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Page 6

Other Rules
Whenever harm is inflicted (by you, on you),
adjust the amount of harm like so:
By size: +1harm or -1harm per step. E.g. a small goblin
inflicts -1harm to and suffers +1harm from a human.
(tiny <small < standard <large < huge)
By force parity (when groups fight): +1harm (max +3)
or -1harm per doubling (give or take). E.g. a company
of 200 inflicts +3harm (the max) and suffers -4harm
from a squad of 15.
By formation: a group in formation inflicts +1harm to and
suffers -1harm from an irregular group
Whenever harm is inflicted, the target rolls its
Amor. Each 4+ negates 1 harm.
Thick hide/fur/blubber (1d), scales/bony ridges (2d),
chitin/bony plates (3d)
Leather cuirass/chain shirt/quilted linen (+1d), mail
hauberk/breastplate (+2d), full plate (+3d), shield (+1d)
Partial cover (+1d), good cover (+2d), full cover (+3d)
When a named GM character suffers harm, the
GM might pick one of these:
-1harm - They drop or let go of something
-1harm - They lose their footing or position
-1harm - Something on their person breaks
-1harm - Theyre out of it for the moment
-1harm - They become miserable, afraid, angry,
confused, or exhausted
GM characters have hit points, usually 2-4, up to
6. If they take harm their HP, theyre out of the
fight: dead, incapacitated, fleeing, surrendered, etc.

When youve got some downtime, spend XP equal
to 10+Advances to gain a new Advance. Mark it
off; you cant take an Advance twice.
Get +1 Agile (max +2)
Get +1 Clever (max +2)
Get a new soldier move
Get a new insert move
Get a new soldier or insert move
If youve marked 3+ Advances, you can pick these:
Get +1 Tough (max +3)
Get +1 Steady (max +3)
Get +1 to any stat (max +2)
Get a new move from any playbook
Get a retinue and Pull Rank
If youve marked 5+ Advances, you can pick these:
Get +1 to any stat (max +3)
Get a move from any playbook or insert
Get a move from any playbook or insert
Get +1 Effort circle
Get +1 Roughed Up circle
Replace a dark key with any other key

Mark the spheres you can access. For each sphere, you
know its cantrip plus one extra spell.
Air Earth Fire Water Cold Flora Fauna
Psychic Blood Chaos Light Darkness Spirits
Illusion Death Force Travel Charm Destruction
Corruption Conjuration Abjuration Transformation
Restoration Rune True Name Contagion Lodge
Known Spells (mark the if mastered):
Tags: Lodge, Travel, cantrip, touch -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Tags: Lodge, Travel, slow -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Tags: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Tags: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Tags: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
Tags: -1 -2 -3 -4 -5
The Road Home
Open the Way
When you first meet a fellow PC, introduce
yourself by name, homeland, look, and style. Assign
them a bond (one of these or one you make up):
_______ and I served together before. Ive got their
back and theyve got mine.
I trust _______. Id follow them to hell and back.
I dont trust _______. Im keeping an eye on them.
_______ is crazy intense. They need to lighten up.
_______ is a damned liability. I dont want to be
anywhere near them.
Something about _______ bugs me. Im keeping them
at arms length.
[An experience with, opinion of, or statement of fact about
_______.] [Your intent towards and/or belief about them.]
Write additional your bonds here:

When you recover or at the end of a mission, you might be
asked if youve resolved a bond. If the bond no longer describes the
main way you relate to that PC, its been resolved.
The soldier
Honor? Pageantry? The Glory of the Crown? Save it for the nobles, son. A soldiers life is monotony and drill and misery,
interrupted by moments of sheer, bloody terror. And in the thick of it, you dont push through for King and Country. You
do it for the unlikely lads at your side.
That is why we fight, boy. Not for the glory. Not for the thrill. But for each other.
You get this:
My first battle was at _____________, where I
served in the _________________ [unit name].
And pick three more (now or during play):
I marched with the General/Lord __________,
in ____________________.
I fought at the legendary Battle of __________,
against the __________________.
My regiment barely escaped from ___________
when it was overrun by _________________.
I was stationed for years in _______________,
where I made many friends and a few enemies.
I was part of the sack of __________________.
Our actions there haunt me still.
We had orders to take and hold the legendary
ruins of ___________________. Few escaped,
and great evil lurks there still.
Before the War, we battled fiercely against the
people of __________________________.
I was wounded in the Siege of _____________,
and would have died but for the arrival of
I became a soldier (pick one)
to stand against the wickedness of the Enemy.
to protect my homeland.
to see the world and live a life of adventure.
when I was pressed into it.
to escape my past.
because what the hell else was I going to do?

