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1. How many such pairs of letters

are there in the word PARTICLE
each of which has as many let-
ters between them in the word
as in the English alphabet ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
2. How many meaningful English
words can be made with the let-
ters MSOE using each letter only
once in each word ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
3. The positions of how many digits
in the number 8394265 will re-
main unchanged if the digits are
rearranged in descending order
within the number ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
4. 'RT is related to 'NP' in the same
way as 'HJ' is related to .
(1) DE (2) DG
(3) EG (4) DF
(5) None of these
5. What s h o u o l d cme next in the
following letter series ?
(1) A (2) C
(3) H (4) I
(5) None of these
6. If'+' means '', '-' means '', ''
means'+' and '' means -', then
80 - 20 10 + 6 4 = ?
(1) 102 (2) 80
(3) 60 (4) 68
(5) None of these
7. In a certain code DUCK is writ-
ten as '%39*' and LIKE is writ-
ten as '8$*5. How is ELUDE
written in that code ?
(1) 583%3 (2) 852*8
(3) 583*5 (4) 583%5
8. Among M, D, R, P and Q each
having a different weight, R is
lighter than only M and P is
lighter than both Q and D. Who
among them is the second light-
(1) P (2) Q
(3) D (4) Q or D
(5) Data inadequate
9. D walked 30 metres towards
South, took a left turn and walked
20 metres. He then took a right
turn and walked 30 metres and
turned towards his right and
stopped. Towards which direction
was he facing when he stopped ?
(1) East (2) West
(3) North
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
10. In a certain code STUMBLED is
written as 'NVUTCDKA'. How is
CALAMITY written in that code ?
(5) None of these
11. In a certain code language 'how
often you come' is written as ja
ha ta na' and 'how do you read' is
written as 'sa ma ha ta.' How is
'often' written in that code lan-
guage ?
(1) ja (2) na
(3) ja or na
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
12. 'R is brother of T. 'M is sister of
R. 'K is brother of M', 'W is fa-
ther of T. How many sons does
W have ?
(1) Two (2) Three
(3) One
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
13. Pointing to a girl, Samir said "She
is the daughter of my grandfa-
ther's only son". How is the girl
related to Samir ?
(1) Sister (2) Cousin
(3) Daughter
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
14. How many such pairs of digits
are there in the number
49316872 each of which has as
many digits between them in the
number as when the digits be-
tween them in the number as
when the digits are arranged in
ascending order within the num-
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
15. Village D is towards South of vil-
lage A. Village K is towards East
of village D. Village R is towards
North of village N. Village A is to-
wards which direction of village
N ?
(1) West
(2) North-West
(3) South-West
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
16. Each consonant in the word
BREAKS is replaced by the pre-
vious letter in the English alpha-
bet and each vowel is replaced
by the next letter in the English
alphabet and the letters so ob-
tained are arranged in alphabeti-
cal order. Which of the following
will be the third from the right
end ?
(1) Q (2) J
(3) F (4) B
(5) None of these
Directions (17 - 22): Study the
following arrangement carefully and
answer the questions given below :
MN9UK7I $ 2 W# 6Z
17. Which of the following is the
eighth to the right of the twenti-
eth from the right end of the
above arrangement ?
(1) 6 (2) @
(3) J (4) N
(5) None of these
Model Questions
18. If all those letters each of which
is immediately followed by a sym-
bol are dropped from the above
arrangement, which of the follow-
ing will be the tenth from the left
end ?
(1) 9 (2) J
(3) 4 (4) U
(5) None of these
19. How many such numbers are
there in the above arrangement,
each of which is immediately pre-
ceded by a letter and not imme-
diately followed by a letter ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
20. How many such vowels are there
in the above arrangement, each
of which is immediately preceded
by a number and immediately
followed by a symbol ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) Four
21. What should come next in the
following series based on the
above arrangement ?
5 A REJ 8MJ ?
(1) K I 2 (2) K I $
(3) K 7 $ (4) 7 $ 2
(5) None of these
22. How many such symbols are there
in the above arrangement, each
of which is immediately followed
by a number but not immediately
preceded by a number ?
(1) None (2) One
(3) Two (4) Three
(5) More than three
Directions (23 - 28): In each of
the questions below are given four state-
ments followed by three conclusions
numbered I, II and III. You have to take
the given statements to be true even if
they seem to be at variance from com-
monly known facts. Read all the con-
clusions and then decide which of the
given conclusions logically follows from
the given statements disregarding com-
monly known facts.
23. Statements:
All clouds are trains .
No train is book.
Some books are pens.
All pens are chairs.
I. Some chairs are clouds.
II. Some pens are trains.
III. Some books are clouds.
(1) None follows
(2) Only I follows
13) Only II follows
(4) Only III follows
(5) Only II and III follow
24. Statements:
Some pillars are floors.
Some floors are walls.
Some walls are houses.
Some houses are hills.
I. Some hills are floors.
II. Some walls are pillars.
III. No hill is floor.
(1) None follows
(2) Only I follows
(3) Only II follows
(4) Only III follows
(5) Only either I or III follows
25. Statements:
All glasses are toys.
Some toys are guns.
All guns are tables.
Some papers are tables.
I. Some tables are toys.
II. Some papers are guns.
III. Some tables are glasses.
(1) None follows
(2) Only I follows
(3) Only II follows
(4) Only III follows
(5) Only I and II follow
26. Statements:
Some flowers are bushes.
Some bushes are rivers.
All rivers are roads.
Some rivers are mountains.
I. Some roads are flowers.
II. Some mountains are roads.
III. Some roads are bushes.
(1) Only I and II follow
(2) Only I and III follow
(3) Only II and III follow
(4) All I, II and III follow
(5) None of these
27. Statements:
All birds are horses.
Some tigers are horses.
Some horses are goats.
Some lions are goats.
I. Some lions are horses.
II. Some tigers are birds.
III. Some goats are birds.
(1) Only I follows
(2) Only II follows
(3) Only III follows
(4) Only II and III follow
(5) None follows
28. Statements:
Some tyres are cars.
All boxes are cars.
Some bags are boxes.
All ropes are bags.
I. Some ropes are boxes.
II. Some bags are cars.
III. Some bags are tyres.
(1) Only I follows
(2) Only II follows
(3) Only III follows
(4) Only I and III follow
(5) None of these
Directions (29-34) : Study the
following information carefully and an-
swer the questions given below :
A, B D, F, H, J K, T and W are
sitting around a circle facing at the
centre. D is third to the left of A who is
fourth to the left of T. H is third to the
right of F who is third to the right of T.
B is third to the right of K who is not
an immediate neighbour of F or D. J is
not an immediate neighbour of A.
29. Who is to the immediate right of
D ?
(1) F (2) B
(3) W
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
30. Who is second to the right of W?
(1) A (2) K
(3) H
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
31. Who is fourth to the right of B ?
(1) W (2) A
(3) H
(4) Data inadequate
(5) None of these
32. What is J's position with respect
to B ?
(1) Third to the left
(2) Third to the right
(3) Second to the right
(4) Fourth to the right
(5) Second to the left.
33. Which of the following pairs rep-
resents the immediate neigh-
bours of H ?
(1) KW (2) AJ
(3) JW (4) KA
(5) Data inadequate
34. In which of the following combi-
nations is the third person sit-
ting in between the fust and the
second persons ?
