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How to have a WILD

Wake Induced Lucid Dream

When using the WILD technique, you go from being awake, directly into the dreaming
state. That's why it is called Wake Induced Lucid Dream
The trick is to recognize the hypnagogic state and stay conscious while it
develops in dream images. You will then be able to literaly step into your own
dream world.
The hypnagogic state occurs on the border between waking and sleeping. It can be
anything from colored dots to flashes of color or complete images. As you keep
paying attention to it they will develop into more detailed images and if you stay
aware you will find yourself inside your dream.
WILD in 3 easy steps
The below steps are interwoven. I separated them to make the process clearer.
1 - Relax
The hypnagogic stage occurs when you are relaxed. So first you do a relaxation
Feel yourself breathing in and out. Breathe in and tense the muscles of your feet.
Breathe out and relax the muscles of your feet. Breathe in and tense the muscles
in your lower legs. Breathe out and relax them again. Go on until you have come to
your head.
2 - Be aware
The next step is staying conscious, and not drifting off. Ways to do that are:
Counting 1 - I'm dreaming, 2 - I'm dreaming, 3 - I'm dreaming, etc.
Paying attention to yourself breathing, while counting every breath in and out.
Imagining yourself walking down stairs, counting every step.
A combination of all of the above.
3 - Enter your dream
If you succeed in staying aware your hypnagogic images will become clearer. You
will suddenly have a feeling you can now step into your dream. This is very hard
to describe. The word that comes close is "knowingness"
With this knowingness you can grab an object you see before you or zoom in on an
image. This will pull you into the dream.
Keep practising
The hardest thing is to stay aware and not drifting off to sleep. If you don't
succeed, keep trying. WILD can take some time to master but it is worth it.
Experienced WILDers can reach this state without the counting - they just relax,
keep paying attention to the hypnagogic images and then consciously enter the
dreaming state.

WILD is one of the most discussed techniques on the forum. Check out the
First steps to WILD topic.

A WILD example from me

"When falling asleep I see images, and one of them is a rock. I am still conscious
and decide to try and pick up the rock and thus end up in the dream scene. It
works, I find myself inside the scene, holding the rock in my hand."
The border between WILD and OOBE can be very thin. Instead of zooming into your
dream, you can feel yourself rolling out of bed or just stand up and find yourself
beside your bed, in your room, but you don't see yourself sleeping in bed.
For more info on OOBE read the out-of-body chapter in While

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