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Noting and Drafting

(For Course participants only)
Reading Material
Work Book
Effective Noting & Drafting
(Edited by Smt. Jayanthi Sriram, Asst.Director)
G!E"#$E#% F &#D&A
&#S%&%'%E SEC"E%A"&A% %"A&#&#G ( $A#AGE$E#%
DE)A"%$E#% F )E"S##E* ( %"A&#&#G
AD$&#&S%"A%&!E +*C,, J#' CA$)'S (*D)
*F )A*$S $A"G, #E- DE*.&/001123
%E*. 42015564 %E*EFA78 420190:;
"e<ised / 4115
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 0
Noting and Drafting
&n responsi<e administration it is ob<ious that the response has to be
meanin=>ul. ?et, it may not be e>>ecti<e unless the response time is optimised.
%his t@in obAecti<e can be achie<ed throu=h streamlinin= o> the decision maBin=
process itsel>. &n the Central Secretariat, as in other spheres o> Go<ernment,
contribution by all run=s o> employees particularly by those at the cuttin= ed=e
le<el, namely the Section >>icers and Assistants, =enerally helps arri<in= at the
ri=ht decision. +esides collection o> in>ormation, such contributions are rendered
throu=h #otin= ( Dra>tin=. E>>ecti<e notin= ( dra>tin= at e<ery le<el, there>ore, is
a matter o> prime concern.
4. %o address this concern, @e in &S%$ ha<e been accordin= utmost
importance to the inclusion o> Cnotin= and dra>tin=C as a subAect in all our
>oundational and re>resher Courses. +esides, >ocussed @orBshops on e>>ecti<e
notin= ( dra>tin= are also or=anised in lar=e numbers. %o help participants team
e>>ecti<ely, the need >or practical eDercises cannot be o<eremphasised. Similarly,
to help trans>er o> learnin=, re>erence material )resented in a crisp and user/
>riendly manner ser<es as e <ery use>ul aid.
;. %he trainin= mono=raph on CE>>ecti<e #otin= ( Dra>tin=C @hich has been in
use >or the past se<eral years has no@ been re<ised on the basis >eedbacB recei<ed
>rom the )articipants o> <arious @orBshops. &n this mono=raph, additional chapters
on EDe>initionsE o> terms relatin=, to notin= ( dra>tin= and EAllied &nstructions/
Correspondence @ith Speci>ied AuthoritiesE ha<e been added. +esides, additional
dra>tin= eDercises in respect o> most commonly used >orms o> communication
ha<e also been included. & am sure participants @ould >ind the mono=raph <ery
#e@ Delhi, dated the 45th June, 4114
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 4
Noting and Drafting
Table of Contents
I Reading Material )a=e #o
0 De>initions
4 #otin=
; "e>erencin=
9 Dra>tin=
5 Allied instructions (Correspondence @ith Speci>ied
2 Styles in #otes ( Dra>ts
3 Forms o> Communication Fincludin= specimen >orms,
&nstruction / AnneD &,
II Work Book )a=e #o
0 Comments ( Faults EDercise
4 Documents ( Action )oint EDercise
; #otin= // A GuiH
9 EDercise on *an=ua=e / Edit your @ritin=
5 EDercise on #otin=
2 EDercise on "e>erencin=
3 GuiH on Dra>tin=
: EDercise on Forms o> Communication
6 EDercise on Dra>tin=
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;
Noting and Drafting
)art / &
"eadin= $aterial
#otin= ( Dra>tin=
G!E"#$E#% F &#D&A
&#S%&%'%E SEC"E%A"&A% %"A&#&#G ( $A#AGE$E#%
DE)A"%$E#% F )E"S##E* ( %"A&#&#G
AD$&#&S%"A%&!E +*C,, J#' CA$)'S (*D)
*F )A*$S $A"G, #E- DE*.&/001123
%E*. 42015564 %E*EFA78 420190:;
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 9
Noting and Drafting
+ased on $anual o> >>ice )rocedure, some o> the terms rele<ant to #otin=
and Dra>tin= ha<e been de>ined belo@8/
0. C#oteC means the remarBs recorded on a case to >acilitate its disposal, and
includes a precise o> pre<ious papers, a statement or an analysis o> the
Iuestions reIuirin= decision, su==estions re=ardin= the course o> action and
>inal orders passed thereon.
4. C$inuteC means a note recorded by the )resident, the !ice/)resident, the
)rime $inister or a $inister.
;. CFileC means a collection o> papers arran=ed chronolo=ically on a speci>ic
subAect matter assi=ned a >ile number and consistin= o> the >ollo@in= parts8
(a) #otes
(b) Correspondence
(c) AppendiD to notes
(d) AppendiD to correspondence
9. C#otes )ortionC in relation to a >ile means the portion containin= notes or
minutes recorded on a case.
5. CCorrespondence )ortionC in relation a >ile means the portion containin=
CreceiptsC and o>>ice copies o> CissueC pertainin= to the >ile.
2. CAppendiD to notesC in relation to a >ile means a len=thy summary or
statement containin= detailed in>ormation concernin= certain aspects o> the
Iuestion discussed on the >ile, incorporation o> @hich in the main note is
liBely to obscure the main point or maBe the main note unnecessarily
3. CAppendiD to correspondenceC in relation to a >ile means len=thy enclosures
to a communication (@hether receipt or issue) on the >ile, inclusion o> @hich
in the correspondence portion is liBely to obstruct smooth readin= o> the
correspondence or maBe the correspondence portion un@ieldy.
:. CCaseC means a current >ile or a receipt to=ether @ith other related paper, i>
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 5
Noting and Drafting
6. CCurrent >ileC means a >ile action on @hich has not been completed.
01. ECome/bacB CaseC means a case recei<ed bacB >or >urther action such as re/
eDamination or preparin= a dra>t or a summary o> the case.
00. CDocBetin=C means maBin= o> entries in the notes portion o> a >i>e about the
serial number assi=ned to each item o> correspondence (@hether receipt or
issue) >or its identi>ication. %he remarBs recorded on the body o> the receipt
by hi=her o>>icers to@ards its disposal are also reIuired to be reproduced on
the note sheet immediately a>ter docBetin= a receipt.
04. C"outine noteC means a note o> a temporary <alue or ephemeral importance
recorded outside the >ile, e.=., a record o> casual discussion or a note on a
point o> secondary importance intended to >acilitate consideration o> the
case by hi=her o>>icers.
0;. C"unnin= summary o> >actsC in relation to a case means a summary o> the
>acts o> the case updated >rom time to time to incorporate si=ni>icant
de<elopment as and @hen they taBe place. &t is prepared to a<oid repeated
re/capitulation o> the case throu=h sel>/contained notes.
09. CSectional noteC means a note recorded on only one o> the many issues raised
in the )'C. ,
05. CSecurity =radin=C means security marBin= CCon>identialC, CSecret or C%op
02. C'r=ent daBC means daB marBed CimmediateC or CpriorityC and includes
tele=rams, sa<in=rams, @ireless messa=es and teleD messa=es.
03. J"e>erencin=C is the process o> identi>yin= a document, decision and >acts
mentioned in a note, dra>t or o>>ice copy o> communication issued.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 2
Noting and Drafting
(a) All notes should be concise and to the point. EDcessi<e notin= should be
(b) A simple and direct style o> @ritin= should al@ays be adopted. 'se o>
complicated and ambi=uous lan=ua=e should be a<oided.
(c) #otes and orders should normally be recorded on note/sheets.
(d) #otes should not be recorded on the receipt itsel> eDcept in <ery routine
(e) !erbatim reproduction o> eDtracts >rom, or paraphrasin= o> the ).'.C or o>
notes o> other $inistries recorded on the same >ile, should be a<oided.
(>) -here<er a runnin= summary o> >acts is a<ailable on the >ile, it should be
re>erred to @ithout repeatin= any part o> the >acts in the note.
(=) A note should al@ays be @ritten in a businessliBe lan=ua=e. E<en i>
apparent errors or misstatements ha<e to be pointed out or i> an opinion
eDpressed therein has to be criticised, care should be taBen to couch the
obser<ations in courteous and temperate lan=ua=e >ree >rom personal
(h) Any remarBs recorded by the +ranch o>>icer, or other senior o>>icers, on the
receipt should >irst be reproduced @hile docBetin= the receipt.
(i) -hen passin= orders or maBin= su==estions, an o>>icer should con>ine his
note to the actual points he proposes to maBe. .e should not repeat or
reiterate the =round already co<ered in the pre<ious notes. &> he a=rees to the
line o> action su==ested in the precedin= note, he should merely append his
(A) A sel>/contained summary o> the case should al@ays be put up @ith e<ery
>ile submitted to a $inister. Such a summary should brin= out brie>ly, but
clearly, all the rele<ant >acts, includin= the <ie@s eDpressed on the subAect
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 3
Noting and Drafting
by other Departments, i> any, consulted in the matter, and the point(s) on
@hich the orders o> the $inister are sou=ht.
(B) -hen a paper under consideration raises se<eral maAor points @hich reIuire
detailed eDamination and respecti<e orders on each point (or =roup o>
related points) it @ill be, noted upon separately in ESectionalE notes. Such
sectional notes @ill each be=in @ith a list o> the maAor point(s) dealt @ith
(0) %he dealin= hand @ill append his >ull si=nature @ith date on the le>t belo@
his note. An o>>icer @ill append his >ull si=nature on the ri=ht hand side o>
the note @ith his name, desi=nation and the date.
(m) A note @ill be di<ided into para=raphs o> a con<enient siHe. )ara=raphs
should be serially numbered and may also ha<e brie> titles, i> necessary.
#otin= should be restricted to the minimum. &t should be systematic and
>unctional. %he >ollo@in= approach could be adopted >or notin= on <arious
cate=ories o> cases8/
)* E+,e-eral Cases.
Such cases should be >iled at the daB sta=e itsel> by the Section >>icer or
DesB >unctionary brie>ly recordin= the reasons @hy no action is necessary. %hese
cases are also Bno@n as E#o/#otin=E cases. Such cases should be Bept in the File
EE bundle and destroyed on ;0st December o> e<ery year. %hese may also be
returned in ori=inal to the sender recordin= reIuisite >actual in>ormation.
/* Ro0tine or Re+etitive Cases.
&n cases o> repetiti<e nature, Ja standard process sheetC @hich means a
standard sBeleton note should be de<eloped indicatin= pre/determined points o>
checB &n respect o> other routine cases, a >air reply should be put up @ithout any
1* ActioninCorres+ondence Cases.
%hese cases also do not reIuire detailed notin=. &t @ould be su>>icient i> a
brie> note (a para=raph or so) is recorded indicatin= the issue under consideration
and the su==ested action.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 :
Noting and Drafting
2* "roble- #olving Cases
&n these cases, a detailed note pro<idin= maDimum in>ormation on each
aspect @ill be necessary. E<en then, the note should be concise and to the point,
co<erin= the >ollo@in= aspects8/
(i) -hat is the problemK
(ii) .o@ has it arisenK C
(iii) -hat is the J"uleC, J)olicyC or J)recedentK
(i<) -hat are the possible solutionsK
(<) -hich is the best solutionK -hyK
(<ii) -hat @ill be the conseIuences o> the proposed solutionK
3* "olic4 and "lanning Cases.
%hese types o> cases @ould not be lar=e in number and are normally dealt
@ith at su>>iciently hi=her le<els o> the or=anisation. %hey reIuire a thorou=h
eDamination @ith maDimum amount o> notin= de<eloped systematically. A note in
such cases should be structured in the >ollo@in= manner8 /
(i) )roblem8 / State the problem. .o@ it has arisenK -hat are the critical
(ii) Additional &n>ormation8 / Gi<e additional in>ormation to siHe up the
problem. %he in>ormation @ould be a<ailable on the >iles and other
papers in the Section. &> su>>icient in>ormation is not a<ailable to
enable thorou=h eDamination, it should be collected be>ore attemptin=
a note.
(iii) "ule, policy etc8 / "ele<ant rules, re=ulations, policy, standin= orders,
practices are reIuired to be re>erred to, @here<er a<ailable. *o=ical
interpretation o> such rules etc. brin=in= out their bearin= on the
problem has to be put across in a cohesi<e manner.
(i<) )recedents8 / )recedent cases ha<in= a bearin= on the issue under
consideration should be put up. &> there are <aryin= precedents or any
precedent di>>ers in certain respects >rom the case under eDamination,
the di>>erence should be brou=ht out so as to arri<e at a correct
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 6
Noting and Drafting
(<) Critical analysis8 / the case should then be eDamined on merits
ans@erin= Iuestions such as @hat are the possible alternati<e
solutionsL @hich is the best solutionK &t should be ensured that <ie@s
o> other Di<isionsL$inistries etc. ha<e been obtained @here
necessary. Attention should also be paid to other aspects liBe the
>inancial and other implications, repercussions, and the modality o>
implementin= the decision and the authority competent to taBe a
(<i) Concludin= para8 / the concludin= para should su==est a course o>
action >or consideration. &n cases @here a decision is to be taBen by a
hi=her authority liBe committee, +oard etc. the point or points on
@hich the decision o> such hi=her authority is sou=ht should be
speci>ically mentioned.
(a) -here the re>erence reIuires in>ormation o> a >actual nature or other action
based on a clear precedent or practice, the dealin= hand in the recei<in=
Department may strai=hta@ay record a note on the >ile.
