prision666 releases his grasp

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 and lunges himself on the ropes

prision666 waits for the running opponent

hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a light Hip Toss!!

prision666 grabs the opponent's arms putting it between his legs

Mascara Chilena avoids the attempt of the a Recliner Pin, taking the initiative

Mascara Chilena locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back

prision666 charges his open hand

and slaps Mascara Chilena across the face, executing a light Slap!!

[Special Damage activated for prision666]

prision666 flanks his opponent and prepares to strike

and strikes his opponent right on his jaw, performing a light Side Mounting Punch!!

prision666 grasps the opponent

Mascara Chilena gets free from the a Body Slam, taking the initiative

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Mascara Chilena takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

stretching his arm hitting his back with a light Clothesline to Back!!

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Mascara Chilena throws prision666 to the ring's corner

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a strong
Body Avalanche!!

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Mascara Chilena runs toward prision666

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Mascara Chilena stands in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent

and with a light Shoulder Block shows his might, knocking him on the ground!!
Mascara Chilena pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair

Mascara Chilena grasps prision666 while running

and throws him up across the ring with a light Big Toss!!

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's arms putting it between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 kicks out

Mascara Chilena approaches to his laying opponent and falls down

to hitt him straight with a punch, performing a light Fist Drop!!

prision666 interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Mascara Chilena

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666 by an arm

prision666 performs a somersault to stand up avoiding the a Mega Japonesa,

taking the initiative

prision666 grabs his running opponent by the arm

to make his face fall on the mat with an light Uraken!!

prision666 is about to perform his taunt

prision666 Begins To Move His Hands As If He Was Playing Guitar executing A Guitar

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 grabs one Mascara Chilena 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well
prision666 stands behind Mascara Chilena

and hits Mascara Chilena in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!!

prision666 is about to perform his taunt

prision666 Begins To Act Like A Madman Without A Remedy executing A The Loco

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 grabs one Mascara Chilena 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena from behind

Mascara Chilena suddenly dodges the a Backslide Pin, and starts to counterattack

Mascara Chilena bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

hitting him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!!

Mascara Chilena pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair

Mascara Chilena twists his rival's arm over his shoulder and turns behind him

threads an arm under his opponent's neck and crushes him on the mat by sitting down,
executing a strong Cobra Clutch Bomb!!

Mascara Chilena jumps quickly over his laying opponent

to hit him with a light Elbow Drop!!

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Mascara Chilena runs towards his sitting opponent, and leaps on him

and smacks him sideways with a kick on his neck, knocking him down with a strong
Shining Wizard!!

prision666 interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

prision666 prepares his arm

hitting him with a light Punch!!

prision666 moves sideways and charges his right hand

Mascara Chilena slips past the a Side Mounting Punch, catching his opponent off-
guard and regaining the initative

Mascara Chilena leaps toward prision666

and kicks him twice performing a light Bicycle Kick!!

Mascara Chilena grabs his opponent's trunks

and falls backwards while turning, hooking prision666's leg with his legs and the
other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a
light Paquetito!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back

prision666 gets ready to hit Mascara Chilena

and hits him with the forearm executing an violent European Uppercut!!

[Special Blocking activated for prision666]

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's head

performing an strong Head Butt!!

prision666 puts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Samoan Drop!!

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 grabs one Mascara Chilena 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

prision666 charges towards a standing opponent

jumps and brings his body parallel to the ground driving their shoulder into
Mascara Chilena's mid-section tackling them and forcing them down to the mat
executing MORTAL Prision Spear!!

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's arms between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Mascara Chilena gets up and resolutely fights back

Mascara Chilena locks his rival's legs shaping a 4

and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back

prision666 is about to perform his taunt

prision666 Begins To Act Like A Madman Without A Remedy executing A The Loco

prision666 grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

prision666 and lunges himself on the ropes

prision666 runs toward the opponent

Mascara Chilena dodges the a Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative

Mascara Chilena waits for the running opponent

then he lifts him above the head to slam him to the ground, performing a light High
Back Body Drop!!

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena approaches prision666 and grasps him by his chest,

then he lifts his knee and hits him with a strong Tie Up Knee Strike!!

Mascara Chilena grabs and holds prision666's feet

and lifts them up throwing prision666 to the ground with a light Double Dragon

Mascara Chilena grabs prision666's hair

Mascara Chilena grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Mascara Chilena throws prision666 to the turnbuckle

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body

Mascara Chilena gets ready to hit his opponent by opening his legs

and hits him to the groin with a violent Kick to Groin!!

-En eso Darkneo ataca a Prision sin que el arbitro se de cuenta-

Mascara Chilena: que haces..

Publico: buuu!!!

Mascara Chilena locks his rival's legs shaping a Pin!!

Referee starts counting...





Marco Perez: parece que a mascara no le agrado la ayuda de Darkneo..

Henry Rojas: crees que esto influya en su pelea de este sabado?

Se ve en el ring el escenario tipico del Montxo's Topic Show, con sus dos sillas en las
que Killer Montxo y SERGINHO estan repantingados, ademas de la mesa hecha con
unos ladrillos y una hamaca...

Marco Perez: Bueno, espero que ya de una vez podamos demostrar definitivamente que
FN-Shoko es el culpable... A todo esto... ¿Donde esta Henry?

SERGINHO: Seguro que esta dandole a la zambomba... en fin, hoy tenemos como
invitado a...

Killer Montxo: Calla, que eso lo digo yo. Demos una calurosa bienvenida a

Suena Land Of Confusion, pero en vez de aparecer BloodRedSandman, aparece un

hombre encapuchado, con algo en la mano derecha parecido a una camara...
¿¿¿???: Os dije que os delataria, y por fin os tengo... Muahahaha

El hombre misterioso se quita la capucha y aparece el rostro de Henry Rojas

Publico: Oohhhh

Marco Perez: Pero que haces ahi desgracia, ven a tu lugar...

Henry Rojas: ¡¡¡¡Lo que hago aqui es demostrar definitivamente que Killer Montxo y
SERGINHO son culpables del cargo de bebidas a la cuenta del GG Vincent!!!!!
¡¡¡¡ Pasad el video!!!!

Pasan el video a peticion de Henry, pero en vez de la prueba irrefutable, aparece un

video casero de Henry algo subidito de tono...

Henry Rojas: (Avergonzadisimo)¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Mas adelante, mas adelante!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Adelantan el video y se ve a Killer Montxo y a SERGINHO repartiendose el dinero de

Kubit, riendose, y despues como cargaban los gastos en la cuenta del GG Vincent...

Henry Rojas: ¿Suficiente, o quereis alguna prueba mas?

SERGINHO: Pero vamos a ver, si se ve claramente, no, clarisimamente, que el que

carga todo es Killer Montxo.

Killer Montxo: Pero seras cabron, no me vendas...

En esto, empieza a sonar el tema del GG Vincent, y Killer Montxo y SERGINHO se

quedan palidos de terror. En cuanto se empieza a vislumbrar la figura del GG en la
puerta de salida, Killer Montxo y SERGINHO bajan del ring y comienzan una frenetica
huida saltando la valla del publico.

GG Vincent: ¡¡¡¡¡Pero no huyais!!!!

SERGINHO y Killer Montxo, al oir esto, aprietna el paso mientras SERGINHO

comienza a robar cervezas y a beberselas en una gran muestra de agilidad, y al mismo
tiempo, Killer Montxo sustrae las carteras del publico que aparta.


(Algo mas calmado, pero con el mismo tono de severidad) Es mas, esta me la vais a
pagar, ya podeis ir preparandoos para luchar esta misma noche contra los compas,
espero que seais tan diestros en la lucha como en el arte del engaño y el robo,
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ BASURA!!!!!!!

Killer Montxo y SEGINHO consiguen escapar por las puertas de emergencia, y dejan al
GG Vincent y a los comentaristas a solas...

Henry Rojas: Le dije que los pillaria, aunque fuese con una cutre camara casera...

GG Vincent: Si, has hecho un buen trabajo... Por ello te mereces una galletita...

El GG Vincent le da la galleta, mientras le acaricia la cabeza, a la vez que Henry pone

cara de satisfaccion.

Marco Perez: Clavadito a un peroo... Juas Juas Juas....


Sexto Match
Fuerza Maña KO vs Los Compas
ChRiStO and Tom Bonecrusher walks in the ring between thunderous applauses!

The opponents make their way to the ring as well, SERGINHO7, KILLER

Tom Bonecrusher and BLOODREDSANDMAN enter the ring.

ChRiStO and SERGINHO7 are waiting in the respective corners

Tom Bonecrusher gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

Tom Bonecrusher gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European

Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's head

and smashes it with many kneelings executing a light Knees Lift!!

Tom Bonecrusher bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting
ChRiStO bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to
BLOODREDSANDMAN's neck performing a light Clothesline & clothesline on
the knee back!!

Tom Bonecrusher lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs

and closes the arms on his own pressing to perform a light Gory Special!!

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his excruciating submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp

Tom Bonecrusher holds his opponent's fist

and twists it by executing a light Fist Lock!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold

Tom Bonecrusher grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN executing a backbreaker

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the opponent raising him high

dropping him on the knee executing an light Atomic Drop!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs one Tom Bonecrusher 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

BLOODREDSANDMAN bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

SERGINHO7 leans on the ropes to get the touch!

BLOODREDSANDMAN charges his right leg

Tom Bonecrusher avoids the Kick to Back taking initiative.

Tom Bonecrusher grabs the opponent's arms and legs making lever on them

lifting him aloft keeping on stretching performing a light Mexican Stretch!!

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his excruciating submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp

Tom Bonecrusher grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Tom Bonecrusher charges his opponent

BLOODREDSANDMAN moves out of the way avoiding the Shoulder Block,

taking the initiative

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head

and smashes it with many kneelings executing a light Knees Lift!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN drapes an opponent over his shoulders in a fireman's carry


Tom Bonecrusher skilfully slides away and flanks his opponent, dodging the Super
Body Slam and regaining initative!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's wrist from behinds taking it on his opposite

threads his other arm under his opponent's neck and crushes him on the ground by
throwing him back, executing a light Cobra Clutch Suplex!!

Tom Bonecrusher locks BLOODREDSANDMAN's waist lifting him

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back

BLOODREDSANDMAN raises the opponent high

Tom Bonecrusher gets free avoiding an Atomic Drop, and rolls down the
opponents back counterattacking

Tom Bonecrusher loads his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a strong
Samoan Drop!!

Tom Bonecrusher lifts the opponent on his shoulders

ChRiStO climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent

executing a strong Doomsday device!!

Tom Bonecrusher stretches out his arms, opening his hands

and grasps the opponent's head with a light Brain Squeezer!!

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp

Tom Bonecrusher grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher runs towards his opponent

and he snaps his foot into the opponents chin with a light Chin Breaker!!

