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Assignment - CLIL

This assignment must be done in pairs and has to fulfil the following conditions:
- Length: between 6 and 8 pages (without including cover, index or appendices if
there are any-)
- Type of font: Arial or Times New Roman
- !i"e: 11
- Line height: 1.5
- #lignment: !s"i#ied
$f for some reason you cannot do the assignment in pairs, you will have to do it
individually (notice that individual assignments will be penali"ed The maximum score a
student can get is 8$1%) The individual assignment must have a length between % and
& pages approximately (without including cover, index or appendix if there is any)
The assignment has to be done in this 'ord document and has to fulfil the rules of
presentation and edition, as for (uotes and bibliographical references which are
detailed in the !tudy )uide
#lso, it has to be submitted following the procedure specified in the &"!d' G!ide
!ending it to the teacher*s e-mail is not permitted +oth members of the group have to
send the assignment
$n addition to this, it is very important to read the assessmen" (ri"eria, which can be
found in the &"!d' G!ide
The assignment mar, is )%* of the final mar,
Assignment - CLIL
+onsider ",e -ario!s (a-ea"s e.pressed a/o!" +LIL in se("ion 5.6 en"i"led 0&ome
pro/lems0. Ta1e ",ese poin"s and an' o",ers ",a" 'o! wis, "o (onsider #rom ",e
w,ole s!/2e("3 and !se ",em "o #orm ei",er a de#en(e or a rep!dia"ion o# ",e
no"ion ",a" 0+LIL is ",e approa(, #or ",e #!"!re0. T,is m!s" "a1e ",e #orm o# an
appraisal o# +LIL3 in w,i(, 'o! m!s" (onsider ",e arg!men"s and ",e ma"erials
",a" 'o! ,a-e seen in ",is s!/2e("3 and ",en /alan(e ",ese wi", perspe("i-es
ga",ered #rom 'o!r own "ea(,ing e.perien(e.
Mos" impor"an"l' o# all3 'o! m!s" organise ",ese poin"s in"o a (o,eren" essa'.
4lease a-oid "a1ing ",e poin"s one /' one3 as i# 'o! were simpl' appraising a
lis". Tr' "o loo1 a" ",e iss!e #rom /o", a lo(al and an in"erna"ional perspe("i-e3
and also "r' "o (onsider +LIL #rom /o", a pra("i(al and a p,ilosop,i(al
-iewpoin". 5ill i" ena/le !s "o "ea(, lang!ages /e""er6 4er,aps. 5ill i" ena/le
'o! 7in 'o!r (on"e."8 "o "ea(, lang!ages /e""er6 4er,aps no". 9!" ",e la""er is
no" a "o"al rep!dia"ion o# +LIL. Tr' "o gi-e ",e de#endan" a #air "rial:
Important: you have to write your personal details and the subject name on the
cover (see the next page) !he assignment that does not "ul"il these conditions
will not be corrected #ou have to include the assignment index below the cover
Assignment - CLIL
Names and s!rname7s8:
Assignment - CLIL

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