(1) BDF ;2j JTB
(3) KJH (4) AWH
(5) FAW
Directions (33-40): In the follow-
ing questions, the symbols @, , % $
and * are used with the following mean-
ing as illustrated below:
'P Q' means 'P is neither equal
to nor greater than Q'
'P $ Q' means 'P is neither greater
than nor smaller than Q'
'P * Q' means 'P is neither smaller
than nor equal to Q'.
'P % Q' means 'P is not smaller
than Q'.
'P @ Q" means 'P is not greater than
nor than Q'.
Now in each of the following ques-
tions assuming the given statements
to be true, find which of the three con-
clusions I, II and III given below them
is/are definitely true and give your
answer accordingly.
35. Statements:
R % K, K * T, T M, M @ H
Conclusions:!. R * T ?
(1) Only I is true
(2) Only II is true
(3) Only III is true
(4) Only I and II are true
(5) All 1, II and III are tiue
36. Statements:
HN, N*B, B$M, MK
Conclusions : I. H B
III. K $ B
(1) Only II is true
(2) Only III is true
(3) Only either II or III is true
(4) Only II and III are true
(5) None of these
37. Statements:
W % F, F S A, A J. J *B
Conclusions : I. A @ W
II. J * W
III. B * F
(1) Only I is true
(2) Only II is true
(3) Only III is true
(4) Only I and II are true
(5) None of these
38. Statements:
K@B, BR, R$H, H*V
Conclusions : I. V R
II. R*-K
III. H * 6
(1) Only I and II are true
(2) Only I and III are true
(3) Only II and III are true
(4) Only III is true
(5) All I, II and III are true
39. Statements:
N$T. T@B, H$B, KH
Conclusions : I. K B
II. B $ N
III. B * N
(1) Only either II or HI is true
(2) Only either II or III and I are
(3) Only I is true
(4) Only I and II are true
(5) Only I and III are true
40. Statements:
R * K, K M, M @ H, H % T
Conclusions : I. T M
II. T$ M
III. H * K
(1) None is true
(2) Only I is true
(3) Only II is true
(4) Only III is true
(5) Only either I or II and III are
Directions (41-50): In each of the questions given below which one of the
five answer figures on the right should come after the problem figures on the
left, if the sequence were continued ?
Problem Figures Answer Figures
Directions (51-75): What should
come in place of the question mark (?)
in the following questions ?
51. 241 x 27 - 1943 = ?
(1) 4654 (2) 4622
(3) 1564 (4) 4546
(5) None of these
52. 72 8 0.2 = ?
(1) 45 (2) 38
(3) 54 (4) 62
(5) None of these
53. 56% of 444. = ?
(1) 242.54 (2) 259.64
(3) 235.54 (4) 248.64
(5) None of these
(1) 175 (2) 210
(3) 245 (4) 190
(5) None of these
5B. 23
1 05
1. 2
= 23
(1) 6.6 (2) 14.4,
(3) 4.2 (4) 16.8
(5) None of these
56. 181.24 + 812.14 + 218.41 = ?
(1) 1121.79 (2) 1112.97
(3) 1212.79 (4) 1221.97
(5) None of these
57. 13.5 x 16.4 x 7.2 = ?
(1) 1554.38 (2) 1526.28
(3) 1594.08 (4) 1582.18
(5) None of these
58. 48 x ? = 816
(1) 15 (2) 22
(3) 19 (4) 24
(5) None of these
59. 25% of 424 - ?% of 454 = 37.9
(1) 26 (2) 19
(3) 21 (4) 15
(5) None of these
60. 1696.5 (18 x 6.5) = ?
(1) 14.5 (2) 17.5
(3) 12.5 (4) 10.5
(5) None of these
61. 4
x 3
- 12
= ?
(1) 1584 (2) 1533
(3) 1548 (4) 1576
(5) -None of these
62. 4 x ? = 8356 + 5
(1) 430.2 (2) 417.8
(3) 423.6 (4) 408.4
(5) None of these
63. ? 32 x 19 = 5320
(1) 8890 (2) 8920
(3) 8960 (4) 8840
(5) None of these
64. 54793 - 1834 - 3689 = ?
(1) 49720 (2) 49680
(3) 49570 (4) 49240
(5) None of these
65. 362.45 - 157.65 + 236.87 = ?
(1) 451.37 (2) 43 (4) 441.67
(5) None of t1.87
(3) 414.27 hese
66. 4.6 x 7.5 x 3.4 - 37.98 = ?
(1) 85.18 (2) 79.32
(3) 83.28 (4) 69.42
(5) None of these
76. The average of four consecutive
even numbers A, B, C and D re-
spectively is 55. What is the
product of A and C ?
(1) 2652 (2) 3248
(3) 3024 (4) 2808
(5) None of these
77. What is the least number to be
added to 2600 to make it a per-
fect square ?
(1) 11 (2) 1
(3) 8 (4) 5
(5) None of these
78. The sum of 25% of a number and
10% of the same number is 511.
What is 15% of that number ?
5621 - 69 x (12)
- 105 = ?
(1) 251 (2) 204
(3) 219 (4) 226
(5) None of these
79. What would be the compound
interest obtained on an amount
of Rs. 6, 100 at the rate of 14
p.c.p.a. after two years ?
(1) Rs. 1827.56
(2) Rs. 1835.18
(3) Rs. 1804.22
(4) Rs. 1845.67
(5) None of these
80. If (12)
is subtracted from the
square of a number, the answer
so obtained is 576. What is the
number ?
(1) 56 (2) 42
(3) 54 (4) 48
(5) None of these
81. A juice centre requires 63 dozen
oranges for seven days. How
many dozen oranges will it require
for 42 days ?
(1) 356 (2) 378
(3) 312 (4) 367
(5) None of these
82. The product of two consecutive
odd n 3 . u m b e r s i s 774What
the greater number ?
(1) 89 (2) 83
(3) 81 (4) 87
(5) None of these
83. The average age of a man and his
son is 48 years. The ratio of their
ages is 2 : 1 respectively. What
is the son's age ?
(1) 28 years (2) 35 years
(3) 24 years (4) 32 years
(5) None of these
(1) 8 (2) 64
(3) 256 (4) 4096
(5) None of these
68. 6234 + 5134 + 1283 = ?
(1) 12641 (2) 12681
(3) 12591 (4) 12601
(5) None of these
69. 6750 40 = ?
(1) 168.75 (2) 181.75
(3) 162.75 (4) 176.75
(5) None of these
(1) 898 (2) 874
(3) 912 (4) 926
(5) None of these
(I) 3136 (2) 56
(3) 58 (4) 3364
(5) None of these
72. 35% of 495 + ? = 250
(1) 76.75 (2) 81.25
(3) 70.75 (4) 85.25
(5) None of these
73. 4564 + 1232 = ? x 25
(1) 235.48 (2) 231.84
(3) 233.62 (4) 238.44
(5) None of these
74. 48215 + 28312 = ? + 67103
(1) 9242 (2) 9244
(3) 9424 (4) 9442
(5) None of these
75. 35615 + 4136 - 694 = ? x 20
(1) 1954.25 (2) 1962.75
(3) 1945.55 (4) 1925.85
(5) None of these
washed into the raging river. In fear
of drowning, they both happened to
grab onto the same dead log carrying
the frightened king. The snake climbed
up on one end and the rat on the
other. There also happened to be a tall
cotton tree growing nearby on which
a young parrot roosted. When the
storm-flooded river rose up, the cot-
ton tree fell into the water. When he
tried to flyaway, the wind and rain
swept the little parrot onto the same
dead log as well.
