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1 Selection of Pipe Type

Potential difference between the outlet of the Phase II Sukamaju Reservoir with
furthest off-take point is 160 meter water column while it is zero discharging or static
pressure. So, the pipe material should withstand at least 160 meters water column static
load pressure, water hammer pressure, external load 40 tons/m
or axle pressure, and
has the resistance to existing soil conditions. Other criteria are pipe lifetime which is
above 50 years, the pipeline class telescope, and comply with the use of standards in
drinking water aspect (SNI, ISO, and AWWA). The advantages and limitations of various
types of pipe materials for the transmission and major distribution of drinking water can be
seen in Table 3-10.
Table Error! No text of specified style in document.-1 Type of Pipe Comparison
Pipe TypeClassification Coated Steel Pipe Ductile Cast Iron Pipe (DCIP) Polyethylene Pipe Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pipe (GRP)

Pipe made in uncoursed pipe of steel
plate coated with coal tar enamel
Steel pipe transformed by adding special
elements in the melting state, to improve
strength and heat transfer property
Pipe made from HDPE compound,
smooth interior/exterior surface
Composite structure of resin-sand and glass
fiber reinforced plastic layer to improve
internal pressure performance.
Production Standard D80 - D3,000 mm D80 - D1,20 mm D16 D2,000 mm D150 - D2,40 mm
Coating Methods
Outside : steel pipe + coal tar enamel
Inside: liquid epoxy resin paint
Outside: carbon, silicon, manganese,
phosphor, sulfur | Inside: cement-lining
Outside: HDPE resin
Inside: HDPE resin
Outside: glass fiber reinforced plastic
Inside: glass fiber reinforced plastic
Specific Gravity 7.75 8.15 Above 0.95 2.0
Water Pressure Test (kg/cm
(mm) A B (mm) Type1 Type2 (mm) Water Pressure (mm PN6 PN10
D 350-3,000 25 20
Below300 70 60
D150- 2,400
12 20
300 - 600 60 50 D16 - 600 40 - 50 PN16 PN25
700 - 1,000 50 40 32 50
Weight slightly light (2/3 of DCIP) Heavier than other pipe types slightly light (1/4 of DCIP) slightly light (1/3-1/4 of DCIP)
Life Span approx. 50 years approx. 50 years approx. 50 years approx. 50 years
Connection Method welding KP mechanical joint butt fusion coupling
and Chemical
excellent corrosion resistance due to
coating applied, but probable concerns
in case of coating damaged
similar corrosion behaviour to
copper;slower than steel; strong corrosion
&chemical resistance (cement-lining)
good corrosion / chemical resistance
Excellent electrolytic corrosion and
salinity resistance
good corrosion / chemical resistance
high intensity and resistance against
internal/external pressure and
thick and highly intensified but low impact
intensity. Potential cracking encountered
when high impact and quick pressure.
lower tensile and impact strength than
iron pipe, possible to be deformational
in poor ground/road for heavy vehicle
high hardness and elasticity
Electric Insulation corrosion due to electric insulation corrosion due to electricity generated anti-corrosion due to insulation material anti-corrosion due to insulation material
Hygienic Aspects
high possibility contamination ; safe
from external contamination due to high
hardness & integrated pipeenabled
concerns on possibility of water pollution
and damaged scale due to corrosion
No release harmful substance
including Virtually leak free, not
allow inflow ground water
possible to affect human due to flowing out of
glass fiber inside pipes when boring without
water supply suspension
ImpactResistance good weed good good
Water Pressure 20-25 kg f/cm
300 mm type 3 pipe :50 kg f/cm
47-55 kg f/cm
12-50 kg f/cm