Before I was a soldier, I was

I joined the Lodge (pick one)
to do more good than I could in the rank and file.
to escape the meat-grinder of the battlefield.
out of a sense of duty to _________________.
because they recognize my worth.
to escape my past.
to atone for my sins.

Page 1
I am barely full-grown in my prime
showing my years a grizzled vet
With hair that is roughly shorn tied back
and out of the way unkempt and all over the place
And eyes that have seen too much never
flinch take it all in still see the good in people
Wearing battle-scored armor my units
insignia & colors spit-polished travelling gear
My back bears many lash marks is ramrod
straight ripples with muscle remains unbent
When not on a mission, Im usually...
Pick an insert to represent your background. From
it, pick a name and detail your homeland.
In Play
The soldier is about enduring the trials of war and
working together. Other playbooks are more dan-
gerous, but none are more reliable. Play the soldier
to be the guy that everyone wants at their back
when things go south.
Your key traits are Tough and Steady, so youre
good in a fight and calm under pressure. Soldier
on means you do better when suffering a condition.
Hold the line and no man left behind give you
serious reliability. Not as bad as it looked and
seasoned campaigner improve your ability to
keep going. And your other traits make you and
your allies more effective in combat.

Soldier On - When you mark Effort to
push yourself because of a condition,
take +1 forward.
Choose two more soldier traits, or one soldier trait and one trait
from your insert.
CHARGE! - when you charge headlong
into battle, inflict +1harm and suffer -1harm
on the first exchange. If you lead a group,
the whole group gets this benefit.
Hold the Line - when you dig in to hold a
position, hold resolve equal to your Steady
until you give up or lose your position.
Spend 1 resolve to negate 1 harm or in lieu of
marking 1 Effort.
No Man Left Behind - you never need to
push yourself to help or protect an ally.
Not as Bad as It Looked - after a battle, if
you suffered harm, clear a mark on roughed
up or a condition (not wounded or dying).
Phalanx Fighter - when you bear a shield
and fight side-by-side with a doughty ally,
you get +1 ongoing to defend and they get
+1 ongoing to fight.
Seasoned Campaigner - take +1
ongoing to recover rolls. When you
resupply by picking through the fallen
after a battle, take +1 to the roll.
Starting stats: Agile +0, Charming +0, Clever -1, Mystic -1, Steady +1, Tough +1. Add +1 to three of your choice.
Roll +Agile when you use speed, grace, coordination. Roll +Agile to run, climb, jump,
roll, slide, tumble, dance, dodge, throw, catch, all that stuff.
Roll +Charming when you use diplomacy, charisma, humor, or social grace. Roll
+Charming to inspire, lead, entertain, mingle, convince, seduce, make friends, etc.
Roll +Clever when you pay attention, make connections, think quickly, try to remember,
or draw on past experience. Roll +Clever to observe, with few exceptions.
Roll +Mystic when you wield supernatural forces or reach out with the Sight. Roll
+Mystic to learn, cast, manipulate, or counter a spell.
Roll +Steady when you control your emotions, ignore distractions, act with patience and
care. Roll +Steady to keep calm & carry on. Roll +Steady to shoot an aimed weapon.
Roll +Tough when you use or threaten force. Roll +Tough to fight hand-to-hand, power
through, break stuff, lift heavy things, and otherwise be a brute.
Teamwork - when you create an opening
or opportunity for ally, they take +1
forward to act on it. When you act as a
group, take +1 to do your part.
Veteran Instincts - when you enter
battle, ask the GM a question and roll
+Steady to observe. On a 6-, the GM
doesnt answer but nothing else bad happens.
We Happy Few - when you are outnum-
bered, take +1 ongoing to fight and +1d
armor. If you lead a group, the whole group
gets this benefit.
Additional Traits