Now there were four on the log,
floating towards a bend in the river.
Nearby a holy man was living humbly
in a little hut. It was the middle of the
night when the holy man heard the
cries of panic from the king. He ran
down to the river and shouted. "Don't
be afraid! I will save you I" Then he
jumped into the rushing torrent,
grabbed the log, and used his great
strength to pull it to the shore. He took
all four of them to his cozy little hut.
He started up his cooking fire. Think-
ing of the weakness of the animals, he
gently warmed them by the fire and
then he let the king warm himself. The
holy man brought out some fruits and
nuts. Again he fed the more helpless
animals first, and then the king. Not
surprisingly this made the Evil king
furious! He built up hatred against the
gentle, holy man.
Next day the snake, the rat and
the parrot came to the holy man to say
good-bye. They said, "Venerable one,
you have done a great thing for us! We
are grateful to you, and we are not
poor animals. In a certain place we
have a buried treasure of 30 million
gold coins each. And will gladly give
it to you -for all life is priceless! When-
. ever you are in need of money, just
come down to the river bank and call
out for us. Finally the Evil king came
to the holy man. Because his mind
was poisoned with vengeance, he
thought only about killing him if he
ever saw him again. However, what he
said was, "Venerable one, whenever
you need help, please come to me and
I will provide you with the necessities."
In a while the holy man decided
to see if the gratitude of these four
was for real. First he went to the king
and asked for what he had promised.
But as the king was full of anger
against him, he ordered his soldiers
to behead him in the town centre. As
the soldiers took him to the town, a
crowd gathered around him. The holy
man narrated the happenings to the
crowd and requested them to raise a
voice against the injustice. The crowd
was moved by his words and thought
that such an ungrateful king should
definitely be punished for his deeds.
Soon their rage turned them into a
mob fury. They pelted the king with
arrows, knives, clubs and stones and
killed him.
Afterwards they made the holy
man their new king. He ruled Benaras
well but was worried about the lack
of money in the kingdom. Then, one
day he decided to go to the animals
he had rescued along with the king.
All of them happily obliged to his re-
quest. The state treasury now con-
tained enough to sustain the kingdom.
The holy man in return offered all
three of them a stay in the palace with
all the royal comforts for as long as
they lived.
101. Why did the king develop a feel-
ing of hatred against the holy
(1) The holy man had turned the
citizens of his kingdom
against him:
(2) He offered more care to the
animals than to the king,:
(3) The holy man took away all
the gold coins and did not
give the king his share.
(4) He had sent his men dis-
guised as soldiers who had
pushed him into the river.
(5) None of these
102. Why did the three animals offer
their gold coins to the holy man ?
(1) They were scared of the fact
that the cruel king may kill
them for their gold coins
(2) After becoming the king, the
holy man had threatened to
kill them in case they re-
fused to do so
(3) The holy man asked for the
gold coin in return of their
stay in the royal palace
(4) They were grateful to him as
he had saved them from
(5) None of these
103. Which of the following is the
moral of the story ?
(1) Thanklessness is immoral
which is punished
(2) One should never trust an
ungrateful person again
(3) Fools are deaf to wise words
(4) A drowning man will clutch at
a straw
(5) A dying man never tells a lie
104. Which of the following is TRUE
in context of the passage ?
(1) The holy man was beheaded
by the King's soldiers in the
town centre
(2) The holy man took better care
of the king than the animals
as he knew that the king was
cruel and thus was scared of
(3) The holy man received 90 mil-
lion gold coins from the ani-
mals after becoming the king.
(4) The king was scared to go for
a swim in stormy weather but
his soldiers insisted that he
do so
(5) None is true
105. How was the Kingdom of
Benaras pushed into poverty ?
(1) The king had given away 30
million gold coins to each of
the three animals
(2) The king offered the entire
royal treasury to the man
who saved his life
(3) The king's soldiers looted the
royal treasury after killing
him by pushing him in the
(4) The king utilised the entire
state treasuiy for his per-
sonal comforts.
(5) None of these
106. What did the king do when the
holy man asked for the favours
that he had promised ?
(1) He took gold coins from the
animals and offered these to
the holy man
(2) He invited the hofy man to live
in the palace with all the
royal comforts
(3) He sought revenge and or-
dered his soldiers to kill the
holy man .
(4) He instigated the citizens of
his country against the holy
man who killed him by pelt-
ing stones and arrows at him
(5) None of these
107. What did the holy man do when
he was being taken away by the
king's soldiers ?
(1) He promised to give, all of his
gold coins to the king in re-
turn for his freedom
(2) Me cried out for help from the
snake, the rat and the par-
(3) He kiilled the king and be-
came the king of Benaras,
(4) He requested the citizens to
take action against the king
as the king had been unfair
to him
(5) None of these
108. Why did the holy man ask for
the gold coins from the animals
after becoming the king of
Benaras ?
(1) He had to improve the trea-
sury which lacked adequate
money to support his king-
(2) He had become greedy after
becoming a king and wanted
to keep all gold coins for
(3) He had promised to pay gold
coins to the soldiers who had
pushed the cruel king in the
' river
(4) He wanted the animals to pay
him back for doing them a
favour by allowing them to
stay in palace
(5) None of these
109. What happened after the king's
soldiers pushed him into the
stormy river ?
(1) He quickly climbed on to a
cotton tree which had been
uprooted due to the storm
(2) He was rescued by a holy man
living on the bank of the river
(3) He swam to safety with the
help of a snake, a rat and a
(4) He ordered beheading of the
soldiers who had pushed him
in the river immediately after
returning to the palace
(5) Luckily he grabbed onto a
lloating dead tree trunk
110. Why did the holy man offer food
and warmth to the animals be-
fore the king ?
(1) He knew that the animals had
gold coins to offer him in re-
turn of the favour
(2) He wanted to teach the mean
and cruel king a lesson ,
(3) He was unhappy with the
king as he had been un-
thankful to him for his
(4) He did not want the king to
survive as he was a cruel
and wicked man
(5) He thought of the weak-
nesses of the animals
Directions (111 - 112): Choose
the word which is most SIMILAR in
meaning to the word printed in bold
as used in the passage.
(2) Angry
(4) Aggrieved
(2) Harmful
(4) Killed
(1) Anxious
(3) Puzzled
(5) Alarm
(1) Damaged
(3) Deprived
(5) Polluted
Directions ( 113 - 115) :
Choose the word which is most oppo-
site in meaning to the word printed
in bold as used in the passage.
(1) Intensified (2) Modified
(3) Augmented (4) Earned
(5) Started
(1) Polite (2) Passive
(3) Amicable (4) Calm
(5) Civilised
(1) Rudely
(2) Restlessly
(3) Extravagantly
(4) Frenziedly
(5) Miserably
Directions (116 - 125) : Read
each sentence to find out whether
there is any grammatical error or idi-
omatic error in it. The error, if any,
will be in one part of the sentence.
The number of that part is the answer.
If there is 'No error', the answer is (5)'.
(Ignore errors of punctuation, if any).
116. During the formation of the so-
lar system, (1)/ the moon which
was (2)/ also a meteor, grew (3)/
more bigger than any other me-
teor. (4)/ No error (5)
117. Amazon is one of the (1)/ biggest
forest in the world (2)/ and pro-
duces thirty percent (3)/ of th
total oxygen in the world. (4)/ No
error (5)
118. The rate of developing of symp
toms (1)/ is different for differ
ent patients ( 2) / but theS
symptoms die out (3)/ in a span
of four weeks. (4)/ No error (5)
119. We divided the prize money (1]/
into equal halves (2)/ because hi
and me had (3)/ together partici-
pated in the event. (4)/ No er-
ror (5)
120. Many well known personalities
(1)/ involved in illegal poaching
(2)/ had to appear before (3)/ the
committee investigating the case.
