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3GPP TS 23.003 V12.3.

0 (2014-06)
Technical Specification
3rd Generation Partnership Project;
Technical Specification Group Core Network and Terminals;
Numbering, addressing and identification
!elease "#$
The present document has been developed within the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP
) and may be further elaborated for the purposes of 3GPP.
The present document has not been subject to any approval process by the 3GPP

Orani!ational Partners and shall not be implemented.
This "pecification is provided for future development wor# within 3GPP

only. The Orani!ational Partners accept no liability for any use of this
"pecifications and reports for implementation of the 3GPP
system should be obtained via the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners$ Publications Offices.
GSM, UMTS, addressing
Postal address
3GPP support office address
650 Roue des !u"io#es - So$%ia &ni$o#is
Va#'onne - (R&)*+
Te#., -33 4 .2 .4 42 00 (a/, -33 4 .3 65 40 16
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ # !elease "#
( "cope......................................................................................................................................................
(.( )eferences...........................................................................................................................................................
(.(.( *ormative references.....................................................................................................................................
(.(.+ &nformative references.................................................................................................................................
(.+ ,bbreviations.....................................................................................................................................................
(.3 General comments to references........................................................................................................................
(.- .onventions on bit orderin..............................................................................................................................
+ &dentification of mobile subscribers......................................................................................................
+.( General...............................................................................................................................................................
+.+ .omposition of &M"&.........................................................................................................................................
+.3 ,llocation principles..........................................................................................................................................
+.- "tructure of TM"&..............................................................................................................................................
+./ "tructure of 0M"&..............................................................................................................................................
+.1 "tructure of T00&...............................................................................................................................................
+.2 "tructure of P3TM"& "inature..........................................................................................................................
+.4 Globally 5ni6ue Temporary 57 &dentity (G5T&).............................................................................................
+.4.( &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
+.4.+ Mappin between Temporary and ,rea &dentities for the 75T),* and the 5T),*8G7),* based
+.4.+.9 &ntroduction............................................................................................................................................
+.4.+.( Mappin from G5T& to ),&: P3TM"& and P3TM"& sinature..............................................................
+.4.+.(.( &ntroduction......................................................................................................................................
+.4.+.(.+ Mappin in the 57...........................................................................................................................
+.4.+.(.3 Mappin in the old MM7.................................................................................................................
+.4.+.+ Mappin from ),& and P3TM"& to G5T&.............................................................................................
+.4.+.+.( &ntroduction......................................................................................................................................
+.4.+.+.+ Mappin in the 57...........................................................................................................................
+.4.+.+.3 Mappin in the new MM7................................................................................................................
+.; "tructure of the "3Temporary Mobile "ubscriber &dentity ("3TM"&)...............................................................
3 *umberin plan for mobile stations.....................................................................................................
3.( General...............................................................................................................................................................
3.+ *umberin plan re6uirements...........................................................................................................................
3.3 "tructure of M" international P"T*8&"<* number (M"&"<*).......................................................................
3.- Mobile "tation )oamin *umber (M")*) for P"T*8&"<* routein.............................................................
3./ "tructure of Mobile "tation &nternational <ata *umber...................................................................................
3.1 =andover *umber.............................................................................................................................................
3.2 "tructure of an &P v- address.............................................................................................................................
3.4 "tructure of an &P v1 address.............................................................................................................................
- &dentification of location areas and base stations..................................................................................
-.( .omposition of the 0ocation ,rea &dentification (0,&)....................................................................................
-.+ .omposition of the )outin ,rea &dentification (),&).....................................................................................
Copyright Notification
*o part may be reproduced e>cept as authori!ed by written permission.
The copyriht and the foreoin restriction e>tend to reproduction in all media.
? +9(-: 3GPP Orani!ational Partners (,)&@: ,T&": ..",: 7T"&: TT,: TT.).
,ll rihts reserved
5MT"A is a Trade Mar# of 7T"& reistered for the benefit of its members
3GPPA is a Trade Mar# of 7T"& reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP Orani!ational Partners
0T7A is a Trade Mar# of 7T"& currently bein reistered for the benefit of its Members and of the 3GPP
Orani!ational Partners
G"MB and the G"M loo are reistered and owned by the G"M ,ssociation
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3 !elease "#
-.3 @ase station identification..................................................................................................................................
-.3.( .ell &dentity (.&) and .ell Global &dentification (.G&)..............................................................................
-.3.+ @ase "tation &dentify .ode (@"&.)..............................................................................................................
-.- )eional "ubscription Cone &dentity ()"C&).....................................................................................................
-./ 0ocation *umber...............................................................................................................................................
-.1 .omposition of the "ervice ,rea &dentification (",&)......................................................................................
-.2 .losed "ubscriber Group...................................................................................................................................
-.4 =*@ *ame........................................................................................................................................................
-.; ."G Type...........................................................................................................................................................
-.(9 =*@ 5ni6ue &dentity.........................................................................................................................................
/ &dentification of M".s: G"*s: location reisters and .""s.................................................................
/.( &dentification for routein purposes...................................................................................................................
/.+ &dentification of =0) for =0) restoration application.....................................................................................
1 &nternational Mobile "tation 76uipment &dentity and "oftware Dersion *umber.................................
1.( General...............................................................................................................................................................
1.+ .omposition of &M7& and &M7&"D...................................................................................................................
1.+.( .omposition of &M7&...................................................................................................................................
1.+.+ .omposition of &M7&"D..............................................................................................................................
1.3 ,llocation principles..........................................................................................................................................
2 &dentification of Doice Group .all and Doice @roadcast .all 7ntities..................................................
2.( Group &dentities.................................................................................................................................................
2.+ Group .all ,rea &dentification..........................................................................................................................
2.3 Doice Group .all and Doice @roadcast .all )eferences...................................................................................
4 "..P subsystem numbers....................................................................................................................
4.( Globally standardi!ed subsystem numbers used for G"M85MT"....................................................................
4.+ *ational networ# subsystem numbers used for G"M85MT"...........................................................................
; <efinition of ,ccess Point *ame..........................................................................................................
;.9 General...............................................................................................................................................................
;.( "tructure of ,P*...............................................................................................................................................
;.(.( 'ormat of ,P* *etwor# &dentifier..............................................................................................................
;.(.+ 'ormat of ,P* Operator &dentifier..............................................................................................................
;.+ <efinition of the Eild .ard ,P*......................................................................................................................
;.+.( .odin of the Eild .ard ,P*.....................................................................................................................
;.3 <efinition of 7merency ,P*...........................................................................................................................
(9 &dentification of the .ordless Telephony "ystem entities.....................................................................
(9.( General description of .T"3M" and .T"3'P &dentities...................................................................................
(9.+ .T" Mobile "ubscriber &dentities.....................................................................................................................
(9.+.( General.........................................................................................................................................................
.omposition of the .T"M"&..............................................................................................................................................
(9.+.3 ,llocation principles....................................................................................................................................
(9.+.- .T"M"& he>adecimal representation..........................................................................................................
(9.3 'i>ed Part @eacon &dentity................................................................................................................................
(9.3.( General.........................................................................................................................................................
(9.3.+ .omposition of the 'P@&.............................................................................................................................
(9.3.+.( 'P@& eneral structure............................................................................................................................
(9.3.+.+ 'P@& class ,...........................................................................................................................................
(9.3.+.3 'P@& class @...........................................................................................................................................
(9.3.3 ,llocation principles....................................................................................................................................
(9.- &nternational 'i>ed Part 76uipment &dentity.....................................................................................................
(9.-.( General.........................................................................................................................................................
(9.-.+ .omposition of the &'P7&............................................................................................................................
(9.-.3 ,llocation principles....................................................................................................................................
(9./ &nternational 'i>ed Part "ubscription &dentity...................................................................................................
(9./.( General.........................................................................................................................................................
(9./.+ .omposition of the &'P"&............................................................................................................................
(9./.3 ,llocation principles....................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ( !elease "#
(( &dentification of 0ocalised "ervice ,rea...............................................................................................
(+ &dentification of P0M*: )*.: "ervice ,rea: .* domain and "hared *etwor# ,rea..........................
(+.( P0M* &dentifier................................................................................................................................................
(+.+ .* <omain &dentifier........................................................................................................................................
(+.3 .* &dentifier......................................................................................................................................................
(+.- )*. &dentifier...................................................................................................................................................
(+./ "ervice ,rea &dentifier.......................................................................................................................................
(+.1 "hared *etwor# ,rea &dentifier.........................................................................................................................
(3 *umberin: addressin and identification within the &P multimedia core networ# subsystem.............
(3.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
(3.+ =ome networ# domain name.............................................................................................................................
(3.3 Private 5ser &dentity..........................................................................................................................................
(3.- Public 5ser &dentity...........................................................................................................................................
(3.-, Eildcarded Public 5ser &dentity........................................................................................................................
(3.-@ Temporary Public 5ser &dentity.........................................................................................................................
(3./ Public "ervice &dentity (P"&).............................................................................................................................
(3./, Private "ervice &dentity.....................................................................................................................................
(3.1 ,nonymous 5ser &dentity..................................................................................................................................
(3.2 5navailable 5ser &dentity..................................................................................................................................
(3.4 &nstance3&<........................................................................................................................................................
(3.; F.,P )oot 5)&................................................................................................................................................
(3.;.( F.,P )oot 5)& on 5t interface.................................................................................................................
(3.;.(.( General...................................................................................................................................................
(3.;.(.+ 'ormat of F.,P )oot 5)&....................................................................................................................
(3.(9 <efault .onference 'actory 5)& for MMTel....................................................................................................
(- *umberin: addressin and identification for 3GPP "ystem to E0,* &nterwor#in..........................
(-.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
(-.+ =ome networ# realm..................................................................................................................................................
(-.3 )oot *,&...........................................................................................................................................................
(-.- <ecorated *,&...................................................................................................................................................
(-.-, 'ast )e3authentication *,&...............................................................................................................................
(-./ Temporary identities...................................................................................................................................................
(-.1 ,lternative *,&.................................................................................................................................................
(-.2 E3,P*..............................................................................................................................................................
(-.2.( 'ormat of E3,P* *etwor# &dentifier.........................................................................................................
(-.2.+ 'ormat of E3,P* Operator &dentifier.........................................................................................................
(-.2.3 ,lternative 'ormat of E3,P* Operator &dentifier......................................................................................
(-.4 7merency )ealm and 7merency *,& for 7merency .ases..................................................................................
(/ &dentification of Multimedia @roadcast8Multicast "ervice...................................................................
(/.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
(/.+ "tructure of TMG&.............................................................................................................................................
(/.3 "tructure of M@M" ",&....................................................................................................................................
(/.- =ome *etwor# )ealm.......................................................................................................................................
(1 *umberin: addressin and identification within the G,, subsystem.................................................
(1.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
(1.+ @"' address.......................................................................................................................................................
(2 *umberin: addressin and identification within the Generic ,ccess *etwor#...................................
(2.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
(2.+ *etwor# ,ccess &dentifiers................................................................................................................................
(2.+.( =ome networ# realm....................................................................................................................................
(2.+.+ 'ull ,uthentication *,&...............................................................................................................................
(2.+.3 'ast )e3authentication *,&.........................................................................................................................
(2.3 *ode &dentifiers.................................................................................................................................................
(2.3.( =ome networ# domain name.......................................................................................................................
(2.3.+ Provisionin G,*.3"7GE identifier.........................................................................................................
(2.3.3 Provisionin G,*. identifier.....................................................................................................................
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ + !elease "#
(4 ,ddressin and &dentification for &M" "ervice .ontinuity and "inle3)adio Doice .all .ontinuity
(4.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
(4.+ ." <omain )outein *umber (.")*).............................................................................................................
(4.3 &P Multimedia )outein *umber (&M)*)........................................................................................................
(4.- "ession Transfer *umber ("T*).......................................................................................................................
(4./ "ession Transfer &dentifier ("T&).......................................................................................................................
(4.1 "ession Transfer *umber for "inle )adio Doice .all .ontinuity ("T*3"))..................................................
(4.2 .orrelation M"&"<*.........................................................................................................................................
(4.4 Transfer &dentifier for ." to P" "inle )adio Doice .all .ontinuity ("T&3r"))..............................................
(4.; ,dditional M"&"<*..........................................................................................................................................
(; *umberin: addressin and identification for the 7volved Pac#et .ore (7P.)....................................
(;.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
(;.+ =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain.........................................................................................................................
(;.3 3GPP access to non33GPP access interwor#in................................................................................................
(;.3.( &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
(;.3.+ )oot *,&......................................................................................................................................................
(;.3.3 <ecorated *,&.............................................................................................................................................
(;.3.- 'ast )e3authentication *,&.........................................................................................................................
(;.3./ Pseudonym &dentities...................................................................................................................................
(;.3.1 7merency *,& for 0imited "ervice "tate..................................................................................................
(;.3.2 .onference 'actory 5)& for &M" ,lternative *,&.............................................................................................
(;.- &dentifiers for <omain *ame "ystem procedures.............................................................................................
(;.-.( &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
(;.-.+ 'ully Gualified <omain *ames ('G<*s)...................................................................................................
(;.-.+.( General...................................................................................................................................................
(;.-.+.+ ,ccess Point *ame 'G<* (,P*3'G<*).............................................................................................
(;.-.+.+.( "tructure............................................................................................................................................
(;.-.+.+.+ Doid...................................................................................................................................................
(;.-.+.+.3 Doid...................................................................................................................................................
(;.-.+.+.- Doid...................................................................................................................................................
(;.-.+.3 Trac#in ,rea &dentity (T,&)..................................................................................................................
(;.-.+.- Mobility Manaement 7ntity (MM7)....................................................................................................
(;.-.+./ )outin ,rea &dentity (),&) 3 7P.........................................................................................................
(;.-.+.1 "ervin GP)" "upport *ode ("G"*) within "G"* pool.....................................................................
(;.-.+.2 Taret )*.3&< for 53T),*.................................................................................................................
(;.-.+.4 <*" subdomain for operator usae in 7P............................................................................................
(;.-.+.; eP<G 'ully Gualified <omain *ame....................................................................................................
(;.-.+.(9 Global e*ode@3&< for e*ode@..............................................................................................................
(;.-.+.(( 0ocal =ome *etwor# identifier.............................................................................................................
(;.-.3 "ervice and Protocol service names for 3GPP.............................................................................................
(;./ ,ccess *etwor# &dentity...................................................................................................................................
(;.1 735T),* .ell &dentity (7.&) and 735T),* .ell Global &dentification (7.G&)....................................
(;.2 &dentifiers for communications with pac#et data networ#s and applications....................................................
(;.2.( &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
(;.2.+ 7>ternal &dentifier........................................................................................................................................
(;.4 TE,* Operator *ame......................................................................................................................................
+9 ,ddressin and &dentification for &M" .entrali!ed "ervices................................................................
+9.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
+9.+ 57 based solution..............................................................................................................................................
+9.3 *etwor# based solution.....................................................................................................................................
+9.3.( General.........................................................................................................................................................
+9.3.+ =ome networ# domain name.......................................................................................................................
+9.3.3 Private 5ser &dentity....................................................................................................................................
+9.3.- Public 5ser &dentity.....................................................................................................................................
+9.3./ .onference 'actory 5)&..............................................................................................................................
+( ,ddressin and &dentification for <ual "tac# Mobile &Pv1 (<"M&Pv1)...............................................
+(.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
+(.+ =ome ,ent H ,ccess Point *ame (=,3,P*).................................................................................................
+(.+.( General.....................................................................................................................................................................
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ * !elease "#
+(.+.+ 'ormat of =,3,P* *etwor# &dentifier.......................................................................................................
+(.+.3 'ormat of =,3,P* Operator &dentifier.......................................................................................................
++ ,ddressin and identification for ,*<"'.................................................................................................
++.( &ntroduction.................................................................................................................................................................
++.+ ,*<"' "erver *ame (,*<"'3"*).................................................................................................................
++.+.( General.....................................................................................................................................................................
++.+.+ 'ormat of ,*<"'3"*.................................................................................................................................
+3 *umberin: addressin and identification for the O,M "ystem..........................................................
+3.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
+3.+ O,M "ystem )ealm8<omain............................................................................................................................
+3.3 &dentifiers for <omain *ame "ystem procedures.............................................................................................
+3.3.( &ntroduction..................................................................................................................................................
+3.3.+ 'ully Gualified <omain *ames ('G<*s)...................................................................................................
+3.3.+.( General...................................................................................................................................................
+3.3.+.+ )elay *ode Dendor3"pecific O,M "ystem...........................................................................................
+3.3.+.3 Multi3vendor e*ode@ Plu3and Play Dendor3"pecific O,M "ystem...................................................
+3.3.+.3.( General..............................................................................................................................................
+3.3.+.3.+ .ertification ,uthority server...........................................................................................................
+3.3.+.3.3 "ecurity Gateway..............................................................................................................................
+3.3.+.3.- 7lement Manaer..............................................................................................................................
+- *umberin: addressin and identification for Pro>imity3based "ervices (Pro"e).................................
+-.( &ntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................
+-.+ Pro"e ,pplication &<.........................................................................................................................................
+-.+.( General.........................................................................................................................................................
+-.+.+ 'ormat of Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame in Pro"e ,pplication &<................................................................
+-.+.3 'ormat of P0M* &< in Pro"e ,pplication &<.............................................................................................
+-.+.- 5sae of wild cards in place of P0M* &< in Pro"e ,pplication &<...........................................................
+-.+./ &nformative e>amples of Pro"e ,pplication &<...........................................................................................
+-.3 Pro"e ,pplication .ode.....................................................................................................................................
+-.3.( General.........................................................................................................................................................
+-.3.+ 'ormat of P0M* &< in Pro"e ,pplication .ode.........................................................................................
+-.3.3 'ormat of temporary identity in Pro"e ,pplication .ode...........................................................................
Annex A (informative): Colour Codes.................................................................................................
,.( 5tili!ation of the @"&..........................................................................................................................
,.+ Guidance for plannin..........................................................................................................................
,.3 7>ample of P0M* .olour .odes (*..s) for the 7uropean reion.....................................................
Annex B (normative): IMEI Check Digit comutation...................................................................
@.( )epresentation of &M7&........................................................................................................................
@.+ .omputation of .< for an &M7&...........................................................................................................
@.3 7>ample of computation.......................................................................................................................
Annex C (normative): !aming convention.......................................................................................
..( )outin ,rea &dentities.........................................................................................................................
..+ GP)" "upport *odes...........................................................................................................................
..3 Taret &<...............................................................................................................................................
Annex D (informative): Alica"ilit# and use of the $.%gnet&$ domain name...............
Annex E (normative): 'rocedure for su"(domain allocation..........................................................
Annex ) (informative): Change histor#..............................................................................................
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ , !elease "#
This Technical "pecification (T") has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The present document defines the principal purpose and use of &nternational Mobile station 76uipment &dentities (&M7&)
within the diital cellular telecommunications system and the 3GPP system.
The contents of the present document are subject to continuin wor# within the T"G and may chane followin formal
T"G approval. "hould the T"G modify the contents of the present document: it will be re3released by the T"G with an
identifyin chane of release date and an increase in version number as followsI
Dersion >.y.!
> the first diitI
( presented to T"G for informationJ
+ presented to T"G for approvalJ
3 or reater indicates T"G approved document under chane control.
y the second diit is incremented for all chanes of substance: i.e. technical enhancements: corrections:
updates: etc.
! the third diit is incremented when editorial only chanes have been incorporated in the document.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ - !elease "#
1 S"o$e
The present document defines the principal purpose and use of &nternational Mobile station 76uipment &dentities (&M7&)
within the diital cellular telecommunications system and the 3GPP system.
The present document definesI
a) an identification plan for mobile subscribers in the G"M systemJ
b) principles of assinin telephone and &"<* numbers to M"s in the country of reistration of the M"J
c) principles of assinin Mobile "tation (M") roamin numbers to visitin M"sJ
d) an identification plan for location areas: routin areas: and base stations in the G"M systemJ
e) an identification plan for M".s: "G"*s: GG"*s: and location reisters in the G"M systemJ
f) principles of assinin international mobile e6uipment identitiesJ
) principles of assinin !ones for reional subscriptionJ
h) an identification plan for roups of subscribers to the Doice Group .all "ervice (DG.") and to the Doice
@roadcast "ervice (D@")J and identification plan for voice roup calls and voice broadcast callsJ an
identification plan for roup call areasJ
i) principles for assinin Pac#et <ata Protocol (P<P) addresses to mobile stationsJ
j) an identification plan for point3to3multipoint data transmission roupsJ
#) an identification plan for .* domain: )*. and service area in the 5T),* system.
l) an identification plan for mobile subscribers in the E0,* system.
m) addressin and identification for &M" "ervice .ontinuity
n) an identification plan toether with principles of assinment and mappin of identities for the 7volved Pac#et
"ystemJ and
o) addressin and identification for Pro>imity3based (Pro"e) "ervices.
The present document specifies functions: procedures and information which apply to G7),* &u mode. =owever:
functionality related to G7),* &u mode is neither maintained nor enhanced.
1.1 Re3eren"es
1.1.1 )or4ai5e re3eren"es
The followin documents contain provisions which: throuh reference in this te>t: constitute provisions of the present
)eferences are either specific (identified by date of publication: edition number: version number: etc.) or
'or a specific reference: subse6uent revisions do not apply.
'or a non3specific reference: the latest version applies. &n the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (includin
a G"M document): a non3specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
K(L 3GPP T" +(.;9/I MDocabulary for 3GPP "pecifications M.
K+L 3GPP T" +3.994I MOrani!ation of subscriber dataM.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ . !elease "#
K3L 3GPP T" +3.919I MGeneral Pac#et )adio "ervice (GP)")J "ervice descriptionJ "tae +M
K-L 3GPP T" +3.929I M)outein of calls to8from Public <ata *etwor#s (P<*)M.
K/L 3GPP T" +-.994I MMobile )adio &nterface 0ayer 3 specificationJ .ore *etwor# ProtocolsJ "tae
K1L 3GPP T" +;.919I MGP)" Tunnellin protocol (GTP) across the Gn and Gp interfaceM.
K2L 3GPP T" -3.9+9I M<iital cellular telecommunications system (Phase +N)J "ecurity related
networ# functionsM.
K4L void
K;L 3GPP T" /(.9((I M "pecification of the "ubscriber &dentity Module 3 Mobile 76uipment ("&M 3
M7) interfaceM.
K(9L &T53T )ecommendation 7.(1-I MThe international public telecommunication numberin planM.
K((L &T53T )ecommendation 7.+(+I MThe international identification plan for mobile terminals and
mobile usersM.
K(+L &T53T )ecommendation 7.+(3I MTelephone and &"<* numberin plan for land Mobile "tations in
public land mobile networ#s (P0M*)M.
K(3L &T53T )ecommendation F.(+(I M&nternational numberin plan for public data networ#sM.
K(-L &7T' )'. 2;(I M&nternet ProtocolM.
K(/L &7T' )'. +323I M&P Dersion 1 ,ddressin ,rchitectureM.
K(1L 3GPP T" +/.-9(I M5T),* Overall <escriptionM.
K(2L 3GPP T" +/.-(3I M5T),* &u &nterface ),*,P "inallinM.
K(4L &7T' )'. +(4(I M.larifications to the <*" "pecificationM.
K(;L &7T' )'. (93/I M<omain *ames 3 &mplementation and "pecificationM.
K+9L &7T' )'. ((+3I M)e6uirements for &nternet =osts 33 ,pplication and "upportM.
K+(L &7T' )'. +-1+I M&Pv1 "tateless ,ddress ,utoconfiurationM.
K++L &7T' )'. 39-(I MPrivacy 7>tensions for "tateless ,ddress ,utoconfiuration in &Pv1M.
K+3L 3GPP T" +3.+31I M&ntra <omain .onnection of ),* *odes to Multiple .* *odesM.
K+-L 3GPP T" +3.++4I M&P Multimedia (&M) "ubsystem H "tae +M
K+/L Doid
K+1L &7T' )'. 3+1(I M"&PI "ession &nitiation ProtocolM
K+2L 3GPP T" 3(.(9+I M.haracteristics of the 5"&M ,pplication.M
K+4L Doid
K+;L 3GPP T" --.((4I M)adio )esource .ontrol ()).) Protocol: &u ModeM.
K39L 3GPP T" +3.923I M"upport of 0ocalised "ervice ,rea ("o0",)J "tae +M
K3(L 3GPP T" +;.99+I MMobile ,pplication Part (M,P) specificationM
K3+L 3GPP T" ++.9(1I M&nternational Mobile 76uipment &dentities (&M7&)M
K33L Doid
K3-L Doid
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ "& !elease "#
K3/L 3GPP T" -/.9/1I M.T"3'P )adio "ub3systemM
K31L 3GPP T" -+.99;I M"ecurity aspectsM Kcurrently not bein raised to rel3/ H Pete =. loo#in into itL
K32L 3GPP T" +/.-+3I M5T),* &ur interface )*",P sinallinM
K34L 3GPP T" +/.-(;I M5T),* &u3@. interfaceI "ervice ,rea @roadcast Protocol (",@P)M
K3;L 3GPP T" +/.-(9I M5T),* &u &nterfaceI General ,spects and PrinciplesM
K-9L &"O8&7. 24(+I M&dentification cards 3 *umberin system and reistration procedure for issuer
K-(L Doid
K-+L 3GPP T" 33.(9+ M3G securityJ "ecurity architectureM
K-3L 3GPP T" -3.(39I M&ur3 interfaceJ "tae +M
K-/L &7T' )'. 3;11I MThe tel 5)& for Telephone *umbersM
K-1L 3GPP T" --.914I MGroup .all .ontrol (G..) protocolM.
K-2L 3GPP T" --.91;I M@roadcast .all .ontrol (@..) Protocol M.
K-4L 3GPP T" +-.+3-I M3GPP "ystem to E0,* &nterwor#inJ 57 to *etwor# protocolsJ "tae 3M.
K-;L Doid
K/9L &7T' )'. -(42I M7,P ,%, ,uthenticationM.
K/(L &7T' )'. -(41I M7,P "&M ,uthenticationM.
K/+L 3GPP T" +3.+-1I MMultimedia @roadcast8Multicast "ervice (M@M")J ,rchitecture and functional
K/3L &7T' )'. -+4+I MThe *etwor# ,ccess &dentifierM.
K/-L &7T' )'. ++2;I M5T'34: a transformation format of &"O (91-1M.
K//L 3GPP T" 33.+3-I MEireless 0ocal ,rea *etwor# (E0,*) interwor#in securityM.
K/1L Doid
K/4L 3GPP T" 33.++( MGeneric ,uthentication ,rchitecture (G,,)J "upport for "ubscriber
K19L &777 (993.(3+99-: Part (I @ase <efinitions
K1(L 3GPP T" -3.3(4I MGeneric ,ccess to the ,8Gb interfaceJ "tae +M
K1+L 3GPP T" --.3(4I MGeneric ,ccess (G,) to the ,8Gb interfaceJ Mobile G, interface layer 3
K13L 3GPP T" +;.(13I M&nterwor#in between the &P Multimedia (&M) .ore *etwor# (.*) subsystem
and .ircuit "witched (.") networ#sM
K1-L &7T' )'. +191I M)eserved Top 0evel <*" *amesM
K1/L Doid
K11L 3GPP T" /(.9(( )elease -I M"pecification of the "ubscriber &dentity Module 3 Mobile 76uipment
("&M 3 M7) interfaceM
K12L 3GPP+ F."99(3399-I M&P Multimedia .all .ontrol Protocol based on "&P and "<PJ "tae 3M
K14L 3GPP T" +3.-9+I M,rchitecture 7nhancements for non33GPP accessesM
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ "" !elease "#
K1;L 3GPP T" 33.-9+I M3GPP "ystem ,rchitecture 7volutionI "ecurity ,spects of non33GPP accessesM
K29L 3GPP T" +3.+;+I M&P Multimedia "ubsystem (&M") .entrali!ed "ervicesJ "tae +M
K2(L 3GPP T" +3.+32I M&P Multimedia "ubsystem (&M") "ervice .ontinuityM
K2+L 3GPP T" +3.-9(I MGeneral Pac#et )adio "ervice (GP)") enhancements for 7volved 5niversal
Terrestrial )adio ,ccess *etwor# (735T),*) accessM
K23L 3GPP T" +;.393I M<omain *ame "ystem ProceduresJ "tae 3M
K2-L &7T' )'. 3;/4I M<omain3@ased ,pplication "ervice 0ocation 5sin ")D ))s and the <ynamic
<eleation <iscovery "ervice (<<<")M
K2/L Doid
K21L 3GPP T" +3.+32I MMobility between 3GPP3Eireless 0ocal ,rea *etwor# (E0,*) interwor#in
and 3GPP systemsM
K22L 3GPP T" +-.39+I M,ccess to the 3GPP 7volved Pac#et .ore (7P.) via non33GPP access
networ#sJ "tae 3M
K24L 3GPP T" +3.+23I M7volved Pac#et "ystemJ 3GPP 7P" ,,, &nterfacesM
K2;L &7T' &nternet3<raft: draft3montemurro3sma3imei3urn3(; (Oanuary +9(-)I M, 5niform )esource
*ame *amespace for the Global "ystem for Mobile communications ,ssociation (G"M,) and the
&nternational Mobile station 76uipment &dentity (&M7&)M.
K49L &7T' )'. -(++I M, 5niversally 5ni6ue &<entifier (55&<) 5)* *amespaceM.
K4(L 3GPP T" +-.++;I M&P multimedia call control protocol based on "ession &nitiation Protocol ("&P)
and "ession <escription Protocol ("<P)J "tae 3M.
K4+L &7T' )'./--4I M&mproved 7>tensible ,uthentication Protocol Method for 3rd Generation
,uthentication and %ey ,reement (7,P3,%,$) M
K43L 3GPP T" ++.9((I M"ervice accessibilityM.
K4-L 3GPP T" 31.-(3I M7volved 5niversal Terrestrial )adio ,ccess *etwor# (735T),*) J "(
,pplication Protocol ("(,P)M.