(b) &> the re>erence seeBs an opinion, rulin=/or concurrence o> the recei<in=
Department and reIuires detailed eDamination, such eDamination @ill
normally be done separately and only the o>>icer responsible >or
commentin= upon the re>erence @ill record the >inal <ie@s on the >ile. %his
separate eDamination can be done throu=h routine notes or on @hat is
commonly Bno@n as Eshado@ >ilesEC @hich are opened subAect @ise in the
recei<in= department.
(c) -hen a note on a >ile is recorded by an o>>icer a>ter obtainin= the orders o>
a hi=her o>>icer, a remarB that Ethis has the appro<al o>/////E should be
added in that note.
(d) A copy o> the note >inally recorded on the main >ile @ill be retained @ith the
routine notesLshado@ >ile, be>ore the main >ile is returned to the ori=inatin=
(e) %he inter/departmental note recorded on the >ile o> the ori=inatin=
Department @ill bear the subAect >ile number (shado@ >ile number) to
>acilitate >ilin= o> papers and their subseIuent/ retrie<al >or >uture re>erence.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 01
Noting and Drafting
%he sin=le File system applies to matters, @hich are not @ithin the dele=ated
po@ers o> the attached or subordinate o>>ices and ha<e to be re>erred >reIuently to
the $inistryLDepartment >or seeBin= a sanctionLorder. %he #on/Secretariat >>ice
(Attached or Subordinate) @ill open >iles in such cases. #otin= on such >iles in the
$inistryLDepartment should be on the >ile o> #S. .o@e<er, in certain selected
types o> cases concernin= sensiti<e and delicate matters in the sphere o> personnel,
policy issues and >inance, notin= in the $inistryLDepartment should be on
Eduplicate or shado@E >iles (@hich @ould indeed be only notes recorded at a
particular sta=e o> the case or at a particular le<el). &n such cases, the >inal decision
alone should be suitably recorded on the #S >ile.
As pro<ided in the $anual o> >>ice )rocedure, it mi=ht be necessary to
prepare a sel>/contained summary @hen cases are to be submitted to the $inister.
&n such cases, the >ollo@in= points may be care>ully obser<ed8 /
(i) A brie> subAect headin= should be =i<en in all such cases.
(ii) %he summary should =i<e the chronolo=ical >acts o> the case and
should not omit any important considerations that could a>>ect the
(iii) &> the case concerns other $inistries or Di<isions the summary should
contain the recommendation o> that $inistry or Di<ision and, in case
o> disa=reement, the paints o> di>>erence and the recommendation o>
the Department concerned. pinions o> indi<idual o>>icers @ithin a
Department should not >ind mention.
(i<) %he concludin= para=raph should contain the point or points on @hich
decision o> the $inister is sou=ht to=ether @ith the recommendation
o> the sponsorin= o>>icer.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 00
Noting and Drafting
(<) %he summary should be sel>/contained but it should not be
unnecessarily lon=. -here the material to be submitted is len=thy,
much o> it should be rele=ated to anneDure or appendices, Beepin= the
main summary as brie> as possible. %his @ill enable the hi=her
authorities to study the anneDure or appendices i> they @ant >urther
details on any particular point.
(<i) %he para=raphs o> the summary should be properly numbered.
(<ii) %he summary should be typed pre>erably in sin=le space in small
paras to enable easy readin=.
(<iii) %he anneDure should be pa=e numbered consecuti<ely to >acilitate
location o> the particular pa=e or portion thereo>, to @hich attention
mi=ht be dra@n durin= discussion or >urther notin=.
%he papers, >olders, re>erence booB etc., are to be arran=ed in the >ollo@in=
order >rom top do@n@ards, @hile submittin= a case8
0. re>erence booBsM
4. notes portion o> the current >ile endin= @ith the note >or
;. runnin= summary o> >actsM
9. dra>t >or appro<al, i> anyM
5. correspondence portion o> the current >ile endin= @ith the latest
receipt or issue, as the case may beM
2. appendiD to notes and correspondenceM
3. Standin= Guard File, standin= note or re>erence >older, i> anyM
:. ther papers,, &> any, re>erred to e.=. eDtract o> notes or
correspondence >rom other >iles, copies o> orders, resolutions,
=aHettes, arran=ed in chronolo=ical order, the latest bein= placed on
the topM
6. "ecorded >iles, i> any, arran=ed in chronolo=ical order, the latest
bein= placed on the topM
01. "outine notes and papers arran=ed in chronolo=ical order and placed
in a separate co<er.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 04
Noting and Drafting
0. &> the issues raised in t@o or more current >iles are so inter/connected that
they must be dealt @ith to=ether simultaneously, the rele<ant >iles @ill be
linBed in the manner indicated in (4) belo@. Such linBin= may also be
resorted to i> a paper in one current >ile is reIuired >or re>erence in dealin=
@ith another current >ile unless a copy /o> the paper can be con<eniently
placed on the >irst >ile.
4. -hen >iles are to be linBed, strin=s o> the >ile board o> the lo@er >ile (but not
its >laps) @ill be tied round the upper >ile. %he strin=s o> the >ile board o> the
upper >ile @ill be tied underneath it in a bo@ so that each >ile is intact @ith
all its connected papers properly arran=ed on its >ile board or >lap.
;. n receipt bacB a>ter completion o> action, the linBed >iles @ill be
immediately de/linBed a>ter taBin= rele<ant eDtracts and placin= them on the
rele<ant >iles, @here necessary.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 0;
Noting and Drafting
"e>erencin= is the process o> identi>yin= a document, decision and >acts
mentioned in a note, dra>t or o>>ice copy o> communication issued. &t in<ol<es a
series o> acti<ities. %hese are described in the succeedin= para=raphs.
0. E<ery pa=e in each part o> the >ile (<iH., notes, correspondence, appendiD to
notes and appendiD to correspondence) @ill be consecuti<ely numbered in
separate series, in pencil. +lanB inter<enin= pa=es, i> any, @ill not be
4. Each item o> correspondence in a >ile, @hether receipt or issue, @ill be
assi=ned a serial number @hich @ill be displayed prominently in red inB on
the top middle portion o> its >irst pa=e. ,
;. %he paper under consideration on a >ile @ill be >la==ed C)'CC and the latest
>resh receipt noted upon, as CF."C. &n no circumstances, @ill a slip, other than
)'C and CF"C be attached to any paper in a current >ile. &> there are more
than one >resh receipt in a case, these should be >la==ed as CF." &C, CF" && and
so on.
9. &n re>errin= to the papers >la==ed C)'CC or CF"C the rele<ant pa=e numbers
@ill be Iuoted in<ariably in the mar=in.
5. "ecorded >iles and other papers put up @ith the current >ile @ill be >la==ed
@ith alphabetical slips >or IuicB identi>ication. nly one alphabetical slip
@ill be attached to a recorded >ile or compilation. &> t@o or more papers
contained in the same >ile or compilation are to be re>erred to, they should
be identi>ied by the rele<ant pa=e numbers in addition to the alphabetical
slip, e.=. CACL4; n., CACL03 C and so on.
2. %o >acilitate the identi>ication o> re>erences to papers contained in other >iles
in<ariably in the body o> the note. %he rele<ant pa=e numbers, to=ether @ith
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 09
Noting and Drafting
the alphabetical slip attached thereto @ill be indicated in the mar=in.
Similarly, the number and date o> orders, noti>ications and resolutions, and,
in the case o> acts, rules and re=ulations their brie> title to=ether @ith the
number o> the rele<ant section, rule, para=raph or clause, re>erred to @ill be
Iuoted in the body o> the notes.
3. "ules or other compilations re>erred to in a case need not be put up i> copies
thereo> are eDpected to be a<ailable @ith the o>>icer to @hom the case is
bein= submitted. %he >act o> such compilations not ha<in= been part up @ill
be indicated in the mar=in o> the notes in pencil.
:. %he re>erence slips @ill be pinned neatly on the inside o> the papers sou=ht
to be >la==ed. -hen a number o> papers put up in a case are to be >la==ed,
the slips @ill be spread o<er the entire @idth o> the >ile so that e<ery slip is
easily <isible.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 05
Noting and Drafting
A dra>t is a rou=h sBetch o> a communication to be issued a>ter appro<al by
the o>>icer concerned.
#EARC!IN$ (0estions One Do7en
&s a dra>t necessaryK
-ho should be addressed and @ho @ill si=nK
-hat is the relationship bet@een the sender and recei<erK
-hat should be the >ormK
&s somethin= to be con<eyed or to be called >orK
Are all details a<ailableK
-hat is the intention o> the decisionK
-hat should be the recipient responseK
Does the lan=ua=e con<eyK
.as the re>erencin= been doneK
&s it lo=ically seIuencedK
Does it ha<e proper ur=ency, security =radin=K
A dra>t should
carry the eDact messa=e sou=ht to be con<eyed.
be clear, concise and &ncapable o> misconstruction
be lucid, brie> and complete
result in the desired response >rom the recipient
be di<ided into para=raphs, accordin= to the lo=ical seIuence o> ideas
eDpressed. ha<e coherence o> >lo@ o> ideas
contain re>erence to pre<ious correspondence, i> any.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 02
Noting and Drafting
Co--ands &denti>y / SE#DE"
Adopt / "&G.% F"$
!isualiHe / "ES)#SE
EDpress / C*A"&%?, C#S&S%E#C?
A<oid / "ED'#DA#C?, !E"+S&%?
C&"C'$*C'%&#, "E)E%&%&#
Summaries / C$)*E7 ( *E#G%.?
A dra>t should indicate
File #o.
%he name, desi=nation, telephone number, >aD number and complete postal
address o> the sender or=anisation
%he nameLdesi=nation o> the addressee @ith complete postal address
Salutation (i.e. Sir, Dear.....etc.,), @here reIuired
#umber and date o> the last communication in the series (>rom the
addressee or >rom the sender)
%he enclosures @hich are to accompany the >air copy (A short obliIue line
in the mar=in @ill indicate that enclosures are to be sent alon= @ith the >air
Subscription (i.e. yours >aith>ully, yours sincerely etc.), @here reIuired
%he mode o> transmission, e.=. C+y "e=istered postC C+y Special messen=er
etc., at the top ri=ht corner
'r=ency =radin=, i> reIuired
Endorsement, @here necessary
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 03
Noting and Drafting
8a9 Modification of Notes.
(i) -hene<er a senior o>>icer >inds it necessary to correct or to modi>y
the >acts stated in a note put up to him, he should do so by recordin=
his o@n note =i<in= his <ie@s on the subAect. .e should not reIuire
the note recorded by his Aunior to the modi>ied or replaced.
(ii) #otes recorded on a >ile should, in no circumstances, be pasted o<er,
because pastin= o<er (a) amounts to mutilation o> o>>icial records and
(b) =i<es an inele=ant looB to the >ile.
&> any modi>ication o> an earlier note is >ound necessary, recordin= a note
eDplainin= the nature and eDtent o> modi>ication and reasons >or it should do it.
%he earlier note should remain intact.
8b9 Oral disc0ssions. All points emer=in= >rom discussions bet@een t@o or
more o>>icers o> the same department and the conclusions reached @ill be recorded
on the rele<ant >ile by the o>>icer authorisin= action. .e may i> considered
important =et it con>irmed by the participants. Con>irmation is desirable &n the
>ollo@in= circumstances8
(i) &> policy o> =o<ernment is not clear
(ii) Departure >rom the prescribed policy
(iii) %@o or more le<els di>>er on si=ni>icant issues
(i<) Decisions thou=h a=reed by all are si=ni>icantly important.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 0:
Noting and Drafting
:b 8i9; Oral Instr0ctions b4 !ig,er Officers. #ormally, it is incumbent on the
Superior >>icer to =i<e hisLher direction in @ritin=, re=ardin= the manner o>
dealin= @ith a case. &n some occasions, due to paucity o> time at the disposal, i>
the l instructions ha<e been =i<en orally, the oral instructions thus =i<en may be
con>irmed in @ritin= at the earliest opportunity. Juniors should obtain @ritten
directions be>ore carryin= out oral instructions. &> such instructions are not >rom
the immediate superior, it should be brou=ht to his notice.
:b 8ii9; Oral orders b4 or on be,alf of t,e Minister. oral orders communicated
by personal sta>> o> the $inister shall be con>irmed in @ritin= immediately
therea>ter. &> the oral instructions >rom the $inister or his personal sta>> are in
accordance @ith the norms, rules, re=ulations or procedures, these should be
brou=ht to the notice o> the Secretary. .o@e<er, i> those are not in accordance
@ith the norms, rules, re=ulations or procedures, the o>>icer recei<in= such
instructions should seeB >urther clear orders >rom the Secretary about the line o>
action to be taBen statin= >ormally that the oral instructions are not in accordance
@ith the rules, re=ulations, norms or procedures.
:b 8iii9; Confir-ation of Oral Instr0ctions. communications reIuestin= >or
con>irmation in @ritin= o> oral instructions should be acBno@led=ed.
%he $anual o> >>ice )rocedure >urther prescribes that the correspondence @ith
the >ollo@in= authorities @ill be made in the manner indicated a=ainst each.
0. Attorne4 $eneral of India nly by the $inistry o> *a@, Justice and
Company A>>airs.
4. Co-+troller and A0ditor $eneral of India "e>erences >or his <ie@s or
ad<ice can be made only by or throu=h $inistry o> Finance. .o@e<er, in
matters o> day/today administration direct correspondence by departments
at their discretion is permissible.
;. %nion "0blic #ervice Co--ission All re>erence to be in the >orm o>
CletterC addressed to the Secretary. &n certain matters, e.=. reIuisitions >or
recruitment >ormal re>erences should normally be preceded by personal
discussions at appropriate le<els.
