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A brilliant interview

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Some, rather most organizations reject his CV today because he has changed jobs
re!uently "#$ in #% years&. 'y riend, the (job ho))er* "reerred here as 'r. +,&, does
not mind it. well he does not need to mind it at all. ,aving wor-ed ull.time with #$
em)loyer com)anies in just #% years gives 'r. +, the rela/ing edge that most o the
(com)any loyal* em)loyees are struggling or today. 0oday, 'r. +, too is laid o li-e
some other #%.#1 year e/)erienced guys 2 the dierence being the latter have just wor-ed
in 3.4 organizations in the same number o years. ,ere are the e/cer)ts o an interview
with 'r. +,5

Q: Why have you changed 10 jobs in 14 years?
A5 0o get inancially sound and stable beore getting laid o the second time.

Q: So you knew you would be laid off in the year 200?
A5 6ell 7 was laid o irst in the year 3$$3 due to the irst global economic slowdown. 7
had not got a ull.time job beore +anuary 3$$4 when the economy started loo-ing u)8 so
7 had struggled or almost a year without job and with com)romises.

Q: Which nu!ber of job was that?
A5 0hat was my third job.

Q: So fro! "an 200# to "an 200$ in % years$ you have changed & jobs to !ake the
count as 10 jobs in 14 years?
A5 7 had no other o)tion. 7n my irst 9 years o )roessional lie, 7 had wor-ed only or 3
organizations thin-ing that jobs are deserved ater lot o hard wor- and one should stay
with an em)loyer com)any to justiy the saying (em)loyer loyalty*. :ut 7 was an idiot.

Q: Why do you say so?
A5 'y salary in the irst 9 years went u) only marginally. 7 could not save enough and
also, 7 had thought that 7 had a ()ermanent* job, so 7 need not worry about (what will 7
do i 7 lose my job*. 7 could never imagine losing a job because o economic slowdown
and not because o my )erormance. 0hat was +anuary 3$$3.

Q: 'an you brief on what ha((ened between "anuary 200# and 200)
A5 6ell, 7 had learnt my lessons o being (com)any loyal* and not (money earning and
saving loyal*. :ut then you can save enough only when you earn enough. So 7 shited
my loyalty towards money ma-ing and saving 2 7 changed 9 jobs in ; years assuring all
my interviewers about my stability.

Q: So you lied to your interviewers* you had already (lanned to change the job for
which you were being interviewed on a (articular day?
A5 <es, you can change jobs only when the mar-et is u) and com)anies are hiring. <ou
tell me 2 can 7 get a job now because o the slowdown= >o. So one should change jobs
or higher salaries only when the mar-et is u) because that is the only time when
com)anies hire and can aord the e/)ected salaries.

Q: What have you gained by doing such things?
A5 0hat's the !uestion 7 was waiting or. 7n +an 3$$4, 7 had a i/ed salary "without
variables& o say ?s. @ ).a. 7n +anuary 3$$A, my salary was 9@. So assuming my salary
was ?s.4 la-h ).a. in +an 3$$4, my last drawn salary in +an 3$$A was ?s.3% la-h ).a.
"without variable&. 7 never bothered about variable as 7 had no intention to stay or # year
and go through the a))raisal )rocess to wait or the com)any to give me a hi-e.

Q: So you decided on your own hike?
A5 <es, in 3$$4, 7 could see the slowdown coming again in uture li-e it had ha))ened in
3$$#.$3. 0hough 7 was not sure by when the ne/t slowdown would come, 7 was )retty
sure 7 wanted a (debt.ree* lie beore being laid o again. So 7 )lanned my hi-e targets
on a yearly basis without waiting or the year to com)lete.

Q: So are you debt+free now?
A5 <es, 7 earned so much by virtue o job changes or money and s)ent so little that today
7 have a loan ree 3 :? lat "#3$$ s!.. eet& )lus a loan ree big car without bothering
about any B'7s. 7 am laid o too but 7 do not com)lain at all. 7 7 have laid o
com)anies or money, it is CD i a com)any lays me o because o lac- o money.

Q: Who is co!(laining?
A5 All those guys who are not getting a job to )ay their B'7s o are com)laining. 0hey
had made un o me saying 7 am a job ho))er and do not have any com)any loyalty. >ow
7 as- them what they gained by their com)any loyalty8 they too are laid o li-e me and
)ass comments to me 2 why will you bother about us, you are already debt.ree. 0hey
were still in the brac-et o #3.#% la-h ).a. when they were laid o.

Q: What is your advice to (rofessionals?
A5 Ei-e >arayan 'urthy had said 2 love your job and not your com)any because you
never -now when your com)any will sto) loving you. 7n the same lines, love yoursel
and your amily needs more than the com)any's needs. Com)anies can -ee) coming and
going8 amily will always remain the same. 'a-e money or yoursel irst and
simultaneously ma-e money or the com)any, not the other way around.

Q: What is your biggest (ain (oint with co!(anies?
A5 6hen a com)any does well, its CBC will address the entire com)any saying, (well
done guys, it is <CF? com)any, -ee) u) the hard wor-, 7 am with you. :ut when the
slowdown ha))ens and the com)any does not do so well, the same CBC will say, G7t is
'< com)any and to save the com)any, 7 have to ta-e tough decisions including as-ing
)eo)le to go. So thin- about your inancial stability irst8 when you get laid o, your -ids
will com)lain to you and not your boss.

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