List of Reading Prose Short Story

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Name/Student Number : Esti Dwi Oktaviani/13.601010.012

Title Writer/
The First
Date of
The Last
Date of
Response Comment
Foe J.M.
June 10
June 15 2014 Main character :
Susan Baston

characters :
Robinson Crusoe,
Friday, Daniel Foe.
Setting (time) :
An Island, The sea
of Brazil, The hilly
interior of the
island, Desert isle,
Africa, Muscovy,
In the ship)
Setting (Time) :
In the morning, In
the afternoon, In
the Evening,
Midnight, Night

The novel opens with
the narrative of Susan
Barton, a castaway on
the island where
Cruso (as he is called
here) and Friday have
long been marooned.
Her Cruso, who
differs in many
respects from the
intrepid figure known
to generations of
readers, dies on
shipboard en route to
England after they are
rescued, a little more
than a year after
Susans arrival.
Finding herself in
London without
resources, and feeling
responsible for the
mute Friday, Susan
Social viewpoint :
The third of
singular person

Susan Barton is on
a quest to find her
kidnapped daughter
whom she knows
has been taken to
the New World.
She is set adrift
during a mutiny on
a ship to Lisbon.
When she comes
ashore, she finds
Friday and Cruso
who has grown
complacent, content
to forget his past
and live his life on
the island with
by what Cruso
claims to have been
the act of former
slave ownersin
Arriving near the
end of their
composes an account
of her experiences on
the island (the very
account which we
have been reading)
and gives it to
a professional writer,
Daniel Foe (as Defoe
was in fact known
until past the age of
forty), hoping that he
can fashion it into a
salable book.
He sees promise in
the tale but, finding it
wanting in incident,
proposes to flesh it
out--adding some
cannibals, for
Moral value of the
novel is about
corelation between
society and culture,
because Foe as the
most profoundbook
ever written about
race ralations in a
society where whites
were often separated
from blocks by an
residence, Barton is
only on the island
for a year before
the trio is rescued,
but the homesick
Cruso does not
survive the voyage
to England. In
England with
Friday, Barton
attempts to set her
adventures on the
island to paper, but
she feels her efforts
lack popular appeal.
She tries to
convince novelist
Daniel Foe to help
with her
manuscript, but he
does not agree on
which of her
adventures is
interesting. Foe
would prefer to
write about her time
in Bahia looking for
her daughter, and
when he does write
on the story she
wishes, fabulates
Abyss of linguistic
and cultutral in
about Cruso's
adventures rather
than relating her
facts. Frustrating
Barton's efforts
further, Foe, who
becomes her lover,
is preoccupied with
debt and has little
time or energy to
write about
anything. Barton's
story takes a twist
with the return of
someone claiming
to be her missing

backward flow

Rewrite Brave Heart :
This story tells about having friendship. They are Raoul Vaillantcoeur and
Prosper Leclere. They have been friends since chilhodd and lived in Abbeville. Raoul
Vaillantcoeur was a peerson who has a great body and handsome and he also has a fairly
strong natural forces. While Prosper Leclere not handsome, but he was nice and very
quite. As they mature, they known as the srongest youth in the Paroki. But they have
differences in appearance and ability. However, these two competing and hostile again.
This originated from a story and a long story. Raoul has a power of two times stronger
than the people in the village and he was very proud of it. Prosper does not care about
that and when they still have a good relationship. But when circumstances change,
Prosper continue doing better and better things. Raoul became jealous, his was not fair
because he has good stength, but he cant be a leader. While Prosper, he contonues to
advance and has a lot of luck than Raoul. Raoul was determined to be able to achieve and
realize the ambition he wants and does not care in any way. Because the most important
thing for him was that he can fulfill his desire. These two men both like a girl named
Toinette. But in the end, this woman chose Raoul Vaillantcoeur. Raoul felt proud of this
and he hopes to made Prosper jealous. But Prosper did not have that attitude.
In the summer, the people of Abbeville perform tower construction for the glory
of Gor. Raoul became the leader of the selection of the woods, while Prosper became a
leader in placement of stones or tower construction materials. But one day, Raoul moving
towards a place where Prosper works. In the Raouls thought just want to kill Prosper. He
throttled Prosper and inserting his thumb into one of Prospers eye. To seve themselves,
Prosper was swinging his arm towards Raoul, so that a blow landed upfront Raoul.
Knowing his friend fell, Prosper becames frustrated and he plans to threw herself from
the tower. But the peoples who were there held him with a vengeance. The two friends
both felt pain and suffering. A good docter from Chicoutimi who care for these two men.
But day after day went by, the two friends equally gave an apology and ask abiut the
other one. They assume that this will add to the problem if they knew each other about
their news. Toinette eventually broke her engagement with Raoul and chose to marry
with Prosper. Raoul assume this is very embarrassing as losing to a blind man, but for
Toinette it does not matter because he has chosen someone who has a brave heart in
Abbeville as her husband.

