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Advanced Programme on Strategic Management (APSM 7)

Detailed Programme Schedule

Satellite based sessions (January-July 2014)

Second Campus visit (April 10-13, 2014)
(IIMC Campus)

Advanced Programme on Strategic Management (APSM 7)


Date Faculty Session-Title/details/reading
Jan 30 BS Understanding segmentation, niche development and specific assets
Assignment: Matching Dell case
What was Dells advantage in the market? Can you define it in terms of its cost and
asset structure as well as product/service offered to customers by Dell?
Can you estimate the level of such advantage, in terms of per unit cost advantage or
some other parameter?
Feb 6 BS Understanding modularization and production networks
a) Modularization in the auto industry
1. How and why is the approach to modularity different in European and
Japanese producers of automobiles?
2. Can you speculate on the possible effects of product design modularization
in auto industry?
Feb 13 AP Strategy & Structure
Assignment: Philips versus Matsushita: The Competitive Battle Continues
Optional Reading:
1. The Execution Trap, Martin, Harvard Business Review, 2010.
2. The Ambidextrous Organization, OReilly & Tushman, Harvard Business
Review, 2004.
Feb 20 AP Organizing Around Opportunities
Assignment: Fabindia
Optional Reading:
Zeitgeist Leadership, Mayo & Nohria, Harvard Business Review, 2005.
Against the Flow: Reaping the Rewards of Management Innovation, Mol &
Birkinshaw, Harvard Business Review, 2006
Feb 27 AP Managing Strategic Change & Organizational Identity
Assignment: Fujifilm A Second Foundation
Optional Reading:
Escaping the Identity Trap, Bouchikhi & Kimberly, MIT Sloan Management
Review, 2003.
Uncommon Sense: How to Turn Distinctive Beliefs into Action, Goddard,
Birkinshaw, & Eccles, MIT Sloan Management Review, 2012
Mar 6 SK Merger and Acquisition (Reading to be announced)
Mar 13 SK M&A; contd.. (Reading to be announced)
Mar 20 SK Corporate Restructuring
Apr 3 MM Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism
Apr 10-
Second Campus Visit

Apr 17 BS Understanding transaction costs and dyadic governance through contracts
Reading: Technology licensing at Himont
1. Why did Himont chose to license? What does it tell you about its market and
its strategic choices?
2. How were different conflicts of interest issues handled by the design of contracts
by Himont?
Apr 24 BS Governance and the shaping of incentives of ecosystem asset holders
Reading: Chapter 2, Strategy and Assets, in Strategic Thinking: Explorations
around conflict and cooperation
Assignment Reading: Sports-media nexus
1. Why did the media firm get involved in the organization of the rugby league?
2. Identify the main stakeholders in the sporting ecosystem, nature of assets held by
each stakeholder and relations of control amongst them!
May 1 BS Understanding Institutional Contests
Reading: Electric rate system paper
Assignment questions:
1. What were the conflicts of interest between different electricity producer groups?
Why did the issue of the metering system become so important part of the
institutional conflict?
Break for Project work
June 12 To be
June 19 To be
July 3 BS Understanding Strategy and Organization design structure and incentives
Reading: Chapter 3, Strategy and Organization, in Strategic Thinking: Explorations
around conflict and cooperation
Assignment Case: Citibank restructuring
1. Identify the relation between the strategy and organizational restructuring
2. What does the restructuring tell you about the nature of executive powers of the
top management of the bank?
July 10 BS Understanding Financing and Governance
Reading: Chapter 5, Institutions of Finance, in Strategic Thinking: Explorations
around conflict and cooperation
Assignment case: a) Intel 64 Fund
1. How is the Intel 64 Fund structured and what purpose does the contractual
form serve?
How are rights distributed over shareholder/stakeholders in the Fund? Can you
identify the difference with a general shareholder agreement?
July 17 Examination (online) / PROJECT submissions due (soft copies through email)
July 24 Reexamination (online) [in case one misses the exam on July 17 due to

contingencies, prior permission from Programme Directors would be required to sit
for the re-exam]
Aug 15 Certificates/grade-sheets released

BS: Prof Biswatosh Saha
AP: Prof Anirvan Pant
MM: Prof Mritiunjoy Mohanty
SK: Prof Sushil Khanna


Schedule for Second Campus visit

April 10-13, 2014, IIMC Campus

Prof Sushil Khanna: Corporate Governance, Restructuring, Business groups, Board
dynamics 3 session

Prof Mritiunjoy Mohanty: Varieties of Capitalism and institutional dimension of competitive
advantage 3 sessions

2 sessions: To be decided

(2 evening sessions for review of project work and presentation by groups)

(Each session is of 3 hours; detailed schedule will be provided later)

Note: Grade-sheet would carry grades on a four-point scale [Excellent, Good, Average, Poor] for the
Examination and the Project components of evaluation separately. Certificate of completion of the
programme would be issued only if attendance requirements are met and the participant completes the
examination and the project.

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