K4/L Guidelines for use of a -43bit 7>tended 5ni6ue &dentifier (75&3-4A):
K41L G5&<70&*7" 'O) 1-3@&T G0O@,0 &<7*T&'&7) (75&31-) )7G&"T),T&O* ,5T=O)&TP:
K42L The @roadband 'orum T)391;I M.P7 E,* Manaement Protocol v(.(M: &ssue ( ,mendment +:
<ecember +992
K44L 3GPP T" +;.+2-I M7volved General Pac#et )adio "ervice (GP)") Tunnellin Protocol for .ontrol
plane (GTPv+3.)J "tae 3M.
K4;L 3GPP T" 33.-9(I M3GPP "ystem ,rchitecture 7volutionI "ecurity ,rchitectureM.
K;9L 3GPP T" +-.39(I M*on3,ccess3"tratum (*,") protocol for 7volved Pac#et "ystem (7P")J
"tae 3M.
K;(L 3GPP T" 31.399I M 7volved 5niversal Terrestrial )adio ,ccess (735T),) and 7volved 5niversal
Terrestrial )adio ,ccess *etwor# (735T),*)J Overall descriptionJ "tae +M.
K;+L 3GPP T" +3.+(1I M"inle )adio Doice .all .ontinuity (")D..)M.
K;3L 3GPP T" 3(.(93I M&P Multimedia "ervices &dentity Module (&"&M) applicationM.
K;-L &7T' )'. -4+/I MThe 7>tensible Mar#up 0anuae (FM0) .onfiuration ,ccess Protocol
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ "# !elease "#
K;/L 3GPP T" +;.++;I M .> and <> interfaces based on the <iameter protocolJ Protocol detailsM.
K;1L 3GPP T" +;.3+;I M "h &nterface based on the <iameter protocolJ Protocol detailsM.
K;2L 3GPP T" +;.(1/I M&nter3&M" *etwor# to *etwor# &nterface (**&)J "tae 3M.
K;4L 3GPP T" +3.14+I M,rchitecture 7nhancements to facilitate communications with Pac#et <ata
*etwor#s and ,pplicationsM.
K;;L 3GPP T" --.9(4I MMobile radio interface layer 3 specificationJ )adio )esource .ontrol ()).)
K(99L 3GPP T" --.919I MGeneral Pac#et )adio "ervice (GP)")J Mobile "tation (M") H @ase "tation
"ystem (@"") interfaceJ )adio 0in# .ontrol 8 Medium ,ccess .ontrol ()0.8M,.) protocolM.
K(9(L 3GPP T" +3.+/(I M*etwor# "harinJ ,rchitecture and functional descriptionM.
K(9+L 3GPP T" 3+./94I MProcedure flows for multi3vendor plu3and3play e*@ connection to the
K(93L 3GPP T" +3.393I MPro>imity3based services (Pro"e)M.
1.1.2 6n3or4ai5e re3eren"es
K--L M.OMP07M7*T TO &T53T )7.OMM7*<,T&O* 7.+(+ (((8;4)M: ,nne> to &T5 Operational
@ulletin *o. 2-( H (.D&.+99J This is published on the &T53T website: whose home pae is at
K/2L G"M, P)< &).3- M&nter3P0M* @ac#bone GuidelinesM
K/;L Doid
1.2 &''re5iaions
'or the purposes of the present document: the abbreviations defined in 3GPP T" +(.;9/ K(L and the followin apply. ,n
abbreviation defined in the present document ta#es precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation: if any: in
3GPP T) +(.;9/ K(L.
7P" 7volved Pac#et "ystem
G5T& Globally 5ni6ue Temporary 57 &dentity
&." &M" .entrali!ed "ervices
MT. Machine Type .ommunication
55&< 5niversally 5ni6ue &<entifier
1.3 Genera# "o44ens o re3eren"es
The identification plan for mobile subscribers defined below is that defined in &T53T )ecommendation 7.+(+.
The &"<* numberin plan for M"s and the allocation of mobile station roamin numbers is that defined in &T53T
)ecommendation 7.+(3. Only one of the principles for allocatin &"<* numbers is proposed for P0M*s. Only the
method for allocatin M" roamin numbers contained in the main te>t of &T53T )ecommendation 7.+(3 is
recommended for use in P0M*s. &f there is any difference between the present document and the &T53T
)ecommendations: the former shall prevail.
'or terminoloy: see also &T53T )ecommendations 7.(1- and F.(+(.
1.4 *on5enions on 'i ordering
The followin conventions hold for the codin of the different identities appearin in the present document and in other
G"M Technical "pecifications if not indicated otherwiseI
3 the different parts of an identity are shown in the fiures in order of sinificanceJ
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ "3 !elease "#
3 the most sinificant part of an identity is on the left part of the fiure and the least sinificant on the riht.
Ehen an identity appears in other Technical "pecifications: the followin conventions hold if not indicated otherwiseI
3 diits are numbered by order of sinificance: with diit ( bein the most sinificantJ
3 bits are numbered by order of sinificance: with the lowest bit number correspondin to the least sinificant bit.
2 6deni3i"aion o3 4o'i#e su's"ri'ers
2.1 Genera#
, uni6ue &nternational Mobile "ubscriber &dentity (&M"&) shall be allocated to each mobile subscriber in the
G"M85MT"87P" system.
*OT7I This &M"& is the concept referred to by &T53T as M&nternational Mobile "tation &dentityM.
&n order to support the subscriber identity confidentiality service the D0)s: "G"*s and MM7 may allocate Temporary
Mobile "ubscriber &dentities (TM"&) to visitin mobile subscribers. The D0):"G"* and MM7 must be capable of
correlatin an allocated TM"& with the &M"& of the M" to which it is allocated.
,n M" may be allocated three TM"&s: one for services provided throuh the M".: one for services provided throuh
the "G"* (P3TM"& for short) and one for the services provided via the MM7 (M3TM"& part G5T& for short).
'or addressin on resources used for GP)": a Temporary 0oical 0in# &dentity (T00&) is used. The T00& to use is built
by the M" either on the basis of the P3TM"& (local or forein T00&): or directly (random T00&).
&n order to speed up the search for subscriber data in the D0) a supplementary 0ocal Mobile "tation &dentity (0M"&) is
The 0M"& may be allocated by the D0) at location updatin and is sent to the =0) toether with the &M"&. The =0)
ma#es no use of it but includes it toether with the &M"& in all messaes sent to the D0) concernin that M".
2.2 *o4$osiion o3 6MS6
&M"& is composed as shown in fiure (.
Not more than 15 digits
3 digits 2 or 3
/igure "0 Structure of 12S1
&M"& is composed of three partsI
() Mobile .ountry .ode (M..) consistin of three diits. The M.. identifies uni6uely the country of domicile of
the mobile subscriberJ
+) Mobile *etwor# .ode (M*.) consistin of two or three diits for G"M85MT" applications. The M*.
identifies the home P0M* of the mobile subscriber. The lenth of the M*. (two or three diits) depends on the
value of the M... , mi>ture of two and three diit M*. codes within a sinle M.. area is not recommended
and is outside the scope of this specification.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ "( !elease "#
3) Mobile "ubscriber &dentification *umber (M"&*) identifyin the mobile subscriber within a P0M*.
The *ational Mobile "ubscriber &dentity (*M"&) consists of the Mobile *etwor# .ode and the Mobile "ubscriber
&dentification *umber.
2.3 &##o"aion $rin"i$#es
&M"& shall consist of decimal diits (9 throuh ;) only.
The number of diits in &M"& shall not e>ceed (/.
The allocation of Mobile .ountry .odes (M..s) is administered by the &T53T. The current allocation is iven in the
.OMP07M7*T TO &T53T )7.OMM7*<,T&O* 7.+(+ K--L.
The allocation of *ational Mobile "ubscriber &dentity (*M"&) is the responsibility of each administration.
&f more than one P0M* e>ists in a country: the same Mobile *etwor# .ode should not be assined to more than one
The allocation of &M"&s should be such that not more than the diits M.. N M*. of the &M"& have to be analysed in a
forein P0M* for information transfer.
2.4 Sru"ure o3 TMS6
"ince the TM"& has only local sinificance (i.e. within a D0) and the area controlled by a D0): or within an "G"* and
the area controlled by an "G"*: or within an MM7 and the area controlled by an MM7): the structure and codin of it
can be chosen by areement between operator and manufacturer in order to meet local needs.
The TM"& consists of - octets. &t can be coded usin a full he>adecimal representation.
&n order to avoid double allocation of TM"&s after a restart of an allocatin node: some part of the TM"& may be related
to the time when it was allocated or contain a bit field which is chaned when the allocatin node has recovered from
the restart.
&n areas where both M".3based services and "G"*3based services are provided: some discrimination is needed
between the allocation of TM"&s for M".3based services and the allocation of TM"&s for "G"*3based services. The
discrimination shall be done on the + most sinificant bits: with values 99: 9(: and (9 bein used by the D0): and ((
bein used by the "G"*.
&f intra domain connection of ),* nodes to multiple .* nodes as described in 3GPP T" +3.+31 K+3L is applied in the
M".8D0) or "G"*: then the *)& shall be part of the TM"&. The *)& has a confiurable lenth of 9 to (9 bits. ,
confiurable lenth of 9 bits indicates that the *)& is not used and this feature is not applied in the M".8D0) or "G"*.
The *)& shall be coded in bits +3 to (-. ,n *)& shorter than (9 bits shall be encoded with the most sinificant bit of
the *)& field in bit +3.
The TM"& shall be allocated only in ciphered form. "ee also 3GPP T" -3.9+9 K2L and 3GPP T" 33.(9+ K-+L.
The networ# shall not allocate a TM"& with all 3+ bits e6ual to ( (this is because the TM"& must be stored in the "&M:
and the "&M uses - octets with all bits e6ual to ( to indicate that no valid TM"& is available).
To allow for eventual modifications of the manaement of the TM"& code space manaement: M"s shall not chec# if an
allocated TM"& belons to the rane allocated to the allocatin node. M"s shall use an allocated TM"& accordin to the
specifications: whatever its value.
2.5 Sru"ure o3 !MS6
The 0M"& consists of - octets and may be allocated by the D0). The D0) shall not allocate the value !ero. The value
!ero is reserved to indicate that an 0M"& parameter sent from the =0) to the D0) shall not be interpreted.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ "+ !elease "#
2.6 Sru"ure o3 T!!6
, T00& is built by the M" or by the "G"* either on the basis of the P3TM"& (local or forein T00&): or directly
(random or au>iliary T00&): accordin to the followin rules.
The T00& consists of 3+ bits: numbered from 9 to 3( by order of sinificance: with bit 9 bein the 0"@.
, local T00& is built by an M" which has a valid P3TM"& as followsI
bits 3( down to 39 are set to (J and
bits +; down to 9 are set e6ual to bits +; to 9 of the P3TM"&.
, forein T00& is built by an M" which has a valid P3TM"& as followsI
bit 3( is set to ( and bit 39 is set to 9J and
bits +; down to 9 are set e6ual to bits +; to 9 of the P3TM"&.
, random T00& is built by an M" as followsI
bit 3( is set to 9J
bits 39 down to +2 are set to (J and
bits 9 to +1 are chosen randomly.
,n au>iliary T00& is built by the "G"* as followsI
bit 3( is set to 9J
bits 39 down to +4 are set to (J
bit +2 is set to 9J and
bits 9 to +1 can be assined independently.
Other types of T00& may be introduced in the future.
Part of the T00& codespace is re3used in G7),* to allow for the inclusion of the G7),* )adio *etwor# Temporary
&dentifier in )0.8M,. messaes. The G3)*T& is defined in 3GPP T" --.((4 K+;L.
The structure of the T00& is summarised in table (.
Table "0 T331 structure
3" 3& #. #- #, #* to & T4pe of T331
1 1 T T T T !o"a# T!!6
1 0 T T T T (oreign T!!6
0 1 1 1 1 R Rando4 T!!6
0 1 1 1 0 & &u/i#iar7 T!!6
0 1 1 0 8 8 Reser5ed
0 1 0 8 8 8 Reser5ed
0 0 0 0 G G Par o3 %e assigned G-R)T6
0 0 0 1 R R Rando4 G-R)T6
$T$: $)$: $,$ and $F$ indicate bits which can ta#e any value for the type of T00&. More precisely: $T$ indicates bits derived
from a P3TM"&: $)$ indicates bits chosen randomly: $,$ indicates bits chosen by the "G"*: $G$ indicates bits derived
from the assined G3)*T& and $F$ indicates bits in reserved ranes.
2.0 Sru"ure o3 P-TMS6 Signaure
The P3TM"& "inature consists of 3 octets and may be allocated by the "G"*.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ "* !elease "#
The networ# shall not allocate a P3TM"& "inature with all +- bits e6ual to ( (this is because the P3TM"& "inature
must be stored in the "&M: and the "&M uses 3 octets with all bits e6ual to ( to indicate that no valid P3TM"& sinature
is available.
2.9 G#o'a##7 Uni:ue Te4$orar7 U+ 6deni7 (GUT6)
2.9.1 6nrodu"ion
The purpose of the G5T& is to provide an unambiuous identification of the 57 that does not reveal the 57 or the user$s
permanent identity in the 7volved Pac#et "ystem (7P"). &t also allows the identification of the MM7 and networ#. &t
can be used by the networ# and the 57 to establish the 57$s identity durin sinallin between them in the 7P". "ee
3GPP T" +3.-9( K2+L.
The G5T& has two main componentsI
3 one that uni6uely identifies the MM7 which allocated the G5T&J and
3 one that uni6uely identifies the 57 within the MM7 that allocated the G5T&.
Eithin the MM7: the mobile shall be identified by the M3TM"&.
The Globally 5ni6ue MM7 &dentifier (G5MM7&) shall be constructed from the M..: M*. and MM7 &dentifier
The MM7& shall be constructed from an MM7 Group &< (MM7G&) and an MM7 .ode (MM7.).
The G5T& shall be constructed from the G5MM7& and the M3TM"&.
'or pain purposes: the mobile is paed with the "3TM"&. The "3TM"& shall be constructed from the MM7. and the
The operator shall need to ensure that the MM7. is uni6ue within the MM7 pool area and: if overlappin pool areas
are in use: uni6ue within the area of overlappin MM7 pools.
*OT7I &n some networ# sharin cases it is re6uired that the MM7. and *)& values are coordinated between the
sharin operators: as described in 3GPP T" +3.+/( K(9(L. &n order to achieve ."8P" coordination in
shared G7),*85T),* networ#s: the MM7. included in the G5T& can be set to identify the ."
operator servin the 57.
The G5T& shall be used to support subscriber identity confidentiality: and: in the shortened "3TM"& form: to enable
more efficient radio sinallin procedures (e.. pain and "ervice )e6uest).
The format and si!e of the G5T& is therefore the followinI
where QG5MM7&R S QM..RQM*.RQMM7 &dentifierR
and QMM7 &dentifierR S QMM7 Group &<RQMM7 .odeR
M.. and M*. shall have the same field si!e as in earlier 3GPP systems.
M3TM"& shall be of 3+ bits lenth.
MM7 Group &< shall be of (1 bits lenth.
MM7 .ode shall be of 4 bits lenth.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ", !elease "#
2.9.2 Ma$$ing 'e2een Te4$orar7 and &rea 6deniies 3or %e +UTR&) and
%e UTR&)1G+R&) 'ased s7se4s 6nrodu"ion
This section provides information on the mappin of the temporary and location area identities: e.. for the construction
of the )outein ,rea 5pdate )e6uest messae in G7),*85T),* or Trac#in ,rea 5pdate )e6uest messae in
&n G7),* and 5T),*I
Q),&R S QM..RQM*.RQ0,.RQ),.R
QP3TM"&8T00&R includes the mapped *)&
P3TM"& shall be of 3+ bits lenth where the two topmost bits are reserved and always set to $(($. =ence: for a 57 which
may handover to G7),*85T),* (based on subscription and 57 capabilities): the correspondin bits in the M3TM"&
are set to $(($ (see subclause +.4.+.(.3).
3GPP T" +3.+31 K+3L specifies that the *)& field is of variable lenth and shall be mapped into the P3TM"& startin at
bit +3 and down to bit (-. The most sinificant bit of the *)& is located at bit +3 of the P3TM"& reardless of the
confiured lenth of the *)&. To support mobility between G7),*85T),* and 735T),*: the *)& lenth is limited
to a ma>imum of 4 bits to be compatible for the mappin to MM7 .ode within G5T& (see subclause +.4.+.+).
The P3TM"& and *)& are defined elsewhere in this specification.
&n the case of a combined MM73"G"* node: the *)& of the "G"* part and the MM7 code of the MM7 part: refer to
the same combined node. ),* confiuration allows *," messaes on G7),*85T),* and 735T),* to be routed
to the same combined node. The same or different values of *)& and MM7 code may be used for a combined node. Ma$$ing 3ro4 GUT6 o R&6, P-TMS6 and P-TMS6 signaure 6nrodu"ion
This subclause addresses the case when a 57 moves from an MM7 to an "G"*. The "G"* may be either an "- "G"*
or a Gn8Gp "G"*. Ma$$ing in %e U+
Ehen a 57 moves from an 735T),* to a G7),*85T),*: the 57 needs to map the G5T& to an ),&: a P3TM"& and
a P3TM"& "inature: for them to be sent to the "G"*. 'or G7),*: the T00& is derived from the P3TM"& by the 57
and is a forein T00& (see subclause +.1).
The mappin of the G5T& shall be done to the combination of ),& of G7),* 8 5T),* and the P3TM"&I
735T),* QM..R maps to G7),*85T),* QM..R
735T),* QM*.R maps to G7),*85T),* QM*.R
735T),* QMM7 Group &<R maps to G7),*85T),* Q0,.R
735T),* QMM7 .odeR maps to G7),*85T),* Q),.R and is also copied into the 4 Most "inificant @its of
the *)& field within the P3TM"&J
735T),* QM3TM"&R maps as followsI
3 1 bits of the 735T),* QM3TM"&R startin at bit +; and down to bit +- are mapped into bit +; and down to
bit +- of the G7),*85T),* QP3TM"&RJ
3 (1 bits of the 735T),* QM3TM"&R startin at bit (/ and down to bit 9 are mapped into bit (/ and down to
bit 9 of the G7),*85T),* QP3TM"&RJ
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ "- !elease "#
3 and the remainin 4 bits of the 735T),* QM3TM"&R are mapped into the 4 Most "inificant @its of the QP3
TM"& sinatureR field.
The 57 shall fill the remainin + octets of the QP3TM"& sinatureR accordin to subclauses ;.(.(: ;.-.(: (9.+.(:
or (9./.( of 3GPP T".33.-9( K4;L : as appropriate: for ),58,ttach procedures.
'or 5T),*: the (93bit lon *)& bits are mas#ed out from the P3TM"& and are also supplied by the 57 to the ),*
node as &<**" (&ntra <omain *," *ode "elector) (see 3GPP T" +3.+31 K+3L). =owever: the ),* confiured *)&
lenth should not e>ceed 4 bits. Ma$$ing in %e o#d MM+
, new "G"* attempts to retrieve information reardin the 57: e.. the &M"&: from the old MM7. &n order to find the
57 conte>t: the MM7 needs to map the ),&: P3TM"& (or T00&) and the P3TM"& "inature (sent by the "G"*) to
create the G5T& and compare it with the stored G5T&.
The MM7 shall perform a reverse mappin to the mappin procedure specified in subclause +.4.+.(.+ MMappin in the
57M (see 3GPP T" +;.919 K1L and 3GPP T" +;.+2- K44L for specifics of the messain). 'or the reverse mappin: the
735T),* QMM7 .odeR within the G5T& shall be set either to bits +3 to (1 of the G7),*85T),* QP3TM"&R (i.e.:
the *)& field) or to the G7),*85T),* Q),.R. 'or G7),* T00&: the old MM7 replaces the two topmost bits of
T00&: received from new "G"* via GTPv(: with $(($ before mappin the T00& to the G5T& used for loo#in up the
M57 .onte>tM. Ma$$ing 3ro4 R&6 and P-TMS6 o GUT6 6nrodu"ion
This subclause addresses the case when a 57 moves from an "G"* to an MM7 (i.e. durin a T,5 or an ,ttach to
MM7). The "G"* may be either an "- "G"* or a Gn8Gp "G"*. Ma$$ing in %e U+
Ehen the 57 moves from the G7),*85T),* to the 735T),*: the 57 needs to map the ),& and P3TM"& to a
G5T& to be sent to the MM7. The P3TM"& sinature is sent intact to the MM7.
The mappin of P3TM"& (T00&) and ),& in G7),*85T),* to G5T& in 735T),* shall be performed as followsI
G7),*85T),* QM..R maps to 735T),* QM..R
G7),*85T),* QM*.R maps to 735T),* QM*.R
G7),*85T),* Q0,.R maps to 735T),* QMM7 Group &<R
G7),*85T),* Q),.R maps into bit +3 and down to bit (1 of the M3TM"&
The 4 most sinificant bits of G7),*85T),* Q*)&R map to the MM7 code.
G7),*85T),* QP3TM"&R maps as followsI
3 1 bits of the G7),*85T),* QP3TM"&R startin at bit +; and down to bit +- are mapped into bit +; and
down to bit +- of the 735T),* QM3TM"&RJ
3 (1 bits of the G7),*85T),* QP3TM"&R startin at bit (/ and down to bit 9 are mapped into bit (/ and
down to bit 9 of the 735T),* QM3TM"&R.
The values of Q0,.R and QMM7 roup idR shall be disjoint: so that they can be differentiated.
The most sinificant bit of the Q0,.R shall be set to !eroJ and the most sinificant bit of QMM7 roup idR shall be set
to one. @ased on this definition: the most sinificant bit of the QMM7 roup idR can be used to distinuish the node
type: i.e. whether it is an MM7 or "G"*. The 57 copies the received old "G"*Ts Q0,.R into the QMM7 Group &<R
when sendin a messae to an MM7: reardless of the value of the most sinificant bit of the Q0,.R.
&n networ#s where this definition is not applied (e.. in networ#s already confiured with 0,. with the most sinificant
bit set to ( before 0T7 deployment): the information in the T,58),5 re6uest indicatin whether the provided G5T&8P3
TM"& is MnativeM (i.e. no system chane) or MmappedM (i.e. system chane) can be used to distinuish the node type for
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ". !elease "#
57s implemented accordin to this release of the specification (see 3GPP T" +-.39( K;9L and 3GPP T" +-.994 K/L).
"pecific networ# implementations still satisfyin 3GPP standard interfaces can be used for pre3)el3(9 57s to
distinuish the node type.
*OT7 (I ,s an e>ample: at *," level: the MM78"G"* can retrieve the old "G"*8MM7 by usin additional
G5T&8additional ),&8P3TM"& with double <*" 6uery to solve the first time the 57 moves between 73
5T),* and G7),*85T),*. ,s another e>ample: the MM78"G"* can retrieve the old "G"*8MM7
by usin double <*" 6uery. Ma$$ing in %e ne2 MM+
&n order to retrieve the 57$s information: e.. the &M"&: from the old "G"*: the new MM7 e>tracts only the ),& and P3
TM"& from the G5T& via the reverse mappin procedure to that specified in subclause +.4.+.+.+. This is done in order to
be able to include the mapped ),& and P3TM"&: alon with the P3TM"& "inature received by the MM7 from the 57:
in the correspondin messae sent to the old "G"* (see 3GPP T" +;.919 K1L and 3GPP T" +;.+2- K44L for specifics of
the messain). The old "G"* compares the received ),&: P3TM"& and P3TM"& "inature with the stored values for
identifyin the 57.
2.. Sru"ure o3 %e S-Te4$orar7 Mo'i#e Su's"ri'er 6deni7 (S-
The "3TM"& is the shortened form of the G5T& to enable more efficient radio sinallin procedures (e.. pain and
"ervice )e6uest). 'or pain purposes: the mobile is paed with the "3TM"&. The "3TM"& shall be constructed from
the MM7. and the M3TM"&I
"ee subclause +.4 for these definitions and the mappin.
3 )u4'ering $#an 3or 4o'i#e saions
3.1 Genera#
The structure of the followin numbers is defined belowI
3 the number used by a subscriber of a fi>ed (or mobile) networ# to call a mobile station of a P0M*J
3 the networ# addresses used for pac#et data communication between a mobile station and a fi>ed (or mobile)
3 mobile station roamin numbers.
One or more numbers of the &"<* numberin plan shall be assined to a mobile station to be used for all calls to that
station: i.e. the assinment of at least one M"&"<* to a mobile station is mandatory. ,s an e>ception: GP)" and 7P"
allow for operation whereby a M"&"<* is not allocated as part of the subscription data (see 3GPP T" +3.919 K3L
subclause /.3.(2 and 3GPP T" +3.-9( K2+L).
*OT7I 'or card operated stations the &"<* number should be assined to the holder of the card (personal
3.2 )u4'ering $#an re:uire4ens
&n principle: it should be possible for any subscriber of the &"<* or P"T* to call any M" in a P0M*. This implies that
&"<* numbers for M"s should comply with the &"<* numberin plan in the home country of the M".
The &"<* numbers of M"s should be composed in such a way that standard &"<*8P"T* charin can be used for calls
to M"s.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #& !elease "#
&t should be possible for each administration to develop its own independent numberin8addressin plan for M"s.
The numberin8addressin plan should not limit the possibility for M"s to roam amon P0M*s.
&t should be possible to chane the &M"& without chanin the &"<* number allocated to an M" and vice versa.
&n principle: it should be possible for any subscriber of the ."P<*8P"P<* to call any M" in a P0M*. This implies
that it may be necessary for an M" to have a F.(+( number.
&n principle: it should be possible for any fi>ed or mobile terminal to communicate with a mobile terminal usin an &P
v- address or &P v1 address.
3.3 Sru"ure o3 MS inernaiona# PST)16S;) nu4'er (MS6S;))
M" international &"<* numbers are allocated from the &T53T )ecommendation 7.(1- numberin planJ see also &T53T
)ecommendation 7.+(3. The structure of the M" international &"<* number will then be as shown in fiure +.
4 o ' i # e n u 4 ' e r
) a i o n a # ( s i g n i 3 i " a n )
M o ' i # e s a i o n i n e r n a i o n a #
6 S ; ) n u 4 ' e r
* * ) ; * S )
/igure #0 Number Structure of 2S1S5N
The number consists ofI
3 .ountry .ode (..) of the country in which the M" is reistered: followed byI
3 *ational (sinificant) mobile number: which consists ofI
3 *ational <estination .ode (*<.) and
3 "ubscriber *umber ("*).
'or G"M85MT" applications: a *ational <estination .ode is allocated to each P0M*. &n some countries more than
one *<. may be re6uired for each P0M*.
The composition of the M" international &"<* number should be such that it can be used as a lobal title address in the
"inallin .onnection .ontrol Part ("..P) for routein messaes to the home location reister of the M". The country
code (..) and the national destination code (*<.) will provide such routein information. &f further routein
information is re6uired: it should be contained in the first few diits of the subscriber number ("*).
, sub3address may be appended to an &"<* number for use in call setup and in supplementary service operations where
an &"<* number is re6uired (see &T53T )ecommendations 7.(1-: clause ((.+ and F.+(3 anne> ,). The sub3address is
transferred to the terminal e6uipment denoted by the &"<* number.
The ma>imum lenth of a sub3address is +9 octets: includin one octet to identify the codin scheme for the
sub3address (see &T53T )ecommendation F.+(3: anne> ,). ,ll codin schemes described in &T53T )ecommendation
F.+(3: anne> , are supported in G"M and 5MT".
,s an e>ception to the rules above: the M"&"<* shall ta#e the dummy M"&"<* value composed of (/ diits set to 9
(encoded as an 7.(1- international number) when the M"&"<* is not available in messaes in which the presence of
the M"&"<* parameter is re6uired for bac#ward compatibility reason. "ee the relevant stae 3 specifications.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #" !elease "#
3.4 Mo'i#e Saion Roa4ing )u4'er (MSR)) 3or PST)16S;)
The Mobile "tation )oamin *umber (M")*) is used to route calls directed to an M". On re6uest from the Gateway
M". via the =0) it is temporarily allocated to an M" by the D0) with which the M" is reisteredJ it addresses the
Disited M". collocated with the assinin D0). More than one M")* may be assined simultaneously to an M".
The M")* is passed by the =0) to the Gateway M". to route calls to the M".
The Mobile "tation )oamin *umber for P"T*8&"<* routin shall have the same structure as international &"<*
numbers in the area in which the roamin number is allocated: i.e.I
3 the country code of the country in which the visitor location reister is locatedJ
3 the national destination code of the visited P0M* or numberin areaJ
3 a subscriber number with the appropriate structure for that numberin area.
The M")* shall not be used for subscriber diallin. &t should be noted that the M")* can be identical to the M"&"<*
(clause 3.3) in certain circumstances. &n order to discriminate between subscriber enerated access to these numbers and
re3routein performed by the networ#: re3routein or redirection indicators or other sinallin means should be used: if
3.5 Sru"ure o3 Mo'i#e Saion 6nernaiona# ;aa )u4'er
The structure of M" international data numbers should comply with the data numberin plan of &T53T
)ecommendation F.(+( as applied in the home country of the mobile subscriber. &mplications for numberin
interwor#in functions which may need to be provided by the P0M* (if the use of F.(+( numbers is re6uired) are
indicated in 3GPP T" +3.929 K-L.
3.6 <ando5er )u4'er
The handover number is used for establishment of a circuit between M".s to be used for a call bein handed over. The
structure of the handover number is the same as the structure of the M")*. The handover number may be reused in the
same way as the M")*.
3.0 Sru"ure o3 an 6P 54 address
One or more &P address domains may be allocated to each P0M*. The &P v- address structure is defined in
)'. 2;( K(-L.
,n &P v- address may be allocated to an M" either permanently or temporarily durin a connection with the networ#.
3.9 Sru"ure o3 an 6P 56 address
One or more &P address domains could be allocated to each P0M*. The &P v1 address structure is defined in
)'. +323 K(/L.