(4)/ No error (5)
121. Many animals are capable for
(1)/ perceiving an impending (2|/
natural event such as (3)/ an
earthquake or a tsunami. (4)/ No
error (5)
122. The principal explained to the
parents (1)/ that no counseling
would prove (2)/ lo be useful
unless the students (3)/ do nol
have motivation from inside. (4)/
No error (5)
123. The Dolphin in the photograph
(1)/ is the same fish (2)1 who
had saved three people (3)/ from
drowning in the sea. (4)/ No er-'
ror (5)
124. Ahmad ran home and (1)/ could
not wait to describe (2)/ aboul
the whole chain of events (3)/
that had taken place during the
day. (4)/ No error (5)
125. Neither parents nor the teachers
(1)/ are allowed to physically
punishing (2)/ a child as it is (3)/
a criminal offence. (4)/ No er-
ror (5)
Directions ( 126 - 130) : Rear-
range the following six sentences (A),
(B), (C), (D). (E) and (F) in the proper
sequence to form a meaningful para-
graph; then answer the questions
given below them.
(A) She explained to the court
that even after the treatment,
she could not see any furni-
ture in her house.
(B) However, while curing the
blind lady, the greedy doctor
took away a piece of furni-
ture on every visit to her
(C) The jury understood the en-
tire matter and ordered the
doctor to not only return the
furniture to .the lady but
also pay a hefty fine to her.
(D) This angered the doctor who
took her to the court, but the
lady still refused to pay and
said that she still could not
see everything around.
(E) A blind lady once ap-
proached a doctor and prom-
ised a large sum of money if
her eyesight was completely
(F) One fine day when the lady
was completely cured, the
doctor asked for his fees but
the lady refused to pay him
any money.
126. Which of the following should be
the FIRST sentence after rear-
rangement ?
(DA (2)B
(3) D (4) E
127. Which of the following should be
the SECOND sentence after re-
(1) B (2) C
(3) D (4) E
(5) F
128. Which of the following should be
the THIRD sentence after rear-
rangement ?
(1) A (2) B
(3) C (4) E
129. Which of the following should be
the FOURTH sentence after re-
arrangement ?
(DB (2)C
(3) D (4) E
130. Which of the following should be
the LAST (SIXTH) sentence af-
ter rearrangement ?
(1) A (2) C
(3) D (4) E
Directions ( 131-135) : In each
of the following questions six words
are given which are denoted by (A),
(B), (C), (D), (E) and (F). By using all
the six words, each only once, you
have to frame a meaningful and gram-
matically correct sentence. The cor-
rect order of words is the answer.
Choose from the five alternatives, the
one having the correct order of words.
(E) THE (F) TO
132. (A) THE
133. (A) TRAIN (B) ABOUT
(E) THE (F) IS
(B) IT (C) FOR
(F) A
(F) HE
Directions (136 - 140) : In each
question below a sentence with four
words printed in bold type is given.
These are numbered as (1), (2), (3) and
(4). One of these four words printed
in bold may be either wrongly spelt
or inappropriate in the context of the
sentence. Find out the word, if any,
which is wrongly spelt or inappropri-
ate. The number of that word is your
answer. If all the words printed in
bold are correctly spelt and also ap-
propriate in the context of the sen-
tence, mark (5), i.e., 'All correct' as
your answer.
136. He felt sharp (1)/ pain and
looked (2)/ down to notice (3)/
blood poring (4)/ down his leg.
All correct (5)
137. Prince Aditya ascended (1) / to tl ,e
thrown (2)/ at an early (3)/ age
of thirteen when his father
passed away unexpectedly. (4)/
All correct (5)
138. Thefactoiy (1)/ ha&ba n dump-
ing (2)/ chemical waste (3)/ into
the river for the past (4)/ ten
years. All correct (5)
139. Everyone (1)/ loves the smell
(2)/ of flowers and feel of fresh
due (3)/ on the grass during (4)/
spring. All correct. (5)
140. The book offers a true incite (1)/
into the dilemma (2)/ faced by
the people working as bonded
(3)/ labour for the corrupt (4)/
moneylenders. All correct (5)
Directions (141-150) : In the
following passage there are blanks,
each of which has been numbered.
These numbers are printed below the
passage and against each, five words
are suggested, one of which fits the
blank appropriately. Find out the ap-
propriate word in each case.
One day the king of the jungle,
the lion was (141) to his cave after
having a hearty meal. On his way he
met a jackal who came to him and (142)
the lion to accept him as his humble
servant. The lion was kind and politely
agreed to it. The jackal was smart and
he knew he would not have to hunt
anymore, and will (143) on the leftovers
of the lion's meals.
From that day on, the jackal (144)
the lion and in return always had a full
meal from the leftovers. Soon, the starv-
ing jackal became fat and strong. The
other animals in the forest started to
fear him because
he was (145) to the
lion. Seeing the animals feeling (146)
of him, the jackal thought, "I am get-
ting powerful. Only the king is stron-
ger than me in the entire forest."
The next day, the jackal saw a
lonely elephant in the forest. He pointed
to the distant elephant and said to the
lion "So far, I have been feeding on your
leftovers, but today you will feed on
mine." The lion was (147) at what he
had heard and trembled with anger bui
he (148) the jackal to leave the elephani
alone. The jackal filled with false pride
ran down the hill and (149) upon the
elephant. The angry elephant lifted the
jackal in his trunk and banged him
against a tree. The jackal died at once.
The jackal had to pay the price for his
false pride with his (150).
(1) coming
(3) moving
(5) returning
(1) ordered
(3) requested
(5) assured
(1) eat
(3) hunt
(5) carry
(1) confronted
(2) ruled
(2) passing
(4) crossing "
(2) summoned
(4) told
(2) live
(4) provide
(3) scared
(5) defended
(1) close
(3) mightier
(5) rival
(1) highly
(3) scared
(5) dissatisfied
(1) happy
(3) pitiful
(5) shocked
(4) served
(2) friends
(4) near
(2) unpleasant
(4) bad
(2) delighted
(4) unbelievable
(1) warned
(2) believed
(3) discouraged
(4) informed
(5) confronted
(1) killed
(3) hurt
(5) wounded
(1) pride
(3) life
(5) foolishness
(2) injured
(4) pounced
(2) dignity
(4) injuries
Directions (151-185): In each question below a combination of Name and Address is given in the first unnumbered*
column at the left followed by four such combinations one each under the columns 1, 2, 3 and 4. You have to find outthtl
combination which is exactly the same as the combination in the first unnumbered column. The number of that colunJ
which contains that combination is the answer. If all the combinations are different, the answer is '5'.
151. Ventures Inc.
401, Hosur Rd.
Ludhiana 703
152. Essel Pvt. Ltd.
Arneya Naka
Chennai 603209
153. Naresh Kini
20/C Globus Tw
New Delhi 106
154. Flavia Pereira
D Wing/IV/32
Sector 29
155. D.P. Mukherji
180-B, Akshaya
156. RajeevNagpal
56, Surya Apts.