9. %nion Territor4 Ad-inistrations routine re>erences re=ardin= the
business o> a particular department should be addressed to its Secretary.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 06
Noting and Drafting
ther communications may be addressed to the Chie> Secretary or the
Administrator dependin= upon the importance o> the matter.
5. #tate $overn-ents (a) )urely routine communications e.=.
AcBno@led=ements may be si=ned by Section >>icer.
(b) Communications other than o> purely routine nature @ill be sent o<er the
si=nature o> the branch o>>icer.
(c) Communications relatable to the business o> a particular department
should be addressed to its Secretary.
(d) ther, special and important communications may be addressed to the
Chie> Secretary.
(e) Demi o>>icial letters can also be sent. .o@e<er, the reIuisite di>>erence
in le<els should be Bept in mind e.=. D.. addressed to the Chie> Secretary
should not be @ritten by an >>icer belo@ the le<el o> Joint Secretary.
2. &ok #ab,a and Ra<4a #ab,a #ecretariat Communications reIuirin=
ur=ent or hi=h le<el attention may be addressed to the Secretaries concerned
and not to the SpeaBer or the Chairman direct.
3. Me-bers of "arlia-ent
(a) Communications >rom $)s should be attended to promptly.
(b) %hose addressed to a $inister should, as >ar as practicable, be replied to
the $inister himsel>. &n other cases, a reply should normally be issued o<er
the si=nature o> an o>>icer not belo@ the ranB o> Secretary. .
(c) %hose addressed to head o> attachedLsubordinate o>>ices should be
replied to by the addressee himsel>. &n routine matters not in<ol<in=
Iuestion o> policy, he may send an appropriate reply on his o@n. .o@e<er,
in matters in<ol<in= Iuestion o> policy, he should consult hi=her authorities
be>ore sendin= a reply.
(d) #ormally in>ormation sou=ht by any $) should be >urnished unless B is
o> such nature as cannot be disclosed e<en on the >loor o> the .ouses o>
(e) As >ar as possible, pre/printed or cyclostyled replies should be a<oided
@hile correspondin= @ith $)s.
:. Ministers of #tate $overn-ents Same as in the case o> $)s.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 41
Noting and Drafting
6. Foreign $overn-ents and international organisations Correspondence
(i) >orei=n or common@ealth =o<ernments and their missions in &ndia,
(ii) heads o> &ndian diplomatic missions and posts abroad and
(iii) 'nited #ations and its specialised a=encies8 @ill normally be
channelised throu=h $inistry o> EDternal A>>airs.
%he instructions entitled EChannel o> Communication bet@een the
Go<ernment o> &ndia and the State Go<ernments on the one handM and (i) and (iii)
as a>oresaid on the other, stipulate the cases in @hich and the conditions subAect to
@hich direct correspondence may be resorted to. Salient >eatures o> and specimen
>orms o> communication >or such correspondence are also &ncluded in Chapter !
o> #otes on >>ice )rocedure (06:1).
%he style in notes and dra>ts is as important as their contents. %he >ollo@in=
@ill be obser<ed in dra>tin= and also in @ritin= notes8 /
(0) E&n>ormationE is sin=ular.&> &n>ormation is called >or on many points, it does
not become E&n>ormationE.
(4) %he @ords EproDimoE and E'ltimoE should be a<oided. %hey lead to
con>usion and one has to taBe the trouble o> looBin= at the date o> the letter
to >ind out @hat they mean. %he names o> the months must be used instead.
(;) E%he sameE must hot be used instead o> EitE or some other simple @ord.
(9) Such needlessly >ormal @ords as EthereinE and EthereonE should not be used
instead o> Ein itE or Eon i>.
(5) %he pre>erence >or passi<e <erbs o<er acti<e <erbs =enerally maBe the style
<a=ue and clumsy, as Eit is understoodE >or E& do not understandE or E%he
date o> issue o> the order should be reported by himE >or E he should report
@hen he issues the orderE.
(2) A simple or short @ord is to be pre>erred in place o> a lon= phrase.
EDamples o> needless <erbosity are pre>erence o> EmaBe the assessmentC to
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 40
Noting and Drafting
EassessE EpurchaseC to buy CcommenceE to Ebe=inE and Eomitted toE or
E>ailed toE to the simple Edid notC (the t@o latter ones are <ery common)M
EmaBe enIuiriesE >or EenIuireEM Ebuildin= purposeE >or Ebuildin=sE. -here
EomitE by itsel> is proper and su>>icient, the lo<e o> such redundant phrases
is displayed as Ehas been omitted to be entered in the re=isterE &nstead o>
Ehas been omitted >rom the re=isterE. Another @idespread error is the use o>
E>or bein=E instead o> Eto beC and C>or doin=E instead o> Eto doE and Ereturned
>or bein= stampedE instead o> C to be stampedE. &> the Secretary orders that
an assistant should be punished E>or bein= corruptE it does not mean E in
order to maBe him corruptC.
(3) Forei=n or classical @ords and eDpression should be a<oided as >ar as
possibleM <ernacular @ords should only be used @hen their meanin= cannot
be eDpressed eIually @ell in En=lish.
(:) Short sentences should be pre>erred to lon= ones ESecretaryCs attention is
in<ited to .$/////.e is reIuested........E is better than E%he SecretaryCs
attention is in<ited to .$. and he is reIuestedE. Ein case in @hichE is a
clam phrase >or @hich E@henE, E@hereE or Ei>E can be substituted. %he @ord
EnecessaryE is usably super>luous in such phrases as Ethe necessary
entriedE,Ethe necessary correctionsE, Ethe necessary instructionsE, etc.
(6) %he phrase Edo the need>ulE should ne<er be used. Either say de>initely @hat
is to be done or say, Edo @hat is necessaryE. %he @ord Ea<ailE is <ery
a@B@ard one, as &t is re>leDi<e and also taBes Eo>C a>ter it. &t is better
a<oided. $oreo<er, i> you do use it, you must not say Ethe lea<e @as a<ailed
o>E or E& a<ailed o> the lea<eE, still less Ehe is permitted to a<ail the
holidaysE. ?ou must say, E& a<ailed mysel> o> the lea<eE and so on. +ut @hy
not simply say EtooB the lea<eEK EA<ailable also is a bad @ord. A re=ister
Enot readily a<ailableE may mean anythin=, >or eDample, that it @as needed
>or re>erence by one o> the members or had been sent some/@here out o> the
o>>ice, or @as locBed up and the Bey @as else@here. &t is <ery annoyin= to
ha<e oneCs @orB increased by ha<in= to send a note bacB to asB @hat it
(01) Split in>initi<es should be a<oided. -rite EBindly to stateE and not E to
Bindly stateC. A <ery common and eIually obAectionable >eature o> o>>icial
communications is a similar splittin= o> other <erbal phrases. For instance,
Ethe Deputy Commissioner @ill, in the circumstances no@ stated, be
reIuestedE is not =ood En=lish. &t is Iuite as easy to say, Ein the
circumstances no@ stated, the Deputy Commissioner @ill be reIuested to...E
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 44
Noting and Drafting
(00) Do not @rite Emar=inally notedC @hich could only mean, Eha<in= mar=inal
notesE. -rite Enoted in mar=inE. Similarly E)lan marBedC could only mean
EmarBed @ith, plansE (Compare EpocB/marBedE) and Eplaint mentionedE
neither does nor possibly could mean anythin=.
(04) &nstead o> such a phase as Ethe >i=ures >or 0696, 0651 and 0650 @ere 452,
453 and ;9: respecti<elyE @hich is con>usin=, @rite Ethe >i=ure >or 0696
@as 452 that >or 0651 @as 453 and that >or 0650 @as ;9:E. %his is a little, i>
at all, lon=er and is per>ectly clear. EFormerC and Elatter should also be
a<oided as they are constant source o> con>usion.
(0;) Do not ride any phrase to death. Some persons be=in e<ery letter @ith the
phrase C@ith re>erence toC.&t is better to <ary the phrase so as to maBe it more
de>inite. Say in reply toE. EAs directed inE and so onM or be=in in narrati<e
>orm E&n their order... Go<ernment directed...E A<oid the phrase E@ith
ad<ertent toE.
(09) &n ordinary En=lish Ein caseE does not mean the same as Ei>E 0 shall taBe my
umbrella in case it rainsE meansE so as to be prepared >or rainE. #or doesE as
@ell asC mean the same asE and. 0t is much more emphatic. &t @ould be
absurd to say, Ea man @as 5 >eet : inches hi=h as @ell as 40 years o> a=e.E
+ut you mi=ht @ell say thatE he @as a =ood painter as @ell as a remarBable
(05) %he >ondness >or @ritin= Eas @ell asE >or EandE and Ein case >or Ei>C
presumably arises >rom the >ondness o> the users >or a lon=er eDpression.E&n
case i>C is a sta=e >urther on the do@n@ard path. E& am unable toE >or E&
cannotE and Ehand o<erE >or E=i<eE are other common eDamples o> the
pre>erence >or the lon=er phrase. E+y the timeE is sometime @ron=ly used
>or EthenE. E+y that timeE means EthenE. E+y the time thatE means E@henE.
Al@ays be as de>inite as possible.
(02) CAs suchC is o>ten misused. &t is correct to say E$r. A @as then the
Superintendent and as such @as bound to report... but E$r. A @as not then
the Superintendent as such he is not to be blamedE is meanin=less.E-hile
such bein= the caseE is a >amiliar embellishment o> criminal complaints etc.
E@hileE is here redundant.
(03) %enses and moods are misused in almost e<ery note or dra>t %he misuse o>
EhadC is one o> the commonest errors. %he pluper>ect EhadC is ri=htly used to
emphasiHe the priority o> one e<ent in the past to another. &t is correct to
sayE & had =one to bed @hen the house cau=ht >ireE but senseless to sayE &
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 4;
Noting and Drafting
had =one to bed at 01 oCclocB last ni=htE (El @entE is correct)/unless the
meanin= is that you had =one to bed be>ore 01 oCclocB. %he present tense is
@ron=ly used >or the incomplete per>ect, as in E& am record/Beeper >rom
0612E. E0 ha<e been record/Beeper since 0612E is coned. EGo<ernment press
>or a replyE should be E=o<ernment is pressin= >or a replyE. E%he >ollo@in=
men no@ actE is @ron=. &t should be Eare no@ acin=E. EActE means Eusably
actC or Ehabitually actEM Eare actin=C emphasiHes the >act that they are doin=/
so no@.
(0:) E$ust ha<eC is sometimes misused >or Eshould ha<eE or Eou=ht to ha<eE.E
$ust ha<e done it,E means that he certainly has done it. &t is not to be used
to mean that he has not done it but should ha<e. E%illC is commonly misused
in a @ay that it positi<ely misleadin=.E#o reply @as recei<ed till January
0stE implies that a reply @as recei<ed on January 0stM but it is erroneously
used to mean that e<en on January 0st no reply had been recei<ed. %o
con<ey this latter meanin= Eup toE @ith the pluper>ect is the correct En=lish/
Eup to January 0E, & had recei<ed no replyE.
(06) Distin=uish Eall the stamps ha<e not been punchedE, @hich is ambi=uous
>rom E#ot all the stamps ha<e been punchedE, or Ethe stamps ha<e not all
been punchedE, J@hich mean that some ha<e been punched and some not.
%hese phrases are commonly con>used. E.e has yet to collect "s. 0,111E, is
not ordinarily $odem En=lish. EStill hasC is correct.E?etE may be sued @ith
a ne=ati<e, e.=. Ehas not yet appliedC and is only used @ith a positi<e <erb in
special phrases such as E& ha<e yet to learnE.
(41) ESoE is not eIui<alent to J<eryE. &t is sometimes @ritten Ethe peon is so
impertinentE, E& @arned him so many timesE meanin= E<ery impertinentE,
E<ery o>tenE. #ot so badE means Erather =oodC but this is a colloIuial phrase.
Similarly, EtooE has =enerally a relati<e sense, that is, it implies eDcess
relati<ely to a certain standard or obAect not absolute intensity to speaB
(eDcept in a >e@ colloIuial phrases, such as Cit is too badE), but it is
commonly @ritten, Eit is too hotE meanin= Eit is <ery hotE.
(40) %he <ery Eto hopeE implies pleasurable anticipation. &t is used sometimes
instead o> a neutral @ord such as EthinBE, and thereby producin= comically
in appropriate phrases, such as, E& hope your honor is illE. missions on
articles (a, an ( the) is a common >aun. &t is permissible in a tele=ram >or
reasons o> economy not else@here. +ut articles must be used correctly.
%he statement Eappellant is the inhabitant o> Jaipur implies that there is only
one inhabitant.EAn inhabitant o> JaipurE &s correct. E%his is serious
omissionE should be E%his is a serious omission.E
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 49
Noting and Drafting
(44) EAs toE is common redundant >rom, e.=. E%he Deputy Commissioner is
directed to report as to @hetherEM E@hetherE alone is su>>icient so also Eas
a=ainstE or Eas compared @ithE are commonly used in comparin= >i=ures,
@here Ea=ainstE or Ecompared @ithE are su>>icient and correct. &t is correct
to say Eas compared @ith last har<est, the yield @as poorE, but not Eyield
@as 9 rupees as compared @ith : rupees last yearE. EAsE means nothin= in
the latter phrase.
