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Victaulic Grooved Aluminum PDMS Module Installation

Index of Contents
Section 1. File List
Section 2. Installation Instructions
Section 3. Site Specific Requirements
Section 1. File List
To install the Victaulic Grooved luminum !"#S module $ou %ill require the follo%in& files'
. VVGL()T.t*t ' Victaulic Grooved luminum )atalo&ue file + This te*t file contains
all the parameter values, &eometr$ sets and point sets used for each individual
component in the Victaulic Grooved luminum #odule.
-. VVGL("T.T.t*t ' Victaulic Grooved luminum "etail Te*t file + This te*t file contains
all the required detail te*t for the Victaulic Grooved luminum )atalo&ue referenced in
the Victaulic Grooved luminum Spec.
). VVGL(#T.T.t*t ' Victaulic Grooved luminum #aterial Te*t file + This te*t file
contains all the required material te*t for the Victaulic Grooved luminum )atalo&ue
referenced in the Victaulic Grooved luminum Spec.
". VI)T)/)/.t*t ' Victaulic )/)/ ta0le file + This te*t file contains all the required
connection and compati0ilit$ information for all Victaulic !"#S )atalo&ues and Specs.
1. V!I!1()T .t*t ' Victaulic !ipe )atalo&ue file + This te*t file contains all of the
parameter values, &eometr$ sets and point sets used for pipe in all Victaulic !"#S
)atalo&ues and Specs.
F. VVGL(I#!(S!1).t*t ' Victaulic Grooved luminum Imperial Spec file + This te*t file
contains a complete specification e*tracted from the Victaulic Grooved luminum
)atalo&ue in Imperial 2nits, and includes references to all of the a0ove files.
G. VVGL(#1T(S!1).t*t ' Victaulic Grooved luminum #etric Spec file + This te*t file
contains a complete specification e*tracted from the Victaulic Grooved luminum
)atalo&ue in #etric 2nits, and includes references to all of the a0ove files.
NOTE: These files must be installed in the order listed above. Please refer to Section 2 for specific
installation instructions.
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Victaulic Grooved Aluminum PDMS Module Installation
Section 2. Installation Instructions
. Installin& the Victaulic Grooved luminum )atalo&ue file To install this )atalo&ue open the !ara&on
component of !"#S and sit at the %orld level. Then, in the )ommand Line %indo% t$pe the
follo%in& command' 4# 5VVGL()T
This %ill install the required &eometr$ sets, point sets and component si6es to the !"#S
-. Installin& the Victaulic Grooved luminum "etail Te*t file To install this detail te*t file
remain in !ara&on, sittin& at the %orld level. Then, in the )ommand Line %indo% t$pe
the follo%in& command'
4# 5VVGL("T.T This %ill install the required detail te*t
elements into the !"#S s$stem.
). Installin& the Victaulic Grooved luminum #aterial te*t file To install the material te*t file
remain in !ara&on, sittin& at the %orld level. Then, in the )ommand Line %indo% t$pe
the follo%in& command'
4# 5VVGL(#T.T This %ill install the required material
te*t elements into the !"#S s$stem.
". Installin& the Victaulic )/)/ ta0le file To install this connection and compati0ilit$ te*t file remain in
!ara&on, sittin& at the %orld level. Then, in the )ommand Line %indo% t$pe the follo%in& command'
4# 5VI)T)/)/
This creates the )onnection )ompati0ilit$ ta0le required to use the Victaulic )atalo&ues
and Specs.
NOTE: If you have already installed the VITOO file durin! the installation of another
Victaulic P"#S atalo!ue it is not necessary to install this file a!ain$ unless the ne%
VITOO file has been revised &please chec' the date of the ori!inal source file(.
1. Installin& the Victaulic !ipe )atalo&ue file To install this )atalo&ue remain in !ara&on, sittin& at the
%orld level. Then, in the )ommand Line %indo% t$pe the follo%in& command' 4# 5V!I!1()T
This %ill install the required &eometr$ sets, point sets and component si6es to the !"#S
NOTE: If you have already installed the VPIPE)*T* file durin! the installation of another
Victaulic P"#S atalo!ue it is not necessary to install this file a!ain$ unless the
3 2 3
Victaulic Grooved Aluminum PDMS Module Installation
ne% VPIPE)*T* file has been revised &please chec' the date of the ori!inal source file(.
F. Installin& the Victaulic Grooved luminum Specification file
7avin& installed Victaulic Grooved luminum )atalo&ue, detail te*t and material te*t,
and the Victaulic )/)/ ta0le and !ipe )atalo&ue, $ou are no% read$ to install the
To install this Spec open the S!1)/8 component of !"#S, choose either the Imperial
or #etric Spec, as required for the pro9ect and t$pe the follo%in& command'
4# 5 VVGL(I#!(S!1) or
4# 5VVGL(#1T(S!1)
This completes the installation of the supplied files. :ou should no% refer to the Section 3 ; Site
Specific Requirements. This %ill indicate an$ additional steps that ma$ 0e required for $our individual
Section . Site S!ecific "e#uirements
8one. :ou can 0e&in usin& Victaulic Grooved luminum !"#S #odule.
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