Notda 143
157. Harpreet Bhatia
74, Tolstoy Marg
158. PreitiMishra
F-29 Genesha
Govandi .Jn.
159. C.D.M. Tech. Ltd.
6/MBC Towers
Siliguri 19
160. Purushottam Das
85, Tagore Sadan
Kolkata 76
Ventares Inc.
401, Hosur Rd.
Ludhiana 703
Essel Pvt. Ltd.
Ameya Naka
Chennai 603209
Naresh K^ni
20/C GlobulTw
New Delhi 106
Floria Pereira
D Wing/IV/32
Sector 29
D.P. Mukherji
180-B, Akshaya
Rajiv Nagpal
56, Surya Apts.
Noida 143
Hapreet Bhatia
74, Tolstoy Marg
Preeti Mishra
F-29 Genesha
Govandi Jn.
C.M.D. Tech. Ltd.
6/MBC Towers
Siliguri. 19
Ventures Inc.
410, Hosur Rd.
Ludhiana 703
Essal Pvt. Ltd.
Ameya Naka
Chennai 603209
Naresh Kini
20/C Globus Tw
New Delhi 106
Flavia Pereira
D Sing/IV/32
Sector 29
D.B. Mukherji
180-B, Akshaya
Rajeev Nagpal
56, Suyra Apts.
Noida 143
Harpreet Bhatia
74, Tolstoy Marg
Preiti Mishra
F-29 Genesha
Govandi Jn.
C.D.M. Tech. Ltd.
6/MBC Towers
Siliguri 19
Purushottam Das Purushottam Das
85, Tagore Garden 58, Tagore Sadan
Kolkata 76 Kolkata 76
Ventures Inc.
401, Hosur Rd.
Ludhiana 703
Essel Pvt. Ltd.
Ameya Naka
Chennai 603290
Naresh Klni
20/C Globus Tu
New Delhi 106
Flavia Pereira
D Wing/IV/23
Sector 29
D.P. Mukherji
108-B, Akshaya
Rajeev Nagpal
56, Surya Apts.
Noida 143
Harpreet Bhatia
47, Tolstoy Marg
Preiti Mishra
F-92 Genesha
Govandi Jn.
C.D.M. Tech. Ltd.
6/MBC Tower
Siliguri 19
Purushottam Das
85, Tagore Sadan
Kolkata 67
Ventures Inc.
401, Hosur Rd.
Ludiana 703
Essel Pvt. Ltd.
Ameya Kana
Chennai 603209
Naresh Kiri
20/C Globus Tw
New Delhi 106
Flavia Pereira
D Wing/IV/32
Sector 29
D.P. Mukherji
180-B, Akshaya
Rajeev Nagpal
56, Surya Apts.
Noida 134
Harpreet Bhatia
74, Tolstoy Marg
Preiti Mishra
F-29 Genesha
Govandi Jr.
C.D.M. Tech. Ltd.
6/MBC Towers
Silighuri 19
Purushottam Das
85, Tagore Sadan
Kolkata 76
1 2 3 4
161. VN Murugan
793, IT Park
Opp. Rly. Stn.
VM Murugan
793. IT Park
Opp. Rly. Stn.
VN Murugan
793, TT Park
Opp. Rly. Stn.
VN Murugan
793, IT Park
Opp. Rly. Stn.
VN Murugun
793, IT Park
Opp. Rly. Stn.
162. Abhishek Singh
16, New LJ Marg
Deolali 416923
Abhishek Singh
16, New LJ Marg
Deolali 416923
Abhishek Singh
16, New LJ Marg
Deolali 416392
Abhishek Singh
66, New LJ Marg
Deolali 416923
Abhishekh Singh
16, New LJ Marg
Deolali 416923
163. Tushar Gupta
Akash Bhavan
Tushar Gupta
Akash Bhavan
Tushar Gupta
Akash Bhuvan
Tushar Gupte
Akash Bhavan
Tushar Gupta
Akash Bhavan
164. Fareek Deepika
29, Block D-17
Cresk Park 17
Parikh Deepika
29, Block D-17
Cresk Park 17
Pareek Deepika
29, Block D-17
Cresk Park 17
Pareek Deepika
92, Block D-17
Cresk Park 17
Pareek Deepika
29, Block B-17
Cresk Park 17
165. Subaraman K.
Prestige Mills
Kaloor Dist.
Subaraman K.
Prestige Mills
Kaloor Dist.
Subbaraman K.
Prestige Mills
Kaloor Dist.
Subaraman K.
Prestige Mill
Kaloor Dist.
Subaraman K.
Prestige Mills
Kalur Dist.
166. Vaishally Dongrie
79, H T Tower
Vaishally Dongrie
97, H T Tower
Vaishally Donre
79, H T Tower
Vaishally Dongrie
79, H T Tower
Vaishalli Dongrie
79, H T Tower
167. TP. Chitnavis
Century St.
Ammedabad 976
TP. Chitnavis
Century St.
Ammedabad 976
T.R. Chitnavis
Century St.
Ammedabad 976
TP. Chitnavis
Century St.
Ammedbad 976
T.R Chitnavis
Centary St.
Ammedabad 976
168. Sharmilla Sane
2nd Main Road
Gurukul 286
Sharmilla Sone
2nd Main Road
Gurukul 286
Sharmilla Sane
2nd Main Lane
Gurukul 286
Sharmilla Sane
2nd Main Road
Gurukul 286
Sharmilla Sane
2nd Main Road
Gurukal 286
169. Suraj Pandey
Yashodham- 57
Suraj Pandya
Rohlak 209107
Suraj Pandey
Rohtak 209107
Suraj Pandey
Rohtak 290107
Suraj Pandey
Rohtak 209107
170. Ashish Gadgil
Neel Chowk
Kozikode 82
Asish Gadgil
Neel Chowk
Kozikode 82
Ashish Gadgil
Neel Chowk
Kozikode 82
Ashish Gadgil
Neeli Chowk
Kozikode 82
Ashish Gadgil
Neel Chowki
Kozikode 82
171. Pritain Rathod
Rane Enterprise
Nainital 185
Pritam Rathod
Rana Enterprise
Nainital 185
Pritam Ratodh
Rane Enterprise
Nainital 185
Pritam Rathod
Rane Enterprise
Nainital 851
Pritam Rathod
Rane Enterprise
Nainital 185
172. Ketki Doshi
72/H/193 Suhas
Jodhpur 346
Ketki Joshi
72/H/193 Suhas
Jodhpur 346
Ketki Doshi
72/H/193 Suhas
Jodhpur 346
Ketki Doshi
72/H/193 Suhan
Jodhpur 346
Ketki Doshi
72/H/193 Suhas
Jodpur 346
173. Shashi Vaidya
72, Dilkush Villa
Hyderabad 69
Shashi Vaidya
72, Dilkush Villa
Hyderabad 69
Shashi Vaiyda
72, Dilkush Villa
Hyderabad 69
Shashi Vaidya
72, Dilkhush Villa
Hyderabad 69
Shashi Vaidya
72, Dilkush Villa
Hyderabad 96
174. A.K. Bangabas
12, Apollo Circle
A.R. Bangabas
12, Apollo Circle
A.K. Bangabas
12, Apollo Circle
A.K. Bangabas
12, Apollo Circle
A.K. Bangabas
12, Appollo Circle
175. K.P. Sahay
211, Raheja Kendra
K.P. Sahay
121, Raheja Kendra
K.P. Sahay
211, Raheja Kendra
K.P. Sahay
211, Raheja Kendra
K.P. Sahai
211. Raheja Kendra
176. AvniDalvi Avni Dalvi Abni Dalvi Avni Dalvi Avni Dalvi None
42 Express Mahal 42 Express Mahal 42 Express Mahal 24 Express Mahal 42 Express Mahal
Mangalore-92 Mangalore-92 Mangalore-92 Mangalore-92 Bangalore-92
177. D.M. Naidu D.M.
Naidu D.M. Naidu D.N. Naidu D.M. Naidu None
Yamuna Av. Yamuna Av. Yamona Av. Yamuna Av. Yamuna Av.
