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Highway Capacity Manual 2000


Problem No. Description Application

1 TWSC Unsignalized Intersection Operational LOS
2 TWSC Unsignalized Intersection Operational LOS
3 TWSC Unsignalized Intersection Operational LOS
4 AWSC Unsignalized Intersection Operational LOS
5 AWSC Unsignalized Intersection Operational LOS
6 Roundabout Capacity and v/c ratio

17-49 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

The Intersection A TWSC T-intersection with an exclusive westbound left-turn lane.

The Question What are the delay and level of service?

The Facts
√ Two-lane major street, √ 10 percent HV,
√ Two-lane minor street, √ No special intersection geometry, and
√ Level grade, √ No pedestrians.
√ Stop-controlled on minor street

Outline to Solution The steps below show the northbound approach calculations only.
Calculations for other approaches are shown on the worksheets.

1. Data input. Worksheets 1 and 2
2. Site characteristics. Worksheet 3 - lane designation, grade, right-
turn channelization, and arrival type
3. t c and t f (use Equations 17-1 and t c,x = tc,base + tc,HV P HV + tc,G G – tc, T – t 3,LT
17-2 and Exhibit 17-5 ). t f,x = tf,base + tf,HV PHV
t c,4 = 4.1 + 1.0(0.10) + 0 – 0 – 0 = 4.200 s
t f,x = 2.2 + 0.9(0.10) = 2.290 s
4. Skip Worksheets 5a through 5e. No upstream signals within 0.4 km
5. Movement capacity c m,x accounting v2
for impedance (use Equation 17-4 ). v c,9 = N + 0.5v3 + v14 + v15
v c,9 = 250 + 20 + 0 + 0 = 270 veh/h
− v c,x tc,x / 3,600
c p,x = v c,x − v c,x t f,x / 3,600
1− e
e −270*6.300/ 3,600
c p,9 = 270 * = 750 veh/h
1− e −270*3.390/ 3,600
c m,9 = cp,9 * P p,9 = 750 (1) = 750 veh/h
P0,i = 1−
c m,i
P0,9 = 1− = 0. 840
6. Skip Worksheets 7a and 7b. No two-stage gap acceptance
7. Shared-lane capacity (use Equation Worksheet 8 - Movements 7 and 9 share the
17-15). same lane
∑ vy
c SH =

y c m,y
40 + 120
c SH(NB) = = 523 veh/h
40 120
274 750
8. Skip Worksheet 9. No flared minor-street approach

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-50

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

9. Control delay and LOS (use Worksheet 10

Equation 17-38 and Exhibit 17-2). 3,600
d= + 900T[... ] + 5
c m,x
dNB = + 900( 0. 25 )[... ] + 5 = 14. 9 s ,
10. Skip Worksheet 11. No Rank 1 vehicle delay

Example Problem 1

Worksheet 1
General Information Site Information

Analyst KMN
______________________ Intersection Jones/Market
Agency or Company CEI
______________________ Jurisdiction Latah County
Date Performed 5/17/99
______________________ Analysis Year 1999
Analysis Time Period AM Peak

Geometrics and Movements

grade = ______
v12 v11 v10

Show North
grade = ______
v16 v6
S2 v13 150
v1 S5
v2 v14 250
v3 v15 40
grade = ______
0% 40 120
STOP Market

v7 v8 v9 0%
grade = ______
Length of study period = _____
0.25 h

Worksheet 2
Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments

Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments

Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Volume (veh/h) 250 40 150 300 40 120
Peak-hour factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Hourly flow rate (veh/h) 250 40 150 300 40 120
Proportion of heavy vehicles, PHV 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Pedestrian Volumes and Adjustments

Movement 13 14 15 16
Flow, Vx (ped/h) 0 0 0 0
Lane width, w (m)
Walking speed,1 Sp (m/s)
Percent blockage, fp (Equation 17-11)
1. Default walking speed = 1.2 m/s

17-51 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 1
Worksheet 3
General Information

Example Problem 1
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Lane Designation
Movements Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Grade, G Right Turn

1, 2, 3 2, 3 0 N

4, 5, 6 4 5 0 N

7, 8, 9 7, 9 0 N

10, 11, 12
Flared Minor-Street Approach

Movement 9 " Yes "

X No Storage space, n ________________
(number of vehicles)

Movement 12 " Yes "

X No Storage space, n ________________
(number of vehicles)
Median Storage*

* Includes raised or striped median (RM), or two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL)


Movements 7 and 8 " Yes _____ "

X No Storage space, m ________________
(number of vehicles)

Movements 10 and 11 " Yes _____ "

X No Storage space, m ________________
(number of vehicles)

Upstream Signals
Movements Distance to Prog Speed, Cycle Green Time, Arrival Saturation Flow Progressed Flow,
Signal, D (m) Sprog (km/h) Length, C (s) geff (s) Type Rate, s (veh/h) Vprog (veh/h)

protected LT 3

protected LT 3
Computing Delay to Major-Street Vehicles
Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Major-Street Vehicles S2 Approach S5 Approach
Shared-lane volume, major-street through vehicles, vi1, blocked by LT
Shared-lane volume, major-street right-turn vehicles, vi2, blocked by LT
Saturation flow rate, major-street through vehicles, si1
Saturation flow rate, major-street right-turn vehicles, si2
Number of major-street through lanes
Length of study period, T (h)

