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A 50 MHz Variable Gain Amplifier Cell in 2pm CMOS

R. Gomez and A. A. Abidi

Integrated Circuits & Systems Laboratory
Electrical Engineering Department
University of Califomia
Los Angeles, CA 90024-1594

ABSTRACT level shifted through a PMOS cascode device, with feed-

A CMOS Variable Gain Amplifier is described for possi- forward capacitors to improve its high frequency perfor-
ble use in disk drive read channels. The 0.9 sq mm cell mance, into an NMOS 5:l current mirror. The large capa-
attains a 30 dB range of variable gain with 50 MHz citance at the common gate node of the current mirror,
bandwidth, requires a single 5V supply, and dissipates 150 which includes a Miller multiplied Cgd,is partly cancelled
mW. by a neutralization scheme implemented with controllcd
positive feedback. The amplified current at the mirror
Introduction output is converted to a voltage in a wideband shunt fecd-
back transresistance stage. A cascade of two tapcred vol-
The electronics for disk drive subsystems operating at data
tage followers follow this to drive a load of 5 pF up to a
r a t s approaching 20 to 40 Mb/s in large drives constitute
frequency of 50 MHz.
a very large market for video speed analog and digital
ICs. A recent trend in this application is to replace the AGC loops used in thii application require the logarilhm
customary small scale integrated bipolar ICs with mixed of VGA gain to depend linearly on the control voltage
analogdigital CMOS ICs. in order to reduce total power (VCOW). Assuming the FETs in the signal path obey a
consumption and board space in applications such as lap- square law, this requirement will be met if each control
top computers. We have previously described a high per- current ( 1 ~IC*)
~ . in the VGA core individually varies
formance CMOS head amplifier for disk drive heads’, and exponentially with VCON,. while the product I C , . 1 ~ 2
here extend this work to the Variable Gain Amplifier remains constant. These relationships could only be cap-
(VGA) which plays a critical role in signal conditioning tured with the use of bipolar transistors in a circuit to gen-
for pulse detection. We set as a target a bandwidth of 50 erate the control currents, so we put to use the parmitic
MHz. a variable gain range of 30 dB, and semi- lateral bipolar transistors available in CMOS’ for this pur-
logarithmic gain control, so as to obtain similar charac- pose (Fig.2).
teristics to those of high end standalone bipolar ICs avail-
able for this application2. The iniprtant difference is that Experimental Results
our macrocell, which may be readily included with digital These circuits were fabricated in a 2 p CMOS single
circuits on the same chip, requires only a single 5V sup- poly, double metal process (Fig.3). and then extcnsively
ply, and dissipates 100 mW in the core and control cir- characterized. An almost linear gain vs. control voltage
cuits. and an additional 50 mW in buffers to drive off-chip characteristic was obtained on a semi-log plot (Fig.4), vcr-
loads. ifying the effectiveness of the circuit generating control
currents. The measured gain spanned the range from 10 to
Circuit Description 40 dB. The -3 dB bandwidth was at least 50 MHz across
Disk drive heads produced a balanced differential output; this range (Fig.5).
it is natural for alI the subsequent analog signal condition- To minimize phase distortion, the pole positions for ttic
ing to preserve this balance, and dicrcby obtain an immun- various amplifier stages were designed to cluster togcthcr
ity to noise coupling into the signal path from the power on the real axis of the s-plane; the observed group delay
supplies and common mode pickup. Several altematives was relatively constant over the passband (Fig.6). The
for a CMOS VGA circuit were studied to obtain one that amplifier delivered a maximum differcntial signal of 2V at
best preserved wideband response over large variations in the output, accompanied by 2mV r m s noise. Thc
gain. The core of the VGA circuit is a cascade of two differential noise voltage spectral density of 280 n V / G
differential pairs, whose gain is varicd by changing the remained almost constant with gain setting (Fig.7). and the
bias currents (Fig.1). The input pair (Ml) opcrates at a flicker noise comer frequency at 5 MHz was observed, as
constant transconductance. but the resistance of its load expected4.
devices (M3) is varied by changing the bias current. The
transconductance of the differential pair in the second
stage (M2) is variable under control of tail current. The
amplified signal current emerging frorii the sccond stage is


Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on November 1, 2008 at 10:44 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

1. T-W. Pan and A. A. Abidi. "A 30 MHz Low-

Noise CMOS Preamplifier for Disk Drive Hcads."
Proc. oJ Custom IC Conference, pp. 7.1 .l-7.1.4,
San Diego. CA, May 1989.
2. "AD890 Precision Wideband Channel Processing
Element ." Preliminary Data Sheet. Analog Dev-
ices, 1988.
3. T.-W. Pan and A. A. Abidi. "A Variable Gain
Amplifier Using Parasitic Bipolar Transistors in
CMOS.'' IEEE J . of Solid Sfate Circuits, vol. 24. 1 H12"
pp. 951-961, August 1989.
4. A. A. Abidi. C. R. Viswanathan, J. J.-M. Wu and J.
A. Wikstrom. "Flickcr Noise in CMOS: A UniEed
Model," Symposium on VLSI Technology Digest of
Technical Papers. pp. 85-86. Karuizawa. Japan,
May 1987.
Fig.2. Circuit to generate VGA control currents. Feed-
back circuit maintains current in lateral collector of Q1
equal to la. FETs M R biased in triode region uscd as


Fig3. Chip microphotograph. Active area is 900 pm on a

side, including control circuits and buffers.



Fig.1. The Variable Gain AmpliGcr. Signal current flow

shown by arrows on the left half circuit. Current sources
implemented with FETs. CMFR indicates current source
driven by common-mode feedback loop (not shown).


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Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on November 1, 2008 at 10:44 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

FIg.4. Measured characteristic of VGA Gain (in dB) vs. Fig.6. Measured Group Delay through VGA is relatively
Control Voltage. constant up to 50 MHz. (Spurious droop at low frquen-
cies introduced by measurement circuit).






4 25


15 0. I


5 0 01

0 10 20 30 40 50 (<I 70 E0 90 100 0 5 IO 15 20 ?S


FigS. Measured Frequency Response at several gain set- Fig.7. Measured Output Noise spcctra at maximum and
tings. Dots indicate location of -3 dB points. (Spurious minimum gain settings. Flicker noise extends to about 5
notches d low Gequencies introduced by measurement cir- MHz in thus low power circuit.


Authorized licensed use limited to: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY WARANGAL. Downloaded on November 1, 2008 at 10:44 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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