Tel. 593496 Fax 593496 Tel. 593496 Tel. 593496 Tel. 593496
178. B.R. Patnaik B.R. Patnaik B.R. Patnaik B.R. Patnaik B.R Patnaik None
32, Indira House 32, Indira House 23, Indira House 32, India House 32, Indira House
Belgaum21 Belgaum21 Belgaum 21 Belgaum 21 Belgaum 21
179. Shefali Fernandes Shefali Fernandas Shefali Fernandes Shefali Fernandes Shefali Fernandes None
'C Wing Oxford 'C Wing Oxford C Wing Oxferd 'C Wing Oxford 'C' Wing Oxford
Rourkela 14 Rourkela 14 Rourkela 14 Rourkela 14 Raurkela 14
180. KaushikNath Kaushik Nath Kaushik Nath Kaushik Nate Kaushik Nath None
23, Sneha Apts. 23, Sneh Apts. 23, Sneha Apts. 23, Sneha Apts. 23, Sneha Apts.
Jabalpur 34 Jabalpur 34 Jabhalpur 34 Jabalpur 34 Jabalpur 34
181. S. Kashimpuria S. Kashimpura S. Kashimpuria S. Kashimpuria S. Kashimpuria None
619-A Mogra 619-A Mogra 619-A Mogra 916-AMogra 619-A Magra
Rajasthan 52 Rajasthan 52 Rajasthan 52 Rajasthan 52 Rajasthan 52
182. Laxmi Menon Laxmi Menon Laxmi Menon Laxmi Menon Laxmi Menon None
5/IX/A Balaji 5/IX/M Balaji 5/IX/A Balaji 5/IX/A Bhalaji 5/IX/A Balaji
Lucknow 742 Lucknow 742 Lucknow 274 Lucknow 742 Lucknow 742
183. Rakesh Chopra Rakesh Chopra Rakesh Chopra Rakesh Chopra Rakesh Chapra None
17,Trupti Baug 17,TrupferBaug 17, TruptiBaug 71, TruptiBaug 17,Trupti Baug
Coimbatore 46 Coimbatore 64 Coimbatore 46 Coimbatore 46 Coimbatore 46
184. G.D. Dwivedi G.D. Dwiwedi G.D. Dwivedi G.D. Dwivedi G.D. Dwivedi None
57, Lloyd Intt. 57, Lloyd Intt. 75, Lloyd Intt. 57, Lloyd Intt. 57, Lloyd Intt.
Prabhadevi 49. Prabhadevi 49 Prabhadevi 49 Prabhadevi 49 Prabadevi 49
185. KasturiL. Kasturi L. Kasturi J. Kasturi L. Kasturi L. None
Girjia Niwas Girjia Niwas Girjia Niwas Girjia Nivas Girjia Niwas
Chandigarh 212 Chandigarh 212 Chandigarh 212 Chandigarh 212 Chandigarh 122
Directions (186 - 190) : The
number in each question below is to
be codified using the codes given be-
Number 7 0 2 8 5 3 9 4 6 1
Code M Z G U B V J X E R
You have to find out which of the
combinations represents the group of
digits. Serial number of that combina-
tion is your answer. If none of the com-
binations is correct, you ansewer is (5),
i.e., 'None of these'.
186. 139742
(5) None of these
187. 829375
(5) None of these
188. 730641
(5) None of these
189. 594316
(5) None of these
190. 984230
(5) None of these
Directions (191-195) : In each
question below five words are given.
You have to find out which word will
be third after the words are arranged
in the alphabetical order as per dictio-
nary. The number of that word is your
191. (1) Outskirts (2) Outstretch
(3) Outspoken (4) Outspread
(5) Outside
192. (1) Depreciate (2) Deplete
(3) Deposit (4) Deputise
(5) Deprived
193. (1) Variety (2) Variant
(3) Varied (4) Variance
(5) Variable
194. (1) Punish (2) Punctual
(3) Pungent (4) Punitive
(5) Puncture
195. (1) Affixed (2) Affinity
(3) Afflicted (4) Affidavit
(5) Affiliate
Directions (196 - 200) : Study the following table carefully to answer
these questions :
The number of computers (in Hundreds) demanded from and
manufactured by different companies over the years
Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Company D M D M D M D M D M D M
A 26 14 20 18 18 20 24 22 30 27 32 29
B 15 16 15 13 16 17 17 19 18 20 19 22
C 19 17 24 26 25 25 27 25 29 27 37 35
D 28 25 26 25 24 22 23 22 22 19 21 18
E 28 26 30 22 28 29 32 31 34 33 32 30
F 25 25 28 26 30 27 32 29 34 30 36 32
D - Demanded M - Manufactured
196. How many computers did com-
pany E manufacture in the year
2006 ?
(1) 32,000 (2) 3,200
(3) 1,000 (4) 3,100
(5) None of these
197. Which of the following companies
did experience decrease in de-
mand of computers over the
(1) A (2) F
(3) D (4) B
(5) None of these t
198. Which of the following companies
did manufacture the highest num-
ber of computers in the year
(i) E (2) A
(3) F (4) D
(5) None of these
199. In which of the following years
did company C satisfy the de-
mand of computers ?
(1) 2004 (2) 2005
(3) 2008 (4) 2006
(5) None of these
200. Which of the following companies
did manufacture least number of
computers in the year 2007 ?