Tom Bonecrusher bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back

BLOODREDSANDMAN jumps placing his own feet beneath the opponent's shoulders

and makes Tom Bonecrusher roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Tom Bonecrusher gets up and resolutely fights back

Tom Bonecrusher lifts the opponent showing great strength

and throws him backwards with a light Back Suplex!!

Tom Bonecrusher approaches his laying opponent

BLOODREDSANDMAN evades the Head Lock, taking back the initiative

BLOODREDSANDMAN jumps quickly over his laying opponent

to hit him with a light Elbow Drop!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN takes a short run

performing a violent Ainglinglinglin!!

Referee starts counting...


Tom Bonecrusher gets up and resolutely fights back

Tom Bonecrusher rushes towards his rival on the ground

to hit him with the fist executing a light Fist Drop!!

SERGINHO7 leans on the ropes to get the touch!


Kubitschek grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Kubitschek takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a light Clothesline to Back!!

Kubitschek lays down on the opponent and slips an arm under his neck

and grabs his other arm in a light Rear Naked Choke!!

Tom Bonecrusher leans on the ropes to get the touch!

Kubitschek grabs Christo's hair

Kubitschek grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Kubitschek runs towards his opponent

and he snaps his foot into the opponents chin with a light Chin Breaker!!

Kubitschek grabs the rival's neck from behind

to twist it in with a light Neck Wrench !!

Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold

Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold

Kubitschek releases his grasp

Kubitschek grabs Christo's hair

Kubitschek grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Kubitschek runs towards his opponent

and strikes his chin violently with a kick executing a light Chin Breaker!!
Christo pulls himself together and fights back

Christo open his arms ready to hit the opponent

Kubitschek moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the

Kubitschek droops quickly sideways to his rival

and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with strong Forearm On

Kubitschek comes close to Christo

Christo avoids the Arm Lock easily, taking the initiative

Christo grasps both of his opponent's wrists while he places his foot on his upper back

and pulls back on the arms, submitting him with a light Surfboard Stretch!!

Christo keeps his weak submission hold

Christo keeps his weak submission hold

Christo releases his grasp

Christo bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting


Tom Bonecrusher bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to Kubitschek's

neck performing a violent Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!!

Christo grabs Kubitschek's hair

Christo grabs one Kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Christo hooks Kubitschek from behind

and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Kubitschek gets up and resolutely fights back

Kubitschek grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back
and yards on it while leaning into the opponent forming a light Argentine Leg Lock!!

Christo escapes from the hold

Christo quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Christo pulls Kubitschek still groggy, by his hair

Christo grabs the opponent's arm hooking it against his one

twisting his wrist performing an light Hammer Lock!!

Kubitschek escapes from the hold

Kubitschek quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Kubitschek grabs Christo executing a backbreaker

Killer Montxo bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a
devastating Backbreaker & flying legdrop!!

Kubitschek pulls Christo still groggy, by his hair

Kubitschek puts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Mortal Death!!

Kubitschek grabs his opponent and takes his head downwards

then jumps and lets him fall to perform a strong Jumping Piledriver!!

Kubitschek catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder

and locks his leg against the shoulder to execute a light Koji Clutch!!

Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold

Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold

Kubitschek releases his grasp

Kubitschek grabs Christo's hair

Kubitschek grabs his opponent

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!


SERGINHO7 touches BLOODREDSANDMAN suddenly entering the ring!

SERGINHO7 goes towards his rival

and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!!

SERGINHO7 angrily prepares his leg

Tom Bonecrusher dodges the a Big Kick starting a counterattack

Tom Bonecrusher grasps the opponent's head standing sideways to him

SERGINHO7 escapes from a a Front Russian Leg Sweep and takes the initiative

SERGINHO7 prepares to hit the opponent grasping him by his chest

then he hits him with a light Tie Up Knee Strike!!

ChRiStO leans on the ropes to get the touch!


Kubitschek gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

Kubitschek prepares to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

Kubitschek droops quickly sideways to his rival

and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with light Forearm On

Kubitschek grabs Christo's hair

Kubitschek gives the touch to Killer Montxo who enters the ring!

Killer Montxo grabs Christo executing a backbreaker

Kubitschek bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a

violent Backbreaker & flying legdrop!!


Killer Montxo grabs Christo's hair

Killer Montxo grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Killer Montxo runs toward the opponent and jumps

and crushes him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!!
Referee starts counting...



Christo kicks out

Killer Montxo grabs Christo's hair

Killer Montxo grabs one Christo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

Killer Montxo runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

Killer Montxo grabs Christo's hair

Killer Montxo grabs the opponent's head from behind

Christo gets free from a a Reverse DDT, taking the initiative

Christo places himself behind his opponent and blocks his arms

he lifts him up and slams him to the ground face first, executing violent Full Nelson
Face Drop!!

Christo is about to perform his taunt

Killer Montxo capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Christo is faster and is not caught off guard!


ChRiStO touches Tom Bonecrusher suddenly entering the ring!

ChRiStO prepares the back of his hand

performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!!

ChRiStO brings his foot up

then drops it into the opponent executing an light Axe Kick!!

ChRiStO grabs the rival's neck from behind

to twist it in with a light Neck Wrench !!

ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold

ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold

ChRiStO releases his grasp

ChRiStO jumps towards his opponent

and lands his leg across the lying opponent's chest executing a violent Suicide Leg

ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7's hair

ChRiStO grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

ChRiStO grasps his opponent by the neck

to make him fall face first with a strong Full Nelson Bulldog!!!!

SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back

SERGINHO7 holds his opponent by the head

and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!!

SERGINHO7 hurls the leg preparing the blow

and hits him on the face with a violent Destruction Impact!!

SERGINHO7 stands in front of the opponent

ChRiStO dodges the a Karate Kick and counterattacks

BLOODREDSANDMAN leans on the ropes to get the touch!

ChRiStO hooks the opponent's neck

performing a violent Tha Christos Way!!

ChRiStO places himself at the side of the opponent, grabbing his head

and falls backward tripping him up, slamming his back down to the ground performing
a light Russian Leg Sweep!!

ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7's hair

ChRiStO and lunges himself on the ropes

ChRiStO waits for the running opponent

hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a light Hip Toss!!

ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7's hair

ChRiStO grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

ChRiStO grabs his opponent by the head with one arm

making him fall ahead on his face performing an violent Half Nelson Bulldog!!!!

ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7's hair

ChRiStO hooks the opponent's neck

as making him fall with great strength perfoming a violent Tha Christos Way!!

ChRiStO moves behind the opponent and grasps his head putting it under his arm,

SERGINHO7 shows great agility and gets free from the a Rolling Cutter, taking
the initiative

SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's head and puts it under his shoulder

taking him on his knees to connect a series of fistbuts, performing a light Head Lock &

SERGINHO7 bends down on ChRiStO

and catches him in a light Chin Lock by locking his chin with his hands!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold

SERGINHO7 keeps his ruthless submission hold

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp

SERGINHO7 grabs ChRiStO's hair

SERGINHO7 grabs one ChRiStO 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent

ChRiStO suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative

ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7's hair

ChRiStO grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well
ChRiStO stops the running opponent from behind with an arm

making him fall performing an violent Half Nelson Bulldog!!!!

ChRiStO grabs SERGINHO7's hair

ChRiStO grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

ChRiStO blocks his opponent from behind

to make him fall face first with a violent Full Nelson Bulldog!!!!

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking ChRiStO is caught out!

SERGINHO7 gets ready to hit the opponent preparing his leg

ChRiStO dodges the a Big Kick starting a counterattack

ChRiStO grabs the opponent lifting him sideways to himself

and makes him whirl behind himself with mastery, making him slam his back with a
light Tilt A Whirl Side Slam!!

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but ChRiStO is faster and is not caught off guard!

ChRiStO prepares the back of his hand

hitting the opponent across the chest with a strong Back Hand Chop while the crowd
yells WOOOOOOO!!!

ChRiStO quickly lifts his left leg

SERGINHO7 dodges the a Karate Kick and counterattacks

SERGINHO7 raises his elbow preparing the hit

and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an light Elbow to Back of

SERGINHO7 grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back
and reefs on the leg applying an light Argentine Leg Lock!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his ruthless submission hold

SERGINHO7 keeps his ruthless submission hold

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp

SERGINHO7 and BLOODREDSANDMAN lift ChRiStO by the neck

ChRiStO avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back

ChRiStO lifts his opponent sideways to himself

and makes him whirl behind himself with mastery, making him slam his back with a
light Tilt A Whirl Side Slam!!

ChRiStO bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting


Tom Bonecrusher bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to SERGINHO7's

neck performing a powerful Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!!

ChRiStO pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair

ChRiStO agarra al luchador lo pone entre sus rodillas lo carga

y lo tira a la lona con mucha fuerza executing devastating Go To Hell!!

ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


SERGINHO7 kicks out

ChRiStO grabs the opponent's arm from the back and locks him in with his arm and a

and then bends him leaning on the abdominal muscles applying an light Abdominal

ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold

ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold

ChRiStO releases his grasp

ChRiStO bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting

Tom Bonecrusher bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to SERGINHO7's

neck performing a powerful Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!!

ChRiStO gets closer to the opponent laying on the mat

and strikes him with the elbow may times by performing a light Elbow Crush!!

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking ChRiStO is caught out!

SERGINHO7 locks the opponent's head under his arm

then drops backwards smashing the opponent's head into the mat performing a
strong S7 Ddt!!

SERGINHO7 hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,

then he lifts the opponent up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his
opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a strong Tiger

SERGINHO7 grabs ChRiStO's hair

SERGINHO7 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

SERGINHO7 runs towards his opponent with an arm tight outside

and throws him down by wrapping the arm on his torso with a light Lariat!!


Christo gives the touch to Tom Bonecrusher who enters the ring!

Tom Bonecrusher lifts the opponent on his shoulders

Christo climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent

executing a violent Doomsday device!!

Tom Bonecrusher approaches the opponent

Killer Montxo gets free from the hold avoiding a a Brain Squeezer, taking the
Killer Montxo grabs one of the opponent's legs, and places the opponent's ankle
between his own thighs,

Tom Bonecrusher breaks free from his opponent's clamp just in time, regaining
the initative!

Tom Bonecrusher applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs

continuing twisting his arm he falls ahead on the rival and he pins him with a light
Magistrale Cradle!!

Referee starts counting...



Killer Montxo kicks out

Tom Bonecrusher approaches the opponent

and grasps the opponent's head with a light Brain Squeezer!!

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold

Killer Montxo escapes from the hold

Tom Bonecrusher charges his leg

Killer Montxo avoids the a Kick to Back taking initiative.

Killer Montxo grabs the opponent's arms and legs stretching them from behind

hooking the legs to his own legs, performing a light Mexican Stretch!!

Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold

Tom Bonecrusher quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Killer Montxo's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

Tom Bonecrusher hooks Killer Montxo from behind

hooking him by the arms sliding him across his back while falling performing a light
Backslide Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Killer Montxo kicks out

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Killer Montxo's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

Tom Bonecrusher stalks his opponent

Killer Montxo moves out of the way avoiding the a Shoulder Block, taking the

Killer Montxo prepares the leg

Tom Bonecrusher bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the


Tom Bonecrusher jumps at the opponent's legs

and hits the opponent with a strong Dropkick To Knee!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand

Killer Montxo breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the

Killer Montxo grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair

Killer Montxo hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,

then lifts the opponent up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs,
slamming the opponent down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting
with a violent Modified Tiger Suplex!!

Killer Montxo hooks his opponent's arms on his back while his bent over

throwing Tom Bonecrusher behind himself and pinning him performing a strong
Chicken Wing Suplex Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Tom Bonecrusher gets up and resolutely fights back

Tom Bonecrusher stares at the opponent in front of him

and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!!

Tom Bonecrusher turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

Killer Montxo ducks and eludes the a Side Kick, retaking the initative

Killer Montxo seems ready to hit his opponent

performing a violent Kicking Combination!!

Killer Montxo grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair

Killer Montxo grabs one Tom Bonecrusher 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

Killer Montxo runs toward the opponent

Tom Bonecrusher suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the

Tom Bonecrusher holds his opponent's fist

and twists it by executing a light Fist Lock!!

Killer Montxo escapes from the hold

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Killer Montxo's hair

Tom Bonecrusher and lunges himself on the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher throws his opponent over his head straight up

and drops him backwards on the mat with a light Back Body Drop!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Killer Montxo's hair

Tom Bonecrusher and lunges himself on the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher runs toward the opponent and jumps

and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a light Running Arm

Killer Montxo interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

Killer Montxo gets ready to hit Tom Bonecrusher

and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm the opponent's jaw performing an
strong European Uppercut!!

Killer Montxo dives into the opponent with a powerful clothesline

Tom Bonecrusher avoids the a 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative

Tom Bonecrusher bounces off, using the top rope,

and while in mid-air, grabs his opponent's head slamming it on the ground, connecting
with a light Springboard Bulldog!!

Tom Bonecrusher clutches his laying rival's head

Killer Montxo evades the a Head Lock, taking back the initiative

Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt

Killer Montxo Shout I Am A Menceeeeeeeeeeey executing The Arguayo Rage

Killer Montxo blocks one of his opponent's legs locking it between his thighs

Tom Bonecrusher breaks free from his opponent's clamp just in time, regaining
the initative!

Tom Bonecrusher applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs

jumps ahead on the rival rotating on himself pinning him with a light Magistrale

Referee starts counting...



Killer Montxo kicks out

Tom Bonecrusher clutches his laying rival's head

Killer Montxo evades the a Head Lock, taking back the initiative

Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt

Killer Montxo Shout I Am A Menceeeeeeeeeeey executing The Arguayo Rage

Killer Montxo grabs the opponent's legs and locks them

and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Tom Bonecrusher gets up and resolutely fights back

Tom Bonecrusher holds his opponent by the head

Killer Montxo easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative

Killer Montxo opens wide his arms

and strikes the opponent's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!!

Killer Montxo turns against the adversary

Tom Bonecrusher eludes the attempt of a a Mule Kick and he takes back the

Tom Bonecrusher jumps with his feet held togheter

and with a strong push hits the opponent's face performing a light Dropkick!!

Tom Bonecrusher pulls Killer Montxo still groggy, by his hair

Tom Bonecrusher spins as he gets close to his opponent

Killer Montxo ducks and eludes the a Spinning Kick, retaking the initative

Killer Montxo charges his leg

to hit his opponent with a light Kick to Back!!

Killer Montxo grabs his opponent's leg

and moves around it, twisting and crushing it on the mat, delivering pain and connecting
with a light Spinning Leg Crush!!

Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt

Tom Bonecrusher capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking Killer Montxo is caught out!

Tom Bonecrusher dives into the opponent with a clothesline

knocking him down executing a light 3 Point Stance Charge!!

Tom Bonecrusher gets on the opponent's shoulders,

Killer Montxo avoids a a Hurracanrana and takes back the initiative

Killer Montxo grabs his opponent's arms while jumping

Tom Bonecrusher dodges the a Victory Roll and counterattacks

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Killer Montxo's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

Tom Bonecrusher charges his opponent

and strikes him with a light Shoulder Block!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Killer Montxo's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

Tom Bonecrusher runs toward the opponent and leaps

Killer Montxo bends dodging the a Running Dropkick and starts a counterattack

Killer Montxo gets besides the laying opponent

Tom Bonecrusher avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks

Tom Bonecrusher bends down on Killer Montxo

holding his chin with the hands to perform light Chin Lock!!

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold

Killer Montxo escapes from the hold

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Killer Montxo's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent,

then he hits his back with his arm extended performing a light Clothesline to Back!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Killer Montxo's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well
Tom Bonecrusher throws the opponent to the ring's corner

Killer Montxo dodges the a Body Avalanche, taking the initiative

Killer Montxo stares his opponent's in his eyes

Tom Bonecrusher ducks and evades the a Standing Clothesline, catching his
opponent off guard!

Tom Bonecrusher prepares to hit the opponent grasping him by his chest

then he hits him with a light Tie Up Knee Strike!!

Tom Bonecrusher gets on the opponent's shoulders

then he hooks him with the legs to make him fall on the ground with a powerful

Tom Bonecrusher jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back

to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Killer Montxo kicks out

Tom Bonecrusher lifts Killer Montxo up, still groggy

Tom Bonecrusher brings his foot up

Killer Montxo dodges the a Axe Kick taking the initiative

Killer Montxo puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm

and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground
to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him
back on the mat, connecting with a violent Snap Suplex!!


SERGINHO7 gives the touch to BLOODREDSANDMAN who enters the ring!


BLOODREDSANDMAN holds his opponent by the head

ChRiStO quickly dodges the a Coconut Crush and counterattacks

ChRiStO flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

and sweeps the opponent's leg with his own leg to slam the other wrestler back-first,
executing a light STO!!


ChRiStO hooks the opponent's neck

BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the a Tha Christos Way and takes back the

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grapples his opponent and lifts him, turning him sideways,

ChRiStO counters the a Side Slam and starts striking back his opponent

ChRiStO lifts an arm

and lowers it to hit his opponent's neck performing a light Club to the Neck!!

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

ChRiStO Agarra Una Lata De Cerveza De La Cava Que Esta En El Carro La Abre
Toma Un Sorbo Y Se La Lanza A Su Oponente En La Cara executing A Strep Throat

ChRiStO bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting


Tom Bonecrusher bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to

BLOODREDSANDMAN's neck performing a violent Clothesline & clothesline on
the knee back!!


ChRiStO grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

ChRiStO prepara al luchador lo agarra y

con un lazo en la espalda executing light Breaks Rib!!

Referee starts counting...


BLOODREDSANDMAN gets up and resolutely fights back

BLOODREDSANDMAN gains momentum bouncing on the ropes,

and hits ChRiStO with a barrage of slaps, performing a strong Sumo Palm Strike!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN bounces against the ropes

and dives on the opponent with a devastating Ainglinglinglin!!

Referee starts counting...



ChRiStO gets up and resolutely fights back

ChRiStO gets besides the laying opponent

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks


BLOODREDSANDMAN goes to the side of the opponent grasping him from behind,
hooking his head

ChRiStO prevents the opponent's a Russian Leg Sweep with an elbow smash,
taking the initiative

ChRiStO taps on his opponent's shoulder,

and delivers a big smash on his neck, performing a light Standing Clothesline!!


ChRiStO and lunges himself on the ropes

ChRiStO grasps the opponent's head with an arm

and with the other arm, hits his face performing a light Real Deal!!!!


Killer Montxo gives the touch to Kubitschek who enters the ring!

Kubitschek picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back
and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a light Strangle

Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold


CHRISTO enters the ring hitting Kubitschek and interrupting the submission
manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

Tom Bonecrusher takes advantage of the situation!

Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp

Tom Bonecrusher charges his open hand

Kubitschek ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and
striking back

Kubitschek puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead

Tom Bonecrusher shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative

Tom Bonecrusher charges his arm

Kubitschek dodges the a Hook Punch and counters

Christo leans on the ropes to get the touch!

Kubitschek dives into the opponent with a clothesline

knocking him down executing a strong 3 Point Stance Charge!!

Kubitschek lifts his opponent on his shoulders

Tom Bonecrusher climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Mortal Death
regaining the initiative

Tom Bonecrusher hooks his opponents leg with his own legs

and turns aside him to pull his arm by performing a light Octopus Hold!!

Kubitschek escapes from the hold

Tom Bonecrusher grabs the opponent's neck

forcing him to an irregular movement performing a light Neck Breaker!!

Killer Montxo leans on the ropes to get the touch!

Tom Bonecrusher sits on his lying opponent's back

Kubitschek breaks free from his opponent's a Sitting Reverse Armbar , regaining
the initative

Kubitschek grabs his opponent's leg

to abnormally bend his back by performing a light One Leg Boston Crab!!

Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold


CHRISTO enters the ring hitting Kubitschek and interrupting the submission
manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

Tom Bonecrusher takes advantage of the situation!

Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp


ChRiStO gives the touch to Tom Bonecrusher who enters the ring!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Tom Bonecrusher and lunges himself on the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher bounces off using the middle rope, leaping towards his opponent with
his elbow

BLOODREDSANDMAN dodges a a Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash and

retakes the initiative!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Tom Bonecrusher blocking his shoulder

and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!!

Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold

Tom Bonecrusher quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly

BLOODREDSANDMAN easily avoids the a Crucifix Armbar, counterattacking

BLOODREDSANDMAN bounces against the ropes

and dives on the opponent with a powerful Ainglinglinglin!!

Referee starts counting...



Tom Bonecrusher gets up and resolutely fights back

Tom Bonecrusher puts the opponent's legs under his armpits

and turns holding them firmly, sitting down on his back performing a strong Boston

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his excruciating submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp

Tom Bonecrusher grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher runs towards his opponent with a tight arm

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the a Lariat and counterattacks

BLOODREDSANDMAN stares his opponent's in his eyes

Tom Bonecrusher ducks and evades the a Standing Clothesline, catching his
opponent off guard!

Tom Bonecrusher lift his down-headed opponent

and quickly hurls him down to perform a devastating Vertabreaker!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher runs towards his opponent

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the a Chin Breaker

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head

Tom Bonecrusher evades the a Knees Lift and gains the initiative

Tom Bonecrusher holds his opponent's head

and smashes it with many kneelings executing a light Knees Lift!!

Tom Bonecrusher aprieta violentamente la cabeza de BLOODREDSANDMAN

tirandolo en la lona

BLOODREDSANDMAN somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent by the neck

Tom Bonecrusher easily evades the a Inverted Headlock Backbreaker to gain the

Tom Bonecrusher blocks his rival's legs

and blocks them in a very painful 4 shape position performing a violent Figure 4!!