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-52

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 1

Worksheet 4
General Information

Example Problem 1
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Critical Gap and Follow-Up Time

tc = tc,base + tc,HV PHV + tc,G G - tc,T - t3,LT

Major LT Minor RT Minor TH Minor LT

Movement 1 4 9 12 8 11 7 10
tc,base (Exhibit 17-5) 4.1 6.2 7.1
tc,HV 1.0 1.0 1.0
PHV (from Worksheet 2) 0.10 0.10 0.10
tc,G - - 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
G (from Worksheet 3) 0 0 0
t3,LT 0.0 0.0 0.7
single stage 0.0 0.0 0.0
two stage
single stage 4.200 6.300 6.500
tc (Equation 17-1)
two stage

tf = tf,base + tf,HV PHV

Major LT Minor RT Minor TH Minor LT

Movement 1 4 9 12 8 11 7 10
tf,base (Exhibit 17-5) 2.2 3.3 3.5
tf,HV 0.9 0.9 0.9
PHV (from Worksheet 2) 0.10 0.10 0.10
tf (Equation 17-2) 2.290 3.390 3.590

Worksheet 5a
Time to Clear Standing Queue (Computation 1)
Movement 2 Movement 5
vT,prog vL,prot vT,prog vL,prot
Effective green, geff (s)
Cycle length, C (s)
Saturation flow rate, s (veh/h)
Arrival type 3 3
vprog (veh/h)
Rp (from Chapter 16) 1.00 1.00
Proportion of vehicles arriving
on green, P (Equation 17-17)
gq1 (Equation 17-18)
gq2 (Equation 17-19)
gq (Equation 17-20)

17-53 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 1
Worksheet 6
General Information

Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Example Problem 1

Impedance and Capacity Calculation

Step 1: RT from Minor Street v9 v12
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,9 = 270 vc,12 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,9 = 750 cp,12 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,9 = 1.000 pp,12 =
Movement capacity (Equation 17-4) cm,9 = cp,9 pp,9 = 750 cm,12 = cp,12 pp,12 =
Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,9 = 0.840 p0,12 = 1.000
Step 2: LT from Major Street v4 v1
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,4 = 290 vc,1 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,4 = 1227 cp,1 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,4 = 1.000 pp,1 =
Movement capacity (Equation (17-4) cm,4 = cp,4 pp,4 = 1227 cm,1 = cp,1 pp,1 =
Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,4 = 0.878 p0,1 = 1.000
Major left shared lane prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-16) * =
p0,4 * =
Step 3: TH from Minor Street (4-leg intersections only) v8 v11
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,8 = vc,11 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,8 = cp,11 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,8 = pp,11 =
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement f8 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,8 = f11 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,11 =
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-13)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,8 = cp,8 f8 = cm,11 = cp,11 f11 =
Prob of queue-free state p0,8 = p0,11 =
Step 4: LT from Minor Street (4-leg intersections only) v7 v10
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,7 = vc,10 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,7 = cp,10 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,7 = pp,10 =
Major left, minor through impedance factor p''7 = p0,11 f11 = '' = p f =
p10 0,8 8
Major left, minor through adjusted impedance factor p'7 = ' =
(Equation 17-8)
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movements f7 = p7' p0,12 pp,7 = ' p p
f10 = p10 0,9 p,10 =
(Equation 17-14)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-10) cm,7 = f7 cp,7 = cm,10 = f10 cp,10 =
Step 5: LT from Minor Street (T-intersections only) v7 v10
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,7 = 870 vc,10 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,7 = 312 cp,10 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,7 = 1.000 pp,10 =
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement f7 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,7 = 0.878 f10 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,10 =
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-13)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,7 = cp,7 f7 = 274 cm,10 = cp,10 f10 =

1. For 4-leg intersections use Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.
2. For T-intersections use Steps 1, 2, and 5.

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-54

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 1

Worksheet 8
General Information

Example Problem 1
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Shared-Lane Capacity

cSH = (Equation 17-15)
( )
∑ vy
y cm,y

Movement v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) cSH (veh/h)

7 40 274

8 523

9 120 750




Worksheet 9
Effect of Flared Minor-Street Approaches

Movement 7 Movement 8 Movement 9 Movement 10 Movement 11 Movement 12

csep (from Worksheet 6 or 7)

Volume (from Worksheet 2)

Delay (Equation 17-38)

Qsep (Equation 17-34)

Qsep + 1

Round (Qsep + 1)

nmax (Equation 17-35)



cact (Equation 17-36)

17-55 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 1

Worksheet 10
General Information

Example Problem 1
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Control Delay, Queue Length, Level of Service

Lane v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) v/c Queue Length Control Delay LOS Delay and LOS
(Equation 17-37) (Equation 17-38) (Exhibit 17-2)
1 X7 X8 X9 160 523 0.306 <2 14.9 B 14.9
2 7 8 9

3 7 8 9

1 10 11 12

2 10 11 12

3 10 11 12

Movement v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) v/c Queue Length Control Delay LOS

(Equation 17-37) (Equation 17-38) (Exhibit 17-2)
4 150 1227 0.12 <1 8.3 A

Worksheet 11

Delay to Rank 1 Vehicles

S2 Approach S5 Approach
p0,j (Equation 17-5) p0,1 = p0,4 =

vi1, volume for Stream 2 or 5

vi2, volume for Stream 3 or 6
si1, saturation flow rate for Stream 2 or 5

si2, saturation flow rate for Stream 3 or 6

p0,j* (Equation 17-16) p*0, 1 = p*0, 4 =

dmajor left, delay for Stream 1 or 4

N, number of major-street through lanes
dRank 1, delay for Stream 2 or 5 (Equation 17-39)

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-56

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

The Intersection A TWSC intersection with upstream signals. The major street is
Walnut St. (EB/WB) and the minor street is Elm St. (NB/SB).