(4;) )seudo/accuracy accounts >or much unnecessary <erbia=e. E&> anyE is a
common eDample o> this >ault. &t is Iuite unnecessary to say, Ethe Deputy
Commissioner is reIuested to report the number o> cases i> anyE. &> there are
none, the Deputy Commissioner @ill say so. &n the same @ay it is
unnecessary to say E%he Deputy Commissioner &s reIuested to report
@hether it is ad<isable or not to...E %he use o> the @ord EasBE instead o>
EorderC or EdirectC produces a curiously important e>>ect @hen a lo@er
subordinate is re>erred to.E%he S.D. maybe /asBed to reportE sounds silly.
(49) n the other hand, the use o> such phrases as Eat allE, Ccare toC, Ein spite o>E
sometimes sounds needlessly discourteous as @ell as unidiomatic. E&n spite
o> three reminders the Deputy Commissioner has not at all cared to replyE is
rude as @ell as '#/En=lish. E&tE @ill be enou=h i> the Deputy
Commissioner...E is not En=lish. %he more appropriate phrase is Ethe
Deputy Commissioner need onlyE. A<oid pretentious @ords such as
EpenultimateE. E*ast but oneE is Iuite =ood enou=h.
(45) E& am directed to reIuest that you @ill be as =ood as to >urnish me @ith
in>ormation as to @hetherE is the sort o> stu>> that @e come across
>reIuently. E& am directed to enIuire @hetherE means eDactly the same and
is not unduly curt. #e<er use se<eral @ords @here one @ill do. Do not @rite
EmaBe an applicationE but EapplyE orE a le<el o> the <alue o> >i>ty paise
onlyE instead o>E a >i>ty paise stampE. Addition o> the @ord EonlyE a>ter any
sum o> money is in place in a bill or cheIue not else@here.
(42) E&n this connectionE at the be=innin= o> a sentence is a >a<ourite bit o>
hacBneyed paddin=. &t means Cnothin= at all. E&n returnin= here@ithE a
>a<ourite but inappropriate type o> openin= phrases. &t is o>ten a==ra<ated
by maBin= the subAect o> the main sentence di>>erent >rom the implied
subAect o> Ereturnin=E or by chan=in= to the passi<e construction. ?ou can
say, Ein returnin= ...& am directed to point outE. ?ou must not say, E&n
returnin= here@ith the statement recei<ed @ith his letter.... %he Deputy
Commissioner. &s &n>ormedE. +ut this is Iuite common. n the other hand,
such phrases as E%urnin= to para=raph Eit may be obser<edE and so on
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 45
Noting and Drafting
(E"e=ardin=, EConcernin=E, EConsiderin=E, etc.), are unobAectionable
thou=h E%urnin= to para=raph 0E is no doubt more strictly, correct.
(43) A needless anDiety to a<oid repetition =i<es rise to <arious >aults.
Sometimes, instead o> repeatin= a manCs name, an assistant @ill sayE the
indi<idualC @hich is not =ood En=lish. %he use o> E>ormer and latterE,
Erespecti<elyE and Cthe sameC ha<e been mentioned already and also come
under this head.
(4:) %he @ordsE compriseC EcomposeE and EconsistsE are con>used @ith each
other. &t is @ritten Ethe land comprises o> ; plotsE or Eis comprised o>. %he
correct >orms are Ethe land comprisesLconsists o>Lis composed o> three
plotsE. &t is also @ritten, Ethe old buildin= @as substituted by a ne@ one.
?ou can sayE a ne@ buildin= @as substituted >or the old one EorE Ethe old
buildin= @as replaced by a ne@ oneE. Dispose it o>>C is a common error >or
Edispose o> it also Etear o>tE >or Etear upE and EsticB upE >or EsticB inE. (?ou
can sticB a thin= EupE on a @all o> course but not EupE in a booB ESticB up
toE is used >or EsticB toE itsel> a slan= phrase. E.e stucB up to the
a=reementE is @ron=. &t is also @ritten Cslips ha<e been pastedE and the
Epapers ha<e en stitchedC @hereas Epasted inE and Estitched (or pre>erable
CSe@nC) to=etherE are correct.
(46) EA=reeC and EtallyE cannot be used acti<ely. Fi=ures may a=ree or tally. ?ou
cannot Ea=reeE >i=ures or EtallyE them.Generally use unpretentious @ords
rather than pompousness. E& @ent to campE notE & precededE. E*i<eE or
Ed@ell not EresideE. &nstead o> Eis much more usual in ordinary En=lish than
Ein lieu o>E, @hich is phrase used mainly in le=al documents.EStampE is the
ordinary En=lish not ElabelEM and EEn<elopes or CletterC not Eco<erE.
(;1) ?ou cannot say Ehe toldLeDpressed that he @as un@illin=E. &t must be Ehe
told me that he @as un@illin=CM Ehe eDpressed his un@illin=nessE, Ehe
eDpressed himsel> stron=lyE.EEnou=h o> moneyE is not =ood En=lish. SayE
enou=h moneyE Eo>E >ollo@s Eenou=hE @hen >or any reason it is necessary
to useE enou=hC as a substanti<e, e.=. & ha<e had enou=h o> thisC E& donCt
Bno@ enou=h o> the lan=ua=e, to...EbutE E& Bno@ enou=h En=lish to...E
E#oneE >or Eno oneE is obsolete or poetical.
(;0) Do not Iuali>y eDpressions, needlessly. %o do so produces >labby style.
-ords liBe Eit seemsE and Eit appearsE are used @hen there is really no
doubt. E.e @as absent in his houseE meanin= the he @as else@here than in
his house is a contradiction in terms. EAbsent >romE is correct, but the
ordinary En=lish @ould be Ehe @as not at homeE, or simply Ehe @as a@ayE
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 42
Noting and Drafting
or E@as outE. EAlsoE is misused @ith ne=ati<es. E.e did not address the
letter Assistant Director did not also stamp i> should be Eor did he stamp itE.
(;4) E.e puts himsel> up at...E or Ehe is put up atE, are @ron=. %he correct
En=lish (and it is colloIuial) is E.e is puttin= up atC, E@ooden pieceE >or
Epiece o> @oodE is a common error.
(;;) E0 enIuired into the @itnessE is another >reIuent mistaBe. ?ou EeDamineE a
@itness and EenIuire intoC a case. +ut one does not Ein<esti=ate into a caseC,
one Ein<esti=ates itC. $ale member should not be used to mean EmaleE or
EmanE. ?ou can say Emy >amily membersE but Emembers o> my >amilyE.
E%hrou=hE meanin= EpastC and EcrossC meanin=E @ent pastC are >reIuently
used e.=. E& @ent thou=h the templeE, or E& crossed the templeE. ?ou EcrossE
a ri<er or a road @hen you =o >rom one side o> it to the other.
(;9) Do not use such phrases as Ehas breathed his lastC, or Eis no moreE, >or Eis
deadE. E&t is hi=h time to do so and soE is an &diomatic En=lish phrase. EAs it
@as hi=h time, the court adAourned the case till neDt dayE is not En=lish.
(;5) E&n <ie@ to doE so and so is @ron=. ?ou can say E@ith a <ie@ to reducin=E
meanin= Ein order to reduceE, and you can also say Ein <ie@ o> these
circumstancesE meanin= Eha<in= re=ard to them.E&n <ie@ toE is impossible.
(;2) E?ou should insist on the under secretary to replyC is @ron=. &t should be
Eshould insists on his replyin=C.EAddressC is used sometimes as thou=h it
meant, EasBE. EGo<ernment @ill be addressed to reconsider their orderE is,
strictly speaBin=, meanin=less.
(;3) EGo<ernment sanctioned a peon to the Deputy SecretaryE should be E>or the
Deputy SecretaryE. E)etitioner @ants that the land should be trans>erredE is
@ron=. &t should be E@ants the land trans>erredLto be trans>erredE.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 43
Noting and Drafting
%he specimens o> di>>erent >orms o> communication =enerally used by
<arious >unctionaries o> the Go<ernment o> &ndia, are a<ailable at AppendiD 6 o>
the $anual o> >>ice )rocedure (%@el>th Edition, $ay 411;) and ha<e been
reproduced at AnneDure / &. A particular >orm o> communication is adopted >or a
speci>ic purpose @ith a speci>ic tar=et =roup to be addressed. &t is, there>ore
ob<ious that each should ha<e some distincti<e >eatures. %he di>>erent >orms o>
@ritten communication and their methods o> deli<ery =enerally used by a
department are described belo@. Each >orm has a use and, in some cases,
phraseolo=y o> its o@n. nly blacB or blue inB @ill be used in communications. A
small mar=in o> about one inch @ill be le>t on all sides (le>t, ri=ht, top and bottom)
o> each pa=e o> communications to ensure better preser<ations o> records as at
times the paper =ets tom >rom the ed=es, maBin= readin= o> the documents
0. *E%%E"
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 4:
Noting and Drafting
%his >orm is used >or correspondin= @ith Forei=n Go<ernments, State
Go<ernments, the 'nion )ublic Ser<ice Commission and other constitutional
bodies, heads o> attached and sub/ordinate o>>ices, public enterprises, statutory
authorities, public bodies and members o> public =enerally. A letter be=ins @ith
the salutation SirL$adam as may be appropriate.
4. DE$&/FF&C&A* *E%%E"
(a) %his >orm is =enerally used in correspondence bet@een Go<ernment
>>icers >or an inter/chan=e or communication o> opinion or in>ormation
@ithout the >ormality o> prescribed procedures. &t may also be used @hen it
is desired that the matter should recei<e personal attention o> the indi<idual
addressed. Since demi o>>icial letter is @ritten in the >irst person in a
personal and >riendly tone, it should be addressed by an o>>icer in a
$inistryLDepartment @ho is ordinarily not more than one or t@o le<els
belo@ the / o>>icer to @hom such communication is addressed.
#ote8 For the purpose o> determination o> le<el, SecretaryLAdditional
Secretary and DirectorLDeputy Secretary @ill be considered as one le<el.
(b) Communications to non/o>>icials can also taBe the >orm o> a demi/
o>>icial letter.
;. FF&CE $E$"A#D'$
%his >orm is =enerally used >or correspondin= @ith other departments or &n
callin= >or (>ormation >rom or con<eyin= in>ormation to its employees. &t may also
be used in correspondin= @ith Attached ( Sub/ordinate >>ices. &t is @ritten in
third person and bears no salutation or supersession eDcept the name, and
desi=nation o> the o>>icer si=nin= it.
9. &#%E"/DE)A"%$E#%A* #%E
(a) %his >orm is =enerally employed >or obtainin= the ad<ice, <ie@s,
concurrence or comments o> other Departments on a proposal or in
seeBin= clari>ication o> the eDistin= rules, instructions, etc. &t may also
be used by a department @hen consultin= its Attached ( Sub/ordinate
>>ices and <ice/<ersa.
(b) %he inter/departmental note may either be recorded on a >ile or
re>erred to another department or may taBe the >orm o> an
independent sel>/contained note. %he subAect need not be mentioned
@hen recorded on the >ile.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 46
Noting and Drafting
5. %E*EG"A$
%his >orm is used >or communicatin= @ith outstation parties. &n matters
demandin= prompt attention. %he teDt o> the tele=ram should be as brie> as
(a) %ele=rams are o> t@o BindsC <iH., enclair tele=rams and cypher code
tele=rams. %he >ormer are @orded in plain lan=ua=e. %he latter are
eDpressed in secret lan=ua=e (code or cypher or both) but a
combination in the same tele=ram o> >i=ures and letters ha<in= secret
meanin= is not permitted. &n editin=, numberin= and issuin= o>
cypherLcode tele=rams, the instructions issued by the $inistry o>
EDternal A>>airs in respell o> eDternal and by the $inistry o> .ome
A>>airs in respect o> &nternal tele=rams should be care>ully obser<ed_
(b) %ele=rams, other than cypher and code tele=rams should normally be
>ollo@ed by post copies.
2. FF&CE "DE"
%his >orm is normally used >or issuin= instructions meant >or internal
administration, e.=. =rant o> re=ular lea<e, distribution o> @orB amon= o>>icers and
sections, appointments and trans>ers, etc.
3. "DE"
%his >orm is =enerally used >or issuin= certain types o> >inancial sanctions
and >or communicatin= =o<ernment orders in disciplinary cases, etc., to the
o>>icials concerned.
:. #%&F&CA%&#
%his >orm is mostly used in noti>yin= the promul=ation o> statutory rules
and orders, appointments and promotions o> GaHetted >>icers, etc. throu=h
publications in the GaHette o> &ndia. %he composition o> the =aHatte, the types o>
matters to be published in each part and section thereo>, the instructions >or
sendin= the matter >or publication therein and >or sendin= copies thereo> are
indicated in AppendiD 00.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;1
Noting and Drafting
6. "ES*'%&#
%his >orm o> communication is used >or maBin= public announcement o>
decisions o> Go<ernment in important matters o> policy, e.=., the policy o>
industrial licensin=, appointment o> committees or commissions o> enIuiry.
"esolutions are also published in the GaHette o> &ndia.
01. )"ESS C$$'#&G'E & #%E
%his >orm is used @hen it is proposed to =i<e @ide publicity to a decision o>
Go<ernment. A )ress communiIue is more >ormal in character than a press note
and is eDpected to be reproduced intact by the press. A press note, on the other
hand, is intended to ser<e as a hand/out to the press @hich may edit, compress or
enlar=e it, as deemed >it.
00. E#D"SE$E#%
%his >orm is used @hen a paper has to be returned in ori=inal to the sender,
or the paper in ori=inal or its copy is sent to another department or o>>ice, >or
in>ormation or action. &t is also used @hen a copy, o> a communication is proposed
to be >or@arded to parties other than the one to @hich it is addressed. #ormally,
this >orm @ill not be used in communicatin= copies to State Go<ernments. %he
appropriate >orm >or such communication should be letter.