,n &P v1 address may be allocated to an M" either permanently or temporarily durin a connection with the networ#
&f the dynamic &Pv1 stateless address autoconfiuration procedure is used: then each P<P conte>t: or roup of P<P
conte>ts sharin the same &P address: is assined a uni6ue prefi> as defined in 3GPP T" +3.919 K3L.
,s described in )'. +-1+ K+(L and )'. 39-( K++L: the M" can chane its interface identifier without the GP)"
networ# bein aware of the chane.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ## !elease "#
4 6deni3i"aion o3 #o"aion areas and 'ase saions
4.1 *o4$osiion o3 %e !o"aion &rea 6deni3i"aion (!&6)
The 0ocation ,rea &dentification shall be composed as shown in fiure 3I
! o " a i o n & r e a 6 d e n i 3 i " a i o n
M * * M ) * ! & *
/igure 30 Structure of 3ocation 6rea 1dentification
The 0,& is composed of the followin elementsI
3 Mobile .ountry .ode (M..) identifies the country in which the G"M P0M* is located. The value of the M..
is the same as the three diit M.. contained in international mobile subscriber identity (&M"&)J
3 Mobile *etwor# .ode (M*.) is a code identifyin the G"M P0M* in that country. The M*. ta#es the same
value as the two or three diit M*. contained in &M"&J
3 0ocation ,rea .ode (0,.) is a fi>ed lenth code (of + octets) identifyin a location area within a P0M*. This
part of the location area identification can be coded usin a full he>adecimal representation e>cept for the
followin reserved he>adecimal valuesI
9999: and
These reserved values are used in some special cases when no valid 0,& e>ists in the M" (see 3GPP T" +-.994
K/L: 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L and 3GPP T" /(.9(( K;L).
, specific G"M P0M* code (M.. N M*.) may be broadcast for mobile stations which are not compatible with
"o0", and which do not understand the e>clusive access indicator (see 3GPP T" +3.923 K39L). The reserved value of
the escape P0M* code is M.. S ;9( and M*. S 94.
4.2 *o4$osiion o3 %e Rouing &rea 6deni3i"aion (R&6)
The )outin ,rea &dentification shall be composed as shown in fiure -I
/igure (0 Structure of !outing 6rea 1dentification
The ),& is composed of the followin elementsI
3 , valid 0ocation ,rea &dentity (0,&) as defined in clause -.(. &nvalid 0,& values are used in some special cases
when no valid ),& e>ists in the mobile station (see 3GPP T" +-.994 K/L: 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L and
3GPP T" /(.9(( K;L).
3 )outein ,rea .ode (),.) which is a fi>ed lenth code (of ( octet) identifyin a routein area within a location
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #3 !elease "#
4.3 =ase saion ideni3i"aion
4.3.1 *e## 6deni7 (*6) and *e## G#o'a# 6deni3i"aion (*G6)
The @"" and cell within the @"" are identified within a location area or routein area by addin a .ell &dentity (.&) to
the location area or routein area identification: as shown in fiure /. The .& is of fi>ed lenth with + octets and it can
be coded usin a full he>adecimal representation.
The .ell Global &dentification is the concatenation of the 0ocation ,rea &dentification and the .ell &dentity. .ell
&dentity shall be uni6ue within a location area.
M * *
! & *
M ) * * 6
! o " a i o n & r e a 6 d e n i 3 i " a i o n
* e # # G # o ' a # 6 d e n i 3 i " a i o n ( * G 6 )
/igure +0 Structure of Cell Global 1dentification
4.3.2 =ase Saion 6deni37 *ode (=S6*)
The base station identity code is a local colour code that allows an M" to distinuish between different neihbourin
base stations. @"&. is a 1 bit code which is structured as shown in 'iure 1.
) * *
= * *
P ! M ) " o # o u r " o d e = S " o # o u r " o d e
3 ' i s 3 ' i s
/igure *0 Structure of 7S1C
&n the definition of the *..: care should be ta#en to ensure that the same *.. is not used in adjacent P0M*s which
may use the same @..= carrier fre6uencies in neihbourin areas. Therefore: to prevent potential deadloc#s: a
definition of the *.. appears in anne> ,. This anne> will be reviewed in a co3ordinated manner when a P0M* is
&n addition to the above: the G7),* networ#s should be confiured so thatI
3 in a cell shared between different P0M*s as per G7),* networ# sharin (see 3GPP T" --.9(4 K;;L and
3GPP T" --.919 K(99L): the *.. used in this cell is different from the *.. used in the neihbourin non3
shared cells of these P0M*sJ and that
3 these P0M*s use different *..s in non3shared cells neihbourin this shared cell.
4.4 Regiona# Su's"ri$ion >one 6deni7 (RS>6)
, P0M*3specific reional subscription defines unambiuously for the entire P0M* the reions in which roamin is
allowed. &t consists of one or more reional subscription !ones. The reional subscription !one is identified by a
)eional "ubscription Cone &dentity ()"C&). , reional subscription !one identity is composed as shown in fiure 2.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #( !elease "#
) ; * * * > *
> o n e * o d e , T 2 o o " e s
R S > 6
/igure ,0 Structure of !egional Subscription 8one 1dentit4 !S81$
The elements of the reional subscription !one identity areI
() the .ountry .ode (..) which identifies the country in which the P0M* is locatedJ
+) the *ational <estination .ode (*<.) which identifies the P0M* in that countryJ
3) the Cone .ode (C.) which identifies a reional subscription !one as a pattern of allowed and not allowed
location areas uni6uely within that P0M*.
.. and *<. are those of an &T53T 7.(1- D0) or "G"* number (see clause /.() of the P0M*J they are coded with a
trailin filler: if re6uired. C. has fi>ed lenth of two octets and is coded in full he>adecimal representation.
)"C&s: includin the !one codes: are assined by the DP0M* operator. The !one code is evaluated in the D0) or
"G"* by information stored in the D0) or "G"* as a result of administrative action. &f a !one code is received by a
D0) or "G"* durin updatin by the =0) and this !one code is related to that D0) or "G"*: the D0) or "G"* shall
be able to decide for all its M". or "G"* areas and all its location areas whether they are allowed or not allowed.
'or details of assinment of )"C& and of C. as subscriber data see 3GPP T" +3.994 K+L.
'or selection of )"C& at location updatin by comparison with the leadin diits of the D0) or "G"* number and for
transfer of C. from the =0) to D0) and "G"* see 3GPP T" +;.99+ K3(L.
4.5 !o"aion )u4'er
, location number is a number which defines a specific location within a P0M*. The location number is formatted
accordin to &T53T )ecommendation 7.(1-: as shown in fiure 4. The .ountry .ode (..) and *ational <estination
.ode (*<.) fields of the location number are those which define the P0M* of which the location is part.
* * ) ; * ! S P
/igure -0 3ocation Number Structure
The structure of the locally sinificant part (0"P) of the location number is a matter for areement between the P0M*
operator and the national numberin authority in the P0M*$s country. &t is desirable that the location number can be
interpreted without the need for detailed #nowlede of the internal structure of the P0M*J the 0"P should therefore
include the national destination code in the national numberin plan for the fi>ed networ# which defines the eoraphic
area in which the location lies.
The set of location numbers for a P0M* shall be chosen so that a location number can be distinuished from the
M"&"<* of a subscriber of the P0M*. This will allow the P0M* to trap attempts by users to dial a location number.
4.6 *o4$osiion o3 %e Ser5i"e &rea 6deni3i"aion (S&6)
Doid (see subclause (+./).
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #+ !elease "#
4.0 *#osed Su's"ri'er Grou$
, .losed "ubscriber Group consists of a sinle cell or a collection of cells within an 735T),* and 5T),* that are
open to only a certain roup of subscribers.
Eithin a P0M*: a .losed "ubscriber Group is identified by a .losed "ubscriber Group &dentity (."G3&<). The
."G3&< shall be fi> lenth +2 bit value.
4.9 <)= )a4e
=*@ *ame shall be a broadcast strin in free te>t format that provides a human readable name for the =ome *ode@ or
=ome e*ode@ ."G identity.
=*@ *ame shall be coded in 5T'34 format with variable number of bytes per character. The ma>imum lenth of =*@
*ame shall be -4 bytes.
"ee 3GPP T" ++.9(( K43L for details.
4.. *SG T7$e
."G Type shall provide the type of a ."G identity in a human readable form. &t shall reside in the 57 only. "ee 3GPP
T" ++.9(( K43L for details.
Ehen the ."G Type has a te>t component: the ."G Type shall be coded in 5T'34 format with variable number of
bytes per character . The ma>imum te>t lenth shall not e>ceed (+ characters in any lanuae.
4.10 <)= Uni:ue 6deni7
=*@ 5ni6ue &dentity uni6uely identifies a =ome *ode@ or =ome e*ode@.
The =*@ uni6ue identity shall be defined as either a -43bit or 1-3bit e>tended uni6ue identifier (75&3-4 or 75&31-) as
defined in K-/L (75&3-4) and K-1L (75&31-).
'or use in =*@ certificates: the =*@ 5ni6ue &dentity shall be transformed into a 'G<* in the formI
3 Q75&3-481-R.Q)7,0MR
Q75&-481-R is the first label which shall be the 75&3-4 or 75&31-: represented as a strin of (+ or (1 he>adecimal
diits includin any leadin !eros. Q)7,0MR denotes the realm which may consist of 3 labels : e.. hnb.
5 6deni3i"aion o3 MS*s, GS)s, #o"aion regisers and
5.1 6deni3i"aion 3or roueing $ur$oses
M".s: G"*s: location reisters and .""s are identified by international P"T*8&"<* numbers and8or "inallin Point
.odes (Mentity numberM: i.e.: M=0) numberM: MD0) numberM: MM". numberM: M"G"* numberM: MGG"* numberM and
M."" numberM) in each P0M*.
MM7s that support M"M" in MM7M are identified by international P"T*8&"<* numbers for "M )outin via an &E'
(i.e. MMM7 number for MT "M"M).
,dditionally "G"*s and GG"*s are identified by G"* ,ddresses. These are the "G"* ,ddress and the GG"*
, G"* ,ddress shall be composed as shown in fiure ;.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #* !elease "#

G"* ,ddress
,ddress Type ,ddress 0enth ,ddress
+ bits 1 bits - to (1 octets
/igure .0 Structure of GSN 6ddress
The G"* ,ddress is composed of the followin elementsI
() The ,ddress Type: which is a fi>ed lenth code (of + bits) identifyin the type of address that is used in the
,ddress field.
+) The ,ddress 0enth: which is a fi>ed lenth code (of 1 bits) identifyin the lenth of the ,ddress field.
3) The ,ddress: which is a variable lenth field which contains either an &Pv- address or an &Pv1 address.
,ddress Type 9 and ,ddress 0enth - are used when ,ddress is an &Pv- address.
,ddress Type ( and ,ddress 0enth (1 are used when ,ddress is an &Pv1 address.
The &P v- address structure is defined in )'. 2;( K(-L.
The &P v1 address structure is defined in )'. +323 K(/L.
5.2 6deni3i"aion o3 <!R 3or <!R resoraion a$$#i"aion
=0) may also be identified by one or several M=0) id(s)M: consistin of the leadin diits of the &M"& (M.. N M*. N
leadin diits of M"&*).
6 6nernaiona# Mo'i#e Saion +:ui$4en 6deni7 and
So32are Version )u4'er
6.1 Genera#
The structure and allocation principles of the &nternational Mobile station 76uipment &dentity and "oftware Dersion
number (&M7&"D) and the &nternational Mobile station 76uipment &dentity (&M7&) are defined below.
The Mobile "tation 76uipment is uni6uely defined by the &M7& or the &M7&"D.
6.2 *o4$osiion o3 6M+6 and 6M+6SV
6.2.1 *o4$osiion o3 6M+6
The &nternational Mobile station 76uipment &dentity (&M7&) is composed as shown in fiure (9.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #, !elease "#
/igure "&0 Structure of 1291
The &M7& is composed of the followin elements (each element shall consist of decimal diits only)I
- Type ,llocation .ode (T,.). &ts lenth is 4 diitsJ
3 "erial *umber ("*)) is an individual serial number uni6uely identifyin each e6uipment within the T,.. &ts
lenth is 1 diitsJ
3 .hec# <iit (.<) 8 "pare <iit ("<)I &f this is the .hec# <iit see pararaph belowJ if this diit is "pare <iit it
shall be set to !ero: when transmitted by the M".
The &M7& ((- diits) is complemented by a .hec# <iit (.<). The .hec# <iit is not part of the diits transmitted
when the &M7& is chec#ed: as described below. The .hec# <iit is intended to avoid manual transmission errors: e..
when customers reister stolen M7s at the operator$s customer care des#. The .hec# <iit is defined accordin to the
0uhn formula: as defined in anne> @.
*OT7I The .hec# <iit is not applied to the "oftware Dersion *umber.
The security re6uirements of the &M7& are defined in 3GPP T" ++.9(1 K3+L.
6.2.2 *o4$osiion o3 6M+6SV
The &nternational Mobile station 76uipment &dentity and "oftware Dersion *umber (&M7&"D) is composed as shown in
fiure ((.
/igure ""0 Structure of 1291S'
The &M7&"D is composed of the followin elements (each element shall consist of decimal diits only)I
- Type ,llocation .ode (T,.). &ts lenth is 4 diitsJ
3 "erial *umber ("*)) is an individual serial number uni6uely identifyin each e6uipment within each T,.. &ts
lenth is 1 diitsJ
3 "oftware Dersion *umber ("D*) identifies the software version number of the mobile e6uipment. &ts lenth is +
)eardin updates of the &M7&"DI The security re6uirements of 3GPP T" ++.9(1 K3+L apply only to the T,. and "*):
but not to the "D* part of the &M7&"D.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #- !elease "#
6.3 &##o"aion $rin"i$#es
The Type ,llocation .ode (T,.) is issued by a central body.
Manufacturers shall allocate individual serial numbers ("*)) in a se6uential order.
'or a iven M7: the combination of T,. and "*) used in the &M7& shall duplicate the combination of T,. and "*)
used in the &M7&"D.
The "oftware Dersion *umber is allocated by the manufacturer. "D* value ;; is reserved for future use.
0 6deni3i"aion o3 Voi"e Grou$ *a## and Voi"e
=road"as *a## +niies
0.1 Grou$ 6deniies
0oical roups of subscribers to the Doice Group .all "ervice or to the Doice @roadcast "ervice are identified by a
Group &dentity (Group &<). Group &<s for DG." are uni6ue within a P0M*. 0i#ewise: Group &<s for D@" are uni6ue
within a P0M*. =owever: no uni6ueness is re6uired between the sets of Group &<s. These sets may be intersectin or
even identical: at the option of the networ# operator.
The Group &< is a number with a ma>imum value dependin on the composition of the voice roup call reference or
voice broadcast call reference defined in section 2.3.
'or definition of Group &< on the radio interface: , interface and ,bis interface: see 3GPP T" --.914 K-1L and 3GPP T"
--.91; K-2L.
'or definition of Group &< codin on M,P protocol interfaces: see 3GPP T" +;.99+ K3(L.
DG." or D@" shall also be provided for roamin. &f this applies: certain Group &<s shall be defined as supra3P0M*
Group &<s which have to be co3ordinated between the networ# operators and which shall be #nown in the networ#s and
in the "&M.
The format of the Group &< is identical for D@" and DG.".
0.2 Grou$ *a## &rea 6deni3i"aion
Groupin of cells into specific roup call areas occurs in support of both the Doice Group .all "ervice and the Doice
@roadcast "ervice. These service areas are #nown by a MGroup .all ,rea &dentityM (Group .all ,rea &d). *o restrictions
are placed on what cells may be rouped into a iven roup call area.
The Group .all ,rea &< is a number uni6uely assined to a roup call area in one networ# and with a ma>imum value
dependin on the composition of the voice roup call reference or voice broadcast reference defined under 2.3.
The formats of the Group .all ,rea &< for DG." and the Group .all ,rea &< for D@" are identical.
0.3 Voi"e Grou$ *a## and Voi"e =road"as *a## Re3eren"es
"pecific instances of voice roup calls (DG.") and voice broadcast calls (D@") within a iven roup call area are
#nown by a MDoice Group .all )eferenceM or by a MDoice @roadcast .all )eferenceM respectively.
7ach voice roup call or voice broadcast call in one networ# is uni6uely identified by its Doice Group .all )eference or
Doice @roadcast .all )eference. The Doice Group .all )eference or Doice @roadcast .all )eference is composed of the
Group &< and the Group .all ,rea &<. The composition of the roup call area &< and the roup &< can be specific for
each networ# operator.
'or definition of Group .all )eference (with leadin !eros inserted as necessary) on the radio interface: , interface and
,bis interface: see 3GPP T" +-.994 K/L: 3GPP T" --.914 K-1L and 3GPP T" --.91; K-2L.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ #. !elease "#
'or definition of Group .all )eference (also #nown as ,".& .all )eference: Doice Group .all )eference or Doice
@roadcast .all )eference) codin on M,P protocol interfaces: see 3GPP T" +;.99+ K3(L.
The format is iven in fiure (+.
Area ID
Group ID
Voice Group Call Reference /
Voice Broadcast Call Reference
/igure "#0 'oice Group Call !eference : 'oice 7roadcast Call !eference
9 S**P su's7se4 nu4'ers
"ubsystem numbers are used to identify applications within networ# entities which use "..P sinallin. &n G"M and
5MT": subsystem numbers may be used between P0M*s: in which case they are ta#en from the lobally standardi!ed
rane (( 3 3() or the part of the national networ# rane ((+; 3 (/9) reserved for G"M85MT" use between P0M*s. 'or
use within a P0M*: they are ta#en from the part of the national networ# rane (3+ 3 (+4 U (/( 3 +/-) not reserved for
G"M85MT" use between P0M*s.
9.1 G#o'a##7 sandardi?ed su's7se4 nu4'ers used 3or
The followin lobally standardised subsystem numbers have been allocated for use by G"M85MT"I
9999 9((9=0) (M,P)J
9999 9(((D0) (M,P)J
9999 (999M". (M,P)J
9999 (99(7&) (M,P)J
9999 (9(9is allocated for evolution (possible ,uthentication .entre).
9.2 )aiona# ne2or@ su's7se4 nu4'ers used 3or GSM1UMTS
The followin national networ# subsystem numbers have been allocated for use within G"M85MT" networ#sI
(((( (999."" (M,P)J
(((( (99(P.,PJ
(((( (9(9@". (@"",P307)J
(((( (9(( M". (@"",P307)J
(((( ((99 "M0. (@"",P307)J
(((( ((9( @"" OUM (, interface)J
(((( (((9 @"",P (, interface).
The followin national networ# subsystem numbers have been allocated for use within and between G"M85MT"
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3& !elease "#
(999 (((9),*,PJ
(999 (((()*",PJ
(99( 999(GM0. (M,P)J
(99( 99(9.,PJ
(99( 99((sm".' (M,P) or &M3""' (M,P) or Presence *etwor# ,entJ
(99( 9(99"&E' (M,P)J
(99( 9(9("G"* (M,P)J
(99( 9((9GG"* (M,P).
. ;e3iniion o3 &""ess Poin )a4e
&n the GP)" bac#bone: an ,ccess Point *ame (,P*) is a reference to a GG"*. To support inter3P0M* roamin: the
internal GP)" <*" functionality is used to translate the ,P* into the &P address of the GG"*.
..0 Genera#
,ccess Point *ame as used in the <omain *ame "ystem (<*") Procedures defined in 3GPP T" +;.393 K23L is
specified in subclause (;.-.+.+.
..1 Sru"ure o3 &P)
The ,P* is composed of two parts as followsI
The ,P* *etwor# &dentifierJ this defines to which e>ternal networ# the GG"*8PGE is connected and
optionally a re6uested service by the M". This part of the ,P* is mandatory.
The ,P* Operator &dentifierJ this defines in which P0M* GP)"87P" bac#bone the GG"*8PGE is located.
This part of the ,P* is optional.
*OT7 (I The ,P* Operator &dentifier is mandatory on certain interfaces: see the relevant stae 3 specifications.
The ,P* Operator &dentifier is placed after the ,P* *etwor# &dentifier. ,n ,P* consistin of both the *etwor#
&dentifier and Operator &dentifier corresponds to a <*" name of a GG"*8PGEJ the ,P* has: after encodin as defined
in the pararaph below: a ma>imum lenth of (99 octets.
The encodin of the ,P* shall follow the *ame "ynta> defined in )'. +(4( K(4L: )'. (93/ K(;L and )'. ((+3 K+9L.
The ,P* consists of one or more labels. 7ach label is coded as a one octet lenth field followed by that number of
octets coded as 4 bit ,".&& characters. 'ollowin )'. (93/ K(;L the labels shall consist only of the alphabetic
characters (,3C and a3!): diits (93;) and the hyphen (3). 'ollowin )'. ((+3 K+9L: the label shall bein and end with
either an alphabetic character or a diit. The case of alphabetic characters is not sinificant. The ,P* is not terminated
by a lenth byte of !ero.
*OT7 +I , lenth byte of !ero is added by the "G"*8MM7 at the end of the ,P* before interroatin a <*"
'or the purpose of presentation: an ,P* is usually displayed as a strin in which the labels are separated by dots (e..
..1.1 (or4a o3 &P) )e2or@ 6deni3ier
The ,P* *etwor# &dentifier shall contain at least one label and shall have: after encodin as defined in subclause ;.(
above: a ma>imum lenth of 13 octets. ,n ,P* *etwor# &dentifier shall not start with any of the strins MracM: MlacM:
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3" !elease "#
MssnM or MrncM: and it shall not end in M.prsM: i.e. the last label of the ,P* *etwor# &dentifier shall not be MprsM.
'urther: it shall not ta#e the value MVM.
&n order to uarantee uni6ueness of ,P* *etwor# &dentifiers within or between GP)"87P" P0M*: an ,P* *etwor#
&dentifier containin more than one label shall correspond to an &nternet domain name. This name should only be
allocated by the P0M* if that P0M* belons to an oranisation which has officially reserved this name in the &nternet
domain. Other types of ,P* *etwor# &dentifiers are not uaranteed to be uni6ue within or between GP)"87P"
,n ,P* *etwor# &dentifier may be used to access a service associated with a GG"*8PGE. This may be achieved by
- an ,P* which corresponds to a 'G<* of a GG"*8PGE: and which is locally interpreted by the GG"*8PGE
as a re6uest for a specific service: or
- an ,P* *etwor# &dentifier consistin of 3 or more labels and startin with a )eserved "ervice 0abel: or an
,P* *etwor# &dentifier consistin of a )eserved "ervice 0abel alone: which indicates a GG"*8PGE by the
nature of the re6uested service. )eserved "ervice 0abels and the correspondin services they stand for shall be
areed between operators who have GP)"87P" roamin areements.
..1.2 (or4a o3 &P) A$eraor 6deni3ier
The ,P* Operator &dentifier is composed of three labels. The last label (or domain) shall be MprsM. The first and
second labels toether shall uni6uely identify the GP)"87P" P0M*.
'or each operator: there is a default ,P* Operator &dentifier (i.e. domain name). This default ,P* Operator &dentifier is
derived from the &M"& as followsI
MmncM and MmccM serve as invariable identifiers for the followin diits.
QM*.R and QM..R are derived from the components of the &M"& defined in subclause +.+.
This default ,P* Operator &dentifier is used for home routed inter3P0M* roamin situations when attemptin to
translate an ,P* consistin only of a *etwor# &dentifier into the &P address of the GG"*8PGE in the =P0M*. The
P0M* may provide <*" translations for other: more human3readable: ,P* Operator &dentifiers in addition to the
default Operator &dentifier described above.
,lternatively: in the roamin case if the GG"*8PGE from the DP0M* is to be selected: the ,P* Operator &dentifier
for the 57 is constructed from the servin networ# P0M* &<. &n this case: the ,P*3O& replacement field: if received:
shall be inored.
&n order to uarantee inter3P0M* <*" translation: the QM*.R and QM..R codin used in the
MmncQM*.R.mccQM..R.prsM format of the ,P* O& shall beI
QM*.R S 3 diits
QM..R S 3 diits
&f there are only + sinificant diits in the M*.: one M9M diit is inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diits
codin of M*. in the ,P* O&.
,s an e>ample: the ,P* O& for M.. 3-/ and M*. (+ will be coded in the <*" as Mmnc9(+.mcc3-/.prsM.
The ,P*3O& replacement is only used for selectin the GG"*8PGE from the =P0M*. The format of the domain name
used in the ,P*3O& replacement field (as defined in 3GPP T" +3.919 K3L and 3GPP T" +3.-9( K2+L) is the same as the
default ,P*3O& as defined above e>cept that it may be preceded by one or more labels each separated by a dot.
7F,MP07 (I province(.mnc9(+.mcc3-/.prs
7F,MP07 +I sn3cluster3,.province@.mnc9(+.mcc3-/.prs
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3# !elease "#
The ,P* constructed usin the ,P*3O& replacement field is only used for <*" translation. The ,P* when bein sent
to other networ# entities over GTP interfaces shall follow the rules as specified in 3GPP T" +3.919 K3L and 3GPP T"
+3.-9( K2+L.
..2 ;e3iniion o3 %e Bi#d *ard &P)
The ,P* field in the =0) may contain a wild card ,P* if the =P0M* operator allows the subscriber to access any
networ# of a iven P<P Type. &f an "G"* has received such a wild card ,P*: it may either choose the ,P* *etwor#
&dentifier received from the Mobile "tation or a default ,P* *etwor# &dentifier for addressin the GG"* when
activatin a P<P conte>t.
..2.1 *oding o3 %e Bi#d *ard &P)
The wild card ,P* is coded as an ,P* with MVM as its sinle label: (i.e. a lenth octet with value one: followed by the
,".&& code for the asteris#).
..3 ;e3iniion o3 +4ergen"7 &P)
The 7merency ,P* (7m3,P*) is an ,P* used to derive a P<* GE selected for &M" 7merency call support. The
e>act encodin of the 7m3,P* is the responsibility of each P0M* operator as it is only valid within a iven P0M*.
10 6deni3i"aion o3 %e *ord#ess Te#e$%on7 S7se4
10.1 Genera# des"ri$ion o3 *TS-MS and *TS-(P 6deniies
7very .T"3'P broadcasts a local identity 3 the 'i>ed Part @eacon &dentity ('P@&) 3 which contains an ,ccess )ihts
&dentity. 7very .T"3M" has both an ,ccess )ihts %ey and a .T" Mobile "ubscriber &dentity (.T"M"&). These
operate as a pair. , .T"3M" is allowed to access any .T"3'P which broadcasts an 'P@& which can be identified by any
of the .T"3M" ,ccess )ihts %eys of that .T"3M". The .T"3M" ,ccess )ihts %ey contains the 'P@& and the 'P@&
0enth &ndicator ('0&) indicatin the relevant part of the 'P@& used to control access.
10.2 *TS Mo'i#e Su's"ri'er 6deniies
10.2.1 Genera#
7ach .T"3M" has one or more temporary identities which are used for pain and to re6uest access. The structure and
allocation principles of the .T" Mobile "ubscriber &dentities (.T"M"&) are defined below.
*o4$osiion o3 %e *TSMS6
bit No 22 1
| | |
Type|<-----------Significant Part---------->|
CTSMSI 22 bits
/igure "30 Structure of CTS2S1
The .T"M"& is composed of the followin elementsI
3 .T"M"& Type. &ts lenth is + bitsJ
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 33 !elease "#
3 "inificant Part. &ts lenth is +9 bits.
The followin .T"M"& Type values have been allocated for use by .T"I
99 <efault &ndividual .T"M"&J
9( )eservedJ
(9 ,ssined &ndividual .T"M"&J
(( ,ssined .onnectionless Group .T"M"&.
10.2.3 &##o"aion $rin"i$#es
The default &ndividual .T"M"& contains the least sinificant portion of the &M"&. This is the default .T"3M" identity.
,ssined .T"M"&s are allocated by the .T"3'P durin enrolment: reistration and other access procedures. "inificant
Part of the assined .T"M"& shall be allocated in the rane 9999(3''''7. .T"3'P shall not allocate "inificant Part
e6ual to 99999 or to ''''' and shall not allocate ,ssined .T"M"& usin )eserved Type value. "uch assinments
shall be inored by the .T"3M".
,ssined .T"M"&s are allocated in ciphered mode.
*OT7I The assined individual .T"M"& should be updated whenever it is sent in clear te>t on the .T" radio
interface durin )) connection establishment.
The value ''''' from the set of ,ssined .onnectionless Group .T"M"& shall be considered in all .T"3M" as the
value of the .onnectionless @roadcast &dentifier.
10.2.4 *TSMS6 %e/ade"i4a# re$resenaion
The ++ bits of .T"M"& are padded with + leadin !eroes to ive a 1 diit he>adecimal value.
7F,MP07I binary .T"M"& valueI (( (99( 99(9 9999 (9(( ((99
he>adecimal .T"M"& valueI 3; +9 @..
10.3 (i/ed Par =ea"on 6deni7
10.3.1 Genera#
7ach .T"3'P has one 'i>ed Part @eacon &dentity #nown by the enrolled .T"3M"s. The 'P@& is periodically broadcast
on the @.= loical channel so that the .T"3M"s are able to reconise the identity of the .T"3'P. The 'P@& contains an
,ccess )ihts &dentity.
7nrolled .T"3M"s shall store the 'P@& to which their assined .T"M"&s are related.
@elow the structure and allocation principles of the 'i>ed Part @eacon &dentity ('P@&) are defined.
10.3.2 *o4$osiion o3 %e (P=6 (P=6 genera# sru"ure
bit No 19 1
| | |
Type| Significant Part |
P!I 19 bits
/igure "(0 General structure of /P71
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3( !elease "#
The 'P@& is composed of the followin elementsI
3 'P@& Type. &ts lenth is + bitsJ
3 'P@& "inificant Part. &ts lenth is (2 bits.
*OT7I The three 0"@s bits of the 'P@& form the 33bit trainin se6uence code (T".). "ee 3GPP T" -/.9/1 K3/L.
The followin 'P@& Type values have been allocated for use by .T"I
99 'P@& class ,I residential and sinle3cell systemsJ
9( 'P@& class @I multi3cell P,@Fs.
