Lesson Plan Year 5

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Class : Year 5
Date :8
March 2010
Time : 0850 - 0950
No. of Pupils : 9
Theme : orl! of "elf# orl! of $%o&le!'e
Topic : Tra(el a%! )!(e%tures
Pre(ious $%o&le!'e : Pupils reco'%ise "a*ah as o%e of the state i% Mala+sia.
1.2.2 -iste% to a%! repeat correctl+ the phrases rea!.
2...1 Name or i!e%tif+ the place#s or i%formatio% i% the *rochures#te/t
..0.1 1ea! alou! &or!s or phrase correctl+ &ith 'ui!a%ce of teacher.
0...2 Complete the se%te%ces &ith missi%' &or!s.
-ear%i%' 2utcomes :
3+ the e%! of the lesso%4 pupils &ill *e a*le to :
1. 1ea! at least 0 short se%te%ces correctl+ i% the te/t &ith 'ui!a%ce of teacher.
2. )*le to a%s&er at least . a%s&ers correct *ase! o% the 567 8uestio%s as,e!.
.. Complete the se%te%ces &ith at least 0 correct a%s&ers out of 8 8uestio%s.
Pe!a'o'ical Pri%ciples : Multiple 9%telli'e%ces :(er*al-li%'uistic i%telli'e%ce4 i%terperso%al i%telli'e%ce;
Thi%,i%' ",ill : 9!e%tif+i%' i%formatio%
Moral <alue : lo(e our cou%tr+
)<) : *rochures4
Steps / Stage Content Teaching- Remarks
"et 9%!uctio%
:5 mi%utes;
1. Teacher !ra&s pupils= atte%tio% &ith the *rochures a*out "a*ah.
2. Pupils are 'i(e% time to loo, throu'h the *rochures.
.. Teacher 'ui!es pupils to a%s&er some 8uestio%s *ase! o% the
*rochures 'i(e%.
0. Pupils are e/pecte! to 'i(e appropriate respo%se *ase! o% the
8uestio%s as,e! *+ a%s&eri%' the 8uestio%s.
9%structio%al -a%'ua'e:
1. Class4 &hat am 9 hol!i%' o% m+ ha%!s>
2. These are the *rochures.
.. No&4 9 &ill pass the *rochures !o&% to +ou.
0. -oo, throu'h the *rochures.
5. 6a(e +ou e(er *ee% to "a*ah>
?/pecte! a%s&er: Yes # No.
@. hat ca% +ou see i% the *rochures>
?/pecte! a%s&er: Pictures4 flo&ers4 trees4 etc :accept all lo'ical
A. Do +ou &ish to (isit "a*ah o%e !a+>
?/pecte! a%s&er: Yes # No.
8. Do +ou lo(e +our cou%tr+>
- -oo,i%'
- Discussio%
- 1.2.2
)<) :
- *rochures
Thi%,i%' ",ill:
- 9!e%tif+i%'
i%formatio% #
)ppe%!i/ 1
Moral (alue:
-o(e our cou%tr+
?/pecte! a%s&er: Yes4 &e lo(e our cou%tr+.
"tep 1
:15 mi%utes;
1. Teacher !ispla+s a rea!i%' te/t o% the *lac,*oar!.
2. Teacher rea!s the te/t phrase *+ phrase a%! repeate! *+ the
.. Pupils are later the% as,e! to rea! throu'h the te/t to'ether &ith
'ui!a%ce of teacher &he% %ee!e!.
0. Teacher !iscusse! &ith pupils the co%te%t of the te/t for each
para'raph throu'h 8uestio%.
5. Teacher !i(i!es the *lac,*oar! i%to . colum%s. :para'raph 14
para'raph 24 para'raph .;
@. $e+ &or! car!s are sho&% to the pupils.
A. Teacher shuffles the ,e+ &or! car!s a%! !istri*utes the car!s
ra%!oml+ to fe& pupils.
8. The pupils are as,e! to paste the picture car!s at the suita*le
colum%s *ase! o% the te/t rea! Bust %o&.
9%structio%al la%'ua'e:
1. Class4 liste% a%! repeat after me.
- 1ea!i%'
- Pasti%'
- Discussio%
)<) :
- 1ea!i%' te/t
- phase car!s
- $e+ &or!#s
Thi%,i%' ",ill:
- i!e%tif+i%'
)ppe%!i/ 2a
)ppe%!i/ 2*
2. No&4 let=s rea! the te/t to'ether.
.. -et=s !iscuss the co%te%t of the te/t to'ether.
0. The *lac,*oar! is !i(i!e! i%to . colum%sC para'raph 14 para'raph
24 a%! para'raph ..
5. There are some ,e+ &or! car!s o% m+ ha%!s.
@. 9 &a%t some of +ou to help me paste the car!s i% the suita*le
colum%s *ase! o% the te/t rea!.
A. ell !o%e # 'oo! Bo*.
8. No&4 let=s !iscuss the a%s&er to'ether.
567 8uestio%s:
1. here is the place !iscusse! i% the te/t>
?/pecte! a%s&er: "a*ah.
2. hat is the a%other %ame for "a*ah>
?/pecte! a%s&er: The -a%! 3elo& The i%!