04. C&"C'*A"
%his >orm (same as in case o> >>ice $emorandum) is used @hen important
and ur=ent eDternal communications recei<ed or important and ur=ent decisions
taBen internally ha<e to be circulated @ithin a department >or in>ormation and
compliance by a lar=e number o> employees.
0;. AD!E"%&SE$E#%
%his >orm (same as in case o> *etter @ith a teDt attachment) is used >or
communicatin= @ith, the =eneral public to create a@areness and may taBe the >orm
o> audio/<isual or @ritten communication.
09. FA7 >acility
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;0
Noting and Drafting
&n ur=ent and important matters (includin= le=al and >inancial messa=es), N8
departments may use >aD >acilities to send messa=es, @here<er a<ailable. >>ices
not connected throu=h >aD but ha<in= teleD >acilities, may send ur=ent and
important messa=es C throu=h teleD instead o> a tele=ram in communicatin= @ith
out/station o>>ices.
05. "EG&S%E"ED )S%L"EG&S%E"ED AD
%his method o> deli<ery is used in communicatin= @ith o>>ices to ensure
receipt o> communication and in the case o> "e=istered AD an acBno@led=ement
o> the deli<ery is recei<ed by the issuin= o>>ice.
02. S)EED )S%
%his method o> deli<ery is used to ensure IuicB receipt o> messa=es
@arrantin= ur=ent attention at the recei<in= end and an acBno@led=ement o> the
deli<ery is also recei<ed by the issuin= o>>ice.
03. E/$A&*
%his is a papery >orm o> communication to be used by department ha<in=
computer >acilities supported by &nternet or &ntranet connecti<ity and can be
@idely used >or subAects @here le=al or >inancial implications are not in<ol<ed.
Specimens o> all >orms o> communication are =i<en in AnneDure / &
%here is no separate >ormat >or E%eleDE =i<en in the $anual. %he >orm o>
teleD messa=e @ill be similar to that o> tele=ram.
FaD (Fascimile eDchan=e) is not a E>ormE o> communication, but is a
EmediumE o> communication. Any >orm o> communication such as letter,
D.., or e<en photo=raphs, eDtracts o> GaHette, etc. may be sent throu=h >aD.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;4
Noting and Drafting
8)9 &etter
Go<ernment o> &ndia
(+harat SarBar)
Department o>..........
(.......... !ibha=)
#e@ Delhi, dated the
%he Director General,
Central )-, #irman bha<an,
#e@ Delhi
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;;
Noting and Drafting
-ith re>erence to your letter #o ................ dated....... on the subAect cited
abo<e.........., & am to in>orm you that........................
?ours >aith>ully,
'nder Secretary to the Go<t.o> &ndia
Copy >or@arded >or in>ormation Laction to8
'nder Secretary to the Go<t.o> &ndia
Deputy Secretary Go<ernment o> &ndia
%ele.#o. (+harat SarBar)
Department o>.....
(............ .. !ibha=)
#e@ Delhi, the........
D.. #o8 _____________________
$y dearLDear Shri.........
-e propose to dra@ up a model scheme >or.................. A copy o> the outline
prepared in this connection is enclosed.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;9
Noting and Drafting
& should be =rate>ul i> you @ould let me ha<e your comments as soon as
possible. & may add that @e intend circulatin= the dra>t scheme >ormally to all
departments in due course >or their comments.
-ith re=ards,
?ours sincerely,
(7, ?, O)
Shri A.+.C.
Deputy Secretary
Department o>............
(........ . !ibha=)
,rishi +ha<an
#e@ Delhi/001110
Go<ernment o> &ndia
(+harat SaBar)
Department o>.............
(............. !ibha=)
#e@ Delhi, the _____________________
SubAect8 ________________________________________
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;5
Noting and Drafting
%he undersi=ned is directed to re>er to the $inistry o> A=ricultureCs (>>ice
$emorandum #o dated on the subAect mentioned abo<e and to send the reIuisite
in>ormation as in the enclosures.
4. &n>ormation re=ardin=____________________________@ill be sent on
receipt >rom the >ield o>>ices.
Enc.8 ; statements
'nder Secretary to the Go<t.o> &ndia
%he Department o>..........
(................ !ibha=)
(Shri LSmt............ ..)
?oAana +ha<an,
)arliament Street,
#e@ Delhi
Go<ernment o> &ndia
(+harat SarBar)
Department o>..........
(............. !ibha=)
SubAect8 ___________________________________
%he present rules re=ulatin= the issue o> identity cards pro<ide interalia that
4. A Iuestion has no@ arisen @hether....................
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;2
Noting and Drafting
5. %his department @ill be =rate>ul >or the ad<ice o> the Department o> *e=al
A>>airs on the issue raised in pares 9 abo<e.
Deputy Secretary
%ele. #o.
Department o> *e=al A>>airs (!idhi ,arya !ibha=) (Shri...............)
Shastri +ha<an, #e@ Delhi
Department o>........ (!idhi ,arya !ibha=) &. D. #o........ Dated......
839 Enclair Telegra-
#o................ "E*E%&"?*E% J'*? %E#%. S%) E7)ED&%E +'DGE%
)")SA* S%) F&#A#CE )"ESS&#G .A"D S%)
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;3
Noting and Drafting
#% % +E %E*EG"A).ED
(A, +, C)
'nder Secretary to the Go<t.o> &ndia
Department o>.................
(... ........ !ibha=)
#e@ Delhi, the 4114
Copy by post in con>irmation
%he Director o> Census peration,
$aharashtra Sachi<alaya,
(A, +, C)
'nder Secretary to the Go<t.o> &ndia
8>9 E="RE## &ETTER
#o............ .
Go<ernment o> &ndia
(+harat SarBar)
Department o>..........
(...... ... !ibha=)
_________________________________________________#e@ Delhi, the
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;:
Noting and Drafting
SubAect8 ______________________________________________________
"EFE"E#CE %.&S DE)A"%$E#% #'$+E"........... DA%ED.......... AS
$A%%E" .AS % +E "EFE""ED % '.).S.C F" C#C'""E#CE
+EF"E %.E E#D F C'""E#% $#%., )*EASE E7)ED&%E "E)*?.
'nder Secretary to the =o<ernment o> &ndia
%elephone #o
(3) FF&CE "DE"
G!E"#$E#% F &#D&A
(+.A"A% SA",A")
DE)A"%$E#% F.........
(............... !&+.AG)
#e@ Delhi, the
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 ;6
Noting and Drafting
Shri 7?O, a permanent *o@er Di<ision ClerB in this Department is =ranted
earned lea<e >or ....... days >rom ....... to........ @ith permission to pre>iD ... ..... a
public holiday, to theJ lea<e.
&t is certi>ied that but >or his proceedin= on lea<e, Shri 7?O @ould ha<e
continued in the same post.
(A, +, C)
'nder Secretary %o the Go<t. o> &ndia
Copy to8
0. >>ice rder File
4. Cashier
;. Section concerned
9. Shri 7,?,O, *DC
(:) "DE"
Go<ernment o> &ndia
(+harat SarBar)
Department o>......
#e@ Delhi, the
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 91
Noting and Drafting
Sanction o> the )resident is accorded under rule 01 o> the Dele=ation o>
Financial )o@ers "ules, to the @rite o>> irreco<erable loss o> "s.5111L/("upees
Fi<e %housands only) bein= the <alue o> the >ollo@in= articles belon=in= to this
(0) 7777
(4) 7777
'nder Secretary to the Go<t.o> &ndia
%ele. #o.......
Copy >or@arded to8
0. %he A.G. C.., #e@ Delhi
4. &nternal Finance Section
;. Cash SeDton
F%o be published in the GaHettee o> &ndia, )art 0, Section 4QR
Go<ernment o> &ndia
(+harat SarBar)
Department o>......
(... ... .!ibha=)
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 90
Noting and Drafting
#e@ Delhi, the
#o....... Shri 7, ?, O, 'nder Secretary in the Department o> ................ is
appointed to o>>iciate as Deputy Secretary in that Department <ice Shri........
trans>erred to the Department o>...........
Joint Secretary to the Go<t. o> &ndia
%he $ana=er
Go<ernment o> &ndia )ress
(+harat SarBar press)
#o .................... #e@ Delhi, the
S Copy >or@arded >or in>ormation to8
'nder Secretary to the Go<ernment o> &ndia
SEndorsement should be typed on all copies eDcept one &ntended >or the )ress.
RSee AnneDure / &&.
(01) "ES*'%&#
F%o be published in the GaHette o> &ndia, )art 0, Section &QR
Go<ernment o> &ndia
(+harat SarBar)
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 94
Noting and Drafting
Department o>.......
(........ !ibha=)
#e@ Delhi, the
%he Go<ernment o> &ndia has had under consideration the Iuestion o> >urther
impro<in= e>>iciency b> the departments and ser<ices concerned @ith the
collection o> re<enue. As a >irst step in that direction the )resident has been
pleased, under the po@ers <ested in him by pro<isio to Article ;16 o> the
Constitution o> &ndia, to decide that a Class & Central Ser<ice to be Bno@n as C&ndia
"e<enue Ser<iceC should be constituted @ith e>>ect >rom..................
Secretary to the Go<ernment o> &ndia
"DE"ED that a copy o> the resolution be communicated to.............. .
"DE"ED also that the resolution be published in the GaHette o> &ndia >or
=eneral in>ormation.
(A, +,C,)
Secretary to the Go<ernment o> &ndia
%he $ana=er,
Go<ernment o> &ndia )ress,
(+harat SarBar)
RSee AnneDure / &&
(00) )"ESS C$$'#&G'EL#%E
#ot to be published or broadcast be>ore......... a.m.Lp.m.,
the... .............. 4114.
)"ESS C$$'#&G'EL#%E
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 9;
Noting and Drafting
&n response to public demand, the Go<ernment o> &ndia has appointed a
Commissionto =o into the problem o> ......................... and maBe suitable
recommendations to the Go<ernment.
4. %he Commission @ill consist o> Shri............ ... ....... as Chairman and the
>ollo@in= as members8
;. &n maBin= its recommendations, the Commission is eDpected to =i<e
consideration to the >ollo@in= matters8
9. %he Commission is eDpected to submit its report to the Go<ernment by...
Department o>......
(....... !ibha=)
#e@ Delhi, the
For@arded to the )rincipal &n>ormation >>icer, )ress &n>ormation +ureau,
Go<ernment o> &ndia, #e@ Delhi >or issuin= the communiIue and =i<in= it @ide
Joint Secretary to the Go<t. o> &ndia
(04) E#D"SE$E#%
Go<ernment o> &ndia
(+harat SarBar)
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 99
Noting and Drafting
Department o>.......
(........ !ibha=)
#e@ Delhi, the
A copy each o> the undermentioned papers is >or@arded to ..................... >or
in>ormation and necessary action.
'nder Secretary to the Go<ernment o> &ndia
%ele. #o... ...
*ist o> papers >or@arded8
A##E7'"E T &&
Composition o> the GaHette o> &ndia and &nstructions >or sendin= material >or
publication therein
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 95
Noting and Drafting
A))E#D&7 /00 F!ide pare 51 (00)Q o> $o)
A* Co-+osition
"art #ection T4+e of -atter to be +0blis,ed
(%o be published
>rom Faridabad)
0. #oti>ication relatin= to resolutions and non/statutory orders
issued by the ministries o> the Go<ernment o> &ndia (other
than the $inistry o> De>ence).
4. #oti>ications re=ardin= appointments, promotions, etc. o>
=o<ernment o>>icers issued by the ministries o> the
Go<ernment o> &ndia (other than the $inistry o> De>ence).
;. #oti>ications relatin= to resolutions and non/statutory orders
issued by the $inistry o> De>ence.
9. #oti>ications re=ardin= appointments, promotions, etc, o>
=o<ernment o>>icers issued by the $inistry o> De>ence.
(%o be published
>rom Delhi)
0. Acts, ordinances and re=ulations
0A. )ublication o> the authoritati<e teDts in .indi lan=ua=e o>
Acts, ordinances and re=ulations.
4. +ills and reports o> Select Committees on +ills.
;. Sub/section (0) General statutory rules (includin= orders,
byela@s etc., o> a =eneral character) issued by the $inistries
o> the Go<ernment o> &ndia (other than the
$inistry o> De>ence) and by central authorities (other than
the administrations o> 'nion %erritories)
Sub/section (ii) Statutory rders and noti>ications issued by
the $inistries o> the Go<ernment o> &ndia (other than the
$inistry o> De>ence) and by central authorities (other than the
administrations o> 'nion %erritories
;A. Authoritati<e teDts in .indi (other than such teDts published in
section ; or section 9) o> =eneral statutory rules and statutory
orders (includin= bye/la@s o> =eneral character) issued by the
$inistries o> the Go<ernment o> &ndia (includin= the $inistry
o> De>ence) and by central authorities other than
administrations o> 'nion %erritories)
9. Statutory rules and orders issued by the $inistry o> De>ence.
(%o be published
>rom Faridabad)
0. #oti>ications issued by the Supreme Court, Comptroller and
Auditor General, 'nion )ublic Ser<ice Commission, "ail@ay
Administration, .i=h Courts and the attached and subordinate
o>>ices o> the Go<ernment o> &ndia.
4. #oti>ications and notices issued by the )atent >>ice,
;. #oti>ications issued by or under the authority o> Chie>
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 92
Noting and Drafting
9. $iscellaneous noti>ications includin= noti>ications, orders,
ad<ertisements and notices issued by the statutory bodies.
