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Taking off in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 ...

1.- Match the situations with the correct dialog

I'd like to reserve two seats to New York.
Will that be one way or round trip?
How much is a round trip ticket?
It's $8!. Will you pay by check or by credit card?
Here's my "isa #ard. #an we $et an aisle seat please?
You can choose your seat when you check in.
#an I see your ticket and passport% please?
Here they are. #an we $et one seat near the aisle?
Yes% that's no problem. You're in seats &'( and &'#.
)hanks. Where do we $o ne*t?
+o to +ate ,8% strai$ht ahead then turn le-t.
Would you like somethin$ to drink?
#ould I have #oke with no ice?
Here you are. .lease -ill out this -orm be-ore the plane lands.
What is this -orm -or?
It's a #ustoms and Immi$ration -orm. You will use that in the airport be-ore
you can enter the country.
)hank you -or -lyin$ /ast West ,irlines0
I had a $ood trip. )hanks -or your help.
It was our pleasure and we hope to see you a$ain.
1o you have anythin$ to declare?
I 2ust have one bottle o- wine. It's a $i-t -or my -riend.
How much wine is in the bottle?
It contains '34ml.
)hat's -ine. Have a nice stay.
,t which carrousel will our lu$$a$e be?
,t number 3% over there.
+reat0 I'll $et a cart ri$ht away.
(e sure you have your lu$$a$e ticket.
Yes% it's ri$ht here attached to my plane ticket.
What's in the small ba$?
I have a laptop computer and some books.
#ould you open it please and turn on your computer.
5ure. It will take a -ew moments to boot up.
6kay% everythin$ seems okay. You can $o.
/*cuse me% where can I $et a ta*i?
+o down to the end o- the hall and the ta*is are waitin$ 2ust outside.
)hank you0
#oing through $%%igration
&u'ing a ticket
#et out(
)hecking $n
#etting 'our luggage
#etting through )usto%s
The *rri+al
,n the *ir-lane
&.8 Match the +er.s with its definition
)o -risk
& )o -asten the
9 )o land
: )o check in
3 )o board
9.8 /ill the ga-s with the words in the .o0
aisle allowance cockpit crew departure $ate one8way ticket
restroom ; lavatory stopover trolley visa cabin ba$$a$e
.8 He climbed into the <<<<<<<<< and drive o--.
&.8 You may carry strictly one item o- <<<<<<<<<<<< per passen$er.
9.8 I did not know what to do durin$ my <<<<<<<<< in =unich.
:.8 )he pilot was accidentally locked in his plane's <<<<<<<<<<.
3.8 )imes o- ,rrival and <<<<<<<<<<< are sub2ect to chan$e by airlines.
>.8 .eople -rom #uba need a <<<<<<<<<< -or the ?nited @in$dom.
'.8 You should be at the boardin$ <<<<<<<<<< at least 94 minutes prior to departure.
8.8 1o you think that I e*ceed the ba$$a$e <<<<<<<<<< on my -li$ht?
!.8 1espite the aircra-t was hi2acked% all the <<<<<<<<<< members were rescued.
4.8 You'd better take a <<<<<<<<< to carry your heavy lu$$a$e.
.8 I bou$ht a <<<<<<<<<< -rom .aris to Nice.
&.8 What do you pre-er an <<<<<<<<<<<<< or a window seat?
!.- 1a+e 'our e+er tra+elled .' -lane2 $f so, how was the feeling2
".- 1ow %an' %eans of trans-ort do 'ou know2
6.- $n 'our o-inion, which one is the safest2 *nd, the %ost dangerous2
7.- *re 'ou a -ilot or a flight attendant2 3ould 'ou like to .eco%e one2 3h'2
3h' no2
8.- 3hat do 'ou think a.out the securit' arrange%ents2 $s it too %uch2 ,r, on
, )o attach -irmly.
( )o re$ister
# )o $o aboard
1 )o search AsomeoneB by -eelin$ -or concealed weapons.
/ )o set Aa vehicleB down on land.

the contrar', not enough2
9.- 3hat is 'our o-inion a.out the low cost co%-anies2 1a+e 'ou e+er tra+elled
with an' of the%2 $f so, how was it2

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