The Question What are the delay and level of service of the minor-street approaches?

The Facts
√ Four-lane major street, √ 10 percent HV,
√ Two-lane minor street, √ Upstream signals in both major-street directions, and
√ Level grade, √ No pedestrians.

Outline to Solution The steps below show the northbound approach calculations only.
Calculations for other approaches are shown on the worksheets.

1. Data input. Worksheets 1 and 2
2. Site characteristics. Worksheet 3 - lane designation, grades, right-turn
channelization, and upstream signals
3. t c and t f (s) (use t c,x = tc,base + tc,HV P HV + tc,G G – tc, T – t 3,LT
Equations 17-1 and 17- t c,1 = 4.1 + 2.0(0.10) + 0 – 0 – 0 = 4.300 s
2 and Exhibit 17-5).
t f,x = tf,base + tf,HV PHV
t f,x = 2.2 + 1.0(0.10) = 2.300 s
4. Effect of upstream Worksheets 5a through 5e
Proportion of vehicles geff
arriving during green, P P = Rp
(use Equation 17-17).
P = 0.33 = 0.124
Discharge time (use For Movement 2
Equations 17-18, 17- gq = gq1 + gq2
19, and 17-20 ).
v progC(1− P) 250(80)(1− 0.124)
gq1 = = = 4. 867
s 3,600
v progCPgq1 250(80)(0.124)(4. 867)
gq2 = = = 0.114
sgeff − v progCP 3,600(30) − 250(80)(0.124)
gq = 4.867 + 0.114 = 4.981
Maximum platoon flow v c,max = sf[1 – (1 – F)gq]
rate, vc,max (use v c,max = 3,600(0.751)[1 – (1 – 0.253)4.981 ] = 2,071 veh/h
Equation 17-21).
Minimum platoon flow v c,min = 1,000(2) = 2,000
rate, vc,min.
Duration of blocked  v c,min   v c,max − v progRp f  
period, t p,i (use ln  1−  
 sf   v c,min − v progRp f  
Equation 17-22).
t p,i = gq − 
ln(1− F)
 2,000   2,071− 250(0.33)(0.751)  
ln   1−  
  3,600(0.751)   2,000 − 250(0.33)(0.751)  
tp,2 = 4.981−  =
ln(1− 0.253)
Proportion of time tP,T + tP,L
blocked (use Equation pi =
p2 = = 0.006

17-57 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

4. (continued) Dominant pdom = max(p2, p5)

and subordinate psubo = min(p2, p5)
platoons (use
Equations 17-24 and pdom = P2 = 0.006
17-25). psubo = P5 = 0.000
Conflicting flow during v c,x − s(1− p x )
unblocked period (use v c,u,x =
Equation 17-28).
400 − 3,600(1− 1.000)
v c,u,1 = = 400 veh/h
Capacity during − v c,u,x tc,x / 3,600
unblocked period, cr,x c r,x = v c,u,x − v c,u,x t f,x / 3,600
(use Equation 17-3). 1− e
e −400(4.300)/ 3,600
c r,1 = 400 = 1,100 veh/h
1− e −400(2.300)/ 3,600
Potential capacity, c plat,x = px cr,x
c plat,x , accounting for c plat,1 = 1.000(1,100) = 1,100 veh/h
platooning (use
Equation 17-29).
5. Movement capacity, c m,x = cplat,x f x
c m,x, accounting for c m,1 = 1,100(1.000) = 1,100 veh/h
impedance (use
Equation 17-4, 17-7, or
6. Skip Worksheets 7a No two-stage gap acceptance
and 7b.
7. Shared-lane capacity ∑ vy
Worksheet 8 (use y
c SH =
Equation 17-15). vy

y c m,y
44 + 132 + 55
c SH(NB) = = 288 veh/h
44 132 55
+ +
202 254 867
8. Skip Worksheet 9. No flared minor-street approaches
9. Control delay and LOS 3,600
(use Equation 17-38 d= + 900T[... ] + 5
c m,x
and Exhibit 17-2).
dNB = + 900( 0. 25 )[... ] + 5 = 53. 5 s , LOS F
10. Skip Worksheet 11. No Rank 1 vehicle delay

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-58

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 2

Worksheet 1
General Information Site Information

Analyst ______________________
JME Intersection ________________________
Agency or Company ______________________
CEI Jurisdiction ________________________
Latah County
Date Performed ______________________
5/7/99 Analysis Year ________________________
Analysis Time Period ______________________
AM Peak

Geometrics and Movements

grade = ______
v12 v11 v10

Show North
grade = ______
28 110 11
v16 v6
S2 v13 300
v4 33
v1 S5 66
v2 v14 250
v3 v15 50
grade = ______
0% 44 132 55
STOP Walnut

v7 v8 v9 0%
grade = ______
Length of study period = _____
0.25 h

Worksheet 2
Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments

Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments

Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Volume (veh/h) 33 250 50 66 300 100 44 132 55 11 110 28
Peak-hour factor, PHF 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Hourly flow rate (veh/h) 33 250 50 66 300 100 44 132 55 11 110 28
Proportion of heavy vehicles, PHV 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Pedestrian Volumes and Adjustments

Movement 13 14 15 16
Flow, Vx (ped/h) 0 0 0 0
Lane width, w (m)
Walking speed,1 Sp (m/s)
Percent blockage, fp (Equation 17-11)
1. Default walking speed = 1.2 m/s

