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Reflection Paper

Sleeping Disorders
My friends sister Suzanne Reagan was once referred to as Sleeping Beauty. It was a nickname
her English teacher used to tease the high school student for sleeping during class. Every day
Id be sleeping and [my teacher] would say, Now Sleeping Beauty, wake up and pay attention,
recalls Ms. Reagan. I always knew there was something [wrong] with my sleep. I knew I
needed more sleep than the average person.
Though some of her girlfriends also would fall asleep during class, Ms. Reagan fell asleep in all
her classes and wound up failing the English course. It raised a red flag, but she never equated
her unique sleeping patterns with a disorder. Like many teenagers, Ms. Reagan was constantly
tired, had low energy and napped most days. It began around age 14, when she noticed
symptoms such as sleep paralysis and cataplexy, a condition in which a patient experiences a
sudden loss of muscle tone. To Ms. Reagan, it ran in the family. Her sister, Sarah, slept through
many of her classes, too, and even recorded her college lectures so she wouldnt miss important
facts that could later show up on tests. Whats more, Ms. Reagan recalls that during her
childhood, her mother napped most days and was always the first to fall asleep during a movie.
But after her older sister was diagnosed with narcolepsy a neurological disorder that affects the
control of sleep and wakefulness Ms. Reagan knew that she, too, had to be tested.It was hard to
do everyday things, she explains. It made it really hard to finish school. It was hard to keep a
job. Its almost like youre pushing through life. Two years ago, Ms. Reagan underwent an
overnight sleep study, or polysomnogram, at Clinic Sleep Disorders, where physicians recorded
her eye movements and brain and muscle activity to analyze her sleep patterns. The next day,
Ms. Reagan took a Multiple Sleep Latency Test to measure daytime sleepiness through a series
Reflection Paper
of naps. Sure enough, in November 2009, she, too, was diagnosed a narcoleptic. Her mother was
later tested at Clinic and diagnosed with narcolepsy as well.
It often takes years for a correct diagnosis to be established, Dr. Raj says. Yet, appropriate
treatment can lead to rapid and remarkable improvements in quality of life.
Ms. Reagan is extremely thankful for Dr. Rajs support throughout her struggle to find a
medication that best suited her. She now takes Xyrem at night to reduce daytime sleepiness and
cataplexy symptoms, and Dexedrine during the day to keep alert. Almost immediately after
treatment, Ms. Reagans symptoms were relieved.
Im actually able to stay awake and do things like a normal person, she says. Of course, there
are always side effects with medication, but I would say the side effects are minuscule compared
with what theyre doing for you. The nickname Sleeping Beauty no longer applies to Ms.
Reagan or to her family, for that matter. The lives of all three women have improved
dramatically since diagnosis and treatment, which has brought them closer together. These days,
Ms. Reagan spends the majority of her time focusing on her dream, not on her symptoms. She
writes music and plays guitar for her Michigan-based all-female metal band, Gates of Babylon.
Prior to treatment, she couldnt just pick up and make the three-hour trek to Detroit to practice
with the band and play a show. But now, Im able to do all those things, she says. Its almost
as if I dont even remember how hard it was before.

Reflection Paper
Cognitive Development
Introduction to psychology I was learn a lot, cognitive development I felt interesting because I
children as active and motivated learners who, through numerous interactions with their physical
and social environments, construct an increasingly complex understanding of the world around
them. He proposed that cognitive development proceeds through four stages: the first stage
sensorimotor stage (when cognitive functioning is based primarily on behaviors and
perceptions). Second stage the preoperational stage (when symbolic thought and language
become prevalent, but reasoning is "illogical" by adult standards); (3). The third stage concrete
operations stage (when logical reasoning capabilities emerge but are limited to concrete objects
and events) and the last stage the formal operations stage (when thinking about abstract,
hypothetical, and contrary-to-fact ideas becomes possible). Developmental researchers have
found probably underestimated the capabilities of infants, preschoolers, and elementary
schoolchildren, and overestimated the capabilities of adolescents. Researchers have found, too,
that children's reasoning on particular tasks depends somewhat on their prior knowledge,
experience, and formal schooling relative to those tasks. Contemporary develop mentalists doubt
that cognitive development can really be characterized as a series of general stages that pervade
children's thinking in diverse content domains. A few theorists, known as neo-Piagetians,
propose that children acquire more specific systems of concepts and thinking skills relevant to
particular domains and that these systems may change in a stage like manner. Many others
instead suggest that children exhibit more gradual trends in a variety of abilities. However,
virtually all contemporary theorists acknowledge the value of Piaget's research methods and his
views about motivation, the construction of knowledge, and the appearance of qualitative
changes in cognitive development.
Reflection Paper
The Nervous System: Neurons and Synapses

This topic teach me a lot in my lesson, its make me understand many things. From my
understanding the nervous system is divided into the central nervous system (CNS) and the
peripheral nervous system (PNS). The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord,
which contain nuclei and tracts and the peripheral nervous system consists of nerves and ganglia.
A neuron consists of dendrites, a cell body, and an axon. The cell body contains the nucleus,
Nissl bodies, neurofibrils and other organelles. However, Dendrites receive stimuli, and the axon
conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body. Supporting cells include Schwann cells and
satellite cells in the PNS; in the CNS they include the various types of glial cells;
oligodendrocytes, microglia, astrocytes, and ependymal cells. Schwann cells form a sheath of
Schwann around axons of the PNS. Some neurons are surrounded by successive wrappings of
supporting cell membranes called a myelin sheath. This sheath is formed by Schwann cells in the
PNS and oligodendrocytes in the CNS and astrocytes in the CNS may contribute to the blood-
brain barrier.