(1) B (2) D
(3) B and D (4) A
(5) None of these
1. (3) 2. (3) 3. (1) 4. (4)
5. ( 5) 6. (3) 7.(4) 8. (4)
9: (2) 10. (1) 11. (3) 12. (4)
13. (4) 14. (5) 15. (4) 16. (2)
17. (4) 18. (3) 19. (2) 20. (3)
21. (2) 22. (4) 23. (1) 24. ( 5)
25. (2) 26. (3) 27. ( 5) 28. ( 5)
29. ( i ) 30. (3) 31. (2) 32. ( 5)
33. (4) 34. T 5) 35. (4) 36. (3)
37. ( 1) 38. ( 5) 39. (2) 40. (4)
41. (2) 42. (4) 43. (5) 44.(3)
45. (2) 46. (3) 47. ( 5) 48. (1)
49. (4) SO. ( l) 51. (3) 52. (1)
53. (4) 54. (2) 55. (2) 56. ( 5)
57. (3) 58. ( 5 ) 59. (4) 60.(1)
61. (1) 62. (2) 63. 13) 64. ( 5)
65. (4) 66. (2) 67. (4) 68. (5)
69. (1) 70. (3) 71. (4) 72. (1)
73. (2) 74. (3) 75. ( 5) 76. ( 5)
77. (2) 78. (3) 79. (1) 80. (4)
81. (2) 82. (1) 83. (4) 84. (3)
85. ( 5) 86. (2) 87. ( 5) 88. ( 5)
89. (4) 90. (2) 91. (1) 92.(1)
93. (3) 94. (4) 95. (3) 96. (3)
97. (4) 98. (1) 99. (2) 100. ( 5)
101. (2) 102. (4) 103. (2) 104. (3)
105. (4) 106. (3) 107. (4) 108. (1)
109. (5) 110. (5) 111. (2) 112. (5)
113. (3) 114. (4) 115. (3) 116. (4)
117. (2) 118. (1) 119. (3) 120. (5)
121. (1) 122. (4) 123. (3) 124. (5)
125. (2) 126. (4) 127. (1) 128. ( 5)
129. (3) 130. (2) 131. (2) 132. ( 5)
133. (1) 134. (3) 135. (2) 136. (4)
137. (2) 138. (5) 139. (3) 140. (1)
141. (5) 142. (3) 143. (2) 144. (4)
145. (1) 146. (3) 147. ( 5) 148.(1)
149. (4) 150. (3) 151. (3) 152. (1)
153. (2) 154. (4) 155. (1) 156. (3)
157. (4) 158. (2) 159. (2) 160. (4)
161. (3) 162. (1) 163. (4) 164. (2)
165. (1) 166. (3) 167. (1) 168. (3)
169. (4) 170. (2) 171. (4) 172. (2)
173. (1) 174. (3) 175. (2) 176. (1)
177. (4) 178. (1) 179. (3) 180. (4)
181. (2) 182. (4) 183. (2) 184. (3)
185. (1) 186. (4) 187. (3) 188. ( 5)
189. (5) 190. (5) 191. (3) 192. (1)
193. (2) 194. (3) 195. (2) 196. (4)
197. (3) 198. (1) 199. (2) 200. (2)
.j, .j, .j, .j, .j,
5 8 3 % 5
8. (4} M > R; Q. D > P
Therefore. M > R > Q, D > P
9. (5}
West+ East
10. (I}

ll. (3}
lhowloftenlyoulcome--+ ja
do I you I read sa rna (FL'ii]
The code for 'often is 1a or 'na.
12. (4} W is father of K, M, R and T.
The sex ofT is not known. There-
fore. W has two or three sons.
13. (4} If we take paternal grandfather.
then the girl is sister of Samir.
If we take maternal grandfather,
then the girl may be sister or
cousin ofSamir.
li I
1+1:1 J! 4 9 3 I 6 8 7 2
14. (5} I
2 3 4 6 9
tl tj
3rd from right
17. (4} 8th to the right of 20th from
the right end means 12th from the
right, i.e., N.
18. (3) According to question, the new
sequence would be :
@ 53<0H1% EJfF8 *M N9 U K7$2#6Z
I t
10th lrom the leH end
19. (2} jLetterjNumberl !;etted
There is only one such combina-
tion: IPS* I
20. (3} I Number I Vowel I Symbol I
Such combinations are :
:ii. (2}

22. (4} SymboiiNumberl
Such combinations are :
I 8@51:11$21:1 W#61
(i) All clouds are trains -4 Uni-
versal Affirmative (A-type}.
{ii) Some books 'are Par-
ticular Affirmative (Hype}.
(iii} No train is book -7 Universal
Negative (E-type}.
{tv) Some trains are not books 4
Particular Negative (0-type}.
23. (I} All clouds are trains.

No tratn Is book.
A+ E E-type of Conclusion
"No cloud is book."
No train is book.
Some books are pens.
E + 0
=> I-type of Conclusion
"Some Pens are not trains".
Some hooks are pens.

All pens are chairs
I+ A.::::::> 1-type of Conclusion
"Some books are chairs".
24. (5) All the four Premises are Par
Ucular Affirmative (1-type).
No Conclusion follows from two
Particular Premises.
Conclusions I and III form Compte
mentary Pair. Therefore. either
Conclusion I or III follows.
25. {2) Some toys are guns.

All guns are tables.
I+ A=> A-type of Conclusion
"Some toys are tables".
Conclusion I is Converse of it.
26. (3) Some bushes are rivers.

I +A=> I-typc of Conclusion
"Some bushes are roads."
Conclusion Ill is Converse of it.
Some mountains are riv('rS.
All rivers are roads.
I+ A=> 1-type of Conclusion
"'Some mountains are roads."
It is Conclusion II.
27. (5} All birds are horses.
Some horses are goats.
A+ I ==;. No Conclusion
28. (5} !\11 ropes are bags.
Some bags are boxes.
A+ I No Conclusion
(29- 34): Sitting arrangement
29. (1) F is to the immediate right of
30. (3) S is second to the right of W.
31. (2) A is fourth to the right of B.
32. ( 5) J is second to the left of B.
33. (4) A and K are immediate
neighbours of K.
34. ( 5 ) Wis sitting between F and A.
(34 - 40) :
41. (2) From Problem Figure (1) to (2)
the outer designs move one step
in clockwise direction while the
inner designs move in
anticlockwise direction. Similar
changes occur from Problem Fig-
ure (3) to (4) and from Problem
Figure (5) to Answer Figure.
42. (4) From Problem Figure (1) to (2)
the first and the third designs
from the left are inverted. Simi-
lar changes occur from Problem
Figure (3) to (4) and from Problem
Figure (5) to Answer Figure.
43. (5) From Problem Figure (1) to (2)
two designs move one-half step in
anticlockwise direction. From
Problem Figure (2) to (3) two de-
signs from the left interchange
positions. These two steps are
continued in the subsequent fig-
ure alternately.
44. (3) In the subsequent figures the
design rotates through 90 clock-
wise. From Problem Figure (1) to
(2) two designs are added and
from Problem Figure (2) to (3) one
design is deleted. These two step
are continued in the subsequent
figures alternately.
45. (2) From Problem Figure (1) to (2)
the central design is replaced with
a new design and the pairs of ver-
tical and horizontal designs inter-
change positions. From Problem
Figure (2) to (3) the upper and the
lower designs interchange posi-
tions while the left and the right
designs are replaced with new
designs. These two steps are con-
tinued in the subsequent figures
46. (3) In the subsequent figures the
plane of the designs rotates re-
spectively through 45, 90, 135,
180, 225.... in anticlockwise di-
rection and the designs rotate
through 90 clockwise in each
subsequent figure.
47. (5) From'Problem Figure (1) to (2)
the two bottom designs are re-
placed with new designs and the
other three designs move along
triangular path in anticlockwise
direction. From Problem Figure (2)
tc (3) the two upper designs are
replaced with new designs and
. the other three designs move along
triangular path in clockwise direc-
tion. These two steps are contin-
ued in the subsequent figures al-
48. (1) In each subsequent figure the
equal sign (=) moves one step in
clockwise direction, the design (C)
moves respectively one-half, one,
one and one-half, two, two and
one-half steps in anticlockwise di-
rection, the triangle (A) moves re-
spectively one-half, one, one and
one-half, two, two and one-half....
steps in clockwise direction and
the central design is replaced with
a new design in each subsequent
49. (4) From Problem Figure (1) to (2)
the two designs from the left and
the two designs from the right in-
terchange positions and the
middle design is replaced with a
new design. From Problem Figure
(2) to (3) the rightmost design
moves to the leftmost position and
a new design appears at the
rightmost design. These two steps
are continued in the subsequent
figures alternately.
50. (1) From Problem Figure (1) to (2)
the lowermost designs of both the
columns move to the top position.
From Problem Figure (2) to (3) the
two columns of design inter-
change position so as the top two
designs in each column. These
two steps are continued in the
subsequent figures alternately.
