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"What Should Students Learn English"

In bahasaInggris taught as a foreign language, we need to know what our students need to
understand the English language itself. As we know that English is not the native language
of the people of Indonesia, so that the learning process must be having

In this paper we will describe some of the things that must be learned by the sisiwa are
learning about language, especially in this case English. Broadly speaking, the things
that should be studied include pronunciation (pronunciation), grammar (grammar),
vocabulary (vocabulary), conversation / discussion (discourse), skills / intelligence
(skills), and the syllabus (the syllabus).


Definition and Examples of Text Announcement - Announcement Text is brief discourse that
contains information / declare a thing. Creating text announcement (announcement) is easier
when compared with making the ad. Since the announcement text just tell what needs to be
announced. For more details, let's just see an example of a text announcement
English Speech Contest

For all students of SMAN Englishindo, we announce English Speech Contest..

Time : Saturday, 22 March 2012
Place : Hall of SMAN Englishindo

Each class should register at least one student with one of these following
topics :

The Advantage of Learning English
The Difficulties of Learning English
The Effective Ways of Learning English
For further information, visit the committee of this English Speech Contest in
2. Example annoucemen
1. What kind of the text is it ?
A. A letter
B. A label
C. A postcard
D. An announcement
2. what is the text about ?
A. The class meeting in a school.

B. The winner of the class meeting.
C. An invitation t o join a class meeting.
D. The plan of having a class meeting.
To : All students and teachers
Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books (brand new novels and non-fiction books)
are available. You can also enjoy our newest DVDs collection.
Head of library
3. What are the things offered in the new library ?
A. Books and DVDs.
B. Old and new books.
C. New books and novels.
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books.
4. Why does the writer make the announcement ?
A. To resume a new novel.
B. To invite the reader to visit the library.
C. To let the reader know about the head of library.
D. To help the reader know where to find the DVDs.
5. Who make the announcement ?
A. Ramadhan
B. All students
C. All teachers
D. The librarian


greeting card
A greeting card is an illustrated, folded card featuring an expression of friendship or other
sentiment. Although greeting cards are usually given on special occasions such as birthdays,
Christmas or other holidays, they are also sent to convey thanks or express other feeling.
Greeting cards, usually packaged with an envelope, come in a variety of styles. There are both
mass-produced as well as handmade versions that are distributed by hundreds of companies large
and small. While typically inexpensive, more elaborate cards with die-cuts or glued-on
decorations may be more expensive.Hallmark Cards and American Greetings are the largest
producers of greeting cards in the world.In Western countries and increasingly in other societies,
many people traditionally mail seasonally themed cards to their friends and relatives in
December. Many service businesses also send cards to their customers in this season, usually
with a universally acceptable non-religious message such as "happy holidays" or "season's
greetings".The Greeting Card Association is an international trade organization representing the
interests of greeting card and stationery manufacturers. John Beeder, former president of the
Greeting Card Association, says greeting cards are effective tools to communicate important
feelings to people you care about: "Anyone feels great when they receive an unexpected card in
the mail. For me, theres nothing like a greeting card to send a special message. Im proud to be a
part of an industry that not only keeps people connected, but uses both imagery and the power of
words to help us express our emotions.
1. Greeting Cards
Greeting card greeting cards meaning, usually made and we give it to others to give
congratulations or condolences.
Greeting Cards we give to others as a sign of our sympathy to the person.
Greeting Cards can be:
* Card congratulations on graduation from school, because of positions,
or gain an achievement
* Eid greeting cards, happy birthday and so on.
* Greeting cards signs of grief / condolences over the death of a person
* Greeting cards for other people expect healing from the pain.

2. example:
1. Dear Greyson

Congratulations on your 15th birthday. I hope you can Achieve your dream and I hope you can
be more diligent. Keep Fighting, always do the best and Good Luck! ^ _ ^

2. Dear Afifah
Congratulations on your 15th birthday. I hope you can get everything like your wish. Wish u all
the best and God's blessing you.

A shopping list is a list of items needed to be purchased by a shopper. Consumers often compile
a shopping list of groceries to purchase on the next visit to the grocery store. The list may be
compiled immediately before the shopping trip or incrementally as shopping needs arise
throughout the week. The shopping list itself may be a scrap piece of paper or something more
elaborate. There are pads with magnets for keeping an incremental list handy on the
Any magnetic clip with scraps of paper can be used to achieve the same result.
There is a device that dispenses a strip of paper from a roll for use in a shopping list.
shopping carts come with a small clipboard to fit shopping lists on.
Home computers enable consumers to print their own custom list so that items are simply
checked off instead of written down or they can manage the list completely on the computer with
custom shopping list software. PDAs eliminate the need for a paper list completely and may be
used to aid comparison shopping. Online software exists to manage shopping lists from
cellphone as well the web. Electronic commerce websites typically provide a shopping list online
for repeat shoppers at the site. Incremental lists typically have no structure and new items are
added to the bottom of the list as they come up. If the list is compiled immediately before use, it
can be organized by store layout (i.e. frozen foods are grouped together on the list) to minimize
time in the store. Preprinted lists can be similarly organized.
Some studies show approximately 40% of grocery shoppers use shopping lists,
while other
studies show 6167% use lists.
Of the items listed, 80% were purchased. However, listed items
only accounted for 40% of total items purchased.
Use of shopping lists clearly impact shopping
"Written shopping lists significantly reduce average expenditure."