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold

BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold

Tom Bonecrusher is about to perform his taunt

Tom Bonecrusher Se Va A Una Esquina Se Monta Con Sus Dedos Dela Mano Derecha
Forma Un Ovalo Que Se Lleva Al Ojo Y Grita Perrrrrrrrrrrdoooonnnn executing The
Compa's Salute

Tom Bonecrusher folds the opponent's leg against his calf

and grabs his ankle, squeezing it violently performing a light Reverse Achilles Lock!!

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold

Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp

Tom Bonecrusher pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair

Tom Bonecrusher aprieta violentamente la cabeza de BLOODREDSANDMAN

tirandolo en la lona

BLOODREDSANDMAN somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them

and throws himself toward the opponent hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Tom Bonecrusher gets up and resolutely fights back

Tom Bonecrusher jumps on the turnbuckle while the opponent is knocked out on the

throws himself executing a violent Frog Splash! The impact has been hard for both

Referee starts counting...



BLOODREDSANDMAN gets up and resolutely fights back

BLOODREDSANDMAN watches his opponent on the mat

and gets on his belly with both feet performing a light Walk on Belly!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN executing The Spanish Bastard Taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs the opponent's arms putting it between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Tom Bonecrusher gets up and resolutely fights back

Tom Bonecrusher grabs an opponent's arm, then he grabs his opposite leg too

BLOODREDSANDMAN easily dodges the a Gangsta Stretch, gaining the


BLOODREDSANDMAN slowly climbs the top turnbuckle

and leaps dropping his buttocks on the opponent's face with a devastating Banzai
BLOODREDSANDMAN watches his opponent laying on the mat

and steps on his belly with both his feet to perform a light Walk on Belly!!

SERGINHO7 leans on the ropes to get the touch!

BLOODREDSANDMAN stands behind his rival

Tom Bonecrusher moves at the last moment and dodges a Face Stretch, taking the

Tom Bonecrusher approaches the opponent from behind and puts his head under the
opponents arm

and hooks his arm between the opponents legs lifting him in the air twisting his body
slamming him to the mat holding the power bomb executing a strong Blue Thunder

Referee starts counting...



BLOODREDSANDMAN gets his shoulder up somehow

Tom Bonecrusher gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

Tom Bonecrusher pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair

Tom Bonecrusher aprieta violentamente la cabeza de BLOODREDSANDMAN

tirandolo en la lona

y tuerce su brazo infernalmente executing MORTAL Hellfire!!

Tom Bonecrusher tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...



Tom Bonecrusher lifts BLOODREDSANDMAN up, still groggy

Tom Bonecrusher grabs the opponent's forearm with his own one

BLOODREDSANDMAN eludes an a Hammer Lock easily, taking back the

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head from behind

Tom Bonecrusher avoids the a Headbutt to Back of Head and counterattacks

Tom Bonecrusher stalks his opponent as he is getting on his feet

and delivers the blow sideways right on the opponent's face, executing a strong Super

Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's legs crossing them

BLOODREDSANDMAN easily avoids the opponent's a Texas Cloverleaf taking

back the initiative

BLOODREDSANDMAN charges his right leg

executing a strong Kick to Back!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN watches his opponent on the mat

and gets on his belly with both feet performing a violent Walk on Belly!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN slams his stunned opponent down

and steps quickly on his back with both feet performing a light Walk on Back!!

Tom Bonecrusher pulls himself together and fights back

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Tom Bonecrusher

Tom Bonecrusher gets ready to hit the opponent

with a light Low Kick!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

Tom Bonecrusher bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting

ChRiStO bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to

BLOODREDSANDMAN's neck performing a powerful Clothesline & clothesline
on the knee back!!
Tom Bonecrusher grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair

Tom Bonecrusher lif his down headed opponent on his back

and quickly hurls him down to perform a MORTAL El Destructor!!

Tom Bonecrusher is ready to hit the opponent

executing a light Knee Smash!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN executing a backbreaker

BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back

BLOODREDSANDMAN grasps the opponent

and lifts him up, slamming him down to the mat performing a light Body Slam!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs one Tom Bonecrusher 's arms and spins, swinging him
into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

BLOODREDSANDMAN runs toward the opponent

Tom Bonecrusher suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the

Tom Bonecrusher places a leg beneath his rival's neck, lying in front of him

and closes the triangle placing the other one under his arm, choking him with a strong
Triangle Choke!!

Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold


SERGINHO7 enters the ring hitting Tom Bonecrusher and interrupting the submission
manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN takes advantage of the situation!


Tom Bonecrusher gives the touch to Christo who enters the ring!

Christo and Tom Bonecrusher lift Kubitschek by the neck

and slam him violently to the ground executing a devastating Double-chokeslam!!

Christo grabs the opponent on the ground by the head with both hands

Kubitschek stands up immediately avoiding a a Modified Two Handed Face Buster

and taking back the initiative

Kubitschek turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

and delivers the blow sideways right on the opponent's face, executing a strong Side

Kubitschek takes the Christo's arm

then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing
an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!!

Kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders

and slams him on the mat executing devastating Mortal Death!!

Referee starts counting...



Christo kicks out

Kubitschek hooks the opponent's neck

as making him fall with great strength perfoming a light Spanish Pain!!

Kubitschek moves behind the opponent and grasps his head putting it under his arm,

Christo shows great agility and gets free from the a Rolling Cutter, taking the

Christo lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Modified Samoan Drop!!

Christo grabs the opponent's arm from the back and locks him in with his arm and a leg

and leans on his abdominal muscles with an light Abdominal Stretch!!

Kubitschek escapes from the hold

Christo grabs Kubitschek's hair

Christo grasps the opponent in a piledriver position

Kubitschek dodges a a Front Face Pancake and takes the initiative back

Kubitschek grabs the opponent's arm

and locks his arms up executing an light Armbar!!

Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold


TOM BONECRUSHER enters the ring hitting Kubitschek and interrupting the
submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

Christo takes advantage of the situation!

Christo releases his grasp

Christo grabs Kubitschek's hair

Christo and lunges himself on the ropes

Christo waits for the adversary

joining his fists and hitting him on the face with a light Polish Hammer!!


BLOODREDSANDMAN gives the touch to SERGINHO7 who enters the ring!

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp

SERGINHO7 springs off the top rope and leaps at his fallen opponent

making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard

Corkscrew Splash!!

SERGINHO7 climbs the top turnbuckle

waiting for the opponent to stand up and forward executing a strong Diving Rolling
Elbow Smash!!

SERGINHO7 leans himself on the ropes placing his foot on his rival's neck

holding the ropes he applies pressure with his feet on the opponent's neck performing a
strong Foot Choke!!

Tom Bonecrusher interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

Tom Bonecrusher gets ready to hit SERGINHO7

SERGINHO7 shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative

SERGINHO7 open his arms ready to hit the opponent

and strikes the opponent's face with both hands performing a strong Mongolian Chop!!

SERGINHO7 grabs a Tom Bonecrusher's arm

and swings him to the ground with an light Arm Drag!!

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 Hace 5 Mortales Seguidos executing A Imposible

SERGINHO7 grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair

SERGINHO7 grabs one Tom Bonecrusher 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

SERGINHO7 espera a que Tom Bonecrusher se levante

y le hace un BIG BOOT en carrera que lo deja desangrandose en el suelo executing

MORTAL Flashback!!

SERGINHO7 tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...



Tom Bonecrusher kicks out

SERGINHO7 lifts Tom Bonecrusher up, still groggy

SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt

Tom Bonecrusher capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but SERGINHO7 is faster and is not caught off guard!

Tom Bonecrusher interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

Tom Bonecrusher gets ready to hit the opponent

SERGINHO7 dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative

SERGINHO7 holds his opponent's head

and smashes it with many kneelings executing a light Knees Lift!!

SERGINHO7 puts his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Simphony Of Destruction!!

SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's head and puts it under his shoulder

Tom Bonecrusher avoids the a Head Lock & Punch, gaining the initiative

Tom Bonecrusher lif his down headed opponent on his back

SERGINHO7 evades the a El Destructor and gains the initiative

SERGINHO7 picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back

and then applies a leverage with his opponent's body while pulling his arm and
hyperextending his joints, executing a light Strangle Hold!!

SERGINHO7 keeps his weak submission hold


CHRISTO enters the ring hitting SERGINHO7 and interrupting the submission
manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

Tom Bonecrusher takes advantage of the situation!


Tom Bonecrusher gives the touch to ChRiStO who enters the ring!

ChRiStO releases his grasp

ChRiStO holds his laying opponent's leg

and strikes his leg with a light Knee on Leg!!

ChRiStO stands behind his rival

and twist his face to perform a strong Face Stretch!!

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but ChRiStO is faster and is not caught off guard!

ChRiStO charges his arm

and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!!

ChRiStO lifts his knee and prepares to strikes the adversary

performing a light Powerful Knee Strike!!

SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back

SERGINHO7 raises a hand putting it on the opponent's forehead

and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!!

SERGINHO7 kicks his rival

hitting him straight to his belly executing a light Toe Kick!!

SERGINHO7 begs his opponent for mercy

and hits him with a strong Low Blow!!

SERGINHO7 puts his opponent on his shoulder

ChRiStO with a master stroke, escapes the a Shoulder Breaker and regains the

ChRiStO agarra al luchador lo pone entre sus rodillas lo carga

y lo tira a la lona con mucha fuerza executing devastating Go To Hell!!

ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


SERGINHO7 firmly pulls a shoulder up

ChRiStO turns SERGINHO7 up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

ChRiStO performs a really high jump

and hits the opponent with his feet with a strong Dropkick!!

ChRiStO kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands

and squeezes performing a light Choke Hold!!

ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold


BLOODREDSANDMAN enters the ring hitting ChRiStO and interrupting the

submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp

SERGINHO7 approaches the opponent

and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!!

SERGINHO7 hurls the leg preparing the blow

and connects with a strong Roundhouse Kick!!

SERGINHO7 grabs the opponent lifting him

ChRiStO skillfully moves sideways dodging a a Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker and
starts to counter-attack

ChRiStO goes to the side of the opponent grasping him from behind, hooking his head

and trips him up falling backward with a strong Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down
to the ground back first!!

ChRiStO grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back

and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!!

SERGINHO7 escapes from the hold

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

SERGINHO7 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

taking ChRiStO is caught out!

SERGINHO7 tightens his rival's head under a shoulder

ChRiStO evades the a Head Lock Takedown with great agility, counterattacking

ChRiStO lifts an arm

and lowers it to hit his opponent's neck performing a light Club to the Neck!!

ChRiStO grabs hold of his opponent's leg

and twists it a bit, before slamming it on the mat, performing a light Spinning Leg

ChRiStO holds his opponent by the neck

to catapult him behind with a strong Uranage!!

ChRiStO kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands

and squeezes performing a light Choke Hold!!

ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold


BLOODREDSANDMAN enters the ring hitting ChRiStO and interrupting the

submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

SERGINHO7 takes advantage of the situation!