17-59 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 2
Worksheet 3
General Information

Example Problem 2
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Lane Designation

Movements Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Grade, G Right Turn


1, 2, 3 1 2 2, 3 0 N

4, 5, 6 4 5 5, 6 0 N

7, 8, 9 7, 8, 9 0 N

10, 11, 12 10, 11, 12 0 N

Flared Minor-Street Approach

Movement 9 " Yes "

X No Storage space, n ________________
(number of vehicles)

Movement 12 " Yes X No

" Storage space, n ________________
(number of vehicles)
Median Storage*

* Includes raised or striped median (RM), or two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL)


Movements 7 and 8 " Yes _____ X No

" Storage space, m ________________
(number of vehicles)

Movements 10 and 11 " Yes _____ "

X No Storage space, m ________________
(number of vehicles)

Upstream Signals
Movements Distance to Prog Speed, Cycle Green Time, Arrival Saturation Flow Progressed Flow,
Signal, D (m) Sprog (km/h) Length, C (s) geff (s) Type Rate, s (veh/h) Vprog (veh/h)

protected LT 3
TH 135 55 80.0 30.0 1 3600 250
protected LT 3
TH 200 50 70.0 20.0 1 3600 250
Computing Delay to Major-Street Vehicles
Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Major-Street Vehicles S2 Approach S5 Approach
Shared-lane volume, major-street through vehicles, vi1, blocked by LT
Shared-lane volume, major-street right-turn vehicles, vi2, blocked by LT
Saturation flow rate, major-street through vehicles, si1
Saturation flow rate, major-street right-turn vehicles, si2
Number of major-street through lanes
Length of study period, T (h)

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-60

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 2

Worksheet 4
General Information

Example Problem 2
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Critical Gap and Follow-Up Time

tc = tc,base + tc,HV PHV + tc,G G - tc,T - t3,LT

Major LT Minor RT Minor TH Minor LT

Movement 1 4 9 12 8 11 7 10
tc,base (Exhibit 17-5) 4.1 4.1 6.9 6.9 6.5 6.5 7.5 7.5
tc,HV 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
PHV (from Worksheet 2) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
tc,G - - 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
G (from Worksheet 3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
t3,LT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
single stage 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
two stage - - - - - - - -
single stage 4.300 4.300 7.100 7.100 6.700 6.700 7.700 7.700
tc (Equation 17-1)
two stage - - - - - - - -

tf = tf,base + tf,HV PHV

Major LT Minor RT Minor TH Minor LT

Movement 1 4 9 12 8 11 7 10
tf,base (Exhibit 17-5) 2.2 2.2 3.3 3.3 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5
tf,HV 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
PHV (from Worksheet 2) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
tf (Equation 17-2) 2.300 2.300 3.400 3.400 4.100 4.100 3.600 3.600

Worksheet 5a
Time to Clear Standing Queue (Computation 1)
Movement 2 Movement 5
vT,prog vL,prot vT,prog vL,prot
Effective green, geff (s) 30.0 20.0
Cycle length, C (s) 80.0 70.0
Saturation flow rate, s (veh/h) 3600 3600
Arrival type 1 3 1 3
vprog (veh/h) 250 250
Rp (from Chapter 16) 0.33 1.00 0.33 1.00
Proportion of vehicles arriving 0.124 0.094
on green, P (Equation 17-17)
gq1 (Equation 17-18) 4.867 4.404
gq2 (Equation 17-19) 0.114 0.103
gq (Equation 17-20) 4.981 4.507

17-61 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 2


Worksheet 5b
General Information

Example Problem 2
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Proportion of Time TWSC Intersection Is Blocked (Computation 2)

Movement 2 Movement 5
vT,prog vL,prot vT,prog vL,prot

α (Exhibit 17-13) 0.50 0.50

β = (1 + α)-1 0.667 0.667

ta = D/Sprog (s) 8.836 14.400

F = (1 + αβta)-1 0.253 0.172

f = vprog/Vc ≥ 0 0.751 0.536
vc,Max (Equation 17-21) 2071 1105
vc,Min = 1000N 2000 2000
tp (Equation 17-22) 0.489 0.000
p (Equation 17-23) 0.006 0.000

Worksheet 5c
Platoon Event Periods (Computation 3)

p2 (from Worksheet 5b) 0.006

p5 (from Worksheet 5b) 0.000
pdom (Equation 17-24) 0.006
psubo (Equation 17-25) 0.000
Constrained or unconstrained (Equation 17-26, 17-27) Unconstrained
Proportion for Minor Movements, px
Single-Stage Two-Stage
(Exhibit 17-16) Stage I Stage II
p1 1.000
p4 0.994
p7 0.994 1 - p2 1 - p5
p8 0.994 1 - p2 1 - p5
p9 0.994
p10 0.994 1 - p5 1 - p2
p11 0.994 1 - p5 1 - p2
p12 1.000

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-62

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 2

Worksheet 5d
General Information

Example Problem 2
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Conflicting Flows During Unblocked Period (Computation 4)


Movements 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12

vc,x (Exhibit 17-4) 400 300 678 873 150 739 848 200
s (veh/h) 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600 3600
px (from Worksheet 5c) 1.000 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 1.000
vc,u,x (Equation 17-28) 400 280 660 857 129 722 831 200


Movements 7 8 10 11

Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II

vc,x (Exhibit 17-4)

s (veh/h)

px (from Worksheet 5c)

vc,u,x (Equation 17-28)

Worksheet 5e
Capacity During Unblocked Period (Computation 5)

