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. Short title and commencement. ? ?(1) These rules may be called

the Commission of Sati (Prevention) Rules, 1988
(2) They shall come into force on the
[1][date] of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. Definitions. ? ?(1) !n these rules, unless the conte"t other#ise
re$uires, ?
(a)? ?Act? means the Commission of Sati (Prevention) %ct, 198& ('
of 1988)(
(b)? ?prohibitory order? means an order issued under Section )(
(c)? ?section? means section of the %ct
(2) Words and expressions used but nor defined in these rules and defined in the ct shall ha!e the same
meanin"s as are respecti!ely assi"ned to them in the ct.
3. Delegation of power to prohibit certain acts. ? ?(1) The State
*overnment may, by order and sub+ect to such conditions as it may
deem fit to im,ose, direct that the ,o#ers of the Collector or the
-istrict .a/istrate under Section ) may also be e"ercised by such
other officers, not belo# the ran0 of the villa/e officers
4. Prohibitory orders under Section 6, how made. ? ?(1) 1very
,rohibitory order under Section ) shall be made by beat of drum or
other customary mode, in the concerned villa/e, or in case of to#n or
city, in the locality in #hich the act ,rohibited is li0ely to occur or has
ta0en ,lace
(2) The prohibitory order shall be displayed at some conspicuous place in the area or areas to #hich such
acts relates and a copy thereof shall also be displayed in the office of the officer issuin" the prohibitory
order and such display shall be ta$en as a sufficient notice to all persons concerned in the area or areas to
#hich such order relates.
. !anner of ma"ing order for remo#al of temples or structures
under sub$section %&' of Section (. ? ?(1) 2efore ma0in/ any order
under sub3section (1) of Section & for removal of any tem,le or
structure, the State *overnment or any other officer authorised by the
State *overnment in this behalf, shall /ive at least 94 days notice to
the ,erson or ,ersons involved in the acts com,lained of, and also to
the o#ners and occu,iers of the tem,le or structure ,ro,osed to be
(2) The notice under sub%rule (&) shall specify '
(&) the temple(structure proposed to be remo!ed) its location and other particulars)
(2) the o#ners(occupiers of the temple(structure) and
(*) the specific instance or instances of #orship or ceremony contra!enin" the pro!isions of +ection ,.
(*) The +tate Go!ernment or the officer authorised by the +tate Go!ernment in this behalf shall) after
"i!in" reasonable opportunity of bein" heard to persons specified in the notice) order the remo!al of the
temple or structure throu"h a police officer not belo# the ran$ of the +ub%-nspector.
6. !anner of ma"ing order for remo#al of temples or structures
under sub$section %2' of Section (. ? ?(1) %fter issue of a
,rohibitory order under Section ), the Collector or the -istrict
.a/istrate, or such other officer as directed by the State *overnment
by order under rule ', shall, before ma0in/ any order for removal of
any tem,le or structure under sub3section (5) of Section &, /ive at
least 94 days notice to the ,erson or ,ersons involved in the acts
com,lained of, and also to the o#ners and occu,iers of the tem,le or
structure ,ro,osed to be removed
(2) The .ollector or the /istrict 0a"istrate) or such other officer as directed by the +tate Go!ernment by
order under rule *) shall follo# the pro!isions of sub%rules (2) and (*) of rule 1 in the case of orders made
under this rule.
(. )n#entory and forefeiture of the property of temple or
structure. ? ?%s soon as the order of removal of the tem,le or
structure is e"ecuted, the State *overnment or the Collector or the
-istrict .a/istrate, or as the case may be, the officer as directed by
the State *overnment by order under rule ', shall ,re,are an
inventory of all the material and other ,ro,erty obtained after removal
of such tem,le or structure s,ecifyin/ in it the ,lace #here it is lod/ed
or 0e,t, and shall for#ard the intimation thereof to the S,ecial Court
for declaration of forefeiture of the said material or ,ro,erty to the
State under Section 1', if the S,ecial Court considers it necessary so
to do, and shall also /ive a co,y of the inventory to the
o#ners6occu,iers of the tem,le6structure removed

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