,ll other values are reserved and .T"3M"s shall treat these values as 'P@& class ,. (P=6 "#ass &
This class is intended to be used for small residential and private (P@F) sinle cell .T"3'P.
bit No 19 1
|" "| |
Type| PN |
P!I 19 bits
/igure "+0 Structure of /P71 class 6
The 'P@& class , is composed of the followin elementsI
3 'P@& .lass , Type. &ts lenth is + bits and its value is 99J
3 'i>ed Part *umber ('P*). &ts lenth is (2 bits. The 'P* contains the least sinificant bits of the "erial *umber
part of the &'P7&.
The 'P@& 0enth &ndicator shall be set to (; for a class , 'P@&. (P=6 "#ass =
This class is reserved for more comple> private installation such as multi3cell P,@Fs.
bit No 19 1
|" 1| |
Type| CNN + PN + #PN |
P!I 19 bits
/igure "*0 Structure of /P71 class 7
The 'P@& class @ is composed of the followin elementsI
3 'P@& .lass @ Type. &ts lenth is + bits and its value is 9(J
3 .T" *etwor# *umber (.**). &ts lenth is defined by the manufacturer or the system installerJ
3 'i>ed Part *umber ('P*). &ts lenth is defined by the manufacturer or the system installerJ
3 )adio Part *umber ()P*) assined by the .T" manufacturer or system installer. &ts lenth is defined by the
manufacturer or the system installer.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3+ !elease "#
*OT7I )P* is used to separate a ma>imum of +
)P* lenth
different cells from each other. This defines a cluster of
cells supportin intercell handover. )P* lenth is submitted to a .T"3M" as a result of a successful
The 'P@& 0enth &ndicator shall be set to (+ N .** 0enth) for a class @ 'P@&.
10.3.3 &##o"aion $rin"i$#es
The 'P@& shall be allocated durin the .T"3'P initialisation procedure. ,ny chane to the value of the 'P@& of a iven
.T"3'P shall be considered as a .T"3'P re3initialisationJ i.e. each enrolled .T"3M" needs to be enrolled aain.
'P@& are not re6uired to be uni6ue (i.e. several .T"3'P can have the same 'P@& in different areas). .are should be
ta#en to limit .T"3M" reistration attempts to a fi>ed part with the same 'P@& as another fi>ed part.
10.4 6nernaiona# (i/ed Par +:ui$4en 6deni7
10.4.1 Genera#
The structure and allocation principles of the &nternational 'i>ed Part 76uipment &dentity (&'P7&) are defined below.
10.4.2 *o4$osiion o3 %e 6(P+6
$ %igits 2% $ %igits 2%
| || || || |
T&C &C SN# S'N
IP(I 1$ %igits
/igure ",0 Structure of 1/P91
The &'P7& is composed of the followin elements (each element shall consist of decimal diits only)I
3 Type ,pproval .ode (T,.). &ts lenth is 1 decimal diitsJ
3 'inal ,ssembly .ode (',.). &ts lenth is + decimal diitsJ
3 "erial *umbe) ("*)). &ts lenth is 1 decimal diitsJ
3 "oftware Dersion *umber ("D*) identifies the software version number of the fi>ed part e6uipment. &ts lenth is
+ diits.
)eardin updates of the &'P7&I the T,.: ',. and "*) shall be physically protected aainst unauthorised chane (see
3GPP T" -+.99; K31L)J i.e. only the "D* part of the &'P7& can be modified.
10.4.3 &##o"aion $rin"i$#es
The Type ,pproval .ode (T,.) is issued by a central body.
The place of final assembly (',.) is encoded by the manufacturer.
Manufacturers shall allocate uni6ue serial numbers ("*)) in a se6uential order.
The "oftware Dersion *umber ("D*) is allocated by the manufacturer after authorisation by the type approval
authority. "D* value ;; is reserved for future use.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3* !elease "#
10.5 6nernaiona# (i/ed Par Su's"ri$ion 6deni7
10.5.1 Genera#
The structure and allocation principles of the &nternational 'i>ed Part "ubscription &dentity (&'P"&) are defined below.
10.5.2 *o4$osiion o3 %e 6(PS6
No *ore t+an 1, %igits
-% -% |
| || || |
/igure "-0 Structure of 1/PS1
The &'P"& is composed of the followin elements (each element shall consist of decimal diits only)I
3 Mobile .ountry .ode (M..) consistin of three diits. The M.. identifies the country of the .T"3'P
subscriber (e.. +94 for 'rance)J
3 .T" Operator *umber (.O*). &ts lenth is three diitsJ
3 'i>ed Part &dentification *umber ('P&*) identifyin the .T"3'P subscriber.
The *ational 'i>ed Part "ubscriber &dentity (*'P"&) consists of the .T" Operator *umber and the 'i>ed Part
&dentification *umber.
10.5.3 &##o"aion $rin"i$#es
&'P"& shall consist of decimal characters (9 to ;) only.
The allocation of Mobile .ountry .odes (M..s) is administered by the &T53T.
The allocation of .T" Operator *umber (.O*) and the structure of *ational 'i>ed Part "ubscriber &dentity (*'P"&)
are the responsibility of each *ational )eulation ,uthority.
.T" Operators shall allocate uni6ue 'i>ed Part &dentification *umbers.
11 6deni3i"aion o3 !o"a#ised Ser5i"e &rea
.ells may be rouped into specific localised service areas. 7ach localised service area is identified by a localised
service area identity (0", &<). *o restrictions are placed on what cells may be rouped into a iven localised service
The 0", &< can either be a P0M* sinificant number or a universal identity. This shall be #nown both in the networ#s
and in the "&M.
The 0", &< consists of +- bits: numbered from 9 to +3: with bit 9 bein the 0"@. @it 9 indicates whether the 0", is a
P0M* sinificant number or a universal 0",. &f the bit is set to 9 the 0", is a P0M* sinificant numberJ if it is set to
( it is a universal 0",.
The 0", &< shall be composed as shown in fiure (;I
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3, !elease "#
( bit
0", &<
+3 bits
M"@ 0"@
/igure ".0 Structure of 3S6 15
12 6deni3i"aion o3 P!M), R)*, Ser5i"e &rea, *) do4ain
and S%ared )e2or@ &rea
The followin clauses describe identifiers which are used by both the .* and the 5T),* across the &u interface. 'or
identifiers which are solely used within the 5T),*: see 3GPP T" +/.-9( K(1L.
*OT7I in the followin subclauses: the double vertical bar notation WW indicates the concatenation operator.
12.1 P!M) 6deni3ier
, Public 0and Mobile *etwor# is uni6uely identified by its P0M* identifier. P0M*3&d consists of Mobile .ountry
.ode (M..) and Mobile *etwor# .ode (M*.).
- '*M!(Id + MCC ,, M!C
The M.. and M*. are predefined within a 5T),*: and set in the )*. via OUM.
12.2 *) ;o4ain 6deni3ier
, .* <omain 7de *ode is identified within the 5T),* by its .* <omain &dentifier. The .* <omain identifier is
used over 5T),* interfaces to identify a particular .* <omain 7de *ode for relocation purposes. The .* <omain
identifier for .ircuit "witchin (.") consists of the P0M*3&d and the 0,.: whereas for Pac#et "witchin (P") it
consists of the P0M*3&d: the 0,.: and the ),. of the first accessed cell in the taret )*".
The two followin .* <omain &dentifiers are definedI
3 C! C- Domain(Id + '*M!(Id ,, *AC
3 C! '- Domain(Id + '*M!(Id ,, *AC ,, .AC
The 0,. and ),. are defined by the operator: and set in the )*. via OUM.
'or the synta> description and the use of this identifier in ),*,P sinallin: see 3GPP T" +/.-(3 K(2L.
12.3 *) 6deni3ier
, .* node is uni6uely identified within a P0M* by its .* &dentifier (.*3&d). The .*3&d toether with the P0M*
identifier lobally identifies the .* node. The .*3&d toether with the P0M*3&d is used as the .* node identifier in
),*,P sinallin over the &u interface.
/lo"al C!(Id + '*M!(Id ,, C!(Id
The .*3&d is defined by the operator: and set in the nodes via OUM.
'or the synta> description and the use of this identifier in ),*,P sinallin: see 3GPP T" +/.-(3 K(2L.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3- !elease "#
12.4 R)* 6deni3ier
,n )*. node is uni6uely identified by its )*. &dentifier ()*.3&d). The )*.3&d of an )*. is used in the 5T),*: in
a G7),* which is operatin in G7),* &u mode and between them. , @". which is part of a G7),* operatin in &u
mode is uni6uely identified by its )*. &dentifier ()*.3&d). The )*.3&d of a @". is used in a G7),* which is
operatin in G7),* &u mode: in the 5T),* and between them. )*.3&d toether with the P0M* identifier lobally
identifies the )*.. The )*.3&d on its own or the )*.3&d toether with the P0M*3&d is used as the )*. identifier in
the 5T),* &ub: &ur and &u interfaces. The ")*.3&d is the )*.3&d of the ")*.. The .3)*.3&d is the )*.3&d of the
controllin )*.. The <3)*.3&d is the )*. &d of the drift )*..
3 /lo"al .!C(Id + '*M!(Id ,, .!C(Id
The )*.3&d is defined by the operator: and set in the )*. via OUM
'or the synta> description and the use of this identifier in ),*,P sinallin: see 3GPP T" +/.-(3 K(2L.
'or the usae of this identifier on &ur3: see 3GPP T" -3.(39 K-3L.
12.5 Ser5i"e &rea 6deni3ier
The "ervice ,rea &dentifier (",&) is used to identify an area consistin of one or more cells belonin to the same
0ocation ,rea. "uch an area is called a "ervice ,rea and can be used for indicatin the location of a 57 to the .*.
The "ervice ,rea .ode (",.) toether with the P0M*3&d and the 0,. constitute the "ervice ,rea &dentifier.
3 -AI + '*M!(Id ,, *AC ,, -AC
The ",. is defined by the operator: and set in the )*. via OUM.
'or the synta> description and the use of this identifier in ),*,P sinallin: see 3GPP T" +/.-(3 K(2L.
3GPP T" +/.-+3 K32L and 3GPP T" +/.-(; K34L define the use of this identifier in )*",P and ",@P sinallin.
, cell may belon to one or two "ervice ,reas. &f it belons to two "ervice ,reas: one is applicable in the @roadcast
(@.) domain and the other is applicable in both the ." and P" domains.
The @roadcast (@.) domain re6uires that its "ervice ,reas each consist of only one cell. This does not limit the use of
"ervice ,reas for other domains. )efer to 3GPP T" +/.-(9 K3;L for a definition of the @. domain.
12.6 S%ared )e2or@ &rea 6deni3ier
The "hared *etwor# ,rea &dentifier ("*,3&d) is used to identify an area consistin of one or more 0ocation ,reas.
"uch an area is called a "hared *etwor# ,rea and can be used to rant access rihts to parts of a "hared *etwor# to a
57 in connected mode (see 3GPP T" +/.-9( K3;L).
The "hared *etwor# ,rea &dentifier consists of the P0M*3&d followed by the "hared *etwor# ,rea .ode ("*,.).
3 -!A(Id + '*M!(Id ,, -!AC
The "*,. is defined by the operator.
'or the synta> description and the use of this identifier in ),*,P sinallin: see 3GPP T" +/.-(3 K(2L.
13 )u4'ering, addressing and ideni3i"aion 2i%in %e
6P 4u#i4edia "ore ne2or@ su's7se4
13.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed to access the &P multimedia core networ# subsystem. 'or
further information on the use of the parameters see 3GPP T" +3.++4 K+-L and 3GPP T" +;.(13 K13L. 'or more
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ 3. !elease "#
information on the M.3ppnetwor#.orM domain name and its applicability: see ,nne> < of the present document. 'or
more information on the M.invalidM top level domain see &7T' )'. +191 K1-L.
13.2 <o4e ne2or@ do4ain na4e
The home networ# domain name shall be in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as specified in
&7T' )'. (93/ K(;L.
'or 3GPP systems: if there is no &"&M application: the 57 shall derive the home networ# domain name from the &M"&
as described in the followin stepsI
(. Ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L) and
separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the beinnin.
+. 5se the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM domain
3. ,dd the label Mims.M to the beinnin of the domain.
,n e>ample of a home networ# domain name isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
3 M.. S +3-J
3 M*. S (/J and
3 M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;:
which ives the home networ# domain nameI ims.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
'or 3GPP+ systems: if there is no &M. present: the 57 shall derive the home networ# domain name as described in
,nne> . of 3GPP+ F."99(3399- K12L.
13.3 Pri5ae User 6deni7
The private user identity shall ta#e the form of an *,&: and shall have the form usernameXrealm as specified in clause
+.( of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
*OT7I &t is possible for a representation of the &M"& to be contained within the *,& for the private identity.
'or 3GPP systems: if there is no &"&M application: the private user identity is not #nown. &f the private user identity is
not #nown: the private user identity shall be derived from the &M"&.
The followin steps show how to build the private user identity out of the &M"&I
(. 5se the whole strin of diits as the username part of the private user identityJ and
+. convert the leadin diits of the &M"&: i.e. M*. and M..: into a domain name: as described in subclause (3.+.
The result will be a private user identity of the form MQ&M"&RXims.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM. 'or
e>ampleI &f the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the private user identity then ta#es the form
'or 3GPP+ systems: if there is no &M. present: the 57 shall derive the private user identity as described in ,nne> . of
3GPP+ F."99(3399- K12L.
13.4 Pu'#i" User 6deni7
, Public 5ser &dentity is any identity used by a user within the &M" subsystem for re6uestin communication to another
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (& !elease "#
The Public 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form of either a "&P 5)& (see &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L) or a Tel 5)& (see &7T' )'.
3;11 K-/L).
The 3GPP specifications describin the interfaces over which Public 5ser &dentities are transferred specify the allowed
Public 5ser &dentity formats: in particular 3GPP T" +-.++; K4(L for "&P sinallin interfaces: 3GPP T" +;.++; K;/L for
.> and <> interfaces: 3GPP T" +;.3+; K;1L for "h interface: 3GPP T" +;.(1/ K;2L for &&3**& interface.
&n the case the user identity is a telephone number: it shall be represented either by a Tel 5)& or by a "&P 5)& that
includes a YuserSphoneZ 5)& parameter and a MuserinfoM part that shall follow the same format as the Tel 5)&.
,ccordin to 3GPP T" +-.++; K4(L: the 57 can use eitherI
3 a lobal number as defined in &7T' )'. 3;11 K-/L and followin 7.(1- format: as defined by &T53T
)ecommendation 7.(1- K(9L or
3 a local number: that shall include a Yphone3conte>tZ parameter that identifies the scope of its validity: as per &7T'
)'. 3;11 K-/L.
,ccordin to 3GPP T" +;.(1/ K;2L a lobal number as defined in &7T' )'. 3;11 K-/L shall be used in a tel35)& or in
the user portion of a "&P 5)& with the userSphone parameter when conveyed via a non3roamin &&3**& e>cept when
areement e>ists between the operators to also allow other #inds of numbers.
,ccordin to 3GPP T" +;.++; K;/L and 3GPP T" +;.3+; K;1L the canonical forms of "&P 5)& and Tel 5)& shall be used
over the correspondin <iameter interfaces.
The canonical form of a "&P 5)& for a Public 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form MsipIusernameXdomainM as specified in
&7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L: section (9.3. "&P 5)& comparisons shall be performed as defined in &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L: section
The canonical form of a Tel 5)& for a Public 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form YtelINQ..RQ*<.RQ"*RZ (ma> number
of diits is (/): that represents an 7.(1- number and shall contain a lobal number without parameters and visual
separators (see &7T' )'. 3;11K-/L: section 3). Tel 5)& comparisons shall be performed as defined in &7T' )'.
3;11K-/L: section -.
Public 5ser &dentities are stored in the ="" either as a distinct Public 5ser &dentity or as a Eildcarded Public 5ser
&dentity. , distinct Public 5ser &dentity contains the Public 5ser &dentity that is used in routin and it is e>plicitly
provisioned in the ="".
13.4&Bi#d"arded Pu'#i" User 6deni7
Public 5ser &dentities may be stored in the ="" as Eildcarded Public 5ser &dentities. , Eildcarded Public 5ser
&dentity represents a collection of Public 5ser &dentities that share the same service profile and are included in the same
implicit reistration set. Eildcarded Public 5ser &dentities enable optimisation of the operation and maintenance of the
nodes for the case in which a lare amount of users are reistered toether and handled in the same way by the networ#.
The format of a Eildcarded Public 5ser &dentity is the same as for the Eildcarded P"& described in subclause (3./.
13.4=Te4$orar7 Pu'#i" User 6deni7
'or 3GPP systems: if there is no &"&M application to host the Public 5ser &dentity: a Temporary Public 5ser &dentity
shall be derived: based on the &M"&. The Temporary Public 5ser &dentity shall be of the form as described in sub3clause
(3.- and shall consist of the strin MsipIM appended with a username and domain portion e6ual to the &M"& derived
Private 5ser &dentity: as described in sub3clause (3.+. ,n e>ample usin the same e>ample &M"& from sub3clause (3.+
can be found belowI
7F,MP07I MsipI+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xims.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM.
'or 3GPP+ systems: if there is no &M. present: the 57 shall derive the public user identity as described in ,nne> . of
3GPP+ F."99(3399- K12L.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (" !elease "#
13.5 Pu'#i" Ser5i"e 6deni7 (PS6)
The public service identity shall ta#e the form of either a "&P 5)& (see &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L) or a Tel 5)& (see &7T'
)'. 3;11 K-/L). , public service identity identifies a service: or a specific resource created for a service on an
application server. The domain part is pre3defined by the &M" operators and the &M" system provides the fle>ibility to
dynamically create the user part of the P"&s.
The P"&s are stored in the ="" either as a distinct P"& or as a wildcarded P"&. , distinct P"& contains the P"& that is
used in routin : whilst a wildcarded P"& represents a collection of P"&s. Eildcarded P"&s enable optimisation of the
operation and maintenance of the nodes. , wildcarded P"& consists of a delimited reular e>pression located either in
the userinfo portion of the "&P 5)& or in the telephone3subscriber portion of the Tel 5)&. The reular e>pression in the
wildcarded P"& shall ta#e the form of 7>tended )eular 7>pressions (7)7) as defined in chapter ; in &777 (993.(3
+99- Part ( K19L. The delimiter shall be the e>clamation mar# character (M[M). &f more than two e>clamation mar#
characters are present in the userinfo portion or telephone3subscriber portion of a wildcarded P"& then the outside pair
of e>clamation mar# characters is rearded as the pair of delimiters (i.e. no e>clamation mar# characters are allowed to
be present in the fi>ed parts of the userinfo portion or telephone3subscriber portion).
Ehen stored in the ="": the wildcarded P"& shall include the delimiter character to indicate the e>tent of the part of the
P"& that is wildcarded. &t is used to separate the reular e>pression from the fi>ed part of the wildcarded P"&.
7>ampleI The followin P"& could be stored in the ="" 3 MsipIchatlist[.V[Xe>ample.comM.
Ehen used on an interface: the e>clamation mar# characters within a P"& shall not be interpreted as delimiter..
7>ampleI The followin P"&s communicated in interface messaes to the ="" will match to the wildcarded P"& of
MsipIchatlist[.V[Xe>ample.comM stored in the =""I
*ote that sipIchatlist(Xe> and sipIchatlist[(Xe> are rearded different specific P"&s: both
matchin the wildcarded P"& sipIchatlist[.V[Xe>
Ehen used by an application server to identify a specific resource (e.. a chat session) over &nter Operator *etwor# to
*etwor# &nterface (&&3**&): the P"& should be a "&P 5)& without includin a port number.
*OT7I @ased on local confiuration policy: a P"& can be routed over &nter Operator *etwor# to *etwor#
&nterface (&&3**&). <etails of this routin are operator specific and out of scope of this specification.
13.5&Pri5ae Ser5i"e 6deni7
The Private "ervice &dentity is applicable to a P"& user and is similar to a Private 5ser &dentity in the form of a *etwor#
,ccess &dentifier (*,&): which is defined in &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L. The Private "ervice &dentity is operator defined and
althouh not operationally used for reistration: authorisation and authentication in the same way as Private 5ser
&dentity: it enables Public "ervice &dentities to be associated to a Private "ervice &dentity which is re6uired for
compatibility with the .> procedures.
13.6 &non74ous User 6deni7
The ,nonymous 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form of a "&P 5)& (see &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L). , "&P 5)& for an
,nonymous 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form MsipIuserXdomainM. The user part shall be the strin ManonymousM and the
domain part shall be the strin Manonymous.invalidM. The full "&P 5)& for ,nonymous 5ser &dentity is thusI
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (# !elease "#
'or more information on the ,nonymous 5ser &dentity and when it is used: see 3GPP T" +;.(13 K13L.
13.0 Una5ai#a'#e User 6deni7
The 5navailable 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form of a "&P 5)& (see &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L). , "&P 5)& for an
5navailable 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form MsipIuserXdomainM. The user part shall be the strin MunavailableM and the
domain part shall be the strin Mun#nown.invalidM. The full "&P 5)& for 5navailable 5ser &dentity is thusI
'or more information on the 5navailable 5ser &dentity and when it is used: see 3GPP T" +;.(13 K13L.
13.9 6nsan"e-6;
,n instance3id is a "&P .ontact header parameter that uni6uely identifies the "&P 5, performin a reistration.
Ehen an &M7& is available: the instance3id shall ta#e the form of a &M7& 5)* (see draft3montemurro3sma3imei3urn
K2;L). The format of the instance3id shall ta#e the form MurnIsmaIimeiIQimeivalRM where by the imeival shall contain
the &M7& encoded as defined in draft3montemurro3sma3imei3urn K2;L. The optional Qsw3version3paramR and Qimei3
version3paramR parameters shall not be included in the instance3id. ,n e>ample of such an instance3id is as followsI
7F,MP07I urnIsmaIimeiI;9-+9(/139+/21339
&f no &M7& is available: the instance3id shall ta#e the form of a strin representation of a 55&< as a 5)* as defined in
&7T' )'. -(++ K49L. ,n e>ample of such an instance3id is as followsI
7F,MP07I urnIuuidIf4(d-fae32dec3((d93a21/399a9c;(e1bf1
'or more information on the instance3id and when it is used: see 3GPP T" +-.++; K4(L.
13.. 8*&P Roo UR6
13...1 8*&P Roo UR6 on U iner3a"e
13...1.1 Genera#
F.,P )oot 5)& is an =TTP 5)& that represents the F.,P )oot. ,lthouh a valid 5)&: the F.,P )oot 5)& does not
correspond to an actual resource.
13...1.2 (or4a o3 8*&P Roo UR6
The F.,P )oot 5)&: as defined in &7T' )'. -4+/ K;-L: is an =TTP 5)& that should have the followin formatI
in which MQdomainRM identifies the domain hostin the F.,P server.
*OT7 (I The F.,P )oot 5)& does not contain a port portion or an abs path portion of a standard =TTP 5)&.
&f a preconfiured or provisioned F.,P )oot 5)& is available then the 57 shall use it. Ehen a preconfiured or
provisioned F.,P )oot 5)& does not e>ist then the 57 shall create the F.,P )oot 5)& as followsI
The first label shall be M>capM.
The ne>t label(s) shall identify the home networ# as followsI
(. Ehen the 57 has an &"&M: the domain name from the &MP& shall be used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(93 K;3L) as
a. if the last two labels of the domain name from the &MP& are M3ppnetwor#.orMI
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (3 !elease "#
i. the ne>t labels shall be all labels of the domain name from the &MP& apart from the last two labelsJ and
ii. the last three labels shall be Mpub.3ppnetwor#.orMJ
b. if the last two labels of the domain name from the &MP& are other than the M3ppnetwor#.orMI
i. the ne>t labels shall be all labels of the domain name from the &MP&J
+. Ehen the 57 has a 5"&M and does not have &"&M: the home networ# shall be
Mims.mncQM* where QM*.R and QM..R shall be derived from the
components of the &M"& defined in subclause +.+. &f there are only two sinificant diits in the M*.: one M9M
diit shall be inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diits codin of M*. in the 'G<* of F.,P )oot 5)&.
,s an e>ample for the case when the 57 has &"&M: where the &MP& is MuserXoperator.comM: the overall F.,P )oot
5)& used by the 57 would beI
,s an e>ample for the case when the 57 has &"&M: where the &MP& is
M+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xims.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM: the overall F.,P )oot 5)& used by the 57 would beI
,s an e>ample for the case when the 57 has 5"&M and does not have &"&M: where the M.. is 3-/ and the M*. is (+:
the overall F.,P )oot 5)& created and used by the 57 would beI
13.10;e3au# *on3eren"e (a"or7 UR6 3or MMTe#
The <efault .onference 'actory 5)& for MMTel shall ta#e the form of a "&P 5)& (see &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L) with a
host portion set to the home networ# domain name as described in subclause (3.+ prefi>ed with Mconf3factory.M. The
user portion shall be set to MmmtelM.
7>amples of the <efault .onference 'actory 5)& for MMTel can be found belowI
7F,MP07 (I MsipImmtelXconf3factory.operator.comM
when the 57 has a home networ# domain name of
7F,MP07 +I MsipImmtelXconf3factory.ims.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM
for 3GPP systems: when the 57 with no &"&M application has a home networ# domain name of
ims.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or derived from the same e>ample &M"& as described in sub3
clause (3.+.
14 )u4'ering, addressing and ideni3i"aion 3or 3GPP
S7se4 o B!&) 6ner2or@ing
14.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed to access the 3GPP system supportin the E0,*
interwor#in. 'or further information on the use of the parameters see 3GPP T" +-.+3- K-4L. 'or more information on
the M.3ppnetwor#.orM domain name and its applicability: see ,nne> < of the present document.
14.2 <o4e ne2or@ rea#4
The home networ# realm shall be in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as specified in
)'. (93/ K(;L.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (( !elease "#
Ehen attemptin to authenticate within E0,* access: the E0,* 57 shall derive the home networ# domain name
from the &M"& as described in the followin stepsI
(. ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L: 3GPP T"
/(.9(( K11L) and separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the
+. use the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM*.R.mccQM..R. 3ppnetwor#.orM domain
3. add the label Mwlan.M to the beinnin of the domain name.
,n e>ample of a E0,* *,& realm isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;
Ehich ives the home networ# domain nameI wlan.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
*OT7I &f it is not possible for the E0,* 57 to identify whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (e.. "&M is inserted
and the lenth of M*. in the &M"& is not available in the M,dministrative dataM data file): it is
implementation dependent how the E0,* 57 determines the lenth of the M*. (+ or 3 diits).
14.3 Roo )&6
The )oot *,& shall ta#e the form of a *,&: and shall have the form usernameXrealm as specified in clause +.( of &7T'
)'. -+4+ K/3L.
The username part format of the )oot *,& shall comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L when 7,P ,%, authentication is
used and with &7T' )'. -(41 K/(L: when 7,P "&M authentication is used.
Ehen the username part includes the &M"&: the )oot *,& shall be built accordin to the followin stepsI
(. Generate an identity conformin to *,& format from &M"& as defined in 7,P "&M K/(L and 7,P ,%, K/9L as
+. .onvert the leadin diits of the &M"&: i.e. M*. and M..: into a domain name: as described in subclause (-.+.
The result will be a root *,& of the formI
M9Q&M"&RXwlan.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM: for 7,P ,%, authentication and
M(Q&M"&RXwlan.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM: for 7,P "&M authentication
'or e>ample: for 7,P ,%, authenticationI &f the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the root *,&
then ta#es the form 9+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xwlan.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
14.4 ;e"oraed )&6
The <ecorated *,& shall ta#e the form of a *,& and shall have the form $homerealm[usernameXotherrealm$ as
specified in clause +.2 of the &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
The realm part of <ecorated *,& consists of $otherrealm$: see the &7T' draft +-413bis)'. -+4+ K/3L. $=omerealm$ is
the realm as specified in clause (-.+: usin the =P0M* &< ($homeM..$ N $homeM*.)$. $Otherrealm$ is the realm built
usin the P0M* &< (visitedM.. N visited M*.) of the P0M* selected as a result of E0,* P0M* selection (see
3GPP T" +-.+3- K-4L).
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (+ !elease "#
The username part format of the )oot *,& shall comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L when 7,P ,%, authentication is
used and with &7T' )'. -(41 K/(L: when 7,P "&M authentication is used.
Ehen the username part of <ecorated *,& includes the &M"&: it shall be built followin the same steps specified for
)oot *,& in clause (-.3.
The result will be a decorated *,& of the formI
Mwlan.mncQhomeM*.R.mccQhomeM..R.3ppnetwor#.or [
9Q&M"&RXwlan.mncQvisitedM*.R.mccQvisitedM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM: for 7,P ,%, authentication and M
wlan.mncQhomeM*.R.mccQhomeM..R.3ppnetwor#.or [
(Q&M"&RXwlan.mncQvisitedM*.R.mccQvisitedM..R.3ppnetwor#.or M: for 7,P "&M authentication
'or e>ample: for 7,P ,%, authenticationI &f the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/) and the P0M*
&< of the "elected P0M* is M.. S 1(9: M*. S 2( then the <ecorated *,& ta#es the form
*OT7I the $otherrealm$ specified in the present document is resolved by the E0,* ,*. &f the E0,* ,* does
not have access to the G)F: then the E0,* ,* should resolve the realm by other means e.. static loo#3
up table: private local <*" server actin as an authoritative name server for that sub3domain.
14.4&(as Re-au%eni"aion )&6
The 'ast )e3authentication *,& in both 7,P3"&M and 7,P3,%, shall ta#e the form of a *,& as specified in clause +.(
of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L. &f the 3GPP ,,, server does not return a complete *,&: the 'ast )e3authentication *,& shall
consist of the username part of the fast re3authentication identity as returned from the 3GPP ,,, server and the same
realm as used in the permanent user identity. &f the 3GPP ,,, server returns a complete *,& as the re3authentication
identity: then this *,& shall be used. The username part of the fast re3authentication identity shall be decorated as
described in (-.- if the "elected P0M* is different from the =P0M*.