Movements 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12

px (from Worksheet 5c) 1.000 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 0.994 1.000

cr,x (Equation 17-3) 1100 1223 333 279 872 300 289 783

cplat,x (Equation 17-29) 1100 1216 331 277 867 298 287 783


Movements 7 8 10 11

Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II Stage I Stage II

px (from Worksheet 5c)

cr,x (Equation 17-3)

cplat,x (Equation 17-29)

17-63 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 2
Worksheet 6
General Information

Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Example Problem 2

Impedance and Capacity Calculation

Step 1: RT from Minor Street v9 v12
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,9 = 150 vc,12 = 200
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,9 = 867 cp,12 = 783
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,9 = 1.000 pp,12 = 1.000
Movement capacity (Equation 17-4) cm,9 = cp,9 pp,9 = 867 cm,12 = cp,12 pp,12 = 783
Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,9 = 0.937 p0,12 = 0.964
Step 2: LT from Major Street v4 v1
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,4 = 300 vc,1 = 400
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,4 = 1216 cp,1 = 1100
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,4 = 1.000 pp,1 = 1.000
Movement capacity (Equation (17-4) cm,4 = cp,4 pp,4 = 1216 cm,1 = cp,1 pp,1 = 1100
Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,4 = 0.946 p0,1 = 0.970
Major left shared lane prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-16) * =
p0,4 * =
Step 3: TH from Minor Street (4-leg intersections only) v8 v11
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,8 = 873 vc,11 = 848
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,8 = 277 cp,11 = 287
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,8 = 1.000 pp,11 = 1.000
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement f8 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,8 = 0.917 f11 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,11 = 0.917
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-13)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,8 = cp,8 f8 = 254 cm,11 = cp,11 f11 = 263
Prob of queue-free state p0,8 = 0.480 p0,11 = 0.582
Step 4: LT from Minor Street (4-leg intersections only) v7 v10
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,7 = 678 vc,10 = 739
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,7 = 331 cp,10 = 298
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,7 = 1.000 pp,10 = 1.000
Major left, minor through impedance factor p''7 = p0,11 f11 = 0.534 '' = p f = 0.440
p10 0,8 8
Major left, minor through adjusted impedance factor p'7 = 0.634 ' =
p10 0.556
(Equation 17-8)
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movements f7 = p7' p0,12 pp,7 = 0.611 ' p p
f10 = p10 0,9 p,10 = 0.521
(Equation 17-14)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-10) cm,7 = f7 cp,7 = 202 cm,10 = f10 cp,10 = 155
Step 5: LT from Minor Street (T-intersections only) v7 v10
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,7 = vc,10 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,7 = cp,10 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,7 = pp,10 =
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement f7 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,7 = f10 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,10 =
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-13)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,7 = cp,7 f7 = cm,10 = cp,10 f10 =

1. For 4-leg intersections use Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.
2. For T-intersections use Steps 1, 2, and 5.

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-64

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 2

Worksheet 8
General Information

Example Problem 2
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Shared-Lane Capacity

cSH = (Equation 17-15)
( )
∑ vy
y cm,y

Movement v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) cSH (veh/h)

7 44 202

8 132 254 288

9 55 867

10 11 155

11 110 263 284

12 28 783

Worksheet 9
Effect of Flared Minor-Street Approaches

Movement 7 Movement 8 Movement 9 Movement 10 Movement 11 Movement 12

csep (from Worksheet 6 or 7)

Volume (from Worksheet 2)

Delay (Equation 17-38)

Qsep (Equation 17-34)

Qsep + 1

Round (Qsep + 1)

nmax (Equation 17-35)



cact (Equation 17-36)

17-65 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 2

Worksheet 10
General Information

Example Problem 2
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Control Delay, Queue Length, Level of Service

Lane v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) v/c Queue Length Control Delay LOS Delay and LOS
(Equation 17-37) (Equation 17-38) (Exhibit 17-2)
1 X7 X8 X9 231 288 0.802 6 53.5 F 53.5
2 7 8 9

3 7 8 9

1 10
X 11
X 12
X 149 284 0.525 3 30.9 D 30.9
2 10 11 12

3 10 11 12

Movement v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) v/c Queue Length Control Delay LOS

(Equation 17-37) (Equation 17-38) (Exhibit 17-2)
1 33 1100 0.030 - 8.4 A

4 66 1216 0.054 - 8.1 A

Worksheet 11

Delay to Rank 1 Vehicles

S2 Approach S5 Approach
p0,j (Equation 17-5) p0,1 = p0,4 =

vi1, volume for Stream 2 or 5

vi2, volume for Stream 3 or 6
si1, saturation flow rate for Stream 2 or 5

si2, saturation flow rate for Stream 3 or 6

* (Equation 17-16)
p0,j p*0, 1 = p*0, 4 =

dmajor left, delay for Stream 1 or 4

N, number of major-street through lanes
dRank 1, delay for Stream 2 or 5 (Equation 17-39)

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-66

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

The Intersection A TWSC intersection with flared approaches and a median storage.
The major street is Walnut St. (EB/WB), and the minor street is Elm St. (NB/SB).

The Question What are the delay and level of service of the minor-street approaches?

The Facts
√ Four-lane major street, √ 10 percent HV,
√ Two-lane minor street, √ Flared approach, storage for one vehicle, and
√ Level grade, √ Median storage, storage for two vehicles.
√ No pedestrians,

Outline to Solution The steps below show the northbound approach calculations only.
Calculations for other approaches are shown on the worksheets.