The Synapse is the gap junctions are electrical synapses, found in cardiac muscle, smooth
muscle, and some regions of the brain. IN chemical synapses, neurotransmitters are packaged in
synaptic vesicles and released by exocytosis into the synaptic cleft. Acetylcholine as a
Neurotransmitter and there are two different subtypes of ACh receptors: nicotinic and
muscarinic. Nicotinic receptors enclose membrane channels and open when ACh bonds to the
receptor. This causes a depolarization called an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in
skeletal muscle cells. The binding of ACh to muscarinic receptors opens ion channels indirectly,
Reflection Paper
through the action of G-proteins. This can cause a hyperpolarization called an inhibitory
postsynaptic potential (IPSP). After ACh acts at the synapse it is inactivated by the enzyme
acetyl cholinesterase (AChE). Monoamines include serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and
epinephrine. The last three are also included in the subcategory known as catecholamine. These
neurotransmitters are inactivated after being released, primarily by reuptake into the presynaptic
nerve endings. Catecholamines may activate adenylate cyclase in the postsynaptic cell, which
catalyzes the formation of cyclic AMP. Furthermore, Dopaminergic neurons (those that use
dopamine as a neurotransmitter) are implicated in the development of Parkinson's disease and
schizophrenia. Norepinephrine is used as a neurotransmitter by sympathetic neurons in the PNS
and by some neurons in the CNS.
Other Neurotransmitters such as the amino acids glutamate and aspartate are excitatory in the
CNS. The subclass of glutamate receptor designated as NMDA receptors are implicated in
learning and memory. The amino acids glycine and GABA are inhibitory. They produce
hyperpolarizations, causing IPSPs, by opening Cl- channels. This is what I was understand about
the topic, this topic make me understand more how the nervous system functions.

Reflection Paper
Multiple Personality Disorder
This is the true story happen in my friends life. A friend name Anbigan from India. He was only
son for his parents. They was very strict and not freedom that cannot wear fashion cloths beside
traditional. My friend was told me that he cant take it anymore of their parents rules and one
day he was attempt to suicide but suddenly he told me he wake up in different place. I though
was he was sleep walking. This incidence keep happen in his life, since then his characteristic
was change so sudden that his parents suspect that his personality keep changing in 2 ways, one
it was normal one another one was a bit different where his way speaking and his cloths become
fashion. His parents dont like if he wear fashion cloths. One of the day his parents was asking
him when he in normal state, that what happen to you Anbigan? Why u nowadays wear fashion
cloths. Anbigan no idea what they talking about and he asking back to his parents that he said
he never wear fashion cloth, so his parents shock. Once his parents asking him in details then he
explain that sometimes he will knock out so when he wake up he was in different place. His
parents were very shocked and they thought he got possess by evil spirit. However, their family
friend suggests then to see psychiatrist and then they bring him to National Institute of Mental
Health and Neurosciences that located at Bangalore, where he is diagnosed with multiple
personality disorder. Anbigan reveals to the psychiatrist that he like a lot to where modern cloths
since kids, every times other kids wearing his parents not allowed, and he explain that he put the
wants and need all inside his heart never told parents at all because his parents not allowed. The
psychiatrist concludes that his desire not full fill so another personality came out to full fill his
desire resulted in the development of this psychological disorder. The psychiatrist tries to talk to
his another personality and he concludes that Anbiagan desire was the one make him create
different personalities. The psychiatrist asks Anbigans parents to let him do what he desire even
Reflection Paper
though is small matter but it is a big matter for Anbigan this was course all this. His parents then
let him do whatever he want while he still went for his treatment. Anbigans fake personality
keep disappear slowly. Psychology teaches me and I able to understand the multiple personalities
look like. Since the Multiple Personalities Disorder difficult to understand but I able to
understand the basics. In psychology, a lot about human can learn, and its interesting too.

Motivation (Employee Rewards)
My uncle own a company, there was many employees working under him. When time he plans
to motivates employees he uses rewards to employee. He applies reward system into individuals
or groups of people. For example, for meeting your annual profit goal, you could offer profit
sharing to the employee who contributed the most to your success or to an entire team. He
classifies the employee rewards into intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic rewards are those that provide
employees with a sense of accomplishment; they include giving your employees autonomy or
providing opportunities for growth. Extrinsic rewards are tangible, such as offering stock options
or demonstrating employee recognition by presenting plaques or certificates before an audience
of their peers. My uncle plan to provide two reward packages to motivates employees
The first was compensation; a commission pay structure for sales professionals works by
rewarding a sales professional who closes more business with more money. According to my
uncle the company benefits from the additional revenue as well. Financial rewards packages for
non-commission employees can include a profit-sharing program, quarterly performance bonuses
and lower health insurance premiums for employees who take part in the company wellness
program. Guaranteed annual raises for employees that meet standard performance criteria can
Reflection Paper
also act as motivation. For example, a 3 percent pay raise each year for employees who have a 99
percent attendance rating is a motivating financial reward.
The second was Recognition, recognizing employees for their efforts can be an inexpensive but
effective motivating reward package. For example, giving the "employee of the month" a printed
certificate and one month's use of a designated parking spot close to the office entrance costs the
company nothing, but it can become a strong motivating factor for employees. Other forms of
recognition that can be used include listing employee accomplishments in the company
newsletter and handwritten notes from a manager or executive identifying excellent performance.
So my uncle uses these two methods to motivate employees. After the rewards given employees
become very motivating and my uncle become happy because employees can able to contribute
more to his companies. My uncle realizes that the motivation is key to success for the companies.
Psychology studies help me to understand what the motivation are and its help me to improve my
knowledge as well on motivation. I able to understand what my uncle experiencing in his

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