( %o be published
>rom Faridabad)
Ad<ertisements and notices by pri<ate indi<iduals and pri<ate
! ( %o be published
Supplement sho@in= statistics o> births and deaths, etc.
both in En=lish and .indi.
#ote 0 / #oti>ications it to be published in sub/section (0) o> Section ; o> )art 00
are serial numbered by press as JG.S."......and those published in sub/section (ii)
as CS............... %he identi>ication numbers =i<en by the ministries @ill appear
@ithin bracBets at the end o> noti>icationE.
#ote 4 / -eeBly statements o> the "eser<e +anB o> &ndia published by the Central
Go<ernment under Section 5; (&) o> the "eser<e +anB o> &ndia Act, 06;9 is
published in sub/section (ii) o> Section ; o> )art &&.
#ote ; / )art && o> the GaHette &s published in octa<o >orm so that each section
mi=ht be bound at the end o> the year in a >orm con<enient >or re>erence.
B* Instr0ctions
0. %he part and the section o> the =aHette in @hich the matter is to be published
(<ide CAC. instructions abo<e) should in<ariably be indicated on the top o> the
copy. >or the =uidance o> the press. &n case o> doubt as to @hether a
noti>ication should be treated as a statutory rule or order and published in
sub/section (0) or sub/section (ii) o> section ;, as the case may be, o> )art &&,
the $inistry o> *a@ should be consulted.
4. %he ori=inal type/script copy, si=ned by a competent o>>icer, should alone
be sent to the press. Cyclostyled copy, carbon copy or a copy @hich does
not bear the o>>icerCs si=nature @ilt not be accepted Bey the press.
Corrections, i> any, in the copy sent to the press, should be le=ible and
attested by the o>>icer si=nin= it.
;. EDtraordinary &ssues o> the GaHette can be published @hene<er necessary.
#o matter should be reIuired to be published in a GaHette EDtraordinary
unless it is o> such ur=ent nature that it cannot @ait until the publication o>
the neDt ordinary issue o> the GaHette.
9. &n >iDin= the date @hich a GaHette EDtraordinary should bear, the time/
schedule prescribed by the Chie> Controller o> )rintin= and Stationery
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 93
Noting and Drafting
should be obser<ed. -here >or any special reasons this is not practicable,
the Go<ernment )ress should be consulted, be>ore >iDin= a date.
5. %he noti>ication to be published in a GaHette EDtraordinary or the
>or@ardin= letter should in<ariably be si=ned by an o>>icer not lo@er in ranB
than a Joint Secretary.
2. All noti>ications intended >or publication as CeDtraordinary issuesC
irrespecti<e o> the part, section, or sub/section, in @hich they are to appear,
should be sent to the Go<ernment o> &ndia )ress, #e@ Delhi. %he part
and the section o> the GaHette in @hich the noti>ication @ould normally ha<e
been published @ill be indicated by that press in the issue itsel>.
3. 05 copies o> e<ery noti>ication o> =eneral public importance @ill be sent by
the department issuin= it to the )arliament *ibrary at the same time @hen it
is sent >or publication in the GaHette o> &ndia. A copy o> the letter,
>or@ardin= the copies to the )arliament *ibrary, @ill be endorsed to the *oB
Sabha Secretariat and the "aAya Sabha Secretariat alon= @ith a copy o>
concerned #oti>ication to each o> them.
:. #ot less than ten copies o> e<ery statutory #oti>ication @ill be sent by the
department a &ssuin= it to the *e=islati<e Department o> the $inistry o>
*a@, Justice and Company A>>airs, on the date on @hich it is sent >or
publication in the GaHette o> &ndia.
6. Copy o> e<ery GaHette #oti>ication @ill be sent by the r=anisation &ssuin=
it to all the concerned $inistries t Departments at the same time @hen it is
sent >or publication in the GaHette o> &ndia.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 9:
Noting and Drafting
Part -II
-orB +ooB
#otin= ( Dra>tin=
G!E"#$E#% F &#D&A
&#S%&%'%E SEC"E%A"&A% %"A&#&#G ( $A#AGE$E#%
DE)A"%$E#% F )E"S##E* ( %"A&#&#G
AD$&#&S%"A%&!E +*C,, J#' CA$)'S (*D)
*F )A*$S $A"G, #E- DE*.&/001123
%E*. 42015564 %E*EFA78 420190:;
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 96
Noting and Drafting
C$$E#%S F FF&CE"S ')# %.E #%ES F S'+"D&#A%ES
A"E F%E# SEE# " .EA"D &# %.E FF&CE. %.&#, F" A -.&*E
A#D $A,E A *&S% F A** S'C. C$$E#%S.
$"E F%E# %.A# #% -E '"SE*!ES #%&CE FA'*%S
C"EE)&#G &#% %.E #%ES A#D ?E% -E D #% %A,E A#?
CG#&OA#CE " "EC%&F?. %"? A#D *&S% '% A** S'C. S#EA,&#G
+%. %.E *&S%S S.'*D "E)"ESE#% %.E S'+G"'). .E#CE,
)'% ?'" .EADS %GE%.E"M F"$'*A%E ?'" -# G"')
#"$S A#D )"E)A"E %.E *&S%S AS FAS% AS )SS&+*E,
E@cer+ts fro- t,e CAT <0dg-ent in t,e case regarding
#eniorit4 of #ection Officers for +ro-otion to t,e C## $rade )
E&n <ie@ o> the abo<e, all the ri=inal Applications are allo@ed and the
>>ice $emorandum dated 46.0.066; to=ether @ith the list anneDed thereto is
hereby Iuashed. %he Central Go<ernment @ill publish dra>t seniority list
Eprepared in the manner herein abo<e indicated @ithin >our months >rom today.
bAections a=ainst this list may be pre>erred @ithin one month o> the publication
o> the list. %he >inal seniority list @ill be prepared @ithin the neDt three months.
Durin= the inter<enin= period, ad hoc promotions to Grade & may be made on the
basis o> the list anneDed to the >>ice $emorandum dated 46.0.066;. &n the
appointment Lpromotion order, it @ill be speci>ically mentioned that the same is ad
hoc and is subAect to the publication o> the >inal list in pursuance o> the present
Aud=ment. Any person, @ho is >ound to ha<e been promoted contrary to this list
@hich @ill no@ be >inalised, shall be re<erted >orth@ith. %ill the list is >inalised, no
<ersions @ill be a>>ected. %he Go<ernment @ill embarB upon the eDercise o>
parin= Select *ist >or promotion to Grade & only a>ter >inalisin= the seniority list.
%he list appro<ed in )ardasaniCs case shall remain in tact. )romotions made >rom
that list shall not be disturbed despite alteration o> seniority position o> those
o>>icers in the list @hich @ill no@ be prepared. %here shall be no order as to costs.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 51
Noting and Drafting
0. -hat are the documents that you @ould reIuire to analyse the abo<e eDcerpt
@ith a <ie@ to @ritin= a comprehensi<e noteK
4. )rima >acie @hat do you thinB are the action points both lon= term and short
term contained in the operati<e portion o> the Aud=ment eDcerpted abo<e.
1* NOTIN$ A (%IA
0. Ans@er C%rueC or CFalseC (i> partly true, correct it)8/ ,
a. "emarBs, i> any, made by an o>>icer on the receipt are to be
reproduced on the note portion immediately a>ter docBetin=.
b. -hen the note ends at the bottom o> a pa=e, in<ariably a blanB note
sheet should be added be>ore submission o> the >ile.
c. -hen a note recorded in the >irst instance reIuires any modi>ication
(on account o> additional >acts or any error ha<in= come to notice),
the rele<ant portion o> the note should be pasted o<er and a >resh note
@ritten thereon.
d. -hen rules or other compilations are not put up (althou=h re>erred to
in the notes), the >act that they ha<e not been put up has to be
indicated in the mar=in o> the note.
e. %he >inal para=raph o> the note need not maBe recommendations >or
action, since o>>icers @ill do that.
4. Fill &n the blanBs8 /
a. ______________ means remarBs recorded on a case or paper under
consideration >or >acilitatin= its disposal.
b. -hen the )'C raises se<eral maAor points reIuirin= detailed
eDamination and separate orders on each, all such points are dealt
@ith throu=h ________________instead o> usual notin=.
c. A note o> temporary <alue recorded outside the >ile to >acilitate
consideration o> the case by hi=her o>>icers is called_____________
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 50
Noting and Drafting
d. -hen the line o> action is ob<ious or is based on a dear precedent or
practice or has been indicated by a hi=her o>>icer, a >air
communication should be put up @ithout any detailed_____________
e. &n cases o> repetiti<e nature____________ are used in order to
ensure that none o> the points o> scrutiny is o<erlooBed.
;. $atch the >ollo@in=8/
a. )lannin= ( )olicy Cases (i) Standard )rocess Sheets, can be
b. "outine and repetiti<e cases (ii) #o notin= is reIuired.
c. Action /in/Correspondence
(iii) Detailed notes are reIuired.
#ormally handled at the hi=her le<els
o> the or=anisation.
d. Ephemeral cases (i<) Detailed notes are reIuired in
respect o> each o> the Iuestions
e. )roblem Sol<in= cases (<) A short para or so @ill su>>ice.
9. &denti>y the nature o> the case and the type o> notin= that, @ill be/reIuired in
the >ollo@in= cases8/
a. %he orderly o>>icerLcaretaBer has o<erstayed his lea<e in his
hometo@n and has to be replaced, i> he, does not resume duty @ithin
a @eeB >rom today.
b. Some parts (costin= about "s. 0911L/) o> the electronic type@riters
ha<e been stolen >rom the o>>ice o> $inister last ni=ht. Decision on
remedial pre<enti<e action has to be sou=ht >or.
c. +ud=et section has sent a note enIuirin= about the amounts o> =rants
released >rom your Section durin= the last Iuarter o> the last >inancial
d. Decision is reIuired about maBin= members o> sta>> o> the "e=ional
Astrophysical *aboratory, Bhla @hich is a subordinate o>>ice under
the $inistry o> Science and %echnolo=y, eli=ible >or allotment o>
Go<t. accommodation >rom the General )ool.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 54
Noting and Drafting
e. An application >rom Smt. A+C, @ido@ o> late A+C, >reedom >i=hter
has been recei<ed reIuestin= >or trans>er o> the pension o> her
husband in her >a<our.
>. ( $ Section has asBed >or the details o> the @orB done in the area
o> recordin= and re<ie@L@eedin= o> >iles durin= the last year.
=. E.& Section has sent a circular to E.&& Section seeBin= their help in
locatin= a >ile misplaced by them.
h. $Lo En<ironment and Forests ha<e reIuested Department o> Culture
to nominate an o>>icer o> the ranB o> Deputy Secretary L Director >or
participation in the seminar on C?amuna +eauti>icationC
i. Shri 7?O has submitted an application >or =rant o> G)F ad<ance on
account o> marria=e o> his dau=hter.
A. $inistry o> .ome A>>airs has circulated the <acancy o> .indi >>icer
to be >illed on deputation basis >or a period o> three years.
$ore o>ten than not, dead@ood is noticed in our notes and dra>ts that @e put
up. #ote that it is not there in e<eryday En=lish /rather it is <ery much there nor is
it =rammatically @ron=. Consider the >ollo@in=/sentence8
E%he reason the attendance >i=ure today is so lo@ is due to the >act that the
D%C has >ollo@ed the policy o> Beepin= the buses o>> road to a<oid
con>rontation @ith the a=itatin= studentsE.
Can you spot the dead@oodK .ere it is8
%he reason (omit)
Fi=ure (omit)
Due to the >act that (because)
Follo@ed the policy o> Beepin= (Bept)
%he sentence should, there>ore, appear as8
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 5;
Noting and Drafting
E%he attendance, today, is lo@ because the D%C has Bept the buses o>> road
to a<oid con>rontation @ith the a=itatin= studentsE
Similarly, it is commonly seen that @e @rite, E>ind enclosed here@ithE,
@hereas either E>ind enclosedE or E>ind here@ithE should be su>>icient. .ence the
need to edit our @ritin=. ur purpose is not necessarily to achie<e bre<ityM it is to
help our readers by remo<in= dead@ood that they ha<e to hurdle o<er.
#E&F A##E##MENT (%E#TION 8#A(9 I
%he >ollo@in= eDpressions contain dead@oodLredundancies. "e@rite them
on your note booB not only to remo<e dead@oodLredundancies but to maBe these
eDpressions easy to read and understand8
0. &t is our opinion that
4. %rue >acts
;. -e held a meetin= >or the purpose o>
9. )rompt and Speedy
5. At this point in time
2. !itally essential
3. Durin= the course o> our con<ersation
:. Assemble to=ether
6. &n the e<ent that @e >ind oursel<es in disa=reement
01. Consensus o> opinion
00. %he trouble @ith the ne@ >orm is that it @as improperly desi=ned in the >irst
04. :.;1 a.m. in the mornin=
0;. -e limited our discussions to only the basic essentials.
09. &n this connection @e @ould liBe to point out that the discrepancy that eDists
in our plannin= is
05. "epeat a=ain
02. She is a person @ho does an eDcellent Aob as a pro=rammer 03. "e<ert bacB
0:. %he main consideration is a matter o> time
06. )lease plan in ad<ance to present your recommendations @hen the neDt
meetin= is held
41. -e seldom e<er ha<e occasion to asB anyone to @orB o<ertime a>ter o>>ice
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 59
Noting and Drafting
%he ri=ht @ords =o a lon= @ay to maBe our C#otesC and CDra>tsC easy to read
and understand. +ut @ords maBe up sentences and in >act, the sentences are the
basic thou=ht units o> @ritin=. %heir len=th and =eneral structure should, there>ore,
be =i<en maDimum attention.