*OT7I The permanent user identity is either the root or decorated *,& as defined in clauses (-.3 and (-.-.
7F,MP07 (I &f the fast re3authentication identity returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is -/4-9/1+29(/ and the &M"&
is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the 'ast )e3authentication *,& for the case when *,& decoration is
not used ta#es the formI -/4-9/1+29(/Xwlan.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or
7F,MP07 +I &f the fast re3authentication identity returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is
M-/4-9/1+29(/Xaaa(.wlan.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM and the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-:
M*. S (/): the 'ast )e3authentication *,& for the case when *,& decoration is not used ta#es the formI
7F,MP07 3I &f the fast re3authentication identity returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is -/4-9/1+29(/ and the &M"&
is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): and the P0M* &< of the "elected P0M* is M.. S 1(9: M*. S 2(:
the 'ast )e3authentication *,& ta#es the formI wlan.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or [
14.5 Te4$orar7 ideniies
The Temporary identities (Pseudonyms and re3authentication identities) shall ta#e the form of a *,& username as
specified in clause +.( of the &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
Temporary identity shall be enerated as specified in subclause 1.-.( of 3GPP T" 33.+3- K//L. This part of the
temporary identity shall follow the 5T'34 transformation format specified in &7T' )'. ++2; K/-L e>cept for the
followin reserved he>adecimal octet valueI
Ehen the temporary identity username is coded with '': this reserved value is used to indicate the special case when no
valid temporary identity e>ists in the E0,* 57 (see 3GPP T" +-.+3- K-4L). The networ# shall not allocate a
temporary identity with the whole username coded with the reserved he>adecimal value ''.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (* !elease "#
'or 7,P3,%, authentication: the username portion of the pseudonym identity shall be prepended with the sinle diit
M+M and the username portion of the fast re3authentication identity shall be prepended with the sinle diit M-M as
specified in sub3clause -.(.(.2 of &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L.
'or 7,P3"&M authentication: the username portion of the pseudonym identity shall be prepended with the sinle diit
M3M and the username portion of the fast re3authentication identity shall be prepended with the sinle diit M/M as
specified in sub3clause -.+.(.2 of &7T' )'. -(41 K/(L.
14.6 &#ernai5e )&6
The ,lternative *,& shall ta#e the form of a *,&: i.e. $any\usernameX)7,0M$ as specified of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
The ,lternative *,& shall not be routable from any ,,, server.
The ,lternative *,& shall contain a username part which is not derived from the &M"&. The username part shall not be a
null strin.
The )7,0M part of the *,& shall be Yunreachable.3ppnetwor#.orZ.
The result shall be an *,& in the form ofI
14.0 B-&P)
The E3,P* is composed of two parts as followsI
3 The E3,P* *etwor# &dentifierJ this defines to which e>ternal networ# the P<G is connected.
3 The E3,P* Operator &dentifierJ this defines in which P0M* the P<G servin the E3,P* is located.
The E3,P* Operator &dentifier is placed after the E3,P* *etwor# &dentifier. The E3,P* consistin of both the
*etwor# &dentifier and Operator &dentifier corresponds to a 'G<* of a P<GJ the E3,P* has: after encodin as defined
in the pararaph below: a ma>imum lenth of (99 octets.
The encodin of the E3,P* shall follow the *ame "ynta> defined in &7T' )'. +(4( K(4L: &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L and
&7T' )'. ((+3 K+9L. The E3,P* consists of one or more labels. 7ach label is coded as a one octet lenth field
followed by that number of octets coded as 4 bit ,".&& characters. 'ollowin &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L the labels shall
consist only of the alphabetic characters (,3C and a3!): diits (93;) and the hyphen (3). 'ollowin &7T' )'. ((+3 K+9L:
the label shall bein and end with either an alphabetic character or a diit. The case of alphabetic characters is not
sinificant. The E3,P* is not terminated by a lenth byte of !ero.
'or the purpose of presentation: a E3,P* is usually displayed as a strin in which the labels are separated by dots (e..
The E3,P* for the support of &M" 7merency calls shall ta#e the form of a common: reserved *etwor# &dentifier
described in subclause (-.2.( toether with the usual E3,P* Operator &dentifier as described in subclause (-.2.+.
14.0.1 (or4a o3 B-&P) )e2or@ 6deni3ier
The E3,P* *etwor# &dentifier follows the format defined for ,P*s in subclause ;.(.(. &n addition to what has been
defined in subclause ;.(.( the E3,P* *etwor# &dentifier shall not contain Mw3apn.M and not end in M.3ppnetwor#.orM.
, E3,P* *etwor# &dentifier may be used to access a service associated with a P<G. This may be achieved by
- a E3,P* which corresponds to a 'G<* of a P<G: and which is locally interpreted by the P<G as a re6uest for
a specific service: or
- a E3,P* *etwor# &dentifier consistin of 3 or more labels and startin with a )eserved "ervice 0abel: or a E3
,P* *etwor# &dentifier consistin of a )eserved "ervice 0abel alone: which indicates a P<G by the nature of
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (, !elease "#
the re6uested service. )eserved "ervice 0abels and the correspondin services they stand for shall be areed
between operators who have E0,* roamin areements.
The E3,P* *etwor# &dentifier for the support of &M" 7merency calls shall ta#e the form of a common: reserved
*etwor# &dentifier of the form MsosM.
,s an e>ample: the E3,P* for M.. 3-/ and M*. (+ is coded in the <*" asI
where MsosM is the E3,P* *etwor# &dentifier and M mnc9(+.mcc3-/.pub.3ppnetwor#.or M is the E3,P* Operator
14.0.2 (or4a o3 B-&P) A$eraor 6deni3ier
The E3,P* Operator &dentifier is composed of si> labels. The last three labels shall be Mpub.3ppnetwor#.orM. The
second and third labels toether shall uni6uely identify the P0M*. The first label distinuishes the domain name as a
'or each operator: there is a default E3,P* Operator &dentifier (i.e. domain name). This default E3,P* Operator
&dentifier is derived from the &M"& as followsI
MmncM and MmccM serve as invariable identifiers for the followin diits.
QM*.R and QM..R are derived from the components of the &M"& defined in subclause +.+.
,lternatively: the default E3,P* Operator &dentifier is derived usin the M*. and M.. of the DP0M*. "ee 3GPP T"
+-.+3- K-4L for more information.
The default E3,P* Operator &dentifier is used in both non3roamin and roamin situations when attemptin to
translate a E3,P* consistin only of a *etwor# &dentifier into the &P address of the P<G in the =P0M*.
&n order to uarantee inter3P0M* <*" translation: the QM*.R and QM..R codin used in the
Mw3apn.mncQM* format of the E3,P* O& shall beI
3 QM*.R S 3 diits
3 QM..R S 3 diits
&f there are only + sinificant diits in the M*.: one M9M diit shall be inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diits codin
of M*. in the E3,P* O&.
,s an e>ample: the E3,P* O& for M.. 3-/ and M*. (+ is coded in the <*" asI
14.0.3 &#ernai5e (or4a o3 B-&P) A$eraor 6deni3ier
'or situations when the P<G servin the E3,P* is located in such networ# that is not part of the G)F (i.e. the
&nteroperator &P bac#bone): the default Operator &dentifier described in sub3clause (-.2.+ is not available for use. This
restriction oriinates from the Y.3ppnetwor#.orZ domain: which is only available in G)F <*" for actual use. Thus an
alternative format of E3,P* Operator &dentifier is re6uired for this case.
The ,lternative E3,P* Operator &dentifiers shall be constructed as followsI
Mw3apn.Qvalid operatorTs )7,0MRM
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (- !elease "#
Qvalid operatorTs )7,0MR corresponds to )7,0M names owned by the operator hostin the P<G servin the
desired E3,P*.
)7,0M names are re6uired to be uni6ue: and are piybac#ed on the administration of the Public &nternet <*"
namespace. )7,0M names may also belon to the operator of the DP0M*.
,s an e>ample: the E3,P* O& for the Operator )7,0M Mnotareal.comM is coded in the Public &nternet <*" asI
14.9 +4ergen"7 Rea#4 and +4ergen"7 )&6 3or +4ergen"7 *ases
The emerency realm shall be of the form of a home networ# realm as described in clause (-.+ prefi>ed with the label
Msos.M at the beinnin of the domain name.
,n e>ample of a E0,* emerency *,& realm isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;
Ehich ives the home networ# domain nameI sos.wlan.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
The *,& for emerency cases shall be of the form as specified in subclauses (-.3 and (-.-: with the addition of the
emerency realm as described above for P0M*s where the emerency realm is supported.
Ehen 57 is usin &3E0,* as the access networ# for &M" emerency calls and &M"& is not available: the 7merency
*,& shall be an *,& compliant with &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L consistin of username and realm: either constructed with
&M7& or M,. address: as specified in 3GPP T" 33.+3- K//L. The e>act format shall beI
or if &M7& is not available:
The realm part of the above *,& consists of the realm built usin the P0M* &< (visitedM.. N visitedM*.) of the
P0M* selected as a result of the networ# selection procedure: as specified in section /.+./.- of the 3GPP T" +-.+3-
The M*. and M.. shall be with 3 diits coded. &f there are only + sinificant diits in the M*.: one M9M diit shall be
inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diits codin of M*. in the realm of the *,&.
'or e>ample: if the &M7& is +(;//(+44444444: and the selected P0M* is with M.. 3-/ and M*. (+: the 7merency
*,& then ta#es the form of imei+(;//(+44444444Xsos.wlan.mnc9(+.mcc3-/.3ppnetwor#.or.
'or e>ample: if the M,. address is --3-/3/33/-3993,@: and the selected P0M* is with M.. 3-/ and M*. (+: the
7merency *,& then ta#es the form of mac---//3/-99,@Xsos.wlan.mnc9(+.mcc3-/.3ppnetwor#.or: where the
M,. address is represented in he>adecimal format without separators.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ (. !elease "#
15 6deni3i"aion o3 Mu#i4edia =road"as1Mu#i"as
15.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed to access the Multimedia @roadcast8Multicast service. 'or
further information on the use of the parameters see 3GPP T" +3.+-1 K/+L.
15.2 Sru"ure o3 TMG6
Temporary Mobile Group &dentity (TMG&) is used within M@M" to uni6uely identify Multicast and @roadcast bearer
TMG& is composed as shown in fiure (/.+.(.

3 digits
2 or 3
6 digits
/igure "+%#%"0 Structure of T2G1
The TMG& is composed of three partsI
() M@M" "ervice &< consistin of three octets. M@M" "ervice &< consists of a 13diit fi>ed3lenth he>adecimal
number between 999999 and ''''''. M@M" "ervice &< uni6uely identifies an M@M" bearer service within a
+) Mobile .ountry .ode (M..) consistin of three diits. The M.. identifies uni6uely the country of domicile of
the @M3".J
3) Mobile *etwor# .ode (M*.) consistin of two or three diits (dependin on the assinment to the P0M* by its
national numberin authority). The M*. identifies the P0M* which the @M3". belons to. 'or more
information on the use of the TMG&: see 3GPP T" +3.+-1 K/+L.
15.3 Sru"ure o3 M=MS S&6
The M@M" "ervice ,rea (M@M" ",) is defined in 3GPP T" +3.+-1 K/+L. &t comprises of one or more M@M" "ervice
,rea &dentities (M@M" ",&s): in any case each M@M" ", shall not include more than +/1 M@M" ",&s. ,n M@M"
",& shall identify a roup of cells within a P0M*: that is independent of the associated 0ocation8)outin8"ervice ,rea
and the physical location of the cell(s). , cell shall be able to belon to one or more M@M" ",s: and therefore is
addressable by one or more M@M" ",&s.
The M@M" ",& shall be a decimal number between 9 and 1/:/3/ (inclusive). The value 9 has a special meaninJ it
shall denote the whole P0M* as the M@M" "ervice ,rea and it shall indicate to a receivin )*.8@""8M.7 that all
cells reachable by that )*.8@""8M.7 shall be part of the M@M" "ervice ,rea.
Eith the e>ception of the specific M@M" "ervice ,rea &dentity with value 9: the M@M" "ervice ,rea &dentity shall be
uni6ue within a P0M* and shall be defined in such a way that all the correspondin cells are M@M" capable.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +& !elease "#
15.4 <o4e )e2or@ Rea#4
The home networ# realm shall be in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as specified in &7T'
)'. (93/ K(;L.
<urin the M@M" service activation in roamin scenario: the @M3". in the visted networ# shall derive the home
networ# domain name from the &M"& as described in the followin stepsI
(. Ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L: 3GPP
T" /(.9(( K11L) and separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the
+. 5se the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM realm
3. ,dd the label Mmbms.M to the beinnin of the realm name.
,n e>ample of a home realm used in the M@M" roamin case isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;
Ehich ives the home networ# realmI mbms.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
16 )u4'ering, addressing and ideni3i"aion 2i%in %e
G&& su's7se4
16.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed to access the G,, system. 'or further information on the use
of the parameters see 3GPP T" 33.++( K/4L. 'or more information on the M.3ppnetwor#.orM domain name and its
applicability: see ,nne> < of the present document.
16.2 =S( address
The @ootstrappin "erver 'unction (@"') address is in the form of a 'ully Gualified <omain *ame as defined in &7T'
)'. (93/ K(;L.
'or 3GPP systems: the 57 shall discover the @"' address from the identity information related to the 5&.. application
that is used durin the bootstrappin procedure i.e. &M"& for 5"&M: or &MP& for &"&M: in the followin wayI
3 &n the case where the 5"&M is used in bootstrappin: the @"' address shall be derived as followsI
(. ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L)
and separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the
+. use the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM*
domain nameJ
3. add the label Mbsf.M to the beinnin of the domain.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +" !elease "#
7>ample (I &f &M"& in use is M+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;M: where M..S+3-: M*.S(/: and M"&*S9;;;;;;;;;:
the @"' address would be Mbsf.mnc9(/
3 &n the case where &"&M is used in bootstrappin: the @"' address shall be derived as followsI
(. e>tract the domain name from the &MP&J
+. if the last two labels of the domain name e>tracted from the &MP& are M3ppnetwor#.orMI
a. the first label is MbsfMJ
b. the ne>t labels are all labels of the domain name e>tracted from the &MP& apart from the last two
labelsJ and
c. the last three labels are Mpub.3ppnetwor#.orMJ
7>ample +I &f the &MP& in use is M+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xims.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM: the @"'
address would be Mbsf.ims.mnc9(/
3. if the last two labels of the domain name e>tracted from the &MP& are other than the M3ppnetwor#.orMI
a. add the label Mbsf.M to the beinnin of the domain.
7>ample 3I &f the &MP& in use is MuserXoperator.comM: the @"' address would be M.
10 )u4'ering, addressing and ideni3i"aion 2i%in %e
Generi" &""ess )e2or@
10.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed to access the Generic ,ccess *etwor# (G,*). 'or further
information on the use of the parameters and G,* in eneral: see 3GPP T" -3.3(4 K1(L and 3GPP T" --.3(4 K1+L. 'or
more information on the M.3ppnetwor#.orM domain name and its applicability: see ,nne> < of the present document.
10.2 )e2or@ &""ess 6deni3iers
10.2.1 <o4e ne2or@ rea#4
The home networ# realm shall be in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as specified in &7T'
)'. (93/ K(;L.
The 57 shall derive the home networ# realm from the &M"& as described in the followin stepsI
(. ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L: 3GPP T"
/(.9(( K11L) and separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the
+. use the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM networ#
3. add the label Man.M to the beinnin of the networ# realm.
,n e>ample of a home networ# realm isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +# !elease "#
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;:
Ehich ives the home networ# realmI an.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
*OT7I &f it is not possible for the 57 to identify whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (e.. "&M is inserted and the
lenth of M*. in the &M"& is not available in the M,dministrative dataM data file): it is implementation
dependent how the 57 determines the lenth of the M*. (+ or 3 diits).
10.2.2 (u## &u%eni"aion )&6
The 'ull ,uthentication *,& in both 7,P3"&M and 7,P3,%, shall ta#e the form of an *,& as specified in clause +.(
of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L. The format of the 'ull ,uthentication *,& shall comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L when
7,P3,%, authentication is used and with &7T' )'. -(41 K/(L: when 7,P3"&M authentication is used. The realm used
shall be a home networ# realm as defined in sub3clause (2.+.(.
The result will therefore be an identity of the formI
M9Q&M"&RXan.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM: for 7,P3,%, authentication and
M(Q&M"&RXan.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM: for 7,P3"&M authentication
7F,MP07 (I 'or 7,P ,%, authenticationI &f the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the 'ull
,uthentication *,& ta#es the form 9+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xan.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
7F,MP07 +I 'or 7,P "&M authenticationI &f the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the 'ull
,uthentication *,& ta#es the form (+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xan.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
10.2.3 (as Re-au%eni"aion )&6
The 'ast )e3authentication *,& in both 7,P3"&M and 7,P3,%, shall ta#e the form of an *,& as specified in clause
+.( of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L. The 57 shall use the re3authentication identity received durin the previous 7,P3"&M or
7,P3,%, authentication procedure. &f such an *,& contains a realm part then the 57 should not modify it: otherwise it
shall use a home networ# realm as defined in sub clause (2.+.(.
The result will therefore be an identity of the formI
MQre3authentication\&<\usernameRXQre3authentication\&<\realmR for both 7,P3"&M and 7,P3,%, authentication
when a realm is present in the re3authentication identity received durin the previous 7,P3"&M or 7,P3,%,
authentication procedure and
MQre3authentication\&<\usernameRXan.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM: for both 7,P3"&M and
7,P3,%, authentication when a realm is not present in the re3authentication identity received durin the previous
7,P3"&M or 7,P3,%, authentication procedure.
7F,MP07 (I &f the re3authentication identity is M(+3-/M and the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*.
S (/): the 'ast )e3authentication *,& ta#es the form
7F,MP07 +I &f the re3authentication identity is M(+3-/Xaaa(.an.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM: the 'ast
)e3authentication *,& ta#es the form (+3-/Xaaa(.an.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or
10.3 )ode 6deni3iers
10.3.1 <o4e ne2or@ do4ain na4e
The home networ# domain name shall be in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as specified in
&7T' )'. (93/ K(;L.
The 57 shall derive the home networ# domain name from the &M"& as described in the followin stepsI
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +3 !elease "#
(. ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L: 3GPP T"
/(.9(( K11L) and separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the
+. use the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM* domain
3. add the label Man.M to the beinnin of the domain name.
,n e>ample of a home networ# domain name isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;:
Ehich ives the home networ# domain nameI an.mnc9(/
*OT7I &f it is not possible for the 57 to identify whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (e.. "&M is inserted and the
lenth of M*. in the &M"& is not available in the M,dministrative dataM data file): it is implementation
dependent how the 57 determines the lenth of the M*. (+ or 3 diits).
10.3.2 Pro5isioning G&)*-S+GB ideni3ier
The Provisionin G,*.3"7GE identifier shall ta#e the form of a fully 6ualified domain name ('G<*) as specified in
&7T' )'. (93/ K(;L. &f the (5)"&M is not provisioned with the 'G<* or &P address of the Provisionin G,*.3"7GE:
the 57 derives an 'G<* from the &M"& to identify the Provisionin G,*.3"7GE. The 57 shall derive such an
'G<* as followsI
(. create a domain name as specified in (2.3.(J
+. add the label Mpsew.M to the beinnin of the domain name.
,n e>ample of an 'G<* for a Provisionin G,*.3"7GE isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;:
Ehich ives the 'G<*I
*OT7I &f it is not possible for the 57 to identify whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (e.. "&M is inserted and the
lenth of M*. in the &M"& is not available in the M,dministrative dataM data file): it is implementation
dependent how the 57 determines the lenth of the M*. (+ or 3 diits).
10.3.3 Pro5isioning G&)* ideni3ier
The Provisionin G,*. identifier shall ta#e the form of a fully 6ualified domain name ('G<*) as specified in &7T'
)'. (93/ K(;L. &f the (5)"&M is not provisioned with the 'G<* or &P address of the Provisionin G,*.: the 57
derives an 'G<* from the &M"& to identify the Provisionin G,*.. The 57 shall derive such an 'G<* as followsI
(. create a domain name as specified in (2.3.(J
+. add the label Mpanc.M to the beinnin of the domain name.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +( !elease "#
,n e>ample of an 'G<* for a Provisionin G,*. isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;:
Ehich ives the 'G<*I
*OT7I &f it is not possible for the 57 to identify whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (e.. "&M is inserted and the
lenth of M*. in the &M"& is not available in the M,dministrative dataM data file): it is implementation
dependent how the 57 determines the lenth of the M*. (+ or 3 diits).
19 &ddressing and 6deni3i"aion 3or 6MS Ser5i"e
*oninui7 and Sing#e-Radio Voi"e *a## *oninui7
19.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed for the support of &M" "ervice .ontinuity. 'or further
information on the use of the parameters see 3GPP T" +3.+32 K2(L and also 3GPP T" +3.+;+ K29L.
19.2 *S ;o4ain Roueing )u4'er (*SR))
, ." <omain )outein *umber (.")*) is a number that is used to route a call from the &M .* subsystem to the user
in the ." domain. The structure is as defined in sub3clause 3.-.
19.3 6P Mu#i4edia Roueing )u4'er (6MR))
,n &P Multimedia )outein *umber (&M)*) is a routable number that points to the &M .* subsystem. &n a roamin
scenario: the &M)* has the same structure as an international &"<* number (see sub3clause 3.-). The Tel 5)& format of
the &M)* (see &7T' )'. 3;11 K-/L) is treated as a P"& (see sub3clause (3./) within the &M .* subsystem.
19.4 Session Trans3er )u4'er (ST))
, "ession Transfer *umber ("T*) is a public telecommunication number: as defined by &T53T )ecommendation 7.(1-
K(9L and is used by the 57 to re6uest "ession Transfer of the media path from P" to ." access.
19.5 Session Trans3er 6deni3ier (ST6)
, "ession Transfer &dentifier ("T&) is a "&P 5)& or "&P dialoue &< (see &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L for more information) and
is used by the 57 to re6uest "ession Transfer of a media path.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ++ !elease "#
19.6 Session Trans3er )u4'er 3or Sing#e Radio Voi"e *a##
*oninui7 (ST)-SR)
The "ession Transfer *umber for "inle )adio Doice .all .ontinuity ("T*3")) is a public telecommunication number:
as defined by &T53T )ecommendation 7.(1- K(9L and is used by the M". "erver to re6uest session transfer of the
media path from the P" domain to ." domain.
19.0 *orre#aion MS6S;)
, .orrelation M"&"<* (.3M"&"<*) is an M"&"<* (see sub3clause 3.3) that is used for correlation of sessions at
access transfer and to route a call from the &M .* subsystem to the same user in the ." domain. The .3M"&"<* is
e6ual to the M"&"<* or the basic M"&"<* if multinumberin option is used (see 3GPP T" +3.994 K+L: section +.(.3) of
the ." access. ,ny M"&"<* of a user that can be used for T"(( (telephony) in the ." domain which is not shared by
more than one &M" Private &dentity in an &M" .* subsystem: can serve as the user$s .3M"&"<*.
The .3M"&"<* is bound to the &M" Private 5ser &dentity and is uni6uely assined per &M"& and &M" Private 5ser
&f ,3M"&"<* is available it shall be used as the .3M"&"<*. 'or the definition of ,3M"&"<* refer to section (4.;.
19.9 Trans3er 6deni3ier 3or *S o PS Sing#e Radio Voi"e *a##
*oninui7 (ST6-rSR)
, "ession Transfer &dentifier for ." to P" "inle )adio Doice .all .ontinuity ("T&3r")) is a "&P 5)& (see &7T' )'.
3+1( K+1L for more information) and is used by the 57 to re6uest access transfer of a media path.
19.. &ddiiona# MS6S;)
,n ,dditional M"&"<* (,3M"&"<*) is an M"&"<* (see sub3clause 3.3) that is assined to a user with P"
subscription in addition to the already assined M"&"<*(s).
The structure of an ,3M"&"<* should follow the structure of an M" international &"<* number as defined in section
The ,3M"&"<* shall be able to be used for T"(( (telephony) in the ." domain and shall be uni6uely assined per
1. )u4'ering, addressing and ideni3i"aion 3or %e
+5o#5ed Pa"@e *ore (+P*)
1..1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed to access the 7nhanced Pac#et .ore (7P.). 'or further
information on the use of the parameters see 3GPP T" +3.-9( K2+L and 3GPP T" +3.-9+ K14L. 'or more information on
the M.3ppnetwor#.orM domain name and its applicability: see ,nne> < of the present document
1..2 <o4e )e2or@ Rea#41;o4ain
The home *etwor# )ealm8<omain shall be in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as specified in
&7T' )'. (93/ K(;L.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +* !elease "#
The =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain shall be in the form of Mepc.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM: where
MQM*.RM and MQM..RM fields correspond to the M*. and M.. of the operatorTs P0M*. @oth the MQM*.RM and
MQM..RM fields are 3 diits lon. &f the M*. of the P0M* is + diits: then a !ero shall be added at the beinnin.
'or e>ample: the =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain of an &M"& shall be derived as described in the followin stepsI
(. ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L) and
separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the beinninJ
+. use the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM domain
3. add the label MepcM to the beinnin of the domain name.
,n e>ample of a =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;J
Ehich ives the =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain nameI epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
*OT7I &f it is not possible for a 57 to identify whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (e.. 5"&M is inserted and the
lenth of M*. in the &M"& is not available in the M,dministrative dataM data file): it is implementation
dependent how the 57 determines the lenth of the M*. (+ or 3 diits).
1..3 3GPP a""ess o non-3GPP a""ess iner2or@ing
1..3.1 6nrodu"ion
This subclause describes the format of the 57 identification needed to access the 3GPP 7P. from both 3GPP and
non33GPP accesses.
The *,& is enerated respectively byI
3 the "3GE at the "/8"4 reference pointJ
3 the non33GPP access networ# or client at the "+a reference pointJ
3 the eP<G at the "+b reference pointJ
3 the <"M&Pv1 client at the "+c reference point.
The *,& shall be enerated based on the &M"& or: when 57 is performin emerency attach and &M"& is not available
or not authenticated: on the &M7& (see subclause (;.3.1).
'or further information on the use of the parameters see 3GPP T" +-.+3- K-4L.
1..3.2 Roo )&6
The )oot *,& shall ta#e the form of an *,&: and shall have the form usernameXrealm as specified in clause +.( of
&7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
The format of the username part of the )oot *,& shall comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L for use with 7,P ,%,
authentication. 'or 7,P3,%,$: see &7T' )'. /--4 K4+L: the )oot *,& shall comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L e>cept
that the username part of the )oot *,& shall be prepended with the sinle diit M1M.
Ehen the username part includes the &M"&: the )oot *,& shall be built accordin to the followin stepsI
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +, !elease "#
(. Generate an identity conformin to *,& format from &M"& as defined in 7,P ,%, K/9L as appropriateJ
+. .onvert the leadin diits of the &M"&: i.e. M*. and M..: into a domain name: as described in subclause (;.+.
3. Prefi> domain name with the label of MnaiM.
The result will be a root *,& of the formI
M9Q&M"&RXnai.epc.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM for 7,P ,%, authentication
M1Q&M"&RXnai.epc.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM for 7,P ,%,$ authentication
'or e>ample: if the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the root *,& then ta#es the form as
9+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xnai.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or for 7,P ,%, authentication: and ta#es the form as
1+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xnai.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or for 7,P ,%,T authentication.
The *,& sent in the Mobile *ode &dentifier field in PM&Pv1 shall not include the diit prepended in front of the &M"&
that is described above. .onse6uently the Permanent 5ser &dentity assined by the 3GPP ,,, "erver when *etwor#
@ased Mobility is used shall not include this diit either.
1..3.3 ;e"oraed )&6
The <ecorated *,& shall ta#e the form of a *,& and shall have the form $homerealm[usernameXotherrealm$ as
specified in clause +.2 of the &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
The realm part of <ecorated *,& consists of $otherrealm$: see the &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L. $=omerealm$ is the realm as
specified in subclause (;.+: usin the =P0M* &< ($homeM..$ N $homeM*.)$. $Otherrealm$ isI
3 the realm built usin the P0M* &< (visitedM.. N visited M*.) if the service provider selected as a result of
the service provider selection (see 3GPP T" +-.39+ K22L) has a P0M* &<J or
3 a domain name of a service provider if the selected service provider does not have a P0M* &< (3GPP T"
+-.39+ K22L).
The username part format of the )oot *,& shall comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L for use with 7,P ,%,. 'or 7,P
,%,$: see &7T' )'. /--4 K4+L: the )oot *,& shall comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L e>cept that the username part of
the *,& shall be prepended with sinle diit M1M.
Ehen the username part of <ecorated *,& includes the &M"&: it shall be built followin the same steps specified for
)oot *,& in subclause (;.3.+.
The result will be a decorated *,& of the formI
nai.epc.mncQhomeM*.R.mccQhomeM..R.3ppnetwor#.or [
9Q&M"&RXnai.epc.mncQvisitedM*.R.mccQvisitedM..R.3ppnetwor#.or for 7,P ,%, authentication and if the
service provider has a P0M* &<.
nai.epc.mncQhomeM*.R.mccQhomeM..R.3ppnetwor#.or [
1Q&M"&RXnai.epc.mncQvisitedM*.R.mccQvisitedM..R.3ppnetwor#.or for 7,P ,%,$ authentication and if the
service provider has a P0M* &<.
'or e>ample: if the service provider has a P0M* &< and the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/) and
the P0M* &< of the "elected P0M* is M.. S 1(9: M*. S 2(: then the <ecorated *,& ta#es the form either as
nai.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or[9+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xnai.epc.mnc92(.mcc1(9.3ppnetwor#.or for 7,P
,%, authentication or nai.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or[
1+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xnai.epc.mnc92(.mcc1(9.3ppnetwor#.or for 7,P ,%,$ authentication.
