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SAP ABAP Object Oriented Programming Tutorials & Examples

Hello ABAP programmers, we hope you are doing good today!! We started a new series of posts on SAP ABAP tutorials with
e!amples to learn and understand the ob"ect oriented programming
concepts in ABAP. #his is the first post in this series of ABAP b"ect riented
Programming #utorials with e!amples. #his is basically for no$ice ABAP
programmers, if you are an e!perienced consultant "ust refresh your
What is a Class in OOABAP ?
&'lasses are the central element of ob"ect(orientation.
&A 'lass is an abstract description of an ob"ect.
&'lasses are templates for ob"ects.
&#he attributes of ob"ects are defined by the components of the class,
which describe the state and beha$ior of ob"ects.
&)ou define global classes and interfaces in the 'lass Builder *#ransaction
S+,-. in the ABAP Wor%bench.
&#hey are stored centrally in class pools in the class library in the /01
&All of the ABAP programs in an /01 System can access the global classes.
OOABAP Programming Tutorials ith Examples
1) Accessibility of different sections of a class
#heme of the
2rom this program, one will learn3(
4. How to define, implement and instantiate a
,. What are the different sections of $isibility in a
1. How to define instance attributes and get them
accessed by e!ternal users.
#he following program will also show that 3(
5 6ata declared in public section can be accessed by the
class itself, by its sub classes as well as by other users
outside the class.
5 6ata declared in the protected section can be accessed
by the class itself, and also by its sub classes but not
by e!ternal users outside the class.
5 6ata declared in the pri$ate section can be accessed by
the class only, but not by its sub classes and by
e!ternal users outside the class.
6escription of
the Program
#his program contains a class 3 parent class with
following attributes in different sections3(
Commondata in public section
Protectdata in pri$ate section
Privatedata in pri$ate section
#he method showval in class 3 parentclass displays
$alues of all the attributes.
This demonstrates that class can access all its
'lass childclass is a subclass of class parentclass,
which has a method 3 subval.
7t displays the $alue for the data 3 commondata and
protectdata .
#hen, it changes the $alues for both and displays
them again.
This demonstrates that subclass can
access/change public/ protected attributes of
7n the STAT!"#!S$%$CT&"' e$ent, ob"ect 3
parent is instantiated from class 3 parentclass and
ob"ect 3 child is instantiated from class 3 childclass.
#hen , the method showval of parent*ob"ect of
parentclass. and method subval of child*ob"ect of
childclass. is called , which displays the $alues of
different attributes.
#hen, the public attribute of ob"ect parent is changed
and the changed $alue is displayed.
This demonstrates that e(ternal users can
change/ display public attributes of a class.
ABAP Program 'ode
/+P/# )S8B6+9 97:+(S7;+ 4,<.
'9ASS parentclass 6+27:7#7: .
P8B97' S+'#7:.
6A#A 3 commondata*1<. type c $alue =Accessible to all=.
>+#H6S 3 SHW?A9.
P/#+'#+6 S+'#7:.
6A#A 3 protectdata*-<. type c $alue =Protected data=.
pri$ate section.
data 3 pri$atedata*1<. type c $alue =Pri$ate data=.
'9ASS parentclass 7>P9+>+:#A#7:.
>+#H6 3 SHW?A9.
write30@ =All data from parentclass shown3(=.
write30 sy(uline.
W/7#+30@ '>>:6A#A,
0@ P/#+'#6A#A,
0@ P/7?A#+6A#A.
'9ASS childclass 6+27:7#7: 7:H+/7#7:A 2/> parentclass.
P8B97' S+'#7: .
>+#H6S 3 sub$al.
'9ASS childclass 7>P9+>+:#A#7:.
method 3 sub$al.
s%ip 4.
write30@ =6ata of parent shown from child(=.
write30@ sy(uline.
W/7#+30@ '>>:6A#A,
0@ P/#+'#6A#A.
'ommondata B =Public data changed in subclass=.
Protectdata B =Protected data changed in subclass=.
write30@ sy(uline.
W/7#+30@ '>>:6A#A,
0@ P/#+'#6A#A.
6A#A 3 parent type ref to parentclass ,
child type ref to childclass .
create ob"ect 3 parent ,
child .
call method 3 parent(Cshow$al ,
s%ip ,.
parent(Ccommondata B D8ser changing public dataE.
write30@ parent(Ccommondata.
of the

All data from parentclass shown3(

Accessible to all
Protected data
Pri$ate data

6ata of parent shown from child(

Accessible to all
Protected data

Public data changed in subclas
Protected data changed in subclass

8ser changing public data

)) Subclass cannot access the private component of superclass
#heme of the
#he program demonstrates that subclasses cannot access
the pri$ate components of superclass.
#he program used here is similar to abo$e with change in
the method 3 sub$al of class 3 childclass . #his method is
now attempting to access the attribute 3 pri$atedata , which
is a pri$ate attribute of its superclass 3 parentclass.
n compilation, the program will gi$e a compilation error.
This demonstrates that private components of
superclass cannot be accessed by subclasses.
#a%e the first program. nly change the method 3 subval
of class 3 childclass as follows3(
method 3 sub$al.
s%ip 4.
write30@ =All data from parent class shown by subclass=.
write30@ sy(uline.
W/7#+30@ '>>:6A#A,
0@ P/#+'#6A#A,
0@ pri$atedata.
utput of the
#he program will not compile. 7t will show an error
*) $(ternal users cannot access protected/private components
of a class
#heme of the
#his program will demonstrate that e!ternal users
cannot access the protected and pri$ate components of
a class
7n this program , class C1 has three attributes declared
in different sections as follows3(
5 Commondata in public section
5 Protectdata in pri$ate section
5 Privatedata in pri$ate section
7n the main program, an ob"ect , "+,1 is created from
class C1 and an incorrect attempt is made to display
the protected and pri$ate attribute of class C1 using its
ob"ect "+,1.
'ompilation of this program produces an error.
This demonstrates - protected and private
components of a class cannot be accessed by
e(ternal users.
+!ample code
/+P/# )S8B6+9 97:+(S7;+ 4,<.
'9ASS c4 6+27:7#7: .
P8B97' S+'#7:.
6A#A 3 commondata*1<. type c $alue =Accessible to all=.
P/#+'#+6 S+'#7:.
6A#A 3 protectdata*-<. type c $alue =Protected data=.
pri$ate section.
data 3 pri$atedata*1<. type c $alue =Pri$ate data=.
'9ASS c4 7>P9+>+:#A#7:.
6A#A 3 ob"4 type ref to c4.
create ob"ect 3 ob"4.
write30@ ob"4(Cprotectdata ,

utput of the
n compilation, an error will be generated which will
pro$e that protected and pri$ate components of a class
cannot be accessed by e!ternal users.
OOABAP Interview Questions and Answers

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