$any o> us/ probably most/ tend to i=nore sentence len=th as a >actor in
readability. Study made in this area sho@s that readers ha<e di>>iculty @ith lon=
sentences used in the notes and correspondence portions in the secretariat >iles.
-hat is the best sentence len=thK / %here is no >ormula. +ut still the moment the
number o> @ords in a sentence is about to cross t@enty or so, @e must pause. %hen
@e should eDamine @hether @e can start a ne@ sentence to maBe the presentation
more e>>ecti<e.
%his need not lead you to in>er that all sentences should be short. %oo many
short sentences can also present di>>iculty in readin= and understandin= liBe too
many lon= ones. &n terms o> sentence len=th, the obAecti<e is to stri<e >or <ariety/
that is, a =ood miDture short and medium/len=th sentences. Consider the
E%he minimum essentials o> an Annual "eport o> a Department are an
or=anisational chart, annual action plan and per>ormance appraisal reports
and beyond these essentials the content o> the report becomes an interestin=
challen=e to the bureaucratic ima=ination. %he elements selected >or the
report, the order in @hich they appear and the @ay they are presented are
>inally appro<ed by the $inister, but most reports @ill contain these
elements8 co<er, title pa=e, table o> contents, maAor achie<ements and the
>inancial constraints.E
?ou can easily see that the t@o sentences abo<e contain >our distinct ideas.
*et us separate them8
E%he minimum essentials o> an Annual "eport o> a Department are an
or=anisation chart, annual action plan and per>ormance appraisal reports.
+eyond these essentials, the content o> the report becomes an interestin=
challen=e to the bureaucratic ima=ination. %he $inister >inally appro<es the
elements selected >or the report, the order in @hich they appear and the @ay
they are presented. .o@e<er, most reports @ill contain these elements8
co<er, title pa=e, and table o> contents, maAor achie<ements and the >inancial
constraints. E
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 55
Noting and Drafting
%o @rite e>>ecti<ely one has to <isualiHe himsel>L hersel> as taBin= readers
by the hand and leadin= them throu=h a territory they are not >amiliar @ith. A help
that must be pro<ided is the brid=e that connects one idea @ith another.
E&t @ould be a mistaBe, in our opinion, to i=nore complaints >rom the
consumer. -e should not push the Jpanic buttonC e<ery time @e recei<e an
irate letterE.
%here is no brid=e bet@een these t@o sentences and each con<eys an
entirely di>>erent thou=ht. %he reader, in the process, =ets con>used. *et us put a
brid=e bet@een them8
E&t @ould be a mistaBe, in our opinion, to i=nore complaints >rom, the
consumers. +ut, on the other hand, @e should not push the Cpanic buttonC e<ery
time @e recei<e an irate letter.E
Follo@in= are some o> the eDamples o> brid=es8
% S.- CA'SE ( EFFEC% ACC"D&#G*?, F" %.&S
"EAS#, AS A "ES'*%, .E#CE,
% S.- C#%"AS% +'%, C#!E"SE*?, E!E#
%.'G., .-E!E", # %.E
C#%"A"?, # %.E %.E"
% &#D&CA%E %&$E, )*ACE
", "DE"
A+!E A**, AF%E" A**,
AGA&#, , F&#A**?, &# %.E F&"S%
)*ACE, $EA#-.&*E, #E7%, %.E#
-e Bno@ that to maBe sense, e<ery sentence must ha<e a subAect and a
predicate. ?et many people i=nore this rule and produce no/sense sentences.
& E-ith re>erence to your letter #o. :L0L60/E.0 dated nil. &t is reIuested
that the ne@sletter may please be despatched early.E
&&. All the letters ha<e been despatched by re=istered post. -hich @ill
ensure their de>inite deli<eryK
%he >irst sentences in eDample/& and the second in eDample/&&, by
themsel<es, maBe no/sense. %hese are sentence >ra=ments and should, as >ar as
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 52
Noting and Drafting
practicable, be a<oided. &t is only in rare cases/ only to add emphasis / the short
tele=raphic sentences may be used.
E7?O @hose Iuotation is sli=htly hi=her than the lo@est, is one o> the best
stationery suppliers. )erhaps the best.E
#E&F A##E##MENT (%E#TION 8#A(9II
(0) Edit and breaB/do@n the >ollo@in= passa=es into mana=eable thou=ht
A. %here are t@o o<er@helmin= reasons >or retainin= records8 >or
re>erence on the part o> the Department and to ans@er reIuests >or
in>ormation >rom the members o> )arliament, >inancial institutions
and the members o> )ublic, but they also ser<e as a history o> the
Department and act as induction material >or ne@ly recruited o>>icers.
%here>ore, they should, be retained co<erin= all the di<isions o> the
+. An error in the in<entory @ill lead to other erroneous >i=ures &n the
balance sheet, such as total current assets, total assets, o@nerCs eIuity
and the total o> liabilities and o@nerCs eIuity, as @ell as a>>ect Bey
>i=ures in the income statement, such as the cost o> merchandise sold,
the =ross pro>it on sales and the net income >or the period.
8/9 %se bridges B,en necessar4 to tie t,ese sentences toget,er
A. Almost all Assistants @orBin= in Administration Sections, i> they can
eDpress @ell, can easily Iuali>y &n the SCs =rade eDamination. %his is
not true. %hey should ha<e eDcellent C"s and must prepare @ell.
+. %here is a need to eDercise economy on all >ronts. -e may cut do@n
eDpenditure on %A o> dri<ers and reduce consumption o> >uel by
re=ulatin= the use o> sta>>
819 #ee if 4o0 can identif4 and do so-et,ing Bit, t,e sentence frag-ents in
t,e folloBing.
A. %he duties o> a Section >>icer <ary considerable. Anythin= >rom
proper marBin= o> daB to scrutiniHin= the notes submitted by the
Assistants. .
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 53
Noting and Drafting
+. %he @orB in the section has been su>>erin= on many accounts. Such as
proceedin= on lon= lea<e by t@o Assistants and non/pro<ision o> a
substitute in place o> one @ho retired last month.
%he period o> t@o years o> deputation o> Shri A+C to the post o>
Administrati<e >>icer in an or=anisation @ill eDpire on ;0st December this
.is parent o>>ice has con<eyed its concurrence to his >urther continuance on
deputation >or a period upto ;0st December o> neDt year.
n consideration o> the demand o> the Employees 'nion, the or=anisation
has >ormulated a proposal to amend the recruitment rules o> the post o>
Administrati<e >>icer. Accordin= to the amendment the method o>
recruitment is proposed to be chan=ed >rom Eby deputationE to Eby
)romotion by seniority subAect to reAection o> unitE >rom the cadre o>
Superintendents. %hose @ith >i<e yearsC ser<ice in the =rade o>
Superintendent @ill alone be eli=ible >or promotion.
E<en i> the matter is processed on top priority the amendment to the
"ecruitment "ules is liBely to be noti>ied earliest by the middle o> neDt year.
%he senior most Superintendent @ill complete 5 years ser<ice in the =rade
sometime in June neDt year but a disciplinary case is pendin= a=ainst him.
.o@e<er, he @ill retire on superannuation @.e.>. the a>ternoon o> ;02C
December o> neDt year.
%he neDt t@o persons in seniority @ill complete 5 yearsC ser<ice as
Superintendent in Au=ust and September neDt year.
&t @ill not be in the public &nterest to Beep the post o> Administrati<e >>icer
Examine the situation and write a Note suggesting a suitable course of
action. While writing the note, please keep in mind the various components of
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 5:
Noting and Drafting
$inistry o> -A*
Department o> *$#
G. Section
#0b<ect. EDtension o> tenure o> Sh. ".,. Sin=h, D&G, C+&
I.No.!" #$eceipt%-P.&'()orr. *(*$
%he proposal >rom C+& re>lectin= once a=ain their true colour is to eDtend
tenure o> Sh. "am ,umar Sin=h, &)S ($aharashtra Cadre). Shri Sin=h @hose
phototraph @as published only last month in %imes o> &ndia in connection @ith
some problem @ith his lady pri<ate secretary is at present @orBin= as D&G in the
C+&. .e is on deputation to the C+& >rom 10.12.62, as such he completes the
deputation period o> three years on ;0.15.4110.
4. %he State Go<ernment o> $aharashtra in their communication <ides their
Director (Admn.) Sh. !.". )hattarBineCs letter to JS (!) at pa=e 09Lcorr. .a<e
sou=ht immediate repatriation o> the o>>icer in <ie@ o> the pre<ailin= la@ and
order situation. %hey ha<e pointed out that communications in this re=ard @as sent
t@ice earlier but no reply @as recei<ed and as plannin= o> o>>icerCs postin=s are
done in ad<ance, an early con>irmation @ould be help>ul. %he repatriation o> the
o>>icer is necessary in <ie@ o> the lar=e number o> <acancies eDistin= at this le<el
in the state police set up. .o@e<er, it @ould be most appropriate to point out at
this Auncture that o@in= to the deterioratin= la@ and order situation in the state
particularly in its $arath@ada and ,onBan re=ions there @as a tremendous uproar
in the State Assembly and as a conseIuence thereo> the Go<ernment o>
$aharashtra has constituted a one/man commission headed by Justice $.S.
%arBurrde, Chie> Justice, #a=pur .i=h Court to looB into and recommend steps >or
complete o<erhaulC o> the entire police set up in $aharasthra.
;. %he C+& has Austi>ied the eDtension o> tenure o> Sh. ".,. Sin=h. Shri Sin=h
is at present headin= the team in<esti=atin= the case o> bomb blast in ,alBa, @hich
is a <ery sensiti<e case and lot o> public opinion is bein= <oiced a=ainst the delay
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 56
Noting and Drafting
in concludin= the >indin=s. Any chan=e at this sta=e @ill lead to >urther delay in
the proceedin=s. *ast @eeB @hen Shri Sin=h <isited the $inistry to pursue his
eDtension case he @as mentionin= that his house construction at Gur=aon is
nearin= completion and >or that purpose he has to be in Delhi >or a minimum o>
months. .e reIuested, thou=h orally, that i> not anythin=, his eDtension should be
considered on compassionate =rounds.
9. -e are already eDaminin= t@o proposals >rom the C+& >or eDtension o> the
tenure o> other t@o D&Gs namely Shri SuBh "am and Shri +ansi "am in the
or=anisation. %he >ile is pendin= receipt o> some additional in>ormation, >rom the
C+& and @ould be submitted as soon the same is recei<ed. > late there has been
lot o> delay in =ettin= the reIuisite in>ormation >rom the C+&. n the one hand
CC+& is loadin= us @ith one proposal a>ter another >or eDtension o> o>>icers but on
the other hand they do not care to reply to our Iueries. -e may ha<e to taBe up the
matter @ith them so that such mundane matters do not a>>ect our e>>iciency.
5. *atest instructions >rom the )$ re=ardin= tenure appointments are placed
at FL+. Accordin= to the instructions, no o>>icer should normally be =i<en
eDtension o> tenure. Since the @ord used is EnormallyE perhaps it may be
concluded that in eDceptional circumstances eDtension can be =ranted.
2. &t is >or orders as to @hether /
(a) @e may consider eDtension o> tenure o> Sh. Sin=h to siD monthsM
(b) repatriate Sh. Sin=h to his home stateM
(c) seeB the orders o> )$ in the instant case.
('nder Secretary)
Director ()) / (n trainin=)
Joint Secretary (E)
Working in +our subgroup, please identif+ defects in this note and share +our
findings in the plenar+.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 21
Noting and Drafting
Mark t,e correct sentences* Make corrections in t,e incorrect sentences*
0. &n a >ile, only the notes portion and appendiD to notes are re>erenced.
4. #otesLcorrespondenceLappendiD to notes and appendiD to correspondence
@ill be consecuti<ely pa=e numbered in separate series in pencil.
;. +lanB inter<enin= pa=es should also be numbered.
9. Each receipt and each issue @ill be assi=ned a separate serial number.
5. %he serial number o> a receipt @ill be displayed prominently in =reen inB on
the le>t hand top corner o> its >irst pa=e.
2. )aper under consideration on a >ile @ill be >la==ed )'C and the latest
receipt noted upon, as F".
3. %here may be, in addition to )'C and F", other slips attached to papers in
the current >ile.
:. &n re>errin= to )'C or F", there is no need to indicate pa=e numbers in the
mar=in o> the note.
6. "ecorded >iles and other papers put up @ith the current >ile @ill be >la==ed
@ith alphabetical slips.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 20
Noting and Drafting
01. ne recorded >ile linBed >or submission may contain many alphabetical
00. %he number o> the linBed >ile re>erred to in the note @ill in<ariably be
mentioned in the body o> the note to >acilitate its identi>ication e<en a>ter it
is delinBed and the slips are remo<ed.
04. "ules and other compilations re>erred to in the case should be put up @ith
>iles, e<en i> copies are a<ailable @ith the o>>icers to @hom the case is bein=
0;. -hen a number o> papers put up in a case are reIuired to be >la==ed, the
slips @ill be spread o<er the entire @idth o> the >ile so that e<ery slip is
easily <isible.
09. *inBin= o> current >iles should not be resorted to.
05. -hen >iles are to be linBed, strin=s o> the >ile board o> the lo@er >ile @ill be
tied round the upper >ile.