Use of shopping lists may be correlated to personality types. There are "demographic differences
between list and non list shoppers; the former are more likely to be female, while the latter are
more likely to be childless."

Shopping with a list is a commonly employed behavioral weight loss guideline designed to
reduce food purchases and therefore food consumption. Studies are divided on the effectiveness
of this technique.

Remembering a shopping list is a standard experiment in psychology.

There are surviving examples of Roman shopping lists.
UK researchers have deciphered a
Roman soldier's shopping list using the latest virtual technology.
The discovery is part of a project by Oxford University researchers to identify the markings on
hundreds of Roman letters, contracts and other documents found in the 1970s by excavators at
Hadrian's wall - the most important monument built by the Romans in Britain.

The documents were originally written in wax on wooden tablets but after 2000 years, the wax
has degraded and all that remains of many of the scripts are faint scratches in the pieces of wood.
Oxford historian, Dr Roger Tomlin deciphered one of the documents and found it to be a
shopping list for a Roman soldier. It reveals that to buy a clothing outfit at auction, an average
Roman soldier would have paid 8 percent of his yearly income (25 denarii). He would have had
to fork out another 10 percent for a cloak to protect him from Britain's hostile climate.
In order to read the stylus marks on each tablet, the researchers managed to exaggerate the faint
scratchings. Using virtual technology they eliminated the wood grain from the tablets. By using
low, focussed light, they identified the scratches by analysing their highlighted edges and the
shadows they cast.
Next, the researchers aim to develop a computer program that will help them to assess the
probability that certain scratches in the wood are particular letters, speeding up the time taken to
read more tablets.
The UK Science Museum is currently displaying part of an ancient Roman shopping list that
dates from 75-125 AD, and examples of the pens that the Romans used.
1. Understanding Shopping list
think you need something more than omega 3 even thuogh it's a crucial
ingredient.The following list details the sort of food that you might find
interesting:omega 3 fishpeanuts, potatoes, eggsliver, soya beansflourbeetroot,
almonds, meat, grainsbanana, dates, yogurt, milk, cheeselegumespoultrybanana,
orange, lemon, green leafy veg and lentils, wholegrain, meat, poultry, fish,
legumes, veg, fruit, chicken, pork, liver, nuts, cantaloupe, strawberriessesame
seeds, dried figs, apricots, avocados, melon, grapefruit, kiwi, prunes, pulse,
oysters, sunflower seeds, brazilnuts, brown rice, offal, mushroom,
cocoacurrywaterbroccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, spinachred wineDo not eat:Sugary
foodhydrogenated fatfor a shortened shopping list:EggsPotatoesWholegrains,
shredded wheat, wholewheat pasta, wholemeal breadSoyabeanLean meat
(poultry and red)Fish (canned)LettuceLentilsPeanutssunflower
seedsBrocolliSemiskimmed milk


Procedure text

Procedure Text - Have you ever cook instant noodles themselves, what's the first step, boiled water to
boil, add noodles, wait until cooked, pour into bowl, mix seasoning and ready to be eaten last. The steps
or instructions to make or operate the thing we often do in fact is one example of the application of
Procedure Text.

Well for that, on this occasion Learning English will try to explain what the procedure text, what is its
function, and how to make it. Of course, an explanation of the procedure text alone is not enough,
therefore we perfected with the sample to be understood. Let's just read the following explanation.
Check this out!!!

1. Definition of Procedure Text

What is the Procedure Text? Procedure Text is a type of English text or commonly called a genre show or
operate the process in making something that serves to illustrate how the work is done through the
regular steps.

Communicative Purpose Procedure Text

Communicative Purpose of Procedure Text adalaha give instructions on how to do something through
actions or steps that sequence.

C. Procedure Text linguistic structure

Procedure Text of linguistic structure consists of three parts, namely:

1. Aim / Goal
In the first part of the linguistic structure Procdeure This text contains information about the purpose of
making or operator of something.

2. Materials
In the second section, Materials consists of materials used in making something. But not all parts of
Procedure Text includes materials, sometimes a Procedure Text does not have the materials section.

