Research Methodology

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a) Problem Definition
To study the investor preferences toward mutual fund in surat city

b) Research Objective
1. To track investors attitude, performance and behavior with respect
to financial institutions and financial products.
2. To find new and more effective ways of ensuring investor
satisfaction and to find efficient ways of communicating it.
3. To study the structure of investment opportunities

Type of Design
A Research design is the specification of methods and
procedures for acquiring the information needed. It is an overall
operational pattern or framework of the project that gives detail
about what information is to be collected from which sources
and by what procedures.
Generally, there are three types of research design:
1. Exploratory research design
2. Descriptive research design
3. Causal research design
From above mentioned types, I have used exploratory &
descriptive research design as it suites best to my project. And it
contains both primary and secondary data.

I. Sampling
The total sample size is 200 respondents.
II. Data collection
Both primary & secondary data has been selected.
Primary data
Primary data has been collected through well- equipped
questionnaire. The questionnaire design was non-
structured and non-disguised one. The questionnaire was
simple and care was taken to avoid ambiguity. After the
questionnaire was designed the data collected by
interviewing investor and having an informal talk during
the meeting with respondents. Interview method help in
clearing the respondents misunderstand at time of
Secondary data
Secondary information is gathered form websites and
companys brochures.
III. Tool for Analysis
I have used SPSS 17.0 for data Analysis like Cross Tabulation and

1. Some of the data gathered from the mutual fund holders may not be
2. Time limit was also a constraint while conducting the study. So, the study
does not give a picture of the whole market.
3. Time factor, as a period of one month, for gathering data is inadequate
as the gamut of information needs to be synchronized to give much more
comprehensive view of the problems and prospects.
4. Detailed and depth research was not conducted due to financial factors.
5. The study curtails comparison as it was done only in one city i.e. surat

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