SERGINHO7 releases his grasp

SERGINHO7 hooks the opponent's neck

as making him fall with great strength perfoming a strong Neck Breaker!!

SERGINHO7 grabs ChRiStO's hair

SERGINHO7 hooks his opponent's arms on his back while his bent over

throwing ChRiStO behind himself and pinning him performing a strong Chicken Wing
Suplex Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



ChRiStO gets up and resolutely fights back

ChRiStO gets ready to hit SERGINHO7

and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!!

ChRiStO stares his opponent's in his eyes

extends his arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over
him while running by with a strong Standing Clothesline!!
ChRiStO leaps from the turnbuckle

and jumps forwards, landing on him after a backflip in mid-air, connecting with a
devastating Skytwister Press!!!!

ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


SERGINHO7 gets his shoulder up somehow

ChRiStO gets up while his opponent is still on the ground

ChRiStO places the opponent onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him

criscrossing the opponents arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers
into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a violent Caribbean Splash!!!!

SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back

SERGINHO7 gets ready to hit ChRiStO

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European

SERGINHO7 lifts the opponent on his shoulders

BLOODREDSANDMAN climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on

the opponent executing a devastating Doomsday device!!

SERGINHO7 climbs the turnbuckle and

makes a jump towards the opponent hitting him with his arm performing a strong
Flying Clothesline!!

SERGINHO7 lifts the opponent on his shoulders

BLOODREDSANDMAN climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on

the opponent executing a devastating Doomsday device!!

SERGINHO7 grabs his rival's leg

raises his elbow and performs a light Elbow drop to inner thigh!!


Christo gives the touch to Tom Bonecrusher who enters the ring!
Tom Bonecrusher and Christo lift Kubitschek by the neck

and slam him violently to the ground executing a devastating Double-chokeslam!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Kubitschek's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one Kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,
then lunges himself as well

Tom Bonecrusher hooks Kubitschek from behind

Kubitschek suddenly dodges the a Backslide Pin, and starts to counterattack

Kubitschek grabs the opponent's arms between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



Tom Bonecrusher kicks out

Kubitschek lifts Tom Bonecrusher up, still groggy

Kubitschek gets ready to hit the opponent

Tom Bonecrusher dodges a a Low Kick and retakes the initiative

Tom Bonecrusher lifts his opponent's leg

and lets himself fall over it with a light Elbow drop to inner thigh!!

Tom Bonecrusher is about to perform his taunt

Tom Bonecrusher Makes A Jump Over The Top Ropes And Plays With The Crowld
Wild executing The 619

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Kubitschek's hair

Tom Bonecrusher and lunges himself on the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher throws his opponent over his head straight up

Kubitschek rolls over his opponent's shoulders, evading the a Back Body Drop and
taking the initiative

Kubitschek doges an opponent's attack moving behind the opponent

Tom Bonecrusher easily dodges the attempt of a a Roll Up, taking the initiative

Tom Bonecrusher rushes towards his rival on the ground

to hit him with the fist executing a light Fist Drop!!

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Kubitschek's hair

Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Tom Bonecrusher grabs the opponent's neck

Kubitschek dodges the a Running Swinging Neckbreaker with mastery, starting a


Kubitschek moves sideways and charges his right hand

and strikes his opponent right on his jaw, performing a light Side Mounting Punch!!

Kubitschek clutches violently the opponent's head

and with a series of head smashes he performs a strong Multiple Headbutt!!

Kubitschek is about to perform his taunt

Kubitschek executing A Kick Ring

Kubitschek stands behind his rival

Tom Bonecrusher moves at the last moment and dodges a Face Stretch, taking the

Tom Bonecrusher takes his opponent's head and arms

Kubitschek avoids the a Eastern Stretch and gains the initiative

Kubitschek blocks in the air the opponent's leg

and brings him down to the ground holding his leg in a light Rolling Leg Lock!!

Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold


CHRISTO enters the ring hitting Kubitschek and interrupting the submission
manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!!

Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp

Tom Bonecrusher grabs Kubitschek's neck

Kubitschek dodges the a Falling Neck Breaker easily, taking the initiative

SERGINHO7 gives the touch to BLOODREDSANDMAN who enters the ring!

BLOODREDSANDMAN lifts the opponent on his shoulders

SERGINHO7 climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the

opponent executing a powerful Doomsday device!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

ChRiStO suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative

ChRiStO grabs the opponent foot holding it parallel to the mat

and pulls it bringing the opponent down to the ground with a strong Dragon Screw!!

ChRiStO leaps from the turnbuckle

and lands right on his opponent's back connecting with a devastating Skytwister Press!!

ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


BLOODREDSANDMAN firmly pulls a shoulder up

ChRiStO turns BLOODREDSANDMAN up as he tries a mild, pointless reaction

ChRiStO gets ready to hit BLOODREDSANDMAN

and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European

ChRiStO prepares two fingers

and hits him to the eyes with an light Eye Rake on Ropes!!

ChRiStO grabs the adversary from an arm and the groin

positioning him with the belly to abdomen to make him fall with a light Pump Handle

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but ChRiStO is faster and is not caught off guard!

ChRiStO opens wide his arms

and hits the opponent on the face with the palms of the hands performing a strong
Mongolian Chop!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

BLOODREDSANDMAN open his arms ready to hit the opponent

ChRiStO moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the

ChRiStO places the opponent belly on his shoulders

making him fly over his head slamming him on the mat performing a strong Fireman

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

ChRiStO Agarra Una Lata De Cerveza De La Cava Que Esta En El Carro La Abre
Toma Un Sorbo Y Se La Lanza A Su Oponente En La Cara executing A Strep Throat


ChRiStO uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head,

and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat
performing a light Snapmare!!

ChRiStO places the opponent onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him

BLOODREDSANDMAN rolls to the side and down the ropes avoinding the
Caribean Splash!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN drapes the opponent over their shoulders in a fireman's carry

position, holding him for a few seconds

and then falls backwards, driving the opponent down to the mat on his back, connecting
with a strong Super Samoan Drop!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN pulls ChRiStO still groggy, by his hair

BLOODREDSANDMAN grasps the opponent

and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a light Body Slam!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN watches his opponent laying on the mat

and steps on his back with both feet performing a strong Walk on Back!!

ChRiStO interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

ChRiStO approaches his rival loading his arm

and hits him to his throat with a strong Throat Thrust!!

ChRiStO holds his opponent's head

and smashes it with many kneelings executing a light Knees Lift!!

ChRiStO lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a violent Samoan Drop!!

ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt

ChRiStO Agarra Una Lata De Cerveza De La Cava Que Esta En El Carro La Abre
Toma Un Sorbo Y Se La Lanza A Su Oponente En La Cara executing A Strep Throat

BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares to strike the adversary

ChRiStO moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative

ChRiStO opens wide his arms

with a violent Mongolian Chop!!

ChRiStO prepares his arm

BLOODREDSANDMAN dodges the a Fist But and takes the initiative

BLOODREDSANDMAN kneels down right in front of his rival

and hits is opponent with a light Low Blow!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN places himself at the side of the opponent, grabbing his head

ChRiStO prevents the opponent's a Russian Leg Sweep with an elbow smash,
taking the initiative

ChRiStO grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm

and makes him fall on the ground with a strong Pepsi Twist!!

ChRiStO puts the adversary's head between the legs to grab him
BLOODREDSANDMAN gives him an head butt in the abdomen, taking back the

BLOODREDSANDMAN charges the movement raising the elbow

and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN slowly climbs the top turnbuckle

and leaps dropping his buttocks on the opponent's face with a devastating Banzai

BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt

BLOODREDSANDMAN Me Komen El Cipote executing A Esta Yegua No Es Mi Vieja

Yegua Gris


BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand

and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting
with a light Snapmare!!

ChRiStO interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

ChRiStO approaches the opponent

and hits him to his throat with a strong Throat Thrust!!

ChRiStO charges the leg

to hit his opponent's head with an light Overhead Kick!!

ChRiStO hooks the adversary and locks him to lift him

and then puts his head between the knees, lifts him hooking a leg performing a
powerful Psycho Driver!!!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN interrupts his opponent attacks sequence


and hits the opponent on the face with the palms of the hands performing a light
Mongolian Chop!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares the leg

ChRiStO bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack

ChRiStO lifts the opponent

and makes him whirl in front of himself to then make him hit his knee with violent Tilt
A Whirl Back Breaker!!

ChRiStO holds his opponent by the neck

BLOODREDSANDMAN strike his opponent with the elbow to gain the initiative

BLOODREDSANDMAN places himself sideways to his rival grabbing his head with
an arm

tripping him throwing himself forward with a strong Front Russian Leg Sweep making
him fall face first!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them

ChRiStO suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative

ChRiStO hooks the adversary and locks him to lift him

and then puts his head between the knees, lifts him hooking a leg performing a
devastating Psycho Driver!!!!

ChRiStO places the opponent onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him

criscrossing the opponents arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers
into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a strong Caribbean Splash!!!!

ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...



ChRiStO lifts BLOODREDSANDMAN up, still groggy

ChRiStO loads an arm towards himself

and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!!

ChRiStO flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

BLOODREDSANDMAN breaks loose of his opponent's grip, neutralizing the a

STO and regaining the initiative!

BLOODREDSANDMAN lifts his rival up easily, so he's horizontal across his body
ChRiStO hits his rival's kidney with a knee smash, breaking free of his opponent a
Super Fallaway Slam and retaking the initiative!

ChRiStO puts his hand on the opponent's head

and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an strong Elbow to Back of

ChRiStO approaches his laying opponent

to hit him with a strong Knee Stomp!!


ChRiStO grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the
ropes, then lunges himself as well

ChRiStO runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!


ChRiStO grabs the opponent's chest from behind,

brings him on his shoulder falling backward, performing a well angled strong Drop

ChRiStO places the opponent onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him

criscrossing the opponents arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers
into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a violent Caribbean Splash!!!!

ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


BLOODREDSANDMAN gets up and resolutely fights back

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head from behind

and strikes it with a light Headbutt to Back of Head!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head

throwing it over his knee executing a light Coconut Crush!!

Kubitschek gives the touch to BLOODREDSANDMAN who enters the ring!

ChRiStO loads an arm towards himself

and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!!

ChRiStO flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

KUBITSCHEK breaks loose of his opponent's grip, neutralizing the a STO and
regaining the initiative!

KUBITSCHEK lifts his rival up easily, so he's horizontal across his body

ChRiStO hits his rival's kidney with a knee smash, breaking free of his opponent a
Super Fallaway Slam and retaking the initiative!

ChRiStO puts his hand on the opponent's head

and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an strong Elbow to Back of

ChRiStO approaches his laying opponent

to hit him with a strong Knee Stomp!!

ChRiStO grabs KUBITSCHEK's hair

ChRiStO grabs one KUBITSCHEK 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then
lunges himself as well

ChRiStO runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

ChRiStO grabs KUBITSCHEK's hair

ChRiStO grabs the opponent's chest from behind,

brings him on his shoulder falling backward, performing a well angled strong Drop

ChRiStO places the opponent onto the top turnbuckle and climbs up behind him

criscrossing the opponents arms while grabbing onto the wrists launches both wrestlers
into a backflip, landing on his opponent performing a violent Caribbean Splash!!!!

ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...





Marco Perez: este si que es un buen final!!

Henry Rojas: pero lamentablemente no lo es Marco, ya que tenemos la final ahora


-Aparece Cruscifer solo-

Marco Perez: y ahí viene este mequetrefe que ni bueno ni malo me sigue cayendo

Henry Rojas: es cierto.. perdio popularidad al pasarse sin mayor problema con XMP..

-Aparece Kimi, acompañado de He-Man y Spanish Head-

Marco Perez: oh no otra vez van a estar aca?

Henry Rojas: sientate Spanish, He-Man toma esta silla..

Marco Perez: o por dios Henry, vamos con el recuento de estos dos finalistas

Henry Rojas: primero Cruscifer quien derroto a Spanish Dream con ayuda de XMP, eso
no le agrado mucho a Cruscifer…

Marco Perez: ni que lo digas… pero luego seria peor.. contra Darkneo a quien tambien
vencio con ayuda de XMP, aunque el seguia diciendo que no queria su ayuda creo que
si la necesitaba

Henry Rojas: bueno dejando comentarios tuyos, esa fue la primera parte mientras que
Kimi logro vencer a El Cantante, duro rival..

Marco Perez: y ni que decri de su rival en la siguiente ronda, Prision, que bueno lo
sentimos en carne propia no Henry

Henry Rojas: si… ya en los cuartos de final, Cruscifer se enfrentaria a Mascara Chilena
quien le mostraria todo lo que le habian ayudado en este torneo..

Marco Perez: esta fue su primera victoria limpia, pero tambien aprovecho esta llave del
torneo para sacar a XMP quien lo habia ayudado.

Henry Rojas: mientras que Kimi y He-Man dejaban de lado la enemistad para dar
tributo a Spanish Head, en una espectacular pelea donde ambos mostraron sus mejores
tecnicas, llegarian a enfrentarse en la semifinal, donde Kimi saldria victorioso..
Marco Perez: mientras que Fn Socko y Cruscifer peleaban por el ultimo cupo a la final,
creo que esta pelea debio haber sido un fatal tour awaypero bueno Fn Socko , mi
preferido a ganar este torneo perdio frente al inútil de Cruscifer

Henry Rojas: creo que no deberias llamarlo asi ya que esta cerca..

Marco Perez: ya da igual.. que comiense la pelea!!

Spanish Head: por spartaa!!

Final Torneo: Septimo Match

Cruscifer vs Kimi
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Cruscifer"!

a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow

and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron

Cruscifer makes his way to the ring

Pantalones Rojos con franjas blancas simbolizando a su pais esa es su vestimenta

mounting a custom chopper

with his trainer, who's giving him his last suggestions for the match

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Kimi37"!

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

Kimi37 makes his way to the ring

Con una mirada decidida entra a el cuadrilatero para esperar a su oponente

with his trainer, who's giving him his last suggestions for the match

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Kimi37 prevails
Kimi37 charge his right arm

hurling it against Cruscifer's chest with a light Chop followed by a chant of


Kimi37 lifts the opponent on his shoulders horizontally

Cruscifer dodges the Fireman Carry quickly counter attacking

Cruscifer catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder

then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a light Koji Clutch!!

Kimi37 escapes from the hold

Kimi37 quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Kimi37 charges his open hand

and slaps Cruscifer across the face, executing a light Slap!!

Kimi37 prepares to strike the rival

hitting him with a light Middle Kick!!

[Special Submission activated for Kimi37]

Kimi37 grabs his opponent

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

Cruscifer pulls himself together and fights back

Cruscifer gets ready to hit Kimi37 with his right hand

and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a light Slap!!

Cruscifer grabs a Kimi37's arm

Kimi37 performs a somersault to stand up avoiding the Arm Drag, taking the

Kimi37 quickly lifts his left leg

and hits his opponent with a light Karate Kick!!

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer raising him high

and drops him violently on an extended performing an light Atomic Drop!!

Kimi37 grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly

Cruscifer easily avoids the Crucifix Armbar, counterattacking

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's arm

and grabs an arm bending it applying an light Armbar!!

Kimi37 escapes from the hold

Kimi37 quickly gets up and counterattacks!

[Special Mortal Submission activated for Kimi37]

Kimi37 hits Cruscifer with the back of his hand

hitting Cruscifer with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!!

Kimi37 hurls the leg preparing the blow

and connects with a light Roundhouse Kick!!

Kimi37 lifts his opponent on his shoulders

Cruscifer climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the Samoan Drop regaining
the initiative

Cruscifer lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with strong Samoan Drop!!

[Special Resistance activated for Kimi37]

Cruscifer pulls Kimi37 still groggy, by his hair

Cruscifer grasps the opponent

Kimi37 gets free from the a Golpe Izquierdo Del Diablo, taking the initiative

Kimi37 grabs his opponent's neck

and makes his back crush against his own by performing an light Inverted Headlock

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's arms and legs making lever on them

stretching Cruscifer performing a light Tabla De Surf Mexicana Ligera!!

Kimi37 keeps his agonizing submission hold

Kimi37 keeps his excruciating submission hold

Kimi37 releases his grasp

Kimi37 bends down on Cruscifer

and wraps his hands around Cruscifers jaw, pulling straight back on the chin performing
a light Chin Lock!!

Kimi37 keeps his ruthless submission hold

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

[Special Power Body activated for Kimi37]

Kimi37 grapples one of Cruscifer shoulders

Cruscifer breaks free from the a Shoulder Lock just in time, regaining the initative

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Cruscifer runs towards his opponent with an arm tight outside

Kimi37 avoids the a Lariat and counterattacks

Kimi37 rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Cruscifer while performing a torsion with the body executing a
light Twisting Body Attack!!

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's hair

Kimi37 grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Kimi37 runs to his opponent

Cruscifer steps aside avoiding a a Lou Thesz Press Pin and counterattacks

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta
Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki

Cruscifer kneels on Kimi37's back, grasping his legs and his head

Kimi37 spins and trips up the opponent, avoiding a a Bow & Arrow Lock
Kimi37 grabs his rival's fist

to twist it by performing a light Fist Lock!!

Kimi37 keeps his excruciating submission hold

Kimi37 keeps his weak submission hold

Kimi37 releases his grasp

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's hair

Kimi37 grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Kimi37 bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent

hitting him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!!

Kimi37 is about to perform his taunt

Kimi37 Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La

Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola

Kimi37 goes up the turnbuckle while his opponent is lying on the ground and

throws himself closing his arms and legs to his chest and then impacts on Cruscifer
executing a strong Frog Splash!!

Referee starts counting...



Cruscifer kicks out

Kimi37 jumps on the top turnbuckle

and jumps onto Cruscifer hitting him sideways with his body and forcing him to
the mat with a strong Modified Diving Crossbody !!

Referee starts counting...



Cruscifer gets up and resolutely fights back

Cruscifer prepares his arm

Kimi37 moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative

Kimi37 dives into Cruscifer with a clothesline

knocking him down executing a light 3 Point Stance Charge!!

Kimi37 grabs his opponet's arm

Cruscifer easily evades the a Ultimate Armbar and counterattacks

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37 raising him up onto his shoulder so Kimi37s head is down his

then grabs his opponents head under his arm and drops him onto his head from an
incredible height with violent Air Raid Siren!!

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta
Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki

[Special Pinning Resistance activated for Kimi37]

Cruscifer agarra una silla el arbitro lo detiene y entonces entra su hermano


y este le da con el mazo entonces CRUSCIFER executing devastating Zabimaru!!

Cruscifer pulls Kimi37 still groggy, by his hair

Cruscifer grasps the opponent

Kimi37 gets free from the a Golpe Izquierdo Del Diablo, taking the initiative

Kimi37 grapples his opponent's head from behind, putting it around his right arm,

and then grabs his own left arm's biceps, shutting off his opponent's jugular vein,
connecting with a light Sleeper Hold!!

Kimi37 keeps his weak submission hold

Kimi37 keeps his excruciating submission hold

Kimi37 releases his grasp

Kimi37 is about to perform his taunt

Kimi37 Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La
Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's hair

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer by his arm

and drags him to the ground with strong Falling Arm Breaker making him hit badly his
arm against the ground!!

[Special Dodging activated for Kimi37]

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's arms and stretches them backwards

stretching Cruscifer performing a light Tabla De Surf Mexicana Ligera!!

Kimi37 keeps his excruciating submission hold

Kimi37 keeps his ruthless submission hold

Kimi37 releases his grasp

[Special Initiative activated for Kimi37]

Kimi37 rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on Cruscifer while performing a torsion with the body executing a
light Twisting Body Attack!!

Cruscifer pulls himself together and fights back

Cruscifer prepares his arm

Kimi37 moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative

Kimi37 charges his open hand

and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!!

[Special Blocking activated for Kimi37]

Kimi37 gets ready to hit the opponent

Cruscifer dodges a a Low Kick and retakes the initiative

Cruscifer grabs the opponent's neck firmly

Kimi37 avoids a Abdominal Neck Wrench easily, taking the initiative

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's hair

Kimi37 grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Kimi37 stands behind Cruscifer

and hits Cruscifer in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!!

Kimi37 is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

catching Kimi37 off guard!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's head

Kimi37 easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative

Kimi37 prepares his arm to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

Kimi37 turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

and then lands a blow on his opponent's stomach, performing a light Side Kick!!

Kimi37 hooks the opponent's forearm with his own one

Cruscifer eludes an a Hammer Lock easily, taking back the initiative

Cruscifer pulls Kimi37 still groggy, by his hair

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm, then he flips behind him blocking the other arm
with the legs

throwing him on the mat with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!!

Referee starts counting...



Kimi37 gets up and resolutely fights back

Kimi37 hits Cruscifer with the back of his hand

performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!!

Kimi37 loads a kick

Cruscifer moves quickly dodging a a Toe Kick, taking back the initiative

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arms

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer and lunges himself on the ropes

Cruscifer runs toward Kimi37

and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a strong Running Arm

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer grabs one Kimi37 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Cruscifer charges his elbow

striking him with an elbow performing a strong Back Elbow Smash!!

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's head placing his neck on the ropes

and leans down pushing hard with a light Choke At Ropes!!

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt

Cruscifer Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta
Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki

Kimi37 interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

Kimi37 gets his hand ready

hurling it against Cruscifer's chest with a light Chop followed by a chant of


Kimi37 gets ready to hit Cruscifer

performing a light Low Kick to his waist!!

Kimi37 hooks Cruscifer's neck

as making him fall with great strength perfoming a light Neck Breaker!!

Cruscifer pulls himself together and fights back

Cruscifer holds his opponent by the head

Kimi37 easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative

Kimi37 charges his open hand

and slaps Cruscifer across the face, executing a light Slap!!