Inflict Harm
When you inflict harm with a weapon, inflict 3
harm. Otherwise, inflict 2 harm.
Page 2

When you meet the conditions of one of your
keys, pick one:
Mark 1 XP
Clear 1 Effort
The Singleton Rule: You can only trigger a
given key once each scene.
Pick two keys (from this list or from your insert):
Guardian (noble) - defend an innocent
from harm
Honor (noble) - fulfill a promise made to
an NPC
Sacrifice (noble) - endure hardship so that
a specific NPC doesnt have to
Avoidance (common) - bypass some threat
or challenge entirely
Jester (common) - raise the spirits of your
fellows through your antics or optimism
Loyalty (common) - stand up for or make
excuses for a friend or comrade
Revelry (common) - indulge in sordid
pleasures (drink, dice, sex, etc.) with another
Bitter Duty (hard) - follow a direct order
from a superior against your better judgment
War-Brothers Rivalry (hard) - drop
more foes in a fight than any other PC

Mark 1 XP when:
You roll + a stat and get a 6-
You hit a key and choose to mark XP
Your team achieves a mission objective
A move tells you to
When youve got some downtime, spend XP
equal to 10+Advances to gain a new Advance.
See page 6 for Advances.

At the start of play and the beginning of any
mission, add these to your Inventory (page 4).
Weapons (as many as you want):
Sword (melee, quick, sharp, tricky, 1-load)
Axe/Pick (melee, AP1, sharp, sticks, 1-load)
Mace/Hammer (melee, heavy, 1-load)
Flail (melee, forceful, heavy, tricky, 1-load)
Spears (x2) (melee/thrown, sharp, 1-load)
Club/Cudgel (-1harm, melee, 1-load)
Shield (+1d-Armor, -1harm, tight, 1-load)
Dagger (tight/thrown, quick, sharp, 0-load)
Polearm (+1harm, reach, heavy, sharp, 2h, 2-load,
Longspear (reach, sharp, 2h, 1-load, cumbersome)
Great Axe/Pick (+1harm, melee, AP2, sharp, heavy, 2h,
sticks, 2-load)
Greatsword (+1harm, melee, quick, sharp, heavy, tricky,
2h, 2-load)
Maul (melee, AP1, forceful, heavy, 2h, 2-load, cumbersome)
Bow (ranged, aimed, sharp, ammo, 2h, 1-load)
Longbow (+1harm, ranged, AP1, aimed, sharp, ammo,
tricky, 2h, 1-load)
Crossbow (ranged, AP1, aimed, sharp, ammo, reload, 2h,
Hand Crossbow (ranged, aimed, sharp, ammo, reload,
Heavy Crossbow (+1harm, ranged, AP1, aimed, sharp,
ammo, reload [slow], 2h, 2-load)
Quiver of Arrows/Bolts (1-load)
Armor (choose one):
Leather cuirass (+1d-Armor, worn, 1-load)
Mail hauberk (+2d-Armor, worn, cumbersome, 1-load)
Equipment (as much as you want):
Backpack (worn, +pack, gear , 1-load)
Frame pack (worn, +pack, gear , cumbersome, 1-load)
Bandolier/Belt & Pouches (at-hand, gear , 1-load)
Cold weather gear (worn, warm, 1-load)
Supplies (1-Load), as many as you want
Coin: roll 3d6 and take the lowest two dice
When you resupply from well-stocked stores, take as
much Supply as you want, erase any marks on your gear,
and reroll your Coin (keeping the new result if you want).
When you scrounge supplies from a limited or ques-
tionable source, roll +nothing. On a 10+, pick two (you
can pick the same thing more than once). On a 7-9, pick
Take 1 Supply
Gain 1d6 Coin
Clear 2 Gear check boxes
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