'or e>ample: if the domain name of a service provider is $realm.or$: then the <ecorated *,& ta#es the form either as
nai.epc.mncQhomeM*.R.mccQhomeM..R.3ppnetwor#.or [9Q&M"&RXrealm.or for 7,P ,%, authentication or
nai.epc.mncQhomeM*.R.mccQhomeM..R.3ppnetwor#.or [1Q&M"&RXrealm.or for 7,P ,%,$ authentication.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +- !elease "#
1..3.4 (as Re-au%eni"aion )&6
The 'ast )e3authentication *,& shall ta#e the form of a *,& as specified in clause +.( of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L. &f the
3GPP ,,, server does not return a complete *,&: the 'ast )e3authentication *,& shall consist of the username part of
the fast re3authentication identity as returned from the 3GPP ,,, server and the same realm as used in the permanent
user identity. &f the 3GPP ,,, server returns a complete *,& as the re3authentication identity: then this *,& shall be
used. The username part of the fast re3authentication identity shall be decorated as described in (;.3.3 if the "elected
P0M* is different from the =P0M*.
'or 7,P3,%, authentication: the username portion of the fast re3authentication identity shall be prepended with the
sinle diit M-M as specified in sub3clause -.(.(.2 of &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L.
'or 7,P ,%,$: see &7T' )'. /--4 K4+L: the 'ast )e3authentication *,& shall comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L
e>cept that the username part of the *,& shall be prepended with sinle diit M4M.
*OT7I The permanent user identity is either the )oot *,& or <ecorated *,& as defined in clauses (;.3.+ and
(;.3.3: respectively.
7F,MP07 (I &f the fast re3authentication identity returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is 3/4-9/1+29(/ and the
&M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the 'ast )e3authentication *,& for the case
when *,& decoration is not used ta#es the formI
7F,MP07 +I &f the fast re3authentication identity returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is
M3/4-9/1+29(/Xaaa(.nai.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM and the &M"& is
+3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the 'ast )e3authentication *,& for the case when
*,& decoration is not used ta#es the formI
7F,MP07 3I &f the fast re3authentication identity returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is 3/4-9/1+29(/ and the
&M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): and the P0M* &< of the "elected P0M* is
M.. S 1(9: M*. S 2(: the 'ast )e3authentication *,& ta#es the formI
nai.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or [
1..3.5 Pseudon74 6deniies
The pseudonym shall ta#e the form of an *,&: as specified in sub3clause +.( of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
The pseudonym shall be enerated as specified in sub3clause 1.-.( of 3GPP T" 33.+3- K//L. This part of the pseudonym
shall follow the 5T'34 transformation format specified in &7T' )'. ++2; K/-L e>cept for the followin reserved
he>adecimal octet valueI
Ehen the pseudonym username is coded with '': this reserved value is used to indicate the special case when no valid
temporary identity e>ists in the 57 (see 3GPP T" +-.+3- K-4L for more information). The networ# shall not allocate a
temporary identity with the whole username coded with the reserved he>adecimal value ''.
The username portion of the pseudonym identity shall be prepended with the sinle diit M+M as specified in sub3clause
-.(.(.2 of &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L for 7,P3,%,. 'or 7,P ,%,$: see &7T' )'. /--4 K4+L: the pseudonym *,& shall
comply with &7T' )'. -(42 K/9L e>cept that the username part of the *,& shall be prepended with sinle diit M2M.
*OT7I The permanent user identity is either the )oot *,& or <ecorated *,& as defined in sub3clauses (;.3.+ and
(;.3.3: respectively.
7F,MP07 (I 'or 7,P ,%,: if the pseudonym returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is +/4-9/1+29(/ and the
&M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the pseudonym *,& for the case when *,&
decoration is not used ta#es the formI +/4-9/1+29(/Xnai.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ +. !elease "#
7F,MP07 +I 'or 7,P ,%,$: if the pseudonym returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is 2/4-9/1+29(/ and the
&M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the pseudonym *,& for the case when *,&
decoration is not used ta#es the formI 2/4-9/1+29(/Xnai.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or
7F,MP07 3I 'or 7,P ,%,: if the pseudonym returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is +/4-9/1+29(/ and the
&M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): and the P0M* &< of the "elected P0M* is
M.. S 1(9: M*. S 2(: the pseudonym *,& ta#es the formI
7F,MP07 -I 'or 7,P ,%,$: if the pseudonym returned by the 3GPP ,,, "erver is 2/4-9/1+29(/ and the
&M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): and the P0M* &< of the "elected P0M* is
M.. S 1(9: M*. S 2(: the pseudonym *,& ta#es the formI
1..3.6 +4ergen"7 )&6 3or !i4ied Ser5i"e Sae
This subclause describes the format of the 57 identification needed to access the 3GPP 7P. from both 3GPP and
non33GPP accesses: when 57 is performin emerency attach and &M"& is not available or not authenticated. 'or more
information: see sections -.1.( and /.+ of 3GPP T" +3.-9+ K14L.
The 7merency *,& for 0imited "ervice "tate shall ta#e the form of an *,&: and shall have the form usernameXrealm
as specified in clause +.( of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L. The e>act format shall beI
*OT7I The top level domain M.invalidM is a reserved top level domain: as specified in &7T' )'. +191 K1-L: and
is used here due to the fact that this *,& never needs to be resolved for routin (as specified in 3GPP T"
+3.-9+ K14L).
'or e>ample: if the &M7& is +(;//(+44444444: the 7merency *,& for 0imited "ervice "tate then ta#es the form of
'or e>ample: if the M,. address is --3-/3/33/-3993,@: the 7merency *,& for 0imited "ervice "tate then ta#es the
form of mac---//3/-99,@ Xsos.invalid: where the M,. address is represented in he>adecimal format without
1..3.0 *on3eren"e (a"or7 UR6 3or 6MS &#ernai5e )&6
The re6uirements in subclause (-.1 apply.
1..4 6deni3iers 3or ;o4ain )a4e S7se4 $ro"edures
1..4.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes <omain *ame "ystem (<*") related identifiers used by the procedures specified in 3GPP T"
+;.393 K23L.
The <*" identifiers for ,P*s for leacy systems (as defined in clause ;): ),&s (as defined in clause ..(: G"*s (as
defined in clause ..+) and )*.s (as defined in clause ..3) in the present document use the top level domain M.prsM and
have a similar purpose and function as those described below. These clauses are still valid and <*" records based on
these and the below types of identifiers are e>pected to coe>ist in an operator$s networ# for the purpose of bac#wards
compatibility and interwor#in with leacy networ#s.
The ,P* as defined in clause ; is used also in 7P. to identify the access networ# to be used for a specific P<*
connection or P<P .onte>t. &n addition: the ,P* *etwor# &dentifier (,P*3*&) part of the ,P* as defined in subclause
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *& !elease "#
;.(.( of the present document may be used to access a service associated with a P<*3GE or GG"*. This is achieved
by definin an ,P* which in addition to bein usable to select a P<*3GE or GG"* is locally interpreted by the
P<*3GE or GG"* as a re6uest for a specific service.
'or <*" procedures defined in 3GPP T" +;.393 K23L: an ,P*3'G<* derived from a iven ,P* is used instead of the
,P* itself as defined in subclause (;.-.+.+. 'or all other purposes: includin communication between 7P. nodes and
to the 57: the ,P* format defined in clause ; is used. &n order to support bac#wards compatibility with e>istin
GP)"8P" roamin usin the Gn8Gp interfaces: the ,P* as specified in clause ; of the present document may also be
used for the <*" procedures as defined in 3GPP T" +3.919 K3L.
1..4.2 (u##7 Cua#i3ied ;o4ain )a4es ((C;)s)
1..4.2.1 Genera#
The encodin of any identifier used as part of a 'ully Gualifed <omain *ame ('G<*) shall follow the *ame "ynta>
defined in &7T' )'. +(4( K(4L: &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L and &7T' )'. ((+3 K+9L. ,n 'G<* consists of one or more
labels. 7ach label is coded as a one octet lenth field followed by that number of octets coded as 4 bit ,".&& characters.
'ollowin &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L the labels shall consist only of the alphabetic characters (,3C and a3!): diits (93;) and
the hyphen (3). 'ollowin &7T' )'. ((+3 K+9L: the label shall bein and end with either an alphabetic character or a
diit. The case of alphabetic characters is not sinificant. &dentifiers are not terminated by a lenth byte of !ero.
*OT7I , lenth byte of !ero is added by the 6ueryin entity at the end of the 'G<* before interroatin a <*"
'or the purpose of presentation: identifiers are usually displayed as a strin in which the labels are separated by dots
(e.. M0abel(.0abel+.0abel3M).
1..4.2.2 &""ess Poin )a4e (C;) (&P)-(C;))
1.. Sru"ure
The ,ccess Point *ame 'G<* (,P*3'G<*) is derived from an ,P* as follows. The ,P* consists of an ,P*
*etwor# &dentifier (,P*3*&) and an ,P* Operator &dentifier (,P*3O&): which are as defined in subclause ;.(.( and
;.(.+ of the present document.
&f an ,P* is constructed usin the default ,P*3O&: the ,P*3'G<* shall be obtained from the ,P* by insertin the
labels Mapn.epc.M between the ,P*3*& and the default ,P* 3 O&: and by replacin the label M.prsM at the end of the
default ,P*3O& with the labels M.3ppnetwor#.orM.
7F,MP07(I 'or an ,P* of internet.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.prs: the derived ,P*3'G<* is
&f an ,P* is constructed usin the ,P*3O& )eplacement field (as defined in 3GPP T" +3.919 K3L and 3GPP T" +3.-9(
K2+L): the ,P*3'G<* shall be obtained from the ,P* by insertin the labels Mapn.epc.M between the label
MmncQM*.RM and its precedin label: and by replacin the label M.prsM at the end of the ,P*3O& )eplacement field
with the labels M.3ppnetwor#.orM.
7F,MP07 +I &f an ,P*3O& )eplacement field is province(.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.prs and an ,P*3*& is internet: the
derived ,P*3'G<* is internet. province(.apn.epc.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or
1.. Void
1.. Void
1.. Void
1..4.2.3 Tra"@ing &rea 6deni7 (T&6)
The Trac#in ,rea &dentity (T,&) consists of a Mobile .ountry .ode (M..): Mobile *etwor# .ode (M*.): and
Trac#in ,rea .ode (T,.). &t is composed as shown in fiure (;.-.+.3.(.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *" !elease "#
/igure ".%(%#%3%"0 Structure of the Tracking 6rea 1dentit4 T61$
The T,& is composed of the followin elementsI
3 Mobile .ountry .ode (M..) identifies the country in which the P0M* is located. The value of the M.. is the
same as the three diit M.. contained in the &M"&J
3 Mobile *etwor# .ode (M*.) is a code identifyin the P0M* in that country. The value of the M*. is the same
as the two or three diit M*. contained in the &M"&J
3 Trac#in ,rea .ode (T,.) is a fi>ed lenth code (of + octets) identifyin a Trac#in ,rea within a P0M*. This
part of the trac#in area identification shall be coded usin a full he>adecimal representation. The followin are
reserved he>adecimal values of the T,.I
3 9999: and
3 '''7.
*OT7I The above reserved values are used in some special cases when no valid T,& e>ists in the M" (see
3GPP T" +-.39( K;9L for more information).
, subdomain name can be derived from the T,&. This shall be done by addin the label MtacM to the beinnin of the
=ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain (see subclause (;.+) and encodin the T,. as a sub3domain. This is called the T,&
The T,& 'G<* shall be constructed as followsI
The T,. is a (13bit inteer. The QT,.3hih3byteR is the he>adecimal strin of the most sinificant byte in the T,. and
the QT,.3low3byte R is the he>adecimal strin of the least sinificant byte. &f there are less than + sinificant diits in
QT,.3hih3byteR or QT,.3low3byte R: M9M diit(s) shall be inserted at the left side to fill the + diit codin.
1..4.2.4 Mo'i#i7 Manage4en +ni7 (MM+)
, Mobility Manaement 7ntity (MM7) within an operator$s networ# is identified usin a MM7 Group &< (MM7G&):
and an MM7 .ode (MM7.).
, subdomain name shall be derived from the M*. and M.. by addin the label MmmeM to the beinnin of the =ome
*etwor# )ealm8<omain (see subclause (;.+).
The MM7 node 'G<* shall be constructed asI
Ehere QMM7.R and QMM7G&R are the he>adecimal strins of the MM7. and MM7G&.
,n MM7 pool 'G<* shall be constructed asI
&f there are less than + sinificant diits in QMM7.R: M9M diit(s) shall be inserted at the left side to fill the + diit
codin. &f there are less than - sinificant diits in QMM7G&R: M9M diit(s) shall be inserted at the left side to fill the -
diit codin.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *# !elease "#
1..4.2.5 Rouing &rea 6deni7 (R&6) - +P*
The )outin ,rea &dentity (),&) consists of a ),.: 0,.: M*. and M...
, subdomain name for use by core networ# nodes based on ),& shall be derived from the M*. and M.. by addin
the label MracM to the beinnin of the =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain (see subclause (;.+).
The ),& 'G<* shall be constructed asI
Q),.R and Q0,.R shall be =e> coded diits representin the 0,. and ),. codes respectively.
&f there are less than - sinificant diits in Q),.R or Q0,.R: one or more M9M diit(s) is8are inserted at the left side to
fill the - diit codin.
*oteI ,bove subdomain is for release 4 core networ# nodes to allow <*" records other than ,8,,,, records.
The subdomain name in ,nne> ..+ are still used for e>istin ,8,,,, records for pre3)elease 4 nodes
and are also still used for bac#ward compatibility.
1..4.2.6 Ser5ing GPRS Su$$or )ode (SGS)) 2i%in SGS) $oo#
, specific "G"* within an operator$s networ# is identified usin the ),& 'G<* (subclause (;.-.+./) and the *etwor#
)esource &dentifier (*)&) (see 3GPP T" +3.+31 K+3L). "uch an identifier can be used by a taret MM7 or "G"* node
to connect to the source "G"* node.
The "G"* 'G<* shall be constructed asI
Q*)&R shall be =e> coded diits representin the *)& code of the "G"*.
&f there are less than - sinificant diits in Q *)&R: one or more M9M diit(s) is8are inserted at the left side to fill the -
diit codin. .odin for other fields is the same as in "ection (;.-.+./.
Ehen a taret MM7 constructs the 'G<* of the source "G"* in the case of "G"* poolin: it should derive the *)&
from the 43bit MM7 .ode received in the G5T& from the 57. =owever: if the lenth of the *)&: e..: F: which is
confiured in the MM7 is less than 4 bits: then the MM7 should use only the most sinificant F bits of the MM7 .ode
as the *)& within the "G"* 'G<*.
*oteI ,bove subdomain is for release 4 core networ# nodes to allow <*" records other than ,8,,,, records.
The subdomain name in ,nne> ..+ are still used for e>istin ,8,,,, records for pre3)elease 4 nodes
and are also still used for bac#ward compatibility. .
1..4.2.0 Targe R)*-6; 3or U-TR&)
&n the special case of a 5T),* taret )*. a possible "G"* that can control that )*. can be identified by )*.3&<.
This identifier can be used for ")*" relocation with a 53T),* taret )*..
, subdomain name for use by core networ# nodes based on )*.3&< shall be derived from the M*. and M.. by
addin the label MrncM to the beinnin of the =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain (see subclause (;.+).
The )*. 'G<* shall be constructed asI
Q)*.R shall be =e> coded diits representin the )*.3&< code of the )*..
&f there are less than - sinificant diits in Q)*.R: one or more M9M diit(s) is8are inserted at the left side to fill the -
diit codin.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *3 !elease "#
*OT7I ,bove subdomain is for release 4 core networ# nodes to allow <*" records other than ,8,,,, records.
The subdomain name in ,nne> ..3 are still used for e>istin ,8,,,, records for pre3)elease 4 nodes
and are still used for bac#ward compatibility. =owever: )*.3&< in ,nne> ..3 was oriinally intended for
the case where only one "G"* controlled an )*.3&< and ave the "G"* &P address. The usae for the
above )*. 'G<* is potentially broader and can taret an "G"* pool.
1..4.2.9 ;)S su'do4ain 3or o$eraor usage in +P*
The 7P. nodes <*" subdomain (<*" !one) shall be derived from the M*. and M.. by addin the label MnodeM to
the beinnin of the =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain (see subclause (;.+) and shall be constructed asI
This <*" subdomain is formally placed into the operator$s control. 3GPP shall never ta#e this <*" subdomain bac# or
any !one cut8subdomain within it for any purpose. ,s a result the operator can safely provision any <*" records it
chooses under this subdomain without concern about future 3GPP standards encroachin on the <*" names within this
1..4.2.. eP;G (u##7 Cua#i3ied ;o4ain )a4e
The eP<G 'ully Gualified <omain *ame (eP<G 'G<*) contains an Operator &dentifier that shall uni6uely identify the
P0M* where the eP<G is located. The eP<G 'G<* is composed of seven labels. The last three labels shall be
Mpub.3ppnetwor#.orM. The third and fourth labels toether shall uni6uely identify the P0M*. The first two labels
shall be Mepd.epcM. The result of the eP<G 'G<* will beI
&n the roamin case: the 57 may utilise the services of the DP0M*. &n this case: the eP<G 'G<* Operator &dentifier
shall be constructed as described above: but usin the M*. and M.. of the DP0M*.
&n order to uarantee inter3P0M* <*" translation: the QM*.R and QM..R codin used in the Mepd.epc.
mncQM* format of the eP<G 'G<* Operator &dentifier shall beI
3 QM*.R S 3 diits
3 QM..R S 3 diits
&f there are only + sinificant diits in the M*.: one M9M diit shall be inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diits codin
of M*. in the eP<G 'G<*.
,s an e>ample: the eP<G 'G<* Operator &dentifier for M.. 3-/ and M*. (+ is coded in the <*" asI
1..4.2.10 G#o'a# e)ode=-6; 3or e)ode=
The Global e*ode@3&< is used to identify e*ode@s lobally which is composed of the concatenation of M..: M*.
and the e*ode@&<. The M.. and M*. are the same as included in the 735T),* .ell Global &dentifier (7.G&) (see
subclause (;.1).
, subdomain name shall be derived from the M*. and M.. by addin the label MenbM to the beinnin of the =ome
*etwor# )ealm8<omain (see subclause (;.+).
The Global e*ode@3&< 'G<* shall be constructed asI
The Qe*ode@3&<R shall be coded usin a full he>adecimal representation. &f there are less than - sinificant diits in Q
e*ode@3&<R: M9M diit(s) shall be inserted at the left side to fill the - diit codin.
1..4.2.11 !o"a# <o4e )e2or@ ideni3ier
The 0ocal =ome *etwor# identifier uni6uely identifies a local home networ#. 'or the definition of a local home
networ# see 3GPP T" +3.919 K3L and 3GPP T" +3.-9( K2+L.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *( !elease "#
, subdomain name shall be derived from the M*. and M.. from the visited networ# by addin the label MlhnM to the
beinnin of the =ome *etwor# )ealm8<omain (see subclause (;.+).
The 0ocal =ome *etwor#3&< 'G<* shall be constructed asI
lhnQ 0=* name R.lhn.epc.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.or
The Q0=*3nameR lenth and content is an operator choice. The labels shall follow the rules specified in sub3clause
1..4.3 Ser5i"e and Proo"o# ser5i"e na4es 3or 3GPP
, list of standardi!ed Mservice3parmsM names is re6uired to identify a MserviceM as defined in section 1./ of &7T' )'.
3;/4 K2-L.
The followin table defines the names to be used in the procedures specified in 3GPP T" +;.393 K23LI
Table ".%(%3%"0 3ist of ;app)ser<ice; and ;app)protocol; names
5escription 19T/ !/C 3.+- section *%+
;app)ser<ice; name
19T/ !/C 3.+- section *%+
;app)protocol; name
PGB and iner3a"e 7$es su$$ored
'7 %e PGB
/-3g$$-$g2 /-s5-g$ , /-s5-$4i$,
/-s9-g$ , /-s9-$4i$,
/-s2a-$4i$, /-s2a-4i$54, /-s2a-g$, /-
s2'-$4i$, /-s2'-g$, /-s2"-ds4i$,
/-gn, /-g$
SGB and iner3a"e 7$es su$$ored
'7 %e SGB
/-3g$$-sg2 /-s5-g$ , /-s5-$4i$,
/-s9-g$ , /-s9-$4i$,
/-s11, /-s12, /-s4,
/-s1-u, /-s2a-$4i$, /-s2'-$4i$
GGS) /-3g$$-ggsn /-gn, /-g$
SGS) /-3g$$-sgsn /-gn, /-g$, /-s4,/-s3, /-s16, /-s5
MM+ and iner3a"e 7$es su$$ored
'7 %e MM+
/-3g$$-44e /-s10, /-s11, /-s3, /-s6a, /-s1-44e,
/-gn, /-g$, /-s5
MS* Ser5er /-3g$$-4s" /-s5
*OT7 (I The formats follow the e>perimental format as specified in &7T' )'. 3;/4 K2-L. 'or e>ample: to find the
"4 PM&P interfaces on a PGE the "ervice Parameter of M3pp3pwI>3s43pmipM would be used as input in
the procedures defined in &7T' )'. 3;/4 K2-L.
*OT7 +I .urrently $app3service$ names identify 3GPP node type and $app3protocol$ identify 3GPP interfaces: which
differs from more common usae of "3*,PT) where app3protocol is used for transport protocol. Type of
nodes (i.e PGE: "GE: "G"*: MM7: M". "erver etc) and interfaces (i.e. "((: "/: "4: "v: etc.) follow
the standard names from 3GPP T" +3.-9( K2+L :3GPP T" +;.919 K1L and3GPP T" +3.+(1 K;+L with prefi>
M>3M added.
*OT7 3I >3n denotes an intra3P0M* interface usin GTPv(3.: >3p denotes a inter3P0M* interface usin
*OT7 -I The app3service of >33pp3pw with app3protocols >3n or >3p identifies the co3located GG"* function
on a PGE. The app3service of >33pp3sn with app3protocols >3n or >3p identifies a GG"* function
that is not co3located with a PGE.
*OT7 /I The app3service of >33pp3msc with app3protocol >3sv identifies the M". "v interface service.
1..5 &""ess )e2or@ 6deni7
, trusted non33GPP access networ# used by the 57 to access 7P" can be identified usin the ,ccess *etwor# &dentity.
The ,ccess *etwor# &dentity is used as an input parameter in the 7P" security procedures as specified in 3GPP T"
33.-9+ K1;L. The format and sinallin of the parameter between the networ# and the 57 is specified in 3GPP T"
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *+ !elease "#
+-.39+ K22L and the format and sinallin of this parameter between access networ# and core networ# is specified in
3GPP T" +;.+23 K24L.
The encodin of the ,ccess *etwor# &dentity shall be specified within 3GPP: but the ,ccess *etwor# &dentity definition
for each non33GPP access networ# is under the responsibility of the correspondin standardisation oranisation
1..6 +-UTR&) *e## 6deni7 (+*6) and +-UTR&) *e## G#o'a# 6deni3i"aion
The 735T),* .ell Global &dentification (7.G&) shall be composed of the concatenation of the P0M* &dentifier
(P0M*3&d) and the 735T),* .ell &dentity (7.&) as shown in fiure (;.1.( and shall be lobally uni6ueI
/igure ".%*%"0 Structure of 9)=T!6N Cell Global 1dentification
The 7.& shall be of fi>ed lenth of +4 bits and shall be coded usin full he>adecimal representation. The e>act codin
of the 7.& is the responsibility of each P0M* operator.
'or more details on 7.& and 7.G&: see 3GPP T" 31.-(3 K4-L.
1..0 6deni3iers 3or "o44uni"aions 2i% $a"@e daa ne2or@s and
1..0.1 6nrodu"ion
This subclause describes e>ternal identifiers used to facilitate communications with pac#et data networ#s and
applications (e.. Machine Type .ommunication (MT.) applications on the e>ternal networ#8MT. servers) as
specified in 3GPP T" +3.14+ K;4L.
1..0.2 +/erna# 6deni3ier
,n 7>ternal &dentifier identifies a subscription associated to an &M"&. , subscription associated to an &M"& may have
one or several 7>ternal &dentifier(s) that are stored in the ="".
The 7>ternal &dentifier is used atI
3 the Tsp reference pointJ
3 the T- reference pointJ
3 the "1m reference pointJ
3 the Gi8"Gi reference pointJ
The 7>ternal &dentifier shall have the form usernameXrealm as specified in clause +.( of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
The username part format of the 7>ternal &dentifier shall contain a 0ocal &dentifier as specified in 3GPP T" +3.14+ K;4L.
The realm part format of the 7>ternal &dentifier shall contain a <omain &dentifier as specified in 3GPP T" +3.14+ K;4L.
,s specified in subclause - of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L: the <omain &dentifier shall be a duly reistered &nternet domain
name. The combination of 0ocal &dentifier and <omain &dentifier ma#es the 7>ternal &dentifier lobally uni6ue.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ** !elease "#
The result of the 7>ternal &dentifier form isI
MQ0ocal &dentifierRXQ<omain &dentifierRM
,n e>ample of an 7>ternal &dentifier isI
0ocal &dentifier in useI M(+3-/124;MJ
<omain &dentifier S Mdomain.comMJ
Ehich ives the 7>ternal &dentifier asI
1..9 TB&) A$eraor )a4e
The TE,* Operator *ame identifies the TE,* operator when the TE,* is not operated by a mobile operator.
The TE,* Operator *ame shall be encoded as a realm in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as
specified in &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L.
*OT7I The TE,* Operator *ame is encoded as a dotted strin.
20 &ddressing and 6deni3i"aion 3or 6MS *enra#i?ed
20.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed specifically for &M" .entrali!ed "ervices (&."). 'or further
information on the use of &." parameters: see 3GPP T" +3.+;+ K29L.
20.2 U+ 'ased so#uion
&n this solution: the 57 is provisioned with an &." specific client that simply reuses &M" reistration as defined in
3GPP T" +3.++4 K+-L. Therefore: &." capable 57 shall reuse the identities defined in clause (3.
20.3 )e2or@ 'ased so#uion
20.3.1 Genera#
&n this solution the M". "erver enhanced for &." performs a special &M" reistration on behalf of the 57. Thus: the
M". "erver enhanced for &." shall use a Private 5ser &dentity and Temporary Public 5ser &dentity that are different to
those defined in clause (3 (see 3GPP T" +3.+;+ K29L: sub3clause -.1.+ for more information). 'urthermore: the M".
"erver enhanced for &." derives a .onference 'actory 5)& that is #nown to the home &M". These are defined in the
followin sub3clauses.
20.3.2 <o4e ne2or@ do4ain na4e
The home networ# domain name shall be in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as specified in
&7T' )'. (93/ K(;L.
The M". "erver enhanced for &." shall derive the home networ# domain name from the subscriber$s &M"& as described
in the followin stepsI
(. Ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L) and
separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the beinnin.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *, !elease "#
+. 5se the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM domain
3. ,dd the label Mics.M to the beinnin of the domain.
,n e>ample of a home networ# domain name isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
3 M.. S +3-J
3 M*. S (/J and
3 M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;:
which ives the home networ# domain nameI ics.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or
20.3.3 Pri5ae User 6deni7
The Private 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form of an *,&: and shall have the form MusernameXrealmM as specified in
clause +.( of &7T' )'. -+4+ K/3L.
The M". "erver enhanced for &." shall derive the Private 5ser &dentity from the subscriber$s &M"& as followsI
(. 5se the whole strin of diits as the username part of the private user identityJ and
+. convert the leadin diits of the &M"&: i.e. M*. and M..: into a domain name: as described in sub3clause
The result will be a Private 5ser &dentity of the form MQ&M"&RXics.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM. 'or
e>ample if the &M"& is +3-(/9;;;;;;;;; (M.. S +3-: M*. S (/): the private user identity then ta#es the form
20.3.4 Pu'#i" User 6deni7
The Public 5ser &dentity shall ta#e the form of a "&P 5)& (see &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L): and shall have the form
The M". "erver enhanced for &." shall derive the Public 5ser &dentity from the subscriber$s &M"&. The Public 5ser
&dentity shall consist of the strin MsipIM appended with a username and domain portion e6ual to the &M"& derived
Private 5ser &dentity described in sub3clause +9.3.3. ,n e>ample usin the same e>ample &M"& from sub3clause +9.3.3
can be found belowI
7F,MP07I MsipI+3-(/9;;;;;;;;;Xics.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM.
20.3.5 *on3eren"e (a"or7 UR6
The .onference 'actory 5)& shall ta#e the form of a "&P 5)& (see &7T' )'. 3+1( K+1L) with a host portion set to the
home networ# domain name as described in subclause +9.3.+ prefi>ed with Mconf3factory.M. ,n e>ample usin the same
e>ample &M"& from sub3clause +9.3.+ can be found belowI
7F,MP07I MsipIconf3factory.ics.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.orM.
The user portion of the "&P 5)& is optional and implementation specific.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *- !elease "#
21 &ddressing and 6deni3i"aion 3or ;ua# Sa"@ Mo'i#e
6P56 (;SM6P56)
21.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed by the 57 to use <ual "tac# Mobile &Pv1 (<"M&Pv1 as
specified in 3GPP T" +3.3+2 K21L and 3GPP T" +3.-9+ K14L.
21.2 <o4e &gen D &""ess Poin )a4e (<&-&P))
21.2.1 Genera#
The =,3,P* is composed of two parts as followsI
3 The =,3,P* *etwor# &dentifierJ this defines to which e>ternal networ# the =, is connected.
3 The =,3,P* Operator &dentifierJ this defines in which P0M* the =, servin the =,3,P* is located.
The =,3,P* Operator &dentifier is placed after the =,3,P* *etwor# &dentifier. The =,3,P* consistin of both the
*etwor# &dentifier and Operator &dentifier corresponds to a 'G<* of a =,J the =,3,P* has: after encodin as defined
in the pararaph below: a ma>imum lenth of (99 octets.