Rewrite Legend Of Don Munio Sancho de Hinojosa :
Several hundres years ago, there was a noble Castilian cavalier, named is Don
Munio Sancho de Hinojosa, lord of a border castle. He had seventy horseman, soldier,
man of iron to scoured the moors lands.
His wife name is Dona Maria Palacin, was of a gentle and timid nature. This
character match for a adventurous a knight. Some day he was haunting in the forest. He
had not been here long, when a cavalcade of Moors, of both sexes, cameprankling over
the forest lawn. They were unarmed, and magnificently dressed in robes of tissue and
embroidery, rich shawls of India, bracelets and anklets of gold, and jewels that sparkled
in the sun.
At the head of this gay cavalcade rode a youthful cavalier, beside had a girl,
veiling, beautiful face. Don Munio thanked a give such prize, but him thinking his wife in
the home. . His huntsmen came running from all quarters, and the astonished Moors were
surrounded and made captives. The beautiful Moor wrung her hands in despair, and her
female attendants uttered the most piercing cries. The young Moorish cavalier alone
retained self-possession. He inquired the name of the Christian knight, who commanded
this troop of horsemen. When told that it was Don Munio Sancho de Hinojosa.
A few years after this incident king of castile called nobility to against the nation
of Moor. One of them was Don Munio. The king of Castile led his army to the plains of
Salmanara. They meet host moor and finally the battle occoured.
While battle acooured his wife Dona Maria Palacin remained in her castle, a prey
to the keenest anxiety. And her pray for the safety of her husband. However Don Monia
had been killed in battle and tender and faithful Dona Maria soon followed her lord to the
tomb . Don MunioSuncho de Hinojosa is leaders who very brave and Dona Maria is a

Rewrite The Lost Ship :
This story about a mother who always waiting for her son return from sailing
ship. Many people came to see and say Goodbye to someone named Tetby. A few
months but it has not return , many suspect that the ship had been lost in transit. Day after
day but the ship was not returned, someone had given up waiting for him. Long after all
hope is gone and start to forget.
In the evening an old lady sitting with her campfire and pray to god that his son
soon found, at te moment the door opened, she was very shocked and nervous. It turns
out that his son is coming. They hugged, cried, and thanked God.
The woman then asked him to eat and mean to ask what happened but he did not
want to talk and reasoned very tired, he would tell his mother tomorrow. After the old
woman back to the kitchen, she was grateful for the return of her son. In a short time the
place is crowded, many people came to ask about what happened. The old woman
asserted to ask at dawn. Morning when many people come back, she would wake her son
but at the time she wanted her son to wake him stop and look desperate.Turns out her son
had died quietly in his bed premises.

