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1 | M A S w i n g s

Summary of MASwings............................................................................................................................ 2
Programs ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Project VSAT ........................................................................................................................................ 3
Project PINTAR .................................................................................................................................... 4
Project Our Children, Our Future ........................................................................................................ 5
Other Programs ................................................................................................................................... 7
What is the rationale the firm uses to support CSR activities? ............................................................... 8
What is the response from those affected by the programs? ................................................................ 9
What is the response, if any, from those who oppose the programs? ................................................. 10
Do you think the company is benefiting from the program to the extent of the programs cost? ...... 11
Recommendation for future CSR .......................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 13
Team photo ........................................................................................................................................... 14
References: ............................................................................................................................................ 16

2 | M A S w i n g s

Summary of MASwings

MASwings Sdn. Bhd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines Sdn. Bhd. It is a
regional airline operating the Rural Air Services (RAS) in East Malaysia. Malaysias first
commuter airline was officially launched on 1 October 2007. MASwings objective is to
provide affordable fares, convenient schedule and connections for the people of Sabah and
Sarawak to travel within the two states in the Malaysian Borneo. Its current slogan is
Communitys Wings of Love.
In 2011, MASwings continued its initiatives to improve productivity and enhance its
customer service, as well as reducing operational costs. With the introduction of self check-in
kiosks at the Kota Kinabalu and Kuching airports to increase the Companys customer value
proposition, approximately 80% of MASwings customers have seen to use this facility.
In 2012, the airline expanded its horizons and further spreading its wings by adding
flights to Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei, Pontianak and Tarakan in Kalimantan, Indonesia to
support Sabah and Sarawaks participation in the East ASEAN growth area of BIMP-EAGA
trade zone.
Ever since MASwings was founded, it has always been playing a pivotal role as a
strategic tourism industry player in both Sabah and Sarawak.

3 | M A S w i n g s


Project VSAT

MASwings managing director, Captain Nawawi (right) poses next to a VSAT unit at the
BaKelalan STOL port.

At MASwings, Wings of Love focuses on 3 key areas such as community-related
activities, education-related activities and environment-related activities. The VSAT project
also known as Very Small Antenna Transmitter is by MASwings to install it for the local
community access to wireless internet service. It was launched in August 2011 in Bario and
Bakelalan, northern Sarawak by Yang Berhormat Senator Dato Sri Idris Jala, Minister in
Prime Ministers Department. This project is part of the community program.
The VSAT is provided by Maxis Berhad. Maxis is the only communications service
provider in Malaysia to adopt a combination of efficient and green VSAT, nanoGSM, Wi-Fi
and solar power technologies to deliver to rural areas Global System for Mobile
Communications (GSM), voice, messaging and data services.
At this present day, its almost difficult to catch up with the modern world happenings
without internet access. As technology advances further around the globe, MASwings
launched the program hoping to improve the welfare of the people in the rural area of
Sarawak. With regards to the project, it also enables the people there to have access to
borderless bookings where they can purchase domestic and international flight ticket, seats
selection, automated check-in facility and other internet offerings by MASwings and Malaysia

4 | M A S w i n g s

Project PINTAR

Captain Nawawi (right) greeted by primary students of SK BaKelalan

As part of the education program in the 2
key area under the Wings of Love project,
project PINTAR is an extension to the ongoing project by Malaysia Airlines in West Malaysia.
Project PINTAR under MASwings is a school adoption program and to-date has 3 schools, SK
Bario, SMK Bario and SK BaKelalan all in Sarawak under its care.
MASwings involvement in this project is aiming to raise awareness on the importance of
education, to improve the academic standards and attainment of underprivileged children
from their deprived social-economic conditions in the rural areas. All these are parts of
MASwings commitment to support the government in its quest towards becoming a
developed nation by the year 2020 under the vision of our former Prime Minister, Tun Dr.
Mahathir bin Mohamad Wawasan 2020.
Within Wings of Love, MASwings will seek for the outmost cooperation from engaging
parents, teachers, the whole local community as well as MASwings staff to motivate the
children to learn and excel in their studies. As a whole, MASwings want to positively push the
students and the teachers towards excellence. As a challenge, it is hopeful that the schools
will achieve 100% pass in UPSR and PMR examinations as well as increase in straight-A
Education is essential for everyone regardless of age. As a young kid, it is even more
crucial as a basic of learning. Like a wise man once said, wisdom is not a product of
schooling but of the life-long attempt to acquire it. With regards to the initiatives taken by
MASwings, the upcoming future generations of children from Bario and Bakelalan will see
and certainly have a brighter and better future in themselves.