The encodin of the =,3,P* shall follow the *ame "ynta> defined in &7T' )'. +(4( K(4L: &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L and
&7T' )'. ((+3 K+9L. The =,3,P* consists of one or more labels. 7ach label is coded as a one octet lenth field
followed by that number of octets coded as 4 bit ,".&& characters. 'ollowin &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L the labels shall
consist only of the alphabetic characters (,3C and a3!): diits (93;) and the hyphen (3). 'ollowin &7T' )'. ((+3 K+9L:
the label shall bein and end with either an alphabetic character or a diit. The case of alphabetic characters is not
sinificant. The =,3,P* is not terminated by a lenth byte of !ero.
'or the purpose of presentation: a =,3,P* is usually displayed as a strin in which the labels are separated by dots
(e.. M0abel(.0abel+.0abel3M).
21.2.2 (or4a o3 <&-&P) )e2or@ 6deni3ier
The =,3,P* *etwor# &dentifier follows the format defined for ,P*s in subclause ;.(.(. &n addition to what has been
defined in subclause ;.(.( the =,3,P* *etwor# &dentifier shall not contain Mha3apn.M or Mw3apn.M and not end in
, =,3,P* *etwor# &dentifier may be used to access a service associated with a =,. This may be achieved by
- a =,3,P* which corresponds to a 'G<* of a =,: and which is locally interpreted by the =, as a re6uest for a
specific service: or
- a =,3,P* *etwor# &dentifier consistin of 3 or more labels and startin with a )eserved "ervice 0abel: or a
=,3,P* *etwor# &dentifier consistin of a )eserved "ervice 0abel alone: which indicates a =, by the nature
of the re6uested service. )eserved "ervice 0abels and the correspondin services they stand for shall be areed
between operators who have roamin areements.
,s an e>ample: the =,3,P* for M.. 3-/ and M*. (+ is coded in the <*" asI
where MinternetM is the =,3,P* *etwor# &dentifier and Mmnc9(+.mcc3-/.pub.3ppnetwor#.or M is the =,3,P*
Operator &dentifier.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ *. !elease "#
21.2.3 (or4a o3 <&-&P) A$eraor 6deni3ier
The =,3,P* Operator &dentifier is composed of si> labels. The last three labels shall be Mpub.3ppnetwor#.orM. The
second and third labels toether shall uni6uely identify the P0M*. The first label distinuishes the domain name as a
'or each operator: there is a default =,3,P* Operator &dentifier (i.e. domain name). This default =,3,P* Operator
&dentifier is derived from the &M"& as followsI
MmncM and MmccM serve as invariable identifiers for the followin diits.
QM*.R and QM..R are derived from the components of the &M"& defined in subclause +.+.
,lternatively: the default =,3,P* Operator &dentifier is derived usin the M*. and M.. of the DP0M*.
&n order to uarantee inter3P0M* <*" translation: the QM*.R and QM..R codin used in the
Mha3apn.mncQM* format of the =,3,P* O& shall beI
3 QM*.R S 3 diits
3 QM..R S 3 diits
&f there are only + sinificant diits in the M*.: one M9M diit shall be inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diits codin
of M*. in the =,3,P* O&.
,s an e>ample: the =,3,P* O& for M.. 3-/ and M*. (+ is coded in the <*" asI
22 &ddressing and ideni3i"aion 3or &);S(
22.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters needed by the 57 to use ,ccess *etwor# <iscovery and "election
'unction (,*<"') as specified in 3GPP T" +3.-9+ K14L.
22.2 &);S( Ser5er )a4e (&);S(-S))
22.2.1 Genera#
,*<"' "erver *ame (,*<"'3"*) is used by 57 to discover ,*<"' "erver in the networ#.
22.2.2 (or4a o3 &);S(-S)
The ,*<"'3"* is composed of si> labels. The last three labels shall be Mpub.3ppnetwor#.orM. The second and third
labels toether shall uni6uely identify the P0M*. The first label shall be MandsfM.
The ,*<"'3"* is derived from the &M"& or Disited P0M* &dentity as followsI
MmncM and MmccM serve as invariable identifiers for the followin diits.
3 Ehen contactin Disited ,*<"' (D3,*<"'): the QM*.R and QM..R shall be derived from the Disited
P0M* &dentity as defined in subclause (+.(.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,& !elease "#
3 Ehen contactin =ome ,*<"' (=3,*<"'): the QM*.R and QM..R shall be derived from the components
of the &M"& defined in subclause +.+.
&n order to uarantee inter3P0M* <*" translation: the QM*.R and QM..R codin used in the
Mandsf.mncQM* format of the ,*<"'3"* shall beI
3 QM*.R S 3 diits
3 QM..R S 3 diits
&f there are only + sinificant diits in the M*.: one M9M diit shall be inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diits codin
of M*. in the ,*<"'3"*.
,s an e>ample: the ,*<"'3"* O& for M.. 3-/ and M*. (+ is coded in the <*" asI
23 )u4'ering, addressing and ideni3i"aion 3or %e
A&M S7se4
23.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes some information needed to access the O,M system as specified in T" 31.399 K;(L. 'or more
information on the M.3ppnetwor#.orM domain name and its applicability: see ,nne> < of the present document.
23.2 A&M S7se4 Rea#41;o4ain
The O,M system shall be in the form of an &nternet domain name: e.. as specified in &7T'
)'. (93/ K(;L.
The O,M "ystem )ealm8<omain shall be in the form of Moam.mncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM: where
MQM*.RM and MQM..RM fields correspond to the M*. and M.. of the operatorTs P0M*. @oth the MQM*.RM and
MQM..RM fields are 3 diits lon. &f the M*. of the P0M* is + diits: then a !ero shall be added at the beinnin.
'or e>ample: the O,M "ystem )ealm8<omain of an &M"& shall be derived as described in the followin stepsI
(. ta#e the first / or 1 diits: dependin on whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (see 3GPP T" 3(.(9+ K+2L) and
separate them into M.. and M*.J if the M*. is + diits then a !ero shall be added at the beinninJ
+. use the M.. and M*. derived in step ( to create the MmncQM*.R.mccQM..R.3ppnetwor#.orM domain
3. add the label MoamM to the beinnin of the domain name.
,n e>ample of an O,M "ystem )ealm8<omain isI
&M"& in useI +3-(/9;;;;;;;;;J
M.. S +3-J
M*. S (/J
M"&* S 9;;;;;;;;;J
Ehich ives the O,M "ystem )ealm8<omain nameI oam.mnc9(/.mcc+3-.3ppnetwor#.or.
*OT7I &f it is not possible for a )elay *ode to identify whether a + or 3 diit M*. is used (e.. 5"&M is inserted
and the lenth of M*. in the &M"& is not available in the M,dministrative dataM data file): it is
implementation dependent how the )elay *ode determines the lenth of the M*. (+ or 3 diits).
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ," !elease "#
23.3 6deni3iers 3or ;o4ain )a4e S7se4 $ro"edures
23.3.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes <omain *ame "ystem (<*") related identifiers used by the procedures specified in 3GPP T"
+;.393 K23L.
23.3.2 (u##7 Cua#i3ied ;o4ain )a4es ((C;)s) Genera#
"ee subclause (;.-.+.(. Re#a7 )ode Vendor-S$e"i3i" A&M S7se4
,s part of the startup procedure: relay nodes (see 3GPP T" 31.399 K;(L: sub3clause -.2) needs to discover its Operations
and Maintainence (O,M) system. , relay node vendor3specific O,M system within an operatorTs networ# is identified
usin the relay node type allocation code from &M7& or &M7&"D (&M7&3T,.): M*. and M.. from &M"& and in some
cases also trac#in area code information associated to the e*@ servin the relay node.
, subdomain name for use by 75T),* O,M system nodes shall be derived from the M*. and M.. by addin the
label MeutranM to the beinnin of the O,M "ystem )ealm8<omain (see sub3clause +3.+).
The vendor3specific relay node O,M system 'G<* shall be constructed as followinI
The &M7&3T,. is 4 decimal diits (see sub3clause 1.+).
*OT7I &M7&3T,. is used for the type allocation code from &M7& or &M7&"D instead of T,. in this sub3clause in
order to separate it from the trac#in area code (T,.).
The T,. is a (1 bit inteer. QT,.3hih3byteR is the he>adecimal strin of the most sinificant byte in the T,. and
QT,.3low3byte R is the he>adecimal strin of the least sinificant byte. &f there are less than + sinificant diits in
QT,.3hih3byteR or QT,.3low3byte R: M9M diit(s) shall be inserted at the left side to fill the + diit codin. Mu#i-5endor e)ode= P#ug-and P#a7 Vendor-S$e"i3i" A&M S7se4 Genera#
This clause describes the 'ully Gualified <omain *ames ('G<*s) used in Multi Dendor Plu and .onnect (MvPn.)
procedures (see 3GPP T" 3+./94 K(9+L).
The 'G<*s used in MvPn. shall be in the form of a domain name as specified in &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L.
The 'G<*s used in MvPn. shall follow the eneral encodin rules specified in section (;.-.+.(.
The format of 'G<*s used in MvPn. shall follow the MQvendor &<R.QsystemR.QO,M realmRM pattern.
*OT7I MQvendor &<R.QsystemR.oamM represents the Qservice\idR shown in the first row of table 7.(.
The Qvendor &<R label is optional and is only used in the operator deployments where multiple instances of a particular
networ# entity type are not provided by the same vendor. &f present: the Qvendor &<R label shall be in the form
MvendorQDi<RM: where QDi<R field corresponds to the &< of the vendor.
7ditor$s *oteI The format of the Di< is ''".
The details of the QsystemR label are specified in the clauses below.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,# !elease "# *eri3i"aion &u%ori7 ser5er
The .ertification ,uthority server (.,8),) 'G<* shall be derived as follows. The McaraM QsystemR label is added in
front of the operator$s O,M realm domain nameI
&f particular operator deployment scenarios where there are multiple .,8), servers (one per vendor): the Qvendor &<R
label is added in front of the McaraM labelI
,n e>ample of a .,8), 'G<* isI
MCC 5 12-6
MNC 5 7,6
'i4 5 abc%6
which ives the .,8), 'G<*I Mcara0oa*0*nc"7,0*cc12-0-gppnet1or20orgM and
M3en%orabc%0cara0*nc"7,0*cc12-0-gppnet1or20orgM. Se"uri7 Gae2a7
The "ecurity Gateway ("eGE) 'G<* shall be derived as follows. The Mseg1M QsystemR label is added in front of the
operator$s O,M realm domain nameI
&f particular operator deployment scenarios where there are multiple "ecurity Gateways (one per vendor): the Qvendor
&<R label is added in front of the Mseg1M labelI
,n e>ample of a "eGE 'G<* isI
MCC 5 12-6
MNC 5 7,6
'i4 5 abc%6
which ives the "eGE 'G<*I Mseg10oa*0*nc"7,0*cc12-0-gppnet1or20orgM and
M3en%orabc%0seg10*nc"7,0*cc12-0-gppnet1or20orgM. +#e4en Manager
The 7lement Manaer (7M) 'G<* shall be derived as follows. The Me*M QsystemR label is added in front of the
operator$s O,M realm domain nameI
&f particular operator deployment scenarios where there are multiple 7lement Manaers (one per vendor): the Qvendor
&<R label is added in front of the Me*M labelI
,n e>ample of a 7M 'G<* isI
MCC 5 12-6
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,3 !elease "#
MNC 5 7,6
'i4 5 abc%6
which ives the 7M 'G<*I Me*0oa*0*nc"7,0*cc12-0-gppnet1or20orgM and
24 )u4'ering, addressing and ideni3i"aion 3or
Pro/i4i7-'ased Ser5i"es (ProSe)
24.1 6nrodu"ion
This clause describes the format of the parameters used for Pro"e. 'or further information on the use of the parameters
see 3GPP T" +3.393 K(93L.
24.2 ProSe &$$#i"aion 6;
24.2.1 Genera#
The Pro"e ,pplication &< is composed of two parts as followsI
3 The Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame: which is is described in its entirety by a data structure characteri!ed by
different levels e.: broad3level business cateory (0evel 9) 8 business sub3cateory (0evel () 8 business name
(0evel +) 8 shop &< (0evel 3).
3 The P0M* &<: which corresponds to the P0M* that assined the Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame.
The P0M* &< is placed before the Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame as shown in 'iure +-.+.(. The P0M* &< and the
Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame shall be separated by a dot.

Pro"e,pp 0abel(
Pro"e ,pplication &<
Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame P0M* &<
0abel+ 0abeln
mncQM*.R mccQM..R
/igure #(%#%")"0 Structure of ProSe 6pplication 15
24.2.2 (or4a o3 ProSe &$$#i"aion 6; )a4e in ProSe &$$#i"aion 6;
The Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame is composed of a strin of labels. These labels represent hierarchical levels and shall be
separated by dots (e.. M0abel(.0abel+.0abel3M). The Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame shall contain at least one label. The
first label on the left shall be MPro"e,ppM.
*OT7I The hierarchical structure of the Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame is application3specific and is outside the
scope of 3GPP.
,ny label in the Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame e>cept the first label on the left (MPro"e,ppM) can be wild carded. , wild
card label is represented as MVM:
7F,MP07I , Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame used to discover nearby &talian restaurants could be
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,( !elease "#
24.2.3 (or4a o3 P!M) 6; in ProSe &$$#i"aion 6;
The P0M* &< shall uni6uely identify the P0M* of the Pro"e 'unction that has assined the Pro"e ,pplication &<. The
P0M* &< is composed of two labels which shall be separated by a dot as followsI
MmccM and MmncM serve as invariable identifiers for the followin diits.
QM..R contains the M.. (Mobile .ountry .ode) of the Pro"e 'unction that has assined the Pro"e ,pplication
QM*.R contains the M*. (Mobile *etwor# .ode) of the Pro"e 'unction that has assined the Pro"e ,pplication
&n order to uarantee inter3P0M* operability: the QM..R and the QM*.R shall be represented by 3 diits. &f there are
only + sinificant diits in the M*.: one M9M diit is inserted at the left side of the M*. to form the QM*.R in the
MmncQM*.RM label.
7F,MP07I The P0M* &< for M.. 3-/ and M*. (+ will be Mmcc3-/.mnc9(+M.
24.2.4 Usage o3 2i#d "ards in $#a"e o3 P!M) 6; in ProSe &$$#i"aion 6;
&f the scope of the Pro"e ,pplication &< is country3specific: the P0M* &< part in the Pro"e ,pplication &< shall be
replaced by MmccQM..R.mncVM with QM..R set to the M.. of the correspondin country.
*OT7I =andlin of the case when a country has been allocated more than one M.. value is outside the scope of
&f the scope of the Pro"e ,pplication &< is lobal: the P0M* &< part in the Pro"e ,pplication &< shall be replaced by
7F,MP07I 'or a Pro"e ,pplication &< specific to a country with M.. 3-/: the P0M* &< part will be
replaced by Mmcc3-/.mncVM.
24.2.5 6n3or4ai5e e/a4$#es o3 ProSe &$$#i"aion 6;
7>amples of Pro"e ,pplication &<s followin the format defined in the previous subclauses are provided for
information below.
7F,MP07 (I Mmcc3-/.mnc9(+.Pro"e,pp.'ood.)estaurants.&talianM
7F,MP07 +I Mmcc399.mnc(1/.Pro"e,pp."hops."ports."urfinM
7F,MP07 3I Mmcc399.mnc(1/.Pro"e,pp.V."ports."urfinM
7F,MP07 -I Mmcc+94.mncV.Pro"e,pp."hops.'ood.EineM
7F,MP07 /I MmccV.mncV.Pro"e,pp.'ood.)estaurants..offeeM
24.3 ProSe &$$#i"aion *ode
24.3.1 Genera#
The Pro"e ,pplication .ode as described in 3GPP T" +3.393 K(>>L is composed of the followin two partsI
3 The P0M* &< of the Pro"e 'unction that assined the Pro"e ,pplication .ode: i.e. Mobile .ountry .ode
(M..) and Mobile *etwor# .ode (M*.).
3 , temporary identity that corresponds to the Pro"e ,pplication &< *ame. The temporary identity is allocated by
the Pro"e 'unction. The internal structure of the temporary identity is not specified in 3GPP.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,+ !elease "#
The Pro"e ,pplication .ode shall have a fi>ed lenth of (4- bits.
7ditorTs *oteI The lenth of the Pro"e ,pplication .ode needs to be confirmed by 3GPP T"G ),* EG( and 3GPP
T"G ),* EG+.
24.3.2 (or4a o3 P!M) 6; in ProSe &$$#i"aion *ode
The P0M* &< in the Pro"e ,pplication .ode is composed as shown in 'iure >I

+ bits
9 or (9 bits 9 or (9 bits
/igure #(%3%#)"0 Structure of P32N 15 in ProSe 6pplication Code
3 "cope indicates whether the M..: or the M*.: or both: or neither are included: with the followin mappinI
99 reserved
9( reserved
(9 reserved
(( M.. included: M*. included
7ditorTs *oteI The criteria to determine whether M.. or M*. or both are included are ''".
7ditorTs *oteI The reserved values are ''".
3 &f included: the M.. and the M*. shall each have a fi>ed lenth of (9 bits and shall be coded as the binary
representation of their decimal value.
24.3.3 (or4a o3 e4$orar7 ideni7 in ProSe &$$#i"aion *ode
The temporary identity in the Pro"e ,pplication .ode is a bit strin whose value is allocated by the Pro"e 'unction.
The lenth of the temporary identity in the Pro"e ,pplication .ode is e6ual to (4- bits minus the lenth of the P0M*
&< in the Pro"e ,pplication .ode.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,* !elease "#
&nne/ & (in3or4ai5e),
*o#our *odes
&.1 Ui#i?aion o3 %e =S6*
, @"&. is allocated to each cell. , @"&. can ta#e one of 1- values. &n each cell the @"&. is broadcast in each burst sent
on the ".=: and is then #nown by all M"s which synchronise with this cell. The @"&. is used by the M" for several
purposes: all aimin at avoidin ambiuity or interference which can arise when an M" in a iven position can receive
sinals from two cells using the same BCCH frequency.
"ome of the uses of the @"&. relate to cases where the M" is attached to one of the cells. Other uses relate to cases
where the M" is attached to a third cell: usually somewhere between the two cells in 6uestion.
The first cateory of uses includesI
3 The three least sinificant bits of the @"&. indicate which of the 4 trainin se6uences is used in the bursts sent
on the downlin# common channels of the cell. <ifferent trainin se6uences allow for a better transmission if
there is interference. The roup of the three least sinificant bits of the @"&. is called the @.. (@ase station
.olour .ode).
3 The @"&. is used to modify the bursts sent by the M"s on the access bursts. This aims to avoid one cell correctly
decodin access bursts sent to another cell.
The second cateory of uses includesI
3 Ehen in connected mode: the M"s measure and report the level they receive on a number of fre6uencies:
correspondin to the @..= fre6uencies of neihbourin cells in the same networ# as the used cell. ,lon with
the measurement result: the M" sends to the networ# the @"&. which it has received on that fre6uency. This
enables the networ# to discriminate between several cells which happen to use the same @..= fre6uency. Poor
discrimination miht result in faulty handovers.
3 The content of the measurement report messaes is limited to information for 1 neihbour cells. &t is therefore
useful to limit the reported cells to those to which handovers are accepted. 'or this purpose: each cell provides a
list of the values of the three most sinificant bits of the @"&.s which are allocated to the cells which are useful
to consider for handovers (usually e>cludin cells in other P0M*s). This information enables the M" to discard
information for cells with non3conformant @"&.s and not to report them. The roup of the three most sinificant
bits of the @"&. is called the *.. (*etwor# .olour .ode).
&t should be noted that when in idle mode: the M" identifies a cell (for cell selection purposes) accordin to the cell
identity broadcast on the @..= and not by the @"&..
&.2 Guidan"e 3or $#anning
'rom these uses: the followin plannin rule can be derivedI
If there exist places where MSs can receive signals from two cells, whether in the same !M" or in different
!M"s, which use the same BCCH frequency, it is highly prefera#le that these two cells have different BSICs$
Ehere the coverae areas of two P0M*s overlap: the rule above is respected ifI
() The P0M*s use different sets of @..= fre6uencies (&n particular: this is the case if no fre6uency is common to
the two P0M*s. This usually holds for P0M*s in the same country): or
+) The P0M*" use different sets of *..s: or
3) @"&. and @..= fre6uency plannin is co3ordinated.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,, !elease "#
)econi!in that method 3) is more cumbersome than method +): and that method () is too constrainin: it is suested
that overlappin P0M*s which use a common part of the spectrum aree on different *..s to be used in any
overlappin areas. ,s an e>ample: a preliminary *.. allocation for countries in the 7uropean reion can be found in
clause ,.3 of this anne>.
This e>ample can be used as a basis for bilateral areements. =owever: the use of the *..s allocated in clause ,.3 is
not compulsory. P0M* operators can aree on different @"&. allocation rules in border areas. The use of @"&.s is not
constrained in non3overlappin areas: or if ambiuities are resolved by usin different sets of @..= fre6uencies.
&f the P0M*s share one or more cells with other P0M*s: the plannin rule above should be applied also when the
@..= fre6uency is different. The rule should be respected by usin different sets of *..s. &n addition to that: the
P0M* sharin one or more cells with other P0M*s should use different *..s for shared and non3shared neihbourin
&.3 +/a4$#e o3 P!M) *o#our *odes ()**s) 3or %e
+uro$ean region
,ustria I 9
@elium I (
.yprus I 3
<enmar# I (
'inland I 9
'rance I 9
Germany I 3
Greece I 9
&celand I 9
&reland I 3
&taly I +
0iechtenstein I +
0u>embour I +
Malta I (
Monaco I 3 (possibly 9(S'rance))
*etherlands I 9
*orway I 3
Portual I 3
"an Marino I 9 (possibly +(S &taly))
"pain I (
"weden I +
"wit!erland I (
Tur#ey I +
5% I +
Datican I ( (possibly +(S&taly)
Puoslavia I 3
This allows a second operator for each country by allocatin the colour codes n (in the table) and n N -. More than +
colour codes per country may be used provided that in border areas only the values n and8or nN- are used.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,- !elease "#
&nne/ = (nor4ai5e),
6M+6 *%e"@ ;igi "o4$uaion
=.1 Re$resenaion o3 6M+6
The &nternational Mobile station 76uipment &dentity and "oftware Dersion number (&M7&"D): as defined in clause 1: is
a (1 diit decimal number composed of three distinct elementsI
3 an 4 diit Type ,llocation .ode (T,.)J
3 a 1 diit "erial *umber ("*))J and
3 a + diit "oftware Dersion *umber ("D*).
The &M7&"D is formed by concatenatin these three elements as illustrated belowI
T,. "*) "D*
/igure 6%"0 Composition of the 1291S'
The &M7& is complemented by a chec# diit as defined in clause 3. The 0uhn .hec# <iit (.<) is computed on the (-
most sinificant diits of the &M7&"D: that is on the value obtained by inorin the "D* diits.
The method for computin the 0uhn chec# is defined in ,nne> @ of the &nternational "tandard M&dentification cards 3
*umberin system and reistration procedure for issuer identifiersM (&"O8&7. 24(+ K3L).
&n order to specify precisely how the .< is computed for the &M7&: it is necessary to label the individual diits of the
&M7&"D: e>cludin the "D*. This is done as followsI
The ((- most sinificant) diits of the &M7&"D are labelled <(-: <(3 ... <(: whereI
3 T,. S <(-: <(3 ... <2 (with <2 the least sinificant diit of T,.)J
3 "*) S <1: </ ... <( (with <( the least sinificant diit of "*)).
=.2 *o4$uaion o3 *; 3or an 6M+6
.omputation of .< from the &M7& proceeds as followsI
"tep (I <ouble the values of the odd labelled diits <(: <3: </ ... <(3 of the &M7&.
"tep +I ,dd toether the individual diits of all the seven numbers obtained in "tep (: and then add this sum to
the sum of all the even labelled diits <+: <-: <1 ... <(- of the &M7&.
"tep 3I &f the number obtained in "tep + ends in 9: then set .< to be 9. &f the number obtained in "tep + does not
end in 9: then set .< to be that number subtracted from the ne>t hiher number which does end in 9.
=.3 +/a4$#e o3 "o4$uaion
1291 "( most significant digits$0
T,. "*)
<(- <(3 <(+ <(( <(9 <; <4 <2 <1 </ <- <3 <+ <(
+ 1 9 / 3 ( 2 ; 3 ( ( 3 4 3
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ,. !elease "#
Step "0
+ 1 9 / 3 ( 2 ; 3 ( ( 3 4 3
>+ >+ >+ >+ >+ >+ >+
(+ (9 + (4 + 1 1
Step #0
+ N ( N + N 9 N ( N 9 N 3 N + N 2 N ( N 4 N 3 N + N ( N 1 N 4 N 1 S /3
Step 30
.< S 19 3 /3 S 2
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -& !elease "#
&nne/ * (nor4ai5e),
)a4ing "on5enion
This normative anne> defines a namin convention which will ma#e it possible for <*" servers to translate loical
names for G"*s and ),s to physical &P addresses. The use of loical names is optional: but if the option is used: it shall
comply with the namin convention described in this anne>. The fully 6ualified domain names used throuhout this
anne> shall follow the format defined in &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L.
*.1 Rouing &rea 6deniies
This subclause describes a possible way to support inter3P0M* roamin.
Ehen an M" roams between two "G"*s within the same P0M*: the new "G"* finds the address of the old "G"*
from the identity of the old ),. Thus: each "G"* can determine the address of every other "G"* in the P0M*.
Ehen an M" roams from an "G"* in one P0M* to an "G"* in another P0M*: the new "G"* may be unable to
determine the address of the old "G"*. &nstead: the "G"* transforms the old ), information to a loical name of the
, and @ shall be =e> coded diitsJ P and C shall be encoded as sinle diits (in the rane 93;).
&f there are less than - sinificant diits in ,,,, or @@@@: one or more M9M diit(s) is8are inserted at the left side to fill
the - diit codin. &f there are only + sinificant diits in PPP: a M9M diit is inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diit
,s an e>ample: the loical name for ),. (+3,: 0,. +3-@: M.. (12 and M*. ;+ will be coded in the <*"
server asI
The "G"* may then ac6uire the &P address of the old "G"* from a <*" server: usin the loical address. &ntroducin
the <*" concept in GP)" enables operators to use loical names instead of &P addresses when referrin to nodes
(e.. G"*s): thus providin fle>ibility and transparency in addressin. 7ach P0M* should include at least one <*"
server (which may optionally be connected via the <*" service provided by the G"M ,ssociation). *ote that these
<*" servers are GP)" internal entities: un#nown outside the GP)" system.
The above implies that at least M.. WW M*. WW 0,. WW ),. (S ),&) is sent as the ), parameter over the radio interface
when an M" roams to another ),.
&f for any reason the new "G"* fails to obtain the address of the old "G"*: the new "G"* ta#es the same actions as
when the correspondin event occurs within one P0M*.
,nother way to support seamless inter3P0M* roamin is to store the "G"* &P addresses in the =0) and re6uest them
when necessary.
&f &ntra <omain .onnection of ),* *odes to Multiple .* *odes (see 3GPP T" +3.+31 K+3L) is applied then the
*etwor# )esource &dentifier (*)&) identifies uni6uely a iven "G"* node out of all the "G"*s servin the same pool
&f the new "G"* is not able to e>tract the *)& from the old P3TM"&: it shall retrieve the address of the default "G"*
(see 3GPP T" +3.+31 K+3L) servin the old ),: usin the loical name described earlier in this section. The default
"G"* in the old ), relays the GTP sinallin to the old "G"* identified by the *)& in the old P3TM"& unless the
default "G"* itself is the old "G"*.
&f the new "G"* is able to e>tract the *)& from the old P3TM"&: then it shall attempt to derive the address of the old
"G"* from the *)& and the old ),&. *)&3to3"G"* assinments may be either confiured (by OUM) in the new
"G"*: or retrieved from a <*" server. &f a <*" server is used: it shall be 6ueried usin the followin loical name:
derived from the old ),& and *)& informationI
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -" !elease "#
.: < and 7 shall be =e> coded diits: P and C shall be encoded as sinle diits (in the rane 93;). &f there are less than
- sinificant diits in ....: <<<< or 7777: one or more M9M diit(s) is8are inserted at the left side to fill the - diit
codin. &f there are only + sinificant diits in PPP: a M9M diit is inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diits codin.
,s an e>ample: the loical name for *)& 3,: ),. (+3,: 0,. +3-@: M.. (12 and M*. ;+ will be coded in the
<*" server asI
&f for any reason the new "G"* fails to obtain the address of the old "G"* usin this method: then as a fallbac#
method it shall retrieve the address of the default "G"* servin the old ),.
*.2 GPRS Su$$or )odes
This subclause defines a namin convention for G"*s.
&t shall be possible to refer to a G"* by a loical name which shall then be translated into a physical &P address. This
clause proposes a G"* namin convention which would ma#e it possible for an internal GP)" <*" server to ma#e the
,n e>ample of how a loical name of an "G"* could appear isI
F: shall be =e> coded diits: P andC! shall be encoded as sinle diits (in the rane 93;)$
&f there are less than - sinificant diits in FFFF one or more M9M diit(s) is8are inserted at the left side to fill the -
diits codin. &f there are only + sinificant diits in PPP: a M9M diit is inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diit codin.
,s an e>ample: the loical name for "G"* (@3-: M.. (12 and M*. ;+ will be coded in the <*" server asI
sgsn%B')$ mnc*+&$mcc%,-$gprs
*.3 Targe 6;
This subclause describes a possible way to support ")*" relocation.
&n 5MT": when ")*" relocation is e>ecuted: a taret &< which consists of M..: M*. and )*. &< is used as
routein information to route to the taret )*. via the new "G"*. ,n old "G"* shall resolve a new "G"* &P address
by a taret &< to send the 'orward )elocation )e6uest messae to the new "G"*.
&t shall be possible to refer to a taret &< by a loical name which shall be translated into an "G"* &P address to ta#e
into account inter3P0M* handover. The old "G"* transforms the taret &< information into a loical name of the formI
F shall be =e> coded diitsJ P and C shall be encoded as sinle diits (in the rane 93;). &f there are less than -
sinificant diits in FFFF: one or more M9M diit(s) is8are inserted at the left side to fill the - diits codin. &f there are
only + sinificant diits in PPP: a M9M diit is inserted at the left side to fill the 3 diit codin. Then: for e>ample: a
<*" server is used to translate the loical name to an "G"* &P address.
