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An object that has a magnetic pole on one end and a second

equal but opposite magnetic pole on the other is called a:
A ferromagnetic material


A material is considered demagnetized when:
Its residual magnetic field measures less than 5 gauss
It no longer produces an indication
It's no longer attracted to a magnet
Its residual magnetic field measures less than 3 gauss


Faradays Law of Magnetic Induction states that:
The flow of electrons can be used to generate a magnetic
The magnetic forces of the material's electrons will be
affected by an external magnetic field
Iron filings can be used to produce an indication of a flaw
Flux leaage is the byproduct of magnetic fields when
testing aluminum alloys!


he force required to remo!e the residual magnetism from
the material is called the:
In"erse force
#eciprocal force
Coerci"e force
#esidual force


"hich type of current flows continuously in one direction
at a constant !oltage#
Direct current
Alternating current
#ectified alternating current
$alf wa"e rectified alternating current


A material with a wider hysteresis loop has:
$igher reluctance
$igher permeability
%ower retenti"ity
All of the abo"e


"hen the magnetizing current is stopped$ a ferromagnetic
material will:
remain magnetically saturated
become demagneti&ed
retain a residual magnetic field withing the component
'one of the abo"e


%ry magnetic particles:
Cannot be reused
Come in only one color
Are all of uniform si&e
'one of the abo"e


Magnetic lines of force:
Almost ne"er cross each other
Commonly cross each other
(ill shift )* degrees when a direct current is applied
'e"er cross each other


Magnetic particle inspection uses small ferromagnetic
particles simmilar to:
Copper filing
Iron filings
+agnesium filings
,ermanent +agnets


Magnetic lines of force:
Form closed loops from pole to pole
(ill shift -.* degrees when a direct current is applied
(ere disco"ered by (ilhelm $urst
'one of the abo"e


Materials can be demagnetized by:
$eating abo"e thier curie temperature
/ub0ecting the component to a re"ersing and decreasing
magnetic field
1oth A and 1
'one of the abo"e


A material with a wider hysteresis loop has:
%ower reluctance
%ower residual magnetism
$igher residual magnetism
$igher premeability

"hich of the following has a !ery wea& and negati!e
susceptibility to magnetic field#
Ferromagnetic materials
Diamagnetic materials
,aramagnetic materials
'one of the abo"e


he magnetic field circling each loop of wire in a coil
combines with the fields from the other loops to produce a
concentrated field:
(hich is maximi&ed around the outside of the coil
Around each loop of the coil
Down the center of the coil
All of the abo"e


he best detection of defects occurs:
(hen the magnetic field is -*2 beyond its saturation point
(hen the hysteresis loop shifts from positi"e to negati"e
(hen the lines of magnetic force are parallel to the longest
dimension of the defect
(hen the lines of magnetic force are perpendicular to the
longest dimension of the defect


A material with a wider hysteresis loop has:
%ower permeability
$igher retenti"ity
$igher coerci"ity
All of the abo"e


A yo&e establishes a magnetic field:
That can be constant or pulsed
1etween the north and south poles of the yoe
34ually in all directions around the poles
1oth A and 1


A current carrying conductor induces a magnetic field:
1y direct induction
1y direct induction
That is longitudinal
That is circular
1y magnostriction


he use of prods is sometimes restricted because:
They produce a relati"ely wea field
There is a potential for arcing that could damage parts
It is not possible to control the field orientation
'one of the abo"e


Magnetic particle inspection has se!eral ad!antages o!er
liquid penetrant inspection which include:
Components with thin coatings can be inspected without
remo"ing the coating
Components can be inspected more rapidly
The techni4ue is more portable
1oth A and 1


A material with a narrower hysteresis loop has:
$igher permeability
%ower retenti"ity
%ower coerci"ity
All of the abo"e


"hen using both a circular and longitudinal magnetic field$
the circular field is usually established first because:
It is more difficult to establish a circular field
It is easier to flip the domains of a circular field to a
longitudinal field
It is easier to measure a longitudinal field
'one of the abo"e


he opposition that a ferromagnetic material shows to the
establishment of a magnetic field is called:
Coerci"e force


"hen testing parts with magnetic particles$ it is best to
magnetize the part:
In two directions at right angles to each other
(ith AC whene"er possible
(ith DC whene"er possible
(ith an amperage of at least -*** amps


"hen all the magnetic domains are aligned$ the material is
said to be:
+agnetically saturated
,artially magneti&ed
+agnetically stable

he area where the e'it poles are concentrated is called the
/outh pole
'orth pole
Flux density


A !olume of space where there is a change in magnetic
energy is called:
A magnetic field
A magnetic dipole
A magnetic pole
A magnetic domain


A circular magnetic field has lines of force that run:
,arallel to the long axis of the part
)* degrees to the long axis of the part
Circumferentially around the perimeter of the part
6pposite the wa"eform of the magnetic particle machine


A material with a narrower hysteresis loop has:
$igher reluctance
%ower coerci"ity
$igher retenti"ity
All of the abo"e


A material with a narrower hysteresis loop has:
$igher residual magnetism
$igher permeability
%ower residual magnetism
$igher retenti"ity


A longitudinal magnetic field has magnetic lines of force
that run:
,arallel to the long axis of the part
)* degrees to the long axis of the part
Trans"erse to the long axis of the part
6pposite the wa"eform of the magnetic particle machine


"hich of the following has a large susceptibility to
magnetic field#
Ferromagnetic materials
Diamagnetic materials
,aramagnetic materials
'one of the abo"e


Magnetic lines of force:
$a"e the same strength
/ee the path of least resistance
Decrease in density with increasing distance from the poles
All of the abo"e


(ince all matter is composed of atoms:
All parts can be tested with +,I if they are heated to their
curie temperature
All materials can be tested with a +,I regardless of
All materials are affected in some way by a magnetic field
'one of the abo"e

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