5 | M A S w i n g s

Project Our Children, Our Future

Students and teachers arrival at Subang airport

The 2
project in its education-related program under the Wings of Love project is
called, Our Children, Our Future. This project is an educational familiarisation trip to the
peninsula meant for the students from the interiors/rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak. It
was first incepted in 2010.
In December 2010, there were 20 primary school students from Sabah and Sarawak
all high achievers in their academic performance along with 10 of their teachers who were
given the privilege to visit tourist destinations. Meanwhile in December 2011, MASwings
rewarded 23 top scoring Primary 6 Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) from the rural
areas of both states by realising their dreams.
MASwings rewarded these bright minds with a three-day visit to destinations in Kuala
Lumpur and Putrajaya such as Malaysia Airlines Complex in Subang and the Planetarium and
Petrosains in Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC). During the visit to the Malaysia Airlines
Complex, they were given the opportunity to have a closer look at the engineering and
maintenance hangar and the Flight Stimulator Training Centre.
At Planetarium, they were treated with our very own Malaysia-made animation, Upin
Ipin. Meanwhile at KLCC, the students experienced something new and beyond to them.
They were shown the 3-D animation cartoon of Rapunzel and of course, they were thrilled.

6 | M A S w i n g s

Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor photo session with UPSR top scorers at Seri Perdana Putrajaya

The final day of their three-day long trip saw the students probably enjoyed a once-in-
a-lifetime experience high tea with the current Prime Ministers wife, Datin Seri Rosmah
Mansor at the PMs residence there.
It was a 2 ways benefits for both the hosts and the students as priceless cultures and
experiences were exchanged. At the Seri Perdana, the students performed ngajat and a
traditional Sabah dance to the tune of a Gunung Kinabalu song for their gracious host.
Datin Seri Rosmah who is the patron of MASwings community service project later
handed out school bags, uniforms and prizes to the students at the tea reception. Aimed at
exposing the students the life outside their rural settings, it was certainly an eye-opener for
each and every one of them (well discuss about their responses later in this report).
To conclude this projects report, well quote an inspirational quote for everyone by the
YB, Poverty should not become an obstacle to hinder children from achieving their
ambitions or dreams.

7 | M A S w i n g s

Other Programs

The 3rd key area in MASwings Wings of Love project is the environmental-related
activities. MASwings commitment to champion the cause of protecting the planet and saving
the environment led to the airline to conduct an internal campaign on email. The campaign
which requested all personnel of MASwings to reduce printing unnecessary documents, in
other words, reduce the use of papers.
Earlier this year in April, MASwings allocated RM 20,000 to SMK Kemburongoh in Sabah.
It is the first school in Sabah to be adopted under the Wings of Love program. Captain
Nawawi noted that as part of their community and education program, its aimed is to create
an atmosphere of conducive environment for students and ensured that they could be
formed to be good leaders in the future.
Other activities initiated by MASwings include motivational talk, leadership course,
course to improve English proficiency, contribution of revision books and a career talk in the
aviation industry to the students.

8 | M A S w i n g s

What is the rationale the firm uses to support CSR activities?

