Soalan BI Aspirasi Juara 2 2013 (P1)

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SULIT 014/1

Questions 1-4
Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
Pilih perkataan yang terbaik bagi melengkapkan ayat berikut.
1 Bats are flying ________________ with leathery wings.
A mammals
B reptiles
C insects
D amphibians
2 Every evening, the farmer herds the sheep bac into the ______________.
A lair
B den
C pen
D coop
! "iti ran towards her mother and __________________ her happily.
A gripped
B h#gged
C pressed
D s$#ee%ed
& ' wore a pair of ____________________ to the beach. 't was easy to slip them off
before entering the water.
A boots
B shoes
C slippers
D sneaers
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Questions 5 7
(ead the te)t and choose the best phrase for each of the pict#res given.
Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.
*ast weeend, my parents and ' went shopping. +e wanted to b#y some winter
clothes. ,y father saw a _______________ which he lied. ,y

mother ______________ and then fo#nd a maroon woolen shawl.

After some time, ' fo#nd a white cardigan ________________

+e too o#r items to the co#nter and my father paid for them.

- A a long coat
B cotton py.amas
C woolen sweater
D short / sleeved shirt
0 A $#e#ed at the co#nter
B waled o#t of the stall
C looed aro#nd the shop
D strolled along the corridor
1 A hanging on the rail
B inside a paper bag
C wrapped in plastic
D folded on the shelf
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2 - 3
2 0 3
2 1 3
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Questions 8 10
Choose the best answer for each of the pict#res given.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi setiap gambar yang diberi.
4 A 5hey are repairing the roof.
B 5he girl is watching the flood.
C 5he man and his son are waiting for help.
D 5he boy is playing in the water.
6 A 5he men are wearing ba.# ,elay#.
B "arah and her friends are in their sportswear.
C 5he ladies are wearing headscarfs.
D 5he women are dressed in their traditional cost#mes.

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17 A 8e is p#tting on his shirt in front of the mirror.
B 8e is admiring himself in the mirror.
C 8arry is learning how to tie his nectie.
D 9amar#l is dressing #p to go to school.

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Questions 11 15
Choose the best sentence to fit the sit#ation shown in the pict#re
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.

A ' am not a hairstylist.
B :o, it is diffic#lt for me to recommend.
C ;f co#rse, ' thin short hair s#its yo#.
D +hat ind of hairstyle do yo# lie<

12 A +hat is the matter<
B 5han yo# , ,adam.
C ' tae good care of my eyes.
D Do ' need spectacles<


A Did he win any pri%es<
B ' don=t believe it.
C 8e is very talented.
D 8ow m#ch do ' have to pay <

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Can yo#
recommend a
hairstyle for
:o,yo#r eyesight
is perfect.
SULIT 014/1

1& A 5ell the doctor ' am here to see him.
B "ho#ld ' tae it before or after meals<
C 's this Doctor *ee=s Clinic<
D ' sho#ld #se the teaspoon.

A 5he girl is on the stage.
B 's she yo#r da#ghter <
C +hen is the contest<
D >es, ' do agree.
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5ae one teaspoonf#l
thrice per day.
5he girl sings
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Questions 16 20
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.
10 5he eggs ____________ ' bo#ght from ?a Alang=s farm are fresh.
A whose
B who
C whom
D which
11 's this the ________________ way to coo the vegetables<
A best
B better
C good
D well
14 "erena c#t the cae after she had _________ o#t the candles.

A blow
B blown
C blew
D bowing
16 ?lease add another two _____________ of s#gar into the coffee. 't=s too bitter.
A pinches
B teaspoons
C c#ps
D pacets
27 All the ho#ses in the village were lit ____________ to celebrate 8ari (aya