Rewrite An Ali Baba of the Sierras :
In the past there was a boy named Jhonny Sterleigh. Every day he was always late
to go to school. It has became a usual thing for him. This was due to the desire of
curiosity to things magical and bizarre always happened when he walked to go to school.
One day he found footprints that same with his footprints. And it turns out it was indeed
the footprints of a sudden he heard two people coming toward him. He knew it was one
of those. Jhonny curious about them because one of them carrying a bag and brough it
into the cave. Not shortly after, they came out and did not carry the bag again. Because
curiosity was so strong, Jhonny went into the cave and he tried to overthrow the stone
that covered the cave. He also succeed to open the door of the cave and found a bag
carried by the thief. It turns out that the bag containing gold flakes. Both men were poorer
thieves. But Jhonny did not dare told his father and he did not dare to take the gold.
Jhonny considered himself as Ali Baba who found the gold.
After the incident Jhonny left. And one day Jhonny met a woman named Amelia
Stryker. He told her that he found the teo thives who stole gold and brough it into the
cave that was in the forest. Jhonny also promised to bring Amelia to that place. But when
Jhonny want to show it to Amelia, Jhonny found the two men were in the cave that was
in the forest. But there was a men with them. And it turns out the man was his brother.
One of the men was about provided a bag to his brother and then he immediately turned
away to leave. After that the two thieves enter the cave. Desperate to save her brother,
Jhonny run to the cave and closed it eith stone so they could not get out. And after that
the place was left as Jhonny. Since the acident was his brother never returned and there
was no news from her brother and the thieves.
Ten years later, Amelia sent a letter to Jhonny. The construction of the tunnel,
found two bodies that have became skull. Now Amelia Jhonny believed to Jhonny that
what was told was true. Amelia was angry with Jhonny because he did not keep his
promised to Amelia and Jhonny also said that what he said just a joke. Jhonny pull
through this because he does not want others to know that his brother was one of the
Rewrite Foe :
The narrator of Foe was Susan Barton, a female castaway who washed up on the
island inhabited by Crusoe, an English and adventurer , and Friday an African slave.
After an uneventful story on the island, the three of them are rescued by the crew of
Bristol-bound ship. Crusoe died on the returned journey, but Susan and Friday were safe
transported to England, where Susan seeks out the author, Mr. Daniel Foe, in the hope
having her story written. Yet, the reader soon learned that the only way Susan could
reconstruat the story of her out by the slavers. The rest of the novel recounted Susans
struggle to write her encountered with Friday.
Susan was a daughter of an English mother and a French father. She had a daughter
of the same name. The daughter was kidnaped by an English man and she was conveyed
to the New World. Susan followed her to Brazil, but after that at a place called Bahia she
lost her. Susan dec ided to stay there, and she spent two years there. Finally, she boarded
a ship to Lisbon and fell in love with the captain of the ship. To her misfortune, the
sailors mutiny and killed the captain. Susan took refuge in a small boat. She landed on an
island. Friday found her and brang her to his master named Crusoe, an irascible, lazy,
imperious fellow. He had interested on went back to the mainland. He didnt even liked
to recall the events of his early life there. Friday could not speak because his tongue had
been cut out, either by Crusoe, or by the slave owners. Three of them spent one year on
the island. they were recued by an english ship under the command of capten Smith. On
the voyage back to England, and how she attempts to persuate Daniel Foe to turn her
account of life on the island into a popular and interesting book of advantured. foe Want
much interested in Crusoe and Friday. he called their island a monotonous and bored
place. but he interested in those two years which Susan had spent in Batia. foe was
financially not strong and couldnt publish the book because he wasnt in debt. his house
had been taken by the bailiffs.
For a while we lay in silence, Foe on his side, Susan on mine. at last Foe, I ask
myself sametimes, he said, how it would be if Gods creatures had no need of sleep.
then he was upon Susan, and Susan might had throught in Crusos arms again, for they
were men of the same time of life, and heavy in the lower body, thought neither was
stout, and their was with a woman too was much the same. Susan closed in her eyes,
trying to find way back to the island, to the wind and wave-roar, but no the island was
lost, cut off from Susan by a thousand leagues of watery waste. When Susan opened her
eyes it was broad daylight and Foe was at his deck, with his back to her. Susan dressed
and crept over to the alcove. Friday lay on his mat swathed in his scarlet robes. come
Friday. Susan whispered Mr. Foe was at his labours, we must leave him.
Ausan strike out toward the dark oliffs of the island, but something dull and heavy
grapes at her leg, something caresses her arm. she was in the great bed of seaweed, the
frond rise and fall with the swell. but this wasbt a place of words. each syllable, as it
comes out, was caught and filled with water and confused. this was a place where bodies
were their own signs. it was the home of Friday.
Friday turns and turns till he lies at full length, his face to my face. the skip was tight
across his bones, his lips were drawn back. she pass a fingernail across his teeth, trying to
find a way in. from inside him cames a slow stream, without breath. it flows up throught
the cabin, throught the wreck, washing the cliffs and shores of the island, it runs
northwand and southward to the ends of the earth. soft and cold, dark and unending.

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