high-pressure pipe : 100m
.ordinary pressure pipe : 75 m
high-pressure pipe:100m; ordinary
pressure pipe:75m; low-pressure pipe:45m
under 300 mm: 75m
300-600 mm: 100m
Pressure Water
in case of welded connection, available
through high pressure pump; in case of
coupling, possible to leak on junction
high lift water supply pipe line is not
suitable due to possible leakage on
junctions and deviation
possible to use in the condition of high-
head or through high pressure pump
not suitable for high lift water supply pipe
line due to possible leakage on junctions
and deviation
Soil Pressure
Road Load
strong against external pressure ie.
traffic and soil pressure due to steel
composed of ferrite, high intensity due to
flexible quality of material
less intensity than steel piping and
weak at external pressure
less intensity than steel piping and weak at
external pressure
Pipe TypeClassification Coated Steel Pipe Ductile Cast Iron Pipe (DCIP) Polyethylene Pipe Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pipe (GRP)
required for foundation used with good
quality sand or earth
required for pipe tie ors ladder bars on
the soft ground section
required for foundation used with
good quality sand or earth
required for foundation used with good
quality sand or earth
welded parts require additional coating /
electrochemical prevention; occurrence
lower occurrence than steel pipes coated
with materials
safe against electro-chemical
safe against electro-chemical corrosion
easy to detour unexpected obstacles
due to easy customization of pipes
service for other constructions or transfer
is difficult due to difficult processability
service for other construction or transfer
is difficult due to difficult processability
service for other construction or transfer is
difficult due to difficult processability
processes such as payment work could
be delayed due to longer construction
period than other pipe types
construction period could be reduced
more than steel pipes, but it is difficult
due to heavy pipe weight.
Light weight makesinstallation process
easy and convenient compare to iron
pipe. Butt fusion causes some delay
convenient construction due to light material
and easy connection. Cons- truction
periodless than steel & cast iron.
good shock-resistance due to high
intensity and high safety
possible deviation from connectionwhen
earthquake or soft ground settlement.
good shock-resistance due to high
flexibility and continuity (butt fusion)
possible deviation from connectionwhen
earthquake or soft ground settlement
Others DischargeCapacity C = 110 C = 110 C = 130 C = 130

slightly lighter than cast iron pipes,
unfavorable for construction and
delivery due to heavier material
difficulties in delivery , treatment, and
bringing equipment
easy to deliver and construct due to
light material pipes.
easy to deliver and construct due to light
material pipes.
difficult for construction of water supply
section due to welded connection.
easy construction for water supply
Good water tightness by butt fusion,
inconvenient due to fusion machine
favorable due to water expansion rubber ring
less foundation work than other pipe
type in case of soft ground
no need for expansion joint against
temperature change and construction.
no need for angle fitting in a small
angle areas

branch installation by construction
method of no suspension of water
supply is relatively difficult.
branch installation by construction
method of no suspension of water
supply is relatively easy.
branch installation by butt fusion and
compression saddle without water
supply suspension is relatively easy.
construction without water supply
suspension is possible but saddle cannot be
used in pressure areas.
inside welding is impossible for below
D800 mm
relatively less foundation works than
other pipe types in case of soft ground.
low leakage by butt fusion
anti-corrosion tape finishing is required
welding points after welding connection.
concern on deviated pipe by uneven
settlement in case soft ground.
possible to be deformational by
compressive strength

easy repair but inner coating is not
possible after welding for repair.
additional protection borehole is required
at angle pipe installation points.
easy to manufacture deformed fittings,
no need to reinforce for deformed fittings
additional protection borehole is required at
angle installation points.
no need to protect special pipes due to
welding connection.
favorable for heavy traffic sections due
to convenient construction.
unfavorable at traffic congestion area
in case of butt fusion
favorable for heavy traffic section due to
convenient connection.
Economical efficiency
(Price per m)
D 560 : 4,229,094 D 560 : 5,259,818 D 560 : 3,732,156 D 560 : 3,988,772
D 700 : 6,249,177 D 700 : 6,864,919 D 700 : 6,704,038 D 700 : 5,307,624
D 800 : 7,786,105 D 800 : 8,408,369 D 800 : 8,268,467 D 800 : 6,426,102
D 900 : 9,514,299 D 900 : 9,945,678 D 900 : 10,831,866 D 900 : 7,988,993
General Review
the safest for leakage due to welding
connection. large pipe diameter has
economics but small pipe diameter
has reduced economics. separated
measures for electro-chemical
corrosion is required.
the safest in domestic pipes for external
load. Occupies more than 65% of all
domestic water supply pipe, favorable for
construction and maintenance with
accumulated expertise. Ease to work in
water supply,easy branch pipe installation
excellent chemical stability, corrosion
resistance, electrolytic protection.
non-uniform butt fusion can occur water
leakage. Suitable for small diameter pipe
due to low strength. the larger diameter
of pipe will be less economical
less application history and productivity
performance. less reliability on junctions.
impossible production of special pipes
including small-sized 80mm and 100 mm
Considering the filed conditions whose inner pipe water pressure reaches 160 m, so
in this study GRP pipe is chosen as selected pipe material based on the following
- A good resistance to corrosion
- A longtime lifetime
- Low density
- Low leakage level
- Easy and fast in installation

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