Moving on, its a question all of us wonder, why would a company go to such extent
of doing and contributing so many activities and so much of money into CSR programs?
Here, we shall quote a reply by the Corporate Communications and Adminstration Executive
of MASwings, Rozanah Robert during the interview session.
The project is aimed at increasing MASwings involvement in any CSR projects individually
or with other organisation and/or charity body to further position the airline as a concerned
community airline and ultimately transformed MASwings to become an icon or symbol of
pride for Sabah and Sarawak.
In our opinions, the keywords from what she said are, symbol of pride for Sabah and
Sarawak. Given that, a firm totally cannot position itself as a respectable company if it did
not participate or create its own community projects. MASwings believes that to build on its
reputation as the top airline in Malaysia in particular Sabah and Sarawak, profitability
through sales of tickets and other add-ons are not the only way.
With CSR activities, MASwings is able to consistently engage with not only the
customers/patrons but the whole community whether the locals have ever heard of the
company or not. Its just an alternate way of saying from MASwings perspective that they
would like to thank the patrons by returning the profits they gained back to the community
especially the rural areas to improve the standards of living of at least equivalent to urban
In other words, MASwings would like the people in the rural areas to grow together with
them. As Captain Nawawi said, were considered a lifeline by the rural community. No
doubt, we aim to be exactly that and more.

9 | M A S w i n g s

What is the response from those affected by the programs?

MASwings is pleased that those affected by its on-going CSR programs has shown and
getting positive results especially in the education related matters which covers mostly rural
schools, in particular MASwings adopted schools in both Sabah & Sarawak. Based on the
programs listed throughout this report, those who were affected are the community,
students, teachers in the rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak and employees of MASwings.
It is pleasing to say that everyone were thoroughly thrilled and made happier from the
programs by MASwings. To list a few, the community is now able to access to wireless
internet when a few years back, they could not even get constant electric supply. As for the
students and teachers, they were able to experience life outside their rural settings in Kuala
Lumpur and Putrajaya with skyscrapers such as KLCC and wearing 3-D glasses for a 3-D
The following are responses by students who were at the high tea reception with Datin Seri
Rosmah Mansor for their academic excellence:
Cerollyn Carmila (SK Pekan 2 Pitas Sabah) said she was happy for providing her the
opportunity to visit other parts of Malaysia Thanks to MASwings for the 9amiliarization
trip. It was an eye-opener.
Beatrice Rinai Joannes (SK Pekan 2 Pitas Sabah) said she was grateful that her hard
work in obtaining As in UPSR had been rewarded by MASwings.
To add on, parents who worked hard to provide their children the essential education
needed felt MASwings contribution is like a reward.

10 | M A S w i n g s

What is the response, if any, from those who oppose the programs?

Based on our session with the person in-charge, there isnt anyone that opposed the
To discuss, we shall each take an exemplary role by viewing this from a (the)
shareholder(s), member(s) of the directors, personnel, government and community
From both a (the) shareholder(s) and member(s) of the directors point of view, such
CSR activities may seem like a waste of financial resources to increase the airplanes
performance and improve the operation facilities. Yet, the reason why they wouldnt oppose
to such program is simple. Its much more effective to build on the community trust and
belief in your non-profitable activities than to improve your services. When you do that, the
people will value your company better than ever through corporate responsibilities.
From an employee of MASwings view, he is given the opportunity to engage with the
locals of the rural areas to share their stories. An example would be a person who grew up in
the city may find the stories of the community in the rural areas an inspiration to him as life
in such areas may not be a smooth road. Its a rocky and rainy road.
The Malaysian government would be more pleased than opposed to see such programs
being carried out to improve the social welfare of the people especially in Sabah and
Sarawak where it is a challenge for them to reach out to their social needs.
From the people of the community view, the society will view MASwings as doing
charitable works for the less fortunate part of the society. There is absolutely no reason
whatsoever to oppose so many countless of programs that is actually beneficial for everyone.

11 | M A S w i n g s

Do you think the company is benefiting from the program to the extent of
the programs cost?

