The Golden Age of Aquarius and Our Energy Vibrations

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The Golden Age Of Aquarius And Our Energy Vibrations

We are Energy, We are Harmony, We need to take our Energy and Harmony
A continued determination to have Love, Harmony, Peace, Happiness and
Joy in our lives, will bring just that in untold and miraculous ways!
We are Light, Love and Violet Energy where whatever we need comes to us
through our directions of mind and intentions!
FOCUS On the Positive - FOCUS On Peace - We Are the Strong Energy and
Vibrations - USE IT - For the Good of the World and People!
Awakening Your Divine Energy Creating the Right Energy Vibrations
If you want the universe to deliver abundance, wealth, happiness,
prosperity, and fulfillment, dont use your time and energies thinking
about things that you dont want because this will simply attract more
of the same into your life.
Think about what you want. Focus on what you truly want. Continue
thinking and focusing until you start believing and knowing that what
you want is already within your reach. Once you reach this level of
knowing, there are no ifs or buts. The universe will deliver what
you ardently desire.
Remember to pull yourself out from the vibrations of what you dont
want into the vibrations of what you want. Change your emotional states.
You are the master of your emotions and you can change them, anytime,
any place, its an inside job.
Below are lists describing feelings that create negative and positive
vibrations. You need to put a stop to the negative vibrations and build
more of the positive vibrations:
Clearing Your System for Spiritual Awakening Feelings That Create
Negative Vibrations:
Criticize/condemn/disapprove/disparage/ Judge
Feel angry/annoyed/irritated/furious/irate/frustrated
Feel anxious/apprehensive/fearful/nervous/worried/concerned
Feel Hurt/upset/offended/distressed
Feel jealous/envious/protective/covetous/resentful
Feel envy/greedy/spiteful
Feel resentful/bitter/indignant/aggrieved/offended
Feel hatred/loathing/revulsion/disgusted
Feel guilty/responsible/accountable/blameworthy/shamefaced/at
fault/in the wrong
Feel sad/depressed/gloomy/miserable/cheerless
Feel scarcity/lack/death/insufficiency/deprivation
Feel miserly/stingy/miserable/mean/close fisted
Be cruel/unkind/nasty/brutal/malicious/vindictiveness
Living in the past or future
Negative expectations/whiny/complaining nature/finding
Feel inadequate/incompetent/unworthy/undeserving/un-
Awakening Your Divine Energy Feelings That Create Positive Vibrations:
Unconditional love
Positive expectations
Magnanimous/generous/worthy/high minded/fair
Focus on the good in everything
Abundance is your birthright
The Most High wants you to succeed
You are lovable/The Most High loves you
Be responsible
Search for answers within
Be fair
Be creative
Live in the present moment
Every time you notice your mind drifting into the negative feelings or
vibrations described above, simply scream stop mentally and imagine a
stop sign, replace those negative feelings with any of the positive
vibrations described above. Example; if you find yourself criticizing or
condemning someone or feeling angry with someone, simply say out loud or
mentally John Doe I forgive you and give you unconditional love.
Continue repeating this statement until you do feel forgiving and
loving. You will notice that after a few times of this practice, the
person or situation will stop bothering you. In fact it might be a good
idea to create lists every day at least for the first few days or weeks
that you start working towards awakening your divine spiritual energies.
Lists of people you want to forgive and give unconditional love to; I
forgive and give unconditional love to
List of things, people and situations in your life that you are grateful
or thankful for; I am thankful for
After a few days of working on such lists you will start noticing true
feelings of love, gratitude and feeling blessed permeating your mind
this will eventually start reflecting on your relationships, your life
situations, your prosperity and abundance. You will also feel more
connected to the divine or spiritual side of things. You will feel more
in tune with your natural intuitiveness and spiritual abilities.
You will feel in the divine flow.
Wake-Up The Spiritual Genius Inside Of You

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