02. A>ter completion o> action, the linBed >iles @ill be immediately de/linBed
a>ter taBin= eDtracts and placin= them on the rele<ant >iles, i> necessary.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 24
Noting and Drafting
03. %he t@o ur=ency =radin=s used >or cases are CimmediateC and Cmost
0:. -here *oB SabhaL"aAya Sabha labels are used, it @ill not be necessary to
use EimmediateE or EpriorityE labels, in addition.
06. nce an ur=ency =radin= is assi=ned to a case, it @ill not be re<ie@ed
41. )riority label @ill be used >or cases, @hich reIuire disposal in precedence to
others o> ordinary nature.
%&C, %.E $S% A))")"&A%E A#S-E"8/
0. %he subAect should be mentioned in the communication
a. in all circumstances
b. @here<er appropriate
c. only i> indicated and appro<ed in the note.
4. All dra>ts put in a >ile
a. may or may not bear a >ile number
b. need not bear a >ile number
c. should bear a >ile number
;. A dra>t should al@ays /re>er to8
a. the number and date o> the last communication
b. i> the present communication is not >rom the addressee then to his last
communication on the subAect
c. to all the communications i> there are more than one
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 2;
Noting and Drafting
9. -hen t@o or more communications are to issue >rom the same >ile to the
same addressee on the same date
a. a separate serial number may be inserted be>ore the numeral
identi>yin= the year
b. letters may be put in separate >iles.
c. A decision may be taBen to send one o> the letters on a di>>erent date.
5. A dra>t should clearly speci>y the enclosures
a. @hich are not to accompany the >air copy M8
b. @hich are to accompany the >air copy
c. @hich are to accompany the >ile on @hich the dra>t is put up.
2. %he total number o> enclosures may be mentioned on the
a. bottom le>t/hand portion o> the pa=e
b. top ri=ht hand comer
c. bottom ri=ht hand portion o> the pa=e
3. &> copies o> enclosures re>erred to in the dra>t are a<ailable and need not be
a. the typist @ill be told so
b. the typist is eDpected to Bno@
c. an indication to that e>>ect @ill be =i<en in the dra>t
:. &nstructions re=ardin= the method o> despatch o> the communication
a. @ill be indicated in the dra>t by the Section >>icer
b. may or may not be =i<en
c. need to be =i<en only i> the communication to be despatched by post
is important
6. %he name, desi=nation and telephone number o> the o>>icer, o<er @hose
si=nature the communication is to issue
a. should in<ariably be indicated in the >ile
b. should in<ariably be indicated on the dra>t
c. can be decided a>ter the dra>t is appro<ed
01. %he o>>icer concerned @ill
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 29
Noting and Drafting
a. initial the dra>t in toBen o> his appro<al o> the dra>t
b. al@ays marB the dra>t as EimmediateE or EpriorityE
c. may or may not initial the dra>t as appro<al is a<ailable on >ile.
( Forms8 *E%%E", D.. *E%%E", "DE", FF&CE "DE", #%E,
&.D.#%E,%E*E7, FF&CE $E$"A#D'$, %E*EG"A$,
E7)"ESS *E%%E", E#D"SE$E#%, )"ESS #%E, )"ESS
C$$'#&G'E, #%&F&CA%&#, "ES*'%&#).
0. A decision o> the "aAya Sabha Secretariat to print departmentally 5111
copies (cost "s.05,111.11) o> a brochure on CA Comparati<e Appraisal o>
"ole o> 'pper .ouses in &ndia ( Abroad/ is to be con<eyed.
4. Shri 7, 'nder Secretary is to be relie<ed >rom the $inistry o> "ural Areas
and Employment, @.e.>. 10.14.66(F#) >or taBin= up the appointment as
*and De<elopment o>>icers in the Directorate o> *and De<elopment,
$inistry o> 'rban A>>airs ( Employment.
;. "eplyin= to an $)Cs D.. letter addressed to the $inister, seeBin=
in>ormation on appointment o> members o> >aculty in the #ational &nstitute
o> !isually .andicapped, Dehradun is to be put up.
9. Go<ernment has decided to appoint a commission to re<ie@ the direct taD
structure and recommend rationalisation thereo>. %he Commission @ill be
headed by Sh. A+C, a retired Go<ernor o> "eser<e +anB o> &ndia. %he terms
o> re>erence ha<e also been >inalised. An announcement is reIuired to be
made to implement the =o<ernment decision.
5. $Ls Cool Air ()) *td. &s to be intimated that their claim >or "s.01,111L/
to@ards re>und o> security deposit on account o> air coolers supplied last
year has been reAected due to unsatis>actory per>ormance o> the air coolers
durin= the =uarantee period.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 25
Noting and Drafting
0. An EDpress letter is actually in the >orm o> a letter and sent throu=h speed
4. %he >irst appointment o>>er is sent to a success>ul candidate >rom the open
marBet in the >orm o> an >>ice $emorandum.
;. )ermission to dispose o> a >lat may be =i<en to an o>>icer throu=h >>ice
9. %he >orm >>ice $emorandum can ne<er use the >irst person or the second
person, nor does it bear any salutation or subscription.
5. -hile returnin= an application in ori=inal to the o>>icial >or complyin= @ith
certain reIuirements, the >orm >>ice $emorandum may be used.
C* Fill in t,e blanks.
0. %he >orm///////////////////// uses >ormal lan=ua=e and is addressed normally
to the head o> the or=anisation.
4. %he >orm /////////////////////////////// uses the lan=ua=e in a personal and
>riendly tone but is addressed to an o>>icer o> eIual or upto t@o le<els hi=her
than the o>>icer @ho is @ritin=.
;. %he >orm//////////////////////////// is sent >rom one Section to another @ithin
the same $inistry >or collectin= in>ormation.
9. %he >orm ///////// ////////////////////// is used @hen cost o> tele=ram is not
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 22
Noting and Drafting
5. %he content o> a //////////////////////// can be enlar=ed or condensed o> edited
by the )ress.
D* Na-e t,e for- of co--0nication for.
0. -ai<in= "eco<ery o> *osses
4. Establishin= an Attached >>ice
;. SeeBin= concurrence o> the $inistry o> *a@
9. %rans>errin= a )arliament Guestion >rom one $inistry to another
5. &ntimatin= Election Commission the names, desi=nation etc. o> the pollin=
parties, reIuired by them
E* Na-e t,e for-8s9 of co--0nication in B,ic, Be can 0se t,e folloBing
0. ?ou are reIuested to nominate an o>>icer o> appropriate ranB to participate
in the Seminar o> A=ricultural )rices.
4. As in the absence o> your response @e cannot >inalise the scheme, & shall be
=rate>ul i> you @ould eDpedite reply.
;. Shri A.+.C., Section >>icer, is hereby/ in>ormed that this Department has
no obAection to his enrolment in the &G#' >or $+A course.
9. Department o> .ealth is reIuested to maBe a<ailable to this $inistry their
<ie@s on the issues raised in the precedin= para=raph.
5. "eIuest @ire number o> custodial deaths in Calcutta Central Jail last siD
2. "eturned in ori=inal @ith the remarBs that the applicant has not yet
completed the period o> coolin= >or one year since his return >rom his last
3. -ith the appro<al o> the competent authority, it has been decided that the
seatin= arran=ement o> steno=raphers o> this $inistry @ith immediate e>>ect
@ill be as >ollo@s8
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 23
Noting and Drafting
:. Sanction o> the )resident is hereby accorded under "ule 01 o> the DF)" to
@rite o>> the irreco<erable loss o> "s. ;,111L/ only bein= the booB <alue o>
the >ollo@in= articles o> this Department.
6. A copy each o> the papers mentioned hereunder is >or@arded to ////////// >or
in>ormation and necessary action.
01. As you may recall, durin= the meetin= in !i=yan +ha@an held in Au=ust
last @e had discussed the issue o> mobilisin= resources >or adult education
in the tribal areas o> $adhya )radesh,
)lease read the >ollo@in= note and attempt.
(i) a dra>t letter addressed to the 'ni<ersal $otion )ictures Add endorsements,
i> you consider necessaryM and
(ii) a dra>t &.D. #ote to $inistry o> EDternal A>>airs.
#I*No* />8R9 8+*>DHc9
%his is a letter dated 4:.10.4114 recei<ed >rom the 'ni<ersal $otion
)ictures *td., %oByo seeBin= the permission o> Go<ernment o> &ndia to shoot a
part o> their >ilm E%he %rainE in &ndia. %hey ha<e also enclosed a copy o> the script
o> the >ilm @hich they are producin= and this includes some seIuences @hich
in<ol<e &ndian locations. .ence, to present the story in an authentic manner, it is
necessary >or them to maBe use o> the &ndian locale. %heir reIuest does not in<ol<e
any eDpenditure on our part. %hey only seeB >acilities to complete their @orB in
4. &t is our policy to permit such >acilities on merit @hene<er >orei=n parties
come to &ndia. %he only thin= @hich @e ha<e to ensure is that8
i) they do not present &ndiaL&ndians in any obAectionable mannerM and
ii) they do not shoot anythin= else eDcept as laid do@n in the script
@hich has been appro<ed by us.
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 2:
Noting and Drafting
%o ensure (i) @e ha<e also to seeB the appro<al o> the $inistry o> EDternal A>>airs
so that the >ilm has no political o<ertones and >or the purpose o> (ii) it has been our
practice to attach a liaison o>>icer @ith the >orei=n teams so that he can see that
nothin= else than @hat has been appro<ed by us is shot by the party.
;. %he reIuest also in<ol<es permittin= the >orei=n party in Iuestion to brin=
certain technical eIuipment liBe ra@ >ilm, motion picture cameras, lens, etc.,
@hich they @ould reIuire >or their @orB in &ndia. %his material @ill o> course be
taBen bacB by them on return but to =et it cleared =o<ernment permission to the
Customs authorities is necessary. %he Department o> "e<enue on our
recommendation has to issue instructions to the Customs authorities to permit
temporary import o> the technical eIuipment reIuired in such cases.
9. & ha<e =one throu=h the script submitted by the party and there is nothin=
obAectionable re=ardin= the portion @hich they @ant to shoot in &ndia. .o@e<er,
be>ore @e communicate our J#o bAectionC to those as mentioned abo<e, @e ha<e
to consult the $inistry o> EDternal A>>airs. %hus, @e may in the >irst instance
>or@ard a copy o> the script to $inistry o> EDternal A>>airs >or their clearance. As
re=ards the technical eIuipment, @e may, on receipt o> clearance >rom $EA, @rite
to the Department o> "e<enue to issue instructions to the Customs authorities to
permit the party >or import o> the technical eIuipment as per the list =i<en by
2. DS (F) may Bindly see be>ore the action as su==ested in para 9 is taBen.
SdL/ ).C. Gupta
)lease issue.
SdL/ ().C. Gupta)

#I*No*/C8l9 8+*>?Hc9
#l*No* /D8R9 8+*CEHC9
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 26
Noting and Drafting
#ote dated 40.4.4114 abo<e may Bindly be seen to recall the case. -e ha<e
recei<ed clearance >rom the $inistry o> EDternal A>>airs and they ha<e no
obAection to our permittin= the >orei=n party to shoot the rele<ant portion in &ndia.
-e may no@ con<ey our permission to the 'ni<ersal $otion )ictures and @rite to
DL"e<enue >or customs clearance. JS (F) may Bindly see >or appro<al.
SdL/ ().). Goyal)
SdL/ 40.;.4114
)lease issue.
SdL/ ().). Goyal)
#I* No*/? 8I9 8+*C) C1Hc9
%@o telephone o> your o>>ice are not @orBin= properly >or the last t@o
months and complaints to. 06: and the local telephone eDchan=e ha<e not yielded
any result. )lease dra>t a d.o.letter >rom the Director (Administration) to
Sh. ,.). Dubey, Di<isional En=ineer (%elephones), $%#*, Jee<an +harti, #e@
Delhi / 001 110, reIuestin= him to issue instructions to the concerned o>>icers >or
remo<in= the >aults in the t@o telephone connections.
TA#6. Redraft t,e co--0nication given beloB re-oving all t,e defects
of for-G lang0age and st4le*
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 31
Noting and Drafting
Department o> Science and %echnolo=y
%echnolo=y +ha@an, #e@ Delhi
%he 04 $arch, 4114
&n connection o> this DepartmentCs >>ice rder #o.4;L5L4114/C$ dated
4;.4.4114, @here under personal computers @ere distributed to the senior o>>icers,
it has been decided that all )Ss L)AsL Steno=raphers @ill attend the trainin= course
on computers to be held >rom 45.;.4114 to 4.9.4114. %his decision has been taBen
at the instance o> the orders $S ( S(%) <ide his note to the Secretary dated
0.4.4114, that all Steno=raphers should be trained in @ord processin= so>t@are and
herea>ter they should do their all typin= @orB on computer only. #o sta>> @ill be
sanctioned any type o> lea<e durin= this period. All should be punctual and re=ular
in attendin= the classes and deri<e maDimum bene>it o> it.
?ours >aith>ully,
'#DE" SEC"E%A"? (AD$#)
0;. E7E"C&SE # D"AF%&#G / FF&CE "DE"
&t has been decided that Shri Dayal Sin=h, Assistant in the $inistry o>
A=riculture posted in )arliament DesB is to be promoted as Section >>icer on ad/
hoc basis in the scale o> pay o> "s.2511/01511 >or a period o> >our months @.e.>.
the date he taBes o<er the char=e o> the post o> Section >>icer in Administration/
&&& Section. %he ad/hoc promotion @ould not con>er upon him any ri=ht to
re=ularisation or seniority in the =rade o> Section >>icer.
Task. Draft an Office Order conve4ing t,e decision*
"%C ,,A%A 26.11 30

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