,s an e>ample: the loical name for )*. (@3-: M.. (12 and M*. ;+ will be coded in the <*" server asI
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -# !elease "#
&nne/ ; (in3or4ai5e),
&$$#i"a'i#i7 and use o3 %e E.3g$$ne2or@.orgE do4ain
There currently e>ists a private &P networ# between operators to provide connectivity for user transparent services that
utilise protocols that rely on &P. This includes (but is not necessarily limited to) such services as GP)"8P" roamin:
E0,* roamin: GP)"8P" inter3P0M* handover and inter3MM". MM delivery. This inter3P0M* &P bac#bone
networ# consists of indirect connections usin bro#ers (#nown as G)Fs H GP)" )oamin 7>chanes) and direct
inter3P0M* connections (e.. private wire)J it is however not connected to the &nternet. More details can be found in
G"M, P)< &).3- K/2L.
Eithin this inter3P0M* &P bac#bone networ#: the domain name M.prsM was oriinally conceived as the only domain
name to be used to enable <*" servers to translate loical names for networ# nodes to &P addresses (and vice versa).
=owever: after feedbac# from the &nternet 7nineerin Tas# 'orce (&7T') it was identified that use of this domain name
has the followin drawbac#sI
(. 0ea#ae of <*" re6uests for the M.prsM top level domain into the public &nternet is inevitable at sometime or other:
especially as the number of services (and therefore number of nodes) usin the inter3P0M* &P bac#bone increases.
&n the worst case scenario of faulty clients: the performance of the &nternet$s root <*" servers would be seriously
deraded by havin to process re6uests for a top level domain that does not e>ist.
+. &t would be very difficult for networ# operators to detect if8when <*" re6uests for the M.prsM domain were lea#ed
to the public &nternet (and therefore the security policies of the inter3P0M* &P bac#bone networ# were breached):
because the &nternet$s root <*" servers would simply return an error messae to the sender of the re6uest only.
To address the above: the &7T' recommended usin a domain name that is routa#le in the pubic domain but which
re6uests to it are not actually serviced in the public domain. The domain name M.3ppnetwor#.orM was chosen as the
new top level domain name to be used (as far as possible) within the inter3P0M* &P bac#bone networ#.
Oriinally: only the <*" servers connected to the inter3P0M* &P bac#bone networ# were populated with the correct
information needed to service re6uests for all sub3domains of this domain. =owever: it was later identified that some
new services needed their allocated sub3domain(s) to be resolvable by the 57 and not just inter3P0M* &P networ#
nodes. To address this: additional: hiher3level sub3domains were createdI
3 Mpub.3ppnetwor#.orM: which is to be used for domain names that need to be resolvable by 57s (and possibly
networ# nodes too) that are connected to a local area networ# that is connected to the &nternetJ and
3 Mip>uni.3ppnetwor#.orM: which is to be used for domain names for 5*& interfaces that need to be resolvable
by 57s that are connected to a local area networ# that is not connected to the &nternet (e.. local area networ#s
connected to the inter3P0M* &P networ# of the &PF).
Therefore: <*" re6uests for the above domain names can be resolved: while re6uests for all other sub3domains of
M3ppnetwor#.orM can simply be confiured to return the usual <*" error for un#nown hosts (thereby avoidin
potential e>tra: redundant load on the &nternet$s root <*" servers).
The G"M ,ssociation is in chare of allocatin new sub3domains of the M.3ppnetwor#.orM domain name. The
procedure for re6uestin new sub3domains can be found in ,nne> 7.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -3 !elease "#
&nne/ + (nor4ai5e),
Pro"edure 3or su'-do4ain a##o"aion
Ehen a 3GPP member company identifies the need for a new sub3domain name of M.3ppnetwor#.orM: that 3GPP
member company shall propose a .) to this specification at the earliest available meetin of the responsible wor#in
roup for this T". The .) shall propose a new sub3domain name. The new sub3domain proposed shall be formatted in
one of the formats as described in the followin table.
Sub)domain /ormat 1ntended =sage
(see noes 1 and 2)
;o4ain na4e %a is o 'e reso#5a'#e '7 ne2or@
nodes on#7. T%is 3or4a in%eren#7 adds $roe"ion o
%e ideni3ied node, in %a ae4$ed ;)S
reso#uions insigaed dire"#7 3ro4 end user
e:ui$4en 2i## 3ai# inde3inie#7.
(see noes 1 and 2)
;o4ain na4e %a is o 'e reso#5a'#e '7 U+s and1or
ne2or@ nodes. T%is 3or4a in%eren#7 adds g#o'a#
reso#uion "a$a'i#i7, 'u a %e e/$ense o3
"on3idenia#i7 o3 ne2or@ o$o#og7.
(see noes 1 and 2)
;o4ain na4e 3or U)6 iner3a"e %a is o 'e
reso#5a'#e '7 U+s %a are "onne"ed o an iner-
P!M) 6P ne2or@ %a %as no "onne"i5i7 o %e
T%is 3or4a in%eren#7 adds reso#uion "a$a'i#i7 3or
U+s in "#osed 6P ne2or@s e.g. 6P8.
Table 9%"0 Sub)domain formats for the >3gppnetwork%org> domain and their respecti<e intended
*OT7 (I MQservice\&<RM is a chosen label: conformant to <*" namin conventions (usually &7T' )'. (93/ K(;L
and &7T' )'. ((+3 K+9L) that clearly and succinctly describe the service and8or operation that is intended
to use this sub3domain.
*OT7 +I MQM*.RM and MQM..RM are the M*. (padded to the left with a !ero: if only a +3diit M*.) and M..
of a P0M*.
.are should be ta#en when choosin which format a domain name should use. Once a format has been chosen: the
responsible wor#in roup shall then chec# the .) and either endorse it or reject it. &f the .) is endorsed: then the
responsible wor#in roup shall send an 0" to the G"M, &)7G with T"G3.T in copy. The 0" shall describe the
followin #ey pointsI
3 the conte>t
3 the service
3 intended use
3 involved actors
3 proposed new sub3domain name
G"M, &)7G will then verify the consistence of the proposal and its usae within the domainTs structure and
interwor#in rules (e.. access to the G)F8&PF )oot <*" servers). G"M, &)7G will then endorse or reject the
proposal and inform the responsible wor#in roup (in 3GPP) and also T"G .T. &t is possible that G"M, &)7G will
also specify: chanes to the newly proposed sub3domain name (e.. due to re6uested sub3domain name already
*OT7 3I There is no need to re6uest G"M, &)7G for new labels to the left of an already G"M, &)7G approved
YQservice\&<RZ. &t is the responsibility of the responsible wor#in roup to ensure uni6ueness of such
new labels.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -( !elease "#
&t should be noted that services already defined to use the M.prsM domain name will continue to do so and shall not use
the new domain name of M.3ppnetwor#.orMJ this is to avoid destabilisin services that are already live.
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -+ !elease "#
&nne/ ( (in3or4ai5e),
*%ange %isor7
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -* !elease "#
Change histor4
TSG CN? Spec 'ersion C! @PhaseA New 'ersion Subject:Comment
&$r 1... GSM 03.03 0.0.0 Trans3erred o 3GPP *)1
*)F03 23.003 3.0.0 &$$ro5ed a *)F03
*)F04 23.003 3.0.0 001 R.. 3.1.0 ;e3iniion o3 es"a$e P!M) "ode
*)F04 23.003 3.0.0 002r1 R.. 3.1.0 SS) rea##o"aion 3or *&P, gs4S*(, S6B(, GGS),
*)F04 23.003 3.0.0 003 R.. 3.1.0 *orre"ion o3 VG*1V=* re3eren"e
*)F04 23.003 3.0.0 004 R.. 3.1.0 <ar4onisaion o3 %e M)*-#eng%G "orre"ion o3 *R
*)F04 23.003 3.0.0 005 R.. 3.1.0 *orre"ion o %e M)* #eng%
*)F05 23.003 3.1.3 000r1 R.. 3.2.0 &S*66 "oding o3 HM)*I and HM**I in &P) A6
*)F05 23.003 3.1.3 009 R.. 3.2.0 )e2 SS) a##o"aion 3or R&)&P and R)S&P
*)F06 23.003 3.2.1 011 R.. 3.3.0 Su$$or o3 V!R and <!R ;aa Resoraion
$ro"edures 2i% !*S
*)F00 23.003 3.3.0 014 R.. 3.4.0 )e"essi7 o3 %e 3un"ion o3 %e "a#"u#aion o3 an
SGS) 6P address 3ro4 %e arge 6;
*)F00 23.003 3.3.0 016 R.. 3.4.0 ;e3iniion o3 Ser5i"e &rea 6deni3i"aion
*)F00 23.003 3.3.0 010r2 R.. 3.4.0 Modi3i"aion o3 "#ause 6.2 o en%an"e 6M+6 se"uri7
*)F00 23.003 3.3.0 019 R.. 3.4.0 *oding o3 a de#eed P-TMS6 signaure
*)F00 23.003 3.4.0 013r2 R.. 3.4.1 6nrodu"ion o3 Reser5ed Ser5i"e !a'e#s in %e &P)
*)F09 23.003 3.4.1 01. R.. 3.5.0 Missing UTR&) ideni3iers
*)F09 23.003 3.4.1 021r1 R.. 3.5.0 +dioria# Modi3i"aion o3 "#ause 6.2.2.
*)F09 23.003 3.4.1 022 R.. 3.5.0 6M+6 (or4as and +n"oding
*)F0. 23.003 3.5.0 023 R.. 3.6.0 &#ign4en o3 23.003 2i% e/ 3ro4 25.401
*)F10 23.003 3.6.0 024 R.. 3.0.0 Mo5ing in3or4ai5e &nne/ & 3ro4 3G TS 2..060 and
4a@ing i nor4ai5e.
*)F11 23.003 3.0.0 025 R.. 3.9.0 *#ari3i"aion o ;e3iniion o3 Ser5i"e &rea 6deni3ier
*)F11 23.003 3.0.0 026 R.. 3.9.0 (or'idden &P) ne2or@ ideni3ier #a'e#s
*)F11 23.003 3.9.0 Re#-4 4.0.0 U$daed 3ro4 R.. o Re#-4 a3er *)F11
*)F12 23.003 4.0.0 029r1 Re#-4 4.1.0 Re4o5e re3eren"e o TS23.022
*)F12 23.003 4.1.0 02.r1 Re#-5 5.0.0 )e2 Su's7se4 )u4'er 3or %e Posiion
*a#"u#aion &$$#i"aion Par on %e 6u$" iner3a"e
*)F13 23.003 5.0.0 032 Re#-5 5.1.0 *#ari3i"aion on &P) #a'e#s %a 'egin 2i% a digi
*)F13 23.003 5.0.0 Re#-5 5.1.0 +dioria# "#ean u$
*)F14 23.003 5.1.0 033 Re#-5 5.2.0 Ru#es 3or TMS6 $ariioning
*)F14 23.003 5.1.0 035 Re#-5 5.2.0 6nrodu"ion o3 G#o'a# *)-6; de3iniion
*)F16 23.003 5.2.0 030r1 Re#-5 5.3.0 6u(#e/ su$$or 3or deer4ining o#d SGS) during
*)F16 23.003 5.2.0 039 Re#-5 5.3.0 &##o"aion o3 uni:ue $re3i/es o 6P56 er4ina#s
*)F16 23.003 5.2.0 041r2 Re#-5 5.3.0 Use o3 a e4$orar7 $u'#i" user ideni7
*)F16 23.003 5.2.0 044 Re#-5 5.3.0 Resru"uring %e 6M+6 o "o4'ine %e T&* and
*)F16 23.003 5.2.0 045 Re#-5 5.3.0 Use o3 %e T!!6 "odes$a"e in G+R&) 6u 4ode
*)F10 23.003 5.3.0 049r3 Re#-5 5.4.0 *#ari3i"aion on %e de3iniion o3 ;)S
*)F10 23.003 5.3.0 050r1 Re#-5 5.4.0 Su$$or 3or S%ared )e2or@ in "onne"ed 4ode,
de3iniion o3 S)&
*)F10 23.003 5.3.0 053r1 Re#-5 5.4.0 Resru"uring %e 6M+6 o "o4'ine %e T&* and
(&* in &nne/ =
*)F10 23.003 5.3.0 054 Re#-5 5.4.0 S**P su'-s7se4 )u4'er 3or 6M-SS(
*)F19 23.003 5.4.0 055r1 Re#-5 5.5.0 6ur-g 6nrodu"ion
*)F19 23.003 5.4.0 056r2 Re#-5 5.5.0 +dioria# "#ean-u$
*)F19 23.003 5.4.0 050 Re#-5 5.5.0 *orre"ion o3 %e $ri5ae user ideni7Js 3or4
*)F19 23.003 5.4.0 059 Re#-5 5.5.0 &ddiion o3 a re3eren"e o %e 6TU-T
R+*AMM+);&T6A) +.212 3or Mo'i#e *ounr7
*)F19 23.003 5.4.0 05. Re#-5 5.5.0 *orre"ion o %e 3or4 o3 $u'#i" user ideni7
*)F19 23.003 5.4.0 062 Re#-5 5.5.0 (i/ 4iss-iner2or@ing 3or !MS6 %and#ing (!MS6
*)F19 23.003 5.5.0 Re#-5 5.5.1 *orru$ed 3igures 13 D 19 3i/ed
*)F20 23.003 5.5.1 065 Re#-5 5.6.0 *orre"ion o &nne/ *.3 D Targe 6;
*)F21 23.003 5.6.0 002 Re#-5 5.0.0 *orre"ion o de3iniion o3 Grou$-6;, Grou$ "a## area
6; and Grou$ *a## Re3eren"e
*)F21 23.003 5.0.0 003r2 Re#-6 6.0.0 PS6 de3iniion
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -, !elease "#
Change histor4
TSG CN? Spec 'ersion C! @PhaseA New 'ersion Subject:Comment
*)F22 23.003 6.0.0 009 Re#-6 6.1.0 An %e #eng% o3 %e &P) )6
*)F23 23.003 6.1.0 091 Re#-6 6.2.0 *%anges and "orre"ions o ;)S na4es
*)F23 23.003 6.1.0 093r2 Re#-6 6.2.0 *%anges o ena'#e %e GSM& roo ;)S
ar"%ie"ure using E.3g$$ne2or@.orgE T!;
*)F23 23.003 6.1.0 095r1 Re#-6 6.2.0 B!&) a""ess $ara4eers 4o5ed 3ro4 TS 24.234
o TS 23.003
*)F23 23.003 6.1.0 090 Re#-6 6.2.0 &ssign4en o3 SS) 3or Presen"e )e2or@ &gen
*)F24 23.003 6.2.0 096r4 Re#-6 6.3.0 *#ari3i"aion o3 %e uses o3 S6P UR6s 3or Pu'#i" User
*)F24 23.003 6.2.0 099r1 Re#-6 6.3.0 &ddiion o3 TMG6
*)F25 23.003 6.3.0 09. Re#-6 6.4.0 =a"@ground o3 and $ro"edures 3or %e
E.3g$$ne2or@.orgE do4ain na4e
*)F25 23.003 6.3.0 0.0r2 Re#-6 6.4.0 ;e"oraed )&6 3or4a
*)F25 23.003 6.3.0 0.1r1 Re#-6 6.4.0 6nrodu"ion o3 e4$orar7 ideniies
*)F26 23.003 6.4.0 0.2r2 Re#-6 6.5.0 Jo%errea#4J 3or4a o3 ;e"oraed )&6
*)F26 23.003 6.4.0 0.5r1 Re#-6 6.5.0 *#ari3i"aion o3 )R6 $osiion 2i%in (P)-TMS6
*)F26 23.003 6.4.0 0.6r1 Re#-6 6.5.0 =S( address
*)F20 23.003 6.5.0 0.0 Re#-6 6.6.0 *#ari3i"aion o3 %e TMG6
*)F20 23.003 6.5.0 0.3r3 Re#-6 6.6.0 ;e3iniion o3 &#ernai5e )&6
*TF29 23.003 6.6.0 00..r4 Re#-6 6.0.0 B-&P) ;e3iniion
*TF29 23.003 6.6.0 0100r5 Re#-6 6.0.0 *orre"ion o 2i#d"ards in PS6
6.0.0 Re#-6 6.0.1 2005-00, *orre" #ine 'rea@ 'e3ore "#ause 14
*TF2. 23.003 6.0.1 0102r2 Re#-6 6.9.0 *orre"ions o E3g$$ne2or@.orgE addressing
*TF2. 23.003 6.0.1 0103 Re#-6 6.9.0 &ddiion o3 addressing 3or %e Generi" &""ess
*TF2. 23.003 6.0.1 0104r1 Re#-6 6.9.0 PS6 rouing
*TF31 23.003 6.9.0 0106r1 Re#-6 6...0 6+T( re3eren"es u$dae
*TF32 23.003 6...0 0100r1 Re#-6 6.10.0 (as re-au%eni"aion ideni7 "#ari3i"aion
*TF32 23.003 6...0 010.r1 Re#-6 6.10.0 *ase insensii5e na4ing "on5enion
0111r1 *orre"ion o %e B-&P) de3iniion
*TF32 23.003 6.10.0 0112r1 Re#-0 0.0.0 ;e3iniion o3 &non74ous UR6 in 6MS
*TF33 23.003 0.0.0 0110r1 Re#-0 0.1.0 Re-au%eni"aion ideni7 de3iniion "orre"ion
0115r3 ;e3iniion o3 M=MS S&6
*TF34 23.003 0.1.0 0119 Re#-0 0.2.0 Voi"e *a## *oninui7 6deni3i"aion and &ddressing
011.r2 Una5ai#a'#e User 6deni7
0120 +4ergen"7 Rea#4 3or 6-B!&) ne2or@
0121 ;e3iniion o3 e4ergen"7 B-&P)
0122r2 (or4a o3 e4ergen"7 $u'#i" ideni7
*TF35 23.003 0.2.0 0129r2 Re#-0 0.3.0 ;e3iniion o3 Pri5ae Ser5i"e ideni7
0126r2 ;e3iniion o3 e4ergen"7 &P) 3or 6MS e4-"a##s
012.r2 *#ari3i"aion o TMG6 de3iniion
*TF36 23.003 0.3.0 0131r2 Re#-0 0.4.0 *orre"ion o3 deri5aion o3 ideni3iers, '7 %e U+,
using %e 6MS6
*TF30 23.003 0.4.0 0134r1 Re#-0 0.5.0 <o4e rea#4 "onsru"ion 3or M=MS roa4ing
0135r2 PS6 "#ari3i"aion
0136 Re4o5e e4ergen"7 &P)
*TF39 23.003 0.5.0 0139 Re#-0 0.6.0 *orre"ion o e/ des"ri'ing B-&P) 3or4a
*TF3. 23.003 0.6.0 0141r1 Re#-0 0.0.0 Sru"ure o3 TMG6
*TF3. 23.003 0.0.0 0140 Re#-9 9.0.0 Bi#d"arded Pu'#i" User 6deniies 3or4a
*TF40 23.003 9.0.0 0142r2 Re#-9 9.1.0 6MS $u'#i" and $ri5ae ideni7 deri5aion in 3GPP2
0144 Minor "orre"ions o %e 6MS se"ion
0146r2 )&6 3or 3GPP a""ess o )on-3GPP &""ess
0143r2 &ddiion o3 6MS *enra#i?ed Ser5i"es re#aed
*TF41 23.003 9.1.0 0150 Re#-9 9.2.0 +4ergen"7 Pu'#i" User 6deni7 Re4o5a#
0152r3 6nrodu"ion o3 6M* in su$$or o3 "o44on 6MS
0153r1 6nrodu"ion o3 ST)-SR
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -- !elease "#
Change histor4
TSG CN? Spec 'ersion C! @PhaseA New 'ersion Subject:Comment
0154r1 &ddiion and "orre"ion o3 ;)S re#aed ideni3iers
3or +P*
0155r1 ;e3iniion o3 G#o'a##7 Uni:ue Te4$orar7 U+ 6deni7
0156 Re3eren"e "orre"ion
0159r1 &ddiion o3 *on3eren"e (a"or7 UR6 3or 6MS
*enra#i?ed Ser5i"es
015.r1 )a4ing 3or <& dis"o5er7 <&-&P)
0160r2 ;e3iniion and 3or4a o3 a""ess ne2or@ ideni3ier
*TF42 23.003 9.2.0 0161 9.3.0 SGS) re#aed (C;)s
0162 )e2 EnodesE su'do4ain 3or +P*
0165 *#ari37 %e 4a$$ing 'e2een M-TMS6 and P-TMS6
0166 Re5ising %e GUT6 ;e3iniion
0163r4 *#osed Su's"ri'er Grou$
0160r1 &dding %e S-TMS6 ;e3iniion
0169r1 ;e3iniion o3 insan"e 6d
016. ST)-SR in SGS)
*TF43 23.003 9.3.0 0100 Re#-9 9.4.0 *orre"ion o )&6 3or4a
0102 Missing ser5i"e ideni3iers 3or ;)S $ro"edures
0104 *orre"ion o3 %e GUT6 3or4a
0106r1 *orre"ion o3 %e GUT6 P-TMS6 4a$$ing
0100 *orre"ions o Ser5i"e *oninui7 addressing
0109r1 Su$$or o3 +&P-&K&L
010.r2 )a4ing 3or &);S( dis"o5er7
0190r1 eP;G na4ing
0191r2 *#ari3i"aion a'ou "anoni"a# 3or4 o3 6MS Pu'#i"
User 6deni7 2%en 3or4a is T+! UR!
0192 Te4$orar7 6deni7 Tag Va#ues 3or (as Re-
au%eni"aion 6ds
0190r2 ;)S-&P)-A6
*TF44 23.003 9.4.0 019.r1 Re#-9 9.5.0 <)= )a4e ;e3iniion
01.0r1 *#ari3i"aion on T&6 (C;)
01.1 Ser5i"e Para4eers 3or S2"
01.3r2 Re3eren"e u$dae 3or dra3-4one4urro-gs4a-i4ei-
*TF45 23.003 9.5.0 01.4r1 Re#-9 9.6.0 Pu'#i" User 6deni7 de3iniion in TS 23.003
01.0r1 6n"#usion o3 *SG T7$e
*TF45 23.003 9.6.0 01..r1 Re#-. ..0.0 6M+6 =ased )&6 de3iniions 3or e4ergen"7 ser5i"es
*TF46 23.003 ..0.0 0200r1 Re#-. ..1.0 6M+6 'ased )&6
0205r4 6M+6 =ased )&6
0210r1 Reinrodu"ing +4ergen"7 &P) de3iniion 3or 6MS
'ased +4ergen"7 *a##
0212r1 *#ari3i"aion 3or %e 3or4a o3 &);S(-S) in
roa4ing s"enario
0215 Tra"@ing &rea *ode
0210 +-UTR&) *e## G#o'a# 6deni3i"aion de3iniion
*TF40 23.003 ..1.0 0213r4 Re#-. ..2.0 ;e3ining <(e))= ideni7
021.r2 +/"#ude $re$ended digi 3ro4 %e )&6 in PM6P56
0221r2 &P)-(C;) "onsru"ion
0223 *orre"ions o &P) sru"ure
0225r1 *orre"ion on <o4e )e2or@ Rea#41;o4ain
0220 *orre"ions o 6MS Pu'#i" 6deni7
*TF49 23.003 ..2.0 022.r1 Re#-. ..3.0 Re4o5a# o3 %e redundan"7 re3eren"e o 23.401
0232r1 6M+6 and 6M+6SV
0235r1 Re4o5e a4'iguiies and i4$ro5ed de3iniion o3
<)= Uni:ue 6deni7
0230r2 +ssenia# "orre"ions o GUT6 4a$$ing
*TF4. 23.003 ..3.0 0242r1 Re#-. ..4.0 PS6 use 3or ser5i"es %osed in an &S
0246r3 +ssenia# "orre"ions o GUT6 4a$$ing
0240r2 Use o3 )R6
0256 (or4a o3 %e Una5ai#a'#e User 6deni7
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ -. !elease "#
Change histor4
TSG CN? Spec 'ersion C! @PhaseA New 'ersion Subject:Comment
0250 *#ari3i"aion o3 U+ 'e%a5iour 2i% regards o !&*
*TF50 23.003 ..4.0 0252r2 Re#-. ..5.0 *orre"ion o3 *-MS6S;) de3iniion
0265 U$daing 6M+6 UR) dra3 re3eren"e
0269r1 ;eer4inaion o3 7$e o3 sour"e node during
*TF50 23.003 ..5.0 0259r3 Re#-10 10.0.0 e)ode=-6; (C;) 3or ;)S $ro"edures
026.r1 ;eer4inaion o3 7$e o3 sour"e node during
025. Ser5i"e Para4eer on PGB se#e"ion 3or GTP
'ased S2'
*TF51 23.003 10.0.0 0204r3 Re#-10 10.1.0 Re#a7 )ode A&M s7se4 ideni3i"aion
020.r3 *orre"ion o3 *-MS6S;) de3iniion
0200r1 ;eer4inaion o3 7$e o3 sour"e node during
0295 *orre"ion o a re3eren"e o3 an oudaed 6+T( dra3
o an R(*
0290r2 *orre"ion o %e reser5ed 5a#ues 3or Tra"@ing &rea
*ode (T&*)
0296 ;)S Ser5i"e Su$$or (or S5
029. *#ar3i"aion o3 de"oding o3 )R6
*TF52 23.003 10.1.0 02.0 Re#-10 10.2.0 *#osed Su's"ri'er Grou$ "#ari3i"aion
02.3r2 U+ 4o5ing 3ro4 +-UTR&) o G+R&)
02.4r2 8*&P &ddressing
02.6r1 &P) )e2or@ 6deni3ier
02.. U$daing 6M+6 UR) dra3 re3eren"e
*TF53 23.003 10.2.0 0300 Re#-10 10.3.0 U$daing 6M+6 UR) dra3 re3eren"e
0292r4 (or4a o3 Pu'#i" User 6deniies and S6P1T+! UR6
0303r3 +4ergen"7 )&6 3or U6**-#ess Ter4ina#
*TF54 23.003 10.3.0 0316r1 Re#-10 10.4.0 ;e3iniion o3 ;isin" Pu'#i" User 6deni7
030.r1 +4ergen"7 )&6 3or U6**-#ess Ter4ina#
*TF54 23.003 10.4.0 0309r2 Re#-11 11.0.0 &P) A$eraor 6deni3ier 3or #o"a# 'rea@ou
0312r2 ;e3iniion o3 ST6-rSR
*TF55 23.003 11.0.0 0334 Re#-11 11.1.0 =S( address "orre"ion
0322r2 *orre"ion o do4ain na4e 3or 8*&P Roo UR6
0325 U$daing 6M+6 UR) dra3 re3eren"e
0310r2 *#ari3i"aion o3 GUT6 4a$$ing
0319 Ser5i"e Para4eer on PGB se#e"ion 3or GTP
'ased S2a
*TF56 23.003 11.1.0 0320r6 Re#-11 11.2.0 MT* +/erna# 6deni3ier
0330r1 )e2 Ser5i"e Para4eers 3or *S o PS SRV**
031.r5 ;e3iniion o3 &-MS6S;)
0335r2 MM+ )u4'er 3or SMS in MM+
0311r0 SS) Rea##o"aion 3or *SS and is )u4'er
*TF50 23.003 11.2.0 0339r1 Re#-11 11.3.0 +/erna# 6deni3ier de3iniion
033.r1 PS on#7 su's"ri$ion 21o MS6S;)
0340r1 )** a##o"aion in a s%ared ne2or@
0342r1 MS= in %e GUT6 and P-TMS6 4a$$ing
0345r2 *#ari3i"aion o MM+ (C;)
*TF59 23.003 11.3.0 0340 Re#-11 11.4.0 *#ari3i"aion on %e use o3 &P) A$eraor 6deni3ier
0349r1 PS on#7 su's"ri$ion 2i%ou MS6S;)
0352r1 U$daing 6M+6 UR) dra3 re3eren"e
*TF5. 23.003 11.4.0 0346r5 Re#-11 11.5.0 MM+ (C;) *#ari3i"aion
*TF61 23.003 11.5.0 0359 Re#-11 11.6.0 U$daing 6M+6 UR) dra3 re3eren"e
0361r1 M=MS S&6 ;e3iniion *orre"ion 3or !T+ &""ess
0363r2 )R6 and MM+* "oordinaion
*TF61 23.003 11.6.0 0362r2 Re#-12 12.0.0 S6PTA $er4ission 3or !o"a# )e2or@ !<) 6;
0364 G+R&) 6u Mode
*TF62 23.003 12.0.0 0300 Re#-12 12.1.0 U$daing 6M+6 UR) dra3 re3eren"e
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ .& !elease "#
Change histor4
TSG CN? Spec 'ersion C! @PhaseA New 'ersion Subject:Comment
0365r3 Mu#i-Vendor e)= P#ug and P#a7
*TF63 23.003 12.1.0 030. Re#-12 12.2.0 U$daing 6M+6 UR) dra3 re3eren"e
0301r2 U$dae o3 2or@ing $ro"edures 2i% GSM& 6R+G
0302r1 TB&) A$eraor )a4e
*TF64 23.003 12.2.0 0391r4 Re#-12 12.3.0 &ddiion o3 ProSe &$$#i"aion 6; 3or4a
0392r5 &ddiion o3 ProSe &$$#i"aion *ode 3or4a
0393r1 *orre" de3iniion o3 ;e"oraed )&6 3or +5o#5ed
Pa"@e *ore (+P*)
0394r1 ;e3iniion o3 &#ernai5e )&6 3or +5o#5ed Pa"@e
*ore (+P*)
0396r6 *on3eren"e (a"or7 UR6 3or 6MS
3GPP TS #3%&&3 '"#%3%& #&"()&*$ ." !elease "#

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