.. hat is the most popular festi(al i% "a*ah>
?/pecte! a%s&er: $aamata% Desti(al.
0. ho is cele*rati%' the $aamata% Desti(al>
?/pecte! a%s&er: The $a!aEa%!usu%.
5. here is the most i%teresti%' tamu >
?/pecte! a%s&er: $ota 3elut.
@. hat is the %ame of the hi'hest pea, i% "outh ?ast )sia>
)ppe%!i/ 2c
?/pecte! a%s&er: Mou%t $i%a*alu.
A. hat is the %ame of the lar'est flo&er i% the &orl!>
?/pecte! a%s&er: 1afflesia.
"tep 2
:10 mi%utes;
1. Teacher !i(i!es pupils i%to 'roups of ..
2. ?ach 'roup is 'i(e% a lami%ate! paper a%! a &hite*oar! mar,er.
.. Teacher &ill sho& a flash car! to the pupils.
0. Pupils are as,e! to &rite !o&% the a%s&er for the flash car!
sho&% o% the lami%ate! paper &ith refere%ce to the te/t rea!.
5. Pupils are re8uire! to &or, to'ether as a 'roup to fi%! the a%s&er
i% the te/t.
9%structio%al la%'ua'e:
1. Ma,e sure each 'roup 'ets a lami%ate! *la%, paper a%! a
&hite*oar! mar,er
2. No&4 9 &ill sho& +ou a se%te%ce car! &ith *la%,.
Dor e/ample4 5FFFFFFFFF4 is the &orl!=s thir! lar'est isla%!.7
.. Di%! the a%s&er from the te/t for the *la%, i% the se%te%ce.
Dor e/ample4 5"a*ah7
0. rite !o&% the a%s&ers o% the lami%ate! paper.
5. 1emem*er &or, to'ether &ith +our 'roup mem*ers for the
@. -et=s *e'i% the acti(it+.
- Group or,
- Discussio%
)<) :
- flash car!s
- -ami%ate!
*la%, paper
- &hite*oar!
Thi%,i%' ",ill:
- i!e%tif+i%'
)ppe%!i/ .a
)ppe%!i/ .*
A. Goo! Bo* # ell !o%e.
"tep .
:15 mi%utes;
1. Pupils are !i(i!e! i%to 'roups of ..
2. ?ach 'roup is 'i(e% a 8uestio% paper4 a pair of scissors4 a *ottle
of 'lue a%! also a piece of paper &ith shuffle! a%s&er.
.. ith refere%ce to the te/t paste! o% the *lac,*oar!4 pupils are
as,e! *+ the teacher to &or, to'ether to fi%! the a%s&ers for each
8uestio% i% the 8uestio% paper.
0. Pupils are as,e! to cut out the a%s&er pieces from the paper a%!
paste the appropriate a%s&er i% the *la%,s pro(i!e! for each
5. Teacher !iscusses the a%s&ers &ith e(er+ 'roup after all the
'roups fi%ish pasti%' the a%s&er pieces.
9%structio%al la%'ua'e:
1. No&4 sit i% +our o&% 'roup.
2. ?ach 'roup &ill *e 'i(e% a piece of 8uestio% paper4 a piece of
paper &ith shuffle! a%s&ers4 a *ottle of 'lue a%! a pair of
.. No&4 &or, to'ether to cut the a%s&ers a%! paste them i% the
0. -et=s !iscuss the a%s&er to'ether.
5. ell !o%e.
- Group &or,
- Discussio%
- 0...2
- 'lues
- scissors
-8uestio% papers
- shuffle!
Thi%,i%' s,ill:
)ppe%!i/ 0a
)ppe%!i/ 0*
)ppe%!i/ 0c
"tep 0
:?%richme%t #
- 9%!i(i!ual
:5 mi%utes ;
1. or,sheet is 'i(e% to e(er+ pupil to *e complete! as i%!i(i!ual
9%structio%al la%'ua'e:
1. ?ach o%e of +ou &ill 'et a &or,sheet.
2. Do +our &or, sile%tl+.
- 9%!i(i!ual
- Discussio%
- 0...1
- &or,sheet
)ppe%!i/ 5a
)ppe%!i/ 5*
: 5 mi%utes;
1. Pupils are !i(i!e! i%to 'roups of ..
2. ?ach 'roup is 'i(e% a set of puEEle.
.. Pupils are as,e! to shuffle the puEEle pieces.
0. ?ach 'roup is re8uire! to match the pieces of puEEles to'ether.
5. The 'roup &hich a*le match the puEEle pieces fastest a%!
correctl+ &i%s the 'ame.
@. The a%s&ers are !iscusse! to'ether.
A. The moral (alue is later the% !iscusse!.

9%structio%al la%'ua'e:
1. ?ach 'roup &ill *e 'i(e% a set of puEEle pieces.
2. Complete the puEEle to'ether &ith +our 'roup mem*ers.
..The 'roup &hich complete the puEEle fastest &i%s the 'ame.
0. ell !o%e.
- Group &or,
- Discussio%
)ppe%!i/ @
Moral <alue:
-o(e our cou%tr+
5. hat is the moral (alue that +ou ha(e lear%t to!a+>
?/pecte! a%s&er: -o(e our cou%tr+

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