There are three types of Procedural Text that do not use the materials section, namely:

Procedural Text that explains how something works or how to carry out the instruction manual. For
example: How to use the video games, the computer, the tape recorder, or the fax, etc.

Procedural Text that instructs how to perform certain activities with unregulated. Examples: raod
safety rules, or video game rules, etc.
Procedural Text relating to the nature or human habits. Examples How to live happily, or How to
3. Steps
On the steps, contains the steps or sequences that must be done so that the objectives outlined in the
Aim / Goal to be achieved. The steps or sequences should be of the order of the first to the last.

D. Characteristics of Linguistic Procedure Text
There are several characteristics of language in Procedure Text, such as:
Using imperative sentence patterns (Command), for example, Cut, Do not mix, and so on.
Using action verbs, eg turn, put, do not, mix, etc..
Using connectives (conjunctions) to sort of activities, such as then, while, etc..
Using adverbials (adverbs) to express details of time, place, accurate manner, for example for five
minutes, 2 hours, etc..
Using the simple present.
Explanation and Procedure Text Examples

E. Example of Procedure Text
Below the authors present two examples of Procedure Text, which includes both the materials or not.
Check this out!!!

1. Planting Chilies

Aim / Goal
Planting is a nice activity in our spare time. The following is guided information on how to plant a chili-
plant easily. Here are the steps.
Firstly, dry a handful seeding under the sunlight.
Secondly, put the seeding on the soil. It should be in an open area
Next, wait it. There will come out the sprout after that let it be bigger.
Finally, put it in another big pot. It will soon grow bigger and bigger and yield us some fresh chilies soon.

2 Definition of Procedure Text
Aim / Goal
How to Make a Cheese Omelet
1 egg, 50 g cheese, cup milk, 3 tablespoons cooking, oil, a pinch of salt and pepper.
Frying pan, fork, spatula, cheese Grater, bowl, plate


Descriptive text

Definition, Purpose, Structure, Characteristics and Examples of Descriptive Text
Descriptive text is a text roomates says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and
reveal a particular person, place or thing.

Descriptive text is a text that describes the picture of a person or object. The aim is to describe or reveal
the people, places or certain objects.

It could also be said that the Descriptive text is a text that describes what kind of person or thing
described, good shape, its properties, and other numbers.

Structure of Descriptive Text (generic structure) are:
1. Identification (ID) is the introduction, a general overview of a topic.
2.Description (description) is contains specific characteristics possessed object, place, or person

The characteristics of Descriptive Text:
- Using the simple present tense
- Using attribute verb, such as be (am, is, are)
- Just focus on one such object.

Here are the Example of Descriptive Text:

The National Monument (Monument or National) is a 132 meters tower in the center of Merdeka
Square, Central Jakarta. It symbolizes the fight for Indonesia's independence. The monument Consist of
a 117.7 m obelisk on a 45m square platform at a height of 17 m.

The towering monument symbolizes the philosophy of Lingga and Yoni. Lingga resembles, rice pestle
(pestle) and Yoni resembles a rice mortar (the mortar), two important items in Indonesian agricultural

The construction Began in 1961 under the direction of President Sukarno and the monument was
opened to the public in 1975. It is topped by a flame covered with gold foil. The monument and the
museum is opened daily from 8:00 to 15:00 every day throughout the week, except for the last Monday
of the month the monument is closed.


Prambanan Temple

Prambanan The Largest Hindu temple is a compound in Central Java in Indonesia, located approximately
18 km east of Yogyakarta. It is characterized by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu temple
architecture, and by the 47 m high central building inside a large complex of individual temples. It was
built around 850 CE by either Rakai Pikatan, king of the second Mataram Dynasty, or Balitung Maha
Sambu, during the Sanjaya Dynasty. Not long after its construction, the temple was abandoned and
Began to deteriorate. Reconstruction of the compound Began in 1918. The main building was completed
in around 1953.

Thus the explanation of Definition, Purpose, Structure, Characteristics and Sample Descriptive Text.
May be useful.



Other refers to something different.
I write other posts in this blog.
Another refers to something that is extra. For example, when I ate a piece of cake and I want another,
then use "another":
I ate cookies for dessert and I want anther one (plus one cake again)
Others point to the object / objects (plural) another when we did not mention the object.
Prefer, like, and woul Rother is to express something that we like, prefer to talk or ask questions.
Example: "I prefer living on my own."
"Would you prefer to see a movie or go to a club?"
"Would you rather go shopping with me?"

We say the authors of a paper of gratitude because we made paper has been resolved, we expect that
the authors of this paper may bermamfaat for all my friends so it could be a reference for the study. We
also hope penbaca can tolerate flaws in this paper.



Difinition: gerund. #: WordNet \
Retrieved 2010-03-09. "A noun formed from a verb (such as the`-ing 'form of an English verb when

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