Lecture 2

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Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid

Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223

Lecture 2
Chapter Summary
n What is Property ?
n Properties Involving Mass and Weight
n Properties Involving Flow of heat
n Shear Stress in Moving Fluid and Viscosity
n Surface Tension
n Vapour Pressure
n Speed of Sound
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Characteristics by which physical conditions
can be described
n Extensive properties ~ properties that varies
in proportion to mass of system
n Intensive properties ~ properties that are
independent of mass
n Properties are expressed in basic dimensions
~ length (m), mass (kg), time (s) and
temperature (C) ~ use SI unit
2.1. What is Property ?
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Mass Density, r : -
Formula : mass / volume
Unit : kgm
Dimension : ML
Typical Values : water (1000), air (1.23)
n Specific Weight, g : -
Formula : weight / volume = rg
Unit : Nm
Dimension : ML
Typical Values : water (9810), air (12.07)
n Pressure, P : -
Formula : force / Area
Unit : Nm
& Dimension : ML
2.2. Properties Involving Mass and Weight
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Specific Gravity, SG : -
Relative density as compared to a reference value
The reference value is normally water at standard
temperature and pressure
Formula : SG = r
/ r
Dimension : dimensionless
Typical Values : water (1), oil (0.9)
n Specific Volume, u : -
Formula : volume / mass = 1 / r
Unit : m
/ kg
Dimension : L
2.2. Properties Involving Mass and Weight
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n State postulate - r = r (p,T) , h = h (p,T) etc.
n Ideal gas equation of state : p = r RT
n Specific Heat, C : -
Capacity of substance to store thermal energy
Energy that must be transferred to a unit mass of a
substance to raise its temperature by 1 degree
Unit : kJ/(kgK)
~ specific heat capacity at constant pressure
~ specific heat capacity at constant volume
k = C
/ C
= isentropic exponent, R = C
- C
2.3. Properties Involving Flow of Heat
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Specific Heat, C : -
and C
increases with
k is general gradually
dcrease with
k for common 8
2.3. Properties Involving Flow of Heat
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Specific Internal Energy, u : -
energy substance possess because of the state of
molecular activity in the substance
Function of temperature and pressure
Unit : J/kg
n Specific Enthalpy, h : -
combination of : u + p / r
Basically = internal energy + flow work
2.3. Properties Involving Flow of Heat
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress in Moving Fluids
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
~ Consider fluid moving close to a flat wall
~ Fluid can be envisaged as consisting of multiple layers of filaments
~ At the wall velocity is zero ~ no slip conditions
~ Far from wall, finite velocity exist ~ thus exist velocity gradient
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity
~ NEWTON observed experimentally : -
Shear stress a Rate of change of shear strain
~ Rate of change of shear strain = dV/dy
~ Thus :
~ m is the DYNAMIC VISCOSITY ~ the measure of fluid
resistance to shear when there is relative motion within the fluid
~ KINEMATIC VISCOSITY : Dynamics Viscosity / Density
Law of Viscosity
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity
~ 2 Mechanisms are responsible for shear stress : -
Intermolecular bonding ~ small for fluid especially gas
Momentum transfer between the layers
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity
~ Fluids that obey the NLV is called NEWTONIAN fluids
~ Fluids that dont obey the NLV is called NON-NEWTONIAN fluids
~ E.g. blood, slurries (mixture of liquid and solid) etc
~ Rheology - study of NON-NEWTONIAN fluids
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity (Ex 1)
A1m x 1m board that weigh 25 N slides down an inclined
ramp (slope =20
) with a velocity of 2.0 cm/s. The board is
separated from the ramp by a thin film of oil of 0.05 Ns/m
Neglecting edge effects, calculates the spacing between the
board and the ramp
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity (Ex 2)
The device shown consists of a disk that is rotated by a shaft.
The disk is positioned very close to a solid boundary.
Between the disk and boundary is viscous oil. The oil
viscosity is 0.01 Ns/m
and the spacing is 2 mm. If the rate of
rotation is 5 rad/s and D =10 cm, calculates the torque
required to rotate the disk.
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity (Ex 3)
Some instruments having angular motion are damped by
means of a disk connected to the shaft. The disk in turn is
immersed in a container of oil as shown. Derive a formula
for the damping torque as a function of the disk diameter D,
spacing S , rate of rotation w and oil viscosity m.
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity (Ex 4)
A special damping device consists of a
sphere. The sphere is enclosed in a
spherical cavity with the distance between
the sphere surface and the interior wall of
the cavity being 1 mm. The space between
the sphere and the wall is filled with oil
(SAE 10W at 38
C). The diameter of the
sphere is 100 mm. The sphere is turned by
a shaft that has a diameter much less than
the diameter of the sphere. Neglect the
effects on the shaft. Determine the torque
on the shaft for a rotation of 10 rpm.
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.4. Shear Stress and Viscosity (Ex 5)
Suppose that glycerin is flowing (T=20
C) and that the pressure
gradient dp/dx is 1.6 kN/m
. What are the velocity and shear
stress at a distance of 12mm from the wall if the space B between
the wall is 5cm? What are the shear stress and velocity at the
wall? The velocity distribution for viscous flow between
stationary plates is
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n A liquid will form an interface with a second
liquid or gas
n Molecules near the surface have greater attraction
with each other ~ This give rise to surface tension
2.5 Surface Tension
Balance force
inside the liquid
Unbalance force
causing surface to
be in tension
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.5 Surface Tension
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Surface tension, , is measured as the force acting across a
unit length of line drawn on the surface. Acts in the plane of
the surface and normal to any line in the surface
n Dimension : MT
n Unit : N/m
n Effect of surface tension :
- Reduce the surface of liquid
to minimum ~ droplet tend to
be spherical
- Excess Pressure in droplets
and bubbles
- Capillary effect
2.5 Surface Tension ..

Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid

Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Surface tension is dependant on temperature.
2.5 Surface Tension ..
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.5 Surface Tension ..
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
Excess Pressure
Capillary Effect
Non wetting Effect
2.5. Surface Tension (Ex 2)
Mercury does not adhere to a
glass surface, so when a glass
tube is immersed in a pool of
mercury, the meniscus is
depressed. The surface tension of
mercury is 0.514 N/m. Find the
depression distance in a 1-mm
glass tube.
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.5. Surface Tension (Ex 1)
A water bug is suspended on the
surface of a pond by surface
tension (water does not wet the
legs). The bugs has six legs, and
each leg is in contact with the
water over a length of 5mm. What
is the maximum mass (in g) of the
bug is it is to avoid sinking?
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Definition ~ Pressure at which a liquid boils and
in equilibrium with its own vapour
n It is a function of temperature and increasing with
n Conversely boiling temperature decrease with
decrease in pressure and boiling can occur at low
temperature is pressure is low enough
n This phenomena is called CAVITATION
n Occurs in fluid machinery and causes damages
and failures
2.6 Vapour Pressure
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Vapour pressure of water increases with
2.6 Vapour Pressure
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
2.6 Vapour pressure
Formation of cavitation
bubbles in low pressure
Damage due to cavitation
- Hydro Dam Spillway
Cavitation damage
in fluid machinery
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
n Definition ~ The rate of propagation of small
disturbance pressure pulses (sound wave) through the
fluid ~ a
n Formula ~ a = (kRT)
n Air at 20
C has a of about 343 m/s
n Mach number, Ma = V/a measure the fluid velocity
relative to the speed of sound
n Compressibility becomes important when Ma > 0.3
2.7 Speed of Sound
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223
End of Lecture 2
Mechanics of Fluids 1: Lecture 2: Properties of Fluid
Department of Mechanical Engineering MEHB223

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