1. Data input. Worksheets 1 and 2
2. Site characteristics. Worksheet 3 - lane distribution, grades, right-turn
channelization, flared minor-street approach, and
median storage
3. t c and t f (use Equations 17-1 and Worksheet 4 - Movement 1
17-2). t c = tc,base + tc,HV P HV +...
t c = 4.1 + 2.0(0.10) + 0.0 – 0.0 – 0.0 = 4.300 s
t f = tf,base + tf,HV PHV
t f = 2.2 + 1.0(0.10) = 2.300 s
4. Skip Worksheets 5a through 5e. No upstream signals within 0.4 km
5. Movement capacity, cm,x, for Worksheet 6 - Movement 9
minor RT and major LT v2
movements accounting for v c,9 = + 0.5v3 + v14 + v15
impedance (use Equations 17-3,
17-4, 17-5, and 17-12). v c,9 = + 0.5(50) + 0 + 0 = 150 veh/h
− v c,9tc,9 / 3,600
c p,9 = v c,9 − v c,9t f,9 / 3,600
1− e
e −150(7.1)/ 3,600
c p,9 = 150 = 845 veh/h
1− e −150(3.4)/ 3,600
pp,9 = 1.0 – fp = 1.0 – 0.000 = 1.000
c m,9 = cp,9 p p,9 = (845)(1.000) = 845 veh/h
v9 55
p0,9 = 1 – =1– = 0.935
c m,9 845

6. Movement capacities, cm,x, for Worksheets 7a and 7b

minor TH and minor LT v c,I,8 = 341 veh/h
movements, accounting for v c,II,8 = 532 veh/h
impedance and two-stage gap
process (use Equations 17-32, v c,8 = 873 veh/h
17-33, or 17-7 and Exhibit 17-4). Single Stage
c m,8 = cp,8 f8 = 273(0.917) = 250 veh/h
c T = m+1
y −1
y(y m − 1)... ]
cT =
0. 949
1. 808 2+1 − 1
[1. 808(1. 808 2
− 1)... = 390 veh/h

17-67 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

7. Shared-lane capacity (use Worksheet 8

Equation 17-15). ∑ vy
c SH =

y cm
44 + 132 + 55
c SH (NB) = = 442 veh/h
44 132 55
+ +
370 390 845
8. Flared approach capacity (use Worksheet 9 - Movement 7
Equations 17-36 and 17-38). 3,600
d= + 900T[...] + 5
c m,x
d= + 900( 0. 25 )[...] + 5 = 16.070 s

Q sep =
d7 v 7
(16.0)( 44 ) = 0.196
3,600 3,600
  n
c act (NB) =  ∑ c sep − c SH  + c SH
 i  nMax
c act = (1,605 – 442) + 442 = 1,024 veh/h
9. Control delay and LOS (use Worksheet 10
Equation 17-38 and Exhibit 3,600
17-2). dNB = + 900T[... ] + 5
c m,x
dNB = + 900( 0.05 )[... ] + 5 = 9. 5 s
10. Skip Worksheet 11. No Rank 1 vehicle delay

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-68

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 3

Worksheet 1
General Information Site Information

Analyst ______________________
JME Intersection ________________________
Agency or Company ______________________
CEI Jurisdiction ________________________
Latah County
Date Performed ______________________
5/7/99 Analysis Year ________________________
Analysis Time Period ______________________
AM Peak

Geometrics and Movements

grade = ______
v12 v11 v10

Show North
grade = ______
28 110
v16 v6 100
v5 11 300
S2 v13
v1 33 44 66
v2 v14
v3 v15
grade = ______
0% 132 55
STOP Walnut

v7 v8 v9 0%
grade = ______
Length of study period = _____
0.25 h

Worksheet 2
Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments

Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments

Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Volume (veh/h) 33 250 50 66 300 100 44 132 55 11 110 28
Peak-hour factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Hourly flow rate (veh/h) 33 250 50 66 300 100 44 132 55 11 110 28
Proportion of heavy vehicles, PHV 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
Pedestrian Volumes and Adjustments

Movement 13 14 15 16
Flow, Vx (ped/h) 0 0 0 0
Lane width, w (m)
Walking speed,1 Sp (m/s)
Percent blockage, fp (Equation 17-11)
1. Default walking speed = 1.2 m/s

17-69 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 3
Worksheet 3
General Information

Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Example Problem 3

Lane Designation

Movements Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Grade, G Right Turn


1, 2, 3 1 2 2, 3 0 N

4, 5, 6 4 5 5, 6 0 N

7, 8, 9 7, 8, 9 0 N

10, 11, 12 10, 11, 12 0 N

Flared Minor-Street Approach

Movement 9 X Yes
" " No Storage space, n 1
(number of vehicles)

Movement 12 X Yes
" " No Storage space, n 1
(number of vehicles)
Median Storage*

* Includes raised or striped median (RM), or two-way left-turn lane (TWLTL)


Movements 7 and 8 X Yes

" RM
_____ " No Storage space, m ________________
(number of vehicles)

Movements 10 and 11 X Yes

" _____
RM " No Storage space, m ________________
(number of vehicles)

Upstream Signals
Movements Distance to Prog Speed, Cycle Green Time, Arrival Saturation Flow Progressed Flow,
Signal, D (m) Sprog (km/h) Length, C (s) geff (s) Type Rate, s (veh/h) Vprog (veh/h)

protected LT 3

protected LT 3
Computing Delay to Major-Street Vehicles
Data for Computing Effect of Delay to Major-Street Vehicles S2 Approach S5 Approach
Shared-lane volume, major-street through vehicles, vi1, blocked by LT
Shared-lane volume, major-street right-turn vehicles, vi2, blocked by LT
Saturation flow rate, major-street through vehicles, si1
Saturation flow rate, major-street right-turn vehicles, si2
Number of major-street through lanes
Length of study period, T (h)