Kimi37 jumps at his opponent

Cruscifer doges the a Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative

Cruscifer takes the Kimi37's arm

then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing
an strong Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!!

Cruscifer raises his elbow preparing the hit

and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an light Elbow to Back of

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer grabs one Kimi37 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Cruscifer runs toward Kimi37

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

[Special Attack activated for Kimi37]

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer charges the movement raising the elbow

Kimi37 shifts and avoids an a Elbow to Back of Head, counterattacking

Kimi37 is about to perform his taunt

Kimi37 Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La

Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola

Kimi37 puts his own hands under the opponent's armpits, who is prone on the mat

Cruscifer easily dodges the a Butterfly Lock, taking the initiative

[Special Increased Pinning activated for Kimi37]

Cruscifer while Kimi37's laying on the mat braces a foot on one leg of Kimi37

and grabs the other leg in both hands yanking the legs appart executing a light Wish

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold

Kimi37 escapes from the hold

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Cruscifer bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent

Kimi37 gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative

Kimi37 makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent,

then he hits his back with his arm extended performing a light Clothesline to Back!!

Kimi37 bounces off the top rope with the opponent lying face up on the mat then leaps
at him

Cruscifer rolls out the way just in time, dodging the a Springboard Corkscrew
Splash and regaining the lead

Cruscifer clutches his laying rival's head

to perform a light Head Lock!!

Kimi37 escapes from the hold

Kimi37 quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Kimi37 charge his right arm

hitting his opponent with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!!

Kimi37 droops

Cruscifer moves and dodges a a Forearm On Leg, starting to counter-attack

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's arm

and blocks it in a hold then hits him with an elbow smash executing an strong Arm
Wrench & Elbow Smash!!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides
then he lifts Kimi37 up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, having his
opponent collide with his neck and shoulder on the mat performing a violent Tiger

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,

Kimi37 easily eludes a a Tiger Suplex, retaking the initiative

Kimi37 lifts up his opponet so Cruscifer's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder

then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!!

Kimi37 keeps his ruthless submission hold

Kimi37 keeps his ruthless submission hold

Kimi37 releases his grasp

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's hair

Kimi37 hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,

then he raises Cruscifer and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming
Cruscifer down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a strong Tiger Suplex!!

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's leg

and he subdues him with a light Leg Lock!!

Kimi37 keeps his weak submission hold

Kimi37 keeps his ruthless submission hold

Kimi37 releases his grasp

Kimi37 grabs Cruscifer's hair

Kimi37 grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Kimi37 bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent

Cruscifer crouches down and avoids the a Clothesline. gaining the initiative

Cruscifer bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

then he hits him with his extended arm performing a strong Clothesline!!
Cruscifer stretches out his arms, opening his hands

and grasps Kimi37's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!!

Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold

Kimi37 escapes from the hold

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer grabs one Kimi37 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Cruscifer throws Kimi37 to the ring's corner

running toward him hitting him with his own body performing a violent Body

Cruscifer approaches the opponent

Kimi37 gets free from the hold avoiding a a Brain Squeezer, taking the initiative

Kimi37 crosses his opponent's legs

locking him in a light Texas Cloverleaf imitating the famous "Lasso from el Paso"!!

Kimi37 keeps his ruthless submission hold

Cruscifer escapes from the hold

Kimi37 gets on the top turnbuckle

and jumps onto Cruscifer hitting him sideways with his body and forcing him to the mat
with a strong Diving Crossbody !!

Referee starts counting...



Cruscifer gets up and resolutely fights back

Cruscifer stares at Kimi37

and gives him an light Ear Slap!!

Cruscifer charges his arm

and with a great strength punches Kimi37's face performing a strong Gran
Taladro Gurren Lagann!!

Cruscifer grasps Kimi37

and lifts him up, slamming him down to the mat performing a violent Body Slam!!

Cruscifer agarra una silla el arbitro lo detiene y entonces entra su hermano


y este le da con el mazo entonces CRUSCIFER executing devastating Zabimaru!!


Cruscifer tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting...


Kimi37 kicks out

Cruscifer turns Kimi37 still groggy up pulling his hair

Kimi37 interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Kimi37 prevails

Kimi37 hurls the leg preparing the blow

Cruscifer bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37 by an arm

and swings him to the ground with an light Arm Drag!!

Cruscifer grabs Kimi37's hair

Cruscifer grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Cruscifer runs towards his opponent

and he snaps his foot into Kimi37s chin with a strong Chin Breaker!!

Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm, then he flips behind him blocking the other arm
with the legs
throwing him on the mat with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!!

Referee starts counting...



Kimi37 kicks out

Cruscifer turns Kimi37 still groggy up pulling his hair

-En eso XMP corre hacia el ring-

Marco Perez: ohsi.. otra vez vienen a ayudar a Cruscifer

Henry Rojas: pero esta vez no lo creo porque Spanish y He-Man ya fueron

-He-Man y XMP se agarran a golpes, el arbitro se pierde de la pelea, mientras Cruscifer

comete FOUL!!-

Marco PereZ : oh no Cruscifer ganara!!, pero si pierde gana Kimi , Wa da lo mismo..

-Spanish Head golpea a Cruscifer..-

Publico: spanish Head Spanish Head!!

-Kimi aplica su Kimi DDT!!-






Henry Rojas: kimi lo logro!! Kimi es el ganador de este torneo!!!

-En eso aparece el GG Vincent!!-

Marco Perez: no.. el jefe va a hacer oficial su victoria!! Noo!!

GG Vincent: bueno veo que hay mucha gente aquí, -señalando a XMP, He-MAn y
Spanish Head-, esto no puede ser la final..

Publico: que?
Henry Rojas: que esta tratando de decir?

GG VIncent: lo que escuchan… esto no puede ser una final.. Kimi.. ya que has
“ganado” este torneo.. pero veo que fuiste ayudado por muchas personas,me veo en la
obligaciond e colocarte una lucha mas..

Henry Rojas: que!!

Marco Perez: oooo si ¡!

GGVincent: y esta vez el que gane ira a Revolucion Latina para la pelea mas
importante.. pasa HERMANO!!

Marco Perez, Henry Rojas: que!!!

-Aparece TerryHenry-

Publcio: buuu!!!

Henry Rojas: esto no puede estar pasando, Kimi logro su victoria legítimamente.. y
ahora viene el jefe y le coloca una pelea mas?

Marco Perez: pero es que su victoria no fue tan clara aparte lo ayudaron..

Henry Rojas: pero a Cruscifer lo ayudaron durante todo el torneo porque no lo saco

Octavo Match
TerryHenry vs Kimi
Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!"

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, TerryHenry"!

TerryHenry makes his way to the ring

Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Kimi"!

A drum roll is playing loud and clear

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and
most powerful moves

Kimi makes his way to the ring

Wearing Pleather shorts and a cutoff work shirt

with his lover who kisses him burning with passion

a light shines over him on the ring

The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other

and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent

after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Kimi prevails

Kimi draws back his arm rocking his body

TerryHenry dodges the Big Punch, taking the initiative

TerryHenry places Kimi horizontally on his shoulders

making him fly over his head slamming him on the mat performing a light Fireman

[Special Power Body activated for TerryHenry]

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's hair

TerryHenry lifte his opponent on his back while headed down

Kimi evades the Vertabreaker and gains the initiative

Kimi lifts his opponent above the shoulder

and makes him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a light Shoulder

[Special Initiative activated for Kimi]

Kimi gets closer to the opponent laying on the mat

TerryHenry moves to avoid the Elbow Crush and gain the initiative

TerryHenry catches his opponent's legs

and locks them with his own to shape a 4 executing a light Figure 4!!

TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold

Kimi escapes from the hold

Kimi quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Kimi puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead

TerryHenry shifts and avoids an Eye Rake taking the initiative

TerryHenry prepares to strike the adversary

performing a light Punch!!

TerryHenry turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a light Side Kick!!

TerryHenry loads his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Samoan Drop!!

[Special Power Body activated for Kimi]

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's ankle

Kimi avoids the Ankle Lock easilly, taking the initiative

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's legs and locks them

and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



TerryHenry kicks out

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's hair

Kimi and lunges himself on the ropes

Kimi waits for the running opponent

TerryHenry performs a somersault on the rival's back to avoid the High Back
Body Drop, and gains the initiative

TerryHenry waits for the adversary

joining his fists like an hammer and hitting him on the face performing a light Polish

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's hair

TerryHenry grabs one Kimi 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

TerryHenry stands in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent
Kimi moves out of the way avoiding the Shoulder Block, taking the initiative

Kimi bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent

stretches his arm hitting him with a light Clothesline!!

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's hair

Kimi grabs one TerryHenry 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Kimi stalks his opponent

and knocks him on the ground with a shoulder hit, executing a light Shoulder Block!!

Kimi grabs hold of his opponent's leg

TerryHenry breaks loose of his opponent's grasp, neutralizing the Spinning Leg
Crush and regaining the initiative!

TerryHenry gets on the top turnbuckle

Kimi suddenly shifts dodging the Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative

Kimi rises on the turnbuckle

and throws himself on TerryHenry while performing a torsion with the body executing a
light Twisting Body Attack!!

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's hair

Kimi grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Kimi runs towards his opponent

TerryHenry moves to dodge a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks

TerryHenry runs toward Kimi and leaps

hitting him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!!

Referee starts counting...



Kimi gets up and resolutely fights back

Kimi charges his arm

TerryHenry dodges an Overhand Chop to gain the initiative

TerryHenry prepares his arm to strike the adversary

hitting him with a light Punch!!

TerryHenry turns his body and lifts his leg bent at the knee

and delivers the blow on the ribs, connecting with a light Side Kick!!

TerryHenry puts his opponent on his shoulders

Kimi climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Modified Samoan Drop
regaining the initiative

Kimi waits for the running opponent

and throws him up in the air with a light Big Toss!!

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's hair

Kimi grabs one TerryHenry 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges
himself as well

Kimi jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter

TerryHenry bends, dodging the a Dropsault and taking the initiative

TerryHenry grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back

Kimi avoids an a El Alza Del Pasaje and takes the initiative

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's arms putting it between his legs

and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!!

Referee starts counting...



TerryHenry gets up and resolutely fights back

TerryHenry prepares his arm to strike the adversary

hitting him with a light Punch!!

[Special Submission Defence activated for Kimi]

TerryHenry dives into the opponent with a clothesline

Kimi avoids the a 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative

Kimi gets ready to hit TerryHenry

with a light Low Kick!!

Kimi raises his opponent on his shoulder

and hurls him, crashing his shoulder on his knee, performing a strong Shoulder

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's hair

Kimi and lunges himself on the ropes

Kimi grabs the running adversary by the hands

TerryHenry avoids a a Monkey Flip and takes back the initiative

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's leg and sits on Kimis back

and reefs on the leg applying an strong El Alza Del Pasaje!!

