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FLIGHT International, 13 December 1973

S p a n :
Lengt h:
He i ght :
Empt y
wei ght
Al l - up
we i g h t
Power -
p l a n t :
S p e e d s :
Ra n g e :
55ft, 16 76m
52ft 7i n, 16 03m
14ft 7i n, 4 44m
21,8001b, 9,889kg
44,5471b, 20,206kg
GE TF34s of 9,275' t
41 3kN t hr ust each
About 400kt, 740kmi hr
250 n.m., 463km wi t h
9,000lb l oad, 2hr l oi t e.
S p a n :
Lengt h:
He i ght :
Empt y
wei ght
Al l - up
wei ght
Power -
pl ant :
Sp e e ds :
Comba t
r adi us:
29ft 6-5i n, 9 0 1 m
38ft 3-5i n, 11 -67m
14ft 6i n, 4-43m
8,1171b, 3,682kg
19,1801b, 8,700kg
GEJ85- GE- 13A
t ur boj et s of 2,720lb,
12-2kN dry, 4,080lb,
18-4kN wi t h after-
bur ni ng
Max l evel Mach 0-93
at sea l evel
St al l 112kt, 207km/hr
395 n.m., 740km
S p a n :
Lengt h:
He i ght :
Empt y
wei ght
Al l - up
wei ght
Power -
pl ant s:
Pr opel -
l er s:
Sp e e ds :
Ra nge :
47ft 6-75i n, 14-50m
45f t 7- 25i n, 13-90m
17ft 2-25i n, 5-24m
7,826lb, 3,550kg
13,6681b, 6,200kg
Tur bomeca Ast azou
16G t ur bopr ops of
1,022 e.s.h.p. each
Hami l t on St andar d
t hr ee- bl ade 8ft 6i n,
2 -59m di amet er
Max l evel 281 kt, 520km/
hr at 9,840ft, 3,000m
St al l 82kt, 151km/hr
1,641 n.m., 3,042km
wi t h max f uel
S p a n :
Lengt h:
He i ght :
Empt y
wei ght
Al l - up
wei ght
Power -
pl ant :
Sp e e ds :
a nc e :
35ft 1 -25i n, 10- 70m
34ft 9i n, 10-60m
11ft 11i n, 3-64m
5,362lb, 2,432kg
8,660lb, 3,928kg
Rol l s- Royce Vi per 11
t ur boj et of 2,500lb,
11 -1kN
Max l evel 387kt,
718km/hr at sea l evel
St al l 70kt, 129km/hr
2hr 10mi n at 200kt,
370km/hr at 20,000ft,
The A-10A won the USAF A-X close-support competition early this year. First flight
was May 10, 1972. Up to 16,0001b of weapons on ten underwing hard points can be
carried, plus the GAU-8A 30mm cannon. Development is continuing but there is to be
a further fly-off next year with the LTV A-7 Corsair.
PI AT ( 391 R 3
A single-seat ground-attack aircraft, the G.91 R.3 differs from the basic aircraft
mainly in equipment; two 30mm guns and Bendix Doppler are included. A total of
294 of the type were built under licence by Dornier in Germany for the Luftwaffe,
which received its last aircraft in 1966. Some have been delivered to Portugal.
F M A I A S 8 P U C A R A
This twin-Astazou 16-powered aircraft has been developed to meet an Argentine
Air Force requirement. Thirty have been ordered, with deliveries starting next year.
Peru has expressed interest, which may take production to more than 100. Three
pylons, two 20mm cannon and four 7-62mm machine guns arc fitted.
H A L H J T - 1 B M K 1 KI R AIM
Design work on the Kiran began in 1961 and the first prototype flew in September
1964. About 50 of a reported order for 150 have been delivered so far, all trainers,
so the type is still in series production for the Indian Air Force and Navy. Later
production aircraft are likely to be the armed version.

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