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-70

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 3

Worksheet 4
General Information

Example Problem 3
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Critical Gap and Follow-Up Time

tc = tc,base + tc,HV PHV + tc,G G - tc,T - t3,LT

Major LT Minor RT Minor TH Minor LT

Movement 1 4 9 12 8 11 7 10
tc,base (Exhibit 17-5) 4.1 4.1 6.9 6.9 6.5 6.5 7.5 7.5
tc,HV 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
PHV (from Worksheet 2) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
tc,G - - 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
G (from Worksheet 3) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
t3,LT 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
single stage 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 .0
two stage - - - - 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
single stage 4.300 4.300 7.100 7.100 6.700 6.700 7.700 7.700
tc (Equation 17-1)
two stage - - - - 5.700 5.700 6.700 6.700

tf = tf,base + tf,HV PHV

Major LT Minor RT Minor TH Minor LT

Movement 1 4 9 12 8 11 7 10
tf,base (Exhibit 17-5) 2.2 2.2 3.3 3.3 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.5
tf,HV 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
PHV (from Worksheet 2) 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
tf (Equation 17-2) 2.300 2.300 3.400 3.400 4.100 4.100 3.600 3.600

Worksheet 5a
Time to Clear Standing Queue (Computation 1)
Movement 2 Movement 5
vT,prog vL,prot vT,prog vL,prot
Effective green, geff (s)
Cycle length, C (s)
Saturation flow rate, s (veh/h)
Arrival type 3 3
vprog (veh/h)
Rp (from Chapter 16) 1.00 1.00
Proportion of vehicles arriving
on green, P (Equation 17-17)
gq1 (Equation 17-18)
gq2 (Equation 17-19)
gq (Equation 17-20)

17-71 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 3
Worksheet 6
General Information

Example Problem 3
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Impedance and Capacity Calculation

Step 1: RT from Minor Street v9 v12
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,9 = 150 vc,12 = 200
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,9 = 845 cp,12 = 783
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,9 = 1.000 pp,12 = 1.000
Movement capacity (Equation 17-4) cm,9 = cp,9 pp,9 = 845 cm,12 = cp,12 pp,12 = 783
Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,9 = 0.935 p0,12 = 0.964
Step 2: LT from Major Street v4 v1
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,4 = 300 vc,1 = 400
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,4 = 1202 cp,1 = 1100
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,4 = 1.000 pp,1 = 1.000
Movement capacity (Equation (17-4) cm,4 = cp,4 pp,4 = 1202 cm,1 = cp,1 pp,1 = 1100
Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,4 = 0.945 p0,1 = 0.970
Major left shared lane prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-16) * =
p0,4 * =
Step 3: TH from Minor Street (4-leg intersections only) v8 v11
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,8 = vc,11 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,8 = cp,11 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,8 = pp,11 =
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement f8 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,8 = f11 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,11 =
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-13)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,8 = cp,8 f8 = cm,11 = cp,11 f11 =
Prob of queue-free state p0,8 = p0,11 =
Step 4: LT from Minor Street (4-leg intersections only) v7 v10
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,7 = vc,10 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,7 = cp,10 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,7 = pp,10 =
Major left, minor through impedance factor p''7 = p0,11 f11 = '' = p f =
p10 0,8 8
Major left, minor through adjusted impedance factor p'7 = ' =
(Equation 17-8)
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movements f7 = p7' p0,12 pp,7 = ' p p
f10 = p10 0,9 p,10 =
(Equation 17-14)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-10) cm,7 = f7 cp,7 = cm,10 = f10 cp,10 =
Step 5: LT from Minor Street (T-intersections only) v7 v10
Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,7 = vc,10 =
Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,7 = cp,10 =
Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,7 = pp,10 =
Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement f7 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,7 = f10 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,10 =
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-13)
Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,7 = cp,7 f7 = cm,10 = cp,10 f10 =

1. For 4-leg intersections use Steps 1, 2, 3, and 4.
2. For T-intersections use Steps 1, 2, and 5.

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-72

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 3


Worksheet 7a
General Information

Example Problem 3
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Effect of Two-Stage Gap Acceptance

Step 3: TH from Minor Street v8 v11

Part I - First Stage

Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,I,8 = 341 vc,I,11 = 482

Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,I,8 = 618 cp,I,11 = 532

Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,I,8 = 1.000 pp,I,11 = 1.000

Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement fI,8 = p0,1 pp,I,8 = 0.970 fI,11 = p0,4 pp,I,11 = 0.945
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-6 or 17-13)

Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,I,8 = cp,I,8 fI,8 = 599 cm,I,11 = cp,I,11 fI,11 = 503

Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,I,8 = 0.780 p0,I,11 = 0.781

Part II - Second Stage

Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,II,8 = 532 vc,II,11 = 366

Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,II,8 = 504 cp,II,11 = 601

Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,II,8 = 1 .000 pp,II,11 = 1.000

Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement fII,8 = p0,4 pp,II,8 = 0.945 fII,11 = p0,1 pp,II,11 = 0.970
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-6 or 17-13)

Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,II,8 = cp,II,8 fII,8 = 476 cm,II,11 = cp,II,11 fII,11 = 583

Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,II,8 = 0.723 p0,II,11 = 0.811

