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ott, sexy, horny women come in all shapes and sizes, but the
average height of a woman in America is 55 with an approxi-
mate weight of 125lbs.
That means that the total surface area of skin on her body is about
5 feet 3in ^2.
Holy shit, thats a whole lot of warm, soft body to explore...
And when it comes to knowing how to pleasure her, it can be a bit
How the hell are you supposed to know if where youre touching her
feels good...
If it turns her on...
Or if its just plain weird?
Luckily for you, Ive spent a lot of time exploring myself...grazing over every inch of my sun-
kissed skin, lingering in spots that peak arousal...
Some of those super erotic spots that get me really hot and horny are ones I would have NEVER
guessed if I hadnt spent a LOT of time, well, studying. ;-)
Now, since Im kind of a freak in the sheets, I wanted to check with some of my girlfriends to
make sure that these
special spots were UNIVERSAL erogenous zones....and after a little fact checking, they DEFI-
NITELY are. :-P
And since it can get really complicated and be a little scary for a guy, I wanted to take the time
to share the BEST areas for maximizing pleasure on any foxy ladys body. :-)
Im not sure whether youre circumcised or not, but you know how they say uncircumised dicks
are more sensitive because the nerve endings covered by the foreskin arent always exposed as
is the case of a cut penis. So like the opposite sides of my elbows and knees.
Whether you choose to rub, fondle, carress, lick, or kiss these areas...theyre super sensitive
and I guarantee whatever you choose will feel super good. When these unknown erogenous
areas are stimulated they send direct messages to the brain that starts to make your female
friend wet before you even really start the foreplay.
If you think feet are gross, well GET OVER IT!
Copyright Female Body Mastery 2012 All Rights Reserved
I LOVE when a man kisses me from my forehead down my body and continues all the way down
to my toes.
I suggest start with a subtle kiss. If shes never had her toes kissed before she may be a little
subconscious about it, but if you reassure her and show you are enjoying yourself as you please
her, I promise shell like it, too.
If she seems really into it (read her body language- shes squirming a little, smiling, breathing
intensifes, making eye contact with you and then maybe looking away a little) then try sucking
a little on her toe.
The feeling of the wetness from your mouth onto her toes will make her blood start to pump
a little faster and harder throughout her whole body. Rubbing her feet will also increase blood
circulation to her feet.
One of my biggest turn ons is when Im riding a guy and he reaches up to grab my feet and
rubs them as I ride him back and forth.
Did you know its nearly impossible to make a girl climax if her feet are cold? By rubbing her
feet youll maximize her orgasm: Its a PROVEN technique for making a girl cum harder AND
3) A Girls Neck
Number three on the list is an area Im sure youre familiar with, but Id place a bet that you
didnt know EVERYTHING Im about to tell you about necking. You see, the neck is the whole
area between youre jaw and shoulders.
Thats a lot of surface!
Dont be shy to cover her neck from front to back with light licking, kisses, and even biting!
I love it when a man approaches me from behind and kisses the back of my neck. From my
hairline down to my shoulders, especially if your lips are a little wet, the sensation can linger
down my whole body to get me super turned on. :-)
The neck is an area of true vulnerability. There are no heavy bones to protect you from attack
as there is with your chest or other areas. When a woman moves her hair aside to expose her
neck, its a submissive, firty sign.
Take full advantage! Some girls (myself included) even like our lover to grip our neck a little
harder. Its a huge turn on to feel the masculinity of a mans hand in control of you.
WARNING: Not all girls like the aggressive gripping move. So make sure to read what your girl
wants or if youre unsure, just ask if her. :-)
Copyright Female Body Mastery 2012 All Rights Reserved
Moving right along from her neck down to her lower back and ass brings us to number 4.
Im sure youve heard that 3 in 4 massages leads to sex, but maybe you didnt know that one of
the places that holds the most stress on your body is actually....your ass!
Often times, the small of a womans back and the top of her ass can be forgotten when it comes
to massaging and touching. Use your thumbs in alternating circles to rub where her back meets
her butt. If you feel any tension continue to rub those spots to work out the stress.
Starting a little higher on her back and working your way down to her ass is a good way to get
her to start to feel comfortable. After all, its much easier to ease your way working down than
it is to just immediately start by grabbing and massaging her butt. :-)
If i still have my panties or pants on, I also LOVED to be teased around that area with little kiss-
es and licks.
If its my frst time hanging out with a guy and Im hesitant about hooking up with him and he
uses these tricks, Im 98% more likely to let him undress me after using these seductive mas-
sage techniques!
5) A Womans Ear
Ive never met anyone who dislikes a little nibble on the ear, which is why the ear makes the list
for top erogenous zones.
The ear is flled with over 100 million sensitive nerve endings which is part of what makes whis-
pering sweet nothings into your lovers ear so arousing.
I remember the frst time a boyfriend stuck his tongue down my ear. At frst, I thought it was a
little weird. But then I felt an amazing sensation that led down to my vagina and even made me
a little wet.
Now no one wants a slobber hound in their face, but a little mixture of licking, nibbling, kissing,
and even light breathing into and around the ear is an incredible turn on.
Dont be afraid to even dig in a little deeper with your tongue. The sensation of your wet tongue
penetrating her ear emulates the feeling of dick going all the way inside of her. I GUARANTEE
this will get her mind racing straight towards getting down and dirty. :-)
Copyright Female Body Mastery 2012 All Rights Reserved
6) BOOBIES! Duh!
Im sure you knew they were going to make the list.
Some girls like crazy nipple clamps and lots of slapping and twisting while other girls prefer
some more milder, gentler caressing and kissing.
I recommend starting out slow to gauge what exactly gets your partner wet and wild. Lightly
rubbing, sucking, and licking all around the boobs including the nipple feel AMAZING to me.
I ESPECIALLY dig a guy who can take me AND play with my boobs at the same time. All the
sensations happening at once gives me a MUCH bigger orgasm in the end. ;-)
Now for numer 7, drumroll please!
Now she is a VERY complicated creature, but Ill make it quick and simple with a few INCRED-
IBLE suggestions that you may have never even thought of...
First of all, the area all around the pelvic region is super sensitive, so dont be afraid to tease
her by working from her outter thighs right up to her lips and then moving away again. Repeat
this a couple times to build anticipation and arousal levels.
Secondly, go splunking! Explore each and every little fold of skin. Often times, men get too fo-
cused on just penetration or just rubbing the clitoris, when in fact there is a ton of surface area
to fnger and lick.
One of my favorite tricks is when a guy uses two fngers to spread open the outter lips and then
uses the tip of his tongue to lick in the middle.
Finally, fnd the G-spot and press up towards her stomach while rubbing. As she gets more
turned on apply more pressure to make her squirm with ecstasy. Press down with your other
hand on her abdomen as youre rubbing her g-spot. For a 99% guaranteed orgasm (ADVANCED
TECHNIQUE) lean down and lick and suck her clit as you continue to fnger her and press down
her stomach.
With all this stimulation she will be out of her mind with pleasure.
These special techniques along with the hidden erogenous zones are not only get your special
girl begging to be with you, but literally ADDICTED to you!
Use a few of these techniques just to get her naked or all of them to remove any other guy
from her mind for good. Know what you want? Then ready, set, GO! :-)
Coach Maddy
Copyright Female Body Mastery 2012 All Rights Reserved

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