TerryHenry keeps his weak submission hold

TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold

TerryHenry releases his grasp

TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt

TerryHenry executing The Te Le Paso La Micro

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's hair

TerryHenry lifte his opponent on his back while headed down

Kimi evades the a Vertabreaker and gains the initiative

Kimi grabs his opponent's head

and crashes him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's hair

Kimi hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,
then lifts TerryHenry up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming
TerryHenry down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting with a strong Tiger

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's hair

Kimi grabs his opponent's head

to crash him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock

Kimi pulls TerryHenry still groggy, by his hair

Kimi flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest

TerryHenry breaks loose of his opponent's grip, neutralizing the a Sick-ko and
regaining the initiative!

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's hair

TerryHenry grabs his opponent by the head

and by lifting him by 45° connects with an violent Inverted DDT!!

TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt

TerryHenry executing The Te Le Paso La Micro

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's hair

TerryHenry lift his down-headed opponent

Kimi evades the a Vertabreaker and gains the initiative

Kimi goes to the side of TerryHenry grasping him from behind, hooking his head

and trips him up falling backward with a light Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down
back first!!

Kimi traps his opponent's leg with his own legs

TerryHenry dodges the a Tinlock and gains the initiative

TerryHenry grabs his rival's legs

and locks them painfully with his own to form a strong Figure 4!!

TerryHenry keeps his agonizing submission hold

TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold

TerryHenry releases his grasp

TerryHenry says Viniste a Santiago y Tomaste la Micro

Kimi somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Kimi grabs an opponent's arm, then he grabs his opposite leg too

and pulls both the limbs causing an unnatural stretch, performing a light Gangsta

TerryHenry escapes from the hold

Kimi grabs TerryHenry's hair

Kimi grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Kimi runs towards TerryHenry

TerryHenry avoids the a Chin Breaker

TerryHenry Grab the head of Kimi and

ATANNNGAA Dimelooo Carrlitosss executing devastating Transantiago Death


TerryHenry folds his prostrate opponent's legs

rolling and connecting with a light Sharpshooter!!

TerryHenry keeps his ruthless submission hold

TerryHenry keeps his weak submission hold

TerryHenry releases his grasp

TerryHenry gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together

and throws himself toward Kimi hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!!

TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt

TerryHenry executing The Te Le Paso La Micro

Kimi interrupts his opponent attacks sequence

Kimi puts a outstretched hand on TerryHenry's forehead

and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye
Kimi lifts his knee and prepares to strikes the adversary

TerryHenry moves away avoiding a a Powerful Knee Strike , taking back the

TerryHenry puts Kimi's head under his arm

and grabbing his hip, raises him throwing him forward performing a strong Reverse

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's hair

TerryHenry grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

TerryHenry runs towards his opponent

Marco Perez: el jefe parece un poco preocupado

Henry Rojas: sera porque su hermano esta en el ring?

Kimi moves to dodge a a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks

Kimi runs toward TerryHenry and leaps

hitting him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!!

Referee starts counting...



-Vincent entra al ring y golpea al arbitro-

Publico: buuu!!!

Henry Rojas: pero que??

Marco Perez: eso jefe.. imponga respeto!!

-Spanish Head ingresa al ring y golpea a Vincent!!-

Henry Rojas: Spanish Head si que esta loco.. le estan dando una oportunidad y golpea al
jefe ¡!

Marco Perez: pero mira quien viene!!

-En eso aparece de entre el publico Paulonovich!!!-

Paulonovich golpea a Spanish Head, y se enfrascan en una pelea fuera del ring, He-Man
tambien ataca pero Takeshi Morishima con una patada logra sacar a He-Man de

Publcio: buuu!!!

Henry Rojas: que hace takeshi aca?

-mientras en el ring-

TerryHenry gets up and resolutely fights back

TerryHenry goes towards his rival

Kimi droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust

Kimi puts a outstretched hand on TerryHenry's forehead

and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!!

Kimi gets ready to hit the opponent

TerryHenry dodges a a Low Kick and retakes the initiative

TerryHenry places Kimi horizontally on his shoulders

slamming him to the ground performing a light Fireman Carry!!

TerryHenry gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump

Kimi suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative

Kimi climbs the turnbuckle and

jumps towards the rival hitting him with his arm executing a strong Flying

Kimi is about to perform his taunt

Kimi Raises Eyebrow executing A Raised Eyebrow

Kimi grabs his opponent's arm

and turns it submitting him performing a light Flipping Armbar!!

TerryHenry escapes from the hold

TerryHenry quickly gets up and counterattacks!

TerryHenry gets ready to hit Kimi

Kimi shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative

Kimi stares at TerryHenry

and gives him an light Ear Slap!!

[Special Blocking activated for Kimi]

Kimi brings his foot up

TerryHenry dodges the a Axe Kick taking the initiative

TerryHenry lifts Kimi on his shoulders horizontally

throwing him over his head performing a strong Fireman Carry making him fall in front
of him!!

TerryHenry says Viniste a Santiago y Tomaste la Micro

Kimi somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

Kimi crosses in a figure 4 TerryHenry's legs who's laying prone on the mat

and subdues him with a light Reverse Figure 4!!

Kimi keeps his ruthless submission hold

Kimi keeps his weak submission hold

Kimi releases his grasp

Kimi pulls TerryHenry still groggy, by his hair

Kimi grabs opponents head in 3 4 headlock

TerryHenry somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

TerryHenry grabs Kimi from behind

and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3!
performing a devastating Multiple German Suplex!!

[Special Pinning Resistance activated for Kimi]

TerryHenry grabs Kimi's hair

TerryHenry and lunges himself on the ropes

TerryHenry prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him

Kimi crouches and eludes a a Polish Hammer taking back the initiative

Kimi waits for TerryHenry to bounces against the ropes

and throws him backwards, performing a strong Back Toss!!

Kimi lifts his arm

TerryHenry moves in order to dodge the a Club to the Neck and counterattacks

TerryHenry crosses in a figure 4 Kimi's legs who's laying prone on the mat

and subdues him with a strong Reverse Figure 4!!

TerryHenry keeps his ruthless submission hold


Kimi can't resist anymore and taps out!!

Henry Rojas: pero no hay arbitro!!

-GG Vincent le quita el polo al arbitro y se lo pone-

Henry Rojas: oh no esto no es posible…


Marco Perez: siii!! siiI!!! Este torneo tubo un final feliz… miren ese cuadro!!



Terryhenry: gracias hermano.. Gracias publico mio

Publico: BUUUU!!!

Terryhenry: les presento aqui a Paulonovich y a takeshi, juntos paul, takeshi, vincent y
yo...somos parte del Genei Ryodan!

Publico: paulonovich te vendiste buuuu!!!

-Paulonovich sube al ring junto con Takeshi-

Terryhenry: llego el momento, el momento de volver a tener lo que fue mio, corre

Se ve imagenes de un ring siendo armado, y un narrador empieza a hablar.

Narrador: Terryhenry y Vincent, hermanos, fundaron LWC desde lo mas pequeño, se

apoyaron para crear su sueño y tener la mejor federacion del mundo, poco a poco
buscaban auspiciadores para lograr tal sueño, vincent y terryhenry intentaron ser lo que
en sus sueños eran, wrestlers.

se ve a vincent en fotos con traje de luchador y terryhenry resiviendo una llave de


Narrador: Pero una lesion le causo su carrera a vincent, para que al final terryhenry sea
el unico luchador de la familia, paso el tiempo y vincent logro una licencia para
funcionamento y mando contratos para luchadores de otras federaciones para intentar
crear lo que aun era un sueño.

Se ven varios luchadores en ring de otras federaciones en fotos: paulonovich,

cruscifer, santo angel, XMP, BBM, Ninja, Drigo, moncho, serginho7, killer,
darkneo, bloodersandman, etc etc.

Narrador: con tan solo 29 luchadores hizo su primer show, el cual fue un exito en
taquillas, llegando a juntar mil fans en el coliseo, terryhenry creo el titulo mundial y
vincent acepto que tal titulo sea para el torneo que se avecinaba, pero le dijo a
terryhenry que no volveria a ver a su titulo por lo menos por un tiempo, y terry accedio.

Se ve un video de todos los luchadores en el ring celebrando, tomandose fotos,

recibiendo aplausos y la gente gritando LWC!!! LWC!!!! 

Narrador: el tiempo paso y Vincent le dijo a Terryhenry que no podia ser luchador en la
LWC, ya que si lo fuese controlaria lo que sucediese en la federacion y seria campeon
mundial facilmente solo moviendo los hilos, eso enojo a terryhenry, el cual decidio
dejar el Staff y volverse netamente luchador profecional.

Se ve un video donde esta terryhenry frustrado en bastidores y siendo animado por

varios luchadores.

Narrador: Vincent junto a Niko Zero decidieron poner a terryhenry lejos del titulo para
asi no causar problemas en un futuro, con la salida de Niko Zero, Vincent contrato a
BBM como segundo al mando, hasta que este tuvo que salir de la federacion, eso frustro
a vincent y cometio un error terrible, al contratar a XMP como segundo al mando, XMP
saco a vincent de la LWC aunq no hay pruebas de ello, XMP por poco se hizo con el
control de la LWC el sueño de 2 hermanos, Vincent temiendo lo peor, perder su
federacion que tanto le costo pidio ayuda a su hermano, este no quizo aceptar.

Se ven recuentos de las semanas pasadas con todos los videos donde terry hablaba
de su hermano solo y con el.

Narrador: luego de ser sacado de la federacion el dia que ataco un fan, terryhenry odio a
muerte a su hermano, y luego de vagabundear por las calles fuera de LWC, vincent lo
recogio, le salvo la vida, y le prometio a terryhenry el lo que antes fue suyo el titulo
mundial y la alianza con alguien que estaba junto con el.Se ve un video donde
terryhenry se da la mano con su hermano y con Paulonovich para unirlos a lo que hoy
se encienden las luces

Terryhenry: Genei Ryodan!!! ahora bien, todos saben el porque estoy aqui, he venido a
recuperar lo que fue mio, lo que en un comienzo fue mio, YO LO CREE!!! el titulo
mundial me pertenece por derecho!!!

Suena la musica de Kubit y este aparece.

Kubit: Este titulo lo gane con sudor y sangre y vienen tod.....

Cortan el sonido del microfono de Kubit y luego la seguridad aparece, golpean a

Kubit  este no se deja pero son demasiados le kitan el titulo y lo sacan de la arena,
un tipo de seguridad le alcanza el titulo a Terryhenry.

Terryhenry: Mi preciado tesoro, vuelve a ser mio otra vez Y EN RL!!! LO GANARE

Publico: BUUUUU 

Se oye Ties that Bind de Alter Bridge!!

tanto Vincent, Paulonovich, Takeshi y Terryhenry celebran en el ring levantando

las manos y el titulo mundial en manos de terryhenry y en pantalla kubit
golpeando a los de seguridad en bastidores para asi terminar el programa.

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