Part III - Single Stage

Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,8 = 873 vc,11 = 848

Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,8 = 273 cp,11 = 283

Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,8 = 1.000 pp,11 = 1.000

Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movement f8 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,8 = 0.917 f11 = p0,4 p0,1 pp,11 = 0.917
(shared lane use p*) (Equation 17-13 or 17-16)

Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,8 = cp,8 f8 = 250 cm,11 = cp,11 f11 = 260

Result for Two-Stage Process

a (Equation 17-30) a= 0.949 a= 0.949

y (Equation 17-31) y= 1.808 y= 0.946

cT (Equation 17-32 or 17-33) cT = 390 cT = 405

Prob of queue-free state (Equation 17-5) p0,8 = 0.662 p0,11 = 0.728

17-73 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 3

Worksheet 7b
General Information

Example Problem 3
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Effect of Two-Stage Gap Acceptance

Step 4: LT from Minor Street v7 v10

Part I - First Stage

Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,I,7 = 341 vc,I,10 = 482

Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,I,7 = 626 cp,I,10 = 514

Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,I,7 = 1.000 pp,I,10 = 1.000

Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movements fI,7 = p0,1 pp,I,7 = 0.970 fI,10 = p0,4 pp,I,10 = 0.945

Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,I,7 = fI,7 cp,I,7 = 607 cm,I,10 = fI,10 cp,I,10 = 486

Part II - Second Stage

Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,II,7 = 337 vc,II,10 = 257

Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,II,7 = 629 cp,II,10 = 703

Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,II,7 = 1.000 pp,II,10 = 1.000

Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movements fII,7 = p0,4 p0,I,11 p0,12 pp,II,7 =0.711 fII,10 = p0,1 p0,I,8 p0,9 pp,II,10 =0.707

Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,II,7 = fII,7 cp,II,7 = 447 cm,II,10 = fII,10 cp,II,10 = 497

Part III - Single-Stage

Conflicting flows (Exhibit 17-4) vc,7 = 678 vc,10 = 739

Potential capacity (Equation 17-3 or 17-29) cp,7 = 323 cp,10 = 291

Ped impedance factor (Equation 17-12) pp,7 = 1.000 pp,10 = 1.000

Major left, minor through impedance factor p"7 = p0,11 f11 = 0.668 " = p f = 0.607
p10 0,8 8

Major left, minor through adjusted impedance factor p'7 = 0.742 ' =
p10 0.694
(Equation 17-8)

Capacity adjustment factor due to impeding movements f7 = p7' p0,12 pp,7 = 0.715 ' p p
f10 = p10 0,9 p,10 = 0.649
(Equation 17-9 or 17-14)

Movement capacity (Equation 17-7) cm,7 = f7 cp,7 = 231 cm,10 = f10 cp,10 = 189

Result for Two-Stage Process

a (Equation 17-30) a= 0.949 a= 0.949

y (Equation 17-31) y= 2.055 y= 1.227

cT (Equation 17-32 or 17-33) cT = 369 cT = 347

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-74

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 3

Worksheet 8
General Information

Example Problem 3
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Shared-Lane Capacity

cSH = (Equation 17-15)
( )
∑ vy
y cm,y

Movement v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) cSH (veh/h)

7 44 369

8 132 390 442

9 55 845

10 11 347

11 110 405 439

12 28 783

Worksheet 9
Effect of Flared Minor-Street Approaches

Movement 7 Movement 8 Movement 9 Movement 10 Movement 11 Movement 12

csep (from Worksheet 6 or 7) 369 390 845 347 405 783

Volume (from Worksheet 2) 44 132 55 11 110 28

Delay (Equation 17-38) 16.070 18.881 9.557 15.714 17.171 9.768

Qsep (Equation 17-34) 0.196 0.692 0.146 0.048 0.525 0.076

Qsep + 1 1.196 1.692 1.146 1.048 1.525 1.076

Round (Qsep + 1) 1 2 1 1 2 1

nmax (Equation 17-35) 2 2

cSH 442 439

csep 1604 1535

n 1 1

cact (Equation 17-36) 1023 987

17-75 Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections

Example Problems
Highway Capacity Manual 2000

Example Problem 3

Worksheet 10
General Information

Example Problem 3
Project Description _________________________________________________________________________________

Control Delay, Queue Length, Level of Service

Lane v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) v/c Queue Length Control Delay LOS Delay and LOS
(Equation 17-37) (Equation 17-38) (Exhibit 17-2)
1 X7 X8 X9 231 1024 0.226 <1 9.5 A 9.5
2 7 8 9

3 7 8 9

1 10
X 11
X 12
X 149 987 0.151 <1 9.3 A 9.3
2 10 11 12

3 10 11 12

Movement v (veh/h) cm (veh/h) v/c Queue Length Control Delay LOS

(Equation 17-37) (Equation 17-38) (Exhibit 17-2)
1 33 1100 0.030 <1 8.4 A

4 66 1216 0.055 <1 8.2 A

Worksheet 11

Delay to Rank 1 Vehicles

S2 Approach S5 Approach
p0,j (Equation 17-5) p0,1 = p0,4 =

vi1, volume for Stream 2 or 5

vi2, volume for Stream 3 or 6
si1, saturation flow rate for Stream 2 or 5

si2, saturation flow rate for Stream 3 or 6

* (Equation 17-16)
p0,j p*0, 1 = p*0, 4 =
dmajor left, delay for Stream 1 or 4
N, number of major-street through lanes
dRank 1, delay for Stream 2 or 5 (Equation 17-39)

Chapter 17 - Unsignalized Intersections 17-76

Example Problems

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