A dimly
B .oyf#lly
C brightly
D d#lly
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Question 21
Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the #nderlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlawan dengan perkataan yang bergaris.
21 5he garbage in the ua! area is either b#rnt or b#ried .
A village
B #rban
C town
D city
Questions 22-2"
Choose the answer with the correct spe!!ing.
Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.
22 A mo#ntaineer m#st have _____________ and mental strengths.
A phisycel
B physicel
C pyhsycal
D physical
2! 5he chameleons ____________ by #sing the colo#rs on their body to blend in with the
A camo#flage
B cama#flage
C cam#oflage
D camofleage
Questions 24-25
Choose the sentence with the correct pun#tuation.
Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.
2& A 5he lady ased, @ +ho has taen my new handbag<A
B 5he lady ased. @ +ho has taen my new handbag<A
C 5he lady asedB @ +ho has taen my new handbag<A
D 5he lady ased, @ who has taen my new handbag<A
2- A Do yo# 9now Enci (ahman my new neighbo#r<
B Do yo# now enci (ahman my new neighbo#r <
C Do yo# 9now Enci (ahman, my new neighbo#r.
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D Do yo# now Enci (ahman, my new neighbo#r<
Questions 26 "0
Based on the pict#re, choose the best answer to fill in the blans in the passage that follows.
Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam
teks yang berikutnya.
9amal and his family were at a resta#rant. 5hey wanted to __________________
,other=s Day. 8is mother was so happy. 5here were many _______________ in the shop.
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2 20 3
2 21 3
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8is mother wanted to eat c#rry rice ______________ his brother, A%har went to the co#nter
to b#y fish c#rry cooed in a big _______________ . A waiter was holding two glasses in a
tray and _____________ the table .

20 A celebrates 26 A pot
B celebrate B can
C celebrated C wo
D celebrating D pan

21 A g#ests !7 A wipe
B patients B wipes
C c#stomers C wiped
D passengers D wiping
24 A since
B altho#gh
C while
D beca#se
Questions "1-"5
(ead the passage below and answer the $#estions that follow.
Baca petikan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

,ost people do travel somewhere within their co#ntry or o#t of the co#ntry. +hen travelling
on b#ses, trains , aeroplanes or any p#blic transports, they share their travel space with other
passengers. "o it is only right that we learn how to be considerate passengers so that everyone
is comfortable.
5hey sho#ld not spea lo#dly. :either sho#ld they sing alo#d to inteupt the peace and
irritate other passengers. ,ost of them need to rela) while travelling and en.oy the scenery
along the .o#rney. 5hey tae care of their personal hygiene lie wearing clean clothes and
they do not have body or feet odo#r.
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2 24 3
2 26 3
2 !7 3
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Considerate passengers do not tae #p another passenger=s space. 5hey m#st be content to
eep to their own seat. Besides , a considerate passenger does not ic the seat in front and he
does not throw items at other passengers.
!1 5he passage is mainly abo#t

A 5aing care of personal hygiene
B 5he different types of passengers
C +ays to be a considerate passenger
D 5ravelling within or o#t of the co#ntry
!2 8ow do they tae care of their personal hygiene<
A wearing clean clothes, good body and feet odo#r
B wearing good clothes and clean feet
C have good body and feet odo#r
D have smelly feet and body odo#r
!! ?assengers sho#ld not do all the followings e$#ept
A throw items at other passengersan
B ic the seat in front
C sing alo#d and irritate other passengers
D rela) and en.oy the scenery
!& 5he word inteupt in the passage can best be replaced with

A rela)
B dist#rb
C annoy
D harm
!- +hy do people need to be considerate passengers<
A 5o mae friends with others
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B Cor the comfort of everyone
C 5o entertain other passengers
D 5o throw items at other passengers
Questions "6 - 40
"t#dy the bar graph below and answer the $#estions that follow.
Teliti carta di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.
5he bar graph shows the occ#pation of the residents in 9amp#ng Delima.
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!0 8ow many teachers are there in the village<
A twenty D five
B thirty D five
C forty D five
D fifty D five
!1 5he word esi%ents refers to ________________ .
A people
B mechanics
C n#rses
D postmen
!4 +hat does a mechanic do <
A repairs pipes
B b#ilds ho#ses
C maes f#rnit#re
D repairs machineries
!6 ,ost of the residents are
A farmers
B teachers
C traders
D n#rses
&7 5he bar graph shows
A why the residents lie the .ob
B how the residents go to wor
C what the residents do to earn a living
D where the residents wor
014/1 SULIT
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13 9ertas soalan ini mengand#ngi 40 soalan. Hawab semua soalan.
23 Hawab dengan menghitaman r#angan pada ertas .awapan.
"3 Bagi sat# soalan, hitaman satu r#angan saha.a.
43 Hia am# henda men#ar .awapan, padaman tanda yang telah dib#at.
9em#dian hitam4an .awapan yang bar#.
9ertas soalan ini mengand#ngi 1- halaman berceta.
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9ertas 1
-7 minit
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