In any sort of business activities, if the profitability generated is less than the cost
incurred, one would not choose to do it. In corporate responsibility, such profits are not seen
from the figures generated but through the societys value of your company.
Here, we take the words of MASwings which talk about such beneficiary is worth it to
the extent of all the programs costs. In any corporate company (for this instance its
MASwings), CSR projects and activities will benefit the company as positive image and
publics awareness of the companys existence will be raised and looked high upon at in the
long run.
Adding on to that, in most corporate company, certainly yearly allocation will be
budgeted for such purpose and that will not affect the budget for the airlines operation and
marketing strategies. This allocation amount will increase/decrease yearly subject to
MASwings financial position and branding purposes.
There are 4 social responsibilities that can be categorized such as economic, legal,
ethical and philanthropic responsibilities. What MASwings does it more on philanthropic
responsibilities although at certain periods of the year, economic responsibilities too is part of
their programs.
As mentioned earlier, their philanthropic responsibilities such as making charitable
contributions by adopting school in the rural areas and rewarding top scoring academic
students are additional behaviours and activities that society finds it desirable and that the
values of the business support. Its a way to build goodwill in a variety of stakeholders and
even add to shareholder wealth.

12 | M A S w i n g s

Recommendation for future CSR

MasWings should create a mou between them and Ministry of Higher Education to
provide discounted flight ticket fare for students that are studying at Borneo such as
UMSKAL. Discounted fare as much as 30 40 percent seems fair enough to encourage
students to use MasWings.
This can help increase students participation and encouragement level at the same time
because they might have to endure a difficult and tiresome journey back to their hometown
by using other means of transportation such as bus, ferry and so on. Especially students
whore heading to Tawau which journey by bus will take up about 10 hours or so.

13 | M A S w i n g s


In a nutshell, CSR is an excellent activity that helps improve the relationship between
MASwings and the East Malaysia communities. Through our 2 interview sessions with the
Operational Manager of MASwings in Labuan, Mr. Abdul Malik Bin Hassan and Corporate
Communications and Adminstration Executive of MASwings, Rozanah Robert, we found out
that most of the people involved all the CSR programs are made happier in the process.
The benefits gained from those programs were much much more than they expected.
People from the rural areas get to know MASwings more and believe that MASwings is a
lifeline in their lives. Such a big company actually do concern about them.
Just as one of the fantastic story coming from the small the rural area of Bario,
MASwings was able to make its first engagement by bring the first officer pilot, Raphael
Peter, a Bario-born who awaits promotion to a captain. If such formerly a fairytale story to
the people in the rural areas, it is now a reality and made possible to them.
Therefore, in an overall view, corporate social responsibilities have their own potential to
grow further in the coming 10 to 20 years. We feel that many other companies, be it small
or big, should pay attention to issues such as this.

14 | M A S w i n g s

Team photo

Mas Wings In Labuan Airport


15 | M A S w i n g s

Operational Manager of MASwings in Labuan,
Mr Abdul Malik Bin Hassan

Mas wing board director

16 | M A S w i n g s


1. Ghazali, G. (2011, August 21). Wings of Love. Retrieved from The Borneo Post:
2. Ghazali, G. (2011, July 25). Partnership Aims to Improve ICT in Rural Areas.
Retrieved from The Borneo Post:
3. Jenis, A. (2010, Decemeber 12). MASwings rewards UPSR High Scorers. Retrieved
from The Borneo Post:
4. Top Students Feted by Rosmah. (2010, Novemeber 30). Retrieved from TheStar
5. MASwings allocates RM20,000 for adopted Ranau school. (2012, April 18).
Retrieved from MASwings:

6. MASwings "Wings of Love". (2011, July 21). Retrieved from MASwings:

7. Two Sabah schools under MASwings Wings of Love Program. (2011, Novemeber
18). Retrieved from MASwings:
8. Nor, M. (2012, November 9). Corporate Social Responsibility. (Daniel, Mcnilson, &
Eli, Interviewers)

9. Bateman, T. S., & Snell, S. A. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility. In
Management: Leading & Collaborating in a Competitive World (pp. 181-183). 10

edition. New York McGraw-Hill.

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