5l. 13)? 241 X 27- 1943
c tl507 - 1943 4 dtl4
52. I I) '! 8 X 0.2 . 45
53. 14) 0 = 444 X 56 = 248.64
55. (2)
::..o:) 1- 1-2 ::;_ 23?
.::::. 23144::.: 23"
56. (5)? = 18124 + 8124 + 218.41
= 1211.79
57, 13) ? = 13.5 X 16.4 X '7.2
= 1594.08
56. (5) "? = 48 = 17
424 X :!5 _ 454 X'/ "
9 59

100 100
=-> 106 .. 37.9 =
454 x?
68.) X lQQ "'
. 454
60. (!) ? = .. 14.5
61. [!)? = 12'- 12" 12' (12- I)
= 144 X I 1 = 1584

=-> ? = 8356 = 4 : 7.!i
63. (3) ;
X 19 = 53:.!0
5320 X 32 _
=->?= 19 -
64. (5)? = 54793 . 1834-
= 49270
65. (4)? = - 157.65
= 44167
66. (2) ? = 4.6 X 7,;) X 3.4 37.98
= 117.3 - 37.98 = 79.32
../? . 1536x.l2 =
.'. '/ = 04 X 64 = 4096
68. (51 ? = 6234 + 5134 + 1283
= 12651
69. Ill ? = -.w- = 168.75
2 4 I .
70. (3)? = 3420x'3x5x2' = 912
71. (4) ../? + 4 = 62
=-> J" =62-4=58

495x35 ?
72. (1) 100 +. =
=> I 73.25 + ? = 250
=> ? = 250 - 173.25 = 76.75
73. (2) ? X 25 = 5796
=->? = --= 231.84
74. (3) ? + 6'/103 = 76527
=-> ? = 76527 . 67103 = 9424
75, (5) ? X :lQ = 35615 + 4136- 694
= 39057
? = "20 1952.85

55 X 4
=-> 4x + 12 = 220
=> 4x = 208

;;=.:.>X=--- 52=A
:. C = X + 4 = 52 + 4 = 56
:. A X c = b2 X 56= 2912
n. 121 50' = 251)0
51'= 2601
:. Requirt'ri number
= 2601 - 2600 = 1
78. (3) Let the number be x.

._ 511x100=
=> '- 35
15% of 1460
1460 <15
79. (!) C.L = p [(
+ -
=6100 [(
= 6100 [1.14 X 1.14- I)
= 6100 x 0.2996 = Rs. 1827.56
80. {4) Let lhe number be x.
X'- 12' = 576
=-> X' = 1728 + 576 = 2304
.'. X= h304 = 48
81. (2) : 7 days = 63 dozens
:. 42 days
x 42 = 378 dozens
- 7
82. ( 1) Of the given alternatives,
87 X 89 = 7743
:. Larger number= 89
83. (4} Let son's age = x years.
. . Father's age = (96 - Ai years
96 -X 2
::::::> 2x+ x= 96
::::::> x = "3 :::: 32 years
84. (3) Let the original price of the
painting; be Rs. x.
::::::> x = 139440 x 100'"'" Rs.
85. (5) Average speed of the truck
Distance covered
Time taken
= B =60 km/hr
86. (2) Required average
216 + 463 + 154 + 605 + 446 4--336
- 2220 = 370
- 6
87. (5) Let the CPof a toaster be Rs. x
and that of an oven be Rs. y.
:. 12x + l4y = 84126
=-; 6x + 7y = 42063
Multiplying both sides by 3. we
l8x + 2ly = 126189 . __
101. (2) He offered more care to the
animals than to the king,:
102. (4) They were grateful to him as
he had saved them from drown-
103. (2) One should never trust an
ungrateful person again
104. (3) The holy man received 90 mil-
lion gold coins from the animals
after becoming the king.
105. (4) The king utilised the entire
state treasury for his personal
106. (3) He sought revenge and or-
dered his soldiers to kill the holy
107. (4) He requested the citizens to
take action against the king as
the king had been unfair to him
108. (1) He had to improve the trea-
sury which lacked adequate
money to support his kingdom
109. (5) Luckily he grabbed onto a
floating dead tree trunk
110. (5) He thought of the weaknesses
of the animals
111. (2) The meaning of the word Fu-
rious (Adjective) as used in the
passage is : very angry.
Look at the sentence :
He was absolutely furious at hav-
ing been deceived.
Hence, the words furious and
angry are synonymous.
112. (5) The meaning of the word Poi-
son (Verb) as used in the pas-
sage is : to have a bad effect on
something to harm; to pollute
Look at the sentence :
He succeeded in poisoning their
minds against her.
Hence, the words poisoned and
polluted are synonymous.
113. (3) The meaning of the word De-
plete (Verb) as used in the pas-
sage is : to reduce something by
a large amount so that there is
not enough left.
Look at the sentence :
Food supplies were severely de-
Of the given alternatives, the
word Augment (Verb) means :
to increase the amount, value,
size of something.
Hence, the words depleted and
augmented are antonymous.
114. (4) The meaning of the word Rag-
ing (Adjective) as used in the
passage is : very strong and
painful; very powerful.
Of the given alternatives, the
word Calm (Adjective) means :
not excited, nervous or upset;
without large waves.
Hence, the words raging and
calmare antonymous.
115. (3) The meaning of the word
Humbly (Adverb) as used in the
passage is : modestly; showing
respect; politely.
The word Extravagantly (Ad-
verb) means :spending a lot
more money.
Hence, the words humbly and
extravagantly are antonymous.
116. (4) The comparative degree of
the word big is 'bigger'. More im-
portantly, double comparatives
should not be used here.
Hence, bigger should be used
117. (2) Replace group of words big-
gest forest in the world by big-
gest forests in the world. One
of is followed by Plural Noun/
118. (1) The rate of development
(Noun) is a correct usage.
119. (3) Replace group of words be-
cause he and me (Objective
case) bad by because he and I
(Nominative case) had.
120. (5) No error
121. (1) The word capable takes
preposition of.
122. (4) Unless is followed by affirma-
tive sentence. Hence, have mo-
tivation from inside should be
used Unless means : 'if not'. It
should not be followed by no or
123. (3) Replace who bad saved three
people by which had saved
three people means : 'if not'. It
should not be followed by no or
124. (5) No error
125. (2) The correct form of an infini-
tive is :
to + v
Hence, are allowed to physi-
cally punish should be used
126. (4) E 127. (1) B
128. (5) F 129. (3) D
130. (2) C
131. (2) They had to abandon the
132. (5) She was the first woman
133. (1) The train is about to leave.'
134. (3) It rained continuously for a
135. (2) He graciously agreed to our
136. (4) The correct spelling is : pour-
137. (2) The appropriate word should
be : throne.
138. (5) All correct
139. (3) The appropriate word should
be : dew.
140. (1) The appropriate word should
be : insight.
141. (5) returning
142. (3) requested
143. (2) live 144. (4) served
145. (1) close 146. (3) scared
147. (5) shocked 148. (1) warned
149. (4) pounced 150. (3) life
186. (4) 1 3 9 7 4 2
196. (4) Company E manufactured
3100 computers in 2006.
197. (3) Company D experienced de-
crease in the demand of comput-
ers over the years.
198. (1) Company E manufactured
highest number of computers in
199. (2) Company C satisfied the de
mand of computers in 2005.
200. (2) Company D manufactured
least number of computers in

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