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{ Short title given by the Indian Short Title Act, 1897 (14 of 1897).Thi Act ha been e!tended to
"erar by the "erar #a$ Act, 1941 (4 of 1941) and ha been declared to be in force in all the
%rovince of India, e!ce&t the Sched'led (itrict, by the #a$ #ocal )!tent Act, 1874 (1* of
1874), .+.
It ha been declared in force in the Santhal %argana by the Santhal %argana Settle,ent
-eg'lation (+ of 187.), .+.
It ha been declared, by notification 'nder .+ (a) of the Sched'led (itrict Act, 1874 (14 of
1874), to be in force in the follo$ing Sched'led (itrict, na,ely /00
1et 2al&aig'ri................See 3a4ette of India, 1881, %t I, &.74.
The (itrict of 5a4aribagh,
#ohardga (no$ the -anchi
(itrict, See 6alc'tta 3a4ette,
1899, %t.I, &.44), and 7an0
bh',, and %aragana (halbh',
and the 8olhan in the (itrict
of Singhbh',...... (itto 1881,%t.I, &.*94
The Sched'led &ortion of the
7ir4a&'r (itrict..... (itto 1879, %t.I.%.+8+
2a'naar "a$ar (itto 1879, %t, I, %.+8.
The (itrict (itto 188:, %t, I.&.+91
The Sched'led (itrict of the 6.%. (itto 188: , %t.I, %.771
The Sched'led (itrict in 3an0
;a, and <i4aga&ata, (itto 1898, %t.I.&.879
6oorg ...... ....... (itto 1879, %t.I.&.747
Aa, (e!ce&t the =orth #'hai
5ill) (itto 1897, %t.I.&..99
The %orahat )tate in the
Singhbh', (itrict (itto 1897,%t.I.&.19*9
It ha been e!tended by notification 'nder .* of the lat0,entioned Act, to the follo$ing
Sched'led (,ely /000
8',aon and 3arh$al.......See 3a4ette of India, 187:, &t, I.&.:9:
The Tarai of the %rovince of Agra (itto 187:, %t.I.&.*9*
It ha alo been e!tended to the =e$ %rovince and 7erged State, ee Act *9 of 1949.>
A6T =?..1 ?@ 18*9
AAS ?= 19*9B
An Act for e!tending the &rinci&le of ection 9, -eg'lation <II, 18+. of the "engal 6ode
thro'gho't { S' Act + of 19*1, .+.and Sch., for CC the territorie 'b;ect to the 3overn,ent of
the )at India 6o,&anyC.> A India B.
A11 the A&ril, 18*9.B
%rea,ble.0 15)-)AS it i enacted by ection 9, -eg'lation <II, 18+., of the "engal 6ode,
{ -e&.by the "engal 6ivil 6o'rt Act, 1871 (: of 1871), $hich $a re&.by the "engal, =orth0
1etern %rovince and Aa, 6ivil 6o'rt Act, 1887 (1. of 1887)> that CC$henever in any civil 'it
the &artie to 'ch 'it ,ay be of different &er'aion, $hen one &arty hall be of the 5ind' and
the other of the 7'ha,,adan &er'aion, or $here one or ,ore of the &artie to the 'it hall
not be either of the 7'ha,,adan or 5ind' &er'aion the la$ of thoe religion hall not be
&er,itted to o&erate to de&rive 'ch &arty or &artie of any &ro&erty to $hich, b't for the
o&eration of 'ch la$, they $o'ld have been entitled CC D and $herea it $ill be beneficial to
e!tend the &rinci&le of that enact,ent thro'gho't 89+A IndiaB D It i enacted a follo$ /00
1.#a$ or 'age $hich inflict forfeit're of, or affect, right on change of religion or lo of cate
to ceae to be enforced.0 So ,'ch of any la$ or 'age no$ in force $ithin { S' Act + of
19*1, .+ and Sch.for CCthe territorie 'b;ect to the 3overn,ent of the )at India 6o,&anyC.>
AIndia B a inflict on any &eron forfeit're of right or &ro&erty, or ,ay be held in any $ay to
i,&air or affect any right of inheritance, by reaon of hi or her reno'ncing, or having been
e!cl'ded fro, the co,,'nion of, any religion , or being de&rived of cate, hall ceae to be
enforced a la$ { S' .+ and Sch., ibid., for CCin the 6o'rt of the )at India 6o,&any, and in
the 6o'rt etablihed by -oyal 6harter $ithin the aid territorie CC.>A in any co'rt B.
{ Added by .+ and Sch., ibid.,>A ..Short title and e!tent.0 (1) Thi Act ,ay be called the 6ate
(iabilitie -e,oval Act, 18*9.
(.) It e!tend to the $hole of India e!ce&t the State of 2a,,' and 8ah,ir.B

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